Romanian "culture" was rot since day one.

Tuesday, 21 May, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Apud Nicolae Balcescu, bas-progrebuzuc :

Sunt 18 secoli și jumătate de când Hristos întreprinse a răsturna lumea veche, civilizația păgână, ce reprezenta principiul din afară, obiectiv, al naturei și al silei, substituind în loc o altă lume, o altă civilizație, întemeiată pe principul subiectiv, dinlăuntru, pe dezvoltarea absolută a cugetării și a lucrării omenești în timp și în spațiu, și, prin identitatea între esența naturei spirituale a omului și esența naturei divine, el descoperi fiecarui individ legea libertății, a demnității, amoralității și a perfectibilității absolute.

După ce, în Evanghelie, Mântuitorul ne arătă legea morală, absolută, nemărginită, legea dreptății, și aruncă omenirea pe calea nemărginită a unei dezvoltări regulate, progresivă, supunând natura, sila, lumea din afară supt preponderența absolută a minții și a cugetării, prin sângele său vărsat, prin moartea sa, el ne arată legea practică, legea lucrării, legea jertfirei, a iubirei și a frăției, chipul cu care ne putem mântui, putem învinge răul și îndeplini menirea morală a omenirei, adică mai întâi prin cuvânt, prin idee, pe urmă prin lucrare, jertfindu-ne individa familiei, aceasta patriei, patria omenirei, viitorului.

Legea evanghelică, descoperind spiritului cauza absolută, proclamând menirea omenirei și a lumei, împinse mintea omenească la demonstrarea și realizarea ei. De atunci știința nouă, întemeindu-se pe conceptul legilor spiritului, pe observație, experiență, calcul, a continuat zdrobirea lumei vechi, revoluționarea sau perfecționarea religiei, moralei, politicei, societății întregi, nimicind orice domnie individuală, supunând acția omenească legei absolute și universale a libertății și a științei, căutând realizarea în omenire a dreptății și a frăției, aceste două temelii a ordinei absolute, perfecte, a ordinei divine. De atunci omenirea a intrat în calea care o duce gradat către perfecția sa, către absolut, către nemărginit, către Dumnezeu. Care oare va fi rezultatul final al acestei căi? Această mișcare de perfecție va avea oare un termen? Răul pieri-va de tot din lume? Omenirea va ajunge vrodată a-și identifica în tot esența sa cu esența divină? Acest secret mintea omenească nu-l poate încă pătrunde. Aceea ce știm este că, din transformații în transformații, omenirea merge într-un progres continuu, a cărui mișcare e cu atât mai repede cu cât mai mult înaintează; că fiecare pas a vieții omenirei este un pas în această cale care o aproprie de Dumnezeu; că fiecare pas al ei este un triumf al binelui asupra răului.

Misia istoriei este a ne arăta, a ne demonstra această transformație continuă, mișcare progresivă a omenirei, această dezvoltare a simtimentului și a minții omenești, supt toate formele dinlăuntru și dinafară, în timp și în spațiu.

Supt ochiul providenții și după legile și către ținta hotărâtă de dânsa mai înainte, omenirea înaintează în evoluțiile sale istorice.

Which is to say, in a language spoken by more than goats,

18.5 centuries passed since jesus undertook overthrowingi the old world, pagan civilisation, representing the outside principle, objective, of nature and of force, replacing it with another world, another civilisationii, built upon the subjective principle, from within, upon the utter development of human thoughtiii and human work over time and space, and, by identifying the essence of man's spiritual natureiv and the essence of the nature of divinityv, he discovered to each individual the law of freedom, of dignityvi, of morality and of absolute perfectibilityvii.

After the saviour showed in the evanghelion the moral, absolute, boundless law of justice, and threw humanity on the boundless path of regularviii, progressive development, overwhelming natureix, force, and the outside under the absolute superioriority of mindx, and thought, through his blood spilled, through his death he showed the practical law, of work, the law of sacrifice, of love and brotherhood, the manner of salvation, of defeating evil and fulfilling the moral purpose of humanity, which is to say first through word, through idea, then through work, sacrificing the individual to the family, the family to the country, and the country to humanity in general, and to the future.xi

Evanghelical law, exposing to the spirit the ultimate cause, proclaiming the purpose of humanity and the world, pushed human mind to demonstrate and realise it.xii Since then new science, based on the concept of the laws of the spiritxiii, on observationxiv, calculusxv, continued the crushing of the old worldxvi, the revolutionating or perfectionizing of religon, morals, politics, the whole of society, destroying any individual empirexvii, subjecting human action to the absolute and universal law of freedom and sciencexviii seeking the realisation in manhood of justice and brotherhood, these two cornerstones of absolute, perfect, divine order. Since then humanity entered the path leading it by degrees to its perfect realisation, towards the absolute, towards the boundless, towards God. What will be the final stop on this path ? Will this perfection movement have an end ? Will evil disappear altogether from the world ? Will humanity ever arrive to thoroughly identify its essence with divine esssence ? This secret no human mind can yet pierce. What we know is, that from transformation to transformation, humanity will progress continuously, the faster the further it getsxix ; that every step of human life is a step on this way approaching it to God ; that every step's a triumph of good over evil.

The job of history is to show, to demonstrate this continual transformationxx, continual progressive movement of humanity, this development of human feeling and thought, under all its external and internal forms, over time and space.

Under the eye of providence and by the laws and towards the goal predecided, humanity progresses in its historical evolution.

Can you believe this sickly vomit ?! But then, apud Nicolae Filimon, vel-karagozxxi :

Această piesă, dacă nu ne amăgim, este foarte instructivă pentru publicul teatrului nostru. Prin aceea ce se întîmplă lui Bîrzu, ne face să cunoaștem că căsătoria este baza societăței și că omul urmează a se căsători în floarea tinereței, ca să poată împlini scopul acestui mister al religiunei noastre și a nu deveni ridicol în societate.

Prin căsătoria nobilului Lațco cu Viorica, fata țăranului Gînju ne dă iarăși un esemplu salutariu că omul nu trebuie să se uite la ranguri, noblețe și averi, ci să caute totdauna virtutea și să se însoțească cu dînsa oricare ar fi treapta societăței în care s-ar afla.

This play, lest we're very much mistaken, is indeed very instructive for the theatre-going public. By what happens to Birzuxxii, it makes it known that marriage is the basis of society, and that man is to marry young, so as to fulfill the purpose of this mystery of our religion and not become ridiculous in society.xxiii

Through the marriage of the noble Latco with Vioricaxxiv, shexxv gives us a healthy example that man shouldn't go by rank, nobility and fortune, but always seek virtue, and marry into it however highly its carrier might figure in the civil list.

Yeah, that's right, nude and rude apologism for all the worst aspects of human nature, three or four instances to the paragraph.

Fucking idiots, these people...

  1. Jesus absolutely did no such thing. Claiming today Jesus undertook the overthrowing of "pagan"-whatever is very like claiming Lord Newton undertook the ending of the Stewart line, and perhaps its replacement with the Hannover.

    Leaving aside that one (the great loss of mankind's furthest achievement, under the overwhelming pressure of organized, militant idiocy -- known as "barbarians" then and "democrats" now, conglomerations of scum exactly alike in both structure and composition) like the other (the ending of the native line, and the loss of the realm to meaninglessness) was universally deplored as an unmitigated disaster at the time, thereby making any other view nude and rude anachronism and naught else besides (excepting, perhaps, tendentious nonsense) ; leaving aside that one (Jesus) like the other (Newton) tried as best they could to fit in the respective systems, and systematically and explicitly abjured (not in mere words, but rather quite in the most plain and therefore loudly speaking minutia of daily praxis and personal activity) any "overthrowing", the whole construction rings as hollow as any falsehood ever could.

    The "pagan" world of Platonic love and Saphic poetry, that is the "manifestation of the objective" ? What more, the looming nunneries of then-contemporaneous puritans, those be the "manifestation of the subjective", of the "utter development of human thought" ? For one to hold the former view, we could say that one indeed has read very little, and understood much less than that ; but for one to hold the latter view, that one must be literally fucked in the head.

    It's one thing to find oneself in error as to things escaping direct palpation, things that require mediated interaction, through writings, that need to be read, and understood. It's quite another thing to be mistaken as to whether there's light outside, whether above shines Sun or Moon. This rank imbecile, the more impudent as the less informed, the more offensive as the less entitled, dares tell a story as to the world perceptible around him that not even Strabo could have dared pass for a description of the Far East. []

  2. Christianity is not a civilisation, christianity is merely the fungus on one -- and as it happens any other fungus would have grown just about as well on this particularly vulnerable if remarkably juicy substrate. []
  3. It is a subtle if prodigiously productive error, to imagine human thought "develops". Very metaphorically speaking this could be said, that a river "develops", from estuary into a network of tributaries, but this metaphore just so happens to invert the flow of time -- a procedure fundamental to socialism like none other, specifically because it is the substance of all human idiocy, which is to say paralogical process. Dreams work this way for a reason, and therefore the monsters begot by the sleep of reason have no other way they could possibly work. []
  4. Oh, and here you thought "Jesus defeated nature", so there's no more of that. Why did you think such ? Was it because you were following the socialists' droning ?! But my dear fellow... what if the socialist should one day proceed to prove for your benefit that Mozart disexisted cheese ? Will you be surprised when the next section deals with how the socialist "should get all the cheese" because "it doesn't exist anymore anyway" ? There truly should be a limit to naivite, and it absolutely should be higher than this. Of fucking course he's claiming falsely with a view to profit, he's a progressive. What the fuck else could he be doing ? []
  5. For as long as y'all continue to take yourself for me, the empire of idiocy can well continue. []
  6. "Dignity" is not what he here takes it to be, the "to each according to his needs" branch of the equation of militant imbecility. []
  7. Imagine, this fellow, if he tried hard enough he could grow a face that didn't look like my dog's shaved ass!

    He could. Believe! []

  8. Consider the idiocy of calling any regular anything boundless.

    Words simply carry no meanings, for the scum. Just intentions, that they're "visualising" real hard, not to mention "afirrm". []

  9. This is most likely driven by an orthodoxism, "Hristos a înviat din morţi, cu moartea pe moarte călcând şi celor din morminte viaţă dăruindu-le!", literally "Jesus came back from the dead, stepping by death upon death itself, and giving life to they in the graves". It figures importantly not merely during easter service but throughout orthodox doxology, a sort of "fought fire with fire", conceptually. In this vein, what the author has in mind is some triviality like say the daming of a river : the river itself, undammed, is perceived as natural ; but the stupidity of water, rather than being perceived as an ur-example of socialism, is instead perceived as "also natural", if perhaps "of a higher order" of naturality (but we needn't talk of that right now). So you see -- cu moartea pre moarte calcind, by nature crushing nature, that'd be his idea carefully narrow slit forced upon phenomena. []
  10. His naive idea is that "since my mind can represent a rabbit, but a rabbit can not represent my mind, therefore my mind is superior to the rabbit", carefully leaving aside any notice that only his mind could possibly think his mental representation of a rabbit is a satisfactory rabbit, let alone have anything the fuck to do with an actual rabbit. The idiocy of his posture stands readily within his purview, it could be readily accessed by such trite inquiries as, "tell me, superior mind, how many hairs does this mental rabbit carry ?", but he, of course, just "doesn't happen to" think about this. Because he's a thinker, see ? Cu mintea pe minte calcind. []
  11. Can you even believe this pile of contorted nonsense ? So, firstly : some dude died, incidentally ; but since we can't admit pointless death (ask me not why), therefore his death must've had some purpose, and we'll select something from the set available (retrospectively, of course, of course). Then secondly, since we've selected "showed the practical law, of work" (which indeed happens to exist, unrelated to all that), it then follows (ask me not how) that work means feeding the nigger. By degrees if need be, but the nigger always and forever.

    Nuts. []

  12. You know, like Elliot's meditation pushed the Powerball.

    Or at least, it'd better had pushed it! Lest the terrible Day of Retribution be upon ye!

    I'm curious, by the way : does it bother any of the morons holding religious notions, does it bother any of the morons holding socialist notions by any other name, does it bother to any degree that the chief imbecile of a generation, manifestly mentally retarded, dull as a sack of bricks and dumber than rusty cowbells nevertheless came up with it just fine ? Does it give any of you fucktards pause, to consider that you're wearing arms and armaments designed by the worst byproduct of copulation documented this millenium ? []

  13. What the fuck could this "concept" of "the laws" of "the spirit" possibly be ? How'd anyone distinguish it from the spirit of the laws of concepts, enough at least to base anything on it ? How about the laws of the concept of spirit ? Is there a difference between the nature of the laws of spirit and the spirit of the concept of nature ? Wordsalad ftw! []
  14. Yeah, you know, nobody observed anything before Jesus died. Like, totallies.

    Do you know what they did all day long ? Why, let me tell you : some sat around multi-faceted dice with words cut into the faces, throwing them around on clay tablets ; others gazed into the sky to come up with paralogic nonsense from thereupon. JUST LIKE THIS DUMB FUCK.

    Oh, except, of course, that wasn't happening back in the pagan days. In fact, the exact opposite : it only started with Jesus. Go Jesus go! Weee-hee!

    How the fuck could one of these representatives of celebrated, millenary imbecility even discuss the matter in terms of "oh, observation". Christianity means dark ages, what the everfuck! []

  15. I expect it should be pretty evident to the subtle reader where exactly the progressivism religious sect transition begins. Imagine, 18.5 centuries of tradition in calculus, these ignoble fucks. []
  16. Chief among which, indoor plumbing. You realise this miserable fuck lived his entire house without indoor plumbing ? He had no access to hot water at all! I'm not even kidding! Yet his manifest inferiority does not for a second preclude his impudence, typical of ignorance as anything ever could be. He's crushing the old world with the power of Cheesus! []
  17. Which finally takes us to the true core of all this canine vomit. So jealous is Ugly McDumbsticks of my person, he has to go to all this trouble to explain to himself why I can't even be arsed to own him if he begged me. Herpitty-derp. []
  18. You know, science. Like "global warming". Let's not even get into a discussion of his "freedom", it's so "creatively" banal the only possible discussion would sound like a Tommy Wiseau impersonation.

    Oh... wow. Freedom... []

  19. You know, like shit falling in black holes. []
  20. In other words, to lie. []
  21. In a discussion of Baba Hirca, a silly bit of nonsense by Millo. And speaking of "ultimate OCR breakers", check this shit out. []
  22. He likes a girl, she doesn't put out, her father has the cuckold cloud beat him up when he insists, girl marries some rich dude instead. Ye olde story. []
  23. Or take a lot of "college" loans. Same difference, such moral, wow. []
  24. Who, of course, has no work to do, but can just fucking sit there, that's good enough... speaking of which, have you noticed that the superclass of all the complaints of the ever-abundant if abundantly dumb whores on "dating sites" readily reduce to "I want you to decide whether you're interested in me before we interact, and on your own dime, so that I can filter out a basket of extractable chumps ready to go" ? She just wants the upper hand, in a negotiable sense, meaning, that can be exchanged for money -- and she wants it through being. Don't ask her to do, she might wilt. []
  25. Imagine that, through the man's marriage to her, she gives us. Not he, he's just you know, doing what "he has to do". It's a "mystery"!

    Here's the fucking mystery : sexuate reproduction, as a matter of biology, means some things. One of the many things it means would be that women didn't even come up with any of the shit, they're just passively falling into a hole. []

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3 Responses

  1. AKA "acute christianity of the central nervous system".

    Symptoms rather similar to heavy metal poisoning. (In fact, possibly there's a causal linkage? consider the synced progression of *both* diseases in the final years of the very same Newton...)

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 21 May 2019

    The weird thing is this dude discussing xtianity in all earnestness as if it were fucking alive. Thing was dead as Disco cca 1050, what the everloving fuck, "for the past 185 decades we've been watching this mouse that had long died by the end of the first one".

  1. [...] a whole lot of "bok...bok...boooook bokbok" is really all that comes. To quote a very popular 1800s moron, [Orice] totdauna a fost și este peste putință între români, nu numai căci respectul către [...]

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