Forum logs for 30 Mar 2012
Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
LordCanti | at some point in the future the "retards" who don't know a lick about how it works will trust it, I hope | [00:00] |
mircea_popescu | bitcoin is perfect for that. | [00:00] |
mircea_popescu | LordCanti doesn't even matter if they "trust" it. they just do what the rest do. | [00:00] |
mircea_popescu | they trust facebook do they not ? | [00:00] |
LordCanti | true | [00:00] |
mircea_popescu | what if the govt mandated they hand over the information they put on fb ? | [00:00] |
mircea_popescu | rabble rabble. | [00:00] |
mircea_popescu | bleat bleat bleat. | [00:00] |
* | Testerosterone ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:00] |
LordCanti | I mean, they will just need a cursory understanding of how to send and recieve bitcoins | [00:00] |
terry | some one guy having ~1.7% of the total 21 million coins is a great idea! | [00:00] |
LordCanti | and when you think of that, it's actually far easier than most other payment methods | [00:01] |
mircea_popescu | unless there's some layer built on top of them and bitcoin itself is just fractional reserve currency | [00:01] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, is it true that alot of financial boffins use BTC? | [00:01] |
LordCanti | put in the address, sent | [00:01] |
LordCanti | give your address to receive | [00:01] |
mircea_popescu | IcePee not yet. but it has significant advantages, so its likely they might start. | [00:01] |
Blitzboom | IcePee: if it were, would its market cap still be 40 million? | [00:01] |
mircea_popescu | that's a point. | [00:01] |
mircea_popescu | the year that happens... as wall street works it's going to be from 100mn to 100bn in one year. | [00:02] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, BTC needs to appeal to the people who have the cash. the 20 somethings. The wired generation. The smartphone toting kids. | [00:03] |
mircea_popescu | IcePee the 20 somethings have no cash. | [00:04] |
mircea_popescu | they're the poorest people on the planet. | [00:04] |
Blitzboom | what mircea_popescu says | [00:04] |
mircea_popescu | i'd rather appeal to immigrant pakistanis. | [00:04] |
phraust | it's been a little more than a year since the whole bitcoin thing started, right? | [00:04] |
mircea_popescu | almost 3 phraust | [00:04] |
Blitzboom | appeal to the 40-60s | [00:04] |
mircea_popescu | appeal to one single investing senior partner | [00:04] |
* | mrsy has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:04] |
* | gfinn has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:04] |
* | mrsy_ (~mrsy@gateway/tor-sasl/mrsy) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:04] |
IcePee | The age doesn't matter. | [00:04] |
* | FaithBTC ( has left #bitcoin-otc | [00:04] |
mircea_popescu | within the year you will see market cap go up by three degrees of magnitude. | [00:05] |
Blitzboom | IcePee: we don’t need no young people here! | [00:05] |
Judge51 | Would anyone sell me 47 BTC at the price of 240$ moneypak? | [00:05] |
Blitzboom | diversity! | [00:05] |
Blitzboom | :D | [00:05] |
mircea_popescu | this ideea that private individuals have money is ludicrous. | [00:05] |
Blitzboom | mircea_popescu: what if it’s many individuals | [00:05] |
* | aparigraha has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:05] |
* | phraust shrugs. | [00:05] |
mircea_popescu | Blitzboom what do you think is easier, getting 10 dollars from each live american | [00:05] |
splatster | Seeing all the talk of CDSes on the forums, I would like to see if anyone would offer some for the lending institutions that S²CM has invested in. Please PM me with details. | [00:05] |
gheorghe_ | orly? I thought corporations make money off of private individuals bying their shit | [00:05] |
mircea_popescu | or getting 3bn from bernanke ? | [00:05] |
* | GlooBoy (48948d9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:06] |
phraust | I watched it go from $0.30 up. | [00:06] |
mircea_popescu | gheorghe_ you're new here, lots to learn yet. | [00:06] |
phraust | quite a jump over the course of a year. | [00:06] |
* | aparigraha (~aparigrah@gateway/tor-sasl/aparigraha) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:06] |
gheorghe_ | mircea_popescu, so you're hoping bernanke buys your bitcoins? | [00:07] |
IcePee | phraust, it's rate isn't important. We need stability | [00:07] |
phraust | and even with the tremendous problems, the fact it's still above a dollar blows me away. | [00:07] |
mircea_popescu | phraust what when it goes in the k's territory ? | [00:07] |
* | phraust can't wait. | [00:07] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, I think BTC will be a success when companies like Amazon and Steam uses it. | [00:08] |
luke-jr | IcePee: | [00:08] |
mircea_popescu | they never will. they have an interest not to | [00:08] |
mircea_popescu | they won't move here until beaten to an inch of their life by the market. | [00:08] |
mircea_popescu | so, last adopters. | [00:08] |
luke-jr | mircea_popescu: what? why not? | [00:08] |
Blitzboom | agreed | [00:08] |
luke-jr | I see no problem for Amazon/Steam to accept BC | [00:09] |
mircea_popescu | luke-jr amazon ? paypal ? hello ? | [00:09] |
luke-jr | mircea_popescu: Amazon *competes* with PayPal | [00:09] |
imsaguy | amazon competes with bitcoin | [00:09] |
mircea_popescu | << :D | [00:09] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, PayPal could adopt PP | [00:09] |
luke-jr | imsaguy: does Amazon actually push A.Payments seriously? | [00:09] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, I mean BTC | [00:09] |
mircea_popescu | luke-jr that's what they say. i dun think they compete, i think they cartel. | [00:09] |
mircea_popescu | icepee why ? | [00:09] |
gheorghe_ | I think bitcoin is going to be a success if you can get them instantly and not trade or wait for days while your money gets transferred to another bank with huge fees | [00:10] |
imsaguy | luke-jr: for mturk, yes | [00:10] |
mircea_popescu | gheorghe_ you can get them instantly. | [00:10] |
luke-jr | I can see Amazon doing what OKPay did easily | [00:10] |
Blitzboom | gheorghe_: so you think bitcoin is going to be a success if only fiat money was more like bitcoin | [00:10] |
mircea_popescu | luke-jr wager ? | [00:10] |
gheorghe_ | Blitzboom, something like that | [00:10] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, BTC is just a currency, right? | [00:10] |
luke-jr | gheorghe_: so when you can get paid by your employer in BCs | [00:10] |
mircea_popescu | IcePee difficult question to answer because your biases aren't clear. | [00:10] |
luke-jr | IcePee: BTC is a unit of BC ;) | [00:11] |
* | BTC_Bear is now known as BTC_Bear|hbrntng | [00:11] |
LordCanti | IcePee, I think there's a bit of legal weirdness about calling it a "currency" | [00:11] |
mircea_popescu | gheorghe_ : go on fain, earn some karma, get bitcoins. YOU can be paid by your employer in bitcoins | [00:11] |
mircea_popescu | the advantage of being romanian, only country in the world where this works atm. | [00:11] |
gheorghe_ | mircea_popescu, the pay for that job sucks | [00:11] |
mircea_popescu | we weren't discussing you being lazy | [00:12] |
mircea_popescu | we were discussing the possibility. | [00:12] |
* | luke-jr has done freelance work for Bitcoins are a reasonable pay. | [00:12] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, would you take a job that paid in bitcoin? | [00:12] |
mircea_popescu | depends on the job and the pay obviously ? | [00:12] |
* | phraust has. | [00:12] |
jcpham | i might | [00:12] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, all things being equal. Would you? | [00:12] |
mircea_popescu | im not a good test case, i'm independently rich and entrepreneurial-minded. things can't be equal seeing how i've never been employed, always teh employer. | [00:13] |
gheorghe_ | problem is, no one sells food for bitcoins, or cars, or homes, so I would have to exchange them for real money anyway | [00:13] |
mircea_popescu | actually some guy was selling a hopuse for btc | [00:13] |
luke-jr | gheorghe_: nonsense | [00:13] |
mircea_popescu | and pizza for btc is practically a meme | [00:13] |
mircea_popescu | ask rg lol, he eats off bitcoin all the time | [00:13] |
luke-jr | there's an apartment complex in Cali that rents for Bitcoin, isn't there? | [00:13] |
mircea_popescu | i vaguely recall that yes | [00:13] |
gheorghe_ | mircea_popescu, when was the last time you bought a pizza with bitcoins? | [00:13] |
LordCanti | but these are all rarities, are they not? | [00:14] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, OK, would you hire someone for bitcoin pay? | [00:14] |
mircea_popescu | again, bad test case. | [00:14] |
Blitzboom | | [00:14] |
luke-jr | LordCanti: um, you expect global domination overnight? | [00:14] |
mircea_popescu | yes icepee. actually i have a site where people can work for bitcoins/euros. | [00:14] |
LordCanti | I doubt there's a single business oprating in my county that accepts bicoin | [00:14] |
phraust | doesn't someone in here always buy dinner with btc? | [00:14] |
mircea_popescu | romanian only, but it exists. | [00:14] |
gheorghe_ | I live in a deserted village, how do I buy pizza with bitcoins? | [00:14] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, get many BTC takers? | [00:14] |
LordCanti | luke-jr, not at all, but neither is it "nonsense" to claim it's difficult to exchange BTC for goods | [00:14] |
luke-jr | gheorghe_: more likely than with fiat imo | [00:14] |
mircea_popescu | possibly 50% of all non mp bitcoins in romania lol | [00:15] |
imsaguy | someone highlight me in 24 minutes from now | [00:15] |
imsaguy | I'm gonna watch cgminer stop reporting correct info | [00:15] |
luke-jr | LordCanti: it's easy to exchange BC for goods; you just need to find someone agreeable | [00:15] |
imsaguy | it goes stale right at 7 days | [00:15] |
LordCanti | yes it's easy in theory | [00:15] |
splatster | I can do a /delay imsaguy | [00:15] |
imsaguy | I'll do a /timer | [00:15] |
imsaguy | ;P | [00:15] |
* | andreout (4f91bccb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:15] |
splatster | ;;calc 24 * 60 | [00:16] |
gribble | 1440 | [00:16] |
IcePee | It's just I think bitcoin made a splash last year, but never really took | [00:16] |
splatster | I'll highlight you in 1440 seconds | [00:16] |
LordCanti | "send this many coins to this address" and it's done | [00:16] |
imsaguy | too late now | [00:16] |
luke-jr | IcePee: were you adult during the dot-com bubble? | [00:16] |
imsaguy | its only 23 minutes :p | [00:16] |
LordCanti | but if I offer to pay in BTC I'll have people looking at me like I have two heads | [00:16] |
IcePee | luke-jr, touche | [00:16] |
splatster | imsaguy: I already started the /delay :P | [00:17] |
luke-jr | IcePee: no, that was an actual question ;p | [00:17] |
IcePee | luke-jr, I'm ceding that point. | [00:17] |
luke-jr | k | [00:17] |
Judge51 | Would anyone sell me 47 BTC at the price of 240$ moneypak? | [00:17] |
mircea_popescu | the theory with splash but it never took is broken by the past 6 months | [00:17] |
gheorghe_ | luke-jr, I like that fiat thing, if you don't want it, give it to me | [00:17] |
mircea_popescu | went from 2 to 7 ? why ? | [00:17] |
gheorghe_ | the more fiat the better | [00:18] |
Blitzboom | mircea_popescu: short squeeze | [00:18] |
Blitzboom | well, that was the spark anyway | [00:18] |
mircea_popescu | which makes us wonder what are you doing here then gheorghe_ ? pays nothing to you. | [00:18] |
mircea_popescu | Blitzboom look, i've seen things take a crapper. | [00:18] |
luke-jr | gheorghe_: sure, if you give me a BTC for each | [00:18] |
gheorghe_ | mircea_popescu, I'm bored | [00:18] |
mircea_popescu | they don't go from 2 to 7. they go from 2 to maaaaaybe 2.5 | [00:18] |
mircea_popescu | then 1 and then .1 | [00:18] |
Blitzboom | ok | [00:18] |
LordCanti | I'd love to see more regular adoption but if that doesn't happen I don't think BTC is going anywhere | [00:18] |
mircea_popescu | i'd like NOT to see more regular adoptions. | [00:19] |
LordCanti | fast and easy international transactions, privacy, not having to deal with corporate bullshit | [00:19] |
* | nissefar ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:19] |
mircea_popescu | all the bored gheorghe_'s of this world are to me a sort of AOL ppl in 1993. | [00:19] |
* | smoothie has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [00:19] |
LordCanti | mircea_popescu, why's that? | [00:19] |
mircea_popescu | just a drag on resources which are wasted if applied towards them. | [00:19] |
Blitzboom | mircea_popescu: why so elitist | [00:19] |
mircea_popescu | we need an infrastructure first. | [00:19] |
mircea_popescu | then the retards can safely try to weigh it down | [00:20] |
Blitzboom | you are right with that | [00:20] |
LordCanti | we don't have one now? | [00:20] |
mircea_popescu | but much more crapola liek the mtgox recent bs can and even might have a negative impact. | [00:20] |
Blitzboom | ^ hardly | [00:20] |
* | DIGISHELLS has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [00:20] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, with regular adoptions, comes stabiliy. | [00:20] |
luke-jr | OKPay, BitPay? | [00:20] |
mircea_popescu | no. the only thing that comes is death. watch facebook in a couple years | [00:20] |
mircea_popescu | or go read up on myspace. | [00:20] |
mircea_popescu | things where the masses dominate are doomed. | [00:20] |
Blitzboom | shit | [00:20] |
LordCanti | I actually recently bought a book about the rise and fall of myspace haha | [00:20] |
Blitzboom | food is doomed | [00:20] |
luke-jr | mircea_popescu: those are content publishing services | [00:21] |
Blitzboom | cars are doomed too | [00:21] |
mircea_popescu | luke-jr theory is they're "social" whatever the fuxks. | [00:21] |
* | DIGISHELLS (cater@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:21] |
mircea_popescu | Blitzboom : cars are very elitist. go start your own car brakes factory. | [00:21] |
* | traf07 has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [00:21] |
Blitzboom | hehe | [00:21] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, talk about Facebook, they are going to be a direct competitor. Facebook credits. | [00:21] |
mircea_popescu | elitist in social terms means quality in economical terms. the way to win, elitism. | [00:21] |
LordCanti | mircea_popescu, you're saying that if we see mass "retard" adoption of BTC, then the current long term users will be SOL once the masses find the next big thing? | [00:21] |
mircea_popescu | IcePee if you think fb can compete you're strange. | [00:21] |
Blitzboom | ^ indeed | [00:22] |
mircea_popescu | LordCanti no. im saying that if there's lots of retards the smart people just leave. | [00:22] |
luke-jr | IcePee: Facebook sells credits for fiat. why not sell them for BC? | [00:22] |
mircea_popescu | and then the ex-cool thing is sol with the retards. | [00:22] |
Blitzboom | facebook credits will never be a successful currency | [00:22] |
Blitzboom | or a currency at all | [00:22] |
Blitzboom | just a money making scheme for zuckerberg | [00:22] |
LordCanti | mircea_popescu, where would the smart people go? | [00:22] |
gheorghe_ | I'm sure the smart people wouldn't leave if there were a lot of stupid people they could sell their bitcoins to, for FIAT | [00:22] |
mircea_popescu | LordCanti that's a good q, since btc actually has a tech edge. which is why i say, simmer down with trying to get more retards on the ship. | [00:22] |
luke-jr | Solidcoin! | [00:23] |
mircea_popescu | we need the ship larger first. | [00:23] |
* | luke-jr /troll | [00:23] |
mircea_popescu | quite possibly some alt chain tho. | [00:23] |
IcePee | FB credits are where allot of people are transferring money. | [00:23] |
LordCanti | litecoin! | [00:23] |
LordCanti | I don't have facebook, but this facebook credits things sounds absurd | [00:23] |
LordCanti | is it open source? | [00:23] |
* | Dark_Apostrophe has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:23] |
luke-jr | LordCanti: LOL | [00:23] |
mircea_popescu | it's absurd source. | [00:23] |
LordCanti | have they solved the double spending problem like BTC? | [00:23] |
mircea_popescu | gheorghe_ : that's exactly how they would leave : sell their bitcoins and never look back. | [00:24] |
IcePee | then there is google, and Apple getting in the game. | [00:24] |
luke-jr | IcePee: Google is behind Bitcoin for now | [00:24] |
IcePee | luke-jr, really!? | [00:24] |
mircea_popescu | apple is headed down time warner's way. i'd sell my stocks if i were you. | [00:24] |
luke-jr | IcePee: BitcoinJ is a Google product | [00:24] |
gheorghe_ | mircea_popescu, and then they would be all gloomy, in their new mansions and sports cars | [00:24] |
LordCanti | I thought all those were jusy built on top of the current financial structure | [00:24] |
mircea_popescu | yes, google allows bitcoin purchases with checkout iirc | [00:25] |
IcePee | LordCanti, yes they are. Safe. | [00:25] |
luke-jr | mircea_popescu: really? O.o | [00:25] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, !!!?? | [00:25] |
mircea_popescu | what | [00:25] |
* | rokj has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:25] |
luke-jr | I didn't think Google had Bitcoin support in Checkout yet | [00:25] |
mircea_popescu | umm hm | [00:25] |
easystevey | ;;rate charlierlee 1 BTC for GC good deal | [00:26] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user charlierlee has been recorded. | [00:26] |
mircea_popescu | etc | [00:26] |
luke-jr | oh | [00:26] |
* | easystevey has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [00:26] |
* | gfinn (~gfinn@gateway/tor-sasl/gfinn) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:26] |
luke-jr | you mean it allows you to buy Bitcoins, not that you can make purchases using Bitcoins | [00:26] |
* | DIGISHELLS has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [00:27] |
LordCanti | so it allows you to do what PP does not | [00:27] |
mircea_popescu | yes is what i meant. | [00:28] |
mircea_popescu | i think theior lawyers bigwigs decided crypto is too complex to defend and want to sit it out. | [00:28] |
mircea_popescu | so prolly they won't allow purchases in btc soon | [00:28] |
IcePee | ultimately BTC and western fiat are going to have to go toe to toe. Where are you putting your money? | [00:29] |
* | h4ckm3 has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [00:29] |
charlierlee | ;;rate easystevey 1 traded BTC for GC. Thanks for doing business with me :) | [00:29] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user easystevey has been recorded. | [00:29] |
IcePee | charge backs make them incompatible. | [00:29] |
gheorghe_ | IcePee, we'll start using rocks and shells for money | [00:29] |
mircea_popescu | IcePee bitcoins. | [00:30] |
IcePee | gheorghe_, I can see massive inflation | [00:30] |
* | PaulZag has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [00:30] |
IcePee | gheorghe_, that or a mass extinction of shell fish. | [00:30] |
* | DIGISHELLS (~goofy@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:30] |
mircea_popescu | it's not that i want bitcoins rto win out. it's just that i want fiat killed. | [00:31] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, you're a braver man than me. | [00:31] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, person | [00:31] |
mircea_popescu | mircea is actually a male name, counterintuitively. | [00:31] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, don't want to be presumptuous. | [00:31] |
gheorghe_ | mircea_popescu, why? that inflation is bad, deflation is good stuff? | [00:32] |
mircea_popescu | fiat is bad. | [00:32] |
mircea_popescu | i will either be the one who controls issuance of new currency or nobody is. | [00:32] |
mircea_popescu | who's this state bs doing it ? burn it. | [00:32] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, if you are so rich shouldn't you be supporting the status quo? | [00:32] |
mircea_popescu | some people get rich by sucking up | [00:33] |
* | ovidiusoft has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | [00:33] |
mircea_popescu | some people get rich by tearing shit down | [00:33] |
mircea_popescu | guess which are the entrepreneurs ? | [00:33] |
mircea_popescu | the very point is regular destruction of the statu quo. | [00:33] |
gheorghe_ | mircea_popescu, what did you tear down? | [00:34] |
mircea_popescu | why'd that be any of your biz ? | [00:34] |
gheorghe_ | just say'n | [00:34] |
mircea_popescu | try asl, mebbe it works better. | [00:34] |
IcePee | mircea_popescu, being an entrepreneur is not a ticket to wealth. | [00:35] |
mircea_popescu | nothing is lol | [00:35] |
IcePee | it's just the take the hardest tumble. | [00:35] |
* | mircea_popescu points to 440`000 usd implied valuation ipo and grins. | [00:36] |
gheorghe_ | mircea_popescu, don't get me started :P | [00:37] |
mircea_popescu | i think you're a dud, so. | [00:37] |
mircea_popescu | there's not going to be any starting. | [00:37] |
* | phraust shrugs. | [00:37] |
IcePee | so, do we think BTC is just a scam? | [00:37] |
* | h4ckm3 (~j@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:38] |
* | phraust is in it for the long haul. | [00:38] |
IcePee | or a proper currency. | [00:38] |
mircea_popescu | sigh. that time when you realise you've been wasting your time. | [00:38] |
grubles | yes, sell the rest of yours to me for $1 before it's too late | [00:38] |
mircea_popescu | what's the ignore again ? | [00:38] |
Hostmask | PRIV NOTI CHAN CTCP DCC INVI UNIG | [00:38] |
Ignore | list is empty. | [00:38] |
[00:38] | ||
Usage: | IGNORE |
[00:38] |
rawrmage | /ignore somepony | [00:38] |
phraust | hehe | [00:38] |
Hostmask | PRIV NOTI CHAN CTCP DCC INVI UNIG | [00:38] |
gheorghe_!*@* | NO NO NO NO NO NO NO | [00:38] |
IcePee!*@* | NO NO NO NO NO NO NO | [00:38] |
[00:38] | ||
rawrmage | [00:38] | |
luke-jr | IcePee: I have about 2000 BTC for now, and am in no rush to get rid of it. | [00:39] |
mircea_popescu | just luke-jr ?! | [00:39] |
phraust | i wonder how much I've bought and sold so far. | [00:39] |
mircea_popescu | i've never sold any yet. | [00:39] |
luke-jr | in fact, I think Bitcoin makes up the majority of my liquid assets right now | [00:39] |
splatster | imsaguy: Times up :P | [00:40] |
phraust | i'm down to like 100, but I just spent a bunch on fpgas. | [00:40] |
mircea_popescu | splatster : thurs came and went ? | [00:40] |
gheorghe_ | luke-jr, liquid? how fast can you buy stuff with it? | [00:40] |
luke-jr | gheorghe_: faster than any other way. | [00:40] |
imsaguy | yeah | [00:40] |
imsaguy | its still displaying correctly | [00:40] |
imsaguy | waiting for it to mess up | [00:41] |
gheorghe_ | stuff like... food, rent | [00:41] |
phraust | oh, i forgot I had those cassicus coins and bitbills. | [00:41] |
luke-jr | gheorghe_: for USD, I'd need to go to the bank and withdraw some cash. for PayPal, I'd have to wait for it to transfer in from a bank, or sell some Bitcoins | [00:41] |
luke-jr | it's pretty nice to just pay instantly with Bitcoin itself | [00:41] |
gheorghe_ | so they accept bitcoins at the supermarket? | [00:41] |
Hostmask | PRIV NOTI CHAN CTCP DCC INVI UNIG | [00:41] |
gheorghe_!*@* | NO NO NO NO NO NO NO | [00:41] |
IcePee!*@* | NO NO NO NO NO NO NO | [00:41] |
[00:41] | ||
Hostmask | PRIV NOTI CHAN CTCP DCC INVI UNIG | [00:41] |
gheorghe_!*@* | NO NO NO NO NO NO NO | [00:41] |
IcePee!*@* | NO NO NO NO NO NO NO | [00:41] |
[00:41] | ||
* | h4ckm3 has quit (Client Quit) | [00:42] |
luke-jr | gheorghe_: why would I go to the supermarket when I can have food delivered cheaper? | [00:42] |
* | DIGISHELLS has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [00:42] |
* | phraust uses his paypal debit card. | [00:42] |
gheorghe_ | say you only had bitcoins and were really hungry | [00:42] |
* | ponymage has quit (Quit: [](/rdsitting)) | [00:42] |
gheorghe_ | how fast could you get food :) | [00:42] |
luke-jr | I'm not in poverty. | [00:42] |
IcePee | luke-jr, I think you are avoiding the question. | [00:42] |
phraust | moneypak > paypal. probably in an hour or so. | [00:42] |
luke-jr | I think the question is retarded. | [00:42] |
* | #bitcoin-otc :You're not a channel operator | [00:42] |
* | DIGISHELLS (cater@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:43] |
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phraust | I'm rarely so hard up that I'd have to push it though. | [00:43] |
BTCHero | I promise you i could get food delivered right now for btc | [00:43] |
BTCHero | there are a few people that like using their cc for me | [00:44] |
phraust | lol | [00:44] |
imsaguy | BTCHero: you need food? | [00:44] |
BTCHero | the longer you have been here the more liquid your btc are | [00:44] |
BTCHero | nope, but you would do it right | [00:44] |
BTCHero | just to make my point | [00:44] |
luke-jr | gheorghe_: I order food online. | [00:44] |
luke-jr | gheorghe_: occasionally. | [00:45] |
a5m0 | i need food :( | [00:47] |
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AndrewNTH | lol | [00:49] |
* | BTC_Bear|hbrntng is now known as BTC_Bear | [00:49] |
AndrewNTH | bitcoin magazine doesnt take bitcoins for subscriptions | [00:49] |
mcorlett | It even has the Vladimir stamp of approval. | [00:49] |
mcorlett | AndrewNTH: Um, it does. | [00:49] |
Blitzboom | i’ve never heard of a vaporware magazine until matthew | [00:49] |
* | DIGISHELLS (~goofy@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:49] |
AndrewNTH | mcorlett: oh, i couldnt see it on nthe page | [00:49] |
* | Turingi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [00:50] |
Blitzboom | announce magazine, release it half a year later | [00:50] |
mcorlett | Earn money by collecting interest on coins from preordered magazines. | [00:50] |
Blitzboom | nah, i think he plans on april | [00:50] |
imsaguy | Blitzboom: COMING SOON! | [00:51] |
* | h4ckm3 has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [00:51] |
mcorlett | imsaguy: ™ | [00:51] |
* | dxdx has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [00:51] |
mircea_popescu | lol wait, is this the mathew wright idiot on bitcointalk ? | [00:51] |
jcpham | i am | [00:51] |
Blitzboom | yup | [00:52] |
imsaguy | Bitcoin the Magazine, sponsored in part by BFL, where everything is only 4-6 weeks away. | [00:52] |
* | h4ckm3 (h4ckm3@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:52] |
imsaguy | mircea_popescu, yes | [00:52] |
Blitzboom | mircea_popescu: yeah | [00:52] |
mircea_popescu | o jesus god. | [00:52] |
imsaguy | lol | [00:52] |
jcpham | who is | [00:52] |
mircea_popescu | how come no scammer tag yet then ? | [00:52] |
mcorlett | 4-6 weeks sliding window. | [00:52] |
NxTitle | 22:37 < IcePee> so, do we think BTC is just a scam? | [00:52] |
NxTitle | oh yeah, I'm fairly certain everyone here thinks it's a scam | [00:52] |
NxTitle | hence why we're here | [00:52] |
luke-jr | NxTitle: haven't seen you in a while! | [00:52] |
T2k3 | T_X tcatm tdubellz terry Testerosterone TheFriscoFainter thulle Tick-Tock TiggrBot Toats topace Tril trololo tsche Tuxavant twobitcoins Txyru` Tycale Tykling | [00:52] |
NxTitle | luke-jr: I've been around, just afk for the most part | [00:52] |
Blitzboom | go away, this is my scamming territory | [00:52] |
mcorlett | NxTitle: If it were, and we stood to gain from it, what's wrong with being here? | [00:53] |
mircea_popescu | NxTitle the guy;'s just some muppet with fixed ideeas. | [00:53] |
Blitzboom | i think he is some kind of atlas figure | [00:53] |
mircea_popescu | he must be. total noob, stumbles into chanel with ill structured "thoughts", gets them blown to pieces then assumes authority. | [00:54] |
mircea_popescu | what am i, the class of 2012 in retard highschool, mr IcePee's class of tardery ? | [00:54] |
phraust | i dunno, I thought that about summed it up. | [00:55] |
Blitzboom | i sense lots of negativity here | [00:55] |
smickles | D: | [00:55] |
smickles | lol | [00:55] |
smickles | "can you prove that you didn't rape and kill tha girl in 1989?" | [00:56] |
* | BubbleBoy99 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:56] |
smickles | "I'm just asking questions" | [00:56] |
jcpham | what's happening in here | [00:56] |
luke-jr | trolling | [00:56] |
jcpham | i thought so | [00:56] |
imsaguy | bridging | [00:56] |
mircea_popescu | im only seeing the sane half of it but looks like carnage jcpham | [00:56] |
* | newtobitcoin (6ce37496@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:57] |
smickles | IcePee: sorry if you don't like that. You just reminded me of a good bit of humor | [00:57] |
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smickles | I thought that sharing that humor with the channel was a good idea :D | [00:58] |
zmon | i wanna buy some coins | [00:58] |
smickles | zmon: what price and payment method | [00:58] |
smickles | ? | [00:58] |
* | dxdx ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:58] |
splatster | Uh oh, zmon. | [00:58] |
zmon | uh oh what | [00:59] |
jcpham | i agree on the scam thing | [00:59] |
smickles | :( | [00:59] |
jcpham | sell your bitcoins to me | [00:59] |
smickles | ;;ident zmon | [00:59] |
gribble | Nick 'zmon', with hostmask 'zmon!4a4c0517@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. | [00:59] |
mircea_popescu | that'll be $25 a pop jcpham. | [00:59] |
mircea_popescu | how many you want ? | [00:59] |
splatster | [3:58 PM] |
[00:59] |
smickles | ooooooooooh | [01:00] |
zmon | im new on here and told i could trade a moneypak | [01:00] |
smickles | < IcePee> so, do we think BTC is just a scam? <<< so that's what started this off | [01:01] |
* | splatster is confused by smickles's sudden realization | [01:01] |
splatster | oh, nvm smickles | [01:01] |
smickles | zmon: so MP is your payment method, what rate did you want? | [01:01] |
jjjrmy-m | i'll sell at $5.5 each | [01:01] |
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jjjrmy-m | zmon: I'll sell at 5.5/btc for Moneypak | [01:02] |
smickles | IcePee: no, sry, I copypastaded what you said earlier | [01:02] |
* | OneFixt (~OneFixt@unaffiliated/onefixt) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:02] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to OneFixt | [01:02] |
BTCHero | how large is the moneypak zmon | [01:02] |
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GlooBoy | ;;eauth glooboy | [01:02] |
* | Betzy has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [01:03] |
jcpham | pretty sure bitcoin will be the biggest ponzi in history | [01:03] |
smickles | jcpham: that's a tall order | [01:03] |
jcpham | 83.7% sure | [01:03] |
ageis | you're not coming correct right now | [01:03] |
ageis | everyone knows it favors early adopters, but it has none of the essential features of a ponzi scheme | [01:04] |
* | Now talking on #bitcoin-otc | [04:10] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe | [04:10] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Sun Feb 26 06:25:27 2012 | [04:10] |
* | Someguy123 is now known as Someguy123[afk] | [04:16] |
AndrewNTH | ;;rate seco 2 Loaned me a small amount of BTC on two occasions, very quickly after asking and is generally helpful. | [04:18] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating for user seco has changed from 1 to 2. | [04:18] |
* | funziggy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:20] |
seco | :)) | [04:20] |
rg | ;;ticker | [04:22] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.77169, Best ask: 4.8067, Bid-ask spread: 0.03501, Last trade: 4.80671, 24 hour volume: 40156, 24 hour low: 4.71001, 24 hour high: 4.86092 | [04:22] |
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Rotrot | Hey there folks!. Id like to buy some bitcoins from someone please. Im using this to pay off a bitcoin loan I recieved through the forum., Thats me, Rotrot. Ive already repaid most of the loan but my mining rig is not maintaining expected output so I need to buy some coins on the market to fill in the gap. Right now all I have is Paypal. | [04:34] |
Rotrot | I dont have an OTC rating but you should be able to tell from the forum thread that I am an honest person. I also have done a lot of solid transactions on eBay, my user name is keepsallhismoneyinapaperbag. I can verify these accounts with you. Id like to buy anywhere from 5 - 50 bitocoins. Thanks and please contact me at | [04:34] |
smickles | ;;gettrust [ident rotrot] | [04:35] |
gribble | Trust relationship from user smickles to user Nick 'rotrot', with hostmask 'Rotrot!328439b5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified.: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: 'rotrot', with hostmask 'Rotrot!328439b5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. | [04:35] |
smickles | Rotrot: how did you want to pay? | [04:35] |
rg | ;;seen coolio- | [04:35] |
Rotrot | All I have is Paypal at them moment | [04:35] |
gribble | coolio- was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 3 days, 7 hours, 59 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: |
[04:35] |
rg | ;;later tell coolio- msgm e | [04:35] |
gribble | The operation succeeded. | [04:35] |
rg | ;;later tell coolio- msg me re: bitvps | [04:35] |
gribble | The operation succeeded. | [04:35] |
* | gribble gives voice to draco49 | [04:35] |
draco49 | sup ppl :) | [04:36] |
* | JZavala ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:46] |
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* | Now talking on #bitcoin-otc | [11:01] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe | [11:01] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Sun Feb 26 06:26:07 2012 | [11:01] |
* | lh77 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [11:04] |
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bitcointrader_ | Hello , I'm looking for someone in Belgium/Netherlands to trade your bitcoin for my cash . | [11:31] |
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mircea_popescu | goood morning bitcoin ppls | [11:33] |
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lh77 | morning | [11:40] |
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draco49 | whatsup mircea_popescu :) | [11:50] |
mircea_popescu | draco49 not much. another month closing :p | [11:51] |
draco49 | how's it lookin? | [11:51] |
mircea_popescu | worse than best, better than worst... | [11:51] |
* | LibrtiORDeth (~IceChat77@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [11:53] |
* | da2ce7 (~da2ce7@unaffiliated/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [11:54] |
draco49 | sounds about right | [11:55] |
* | yossarian_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [11:57] |
yang | hi spawn, whats the price | [11:57] |
yang | ooops old posting | [11:57] |
* | giuly is now known as GypsyWoman | [12:02] |
* | GypsyWoman is now known as Giuly | [12:02] |
bitcointrader_ | Still looking for people in Belgium/Netherlands for trading | [12:03] |
* | Chaang-Noi has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | [12:05] |
Joric | hallo | [12:05] |
Joric | ik ben echte Belgische | [12:05] |
Joric | mijn droom | [12:06] |
bitcointrader_ | hahaha =) I almost fell for it | [12:06] |
* | aparigraha (~aparigrah@gateway/tor-sasl/aparigraha) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:08] |
cheebydi | ;;getrating Joric | [12:10] |
gribble | This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. | [12:10] |
* | Chaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:12] |
* | Duke_pro (~duke@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:18] |
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aparigraha | selling 0.3BTC for 1.35 PPUSD | [12:21] |
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Silvo | ;;guide | [13:12] |
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Coolty | ╔══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗ | [13:43] |
Coolty | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | [13:43] |
Coolty | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ you are a beautiful strong black woman ~ ~ ~ | [13:43] |
Coolty | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ who don’t need no man ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | [13:43] |
Coolty | ╚══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝ | [13:43] |
* | Joric_ is now known as Joric | [13:46] |
* | gubbl-gubbl ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [13:47] |
Joric | strong is good | [13:47] |
Coolty | :) | [13:48] |
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* | Toats is back (gone 13:32:20) | [15:12] |
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occulta | boo | [15:33] |
coingenuity | EEK! | [15:33] |
jcpham | hi | [15:36] |
* | BTC_Bear is now known as BTC_Bear|hbrntng | [15:37] |
coingenuity | hello jcpham | [15:37] |
PaulZag | ;;ticker | [15:37] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.73436, Best ask: 4.76249, Bid-ask spread: 0.02813, Last trade: 4.76306, 24 hour volume: 40724, 24 hour low: 4.71699, 24 hour high: 4.83 | [15:37] |
* | Knecke ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [15:38] |
Knecke | hello | [15:38] |
coingenuity | @usd | [15:38] |
jcpham | hi coingenuity | [15:38] |
jcpham | first failed card! | [15:38] |
Knecke | i need bitcoins | [15:38] |
jcpham | GPU 3: 52.0C 1881RPM | DEAD /231.7Mh/s | A:2309 R:28 HW:0 U:3.11/m I: 9 | [15:38] |
coingenuity | that sucks :( | [15:39] |
Knecke | anyone who sale for paypal | [15:39] |
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coingenuity | Knecke: depends on your rating | [15:40] |
coingenuity | spawn-: | [15:40] |
Knecke | sorry im completly new | [15:40] |
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Knecke | or is there any instant bank transfer where i can get my bitcoins today | [15:43] |
Knecke | thats my problem i need the bitcoins today | [15:44] |
bruzum | yes | [15:44] |
bruzum | i take wire transfer | [15:44] |
bruzum | SEPA? | [15:44] |
Knecke | yes | [15:44] |
bruzum | what are you offering me | [15:44] |
Knecke | i need 3 bitcoins | [15:45] |
bruzum | for what? | [15:45] |
Knecke | 11,2 Euro | [15:45] |
bruzum | i will sou 3 bitcoins | [15:45] |
bruzum | for 15 | [15:45] |
Knecke | euro? | [15:46] |
bruzum | i wont go to my bank account for 10 euros | [15:46] |
bruzum | what country are you in? | [15:46] |
Knecke | germany | [15:47] |
bruzum | hmm ok | [15:47] |
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sturles | Knecke: There is bitcoinmarket24 | [15:57] |
* | Orion-Hax ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [16:00] |
occulta | im going to experiment on bitcoinica today | [16:00] |
occulta | anyone got some decent reading material for the basics of trading? | [16:00] |
occulta | things ive good dont really relate to bitcoinica, i just lost some funds lol | [16:00] |
occulta | googled * | [16:00] |
gamambel | Knecke: in the unlikely case you have a DKB account, i can sell you bitcoins | [16:03] |
gamambel | Knecke: DKB to DKB is immediate | [16:03] |
* | Ard1t (~shkodrani@unaffiliated/shkodrani) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [16:05] |
jcpham | ;;bc,gen 220000 | [16:09] |
gribble | The expected generation output, at 220000 Khps, given current difficulty of 1626553.4813289 , is 0.136043632299 BTC per day and 0.00566848467913 BTC per hour. | [16:09] |
jcpham | ;;calc .13604*180 | [16:09] |
gribble | 24.4872 | [16:09] |
jcpham | ;;calc 24.4872*4.72 | [16:10] |
gribble | 115.579584 | [16:10] |
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bluemoon44 | hiyA | [16:12] |
* | Dutch_buyer (b212116f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [16:12] |
bluemoon44 | anyone care to trade | [16:13] |
bluemoon44 | ? | [16:13] |
bruzum | sure | [16:13] |
bruzum | what u need? | [16:13] |
bluemoon44 | btc | [16:13] |
bruzum | for | [16:13] |
bluemoon44 | Nintendo Wii and games | [16:13] |
Dutch_buyer | looking for someone from Belgium/Netherlands to trade with | [16:13] |
bluemoon44 | e cig | [16:13] |
bruzum | already got that | [16:13] |
bluemoon44 | what u looking for? | [16:13] |
bruzum | wii | [16:13] |
bruzum | looking for soeone | [16:13] |
bruzum | to purchase something off ebay | [16:13] |
bruzum | for me | [16:13] |
Dutch_buyer | ,,guide | [16:14] |
Dutch_buyer | ;;guide | [16:14] |
kakobrekla | Dutch_buyer: check #bitcoin-otc-eu | [16:14] |
kakobrekla | also Mqrius is from NL | [16:14] |
bluemoon44 | i can do that bruzum | [16:15] |
Dutch_buyer | thanks you kakobrekla :) | [16:15] |
kakobrekla | sure | [16:15] |
Dutch_buyer | good advise , i could use that | [16:16] |
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bruzum | | [16:16] |
bruzum | i need this | [16:16] |
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Blitzboom | | [16:20] |
bruzum | :( | [16:21] |
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smickles | ;;later tell bitfoo thanks for bringing that link to my attention | [16:51] |
gribble | The operation succeeded. | [16:51] |
rawrmage | rg: i dunno i didn't get a chance to do it | [16:52] |
jcpham | hi sexy ladies | [16:54] |
smickles | lolwut ¯(°_o)/¯ | [16:56] |
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jcpham | tgif? | [17:17] |
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jcpham | yes | [17:19] |
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jcpham | my coworker lady just gave me these big yellow "caffeine" pills | [17:20] |
jcpham | and i was like nomnomnom | [17:20] |
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splatster | Good mornin' y'all! | [17:23] |
splatster | (That's the Idahoan half of me talking) | [17:24] |
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* | splatster declares #bitcoin-otc a ghost town | [17:30] |
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Jooh | #bitcoin-otc-eur | [17:36] |
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splatster | What a useful contributor Jooh was. | [17:44] |
splatster | [8:36 AM] → Jooh joined the channel. | [17:44] |
splatster | [8:36 AM] |
[17:44] |
splatster | [8:37 AM] ← Jooh left IRC. (Client Quit) | [17:44] |
kakobrekla | he missed the -eu chan | [17:45] |
kakobrekla | maybe its better this way. | [17:46] |
kakobrekla | ;> | [17:46] |
* | agricocb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [17:49] |
* | OlEnglish has quit (Read error: No route to host) | [17:50] |
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bruzum | r | [17:53] |
* | AndrewBud ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:55] |
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AndrewBud | Looking to purchase some BTC withadian funds... | [17:59] |
AndrewBud | with canadian funds | [18:00] |
AndrewBud | ;;guide | [18:08] |
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* | BTC_Bear|hbrntng is now known as BTC_Bear | [19:11] |
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mcorlett | ;;ping | [19:14] |
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LordCanti | ;;pong | [19:22] |
gribble | ping | [19:22] |
LordCanti | ;;pang | [19:23] |
gribble | I do not know about 'pang', but I do know about these similar topics: 'pit', 'pm' | [19:23] |
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occulta | ;;ticker | [19:33] |
bluemoon44 | ;;ticker | [19:41] |
* | BTC_Bear is now known as BTC_Bear|hbrntng | [19:41] |
* | Cablesaurus ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:50] |
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Optimo | | [19:55] |
occulta | that link was down when i see it on reddit | [19:56] |
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rg | i donated .5 btc to them | [20:04] |
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occulta | :) | [20:08] |
bonks | someone want to summarize that? | [20:11] |
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vragnaroda | rg: whois -h POEM-RIPE55-SONG | [20:14] |
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jcpham | funny | [20:19] |
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* | x0Jakeyboy0x (4bb7a43c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:21] |
x0Jakeyboy0x | Selling $25 dollar visa gift card | [20:22] |
luke-jr | x0Jakeyboy0x: I'll bit 1 BTC for it | [20:22] |
subpar | you are consistent luke... | [20:23] |
x0Jakeyboy0x | luke-jr How generous of you... However, Luke, I am your father. And the force says you need to pay 5.10 BTC. | [20:23] |
mcorlett | luke-jr: It's always $25/BTC, too. | [20:23] |
luke-jr | x0Jakeyboy0x: no way. | [20:24] |
x0Jakeyboy0x | Yes way, Luke. I am sorry you had to find out this way. | [20:24] |
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luke-jr | x0Jakeyboy0x: your USD is too expensive. I'll keep my Bitcoins! | [20:25] |
rg | 3 blind mice | [20:26] |
rg | 3 blind mice | [20:26] |
rg | see how the yrun | [20:26] |
rg | luke-jr: i bet you love the x-files | [20:26] |
rg | right? | [20:26] |
x0Jakeyboy0x | luke-jr, Your BTC is too expensive. I'll keep my US dollars! | [20:26] |
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luke-jr | rg: did, a few years ago | [20:26] |
luke-jr | it kinda ended | [20:26] |
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mcorlett | tree fiddy | [20:27] |
rg | hulu plus has every episode | [20:27] |
rg | ive been watching it | [20:27] |
rg | did mulder and skully ever.. you know | [20:27] |
rg | boom chika wow wow | [20:27] |
luke-jr | I bought a complete DVD set for $100 back then | [20:28] |
jcpham | you mully eats skuller at the end, right? | [20:28] |
luke-jr | rg: only when that other guy stole Mulder's body | [20:28] |
jcpham | keyboardind is fail; | [20:28] |
luke-jr | the guy who eventually got the Lone Gunmen killed… what was his name? | [20:29] |
rg | the smoking man? | [20:29] |
luke-jr | no | [20:29] |
luke-jr | Morris Fletcher | [20:30] |
luke-jr | the guy at Area 51 | [20:30] |
mcorlett | Possibly NSFW: | [20:30] |
luke-jr | or was it Majestic 12 | [20:30] |
rg | haha | [20:31] |
rg | i just watched that one | [20:31] |
rg | where he and mulder switch bodies | [20:31] |
* | gagecolton (~gagecolto@gateway/tor-sasl/gagecolton) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:31] |
luke-jr | rg: should I spoil X-Files for you? | [20:31] |
luke-jr | btw be sure you don't miss the movies; they play an important part to the plot | [20:32] |
luke-jr | The Lone Gunmen ep 1 will mess with you too | [20:32] |
luke-jr | it aired May 2001 | [20:32] |
rg | ive seen all the movies | [20:34] |
rg | and sadly seen the lone gunmen spin off | [20:34] |
luke-jr | lol | [20:37] |
rg | theres tons of gaynime on hulu | [20:38] |
subpar | I forgot aboit The Lone Gunman | [20:38] |
subpar | self defense mechanism i supose | [20:38] |
* | peanut648 (48b17b12@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:39] |
rg | here you go luke | [20:40] |
rg | | [20:40] |
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rg | | [20:41] |
rg | the fuc? | [20:41] |
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aparigraha | starting small. selling 0.3BTC for 1.35 PPUSD | [20:51] |
rg | 0.3btc? what do we look like to you? RICH PEOPLE? | [20:52] |
weex | rg, must be the gold chain | [20:52] |
* | Clonedead has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [20:52] |
rg | haha | [20:52] |
aparigraha | :) only to earn rep | [20:52] |
rg | aparigraha: one thing youll learn about being here... is never take rg seriously | [20:53] |
aparigraha | noticed that already :) | [20:53] |
rg | even when i seem dead serious | [20:53] |
splatster | "Put your hands to the constellations. They way you look should be a sin, you my sensation. I know I’m preaching to the congregation. We love Jesus but you done learned a lot from Satan." | [20:55] |
splatster | "I hit the Jamaican spot, at the bar, take a seat. I ordered the jerk, she said 'you are what you eat.' You see I always loved your sense of humor, but tonight you should have seen how quiet the room was." | [20:57] |
* | splatster is just spitting out a bunch of lyrics | [20:57] |
rg | im boycotting absolut vodka | [20:59] |
rg | cause of their stupid ass add campaign | [20:59] |
splatster | rg: +1000 | [20:59] |
splatster | You should drink the Idaho vodka :P | [20:59] |
splatster | I forgot what it's called... | [20:59] |
rg | potato vodka? | [20:59] |
rg | i love potato vodka | [20:59] |
rg | and bison grass | [21:00] |
splatster | 44 North Vodka | [21:00] |
splatster | or Glacier Idaho Vodka | [21:00] |
splatster | The former I've had and it was fine. The latter I have never heard of up until a minute ago. | [21:01] |
* | BubbleBoy99 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:01] |
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rg | look up | [21:05] |
mcorlett | Where are you? | [21:05] |
rg | Zubrowka Vodka | [21:05] |
rg | ^^ thats the *shit* | [21:05] |
rg | mix it with apple juice | [21:06] |
rg | hrm | [21:06] |
mcorlett | Don't kid yourself. You don't drink. | [21:06] |
rg | i didnt know you could get it in the US | [21:06] |
rg | we usually get it from Poland | [21:06] |
rg | Because bison grass contains the toxic compound coumarin, which is prohibited as a food additive by the Food and Drug Administration, importing of Żubrówka into the United States was banned in 1978 by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. | [21:07] |
rg | there | [21:07] |
rg | the shit in the US is fake | [21:07] |
splatster | mcorlett: If I didn't drink and get high I would be so bored 24/7 | [21:07] |
rg | you need the polish kind, with the poison | [21:07] |
BubbleBoy99 | bit like absinth | [21:07] |
BubbleBoy99 | there shit and than there is woooow | [21:07] |
* | comboy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:08] |
mcorlett | I like Żołądkowa. I think someone was even selling it on the forums a month or two ago. | [21:08] |
rg | hrm | [21:08] |
rg | i cant view that on my terminal | [21:08] |
rg | can you print it in normal chars? | [21:08] |
mcorlett | Zoladkowa. | [21:08] |
rg | oh hey i think i know that kind | [21:08] |
rg | one of my bff's parents are off the boat from poland | [21:08] |
rg | they always visit and bring stuff back | [21:09] |
rg | with Mint (Wódka Żołądkowa Gorzka z Miętą). Traditional with added peppermint. Introduced to the market in 2005 | [21:09] |
rg | id like that kind | [21:09] |
rg | and they have bison grass! | [21:09] |
splatster | I'm a quarter polish, but my grandfather never got me alcohol | [21:09] |
rg | im telling you, i dont even like to dirnk | [21:09] |
rg | but bison grass vodka is awesome | [21:09] |
mcorlett | I've only tried the original, sadly. | [21:09] |
comboy | rg, no, that's zubrowka | [21:09] |
BubbleBoy99 | any bored soul here to trade? | [21:09] |
rg | comboy Zoladkowa has bison grass too | [21:10] |
BubbleBoy99 | btc to pp no fuss | [21:10] |
splatster | BubbleBoy99: We are busy talking about vodka. | [21:10] |
BubbleBoy99 | yes, I'm sorry to interrupt | [21:10] |
BubbleBoy99 | go on | [21:10] |
comboy | rg, I don't think it does, but maybe I'm wrong | [21:10] |
splatster | #bitcoin-vodka | [21:10] |
rg | | [21:11] |
rg | with Bison-Grass Introduced to the market in 2009 | [21:11] |
rg | but i bet zubrowka is better | [21:11] |
rg | i love it | [21:11] |
comboy | rg, ah, that's something new, I didn't know about it :) | [21:11] |
BubbleBoy99 | blue moon anyone? | [21:12] |
rg | that'd be a good market | [21:12] |
rg | smuggling bison grass vodka | [21:12] |
rg | o the states | [21:12] |
occulta | | [21:12] |
occulta | thats awesome. | [21:12] |
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occulta | you that botnet equate to a very large % of mining? | [21:13] |
occulta | i mean, like 10% or something stupid | [21:13] |
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occulta | 116,000 CPU miners sounds pretty large to me | [21:13] |
subpar | yep - assuming 10 Mh/s each | [21:14] |
rg | well | [21:14] |
subpar | that could very well ahve been the 1.2 Th/s MM | [21:14] |
rg | considering all they did was disable the drone | [21:14] |
rg | and do nothing to the miners | [21:14] |
rg | it stands to reason they are still mining. | [21:14] |
subpar | good point | [21:15] |
occulta | hm | [21:15] |
* | fimpfimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | [21:15] |
occulta | what do you mean rg? | [21:15] |
occulta | ah, yea i got you | [21:15] |
rg | occulta: all they did was disable the drone | [21:15] |
rg | nothing to the miners/other shit runing | [21:15] |
jcpham | they sinkholed the C&C but left the machines infected | [21:16] |
occulta | damn | [21:16] |
jcpham | most likely if they were ming, they still are | [21:16] |
jcpham | so if MM is still doing 1tx blocks | [21:16] |
* | PaulZag has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [21:16] |
jcpham | it may or may not be the botnet | [21:16] |
LordCanti | Anyone interested in selling BTC for $40 MoneyPak? | [21:16] |
occulta | somebody, people wont be so stupid | [21:16] |
occulta | running an os like XP | [21:16] |
* | PaulZag ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:16] |
occulta | as you can see, a huge % of that is linux-based OS's | [21:17] |
mcorlett | shakaru just lost it: | [21:17] |
* | mcorlett searches for an appropriate popcorn GIF | [21:17] |
occulta | lol, i had a small arguement with someone on the forum last few days, not worth it | [21:18] |
occulta | people can decide to make mistakes and such on their own now | [21:19] |
* | paraipan has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [21:19] |
* | gribble gives voice to occulta | [21:19] |
* | paraipan (~paraipan@gateway/tor-sasl/paraipanakos) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:22] |
rg | According to Cadbury, Brits scoff 200 million Creme Eggs a year - three for every person in the UK. | [21:22] |
* | paraipan has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [21:24] |
BubbleBoy99 | random fact of the day is presented by rg | [21:24] |
LordCanti | ;;ticker | [21:25] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.7449, Best ask: 4.7841, Bid-ask spread: 0.0392, Last trade: 4.79, 24 hour volume: 34595, 24 hour low: 4.71699, 24 hour high: 4.83 | [21:25] |
x0Jakeyboy0x | buying 5 BTC 4.90 | [21:26] |
x0Jakeyboy0x | USD each | [21:26] |
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* | BTCHero ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:31] |
* | gribble gives voice to BTCHero | [21:32] |
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mod6 | ;;ticker | [21:32] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.79, Best ask: 4.79378, Bid-ask spread: 0.00378, Last trade: 4.81, 24 hour volume: 36212, 24 hour low: 4.71699, 24 hour high: 4.83 | [21:32] |
BTCHero | why you tickering, you got a moneypak? | [21:32] |
subpar | ;;ask 5 | [21:33] |
subpar | ;;bid 5 | [21:33] |
mod6 | BTCHero: hi, no reason, just checking :) | [21:34] |
mod6 | bit of a rally? | [21:34] |
BTCHero | ok :) | [21:34] |
mod6 | Thanks for asking, I appreciate it. | [21:34] |
BTCHero | depends on what point you start at. It isn't much of a rally from 25 :) | [21:35] |
* | Maroni has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [21:35] |
rg | ;;asks 4.90 | [21:35] |
gribble | There are currently 8584.8107 bitcoins offered at or under 4.9 USD, worth 41857.8968524 USD in total. | [21:35] |
rg | ;;asks 5.80 | [21:35] |
gribble | There are currently 81475.096 bitcoins offered at or under 5.8 USD, worth 430090.546682 USD in total. | [21:35] |
* | Silly has quit (Excess Flood) | [21:35] |
mod6 | yes, definately. I was just watching todays graph and saw some action :) | [21:35] |
mcorlett | ;;asks 9001 | [21:36] |
rg | ;;market buy 25000 | [21:36] |
gribble | A market order to buy 25000 bitcoins right now would take 123423.3094 USD and would take the last price up to 5.0000 USD. | [21:36] |
rg | you heard the bot | [21:36] |
rg | buy 25k btc | [21:36] |
mcorlett | ;;market buy 250000 | [21:36] |
mod6 | I wish rg :) | [21:36] |
BTCHero | ;:Buy 25000 btc @ market | [21:36] |
BTCHero | like that? | [21:36] |
mcorlett | ~2.5 million to $39. Not bad. | [21:37] |
mcorlett | (USD) | [21:37] |
* | Shibofu (482d0a1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:40] |
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aparigraha | starting small. selling 1BTC for 4.65 PPUSD | [21:42] |
BTCHero | <+amphipod> Mar30 18:41:30 mtgox x284 2,973.1678 @ 4.854735 USD | [21:42] |
BTCHero | that was a pretty nice one | [21:42] |
copumpkin | pfft peanuts | [21:42] |
jcpham | ;;ident aparigraha | [21:42] |
gribble | Nick 'aparigraha', with hostmask 'aparigraha!~aparigrah@gateway/tor-sasl/aparigraha', is identified as user aparigraha, with GPG key id B55D3AA9216E491F, and key fingerprint 202303B7A2A7465A531FA985B55D3AA9216E491F. | [21:42] |
Shibofu | Buying BTC via MP/PP | [21:42] |
BTCHero | copumpkin for you | [21:42] |
jcpham | ;;getrating aparigraha | [21:43] |
gribble | User aparigraha, created on Mon Mar 26 01:52:06 2012. Cumulative rating 2, from 2 total ratings. Received ratings: 2 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 2 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask aparigraha!~aparigrah@gateway/tor-sasl/aparigraha | [21:43] |
Blitzboom | copumpkin: typical noobs! | [21:43] |
copumpkin | yeah, wtf | [21:43] |
jcpham | ;;getrating Shibofu | [21:43] |
gribble | User Shibofu, created on Mon Feb 6 15:05:16 2012. Cumulative rating 4, from 4 total ratings. Received ratings: 4 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 4 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask Shibofu!482d0a1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | [21:43] |
copumpkin | call me back when someone buys a million coins | [21:43] |
jcpham | Shifobu meet agricocb | [21:43] |
Blitzboom | call me back when we make new alltime highs | [21:43] |
jcpham | or whatever | [21:43] |
BTCHero | sorry for the optimism guys | [21:43] |
LordCanti | Anyone interested in selling BTC for $40 MoneyPak? | [21:44] |
Blitzboom | we don’t need this optimism crap | [21:44] |
Blitzboom | >:[ | [21:44] |
BTCHero | LordCanti ill do 7.25 for it | [21:44] |
MORA| | aparigraha I´ll take a coin :) | [21:44] |
* | nissefar has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [21:45] |
Shibofu | Buying BTC with $265 MP/PP. Offer me =) | [21:45] |
aparigraha | ;;ident MORA| | [21:45] |
gribble | Nick 'MORA|', with hostmask 'MORA|!~MORA@pdpc/supporter/active/mora', is identified as user MORA, with GPG key id 1BDF09CFF0E2255A, and key fingerprint 4091F1A1014A05CBA8DD892B1BDF09CFF0E2255A. | [21:45] |
aparigraha | ;;getrating MORA| | [21:46] |
gribble | This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. | [21:46] |
MORA| | ;;getrating MORA | [21:46] |
gribble | User MORA, created on Sun Jan 29 13:32:05 2012. Cumulative rating 9, from 8 total ratings. Received ratings: 8 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 8 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask MORA|!~MORA@pdpc/supporter/active/mora | [21:46] |
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rg | | [21:47] |
rg | im watchin this TV show | [21:47] |
rg | killer soundtrack | [21:47] |
jcpham | lies | [21:48] |
aparigraha | MORA| please nick and authenticate | [21:48] |
rg | jcpham | [21:48] |
rg | let me ask you a question | [21:48] |
rg | you ever ordered more IPs from a data centre/ISP? | [21:48] |
jcpham | class c from isp | [21:48] |
jcpham | or | [21:48] |
MORA| | aparigraha this is my nick, MORA with no pipe is protected by nickserv | [21:49] |
jcpham | then you go through arin | [21:49] |
jcpham | but yes, from deltacom/earthlink | [21:49] |
rg | jcpham: my ISP asked me for my client list | [21:50] |
rg | and which IP theyre using | [21:50] |
rg | and their email | [21:50] |
rg | to justify the ips | [21:50] |
* | PaulZag has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [21:50] |
rg | come to find out | [21:50] |
jcpham | nah | [21:50] |
rg | these assholes have multiple /18's | [21:50] |
BTCHero | ;;rated LordCanti | [21:50] |
jcpham | that's a hoop i didn't have to jump thropugh | [21:50] |
gribble | You have not yet rated user LordCanti | [21:50] |
rg | well | [21:50] |
rg | i freaked out at them | [21:50] |
LordCanti | ;;rated BTCHero | [21:50] |
gribble | You have not yet rated user BTCHero | [21:50] |
BTCHero | ;;rate LordCanti 1 Quick moneypak trade | [21:51] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user LordCanti has been recorded. | [21:51] |
rg | big time | [21:51] |
* | PaulZag ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:51] |
rg | i asked them for *their* client list | [21:51] |
BTCHero | Do you pay for the extra ips? | [21:51] |
mircea_popescu | lmao sounds like they're trying to steal your customerbase rg | [21:51] |
mircea_popescu | i'd get a diff host. | [21:51] |
rg | btchero: ofcourse | [21:51] |
jcpham | i would have calmy responded that the info is nonexistant | [21:51] |
LordCanti | ;;rate BTCHero 1 traded MP for BTC, very easy | [21:51] |
jcpham | or made it up | [21:51] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user BTCHero has been recorded. | [21:51] |
rg | Sorry, but that justification will not work without providing the name of the customer, domain name hosted or client email. We will also need a screenshot of the virtualization software showing the IP's in numerical order. | [21:52] |
rg | -- Chris M. | [21:52] |
mircea_popescu | ditch them. | [21:52] |
jcpham | i would tell Chris to get fucked | [21:52] |
jcpham | but that's me | [21:52] |
jcpham | seems intrusive | [21:52] |
mircea_popescu | Chris M. for MtGox ? | [21:52] |
rg | Chris, | [21:53] |
rg | I am offended you would ask for our clients names. | [21:53] |
rg | This is a screen shot of the VM environment: censored | [21:53] |
rg | As you can see it does not list by IP address and has no option to do so. | [21:53] |
rg | Tell you what, you show me your client list and ill show you mine | [21:53] |
rg | it gets ugly after that.. | [21:53] |
jcpham | i bet | [21:53] |
jcpham | two alpha-admins butting heads | [21:53] |
rg | well | [21:53] |
rg | the best part is | [21:53] |
rg | another tech steps in | [21:53] |
rg | and gives me the IPs | [21:53] |
rg | ;> | [21:53] |
BTCHero | lol, if I paid for something I wouldn't even entertain bullshit like that. | [21:54] |
rg | well | [21:54] |
rg | i needed them | [21:54] |
BTCHero | oh you were asking for more? | [21:54] |
rg | duh | [21:54] |
BTCHero | for some reason i just thought they were asking about why you had so many already | [21:55] |
* | traf07 has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [21:55] |
rg | they asked me to justify my previous 32 ip subnet | [21:55] |
rg | to get new one | [21:55] |
rg | and i did | [21:55] |
rg | i told them we're a vps provider, have 100 clients, and each has at least one ip | [21:55] |
jcpham | sounds like CHris is paranoid of your business | [21:56] |
rg | and he said sure, give me their names and emails | [21:56] |
* | DIGISHELLS has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [21:56] |
rg | and which ip theyre using | [21:56] |
Shibofu | Buying BTC via PP/MP. | [21:56] |
rg | claiming it was for ARIN | [21:56] |
BTCHero | Shibofu do you already have a moneypak? | [21:56] |
Shibofu | yes | [21:56] |
jcpham | sounds like he wants to register each IP with arin? | [21:56] |
BTCHero | how much? | [21:56] |
Shibofu | 265 | [21:56] |
BTCHero | oh nevermind | [21:56] |
Shibofu | =P | [21:56] |
rg | i ordered another 32 ip subnet | [21:56] |
Shibofu | too much? haha | [21:56] |
BTCHero | :( | [21:56] |
rg | so 64 total | [21:56] |
Shibofu | dayyyum | [21:56] |
jcpham | so each customer's /32 gets an arin reg? | [21:57] |
BTCHero | I mean i have that many, but i don't want to sell that many | [21:57] |
jcpham | sounds excessive | [21:57] |
* | DIGISHELLS (~goofy@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:57] |
Shibofu | oh ok i gotcha | [21:57] |
* | JimmyHo2 has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [21:57] |
rg | interestingluy enough | [21:57] |
rg | they did SWIP us | [21:57] |
rg | which i didnt ask for | [21:57] |
jcpham | if i had to guess Chris is following SWIP rfc | [21:58] |
jcpham | or something | [21:58] |
jcpham | I haven't run into this | [21:58] |
* | andress (6cab69b5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:58] |
rg | network:Org-Name:BitVPS | [21:58] |
rg | yeah well, i never asked to be SWIp'd | [21:58] |
rg | i asked for ips | [21:59] |
rg | they gave them out before no problem | [21:59] |
jcpham | shrug | [21:59] |
rg | the other DC's we are in.. i ask for IP's they say what are they for | [21:59] |
rg | i show them | [21:59] |
rg | and they say ok | [21:59] |
rg | and send me ab ill | [21:59] |
jcpham | send him: | [22:00] |
jcpham | | [22:00] |
* | gribble gives voice to andress | [22:00] |
rg | needless to say i doubt this dude will be answering my support tickets any tim soon | [22:01] |
mircea_popescu | anybody know right off what's the surface area of a needle point ? | [22:01] |
mircea_popescu | as in, degree of magnitude ? | [22:01] |
Shibofu | Buying BTC via $265 MP/PP | [22:03] |
* | aparigraha has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [22:03] |
* | aparigraha (~aparigrah@gateway/tor-sasl/aparigraha) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:04] |
* | jmm5699 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [22:06] |
mircea_popescu | im going with 10 ^ -18. | [22:07] |
weex | mircea_popescu: how do you define the tip? | [22:07] |
BTC_Bear | mircea_popescu: off hand, 1 Å | [22:08] |
subpar | ;;getrating shibofu | [22:08] |
mircea_popescu | sharpest point ? | [22:08] |
weex | no such thing as a point there | [22:08] |
weex | you'd have to specify angle to the axis of the pin | [22:08] |
weex | on a small enough scale it's rounded | [22:08] |
mircea_popescu | BTC_Bear 10 -20 might be an overstatement | [22:08] |
mircea_popescu | weex actually i guess that's a pretty good point, it doesn't end in a surface does it | [22:09] |
mircea_popescu | flat surface* | [22:09] |
weex | you can imagine a cone that it fits into | [22:10] |
mircea_popescu | prolly more like a dome than a cone i;d guess | [22:10] |
weex | then take the area of the part of a sphere inside where it intersects the cone | [22:10] |
weex | is this question? | [22:10] |
mircea_popescu | well... you won't believe it, but... | [22:10] |
mircea_popescu | it's part of an effort to determine geometrit properties of angels. | [22:10] |
mircea_popescu | geometric* | [22:10] |
* | BTCHero has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [22:11] |
weex | nonsense...i'm out | [22:11] |
mircea_popescu | yea. | [22:11] |
weex | back...look up an electron microscope image of a pin | [22:11] |
weex | i'm sure people like to take pictures of it | [22:11] |
* | vigilyn ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:11] |
mircea_popescu | i guess it'd be a prime target yea. | [22:12] |
weex | but isn't it the head of the pin that angels dance upon? | [22:12] |
* | smoothie has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [22:13] |
BTC_Bear | No, they are dancing on a Quadratic function of two intersecting parabolas | [22:13] |
* | smoothie (Rabbit@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:13] |
rg | these asshole mexicans are outside doing landscaping | [22:13] |
rg | i cant hear shit | [22:13] |
rg | we live on a concrete yard | [22:13] |
rg | how much god damn landscaping can there be to do | [22:14] |
phantomcircuit | lol | [22:14] |
BTC_Bear | heard of, Rock Gardens | [22:14] |
rg | omg | [22:14] |
rg | i just looked outside what theyre doing | [22:14] |
rg | now i feel bad | [22:14] |
jcpham | rg offer them molta | [22:14] |
* | hippos4lyfe (~hngryhngr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:14] |
rg | i just yelled chupa me pene | [22:15] |
rg | out the window | [22:15] |
Blitzboom | | [22:15] |
jcpham | wonderful | [22:15] |
BTC_Bear | chimichunga !! | [22:15] |
jcpham | 2012-03-30 14:16:06 (348 KB/s) - `jL6Jd.png' saved [308901/308901] | [22:16] |
* | hngryhngryhippo has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [22:16] |
BTC_Bear | Blitzboom: Even the old people know that LE stopped serving the People. | [22:16] |
rg | oh lovely | [22:17] |
rg | no wonder chi3 is acting ups | [22:17] |
rg | someone is running bitcoin-qt | [22:17] |
* | dvide ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:17] |
rg | why would you order a server.. .to run bitcoin-qt | [22:17] |
Blitzboom | BTC_Bear: so who are they serving now? | [22:18] |
* | hippos4lyfe is now known as hngryhngryhippo | [22:19] |
BTC_Bear | Long list, 1. Self interest, 2. Union, 3. There Bosses and who is in office, and on and on... | [22:19] |
Blitzboom | ok | [22:19] |
BTC_Bear | There are some tho... | [22:19] |
MORA| | ;;rate aparigraha 1 traded PPUSD for BTC, no problems | [22:19] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user aparigraha has been recorded. | [22:19] |
BTC_Bear | That get it.. | [22:19] |
mircea_popescu | get a load of this. laugh epidemic | [22:20] |
aparigraha | ;;rate MORA 1 Sold small piece of coin for PayPal. Looks good. Thank you | [22:20] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user MORA has been recorded. | [22:20] |
* | terry is now known as BruceFagner | [22:21] |
BubbleBoy99 | corporate capitalist interests and they don't even know it | [22:21] |
* | Toasticles_ is now known as Toats | [22:23] |
rg | hulu is lagging like a motherfucker today | [22:24] |
mircea_popescu | the power of random is particularly strong with -etc today | [22:25] |
BruceFagner | yes | [22:25] |
mircea_popescu | FAGner !? | [22:25] |
BruceFagner | mmhm | [22:26] |
occulta | ;;remove 7462 | [22:26] |
occulta | ;;remove 7432 | [22:26] |
gribble | Order 7432 removed. | [22:26] |
mircea_popescu | I guess its better than ben dover... | [22:27] |
Shibofu | ;;tick | [22:27] |
gribble | I do not know about 'tick', but I do know about these similar topics: 'ticker' | [22:27] |
Shibofu | ;;ticker | [22:27] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.84792, Best ask: 4.85251, Bid-ask spread: 0.00459, Last trade: 4.85258, 24 hour volume: 40716, 24 hour low: 4.71699, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [22:27] |
rg | holy shity | [22:28] |
rg | ;;asks 5 | [22:28] |
gribble | There are currently 21331.689 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 105629.163444 USD in total. | [22:28] |
mircea_popescu | moving up is it. | [22:28] |
rg | once again it starts go up | [22:28] |
mircea_popescu | yup. | [22:28] |
rg | after i sold yesterday | [22:28] |
mircea_popescu | aww | [22:28] |
rg | i had to | [22:28] |
rg | we had a bill due | [22:28] |
mircea_popescu | it prolly does it deliberately. | [22:29] |
rg | they didnt do a very good job outside | [22:30] |
rg | they were cleaning the sand off the concrete | [22:30] |
Shibofu | ;;rate BubbleBoy99 1 traded PPUSD for BTC, Smooth transaction | [22:32] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user BubbleBoy99 has been recorded. | [22:32] |
* | vraa has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [22:33] |
rg | i wonder how much it'd cost to advertise bitcoin | [22:33] |
rg | on a major site | [22:33] |
rg | something like ... | [22:33] |
rg | | [22:33] |
Blitzboom | paying dollars to advertise bitcoins? | [22:34] |
rg | yes | [22:34] |
* | andress has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [22:34] |
* | BubbleBoy99 ( has left #bitcoin-otc | [22:39] |
rg | ugh im such a scuzz bucket | [22:40] |
rg | someone emails to cancel a VPS | [22:41] |
rg | and i sell them a dedicated server | [22:41] |
rg | what happened to me | [22:41] |
rg | fucking sales running through my blood | [22:41] |
splatster | rg: You terrible person! | [22:41] |
rg | i hate sales | [22:42] |
rg | but im pretty good at it | [22:42] |
rg | at least im good at it through an IRC window | [22:42] |
* | occulta has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium | [22:42] |
* | BubbleBoy99 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:43] |
* | gheorghe (gheorghe@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:44] |
* | BubbleBoy99 has quit (Quit: BubbleBoy99) | [22:45] |
* | subpar heads to bitvps to look around | [22:45] |
* | Ard1t has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [22:47] |
* | Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: If you can't laugh at yourself, make fun of other people.) | [22:48] |
Tril | did anyone else just see an enormous ask wall for a minute | [22:48] |
rg | subpar: dont order right now | [22:49] |
rg | if you decide to | [22:49] |
rg | im moving the bitcoind | [22:49] |
copumpkin | Tril: enormous means different things to different people | [22:49] |
copumpkin | Tril: what scale are you talking about? | [22:49] |
rg | trying out our new super-secure bitcoind patc | [22:49] |
subpar | no worries - just browsing | [22:49] |
Tril | copumpkin: 340k BTC / $1.66 million USD | [22:49] |
copumpkin | Tril: lol | [22:50] |
rg | lol Tril | [22:50] |
rg | ;;market buy 340000 | [22:50] |
gribble | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would buy 264689.69 bitcoins, for a total of 316573032809.7681 USD and take the price to 1337000000000.0000. | [22:50] |
* | JimmyHo2 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:50] |
rg | ;;market buy 1066000 | [22:50] |
copumpkin | Tril: well, keep in mind that you can write whatever you want into an order, and it'll appear very briefly until mtgox realizes you can't fund it, and then removes it | [22:50] |
subpar | the price is leet | [22:50] |
gribble | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would buy 264689.69 bitcoins, for a total of 316573032809.7681 USD and take the price to 1337000000000.0000. | [22:50] |
subpar | excellent | [22:50] |
* | Ard1t (~shkodrani@unaffiliated/shkodrani) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:50] |
Tril | copumpkin: didn't know the feed showed unfunded orders for a moment.. that could explain it. | [22:52] |
copumpkin | I've made pranks like that, too | [22:52] |
copumpkin | unless they've fixed mtgox | [22:52] |
* | osmosis has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [22:52] |
* | MindChild ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:54] |
MindChild | ;;guide | [22:54] |
* | Touko (d5a3402b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:55] |
* | Toasticles ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:56] |
* | torsthaldo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:56] |
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* | Cablesaurus ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:58] |
* | Cablesaurus has quit (Changing host) | [22:58] |
* | Cablesaurus (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/cablesaurus) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:58] |
* | occulta (~occulta@gateway/tor-sasl/occulta) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:59] |
* | Toats has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [23:00] |
* | Toasticles_ is now known as Toats | [23:00] |
Toats | ;;guide | [23:00] |
* | Toasticles has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [23:01] |
AndrewNTH | hi Toats | [23:02] |
BruceFagner | sup | [23:03] |
* | Clipse has quit (Quit: Clipse) | [23:04] |
AndrewNTH | hi BruceFagner | [23:05] |
BruceFagner | yo | [23:05] |
copumpkin | clever name. | [23:05] |
rg | ùíù Toasticles [] has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:05] |
rg | ùíù torsthaldo [] has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:05] |
rg | ùíù Toasticles_ [] has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:05] |
rg | am i the only one who notices that? | [23:05] |
rg | well | [23:05] |
rg | neermind | [23:05] |
rg | i thought they were more similar | [23:05] |
rg | than they actually are | [23:05] |
Toats | hey AndrewNTH :) | [23:05] |
Toats | rg: I'm Toasticles and the one with the _ | [23:06] |
Toats | The nicks when I ping out lol. | [23:06] |
Toats | If I've identified with Toats, the other ones should drop out. | [23:06] |
Toats | Forgot to register for the rating system lol, which I'm doing now. Installing GPG | [23:06] |
torsthaldo | wat... :P | [23:06] |
splatster | Toats: You have like 4 nicks. | [23:06] |
* | Rudd-O ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:07] |
Toats | splatster, Toats is the only one on this address, and the only one I know of that's connected, splatster :/ | [23:07] |
Toats | I have a few grouped though lol. | [23:07] |
* | vraa ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:08] |
rg | okay new bitcoind active | [23:09] |
rg | lets hope it doesnt crash and die | [23:09] |
rg | and/or get owned | [23:09] |
rg | ;;bc,blocks | [23:10] |
* | splatster kills rg's new bitcoind | [23:10] |
gribble | 173606 | [23:10] |
rg | splaster: well | [23:10] |
rg | its got host based restrictions | [23:10] |
rg | the web server is the only IP that can connect | [23:10] |
rg | and all it can do is getinfo, getbalance, getnewaddress, listtransactions | [23:10] |
splatster | rg: second time you misspell my name :( that makes me a sad panda... | [23:10] |
rg | but if you connect to the wallet on, you can do the other functions | [23:10] |
splatster | Ah, so you actually got that setup. | [23:11] |
rg | its just cause i dont trust the proprietary web apps we have to use for the business | [23:11] |
rg | so if the web server gets owned | [23:11] |
rg | i want the wallet protected | [23:11] |
* | ovidiusoft (~ovidiusof@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:11] |
splatster | Yup, you explained the idea a while ago. | [23:11] |
* | Shibofu has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [23:11] |
* | jb55 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [23:11] |
splatster | So that you can keep the webserver and the server with bitcoind on it separate | [23:12] |
rg | well | [23:12] |
rg | kinda | [23:12] |
rg | its just to protect it from anyting | [23:12] |
* | jb55 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:12] |
rg | until the bitcoin-devs do it the proper way | [23:12] |
splatster | yup | [23:12] |
* | yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [23:12] |
splatster | It's a great idea though | [23:12] |
splatster | Definitely the way to go if you are running a bitcoin website. | [23:13] |
SerajewelKS | rg: i actually go even further. bitcoind runs on a separate box and the web app cannot talk to it at all. | [23:14] |
* | bluemoon44 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [23:15] |
rg | sera: the webapp has to talk to bitcoind | [23:15] |
rg | or else it wont know when people paid | [23:15] |
* | gheorghe has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [23:15] |
rg | and it also has to generate new addresses | [23:15] |
rg | to keep track of payments | [23:15] |
SerajewelKS | no it doesn't | [23:15] |
rg | well, our billing system does | [23:15] |
rg | so i did what i could | [23:15] |
rg | with what i have | [23:15] |
* | bluemoon44 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:15] |
mircea_popescu | gosh i can't wait for midnight already. | [23:16] |
SerajewelKS | i have an every-minute cron job. it refills a pool of unused addresses in the db. so when the app needs a new address it can pull one out of that table. | [23:16] |
SerajewelKS | same with transactions -- it pushes transaction data into the db, where the web app can query it | [23:16] |
bonks | mircea_popescu: what happens at midnight? | [23:16] |
rg | oh SHIT | [23:16] |
rg | proxmox 2.0 out of beta)(&%)(@&%()@# | [23:17] |
SerajewelKS | there are still some theoretical attacks, but the web app has 0 contact with bitcoind | [23:17] |
BruceFagner | rg: proxmox is nice | [23:17] |
mircea_popescu | bonks options month closes. | [23:18] |
SerajewelKS | the bitcoind box pushes data only, it does not allow data to be pulled | [23:18] |
mircea_popescu | SerajewelKS i would say the separate app is the way to go. | [23:18] |
* | Toasticles ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:18] |
SerajewelKS | mircea_popescu: hmm? | [23:18] |
mircea_popescu | " bitcoind runs on a separate box and the web app cannot talk to it at all." | [23:18] |
SerajewelKS | ah | [23:19] |
SerajewelKS | yes, it is actually working great in testing too | [23:19] |
occulta | what if you want to send funds? | [23:19] |
occulta | does it work the same? | [23:19] |
* | Toasticles_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:20] |
SerajewelKS | occulta: the web app inserts a "pending withdrawal" record, which the cron script checks | [23:20] |
mircea_popescu | wow look at that, huge selloff in the middle of rally, price continues up unabated. | [23:21] |
bonks | what are options months? what am i missing out on??!? | [23:21] |
MORA| | you dont even need an exposed bitcoind for getting payments, pre generate a bunch of addresses and just monitor them for payments, the bitcoind doing the monitoring does not need the private keys... the tx data is public after all | [23:21] |
occulta | ic | [23:21] |
mircea_popescu | bonks : | [23:21] |
SerajewelKS | occulta: this is a potential vulnerability, mitigated by db security mechanisms. so compromising the web application is not enough, you would need to compromise the entire machine (root) or compromise a database user with superuser privileges to be able to insert withdrawal records. | [23:21] |
* | draco49 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [23:21] |
* | hngryhngryhippo has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [23:21] |
AndrewNTH | does a transaction become confirmed after 1 confirmation | [23:21] |
* | Toats has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [23:21] |
* | Toasticles_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [23:21] |
AndrewNTH | as in, can i sent it to other people after that? | [23:21] |
SerajewelKS | AndrewNTH: technically six | [23:21] |
SerajewelKS | AndrewNTH: but yes, one is enough to resend | [23:21] |
AndrewNTH | ok | [23:21] |
AndrewNTH | thanks SerajewelKS | [23:21] |
occulta | best hope you have no RCE's and an up to date kernel then :) | [23:21] |
BruceFagner | SerajewelKS: that is some arbitrary number chosen by satoshi | [23:22] |
SerajewelKS | BruceFagner: yes | [23:22] |
SerajewelKS | occulta: but the cron script will enforce withdrawal limits | [23:22] |
SerajewelKS | occulta: and do audits against accounts before withdrawing | [23:22] |
SerajewelKS | occulta: (against local data) -- so if the db does get owned, there is still a failsafe | [23:23] |
occulta | i was referring to your box being rooted | [23:23] |
occulta | but sure, it sounds great :) | [23:23] |
SerajewelKS | if the web app box is rooted, this would still limit damage | [23:23] |
occulta | RCE and a kernel exploit is all it takes | [23:23] |
occulta | bit of an ask i guess though | [23:23] |
bonks | mircea_popescu: great, the bitcoin world keeps expanding. i started with a news article link on bitcoins in my bookmarks and now i have a bitcoin folders with about 2 levels of sub folders =/ | [23:23] |
occulta | :) | [23:23] |
SerajewelKS | eh, no. you're not understanding me. | [23:24] |
* | Toasticles has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [23:24] |
occulta | there is no wallet that can just be stolen ? | [23:24] |
mircea_popescu | bonks heheeh. | [23:24] |
SerajewelKS | occulta: the web box won't know its address, because it doesn't need it | [23:24] |
occulta | im talking about the server with bitcoind running on it btw | [23:24] |
mircea_popescu | bonks here, let me give you another one : | [23:24] |
SerajewelKS | occulta: so first you would have to discover that information, which will not be available on the web server | [23:24] |
* | Ard1t has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [23:24] |
occulta | if its not allowing any connections apart from bitcoind pot then i guess thats a good start :) | [23:25] |
occulta | good point | [23:25] |
occulta | :) | [23:25] |
AndrewNTH | ;;orders | [23:25] |
occulta | write a paper :P | [23:25] |
SerajewelKS | occulta: then you would have to break into a box that has a reject-all-incoming (except 8333) iptables configuration, as well as behind a NATing router | [23:25] |
SerajewelKS | so two firewalls to defeat | [23:25] |
occulta | like i just said ^ | [23:25] |
SerajewelKS | at an IP address you don't know | [23:25] |
SerajewelKS | :) | [23:25] |
occulta | sexy tbh | [23:25] |
SerajewelKS | i put a lot of thought into it | [23:26] |
bonks | mircea_popescu: thanks, i'll check it out when i catch a break | [23:26] |
occulta | seems very simple | [23:26] |
SerajewelKS | easier would be to compromise the db on the website, but again there will be cached data on the bitcoind box that will be used to verify | [23:26] |
occulta | once someone outlines it :) | [23:26] |
* | hngryhngryhippo (~hngryhngr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:26] |
SerajewelKS | so if the attacker screws up any data already seen by the script, it will suspend all activity until someone turns it back on | [23:26] |
SerajewelKS | a tripwire, if you will | [23:27] |
occulta | like i said, write a paper | [23:27] |
SerajewelKS | plus it will enforce daily withdrawal limits, etc etc | [23:27] |
SerajewelKS | i might | [23:27] |
mircea_popescu | SerajewelKS or start offering this as a service | [23:27] |
mircea_popescu | sort of "managed for security bitcoind vps" | [23:27] |
occulta | not bad shout either | [23:28] |
SerajewelKS | well the point of this is that you don't have to trust anyone but yourself... you run the bitcoind on a box at your house | [23:28] |
SerajewelKS | in fact that's what i plan to do | [23:28] |
mircea_popescu | get bonded, so you can make a claim like "will repay any losses up to X btc" | [23:28] |
* | Toasticles ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:28] |
* | Toasticles is now known as Toats | [23:28] |
* | Ard1t (~shkodrani@unaffiliated/shkodrani) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:29] |
SerajewelKS | i have a UPS powering this box and my modem, so the biggest possible point of failure is my ISP | [23:29] |
* | rotrot has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [23:30] |
SerajewelKS | at first i expect i will supervise the withdrawal script (do a dry run, do some checking, then let it complete) but eventually the goal is to have withdrawals processed on a schedule, to give time for human intervention | [23:31] |
SerajewelKS | twice a day or so | [23:31] |
rg | SerajewelKS: do you plug your mointor into the UPS? | [23:31] |
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SerajewelKS | rg: no | [23:32] |
* | Gaglia has quit (Quit: Gaglia) | [23:32] |
SerajewelKS | it is running two computers though, and a modem, router, and external HDD. but given that it can still provide power for ~25-30 mins | [23:32] |
* | darkfur93_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:32] |
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SerajewelKS | and in this area, outages usually last 5-10 seconds | [23:33] |
* | Toasticles ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:33] |
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SerajewelKS | i am more worried about hardware failure on the box itself than any external problems (power/ISP) | [23:34] |
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SerajewelKS | but it will be running inside a VM, which will be stored on a RAID1. so if the host machine dies, i can at least recover fairly quickly by booting the VM somewhere else while i conduct repairs. | [23:35] |
* | Toasticles_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:35] |
rg | i dont think we've lost power once | [23:35] |
rg | in the two years ive lived hear | [23:35] |
rg | here | [23:35] |
* | DIGISHELLS has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [23:36] |
SerajewelKS | we have a short blip maybe once a month. the power company blames animals. in a city. shrug. | [23:36] |
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* | bolux (8fcdd869@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:41] |
bolux | ok, so how the fugly can I get 1 bitcoin ? | [23:41] |
bolux | pretty please.... | [23:42] |
Coolty | ;;tell bolux [guide] | [23:42] |
rg | Sera: in teh nicest house ie ver lived in | [23:43] |
rg | it was properly owned by the electric company | [23:43] |
rg | best power ever | [23:43] |
rg | even if it went out, we were *always* the first to get it back | [23:43] |
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BruceFagner | If anyone wants a nice nickname, you can take BurtSwagner. | [23:44] |
BruceFagner | I'd do it, but I love this one too much. | [23:44] |
bolux | thanks for the help | [23:44] |
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jcpham | i would expect disk io on a raid1 to be intense | [23:45] |
jcpham | bitcoind, that is | [23:45] |
rg | this dudes bitcoind is still syncing | [23:46] |
rg | i bet he started from the beginning | [23:46] |
rg | meaning this system is gonna be lagged all day | [23:46] |
* | CanuckTux ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:46] |
mircea_popescu | rg : maybe offer a full blockchain somewhere ? | [23:46] |
mircea_popescu | so ppl don't need to sync themselves | [23:46] |
* | lordcirth_ (~quassel@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:47] |
jcpham | then he'd have to provide support | [23:47] |
jcpham | on how to download the blockchain mnually | [23:47] |
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kakobreklaa | mircea_popescu | [23:47] |
kakobreklaa | ah | [23:48] |
kakobreklaa | moved to | [23:48] |
mircea_popescu | seems better than lagged boxes | [23:48] |
jcpham | i wouldn't put a bitcoind on a raid1 | [23:48] |
jcpham | i might backup my wallet to a raid1 | [23:48] |
mircea_popescu | 100mb per month huh | [23:49] |
mircea_popescu | the fuck will we do in 2050, when the fastest hard drive is a big stack of vellum ? | [23:49] |
lordcirth_ | Everyone will have cheap SSDs | [23:50] |
phantomcircuit | most people dont need 99% of the blockchain | [23:50] |
phantomcircuit | it's a trade of between how much you know and how much you're willing to trust a third aprty | [23:51] |
rg | mircea_popescu: clearly i do | [23:51] |
rg | no one uses it | [23:51] |
rg | | [23:51] |
mircea_popescu | rg insanity ;/ | [23:51] |
mircea_popescu | phantomcircuit yea. | [23:51] |
lordcirth_ | Well, storage space should keep up with the demand. SSD's will eventually be 10c/GB | [23:52] |
phantomcircuit | an actually i have the blockchain on a tmpfs with the wallet.dat symlinked | [23:52] |
occulta | who needs such large storage space? | [23:52] |
occulta | im actually ok with 120gb for my running OS | [23:53] |
occulta | more than enough | [23:53] |
* | PaulZag has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [23:53] |
* | subpar still uses 80gb X25-M | [23:53] |
lordcirth_ | I just backed up my Kubuntu partition, that I use for everything. 16.5GB | [23:54] |
* | PaulZag (~paul@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:54] |
AcidicChip | Anyone think we'll see 4.9 in the next 12 hours? | [23:55] |
AcidicChip | ;;asks 4.9 | [23:55] |
gribble | There are currently 6112.6226 bitcoins offered at or under 4.9 USD, worth 29876.412885 USD in total. | [23:55] |
jcpham | ;;market buy 802.9 | [23:55] |
gribble | A market order to buy 802.9 bitcoins right now would take 3909.2553 USD and would take the last price up to 4.8700 USD. | [23:55] |
SerajewelKS | rg: nice. though i'd rather live in a house owned by an ISP. :) | [23:55] |
jcpham | ;;market sell 633.7 | [23:56] |
gribble | A market order to sell 633.7 bitcoins right now would net 3046.8012 USD and would take the last price down to 4.8000 USD. | [23:56] |
jcpham | ;;asks 4.9 | [23:57] |
gribble | There are currently 6103.9426 bitcoins offered at or under 4.9 USD, worth 29833.1534642 USD in total. | [23:57] |
* | appleseedlover11 (4c0f45a3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:57] |
occulta | ooo | [23:57] |
occulta | ;;ticker | [23:58] |
occulta | still stable then, kinda | [23:58] |
appleseedlover11 | so how does this work | [23:58] |
* | coincurious (d07ba202@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:58] |
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rg | ;;asks | [23:58] |
gribble | (asks [--over]
[23:58] |
rg | ;;market | [23:59] |
gribble | Documentation for the #bitcoin-market channel: | [23:59] |
rg | ;;ticker | [23:59] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.83501, Best ask: 4.8669, Bid-ask spread: 0.03189, Last trade: 4.8697, 24 hour volume: 40287, 24 hour low: 4.71699, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [23:59] |
* | lordcirth_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [23:59] |
rg | one thing ill say about paypal | [23:59] |
rg | is that the subscriptions make running a business 100% easier | [23:59] |
Category: Logs