Forum logs for 29 Oct 2012

Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* Ignatius-otc has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:00]
* Ignatius-otc (~root@gateway/tor-sasl/ignatius-otc) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:02]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46600 @ 0.00045807 = 21.3461 BTC [-] [00:08]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3700 @ 0.00045552 = 1.6854 BTC [-] [00:08]
thepulledstring mircea_popescu: you committed murder? [00:08]
jurov lmao [00:09]
thepulledstring jurov deposit coming in! [00:10]
thepulledstring how long will it take to hit? [00:10]
* OneEyed has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [00:11]
jurov lemme see [00:12]
thepulledstring also any reason puts are so expensive this month? [00:13]
thepulledstring it's not much [00:17]
thepulledstring but i'm funding from multiple sources over the next few days [00:17]
jurov thepulledstring, you're in [00:23]
* OneEyed (~oneeyed@unaffiliated/oneeyed) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:24]
jurov if you want to pull doublespend on me, act quickly now ;) [00:24]
dub act now and receive twice teh bitcoins and for a limited time a ginsu shoe and tomato paring knife [00:25]
thepulledstring not at all jurov [00:28]
thepulledstring lemme know when it clears [00:28]
thepulledstring and I'll make the trades I want [00:28]
thepulledstring I just wanted to get ahead of the calls since mircea_popescu posted the block halve eta [00:28]
dub any of you guys in NYC? [00:29]
dub apparently shit is real now, mcdonalds is closed [00:29]
thepulledstring wait what? [00:30]
PsychoticBoy Islam invasion, First thing to do: CLOSE MCDONALDS [00:30]
thepulledstring hurricane? [00:30]
dub ya [00:31]
jurov thepulledstring, you CAN trade nao [00:31]
Azelphur dub: I just pasted that to my hosting providers (based in NYC) lol [00:31]
Azelphur hilarity insued :P [00:31]
dub PsychoticBoy: pretty sure mcdonalds is the last thing to close in any eventuality, 'murricans gotta get dat burger [00:31]
PsychoticBoy lol [00:32]
thepulledstring murican's rule tho [00:32]
thepulledstring Capitalism is awesoe [00:32]
thepulledstring awesome [00:32]
dub they'll be out with the zombies lined up on mobility scooters for the drivethru [00:32]
dub thepulledstring: fuck yeah [00:32]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5605 @ 0.00045998 = 2.5782 BTC [+] [00:33]
thepulledstring we should take bets on if asics drop before the reward half or after [00:35]
* Tritonio has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [00:35]
* Jackmaninov ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:41]
smickles 'merica, fuck yea! TITS and BEER and pussY and TITS! [00:46]
thepulledstring smickles: aren't you american? [00:47]
smickles i try not to define myself by something so base as what somet people call the ground i walk on ;) [00:48]
thepulledstring i originally thought you were of non-american nationality so I guess it works for you lol [00:48]
smickles :D [00:48]
* Anduck has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:48]
thepulledstring also thanks for the mini margin, helped me practice trading [00:49]
smickles thepulledstring: i still have that btc 'on account' for you [00:49]
thepulledstring :D [00:49]
thepulledstring It'll stay as reserve for now [00:49]
thepulledstring until I can get in touch with my economy advisor [00:50]
smickles np, take as long as you want [00:50]
thepulledstring she's young and is easily wooed by boys (my biggest fear) [00:50]
smickles if i get good at what i'm doing, i'll start giving you a bit of interest [00:50]
thepulledstring :D [00:50]
thepulledstring i love this community [00:50]
* da2ce7 (~da2ce7@opentransactions/dev/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:50]
mircea_popescu im all for closing mcd [00:50]
Diablo-D3 [00:51]
mircea_popescu and this isnt a community. there's no girls [00:51]
mircea_popescu so there's not what to community. [00:51]
* Tritonio ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:53]
* Anduck ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:57]
* Anduck has quit (Changing host) [00:57]
* Anduck (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:57]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16700 @ 0.00045552 = 7.6072 BTC [-] [00:58]
thepulledstring i can get a girl in here [01:00]
thepulledstring she's 17 [01:00]
thepulledstring but [01:00]
thepulledstring it's still a girl =P [01:00]
thepulledstring we all know how mircea_popescu likes em young [01:01]
dub not on the internet it isnt [01:01]
* B0g4r7_ has quit (Quit: B0g4r7_) [01:02]
thepulledstring mircea_popescu: is your hair gray now [01:03]
thepulledstring ?* [01:03]
mircea_popescu just my beard [01:08]
mircea_popescu an' i don't like them young, i like em juicy. [01:08]
mircea_popescu speaking of which, i'm off to bed. take care all! [01:09]
jurov me too [01:09]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [08:27]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: Bitcoin asset exchanges: || || || || || || list bot commands: !help || Streaming trades only: #bitcoin-assets-trades || Net Chart: || a biased message: || [08:27]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla! at Tue Oct 16 15:58:37 2012 [08:27]
* [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support: [08:27]
* PhantomSpark ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18306 @ 0.00045916 = 8.4054 BTC [+] [08:36]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4100 @ 0.0004606 = 1.8885 BTC [+] [09:02]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6651 @ 0.00045916 = 3.0539 BTC [-] [09:02]
* area (~area@unaffiliated/area) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:02]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36900 @ 0.00045352 = 16.7349 BTC [-] [09:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5300 @ 0.00045342 = 2.4031 BTC [-] [09:27]
smickles mircea_popescu: do STAT and STATJSON have independant 'last hour before last stat's? [09:32]
mircea_popescu nope [09:32]
smickles kk, thx [09:32]
mircea_popescu [09:33]
mircea_popescu if anyone wants to vote me and piss off reddit :D [09:33]
smickles mircea_popescu you own it [09:39]
mircea_popescu hm ? [09:40]
mircea_popescu lol is that you smickles ? [09:43]
smickles mircea_popescu: it couldn't be :x [09:45]
mircea_popescu lol ynot ? [09:45]
smickles no good reason [09:46]
smickles 01f608 [09:47]
rg i spoiled an active $500 scam today [09:48]
rg ;-D [09:48]
rg s/spoiled/foiled/ [09:48]
mircea_popescu wd! [09:54]
mircea_popescu [09:54]
mircea_popescu btw, this seems like quite valuable discussion. [09:54]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9900 @ 0.00045439 = 4.4985 BTC [+] [09:55]
smickles mircea_popescu: you have a reddit account now/?S?S!? [10:00]
mircea_popescu yea [10:00]
mircea_popescu i just made it! [10:00]
smickles OMG, ! I was your first upvote! [10:02]
mircea_popescu >D [10:03]
mircea_popescu brff! [10:04]
* toffoo has quit () [10:07]
mircea_popescu the forum delivers. [10:14]
* Anduck ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:15]
* Anduck has quit (Changing host) [10:15]
* Anduck (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:15]
* darkee has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [10:15]
* Eisenhower34 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:20]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.00045342 = 4.7609 BTC [-] [10:21]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34201 @ 0.00045313 = 15.4975 BTC [-] [10:21]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7608 @ 0.0004523 = 3.4411 BTC [-] [10:21]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2591 @ 0.0004522 = 1.1717 BTC [-] [10:21]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6200 @ 0.00045439 = 2.8172 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43100 @ 0.00045556 = 19.6346 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37300 @ 0.00045601 = 17.0092 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22749 @ 0.00045856 = 10.4318 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45300 @ 0.00046009 = 20.8421 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2127 @ 0.00046084 = 0.9802 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50100 @ 0.00046124 = 23.1081 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40300 @ 0.00046243 = 18.6359 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28800 @ 0.0004629 = 13.3315 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25200 @ 0.00046303 = 11.6684 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34918 @ 0.0004633 = 16.1775 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46000 @ 0.0004633 = 21.3118 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44800 @ 0.00046437 = 20.8038 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15157 @ 0.00046468 = 7.0432 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28488 @ 0.00046593 = 13.2734 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2412 @ 0.00046606 = 1.1241 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43033 @ 0.0004662 = 20.062 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17692 @ 0.00046626 = 8.2491 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5821 @ 0.00046633 = 2.7145 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39900 @ 0.00046675 = 18.6233 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18700 @ 0.00046689 = 8.7308 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10100 @ 0.00046932 = 4.7401 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36000 @ 0.00046943 = 16.8995 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3535 @ 0.00047048 = 1.6631 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28300 @ 0.00047115 = 13.3335 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3957 @ 0.00047506 = 1.8798 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32899 @ 0.00047548 = 15.6428 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22721 @ 0.0004757 = 10.8084 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39000 @ 0.00047602 = 18.5648 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50391 @ 0.00047612 = 23.9922 BTC [+] [10:28]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:29]
* UncleScrooge (~UncleScro@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:41]
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* Smoovious ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:42]
* Eisenhower34 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [10:46]
* Eisenhower34 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:47]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13000 @ 0.00046205 = 6.0067 BTC [-] [10:56]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2127 @ 0.00046082 = 0.9802 BTC [-] [10:56]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [11:10]
EskimoBob dub: wtf are you blabbering about :) -> "dub | he's always looking for something looser" ??? [11:14]
dub you seem obsessed with the viscosity of forum participants [11:17]
mircea_popescu [11:17]
mircea_popescu ^^ read that [11:18]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12100 @ 0.00046675 = 5.6477 BTC [+] [11:21]
dub IBM can it be carbon nanotube mining asic tiem? [11:23]
mircea_popescu omg nanotube! [11:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21000 @ 0.00046082 = 9.6772 BTC [-] [11:46]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51700 @ 0.00046457 = 24.0183 BTC [+] [11:52]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16200 @ 0.00046675 = 7.5614 BTC [+] [11:52]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13300 @ 0.00046791 = 6.2232 BTC [+] [11:52]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36800 @ 0.00046975 = 17.2868 BTC [+] [11:52]
dub jesus [11:52]
dub that sea like that is not a lot of fun I can tell you [11:53]
Chaaang-Noi i loled [12:05]
Chaaang-Noi also the sec investigation seems to be more going after glbse asset listers than pirate [12:08]
Chaaang-Noi the investigation startedin paril [12:08]
Chaaang-Noi april [12:08]
Chaaang-Noi before any ppt where on glbse [12:08]
dub link? [12:08]
Chaaang-Noi no link [12:16]
Chaaang-Noi evidently it just got big when pirate failed and they passed it up to the bigger guy [12:16]
Chaaang-Noi the current guy [12:16]
Chaaang-Noi but the case started out as anti glbse the case is called "bitcoin securities" [12:17]
Chaaang-Noi pirate did not have a security so i thought it was kinda odd the sec was going after him, as all he did was borrow money [12:17]
Chaaang-Noi so the sec might have gone after nefario, maybe that is why he shit himself and closed it down [12:18]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7473 @ 0.00046082 = 3.4437 BTC [-] [12:19]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27200 @ 0.00045916 = 12.4892 BTC [-] [12:19]
Anduck Chaaang-Noi: u got banned at bitcointalk? [12:26]
Anduck for what [12:26]
Chaaang-Noi "trolling" but it was about glbse stuff and theymos [12:28]
Chaaang-Noi theymos wanted to shut me up, so called me a troll and perma banned me with out warning [12:28]
Chaaang-Noi he said he might un ban me after the glbse stuff is over... he is just getting rid of people with info about him [12:29]
* Jackmaninov ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:32]
Chaaang-Noi theymos did not like the fact that i told him it was wrong for him to ask people to not send the double payments back to nefario [12:33]
Chaaang-Noi stuff like that, he called "trolling" [12:33]
* Jackmaninov has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [12:36]
* Anduck has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [12:42]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40400 @ 0.00045574 = 18.4119 BTC [-] [12:46]
* tbcoin_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:03]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10900 @ 0.00045793 = 4.9914 BTC [+] [13:11]
EskimoBob Chaaang-Noi: did theymos ever get doxed? [13:24]
Chaaang-Noi [13:27]
Chaaang-Noi i dont know about doxed but people ahve tracked him down [13:27]
Chaaang-Noi like i dont think anyone has a copy of his passport or anything [13:27]
Chaaang-Noi the FBI could get him if they wanted to with no problem [13:28]
Chaaang-Noi fbi does that sort of thing for the sec [13:28]
Chaaang-Noi im not saying the sec will want him but he might be more of a target than pirate [13:28]
rg FBI probably already has it [13:31]
rg they probably called MtGox and were like ey [13:31]
rg you know that business we let you run? [13:31]
rg we're going to take the millions of dollars away from you [13:32]
rg and ruin you [13:32]
rg unless you gve us the info we want [13:32]
Chaaang-Noi they already give that info to the DEA on request [13:35]
Chaaang-Noi i think its why they "randomly" lock accounts and demand aml docs [13:35]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2927 @ 0.00045793 = 1.3404 BTC [+] [13:36]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20000 @ 0.00045892 = 9.1784 BTC [+] [13:36]
* CaveTiggr1 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [13:43]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13300 @ 0.00045964 = 6.1132 BTC [+] [14:02]
* Ignatius-otc has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [14:12]
* Ignatius-otc (~root@gateway/tor-sasl/ignatius-otc) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:14]
* darkee (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:19]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37916 @ 0.00045964 = 17.4277 BTC [+] [14:28]
* drekk ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:29]
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* drekk (~armselig@unaffiliated/drekk) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:29]
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knotwork Chaaang-Noi, check out would it be any use for people looking for something browser-based they can use to interact with their shareholders? [14:43]
knotwork oops wrong URL haha [14:43]
knotwork http://wxi2mgugw4732xs7.onion:8081 [14:44]
knotwork it is unzip-and-run java app if you use its standlone version which is what I did [14:45]
knotwork and has more features than I have had time to explore yet [14:46]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1289 @ 0.00045964 = 0.5925 BTC [+] [14:53]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20611 @ 0.00045955 = 9.4718 BTC [-] [14:54]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28623 @ 0.00045955 = 13.1537 BTC [-] [14:54]
* B0g4r7__ has quit (Quit: B0g4r7__) [14:59]
* darkee has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [14:59]
* darkee (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:00]
assbot [MPEX] [S.DICE] 10 @ 0.00339944 = 0.034 BTC [+] [15:12]
* veemirc ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:16]
Diablo-D3 Chaaang-Noi: so theymos banned you [15:26]
Chaaang-Noi lol days ago [15:26]
kakobrekla o what? [15:26]
Chaaang-Noi maged did not even know for a day [15:26]
kakobrekla urlpls [15:26]
Chaaang-Noi url for a perrma ban? [15:26]
kakobrekla theres not post about it? [15:26]
kakobrekla no* [15:26]
Chaaang-Noi mostly trolls and supporting posts have been deleated [15:27]
Chaaang-Noi some of them [15:27]
Chaaang-Noi the posts questioning theymos were deleated, i dont know by whom [15:27]
Chaaang-Noi also [15:27]
Chaaang-Noi theymos was upset [15:28]
Chaaang-Noi oh well.. i just pointed out things he did... [15:28]
Chaaang-Noi also despite people saying i was warned i was not [15:30]
veemirc that's a pretty pathetic way to get rid of opposition [15:32]
Chaaang-Noi i was not even really opposition [15:35]
Chaaang-Noi i just pointed out that theymos telling people to not send nefario the double payments back was wrong [15:35]
* Fiddle ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:35]
Diablo-D3 well, I doubt Im ever going to get the shareholder info [15:35]
Diablo-D3 so /me frowns [15:35]
Chaaang-Noi and that givng theymos a scammers tag for abusing the stock holders in glbse global was wrong cuz they had a vote and nefario won over 50% to ahve it shut down [15:36]
Chaaang-Noi i said nefario was a scammer but for differnt reasons [15:36]
Chaaang-Noi theymos did not like it... [15:36]
Chaaang-Noi also found out some bad news for him and other about the SEC investigation [15:36]
Chaaang-Noi seems the investigation started in april, before the PPTs [15:36]
Chaaang-Noi its called "bitcoin securities" [15:37]
Chaaang-Noi i dont think pirate was their org goal and still might not be [15:37]
Chaaang-Noi glbse, its owers and asset issuers i think are the real targets [15:37]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36100 @ 0.00046203 = 16.6793 BTC [+] [15:37]
Chaaang-Noi theymos as on record as saying he thought it was a ponzi and then asking people to list ppts on glbse makes him open to a lot of shit [15:38]
Chaaang-Noi esp since he was making money off of it [15:38]
Chaaang-Noi i hope the sec does not do anything but i wouldnot be shocked if theymos and all communication from the forum is requested [15:38]
Chaaang-Noi its seems the SEC investigation got much bigger when pirate had his fail and then they moved it up to the big guy now [15:39]
Chaaang-Noi he did not start it, he took over about a month ago [15:39]
veemirc well it sucks that we will hardly get the information about stockholders to the companies [15:39]
Chaaang-Noi im starting to think some people might be working with the SEC at this point. theymos might ahve been right about nefario [15:40]
veemirc I for example have some ASICMINER shares and I would really like them to release the information that I have it to the company... [15:40]
Chaaang-Noi im pretty sure the SEC has already called in some glbse customers to be on the record [15:40]
veemirc Everyone says that Nefario seemed like a cool guy in the London conference [15:40]
* JWU_42 (3281faba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:40]
veemirc I just think that he's scared because of the investigation [15:41]
Chaaang-Noi i think nefario shit himself when he realized that the feds wanted to rape him... [15:41]
veemirc exactly [15:41]
veemirc and to tell the truth, who wouldn't :) [15:41]
Chaaang-Noi i think he is in "do what ever it takes to not go to jail" mode [15:41]
Chaaang-Noi and that might be work with the sec/fsa/fbi [15:42]
Chaaang-Noi who the fuck knows what they are investigating.. nefario never did aml stuff like he should asve [15:42]
Chaaang-Noi have [15:42]
Chaaang-Noi i wonder if the dea found out silkroad or what not was using it to wash coins. [15:42]
Diablo-D3 silkroad is a cia op [15:42]
veemirc you think? [15:43]
Chaaang-Noi maybe, but i doubt it [15:43]
Chaaang-Noi im sure some of the sellers are govt but i doubt the whole thing is [15:43]
Diablo-D3 yup, whole thing is [15:43]
Chaaang-Noi i doubt it [15:43]
Chaaang-Noi anyway im not 100% sure on my intel about the sec investigation but i think its right [15:44]
Chaaang-Noi also i do know the sec plans to pass on what they collect to differnt agancies if they find other "crimes" [15:45]
Chaaang-Noi everyone who is an american and gave id to nefario and listed an asset, id get a lawyer... [15:46]
* sgornick has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) [15:46]
veemirc im glad im not :) [15:52]
* vampireb_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:55]
* Chaaang-Noi has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [15:57]
* Chaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:57]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3821 @ 0.00045955 = 1.7559 BTC [-] [16:03]
iz maybe you mean FBI op? [16:03]
Chaang-Noi i had internet fail, who posted what? [16:03]
veemirc no one posted anything [16:05]
Chaang-Noi ok [16:09]
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assbot [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P100N] 5 @ 0.22915118 = 1.1458 BTC [-] [16:22]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56 @ 0.00045955 = 0.0257 BTC [-] [16:47]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35808 @ 0.00045846 = 16.4165 BTC [-] [16:47]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2400 @ 0.00045767 = 1.0984 BTC [-] [16:47]
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mircea_popescu I just think that he's scared because of the investigation <<< what investigation ? [17:02]
thestringpuller ;;calc (10 - 9) / 9 [17:02]
gribble 0.111111111111 [17:02]
thestringpuller ;;ticker [17:02]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 10.49001, Best ask: 10.50000, Bid-ask spread: 0.00999, Last trade: 10.50000, 24 hour volume: 42463.24041426, 24 hour low: 10.32090, 24 hour high: 10.95000, 24 hour vwap: 10.66583 [17:03]
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veemirc mircea_popescu: well it has been written time and again that there is some police investigation on GLBSE [17:06]
mircea_popescu right. [17:07]
mircea_popescu so ? [17:07]
veemirc no one really knows what's going on since Nefario supposedly can't give any information about it [17:07]
mircea_popescu it's been written time and time again that there is an african ex general guy with millions or w/e [17:07]
veemirc so I was saying that he does all this stupid crap because he's scared of the police [17:08]
Chaang-Noi the SEC investigation is real [17:08]
Chaang-Noi and GLBSE was the org target [17:08]
mircea_popescu you know this how ? [17:08]
Chaang-Noi SEC [17:08]
Chaang-Noi they opened the case in april [17:08]
Chaang-Noi passed it up to the current guy a month or so ago once pirate failed and shit got big [17:08]
mircea_popescu again, you know this how ? [17:08]
Chaang-Noi a bird told me [17:09]
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mircea_popescu ya well. [17:09]
veemirc watch out we have Varis here :D [17:10]
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Chaang-Noi however it should be pretty damn clear to everyone that there is a real SEC investigation [17:13]
Chaang-Noi some of the details are clouded i will agree but to think there is not a real investigation is silly. [17:13]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14100 @ 0.00045594 = 6.4288 BTC [-] [17:13]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12700 @ 0.00045574 = 5.7879 BTC [-] [17:13]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18600 @ 0.00045563 = 8.4747 BTC [-] [17:13]
mircea_popescu last i heard the guy was trying to discern if there's enough material to START an investigation. [17:14]
mircea_popescu not clear how that went in the end. [17:15]
B0g4r7 The only convincing evidence I've seen is that email from the Mustakis guy saying that he was looking into BS&T. [17:15]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1236 @ 0.00045626 = 0.5639 BTC [+] [17:15]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16000 @ 0.00046203 = 7.3925 BTC [+] [17:15]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.00046406 = 4.0837 BTC [+] [17:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5300 @ 0.00046447 = 2.4617 BTC [+] [17:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20400 @ 0.00046813 = 9.5499 BTC [+] [17:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14200 @ 0.00046975 = 6.6705 BTC [+] [17:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4064 @ 0.00047019 = 1.9109 BTC [+] [17:16]
mircea_popescu yea, last month. [17:16]
B0g4r7 Or earlier. [17:16]
Chaang-Noi we have differnt ideas about what an investigation is [17:17]
Chaang-Noi the first interview they took was in april, or the first one i could track down [17:17]
Chaang-Noi they have not charged anyone yet [17:18]
Chaang-Noi they are still collecting data/evidance [17:18]
veemirc well I'm just hoping that there will be another assets website soon, because bitcoin world needs a good assets exchange system [17:18]
Chaang-Noi they might also pass it on to a differnt govt agancy if its not the SEc department [17:18]
mircea_popescu listen, these are terms of art. charging belongs in penal proceedings. an investigation is a civil matter. [17:18]
mircea_popescu nevertheless, it's formalised. some guy asking questions is not equal to an investigation. [17:18]
mircea_popescu veemirc you know glbse was pretty much irrelevant to that topic since about spring. [17:19]
mircea_popescu btc assets trade on mpex. [17:19]
veemirc well I heard that you have to pay high fees on MPEX [17:19]
mircea_popescu yes, you do. [17:19]
Chaang-Noi well they are collecting data and have been for some time. they ahve also used spphenas to collect testimony... [17:19]
veemirc so it's not a website that I would like to join... [17:19]
Chaang-Noi they are being agressive as well [17:19]
mircea_popescu then again, there's, individual brokers etc. [17:19]
B0g4r7 They trade among ppl who can deal with mpex. [17:19]
mircea_popescu well i thought we were discussing btc and assets, not you. [17:20]
mircea_popescu Chaang-Noi who got supoena'd ? [17:20]
veemirc that's not good enough, I want to be able to trade myself, like in GLBSE [17:20]
Chaang-Noi some one i know has claimed they were, and they know of one other [17:20]
Chaang-Noi im going to guess its related to the peter lambert thing [17:20]
mircea_popescu Chaang-Noi kinda weak chain but anyway. [17:20]
Chaang-Noi yeah [17:20]
Chaang-Noi i know [17:20]
mircea_popescu veemirc what do you mean "trade yourself" [17:21]
Chaang-Noi iv been asking a lot of people and collecting a lot of evidance about this. something is going on [17:21]
Chaang-Noi im not saying they will ever make a case but something is going on... [17:21]
mircea_popescu well to that degree it's a healthy thing, [17:22]
mircea_popescu i don't see why anyone (other than patent scammers, thieves and general scum) need to be much worried. [17:22]
Chaang-Noi the SEC is wondering if the PPTs were working with pirate and knew about the scam [17:23]
Chaang-Noi i kinda doubt any of them are but all the PPTs are targets, and so are the glbse owners like theymos who asked people on the forum to make PPTs on GLBSE a company he owened part of [17:23]
mircea_popescu validly so. [17:23]
Chaang-Noi theymos said in public he thought it was a scam but wanted to profit anyway [17:24]
veemirc mircea_popescu: i mean I want to login into a website and buy and sell my shares, not do it through a broker [17:24]
mircea_popescu veemirc so then give coinbr a look. [17:24]
mircea_popescu last i heard that's what it was. [17:24]
Chaang-Noi i dont know how hard the SEC will look into this but they are [17:24]
mircea_popescu Chaang-Noi people were warned back in spring the ppts are bs. [17:25]
mircea_popescu but meh, forum people always know better than everyone. [17:25]
Chaang-Noi well i did not know it was a scam (and still have no proof it was) but thought might as well let people do what they want, esp since theymos asked for it [17:25]
Chaang-Noi had no idea the sec might have thought it was a crime [17:26]
Chaang-Noi also about Ver, thats crazy he got 8 months in fed jail for that... 100,000 sold and shipped in the usa and he was the only one jailed [17:26]
mircea_popescu [17:26]
mircea_popescu this is pretty good [17:26]
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veemirc I dont want a broker, but thanks anyway [17:31]
mircea_popescu so strange. [17:33]
PsychoticBoy what a tragedy [17:34]
mircea_popescu what happened ? [17:35]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24063 @ 0.00045895 = 11.0437 BTC [-] [17:41]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19400 @ 0.00046022 = 8.9283 BTC [+] [18:07]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22200 @ 0.00046236 = 10.2644 BTC [+] [18:07]
mircea_popescu pubic hair stuck in mouse optic unit. [18:07]
mircea_popescu "how did that get there" [18:07]
mod6 haha [18:07]
mod6 double-clicking the mouse [18:08]
mircea_popescu a lol lol [18:08]
mircea_popescu musta picked it off the desk [18:08]
thestringpuller mircea_popescu sup mah nigga [18:08]
thestringpuller do options get cheaper as the expiration date approaches? [18:09]
mircea_popescu not much [18:09]
mircea_popescu yes [18:09]
thestringpuller i see. that is what futures sre for [18:10]
mircea_popescu that = ? [18:11]
thestringpuller oh sorry mumbling to self. i will elaborate when not driving [18:12]
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thestringpuller so bro [18:16]
mircea_popescu “Bout to do some looting when this hurricane finally hits….gonna get a new laptop and tv…this hurricane might be the best thing to happen.” [18:17]
mircea_popescu capitalism meets nigger. [18:17]
thestringpuller dats racist [18:17]
mircea_popescu why yes, yes it is. [18:17]
thestringpuller term is negro [18:17]
thestringpuller lol [18:17]
thestringpuller you cray [18:17]
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thestringpuller you reading tweets mircea_popescumk [18:18]
thestringpuller you reading tweets mircea_popescu* [18:18]
mircea_popescu nah, someone sent me the quote. [18:19]
thestringpuller what kind of futures will you have? [18:19]
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mircea_popescu how should i know ? [18:21]
mircea_popescu eventuyally all of them [18:21]
thestringpuller i wqnt future for november 26 [18:23]
thestringpuller want [18:23]
thestringpuller i kid i kid [18:23]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1200 @ 0.00046384 = 0.5566 BTC [+] [18:32]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8000 @ 0.00046287 = 3.703 BTC [-] [18:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19500 @ 0.00046104 = 8.9903 BTC [-] [18:58]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18545 @ 0.00046104 = 8.55 BTC [-] [19:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5749 @ 0.00045983 = 2.6436 BTC [-] [19:24]
thestringpuller ;;ticker [19:26]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 10.53001, Best ask: 10.57104, Bid-ask spread: 0.04103, Last trade: 10.53000, 24 hour volume: 43190.10348393, 24 hour low: 10.32090, 24 hour high: 10.95000, 24 hour vwap: 10.66457 [19:26]
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thestringpuller ;;ticker [19:27]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 10.53001, Best ask: 10.57104, Bid-ask spread: 0.04103, Last trade: 10.53000, 24 hour volume: 43189.69960579, 24 hour low: 10.32090, 24 hour high: 10.95000, 24 hour vwap: 10.66457 [19:27]
thestringpuller ;;ticker [19:27]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 10.53001, Best ask: 10.57104, Bid-ask spread: 0.04103, Last trade: 10.53000, 24 hour volume: 43189.69960579, 24 hour low: 10.32090, 24 hour high: 10.95000, 24 hour vwap: 10.66457 [19:27]
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mircea_popescu !ticker s.dice [19:46]
assbot [MPEX:S.DICE] 1day: 0.00339944 / 0.00339944 / 0.00339944 (10 shares, 0.03 BTC), 30day: 0.0001 / 0.00293552 / 0.0034 (1795889 shares, 5,271.88 BTC) [19:46]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13700 @ 0.00045983 = 6.2997 BTC [-] [19:50]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21231 @ 0.00046311 = 9.8323 BTC [+] [20:16]
mircea_popescu hey, i wanna troll reddit a little, anyone with me ? [20:21]
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smickles mircea_popescu: in what way? [20:31]
mircea_popescu in the way of go here and post something like [20:32]
mircea_popescu On one bright and pleasant morning His uncle thought it would be nice To take his dear little nephew Down to play upon a raft Where he was to work upon it, An this little child would company be - The raft the water[i] rushed around it, Yet he the danger did not see[k]. This little child knew no danger – Its little soul was free from sin – He was looking in the water, When, alas, this child fell in. [20:32]
mircea_popescu or w/e other julia moore quote you find adequate. [20:32]
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smickles how'd i do? [20:35]
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mircea_popescu lol [20:38]
mircea_popescu i wonder if we manage to get them in wtf mode [20:39]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14914 @ 0.00045983 = 6.8579 BTC [-] [20:42]
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smickles we'll see, i think /r/funny has a high turnover rate [20:45]
smickles so it could be hit-or-miss as to whether or not it even gets noticed really [20:45]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 500 @ 0.00046158 = 0.2308 BTC [+] [20:46]
mircea_popescu yeah [20:47]
mircea_popescu also too much of an insider joke i suspect [20:47]
mircea_popescu since memes nobody really understands cultural references anymore. at least not of the useless young crowd. [20:48]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: how old are you? [20:51]
mircea_popescu thirty something. [20:52]
copumpkin ah, 31 [20:52]
mircea_popescu nah, im from the 70s [20:52]
copumpkin oh, so 33 [20:53]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 500 @ 0.00046158 = 0.2308 BTC [+] [21:02]
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smickles I'm 12 [21:04]
mircea_popescu youngest dad in all midwest ? [21:05]
smickles no, it's common out here [21:05]
mod6 tucson does have some young parents. [21:05]
smickles oh yeah, i'm not in th midwest anymore [21:05]
mod6 i was sitting in the ER @ UMC this one day, and these kids had a baby who was like, coudln't have been more than 5 months old, maybe 8? [21:06]
mircea_popescu somewhat related [21:06]
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mod6 hardly had 3 teeth in its mouth -- had the flu, fever, all the junk -- these "parents" were feeding the kid french fries from McD's [21:06]
smickles woah, that's an awesome pic mircea_popescu [21:07]
mod6 all the while the kid screamed. [21:07]
mircea_popescu i think i might have finally gotten to the bottom of the child porn aggitations [21:07]
smickles mod6: :o that's aweful [21:07]
mircea_popescu mod6 that's a sad story [21:07]
smickles er, awful [21:07]
mod6 hah, just some wild stuff i'd seen while there. it was like, "o the kid is sick?! flu, fever, shits? GET HIM A HAPPY MEAL!" [21:08]
smickles i do like the feel of mcd's when i'm hungover [21:09]
smickles it's gotta be the same for a kid with the flu and the shits [21:09]
mod6 haha [21:09]
mod6 i love tucson though [21:09]
mod6 i hate to talk any shit [21:09]
mod6 but anyway, some of the "parents" there are just children themselvs. [21:10]
smickles well, i don't mind shittalking parents who are likely shortening their kids life like that [21:10]
mod6 i just see stuff like that and think "ugh, that kid will be a diabetes amputee in like 18 years." [21:11]
* mod6 drinks more mtdew [21:11]
smickles lol [21:11]
mod6 ;D [21:11]
* smickles eats more carbs [21:12]
mod6 haha. oh well. its a brave new world out there. [21:12]
smickles we just gotta last until the singularity [21:12]
mod6 gotta find youself a hide out spot on Mt. Lemmon or in the Chiricahua's like Geronimo [21:14]
mod6 have you gone to Nogales yet? [21:15]
smickles nope, we actually just finished unpacking [21:15]
mod6 ahh, werd. :) [21:15]
smickles this place is smaller than the place we were at before [21:15]
smickles so it was challenging [21:15]
smickles I did find a decent dive bar [21:15]
smickles "the bay horse" [21:16]
mod6 i know it :D [21:16]
smickles cash only, 2 usd gets you a mini-pitcher of pbr [21:16]
mircea_popescu smickles dood you've unpacked for two weeks [21:17]
smickles pretty much [21:17]
mircea_popescu what was it, 7200 FN-FAGs ? [21:17]
mod6 I used to hang @ the tap-room quite a bit [21:17]
smickles we went from a 1600 ft² place to a 100 ft² place [21:17]
mod6 The Hotel Congress [21:17]
mircea_popescu 100 sq ft ?! [21:17]
smickles 1000* [21:17]
smickles lol [21:17]
mircea_popescu MY MATRESS IS 100 SQ FT [21:18]
mod6 HAH [21:18]
mod6 sounds like my place on Grant & Alvernon [21:18]
smickles i'm near glenn and campbel [21:19]
smickles er [21:19]
smickles grant [21:19]
smickles not glenn [21:19]
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smickles glenn is the next street up, i think [21:19]
mod6 ahh sure. [21:19]
smickles so the sun goes down and a million university girls start running around [21:20]
mod6 i don't live there anymore, but I'm STILL the mayor. [21:20]
thestringpuller mr. smickles do you never sleep? [21:20]
thestringpuller i wss so tired this morning [21:20]
mod6 I <3 UofA girls [21:20]
smickles i sleep about 6 hours a day, maybe [21:20]
thestringpuller monopoly tonight? [21:20]
thestringpuller :) [21:20]
smickles sure :) [21:20]
thestringpuller use betta client [21:20]
thestringpuller :P mr. lag [21:21]
smickles hopefully this other client is better [21:21]
mircea_popescu 2 up votes 2 down votes [21:21]
mircea_popescu seems like no. [21:21]
smickles mircea_popescu: the down are probably fake [21:21]
mod6 If you wanna try a good pizza, try Zachery's Pizza @ the UofA -- total hole in the wall, but good pizza & beer. [21:21]
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mircea_popescu fake ? [21:21]
smickles reddeit has a system to hide votes so people don't game it somehow [21:21]
mod6,-110.955477&spn=0.040511,0.084543&sll=32.256017,-110.918784&sspn=0.010126,0.021136&t=h&gl=us&hq=zacherys+pizza&hnear=Tucson,+Pima,+Arizona&z=14&iwloc=A [21:21]
mircea_popescu huh ?! [21:21]
mod6 bah, long url sorry. [21:22]
smickles mod6: bookmarked :) [21:23]
smickles mircea_popescu: it pops in fake votes that don't count so that people don't just vote on what is popular, or something like that [21:24]
mircea_popescu o ?! [21:24]
smickles if you really want to know, it's open source, go look at the code [21:24]
mod6 lol shit, it says "This place has closed or moved." [21:24]
smickles [21:24]
smickles mod6: if it's still in business, i'll find it [21:25]
thestringpuller what are we redditting? [21:25]
mod6 smickles: im gonna call 'em, and find out. [21:25]
smickles mircea_popescu: might be it [21:25]
mod6 WOW phone number is disconned lol [21:26]
mod6 well, so much for that [21:26]
smickles too bad [21:26]
mircea_popescu thestringpuller go to [21:26]
mircea_popescu paste some julia moore quote you find appropiate [21:27]
mircea_popescu mod6 so since you left all the girls are gone and the places are all closed up ? [21:27]
mircea_popescu you sound a lot like me... [21:27]
thestringpuller mircea_popescu: likes em young [21:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20700 @ 0.00046158 = 9.5547 BTC [+] [21:28]
mircea_popescu i like 'em wet. [21:28]
mod6 haha [21:28]
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mod6 i left in the summer of 09 -- Had enough working nights at walmart. [21:28]
mircea_popescu in the summer of 69... [21:29]
mircea_popescu ;;google summer of 69 [21:29]
mod6 haha [21:29]
gribble Bryan Adams - Summer of 69 - YouTube: ; Summer of '69 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Bryan Adams - Summer Of '69 Lyrics: [21:29]
mod6 fucking bryan adams [21:29]
mod6 lol [21:29]
mircea_popescu great song too [21:29]
mod6 but yeah, I worked at that IBM down there in Rita Ranch [21:29]
mod6 then the crash came... [21:29]
* tucenaber has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [21:30]
mod6 then everyone lost their jobs... so mod6 took a night cashier job on the east side [21:30]
mircea_popescu Jimmy quit, Jody got married [21:30]
mircea_popescu Shoulda known, we'd never get far [21:30]
mircea_popescu Oh when I look back now [21:30]
mircea_popescu That summer seemed to last forever [21:30]
mircea_popescu And if I had the choice [21:30]
mircea_popescu Yeah, I'd always want to be there [21:30]
mircea_popescu Those were the best days of my life [21:30]
mod6 anyway, after 9 months of that bullshit, i decided to leave tucson for a better job :( [21:32]
thestringpuller ;;google dirt off your shoulder [21:32]
gribble JAY-Z - Dirt Off Your Shoulder - YouTube: ; JAY Z Dirt Off Your Shoulder - YouTube: ; Dirt off Your Shoulder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: [21:32]
mod6 it was a horrible time to be looking for a job then. [21:33]
mircea_popescu mod6 it still is innit ? [21:33]
mod6 well... it depends on the location really. [21:34]
mod6 there are TONS of jobs for exp. programmers out there now [21:34]
mod6 but at the time of the crash, if anyone had a job, and made it past the budget cuts, they weren't moving out of them so it was a really hard thing to find new positions at the time. [21:35]
mod6 but i moved back to minneapolis and found a good software gig in 2 months. [21:35]
thestringpuller sell drugs mang [21:35]
thestringpuller hustle yo shit [21:36]
mod6 tucson doesn't have much in IT except IBM or Raytheon (which requires Top Secret Clearence) [21:36]
mod6 there is TI too, but its a small outfit there. [21:36]
mod6 thestringpuller: haha, werd. [21:36]
thestringpuller mod6 can you rap? [21:36]
mod6 f no [21:36]
mod6 im 32 [21:36]
mod6 and white [21:36]
mod6 i have no business trying to rap. [21:36]
mircea_popescu 32 yo white programmers are the best rappers i hear [21:37]
thestringpuller eminem is 40 [21:37]
mircea_popescu those who don't get sidetracked into bball careers [21:37]
mod6 but i like rap very much, dre/eazy-e/snoop/jeezy [21:37]
mircea_popescu i only like female rappers. [21:37]
mod6 but im mostly into punk music i think. [21:37]
thestringpuller i will slap you mp if you like nikki minaj [21:37]
mod6 wat about MIA?! [21:38]
mircea_popescu i mostly like the ones that also strip. [21:38]
thestringpuller shes kinda a rapper [21:38]
* UncleScrooge (~UncleScro@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:38]
mircea_popescu hey, a strapper. that's a kickass idea. [21:39]
mircea_popescu why don't they have this already ? [21:39]
thestringpuller cause rap objectifies women enough? [21:40]
mod6 M. O. B. [21:40]
mod6 ^^^^^^^^ [21:40]
mircea_popescu busty girl beatboxes while taking off her clothes and then proceeds to peg haples whiteboys in the audience with her monstruous pink strap-on [21:40]
thestringpuller sounds like a korean film [21:40]
thestringpuller :P [21:40]
mircea_popescu I SAID BUSTY [21:40]
mod6 haha [21:40]
mircea_popescu :D [21:41]
thestringpuller ive seen busty koreans before [21:41]
thestringpuller they are rare [21:41]
thestringpuller :P [21:41]
mircea_popescu he said rare [21:41]
thestringpuller ;;ticker [21:41]
gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 10.56616, Best ask: 10.63899, Bid-ask spread: 0.07283, Last trade: 10.64900, 24 hour volume: 45833.02822306, 24 hour low: 10.32090, 24 hour high: 10.95000, 24 hour vwap: 10.66578 [21:41]
thestringpuller berry punny [21:42]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29377 @ 0.00046311 = 13.6048 BTC [+] [21:53]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2300 @ 0.00046384 = 1.0668 BTC [+] [21:53]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11023 @ 0.00046641 = 5.1412 BTC [+] [21:53]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5939 @ 0.00046641 = 2.77 BTC [+] [22:18]
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jurov lol, ECB fears that bitcoin incidents can have negative impact to its reputation [22:31]
jurov [22:31]
* mircea_popescu skips to conclusion [22:32]
mircea_popescu "Although in practical terms virtual currency schemes are only an evolution, from a conceptual [22:32]
mircea_popescu point of view they do present substantial changes when compared to real currencies and payment [22:32]
mircea_popescu systems. [22:32]
mircea_popescu " [22:32]
mircea_popescu who the fuck wrote that ;/ [22:32]
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mircea_popescu "do indeed fall within central banks’ responsibility as a result of characteristics shared with [22:33]
mircea_popescu payment systems, which give rise to the need for at least an examination of developments and the provision of an initial assessment." [22:33]
mircea_popescu like hell. [22:34]
* OneMiner (~IceChat77@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:34]
mircea_popescu the ecb needs a license from me to pursue any activity in the btc space. [22:34]
mircea_popescu i hope that's adequately clear to them. [22:34]
jurov did you already issue some licenses? to whom? [22:38]
mircea_popescu lol [22:38]
mircea_popescu no, it would be my first time. [22:38]
jurov you should have told nefario... if he wants to be regulated, you can do it [22:39]
jurov tell mpoe-pr to write to btctalk: "Mircea Popescu now offers proper regulationary oversight to btc activities" [22:43]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26800 @ 0.00046641 = 12.4998 BTC [+] [22:44]
mircea_popescu regulationary lol [22:45]
mircea_popescu in romanian "to regulate" would kinda mean to fuck. [22:45]
jurov lol [22:45]
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mircea_popescu in truth tho, central banks are pretty much fucked. [22:59]
mircea_popescu as bitcoin develops and the uselessness of their scrip will become more and more apparent [23:00]
mircea_popescu the uninformed public will for sure frame it as "central banks aren't doing enough!!11" [23:00]
mircea_popescu as if there actually is something to do. [23:00]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27500 @ 0.00046602 = 12.8156 BTC [-] [23:10]
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knotwork micrea there is something to do: mine coins! central banks aren't mining enough! [23:29]
knotwork s/micrea/mircea/ [23:29]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22600 @ 0.00046602 = 10.5321 BTC [-] [23:35]
mircea_popescu as long as the block keep coming 6 an hour i think there's enough mining [23:37]
thestringpuller nope not enough [23:37]
thestringpuller never enough! [23:38]
thestringpuller print more coins [23:38]
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mircea_popescu "I'm a girl looking for a loan" [23:40]
mircea_popescu her name is underminer. [23:40]
Lyspooner what are her terms [23:41]
drekk tits or nobody cares [23:41]
Lyspooner srsly [23:41]
mircea_popescu lol hi Lyspooner [23:41]
Lyspooner hi, i just finished the ecb report on virtual currencies [23:43]
Lyspooner there are some continuity issues with Linden Dollars thrown in [23:43]
mircea_popescu actually... the only PERSON i ever lended money to [23:43]
mircea_popescu got a gender surgery thingee BECAME a chick. [23:44]
Lyspooner oh i see. does gender surgery allow one to pay dividends in bitcoins? [23:44]
drekk mircea_popescu, to pay you back in tits. q.e.d. [23:44]
mircea_popescu nah, i got stiffed. [23:45]
drekk (i'll continue stfu now) [23:45]
mircea_popescu hahaha totally pegged him [23:46]
mircea_popescu teh suck ;/ [23:49]
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Lyspooner what is that chart [23:50]
mircea_popescu satoshidice profits. [23:52]
kuzetsa --- 16,000-square-mile (41,000 km2) urban area that is 26 times larger geographically than Greater London, or about the same size as the Netherlands, with a population of over 56 million (not including Hong Kong or Macau)... [23:53]
kuzetsa ...compared to the combined statistical area for NYC which is only 22 million people. I spend most of my life living in or on the edge of louisville's combined statistical area, which is only aprox 1.45 million people (seems that buffalo is only 1.2 million) [23:53]
kuzetsa full-blown natural disaster in guangzhou china would make this east coast storm look rather trivial. [23:53]
kuzetsa oh, sorry. wrong window. [23:53]
mircea_popescu ahahaha [23:53]
thestringpuller touch da sky! [23:53]
* kuzetsa waves [23:53]
mircea_popescu they don't have a bunch of jewish princesses lined up in guangzhou [23:54]
mircea_popescu hence all the bitching and moaning about east coast. [23:54]
kuzetsa yeah uh... I live a couple hours south of buffalo with various "upstate rednecks" as neigbours. whee! [23:55]
kuzetsa mircea_popescu: I don't understand. israel isn't structured in such a way as to have a royal family / nobles / prince and princess I didn't think. [23:56]
mircea_popescu ;;google jewish princess [23:57]
kuzetsa "jewish princess" ? [23:57]
gribble Jewish-American princess stereotype - Wikipedia, the free ...: ; Jewish Princess Lyrics - Frank Zappa: ; Frank Zappa - Jewish Princess - YouTube: [23:57]
Lyspooner kuzesta i believe he said that there are no jewish princesses lined up in guangzhou. such a statement should appear true to you [23:57]
kuzetsa huh [23:59]
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