Forum logs for 29 Mar 2015

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
asciilifeform trinque: sorta like grub. [00:00]
mircea_popescu wait, ada to compile a c environment ?! [00:00]
asciilifeform neh [00:00]
asciilifeform for the final solution. [00:00]
mircea_popescu yeah well, at the chestnut cafe, that. [00:00]
asciilifeform aha. [00:00]
mircea_popescu trinque grub doesn't actually prep anything, just runs it [00:01]
asciilifeform grub does init surprisingly much [00:01]
asciilifeform (iirc it can even set up x64 mode if asked) [00:01]
trinque mircea_popescu: this is likely out of my league [00:01]
asciilifeform but grub is x86-centric [00:01]
mircea_popescu vacuum : [00:02]
assbot ... ( ) [00:02]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform i've never done that much with it. [00:02]
trinque when it comes to how it might poke storage, no idea [00:02]
trinque is there some way to bolt a program directly to a kernel? [00:02]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: 'menstrual extraction' ? [00:03]
trinque seems like you end up with what asciilifeform already has [00:03]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform i thinbk just plain weird. [00:03]
mircea_popescu trinque you could make it a kernel module [00:03]
* asciilifeform also considered this [00:04]
* asciilifeform did not like the lack of process separation inherent in it [00:04]
asciilifeform wedged bitcoind - wedged machine [00:04]
* asciilifeform has been thinking about this for a long time. [00:04]
mircea_popescu yeah it's not optimal, but he wanted to bolt it. [00:05]
trinque I'd have to do some reading before I'm sure what I'd want [00:05]
mircea_popescu nevertheless... eventually the only thing bitcoind can be is an os. [00:05]
asciilifeform aha. [00:05]
asciilifeform i'd go further [00:05]
asciilifeform ... a device. [00:05]
mircea_popescu i dunno i'd go for that [00:06]
mircea_popescu you may have to change it in a warzone. [00:06]
asciilifeform easy to swap device, no ? [00:06]
mircea_popescu no. because you don't have a fab. [00:07]
mircea_popescu making the code carved in stone is imo a bad move. [00:07]
asciilifeform i didn't say 'custom ic' [00:07]
asciilifeform i said 'device' [00:07]
trinque what's the derpiest unix like kernel this thing would build on? [00:07]
mircea_popescu then it's an os. [00:08]
asciilifeform as in, a box that isn't used for anything else. [00:08]
mircea_popescu oh. well that's what it being an os means he ? [00:08]
asciilifeform and custom si doesn't imply 'set in stone' necessarily [00:08]
asciilifeform could very easily be a bitcoind-optimized cpu arch. [00:08]
asciilifeform (with support for bounds checking and other adaisms) [00:08]
mircea_popescu that, sure. [00:08]
asciilifeform but this is for after the war. [00:08]
mircea_popescu once you got the os, optimize hw for it. [00:08]
mircea_popescu no, actually, this will be right in the middle of the war. [00:09]
asciilifeform if i make it to the middle - i do it. otherwise, trying to leave enough of a record here for the next fella. [00:09]
mircea_popescu in other news, lol! [00:09]
assbot ... ( ) [00:09]
asciilifeform wat [00:10]
asciilifeform # uname -a [00:10]
asciilifeform Linux therealbitcoin #2 PREEMPT Sat Mar 28 22:09:20 EDT 2015 armv5tel GNU/Linux [00:10]
asciilifeform ^ is what you get if built correctly. [00:10]
asciilifeform with your date/time [00:11]
trinque asciilifeform: chewing through a gcc build atm, looks good so far [00:11]
decimation asciilifeform: sigh "../gnu/at-func.c: In function 'setxattrat': xattr-at.c:36:20: error: too few arguments to function 'setxattr' #define AT_FUNC_F1 setxattr" < I'm looking into it [00:11]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 200518 @ 0.00026711 = 53.5604 BTC [-] {3} [00:11]
asciilifeform decimation: what machine / gcc ? [00:11]
nubbins` <+asciilifeform> achtung, panzers! << woo! [00:11]
asciilifeform decimation: because this is a buildrootism and has nothing to do with me [00:12]
nubbins` <+cazalla> while i await danielpbarron's response, anyone want to suggest why the pogo flashes green after following his guide after a reboot? <<< i fucked up setting some of the fw_setenv parameters. you'll prolly need to serial into it, next time use fw_printenv to double check all your boot cmds before you commit [00:12]
asciilifeform you can printenv from uboot console [00:13]
nubbins` ^ [00:13]
asciilifeform if you have serial port (or the netconsole thing set up) [00:13]
asciilifeform likewise setenv [00:13]
asciilifeform -and- [00:13]
asciilifeform saveenv [00:13]
decimation asciilifeform: it's gcc-4.6 on redhat [00:13]
nubbins` cazalla it was something like fw_setenv "boot_xyz='abc'" vs fw_setenv boot_xyz="abc" [00:13]
asciilifeform (yes, flashes changes from in itself) [00:13]
decimation shit no nevermind I was in the wrong terminal and accidently built on osx :) [00:14]
nubbins` saveenv wat? haha, i booted into debian to fw_setenv ;/ [00:14]
asciilifeform anyway, the two most urgent items on the agenda for this thing are: [00:15]
asciilifeform 1) freezing the sourceballs in time [00:15]
asciilifeform (virginal buildroot loads them -from the net- and afaik does not check signatures) [00:15]
asciilifeform 2) study the package system. the dependencies of bitcoind would ideally be added as packages [00:15]
mircea_popescu well you can have it load form your local machine. [00:16]
asciilifeform (source packages. there are no other kinds in this) [00:16]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: buildroot builds and uses own toolchain, in a kind of jail. so it is very convenient to have the whole thing build inside it [00:16]
asciilifeform and ultimately stronger, because nothing snarfed in from the os [00:16]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform i mean, you can trivially make -from the net- = localhost [00:16]
asciilifeform aha that yes. [00:17]
asciilifeform is what i was speaking of. [00:17]
mircea_popescu or w/e convenient trusted host [00:17]
mircea_popescu if you wish to save the set you used and sign it, i'll host the lot [00:17]
asciilifeform the dl directory [00:17]
asciilifeform if it has a package, it won't load again [00:17]
mircea_popescu actually i suppose the correct thing would be to move the whole shebang on maillist [00:17]
mircea_popescu "packages so and so downloaded so and so " [00:18]
asciilifeform [00:18]
asciilifeform ^ mine [00:18]
assbot ... ( ) [00:18]
mircea_popescu sign and deed it. [00:18]
mircea_popescu including full paths would be good too [00:19]
* mike_c has quit () [00:19]
asciilifeform deedbot-: [00:22]
assbot ... ( ) [00:22]
asciilifeform ... ? [00:23]
mircea_popescu i think colon got taken out [00:23]
mircea_popescu !up deedbot- [00:23]
-assbot- You voiced deedbot- for 30 minutes. [00:23]
* assbot gives voice to deedbot- [00:23]
asciilifeform deedbot- [00:23]
deedbot- rejected: 1 [00:23]
assbot ... ( ) [00:23]
asciilifeform wat [00:23]
mircea_popescu lawl [00:23]
mircea_popescu trinque ^ ? [00:24]
mircea_popescu gpg: Good signature from "Stanislav Datskovskiy [00:24]
asciilifeform [00:24]
assbot ... ( ) [00:24]
asciilifeform ^ thrown to mailinglist [00:24]
mod6 is your key imported into the bot? [00:30]
asciilifeform wai wat [00:31]
asciilifeform i was supposed to -do- something ? [00:31]
asciilifeform beyond being in l1 ? [00:31]
mircea_popescu ah yes. [00:32]
mircea_popescu gotta import your key. [00:32]
asciilifeform syntax? [00:32]
mircea_popescu just link it to the bot [00:32]
mod6 iirc i had to put my pubkey in a dpaste and then do something like `deedbot-: import ` [00:33]
asciilifeform deedbot- [00:33]
deedbot- Bad URL or network outage. [00:33]
assbot ... ( ) [00:33]
asciilifeform wat. [00:33]
mircea_popescu hm [00:33]
asciilifeform deedbot- [00:34]
assbot ... ( ) [00:34]
deedbot- imported: 17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7 [00:34]
asciilifeform deedbot- [00:34]
deedbot- accepted: 1 [00:34]
assbot ... ( ) [00:34]
asciilifeform there we go. [00:34]
asciilifeform it wants .txt [00:34]
mircea_popescu oh for crying out loud. yo trinque didntcha say you got rid of the url limiting thing ? [00:34]
mircea_popescu o is that what it is ? [00:34]
asciilifeform apparently. [00:34]
mircea_popescu aha k [00:34]
trinque lol [00:34]
d9b4bef9 danielpbarron davout decimation deedbot- diametric dignork donpillou dooglus dub [00:35]
mircea_popescu someone should write this likbez at some point. yo danielpbarron ! [00:35]
mircea_popescu did you get wiki editing rights ? [00:35]
asciilifeform Mem: 7748K used, 115328K free, 44K shrd, 0K buff, 2768K cached [00:35]
asciilifeform ^ some of the 7.7M is the kernel, but most is the ramdisk, which won't exist in the battlefield version [00:35]
asciilifeform thus we get almost the entire 128M to play with [00:35]
asciilifeform and using small machines becomes thinkable. [00:36]
mircea_popescu aha [00:36]
asciilifeform incidentally no reason not to do a rom-able x86 build at some point [00:36]
asciilifeform (great for eating as part of a balanced diet with linuxbios) [00:36]
asciilifeform (small machine, example, ) [00:37]
assbot Hootoo HT-TM02 Tripmate Nano [00:37]
asciilifeform (and see log.) [00:37]
mircea_popescu !s see log [00:37]
assbot 58 results for 'see log' : [00:37]
mircea_popescu notbad. [00:37]
asciilifeform this is almost linux as it was when it was a joy [00:37]
asciilifeform instead of chore [00:37]
trinque asciilifeform: [00:38]
assbot ... ( ) [00:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 100 @ 0.0200566 = 2.0057 BTC [-] {6} [00:39]
trinque and I'm in via telnet [00:39]
asciilifeform (how come almost 8M? u-boot takes gzipped kernels, of course.) [00:39]
trinque because I'm a lazy fuck and copied the thing over that filename instead of updating uboot [00:39]
asciilifeform trinque: 'turdel' ? or you built with recipe [00:39]
trinque built with buildroot, ignore the filename [00:40]
asciilifeform congrats trinque ! [00:40]
trinque I just copied it over what was already in the tftp dir [00:40]
trinque congrats to you! [00:40]
trinque I merely baked from the recipe [00:40]
asciilifeform now who'll be next. [00:40]
asciilifeform trinque: and now that you baked, read the patch. it will begin to make sense. [00:40]
asciilifeform just thinking, [00:42]
asciilifeform there was a time when folks would have -killed- for 128M. [00:42]
asciilifeform i remember saving to buy an 8M stick. [00:42]
asciilifeform for a year. [00:42]
asciilifeform and modern 'brogrammer' wipes his arse with it [00:43]
decimation asciilifeform: ok a legit build error "./scripts/Makefile.headersinst:55: *** Missing UAPI file ./include/uapi/linux/netfilter/xt_CONNMARK.h. Stop." [00:44]
asciilifeform nope. [00:44]
decimation seems like I am missing a kernel header [00:44]
asciilifeform or rather, [00:44]
asciilifeform what was building ? [00:44]
asciilifeform ('nope' as in, i did not patch anything remotely close to there) [00:44]
decimation ah, the linux 3.18.1 headers [00:44]
decimation yeah I'm not saying it was your fault [00:45]
decimation I'm running 2.6.32 [00:45]
asciilifeform decimation: hash your manifest [00:45]
asciilifeform see earlier thread [00:45]
asciilifeform make sure it pulled down the same tarballs [00:45]
decimation k [00:45]
trinque asciilifeform: patch makes sense, and lol @ skull and crossbones around the telnet in inittab [00:47]
asciilifeform trinque: i like to mark code that folks can use to kill themselves, with it [00:48]
asciilifeform wherever i go [00:48]
trinque good practice [00:48]
* trinque wanders to hack night with pogoplug in tow [00:48]
asciilifeform having meatspace friends who program must be fun [00:49]
mircea_popescu he lives in a civilised part of teh country. [00:49]
decimation asciilifeform: is your manifest missing 'tar'? [00:49]
decimation otherwise everything appears to be there [00:49]
asciilifeform decimation: i think local tar ends up untarring things [00:50]
asciilifeform how else [00:50]
asciilifeform i mean, if you lacked tar, [00:50]
asciilifeform how would any of it untar [00:50]
asciilifeform --- [00:51]
asciilifeform and already found one small mistake [00:52]
asciilifeform dhcpd is built. we never use it [00:52]
asciilifeform (what we actually use is busybox's udhcpd) [00:52]
asciilifeform can be cut from the buildroot conf. [00:52]
asciilifeform --- [00:52]
asciilifeform i think i also forgot to build any mtd utils [00:53]
decimation I mean tar isn't on the manifest [00:53]
* assbot removes voice from deedbot- [00:53]
asciilifeform so can't hack uboot from inside this. yet. [00:53]
asciilifeform decimation: of course not. it never gets downloaded [00:53]
asciilifeform or, hm, does it [00:53]
decimation it's in /dl [00:53]
asciilifeform nope. [00:53]
asciilifeform i think we end up using busybox tar [00:54]
asciilifeform for the armv5 os, that is [00:54]
asciilifeform for the build, it uses local machine's tar. [00:54]
asciilifeform busybox, to those new to it, is a unix util userland in more or less 1 executable. [00:54]
asciilifeform (symlinked to the usual names) [00:54]
asciilifeform it is often found on routers, sex toys, miscellaneous embedded machinery [00:55]
decimation okay I think my build error is something to do with the shitty vm cross-mount filesystem and case sensitivity [00:55]
asciilifeform oh and another missing ingredient [00:55]
asciilifeform exercise for my readers! [00:55]
asciilifeform add an unprivileged user. [00:55]
asciilifeform you can do this with the file system overlay (see patch and readme) or using buildroot's spiffy user generator (can't help here, never tried) [00:56]
asciilifeform bitcoind probably ought to run as other than root. [00:56]
asciilifeform (see process separation discussion from earlier thread.) [00:56]
decimation 35deaa1d5bf822b74ea13928cb9621b03eafcdd5450c176928b4df72bf27ce64c0ed6c87ff46e3c2958313ffe99ff219c6458d8b82311f04fc5e85a01e3054bb dl/tar-1.28.cpio.gz [00:58]
asciilifeform decimation: interesting. no such thing on mine. [00:59]
asciilifeform decimation: are you sure you are building with the patch ? [01:00]
decimation yeah [01:00]
decimation I'll recreate [01:00]
asciilifeform odd then. [01:00]
asciilifeform someone will have to discover why. [01:01]
decimation ah I might have skipped the make pogoplug_defconfig setup [01:02]
asciilifeform aahahahaha. [01:02]
decimation ok I'm not building on crazy vm fs [01:02]
decimation apparently Arduino is self-destructing in a trademark lawsuit drama [01:05]
asciilifeform i can't help but think of 'aradruin' when i see it [01:06]
asciilifeform always. [01:06]
asciilifeform well, orodruin [01:06]
asciilifeform in the original. [01:06]
[]bot Bet placed: 5 BTC for No on "BTC to top $500 before 1st May" Odds: 12(Y):88(N) by coin, 14(Y):86(N) by weight. Total bet: 148.6676222 BTC. Current weight: 30,959. [01:07]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63678 @ 0.00026891 = 17.1237 BTC [+] [01:07]
decimation hehe yeah it's kind of a dumb name [01:08]
decimation [01:08]
assbot Arduino v Arduino: Part II | Hackaday ... ( ) [01:08]
decimation "In short, there are two companies calling themselves “Arduino” at the moment. One, Arduino LLC was founded by [Massimo Banzi], [David Cuartielles], [David Mellis], [Tom Igoe] and [Gianluca Martino] in 2009, runs the website, and has been directing and releasing the code that makes it all work. Most of these folks had been working together on what would become the Arduino project since as early as 2005." [01:08]
asciilifeform almost as good as apple v apple [01:08]
decimation "The other “Arduino” used to be called Smart Projects and was the manufacturing arm of the project founded and run by [Gianluca Martino]. Smart Projects changed their name to Arduino SRL in November 2014. (A “Società a responsabilità limitata” is one form of Italian limited-liability company.) They have been a major producer of Arduino boards from the very beginning and recently registered the domain" [01:08]
decimation basically a group of 5 italians disagree about who should profit on the whole affair [01:09]
decimation the lesson perhaps being: don't use a microcontroller you can't find the vhdl for [01:09]
decimation,cpu6502_true_cycle < lol can build "Apple ][+ SoC" [01:13]
assbot cpu6502_tc - R6502 Processor Soft Core with accurate timing :: Overview :: OpenCores ... ( ) [01:13]
[]bot Bet placed: 3 BTC for No on "Light Sweet Crude Oil (WTI) to drop under $35 before June " Odds: 14(Y):86(N) by coin, 15(Y):85(N) by weight. Total bet: 9.8656096 BTC. Current weight: 80,118. [01:14]
decimation asciilifeform: okay it it successfully built on my gcc-4.6 rhel6 box [01:21]
decimation I can't test it, but there were no bad-looking warnings [01:21]
decimation with that I must retire [01:21]
decimation !down decimation [01:21]
* assbot has kicked decimation from #bitcoin-assets (Bye.) [01:21]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12600 @ 0.00026758 = 3.3715 BTC [-] {3} [01:35]
* paxtoncamaro91 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [02:00]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 101004 @ 0.00026648 = 26.9155 BTC [-] [02:03]
* jordandotdev (uid7502@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:03]
* ColdHardMetal (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/coldhardmetal) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:06]
mircea_popescu << i was just reading that [02:12]
assbot Logged on 29-03-2015 04:01:26; decimation: apparently Arduino is self-destructing in a trademark lawsuit drama [02:12]
mircea_popescu so here's an idle thought : one could import apple into the pogo, create an autovote application for 20 dollars a device [02:14]
mircea_popescu drive the chinese farms out of the business of creating fake "users" and "reviews" and whatnot for the sv bezzleworld. [02:14]
ben_vulpes aha [02:24]
ben_vulpes variable width text in irc! [02:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68900 @ 0.0002617 = 18.0311 BTC [-] {2} [02:33]
Chillum monospaced for the win! [02:35]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43840 @ 0.00026124 = 11.4528 BTC [-] {2} [02:40]
* ColdHardMetal (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/coldhardmetal) has left #bitcoin-assets [02:41]
ben_vulpes for coding, sure [02:56]
ben_vulpes not for rapid reading. [02:56]
ben_vulpes muh wordshapes [02:56]
* FabianB ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:56]
* FabianB is now known as Guest19966 [02:57]
ben_vulpes Chillum: it bears mentioning that i use the same rendering stack for irc as i do for programming [02:59]
* Guest55540 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [02:59]
mircea_popescu i use monospace [03:01]
Chillum monospace for irc and programming [03:03]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [03:08]
ben_vulpes i'm experimenting. [03:09]
ben_vulpes stay away from me with your old-man-pinions [03:09]
mircea_popescu lolk [03:09]
ben_vulpes if they're good i'll get there on my own [03:09]
* ben_vulpes goes off to piss on fences [03:09]
ben_vulpes "is this one electrified?" [03:10]
nubbins` i use papyrus for programming and verdana for irc [03:10]
nubbins` LEL JK [03:10]
mircea_popescu you probably use comic with and comic sans [03:10]
nubbins` comic avec [03:10]
nubbins` get with the program [03:10]
ben_vulpes comic noir? [03:10]
nubbins` comic neue [03:11]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 114881 @ 0.00026263 = 30.1712 BTC [+] {2} [03:11]
nubbins` actually too hammed to type, congrats alf, your likeness will be cast in bronze some day [03:11]
mircea_popescu comic nude and comic black [03:12]
mircea_popescu like stockings. [03:12]
mircea_popescu "you can make even bullet out of frozen shit - but for alf likeliness must use bronze!" [03:13]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25487 @ 0.00026263 = 6.6937 BTC [+] [03:16]
* smidge ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:20]
Chillum wing dings' [03:27]
Naphex fluffypony: people can be total retards especially on reddit. And wasn't hacked! It was closed down by its bussiness owner like a retard. [03:33]
Naphex hi o/ [03:34]
* nubbins` has quit (Quit: Quit) [03:35]
ben_vulpes hi Naphex [03:43]
[]bot Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "BTC price at or over $777 before Sept 21st 2015" Odds: 23(Y):77(N) by coin, 30(Y):70(N) by weight. Total bet: 2.74861989 BTC. Current weight: 58,858. [04:06]
fluffypony Naphex: they're retarded [04:10]
* hktud0 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:10]
mircea_popescu yo Naphex [04:24]
mircea_popescu how's the meat trade ? [04:24]
Naphex mircea_popescu going good. going into pre-registers while using the amount of time left to polish :D [04:25]
mircea_popescu i was gonna send that indian chick your way but then you weren't online [04:25]
Naphex no worries. had to switch servers and DC's [04:25]
mircea_popescu oh ? [04:26]
Naphex i tried out some BTC provider and they had a stupid rule of cutting the upstream when you get more then 65k packets/s [04:27]
Naphex lol [04:27]
Naphex so i just stopped the contract and moved to a normal DC [04:27]
mircea_popescu prolly some reseller. [04:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22650 @ 0.00026217 = 5.9382 BTC [-] [04:27]
mircea_popescu you really wanna colocate for stuff like that [04:27]
Naphex yeah fixed. was a failed attempt to try to get a staging env faster [04:28]
mircea_popescu no rush anyway. cunt's not going anywhere. [04:28]
Naphex mircea_popescu: [04:28]
assbot XOtika.TV: Bitcoin adult live streaming community. ... ( ) [04:28]
Naphex went into pre-registering and some pub. pretty good so far [04:29]
Naphex 100+ regs [04:29]
mircea_popescu ;;later tell indiancandy1 talk to naphex, he's launching a new site. [04:29]
gribble The operation succeeded. [04:29]
assbot XOtika.TV: Bitcoin adult live streaming community. ... ( ) [04:29]
Naphex we'll also have product presentation and some other fun stuff at ;p [04:30]
assbot AWSummit - Cel mai mare summit de videochat ... ( ) [04:30]
mircea_popescu uh. what's this, aro rip of aws ?! [04:31]
mircea_popescu oddly, no tits. [04:31]
mircea_popescu platinum eh ? wd. [04:32]
Naphex gotta hit em high :P [04:32]
mircea_popescu ahaha "luxuriate yourself" [04:33]
mircea_popescu epic. [04:33]
Naphex :D [04:44]
* rotarydialer has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [04:44]
[]bot Bet created: "Bitcoin to drop under $150 before July" [04:45]
[]bot Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin to drop under $150 before July" Odds: 94(Y):6(N) by coin, 94(Y):6(N) by weight. Total bet: 1.1 BTC. Current weight: 99,997. [04:48]
[]bot Bet placed: 9 BTC for No on "BTC to top $500 before 1st May" Odds: 11(Y):89(N) by coin, 14(Y):86(N) by weight. Total bet: 157.6676222 BTC. Current weight: 30,686. [04:48]
[]bot Bet placed: 5 BTC for No on "BTC to top $413 before Songkran" Odds: 10(Y):90(N) by coin, 13(Y):87(N) by weight. Total bet: 33.07364715 BTC. Current weight: 22,066. [04:48]
[]bot Bet placed: 15 BTC for No on "BTC to top $700 before 1st July" Odds: 11(Y):89(N) by coin, 11(Y):89(N) by weight. Total bet: 128.96264834 BTC. Current weight: 78,425. [04:48]
[]bot Bet placed: 10 BTC for No on "The Winkdex: BTC $5000 or more in 2015" Odds: 9(Y):91(N) by coin, 9(Y):91(N) by weight. Total bet: 113.1868 BTC. Current weight: 77,122. [04:48]
* assbot gives voice to gernika [04:51]
* rotarydialer (~rotarydia@unaffiliated/rotarydialer) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:51]
mircea_popescu !up rotarydialer [04:54]
-assbot- You voiced rotarydialer for 30 minutes. [04:54]
* assbot gives voice to rotarydialer [04:54]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [14:51]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [14:51]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 16:58:12 2014 [14:51]
-assbot- Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), send me "!up" in a private message to get an OTP. You must have a sufficient WoT rating. If you do not have a WoT account or sufficient rating, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary voice. [14:51]
* assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu [14:52]
mircea_popescu trinque ERROR: unknown (Most likely my bitcoind stopped working or this page is too large/complex.) < ? [14:55]
mircea_popescu << til jurov has a favourite... chainsaw ?! [14:56]
assbot Logged on 29-03-2015 11:21:32; jurov: yes, that was the joke :) [14:56]
mircea_popescu scary shit, dude. [14:56]
mircea_popescu << lol, just randomize it. o... wait... [14:57]
mircea_popescu ahaha [14:57]
assbot Logged on 29-03-2015 15:45:38; asciilifeform: otherwise all pogos will have the same one (it is not stored in any kind of nonvolatile memory) [14:57]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: many folks use mac addrs in routing tables [14:58]
mircea_popescu << i dun recall it ever being a debate, vast consensus against it. [14:58]
assbot Logged on 29-03-2015 15:48:55; asciilifeform: did we ever get anywhere in the ntp-or-not debate ? [14:58]
asciilifeform incidentally, the upnp demon will need to be thrown in [14:58]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform no i know, i was just amused at ther possible solutions :D [14:58]
asciilifeform at least in the civilian version [14:58]
asciilifeform i am very much against allowing it into bitcoind per se [14:59]
asciilifeform let it run as own user. [14:59]
mircea_popescu << check it out ? neither do we. ongoing bitchfest about "pls to convert" scattered in logs. [14:59]
assbot Logged on 29-03-2015 15:59:56; Chillum: I don't trust pdfs, so many vulnerabilities in the past [14:59]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform allowing who into bitcoind ? [14:59]
asciilifeform upnp buggerer [14:59]
asciilifeform you know, that one [15:00]
asciilifeform that opens ports on crapsumer routers [15:00]
mircea_popescu make a unpnp user ? sorta like apache's, "nobody" ? :D [15:00]
asciilifeform aha [15:00]
mircea_popescu i dun't see why not. "numbnuts" ? [15:00]
asciilifeform thing is, this is a little more complicated than appears [15:01]
asciilifeform because it needs to know when it must attempt upnp and when not [15:01]
Chillum you can open ports on a lot of routers by using ajax to make a http post that looks like IRC commands [15:01]
Chillum its a feature! [15:01]
mircea_popescu Chillum hm ? [15:02]
asciilifeform the traditional bitcoind (see code) asked a peer to attempt connect-back on 8333 [15:02]
Chillum some routers automatically open a port when they see a DCC command on sent from an internal computer on an IRC port [15:02]
asciilifeform Chillum is speaking of a 'pheature' found on particularly imbecilic consumer routers [15:02]
Chillum javascript can induce a browser to send a post that tricks the router into thinking it is that [15:02]
asciilifeform circa '00-'05 [15:03]
mircea_popescu Chillum ah yes, that. but this wouldn't really be a browser anyway. [15:03]
mircea_popescu it does speak of the ancient and great power of the irc, tho. [15:03]
Chillum auto port-forwarding is almost always a bad idea [15:04]
mircea_popescu something the imbecillians (is it ok if i refer to people born in the 80s as the imbecillians, given the poor results discussed yest ? generation y seems improper) all forgot. [15:04]
* asciilifeform circa '80s but does not object to this [15:04]
mircea_popescu lol [15:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80200 @ 0.00026049 = 20.8913 BTC [+] [15:05]
mircea_popescu << this is actually exactly how a living is earned in this space. [15:07]
assbot Logged on 29-03-2015 16:19:20; Chillum: hint: look at past reoccurring vulnerabilities that have been fixed and keep coming back [15:07]
mircea_popescu you don't have to be a genius and read machine code to find new holes. that's for alfs. [15:07]
mircea_popescu what you do is, you look for zombies. all it takes is a good archive of vulns and a working grep. then you take your chances. [15:07]
mircea_popescu it's better yield than spam, that's for sure. [15:07]
mircea_popescu << ahaha, duuuude... [15:15]
assbot Logged on 29-03-2015 16:41:45; oglafbot: [15:15]
mircea_popescu it occurs to me... don't these dating speshulists sound very much like the classical shaman ? "you are under a terrible dark curse kind sir" "i will fix it". [15:16]
asciilifeform .... aaaaand... [15:16]
asciilifeform [15:16]
assbot ... ( ) [15:16]
asciilifeform Pogotron v2. [15:16]
mircea_popescu if placebo works, get paid. if it doesn't... "some DARKER force than my powers..." [15:16]
mircea_popescu o hai pogotron! [15:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 300750 @ 0.0002724 = 81.9243 BTC [+] {6} [15:16]
jurov hahaha so the husqvarna joke works well [15:17]
asciilifeform this one isn't as neat as it sounds. i thought BR_PACKAGE_UBOOT_TOOLS will add with fw_xxxxx on the target rootfs but seems like no. these will have to be added as packages [15:17]
jurov even if i wrote it was *not* one [15:17]
asciilifeform what i wanted to do was to build something suitable for reflashing into virginal pogos for dev work [15:17]
asciilifeform but this is not -quite- it. [15:17]
asciilifeform it -does- contain nandread and nandwrite. [15:18]
mircea_popescu hm. [15:18]
asciilifeform still built as monolithic kernel with rootfs-in-ram, deliberately [15:18]
asciilifeform but anyone who wants to, -can- flash this into nand in place of existing kernel [15:18]
mircea_popescu << heartbleed was a bug in PKI. outright. [15:18]
assbot Logged on 29-03-2015 16:49:24; Chillum: most protocols have had a vulnerability at some point. Heartbleed was a bug in openssl, not a bug in ssl [15:18]
asciilifeform and it'll boot. [15:18]
asciilifeform and you can upgrade from inside it [15:18]
mircea_popescu the bug in pki is that any system designed or proposed by any party other than us is security poison. [15:18]
asciilifeform ^ [15:18]
asciilifeform 'кто не с нами тот против нас' (TM) [15:19]
mircea_popescu a cognate of any claim to authority on any matter not deriving from la serenissima is both fraudulent and actionable. [15:19]
asciilifeform b94fb4736e0fa1394784d1139fe8262df450bb945c846e6bd1eda70d2c55679ccf8b7679e08c10d00aaf3dbebf9245875f3001654cf48ce5d1ac4e3c0cffce84 turdel_latest.gz [15:21]
asciilifeform [15:21]
asciilifeform ^ what comes out after v2 patch. [15:22]
asciilifeform ^ this can replace arch and debian now, which folks have been using [15:22]
asciilifeform if you copy the uboot tools to a writable external disk [15:23]
asciilifeform nand - can be operated from inside this turdel. [15:23]
asciilifeform can safely toss the pieces of shit with systemd, etc. now. [15:23]
ben_vulpes ;;ticker [15:24]
gribble Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 244.16, Best ask: 244.2, Bid-ask spread: 0.04000, Last trade: 244.16, 24 hour volume: 27528.99649606, 24 hour low: 238.89, 24 hour high: 254.49, 24 hour vwap: None [15:24]
asciilifeform incidentally, the uboot fw_xxxx tools are very simple: [15:24]
mats ;;market buy 15000 [15:25]
asciilifeform the config thing lives at a certain offset (forget where) in mtd0 [15:25]
gribble Bitfinex | A market order to buy 15000 bitcoins right now would take 4130303.4623 USD and would take the last price up to 344.9000 USD, resulting in an average price of 275.3536 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0044 seconds [15:25]
asciilifeform where uboot lives [15:25]
asciilifeform the fw_printenv thing simply dumps the text found therein [15:25]
asciilifeform fw_setenv reflashes those blocks to hold new text [15:25]
mats ;;market buy --market bitstamp 15000 [15:25]
gribble Bitstamp | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would buy 10726.054 bitcoins, for a total of 12929272.3986 USD and take the price to 99999.0000. | Data vintage: 0.0557 seconds [15:25]
mircea_popescu << there's no math behind either ssl or pki, or the usg for that matter. they are political arrangements, "sets of procedures and people" and whatnot. [15:25]
assbot Logged on 29-03-2015 16:50:28; Chillum: the math is solid regardless of implementation failures/sabotage [15:25]
asciilifeform ^ so in principle these can be reimplemented with the nand tools i have included. [15:25]
mircea_popescu they just happen to be the wrong policies by the wrong people for the wrong purposes is all. [15:26]
mats ;;market buy --market btcchina 15000 [15:26]
gribble BTCChina | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would buy 9299.7167 bitcoins, for a total of 648197043008.7280 USD and take the price to 16100000000000.0000. | Data vintage: 0.0283 seconds [15:26]
Chillum are you arguing with a recording of me? [15:26]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i think he was speaking of rsa per se [15:26]
Chillum lol [15:26]
mircea_popescu Chillum i'm just going through the logs. pretty much everyone here reads the whole shebang. [15:26]
Chillum okay [15:26]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform rsa per se is not even really involved in all this o.O [15:26]
mircea_popescu i thought most certs were ecdsa [15:26]
asciilifeform Chillum: we routinely 'argue with recordings' of one another. this is how #b-a folk handle the fact that not everyone lives at his computer [15:26]
Chillum fair enough [15:27]
mircea_popescu permanent log online + gribble ;;later tell for noobs - > wunderbar system of thought management. [15:27]
mircea_popescu which is what the forum oughta be. [15:28]
* Adlai is amazed that any channels survive with "no public logs" policies [15:28]
Chillum a scrap of permanence in an impermanent universe [15:28]
mircea_popescu have you seen the content ? [15:28]
asciilifeform Adlai: kindergartens and mental asylums also, afaik, don't keep logs [15:28]
asciilifeform yet survive. [15:28]
mircea_popescu exactly this. [15:28]
mircea_popescu i participated in a bdsm chan for a few days, it was painful. [15:29]
Adlai generally the participants of such institutions only attend due to coercion, whether physical or implied [15:29]
mircea_popescu 90% of lines were "hello x", 90% of the remainder "so how's it going". maybe 1 in 4 hello-handshakes succeeded, and less than 1 in 100 went past 2nd pass. [15:29]
mircea_popescu the general depth of conversation mirrored quite exactly the office. [15:30]
mircea_popescu Adlai stupidity is coercitive, wheter obviously so or not. [15:30]
chetty 90% of lines were "hello x", 90% of the remainder "so how's it going". maybe 1 in 4 hello-handshakes succeeded, and less than 1 in 100 went past 2nd pass.//roughly matching avg. attention spans [15:31]
mircea_popescu quite. [15:31]
mircea_popescu leaving us to wonder whether the stupid tools drive the stupidity of the people, or stem from the stupidity of the people involved. [15:31]
mircea_popescu "is luser luser because on windoze, or is on windoze because luser ?" [15:31]
Adlai symbiotic convergence idiocy [15:31]
mircea_popescu this should be a term of art. [15:31]
mircea_popescu and i mean... the fact that us young adults score worse than anyone else is not a direct product. they worked to get there : the school's so dumb, why learn ; the kids aren't learning anyway why not make it dumber... 30 years later in this process the fucking mit grads can't make a flashlight [15:32]
mircea_popescu they ALL own fleshlights tho. [15:32]
Adlai Made in China™ [15:33]
mircea_popescu well yeah. some patriarchy somewhere. [15:33]
Adlai s/i/oniz/ [15:35]
mircea_popescu umm... patronizarchy ? [15:36]
Adlai yeh, rule by the patrons. those who can afford to patronize, as opposed to - serfs [15:37]
mircea_popescu if this worked teh us'd be numero uno. [15:37]
mircea_popescu rule by dude farmer is not functionable sadly. [15:37]
Adlai last i checked, farmer = serf [15:38]
mircea_popescu dude farmer is a term of art from back in the day the us mattered. [15:38]
mircea_popescu ie, rich guy back east, went west to start a farm, sucked at it. [15:38]
* funkenstein ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:40]
* funkenstein is now known as funkenstein_ [15:40]
* assbot gives voice to funkenstein_ [15:41]
nubbins` <+asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: many folks use mac addrs in routing tables <<< this [15:41]
Adlai doesn't sound like a Patron of the Arts to me [15:41]
mircea_popescu patron-client relationship is what i tought you meant, off the ancient post-imperial and late-imperial model. [15:41]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: "is luser luser because on windoze, << the older version of this was, iirc, 'do styes make pigs' ? [15:42]
mircea_popescu but anyway, even wioth the arts, the distinction holds : the patron has no particular taste, merely money and friends. [15:42]
nubbins` <+Chillum> you can open ports on a lot of routers by using ajax to make a http post that looks like IRC commands <<< this is actually how you root the pogo without attaching a serial cable [15:42]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform but there is genetic indication of suinity. [15:42]
asciilifeform 30 years later in this process the fucking mit grads can't make a flashlight << aha [15:45]
asciilifeform !s flashlight [15:46]
assbot 32 results for 'flashlight' : [15:46]
asciilifeform l0l where did it go [15:46]
Chillum nubbins`: neat, I assume you open the telnet port? [15:46]
asciilifeform [15:46]
asciilifeform ^^^ [15:46]
assbot MIT genuises with lightbulb - YouTube ... ( ) [15:46]
asciilifeform Chillum: stock pogo comes with 'dropbear', a miniature sshd [15:47]
Chillum so you open the port to ssh, but how do you get root? [15:47]
mircea_popescu it really is a great montage that, what with the bovine derping about how "we ARE" etc. [15:47]
Chillum same password on each one? [15:48]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i can think of an alternate hypothesis about the flashlight thing [15:48]
mircea_popescu probably a few, including videofraud . but tell ? [15:49]
asciilifeform 'I have had a chance to observe quite a few companies in the U.S. from the inside, and have spotted a certain constancy in the staffing profile. At the top, there is a group of highly compensated senior lunch-eaters. They tend to spend all of their time pleasing each other in various ways, big and small. They often hold advanced degrees in disciplines such as Technical Schmoozing and Relativistic Bean-counting. They are obsess [15:49]
asciilifeform ive on the subject of money, and cultivate a posh country set atmosphere, even if they are just one generation out of the coal mines. Ask them to solve a technical problem — and they will politely demur, often taking the opportunity to flash their wit with a self-deprecating joke or two. ... The natives at the top always try to standardize the job descriptions and lower the pay scale of the immigrants at the bottom, playing [15:49]
asciilifeform them against each other, while trying to portray themselves as super-achieving entrepreneurial mavericks who can't be pinned down to a mere set of marketable skills.' [15:49]
asciilifeform from orlov's 'lessons' ( ) [15:49]
assbot Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century Part II ... ( ) [15:49]
asciilifeform it is 'declasse' to admit that you can make a flashlight, at a 'sprezzatura' wankfest [15:49]
mircea_popescu this works a lot better if you can actually code. [15:49]
mircea_popescu dude, you're telling me that first jew boy with the rolling eyes and the slow repeating the task is putting out an act ? [15:50]
nubbins` <+Chillum> are you arguing with a recording of me? <<< heh. [15:50]
mircea_popescu as in "of course i could but i wonder how this woman is trying to trick me" ? [15:50]
asciilifeform can't say for sure. but entirely possible [15:50]
Chillum nubbins`: technology! [15:50]
mircea_popescu if he could act that well i'd know his name. [15:50]
nubbins` :D [15:51]
mircea_popescu srsly now. this theory of yours would be perhaps appealing had i not spent any time on a set. [15:51]
mircea_popescu but i have, and i tell you... people who can act are RARE. [15:51]
nubbins` Chillum: a stock pogo will spread cheeks thusly: curl -k "https://root:ceadmin@[PogoplugIPAddress]/sqdiag/HBPlug?action=command&command=dropbear%20start"; [15:51]
nubbins` and yes, same root pw on each one :o [15:51]
mircea_popescu not, "superhot blonde rare". that's 1 in 100. people who can act are in 1 in 10k [15:51]
asciilifeform does sprezzatura really call for top-notch general-purpose acting skill ? [15:51]
mircea_popescu and THEN they can only act in "certain spaces". [15:51]
mircea_popescu yes, to the degree it'd be depicted there, this man is an oscar winner. [15:51]
Chillum nubbins`: wow, what a slutty device [15:51]
nubbins` inorite. [15:51]
mircea_popescu go through webcasts to see how people deal with this normally. [15:52]
nubbins` there's also a built-in "request unlock from pogo" thing [15:52]
nubbins` think iphone unlock [15:52]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform notice : no snicker. for instance. [15:52]
nubbins` and then there's serial :D [15:52]
asciilifeform nubbins`: notice how nobody here bothered with the 'request unlock' thing or even knows if it ever worked [15:52]
asciilifeform because wtf why [15:53]
Chillum I think that sometimes companies intentionally make their devices rootable because they know hobbyists will buy boxes of them if they can root it [15:53]
mircea_popescu ^ Chillum this makes sense, and it's why this is probably happening here [15:53]
asciilifeform Chillum: this particular item is an oddity in this regard, because it is very clearly a loss-leader [15:53]
nubbins` asciilifeform i tried it with one of my pogos [15:53]
mircea_popescu nevertheless, ironically, this item was bought as a loss leader, and so, it would specifically NOT be wanted to be used this way. [15:53]
asciilifeform (priced substantially below cost, in all likelihood) [15:53]
mircea_popescu my explanation is that because of the standardization of everything, the makers just made them "as they're made" ie prevailing bs (business standards) and the buyers bought and marketed them "As they're marketed" [15:54]
nubbins` asciilifeform you log into website, "activate" pogo, then can enable ssh login via website [15:54]
mircea_popescu resulting in a transfer of value from the dudes to us. [15:54]
nubbins` it's about as gaping as it sounds [15:54]
nubbins` TBH i think they did include rootability as a hobbyist bonus, AND they made way, way too many [15:55]
asciilifeform it is interesting that the actual contents of the can has been shrinking continuously over the years [15:55]
mircea_popescu nubbins` we can now just capture the packets and "activate" any pogo anywhere on the basis of another pogo can't we. [15:55]
Chillum they should just have a physical "root access" switch on the box. Leaving backdoors for people to find is reckless [15:55]
nubbins` these were probably dumped to the surplus people en masse 4 years ago [15:55]
asciilifeform for instance, there was at one point a pogo entirely like this one but 256M. [15:55]
asciilifeform same cost. [15:55]
mircea_popescu Chillum amusingly this is what asciilifeform wanted to do. [15:56]
asciilifeform and, the successor to this (out of print) machine is quite similar but no sata. [15:56]
nubbins` maybe just no sata connector 8) [15:56]
mircea_popescu lol [15:56]
asciilifeform nubbins`: that one is gone too [15:56]
nubbins` ah [15:56]
asciilifeform nubbins`: speaking of 'pink pogo' here [15:56]
* nubbins` owns a synth that has MIDI in/out capabilities baked into cpu, but mfg didn't waste the extra $2 on MIDI ports [15:57]
asciilifeform this is rather reminiscent of how the famous linksys wrt54g hyper-bestseller slowly shrank and shrank, from 16 and then 8 and then 4 (even 2!) MB of ram, linux could no longer be used on it [15:57]
asciilifeform and the product faded away [15:57]
mircea_popescu i had one of those [15:57]
* CheckDavid (uid14990@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:57]
asciilifeform -everyone- has one of those [15:57]
nubbins` open the thing up, wire up a couple resistors and DIN5 jacks, and you've got a full-featured midi voice [15:57]
asciilifeform in a cellar somewhere [15:57]
mircea_popescu sysadmin at the time was "you don't buy "a router". write this down : linksys wrt54g" [15:58]
asciilifeform they actually re-issued it a few yrs back [15:58]
mircea_popescu this was long long ago [15:58]
asciilifeform as a commemorative edition, somethinglikethat [15:58]
nubbins` [15:58]
assbot ... ( ) [15:58]
nubbins` ^ a monotribe taking advantage of several interesting patch points [15:58]
asciilifeform when i ran across the 2MB linksys, my thought was 'linux is obese if can't fit in 2MB' [15:59]
asciilifeform not 'damned linksys cheated us' [15:59]
nubbins` [15:59]
assbot ... ( ) [15:59]
nubbins` ^ look how clearly they marked the pads [15:59]
nubbins` modder's dream [16:00]
mircea_popescu btw, speaking of guilds : they actually survive to an amazing extent. outfitters in canada for a very good example. [16:05]
assbot AMAZING COMPANY! [16:05]
nubbins` here's a hot mess i made from a pocket-size synth, alongside original unit for reference [16:06]
nubbins` [16:06]
assbot Imgur ... ( ) [16:06]
mircea_popescu << amusingly enough, i would. [16:06]
assbot Logged on 29-03-2015 17:03:51; chetty: the whole hierarchy of trust used to issue certs is of course bunk// for some reason when I read that I wondered if anyone would trust a cert issued by Obama? If not why would you accept one from any 'lesser' authority in the same chain? [16:06]
mircea_popescu which is why the original "get in the wot" discussion with the sec. [16:07]
mircea_popescu nubbins` going for that entire asic miner look ? [16:07]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: you'd probably end up rating him '-11111 does not have sole control of private key' [16:07]
mircea_popescu end up, yes. [16:08]
mircea_popescu not likely start up tho. [16:08]
mircea_popescu rule of law is a process after all. [16:08]
nubbins` mircea_popescu HEH. the first and last time i used test-lead wires for a permanent project. [16:09]
nubbins` dat torque [16:09]
nubbins` << all closed up [16:10]
assbot Imgur ... ( ) [16:10]
nubbins` butchered the poor enclosure, but hey. [16:10]
nubbins` call it a v0.1 [16:10]
* asciilifeform off to meatspace for a spell. wants to hear if anyone tests v2 patch. [16:10]
nubbins` [16:11]
nubbins` THIS is how you make electronic music :o [16:12]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60840 @ 0.0002763 = 16.8101 BTC [+] [16:14]
nubbins` can't test patch just yet but new turdel_latest boots a-ok here [16:15]
nubbins` [16:15]
assbot ... ( ) [16:15]
* adam_obrien (~adam_obie@unaffiliated/adam-obrien/x-9185163) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:26]
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mod6 is mpexbot still a thing? [16:38]
mircea_popescu seems not. fabian's not been answering anything for a while. [16:40]
mod6 oh its empyex now [16:40]
mod6 ah, ok. [16:40]
* adam_obrien (~adam_obie@unaffiliated/adam-obrien/x-9185163) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:52]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67800 @ 0.00025809 = 17.4985 BTC [-] {3} [16:57]
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* assbot gives voice to funkenstein_ [17:06]
* adam_obrien has quit () [17:08]
* Cory has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [17:14]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62200 @ 0.00026179 = 16.2833 BTC [+] {2} [17:15]
* funkenstein_ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [17:15]
* Cory (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:20]
mircea_popescu incidentally asciilifeform, what would you say is the difference between orlov as quoted and the fiction of the "imperialist burgeois" as classically described (1890s, even) ? [17:22]
mircea_popescu are we just replaying the october revolution over here, that's the vision ? [17:22]
* felipelalli (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/felipelalli) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:23]
mircea_popescu amusingly enough, [17:24]
assbot Defend Assange against Imperialist Bourgeois assault but continue fight against Sexism! | defendtrotskyism ... ( ) [17:24]
* felipelalli has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [17:25]
mircea_popescu ie, every false prophet to date is looking upon the same sky, and will readily interpret whatever happens there in whatever terms they figure would make them look least like an idiot. [17:25]
* felipelalli (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/felipelalli) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:27]
* smidge has quit (Quit: sorry, but you've mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck...) [17:28]
* funkenstein_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:30]
* funkenstein_ is now known as Guest72505 [17:30]
* Guest72505 is now known as lsaul [17:40]
* marteen (~martin@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:43]
* lsaul has quit (Quit: Leaving) [17:48]
* assbot gives voice to marteen [17:53]
jurov wtf "The following USE changes are necessary to proceed:" [17:56]
jurov and 1000 lines adding abi_x86_32 to everything [17:56]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [17:58]
jurov wow gentoo. such joy. [17:58]
* CheckDavid (uid14990@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:11]
trinque +mircea_popescu | trinque ERROR: unknown (Most likely my bitcoind stopped working or this page is too large/complex.) < ? < what did that come from? [18:14]
mircea_popescu [18:15]
assbot | 521: Web server is down ... ( ) [18:15]
trinque mircea_popescu: ah that's not my site; have a blockchain viewer site that you like? [18:16]
mircea_popescu < [18:16]
assbot dpaste: 0JE6B89 ... ( ) [18:16]
mircea_popescu ugh [18:17]
mircea_popescu shit. i was just trying to look at a bundle [18:17]
mircea_popescu who is anyway, your thing ? [18:17]
* OneNomos (~OneNomos@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/onenomos) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:18]
trinque << it went out [18:18]
assbot Bitcoin Address 1gtQEh8TVk6Pie2Ba6yYoSokaUvDdKpLT ... ( ) [18:18]
trinque mircea_popescu: nah, block explorer is not miine [18:18]
* NewLiberty (~NewLibert@2602:304:cff8:1580:55cd:3cfa:28ef:9b03) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:19]
mircea_popescu then don't link it [18:21]
mircea_popescu for this exact reason. [18:21]
mircea_popescu people wanna explore an address or block, let them do it themselves. [18:21]
trinque fine by me [18:21]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24874 @ 0.00025784 = 6.4135 BTC [-] [18:23]
* OneNomos has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [18:25]
thestringpuller blockexplorer is Thermos's thing [18:26]
thestringpuller unless he sold it recently [18:26]
* copumpkin has quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) [18:26]
jurov iirc bitstamp bought it? [18:27]
jurov nah that was blockr [18:27]
jurov lmao still going? [18:28]
assbot ... ( ) [18:29]
thestringpuller LOL [18:35]
* funkenstein ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:48]
* funkenstein is now known as funkenstein_ [18:48]
* assbot gives voice to funkenstein_ [18:49]
ben_vulpes afternoon, funkenstein_ [18:50]
funkenstein_ howdy ben_vulpes [18:51]
funkenstein_ speaking of block explorers, here's an interesting one showing some exploit or another [18:53]
assbot Intellect Block #50894 ... ( ) [18:53]
* Xuthus has quit (Quit: Xuthus) [18:57]
funkenstein_ what is this ATC stuff [19:00]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26126 @ 0.00025856 = 6.7551 BTC [+] [19:01]
jurov !s therealaltcoin [19:03]
assbot 21 results for 'therealaltcoin' : [19:03]
jurov was fun till it lasted [19:05]
nubbins` heh [19:06]
Adlai jurov: doesn't blockr belong to d.cbse? [19:07]
jurov d.bstp, d.cbse, i dont see any difference [19:07]
Adlai well one of them at least invented its own name [19:08]
Adlai coinbase, blockchain, next up they'll just use magic numbers. oh wait [19:08]
* jurov 's looking forward to exchange named "turdatron" or "orphanburner" [19:10]
mircea_popescu funkenstein_ was the alt coin for a while. [19:11]
Adlai what's up with logs, have we built the moon cabin yet? [19:12]
mircea_popescu hm ? [19:13]
Adlai logs as in arithmic distribution curve [19:15]
Adlai !s logs [19:16]
assbot 1501 results for 'logs' : [19:16]
Adlai hmm i guess this word is overloaded now [19:16]
funkenstein_ Adlai, nice log cabin on moon [19:16]
Adlai :D [19:16]
funkenstein_ you like harmonic series? [19:16]
Adlai !s from:adlai music [19:17]
assbot 5 results for 'from:adlai music' : [19:17]
funkenstein_ speaking of music i was thinking of writing an encoding embedding a bitcoin address in audio [19:18]
* Adlai was thinking of learning to do EC math in his head, which at least has practical use [19:19]
funkenstein_ you would definitely win [19:19]
Adlai well, it's useless without mental hashing, but together they are unstoppable [19:20]
Adlai the first step is obviously relearning all of mathematics in tonal [19:20]
funkenstein_ why no paper? [19:20]
Adlai speciesism, i don't trust cells that have fewer than nine nines of dna in common with me [19:21]
funkenstein_ even if they are in WOT? [19:22]
Adlai all music is folk music, i ain't never seen a horse in the wot [19:22]
funkenstein_ if your recorded music is playing, my phone will be like "shall we send a millie to Adlai?" [19:24]
Adlai ahhh so you're talking about watermarking an address into audio [19:24]
funkenstein_ yeah [19:24]
Adlai tbh it's probably easier to have an artist address registry, and lookup the artist using some shazaam-ish thingy [19:24]
Adlai if we're talking about practical ideas :P [19:25]
jurov Adlai: how does tonal slleviate the need to do hundreds of thousands of steps computing EC sigs? [19:25]
jurov *alleviate [19:25]
Adlai jurov: makes it easier to deal with bit/byte-based operations [19:25]
Adlai doesn't reduce the total number, but fuck using decimal for sha256 [19:26]
funkenstein_ use hex like what's his name did one round on paper [19:26]
punkman [19:26]
assbot A court case so secret, US Govt says it can't go on ... ( ) [19:26]
nubbins` sooo, just went to corner store. [19:26]
nubbins` [19:26]
assbot Imgur ... ( ) [19:27]
nubbins` o.O [19:27]
jurov care to explain to nonmuricans? [19:27]
mats ketchup chips are amazing [19:28]
assbot AMAZING COMPANY! [19:28]
nubbins` jurov i'm canadian fwiw [19:28]
nubbins` ketchup flavored potato chips are popular here [19:28]
nubbins` and apparently now doritos (traditionally cheesy flavored corn chips) has ketchup flavor [19:28]
nubbins` they taste very strange, ketchup-flavored corn chips. [19:29]
jurov jurov i'm canadian << ha i was waiting for this [19:29]
nubbins` 8) [19:29]
Adlai does your routine [19:29]
Adlai involve some poutine? [19:29]
jurov eh? [19:30]
Adlai do you set the table [19:30]
Adlai with syrup of maple? [19:30]
jurov ehh? [19:30]
* Adlai imitates dr seuss re: land of the moose [19:30]
nubbins` there's a couple living on the other side of the harbour that owns goats and taps maple trees [19:32]
nubbins` i'm not a huge fan of maple [19:32]
jurov and i don't get why flavored doritos are O.o ... at first glance i was thinking it has something with blood [19:34]
jurov now *that* would be something... blood-flavored [19:34]
nubbins` heh [19:34]
nubbins` jurov this is like coming across mustard-flavored jellybeans [19:35]
* Uglux ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:38]
* Uglux has quit (Changing host) [19:38]
* Uglux (~ug@unaffiliated/uglux) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:38]
jurov [19:40]
assbot Management theories from Roman slave-owners – Jerry Toner – Aeon ... ( ) [19:40]
jurov "Buying any old slave risked contaminating the morale of the whole household." [19:40]
mircea_popescu punkman ozzie govt only needs courts if it needs them. [19:50]
mircea_popescu << tellingly, this is not the front page of the nyt, wapo adn every single other usg propaganda leaflet. [19:53]
assbot A court case so secret, US Govt says it can't go on ... ( ) [19:53]
mircea_popescu jurov that piece is, roughly speaking, the result of a cat reading a mayan calendar and inputting the result into google translate. [19:56]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39200 @ 0.00025784 = 10.1073 BTC [-] [19:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34950 @ 0.00025782 = 9.0108 BTC [-] {2} [20:02]
* ascii_modem ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:03]
* ascii_modem has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42150 @ 0.00025771 = 10.8625 BTC [-] [20:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46873 @ 0.00025751 = 12.0703 BTC [-] [20:29]
* Uglux has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:58]
* mike_c (~mike_c@unaffiliated/mike-c/x-9105598) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:00]
* assbot gives voice to mike_c [21:01]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [21:18]
* NewLiberty has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [21:21]
ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: where can one turn for a better reading on slave treatment in the period? [21:23]
Adlai ben_vulpes: primo, latinam studere [21:26]
* NewLiberty (~NewLibert@2602:304:cff8:1580:55cd:3cfa:28ef:9b03) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:26]
jurov kakobrekla/lampelina btw, you can remove havelock from ? [21:27]
jurov !seen Enky [21:27]
jurov ;;seen Enky [21:27]
gribble Enky was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 42 weeks, 1 day, 3 hours, 39 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: Hi, thank you [21:27]
jurov and bitcoin trading signals, too, i guess [21:28]
jurov and add... whoever wants yourself added, let yourself be heard [21:28]
BingoBoingo scoopbot -fetch [21:29]
scoopbot New post on by Bingo Boingo: [21:29]
BingoBoingo ... << tellingly, this is not the front page of the nyt, wapo adn every single other usg propaganda leaflet. << It made the front page of qntra [21:30]
jurov [21:32]
assbot Private Lawsuit Dismissed Because of State Secrets Privilege : politics ... ( ) [21:32]
jurov we can bet if this will get "downvoted" or disappeared straight [21:32]
jurov and additionally if qntra will get added to /r/politics banned list :D [21:34]
BingoBoingo It's a bigger subreddit. Will prolly disappear because qntra is not whitelisted through their payola system [21:35]
* felipelalli has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [21:37]
nubbins` [21:38]
assbot Casascius 0.5 BTC Silver Series-2 physical bitcoin: NO RESERVE, 30-DAY AUCTION ... ( ) [21:38]
nubbins` Man Attempts to Purchase Private Key for $2,000 Above Value of BTC Contained Therein [21:38]
nubbins` now that's a headline [21:39]
nubbins` BingoBoingo "Neither party to the lawsuit a part of the government or a contractor" [21:40]
nubbins` should read "Neither party to the lawsuit is a part of the government or a contractor" [21:40]
BingoBoingo nubbins`: fxd [21:40]
nubbins` suite [21:40]
* CheckDavid (uid14990@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:48]
jurov !mpif [21:57]
assbot F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021375 B (Total: 467.44 B). Delta: 0.31 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.000207 BTC [+] [21:57]
jurov !t m f.mpif [21:57]
assbot [MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0.000207 / 0.000207 / 0.000207 (1000 shares, 0.21 BTC) [21:57]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 240050 @ 0.00026016 = 62.4514 BTC [+] {6} [21:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65200 @ 0.0002631 = 17.1541 BTC [+] [22:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20500 @ 0.0002631 = 5.3936 BTC [+] [22:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57900 @ 0.0002631 = 15.2335 BTC [+] [22:33]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61800 @ 0.0002575 = 15.9135 BTC [-] {2} [22:43]
* Bagels7 has quit () [22:48]
Adlai aha, "The Romans thought clever slaves were troublesome and a threat" [22:51]
Adlai cf "I divide officers into four classes -- the clever, the lazy, the stupid and the industrious. Each officer possesses at least two of these qualities. Those who are clever and industrious are fitted for the high staff appointments. Use can be made of those who are stupid and lazy. The man who is clever and lazy is fit for the very highest commands. He has the temperament and the requisite nerves to [22:53]
Adlai deal with all situations. But whoever is stupid and industrious must be removed immediately." - Attributed, circa 1933; General Baron Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord (1878-1943); German Chief of Army Command (1930-33) [22:53]
* badon (~badon@pdpc/supporter/active/badon) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:02]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 201600 @ 0.0002633 = 53.0813 BTC [+] {3} [23:03]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82841 @ 0.00026499 = 21.952 BTC [+] [23:40]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [23:48]
* bitstein (~bitstein@unaffiliated/bitstein) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:51]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:53]
Category: Logs
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