Forum logs for 28 Mar 2012

Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
dizzler 足の不自由なアヒルが日本語を話す [00:00]
dizzler どのように私は、インターネットか [00:01]
* Sell-O-Matic (bc6947f5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:02]
vragnaroda Oh shit, a real weeaboo. [00:03]
jurov how many confirmation glbse needs? [00:04]
jurov made deposit to buy some ss's, waiting [00:04]
* RaoulDuke ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:05]
* yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [00:05]
* agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:05]
splatster jurov: 6 confs [00:06]
* Dark_Apostrophe has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:06]
jurov thx splatster.. gonna sleep then [00:07]
mircea_popescu are we back to half hour blocks ? [00:07]
* [Manic] has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [00:08]
* yogibear has quit (Quit: Page closed) [00:08]
* pyrofallout has quit (Quit: Quit) [00:09]
* yossarian_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:09]
* masori has quit (Quit: Leaving) [00:09]
* emmanuelux has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:10]
EPiSKiNG-- : ss;s? [00:10]
EPiSKiNG-- jurov: ss's? [00:10]
smickles EPiSKiNG--: ss is a ticker symbol on glbse [00:11]
EPiSKiNG-- oh [00:11]
EPiSKiNG-- ;;bc,stats [00:11]
splatster EPiSKiNG--: SS is the ticker symbol for S²CM which stands for S² Capital Management [00:11]
* pjwaffle has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia [00:13]
splatster EPiSKiNG--: Read more on or go to if you want to buy shares. Channel is #S2CM [00:13]
* [Manic] ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:14]
mod6 oh wow, almost forgot. [00:17]
mod6 ;;view [00:17]
gribble #7414 Tue Mar 27 14:17:20 2012 mod6 BUY 9.0 BTC @ 50 USDi [00:17]
* NASDAQEnema has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:18]
rg i cant wait til our new bitvps node is up [00:19]
rg 2 new nodes in 1 month [00:20]
* tbage has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [00:20]
Cory Anybody play WoW? [00:21]
* Turingi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:22]
Cory Is there any way to contact that guy? [00:22]
* Duke_pro (~duke@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:23]
Joric i tried Wow, was afraid it sucks me in but it just sucks, gfx and controls are way too outdated [00:24]
Cory I've never played it, I just want to contact Heydaw. [00:25]
PaulZag mod6: can you deposit into Wells Fargo bank? [00:30]
PaulZag ;;tz los angeles [00:31]
gribble Tue Mar 27 21:31:31 2012 UTC | 2:31pm Tuesday (PDT) - Time in Los Angeles, CA [00:31]
mod6 PaulZag: soon perhaps. [00:31]
* RaoulDuke has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [00:32]
mircea_popescu o hey, finally past 4.7 huh [00:32]
Joric everybody afraid the Scary Wall [00:34]
* pho|| (~pho@unaffiliated/pho/x-6551342) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:35]
Blitzboom mircea_popescu: you short? [00:36]
mircea_popescu yea, nothing changed. [00:36]
* pho| has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [00:37]
* darkee has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [00:37]
mircea_popescu im mostly short through being long puts tho, so unless it goes under 4.5 it does little for me. [00:37]
dizzler who's selling mtgoxusd/bitcoin ofr pp? [00:37]
dizzler dit! [00:37]
PaulZag ident paperk [00:37]
mircea_popescu 4.51 and 145.1 are about the same deal. [00:37]
Blitzboom gotcha [00:37]
* pho|| is now known as pho| [00:37]
* d4de has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [00:38]
dizzler ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:0c2c81123d2e22f4eb0013b8cad403938637cea3e9620df39d8d0b3f [00:38]
gribble You are now authenticated for user jcpham with key C71FB5ED6ACE04AF [00:38]
* darkee (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:39]
* LordCanti has quit (Quit: Leaving) [00:39]
GlooBoy ;;ticker [00:41]
gribble Best bid: 4.77601, Best ask: 4.8, Bid-ask spread: 0.02399, Last trade: 4.8, 24 hour volume: 68876, 24 hour low: 4.49, 24 hour high: 4.8 [00:41]
a5m0 go bitcoins go bitcoins go bitcoins [00:41]
cheebydi 4,83 [00:42]
cheebydi fly away! [00:42]
PaulZag mircea_popescu: you still in beta and accepting applications? [00:43]
* minimoose ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:45]
* albuquerque (4ad10b9c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:47]
* Dragonai (~dragonai@unaffiliated/dragonai) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:48]
mircea_popescu PaulZag with mpex ? yes. [00:49]
* RaoulDuke ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:49]
mircea_popescu and actually some trading would be good cause i'd like to see how the graphs look [00:49]
PaulZag can I have the link again? [00:49]
* minimoose has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:50]
mircea_popescu [00:50]
mircea_popescu that'll be five dolla [00:50]
* minimoose ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:50]
PaulZag ;;tell mod6 [;;view 7405] [00:51]
* filmriss (5b3fdb24@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:51]
OrC Looking for Dedicated servers for BTC. PM me. [00:52]
PaulZag speaking of five dolla mircea_popescu, who's the girl in your avatar? [00:52]
* filmriss has quit (Client Quit) [00:52]
mircea_popescu my pr chick. [00:52]
mircea_popescu not my avatar either. [00:52]
* fimpfimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [00:53]
rg pr for .. what [00:53]
PaulZag ;;ticker [00:53]
gribble Best bid: 4.72, Best ask: 4.74, Bid-ask spread: 0.02, Last trade: 4.72, 24 hour volume: 70902, 24 hour low: 4.49, 24 hour high: 4.8375 [00:53]
* yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [00:54]
ajf_me ;;ticker [00:54]
gribble Best bid: 4.75386, Best ask: 4.76, Bid-ask spread: 0.00614, Last trade: 4.75384, 24 hour volume: 70924, 24 hour low: 4.49, 24 hour high: 4.8375 [00:54]
IcePee is it possible to change the pubkey of a registered user, with out them being authorised? [00:54]
mircea_popescu pr for mpoe. [00:55]
bonks OrC: what kind of server? [00:55]
* pp7 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:55]
* pp7 (~neil@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:55]
* d4de (~RaWWR@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:56]
* d4de has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:56]
PaulZag mircea_popescu: really? (was going to call "bullshit" but not sure if you know that game) [00:56]
mircea_popescu yes really. what game ? [00:56]
PaulZag a card game called "Bullshit" it's tone is a lot lighter that just screaming bullshit implies [00:57]
PaulZag its [00:57]
phraust fun game. [00:58]
dizzler best game ever [00:58]
PaulZag no wonder nefario hit on her [00:58]
dizzler i have 5 8's [00:58]
phraust good playing with multiple decks. [00:58]
mircea_popescu lol i never played it. [00:58]
PaulZag BULLSHIT! [00:58]
smickles PaulZag: i didnt know you aussies had that game yoo ;) [00:58]
mircea_popescu lmao smickles [00:58]
smickles *too [00:58]
dizzler mircea_popescu: [00:59]
PaulZag some of us do - I think we learned it from some yanks, plus it was featured in a movie [00:59]
mircea_popescu << this pic is sfw. [00:59]
ajf_me ;;gpg help [00:59]
mircea_popescu (if anybody asks, i was playing bullshit) [01:00]
cheebydi Lies! [01:00]
mircea_popescu haha! [01:00]
cheebydi dtng/c/res/ <-- clicking before thinking [01:00]
* Orion-Hax has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [01:00]
mircea_popescu boooolsheet. [01:01]
dizzler i'm still readin the wikipedia on this santorum guy [01:02]
dizzler he's running for president of my country [01:02]
mircea_popescu slash insane asylum. [01:02]
PaulZag me too - caught out in my own game and didn't even read the url [01:02]
* indiabtc has quit (Quit: Page closed) [01:03]
mircea_popescu lalala [01:03]
mod6 Thanks again BTCHero! [01:04]
mod6 ;;rated BTCHero [01:04]
gribble You rated user BTCHero on Tue Mar 27 15:03:41 2012, giving him a rating of 4, and supplied these additional notes: Bought BTC for MP four different times. Smooth tx every time, great seller on OTC.. [01:04]
* vraa ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:04]
mod6 (order removed, thanks) [01:04]
* minimoose has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [01:04]
ajf_me ;;getrating ajdf [01:05]
gribble This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. [01:05]
ajf_me ;;getrating ajf [01:05]
gribble User ajf, created on Mon May 23 12:49:03 2011. Cumulative rating 2, from 2 total ratings. Received ratings: 2 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 3 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently not authenticated. [01:05]
ajf_me ;;getrating notajf [01:05]
gribble User notajf, created on Tue Dec 20 15:25:42 2011. Cumulative rating 2, from 1 total ratings. Received ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently not authenticated. [01:05]
ajf_me ;;getrating bonks [01:06]
gribble User bonks, created on Wed Mar 21 00:14:16 2012. Cumulative rating 3, from 3 total ratings. Received ratings: 3 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 3 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask bonks!~randres@unaffiliated/bonks [01:06]
mircea_popescu anyway, interesting thing with this cheat game, thanks for the link. [01:06]
mircea_popescu will have to try it with the girls. [01:06]
dizzler :) [01:06]
dizzler lots o fun [01:06]
ajf_me ;;ticker [01:06]
gribble Best bid: 4.76712, Best ask: 4.77884, Bid-ask spread: 0.01172, Last trade: 4.77884, 24 hour volume: 70627, 24 hour low: 4.49, 24 hour high: 4.8375 [01:06]
dizzler they'll most likely take their clothes off for you [01:06]
mircea_popescu prolly can work out a strip-cheat version out of it. [01:06]
mircea_popescu haha [01:06]
dizzler =P [01:06]
* Guest64428 is now known as Bosma [01:07]
* minimoose ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:07]
* agricocb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [01:08]
* yossarian_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:10]
* Snapman is now known as Snapman[afkers] [01:10]
* wazzootieman has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [01:12]
splatster S² Capital Management's IPO has already sold a third of its shares! Go to to buy shares or visit to learn more. You can also join #S2CM. [01:13]
* Loosey has quit (Quit: Page closed) [01:13]
* wazzootieman (~wazzootie@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:14]
smickles so this expresses my attitudes toward capitalism [01:15]
* yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [01:15]
* LMLeverage ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:15]
* minimoose has quit (Quit: minimoose) [01:15]
LMLeverage anyone looking to sell 130BTC? [01:16]
LMLeverage Moneypak is ideal for payment [01:16]
PaulZag ;;rate paperk 1 sold BTC for PPUSD, quick and easy. Welcome to the WoT [01:16]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user paperk has been recorded. [01:16]
mircea_popescu it's so nice to see people rating newbies. [01:16]
Cory I'm looking for somebody with a WoW account to contact another WoW player. [01:17]
a5m0 wow [01:17]
PaulZag actually I'm looking to buy BTC with MP [01:17]
* fimpfimp ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:18]
ajf_me ;;getrating bonks [01:19]
gribble User bonks, created on Wed Mar 21 00:14:16 2012. Cumulative rating 3, from 3 total ratings. Received ratings: 3 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 3 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask bonks!~randres@unaffiliated/bonks [01:19]
cheebydi Cory? try finding out his guild and leave a msg on the forum to get back to you or write him a pm. [01:20]
mircea_popescu if he's guilded. [01:20]
* Framedragger ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:20]
Cory He is. [01:20]
mircea_popescu well then that's a good ideea. [01:20]
* IcePee has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [01:20]
mircea_popescu wow guilds are the closest to group sex wow players ever get. [01:21]
Cory Does each guild have a forum? [01:21]
* lucidz has quit (Quit: Page closed) [01:21]
cheebydi most of them do, yes. [01:21]
* smickles never played wow [01:21]
mircea_popescu pretty mucvh all of them do i think [01:21]
* smickles did however play warcraft [01:22]
* cheebydi ducks and covers before the WoW flames start. [01:22]
LMLeverage anyone on here selling BTC? [01:22]
mircea_popescu ya, how come it's so unflamewary tonight here ? [01:22]
Joric mircea_popescu, i guess it's still pretty far [01:22]
smickles naw cheebydi, the hot topics here are tonal and , well, religion [01:22]
mircea_popescu Joric well... to the starving soul... [01:23]
* pklaus ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:24]
smickles cheebydi: but you usually have to call lu ke to get that stuff going [01:24]
mircea_popescu actually cheebydi im not sure there even are wow players here at all. i played the beta myself, thought it sucked, never went back. that was like 2004. [01:24]
Cory Nobody's posted on the forum since August. :( [01:24]
mircea_popescu not such a good sign [01:24]
cheebydi 05-06 dark chapter. [01:24]
bonks ;;rate 1 Bought BTC for PPUSD. He also idents to 'ajf' and 'notajf' (lost gpgs), nickserv checks out with his vhost. [01:24]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user has been recorded. [01:24]
mircea_popescu his guild prolly sucks which means he's a looser!!111 [01:24]
cheebydi nearly failed uni [01:24]
mircea_popescu for wow ?! [01:25]
ajf_me ;;rate bonks 1 Sold BTC for PPUSD. No problems so far :) [01:25]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user bonks has been recorded. [01:25]
cheebydi mhm [01:25]
mircea_popescu cheebydi [01:26]
* lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:26]
mircea_popescu now twitch and froth :D [01:26]
Joric i'm trying to watch BBC's into the universe with stephen hawking it if only it could be filmed in states [01:26]
dizzler i'm looking to by bitcoin with paypal [01:26]
dizzler *buy [01:26]
* ajf_me is now known as ajf_me|offline [01:27]
cheebydi >.> [01:27]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [01:27]
Joric BBC's so tedious an naive at the same time i barely can watch it [01:27]
mircea_popescu Joric i almost never watch video content for the exact reason [01:28]
mircea_popescu if it;'s not in writing it's prolly for tards. [01:28]
* Duke_pro has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [01:28]
PaulZag Joric: Wat? Every usa made show are masters of delaying the reveal [01:28]
PaulZag 20 mins of fluff to finally pay of in final 2 mins per TV half hour [01:29]
PaulZag off [01:29]
nanotube Joric: play it at 2x speed. [01:29]
* Orion-Hax ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:32]
a5m0 that's why anime was invented, to ease the pain of american shows [01:33]
Joric and they fired the only good person on BBC, Bear Grylls [01:33]
bluemoon44 and usa shows have commercials [01:33]
mircea_popescu bear grylls was an actual person ?! [01:34]
bluemoon44 a fake apparently [01:34]
bluemoon44 dont get me wrong the dude was badass [01:34]
Joric Edward Michael Grylls [01:34]
mircea_popescu ftr, saying "usa shows" when you mean "us shows" is so yurpean... [01:34]
bluemoon44 les stroud is the real deal [01:34]
LMLeverage anyone at all selling here? [01:34]
mircea_popescu occasionally LMLeverage. what you got ? [01:35]
LMLeverage need 130BTC [01:35]
LMLeverage paying MP [01:35]
bluemoon44 i got a wii for sell with 7 games and acessories make an offer [01:35]
mircea_popescu ;;ident LMLeverage [01:36]
gribble Nick 'LMLeverage', with hostmask 'LMLeverage!', is not identified. [01:36]
bluemoon44 #gribble [01:36]
mircea_popescu you will have to 1) get identified and b) do some deals to gain trust. [01:36]
mircea_popescu noboduy's doing 700$ wiorth of trade with joe q random off the internets. [01:36]
bluemoon44 registration process is treacherous [01:36]
LMLeverage I did a deal with PaulZag before [01:36]
bluemoon44 but dont give up [01:36]
mircea_popescu LMLeverage untill you ident we don't know "you" did trade with anyone. [01:36]
LMLeverage yeah I know, I should have just done it last time--damn mac was having issues with the GCC compiler trying to get GPG keys configured [01:36]
mircea_popescu yea, it is a pain for most people. [01:37]
dizzler ;;ident [01:37]
mircea_popescu sadly there's no practical alternative. [01:37]
gribble You are identified as user jcpham, with GPG key id C71FB5ED6ACE04AF, and key fingerprint F7299BD73879E866613EAB24C71FB5ED6ACE04AF. [01:37]
LMLeverage got it. [01:37]
bluemoon44 ;;ident [01:37]
gribble You are identified as user james, with GPG key id BE1B7ECAB82C832D, and key fingerprint 1C234E76A29DDCD422D1A36ABE1B7ECAB82C832D. [01:37]
mircea_popescu dizzler= jcpham ?! ouh. [01:37]
* dizzler licks mircea_popescu [01:37]
bluemoon44 tounge action [01:38]
mircea_popescu tongue omg [01:38]
mircea_popescu someone get vragnaroda ! [01:38]
bluemoon44 tounge licking! [01:38]
* IcePee ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:38]
mircea_popescu EWWWwwrwedfgdfh [01:38]
bluemoon44 mmmm [01:38]
vragnaroda bluemoon44: *tongue and there's no licking in this channel. SFW only. [01:38]
mircea_popescu forget the flamewar, this is a certifiable toungewar [01:38]
mircea_popescu you rouge you. [01:38]
LMLeverage ;;guide [01:39]
mircea_popescu wait. [01:39]
mircea_popescu bluemoon44 = rg ?! [01:39]
bluemoon44 negatory [01:39]
mircea_popescu im having one of those moments like when you're decryogenized [01:39]
mircea_popescu a ok [01:39]
AcidicChip Wow it's been over 4.7 for atleast an hour. Nice [01:39]
mircea_popescu thougjht for a second everyone's changed names on me. [01:39]
mircea_popescu figure it lasts AcidicChip ? [01:40]
AcidicChip Figure? Nah... But hoping, lol [01:40]
PaulZag how are toungues NSFW? and who's work? [01:40]
dizzler ponies have tongues [01:40]
* agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:40]
AcidicChip It's been pretty up and down the last week or 2 [01:40]
mircea_popescu yeah. [01:40]
dizzler WTB bitcoin MTGOXUSD for paypal [01:40]
* ozstralia ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:42]
AcidicChip This upward spike oughta offset the other exchanges enough to make some decent profit gaps [01:43]
AcidicChip If the spike holds long enough for the other markets to trend [01:43]
* bluemoon44 has quit () [01:44]
AcidicChip markets/exchanges, whatever [01:44]
OrC Looking for Dedicated servers for BTC. PM me. [01:44]
IcePee has anyone had dealings with ukash? [01:44]
Joric mircea_popescu, how did you manage to learn english there in romania [01:44]
AcidicChip ;;getrating ukash [01:44]
gribble This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. [01:44]
AcidicChip Nope [01:44]
cheebydi IcePee yes [01:44]
AcidicChip Er, yeap [01:45]
AcidicChip :P [01:45]
mircea_popescu umm... i've only recently moved to romania. lived in the states for a while, costa rica, mexico [01:45]
mircea_popescu egypt [01:45]
mircea_popescu etc [01:45]
OrC Looking for Dedicated servers for BTC. PM me. [01:45]
dizzler mircea_popescu I figured you were traveled [01:45]
IcePee cheebydi, know any good exchangers for low amounts? [01:45]
dizzler your english slang is muy bueno [01:45]
mircea_popescu dizzler globetrotter baby. [01:45]
cheebydi states? no [01:46]
IcePee cheebydi, sorry? [01:46]
* LMLeverage is now known as lmlj [01:46]
lmlj anyone know if the key server is still [01:47]
lmlj eregister is having problems locating my public key [01:47]
mircea_popescu might have not propagated yet ? [01:48]
mircea_popescu just paste armored pubkey in the box [01:48]
lmlj k [01:48]
lmlj sorry for my ignorance, but how do I get the ASCII key from the gpg command line? [01:49]
lmlj only seem able to find the 16-char pub key [01:50]
OrC Looking for Dedicated servers for BTC. PM me. [01:50]
AcidicChip 3 [01:50]
* Clipse has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [01:50]
mircea_popescu -armor [01:50]
mircea_popescu gpg --export -a [01:51]
* lucid ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:53]
lmlj thanks--last question; I've got the public key on the pgp server, but I'm not sure which key to use to register with the bot [01:55]
* StewieMcFluffy has quit (Quit: Extraction complete.) [01:55]
lmlj tried the 16-char pub key ID, but that didn't seem to work [01:55]
mircea_popescu you use the key id i think ? or the key fingerprint ? [01:56]
mircea_popescu go gpg --list-keys --fingerprint [01:56]
lmlj ah that's the short form ID [01:57]
lmlj might be what I had wrong--was using long form [01:57]
nanotube gribble wants last 16 digits of fingerprint (aka, long keyid). [01:57]
nanotube also, no need to paste anything into boxes. you can send keys to keyservers with gpg --send-keys. [01:57]
nanotube mircea_popescu: ^ fyi :) [01:57]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:57]
lmlj yeah that's what I tried first [01:58]
mircea_popescu he said its not updating or whatever, i dunno. paleative solution [01:58]
lmlj still no luck it seems, so I tried the text box online with the ASCII code [01:58]
lmlj seemed to accept it, but still can't locate in the DB [01:58]
lmlj according to the bot, the 16-char long form ID is correct [01:58]
lmlj just can't figure out why it's not pulling it [01:58]
mircea_popescu hm [01:58]
* amazingrando ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:59]
* yossarian_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:59]
lmlj ok this is weird--I found my key in the server now but it's showing the ID as the short form [02:00]
lmlj the gribble bot doesn't accept short form [02:00]
lmlj well, figured it out--guess it was looking for the key ID in hex [02:01]
lmlj should be registered now [02:01]
* churchill has quit (Quit: Leaving) [02:01]
mircea_popescu ;;ident lmlj [02:02]
gribble Nick 'lmlj', with hostmask 'lmlj!', is not identified. [02:02]
mircea_popescu not just yet. [02:02]
lmlj ah damn ok I'm registered, still have to identify--one sec [02:02]
splatster If you guys want to buy any shares of S²CM, you better do it now! Azelphur is going to buy all the remaining shares in 10 minutes! [02:03]
splatster [5:01 PM] whatever is left after 10 minutes, I'm buying them all :P [02:03]
splatster make that 7 minutes :) [02:03]
* ozstralia ( has left #bitcoin-otc ("Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is") [02:04]
* splatster has quit (Quit: Be back in 2 minutes!) [02:05]
* splatster (~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:08]
* gribble gives voice to splatster [02:08]
* albuquerque has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [02:08]
* Pony_ (~rob@unaffiliated/pony-/x-0024453) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:09]
* Pony_ (~rob@unaffiliated/pony-/x-0024453) has left #bitcoin-otc [02:09]
lmlj ok I should be authenticated now [02:11]
lmlj ;;ident lmlj [02:11]
gribble Nick 'lmlj', with hostmask 'lmlj!', is identified as user lmlj, with GPG key id 17532BB332E9477E, and key fingerprint 26A04B77A7ABFC92F7C5B44917532BB332E9477E. [02:11]
mircea_popescu ye wd! [02:12]
lmlj taking care of the feedback from my earlier trade now... then after that, back to my original question :D [02:14]
lmlj 130BTC? [02:14]
PaulZag ;;rate lmlj 2 Sold him 52 BTC for MP quick and easy [02:14]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user lmlj has been recorded. [02:14]
* cyphase has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [02:14]
PaulZag ;;getrating lmlj [02:14]
gribble User lmlj, created on Tue Mar 27 16:14:11 2012. Cumulative rating 2, from 1 total ratings. Received ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 0 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask lmlj! [02:14]
* paraipan has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [02:14]
* BubbleBoy99 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:14]
lmlj (for MP) [02:15]
mircea_popescu big buyer too, that's nice. [02:15]
mircea_popescu you might want to put an order in the book too [02:15]
lmlj for the order I've already placed, or for the one I'm placing now? [02:15]
* dvide ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:16]
lmlj ;;rate PaulZag 2 Excellent seller, great communication and got my BTC in minutes [02:16]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user PaulZag has been recorded. [02:16]
mircea_popescu o, didn't know you had one. [02:16]
mircea_popescu << you don't. [02:17]
Joric why bitcoinica allows me to withdraw more than i expect? will it autoliquidate my position? [02:17]
jjjrmy-m aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh [02:17]
mircea_popescu i have no ideea Joric , never used it. [02:18]
* paraipan (~paraipan@gateway/tor-sasl/paraipanakos) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:18]
lmlj ;;buy 130 BTC @ 4.90 MoneyPak [02:19]
gribble Order id 7415 created. [02:19]
* Sell-O-Matic has quit (Quit: Page closed) [02:19]
Blitzboom Joric: ?! [02:21]
Blitzboom you shouldn’t be able to withdraw more than you have [02:21]
PaulZag ;;seen myhatistoosmall [02:22]
gribble I have not seen myhatistoosmall. [02:22]
splatster If you guys want to buy shares of S²CM, you better do it fast. Once a certain TX get's its 6 confirm, all remaining shares are going to be bought by Azelphur. [02:22]
PaulZag ;;getrating Myhatistoosmall [02:22]
gribble This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. [02:22]
PaulZag wtf? [02:23]
lmlj ;;getrating Cory [02:23]
gribble User cory, created on Fri Jul 8 22:29:49 2011. Cumulative rating 157, from 86 total ratings. Received ratings: 86 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 93 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask Cory!~Cory@unaffiliated/cory [02:23]
* Framedragger has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [02:25]
* OlEnglish (~OlEnglish@wikipedia/OlEnglish) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:26]
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* hngryhngryhippo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:27]
* copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [02:27]
lmlj last attempt--anyone selling 130BTC for MP? Order: #7415 [02:27]
Greed ;;ticker --last [02:27]
gribble 4.80204 [02:27]
AcidicChip Anyone think it'll hit 5 in the next 12 hours? [02:29]
AcidicChip ;;asks 5 [02:30]
gribble There are currently 25168.309 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 124177.011646 USD in total. [02:30]
* da2ce7 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:30]
* cyphase (~cyphase@unaffiliated/cyphase) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:30]
mircea_popescu stranger things have happened... [02:31]
* lucidz (59f3baa0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:32]
* fimpfimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [02:34]
* Snapman[afkers] is now known as Snapman [02:36]
mircea_popescu ;;asks 5 [02:37]
gribble There are currently 25172.08 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 124194.411544 USD in total. [02:37]
mircea_popescu going the wrong way tho :p [02:37]
* BTC_Bear is now known as BTC_Bear|hbrntng [02:38]
lmlj man this is not easy [02:38]
lmlj just curious, are there other BTC trading communities online? [02:38]
lmlj preferably anything instant? [02:38]
bonks ;;getrating lmlj [02:39]
gribble User lmlj, created on Tue Mar 27 16:14:11 2012. Cumulative rating 2, from 1 total ratings. Received ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask lmlj! [02:39]
* lucid has quit (Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client - [02:39]
lmlj bonks, looking for 130BTC for MP or WU [02:39]
dizzler WTB bitcoin MTGOXUSD for paypal [02:39]
dizzler whatever is being sold [02:39]
* yossarian_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:41]
* StewieMcFluffy_ (~klaypex@gateway/tor-sasl/stewiemcfluffy) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:42]
grubles dizzler: how much are you buying [02:43]
splatster If you guys want to buy shares of S²CM, you better do it fast. Once Azelphur gets his deposit into GLBSE, he is going to buy all the remaining shares. or or #S2CM [02:43]
dizzler i'l buy 10 or 20 or 50 or ... [02:44]
splatster dizzler: As it stands now, he is going to buy 295 shares [02:44]
* RaoulDuke has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [02:45]
bonks what exactly is S2CM? [02:45]
splatster bonks: [02:45]
splatster To sum it up, S² Capital Managementis a bitcoin investment fund focussed on fixed-income bitcoin securities. [02:46]
splatster s/Managementis/Management is/ [02:46]
* d4de (~RaWWR@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:46]
* d4de has quit (Changing host) [02:46]
* d4de (~RaWWR@unaffiliated/d4de) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:46]
* RaoulDuke ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:47]
* whaom has quit () [02:47]
BubbleBoy99 getrating IcePee [02:48]
BubbleBoy99 ;;getrating IcePee [02:48]
gribble User IcePee, created on Mon Mar 19 14:22:11 2012. Cumulative rating 3, from 2 total ratings. Received ratings: 2 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 2 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask IcePee! [02:48]
dizzler sorry splatster, i was answering grubles [02:48]
* pklaus has quit () [02:48]
splatster oh [02:49]
splatster dizzler: When I said he, I meant Azelphur [02:49]
* draco49[afk] is now known as draco49 [02:50]
dizzler what is a fixed income bitcoin security? [02:50]
draco49 good morning [02:50]
splatster mornin' draco49 [02:50]
* EPiSKiNG-- has quit () [02:50]
draco49 My coins finally made it to GLBSE. [02:51]
splatster dizzler: [02:51]
splatster It's like that only it's for bitcoin [02:51]
dizzler what is the bitcoin equivalent that you are selling [02:51]
dizzler or an example [02:51]
splatster We aren't selling the securities, we are investing in them. [02:52]
draco49 I just got my SS shares: woot! [02:52]
* amazingrando has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [02:52]
dizzler k [02:52]
splatster The bitcoin lending institutions are examples of fixed-income bitcoin securities. [02:52]
dizzler so as of right now you'll invest in those [02:52]
splatster yes [02:53]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:53]
* ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin [02:53]
dizzler but no tangible x% here numbers [02:53]
splatster I suggest you read the forum post for more info [02:53]
splatster [02:53]
PaulZag WTB BTC or MTGox currency voucher or any other exchange currency voucher for PPUSD, MoneyPak or even ACH [02:57]
* smickles|m ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:58]
* Joric has quit () [02:58]
draco49 splatster, Does the volume (5@1.0) mean you've only got 5 available shares left? [03:00]
splatster no [03:00]
splatster we have 280 shares left [03:00]
bonks I have 100 MTGUSD, anyone want to offer BTC? [03:00]
splatster draco49: Look at the "Sell orders" [03:00]
draco49 Oh I see... that's the available sell orders. [03:00]
splatster yup [03:01]
draco49 nefario should fix the SSL certificate on the site. [03:01]
* TrojanBlue ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:01]
* TrojanBlue ( has left #bitcoin-otc [03:01]
grubles ;;ident grubles [03:02]
gribble Nick 'grubles', with hostmask 'grubles!~grubles@unaffiliated/grubles', is identified as user grubles, with GPG key id 56B7AB94A71EA99F, and key fingerprint 7B0D607C91ADB1E9DCDEE50556B7AB94A71EA99F. [03:02]
grubles ;;rate 3 jcpham btc -> pp [03:03]
* smickles|m has quit (Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client - [03:03]
grubles ;;rate jcpham 3 btc -> pp [03:03]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 3 for user jcpham has been recorded. [03:03]
PaulZag bonks any other day I'd want it... no spare btc today [03:06]
* Valalvax has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [03:07]
PaulZag Is noone selling BTC? [03:08]
lmlj yeah this is kind of ridiculous [03:09]
grubles i just sold some [03:10]
lmlj again, anyone interested in selling 125BTC for MP or WU? [03:10]
dizzler i'm a bullish buyer! [03:10]
dizzler gimme all your flimflamcoins [03:11]
* Valalvax ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:13]
mircea_popescu btcs are to hoard [03:14]
mircea_popescu not sell [03:14]
_99percent_ want to borrow $20 will pay $25 back within 14 days [03:17]
* Deb (9052c0cf@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:17]
_99percent_ ppusd [03:17]
Deb Hi there, I'm selling $40 for BTC [03:18]
* bonks has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [03:19]
* bonks (~randres@unaffiliated/bonks) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:19]
Deb Is someone here ? [03:20]
_99percent_ doubt it >.> [03:21]
splatster Deb: We're all dead. [03:21]
Deb I can see that nobody is speaking :/ [03:22]
mircea_popescu silence is bitcoined. [03:23]
mircea_popescu since gold is so last century. [03:23]
draco49 lol [03:23]
draco49 Another gem from mircea_popescu [03:23]
mircea_popescu you keeping track draco49 ? [03:23]
draco49 Yep! I'm compiling a book of "Popescuisms" [03:24]
mircea_popescu ahaha so who wanted to see the pr girl ? check out what she came up with : [03:24]
* BubbleBoy99 ( has left #bitcoin-otc [03:24]
mircea_popescu that girl will die rich i am positive. [03:24]
* bonks has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [03:24]
draco49 lol [03:24]
draco49 $50 for a bigger ver of a pic we've already seen... [03:25]
* mircea_popescu wonders if he's being craftily used to launch a webcam career or something [03:25]
_99percent_ where are all the loan sharks when you need one [03:26]
* IcePee wonders if anyone has been blackmailed for BTC... [03:26]
* Woundead ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:27]
splatster _99percent_: They're dead too. [03:27]
* yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [03:27]
draco49 Make sure you buy a MegaMillions ticket for tonight's drawing (if you're in the US). The jackpot is at $356mil! [03:27]
_99percent_ that means your odds are 1 in 5 trillion [03:28]
draco49 The size of that jackpot has noting to do with the odds. [03:28]
draco49 *nothing [03:28]
_99percent_ they're still 1 in 5 trillion [03:28]
smickles it's still a bad bet [03:29]
draco49 A bad bet? $1.00 for a (slim) chance at $350mil? [03:29]
smickles draco49: yes [03:29]
draco49 It's at least as good as investing in Bitcoin. [03:29]
_99percent_ is flushing $1 down the toilet a bad idea? [03:29]
dizzler it's worth more today than tomorrow [03:30]
smickles draco49: it's worse than investing in bitcoin [03:30]
dizzler might as well flush it now [03:30]
mod6 draco49: no way. bitcoin is a fixed asset. a lotto ticket is a one time roll against large odds. [03:30]
mircea_popescu i don't see the bitcoin analogy. [03:30]
mircea_popescu my bitcoins don't go worthless after X date. [03:30]
draco49 whatever, I'm gonna win. [03:30]
mod6 :) [03:30]
mircea_popescu lol. whatever, draco's going home [03:30]
dizzler in soviet russia bitcoin analogies you! [03:30]
smickles not an anology mircea_popescu, a comparison [03:30]
draco49 It's one friggin dollar, and I only play when the jackpot goes over 100mil. [03:31]
* Clonedead has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [03:31]
_99percent_ early stages of addiction [03:31]
mircea_popescu dude, have your fun, who's stoppin ya ? [03:31]
mircea_popescu just, don't go around pretending :D [03:31]
mod6 draco49: if you hit that cash option, you can pay me to eat crow, at least just a bit ;) [03:31]
mircea_popescu (and also think there's a poor starving meth head stripper who could use the warmth of a dollar in her worn bikini strap) [03:32]
splatster heh [03:32]
draco49 AND, smickles, I expected some solidarity outta you. I just invested many times the cost of my lottoeryticket in SS shares. [03:32]
draco49 I never tip strippers. [03:32]
splatster yu[ [03:32]
splatster yup* [03:32]
mircea_popescu "This marketplace is full of people trying to sell stuff for BTC... but there is a distinct lack of consumer demand." [03:33]
mircea_popescu sucks [03:33]
* LordCanti (~LordCanti@unaffiliated/lordcanti) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:33]
smickles solidarity? draco49, you go win that fucking lotto [03:33]
draco49 Also, I pledge $1000 in BTC to everyone here if I hit the jackpot. [03:33]
mircea_popescu lol draco49 it's just their job as waitresses to bring you your champagne naked ? [03:33]
draco49 Thanks smickles! [03:33]
smickles *logged* [03:33]
mod6 I'll take 999 BTC and I'll eat one crow. [03:34]
CaptainDDL hehe that'd be awesome [03:34]
* smickles has been thanked :D [03:34]
draco49 I said $1000 in BTC, not 1000BTC [03:34]
mod6 oh my bad :D haha. [03:34]
mircea_popescu lol he's already fixing it :D [03:35]
draco49 Considering my $356mil, it may seem petty, but I gotta start planning my finances now. [03:35]
_99percent_ who's going to loan me $20? [03:35]
mircea_popescu ;;gettrust _99percent_ [03:35]
gribble Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user _99percent_: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: [03:35]
* localhost has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:35]
draco49 ;;gettrust _99percent_ [03:35]
gribble Trust relationship from user draco49 to user _99percent_: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: [03:36]
_99percent_ try ;;gettrust [ident _99percent_] [03:36]
draco49 yeah.... [03:36]
mircea_popescu ;;gettrust [ident _99percent_] [03:36]
gribble Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user trancegeek: Level 1: 5, Level 2: 2 via 3 connections. Graph: [03:36]
mircea_popescu o. you got it. addy ? [03:36]
IcePee just bought 100gb of cloud storage for 1 year with a saving of 82.63 USD off their usual price. [03:36]
IcePee using btc [03:36]
Ukto IcePee: how do you connect to the storage? [03:36]
* yogibear (9f5b4006@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:37]
mircea_popescu _99percent_ bitcoin address dood ? [03:37]
_99percent_ i meant ppusd [03:37]
IcePee Ukto, you can read from it using the web [03:37]
mircea_popescu o. [03:37]
mircea_popescu i can loan you five bitcoins if that helps you any. [03:37]
IcePee Ukto, the storage is Wuala [03:38]
IcePee Ukto, [03:38]
* gribble gives voice to smickles [03:39]
IcePee Ukto, normally costs 129 USD [03:39]
draco49 mircea_popescu, didn't you burned on a loan recently? [03:39]
* localhost ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:39]
draco49 ^get [03:39]
mircea_popescu yea ? [03:39]
BTCHero you gotta get back up when you fall down draco49 [03:39]
IcePee Ukto, got it for 47USD [03:39]
mircea_popescu moreover, i traded prolly over 1k [03:40]
draco49 That's true... [03:40]
mircea_popescu s worth with the guy, why'd he jip me for 20 ? [03:40]
* jamdunguy (b8aa2f5b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:41]
_99percent_ i would take 5 btc but then i gotta convert it to ppusd [03:41]
Ukto splatster around? [03:41]
_99percent_ which means i would have to find someone who wants to buy 5btc for ppusd [03:41]
Cory That would be easy. [03:41]
BTCHero ill send you 20 ppusd for 5 btc [03:42]
IcePee anyone else made a such a massive saving using BTC? [03:42]
BTCHero IcePee ??? [03:42]
IcePee BTCHero, buying stuff with BTC [03:43]
mircea_popescu you might be the champion, IcePee [03:43]
IcePee mircea_popescu, :) [03:43]
* yossarian_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:43]
draco49 IcePee, who did you get the cloudstorage from? [03:43]
* IcePee does a victory dance [03:43]
IcePee draco49, [03:44]
IcePee I used them anyway. [03:44]
IcePee use [03:44]
* sogood (2efca04e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:44]
IcePee they aren't a 2 bit enterprise, either. [03:45]
draco49 Thanks, I wasn't aware of them. [03:46]
jamdunguy ;; ident jamdunguy [03:46]
IcePee draco49, they're the web's best kept secret. [03:46]
BTCHero ;;ident jamdunguy [03:47]
gribble Nick 'jamdunguy', with hostmask 'jamdunguy!b8aa2f5b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. [03:47]
BTCHero no space, and you aren't identified [03:47]
draco49 Well I dunno about the rest of these blabblermouths, but I'll keep it to myself ;) [03:47]
Deb Hey guys ! Is anyone know where I can buy BTC with Paypal ? [03:47]
dizzler few and far between [03:48]
* yogibear has quit (Quit: Page closed) [03:48]
IcePee draco49, but with things file revisioning, synchronisation, backups, and system integration. They are pretty good. [03:48]
draco49 IcePee, LACIE is also an established hardware mfctr. [03:48]
jjjrmy-m aye [03:48]
draco49 I've got an external drive from them. [03:49]
* sogood (2efca04e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-otc [03:49]
IcePee draco49, they were bought out by Lacie [03:49]
draco49 I think this is the first time I've seen a known, established company supporting Bitcoin as payment. [03:50]
draco49 Excellent find! [03:50]
mircea_popescu me too actually. [03:50]
mircea_popescu pretty cool! [03:50]
Cusipzzz they've been accepting it a long time [03:50]
IcePee try it out, you get 2GBs to play with. [03:50]
draco49 I'm surprised there's not more talk about them. [03:50]
draco49 I'm gonna sign up. [03:51]
Cusipzzz there was a thread on it 6-9months ago iirc [03:51]
IcePee and it works on Linux, Macs and Window [03:51]
IcePee Windows [03:51]
draco49 IcePee, do they have a referral system? I'd like to give you the credit for telling me about it if possible. [03:51]
EPiSKiNG- you guys think BTC is going to rally after today? [03:51]
dizzler always [03:51]
dizzler tomorrow too [03:51]
IcePee draco49, I'm sure I can sort something out :) [03:51]
BTCHero 100 by christmas [03:52]
draco49 Should be back at the $6.00 in less than 30 days. [03:52]
* Deb has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [03:52]
EPiSKiNG- i'm thinkin someone's gonna eat up those 44K BTC available [03:52]
* sogood (2efca04e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:52]
EPiSKiNG- drop that price to the floor [03:52]
draco49 That's a buy wall, not a sell wall. [03:52]
copumpkin lol [03:52]
Cusipzzz lol [03:52]
dizzler untz untz untz [03:52]
EPiSKiNG- lolz [03:52]
Cory Pump 'n dump! Pump 'n dump! [03:52]
draco49 Someone's got 40k BTC buy order in. [03:52]
EPiSKiNG- oh, so the price should go up then [03:53]
draco49 I'm gonna laugh my ass off if someone puts a shitload of BTC into gox and fills that order. [03:53]
EPiSKiNG- BUY BUY BUY! [03:53]
EPiSKiNG- i got $3500 loaded in mtgox [03:54]
* yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [03:54]
EPiSKiNG- thought about buying earlier today [03:54]
EPiSKiNG- shoulda done it [03:54]
EPiSKiNG- but i'll end up loosing my short position [03:54]
* Vaerros ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:54]
EPiSKiNG- suggestions? [03:55]
EPiSKiNG- $4.77 wall up [03:57]
* churchill (~neo2@gateway/tor-sasl/neo2) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:58]
EPiSKiNG- awful quiet [03:59]
mircea_popescu ;;ident EPiSKiNG- [03:59]
gribble Nick 'EPiSKiNG-', with hostmask 'EPiSKiNG-!~EPiSKiNG@', is not identified. [03:59]
mircea_popescu who are you again ? [03:59]
EPiSKiNG- hold on, i'll ident [03:59]
* amazingrando ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:59]
jamdunguy anyone has any btc for sale? [04:00]
zonic how much was btc when you guys bought in? [04:00]
zonic $4.32 for me :D [04:00]
mircea_popescu Should be back at the $6.00 in less than 30 days. << yea. or back to 5.30 in less than a year. [04:00]
zonic 50c per btc gain [04:00]
* Cablesaurus ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:00]
* Cablesaurus has quit (Changing host) [04:00]
* Cablesaurus (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/cablesaurus) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:00]
dizzler i know what the price will be like [04:00]
dizzler ;;bc,price [04:00]
gribble Next Price Estimate: 5.725212 | Next Price In About 2 days, 18 hours, 5 minutes, and 44 seconds [04:01]
* gribble gives voice to EPiSKiNG- [04:01]
EPiSKiNG- here i am [04:01]
mircea_popescu how's he compute that btw ? [04:01]
dizzler ^ see. it's going UP UP UP [04:01]
mircea_popescu ;;ident EPiSKiNG- [04:01]
gribble Nick 'EPiSKiNG-', with hostmask 'EPiSKiNG-!~EPiSKiNG@', is identified as user EPiSKiNG-, with GPG key id 721730127CD7574D, and key fingerprint EBFC267F8F10EFD1FB84854D721730127CD7574D. [04:01]
draco49 Diablo-D3's predictonator says it will be at $6.00 within 30 days, so it has to be correct. [04:01]
mircea_popescu o hello there lolz [04:01]
mircea_popescu ;;ident Diablo-D3 [04:01]
gribble Nick 'Diablo-D3', with hostmask 'Diablo-D3!', is not identified. [04:01]
Cusipzzz i think he's confused with the Diablo3 release date, 30 days or so [04:01]
mircea_popescu lies! [04:01]
EPiSKiNG- how has the predictionator been in the past? [04:01]
mircea_popescu right half the timw [04:01]
EPiSKiNG- lol [04:02]
EPiSKiNG- either right or wrong huh: [04:02]
mircea_popescu this stuff is kinda cool [04:02]
dizzler SFW? [04:03]
mircea_popescu in a sense. [04:03]
dizzler definitely NSFW [04:03]
dizzler banhammer [04:03]
mircea_popescu omg calumny. [04:03]
Cusipzzz here's one for the goldbugs: [04:03]
dizzler saw it last week! [04:03]
mircea_popescu it's sfw in the sense there's no girl parts or rabbit parts or pony parts etc. [04:03]
dizzler i've been sawing all my 400oz bars in half [04:04]
mircea_popescu but i dunno wtf your work sfw policies are. [04:04]
Cusipzzz dizzler: good plan [04:04]
mircea_popescu Cusipzzz that is like... 3 months old ?! [04:04]
* hdon- has quit (Quit: Leaving) [04:04]
draco49 [04:04]
* amazingrando has quit (Client Quit) [04:04]
Cusipzzz mircea_popescu: i missed it 3 months ago, then, article is dated yesterday, lol [04:04]
* eph_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:05]
mircea_popescu ya it was all the rage, romania had just swapped some gold with the us it was OMG!!1 [04:05]
mircea_popescu but the barse here were fine [04:05]
Cusipzzz lolol [04:05]
mircea_popescu 40+ hours of runtime off a single battery. By activating the new low power beacon mode, you can stretch the lifetime of a single battery to over 40 hours. The ultimate survival beacon that is visible from outer space has landed. [04:06]
mircea_popescu pretty cool... [04:06]
dizzler NSFW! [04:06]
dizzler try again... [04:06]
Blitzboom [04:07]
* yossarian_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:08]
mircea_popescu eeee [04:08]
mircea_popescu now that's cool. [04:08]
Blitzboom "Bitcoin exists, not through the creation of money by private banks and national states, but because a digitally literate global community decided to trust a particular instantiation of a protocol for the distributed creation of money" [04:09]
dizzler yes [04:09]
Blitzboom magic ^_^ [04:09]
dizzler i like that link [04:09]
mircea_popescu hell yea [04:09]
mircea_popescu this is the best news this year! [04:09]
Blitzboom the revolution will be decentralized! [04:09]
Cusipzzz Blitzboom: but what of the bubble?? [04:10]
mircea_popescu also [04:10]
mircea_popescu decentralized [04:11]
Blitzboom Cusipzzz: bubble up, bro [04:11]
Cusipzzz lol [04:11]
Blitzboom [04:11]
* OlEnglish has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [04:12]
* x0Jakeyboy0x (4bb7a43c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:12]
x0Jakeyboy0x anyone looking to get rid of some BTC? [04:12]
mircea_popescu dude, this is like, the first scene i'm actually proud to be part of. [04:12]
* draco49 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:12]
* toffoo (~tof@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:12]
x0Jakeyboy0x selling $25 dollar visa gift card [04:14]
Cusipzzz that p2p foundation piece is not bad! [04:17]
mircea_popescu lmao so shakaru guy has a bunch of stuff for sale to help offset the 20k usd he's defrauded so far [04:18]
mircea_popescu it's like... cables. 4btc items. etc. [04:18]
* LyraHeartstrings has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [04:18]
* pingdrive (~pingdrive@gateway/tor-sasl/pingdrive) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:18]
* LyraHeartstrings (lyra@2607:ff50:0:c:4c81:86ff:fe21:62aa) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:19]
_99percent_ selling 5btc 23 ppusd [04:19]
* yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [04:22]
dizzler selling 5btc for paypal? [04:23]
_99percent_ yes [04:23]
dizzler i 'll take that [04:23]
dizzler ;;ident dizzler [04:23]
gribble Nick 'dizzler', with hostmask 'dizzler!~dirkdizzl@unaffiliated/aeon/x-3095533', is identified as user jcpham, with GPG key id C71FB5ED6ACE04AF, and key fingerprint F7299BD73879E866613EAB24C71FB5ED6ACE04AF. [04:23]
JWU42 ;;ident JWU42 [04:23]
gribble Nick 'JWU42', with hostmask 'JWU42!~JW@unaffiliated/subpar', is identified as user subpar, with GPG key id 6B7EE02522FC3824, and key fingerprint 949A1CC88A839D0F7AD04BED6B7EE02522FC3824. [04:23]
Cusipzzz _99percent_: lots of people will take that if you ship first :) [04:25]
dizzler ;;getrating trancegeek [04:26]
gribble User trancegeek, created on Fri Jul 22 09:14:01 2011. Cumulative rating 17, from 11 total ratings. Received ratings: 9 positive, 2 negative. Sent ratings: 10 positive, 2 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask _99percent_! [04:26]
* BTC_Bear|hbrntng is now known as BTC_Bear [04:26]
rg ;;ticker [04:29]
gribble Best bid: 4.78002, Best ask: 4.79869, Bid-ask spread: 0.01867, Last trade: 4.78, 24 hour volume: 59700, 24 hour low: 4.57591, 24 hour high: 4.84592 [04:29]
* EPiSKiNG- has quit () [04:29]
rg ;;asks 5 [04:29]
gribble There are currently 25472.525 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 125591.996722 USD in total. [04:29]
x0Jakeyboy0x selling $25 dollar visa [04:30]
rg ;;market sell 5000 [04:30]
gribble A market order to sell 5000 bitcoins right now would net 23643.9547 USD and would take the last price down to 4.6861 USD. [04:30]
rg nice [04:31]
a5m0 just go back to $7! [04:32]
a5m0 i just know if i sell a bunch of coins the price will go up... [04:33]
mircea_popescu a5m0 buy options :D [04:33]
a5m0 lol then i can bet against myself [04:34]
a5m0 i find that very appropriate [04:34]
mircea_popescu ya you sell like 1k bitcoins, buy 1k calls at say 4.5 [04:34]
mircea_popescu then if it goes up you're insured, if it goes down you're fine. [04:34]
rg hrm [04:35]
rg so we have hulu plus now [04:35]
rg but my room mate sitll wants to watch tv [04:35]
mircea_popescu course if it stays the same... you're out like 10% or whatever. [04:35]
rg i would definitely rather the 30 seconds of commercial [04:35]
a5m0 rg, what a hipster [04:35]
rg than a full set of 4-5 commercials [04:35]
splatster S²CM's IPO today was a great success! All 500 shares have been sold! [04:35]
mircea_popescu wd! [04:36]
rg so you want 500 btc? [04:36]
rg made* [04:36]
a5m0 no he made 110 shares [04:36]
splatster a5m0: Those shares haven't been issued [04:36]
rg i so shoulda put bitvps on there [04:36]
rg i bet people would buy it like hotcakes [04:36]
rg im gonna use a different thing [04:36]
rg maybe mirceas [04:36]
splatster If we do a seo, I'll let you know, rg :) [04:37]
a5m0 but would you be selling dividends or just stakes in the company? [04:37]
mircea_popescu so go use it now, help me wrinkle any possible bugs out. [04:37]
* pingdrive has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:37]
rg mircea_popescu: im gonna have someone do it for me [04:37]
rg i cant be bothered [04:37]
rg i have a business to run [04:37]
rg ill have someone manage it for us [04:37]
mircea_popescu you can't be bothered to buy/sell stocks ? [04:37]
rg no [04:37]
rg i dont like numbers [04:37]
* yossarian_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:38]
mircea_popescu now that's interesting. [04:38]
* pingdrive (~pingdrive@gateway/tor-sasl/pingdrive) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:38]
mircea_popescu well... talk to smickles ? :D [04:38]
mircea_popescu i think he loves numbers. [04:38]
* yongjhen (3b78d4d9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:38]
rg i was thinking maybe jj [04:38]
* lucidz has quit (Quit: Page closed) [04:39]
rg hes young [04:39]
rg but hes smart & jewish [04:39]
rg and you know what they say [04:39]
rg youll never make it to the top without cheap services and a jew accountant [04:39]
mircea_popescu lol [04:39]
rg did i just say that out loud? [04:39]
rg ;;seen danieldaniel [04:39]
eph_ and a black bodyguard. [04:39]
gribble danieldaniel was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 2 days, 20 hours, 47 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: g2g [04:39]
rg ;;seen danieldaniel_ [04:39]
gribble danieldaniel_ was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 3 weeks, 0 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: wtf [04:39]
eph_ hi is there someone selling btc for ppusd? [04:40]
mircea_popescu wow! it's been a month almost ?! [04:40]
mircea_popescu ;;ident eph_ [04:40]
gribble Nick 'eph_', with hostmask 'eph_!', is identified as user eph, with GPG key id F4C7728DD88A7CAE, and key fingerprint CD4C439E32D5A201ECB0532A84AB5F9B78C6B8B7. [04:40]
rg ;;getrating eph [04:40]
gribble User eph, created on Mon Mar 19 17:55:00 2012. Cumulative rating 1, from 1 total ratings. Received ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask eph_! [04:40]
rg ;;getrating eph_ [04:40]
gribble User eph_, created on Fri Mar 16 19:32:31 2012. Cumulative rating 2, from 1 total ratings. Received ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently not authenticated. [04:40]
mircea_popescu two of em ?! [04:40]
eph_ lost my first key. :] [04:40]
mircea_popescu lol that sucks when it happens. [04:41]
eph_ had 1 rating its not a huge loss [04:41]
eph_ ^^ [04:41]
* paraipan has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:41]
* paraipan (~paraipan@gateway/tor-sasl/paraipanakos) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:43]
mircea_popescu EDIT: Further discussion has brought us to the conclusion that, in order to avoid devaluing current investor's shares, new shares would be issued at market value. [04:43]
mircea_popescu lol that's possibly the cutest thing i ever heard. [04:43]
* frauf ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:45]
rg mircea can you make our company the most popular company [04:45]
rg will your pr girl shake em for bitvps? [04:45]
rawrmage the most popescu company [04:45]
mircea_popescu lol rg, depends on what investing interest i manage to line up [04:46]
mircea_popescu also depends a lot on the quality of your ipo documentation etc. [04:47]
* gribble gives voice to churchill [04:47]
churchill I'm looking for a loan, 1 week, 23BTC. [04:47]
rg ;;getrating churchill [04:47]
gribble This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. [04:47]
a5m0 doesn't look like that's going to happen [04:48]
* yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [04:48]
* churchill is now known as neo2 [04:49]
neo2 now :-) [04:49]
rg ;;ticker [04:49]
gribble Best bid: 4.75004, Best ask: 4.78036, Bid-ask spread: 0.03032, Last trade: 4.75, 24 hour volume: 61012, 24 hour low: 4.57591, 24 hour high: 4.84592 [04:49]
splatster ;;getrating neo2 [04:49]
gribble User neo2, created on Wed Aug 31 03:09:36 2011. Cumulative rating 11, from 7 total ratings. Received ratings: 7 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 6 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask neo2!~neo2@gateway/tor-sasl/neo2 [04:49]
x0Jakeyboy0x selling 25 dollar visa gift card [04:49]
IcePee x0Jakeyboy0x, for...? [04:50]
x0Jakeyboy0x around... 5.25 BTc [04:52]
* pp7 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [04:52]
neo2 what are the common interest rates here? [04:54]
* word_ is now known as word [04:54]
* word has quit (Changing host) [04:54]
* word (~word@konversation/developer/word) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:54]
Cusipzzz neo2: between steep payday loans and astronomical :) [04:55]
splatster hehe [04:55]
IcePee neo2 are you looking for a loan? [04:55]
neo2 yes [04:55]
splatster S²CM just took 500 BTC out of the market so it might be a bit hard :) [04:55]
a5m0 5000btc enters the market everyday so not really [04:56]
splatster Don't you blow my buzz, a5m0. [04:56]
BTC_Bear splatster: If you didn't sell those 500 BTC, then they are not out of the market. [04:56]
splatster BTC_Bear: Alas, they have been invested. [04:57]
BTC_Bear So they are still in the 'market' [04:57]
IcePee neo2, I don't think we are really set up for loans. Most of the time it's straight exchanges [04:57]
splatster Oh wait, they were invested mostly with lending institutions. [04:57]
copumpkin IcePee: I used to do lots of loans around here :) [04:57]
Cusipzzz loans are common [04:57]
splatster IcePee: I've given and received loans before [04:57]
copumpkin is also pretty active [04:58]
IcePee well shut my mouth. [04:58]
* copumpkin unshuts IcePee's mouf [04:58]
BTC_Bear ^^ that just looks weird with the nick he is using. [04:59]
IcePee how do you do loans, now that clearcoin is caput. [04:59]
IcePee kaput [05:00]
Cusipzzz IcePee: trusted people via ratings [05:00]
IcePee Makes sense [05:01]
rg im watching 'Misfits' [05:01]
rg that from from england [05:01]
rg the one kid is so weird heh [05:01]
* draco49 (~draco49@unaffiliated/draco49) has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:02]
* gribble gives voice to draco49 [05:02]
rawrmage when do you move to england again rg [05:02]
rg i dunno [05:02]
rg i have to go there the end of next month [05:02]
rawrmage hm [05:02]
* yossarian_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:03]
mircea_popescu 5000btc enters the market everyday so not really << more like 7-8k [05:03]
* jothan has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [05:04]
Cusipzzz zomg inflation [05:04]
a5m0 proves my point even harder [05:04]
a5m0 where do they go!? [05:04]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc [09:29]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe [09:29]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Sun Feb 26 06:25:27 2012 [09:29]
a5m0 you can do that by checking the address you withdrew to.... [09:29]
* relet1 (~hirtho@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [09:30]
AndrewNTH a5m0: i don't have control of the address i withdrew to, it's a site i'm paying [09:30]
a5m0 goto then type in the address and click submit.... [09:30]
a5m0 or you can enter the transaction id [09:30]
AndrewNTH thanks a5m0 [09:30]
draco49 ya you don't need control of the address [09:30]
a5m0 but if it goes directly to another mtgox account then you won't be able to tell unless you selected outside transaction [09:31]
a5m0 because it will be an internal one [09:31]
* je_fro ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [09:32]
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* je_fro (~unknown@gentoo/developer/je-fro) has joined #bitcoin-otc [09:32]
* Silly has quit (Excess Flood) [09:35]
zveda how many bitcoins for my soul? [09:36]
bonks Selling 100 MTGUSD for 23.5 BTC .. Instant deposit into MtGox! [09:36]
mircea_popescu souls are worthless [09:38]
mircea_popescu trying to get around mtgox "bitcoin police" bonks ? [09:39]
bonks what? [09:39]
zveda worthless?! [09:39]
mircea_popescu o hallo. flame nao ? [09:39]
* Silly ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [09:39]
zveda soul is the most precious thing in da world [09:40]
zveda 1 premium soul for sale [09:40]
mircea_popescu that's cock honey. [09:40]
zveda i ahvent committed too many sins [09:40]
bonks mircea_popescu: what is the bitcoin police? [09:40]
rg bollocks [09:40]
mircea_popescu lemme find you the link [09:40]
rg i created this partition as ext3 [09:40]
rg not 4 [09:40]
mircea_popescu what! they deleted a 15+ page thread ? [09:42]
mircea_popescu wtf. [09:42]
zveda nobody wants my soul wtf [09:42]
* easystevey has quit (Quit: Page closed) [09:42]
mircea_popescu there bonks [09:43]
bonks what's this have to do with my trade? [09:44]
mircea_popescu well normally you can trade mtgox for btc directly on mtgox. [09:46]
mircea_popescu no ? [09:46]
bonks yes, but not everyone likes to wait to fund their 0 balances [09:47]
mircea_popescu a [09:47]
mircea_popescu don't mind me, was just idly commenting. [09:47]
zveda just sell bitcoins to get your balance back [09:47]
bonks selling mtgusd is convenient for someone with 0 btc and funds [09:48]
zveda what if u had 1 btc.. woudl that make a difference ? [09:51]
mircea_popescu mk, so for the nix experts out there : chkrootkit came up with [09:52]
mircea_popescu The following suspicious files and directories were found: [09:52]
mircea_popescu /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/PyQt4/uic/widget-plugins/.noinit /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/.path [09:52]
mircea_popescu how worried need one be ? [09:52]
bonks zveda: i think someone would trade. i would have not too long ago [09:52]
rg mircea [09:53]
rg obviously not at all [09:53]
mircea_popescu ya i thought so. [09:53]
rg investigate the files [09:53]
rg but theres a 99% chance theyre nothing [09:53]
mircea_popescu the weird-ass path is what got me thinking [09:53]
rg looks like normal python modules to me [09:54]
rg but you should check them out anyway [09:54]
draco49 yeah that's what my PyQt4 path looks like as well [09:55]
draco49 I just got 14GB free cloud space on wuala :P [09:55]
mircea_popescu wd! [09:55]
draco49 apparently they just started accepting bitcoin as well [09:56]
draco49 its 0.10 BTC/GB per year [09:56]
mircea_popescu Cusipzzz was saying 6months + [09:56]
draco49 You get 3GB free forever, and I found a bunch of promo codes that I redeemed and got 11 more GB free. [09:57]
mircea_popescu is this bw or disk ? [09:58]
draco49 bw? [09:58]
mircea_popescu bandwidth [09:58]
draco49 disk [09:58]
mircea_popescu so how much bw you get ? [09:58]
draco49 unlimited [09:58]
mircea_popescu o ? pretty cool. [09:58]
bonks draco49: they expire in a year [09:59]
* elektriks is now known as osmosis [09:59]
draco49 yeah and they've got a (bloaded) java client for nix so your cloud drive is a mount [09:59]
draco49 So it's free for now, and I plan on buying 50GB with BTC in a few days. [10:00]
draco49 I might even buy for 2 years to lock the price down. [10:01]
* mircea_popescu still doesn't trust the cloud [10:01]
draco49 10 BTC for 2 years of service I pretty cheap for 50GB [10:01]
rg i wouldnt trust it at those pirces [10:01]
draco49 The prices are much higher if you pay with USD [10:02]
draco49 encryption is done client-side [10:02]
draco49 I'm going to use it for any sort of production backend, but it makes a good personal file backup. [10:03]
* emmanuelux (~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #bitcoin-otc [10:03]
bonks wuala is nice, but after i installed it on windows eset keeps asking permissions to windows explorer. [10:03]
bonks all my cloud drives contain mostly encrypted containers and synced on at least 2 of my devices [10:04]
draco49 You need to modify your UAC settings. [10:05]
draco49 oh you said ESET [10:05]
bonks I havent set it up yet, but the reason I registered with wuala is because with bitcoin indexes reaching 1gb+, i didnt have enough space on my dropbox 2gb account [10:05]
draco49 you need to create an exception in ESET for it [10:05]
bonks well it's that or get rid of wuala [10:05]
draco49 Or get AVG and ditch eset. [10:06]
bonks draco49: i'm just suspicious, not irritated by the prompt.. i like having control [10:06]
draco49 ya I can respect that. [10:06]
draco49 The only thing I don't like about wuala so far is that its client is java-based. [10:07]
rg woot [10:09]
rg server installed [10:09]
rg finally [10:09]
rg no thanks to drac [10:09]
draco49 What are you whippin up, rg? [10:09]
rg new texas server [10:09]
draco49 Oh nice. [10:09]
rg with the 6x500gb raid [10:09]
rg and write cache [10:09]
zveda is wuala better than spideroak ? [10:09]
draco49 You have to access via DRAC? [10:09]
rg yes [10:10]
draco49 zveda, I'm not sure. I don't know spideroak. [10:10]
rg all our servers have DRAC/some type of IPMI now [10:10]
zveda i got 7gb with my promotion codes for spideroak [10:10]
draco49 Good when you get them configured properly... [10:10]
rg not when DRAC is a piece of shit [10:11]
a5m0 rg, i have drac on mine but i never use it [10:11]
rg i had a fun time even trying to get a browser to load the fuggin plugin [10:11]
draco49 What kind of plug-in was it? [10:11]
rg i dont know [10:12]
a5m0 why didn't you install proxmox before you sent it? or did you just buy a dedi? [10:12]
draco49 proprietary Dell stuffs [10:12]
rg a5m0 cause it doesnt work that way [10:12]
a5m0 depends on the host [10:13]
a5m0 or isp [10:13]
draco49 zveda, spideroak is way expensive [10:14]
rg kewl now i have to restart the installaton [10:14]
zveda omgosh I just lost 2gb playing with the promotion codes [10:14]
rg cause the ISP didnt make me a non raid partition [10:14]
zveda im back to 5gb [10:14]
rg for the footloader [10:14]
rg boot* [10:14]
zveda no wait Im back to 7gb again [10:14]
draco49 lol [10:14]
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zveda phew [10:15]
draco49 wuala is less than half the price if you pay with bitcoins [10:15]
a5m0 i'd just use dropbox, if you're serious about security you can easily setup your own [10:16]
a5m0 getting a free 16gb dropbox is easy too [10:16]
draco49 wuala was bought by LaCie [10:17]
draco49 and I like that they are accepting bitcoins [10:17]
zveda so you get the free gb though self referrals? [10:17]
draco49 I think it's important to try to support business that accept Bitcoins. [10:18]
zveda do people really need more than 5gb tho? [10:18]
zveda what would you store [10:18]
a5m0 i'm using 50% of my 28gb on dropbox [10:19]
draco49 zveda, normally you get 2GB free, but you get 3GB if you sign up with a referral code. The other 11GB I got were from developer codes and other promo codes. [10:19]
savageable is there anyway to get BTC [10:19]
BTC_Bear Yep [10:19]
savageable Has anyone come up with a method of trading BTC on paper on coins yet? [10:19]
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draco49 zveda, depends on what you're storing. [10:19]
a5m0 if you enter in a .edu email on dropbox it gives you double storage [10:19]
BTC_Bear savageable: Yep again but old news [10:19]
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savageable BTC_Bear: does this involve having to go online and confirm the transaction or can you just really use them like cash [10:20]
BTC_Bear Sure, if you trust them, but all fiat requires a level of trust. Hell, even non-fiat requires a level of trust. e.g. fools-gold [10:21]
Cory savageable: I have some Casascius coins. [10:21]
Cory [10:21]
draco49 [10:21]
savageable Cory: cool ill check it out. thanks [10:22]
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a5m0 draco49, looks cool, but i've got 28gb free on dropbox, so that's pretty awesome [10:23]
zveda geez so much free [10:23]
draco49 That is awesome. [10:23]
zveda i just got 3.2gb [10:23]
a5m0 wow skydrive gives you 25gb free [10:24]
draco49 lol I just saw that too. [10:24]
draco49 They have to beg ppl to use their service. [10:24]
a5m0 they have virtual office though [10:24]
draco49 I would never use microsoft's cloud service. [10:24]
a5m0 kinda neat [10:24]
a5m0 though i use google docs... [10:24]
draco49 See, you can just integrate them with the new GDrive :) [10:25]
* aparigraha (~aparigrah@gateway/tor-sasl/aparigraha) has joined #bitcoin-otc [10:25]
a5m0 google docs storage is unlimited though [10:25]
a5m0 for docs documents (not pdfs and such) [10:25]
BTC_Bear plus they have a DB with Fusion Tables [10:25]
zveda so if you get every single service and every single promo code, u can have like 500gb free [10:27]
zveda I gues it's not too hard to create multiple accounts and get free gb for each, and then get them all to work on a single machine [10:28]
a5m0 you mean like skydrive + dropbox etc? [10:28]
zveda yeah [10:28]
a5m0 you could just make a shit ton of skydrives [10:28]
a5m0 sounds quickest [10:28]
zveda it would probably violate their terms and regulations [10:28]
BTC_Bear Well all TOS is really long legal jargon saying: If we don't like it, your screwed. [10:29]
zveda what if you get millions of TB of free cloud memory, and then offer your own paid service on top [10:30]
zveda selling other people's free memories [10:31]
zveda at a discount too [10:31]
BTC_Bear Yea, well people sell free stuff all the time. [10:31]
BTC_Bear Don't blame them, blame the buyers. [10:31]
alexbobp like your soul? [10:31]
zveda no but you get it for free in chunks of 25gb etc [10:31]
zveda and then you sell it in chunks of 100gb [10:32]
zveda like the paid services [10:32]
BTC_Bear My soul isn't for sale. [10:32]
zveda your proprietary scripts just unite a bunch of free accounts into a single fat account [10:32]
zveda and hide it all from the user [10:32]
a5m0 zveda, write the script, i'll buy :p [10:33]
AndrewNTH Why are some people voiced, BTC_Bear? [10:33]
BTC_Bear They have a gpg registered nick [10:33]
AndrewNTH i do [10:33]
AndrewNTH but im not voiced [10:33]
a5m0 AndrewNTH, they used ;;letmein or ;;voiceme [10:33]
AndrewNTH ;;voiceme [10:34]
* gribble gives voice to AndrewNTH [10:34]
BTC_Bear type ;;voiceme [10:34]
* gribble gives voice to cheebydi [10:34]
bruzum [10:37]
AndrewNTH layout save [10:39]
AndrewNTH oops [10:39]
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AndrewNTH ;;guide [10:43]
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PaulZag ;;ident AndrewNTH [10:45]
gribble Nick 'AndrewNTH', with hostmask 'AndrewNTH!~andy@unaffiliated/andrewnth', is not identified. [10:45]
PaulZag that's why you're not voiced AndrewNTH, you can only be voiced while you're auth'd [10:45]
bonks Has anyone created a service which accepts bitcoins to create cloud servers on amazon's ec2? [10:46]
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AndrewNTH PaulZag: i was authed before [10:46]
AndrewNTH PaulZag: i'm trying to automate it so i auth when i come in [10:47]
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PaulZag every time gribble loses track of you AndrewNTH, you have to re-auth... what client are you using? [10:52]
AndrewNTH PaulZag: irssi [10:52]
da2ce7 anyone selling 100 - 200 btc, direct deposit, AUD. [10:52]
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PaulZag don't know that client. [10:54]
AndrewNTH ;;gpg auth andrewnth [10:54]
mircea_popescu you don't know irssi ?! [10:54]
mircea_popescu i thought it was like the most popular. [10:54]
* AndrewNTH has quit (Quit: leaving) [10:55]
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AndrewNTH ;;gpg auth [10:56]
AndrewNTH ;;gpg auth andrewnth [10:56]
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bonks is there an irc client which I can sync between multiple computers? [10:57]
bruzum why would u want tyhat [10:57]
bruzum that [10:57]
bonks because im either on my desktop, laptop, or work [10:57]
BTC_Bear AndrewNTH: there are scripts to auth for irssi [10:57]
bonks and i hate syncing logs, missing shit, etc [10:58]
bonks I want something that can sync across multiple pcs and stay online [10:58]
savageable BTC_Bear: where can I find such scripts? Also maybe a script to automaticly use SSL [10:58]
weex bonks, run a little gnu/linux server and use irssi thorugh screen [10:58]
savageable weex: I do run that [10:58]
BTC_Bear ;;gpg [10:58]
gribble Here are the instructions for authenticating with the bot using GPG: [10:58]
BTC_Bear there [10:58]
savageable weex: where can I find the scripts to automate it and SSL [10:58]
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savageable BTC_Bear: are there scripts that can do both SSL connectinos and automated auth? [10:59]
bonks for the gpg eauth shit i just wrote a simple c# app that fetches the pgp message, prompts me for my password, and copies the ;;gpg everify line to clipboard [10:59]
rg you and 100 other people [10:59]
* gribble gives voice to AndrewNTH [11:00]
BTC_Bear bonks: but most just used wget or curl on a single line rather than a c# app [11:00]
rg it is taking a long as time to rebuild my raid array [11:01]
bonks im on windows without cyg [11:01]
rg use Powershell [11:01]
rg at least [11:01]
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bonks rg: i hate powershell, too slow for anything (in general), so i stick to my c# [11:01]
PaulZag been a long time since I did the IRC client dance. Frankly I'm over it [11:02]
PaulZag bonks: would that be a use case for a bouncer like psybnc? and server side logging [11:03]
AndrewNTH ;;getrating PaulZag [11:03]
gribble User paulzag, created on Wed Jan 25 02:08:21 2012. Cumulative rating 76, from 48 total ratings. Received ratings: 48 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 50 positive, 1 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask PaulZag! [11:03]
bonks PaulZag: i've used psybnc many years ago, but only as a bouncer. i dont remember being able to load messages while i was away [11:03]
bonks i know, look at logs, but i want to just scroll up with something loaded in the client [11:04]
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PaulZag I'm no expert bonks, but surely what oyu describe would be built into it [11:04]
AndrewNTH ;;rate gribble 10 without you, none of this would be possible [11:05]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 10 for user gribble has been recorded. [11:05]
bonks i'll have to check it out again [11:05]
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AndrewNTH PaulZag: what would you require to trade more than 1/2 BTC for PPUSD? [11:11]
AndrewNTH because I'd much prefer to use this channel rather than mtgox [11:12]
PaulZag Right now I'd need BTC :) seems to be a dry spell. [11:12]
AndrewNTH PaulZag: i guess what i'm asking is what kind of rating do i need before people will trade in the region of 10-15 BTC for PPUSD? [11:13]
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CaptainDDL Paypal is unsafe despite your rating, you'll just have to wait for someone willing to take that chance AndrewNTH. Not many sellers tonight that I've seen. [11:15]
AndrewNTH CaptainDDL: what other things do people use? [11:15]
PaulZag direct deposit, [11:16]
CaptainDDL Liberty Reserve, Bank Transfer, Wire Transfer, etc [11:16]
CaptainDDL Moneypak [11:16]
PaulZag liberty reserve [11:16]
CaptainDDL basically anything that can't be reversed [11:16]
PaulZag money paks were popular for a moment, now not so much. Paypal introduced id requirements from first $ deposit [11:16]
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bonks AndrewNTH amazon gift cards [11:17]
PaulZag Moneypaks are potentially reversible [11:17]
bonks anywhere with redeemable money codes? [11:17]
PaulZag paypal is safe enough with trusted traders, but you can't build trust fast [11:17]
PaulZag Western Union [11:17]
PaulZag but the problem is fees. And people hate paying fees [11:18]
PaulZag all those have transaction fees except for branch deposits. [11:18]
bonks 1 BTC on paypal should be ok with most, i like to think most buyers don't want to go through the hassle of reporting to paypal and/or their bank to get a chargeback [11:18]
PaulZag Surprises me more ppl here don't do branch deposits, [11:18]
AndrewNTH the reason i keep buying like 1/2BTC is because [11:18]
AndrewNTH i'll put enough money into MTGOX to cover what i want to buy [11:19]
PaulZag I know a trader who got a $13 chargeback [11:19]
AndrewNTH then the exchange rate will change before it's credited and i need more [11:19]
AndrewNTH :( [11:19]
PaulZag How cheap can you get money in gox for AndrewNTH [11:19]
AndrewNTH PaulZag: you mean, what does it cost me to do it? [11:19]
PaulZag it costs me a min of $20 per deposit in Wire fees [11:20]
AndrewNTH PaulZag: i deposit in GBP from my bank's online banking service [11:20]
AndrewNTH it takes about 24 hours to credit and is free [11:20]
savageable PaulZag: You have to have an ID to use paypal now? [11:20]
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PaulZag free wire transfers? [11:20]
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bonks savageable: i thought you can fund a new paypal with moneypak w/out id? [11:20]
savageable bonks: I thought the same. [11:21]
AndrewNTH PaulZag: you can transfer money from any one bank account in the UK to another for free usually, at least with small amounts of currency anyway [11:21]
CaptainDDL AndrewNTH, that sounds like a good deal...the quickest I can do that via Dwolla is 4-5 days. [11:21]
bonks dwolla is usa only [11:21]
CaptainDDL I'd trade Dwolla for 24 hour transfers :P [11:22]
CaptainDDL the first time I ever used it, it took 9 days [11:22]
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bonks my first took a week, i was so anxious [11:24]
PaulZag savageable and bonks no more $250 limit for moneypak -> paypal. Paypal wants ID straight away now [11:24]
bonks then prices went up [11:24]
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rg ;;ticker [11:24]
gribble Best bid: 4.77991, Best ask: 4.7846, Bid-ask spread: 0.00469, Last trade: 4.79907, 24 hour volume: 50689, 24 hour low: 4.62201, 24 hour high: 4.84592 [11:24]
rg ;;asks 5 [11:24]
gribble There are currently 29466.051 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 145448.688728 USD in total. [11:24]
specular ;; ask 4.7 [11:25]
specular ;;asks 4.7 [11:26]
specular ;;askas 4.75 [11:26]
specular ;;ask 4.75 [11:26]
specular ;;asks 4.75 [11:26]
CaptainDDL market price is 4.779 lol [11:26]
specular meh [11:26]
CaptainDDL not gonna be any below that [11:26]
specular i was cheap bitcoins [11:26]
specular want [11:26]
PaulZag don't we all [11:27]
rg ill sell you 60 BTC for the one time low price of $7 [11:27]
rg thats pretty low [11:27]
rg ;;calc 60 * 7 [11:27]
gribble 420 [11:27]
CCoolty ;;tickcer [11:29]
CCoolty ;;ticker [11:29]
rg Coolty, i tried to get you a customer [11:29]
rg but you failed at being on irc [11:29]
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CCoolty huh [11:30]
CCoolty sorry i have work [11:31]
CCoolty :< [11:31]
PaulZag so haw much of the current shortage of BTC for sale on -otc is due to the s2CM IPO? [11:31]
rg none? [11:32]
PaulZag well maybe [11:32]
CaptainDDL they were bragging they took 500 BTC out of the market, no way to tell how much of that was from here though afaik [11:32]
bonks is s2cm legit? [11:32]
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PaulZag i don't think all 500btc was actively sloshing around here, but some of it must have been. [11:33]
rg i doubt they took in 500 btc [11:33]
PaulZag WBX closing down affected my trading by around 300 btc [11:33]
PaulZag in that I can't churn into an exchange fast enough [11:33]
PaulZag But nobody's been able to buy BTC within 5% -10% of mtgox ask with moneypak here for 2-3 days in any real qty [11:35]
mircea_popescu moneypaks seem kinda dead. [11:35]
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PaulZag yep [11:36]
PaulZag hopefully I'll be able to accept them again soon [11:36]
BTC_Bear Seems like they started going the other way. BTC to MP, rather than MP to BTC [11:37]
bruzum yes [11:37]
bruzum dont touch mp or pp [11:37]
bruzum and western union. [11:38]
PaulZag scammers gunna scam [11:38]
rg use whatever you want, just dont trade with scammers [11:38]
PaulZag ^^ [11:38]
bruzum mp, pp and wu ARE scammers [11:38]
PaulZag true [11:38]
rg ive made several paypal and moneypak transfers in the past week [11:38]
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rg buying and selling [11:38]
PaulZag buy they're the 800lb gorilla right now [11:38]
bruzum rg: im sure you had 0 problems. [11:39]
bruzum rg: fact is [11:39]
bruzum rg: still [11:39]
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bruzum rg: that mp, pp and wu [11:39]
bruzum rg: SUCKS [11:39]
bruzum and should be avoided if possible [11:39]
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bonks what is wu? [11:40]
bruzum western union [11:40]
bruzum money transfer [11:40]
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PaulZag bruzum: it's all great to be idealogically sound and avoid them, but then we'd only be able to spend BTC amongst ourselves. [11:41]
PaulZag somewhere somehow there needs to be a way of getting BTC for fiat and there aren't enough coiners out there to do it IRL [11:41]
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bruzum true [11:42]
bruzum but wu, pp and mp [11:42]
PaulZag plus I see a market opportunity to provide that service [11:42]
bruzum is not OTC trading [11:42]
bruzum it's some fagget ass shit [11:42]
PaulZag actually it is the purest OTC trading [11:42]
BTC_Bear Want an idea? [11:42]
PaulZag sure [11:42]
BTC_Bear You've heard of Gold backed USD accounts? [11:43]
BTC_Bear Replace Gold with BTC. [11:43]
bruzum PaulZag: there are 100 different ways to cash out and use btc [11:43]
bruzum PaulZag: without using those services [11:43]
bruzum the 3 mentioned [11:44]
PaulZag yes there is... but for 99% of users those are available... [11:44]
bruzum that is not my concern [11:44]
PaulZag hell if I thought I could do it, I'd use my merchant facility and take credit cards, but scammers would clean me out [11:44]
PaulZag so no credit cards [11:45]
BTC_Bear PaulZag: brick and mortar store? [11:45]
bruzum credit cards? [11:45]
bruzum wtf are u talking about? [11:45]
bruzum that is some real 1980's stuff [11:45]
bruzum this is the future [11:45]
PaulZag bruzum: this isn't about drinking the coolaid [11:45]
PaulZag yep and when I got my first 300 baud modem I knew the future was hear... but it didn't help that nobody I did business with had email [11:46]
PaulZag here [11:46]
BTC_Bear atk+ [11:46]
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PaulZag and when I got my first fax machine - and my USA suppliers thought i was talking sci-fi "you got a teletype?" I knew the future was here. Last year I disconnect my fax line [11:47]
bruzum :D [11:47]
PaulZag if you want adoption widespread someone has to make it easy for the second wave, fast-followers to adopt [11:48]
bruzum how the else would we lure people into this business? [11:48]
bruzum :) [11:48]
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PaulZag :) indeed [11:50]
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BTC_Bear ECB is worse than the FED, urgh... night... [11:52]
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draco49 chirp chirp [13:23]
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* draco49 watches a tumbleweed blow by... [13:24]
imaginativeone heh heh [13:26]
imaginativeone I'm a newbie [13:26]
AndrewNTH hi imaginativeone [13:27]
draco49 oh people are here [13:31]
draco49 whatsup newbie :) [13:32]
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imaginativeone hey draco! [13:41]
imaginativeone hey Andrew! [13:41]
imaginativeone are there shopping sites? [13:41]
imaginativeone for bit coin, that is…I would like to experiment with a few transactions [13:41]
rg theres tons [13:51]
rg [13:51]
rg heh ofcourse phantomcircuit puts his company on top [13:56]
rg what a dick [13:56]
rg you're supposed to go to the bottom fo the list [13:56]
rg if youre new [13:56]
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Blitzboom rg: which company [14:02]
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rg Blitzboom: mementovps [14:05]
Blitzboom ctrl+f won’t find it [14:05]
rg oh [14:06]
rg momento [14:06]
Blitzboom i see [14:06]
Blitzboom man, that page got huge [14:06]
Blitzboom it will probably need to be split into multiple pages at some point [14:06]
rg yeah [14:06]
rg lots of those businesses are now defunct too [14:06]
rg died after the buble [14:06]
Blitzboom yeah, it’s to be expected [14:07]
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AcidicChip Mornin' [14:10]
AcidicChip Stayed above 4.7 all night, nice [14:11]
AcidicChip ;;asks 5 [14:11]
gribble There are currently 29570.932 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 145901.134371 USD in total. [14:11]
AcidicChip Bah [14:11]
AcidicChip The price has increased, but it's still 29K btc to USD5, lol [14:12]
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vual Anyone wanna buy advertising space on my body as tattoo for 1000BTC <-------- [14:20]
vual ^ No shit, will use official contracts and send you a schedule of daily activities obviously entire sitting will be streamed live!!!! [14:21]
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AcidicChip lol, anyone wanna buy ad space on my ass? [14:25]
* Joric_ is now known as Joric [14:26]
AcidicChip You guys aren't helpin gme procrastinate [14:27]
pigeons go read the forums, that'll help [14:28]
zonic is flaxceed allowed to sell what he sells? [14:30]
pigeons the forum administrators have determined he is allowed to sell to people that he is allowed to sell to [14:31]
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Chaang_Noi_ might be an odd request, but can i trade btc for lr here? [14:43]
Chaang_Noi_ liberty reserve [14:43]
pigeons yes, that's not odd [14:43]
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Chaang_Noi_ are the rates decent? [14:43]
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pigeons seems pretty good, right now LR seems to have higher demand, you may pay a small premium for LR [14:44]
Chaang_Noi_ can you guess the percent? [14:44]
Chaang_Noi_ for the premium? [14:45]
Chaang_Noi_ i will want to sell about 1000 btc for LR [14:45]
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pigeons make an offer, I'm not in the market at the moment [14:46]
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pigeons you should be able to get near gox rate [14:46]
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PaulZag Chaang_Noi_: I think pigeons has it wrong way around. LR is in huge demand, more than there are people with LR. [15:05]
PaulZag most people who want LR are willing to sell BTC for MTGox ask (which is more than bid) and pay the 1% receivers fee [15:07]
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pigeons yes, that is what I meant PaulZag [15:11]
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Chaang_Noi_ that seems reasonable [15:13]
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Chaang_Noi_ are there people who can do large volume? [15:14]
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Joric i've bought a huge pile of btc at 4.79 should i liquidate the position when PL becomes positive [15:17]
Joric i have a feeling it may come back to sub 4 [15:17]
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Joric gut feeling indicator [15:20]
Blitzboom Joric: there is one thing you should do [15:20]
Joric gut feeling sliding average [15:20]
Blitzboom never listen to people on IRC [15:20]
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Blitzboom don’t listen to me either now :D [15:21]
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funziggy ;;ping [15:22]
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Joric Blitzboom do you mean i should sell? okay! [15:22]
pigeons I've been having suprisingly good results divining from fish entrails [15:22]
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Joric i prefer coffee cup reading [15:24]
funziggy me too [15:24]
pigeons my cholesterol has gone down from the fish though [15:25]
PaulZag yeah I thought you meant that pigeons, turned out that Chaang_Noi_ wasn't so clear. He wants LR has BTC like all of us... [15:25]
bruzum alot of business on #bitcoin-fishmonger or what? [15:25]
bruzum pigeons: [15:25]
Chaang_Noi_ yeah i want LR [15:26]
Chaang_Noi_ i guess i should try the LR chan [15:27]
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pigeons not much yet bruzum, but hopefully it'll pick up soon [15:28]
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ffsket i havent slept in 5 days and i might have serotonin 911 or do a line of k? [15:29]
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pigeons try benzos or diphenhydramine or ambien, or just wait, you'll collapse soon enough [15:31]
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Joric i implemented compressed keys/aes encryption [15:33]
Joric more precisely, encryption AND decryption, both of them [15:34]
pigeons nice Joric [15:34]
* uitlander (c71572e4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:37]
mircea_popescu meh, so apparently mpoe has been doing ~0.2% of bitcoinica's business since launch. [15:43]
mircea_popescu this is unjust and unfair!!1 [15:44]
kakobrekla interface. [15:45]
Blitzboom it’s because of your interface [15:45]
mircea_popescu yea, pretty much. [15:45]
mircea_popescu the ratio of competent to playing around in the userbase is about 1:500 i'd guess, so it works out. [15:46]
Blitzboom there are plenty of bitcoinica gamlbers [15:46]
* imaginativeone has quit (Quit: imaginativeone) [15:47]
mircea_popescu anyway, looking at the half full 1/500th of the glass, this means there's plenty of room to grow. [15:47]
mircea_popescu in a mature market gambling is a fraction of finance not the other way around. [15:47]
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kakobrekla bitcoin is a gamble [15:49]
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Blitzboom that’s why bitcoinica is gamble² [15:49]
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* gribble gives voice to Bigpiggy01Mining [15:53]
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^errOr^` hmmm [15:59]
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GlooBoy view [16:00]
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^errOr^` i think vudu is better than hulu [16:22]
^errOr^` but it costs more [16:22]
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* copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [16:26]
Joric how much does a monthly vudu subscription cost? [16:28]
^errOr^` you pay per show [16:32]
^errOr^` but i get a 3d movie for 4 usd [16:33]
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mircea_popescu soo, the daily dtng vote of today, brought to you by DEET : is this nsfw on account of nudity or racism ? [17:00]
jcpham NEITHER [17:01]
jcpham SFW! [17:01]
mircea_popescu o ? ok than. [17:01]
* Framedragger ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:01]
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Joric i dont quite get the term whats nsfw? buttsecks? [17:02]
* ^errOr^` (~error@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:03]
jcpham Joric it doesn't help that I confuse them [17:04]
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pigeons buttsecks is almost always nsfw, but not all nsfw is buttsecks [17:09]
jcpham errything iz sfw [17:09]
jcpham except anal starfish [17:09]
Joric heard google gives 20 percent of time to personal projects [17:10]
pigeons .o ud nsfw [17:10]
pebbles Not Safe For Work. Used to describe Internet content generally inappropriate for the typical workplace, i.e., would not be acceptable in the presence of your boss and colleagues (as opposed to SFW, Sa [17:10]
Joric i cant imagine the content unappropriate for my boss [17:11]
* ^errOr^` has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [17:12]
imsaguy2 <+pigeons> buttsecks is almost always nsfw << when is it sfw? [17:13]
copumpkin if your job is in porn [17:14]
jcpham or clopping [17:14]
Joric never heard of it, what's clopping? [17:15]
imsaguy2 .o ud clopping [17:15]
jcpham fapping....but you're definitely getting bruised [17:15]
imsaguy2 [2012/03/28 09:15:35] When bronies fap to My Little Pony: Friendship Is MagicThe term for masturbation used by bronies.When you spend the whole day buying items off of craigslist ads. (Craigs list shopping) [17:15]
jcpham ah [17:16]
jcpham craigslist clopping [17:16]
pigeons imsaguy2: gay porn industry [17:16]
Joric is 4.90 achievable? [17:16]
copumpkin pigeons: straight porn industry [17:17]
pigeons ah [17:17]
Joric i'm tired to wait [17:17]
pigeons yeah [17:17]
copumpkin Joric: positively impossible. There is nobody in the world who could possibly take it to 4.90 [17:17]
imsaguy2 <+pigeons> imsaguy2: gay porn industry << straight people can't participate? [17:17]
* copumpkin shakes his head at pigeons [17:17]
imsaguy2 copumpkin, guess we're it then. [17:18]
pigeons in my homophobic mind, its not "buttsecks" when its with a woman. [17:18]
copumpkin pigeons: what is it? "whoops?" [17:18]
Joric straight people participate by filming all that [17:18]
copumpkin a lot of straight guys do gay porn, too [17:18]
copumpkin believe it or not [17:19]
pigeons ok, I made an error. I apologize [17:19]
copumpkin "but then they're not really straight", right? :P [17:19]
copumpkin WRONG [17:19]
imsaguy2 ... [17:19]
imsaguy2 don't be so defensive copumpkin [17:19]
copumpkin lol [17:19]
pigeons i just wanted to say "gay porn" [17:19]
copumpkin pony porn [17:19]
imsaguy2 rawrmage [17:19]
Joric i want to buy at 4.30 am i straight? [17:19]
imsaguy2 no. [17:19]
imsaguy2 definitely queer. [17:20]
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Joric 4.70 ? [17:20]
Joric too much, i'll buy a bunch at 4.60 [17:22]
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jcpham i want to say gay porn too [17:27]
_99percent_ see* [17:28]
imsaguy2 whats up trancegeek [17:29]
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_99percent_ not shit [17:29]
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imsaguy2 did you resolve that stuff with Cory? [17:29]
_99percent_ i ended up passing out last night after i rebooted my pc cause it was running slow [17:30]
_99percent_ so i'm downloading the rest of the blocks now then he'll have his btc [17:30]
imsaguy2 ok. he seemed a little frustrated. [17:33]
* OrC has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [17:34]
_99percent_ understandable, i kind of just disappeared, rebooted my pc then fell asleep after without even thinking of it [17:34]
uitlander anyone want to trade for a $200 moneypak? [17:35]
Joric speaking of gay pron did luke-jr ever say how many bitcoins he got [17:35]
bruzum q mackt [17:35]
luke-jr /kick Joric [17:36]
Joric i made about 200 btc so far despite the fact i never buy digital goods [17:36]
uitlander how [17:37]
Joric idk they just coming to daddy! [17:38]
jcpham falling in my lap out of the clouds [17:38]
uitlander anyone want to buy my moneypak? [17:38]
bruzum NOOOOOOOOOO' [17:39]
uitlander I'd take 40 BC [17:39]
* draco49 (~draco49@unaffiliated/draco49) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:39]
* gribble gives voice to draco49 [17:40]
mircea_popescu ya, was gonna ask, why is copumpkin so defensive ? [17:40]
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_99percent_ on another note, w00t! about to get this new e-liquid today :D [17:49]
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uitlander this is my first time here, where do I redeem my $200 MP for bitcoins? [17:56]
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_99percent_ do you have the receipt? [17:56]
uitlander ya [17:56]
* BenFranklin (458e755c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:56]
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BenFranklin ;;guide [17:57]
uitlander ;;guide [17:58]
mircea_popescu Notice anything off about that XML? If you said, “value should be 0 instead of False”, then give yourself a pat on the back. As it turned out, WTFSE only recognized 1’s and 0’s to represent True and False and, if the value was nether 1 nor 0, it simply defaulted to 1. Whoops! [17:58]
mircea_popescu [17:58]
mircea_popescu this is a great read. [17:58]
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Loosey I read it but I agree with the poster that said that it wouldn't happen in real life [18:09]
Loosey I mean come on, you deliver 28 thousand tons of anything, you double check [18:09]
Loosey Not something you just thtrow in the back of your truck and deliver you know [18:10]
mircea_popescu dude that wright idiot needs to be expelled from the internet. [18:16]
mircea_popescu how the fuck did he end up involved with bitcoin in the first place ? [18:16]
* uitlander has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:17]
_99percent_ same way everyone else did [18:17]
mircea_popescu seems incredible on the face of it. [18:17]
* [phraust] is now known as phraust [18:19]
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jcpham i need more drug today [18:24]
jcpham caffeine or something [18:24]
mircea_popescu J.C. Pharmacy ? [18:25]
jcpham ican't speak on that word [18:25]
jcpham it's a touchy [18:25]
mcorlett mircea_popescu: Your girl is selling picz on the netz. [18:26]
copumpkin BETRAYAL [18:26]
jcpham i'll give 20btc for nudes [18:26]
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jcpham i can blow up the avatar myself [18:26]
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mircea_popescu mcorlett i saw lol [18:31]
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mircea_popescu maybe she's jooish. [18:31]
mcorlett mircea_popescu: [18:32]
* Dark_Apostrophe (~tDa@unaffiliated/darkapostrophe/x-0983214) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:33]
* gribble gives voice to Mkaysi [18:33]
mircea_popescu mcorlett aha ? annnnd ? [18:34]
BenFranklin have some bitcoins to seel, looking for moneypak [18:34]
mcorlett mircea_popescu: If you do not understand, you are not prepared for the answer. [18:34]
mircea_popescu aite. [18:35]
mircea_popescu haha, she got no moniz yet, so im guessing the supply is infinite ? :D [18:35]
Blitzboom aight yo [18:35]
GlooBoy ;;ident BenFranklin [18:36]
gribble Nick 'BenFranklin', with hostmask 'BenFranklin!458e755c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. [18:36]
mcorlett Do you think she will be insulted if I send her a Satoshi and include a 0.1 BTC fee? [18:36]
mcorlett I think I'll do that. [18:36]
mircea_popescu lmao [18:36]
mircea_popescu you never know with girls, maybe she'll be insulted. [18:36]
mircea_popescu maybe she rejoices you're saying satoshi has a fat ass [18:37]
mircea_popescu who ever knows. [18:37]
mircea_popescu try an' see. [18:37]
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mcorlett [18:38]
mcorlett I'll post in the thread: "It's nothing personal." [18:38]
jcpham where was her link again from last night [18:38]
phraust indeed. [18:38]
* phraust would like to know more. [18:38]
mcorlett [18:38]
mircea_popescu lmao mcorlett [18:39]
lh77 does anyone need anything done for btc? [18:39]
mircea_popescu how is the gulf of guineea ? [18:39]
mcorlett [18:40]
phraust lol [18:40]
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mircea_popescu haha say wut [18:40]
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jcpham untz untz untz [18:42]
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phraust hehe, browserquest is kinda fun. [18:57]
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mcorlett "Please be informed that you have £100,000 British Pounds Lodged in our Western Union to transfer to you as winner of ECOWAS Lottery" [18:58]
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phraust sweet. [18:58]
mcorlett I'll just pay the transfer fee and be well on my way to being rich! [18:59]
phraust can I borrow 2k? [18:59]
mcorlett I don't think ECOWAS Lottery can afford to have their own domain name. Ten bucks or so is a lot of money. [18:59]
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Mkaysi mcorlett: I won too :D [19:01]
Mkaysi "We wish to congratulate and inform you on the selection of cash prize [19:02]
Mkaysi �1,000,000.00 (British Pounds) held on the 27th March 2012 [19:02]
Mkaysi in London Uk." [19:02]
* BeardedRainbow_ is now known as BeardedRainbow [19:02]
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Joric_ phraust, you can borrow from mircea_popescu looks like he loves to give loans [19:05]
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mircea_popescu o no, im a winner too [19:06]
mircea_popescu i don't want to finance the competition. [19:06]
smickles jcpham: sorry that you missed out on the IPO. this one guy swooped in and bought almost half of the shares [19:07]
mircea_popescu must be a pretty sweet setup then! [19:07]
jcpham yeah splatster was saying that last night [19:08]
jcpham i was drinking at the time instead [19:09]
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smickles jcpham: well, I hope you had some fun then :) [19:12]
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jcpham nope [19:13]
jcpham i'm considering suicide now that i missed the s2 ipo [19:14]
smickles :o [19:15]
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imsaguy2 lol jcpham [19:24]
imsaguy2 smickles: sounds like you should sell more shares [19:25]
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jcpham i've been as humorous on the forums as i can be for one day [19:55]
jcpham enough is enough [19:55]
Greed ? [19:55]
james777 ;;gpg ident nelisky [19:59]
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splatster Who highlighted me? [20:09]
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copumpkin Hello? [20:11]
copumpkin Yes, this is dog [20:11]
smickles 08:05 <+splatster> rg: All your bandwidth are belong to us. [20:11]
smickles 20:09 <+jcpham> yeah splatster was saying that last night [20:11]
smickles 21:09 <+splatster> Who highlighted me? [20:11]
jcpham prove it [20:11]
jcpham fuck [20:11]
splatster ??? [20:12]
jcpham i imagine it must seem so confusing [20:13]
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splatster yes it does, I just woke up 30 minutes ago [20:15]
jcpham but it's more fun [20:15]
jcpham i was talking to smickles about how i missed your ipo [20:15]
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* needwmz4btc (cdfaae2e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:19]
needwmz4btc ;;book wmz [20:20]
mircea_popescu dog ? hello ? [20:20]
mcorlett mircea_popescu: Quiet. [20:20]
mircea_popescu yes this is quiet dog. [20:20]
needwmz4btc anybody do BTC->WMZ? need 30wmz [20:21]
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mcorlett WebMoneyZ [20:21]
needwmz4btc i hate webmoney but alas, hosting accepts it only [20:21]
mircea_popescu is that easy-Z's online money venture ? [20:21]
splatster jcpham: Ah, sorry you missed it. [20:23]
splatster jcpham: One guy bought 278 shares [20:23]
jcpham that's what smickles said [20:24]
splatster 278 SHARES! (daaaammmmmnnnn) [20:24]
jcpham and the reason for the highlight [20:24]
splatster ok [20:24]
jcpham i wanted like 50 or 100 [20:24]
splatster That makes more sense [20:24]
jcpham now it's too much work [20:24]
splatster jcpham: Put in a buy order, we might do an seo or someone else might sell their shares to you. [20:25]
* draco49 (~draco49@unaffiliated/draco49) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:25]
needwmz4btc anybody know the current GLBSE listing price? or is it still 20BTC [20:25]
jcpham yeah i'd need to sign up [20:25]
needwmz4btc heard nefario was changing it [20:25]
splatster needwmz4btc: 8 BTC [20:25]
needwmz4btc thanks [20:25]
splatster needwmz4btc: But... [20:25]
splatster They added fees for selling shares [20:25]
* gribble gives voice to draco49 [20:25]
needwmz4btc i guess site commission? [20:26]
splatster yup [20:26]
needwmz4btc that was expected tho [20:26]
Blitzboom i wouldn’t want to store my bitcoins at a financially unsustainable site [20:26]
Blitzboom :D [20:26]
* draco49 finally got his shares :) [20:26]
splatster jcpham: Deposit some funds, place a bid and see what happens. If we see there is a massive need/want for shares, then we might do a secondary equity offering. [20:27]
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Blitzboom profit motive prevents mybitcoin fiascos [20:27]
mircea_popescu jcpham, don't sweat it, you can buy mpoe shares next week :D [20:27]
jcpham yeah i'd need to sign up [20:28]
mircea_popescu no ? [20:28]
mircea_popescu where'd you sign up [20:28]
jcpham i don't really like be added to batabases of users on websites anymore [20:28]
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jcpham not so much, really [20:28]
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jcpham betabases, even [20:29]
mircea_popescu but! where would you sign up! [20:29]
jcpham i could use a bitcoin address [20:29]
jcpham that's uniquie [20:29]
jcpham maybe a gpg key [20:29]
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mircea_popescu is it late where you are ? [20:30]
jcpham signing up on a site to use a bitcoin service....not appealing anymore [20:30]
jcpham not at all [20:30]
mircea_popescu aha [20:30]
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copumpkin anyone have a link to that duck chart someone drew on the forum? [20:32]
mircea_popescu i remember that chart [20:32]
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splatster Are you sad that you missed S²CM's IPO? Put in a buy order for some shares! From the looks of it, there's already a pretty decent market for buying and selling shares. [20:36]
splatster Yesterday was an awesome day :) [20:37]
jcpham because someone had enough btc to buy most of them and realized there was a market [20:37]
mircea_popescu sucks that you can't see charts w/o logging in anymore [20:37]
jcpham possibly faster than you did [20:37]
jcpham i am sad though [20:37]
bonks what did I loose out on S2CM's IPO? only person I see hyping it is you splatster [20:37]
bonks or miss out i should say [20:38]
splatster bonks: A great, safe, high return investment is what you missed out on. [20:38]
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mircea_popescu and free ipads. [20:40]
jjjrmy-m I want a free ipad [20:41]
mircea_popescu but not a great, safe, high return investment ? [20:41]
jjjrmy-m ? [20:42]
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mircea_popescu it' [20:42]
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mircea_popescu s like, you know... a joke. [20:42]
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Blitzboom what are the most active stocks on GLBSE atm? [20:45]
Blitzboom most actively traded [20:45]
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mcorlett Blitzboom: Lambert Investment Funds [20:45]
splatster Blitzboom: S²CM [20:46]
splatster obviously [20:46]
splatster ;) [20:46]
draco49 GLBSE is down. [20:47]
mircea_popescu Blitzboom : a week or so ago i counted their total volume came to ~2900 btc for 30 days. didn't think it's worth doing per individual share. [20:49]
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mircea_popescu draco49 what, again ? [20:49]
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draco49 try it [20:49]
Blitzboom what do you mean is not worth doing? [20:49]
mircea_popescu i don't have an acct. [20:49]
Blitzboom and whose vol is 2.9k 30d? lambert? [20:50]
draco49 the site is down [20:50]
draco49 no connecty [20:50]
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mircea_popescu Blitzboom : total volume of all glbse traded in 30 days was like 2900 [20:50]
Blitzboom gotcha. how’d you find out? [20:50]
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mircea_popescu by adding up the monthly volumes [20:50]
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Blitzboom for individual stocks? [20:50]
mircea_popescu this was back when they were using bitcoinchart [20:50]
mircea_popescu s solution [20:50]
Blitzboom oh, ok [20:50]
Blitzboom well, they have a lot more business now [20:51]
mircea_popescu i dunno, maybe they do. [20:51]
mircea_popescu i don't like making accounts. [20:51]
mircea_popescu o wow! shakaru repays all debt ?! [20:53]
copumpkin wat [20:53]
mcorlett (just kidding) [20:53]
* mircea_popescu trololoface [20:53]
mcorlett copumpkin fell for it. [20:54]
mircea_popescu i read it in this magazine, just across from "obama sunsets patriot atc" [20:54]
draco49 [20:54]
smickles androSnake is having some trouble getting voice in the channel, can anyone here look into that issue? [20:54]
Blitzboom anyone = nanotube [20:54]
mcorlett smickles: You need to be a member for at least a day. [20:54]
smickles mcorlett: it says he can't have it for 10 days [20:55]
draco49 Somethin fishy is going on... wasn't it just a week or so ago that a flight attendant did the same shit? [20:55]
androSnake test [20:55]
mircea_popescu i thought he was banned [20:56]
draco49 test? [20:56]
androSnake * #bitcoin :Cannot send to channel [20:56]
androSnake for sure more then 10days [20:56]
androSnake a op say to me "ok i give you voice in 4 days" [20:56]
draco49 lol [20:56]
mcorlett androSnake: What the hell are you doing? [20:56]
androSnake i ask "are you sure make thisa automaticaly", he said "yes of course" [20:56]
androSnake never see him again [20:56]
mircea_popescu ok so now you're here. what did you want to talk about ? [20:57]
androSnake i really dont know [20:57]
draco49 I remember androSnake... he's that crazy German. [20:57]
mcorlett Whatever, voice really doesn't mean anything anyway. You can wait. [20:57]
jcpham he thinks he can't spekai n #bitcoin [20:57]
androSnake i must realy strange to behave its so hard to use no bad language now [20:57]
jcpham seems like a usermode or client [20:57]
androSnake ops are so bad to me [20:57]
androSnake * #bitcoin :Cannot send to channel [20:57]
androSnake yes [20:57]
androSnake ;(( [20:57]
jcpham maybe it is for the best? [20:58]
neofutur ah at least dwolla answered : [20:58]
androSnake man [20:58]
androSnake i dont know what ive done [20:58]
draco49 I'm of Jewish heritage so I always remember a crazy German. [20:58]
androSnake i do nothing [20:58]
mcorlett androSnake: Why do you care about voice? [20:58]
androSnake i want to talk with ppl about bitcoin [20:58]
androSnake ask soem question [20:58]
mircea_popescu that's so old neofutur [20:58]
androSnake its the first day in more then 10days i can talk here in the bitcoin-otc channel [20:58]
androSnake i was falming on luke-jr [20:59]
androSnake so he manipulate the ops very very bad to hate and ban me [20:59]
BTC_Bear falming is that fapping [20:59]
androSnake !!! [20:59]
androSnake BTC_Bear, you know im a good man [20:59]
androSnake luke-jr hase good coonections to the ops [20:59]
luke-jr androSnake is a troll, plain and simple [20:59]
androSnake he is manipulating the ops [20:59]
mircea_popescu dude srsly. try bitcoin-drama. [21:00]
androSnake luke-jr i only say i dont belive in katholik [21:00]
mcorlett #bitcoin-german-drama [21:00]
androSnake and you sayd "you come in hell you will see, you come in hell" [21:00]
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androSnake so luke-jr is the troll [21:00]
luke-jr liar. [21:00]
Ignore list is empty. [21:00]
smickles this is all horibbly off topic [21:00]
smickles and not good o.t. either :/ [21:01]
androSnake ok [21:01]
luke-jr smickles: that's all androSnake is capable of. off-topic trolling [21:01]
androSnake so please op sgive me voice in all bitcoin channels, i will not falme and insult anything!! [21:01]
androSnake i swear that [21:01]
androSnake thats it [21:01]
luke-jr (he swore that the last 2 or 3 times) [21:01]
Dark_Apostrophe Ladies, stop this bickering! [21:01]
smickles luke-jr: well, if that's what it is, don't fuel it :P [21:01]
Dark_Apostrophe It's unbecoming. [21:01]
androSnake luke-jr [21:01]
androSnake show me the log please [21:01]
luke-jr smickles: fair enough [21:01]
mcorlett Please give me OP in all Bitcoin channels, I will not flame, insult, ban, kick, voice, or poke anyone or anything! [21:02]
androSnake show me thge 2 or 3 logs, [21:02]
androSnake no [21:02]
androSnake voice [21:02]
androSnake soorry, i mean voice [21:02]
androSnake i only want to talk [21:02]
androSnake * #bitcoin :Cannot send to channel [21:02]
mircea_popescu mcorlett please gimme your nude wives&daughtars i will not... [21:02]
androSnake soorry, i mean voice [21:02]
androSnake sorry luke-jr is so bad to me, only why im not beliving in jesus [21:02]
androSnake + [21:02]
smickles wives&daughters? I've read that book [21:02]
androSnake so hes maniplauting the ops, did you guys dont see that ? [21:03]
mircea_popescu dude stfu. [21:03]
jjjrmy-m what's happening? [21:03]
androSnake ok [21:03]
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smickles androSnake: I'm atheist and luke-jr doesn't bother me [21:03]
mircea_popescu i thought it was a pamphlet smickles [21:03]
mcorlett mircea_popescu: Your PR girl for my (non)existent daughter. Escrow preferred. [21:03]
mircea_popescu my pr girl is worth at least two daughters [21:03]
mircea_popescu on a single tit. [21:03]
androSnake i only talk aboput the topic, i really dont wnat to get baned again ;( [21:04]
* savageable (~jeff@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:04]
mcorlett I'll give you a camel and a daughter for her. [21:04]
mircea_popescu does the camel have toes ? [21:04]
mcorlett Yes, but it is not covered by the warranty. [21:04]
smickles androSnake: it seems like you are /trying/ to get at least kicked from theis channel :/ [21:04]
mircea_popescu (speaking of which, once at a party tryied to buy this guy's phone for camels [21:04]
mircea_popescu eventually we settled for like, 20 ? and so i gave him a pack [21:04]
mircea_popescu of camels. [21:04]
smickles mircea_popescu: camels could be worth it. but then again, I haven't smoke in a while. [21:05]
* bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:05]
mircea_popescu dey no for smoke, dey fo trade [21:05]
bitcoinTrader selling amazon gift card for btc [21:07]
BTC_Bear I've got 2 hours and am bored. Zen Tome speak might drive some nuts. [21:07]
BTC_Bear If you immediately know the Bitcoin is here, it was cooked a long time ago. [21:08]
androSnake hey opś ,can i please have talk-power in #bitcoin , the 4 days what the op is saying to me are long ago [21:08]
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jcpham vragnaroda androSnake would like your assistance, please [21:09]
BTC_Bear androSnake: Talk is neither here or there, it is within. [21:09]
bitcoinTrader would any1 like to buy amazon gift card at 15% discount? [21:09]
androSnake BTC_Bear, you know what i mean [21:09]
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gmaxwell androSnake: you're behavior in here doesn't appear to support the idea that unbanning you is a good idea. [21:09]
androSnake androSnake> test [21:09]
androSnake * #bitcoin :Cannot send to channel [21:09]
neofutur androSnake: /msg chanserv access #bitcoin list [21:09]
gmaxwell s/you're/your/ [21:09]
neofutur list of ops you can ask [21:09]
mircea_popescu talk-power, the power of ULTIMATE! [21:10]
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smickles mircea_popescu: speak truth to power man [21:11]
mircea_popescu sparingly lol [21:11]
smickles *power man 5000 [21:11]
jcpham Ultimate powers has talk truth? [21:11]
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* imsaguy2 (~nick@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:13]
smickles 22:11 < mircea_popescu> sparingly lol <<< yeah, too much of that and you'll find yourself next to alex jones yelling at a hotel security guard [21:13]
smickles "WE ARE NOT YOUR SLAVES!" [21:13]
jcpham mircea_popescu tell MPOE-PR no hard feelings for ruining her thread [21:14]
mircea_popescu dja ruin her thread ? [21:14]
* lh77 has quit () [21:14]
jcpham just a little ani gif action, no biggie [21:14]
mircea_popescu lmao so much fail [21:15]
mircea_popescu Here is another subsection of Mircea Popescu's nice little site: (NSFW) [21:15]
mircea_popescu had he struck on /c/ ... [21:16]
splatster jcpham: I invite you to join #S2CM if you want to keep up to date on S²CM and any future share issuances. [21:16]
zveda if somebody says "hallabazoo" in the next 3 seconds u can have all of my bitcoins [21:17]
zveda too late [21:18]
jcpham i said [21:18]
zveda NOPE sorry [21:18]
zveda I counted 3 [21:18]
jcpham just because you can't hear me, doesn't mean you change the terms afterwards [21:18]
jcpham SCAMMER [21:18]
bitcoinTrader zveda has zero coins :) [21:18]
zveda sorry you lose [21:18]
jcpham SCAMMER TAG [21:18]
zveda i have many more than 0 [21:19]
pigeons so luke is the manipulator, like he manipulates the ops against androsnake [21:19]
zveda where can I buy a mobile radio jammer ? [21:19]
BTC_Bear pigeons: He obviously has no clue. [21:21]
androSnake sry [21:21]
BTC_Bear zveda: You can make one. One microwave and voila [21:21]
androSnake pigeons yes [21:21]
* elkingrey ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:21]
androSnake i think so [21:21]
zveda BTC_Bear, but is it mobile [21:22]
androSnake its my theory, or it is normal to get more then 10days banned from all BTC channels only beacuse of harmless flaming [21:22]
BTC_Bear Can be, with a little work [21:22]
zveda i want jammer delivered to australia. I already have 1 strike against me from customs [21:22]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:23]
zveda because of a crossbow [21:23]
BTC_Bear customs stopped a crossbow? [21:23]
jcpham OK NOW I GET IT [21:24]
luke-jr anyone want to ban androSnake again? [21:24]
androSnake why luke ? [21:24]
jcpham he was kicked and banned [21:24]
androSnake whats your probleme [21:24]
androSnake tell us [21:24]
jcpham your still in the channel #bitcoin [21:24]
androSnake im here [21:24]
jcpham you are* [21:24]
androSnake look at this [21:24]
* wut2 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:24]
jcpham you mean you are right here [21:24]
androSnake test [21:24]
zveda BTC_Bear, yeah australian customs is ridiculous. even stopped a slingshot [21:24]
androSnake * #bitcoin :Cannot send to channel [21:24]
mcorlett jcpham: you're? [21:25]
jcpham i quit. fucking word nazis [21:25]
mcorlett jcpham: Your resignation from your position has been accepted, effective on March 28, 2012 as requested. [21:25]
jcpham ty [21:26]
mcorlett yw [21:26]
androSnake :) [21:26]
BTC_Bear pay raises for everyone else. ty jcpham [21:26]
luke-jr lol [21:27]
mircea_popescu what do i get ? [21:27]
mcorlett mircea_popescu: Two tickets to that thing you love. [21:28]
mircea_popescu o ? [21:28]
mircea_popescu i don't love. i hate. [21:28]
mircea_popescu you got me mixed up with like somebody else. [21:28]
mcorlett Do you make hate instead of love? [21:29]
* uitlander (43169dfe@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:30]
rawrmage imsaguy2: hi [21:31]
zveda make haste [21:31]
uitlander Looking to trade $200 moneypak for around 40 bitcoins. msg me [21:32]
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mircea_popescu lol yea, i make hate. [21:32]
mircea_popescu sour, sour hate. [21:32]
IcePee I make hat [21:32]
AndrewNTH what's the abbreviation for mtgox btc? [21:33]
AndrewNTH mtbtc? [21:33]
AndrewNTH ;;orders [21:33]
mircea_popescu MTGOXBTC [21:33]
uitlander ;;orders [21:33]
uitlander ;;mtgoxbtc [21:33]
uitlander ;;buy 40 bc for $200 moneypak [21:34]
AndrewNTH ;;buy 5.5 BTC @ 5 PPUSD [21:34]
gribble Order id 7417 created. [21:34]
uitlander ;;buy 40 BTC @ 200 mp [21:35]
AndrewNTH ne0futur: ping [21:35]
androSnake ;;ticker [21:35]
androSnake the rate is very stabil [21:35]
* Silly has quit (Excess Flood) [21:35]
androSnake like ~5$ for a long time [21:36]
bitcoinTrader stable* [21:36]
AndrewNTH anyone selling BTC for PPUSD? [21:36]
AndrewNTH or PPGBP [21:36]
androSnake yes, thx bitcointrade :) [21:36]
* Silly ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:36]
jcpham errrrrr [21:37]
jcpham i'm re-hired [21:37]
IcePee AndrewNTH, I did a trade with BubbleBoy99 [21:37]
jcpham sell me all your bitcoins for my magical paypal [21:37]
AndrewNTH IcePee: ok? [21:38]
bitcoinTrader androsnake: u got LR? [21:38]
zveda for 1 btc I will punch myself in the mouth [21:38]
androSnake no, the ppl scammed me :( [21:38]
androSnake lost ~75€ [21:38]
androSnake ;( [21:38]
IcePee ;;getrating BubbleBoy99 [21:38]
gribble User bubbleboy99, created on Tue Mar 27 18:26:07 2012. Cumulative rating 1, from 1 total ratings. Received ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 0 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently not authenticated. [21:38]
jcpham ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:ec75ba54182541f74166a6712010b193f7064d0bf2bdb9a53bc83f88 [21:38]
gribble You are now authenticated for user jcpham with key C71FB5ED6ACE04AF [21:38]
zveda bubbleboy seinfeld fan [21:38]
androSnake bitcointrader, im the victim of a cybercriminal, i never pay first again, never ever [21:39]
bitcoinTrader lol [21:39]
androSnake can have +3mio positiv feedback, doesnt interest me [21:39]
androSnake i know i guy in reallife that io can buy BTC with cash, thats the only whay i buy it in the future [21:39]
jcpham what was the criminal's name? [21:39]
IcePee androSnake, how about gettrust? [21:40]
androSnake no gettrust [21:40]
jjjrmy-m so tired [21:40]
androSnake he is not in irc [21:40]
jcpham where on is he? [21:40]
IcePee the criminal isn't on IRC? [21:40]
androSnake its a f*cking friend of mine, i know him for a year or so, and he stopped friendship for only 75€ [21:40]
androSnake yes IcePee [21:40]
jcpham sounds like it's time you give him a columbian necktie androSnake [21:41]
androSnake the criminal who is scaming me is using high privacy like VPN+SSH+Scoks5 [21:41]
androSnake so i said to my freind, try out to find RL IP, but he cant [21:41]
androSnake bot doenst mather, its paste so i will see positiv in the future :) [21:41]
jcpham because he's the eghost [21:42]
bitcoinTrader u can visit him, since he is ur friend? [21:42]
* easystevey (48e715d4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:42]
uitlander anyone selling BTC for $200 moneypak? message me any serious offer [21:42]
bitcoinTrader ;;getrating uitlander [21:42]
zveda for 0.1btc I will refrain from posting for 1 hour [21:43]
androSnake bitcointrader a online freind of mine [21:43]
AndrewNTH zveda: done. what's your address? [21:43]
androSnake but he is manipulte me, to scam me [21:43]
luke-jr ethics poll: if an op silences zveda, is that theft? [21:43]
androSnake i dont want to talk about [21:43]
uitlander ;;getrating bitcointrader [21:43]
mcorlett luke-jr: lol [21:43]
androSnake because i dont want tu use bad language here [21:43]
terry hahaha typical luke-jr [21:44]
AndrewNTH anyone interested in an amazon gift card since no one likes paypal? [21:44]
IcePee androSnake, sounds like you need to get it out ;) [21:44]
androSnake and when we talk about this case, so i cant behave, its paste so i will see positiv in the future :) [21:44]
mircea_popescu zveda, are you female ? [21:44]
jcpham androSnake your frined sounds like he's imaginary [21:44]
luke-jr reminder: androSnake is a troll. [21:44]
zveda aww AndrewNTH backed out [21:45]
zveda so my offer is still open [21:45]
androSnake do you guys thinking im a troll ? [21:45]
androSnake you are brainwashed [21:45]
mircea_popescu i personally think you're angela merkekl. [21:45]
androSnake k, bye troll [21:45]
jcpham androSnake we no thinky me knowy [21:45]
androSnake so you can see luke-jr is the troll [21:45]
zveda me merkl ? why [21:45]
mircea_popescu not you, androsnake. [21:45]
zveda well you said I was female [21:46]
mircea_popescu i asked if you are. [21:46]
jcpham androSnake why can't you talk in #bitcoin again [21:46]
androSnake i said luke-jr the trhuth and he is closing his eyes, and know he want a ban of me [21:46]
* kakobreklaa ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:46]
zveda if I was merkl I'd be female.. [21:46]
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luke-jr see i make up quote [21:46]
androSnake i really dont know, [21:46]
jcpham you are there now [21:46]
androSnake luke-jr this is fake [21:46]
jcpham just type and make words [21:46]
androSnake wth is going on with you [21:46]
androSnake i ingore luke-jr now [21:47]
jjjrmy-m luke-jr: you're coming to the Tampa Startup Weekend? [21:47]
luke-jr jjjrmy-m: maybe. [21:47]
androSnake please dont belive him, he is liyng!! you can see cuys im not a troll [21:47]
androSnake done [21:47]
androSnake guys* [21:47]
jjjrmy-m androSnake: gtfo, you're getting on my nevers! [21:47]
jcpham i need a picture of you holding today's newspaper [21:47]
jcpham to belien you aren't a troll [21:47]
luke-jr jjjrmy-m: I want some nevers. [21:47]
jjjrmy-m luke-jr: some what? [21:48]
jjjrmy-m oh [21:48]
jjjrmy-m lol [21:48]
jjjrmy-m my nerves! [21:48]
mircea_popescu we need better trolls. [21:48]
mircea_popescu someone should make a troll stable, rent them out [21:48]
BTC_Bear androSnake: Luke is Luke. People believe him, people don't believe him. But, Luke is still Luke. Who are you, again? [21:48]
jcpham put it up on glbse [21:48]
* Framedragger ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:48]
luke-jr btw, I did fabricate that quote of androSnake, just to make the point that anyone can make up quotes. in case it wasn't obvious. [21:49]
jjjrmy-m anywaysssssssss [21:49]
jjjrmy-m luke-jr: you're coming to the thing [21:49]
luke-jr jjjrmy-m: MAYBE [21:49]
BTC_Bear <+luke-jr> I'll send all my money to you. [21:49]
jjjrmy-m luke-jr: we can work on a bitcoin projecter [21:49]
BTC_Bear hey, I haven't received it yet. [21:50]
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luke-jr jjjrmy-m: … projector? [21:50]
jjjrmy-m why am I spelling stuff so bad/ [21:50]
androSnake btc-bear im evangelian [21:50]
jjjrmy-m luke-jr: a Bitcoin project [21:50]
luke-jr >_< [21:50]
androSnake the only religion that no rapoed kids! [21:50]
androSnake -o [21:50]
androSnake without budhismus [21:50]
mcorlett wtf [21:50]
androSnake ? [21:51]
BTC_Bear check out pantheism, it's brutal [21:51]
luke-jr Did you mean: evangelion [21:51]
luke-jr a troll who follows an anime as a religion? [21:51]
androSnake here is the wrong channel to talk about religions ;) [21:51]
androSnake so lets talk about any other thing, but religion talk only makes hate in this cahnnel# [21:52]
androSnake take* [21:52]
BTC_Bear androSnake: who are you for Obama or Romney? [21:53]
* BTC_Bear sorry, I had to do it. [21:53]
* gheorghe (gheorghe@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:53]
androSnake i dont know they political propaganda [21:53]
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androSnake im from austria [21:53]
androSnake politc=shit [21:53]
* bluefirecorp1 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:53]
* mcorlett is evangelian [21:54]
androSnake (Y) [21:54]
* Criticallity (5f58af45@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:54]
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AndrewNTH I just deposited £18 into MTGOX's bank account. [21:55]
AndrewNTH I'm going to many bitcoins soon! [21:55]
BTC_Bear congrats... [21:55]
AndrewNTH to have* [21:55]
bitcoinTrader and it showed immediately? [21:55]
AndrewNTH bitcoinTrader: no [21:55]
luke-jr £18 is what? 1 BTC? [21:55]
AndrewNTH luke-jr: 5.5 [21:55]
androSnake BTC_BEAR what do you think we can do, to get not scamed from Cybercriminals, they use steolen creditcards, and use this to buy BTC's ? [21:55]
luke-jr AndrewNTH: how is that many? [21:56]
jcpham anyone want to sell 50-100 BTC for paypal? also MTGOXUSD would be nice. [21:56]
AndrewNTH bitcoinTrader: my deposits usually take just under 24h to show [21:56]
AndrewNTH luke-jr: because the GBP is of higher value than the USD [21:56]
luke-jr jcpham: sure [21:56]
jcpham not for $25 [21:56]
bitcoinTrader lol [21:56]
luke-jr AndrewNTH: I mean, 10kBTC is a lot… [21:56]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:56]
androSnake the cybercriminals actually dont know that way, but its a way to become BTCś you know what i mean ? [21:56]
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BTC_Bear androSnake: Don't know, but every once in awhile, they step into it. Then they get a visit from the 'aliens'. [21:57]
androSnake ok better quuery to correct ppl, its not really good to talk about this way public [21:57]
* mips ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:57]
seco androSnake: you can be shure when you find a new way to exchange to some coins, the criminals already knew the way ages before you :p - all you can do is, to rate a scammer -10 here on otc, and learn from his behavior... [21:57]
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* mips (~mips@unaffiliated/mips) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:57]
androSnake no seco [21:59]
androSnake rally no! [21:59]
androSnake really* [21:59]
androSnake i dont talk pulic here about this topic! [21:59]
androSnake im done wioth this topic in public channels [21:59]
androSnake BTC_BEAR read what ife writign you in query [22:00]
neofutur using the OTC web of trust is the best way to avoid scammers [22:00]
luke-jr no [22:00]
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luke-jr PGP web of trust is better [22:01]
* gheorghe (gheorghe@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:01]
androSnake neofutur yes. [22:02]
androSnake thats true [22:02]
seco everybody should know: there is no real security by obfuscation... i also lost a bunch of money on past exchanges: androSnake if you want to be shure built trust here on otc, and try not to take any risk on your trades: i would be ok if you have lower rating then me, but state paranoia and bad experience as reason ;-) [22:02]
sgornick > thell me the problem, that you not just giving me talk power ? [22:02]
androSnake yes, say it to me sgornick [22:02]
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androSnake i copy paste because your nt answering [22:03]
sgornick I'm not familiar with the history so i'm deferring to the other ops. [22:03]
* kakobreklaa ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:03]
androSnake i really dont know what ive done but ok, ask the other ops, hou many time needs this ? [22:03]
easystevey Buying BTC for PP, MP, Amazon GC [22:06]
* Duke_pro (~duke@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:06]
luke-jr sgornick: he's a troll [22:06]
BTC_Bear androSnake: I have received your PM, You do know that 'it's not public part' is kind of funny since you typed it un-encrypted on a public IRC server. [22:08]
jcpham yeah this channel logs [22:08]
jcpham so androSnake will not show u[p in google searches [22:08]
BTC_Bear Which tells me, even if I was into that, I wouldn't want to do it with you. [22:08]
jcpham page 5 google results: [22:10]
luke-jr BTC_Bear: Freenode is not public, nor unencrypted. [22:10]
* uitlander has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [22:10]
luke-jr BTC_Bear: he was trying to cyber you? [22:10]
BTC_Bear ok [22:10]
mcorlett BTC_Bear: DCC does not go via Freenode. [22:11]
BTC_Bear ok, again [22:11]
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BTC_Bear +OK Ez9qo/S8G5Y0eBME91HShN91/zPud/093rm0LeE2r0zBlSK.QOBr1.9gPNS08vprk16/70P/10v46/icwY7.dNqZp.31EuJ1pBbyH1F54Fd1CX2uY.Fucal. [22:13]
smickles ? [22:14]
smickles can I buy it? [22:14]
BTC_Bear The key is easy, solve it. [22:14]
smickles i feeding my baby, on hand types slow [22:15]
androSnake BTC_BEAR do you want to know why ? because i never do illegal things [22:15]
smickles and poorly [22:15]
androSnake so the police can drop my home, its no problem [22:15]
androSnake i cooperate with the police and im in near contact to a police officer [22:15]
jjjrmy-m ? [22:16]
androSnake i never hide anything from the police [22:16]
smickles that'd be a problem for me. I don't want to be botherd by the police when i've done nothing wrong :/ [22:16]
BTC_Bear androSnake: not my business, really. But I don't make assumptions based off of text on a screen. [22:16]
androSnake ok [22:16]
jjjrmy-m i don't like androSnake [22:16]
androSnake but you can follow me, what ive said right ß> [22:16]
androSnake ?* [22:16]
mcorlett I love androSnake. [22:17]
* androSnake wants to protect BTC, and only harvest hate and flame [22:17]
BTC_Bear Yes, I followed you. It wasn't hard. [22:17]
androSnake ok [22:17]
smickles mcorlett: it taks all kinds, doesn't it :D [22:17]
androSnake i use very simply languge so that you can understand [22:17]
mcorlett Oh it's understandable already. [22:17]
jcpham very simply [22:18]
androSnake :) [22:18]
terry jcpham: you're asian [22:18]
* androSnake wants to Protect the Bitcoins from Scamers/Criminals!!! [22:18]
jcpham yes! [22:18]
androSnake ! [22:18]
pigeons the bitcoins can take care of themselves thank you [22:18]
* Duke_pro has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:18]
androSnake no man [22:19]
androSnake really not [22:19]
jcpham so asian it hurts is i [22:19]
androSnake Bitcoins are in the Beta-Phase [22:19]
androSnake so we must protect it, the ppl! [22:19]
androSnake bitcoins cant acutally protect himselfs [22:19]
BTC_Bear I have often found that assumptions take people where they want to go. [22:19]
androSnake but ive said i dont talk public about this case /topic [22:19]
terry JavaCcript Pham [22:19]
jcpham you don't, huh? [22:20]
androSnake yes, i dont [22:20]
androSnake i think its better that only verficitaon good ppl know it! [22:20]
* terry is now known as jspham [22:20]
jcpham you should answer, "No!, I do" [22:20]
androSnake i mean i dont make it public! [22:20]
androSnake so no TOPIC-CHange please [22:20]
androSnake :) [22:20]
androSnake the rate was stabil :) thats nice , i have 2 widgets on my homescreen (android-phone) [22:21]
copumpkin ;;seen theymos [22:21]
smickles androSnake: whats the topic of this channel? [22:21]
androSnake Mtgox usd-btc [22:21]
androSnake and [22:21]
androSnake bitcoin-eur rate [22:21]
jcpham boobies i hope [22:21]
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androSnake it is important to know whas the acutal rate (for me) [22:21]
jcpham what is that rate and what is that currency? [22:22]
androSnake can anyone tell me hou to buy cigaretts cheap with BTC, any guy talked about it but i dont ask for a shop/way [22:22]
androSnake yes jcpham! [22:22]
androSnake that is what i want to know, when im out of home! [22:22]
jspham androSnake: [22:22]
androSnake buy with BTC ? [22:22]
jcpham this is making my head hurt so bad [22:22]
* gheorghe has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:22]
jspham yes, just switch in the top [22:22]
androSnake i dont need fakes, i need original, legal cigaretts [22:23]
* gheorghe (gheorghe@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:23]
androSnake the ops dont want to give me talkpower in btcnoraml channel [22:23]
pigeons i wonder why [22:23]
androSnake so tell me, where can i leave my thinkings [22:23]
androSnake pigeons i also wonder why [22:23]
* smickles is now known as jdpham [22:23]
jspham androSnake: trashcan is fine [22:23]
jcpham even worse [22:23]
jdpham jingo [22:24]
* luke-jr wonders how a cigarette can be fake [22:24]
jspham we are now a pham-ily [22:24]
* jcpham is now known as jgpham [22:24]
Lunaqus hey [22:24]
jgpham nice [22:24]
jdpham luke-jr: cat nip maybe? [22:24]
BTC_Bear luke-jr: ecigs? [22:24]
pigeons oregano [22:24]
AndrewNTH hi Lunaqus [22:24]
* jdpham is now known as smickles [22:24]
luke-jr O.o [22:24]
Lunaqus ecgs taste bad [22:24]
Lunaqus lol [22:24]
* __99percent__ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:25]
* smickles is now known as splatstar [22:25]
zveda ok I want 100 BTC paid to me [22:25]
zveda or else I will explode this nuclear bomb [22:25]
jgpham androSnake you make purchase for cigs to buy bitcoin? [22:25]
* Turingi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:25]
* jspham is now known as jcpham [22:26]
BTC_Bear zveda: you've done it now. Check your six. [22:26]
zveda I stole this bomb from soviet army base [22:26]
splatstar nick confusion² [22:26]
zveda what six? [22:26]
* jcpham has quit (Disconnected by services) [22:26]
jgpham pwned [22:26]
jgpham who's next [22:26]
splatstar zveda: six == behind you [22:27]
* jcpham (u4339@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:27]
* jcpham has quit (Disconnected by services) [22:27]
zveda oo 6 o clock [22:27]
jgpham and again [22:27]
splatster I dare someone to /nick splaster [22:27]
jgpham one more time? [22:27]
zveda i only see my door [22:27]
* jspham (u4339@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:27]
jgpham he caught on [22:27]
splatstar I dare someone to /nick splaster [22:27]
splatster Gah, splastar [22:27]
jspham jgpham: cunt [22:27]
* _99percent_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [22:28]
jspham (a nice one, at that) [22:28]
jgpham i resemble that remark [22:28]
splatstar ;;ticker [22:28]
* splatstar is now known as smickles [22:28]
mcorlett I have the best nickname ever grouped to my account: [22:29]
* mcorlett is now known as luke-sr [22:29]
jgpham ha! [22:29]
zveda OK I have checked my 'six'. All i see is a closed door [22:29]
luke-sr luke-sr: Luke, I am your father. [22:29]
copumpkin ... [22:29]
luke-sr Fuck, I missed it up. [22:29]
jgpham a little [22:30]
luke-sr luke-jr: Luke, I am your father. [22:30]
copumpkin luke-sr: he's going to say what I just said [22:30]
BTCHero luke-jr was made by immaculate conception [22:30]
copumpkin emasculate conception? [22:30]
splatster I dare someone to /nick splatstar or splaster [22:30]
zveda contraception [22:30]
copumpkin immaculate contraception sounds fun [22:30]
* Phoebus has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [22:31]
* gribble gives voice to smickles [22:31]
splatster Someone try to find a nick similar to mine. [22:31]
copumpkin slapster [22:31]
zveda patzer [22:31]
jgpham crapster [22:31]
* jgpham is now known as crapster [22:31]
* Phoebus (~Phoebus@pdpc/supporter/active/phoebus) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:31]
smickles napster? [22:31]
jjjrmy-m retstalps [22:32]
copumpkin banksta [22:32]
bitcoinTrader lolster [22:32]
jjjrmy-m splaster [22:32]
smickles jjjrmy-m: retired staples? [22:32]
BTCHero spermster [22:32]
crapster i like splaster [22:32]
splatster jjjrmy-m: .nick it [22:32]
jjjrmy-m ? [22:32]
jjjrmy-m .nick splasterr [22:32]
splatster /nick it* [22:32]
* jjjrmy-m is now known as splaster [22:32]
NASDAQEnema yangstderp [22:32]
luke-sr splatstar [22:32]
splaster oh what [22:32]
* crapster is now known as splatstar [22:32]
splaster what happens [22:32]
* splatstar has quit (Disconnected by services) [22:33]
smickles that looked like it worked [22:33]
* splaster has quit (Disconnected by services) [22:33]
splatster BWAHAHA [22:33]
* jcpham ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:33]
luke-sr jcpham: Taste your own medicine. [22:33]
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* jjjrmy-m (~chatzilla@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:33]
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jjjrmy-m mother fucker [22:33]
jcpham i was typing... "you could ghost me now" [22:33]
splatster heh [22:34]
jjjrmy-m yeah, fucking kicked me [22:34]
smickles /reauth [22:34]
jjjrmy-m You have 30 seconds to identify to your nickname before it is changed. [22:34]
* chmod755 (~affilitat@unaffiliated/chmod755) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:34]
zveda why is there a sell wall at 4.60 [22:34]
* skeeved ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:34]
jjjrmy-m zveda: sorry, want me to remove it? [22:35]
smickles there is a sell wall at 2 [22:35]
zveda ok [22:35]
smickles oh, sry, wrong channel [22:35]
* gribble gives voice to jcpham [22:35]
* sgornick has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) [22:35]
splatster Oh, give splatster_ [22:36]
splatster a shot [22:36]
jjjrmy-m zxcvbnm [22:36]
jjjrmy-m asdfghjkl [22:36]
jjjrmy-m qwertyuiop [22:36]
splatster /nick splatster_ [22:36]
* masori has quit (Quit: Leaving) [22:37]
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* sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:37]
* ChanServ gives voice to sgornick [22:37]
splatster I wonder if the nick "splatter" is registered [22:38]
splatster /splatter [22:38]
splatster oops [22:38]
splatster /nick splatter [22:38]
neofutur /msg nickserv info splatter [22:39]
splatster someone should /nick splatter ;) [22:39]
rg ;;ticker [22:40]
gribble Best bid: 4.80009, Best ask: 4.80971, Bid-ask spread: 0.00962, Last trade: 4.80991, 24 hour volume: 48058, 24 hour low: 4.64501, 24 hour high: 4.84592 [22:40]
rg ! [22:40]
rg ;;asks 5 [22:40]
gribble There are currently 30784.769 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 151813.974783 USD in total. [22:40]
* agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:40]
imsaguy there's always splatters [22:40]
splatster grrrrrr [22:41]
* UNOE227_ (~mmc@unaffiliated/unoe227) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:41]
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bitcoinTrader ?????????? [22:48]
* redditcoin (~rddtcn@unaffiliated/mcorlett/bot/redditcoin) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:48]
* gribble gives voice to redditcoin [22:48]
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bitcoinTrader ;;seen virtualdirt [22:52]
androSnake bitcoinTrade, and your tradings run good atm ? [22:53]
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jmm5699 :3 [22:53]
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* LyraHeartstrings (lyra@2607:ff50:0:c:4c81:86ff:fe21:62aa) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:55]
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* redditcoin (~rddtcn@unaffiliated/mcorlett/bot/redditcoin) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:55]
* gribble gives voice to redditcoin [22:55]
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* TheLittleDuke is now known as LittleDuke [22:56]
* Hasbro (~jgoldfede@arcemu/staff/hasbro) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:57]
* Sedra- (~msn@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:58]
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rg ;;ticker [23:00]
gribble Best bid: 4.78802, Best ask: 4.79955, Bid-ask spread: 0.01153, Last trade: 4.79967, 24 hour volume: 46899, 24 hour low: 4.64501, 24 hour high: 4.84592 [23:00]
jcpham hi rg [23:00]
* paraipan (~paraipan@gateway/tor-sasl/paraipanakos) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:00]
smickles ;;asks 5.001 [23:00]
rg humph [23:01]
rg hi [23:01]
gribble There are currently 31520.568 bitcoins offered at or under 5.001 USD, worth 155410.52373 USD in total. [23:01]
* luke-sr is now known as mcorlett [23:01]
* rg cranky [23:01]
jcpham awwww [23:01]
Hasbro what happens if I buy all the bitcoins [23:01]
* Sedra has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [23:01]
rg these assholes are packeting our DC [23:01]
smickles Hasbro: they become worthless [23:01]
mcorlett jcpham: Can't do business with a name like luke-sr. [23:01]
* MORA| has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [23:01]
rg and according to the dc its 'under control' [23:02]
jcpham mcorlett you may be confused [23:02]
rg however: [23:02]
rg 5 minutes ago [23:02]
smickles Hasbro: and you win [23:02]
* nissefar ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:02]
* __99percent__ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [23:02]
rg ùíù SignOff Bosma: #bitcoin-otc (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [23:02]
Hasbro hmmm [23:02]
Hasbro I like winning [23:02]
smickles Hasbro: but it's actually impossible [23:03]
ne0futur ;;asks 30 [23:03]
gribble There are currently 248391.61 bitcoins offered at or under 30.0 USD, worth 2192704.47545 USD in total. [23:03]
* rg drowns his rage in cheese burgers [23:03]
smickles Hasbro: some bitcoins are inaccessable [23:03]
ne0futur Hasbro: you just need 2192704 $ [23:03]
ne0futur to make the price go up to 30 $ [23:03]
smickles Hasbro: and some people wont sell the bitcoins that they have :/ [23:03]
ne0futur Hasbro: please warn me before doing it :p [23:04]
* CCoolty has quit () [23:04]
Hasbro why so expensive as of late [23:04]
Hasbro I remember when coinage was free xD [23:04]
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* gheorghe (gheorghe@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:05]
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* malkauns_ (~neil@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:08]
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* emmanuelux (~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:08]
Hasbro what's the idea behind bitcoin's being able to see every bitcoin transaction history? [23:08]
ne0futur its a p2p system, no central bank [23:09]
ne0futur every node need to see every transaction to confirm its legit [23:09]
gmaxwell Hasbro: [23:09]
* aparigraha has quit (Quit: Leaving) [23:09]
smickles Hasbro: also, independant verification [23:09]
ne0futur every node will confirme every transaction [23:09]
* Phoebus (~Phoebus@pdpc/supporter/active/phoebus) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:09]
Hasbro right that I understand, what's the deal with an exchange like mtgox I hear it's hidden? [23:10]
ne0futur my oldest transactions have been confirmed by more than 70000 bitcoin clients [23:10]
ne0futur what is hidden ? [23:10]
gmaxwell ne0futur: er. You know that the confirmation count isn't a count of clients, right? [23:10]
smickles gmaxwell: its a count of blocks? [23:11]
smickles ;;bc,blocks [23:11]
gribble 173316 [23:11]
gmaxwell smickles: Yes. [23:11]
smickles :3 [23:11]
gmaxwell (the clients do independantly verify all the transactions— of course, but they leave no record of it except via mining) [23:12]
* wut2 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:13]
* chmod755 (~affilitat@unaffiliated/chmod755) has left #bitcoin-otc ("Leaving.") [23:13]
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ne0futur gmaxwell: ok i didnt know that [23:19]
* luke-jr has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:19]
rg ok i know i said i wasnt gonna get any take out/delivery [23:19]
rg but i lied [23:19]
rg who wants to be the lucky one to order it [23:20]
jcpham why do you order food off the internet everyday [23:20]
rg i dont [23:20]
rg and cause theres no food in this house [23:20]
jcpham why not just make a sammich [23:21]
rg what part of theres no food in this house didnt you get [23:21]
jcpham if you bought food, would someone else eat the food [23:21]
rg probably [23:21]
* mdosi (451b9704@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:21]
jcpham i can understand that cycle [23:21]
* easystevey_ (48e715d4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:21]
rg people ask me that same question all the time [23:21]
rg but they dont understadn the difference between living with people and living with your parents [23:22]
jcpham i do [23:22]
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* luke-jr (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:22]
* ChanServ gives voice to luke-jr [23:22]
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* Dragonai (~dragonai@unaffiliated/dragonai) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:24]
* rodrigorcm (rodrigo.rc@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:25]
rg aliens and communists are one in the same [23:25]
* rodrigorcm-afk (rodrigo.rc@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:27]
rg so no one wants to order me food for btc? [23:29]
rg thats fine [23:29]
rg i see how it is [23:29]
bruzum sure [23:29]
skeeved no problem, pizza is on the way [23:29]
bruzum if you dont rip me off [23:29]
bruzum this time [23:29]
bruzum rg [23:29]
nissefar ;;ticker [23:29]
rg we've been through this bruzum [23:29]
nissefar ;; ticker [23:29]
rg you cant order [23:29]
* rodrigorcm has quit (Disconnected by services) [23:29]
* rodrigorcm-afk is now known as rodrigorcm [23:30]
* madcoweater (~madcoweat@unaffiliated/madcoweater) has left #bitcoin-otc [23:30]
* nissefar has quit () [23:30]
rg ;;tell nissefar [guide] [23:31]
rg er [23:31]
* slush (~marekp@unaffiliated/slush) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:31]
* ChanServ gives voice to slush [23:31]
* wut2 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:33]
* bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:33]
rg the REAL question is [23:33]
rg chicken finger dinner, calzone, or cheeseburger club [23:33]
* wazzootieman has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [23:34]
jcpham i'm still asian [23:34]
Hasbro anyone have experience with silkroad or a similar marketplace [23:34]
rg Hasbro: wrong channel to ask [23:34]
rg continued inqueries will result in a ban [23:34]
splatster Hasbro: STFU AND GTFO [23:35]
rg oh dear [23:35]
LOG123 Dear hasbro [23:35]
LOG123 Can you send me a rarity and twilight sparkle brushable? [23:35]
* wazzootieman (~wazzootie@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:36]
rg heh [23:36]
Hasbro wrong channel? sorry, what is the right channel? [23:36]
rg i dont know [23:36]
rg and we're not here to help you commit federal felonies [23:36]
* MORA| (~MORA@pdpc/supporter/active/mora) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:37]
copumpkin why not just tell him politely that we don't talk about that here? [23:37]
LOG123 ./)^3^( [23:37]
Hasbro felonies? I'm a first time user who's curious, not interested in commiting crimes.. [23:37]
rg copumpkin: i did. [23:37]
rawrmage Hasbro: woah hasbro? [23:37]
LOG123 Plz hasbro? [23:37]
rg everyone else was like 'stfu' [23:37]
Hasbro I don't think you were being impolite, no offense taken [23:37]
rawrmage Hasbro: can you confirm more than 13 episodes for MLP: FiM season 3!? [23:37]
LOG123 also, hasbro [23:37]
copumpkin rg: yeah, wasn't talking about you :) [23:37]
* copumpkin slaps rawrmage [23:38]
LOG123 hasbro, GIVE ME A DERPY BRUSHABLE [23:38]
rg pretty soon [23:38]
rg in the forseeable future, i predict this will be a pony-free channel [23:38]
Hasbro I'm wondering if there are other places to buy sell things like ebay or craigslist on tor [23:38]
rawrmage LOG123: WE NEED A DERPY BRUSHABLE [23:38]
jcpham hasbro also made my favorite toys [23:38]
jcpham 1984/1985 g1 transformers [23:38]
splatster rg: I could easily adapt my bot to be a kicking anti-pony bot :) [23:38]
helo there are legal goods on silkroad... tshirts etc. the fees are lower than paypal/ebay too [23:38]
Hasbro helo, that's what I'm curious about - similar marketplaces, sr just happens to be the only one I'm aware of [23:39]
* wazzootieman has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [23:39]
rg helo: please dont piss on my foot and tell me its raining [23:39]
splatster heh [23:39]
rawrmage rg: why's that [23:39]
splatster Really, if anyone wants me to make a bot to handle this chan's pony problem, I'll do it for free any day [23:39]
zveda there is bitmit [23:39]
jcpham what "pony problem" [23:40]
jcpham rawrmage are you aware of a pony problem? [23:40]
helo i think he means people with heroin problems [23:40]
helo asking how to buy from SR [23:40]
zveda I will motivate u to quit drugs for 5 btc [23:41]
rawrmage jcpham: no i'm not [23:41]
rawrmage zveda: lol [23:41]
helo or maybe he isn't a fan of everypony's obsession with dwarf horses [23:41]
zveda I pester u every day [23:41]
helo i'm actually considering selling some legal goods on SR [23:42]
helo i don't know how to set up to be a vendor and all of that shit, but it would be interesting to see if there is demand [23:42]
vragnaroda helo: Don't discuss your association with SR here even if it's legal. [23:43]
* bitcoinTrader has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [23:43]
rawrmage yea [23:43]
helo there is no association to speak of [23:43]
* wazzootieman (~wazzootie@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:43]
rawrmage it reflects badly on our pristine reputationz [23:43]
vragnaroda Or planned association. [23:43]
LOG123 I heard that John De Lancie is doing more voices [23:43]
LOG123 Can you confirm hasbro? [23:43]
rawrmage i thought he confirmed that [23:43]
rawrmage on his twitter [23:43]
rawrmage LOG123:!/johndelancie/status/184176729840033792 [23:44]
helo might as well sell on bitmit if i want btc... [23:44]
EvanR brrrrr you cant talk about SR in here [23:44]
LOG123 :O [23:45]
EvanR oops i just talked about SR [23:45]
EvanR crap i keep talkinga bout SR [23:45]
AndrewNTH ;;ticker [23:45]
gribble Best bid: 4.8, Best ask: 4.8049, Bid-ask spread: 0.0049, Last trade: 4.80491, 24 hour volume: 46759, 24 hour low: 4.64505, 24 hour high: 4.84592 [23:45]
bruzum helo: hey [23:45]
LOG123 Hasbro, plz leak royal wedding early [23:45]
helo does bitmit do a escrowed payments? [23:45]
* MORA| has quit () [23:45]
rawrmage EvanR: what's wrong with thioethers [23:45]
EvanR no drugs should be illegal [23:45]
helo drugs are legal in most places [23:45]
LOG123 That are not america [23:45]
LOG123 :P [23:45]
EvanR doubt it [23:46]
rawrmage amareica [23:46]
helo it's just the land masses on this facist little planet [23:46]
LOG123 AMURRICA [23:46]
jcpham FUCK_YAYYUH [23:46]
EvanR all the drug producing countries have piss poor governments trying to assert american regulations [23:46]
EvanR baptists vs bootleggers [23:46]
jmm5699 looking to buy bitcoin with $190 moneypak, don't have the pak yet, but the store isn't far away, just making sure I have someone to exchange with before getting it. new member and prefer going first for someone with good feedback [23:47]
* jjjrmy-m (~chatzilla@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:47]
neofutur LOG123: please stop spamming , insulting and shouting here [23:48]
EvanR NO CAPS PLZ [23:49]
EvanR no fucking swearing [23:49]
AndrewNTH ;;buy 6.2 BTC @ 5 PPUSD Will pay fee [23:50]
gribble Order id 7418 created. [23:50]
jcpham you guys keep dropping f bombs and the ponies are coming out to play [23:50]
LOG123 LOL [23:50]
* hngryhngryhippo has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:50]
LOG123 Alright [23:50]
rawrmage [23:50]
neofutur thanks LOG123 [23:50]
bruzum rg: did you buy any shares from splatsters and smickles scheme? [23:51]
LOG123 But the ponies stay. [23:51]
LOG123 BTw [23:51]
LOG123 Ponies use bits [23:51]
LOG123 And the bits come in coins [23:51]
LOG123 Coincidence? [23:51]
jcpham bruzum i did [23:52]
jcpham or it's in progress [23:52]
helo damnit team america theme stuck in my head [23:53]
rg no [23:53]
rg america [23:53]
rg FUCK YEAH [23:53]
EvanR america.. fuck yeah [23:53]
bruzum jcpham: me too [23:53]
rg so lick my butt and suck on my balls [23:53]
EvanR hahaha [23:53]
rg slavery. fuck yeah! republicanss ... fuck yeah? [23:54]
rg i love that part of the song [23:54]
LOG123 [23:54]
rg bed bath and beyond. fuck yeah! [23:54]
LOG123 Sushi! [23:54]
LOG123 Fuck yeah! [23:54]
LOG123 Cya guies [23:55]
rg NOTICE: rg is looking for someone to order food for him. This is the only way you will be able to get Bitcoins for Credit Card. Must be in *USA* [23:55]
* LOG123 is now known as LOG123-Work-AFK [23:55]
* nissefar ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:55]
luke-jr rg++ [23:56]
rg luke-jr < 0 [23:56]
rawrmage rg, i can do that if you want [23:56]
luke-jr does Dominos take CC by phone, and deliver without seeing it? [23:56]
luke-jr rawrmage: pfft, you don't need it [23:56]
rg hang on, jcpham is considering it [23:56]
rg and he messaged me first [23:56]
rg and fuck Dominos [23:56]
luke-jr let some n00b do it [23:56]
rg and yes they do [23:56]
rawrmage luke-jr: yea, but if no n00b is around, he still wants the food :P [23:57]
BTC_Bear Go with the Calzone, sounds good. [23:57]
* luke-jr ponders letting n00bs order his supper every night [23:57]
luke-jr hmm [23:58]
luke-jr I'd want to see what happens when someone chargebacks a food [23:58]
amiller i'd want to order home cooked meals via bitcoin [23:58]
rg if someone did that [23:58]
BTC_Bear rg wouldn't care, the food has come and gone by then, [23:58]
* malkauns__ (~neil@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:58]
rg i would be SO pissed. [23:58]
amiller like the indian food supply train [23:58]
rg BTC_bear: i would care [23:58]
rg very much [23:58]
rg these two places i order from, we [23:58]
rg 're like family [23:59]
amiller [23:59]
BTC_Bear ah... I see. [23:59]
* malkauns_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:59]
  1. MoneyPak, want to trade for BTC. Auth/Rating required on OTC. Thanks! []
Category: Logs
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