Forum logs for 27 Mar 2014

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* bitcoinpete has quit (Quit: bitcoinpete) [00:12]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 153 @ 0.00280924 = 0.4298 BTC [+] {2} [00:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 27 @ 0.01637999 = 0.4423 BTC [+] [00:19]
kakobrekla ;;seen davout [00:23]
gribble davout was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 20 hours, 57 minutes, and 36 seconds ago: bah [00:23]
kakobrekla ;;later tell davout ping [00:23]
gribble The operation succeeded. [00:23]
* HeySteve ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:24]
* HeySteve has quit (Changing host) [00:24]
* HeySteve (HeySteve@unaffiliated/heysteve) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:24]
* kermit has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [00:25]
* HeySteve2 has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) [00:25]
* Jackmaninov has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:26]
* kermit (unknown@pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:26]
* Jackmaninov ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07288995 = 0.2187 BTC [+] [00:29]
* Jackmaninov has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:31]
* davout (~davout@unaffiliated/davout) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:32]
* Namworld ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:34]
* dR3 has quit (Quit: CollieBudz callin out...) [00:35]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 89 @ 0.002839 = 0.2527 BTC [+] [00:40]
* joesmoe ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:41]
BingoBoingo The real prize in Crimea [00:44]
* DBordelo ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:46]
mike_c have no fear americans, we're on it. "The facility is one of only two such combat dolphin training centers in the world, the other is run by the US Navy in San Diego." [00:47]
joecool BingoBoingo: oh same ones with the knives and pistols attached to their heads? [00:47]
* joesmoe has quit (Quit: One of these days I'm gonna find this *PEER* guy and reset *HIS* connection.) [00:47]
BingoBoingo joecool: Does it matter? [00:47]
joecool BingoBoingo: well the US lost a bunch with toxic dart guns attached some years back [00:48]
BingoBoingo Well, things happen [00:48]
mircea_popescu lol [00:50]
mircea_popescu poor dolphins [00:50]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.10144642 BTC [-] [00:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.055 = 0.11 BTC [-] [00:52]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.10144642 = 0.2029 BTC [-] [00:52]
* Sahtor has quit (Quit: Sahtor) [00:55]
* lnovy is now known as RogerVer [01:03]
* RogerVer is now known as lnovy [01:03]
* daybyter has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:09]
* qwebirc1010269 (6b10c1a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:12]
* TestingUnoDosTre has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:14]
qwebirc1010269 asciilifeform that was a good read, but I'm unsure of how quickly this whole US default will occur [01:19]
* qwebirc1010269 has quit (Quit: Page closed) [01:19]
* nubbins` ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:19]
* TestingUnoDosTre (6b10c1a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:19]
TestingUnoDosTre lost my username for a moment there [01:20]
moiety combat dolphins?! sort of useless when they get distracted and go off on year long gang rapes [01:20]
* tg2 (~tg2@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:20]
* User_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:23]
mircea_popescu moiety i thought it was the goats with the gang rapes [01:24]
tg2 dat context [01:24]
TestingUnoDosTre yah a year long gang rape? Dolphins copulate in like microseconds [01:24]
mircea_popescu afaik dolphins copulate like most other mammals [01:25]
moiety no, they group together and imprison a lone female for months at a time, taking it in turns [01:25]
* fordlincoln ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:25]
mircea_popescu (which is to say, the male merely inserts the penis, and the female milks it) [01:25]
mircea_popescu makes rape a tenuous proposition. [01:25]
moiety its not the length of time they take, its the length of time they keep doing it [01:25]
* only has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.10144642 = 0.3043 BTC [-] [01:26]
* only (~only@gateway/tor-sasl/only) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:27]
* ninjashogun has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:27]
* phf (~user@unaffiliated/phf) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:27]
* fordlincoln has quit (Client Quit) [01:27]
tg2 dolphins are the only species to copulate more frequently than your mom. [01:27]
mircea_popescu [01:27]
mircea_popescu 23yo widower. [01:28]
nubbins` wreckhouse area of newfoundland set a wind speed record earlier this evening, 183km/h [01:28]
tg2 stop you're making fox jealous [01:28]
* User_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [01:28]
moiety its an authority and territorial thing [01:29]
mircea_popescu [01:29]
mircea_popescu (mostly for pic of aroused donkey and hilarious copy) [01:29]
moiety err who to the goat rape pic?! [01:30]
tg2 those are some solid english writing skills [01:30]
moiety took* [01:30]
moiety ffs poor donkey [01:30]
Duffer1 [01:31]
joecool mircea_popescu: you ever consider a tabloid-style sister site of trilema? "Writing dumb shit for the masses" [01:31]
nubbins` Duffer1 imagine [01:31]
Duffer1 hehe [01:31]
joecool mircea_popescu: stupid people often don't have money though, have to fund it with very invasive ads [01:32]
mircea_popescu joecool nah, too much work. [01:32]
moiety there's plenty sites that even just collect the shit from other sites of crap anyways [01:32]
joecool mircea_popescu: get other people write it? [01:32]
joecool *to write [01:32]
mircea_popescu well... you do it then ? [01:33]
tg2 lol using 3rd parties to generate your private key [01:33]
tg2 solid [01:33]
nubbins` ^ [01:33]
tg2 still scaming away [01:33]
moiety i'mmaking a completely useless site for my own benefit re my new obsession (blame asciilifeform) [01:33]
tg2 makes me want to spam online wallet sites and just steal everybodies coins [01:33]
tg2 like them [01:33]
joecool mircea_popescu: too much work, I already have other writers on those sort of projects [01:33]
mircea_popescu lol [01:34]
tg2 #1 google result for "litecoin online wallet", extended validation SSL cert [01:34]
tg2 straight up just stealing them lol [01:34]
tg2 5 months of "I GOT SCAMMED BY INSTANT-E.COM" threads everywhere [01:34]
mircea_popescu moiety what is your new, stan-induced obsession ? [01:34]
moiety manuls! [01:34]
mircea_popescu tg2 bfl is stillaround... [01:34]
nubbins` heh [01:34]
tg2 can't say i'm mad [01:34]
tg2 if anything I'm probably jealous [01:34]
mike_c joecool: isn't that bitcointalk? [01:34]
moiety all i need to make my life complete is a manul + laser pic [01:34]
tg2 i tracked somebody who said they got scammed, followed the coins, went into a wallet with 17,000 LTC [01:35]
tg2 for 1 month of transactions [01:35]
joecool mike_c: i have some shit standards [01:35]
tg2 all source transactions were from nov [01:35]
mircea_popescu lambo on its way [01:35]
tg2 dude is in china [01:35]
tg2 i hunted him down [01:35]
tg2 clown had his old software site hosted on the same ip before [01:35]
tg2 threatened to reveal him if he didn't pay me 50ltc bounty [01:36]
tg2 he did [01:36]
mircea_popescu [01:37]
* benkay has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) [01:37]
mircea_popescu some moar cog drama. kakobrekla ^ [01:37]
mircea_popescu as far as i recall, about a week before disappearing, nefario froze goat' [01:37]
mircea_popescu s "assets" in a rather similar fashion [01:38]
mircea_popescu (goat was at the time running the more obviously fraudulent, highest volume shit glbse was listing) [01:38]
tg2 " Why is the site off line SO OFTEN Huh " [01:38]
tg2 dat webscale [01:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 10 @ 0.05428002 = 0.5428 BTC [-] {3} [01:39]
tg2 cloudflare pls [01:40]
mircea_popescu [01:40]
ozbot [BTC-TC] CIPHERMINE.B1 - a virtual corporate bond with a 22% fixed-fiat APR [01:40]
* peterl ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:40]
mircea_popescu check that shit out. i remember the days the counter was... you know... xmas. [01:40]
BingoBoingo moiety: [01:41]
BingoBoingo [01:41]
ozbot Manul The Cat On Holiday by badratio - Meme Center [01:41]
* joecool has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [01:42]
* zoinky has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [01:42]
nubbins` good ol' havelock [01:42]
nubbins` home of the legitimate fund [01:42]
moiety BingoBoingo: bahahaha that's epic. i love how they all have that "fuck off" face [01:43]
B007 tg2: 50 ltc lol [01:47]
tg2 2 emails and 20 minutes of sleuthing [01:47]
tg2 $2700/hr [01:48]
tg2 if I really wanted to get paid [01:48]
tg2 I'd have his hosting pulled [01:48]
tg2 hosting at softlayer like a true cheapskate [01:48]
B007 what do you do irl [01:48]
tg2 sleuth [01:48]
tg2 I am an angel vc [01:49]
tg2 you? [01:49]
B007 student [01:49]
B007 nothing [01:49]
tg2 cool, keep at it [01:49]
B007 depends [01:49]
tg2 build something cool [01:49]
tg2 post it in here, have it shot down, collect yourself, settle into a career of tech support [01:49]
tg2 thats the best advice I can give [01:50]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2998 @ 0.00280679 = 8.4148 BTC [-] {3} [01:50]
B007 tech support? im in cs [01:50]
tg2 spot on [01:50]
tg2 darkcoin 3x coming in the next 2 weeks [01:51]
tg2 calling it now [01:51]
* fordlincoln ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:52]
nubbins` [21:20:18] tech support? im in cs <<< that's why he said it ;D [01:52]
* mike_c has quit () [01:52]
kakobrekla you slanderous soul you mp. [01:52]
mircea_popescu tg2 angel vc where ? [01:53]
kakobrekla its but a scratch. [01:53]
tg2 everywhere [01:53]
tg2 im in montreal [01:53]
tg2 but I like to spread my seed around [01:53]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla "it's but a flesh wound" [01:53]
B007 [01:53]
ozbot Google Trends [01:53]
B007 wut [01:53]
kakobrekla yea yea [01:53]
tg2 yeah, darkcoin is not a bad idea right now [01:53]
tg2 what do you do mircea_popescu [01:53]
mircea_popescu fun factoid : my rift guild cosnsiting of ~1000 teenagers also somehow magically contains half a dozen of "special agents" in "bruxels" [01:53]
mircea_popescu at least if you believe what they say in chat. [01:54]
* peterl has quit (Quit: peterl) [01:54]
mircea_popescu tg2 i run game guilds. [01:54]
B007 lel [01:54]
* benkay (~user@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:54]
tg2 better than being a student with nothing to their name [01:54]
tg2 aye [01:54]
* peterl ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:54]
moiety mew benkay [01:54]
mircea_popescu i have endless piles of platinum, gold and other game currencies [01:54]
tg2 quite the game [01:54]
tg2 I hope you're winning at it [01:55]
B007 he also has endless piles of irl money [01:55]
B007 in case you didnt know [01:55]
mircea_popescu im in it for the social justice aspect. [01:55]
tg2 not so different from game money [01:55]
benkay allo mon manul [01:55]
benkay mah? [01:55]
* moiety wonders why there is no manul game; goes to find game dev [01:55]
benkay hey mircea_popescu what's the correct posessive there [01:55]
mircea_popescu mein [01:55]
mircea_popescu mein mehnuler [01:56]
* peterl has quit (Client Quit) [01:56]
mircea_popescu (allo maman nulle ?) [01:56]
tg2 mon = french [01:57]
tg2 mah = black [01:57]
mircea_popescu ;;google mon mec a moi, il me port'en voiture [01:57]
gribble Les blagues - Restena: ; Le couteau et la loi - LaToileScoute: ; Miroir dis moi qui sont les vrais, Dis-moi dis-moi.. – Dolce Vita: [01:57]
mircea_popescu hm [01:57]
benkay manul a moi [01:58]
tg2 my boi, brings me in a car? [01:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.62703977 = 3.1352 BTC [+] {3} [01:58]
mircea_popescu i guess nobody is from the 70s. [01:58]
nubbins` close, '82 [01:59]
benkay old men. [01:59]
tg2 not at that advanced state of age [01:59]
cazalla B007: google trends is misleading, add litecoin so you can see the trend relative to another keyword [01:59]
benkay old, well-capitalized men. [01:59]
mircea_popescu [01:59]
ozbot Patricia Kaas - Mon Mec A Moi - YouTube [01:59]
tg2 darkcoin actually adds some value [01:59]
tg2 not liek every other shitcoin I've seen in the last 3 months [01:59]
moiety and women>> '84 [01:59]
tg2 I think the crypto industry needs to have some kind of consortium that rejects new coins [02:00]
tg2 75% premine airdrop garbage wallfecoins [02:00]
mircea_popescu and new consortiums [02:00]
tg2 meta rejection [02:00]
tg2 who consorts the consortiums [02:00]
tg2 srsly tho, next time I see a 50% premine shitcoin [02:00]
tg2 i'm going to lose it [02:00]
tg2 and I know it wont be that long, thats the sad part [02:01]
benkay didn't know you were well capitalized, moiety! [02:01]
* moiety typed before that bit :P [02:01]
mircea_popescu she's not well capitulised, merely slow typewrited. [02:02]
tg2 if you post in the announcements(altcoins) forum of bitcointalk it should just autoban your IP [02:02]
moiety never say never! on both counts lol [02:02]
benkay practice makes perfect. [02:02]
tg2 or use some kind of fingerprinting technique like Kount does so you can't even use proxies [02:02]
B007 you can spoof those [02:04]
B007 easily [02:04]
cazalla tg2: not really about value, it's just that trends is misleading [02:04]
tg2 sorry, to what are you referring cazalla [02:04]
cazalla tg2: "darkcoin actually adds some value" sorry, i thought you were responding to what I said to B007 [02:05]
tg2 no. [02:05]
tg2 but darkcoin is a coin that does 2 things [02:05]
moiety i have a never ending supply of enthusiasm, undecided if this helps/hinders me [02:05]
tg2 1: the mining algorithm is power friendly on GPUs [02:05]
* blackwhite ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:06]
tg2 2: darksend is an actual feature [02:06]
blackwhite evening gents [02:06]
tg2 its not just a copy of another coin [02:06]
tg2 not having to trust your coins to a mixer in order to obfusticate transactions is a big deal [02:06]
tg2 eventually people will catch on [02:06]
tg2 and it will be popular [02:06]
tg2 coupled with the fact that mining it uses 1/2 the power and produces 1/2 the heat on graphics cards, and that there are no asics for it [02:07]
tg2 means it should see some significant upswings when the summer heat settles in in north america [02:07]
tg2 and scrypt asics become more prolific [02:07]
tg2 just my 2c [02:07]
cazalla seems like more kids with milkcrates and 7950's tbh [02:07]
tg2 i have $50k in them [02:07]
* only_ (~only@gateway/tor-sasl/only) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:07]
tg2 I have 400 gpus mining [02:07]
B007 that is why you must promote it [02:07]
tg2 none in milk crates [02:07]
B007 lolz [02:07]
tg2 they are up from 70c to 89c just in the last 48 hours [02:08]
tg2 a nice uptrend as people realize the merit of the coin [02:08]
B007 remember to post a to the moon thread on 4chan [02:08]
* nubbins` yawns [02:08]
nubbins` i'd better buy them all now [02:08]
tg2 good luck [02:09]
moiety B007: the moon is taken, they need to find another planet [02:09]
nubbins` i'm going to put in $75k, keep an eye out for the bump [02:09]
asciilifeform fuck damn it, i of all people am responsible for infecting people with lolcats. [02:09]
mircea_popescu i don't get it, "Half the power" [02:09]
* only has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [02:09]
tg2 better yet get started on an i2p version of silk road that runs off of darkcoins [02:09]
mircea_popescu half as compared to what. [02:09]
tg2 compared to mining scrypt or nscrypt [02:09]
benkay derp coins? [02:09]
tg2 you mine darkcoin on your gpu, it uses literally 1/2 the power [02:10]
benkay tg2 it's a meaningless number. you can make the block reward whatever you want. [02:10]
* rum234 (~IceChat77@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:10]
nubbins` heh [02:10]
benkay the "number" of "coins" is arbitrary. [02:10]
moiety asciilifeform: entirely, i need them daily now [02:10]
tg2 benkay - nowhere was amount of coins mentionned [02:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9100 @ 0.0009316 = 8.4776 BTC [-] [02:10]
tg2 only price per coin [02:10]
tg2 which is all I'm concerned with for now [02:10]
nubbins` so if it uses half the power [02:10]
asciilifeform ;;lolcat [02:10]
gribble Error: "lolcat" is not a valid command. [02:10]
benkay that fluctuates with market action. [02:10]
nubbins` actually, i don't even [02:10]
tg2 apparently not [02:11]
moiety ;; manul [02:11]
gribble Error: "manul" is not a valid command. [02:11]
moiety gribble, it needs to be [02:11]
benkay ;;gettrust tg2 [02:11]
gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user tg2: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: never [02:11]
benkay o ok [02:11]
tg2 can't has trust [02:11]
* benkay goes back to derpy value deliving [02:11]
BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Maybe ship Manuls with Cardanos as a physical security enchancement? [02:11]
nubbins` Manuldanos [02:12]
moiety ^ so much yes, i will look after them til shipping [02:12]
asciilifeform moiety: phun phact. wash. d.c. zoo has a scale, demarcated in... cats. tells the visitor what species he would make the best meal for. [02:12]
tg2 [02:12]
ozbot Manuls (Manuls) on Twitter [02:12]
tg2 lol [02:12]
tg2 what a fortunate twitter handle [02:13]
tg2 I wonder if he knows of it's provenance [02:13]
cazalla tg2: is darkcoin better than bitcoin? [02:13]
tg2 answering that would be stupid [02:14]
tg2 but maybe you can clarify in which categeory you wish to compare [02:14]
tg2 there are several hundred criteria that you could arbitrarily rate a cryptocurrency on [02:14]
tg2 it is better at some [02:15]
moiety asciilifeform: lol i must look that up. i did find the only way someone would be smiling while holding one [02:15]
cazalla well, i know nothing about it so please share which of those it is [02:15]
tg2 let me curate a list for you [02:15]
moiety well that was the most disappointing twitter link i have ever clicked, thanks [02:15]
tg2 right after I'm done answering questions on yahoo answers [02:15]
tg2 is it still cool to link to lmgtfy? [02:16]
cazalla do you sell level 2 accounts or something.. perhaps for darkcoin? [02:16]
tg2 anwyay, read up, if you choose to invest in it, or mine it, I think it has merit as a coin, in stark comparison to every other piece of garbage that was forked in the last 3 months [02:17]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.10144642 BTC [-] [02:17]
cazalla i'll stick to bitcoin but thanks anyway [02:18]
tg2 may your ignorance lead you to profit [02:18]
nubbins` heh. [02:19]
mircea_popescu well, is darkcoin better than altcoin ? [02:19]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5400 @ 0.00093878 = 5.0694 BTC [+] [02:19]
BingoBoingo Eh, I've never had any offers for singularity coin. [02:19]
tg2 it is an altcoin [02:19]
mircea_popescu yes, but i mean the altcoin [02:19]
BingoBoingo [02:19]
ozbot X-BT - The new marketplace for trading Bitcoin with Litecoin, Namecoin and Altcoin [02:19]
nubbins` this conversation would be more difficult in a language without articles [02:20]
tg2 it is the altcoin, maybe I'm not getting what you're trying to imply [02:20]
mircea_popescu nubbins` or without words :D [02:20]
BingoBoingo tg2: He means Altcoin, the meta altcoin [02:20]
nubbins` XD [02:20]
tg2 that is meta [02:20]
nubbins` i've got about $0k in atc [02:20]
mircea_popescu still above 100 ?! [02:21]
mircea_popescu bam, atc beats all forum investments lol. [02:21]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Indeed but too close to 100 to do much [02:21]
nubbins` guess i should've added some decimals [02:21]
mircea_popescu it's been stable for what, 3 months now ? [02:21]
nubbins` roughly $0.00k [02:21]
mircea_popescu nubbins` so get some derpcoin then, now's your chance [02:21]
tg2 that is hillarious, you can have fun with that coin. [02:21]
moiety manul coin will destroy them all, and enjoy it [02:22]
nubbins` ^ [02:22]
nubbins` manulcoin [02:22]
nubbins` would buy [02:22]
tg2 strong investment [02:22]
nubbins` and hodl [02:22]
mircea_popescu manuella is, in romanian folklore, the date of all chronic masturbators. [02:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 23 @ 0.10144642 = 2.3333 BTC [-] [02:22]
mircea_popescu because well... manul is pretty close to the latin root for "hand". [02:22]
tg2 so who has the funniest idea for a shitcoin [02:22]
tg2 either created or not [02:23]
nubbins` sort of like Palmela [02:23]
mircea_popescu that one too [02:23]
mircea_popescu not as popular. [02:23]
dignork tg2, darkcoin is funny enough [02:23]
moiety mircea_popescu: i discoevered this looking for 'manul lasers' - google asks, "did you mean manual lasers?" [02:23]
nubbins` actually, i meant "automatic lasers + shipping to canada" [02:24]
mircea_popescu lol [02:24]
mircea_popescu "i meant, where is my cousin susie" [02:24]
nubbins` dude you know susie from canada!? [02:24]
moiety lolol [02:25]
moiety i think the only reason people don't make coats out of them is because its hard to skin them when theyve ripped your face off [02:26]
BingoBoingo tg2: I might have an altcoin running on an old nokia 5200 series [02:26]
* B007 has quit (Quit: Lost terminal) [02:26]
moiety "fuck this - back to the chinchillas" [02:27]
mircea_popescu moiety maybe they skin them like they peel peanuts, huge mechanical process [02:27]
BingoBoingo That might make a nice internet pay per view, Manul vs. 150 chinchillas [02:27]
moiety mircea_popescu: you mean monkeys don't deal with monkey nuts? [02:28]
moiety lol BingoBoingo is sports betting with manuls already [02:28]
BingoBoingo moiety: Nah, the money isn't the betting it is selling admission [02:29]
moiety fair point, we need to catch one first though [02:29]
nubbins` set out a cardboard box [02:30]
nubbins` [02:30]
moiety LOL [02:30]
nubbins` ;( [02:31]
tg2 just put a bunch of keyboards in the wild [02:31]
tg2 check for key repeat events [02:31]
moiety lol [02:32]
moiety that cat: fuck you , im in the box [02:32]
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tg2 Sweet cat tree. Looks great from your keyboard. [02:32]
moiety i can imagine manuls being like, fuck you internet [02:33]
moiety unlike that guy, who folded after being super-trolled [02:36]
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tg2 anybody here from montreal? [02:37]
tg2 Going to startup-drinks to hear people talk about how much they think their ideas are worth for 2 hours while drinking. It's an excercise in tolerance and humility. [02:37]
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benkay couldn't be nearly as great as dark coin [02:38]
BingoBoingo tg2: You realize that happens here too [02:38]
tg2 BingoBoingo, I haven't had a chance to witness it or partake in it yet [02:38]
tg2 give me some time [02:38]
tg2 I'll collect the best ones tonight and shitpost them here after [02:38]
benkay no honor in that [02:38]
benkay rip 'em to their face. [02:38]
benkay make them explain their 'business models'. [02:38]
tg2 That's what the drinks are for [02:38]
tg2 I like to ask them repeatedly what their current assetes are [02:39]
tg2 lol [02:39]
tg2 over and over [02:39]
tg2 until they realize they have no assets [02:39]
benkay of course they don't they're tech startups [02:39]
benkay kinda stupid approach [02:39]
tg2 then I pitch their idea back to them and ask them for $x ($x being the value they asked) [02:39]
tg2 as thats pretty much the value of an idea [02:39]
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nubbins` tg2 are you from montreal originally [02:40]
tg2 no [02:40]
tg2 I am just stuck here like a fly on a shit pile [02:40]
tg2 montreal has increasingly less and less to get interested about [02:41]
tg2 toronto is happening now [02:41]
tg2 as far as startups and bubbles go, montreal is pretty boring [02:41]
tg2 3 notable startups per year [02:41]
tg2 2.8 of them flop [02:41]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17500 @ 0.00093283 = 16.3245 BTC [-] [02:42]
tg2 we have, and you can count them on one hand [02:42]
tg2 about 4 startups that you may have heard of [02:43]
tg2 if you follow the startup scene closely [02:43]
tg2 lol [02:43]
tg2 [02:43]
benkay isn't there a freelancer billing company up there? [02:44]
benkay freshbooks or summat? [02:44]
tg2 it looks like a template on themeforest [02:44]
tg2 passwordbox [02:44]
benkay startups are responsive templates, tg2 [02:44]
tg2 at our "incubator" [02:44]
Mats_cd03 nice buzzword placement bros [02:44]
tg2 there are about 5 teams owrking on a bitcoin payment processor [02:44]
tg2 lol [02:44]
tg2 each on their own [02:45]
tg2 obviously [02:45]
tg2 we're really giving ycombinator a run for their money [02:45]
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tg2 montreal is home to the biggest porn company online [02:46]
tg2 that is pretty much our most successful web company [02:46]
tg2 (and in no way am I underplaying the actual value of that) [02:46]
* user3432 is now known as ninjashogun [02:46]
tg2 here's a good one, "Delta - the last web startup" [02:47]
tg2 i wish [02:47]
tg2 Delta lets people semantically describe the past, present, and future. Based on these descriptions, Delta understand intents and can help you make your wishes become reality, by connecting you to people that offer solutions to your problems. [02:47]
tg2 holy fuck where do I sign [02:47]
Mats_cd03 lol [02:48]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.10144642 = 0.2029 BTC [-] [02:48]
Mats_cd03 understand intents? have all of the money [02:48]
tg2 when I get to 100m$ in the bank, I'll choose the shittiest startup I can find [02:48]
tg2 and make it a success [02:48]
tg2 as proof of concept that it's not idea even, but execution [02:48]
benkay so hey everyone [02:49]
benkay a copyright notice at the bottom of your silly little webapp is all you really need [02:49]
Mats_cd03 and thats why youre poor tg2 [02:49]
tg2 so poor [02:49]
benkay don't get on your developers' case about owning all their ip [02:49]
benkay it's bad form and it shows not only that you have no idea what you're going on about, but that you're afraid of things you don't understand [02:49]
tg2 lol [02:50]
benkay just say yes, send us checks when we bill you, and enjoy software free of your own bad decisions [02:50]
tg2 yeah that copyright symbol [02:50]
tg2 stands on it's own [02:50]
tg2 no need for actual IP protection [02:50]
tg2 just slap that baby on [02:50]
tg2 ready to raise some capital [02:50]
benkay ugh people raising capital [02:50]
tg2 wow hey there's another gem on here [02:50]
benkay if i never work with another brilliant 20 year old again it'll be too soon [02:51]
tg2 "" [02:51]
tg2 "Hosted MtGox trading bot" [02:51]
tg2 loll [02:51]
benkay old dudes with capital and biz experience only tyvm. [02:51]
tg2 fortune 500 here we come [02:51]
tg2 good thing I'm not an old dude, born in the 70's [02:51]
tg2 I'm the 80's gen [02:51]
tg2 we just tell people straight up that their idea is worth less than the air they used to expel it from their mouths [02:51]
benkay you do contract dev, tg2? [02:52]
tg2 no I have 20 people working for me here that work on in-house projects [02:52]
tg2 and I invest in about 2-3 external projects [02:52]
tg2 I don't do contract development, haven't for years [02:52]
benkay and you fell for an altcoin scam?! [02:52]
tg2 yeah poor me right! [02:53]
tg2 i put 50 btc into doge when it was 56 satoshis [02:53]
tg2 which actually brought the price up to 68 satoshis [02:53]
* nubbins` has quit (Quit: quit) [02:53]
tg2 sold at 281 [02:53]
Mats_cd03 r u ballin now? [02:53]
cazalla much profit [02:53]
tg2 for 50btc worth [02:53]
tg2 now i'm sitting on a lot of doge [02:53]
benkay well take the p/d elsewhere buddy. [02:53]
tg2 and I hate doge [02:53]
tg2 but if I sell it, it will crash doge [02:53]
tg2 wat do [02:53]
benkay uh [02:54]
benkay don't derp with altcoins? [02:54]
Mats_cd03 no dark pools? how bout -otc? [02:54]
cazalla sounds like first one to sell winsd [02:54]
tg2 anyway, gonna get inundated by poor business plans [02:54]
tg2 gnite [02:54]
BingoBoingo Crash Doge? For the lulz? [02:54]
tg2 sell 90m doge [02:54]
tg2 see how hard it falls? [02:54]
tg2 pretty hard [02:54]
benkay yeah crash it for teh lulz [02:54]
tg2 could yeah [02:54]
tg2 but not much in it for me to do that [02:54]
tg2 lol [02:54]
tg2 it was hard enough to offload 50btc worth at 281 and not crash it down [02:55]
BingoBoingo tg2: Well you could make some headlines, the press loves the Dogers [02:55]
tg2 had a 20btc buywall and was just selling to anybody who poked over it for 3 hours [02:55]
tg2 they sponsored a nascar team [02:55]
benkay those illiquid markets [02:55]
tg2 asking me to help [02:55]
tg2 i'm like you want me to sponsor a no-name nascar team [02:55]
tg2 for 1 race [02:55]
tg2 solid investment champs [02:55]
BingoBoingo Maybe set an ask wall at 72 satoshis [02:56]
tg2 its all about dark [02:57]
tg2 i wish there was more volume [02:57]
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tg2 anyway, play money - easy come easy go [02:57]
benkay you and every other *coiner sitting on a hoard. [02:57]
tg2 i like to spend my coins [02:57]
benkay last night i tried to put a photo onto my iphone [02:58]
benkay lolzolozozolollolzozl [02:58]
moiety christ, not another drama please - even if the last drama landed us in bitcoinmagazine in the end - i'd like a break. [02:59]
benkay what's today's drama moiety? [02:59]
moiety tg2: so you hate the fact that you have all this doge... and this led you to think it would be a great idea to get a pile of dark coin? *failing to see the logic here* [03:00]
moiety benkay: no i just mean a crash would be lol [03:00]
benkay much kek [03:00]
tg2 i had too much doge [03:02]
tg2 so i bought darkcoin [03:02]
tg2 whats not to understand [03:02]
tg2 which part are you having trouble with [03:02]
tg2 look closer if you can't see the logic [03:02]
* moiety speaks slowly: the logic behind it [03:02]
wao-ender yay startups [03:02]
moiety if you hated the first experience so much.... [03:02]
tg2 i hated making money [03:02]
wao-ender tg2: top3 startups from montreal [03:02]
tg2 it was really maddening for me [03:02]
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tg2 i bought 50btc worth because my firend wouldn't shut up about altcoins [03:03]
tg2 and then it went 6x in like 3 days [03:03]
tg2 and i was forced to exit with 0 risk and swallow my pride [03:03]
tg2 i wanted to prove to him that it was a bad idea to buy dogecoins while they were on the decline [03:03]
tg2 and all altcoins [03:03]
tg2 but alas, fucking doggers [03:03]
wao-ender very rich [03:03]
* moiety wasn't actually looking for a book response //rhetorical questions ftw [03:04]
tg2 > asks question [03:04]
tg2 > gets answer [03:04]
tg2 > answer is satisfactory [03:04]
tg2 > shitpost that it was rhetorical [03:04]
moiety are you on cocaine by any chance tg2? [03:04]
tg2 > pwhew saved my ass on that one [03:04]
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* jadne looks at moiety [03:04]
moiety can i help you jadne? [03:05]
tg2 wao-ender: passwordbox, lagoa [03:06]
tg2 we had a decent one called 5by [03:06]
tg2 but they sold for like $2 to stumbleupon [03:06]
jadne moiety: i think it is the general consensus that i am beyond help. [03:06]
tg2 as all startups in this shit hole do [03:06]
benkay what's up, jadne? [03:06]
wao-ender passwordmanager? [03:06]
wao-ender c'mon [03:06]
wao-ender so last decade [03:06]
tg2 yeah thats what i said! [03:06]
jadne benkay: nothing? must something "be up"? [03:06]
tg2 i guess people really want to keep their credentials in somebody elses hands, you can't deny that market demand [03:07]
tg2 lol [03:07]
benkay well you're beyond help, neh? surely there's something afoot. [03:07]
benkay perhaps not up or elevated, but afoot or acunt [03:07]
* jadne checks her acunt [03:07]
jadne nope [03:07]
wao-ender lagoa looks cheesy [03:07]
benkay everything kosher down south? [03:08]
jadne as far as i can tell. i mean, i havent had a rabbi look. [03:08]
benkay it takes more than a look, jadne [03:08]
jadne there doesnt seem to be any shellfish or dairy [03:08]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16000 @ 0.00093878 = 15.0205 BTC [+] [03:08]
benkay oh the talmud is complex [03:08]
benkay requires a professional etc [03:08]
* jadne nods [03:09]
benkay moiety: is this one yours? [03:09]
moiety not guilty! [03:09]
benkay how came ye by -assets, jadne? [03:10]
jadne i forget who i was stalking. [03:10]
jadne maybe @aantonop [03:10]
benkay <-- professional cunstultant [03:10]
benkay cuntsultant [03:10]
benkay cunt sultan! [03:10]
jadne and then it just seemed like a reasonable group of people to spend idle time with [03:10]
benkay har the assettes? reasonable? [03:11]
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jadne ha [03:11]
jadne compared to some of the other irc channels i idle in? [03:11]
jadne yeah. [03:11]
BingoBoingo Is @aantonop ever ehre? [03:11]
jadne the drama is un-fucking-believable in some places [03:11]
jadne BingoBoingo: not by that nick that i have noticed, no [03:11]
TestingUnoDosTre whats the best alternative to password manager? just encrypt the file yourself with a password? [03:12]
cazalla i really hope redban baits andreas next time he is on the podcast [03:12]
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benkay TestingUnoDosTre: that's a good start [03:13]
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moiety benkay, are you saying im unreasonable? D: *gasp* [03:15]
benkay i've yet to meet a reasonable woman :D [03:16]
moiety lololol [03:16]
jadne truth. [03:16]
benkay but it's not all about you, moiety [03:17]
benkay sheesh [03:17]
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jadne heh [03:17]
moiety ach weesht you, none of its ever about me :P i need a sarcasm tag [03:18]
benkay now now i'm playing along [03:19]
moiety ik that ;P [03:20]
BingoBoingo Odds look out of alignment here [03:21]
moiety now where did i put that duct tape.... [03:21]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23150 @ 0.0009381 = 21.717 BTC [-] {2} [03:21]
benkay oh wow moiety just what are you planning to do with the tape now? [03:22]
moiety i can't say, it could be used against me at a later date.... [03:23]
* benkay raises [03:23]
moiety lol BingoBoingo i'm tempted by this one [03:23]
BingoBoingo moiety: Go for it [03:24]
moiety england's summer falls on a different day to scotland's though [03:24]
moiety this could skew my betting [03:25]
moiety quite amazed its so high on no [03:27]
moiety oh its only 1:1 [03:27]
BingoBoingo Yeah, just starting bets [03:27]
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benkay so bitbet is averaging just about 1 accepted bet/day for the past two weeks [03:29]
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benkay [03:33]
ozbot BitBet - S.MPOE to rise above 0.001 before July [03:33]
BingoBoingo sounds about right [03:33]
benkay this one has some steel behind it: [03:33]
benkay [03:33]
ozbot BitBet - Iron Ore 62% Fe, CFR China (TSI) Jan 2015 over $200 at any point in 2014 [03:33]
benkay vastly more than the bitstamp out of business one lolzolzo [03:34]
TestingUnoDosTre surprised bitstamp under 500 before may doesnt have more... [03:35]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 400 @ 0.00270796 = 1.0832 BTC [-] {8} [03:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 36 @ 0.00283797 = 0.1022 BTC [+] {3} [03:38]
MisterE Note name of author: --> [03:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 316 @ 0.00283798 = 0.8968 BTC [+] {2} [03:39]
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benkay i've been wondering what big texty tattoo i should do [03:42]
benkay hex of the genesis block seems appropriate for this chapter in my life [03:42]
jadne ha [03:42]
jadne that would be kind of cool [03:42]
jadne i'd be impressed if you showed me that at a con :) [03:42]
MisterE xD [03:43]
* [\] (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:45]
benkay moiety: i know you like teh kittehs but check out this gorgeous mutt: [03:47]
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benkay (and his dong) [03:48]
TestingUnoDosTre on his dong8 [03:48]
pankkake [03:49]
ozbot Mircea Popescu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [03:49]
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benkay my business partner just found the seed for his electrum wallet [03:51]
benkay he's losing his shit [03:51]
moiety benkay: he is lovely! what a beautiful colour [03:51]
TestingUnoDosTre MP, how do those stock distributions work. Like how long does it take one round to end [03:51]
benkay moiety: brindles are beautiful. [03:52]
benkay baby doll wants a blue one or a fawn one next [03:52]
MisterE boy that Frozen movie was nonsense [03:52]
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moiety brindle is gorgeous i think [03:53]
moiety MisterE: why you watching frozen?! [03:53]
MisterE yea the girl looked nice [03:53]
MisterE ThickAsThieves told me [03:53]
moiety but they sing in it *shudders [03:54]
moiety wow was the wikipedia made with permission?? [03:54]
MisterE dunno i always imdb [03:54]
TestingUnoDosTre for example, I'm looking at the S.NSA page, and I see the buy quantities, but was thinking there might be timestamps next to each category. [03:55]
moiety no i was ref above lol [03:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 40 @ 0.00616867 = 0.2467 BTC [+] {4} [03:55]
MisterE that mutt looks mutty [03:56]
MisterE though that is a pretty smart breed iirc [03:56]
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ThickAsThieves MisterE: why you watching frozen?! /// problyno the Frozen you think [03:57]
jadne i liked frozen. a lot. :p [03:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.0554 = 0.277 BTC [+] [03:58]
moiety I didn't think you would Disney ThickAsThieves [03:58]
ThickAsThieves MisterE, I named many movies that I liked, most better than Frozen [03:58]
ThickAsThieves but I do appreciate it nonetheless [03:58]
mircea_popescu o look at how famous i am now. [03:58]
ThickAsThieves How Famous Are You Now? [03:59]
MisterE wow didnt know any of that about mircea_popescu [03:59]
MisterE better print it out its up for deletion those nazi editors lol [03:59]
ThickAsThieves oh the wiki [03:59]
MisterE nice work on the public corruption bit [03:59]
mircea_popescu tg2> as proof of concept that it's not idea even, but execution << you are, of course, late in your reading. [04:00]
MisterE yea ThickAsThieves the wiki... and to be fair Frozen was not the worst movie I've ever watched [04:00]
moiety i see the 2010 one now [04:00]
MisterE mircea_popescu: if BSD was in trouble surely they had plenty of notice, years, that they were going to be in trouble? Why the suddenly, "we're broke and need a lifeline"? [04:01]
MisterE yea moiety 2010 and it has a ski lift chair on the front [04:01]
MisterE there are other frozen titles [04:01]
mircea_popescu MisterE it's complicated, of course. [04:02]
MisterE how? either they mismanaged their money or there was a big event? [04:03]
pankkake or it's a good way to raise funds [04:03]
MisterE heh fair point [04:03]
pankkake though nonprofits really like when people subscribe (i.e. donate every month) most people don't [04:03]
mircea_popescu MisterE generally speaking, everything that exists has needs. after someone finances them their being financed seems the most natural, easiest thing in the world, and hardly worth the mention. [04:04]
mircea_popescu before anyone does, however, no one either wants to or really intends to, and the future looks more like an end. [04:04]
MisterE no I know foss projects need ongoing financing [04:04]
mircea_popescu way of the world. [04:04]
TestingUnoDosTre and hows the lelsSEC scandle proceeding? [04:04]
mircea_popescu so yes, they had been wailing for months that they're screwed. [04:04]
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mircea_popescu TestingUnoDosTre nothing much really. like one of those 1950s broads, nose up in the air and a lot of hot puff in the head i'm sure. [04:05]
MisterE alright, I assume you checked their financial management was sound before funding them [04:05]
mircea_popescu as if cocks now suck themselves or something. [04:05]
MisterE you're not dummy [04:05]
MisterE WTF? where can i get one of them ASAP? [04:06]
mircea_popescu so who's jadne ? [04:06]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9400 @ 0.00093878 = 8.8245 BTC [+] [04:06]
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jadne mircea_popescu: er [04:07]
jadne i have been lurking and contributing infrequently for ... i dunno, weeks or months maybe [04:07]
mircea_popescu cool. [04:07]
MisterE o/ [04:07]
jadne but this evening i find myself alone at home and substantially bored and somebody here said something that caught my attention and i have not subsequently minimized the window [04:08]
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mircea_popescu BingoBoingo by now, who even knows who reads the website proceeds. [04:09]
mircea_popescu TestingUnoDosTre: [04:09]
mircea_popescu whats the best alternative to password manager? just encrypt the file yourself with a password? << gpg --encrypt --armor -r yourname [04:09]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Is that a typo I left somewhere? [04:09]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo you were asking about aantonp [04:10]
BingoBoingo Ah [04:10]
MisterE TestingUnoDosTre: and you can store it in your git [04:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5400 @ 0.00093493 = 5.0486 BTC [-] [04:10]
BingoBoingo [04:10]
ozbot Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Mircea Popescu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [04:10]
MisterE did you do that BingoBoingo ? [04:10]
BingoBoingo MisterE: Do what? [04:10]
MisterE theose fucken nazi editors quick deleted all the pages I strted too [04:11]
MisterE the wiki page on MP [04:11]
BingoBoingo Nah, [04:11]
mircea_popescu lol some massive trollage there huh. [04:11]
BingoBoingo MP's page isn't deleted, but they are "discussing it" [04:11]
mircea_popescu your handiwork ? [04:11]
MisterE hah, I wish. Great idea though now you mention it. [04:11]
BingoBoingo My only contribution to the thing was: "Keep The footnotes seem to establish sufficient coverage to definitely establish notability worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedic reference. Media references to him seem likely to be sustained into the future so long as Bitcoin remains relevant. It should also be noted the the Romanian language sources that mention him do not detract from the notability. He's attracted substantial interest [04:11]
BingoBoingo in the Romanian language space in the past and has been gathering a lot of notice in the English language space. Since he doesn't seem to be slowing down on doing big thing or on attracting big headlines, criticism on the basis on notability sounds weak. Mr Wave (Talk - Contribs) 02:09, 27 March 2014 (UTC)" [04:11]
mircea_popescu jeez look at that, the discussing it page is larger than the actual article. [04:12]
* jadne has an alias for gpg -sear [04:12]
BingoBoingo [04:12]
ozbot Talk:Mircea Popescu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [04:12]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo i mean the second one you linked [04:13]
* Duffer1 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 27.0.1/20140212131424]) [04:13]
pankkake pretty much every new page on WP gets a deletion page [04:13]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Yeah, that is them derping about deleting or not. [04:13]
pankkake it's like half of the active editors are deleters [04:13]
mircea_popescu heh you know what, this mess gives me hope. if wikipedia can be this insanely nutty/bureaucratic/fastidious and survive [04:13]
mircea_popescu maybe there is hope for our "stfu and go read for six months" approach to life. [04:13]
* davout has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:14]
BingoBoingo pankkake: Back in the days of it being library school homework I stealthed in some pages that didn't get the delte flag [04:14]
TestingUnoDosTre it's hilarious because there's no real difference between an actual wikipedia talk/discussion and trolling [04:14]
* nubbins` has quit (Quit: quit) [04:14]
pankkake well it wasn't like that before [04:14]
mircea_popescu i can't believe they're discussing each other's intentions as a pre-requisite to discussing whether they should be discussing if the thing should be discussed. [04:14]
mircea_popescu or w/e it is. [04:14]
* davout (~davout@unaffiliated/davout) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:14]
BingoBoingo Well, ad hominem is effective if fallacious [04:15]
mircea_popescu i guess if one provides employees wikipedia links that should count as anticonceptionals under obamacare ? [04:15]
BingoBoingo Prolly [04:15]
BingoBoingo Looky [04:16]
mircea_popescu lmao [04:16]
mircea_popescu ah come on, that must be sockpuppetry. [04:17]
BingoBoingo Note who suggested deletion of the Taaki article [04:17]
mircea_popescu i can't wrap my head around the notion someone seriously considered that thing is an article. [04:17]
* benkay (~user@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:17]
mircea_popescu waiot and there's a reddit ?! [04:17]
jadne mircea_popescu: on wikipedia, it kind of works as an article as it is thoroughly-sourced [04:18]
jadne the idea being somebody will come along later with a better grasp of how to fucking wite [04:18]
jadne wrrrrrite [04:18]
mircea_popescu the taaki thing ? [04:18]
mircea_popescu you have got to be kidding me. [04:18]
jadne oh, derp [04:19]
jadne disregard me, it hought you were talking about "your" article [04:19]
jadne we now return to our regularly scheduled lurking [04:19]
BingoBoingo I still can't believe Taaki wanted to self delete on the wiki [04:19]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15493 @ 0.00093878 = 14.5445 BTC [+] [04:19]
mircea_popescu all art is feigning. [04:19]
benkay and piracy [04:19]
BingoBoingo So is all sport [04:20]
mircea_popescu TestingUnoDosTre what about stock distributions were you asking ? [04:20]
TestingUnoDosTre like S.NSA [04:20]
mircea_popescu stock is announced, people put bids in, stock is issued, then it trades. [04:20]
TestingUnoDosTre on your page, you list the amount like 100,000 , and the price in BTC, like .00000001 [04:21]
mircea_popescu you mean on mpex ? [04:21]
TestingUnoDosTre but I'm wondering how much time it took for the next round to end [04:21]
TestingUnoDosTre yes [04:21]
TestingUnoDosTre stock purchasing, IPO funding [04:21]
mircea_popescu there was only one round in s.nsa. [04:21]
* [\] has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:22]
TestingUnoDosTre What about multiple buy quantities at multiple prices [04:22]
TestingUnoDosTre is that not considered multiple rounds? [04:22]
mircea_popescu [04:22]
ozbot #bitcoin-assets log [04:22]
BingoBoingo Each of the MPEx stocks IPO'd a bit differently. I imagine it is mircea_popescu Still working on a "best" way to do it. [04:22]
mircea_popescu that was the announcement [04:22]
TestingUnoDosTre that's the page I'm looking at [04:22]
TestingUnoDosTre whats with all the data in the top right? [04:22]
mircea_popescu [04:23]
ozbot #bitcoin-assets log [04:23]
mircea_popescu that was the ipo. [04:23]
TestingUnoDosTre errr sorry. Blocks is the word I'm looking for [04:23]
mircea_popescu at the top right ? you mean the book ? [04:23]
mircea_popescu $depth s.nsa [04:23]
mpexbot mircea_popescu: S.NSA Bids: ['80 @ 0.000111', '100 @ 0.000101', '10000 @ 0.0001', '1957 @ 0.0001', '20000 @ 9.851e-05'] [04:23]
mpexbot mircea_popescu: Asks: ['7241 @ 0.000156', '5000 @ 0.00016', '10000 @ 0.00018', '35600 @ 0.00021', '140000 @ 0.000215'] [04:23]
mircea_popescu that stuff ? [04:23]
TestingUnoDosTre yeah [04:23]
mircea_popescu that's the book. [04:23]
TestingUnoDosTre ooook [04:23]
pankkake [04:23]
ozbot Amir Taaki: Difference between revisions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [04:24]
mircea_popescu no fucking way ?! [04:24]
mircea_popescu < actually legit ? [04:24]
ozbot Erotic chat by Skype [04:24]
TestingUnoDosTre so all IPO shares were bought at .0001? [04:24]
mircea_popescu "these girls are really horny and excited about doing this." [04:25]
mircea_popescu TestingUnoDosTre well yes. [04:25]
benkay just voice chat? [04:26]
benkay wackness. [04:26]
mircea_popescu i wonder if it was him doing voices ? [04:26]
mircea_popescu "Occupation chairman, Bitcoin Consultancy" [04:26]
TestingUnoDosTre lol [04:26]
mircea_popescu you remember bitcoin consultancy, i'm sure. the thing which is still liable for bitcoinica loss. you remember bitcoinica, i'm sure. the dry run for the mtgox fiasco. [04:26]
* Kushed ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:27]
BingoBoingo Ofc [04:28]
BingoBoingo This seems familiar [04:28]
bitcoinpete i'm heading out the door and i'll bbl but i just published this: [04:29]
bitcoinpete [04:29]
ozbot The 5 Ws of WoT | When Bitcoin Met Pete [04:29]
TestingUnoDosTre okay so for BitBet, how did you release the shares in blocks? [04:29]
benkay bitcoinpete: reminder friday's a day [04:29]
mircea_popescu TestingUnoDosTre yes. [04:29]
TestingUnoDosTre I see the numbers etc [04:30]
mircea_popescu as far as i recall bitcoin's most exciting ipo to date. [04:30]
* RagnarsBitch (~AndChat67@2607:fb90:506:f538:fbf3:2dc0:f339:594a) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:30]
TestingUnoDosTre but how did you make sure that one person's bid made it into a block, or did not [04:30]
* nubbins` ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:30]
BingoBoingo BitBet is basically Bitcoin's most exciting everything [04:30]
mircea_popescu Jan 05 07:38:59 sooo, drumroll! [04:30]
mircea_popescu Jan 05 07:38:59 [04:30]
* Kushedout has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [04:30]
mircea_popescu sadly public logs don't go that far. [04:30]
bitcoinpete benkay: remembered! [04:30]
mircea_popescu (jan 2013) [04:30]
benkay cya, bitcoinpete [04:31]
benkay ;;ud kipping [04:32]
gribble | kipping. A form of cheating while doing pull-ups, whereby and individual struggling to do another abruptly jerks the knees upward to provide extra lift and remove ... [04:32]
ozbot Urban Dictionary: kipping [04:32]
mircea_popescu [04:33]
ozbot dpaste: #1758473 [04:33]
mircea_popescu there. [04:33]
* AndChat|679296 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [04:33]
benkay anduck lolzolzozl [04:33]
mircea_popescu meanwhile elsewere in the swamp, [04:33]
mircea_popescu [04:33]
ozbot Citigroup Fails Fed Stress Test as Goldman, BofA Alter Plans - Bloomberg [04:33]
BingoBoingo At least MPEx and MPOE survived the February options stress test [04:34]
benkay wait, mpoe survived?! [04:34]
chetty [04:35]
ozbot Exclusive: U.S. to require casinos to vet high rollers' funds - sources [04:35]
BingoBoingo benkay: Sure, just the bot is on leave [04:35]
benkay no, there are no options on sale. [04:35]
benkay this is distinct from the bot quoting. [04:35]
BingoBoingo benkay: There can be if you write them [04:35]
benkay wat rly? [04:36]
mircea_popescu notrly. [04:36]
benkay mircea_popescu: confirm? [04:36]
benkay ya I TO JOO [04:36]
mircea_popescu not atm anyway. but yes, if you want to mm options we can work it out [04:36]
benkay ahahahahahahahahah [04:36]
benkay oh my sides [04:36]
benkay yeah if you think you can beat mp [04:36]
benkay feel free to mm options in btc [04:36]
benkay gl kids [04:36]
BingoBoingo And MPOE is alive [04:36]
* Jackmaninov ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:36]
benkay the asset by ticker of S.MPOE is alive [04:37]
benkay the options emporium, eh [04:37]
* bitcoinpete has quit (Quit: bitcoinpete) [04:37]
benkay do forgive my pedantry. [04:37]
nubbins` !t m s.mpoe [04:37]
assbot [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.0009316 / 0.00094411 / 0.0009529 (235357 shares, 222.20 BTC), 7D: 0.00080946 / 0.00093157 / 0.00096 (4496923 shares, 4,189.22 BTC), 30D: 0.000745 / 0.00085903 / 0.00096 (30475036 shares, 26,179.27 BTC) [04:37]
mircea_popescu benkay you know how many people ask me about random x y z "wall street outfit" that's going to make an options market and whart do i think etc ? [04:37]
BingoBoingo The options emporium is open to anyone willing to MM options without shitting themselves [04:37]
mircea_popescu and i usually go "sure, why not. send me pictures." [04:37]
* knotwork has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [04:37]
benkay with no options it ain't much of an emporium, BingoBoingo [04:38]
mircea_popescu it is now the pimporium. [04:38]
BingoBoingo benkay: I'm thinking some koans might be relevant. [04:38]
nubbins` m-pop [04:38]
* velly (814e38cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:38]
Mats_cd03 somehow share price managed to appreciate *after* options are pulled [04:38]
benkay koan me baby [04:38]
benkay koan sweetly in my ear [04:38]
Mats_cd03 can someone explain that? [04:39]
velly hey guys [04:39]
benkay options were confusing [04:39]
mircea_popescu Mats_cd03 either a) people are insane ; b) there's more afoot than meets the eye ; or c) the options were perceived as more of a risk source than revenue source. [04:39]
benkay no confusion -> more easily determined price? [04:39]
benkay iono. ask de massah [04:39]
benkay hey velly, what's news [04:40]
BingoBoingo Student walks into a bookstore mid semester and sees no textbooks on the shelves, asks the manager what kind of bookstore is this. Manager replies, this is the bookstore you need. You just don't need it now. [04:40]
Mats_cd03 i see [04:40]
mircea_popescu ;;later tell bitcoinpete i'm not so crazy about your spacing and formatting of irc snippets [04:40]
gribble The operation succeeded. [04:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.05440003 = 0.1088 BTC [-] {2} [04:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.10144642 = 0.2029 BTC [-] {2} [04:41]
mircea_popescu very airy. [04:41]
asciilifeform commented on the wikiwankatron, for what that's worth. [04:41]
* Jackmaninov has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [04:41]
velly sorry im a bit of a noob, can anyone help me out? What is a good price for s.mpoe and how do I get into it [04:41]
chetty [04:41]
ozbot Mind Your Manners: Ocean City To Post ‘No Profanity’ Signs « CBS Baltimore [04:41]
benkay oooooooh mircea_popescu fixed his footnote linespacing [04:41]
benkay talking all kinds of shit on everyone else's design work nao [04:41]
mircea_popescu the people who had wikipedia accounts ?! [04:42]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.0475 = 0.1425 BTC [-] {3} [04:42]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.0544001 = 0.1088 BTC [+] {2} [04:42]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.10144642 = 0.2029 BTC [-] {2} [04:42]
mircea_popescu check out asciilifeform : ten contributions since 2006. [04:42]
asciilifeform lol [04:42]
asciilifeform i'm not much of a pediwikist, no. [04:42]
mircea_popescu previous being a jan 2013 thing on naggum [04:42]
mircea_popescu more flattered, i could not be. [04:42]
asciilifeform lolmatic [04:42]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.10144642 BTC [-] [04:43]
mircea_popescu velly it's a good idea to take your time, read, etc. [04:43]
mircea_popescu mpoe isn't going anywhere. [04:43]
velly ok sounds good [04:43]
velly where do I start [04:43]
mircea_popescu here. the log is in the topic [04:43]
mircea_popescu you can read that backwards, it's enlightening [04:43]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform i had no idea he died 40 [04:44]
* gribble has quit (Quit: brb) [04:44]
mircea_popescu man sounds ancient. [04:44]
BingoBoingo ;;ident BingoBoingo [04:44]
velly the irc log? [04:44]
asciilifeform he did. very treatable disease (gastric something or other) left untreated. it was arguably a kind of suicide by self-neglect [04:44]
mircea_popescu velly yes [04:44]
asciilifeform the man was loaded, left a very well-kept library that was auctioned off. and a cat. was a sort of disillusioned type. [04:45]
velly seems a bit dry... [04:45]
asciilifeform found dead at his console, i believe. [04:45]
mircea_popescu "In 1995, Erik started a journalism watch-group project on the web, campaigning to get a journalist sacked from Aftenposten following the publication of a sensationalist story about how Internet Relay Chat channels were used to trade child pornography." [04:45]
mircea_popescu such a waste of champagne [04:45]
BingoBoingo Was there something earlier about needing an education experienced person to contribute to a reading list? [04:45]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo yes there was. [04:45]
mircea_popescu but i gather the consensus was, dump everything on lampelina and then scream at her for it not being right. [04:46]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: I might actually have training and experience in the education field. [04:46]
mircea_popescu so in that case maybe put together something ? [04:46]
BingoBoingo Lemme GPG and paste the credentials [04:46]
* bocobit (~bocobit@2601:1:9d00:53a:596a:d029:bae3:df7b) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:47]
velly anything more directly informative? I'm not really sure I want to read through this whole log--- even so far there's a lot of fluff... [04:47]
asciilifeform quite possibly, naggum died of regret - for being responsible for 'xml' [04:47]
TestingUnoDosTre here [04:47]
mircea_popescu velly not really. it's like a monk's life, you know ? no way to separate the learning from the toil. [04:47]
BingoBoingo velly: Stuff is being worked on. [04:47]
asciilifeform he took engineering standards very seriously. very much, almost pathologically, a 'future-oriented' fellow [04:48]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform shameful thing to be responsible for. [04:48]
* zoinky (~Adium@unaffiliated/zoinky) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:48]
TestingUnoDosTre who are you guys talking about meow? [04:48]
* MisterE velly: a bit of infos here: [04:48]
asciilifeform TestingUnoDosTre: a mr. erik naggum, died in 2009. [04:48]
velly thanks guys, I'll have a look into this. I have somewhat of a futures background, but I'd like to make sure I'm well informed before I start on this side of things. [04:49]
mircea_popescu velly it may seem preposterous to begin with, but take the word of a stranger in a chatroom : [04:49]
asciilifeform lol pediwikia has already proclaimed me a spammer [04:49]
mircea_popescu the time you spend reading that stupid fluff will be the best roi of your life. [04:49]
velly you're not a stranger :) [04:50]
asciilifeform how's that [04:50]
* gribble (~gribble@unaffiliated/nanotube/bot/gribble) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:50]
mircea_popescu they can't be fucking serious lmao [04:50]
* TestingUnoDosTre has quit (Quit: Page closed) [04:51]
velly but unfortunately I'm not in a position to read long IRC chat logs [04:51]
Apocalyptic you don't have to read all of it at once you know [04:51]
mircea_popescu " Dem State Senator Who Authored Gun Control Legislation Arrested for Conspiring to Traffic Firearms" [04:51]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: mailed, figuring out this GPG for jpg's thing [04:51]
velly it goes on for months [04:52]
mircea_popescu i wonder what he is could also having problems for. [04:52]
mircea_popescu velly years, actually. [04:52]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo you dun have to proveanything, just do something that works. [04:52]
velly not everyone has time for that [04:52]
velly seems like there are better sources for the information [04:53]
velly I don't want your judgement [04:53]
velly I just want to know where to start to inform myself [04:53]
* draino has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [04:53]
chetty the log with the reuters interview would be a good start [04:53]
velly how can I even know that the discussion in here is reliable or correct? [04:53]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: I really just wanted to take a picture of the diploma. I spent way too much on it for too little return. Having it in the Dossier at MP intel central at least makes up some of the waste [04:53]
mircea_popescu lol [04:53]
mircea_popescu velly you can't. [04:54]
mircea_popescu which is part of your problem. [04:54]
* punkman1 (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:54]
mircea_popescu chetty i guess, if he were specifically a journalist looking for how to behave in the new, post-fiat world. [04:54]
velly so why would I bother reading years of unreliable and irrelevant discussion [04:55]
BingoBoingo velly: So that you might in a year know what parts are reliable [04:55]
mircea_popescu that you can't figure out that it is reliable and relevant doesn't make it the opposite. [04:55]
chetty the interview log has a lot of good links [04:56]
asciilifeform answered the 'you are a spammer' fellow, for what that's worth. [04:56]
* punkman has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [04:56]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform there are probably numerous better uses fdor your time [04:56]
asciilifeform surely. [04:56]
mircea_popescu among them, making paper out of celophane [04:56]
mircea_popescu (it can be done) [04:56]
velly I have to go now, lunch break over and have work to do. Thanks for everyone's help. Sadly, not everyone has infinite time. [04:57]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23500 @ 0.00094468 = 22.2 BTC [+] [04:58]
mircea_popescu the beauty of life on earth is that no one has infinite time. [04:58]
mircea_popescu so it's always a sorting problem. [04:58]
velly well reading that IRC log would simply break my np complexity limits :v [04:59]
mircea_popescu that's the point :D [04:59]
* nullp (~textual@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:59]
mircea_popescu i think this convo may actually become canonical link-to for future people who have the problem. [04:59]
asciilifeform i think the dynamics of pediwikia 'deletionism' are vaguely interesting - the innumerable pages on obscure fictional characters, etc. that stand perfectly firm, and so on. but the topic has been beaten to death elsewhere. [05:00]
mircea_popescu not unrelated to "where can i read all about the english language ?" "uh... just pick up a book ?" "what if it sucks ?" "... what do you want from me!" [05:00]
* maricnx has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [05:00]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform the more fascinating observation, reviewing this bowlfull of guts irc has graciously thrown at me, is just how... innate! the bureaucratic behaviour is. [05:02]
* zoinky has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [05:02]
asciilifeform the 'beetle type' [05:02]
mircea_popescu people derping about evil government have it all wrong. people WANT to spend their time toiling pointlessly, with small tools. [05:02]
mircea_popescu where is that lion tamer schetch [05:02]
mircea_popescu [05:02]
ozbot Monty Python - Lion Tamer - YouTube [05:02]
mircea_popescu there we go [05:02]
* blackwhite has quit (Quit: blackwhite) [05:03]
asciilifeform who thrives on 'housing committee' and similar places. takes delight in demolishing orchards, at the owner's expense, for 'violations', and the like. [05:03]
* velly has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [05:03]
mircea_popescu incidentally... anyone seen all about eve ? [05:03]
asciilifeform they exist, and are the muscle, bones, of bureaucracy [05:03]
mircea_popescu very young monroe, [05:03]
mircea_popescu very powerful davis, splendid george sanders [05:04]
nubbins` sea of love was good [05:04]
asciilifeform 'territorial' behaviour, not even specifically mammalian [05:04]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform not even sure it's that. maybe it is. [05:05]
mircea_popescu but it's the pointlessness of the activity that strikes me. [05:05]
mircea_popescu consider greenspun's earlier point : [05:05]
benkay velly: you don't have to read the whole logs, just sit and lurk and digest [05:06]
benkay it'll be great roi, take it from a stranger [05:06]
mircea_popescu "This oldster has tenure. He draws the same salary regardless of whether he sits through those interminable boring committee meetings. Why would he agree to do it? Why wouldn't he rather be playing squash, riding a horse, flying an aircraft, walking his dog, etc.?" [05:06]
mircea_popescu his ready answer is that "The distressing possibility that the oldster agreed to be on the committee so that he would have a venue in which people would listen to him does not occur to the youngster." [05:06]
mircea_popescu but maybe that's only part of the problem. [05:06]
* zoinky (~Adium@unaffiliated/zoinky) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:06]
mircea_popescu maybe what the real problem is has more to do with lions. as long as we sit put and do nothing, a lot of pointless, small, provably impotent nothing... [05:07]
mircea_popescu ... we.... we cant die. [05:07]
asciilifeform there is also the undying, zoological enmity of mediocrity to anything colourful, alive. [05:07]
BingoBoingo I had a professor like that. Octagenarian stroke survivor. [05:07]
mircea_popescu i believe it is fear of death. [05:07]
BingoBoingo TA'd for them [05:07]
* [\] (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:07]
asciilifeform beetle man lives a kind of demo version of death, even alive [05:08]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23808 @ 0.00094537 = 22.5074 BTC [+] {2} [05:08]
asciilifeform he already knows what he sums to - zero [05:08]
mircea_popescu don't go up and strike a conversation with the tall woman. why not ? well... [05:08]
BingoBoingo They wore basketball shorts and a wifebeater to lecture unless they had higher university business on a particular day [05:08]
mircea_popescu it's not the woman that's intimidating, of course. but she looks like the sort of men that'd pursue her might kill you [05:08]
mircea_popescu and so with everything else. hoc sunt leones. [05:08]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo wifebeater ?! seriously ? [05:09]
Mats_cd03 og [05:10]
cazalla that's like half my wardrobe [05:10]
nubbins` ^ heh [05:10]
cazalla but i'm aussie so it goes without saying [05:10]
nubbins` the other half being a pair of pants? [05:10]
mircea_popescu a pinskirt ? [05:10]
mircea_popescu wifebeater and pin skirt. now that'd be the outfit. [05:11]
cazalla if i said thongs, i guess you couldn't be blamed for thinking pin skirt [05:11]
moiety i dont mean to contribute more fluff, but we might have to stage an intervention for asciilifeform; first the lolcats, now internet spam, it'll be reflinks next.... :o [05:12]
mircea_popescu moiety and by we i mean you. sick'im girl. [05:12]
asciilifeform possible revelance to beetle men discussion: [05:13]
asciilifeform ;;google Jonathan Haidt foundations [05:13]
gribble Home | ; Jonathan Haidt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Moral Foundations Theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: [05:13]
asciilifeform see 'purity' [05:13]
asciilifeform (tldr - psychology crackpot who wrote a taxonomy of human motivations) [05:14]
mircea_popescu "b) is actually Romanian, and perhaps in some relation to the Romanian Foreign service." [05:14]
mircea_popescu wait wait... the plot thickens [05:14]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: It is the coloqualism for a sleeveless undershirt [05:14]
mircea_popescu i'm being persecuted in effigy by wikipedia james blond. [05:14]
moiety asciilifeform: i demand you hand over all your manul pics, its for your own good. [05:14]
asciilifeform moiety: pet the manul (tm) [05:15]
mircea_popescu (with a black shoe) [05:15]
MisterE LMAO: [05:15]
mircea_popescu why do people today look like a bunch of dorks [05:15]
mircea_popescu no wonder painting is dead as an art. who, or should i say what, to paint ? [05:15]
asciilifeform MisterE: if i recall, from same: [05:16]
mircea_popescu "1) Care/harm: This foundation is related to our long evolution as mammals with attachment systems and an ability to feel (and dislike) the pain of others. It underlies virtues of kindness, gentleness, and nurturance." [05:17]
mircea_popescu there's no such dislike of pain in others. [05:17]
mircea_popescu "2) Fairness/cheating: This foundation is related to the evolutionary process of reciprocal altruism." [05:17]
mircea_popescu pfff [05:17]
mircea_popescu just add global warming and stir. [05:17]
mircea_popescu it's a wholly innovative, verily incisive bit of us-science. [05:18]
BingoBoingo This is the professor in question who wears gym attire to lecture if anyone is curious [05:18]
moiety MisterE: I fear for a Farmville revival VR style via OR [05:18]
mircea_popescu red on blue, always a good choice. [05:18]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: if i recall, the writer in question wasn't prescribing 'principles' for people, but tried to catalogue where various anthropological common threads (taboos among savages, etc.) were. [05:19]
Apocalyptic moar contrast needed [05:19]
asciilifeform admittedly through the lens of, well, whatever he was. [05:19]
moiety aww i was hoping for lycra in the link BingoBoingo [05:19]
mircea_popescu moiety [05:19]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 478 @ 0.00267085 = 1.2767 BTC [-] {8} [05:19]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform yes. and he catalogued them into "martini" and "gin" [05:20]
BingoBoingo moiety: Consolation prize maybe? [05:20]
mircea_popescu wherein of course martini is not a vermouth. [05:20]
asciilifeform ;;borges chinese encyclopaedia [05:20]
gribble Error: "borges" is not a valid command. [05:20]
asciilifeform ;;google borges chinese encyclopaedia [05:20]
gribble Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge - Wikipedia, the free ...: ; Borges' Encyclopedia - Multics: ; Preface to The Order of Things - Serendip: [05:20]
* soulblade738 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [05:21]
asciilifeform imho not entirely useless. [05:21]
MisterE ahh yes Bryn Mawr, the consolation prize of Ivy league schools [05:21]
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* soulblade738 (~soulblade@gateway/tor-sasl/soulblade738) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:22]
asciilifeform MisterE: if it weren't for emmy noether, would anyone ever know of bryn mawr ? [05:22]
MisterE also known as a finishing school for Southern hussies on the hunt for financial security [05:22]
MisterE :) [05:23]
punkman1 [05:23]
ozbot [1403.6676] Bitcoin Transaction Malleability and MtGox [05:23]
mircea_popescu you say that as if it were a bad thing. [05:23]
rithm These jokes are so high brow [05:23]
mircea_popescu an earnest hussy looking for a husband'd seem a lot more respectable than a pretentious priss pretending she belongs in tech or government or w/e. [05:23]
mircea_popescu punkman1 so are they saying that mtgox made it up ? [05:24]
punkman1 mircea_popescu: seems like it [05:24]
MisterE there's nothing wrong about being up front about the desire for security when selecting a mate [05:24]
* zoinky has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [05:25]
moiety BingoBoingo: o.o is he actually racist or is jackson butthurt for never being promoted? [05:25]
BingoBoingo moiety: I'll decline to comment. [05:25]
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benkay mircea_popescu: except in the us where the notion of a 'wife' in the older than a decade sense is abhorrent to the youth. [05:27]
BingoBoingo Oh, so many fucking vircurex notes [05:28]
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BingoBoingo moiety: Probably a little bit of each, but I had moved on by then [05:29]
MisterE [05:29]
ozbot Errata Security: We may have witnessed a NSA "Shotgiant" TAO-like action [05:29]
* moiety nods I was thinking this BingoBoingo [05:29]
MisterE benkay: most of the world is OK with a 20 years age diff [05:30]
BingoBoingo moiety: I've met both of them, but my knowledge of each is insufficient to make a judgment on who is likely more truthful [05:30]
mircea_popescu punkman1 well, it was known since t+1second, but it's good someone actually put it in writing, so to speak. [05:30]
mircea_popescu benkay one doesn't get too far in life by paying any heed to the youth. [05:31]
* gribble has quit (Quit: brb) [05:31]
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moiety BingoBoingo: i'm looking forward to part 2 of vircurex btw // yeah theres nothing quite like university staff politics [05:31]
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punkman1 mircea_popescu: they had been gathering data since Jan 2013, transactions looking like malleability-attacks only spiked after the Mtgox press release [05:32]
punkman1 someone should bug them to release all that data, would be good to have [05:32]
mircea_popescu indeed. [05:32]
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mircea_popescu do we know who they are ? [05:33]
BingoBoingo moiety: Well they were one of the earliest crypto-concerns I had dealt with back in early 2013. I have a lot of notes. // Well I threw up in one or both party's residence at least once [05:33]
punkman1 Christian Dcker, Roger Wattenhofer, ETH Zurich [05:33]
punkman1 *Decker [05:33]
BingoBoingo ;;gettrust chatquack [05:33]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 4 @ 0.04779799 = 0.1912 BTC [+] {3} [05:33]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.05421 = 0.1626 BTC [-] {2} [05:33]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.10144642 = 0.3043 BTC [-] {2} [05:33]
MisterE I don't believe the malleability bug had much of anything to do with Gox's insolvency [05:33]
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punkman1 "However, while MtGox claimed to have lost 850,000 bitcoins due to malleability attacks, we merely observed a total of 302,000 bitcoins ever being involved in malleability attacks. Of these, only 1,811 bitcoins were in attacks before MtGox stopped users from withdrawing bitcoins. Even more, 78.64% of these attacks were ineffective." [05:35]
mircea_popescu Hamburg University of Applied Sciences ? [05:35]
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MisterE punkman1: where you reading? [05:36]
punkman1 MisterE: the paper I linked [05:36]
mircea_popescu there we go [05:37]
ozbot Distributed Computing Group [05:37]
* MisterE scrolls up [05:37]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00094452 = 6.4227 BTC [-] [05:37]
BingoBoingo [05:37]
ozbot Americans are skipping the bank: Reconsider that career as a bank teller. [05:38]
* blackwhite ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:39]
moiety [05:39]
ozbot Irish banks 'refuse to let Bitcoin firm open account' - [05:39]
BingoBoingo What serious Bitcoin firm would want or need a bank account [05:40]
moiety thats what i wondred, why are they going to the bank anyways [05:40]
moiety also last bit is irrelevant but hilarious "mtgox falling victim..." [05:40]
mircea_popescu anyway, this has all been very exciting but i'll have to bid you all a very good morning. [05:42]
BingoBoingo lol [05:42]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 110 @ 0.0061 = 0.671 BTC [-] {2} [05:43]
moiety sleep well mircea_popescu [05:43]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [13:05]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [13:05]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 21:58:12 2014 [13:05]
mircea_popescu good moornin [13:06]
mircea_popescu [13:07]
ozbot Good Morning ~ Singin' in the Rain (1952) Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds & Donald O'Connor - YouTube [13:07]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13047 @ 0.00093704 = 12.2256 BTC [-] {2} [13:07]
* xdotcommer ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:08]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 101 @ 0.00260062 = 0.2627 BTC [-] {2} [13:11]
mircea_popescu [13:13]
ozbot Interacting with fiat institution, a guide pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. [13:13]
mircea_popescu zesepeople. [13:13]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14359 @ 0.00093537 = 13.431 BTC [-] {2} [13:13]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35221 @ 0.0009401 = 33.1113 BTC [+] {5} [13:14]
ThickAsThieves omg total log pollution [13:19]
ThickAsThieves tg2 is what? ChaangNoi? [13:19]
ThickAsThieves (i have you on ignore btw) [13:20]
mircea_popescu i doubt it. [13:21]
mircea_popescu goat can't manage to go through two hours without trying to suck up to someone, he's quite eastern. [13:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 20 @ 0.10144642 = 2.0289 BTC [-] [13:24]
ThickAsThieves it was all the claims of riches that made me think so [13:24]
ThickAsThieves he's the only one i recall repeating how much he recently made of something [13:25]
ThickAsThieves off* [13:25]
mircea_popescu i believe that's a more common trait than felony. [13:26]
cazalla doesn't chaang come around here anymore (reading through logs, he's quite active last year) ?? [13:28]
mircea_popescu (before being repurposed by english to mean "criminal", felony denoted the behaviour of the overly-socially adaptable, they who go from inflexible grandeur in the presence of inferiors to abject suckupitude should any superiors show up. de funes in the gendarme series is a fine example) [13:28]
* soulblade738 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [13:28]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.0058612 = 0.2931 BTC [-] {5} [13:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10246 @ 0.00093324 = 9.562 BTC [-] [13:28]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 330 @ 0.00577263 = 1.905 BTC [-] {13} [13:29]
* soulblade738 (~soulblade@gateway/tor-sasl/soulblade738) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:30]
ThickAsThieves [13:39]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18595 @ 0.00094359 = 17.5461 BTC [+] {2} [13:39]
ThickAsThieves [13:41]
ThickAsThieves "However, tax treatment of Bitcoin as a property, and not a currency, may make compliance with tax laws unnecessarily cumbersome and imposes untenable recording and reporting requirements on its users. This is an unwelcome result for most bitcoin users, but is particularly detrimental to those that Bitcoin can help the most: small business and underbanked individuals. When it is used [13:41]
ThickAsThieves as a currency, Bitcoin should be a frictionless means of paying for goods and services. " [13:41]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.6085 = 1.217 BTC [+] {2} [13:44]
mircea_popescu derp. [13:49]
mircea_popescu that thing should have read "We thought we knew better than MP, but we did not. We will now wear rough burlap on the skin for the next year as penace" [13:49]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16243 @ 0.00094395 = 15.3326 BTC [+] [13:50]
ThickAsThieves this video on the Internet Party site has some laughs [13:52]
ThickAsThieves mostly at the NZ pm's expense [13:53]
VanCleef kim dot com for teh win [13:54]
mircea_popescu the notion that nz has pms in the first place... [14:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 22 @ 0.10144642 = 2.2318 BTC [-] [14:12]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 107 @ 0.10144642 = 10.8548 BTC [-] [14:14]
* punkman (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:15]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34000 @ 0.00094485 = 32.1249 BTC [+] {2} [14:21]
davout [14:23]
ozbot If bitcoins were around in the '90s... - YouTube [14:23]
bounce [14:25]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 37 @ 0.07 = 2.59 BTC [-] {3} [14:25]
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dignork [14:34]
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* only_ (~only@gateway/tor-sasl/only) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 127 @ 0.00261 = 0.3315 BTC [+] [14:38]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07288924 = 0.2916 BTC [+] [14:40]
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chetty [14:50]
ozbot Man Arrested for Public Consumption of Iced Tea Urged to Take a "Deal" from Prosecutors | The Daily [14:50]
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mircea_popescu [14:55]
ozbot A mental problem pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. [14:55]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8000 @ 0.00094481 = 7.5585 BTC [-] {2} [15:02]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2130 @ 0.00094425 = 2.0113 BTC [-] [15:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 76 @ 0.00261001 = 0.1984 BTC [+] [15:05]
mircea_popescu nanotube [15:05]
mircea_popescu why does it say "This user has not authenticated for more than 16156 days" ? i've authed like... yesterday [15:05]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 220 @ 0.00261 = 0.5742 BTC [-] [15:06]
* CheckDavid (uid14990@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:06]
mircea_popescu for that matter, otc hasn't existed for 16k days i would hope [15:07]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3895 @ 0.00094406 = 3.6771 BTC [-] [15:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15500 @ 0.00094406 = 14.6329 BTC [-] [15:14]
* blackwhite_ (~blackwhit@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:15]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 7 @ 0.07000005 = 0.49 BTC [-] {3} [15:16]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16611 @ 0.00094502 = 15.6977 BTC [+] {3} [15:28]
* moiety (~moiety@unaffiliated/moiety) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:30]
moiety mew [15:31]
moiety ;; later tell asciilifeform MOTD [15:32]
gribble The operation succeeded. [15:32]
mircea_popescu i heard manuls are now illegal in the united states. [15:33]
mircea_popescu [15:36]
ozbot STOP the evictions.. 55 Banks Occupied today!!!! | The Free [15:36]
mircea_popescu some of the pics quite lulzy. [15:36]
chetty [15:36]
mircea_popescu like that one [15:36]
MisterE what is up with this dump? [15:37]
moiety that picture of bush is a cracker [15:37]
* HeySteve (HeySteve@unaffiliated/heysteve) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:37]
moiety mircea_popescu: i think some of them think its a parade [15:37]
mircea_popescu or something. [15:38]
* only has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [15:38]
moiety im glad manuls are illegal in the us, they dont have to deal with the gvt. also not naturally there so they should be left alone to survive as long as possible. [15:38]
* only (~only@gateway/tor-sasl/only) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:39]
VanCleef wow bitcoin prices are dropping alot, awesome [15:39]
moiety i think these ones are just protesting for legal front of a bank [15:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 600 @ 0.00261411 = 1.5685 BTC [+] {3} [15:41]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [15:42]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 530.0, Best ask: 531.0, Bid-ask spread: 1.00000, Last trade: 530.01, 24 hour volume: 20457.00800923, 24 hour low: 521.3, 24 hour high: 592.0, 24 hour vwap: 557.384556905 [15:42]
mircea_popescu it's been dropping ? [15:42]
mircea_popescu last i looked i recall it was also 550 [15:42]
VanCleef yeh dropped to 521 on stamp [15:43]
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moiety [15:44]
ozbot BBC News - North Korea: Students required to get Kim Jong-un haircut [15:44]
VanCleef hehe yeh read thtat, tis funny [15:44]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1750 @ 0.00094272 = 1.6498 BTC [-] [15:44]
mircea_popescu i wonder what'll happen should kim herp-derp decide to shave his balls. [15:45]
mircea_popescu << this looks like a set from hair. [15:45]
* wolverineks ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 115 @ 0.0026006 = 0.2991 BTC [-] {3} [15:45]
VanCleef i think he already does [15:46]
* kermit has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [15:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07288944 = 0.2916 BTC [+] [15:47]
* kermit (unknown@pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:48]
chetty he has balls? [15:48]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00574449 = 0.5744 BTC [-] {7} [15:48]
VanCleef i hope he goes bald then every male has to have a bald haircut my hair is thinning so if i go bald too i am so moving to north korea because you'll be able to get all teh chicks as baldness becomes cool [15:49]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07288955 = 0.1458 BTC [+] [15:50]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.05489775 = 0.3294 BTC [+] [15:50]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.04791 = 0.2875 BTC [-] [15:50]
chetty bald is sexy [15:50]
* zoinky (~Adium@unaffiliated/zoinky) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:54]
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* blackwhite_ is now known as blackwhite [15:56]
CheckDavid Hey [15:57]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9262 @ 0.00094272 = 8.7315 BTC [-] [16:04]
* blackwhite_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 90 @ 0.00421998 = 0.3798 BTC [-] {7} [16:05]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 89 @ 0.00410519 = 0.3654 BTC [-] {9} [16:07]
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mircea_popescu ello [16:08]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 3 @ 0.07801016 = 0.234 BTC [-] [16:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 12 @ 0.07801014 = 0.9361 BTC [-] {2} [16:17]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.61 BTC [+] [16:19]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.6075 = 1.215 BTC [-] {2} [16:26]
* sois (ab64a48a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:27]
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assbot [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 432 @ 0.0025 = 1.08 BTC [+] [16:33]
TomServo [16:35]
ozbot BitBet - Bitcoin to drop under $500 before May [16:35]
TomServo pretty quick swing there! [16:35]
* benkay ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:38]
MykelSIlver What is the Low on Bitstamp? [16:39]
MykelSIlver Seems it was breefly on $500 [16:40]
MykelSIlver under [16:40]
MykelSIlver !last [16:42]
assbot I don't know those people, and they don't look very friendly. [16:42]
MykelSIlver !help [16:42]
assbot List of commands: [16:42]
assbot !ticker (desc: returns current ticker values, supported: MPEX, HAVELOCK, BTCTCO) {short: !t} [16:42]
assbot !last (desc: returns last price value, supported: MPEX, HAVELOCK, BTCTCO) {short: !l} [16:42]
assbot !mp (desc: returns the response from MPEX order) [16:42]
assbot !rules (desc: chan guidelines) {short: !r} [16:42]
assbot !exchanges (desc: lists exchanges and brokers) {short: !e} [16:42]
assbot !jd (desc: returns relevant stats from [16:42]
assbot !bash (desc: bashes last lines to bash) {short: !b} [16:42]
assbot !quote (desc: quotes last lines and returns dpaste url) {short: !q} [16:42]
MykelSIlver !last bitstamp [16:43]
assbot I thought I told you not to touch me. [16:43]
lnovy 505 afaik [16:43]
TomServo ;;ticker [16:43]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 522.96, Best ask: 524.0, Bid-ask spread: 1.04000, Last trade: 522.96, 24 hour volume: 25859.58689375, 24 hour low: 505.0, 24 hour high: 588.01, 24 hour vwap: 548.210623289 [16:43]
MykelSIlver thx [16:43]
* benkay has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [16:43]
lnovy but not for long :) [16:43]
MykelSIlver you wanna bet on that :-) ? [16:44]
lnovy i prefer to trade :) [16:44]
MykelSIlver cool [16:44]
MykelSIlver look like the next leg down [16:46]
MykelSIlver s [16:46]
MykelSIlver quite a support [16:47]
MykelSIlver atm [16:47]
* nubbins` ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:49]
MykelSIlver Neo is fighting Morpheus [16:49]
tg2 Psa don't drink and post. Benkay is a good sport though for putting up with such trolling last night and still having patience after [16:51]
tg2 Enough patience to write an article. :D [16:52]
MykelSIlver So is resolved soon? [16:53]
* daybyter has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [16:54]
TomServo Resolves May 1st, unless it crosses sooner - the way I read it. [16:54]
MykelSIlver It can cross this hour [16:55]
MykelSIlver 284 BTC to be sold on bitstamp according to rtbtc [16:56]
* dR3___ (~dR3@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:56]
MykelSIlver oops [16:56]
MykelSIlver 1530 [16:56]
MykelSIlver BTC [16:56]
MisterE ltc is a bloodbath [16:56]
MykelSIlver great time for bottom pickers [16:57]
MisterE [16:57]
ozbot loading [16:57]
MisterE I dont think we're there yet [16:57]
tg2 Holy $14 [16:58]
tg2 irs decision needs a supreme court case to reverse [16:58]
dexX7 lol wow via pm "Basically, I want to write some VB modules which can send bitcoin transactions. Of course, there aren't many examples out there how to do that. If we could talk on the telephone for 15 minutes, you'll save me about 3 days work." ... suuure [16:58]
VanCleef even 100$ is too expensive [16:58]
* dR3 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [16:58]
jurov !t m x.eur [16:58]
assbot [MPEX:X.EUR] 1D: 0.0025 / 0.0025 / 0.0025 (432 shares, 1.08 BTC), 7D: 0.0025 / 0.0025 / 0.0025 (432 shares, 1.08 BTC), 30D: 0.0019005 / 0.00214608 / 0.0025 (3831 shares, 8.22 BTC) [16:58]
nubbins` dexX7: so send 'em a quote for 3 days work [16:58]
tg2 Can't have different government departments treating it differently to their preference [16:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.60500011 BTC [-] [16:59]
dexX7 wait. what was trilema's office number again? :D [16:59]
nubbins` HEH [16:59]
tg2 Lol [16:59]
nubbins` i think you just type out the email address on the keypad [16:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 9 @ 0.60500002 = 5.445 BTC [-] {2} [17:00]
* dR3___ is now known as dR3 [17:00]
VanCleef [17:00]
ozbot The Doors - The End (original) - YouTube [17:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 43 @ 0.00570004 = 0.2451 BTC [+] {3} [17:01]
dexX7 [17:01]
VanCleef goes well while watching bitcoinwisdom [17:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 35 @ 0.00570002 = 0.1995 BTC [-] {2} [17:02]
bounce not exactly hard to get a sip did, even a free one. [17:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 107 @ 0.00566334 = 0.606 BTC [-] {6} [17:03]
* kualafingers has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [17:03]
nanotube mircea_popescu: fixed thanks. :) [17:03]
* giraffes has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [17:03]
* [\] has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [17:04]
* dR3___ (~dR3@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:05]
* dR3 is now known as Guest9965 [17:05]
* dR3___ is now known as dR3 [17:05]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 8 @ 0.10144642 = 0.8116 BTC [-] {2} [17:06]
bounce what're we going to see next, bitcoin mining container ships following low electricity prices around the globe? [17:07]
* joecool has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [17:07]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56950 @ 0.00094339 = 53.7261 BTC [+] {3} [17:07]
* sois has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client) [17:07]
moiety nubbins`: so, look what i found... they're in fiat already! [17:07]
nubbins` :o [17:07]
punkman1 moiety: [17:07]
moiety oh dear god [17:08]
moiety thats... quite something punkman1! [17:08]
moiety my collection is growing! ty! [17:08]
* Guest9965 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [17:09]
moiety my site will be useless but fucking informative [17:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24650 @ 0.00094457 = 23.2837 BTC [+] {2} [17:09]
* Akmed ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24900 @ 0.00094553 = 23.5437 BTC [+] {4} [17:10]
moiety that one has crystals in it too! :o [17:10]
* libbelol ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:11]
* davout has quit (Quit: kthxbye) [17:12]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 92 @ 0.00269314 = 0.2478 BTC [+] {4} [17:14]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17830 @ 0.00094228 = 16.8009 BTC [-] {2} [17:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.605 = 1.21 BTC [-] [17:17]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2022 @ 0.00013797 = 0.279 BTC [+] {2} [17:18]
nubbins` the mongolian one is pretty sick [17:20]
nubbins` reminds me of the canadian owl coin [17:20]
nubbins` [17:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 107 @ 0.04780965 = 5.1156 BTC [-] {6} [17:21]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.605 BTC [-] [17:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.00013797 = 0.2759 BTC [-] [17:22]
dexX7 lol those coins are evil [17:23]
* bitesak (~fractalss@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:23]
* joesmoe (~joesmoe@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:26]
nubbins` i'm just looking at the new releases, they've got a coin with a frog made from venetian glass attached to it [17:26]
nubbins`$_2.JPG [17:26]
* only has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [17:26]
dexX7 looks like it would break or fall off quickly [17:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 160 @ 0.00271073 = 0.4337 BTC [+] {5} [17:27]
nubbins` my guess is there's an anchor protruding from the silver [17:28]
punkman1 setting gems is not an unsolved problem [17:28]
nubbins` yeah, i'd be shocked to see it on a circulation coin [17:29]
nubbins` i guess for a numismatic, it doesn't have to be quite as sturdy [17:29]
Namworld I'm pretty sure it's meant to be on a display box [17:30]
mircea_popescu soo, the mpoe astrology department informs me that april the 20th, other than being orthodox easter, is also going to be a grand cross and the first of four blood moons. [17:31]
mircea_popescu sounds ominouis dunnit ? [17:31]
Namworld And not actively handled, so there's that. Should be fine. [17:31]
jurov it's catholic eater, too [17:31]
jurov *easter lol [17:31]
Namworld What the hell is a blood moon? [17:31]
mircea_popescu o it is ? [17:31]
mircea_popescu ;;google blood moon [17:31]
gribble What is a Blood Moon? | Human World | EarthSky: ; Divine Sign for Israel? Hagee Explains Blood Moons - Inside Israel ...: ; Blood-moons fallout: NASA goes hiding - WorldNetDaily: (1 more message) [17:31]
mircea_popescu nanotube nono, ty :) [17:31]
Mats_cd03 well thats going to look awesome when im baked [17:31]
mircea_popescu MykelSIlver did it cross ? [17:32]
MykelSIlver nope [17:32]
VanCleef baked? isn't that illegal? [17:32]
MykelSIlver ;;ticker [17:32]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 528.81, Best ask: 529.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.19000, Last trade: 529.0, 24 hour volume: 29481.45338267, 24 hour low: 505.0, 24 hour high: 587.5, 24 hour vwap: 544.928762099 [17:32]
VanCleef :P [17:32]
Namworld I call that a "Look, the moon is fucking brown-orange." [17:32]
MykelSIlver 505.0 still LOD [17:32]
mike_c please ask the astrology dept what the lucky lotto numbers are for a cancer under such conditions. [17:33]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2200 @ 0.00093723 = 2.0619 BTC [-] [17:33]
MykelSIlver must be a miracle if this was the Low till May [17:33]
mircea_popescu mike_c aite! [17:34]
Mats_cd03 depends what jurisdiction youre in VanCleef [17:34]
* Dimsler_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:34]
mircea_popescu mike_c 12 13 22 54 59 63 [17:35]
mike_c sweet, i'm gunna be rich [17:35]
mircea_popescu watch the dood actually win the powerball or some shit. [17:35]
jurov you forgot to ask which lotto [17:35]
jurov and for one i'm wondering what's the "grand cross" [17:36]
dexX7 505 oh noez... i guess no more hookers and blow till the tide shifts again ;) [17:36]
mircea_popescu ;;google grand cross [17:36]
gribble Grand Cross - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Grand cross (astrology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; The Cardinal Grand Cross - April 2014 | - Lua Astrology: [17:36]
Mats_cd03 those are weak numbers... go for broke, 4 18 15 16 23 42 [17:36]
asciilifeform i never learned so much about lottos as when researching trng. [17:36]
nubbins` soo, the mpoe astrology department informs me that april the 20th, other than being orthodox easter, is also going to be a grand cross and the first of four blood moons. <<< it's also 420 CARL SAGAN BLAZE IT YO [17:36]
Mats_cd03 (Lost reference if i left anybody behind) [17:36]
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* [\] (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:37]
Mats_cd03 [17:38]
dexX7 lol [17:39]
nubbins` [17:39]
ozbot TIL a dying Carl Sagan's last words were literally "420 blaze it, Faggot." He whispered them to his [17:39]
asciilifeform [17:39]
MisterE those are the numbers from lost [17:39]
asciilifeform '...officials at Texas Steel Conversion mistakenly issued Cesar Jaime Saldivar a paycheck for $99,275, and now they want it back. Saldivar, 25, who was captured on video making a large cash withdrawal, has been charged with felony theft...' [17:39]
dexX7 wow [17:40]
mircea_popescu lol [17:40]
mircea_popescu nice mug on him [17:40]
MisterE stupid people do stupid [17:40]
MisterE same happened to GF's sister [17:40]
MisterE deposited an extra month's salaruy [17:41]
MisterE she went out and spent it all and tried to play it off when they cam calling, silly Asians, she was paying it off for ages [17:41]
nubbins` so will the government give back the $38k in taxes? [17:41]
mircea_popescu sure, in 2023 [17:41]
mircea_popescu just as soon as the supreme court rules it must. [17:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07288954 = 0.2187 BTC [-] [17:42]
asciilifeform this is a good educational story re: fiat. [17:44]
nubbins` even if someone gives it to you, it's not necessarily yours [17:44]
nubbins` imagine [17:44]
nubbins` also, the price of bitcoin [17:44]
nubbins` imagine! [17:44]
* joecool (~joecool@no-sources/joecool) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:45]
asciilifeform re: mircea_popescu's thoughts the other day about bank accounts being mandatory in u.s. - typically, when you sign up for direct deposit of salary here, you also sign a pact that allows the employer to withdraw. [17:45]
asciilifeform officially limited to cases like this [17:45]
nubbins` :o [17:45]
mircea_popescu myeah. [17:45]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform also allows the BANK to withdraw [17:46]
mircea_popescu for any reason whatsoever. [17:46]
chetty gubermint in US also push to direct deposit of things like social security [17:46]
MisterE There's something even worse than fiat though [17:46]
MisterE Paypal [17:46]
mircea_popescu such as, to cover its own shortfall, or as directed by a frient of its (such as a regulator, without a court order) or in any other case. [17:46]
* samson_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:47]
asciilifeform this, however, is known to everyone [17:47]
* joecool_ (~joecool@no-sources/joecool) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:47]
asciilifeform (it has become almost traditional to confiscate the bank account of the accused, so he cannot pay for lawyers) [17:48]
mircea_popescu it's really the fundamental principle that allowed the MF Global debacle. [17:49]
asciilifeform in usa, nothing is actually yours unless it is small enough to run away with. [17:49]
* davout (~davout@unaffiliated/davout) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:50]
mircea_popescu that, and bitcoin. [17:50]
asciilifeform that'd be 'small enough', sure [17:50]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18328 @ 0.00093723 = 17.1776 BTC [-] [17:50]
* joecool has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [17:51]
asciilifeform carefully specified 'run away' - because, e.g. 'dpr' appears to have been successfully rectothermed. [17:51]
mircea_popescu maybe. [17:51]
mircea_popescu a more persuasive theory is that the usg used this opportunity to launder its own mining proceeds. [17:52]
asciilifeform lol [17:52]
MisterE it's probably already CIA's favorite way to fund the covert trouble it starts [17:53]
* joecool_ is now known as joecool [17:53]
asciilifeform that would line up nicely with 'he had XXX but there's still XXXXX that we haven't rectothermed out' [17:53]
mircea_popescu early on, noob of-counsel had realised title'd be iffy but hadn't yet realised title will be challenged. [17:53]
mircea_popescu so they tried something along the lines of what seems a meanwhile abandoned project to inject title [17:53]
Mats_cd03 the nonzero percentage of intelligence types involved in bitcoin makes my stomach turn [17:54]
mircea_popescu Mats_cd03 why ? [17:54]
asciilifeform Mats_cd03: if you want to leave meat in the sun and no flies, you will have to go to the arctic. [17:54]
joecool ^ [17:54]
mircea_popescu intelligence types are better company than almost any other class [17:54]
* only (~only@gateway/tor-sasl/only) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:54]
mircea_popescu except whores, maybe. [17:54]
Mats_cd03 many people in the intel field ive become acquainted with [17:55]
mircea_popescu hahahaha [17:55]
Mats_cd03 are dumb as shit [17:55]
lnovy :D [17:55]
mircea_popescu that was pretty good. [17:55]
Mats_cd03 aspiring super spy types and idiots that think they know something [17:55]
asciilifeform nsa vs. 'meta-nsa' [17:55]
Mats_cd03 kind of like bitcoin really [17:56]
mircea_popescu what's next, most thieves i've met in jail weren't all that good at it ? [17:56]
chetty jajajaja [17:56]
joecool mircea_popescu: you were in jail? [17:56]
MisterE heh yea, they regularly parade through ##security [17:56]
mircea_popescu joecool not yet. [17:56]
MisterE get ther hats handed to them and move on [17:56]
* draino has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [17:56]
Mats_cd03 people that have spent time working in military intelligence are the worst [17:57]
asciilifeform my secret hope is to meet the interesting ones some day. although it will probably be before my firing squad. [17:57]
Mats_cd03 probably something to do with how low the barrier to entry is for military types... [17:57]
* draino ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:57]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform intelligence doesn't kill people, bureaucracies kill people. [17:57]
asciilifeform ever hear the saying 'see Naples and die' ? [17:57]
MisterE military prefers and promotes non-thinkers [17:58]
MisterE by nature it's not a meritocracy [17:58]
* joesmoe has quit (Quit: One of these days I'm gonna find this *PEER* guy and reset *HIS* connection.) [17:58]
Mats_cd03 in my experience thats only half true [17:58]
asciilifeform intelligence doesn't kill people << certainly. this goes back centuries - e.g. inquisitor would hand the heretic over to the 'secular arm' for processing. [17:58]
Mats_cd03 the american military is pretty good at straddling the line [17:58]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform inasmuch as you know who he was, he wasn't intel. [17:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.42768314 BTC to 4`834 shares, 50221 satoshi per share [17:59]
* PieterVers (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:59]
* MykelSIlver_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:59]
asciilifeform competent burglar can trip over a miraculous surprise and end in jail [17:59]
asciilifeform the sapper errs once. [17:59]
* MykelSIlver has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [18:00]
Mats_cd03 as far as training for platoon leaders go... us .mil excels at meritocracy, at least during a deployment in an area with modest insurgent populations [18:00]
MisterE so does the covert op [18:00]
asciilifeform you know who he was, he wasn't intel << so not necessarily. [18:00]
* MykelSIlver_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [18:00]
* MykelSIlver ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:00]
mircea_popescu ya but ya know what i mean [18:00]
Mats_cd03 basically a trial by fire for the tactically inept [18:00]
mircea_popescu never saw a spy with a title. [18:01]
mircea_popescu which reminds me of a seinfeld bit : [18:01]
mircea_popescu JERRY: I got ripped off for about the...18th time? And now, the first couple a times you go through it, it’s very upsetting and your first reaction or one of your friends will say, “Call the police. You really should call the police.” So you think to yourself, you know, you watch TV, you think, “Yeah, I’m calling the police. Stakeouts, manhunts... I’m gonna see some real action.” Right, you think that. So [18:01]
mircea_popescu , the police come over to your house, they fill out: The Report. They give you: Your Copy. Now, unless they give the crook his copy, I don’t really think we’re gonna crack this case, do you? It’s not like Batman, where there’s three crooks in the city and everybody pretty much knows, who they are. Very few crooks even go to the trouble to come up with a theme for their careers anymore. It makes them a lot tough [18:01]
mircea_popescu er to spot. “Did you lose a sony? It could be the Penguin. I think we can round him up, he’s dressed like a PENGUIN! We can find him, he’s a PENGUIN! [18:01]
Mats_cd03 inevitably though, leaders lose their creativity by the time they become flag officers [18:01]
Mats_cd03 but its usually lost by the time they make major [18:02]
Mats_cd03 too much time flying a desk [18:02]
asciilifeform 'mahogany bomber' [18:02]
asciilifeform (to the british) [18:02]
Mats_cd03 whats worse is mustangs in the system are discouraged by design [18:04]
asciilifeform re: burglars: everyone who gets burgled quickly learns j. e. hoover's lesson 'justice is incidental to law and order' [18:04]
Mats_cd03 mustangs: former enlisted that received a commission and are now officers (e.g. lieutenant) [18:05]
MisterE Mats_cd03: they know all they will need soon are an army of kids controlling bots in a video game like theater [18:05]
* Namworld has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [18:05]
Mats_cd03 so the best warfighters and leaders of this generation are rapidly being replaced by... high school seniors [18:05]
MisterE hell drone program is enough for all but a stupid occupation like Iraq [18:06]
MisterE yea [18:06]
* Kushedout has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [18:06]
* Kushedout ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:06]
asciilifeform can't wait for 'we didn't mean to demolish XXX. bot got hacked.' [18:06]
Mats_cd03 and thats all the ranting i have for this morning [18:07]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2650 @ 0.00093514 = 2.4781 BTC [-] [18:07]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 8 @ 0.04777125 = 0.3822 BTC [-] {3} [18:07]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 8 @ 0.05484888 = 0.4388 BTC [-] {3} [18:07]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 8 @ 0.10144642 = 0.8116 BTC [-] {3} [18:07]
asciilifeform (better excuse than the 'targeting error' that demolished the chinese embassy in belgrade. the one that happened to contain the pieces of the 'stealth' machine.) [18:07]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 14 @ 0.0475 = 0.665 BTC [-] [18:08]
tg2 Oops our gross incompetence lead to this duration but it's really somebody elses fault [18:08]
tg2 itt: every exchange in the last year [18:08]
tg2 Hackers/transaction maleability/bots [18:10]
nubbins` bitcoin is like an early prototype airplane [18:10]
nubbins` people say "i want to fly!" and they run after it, grabbing onto the wheels, not realizing the effect their dead weight will have on it [18:11]
* Duffer1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:11]
asciilifeform airlines regularly find stowaways in landing gear shafts, dead of asphyxiation and frost [18:11]
asciilifeform there is definitely a parallel here. [18:12]
nubbins` right [18:12]
nubbins` the question is whether the airplanes will reach the point where the landing gear kills people [18:12]
nubbins` before the rest of the fleet crashes and burns [18:12]
nubbins` it's a race, i tell ya [18:12]
Mats_cd03 well, i hope you'll all be in here when it happens [18:13]
asciilifeform to run with the analogy, the plane in question doesn't notice the idiot in the gear well at all. [18:13]
mircea_popescu this notion that children can somehow, with a lot of shaving paste and stilts, stand up to adults is laughable. [18:13]
mircea_popescu no high school senior hauled up in a basement is EVER going to be a soldier, [18:13]
mircea_popescu or matter in this wolrd. [18:13]
* wilimprex has quit (Quit: Page closed) [18:14]
* benkay ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:16]
* joecool has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [18:17]
benkay good shwarma [18:18]
benkay xdotcommer: domains as identification? are you pulling my leg or pulling my leg? [18:19]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.61888 = 2.4755 BTC [+] [18:19]
nubbins` wow, winds near Gros Morne exceeded 200km/h last night [18:19]
xdotcommer benkay: just telling you how it works... if its a popular site you know then guy aint going to runk with your 2K [18:19]
Mats_cd03 pgp is too complicated, man [18:19]
xdotcommer pgp is pretty good [18:20]
benkay tellin me how it works [18:20]
Mats_cd03 theres like, cryptography, and hashes, and stuff [18:20]
benkay i don't care about the 2k [18:20]
xdotcommer Mats_cd03: moar keywords please [18:20]
asciilifeform whichever british gentleman said 'those who do not have time for exercise will have to find time for disease' [18:20]
asciilifeform applies to pgp [18:20]
benkay i care about someone impersonating you. [18:20]
benkay xdotcommer seems to be exercising to look cool [18:21]
benkay he says is doesn't work like we think it does [18:21]
asciilifeform 'those who do not have time for pgp will have to find time for being pwned' [18:21]
benkay those who took the time to pgp are still getting soldering irons in the tuchus. [18:22]
xdotcommer You guys are preaching to the choir I am all for this pgp stuff ... just was hard to figure out after night of boozing [18:23]
asciilifeform 'hang for a sheep as well as a lamb' [18:23]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 6049 @ 0.00012478 = 0.7548 BTC [-] {4} [18:23]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 634 @ 0.00260018 = 1.6485 BTC [-] {8} [18:23]
xdotcommer was here last night [18:23]
benkay fartup scene [18:23]
nubbins` ah, that other guy was going on about that last night [18:24]
benkay sweet taste of ideas [18:24]
xdotcommer benkay: free berr [18:24]
nubbins` said something about how he goes there and pitches people's ideas back to them, making them weep when confronted with their own stupidity [18:24]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 4387 @ 0.00012445 = 0.546 BTC [-] {7} [18:24]
xdotcommer benkay: portland is not the only place with a startup theme [18:24]
benkay nope its unique [18:24]
benkay *plugs ears, sings* [18:25]
Mats_cd03 if portland is anything like portlandia, it needs to be set afire from orbit [18:25]
Mats_cd03 (i got netflix recently) [18:25]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.00012423 = 0.2485 BTC [-] {4} [18:25]
benkay don't believe everything hollywood tells you [18:25]
* joecool (~joecool@no-sources/joecool) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:25]
Mats_cd03 hollywood is the one pure truth [18:26]
xdotcommer This guys is like the local legend [18:26]
benkay idiot drivers is actually a thing, although that's more because perverse regulation. [18:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 542 @ 0.00043965 = 0.2383 BTC [-] {8} [18:26]
xdotcommer Le CryptoCat [18:26]
asciilifeform 'Encryption in the Browser' << satan preserve us [18:27]
benkay cryptocat was broken by design, right? [18:27]
asciilifeform hasn't 'Cryptocat' already fucked its public goat? [18:27]
benkay what is he still doing talking about crypto? [18:27]
xdotcommer asciilifeform: does not hurt to try [18:27]
asciilifeform how is bob still bridge-builder [18:27]
mircea_popescu either that or designed by the broken [18:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 948 @ 0.00042231 = 0.4003 BTC [-] {7} [18:27]
mircea_popescu xdotcommer apparently you've not tried a great many things. [18:27]
benkay last year city council passed some rules about how pedestrians can walk out into the street and demand the right of way [18:28]
xdotcommer mircea_popescu: I did not mean for me... if the guy wants to do encryption in the browser ... I say let him go for it [18:28]
mircea_popescu im starting to understand something. if we manage to not turn into wikipedia within a decade we'll have actually accomplished an amazing feat. [18:28]
assbot AMAZING COMPANY! [18:28]
mircea_popescu xdotcommer well sure. but in the same sense, if the twelve year old wants to have twins, let her ? [18:29]
xdotcommer mircea_popescu: depends in which country I guess [18:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2990 @ 0.00011621 = 0.3475 BTC [-] {7} [18:29]
mircea_popescu or whose twelve year old, but yeah. [18:29]
mike_c if the three 19 year old CSS developers want to open an options exchange.. [18:29]
mircea_popescu mike_c how did that thing settle down in the end ? "bitcoin's fault" ? [18:30]
xdotcommer mircea_popescu: and in which time/space as well years ago childbirth at 12 was not uncommon [18:30]
benkay if the 'crypto enthusiasiast' wants to build crypto humans use... [18:30]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 100 @ 0.00525234 = 0.5252 BTC [-] {4} [18:30]
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mike_c i don't think it was bitcoin, it was some altcoin [18:30]
mircea_popescu unrelatredly, [18:31]
blackwhite [18:31]
ozbot Stripe: Bitcoin [18:31]
Mats_cd03 mmm looks like california [18:31]
xdotcommer is there a way to streamline web of trust to the browser or its IRC only? [18:32]
mircea_popescu xdotcommer what are you trying to do ? [18:32]
Mats_cd03 what? [18:32]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5000 @ 0.00011051 = 0.5526 BTC [-] {3} [18:32]
mircea_popescu mike_c [18:32]
mircea_popescu it's been replaced. [18:32]
benkay ;;gettrust mircea_popescu [18:33]
gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user mircea_popescu: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 5 via 5 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Fri Jul 22 11:04:26 2011 [18:33]
benkay xdotcommer: there's already internet. [18:33]
benkay make a form. [18:33]
benkay have it post to irc [18:33]
benkay ain't that hard [18:33]
xdotcommer market place (ebay) using same gpg [18:33]
xdotcommer looks like it wont be too hard [18:34]
benkay ron gilad [18:34]
benkay [18:34]
benkay seventies art is cool again? [18:34]
the20year3 I'm publishing the announcement shortly, but RentalStarter will be acquiring CryptoREI and thus add a North Carolina branch to our business. [18:34]
xdotcommer benkay: is that a portland artist of some sort? [18:35]
dexX7 benkay: webform posting to irc.. sounds fishy [18:35]
the20year3 We will also begin our 2nd tranche on Monday the 31st at .0075btc/share. [18:35]
benkay wait a sec let me google that for you xdotcommer [18:35]
dexX7 but very related: [18:35]
mike_c good thing they opened up new TLDs or these cryptoexchanges would have run out of doman names by now. [18:36]
bounce [18:36]
mircea_popescu the20year3 that should be interesting. [18:36]
the20year3 I think so [18:37]
benkay xdotcommer: still need help with google? [18:37]
VanCleef how will u sell them at 0075? [18:37]
mircea_popescu ideally publish it as something readable, btw. [18:37]
benkay anyways, new york, like most good artists. [18:37]
VanCleef you will buy up the 0.005's? [18:37]
xdotcommer benkay: [18:37]
benkay oh you found it! [18:37]
benkay good for you. [18:37]
VanCleef the20year3 [18:38]
the20year3 ? [18:39]
the20year3 VanCleef: i should, but i have no BTC in HL [18:39]
benkay !t h rent [18:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00525030 / 0.005265 / 0.00532521 (121 shares, 0.63706440 BTC), 7D: 0.00520970 / 0.00541285 / 0.00563480 (2353 shares, 12.73643556 BTC), 30D: 0.00510111 / 0.00556201 / 0.00900001 (46756 shares, 260.05711417 BTC) [18:40]
VanCleef hmmm so how will you be able to sell at 0,0075? [18:40]
benkay you're going to sell more for .0075 when they're already on the market for 0.0053? [18:40]
the20year3 HL will automatically suspend all buy orders under .0075, so all buys have to go in at .0075 [18:40]
benkay WHAT [18:40]
mircea_popescu wait what ?! [18:40]
* joecool has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:40]
benkay haha [18:40]
benkay you've done it now, boyo [18:41]
VanCleef WHAT?! [18:41]
the20year3 That's what HL does on all future rounds [18:41]
mircea_popescu obviously someone that owns shares can sell at any price they want. [18:41]
pankkake usual havelock practice yes [18:41]
the20year3 They did it with PETA [18:41]
mircea_popescu but it's... fraudulent ? [18:41]
the20year3 according to the policies on HL's site? [18:41]
pankkake did it with CBTC too [18:41]
benkay does this not strike you as a gross breach of free market principles, the20year3 ? [18:41]
the20year3 Would it be free market if i went in and bought up all the shares below .0075? [18:42]
benkay yes. [18:42]
the20year3 maybe i should do that then [18:42]
benkay too bad you don't have the cash. [18:42]
mircea_popescu but wait. someone buys some shares [18:42]
benkay ;;gettrust the20year3 [18:42]
gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user the20year3: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: never [18:42]
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mircea_popescu and then they're not allowed to sell them anymore ? [18:42]
benkay ;;gettrust the20year [18:42]
gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user the20year: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: never [18:42]
mircea_popescu what sort of nonsense is this ? [18:42]
Mats_cd03 lol [18:42]
the20year3 As per my understanding they can sell after the 2nd round finishes, the same deal with the 1st round [18:43]
benkay once again, never do business outside the wot [18:43]
mircea_popescu i mean it's like a spiral of web scammy for that place. [18:43]
Mats_cd03 does this sort of thing even have a name? [18:43]
benkay holy fuck monsters [18:43]
mircea_popescu the20year3 but the round can last indefinitely. [18:43]
benkay you people have no conscience. [18:43]
mircea_popescu Mats_cd03 yeah, "internet fraud" basically. [18:43]
asciilifeform does this sort of thing even have a name << chumpatron. [18:44]
the20year3 I don't think they're allowed to have an indefinite 2nd round, from my understanding we were required to have a set 2nd round [18:44]
the20year3 Otherwise the fund becomes illiquid [18:44]
Mats_cd03 oh, i thought there might be a flighty finance term [18:44]
Mats_cd03 im also baked out of my mind on pure gold [18:44]
pankkake can't you simply put a sell order of new shares? [18:44]
mircea_popescu the20year3 at any point you may seriously consider your involvement in this scheme may actually result in criminal charges. [18:44]
Apocalyptic pankkake, one does not simply sell shares on havelock [18:45]
mircea_popescu topace is nutty enough to imagine he's going to escape through some fraudulent sale to a panama front, [18:45]
the20year3 what do you mean pankkake [18:45]
mircea_popescu but you should be somewhat more responsible, seeing how you're tied down to real estate. [18:45]
pankkake I mean do your second round on the open market, not on havelock special IPO feature [18:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 643 @ 0.00532521 = 3.4241 BTC [+] [18:45]
the20year3 That's a possibility too [18:46]
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mircea_popescu pankkake well other than it'll likely never generate any capital, it would resolve the problem yes. [18:46]
topace im not sure where you are getting this information [18:46]
topace but it is not correct [18:46]
mircea_popescu the general fate to people telling me my information is not correct is aptly represented by one trendon shavers. [18:47]
topace [12:40:35] HL will automatically suspend all buy orders under .0075, so all buys have to go in at .0075 [18:47]
topace ^ is what i was referring to [18:47]
topace the platform does not suspend orders below certain thresholds [18:48]
the20year3 I may be wrong then [18:48]
CheckDavid You guys trade stocks of companies on these exchanges right with or without the need for personal identification? [18:48]
mike_c so enlighten us, how does a 2nd round ipo at a higher price than the market price work? [18:48]
mircea_popescu "They did it with PETA" " did it with CBTC too" ? [18:48]
benkay the20year3: it is staggering that you don't understand your own issuances. [18:48]
mircea_popescu seemed uncontroversial. [18:48]
the20year3 RS is based primarily on USD and not BTC [18:48]
benkay topace: how is this next round at 0.0075 working? [18:48]
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the20year3 USD price is the same at .0075 as it was when we did the last round at .0055 [18:48]
benkay it's popcorn week! [18:48]
asciilifeform what is 'rental starter' co. anyway [18:49]
mircea_popescu benkay he's unrepresented, basically. doesn't have an ib/underwriter/anything. [18:49]
topace next round of what ? [18:49]
benkay mircea_popescu: i know. [18:49]
topace (remember, im no longer involved in running the exchange) [18:49]
VanCleef my penis just got a bit hard [18:49]
the20year3 how so VanCleef? [18:49]
benkay well then how can you make any claims about what can or cannot happen on the exchange, topace? [18:49]
mike_c next "tranche" of RENT shares is going to be sold at 75, but market price is 53. [18:49]
topace because i wrote the code [18:49]
benkay and it couldn't possible have changed [18:49]
* VanCleef gives it a flick [18:49]
topace there's no "you cant place orders below 0.0075 in the code" [18:49]
benkay possibly. [18:50]
mircea_popescu [18:50]
mike_c so what, the block of shares is just released at the same time that open market trading continues? [18:50]
benkay wd [18:50]
benkay massive sell wall at 0.0075 that never gets eaten? [18:50]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 5 @ 0.05484888 = 0.2742 BTC [-] [18:50]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 42 @ 0.00562729 = 0.2363 BTC [+] {2} [18:51]
mircea_popescu benkay well, maybe it does get eaten eventually. [18:51]
Mats_cd03 i am not aroused mircea_popescu [18:51]
mircea_popescu likely not right now [18:51]
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the20year3 I don't think they can put in an indefinite sell wall , and at any rate there's no reason for us to fundraise past $1.5m USD [18:51]
topace im sorry i can only comment on what i see on the site, i dont see a new tranche? [18:51]
benkay mircea_popescu: explain it like i'm at least twelve [18:51]
the20year3 It's starting Monday around noon [18:51]
mike_c asciilifeform: they buy houses in ohio and rent them out. [18:52]
benkay topace: you can't make any claims about the code they're running if you can't make any claims about the code they're running. [18:52]
mircea_popescu benkay dat ambiguous status. [18:52]
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benkay the bet would be does the wall get eaten or rentalstarter fall apart first [18:52]
benkay fall apart/delist/get indicted [18:53]
benkay who knows - maybe there's three more months of going short btc via rent [18:53]
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mircea_popescu kind-of a pity in that a well managed business on those lines makes some sense. [18:55]
VanCleef anyone heard fromsfi lately? [18:55]
VanCleef sfi [18:55]
VanCleef or didthey just do a runner? [18:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 210 @ 0.0026 = 0.546 BTC [-] {2} [18:56]
benkay the20year3: do please explain precisely how this new tranche is working [18:56]
benkay bring an underwriter or someone who understands [18:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIF] 402 @ 0.0004088 = 0.1643 BTC [-] [18:57]
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mircea_popescu VanCleef i have no idea, were they due a report or something ? [18:58]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 30 @ 0.0056274 = 0.1688 BTC [+] [18:59]
mike_c ^ heh. "rent shares rose on news that they will soon be forced to be worth 0.0075 btc" [18:59]
asciilifeform mike_c: if only this existed in my town (and, run by something other than scammers) [18:59]
VanCleef i dont know just haven't heard from them since [19:00]
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mike_c asciilifeform: well, no strong indications that it is run by scammers. just that they don't understand their relationship with havelock very well.. [19:00]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform apparently ohio or w/e this one is has very advantageous economics for this business [19:00]
benkay they're crossing the wires though [19:01]
mircea_popescu which incidentally begs the question, why a merger with someone in a diff market ? does it benefit from equally good economics ? [19:01]
benkay cannot touch both fiat and crypto at once [19:01]
asciilifeform has very advantageous economics for this << how's that [19:01]
VanCleef i think he should just sell the shares for 0.008 instead [19:01]
mircea_popescu much of rent is predicated on its operator familiarirt with the field, that doesn't seem to translate too well across a geographic distance [19:01]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform very low land values / high rents. [19:01]
* joecool_ is now known as joecool [19:02]
asciilifeform quite the same here. and yet, i've been trying and failing to rent a house for ages. [19:02]
mircea_popescu its been discussed in teh at some point coupla months ago, i don't recall the specifics [19:02]
asciilifeform to be fair, it is a little bit from the peculiar conditions where i live. most of the rentals are geared for students, and are gigantic, divided into rooms. [19:03]
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ThickAsThieves HL will automatically suspend all buy orders under .0075, so all buys have to go in at .0075 //// dafuck? [19:04]
VanCleef woohoo [19:04]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves do they actually do this as ppl claim or not ? [19:04]
VanCleef buy now [19:04]
benkay welcome to this morning, ThickAsThieves [19:04]
ThickAsThieves i dont think it can be done [19:05]
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ThickAsThieves more likely, [19:05]
ThickAsThieves is the tranche will be sold through "IPO" feature [19:05]
* TestingUnoDosTre (6b10c1a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:05]
ThickAsThieves where there is no orderbook [19:05]
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mike_c topace said it can't, but also that he isn't involved so he doesn't know. [19:05]
blackwhite [19:05]
Mats_cd03 i think the confusion here lays with the recent depreciation of btc/usd and the capital RS actually needs to be denominated in usd [19:05]
ThickAsThieves now if HL shuts down normal trading during that... [19:05]
* _aeon (~user@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:05]
asciilifeform in the u.s. in general, people with money (but not quite a 'fortune') who want to rent something nice vs. playing debt games, are a bit of an under-served market. [19:05]
ThickAsThieves that would effectively recreate the situation you are going for [19:05]
ThickAsThieves but it's a fucked up proposition [19:06]
benkay no shit [19:06]
ThickAsThieves i see no reason to disrupt the live orderbook [19:06]
ThickAsThieves it's listed, it's live [19:06]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform i suspect that ties into my "dual currency" earlier : [19:06]
mircea_popescu people with money, actual money, are underserved because not part of bezzle. [19:07]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves i can see some reasons... [19:07]
ThickAsThieves well... [19:07]
benkay IT'S ALL A SCAM [19:08]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i'm paid in perfectly ordinary u.s. bezzlars [19:08]
KRS-One heh [19:08]
VanCleef 3 chinese bitcoiners were executed today [19:08]
benkay link, VanCleef ? [19:08]
VanCleef jokes [19:09]
KRS-One lies [19:09]
benkay ;;ticker [19:09]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 520.06, Best ask: 526.96, Bid-ask spread: 6.90000, Last trade: 520.06, 24 hour volume: 33543.19632708, 24 hour low: 505.0, 24 hour high: 587.49, 24 hour vwap: 540.479270299 [19:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17350 @ 0.00093745 = 16.2648 BTC [+] {2} [19:09]
VanCleef thenext china rumor ;) [19:09]
benkay bitstamp's running fractional too, right? [19:09]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform sure you are, because they CLAIOM to be convertible [19:09]
mircea_popescu just as long as not too many are converted. [19:09]
ThickAsThieves didnt they do an 'audit'? [19:09]
benkay audit my butthole [19:09]
benkay ;;google bitstamp audit [19:09]
gribble Statement regarding recent third party audit report - Bitstamp: ; Statement by Bitstamp regarding Mt Gox insolvency - Bitstamp: ; Bitstamp - buy and sell bitcoins: [19:09]
asciilifeform well i did say bezzlars. [19:09]
mircea_popescu speaking of turkeys in new york : "ground turkey meat, was $2 for 20 oz. 2.5 years ago on sale ; it's $4.50 for 20 oz. on sale now." [19:10]
Mats_cd03 turkey: the inferior chicken [19:10]
benkay firestartr are some no-names, iirc ThickAsThieves [19:10]
mircea_popescu ;;calc 2.25 ** (1/30) [19:10]
gribble 1.02739965906 [19:10]
mircea_popescu 2.8% inflation. PER MONTH [19:10]
tg2 turkey index [19:11]
tg2 turkeys are a... growth market [19:11]
asciilifeform incidentally, nothing (at least, at present time) stops an owner of XXXX bezzlars from driving to a precious metals seller and filling as many buckets as he can afford. [19:11]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform as long as he buys... paper gold. [19:11]
mircea_popescu ie, goldzzars. [19:11]
Mats_cd03 i still have 2 frozen turkeys from thanksgiving [19:11]
asciilifeform they don't sell this in shops around here [19:11]
asciilifeform mostly numismatic coin [19:11]
mircea_popescu try taking 100k out of your savings, buying gold bricks and driving them to mexico. [19:11]
Mats_cd03 ever deep fry a turkey? its godly [19:11]
mircea_popescu what was that shop that'd deep fry anything ? butter, water, icecream [19:12]
Mats_cd03 youve piqued my curiousity [19:12]
tg2 mmm deep fried butter [19:12]
tg2 lol [19:12]
tg2 #justamericanthings [19:12]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07288954 = 0.2187 BTC [-] {2} [19:13]
tg2 > [19:13]
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mircea_popescu [19:13]
ozbot BitBet - Bitcoin to surpass Berkshire as an investment [19:14]
mircea_popescu and the 1year berkshire based btc bond just went to 3% [19:14]
mircea_popescu well... 2.81% [19:14]
ThickAsThieves it'll probly get to 30%+ i bet [19:15]
ThickAsThieves heh, can you make bets on bets? [19:15]
mircea_popescu we tried yest but it didn't stick [19:15]
nubbins` ^ [19:15]
Mats_cd03 when i was 8 a family friend told me peanut butter was a preservative and i could live forever if i ate enough of it at once [19:16]
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BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Deep frying anything is more of a State Fair schtick [19:16]
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VanCleef could someone help me word a bet on bitbet so its allowed? [19:16]
ThickAsThieves one day mp will owe me a favor, and Schrodinger's BitBet will happen [19:16]
ThickAsThieves ok probly not [19:16]
mircea_popescu lol [19:16]
ThickAsThieves but i can dream [19:16]
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Mats_cd03 the next day i woke up early and had an XL jar of skippys...i temporarily replaced blood with peanut butter for a few hours [19:16]
VanCleef i want to bet that Australia wont win one single group match for the fifa world cup [19:16]
mircea_popescu VanCleef sure, why not [19:16]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 40 @ 0.0056271 = 0.2251 BTC [-] [19:17]
mircea_popescu is this tracked anywhere ? [19:17]
VanCleef i'm sure keep scores on their website [19:18]
mircea_popescu can you list the matches ? [19:18]
VanCleef i can list who else is in the group [19:18]
mircea_popescu generally, you want the bet well specified. [19:18]
mircea_popescu "x y z will happen, here's the link to it measured" [19:18]
TestingUnoDosTre MP, I tried making a bet on 3M that was worded very similar to the berkshire one, and the mods rejected it because it was outlandish [19:19]
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VanCleef ahh ok [19:19]
VanCleef so more details teh better [19:19]
mircea_popescu TestingUnoDosTre i vaguely recall some discusison re a 3m bet a month or so ago, was this the same one ? [19:19]
TestingUnoDosTre yes. the bet was stated that the ratio of MMM to BTC would stay above .2 until may or something of the sort [19:20]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11600 @ 0.00093774 = 10.8778 BTC [+] [19:20]
CheckDavid Which platform do you suggest to fund a startup? [19:20]
TestingUnoDosTre or at the end of may [19:20]
mircea_popescu did it carry ~1k btc in zeroconf ? [19:20]
benkay !t h rent [19:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00525030 / 0.00536113 / 0.00562740 (907 shares, 4.86254898 BTC), 7D: 0.00520970 / 0.00540361 / 0.00563480 (3139 shares, 16.96192014 BTC), 30D: 0.00510111 / 0.00555895 / 0.00900001 (47528 shares, 264.20559875 BTC) [19:20]
TestingUnoDosTre lol of course not, but the berkshire bet didn't start out with 1k btc [19:21]
ThickAsThieves the 3M was discussed already no need to rehash [19:21]
ThickAsThieves bet* [19:21]
mircea_popescu TestingUnoDosTre course it did. [19:21]
TestingUnoDosTre fine fine fine [19:21]
ThickAsThieves pull the log and read it again if you want re-experience it [19:21]
mircea_popescu anyway, my car is here so we'll have to continue later! [19:21]
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TomServo TestingUnoDosTre: Just curious, why 3M? [19:21]
VanCleef i thought you ony rode horses? [19:21]
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TestingUnoDosTre because I want to convert losses in MMM to wins in BTC [19:22]
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TestingUnoDosTre or theoretically be able to l) [19:22]
TestingUnoDosTre ;) [19:22]
TestingUnoDosTre I may or may not have worked for the company for a couple years and amassed to much of a concentrated holding due to putting 10% of each pay check into stock options [19:23]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9200 @ 0.00093514 = 8.6033 BTC [-] [19:23]
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Mats_cd03 [19:25]
ozbot USAJOBS - Search Jobs [19:25]
Mats_cd03 hahahaha someone in the DIA got shit-canned over ukraine [19:25]
* MisterE has quit (Quit: We live in a society where it's a permanent, relentless battle to resist the frivolous.) [19:25]
Mats_cd03 most interesting thing all day [19:26]
tg2 > $120,749.00 to $175,000.00 / Per Year [19:26]
TestingUnoDosTre 120 to 175k. lol [19:26]
tg2 lol [19:26]
tg2 ^ [19:26]
TestingUnoDosTre imagine how much pressure that position is right now [19:26]
tg2 haha [19:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 40 @ 0.0056275 = 0.2251 BTC [+] [19:26]
tg2 seems to me that offering a salary that pathetic to somebody in that position is either a sign of an incompetent office in the event they're looking for somebody competent, or of a smart one if they're looking for a patsy/puppet [19:27]
tg2 likely the previous occupant was the opposite [19:27]
tg2 "Putting the welfare of the Nation and commitment to our mission before oneself." .... for $120k. [19:28]
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tg2 i know people who work on css all day and make more than that [19:28]
joecool tg2: seems legit [19:29]
nubbins` asciilifeform XD [19:29]
nubbins` salary: doubleplus good [19:29]
kow tg2 is a liar I met him irl he is like 300lbs, poor, and doesn't leave his apartment which is just full of stacks of old books and empty stouffers containers which he's saving for the points [19:30]
tg2 kow, can you ;;rate me then [19:30]
tg2 :D [19:30]
kow ;;rate tg2 fat [19:30]
gribble Error: 'fat' is not a valid integer. [19:30]
tg2 lol [19:30]
tg2 ;;ident kow [19:31]
gribble Nick 'kow', with hostmask 'kow!', is not identified. [19:31]
tg2 bro GPG up or else who the fuck are you anyway [19:31]
kow careful with that or I'll doxx u [19:31]
TestingUnoDosTre hahaha [19:31]
tg2 bro sharpie up [19:31]
tg2 bro [19:31]
nubbins` [19:32]
ozbot Morning-after pills less effective for heavier women, warning will say - Health - CBC News [19:32]
mod6 a guy once got 1bn satoshi for that [19:32]
joecool !eauth joecool [19:32]
TestingUnoDosTre is doxxing kinda like goxxing? [19:32]
nubbins` interesting [19:32]
joecool ugh [19:32]
the20year3 I could very well be wrong about how HL is handling it, i made the assumption (right or wrong) that they treat it as a new IPO [19:32]
benkay the20year3: and freeze trading on the new asset to support your new imaginary valuation? [19:32]
nubbins` TIL that morning-after pills don't work if you weigh more than 175lbs [19:33]
benkay old* asset [19:33]
kow tg2 I sold some BTC to a dude in mcdonalds yesterday, the guy knew NOTHING about it, didn't even know how to confirm my deposit, said he's been buying half a BTC every week. I think I met a BTC prepper. [19:33]
tg2 kow, shouldn't you have backdoor-laced operating systems to be releasing?! [19:33]
Mats_cd03 ;;ud dox [19:33]
gribble | Dox, or being doxed, in terms of online forum sites, is the physical equivalent of being butt-raped irl. Just as all the greats have, when a person is "doxed", ... [19:33]
ozbot Urban Dictionary: dox [19:33]
tg2 ;;ud broscience [19:33]
gribble | Broscience is the predominant brand of reasoning in bodybuilding circles where the anecdotal reports of jacked dudes are considered more credible t... [19:33]
ozbot Urban Dictionary: broscience [19:33]
Mats_cd03 ;;ud doxxed [19:33]
gribble | ... dox of boughnuts · doxology · Doxops · Doxosophist · doxuges · doxx · doxxed · doxy · Doxylamine · doxymoron · doy · Doya · Do Ya Bad ( DYB) · doyacht. [19:33]
ozbot Urban Dictionary: dox [19:33]
Mats_cd03 ud you are useless [19:33]
kow tg2, I've been busy and other people took over the dev :( [19:34]
benkay the20year3: will you be allowing existing rent stockholders to sell their shares at 0.0075 as well? [19:34]
Mats_cd03 ;;wiki doxing [19:34]
gribble Error: "wiki" is not a valid command. [19:34]
tg2 doyacht [19:34]
tg2 kow, I havce a nice project you might like [19:34]
Mats_cd03 ;;google doxing wiki [19:34]
gribble Doxing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Dox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Personally identifiable information - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: [19:34]
tg2 alrady recuited some of your coconspirators [19:34]
TestingUnoDosTre ;ud goxxed [19:34]
tg2 ;;ud goxxed [19:34]
gribble | Jun 26, 2011 ... goxxed. The act of being screwed by an online merchant, specifically due to the merchant being incompetent and amateurish. Derived from the ... [19:34]
ozbot Urban Dictionary: goxxed [19:34]
tg2 lol [19:34]
TestingUnoDosTre creepy [19:34]
TestingUnoDosTre why did it only return once? [19:35]
Mats_cd03 [19:35]
ozbot The Finnish Foreign Fighter Contingent in Syria | Combating Terrorism Center at West Point [19:35]
kow tell me more tg2 [19:35]
the20year3 THat's a good question benkay, i'll need to check into it, but I assume the answer is yes [19:35]
Mats_cd03 who the fuck invited the finns to a civil war? [19:35]
tg2 [19:35]
ozbot Rating Details for User 'mtgox' [19:35]
tg2 this whole WOT thing is working well I see [19:35]
the20year3 lots of syrians in Finland going back [19:35]
Mats_cd03 i hope they canceled their life insurance policies [19:36]
xdotcommer ;;help [19:36]
gribble The bot responds when you start a line with the ! character. A good starting point for exploring the bot is the !facts command. You can also visit the bot's website for a list of help topics and documentation: [19:36]
tg2 yeah if I was syrian and didn't live in syria the first thing I'd do is high tail it back to syria [19:36]
tg2 obv. [19:36]
tg2 land of the free [19:37]
tg2 fk this vanity gpg generator is an entropy whore [19:37]
tg2 will otc accept a 2048b key? [19:37]
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tg2 guessing it should [19:37]
Mats_cd03 syria's a nice place [19:37]
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Mats_cd03 sadly some of it is shelled to bits now [19:38]
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tg2 syria, home of the brave. [19:38]
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BingoBoingo tg2: 2048 is probably the minimum reasonable size [19:39]
TestingUnoDosTre learning so much about soviet history from bitcoin-assets [19:39]
tg2 I would think that it /could/ accept a 1024 key [19:40]
tg2 but I wouldn't use one [19:40]
TestingUnoDosTre why not? [19:40]
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Mats_cd03 cause hes contrarian [19:40]
tg2 my tinfoil hat is neatly folded [19:40]
pankkake otc accepted my old 1024 key, so [19:40]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16300 @ 0.00093671 = 15.2684 BTC [+] [19:40]
TestingUnoDosTre lol [19:40]
tg2 last 1024 key I had expired some time ago [19:40]
TestingUnoDosTre ;;ud contrarian [19:41]
gribble | contrarian. Someone who automatically tends to take the opposite point of view from the person to whom they're speaking, or to disagree with society at large ... [19:41]
ozbot Urban Dictionary: contrarian [19:41]
TestingUnoDosTre awww. Was hoping for something dirtier [19:41]
tg2 Mats_cd03, AM NOT [19:41]
Mats_cd03 am so [19:41]
tg2 I can't agree with that. [19:41]
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Mats_cd03 i suppose we can disagree on disagreeing [19:41]
tg2 and if I did, would that prove it wrong? [19:41]
tg2 gl circular reasoning [19:41]
the20year3 RS NAV right now is around 1,000btc [19:41]
Mats_cd03 too many levels, im going to fall off a bridge while inside a van [19:42]
tg2 brb sha1 1024 gpg key inbound [19:42]
pankkake FYI you can create stronger subkeys [19:43]
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benkay tg2: read moar, derp less: [19:44]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 700 @ 0.00093663 = 0.6556 BTC [-] [19:45]
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benkay keep making noise, tho 'bro'. it'll get you far. [19:48]
TestingUnoDosTre tell me about this subkey [19:48]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10200 @ 0.00093915 = 9.5793 BTC [+] {3} [19:49]
benkay TestingUnoDosTre: [19:50]
pankkake TestingUnoDosTre: [19:50]
TestingUnoDosTre gracias [19:50]
xdotcommer tg2: stop derping bro [19:50]
pankkake and you probably already have one subkey [19:50]
_aeon LOUD NOISES [19:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 45 @ 0.0056499 = 0.2542 BTC [+] [19:52]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6550 @ 0.00093514 = 6.1252 BTC [-] [19:52]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 30 @ 0.00569 = 0.1707 BTC [+] [19:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 5600 @ 0.00010804 = 0.605 BTC [-] {9} [19:55]
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xdotcommer tg2: fall in line [19:57]
dexX7 the20year3: could you please tell me, if issuer's funds are locked during an ipo on havelock and is it correct that buyers are unable to undercut the issuer during the ipo? are updates of any kind during an ipo allowed, e.g. a description? [19:59]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 29 @ 0.00596 = 0.1728 BTC [+] [20:02]
benkay dexX7: just assume you're going to get fucked, no lube. it's the havelock way. [20:03]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 371 @ 0.00599999 = 2.226 BTC [+] {2} [20:04]
benkay have-a-cock [20:04]
dexX7 haha no, don't get me wrong [20:04]
dexX7 i'm not trying to evaluate the chances of creating a scam :o [20:04]
benkay "someone"'s pushing rent up to the .0075 line. [20:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 125 @ 0.006 = 0.75 BTC [+] [20:05]
benkay not even bothering to sell [20:05]
benkay what kind of kiddy bullshit is this [20:05]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13200 @ 0.00093301 = 12.3157 BTC [-] [20:15]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.000932 = 4.66 BTC [-] {3} [20:17]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07288952 = 0.3644 BTC [-] [20:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 500 @ 0.0060947 = 3.0474 BTC [+] {9} [20:30]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 600 @ 0.00255253 = 1.5315 BTC [-] {12} [20:30]
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TestingUnoDosTre okay question about gpg keys hya [20:47]
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TestingUnoDosTre If I created a master key with my name and email attached to it, but I want to some business anonymously. Let's just say I want to publish an anonymous blog or something. Could I generate an anonymous subkey and sign all my blog documents with the subkey, and there would be no way anyone could find my master key and therefore my name and email address? [20:50]
benkay TestingUnoDosTre: don't ask to ask just ask [20:50]
TestingUnoDosTre aka is there a link from my no-named subkey to my public key from my master? [20:51]
nubbins` intuition tells me yes, there is [20:52]
nubbins` but who knows [20:52]
TestingUnoDosTre perhaps a person in here? [20:52]
benkay if you want to decouple identities, decouple identities. [20:52]
TestingUnoDosTre meaning how [20:52]
TestingUnoDosTre just generate a different master key? [20:52]
nubbins` ^ [20:52]
benkay I personally would use separate master keys for different identities. [20:52]
benkay it'll help guard against mistakes. [20:53]
bounce AIUI the link goes from the master to the sub, not the other way around. but would have to dig into the protocol to figure that one out. [20:53]
bounce but yes, easier to not overload keys and just make a new key instead. [20:54]
benkay can you sign with subkeys? [20:54]
TestingUnoDosTre yes, I believe one can make a signing subkey [20:54]
benkay i'd separate concerns here. [20:55]
benkay if you're not comfortable with the whole master key subordinate key thing and confident that you can always do the right thing, guard against "yourself as your own worst enemy" and use separate master keys. [20:55]
TestingUnoDosTre I have only generated one master key at the moment though, but I think it was truly a DSA elgamel pair [20:55]
TestingUnoDosTre mmkay [20:56]
bounce the thing is of course that as soon as you publish for all to see your public master key it'll have subs that were supposed to remain sooper seekrit. [20:56]
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TestingUnoDosTre that is what I needed to understand [20:58]
BingoBoingo [20:58]
ozbot This UNC Athlete's Paper Is A Joke. Who's To Blame? [20:58]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9098 @ 0.00093301 = 8.4885 BTC [+] [20:59]
nubbins` a-minus [21:00]
nubbins` lelelel [21:00]
BingoBoingo Quality 'Murican education [21:00]
TestingUnoDosTre can we just stop thinking that somehow athletes need to gain an education? Basketball players at UNC especially, keep some fine moneys flowing through the system [21:01]
benkay murka [21:01]
benkay murka murka jihad [21:01]
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benkay pretty sure that most american educations gave up on thinking a long time ago, TestingUnoDosTre [21:01]
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benkay god bless bootstrap. [21:02]
nubbins` ^ it's what makes my computer work [21:02]
benkay there is an element i am completely failing to address for teh style override [21:02]
benkay lol nubbins` [21:03]
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TestingUnoDosTre I had some good teachers, but they were few and far between [21:06]
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benkay HeySteve2: did you ever sort your wallet? [21:11]
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the20year3 dexX7: I believe issuer funds are locked from trading, but the issuer can withdraw funds for whatever business purchases they have, as long as the new proceeds meet the minimum threshold. The updates are definately recommended during any ipo/fund phase. [21:18]
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dexX7 ah, thanks [21:20]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.605505 = 2.422 BTC [-] {3} [21:23]
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benkay ;;lasers [21:25]
gribble ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!* [21:25]
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the20year3 Additionally, if there's extreme investor outrage of the 2nd round, we'll cancel it, but as of this moment i haven't seen that. [21:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 46 @ 0.0160002 = 0.736 BTC [+] [21:27]
dexX7 the20year3: is there a max time how long an ipo can be active and trading is disabled for buyers? [21:27]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23300 @ 0.0009313 = 21.6993 BTC [-] [21:28]
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the20year3 I think it's 30 days [21:29]
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the20year3 That's what it was for the last round [21:29]
dexX7 ty [21:29]
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mike_c the20year3: any comment on mp's question about the NC expansion? paraphrasing: you have advantages in ohio (namely the economics and your expertise), and how will those scale to NC? [21:31]
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the20year3 The big barrier to entry is capital and capital management than personal experience. I know that seems odd, but if you'd talk to any REI group you'd find out that money is the #1 problem to starting out and getting good properties. [21:38]
TestingUnoDosTre intresting [21:39]
the20year3 In the case of this CREI deal, they already have a solid candidate for a property, i've already reviewed the comps, documents and everything associated with the deal and feel it's a very good buy. [21:39]
the20year3 CREI has been wholesaling (Locating properties, selling the leads to investors) for 3 years now and has had well over a dozen profitable deals for the end investors. That's a very good track record, but his problem is the same problem that i have had since 2008 - Capital. So, we can come in as RS with just a little bit of capital, offer it to them for very, very lucrative terms. [21:40]
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the20year3 Then , the other consideraiton on my end is that we have some very large investors who want to see us work on developing these partnerships moreso than just dealing with slummy properties in central Ohio. [21:42]
mike_c seems like a lot of counterparty risk with those partnerships. but you obviously understand the biz more than I [21:43]
the20year3 They certainly exist, but i think the reward potential is much higher than the risks. We've got solid properties here in Ohio, and are getting more, and i feel that if we could add higher profit potential to the mix it would benefit the fund [21:44]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15500 @ 0.00093301 = 14.4617 BTC [+] [21:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 123 @ 0.00263568 = 0.3242 BTC [+] {3} [21:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 77 @ 0.0026 = 0.2002 BTC [-] [21:52]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 800 @ 0.00235044 = 1.8804 BTC [-] {20} [21:57]
CheckDavid Hi. I was wondering about the solutions that exist in the cryptocurrency space regarding funding startups [21:59]
CheckDavid Can any one just give some lights? [22:00]
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dexX7 hey, can you be more specific? [22:00]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21500 @ 0.00093301 = 20.0597 BTC [+] [22:02]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07288951 = 0.2187 BTC [-] [22:04]
dexX7 the20year3: sorry for all those questions. in the case you do a second ipo round, i assume trading is also locked? and: from which pool are those ipo 2 shares taken? do you define a fixed number during the asset creation and sell a partion of those in round 1 and the rest in round 2 for example? [22:05]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 96 @ 0.00230041 = 0.2208 BTC [-] {2} [22:05]
kakobrekla hm [22:06]
kakobrekla lets try this [22:06]
kakobrekla [22:06]
ozbot PiratePad: or1RSxpueo [22:06]
kakobrekla fill it up? [22:06]
kakobrekla i dont remember who was volunteering [22:07]
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kakobrekla ping mircea_popescu , benkay , mike_c , everyoneelsethatiforgot [22:08]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1963 @ 0.00221117 = 4.3405 BTC [-] {6} [22:08]
dexX7 afaik there is no form available [22:08]
kakobrekla a? [22:08]
kakobrekla this is a multi player notepad [22:09]
kakobrekla you copy paste shit below. [22:09]
the20year3 I think trading is locked dexX7, the shares are just taken from the original pool of shares that we had as part of the pseudo-PPM/Original business plan's funding goals. [22:09]
kakobrekla ah im talking to myself okay [22:09]
dexX7 didn't you use the pad to send me the message "go find the submission form instead of asking"? [22:10]
TestingUnoDosTre seriously though. recommended reading is a book from the Duck Dynasty? [22:10]
CheckDavid dexX7: can got help me be more specific? [22:10]
mike_c good idea kako. maybe put a link on [22:10]
CheckDavid I was wondering maybe issue stock [22:10]
CheckDavid Or something [22:10]
TestingUnoDosTre gl bra [22:10]
kakobrekla and anal rape is a video from some production house, so what [22:10]
benkay why not a !sr , kakobrekla ? [22:11]
CheckDavid I know there several solutions [22:11]
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dexX7 there are. mind to share your business plan? [22:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2000 @ 0.00220557 = 4.4111 BTC [-] {6} [22:12]
kakobrekla mike_c i will put the curated version of the piratepad on the static b-a page [22:12]
dexX7 the20year3: thanks again ;) [22:12]
kakobrekla at least thats the idea [22:12]
mike_c cool [22:12]
kakobrekla but its up to #bitcoin-assets to come up with the content [22:13]
the20year3 np [22:13]
dexX7 good idea re pad with info stuff [22:15]
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CheckDavid dexX7: a jobs board with a scheduled equity distribution plan for members [22:15]
benkay dafuq? [22:16]
benkay that's precisely what ninjashogun was prattling about. [22:16]
CheckDavid Yes [22:16]
CheckDavid He is my partner [22:16]
CheckDavid It's his idea originally [22:17]
benkay ;;gettrust CheckDavid [22:17]
gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user CheckDavid: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: never [22:17]
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benkay [22:18]
ozbot [MPEx] S.BBET BitBet IPO an astounding success [22:18]
benkay "Spoiler: It's not going to beat" [22:18]
dexX7 well anyway. basically there are, and if you want to scam, go to cs, if you want to reach the regular bitcointalk and reddit user, use havelock. mpex is most likely out of your reach. [22:18]
CheckDavid benkay: I am not trading. So I guess I don't need to be verified? [22:19]
benkay i guess you miss the point. [22:19]
CheckDavid Lol I don't want to scam :) [22:19]
CheckDavid Oh sorry benkay . could you please explain the point? [22:20]
xdotcomm_ CheckDavid: fall in line [22:20]
CheckDavid dexX7: I heard crypto stocks was scamish [22:21]
CheckDavid BingoBoingo: said that I think [22:21]
benkay CheckDavid: [22:21]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 217 @ 0.00213 = 0.4622 BTC [-] {3} [22:21]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.605 = 1.21 BTC [-] [22:21]
dexX7 CheckDavid: the point benkay is trying to make: don't ask for money, if you have no reputation nor the willingness to be "verified" [22:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29400 @ 0.000932 = 27.4008 BTC [-] {2} [22:22]
CheckDavid I see benkay . Thanks [22:23]
CheckDavid I didn't ask for money [22:23]
CheckDavid I asked for advice though [22:23]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 500 @ 0.0020387 = 1.0194 BTC [-] {5} [22:23]
CheckDavid And good advice is as good as money.. [22:23]
CheckDavid So OK :) [22:23]
dexX7 hehe [22:23]
dexX7 wasn't meant this way [22:24]
dexX7 but "asking for money" is implied by "i want to start a business and therefore i ask about exchanges" [22:24]
CheckDavid Moniz pliz guy tnx [22:24]
benkay you're investigating listing a stock of some sort, right? [22:24]
CheckDavid Gime moniz [22:24]
CheckDavid Lol [22:24]
CheckDavid benkay: considering options [22:24]
BingoBoingo CheckDavid: At some point the kind's of advice you seek might... Imply intentions about how you might use that advice... [22:24]
CheckDavid And yes could include that [22:24]
benkay there are all the scam hosters over there that don't require identity or anything, allowing companies like CaVirtEx to walk off with customer funds and Rentalstarter to arbitrarily halt trading so they can sell their inflated stock at some imaginary value. [22:25]
CheckDavid BingoBoingo: yes. So what? [22:25]
CheckDavid BingoBoingo: humans ate always verifying intentions :) [22:25]
benkay on the other hand, there's the harder and tougher path to accredidation with people not engaged in fucking people as a matter of habit in -assets. [22:25]
CheckDavid I see. [22:26]
dexX7 benkay: do you think there shouldn't be a trading freeze during a funding round? [22:26]
CheckDavid You didn't mention when exchanges themselves run away [22:26]
benkay in what sane world does this make sense [22:26]
benkay dexX7: [22:26]
benkay either their paper is worth what the market will pay for it or its not [22:26]
BingoBoingo CheckDavid: Well these things are going to color people's reactions. Instead of getting reactively defensive note people's concerns and think about how you can correct things in the future when you want to actually do the thing you solicit advice for, if you make it too that stage. [22:26]
benkay if it were really worth .0075 the price would reflect that. [22:26]
* kleinessteak ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:27]
CheckDavid BingoBoingo: *to [22:27]
CheckDavid Haha lol [22:27]
benkay and previous shareholders should get to sell at .0075 as well. [22:27]
CheckDavid OK. Just messing. Well. Good advice BingoBoingo [22:27]
CheckDavid I an not trying to convince anyone of any business at the moment though [22:28]
CheckDavid I feel a bit far away from that point at the moment [22:28]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 116 @ 0.002 = 0.232 BTC [-] {4} [22:28]
benkay dexX7: does this make sense? [22:28]
CheckDavid Ok so dexX7. Your suggestion is basically to consider a number of exchanges right? [22:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 57 @ 0.00199999 = 0.114 BTC [-] [22:30]
dexX7 benkay: what about the case that one puts up a buy wall lower than the ipo price and then undercuts the issuer? i guess that would be a reflection of "not enough buyer"? [22:33]
benkay supply and demand must agree on a price. [22:34]
benkay the havelock approach is to fix a price and wait for the suckers to come by. [22:34]
dexX7 CheckDavid: well, no. i assumed your question was "where can i issue a stock?" and thus my answer, but maybe you should rephrase your initial question once again. [22:34]
dexX7 yup true [22:34]
CheckDavid dexX7: I am just looking for funding solutions in general. Being issuing and selling stock one of the potential solutions [22:35]
benkay they're compounding this fraud by suspending the hallowed process of price discovery to entice another round of suckers into their finger-trap. [22:35]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 80 @ 0.00190001 = 0.152 BTC [-] [22:35]
benkay at a hilariously higher price, i might point out. [22:35]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.60333366 = 1.81 BTC [-] {2} [22:36]
dexX7 the following case is not possible: say everyone wants to sell, but i'm still willing to give the issuer my coins for whatever reason. non-freezed trading doesn't allow this [22:37]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 114 @ 0.00190001 = 0.2166 BTC [-] [22:37]
* joesmoe has quit (Quit: One of these days I'm gonna find this *PEER* guy and reset *HIS* connection.) [22:37]
Mats_cd03 add some more material to the reading list [22:37]
benkay that's an irrational move, dexX7. why not just buy the shares on the open market? [22:38]
the20year3 How much is a stock worth? [22:38]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 450 @ 0.00229999 = 1.035 BTC [+] {2} [22:38]
the20year3 The problem is the value most of the time is arbitrary, especially with bitcoin stocks as the bulk of the value is just speculation based on whatever positive/negative news is coming out about the company [22:38]
dexX7 benkay: in this case my intention would not be to buy shares but to provide funds for the issuer [22:39]
the20year3 In our case, with the decrease of BTC:USD, the BTC value of our company goes up, because the vast majority of our assets are denominated in USD, but the BTC price doesn't accurately reflect it because the trades for the most part just trend on news [22:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 48 @ 0.00609698 = 0.2927 BTC [-] [22:39]
benkay dexX7: so send your money directly to the guy - who cares? [22:40]
benkay the point is that he's allowed to sell more shares in his company at above market prices when nobody else is. [22:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07288951 = 0.1458 BTC [-] {2} [22:40]
dexX7 i competely get your point and i agree, i'm just thinking about potential reasons [22:41]
benkay so throw your money directly to the guy like you did with Gox. [22:41]
benkay the20year3: this is the painful part of touching both rails at the same time. [22:41]
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benkay nobody knows how to value anything in BTC alone, much less mixed-assets. [22:42]
benkay plus, your investors are a bunch of trend-traders. [22:42]
the20year3 Depends on which investors you're talking about [22:42]
benkay havelock, duh. [22:42]
the20year3 The guys that have given me near $100k? I don't see them trading around stock [22:42]
xdotcomm_ benkay: how come exchanges /etc are not using this [22:42]
benkay xdotcomm_: are you familiar with MPEx? [22:43]
xdotcomm_ benkay: just recently saw it [22:43]
benkay k there's your answer. [22:43]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 30 @ 0.01600003 = 0.48 BTC [-] {4} [22:43]
benkay the20year3: either your investors are trading on news or they're not trading around [22:44]
benkay pick one [22:44]
the20year3 The bulk are not trading at all [22:44]
xdotcomm_ benkay: its the only one? [22:44]
benkay yup. everyone else uses phones. [22:44]
the20year3 the stock price that is moving around is being moved by guys who own a few hundred shares and have half a btc in the exchange [22:45]
benkay !t h rent [22:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00525030 / 0.00560944 / 0.00600000 (1644 shares, 9.22192017 BTC), 7D: 0.00520970 / 0.00550083 / 0.00600000 (3875 shares, 21.31571263 BTC), 30D: 0.00510111 / 0.00556457 / 0.00900001 (48129 shares, 267.81696994 BTC) [22:45]
benkay ;;calc 48129/300 [22:46]
gribble 160.43 [22:46]
benkay lotsa minnows [22:46]
mike_c jurov uses bitcoin address signed messages for 2fa [22:46]
benkay tough problem to have [22:46]
the20year3 half of the share volume in the past week has been in the past 8 hours since our announcement, if you look at periods prior to that volume, there's almsot none [22:46]
benkay doesn't really excuse malfeasance. [22:47]
CheckDavid Could issuing coins be a good business funding solution? [22:47]
the20year3 So, what am I doing that's illegal? [22:47]
benkay illegal? [22:47]
benkay this is bitcoin. [22:47]
benkay there are no rules. [22:47]
the20year3 What am I doing that screws shareholders? [22:47]
benkay not allowing them to sell at the same price you are. [22:48]
* princessnell (d0b9aa4a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:48]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 124 @ 0.002 = 0.248 BTC [-] {3} [22:48]
benkay eyo princessnell [22:49]
benkay bring your army? [22:49]
the20year3 If enough of our shareholders complain about the choice, i'll change it, ask havelock to change it , or not do the 2nd round, but as of this time, the shareholders I've talked to are fine with it [22:49]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.05489999 = 0.1647 BTC [+] {2} [22:49]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14613 @ 0.0009313 = 13.6091 BTC [-] [22:56]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 4956 @ 0.00180914 = 8.9661 BTC [-] {14} [22:59]
cazalla can anyone recommend a reputable site for sporting results that can be used for bitbet outcomes? I'm thinking isn't ideal atm as there as the site will likely change once the world cup starts [22:59]
mike_c [23:00]
cazalla maybe but it's not a win/loss prop, got knocked back first time because clearly need confirmed stats from some source [23:02]
mike_c i thought it was that they wouldn't win a game [23:03]
mike_c they=australia [23:03]
cazalla no, that's not mine [23:03]
cazalla concede no goals is mine [23:03]
tg2 [23:03]
mike_c geez, how many futbol bets we got going here :) [23:03]
cazalla found a source on, it should do [23:04]
mike_c [23:04]
ozbot FIFA World Cup Group B Tables & Results - 2014 - ESPN FC [23:04]
cazalla [23:04]
cazalla GA [23:04]
mike_c that looks pretty official to me. [23:04]
mike_c (the fifa one) [23:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25700 @ 0.00093337 = 23.9876 BTC [+] {5} [23:06]
benkay hey look what princessnell found: [23:07]
pankkake tg2: fun. did you check you were not entropy starved for your performance stats? [23:07]
tg2 check 'er out [23:07]
tg2 that random num spam [23:07]
tg2 provides enough entropy to get by [23:07]
tg2 but its only as good as perl's rand generator I suppose [23:07]
tg2 i should have chosen a random amount of random numbers to generate :) [23:07]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.04799989 = 0.24 BTC [+] {2} [23:08]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07288952 = 0.3644 BTC [+] [23:09]
pankkake your script is using gpg to generate keys, not perl [23:09]
tg2 it is using perl to generate entropy [23:09]
tg2 via rand() [23:09]
Apocalyptic such entropy [23:09]
tg2 so much [23:09]
tg2 well i guess i /could/ make it so you had to sit there mashing your keyboard all day :D [23:09]
tg2 i'll accept that patch if you want :D [23:09]
cazalla mike_c: I don't know who made the Australian bet, any other aussies here that you know of? [23:10]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 6000 @ 0.00181047 = 10.8628 BTC [+] {6} [23:10]
tg2 I will try it on my 48 core system [23:10]
tg2 see how many 4096's i can do per second [23:10]
tg2 maybe 1-2 [23:10]
mike_c vague recollection that herbisjustleoids is there, but not sure [23:10]
pankkake I don't understand what that rand() is supposed to do [23:10]
tg2 it generates 1000 rand numbers, which /should/ be polling /dev/urandom [23:10]
tg2 which should be causing it to move seed [23:11]
tg2 I'll welcome some patches, this was the first perl script i've worked on [23:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1000 @ 0.0018 = 1.8 BTC [-] [23:11]
Apocalyptic tg2, you're just exhausting the entropy pool then [23:11]
tg2 i tried many things [23:11]
Apocalyptic which should be causing it to move seed // dafuq [23:11]
Apocalyptic seriously you should leave that to gpg [23:11]
tg2 none seemed to have an impact and gpg never complaind about lack of entropy [23:11]
Apocalyptic you have no idea of what you're doing [23:11]
pankkake yué [23:12]
pankkake yup [23:12]
tg2 if you don't have "Not enough random bytes available. " [23:12]
tg2 then you have sufficient entropy for gpg to operate [23:12]
tg2 and at 5 keys/s, entropy generation is not the limitation [23:13]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 15 @ 0.60133613 = 9.02 BTC [-] {6} [23:13]
pankkake your calls to rand() are either useless or harmful. gpg does its own thing [23:14]
benkay hue hue hue hue hue [23:14]
Apocalyptic there are harmful [23:14]
Apocalyptic you're just depleting the entropy pool for no use [23:14]
Apocalyptic so gpg has to wait longer [23:15]
pankkake don't know how rand() works, maybe it polls /dev/*random only once and then it's a PRNG [23:15]
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Apocalyptic maybe [23:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 89 @ 0.00199985 = 0.178 BTC [+] {2} [23:16]
pankkake anyway, my question was about /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail - if it's low then fixing *that* will make higher quality gpg keys faster [23:17]
mike_c cazalla: it was VanCleef. [23:17]
tg2 don't intel chips use hardware source? [23:17]
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tg2 (not implying that is secure) [23:18]
pankkake and as a rule, don't touch crypto stuff you don't understand, you'll shoot yourself in the foot [23:18]
tg2 newer xeons use it I think [23:18]
* justusranvier has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [23:18]
pankkake some do, yes, not sure if it's enabled by default [23:18]
cazalla mike_c: it's pretty much a given australia won't win a match heh [23:18]
deadweasel [23:18]
ozbot Experts Found That Mt.Gox Lost A Mere 386 Bitcoin Due To Transaction Malleability | TechCrunch [23:18]
deadweasel look at the picture! [23:18]
pankkake or if you need an userspace deamon [23:18]
bounce how to consult the public while clearly not listening: [23:18]
deadweasel why would anybody consult the public? [23:19]
thestringpuller ;;ticker [23:19]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 511.43, Best ask: 512.99, Bid-ask spread: 1.56000, Last trade: 510.17, 24 hour volume: 37872.34545917, 24 hour low: 505.0, 24 hour high: 584.69, 24 hour vwap: 536.173526093 [23:19]
thestringpuller !ticker m s.mpoe [23:19]
assbot [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.0009313 / 0.00094053 / 0.00095121 (1204898 shares, 1,133.25 BTC), 7D: 0.00082011 / 0.00093525 / 0.00096 (5510694 shares, 5,153.88 BTC), 30D: 0.000745 / 0.00086117 / 0.00096 (30557131 shares, 26,315.16 BTC) [23:19]
tg2 > Found 292 keys so far, running for 10.0s (Rate:29.1/s) [23:19]
punkman1 deadweasel: judging by the title, they barely read the paper [23:20]
bounce no wonder, since it is about the investor / state dispute settlement ("allow corps to squeeze backward governments") in yet another american trade agreement, this time with europe [23:20]
tg2 using rngtools though [23:20]
tg2 > /usr/sbin/rngd -r /dev/urandom [23:20]
pankkake well then, you *were* entropy starved [23:20]
pankkake try haveged, too [23:20]
deadweasel punkman1: i didn't read either, i just lol'ed at conjured currency. [23:20]
tg2 this is on another system [23:20]
tg2 the intel system seems fine without that crutch [23:21]
deadweasel oh man, i'm hungry, gonna make some entropy. [23:21]
tg2 dat rng [23:21]
benkay making some hash today [23:21]
deadweasel put some entropy in that shit [23:21]
* justusranvier (~justus@unaffiliated/justusranvier) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:21]
deadweasel benkay, got half a grocery bag of trim here if you want to add it in. [23:23]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35363 @ 0.0009325 = 32.976 BTC [-] {3} [23:23]
Mats_cd03 benkay: ever tried making oil? [23:23]
benkay i think i want all those discarded keys tg2's dropping on the floor [23:23]
benkay hah you druggies! [23:23]
deadweasel it's medicinal [23:24]
Mats_cd03 what are drugs? [23:24]
benkay i'm talking about salmon hash, corned beef hash, crypto hash [23:24]
deadweasel says so here on my doctors rec. [23:24]
tg2 4096-bit on a 48 core system: Found 73 keys so far, running for 30.0s (Rate:2.4/s) [23:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15231 @ 0.00093086 = 14.1779 BTC [-] {2} [23:24]
benkay i want to put tg2's discarded keys into this hash i'm working on [23:24]
tg2 i put them in your /dev/urandom [23:24]
tg2 you can just retrieve them from there [23:24]
benkay radical dudebro [23:24]
tg2 brb moving my mouse around for hours [23:25]
benkay hue [23:25]
benkay modern computer [23:25]
benkay no rng [23:25]
tg2 Found 317 keys so far, running for 110.1s (Rate:2.9/s) [23:25]
benkay that'd make some nice hash, tg2 [23:25]
tg2 ~250kh/s [23:26]
tg2 on scrypt [23:26]
tg2 pretty pathetic [23:26]
tg2 but it does as well as an R9 280x on X11 coins [23:26]
CheckDavid What do you think about issuing a coin as a way of funding for a business? [23:26]
benkay ;;google trilema colored coins [23:26]
gribble Why I nixed p2p, colored coins and all that jazz pe Trilema - Un blog ...: ; The dork of the month award. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; Women Behind Bars pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: [23:26]
benkay women behind bars you say? [23:27]
CheckDavid benkay: is that related to what I said benkay ? [23:27]
Duffer1 CheckDavid it would end in disaster [23:27]
CheckDavid Duffer1: why? [23:27]
Duffer1 you could visit any alt coin exchange to see the inevitable, and guaranteed, fate of all alt coins that have come before [23:28]
Mats_cd03 its kind of like issuing dave and busters tokens [23:28]
Mats_cd03 except your business isnt nearly as cool [23:28]
* lnostdal has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [23:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 300 @ 0.00199983 = 0.5999 BTC [+] {7} [23:29]
Duffer1 checkdavid that would be like a kickstarter project sending out toilet paper instead of gadgets or equity [23:29]
CheckDavid Duffer1: the coins should have some utility for the life of the business [23:29]
CheckDavid Or so I think [23:30]
pankkake but it's cryptoilet paper! [23:30]
CheckDavid Duffer1: sorry of yes. Except it's digital toilet paper [23:30]
CheckDavid *certainly [23:31]
* princessnell has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [23:31]
tg2 [23:32]
tg2 lol [23:32]
ozbot Crap Away - Launching A Fun & Truthful Toilet Paper Brand by Tom Nardone — Kickstarter [23:32]
Duffer1 are you thinking of an alt coin or colored coin? [23:32]
tg2 > implying [23:32]
CheckDavid Duffer1: not sure about the terms. But I assumed colored [23:33]
CheckDavid No alt chains [23:33]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 440 @ 0.000861 = 0.3788 BTC [-] [23:33]
benkay ;;gettrust thestringpuller [23:33]
gribble Currently authenticated from hostmask thestringpuller! Trust relationship from user benkay to user thestringpuller: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 3 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Mon Oct 15 18:46:37 2012 [23:33]
* only has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:34]
Duffer1 checkdavid ah sorry i assumed alt coin, i couldn't say if colored would work or not [23:34]
benkay ;;gpg eauth benkay [23:36]
gribble Request successful for user benkay, hostmask benkay! Get your encrypted OTP from [23:36]
benkay ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:7da124b7be1a63529a28570b4f9af14cb7a3bc1114d6419b8788425f [23:36]
benkay [23:36]
gribble You are now authenticated for user benkay with key 39F274AFBC7ACAC7 [23:36]
CheckDavid I would like to distribute equity among the members of my website [23:36]
benkay ;;rate thestringpuller 1 not likely to mess your day up [23:36]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user thestringpuller has been recorded. [23:36]
thestringpuller interesting...WoT needs more devs [23:36]
benkay what needs deving? [23:37]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11350 @ 0.00093381 = 10.5987 BTC [+] [23:37]
benkay it's all php, right up your ======== alley [23:37]
benkay HEYO [23:38]
thestringpuller [23:38]
thestringpuller there are 8 month old pull request [23:38]
thestringpuller s [23:38]
thestringpuller CheckDavid: right a gpg contract, pay out divs to a btc address provided by members. not hard :P [23:39]
thestringpuller write* [23:39]
thestringpuller ugh [23:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 391 @ 0.00199998 = 0.782 BTC [-] {4} [23:39]
Duffer1 thestringpuller I believe he's looking for funding, like IPOing with colored coin [23:40]
CheckDavid thestringpuller: provided by members? What about when coins are transferred? [23:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 4777 @ 0.001806 = 8.6273 BTC [-] {9} [23:40]
thestringpuller you mean equity is transferred? [23:41]
CheckDavid thestringpuller: that was e initial idea [23:41]
benkay 1 gpg-signed email is all that'd take [23:41]
CheckDavid But then I was suggested not to give any equity [23:41]
benkay "please send divs previously associated with 1fuckmylife to 1fuckhislife" [23:41]
* Kushedout ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:41]
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CheckDavid And just award a coin [23:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.05539999 = 0.1108 BTC [+] [23:41]
thestringpuller the members can trade equity as they see fit amongst themselves... [23:41]
thestringpuller there is no need to have a public offering... [23:41]
benkay the public offering is required to get the hype machine going so that the 'ipo' pulls in as many coins as possible [23:42]
CheckDavid You saying something unrelated note [23:42]
CheckDavid *now [23:42]
CheckDavid What are you talking about? [23:42]
* lnostdal ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:42]
thestringpuller not at all, you 1) want to pay out profits from your website to members [23:42]
thestringpuller to do 1) you do 2) get signed gpg contract from members with btc address [23:43]
thestringpuller you do 3) set up bot to pay to addresses [23:43]
* kermit (unknown@pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:43]
thestringpuller 4) notify your accountant [23:43]
* Kushed has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:43]
thestringpuller not hard... [23:43]
CheckDavid I don't know the format of such a contract [23:43]
benkay you get to make it [23:44]
benkay how cool! [23:44]
thestringpuller ;;google site: gpg contracts [23:44]
gribble GPG contracts pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; Voluntary contracts, after a while. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: ; Some basic discussion of Bitcoin macroeconomy pe Trilema - Un ...: [23:44]
thestringpuller Look there you go. [23:44]
CheckDavid But why do you call them members? [23:44]
thestringpuller You called them members! [23:44]
CheckDavid What about non members that acquire the coin? [23:44]
CheckDavid Members are one thing. Then the com can be exchanged off site [23:45]
CheckDavid Com = coin [23:45]
CheckDavid Damn auto correct [23:45]
thestringpuller so then non related person sends you the issuer a gpg signed email from both the original shareholder and themselves signifying an exchange [23:45]
thestringpuller you go to your bot [23:46]
thestringpuller change address for where shit is paid [23:46]
CheckDavid I see. [23:46]
thestringpuller move on your way [23:46]
thestringpuller ... [23:46]
thestringpuller Hasn't this been discussed? benkay am I going crazy? [23:46]
CheckDavid I don't think one needs the original shareholder signature [23:46]
benkay nigga u insane [23:46]
CheckDavid I just need to know who the current owner is [23:47]
benkay yes you do, CheckDavid otherwise arbitrary entities can transfer shares arbitrarily. [23:47]
benkay well, most recent owner right? [23:47]
thestringpuller hey better yet! have them sign the email with a btc address [23:47]
benkay no no no no no no [23:47]
benkay no signing things with btc addresses [23:47]
benkay btc is btc [23:47]
benkay gpg is gpg [23:47]
benkay twain etc [23:47]
CheckDavid Looks hard to push something like this into production [23:48]
benkay yeah you should do colored coins instead [23:48]
benkay far easier [23:48]
Duffer1 is there a colored coin system even out yet? [23:48]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21100 @ 0.00093042 = 19.6319 BTC [-] {2} [23:48]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.60000001 = 3 BTC [-] [23:48]
thestringpuller Yea there is a prototype I think in this one OT client. [23:49]
thestringpuller Open Transactions. [23:49]
* B007 (~B007@unaffiliated/b007) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:49]
thestringpuller But it's far easier to trade OTC know here...on IRC...over the counter... [23:50]
thestringpuller ugh [23:50]
thestringpuller I didn't realize how dumb colored coins sounded until very recently... [23:50]
thestringpuller People will just end up using it to mark bitcoins during stings on drug deals or trace laundered money. [23:50]
mike_c [23:51]
ozbot Loper OS » Shitcoin: a Modest Proposal. [23:51]
CheckDavid benkay: instead of what? [23:51]
* DefectiveNu has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [23:51]
thestringpuller you guise [23:52]
thestringpuller i want to pay out dividends [23:52]
thestringpuller instead of reinvesting the money in better assets [23:52]
* xdotcomm_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:53]
CheckDavid thestringpuller: is that to me? :) [23:53]
CheckDavid A critique? [23:53]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 261 @ 0.00084201 = 0.2198 BTC [-] {2} [23:53]
* mike_c has quit () [23:54]
benkay thing about shitcoin is that one doesn't get to select the coins received [23:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 80 @ 0.006 = 0.48 BTC [+] {2} [23:54]
thestringpuller CheckDavid: ThickAsThieves has auto divident paying mechanisms in place. I know several people pay dividends directly to bitcoins. If you're generating a profit and want to distribute it accordingly, you could do so even manually. [23:55]
tg2 if it's not 75% premined [23:55]
thestringpuller it's not really that hard. [23:55]
tg2 its better than half the coins [23:55]
thestringpuller directly to bitcoin addresses* [23:55]
CheckDavid thestringpuller: I know. But one had to account for the possibility of coins being exchanged [23:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 22 @ 0.00600518 = 0.1321 BTC [+] {2} [23:57]
CheckDavid That ads something else to worry about [23:57]
benkay CheckDavid: we've explained how to handle that. [23:57]
CheckDavid Ok then forget dividends [23:57]
CheckDavid What of the coins award no dividends? [23:57]
ThickAsThieves CheckDavid: ThickAsThieves has auto divident paying mechanisms in place. /// uhh what? [23:58]
benkay wat [23:58]
CheckDavid How could their value still be correlated with the business performance? [23:58]
ThickAsThieves i got no auto nuthin [23:58]
benkay CheckDavid: that's the magic of owning shares in a business. [23:58]
* jborkl (~jborkl@2602:30a:2c51:e730:ec12:3fc:4dec:1b61) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:58]
* jborkl has quit (Changing host) [23:58]
* jborkl (~jborkl@unaffiliated/jborkl) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:58]
ThickAsThieves they are dividenDs btw [23:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 46 @ 0.00609698 = 0.2805 BTC [-] [23:59]
CheckDavid benkay: what exactly is that magic? [23:59]
benkay a share represents a slice of a company. [23:59]
benkay if that company has value, the share has a slice of the value. [23:59]
CheckDavid Yes. But imagine the coins are not tied to equity. [23:59]
* only_ (~only@gateway/tor-sasl/only) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:59]
jborkl I didn't know JohnK did a runner with over 1000 coins? [23:59]
benkay why? magic. trust in the issuer. [23:59]
* only_ is now known as only [23:59]
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