Forum logs for 26 Jul 2013

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [00:30]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || - most days worth reading, I heard. [00:30]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Tue May 14 16:38:49 2013 [00:30]
* [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support: [00:30]
tiberiusii usagi: there is countless threads of your shady behavior all over the forum [00:30]
tiberiusii your always trying to sell something, borrow bitcoins etc. [00:30]
sky_king seriously, tiberiousii say something nice. Maybe about Mother Theresa. You like her don't you? [00:31]
mircea_popescu i don't like mother theresa. first she never had kids [00:31]
mircea_popescu second she never showed her tits. [00:31]
tiberiusii sky_king: pikers not allowed to have an opinion. [00:32]
mircea_popescu what a wasted life. [00:32]
tiberiusii lol the pervert boiler room operator gypsy strolls in [00:32]
tiberiusii with the fake name popescu which is like a smith in romania [00:32]
tiberiusii!*@* added to ignore list. [00:32]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.00932 = 0.028 BTC [+] [00:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.499 BTC [-] [00:33]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.00931 = 0.0186 BTC [-] [00:34]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.21999 = 0.44 BTC [+] [00:34]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.151 = 1.51 BTC [-] [00:37]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 20 @ 0.0105 = 0.21 BTC [+] [00:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 20 @ 0.0105 = 0.21 BTC [+] [00:40]
* tibertroll ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.0436999 = 0.437 BTC [+] [00:41]
* Apocaly has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 800 @ 0.003799 = 3.0392 BTC [-] [00:41]
tibertroll tiberiusii , I blew a huge load on your moms ass last night [00:42]
* Apocalyptic ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:42]
tibertroll Then your granny [00:42]
tibertroll I teabagged her after [00:43]
kakobrekla no love for daddy? [00:43]
Stardust heh [00:43]
tibertroll I had dad lick my asshole [00:43]
tibertroll they said Tiberius is a dissapointment [00:43]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:43]
tibertroll All he knows how to do is suck balls and troll [00:44]
tibertroll he is no good at either, I can tell you [00:44]
* rulother-gs ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:45]
tibertroll tiberiusii , so I heard you went to comic-con and paid for some nerds to dress up like Star Trek and ass rape you [00:47]
rulother-gs Damn [00:47]
dexX7 ^ hahaha [00:48]
tibertroll spock blew a load of green jizz in your mouth [00:48]
rulother-gs :/ [00:48]
dexX7 "it's him again", right? ^^ [00:48]
tibertroll it is on youtube [00:48]
rulother-gs Poor spock [00:48]
tibertroll you wanted a reach around and Kirk told you to fuck off [00:49]
tibertroll now you are angry and troll [00:49]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 100 @ 0.151 = 15.1 BTC [-] [00:50]
mircea_popescu i need a degree in cryptography just to comprehend wtf people are talking about in this chan anymore [00:51]
* Anduck has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [00:51]
* [\] has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [00:53]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 40 @ 0.1501 = 6.004 BTC [-] [00:53]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04369989 BTC [-] [00:54]
* [\] (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.16 = 0.48 BTC [+] [00:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.16 BTC [+] [00:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.16 BTC [+] [00:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.702 BTC [-] [00:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.702 BTC [-] [00:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 5 @ 0.00348 = 0.0174 BTC [+] [00:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.697 BTC [-] [01:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 43 @ 0.04501 = 1.9354 BTC [-] [01:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.697 = 9.394 BTC [-] [01:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 150 @ 0.0187 = 2.805 BTC [-] [01:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.151 BTC [-] [01:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 168 @ 0.150001 = 25.2002 BTC [-] [01:05]
* phish- has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 118 @ 0.003721 = 0.4391 BTC [-] [01:07]
* [\] has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [01:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 185 @ 0.00372 = 0.6882 BTC [-] [01:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 52 @ 0.00372 = 0.1934 BTC [-] [01:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.0037 BTC [-] [01:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 345 @ 0.0037 = 1.2765 BTC [-] [01:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.697 BTC [-] [01:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.695 = 46.95 BTC [-] [01:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 400 @ 0.00027 = 0.108 BTC [+] [01:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.003667 = 3.667 BTC [-] [01:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 195 @ 0.003665 = 0.7147 BTC [-] [01:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 35 @ 0.003661 = 0.1281 BTC [-] [01:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 70 @ 0.00366 = 0.2562 BTC [-] [01:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 25 @ 0.003656 = 0.0914 BTC [-] [01:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 65 @ 0.003656 = 0.2376 BTC [-] [01:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.003655 = 0.0366 BTC [-] [01:11]
* [\] (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:11]
dub you know you're looking at a winning corporate culture when they guy telling a largish audience that 15% will lose thier jobs gets applause at the end on it [01:12]
* qxzn has quit (Quit: Lost terminal) [01:12]
rulother-gs Who? [01:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 83 @ 0.045 = 3.735 BTC [-] [01:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.045 = 0.18 BTC [-] [01:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 17 @ 0.0446 = 0.7582 BTC [-] [01:13]
ThickAsThieves mp, is this a meme yet? [01:14]
ThickAsThieves someone shared it in the forums [01:15]
ThickAsThieves needs some photochopping to place you in diff situations [01:15]
Apocalyptic heh, horrible suit btw [01:15]
mircea_popescu dub sounds great. [01:16]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves it is in romania yeah [01:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.045 = 0.27 BTC [+] [01:16]
mircea_popescu Apocalyptic what's wrong with it ? [01:16]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:17]
* benkay has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [01:17]
Apocalyptic it just doesn't fit you well i find, kinda too large [01:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.724 BTC [+] [01:17]
mircea_popescu i never went for that entire tight thing. [01:18]
mircea_popescu im a skinny fuck. [01:18]
dub yah, an organisation where analingus is most valuable competency is going places [01:18]
ThickAsThieves [01:18]
mircea_popescu anyway, i took that suit from horseback riding in the sands of the sahara to horseback riding on central america's volcanoes. it actually held up like a champ. [01:18]
mircea_popescu dub don't underestimate the power of obedience. [01:19]
mircea_popescu it's much more powerful than self-entitledness. [01:19]
ThickAsThieves you kinda look like a rabbi in it, for some reason [01:19]
mircea_popescu probably because of the beard. [01:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003895 BTC [+] [01:21]
* naemsi has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:21]
ThickAsThieves MPOE-PR is trying to tell you something "You need better research, seriously now. (Yes there's a massive volume of wrong stuff in your post, I'm just picking a couple cause I'm not getting paid enough for the whole thing.)" [01:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2 @ 0.003895 = 0.0078 BTC [+] [01:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.002849 BTC [+] [01:22]
ThickAsThieves pay the woman! [01:22]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [01:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 75 @ 0.003099 = 0.2324 BTC [+] [01:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 23 @ 0.003001 = 0.069 BTC [-] [01:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 2 @ 0.003 = 0.006 BTC [-] [01:25]
tibertroll tieriusvii , I just finished taking my shit, be a good bitch and come wipe my ass [01:26]
dexX7 A day later, in a completely different environment, the researchers delivered an electric shock to the mice at the same time that they stimulated the previously identified brain cells to trigger the earlier memory. << kinda clever clever >_< [01:26]
* tibertroll has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.045 = 0.315 BTC [+] [01:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1000 @ 0.0018 = 1.8 BTC [-] [01:27]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves lol she has been on a roll on teh forum [01:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 12 @ 0.04499 = 0.5399 BTC [-] [01:28]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 185 @ 0.00027 = 0.05 BTC [+] [01:28]
mircea_popescu lmao. " i guess that has meanwhile turned into a MP fascination thread" [01:28]
mircea_popescu i guess im a very successful photobloggar. [01:29]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 43 @ 0.045 = 1.935 BTC [+] [01:30]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.155 = 0.31 BTC [+] [01:31]
* DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:31]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Changing host) [01:31]
* DeLorean719 (~DeLorean7@unaffiliated/delorean719) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.155 = 0.465 BTC [+] [01:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.045 = 0.135 BTC [+] [01:31]
* Apocalyptic has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:31]
* mpexbot has quit (Disconnected by services) [01:32]
* Vbs has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:33]
* mpexbot (~supybot@unaffiliated/smickles/bot/mpexbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:33]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Excess Flood) [01:34]
* DeLorean731 has quit (Excess Flood) [01:34]
* DeLorean731 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:34]
* DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:34]
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* DeLorean719 (~DeLorean7@unaffiliated/delorean719) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:34]
* gribble has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 16 @ 0.0142 = 0.2272 BTC [-] [01:39]
* rulother-gs has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 89 @ 0.0122 = 1.0858 BTC [-] [01:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 5 @ 0.003884 = 0.0194 BTC [-] [01:39]
* rulother-gs ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:40]
* gribble (~gribble@unaffiliated/nanotube/bot/gribble) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 3 @ 0.000272 = 0.0008 BTC [+] [01:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.013 = 0.026 BTC [-] [01:43]
* Blazedout419 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 3 @ 0.003099 = 0.0093 BTC [+] [01:44]
* rulother-gs has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [01:44]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 117 @ 0.04359989 = 5.1012 BTC [-] [01:46]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.00932 = 0.028 BTC [-] [01:46]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 5 @ 0.00931 = 0.0466 BTC [-] [01:46]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 4 @ 0.0093 = 0.0372 BTC [-] [01:46]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 4 @ 0.00929 = 0.0372 BTC [-] [01:46]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 75 @ 0.009271 = 0.6953 BTC [-] [01:46]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.009261 = 0.0278 BTC [-] [01:46]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 8 @ 0.00925 = 0.074 BTC [-] [01:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.00924 = 0.0185 BTC [-] [01:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 24 @ 0.00923 = 0.2215 BTC [-] [01:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 6 @ 0.00922 = 0.0553 BTC [-] [01:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.009201 = 0.0276 BTC [-] [01:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 7 @ 0.0092001 = 0.0644 BTC [-] [01:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 6 @ 0.00920002 = 0.0552 BTC [-] [01:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 235 @ 0.00920002 = 2.162 BTC [-] [01:48]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.01049 = 0.0315 BTC [+] [01:48]
* saulimus has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04499 = 0.09 BTC [-] [01:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 12 @ 0.003884 = 0.0466 BTC [-] [01:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 31 @ 0.04359989 = 1.3516 BTC [-] [01:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 52 @ 0.04359989 = 2.2672 BTC [-] [01:52]
* Blazedout419 ( has left #bitcoin-assets [01:52]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 6 @ 0.01049 = 0.0629 BTC [+] [01:53]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3600 @ 0.0008641 = 3.1108 BTC [-] [01:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 17 @ 0.51 = 8.67 BTC [+] [01:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 171 @ 0.01049 = 1.7938 BTC [+] [01:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 8 @ 0.16 = 1.28 BTC [+] [01:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.17 = 0.51 BTC [+] [01:58]
* hnz has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [02:00]
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assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.51 BTC [+] [02:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 30 @ 0.01996 = 0.5988 BTC [+] [02:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 7 @ 0.043111 = 0.3018 BTC [-] [02:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 30 @ 0.013 = 0.39 BTC [-] [02:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.043111 BTC [-] [02:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.04311 = 0.2156 BTC [-] [02:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 25 @ 0.003885 = 0.0971 BTC [+] [02:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 6 @ 0.003895 = 0.0234 BTC [+] [02:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 36 @ 0.003896 = 0.1403 BTC [+] [02:04]
* hnz ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:04]
* darkee_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:07]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 8 @ 0.04339989 = 0.3472 BTC [+] [02:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003884 BTC [-] [02:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 25 @ 0.003091 = 0.0773 BTC [-] [02:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.003092 = 0.3092 BTC [+] [02:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 25 @ 0.003099 = 0.0775 BTC [+] [02:10]
* oizotov (~x@gateway/tor-sasl/oizotov) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 25 @ 0.003099 = 0.0775 BTC [+] [02:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 25 @ 0.003099 = 0.0775 BTC [+] [02:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 8 @ 0.003099 = 0.0248 BTC [+] [02:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 4 @ 0.003099 = 0.0124 BTC [+] [02:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.003098 BTC [-] [02:13]
* naemsi (~wanderwah@gateway/tor-sasl/wanderwah) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:20]
* darkee_ (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 11 @ 0.04311 = 0.4742 BTC [-] [02:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 20 @ 0.04300001 = 0.86 BTC [-] [02:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.043 = 0.215 BTC [-] [02:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 114 @ 0.0429001 = 4.8906 BTC [-] [02:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.045 = 0.18 BTC [+] [02:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.17 = 0.34 BTC [+] [02:23]
* CheckDavid (~david@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.045 = 0.135 BTC [+] [02:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.04501 = 0.2701 BTC [+] [02:25]
* benkay (~benkay@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.01024 BTC [+] [02:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.00389 BTC [+] [02:27]
* Xerxes32 has quit () [02:27]
* benkay has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [02:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.045 = 0.09 BTC [-] [02:33]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 110 @ 0.000264 = 0.029 BTC [-] [02:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 883 @ 0.000263 = 0.2322 BTC [-] [02:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 20 @ 0.00026101 = 0.0052 BTC [-] [02:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 100 @ 0.000261 = 0.0261 BTC [-] [02:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 88 @ 0.00026001 = 0.0229 BTC [-] [02:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.45 BTC [+] [02:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.043 = 0.129 BTC [+] [02:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.6349 = 1.2698 BTC [+] [02:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.6349 BTC [+] [02:44]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 6 @ 0.17 = 1.02 BTC [+] [02:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 192 @ 0.003889 = 0.7467 BTC [-] [02:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 498 @ 0.00389 = 1.9372 BTC [+] [02:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 44 @ 0.003896 = 0.1714 BTC [+] [02:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 571 @ 0.0039 = 2.2269 BTC [+] [02:46]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 899 @ 0.00026 = 0.2337 BTC [-] [02:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 10 @ 0.635 = 6.35 BTC [+] [02:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.045 = 0.27 BTC [-] [02:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 47 @ 0.045 = 2.115 BTC [-] [02:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 47 @ 0.04501 = 2.1155 BTC [+] [02:48]
* cads has quit (Quit: Leaving) [02:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 25 @ 0.003099 = 0.0775 BTC [+] [02:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0031 BTC [+] [02:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 39 @ 0.0031 = 0.1209 BTC [+] [02:53]
* cads ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 100 @ 0.0446 = 4.46 BTC [-] [02:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 25 @ 0.003099 = 0.0775 BTC [-] [02:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 25 @ 0.003099 = 0.0775 BTC [-] [02:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 36 @ 0.0031 = 0.1116 BTC [+] [02:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 14 @ 0.0031 = 0.0434 BTC [+] [02:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 113 @ 0.00996 = 1.1255 BTC [+] [02:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 10 @ 0.00995 = 0.0995 BTC [-] [02:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 2 @ 0.00993 = 0.0199 BTC [-] [02:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 15 @ 0.009921 = 0.1488 BTC [-] [02:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 100 @ 0.009921 = 0.9921 BTC [-] [02:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 28 @ 0.00992 = 0.2778 BTC [-] [02:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 10 @ 0.009907 = 0.0991 BTC [-] [02:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1000 @ 0.009906 = 9.906 BTC [-] [02:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 100 @ 0.009905 = 0.9905 BTC [-] [02:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2 @ 0.0039 = 0.0078 BTC [+] [02:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 10 @ 0.009904 = 0.099 BTC [-] [03:00]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 40 @ 0.0099 = 0.396 BTC [-] [03:00]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 22 @ 0.635 = 13.97 BTC [+] [03:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 15 @ 0.635 = 9.525 BTC [+] [03:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.635 BTC [+] [03:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.6424 BTC [+] [03:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 10 @ 0.6499 = 6.499 BTC [+] [03:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.6843 BTC [+] [03:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 11 @ 0.6845 = 7.5295 BTC [+] [03:03]
* Grishnakh_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.687 = 1.374 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.69 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.696 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 6 @ 0.72 = 4.32 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.7225 = 1.445 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 3 @ 0.732 = 2.196 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.04501 = 0.135 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 6 @ 0.75 = 4.5 BTC [+] [03:04]
* fraiska has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 929 @ 0.00026 = 0.2415 BTC [-] [03:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 71 @ 0.0002581 = 0.0183 BTC [-] [03:06]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 2000 @ 0.0002581 = 0.5162 BTC [-] [03:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04501 = 0.18 BTC [+] [03:08]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2700 @ 0.00086425 = 2.3335 BTC [+] [03:08]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MG] 10000 @ 0.00024 = 2.4 BTC [-] [03:08]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1929 @ 0.0002581 = 0.4979 BTC [-] [03:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1000 @ 0.000258 = 0.258 BTC [-] [03:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 2000 @ 0.000255 = 0.51 BTC [-] [03:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 4000 @ 0.000255 = 1.02 BTC [-] [03:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1071 @ 0.00025401 = 0.272 BTC [-] [03:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 3 @ 0.7519 = 2.2557 BTC [+] [03:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.755 = 1.51 BTC [+] [03:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.04596 = 0.3217 BTC [+] [03:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11400 @ 0.00086425 = 9.8525 BTC [+] [03:11]
* rulother-gs (~rulother@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:12]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.16999999 = 1.7 BTC [-] [03:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 11 @ 0.0031 = 0.0341 BTC [+] [03:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0431 = 0.2155 BTC [+] [03:27]
* error47311 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0431 = 0.2155 BTC [+] [03:32]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.0431 = 0.431 BTC [+] [03:34]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Leaving) [03:37]
* San1ty has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [03:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 19 @ 0.01997 = 0.3794 BTC [+] [03:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.684 = 9.368 BTC [-] [03:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.67 BTC [-] [03:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.66 BTC [-] [03:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.654 BTC [-] [03:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.653 BTC [-] [03:42]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3211 @ 0.0008641 = 2.7746 BTC [-] [03:48]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14597 @ 0.00086382 = 12.6092 BTC [-] [03:48]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.04315 = 0.1726 BTC [+] [03:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.653 BTC [-] [03:50]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10097 @ 0.00086425 = 8.7263 BTC [+] [03:51]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8403 @ 0.00087 = 7.3106 BTC [+] [03:51]
* lippoper1 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:54]
mircea_popescu [03:54]
ozbot Feds tell Web firms to turn over user account passwords | Politics and Law - CNET News [03:54]
mircea_popescu meanwhile back in teh uslag. [03:54]
* lippoper ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 40 @ 0.1616 = 6.464 BTC [-] [03:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04315 BTC [+] [03:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 1 @ 0.0008351 BTC [+] [03:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0431999 = 0.0864 BTC [+] [04:00]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 77 @ 0.00388 = 0.2988 BTC [-] [04:02]
* MCM-Mike has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:02]
* MCM-Mike ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:03]
* MCM-Mike is now known as Guest59236 [04:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 20 @ 0.0018 = 0.036 BTC [-] [04:05]
* Guest59236 has quit (Max SendQ exceeded) [04:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 20 @ 0.01261 = 0.2522 BTC [-] [04:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 12 @ 0.04461 = 0.5353 BTC [-] [04:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.0018 BTC [-] [04:09]
* MCM-Mike_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.013 BTC [+] [04:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 67 @ 0.013 = 0.871 BTC [+] [04:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 33 @ 0.01324 = 0.4369 BTC [+] [04:21]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 28 @ 0.0431999 = 1.2096 BTC [+] [04:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 94 @ 0.003196 = 0.3004 BTC [+] [04:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.0446 = 0.446 BTC [-] [04:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.51 = 1.02 BTC [+] [04:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 106 @ 0.002833 = 0.3003 BTC [-] [04:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 5 @ 0.003806 = 0.019 BTC [-] [04:26]
* B0g4r7 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:31]
* B0g4r7__ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:31]
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assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 137 @ 0.01324 = 1.8139 BTC [+] [04:35]
* rulother ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:38]
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assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 8 @ 0.51 = 4.08 BTC [+] [04:42]
* chsados_ is now known as chsados [04:42]
* chsados is now known as Guest79679 [04:43]
* Guest79679 has quit (Quit: Leaving) [04:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 8 @ 0.01024 = 0.0819 BTC [+] [04:43]
* chsados_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 25 @ 0.003101 = 0.0775 BTC [-] [04:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 195 @ 0.0031 = 0.6045 BTC [-] [04:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.65 BTC [-] [04:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.5298 BTC [+] [04:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 5 @ 0.003877 = 0.0194 BTC [+] [04:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003878 BTC [+] [04:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1023 @ 0.00388 = 3.9692 BTC [+] [04:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 227 @ 0.003895 = 0.8842 BTC [+] [04:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 5 @ 0.0039 = 0.0195 BTC [+] [04:58]
* rulother has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [05:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.53 BTC [+] [05:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2534 @ 0.0039 = 9.8826 BTC [+] [05:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3 @ 0.0039 = 0.0117 BTC [+] [05:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 25 @ 0.00394 = 0.0985 BTC [+] [05:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1476 @ 0.003979 = 5.873 BTC [+] [05:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.00398 = 3.98 BTC [+] [05:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 40 @ 0.00399 = 0.1596 BTC [+] [05:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 180 @ 0.003992 = 0.7186 BTC [+] [05:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1319 @ 0.003993 = 5.2668 BTC [+] [05:13]
* lippoper has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [05:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 279 @ 0.003993 = 1.114 BTC [+] [05:16]
* lippoper ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:16]
* San1ty has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [05:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 95 @ 0.003993 = 0.3793 BTC [+] [05:19]
* ColdHardMetal (~IceChat77@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 250 @ 0.0018 = 0.45 BTC [-] [05:22]
* ColdHardMetal has quit (Changing host) [05:22]
* ColdHardMetal (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/coldhardmetal) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:22]
* topace_ (~topace@unaffiliated/topace) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:25]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.0098 BTC [-] [05:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.0431999 = 4.32 BTC [+] [05:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.17 BTC [+] [05:30]
ozbot Bitcoin Charts / Charts [05:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 3 @ 0.000945 = 0.0028 BTC [+] [05:35]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 9 @ 0.17 = 1.53 BTC [+] [05:35]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.173 = 1.73 BTC [+] [05:35]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.174 = 1.74 BTC [+] [05:35]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.175 = 1.75 BTC [+] [05:35]
* Hiro2 (~Hiro2@unaffiliated/hiro2) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003993 = 0.3993 BTC [+] [05:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 150 @ 0.003993 = 0.599 BTC [+] [05:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 100 @ 0.0018 = 0.18 BTC [-] [05:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 20 @ 0.003993 = 0.0799 BTC [+] [05:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 4 @ 0.0018 = 0.0072 BTC [-] [05:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 5 @ 0.18 = 0.9 BTC [+] [05:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 5 @ 0.188888 = 0.9444 BTC [+] [05:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.189 BTC [+] [05:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 22 @ 0.19 = 4.18 BTC [+] [05:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 17 @ 0.2 = 3.4 BTC [+] [05:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 8 @ 0.2 = 1.6 BTC [+] [05:43]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 20 @ 0.21 = 4.2 BTC [+] [05:43]
* topace_ has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [05:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.003993 = 1.9965 BTC [+] [05:44]
dexX7 [05:46]
ozbot [BTC-TC] Virtual Community Exchange w/ Options, DRIP, 2FA, API, CSV, etc. [05:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1005 @ 0.003993 = 4.013 BTC [+] [05:48]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 12 @ 0.21 = 2.52 BTC [+] [05:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003994 BTC [+] [05:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 99 @ 0.003994 = 0.3954 BTC [+] [05:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 35 @ 0.04594 = 1.6079 BTC [+] [05:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04595 = 0.2298 BTC [+] [05:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.04597 = 0.4137 BTC [+] [05:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 100 @ 0.0018 = 0.18 BTC [-] [05:55]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [05:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 126 @ 0.0432999 = 5.4558 BTC [+] [05:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 74 @ 0.0432999 = 3.2042 BTC [+] [05:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 28 @ 0.0430003 = 1.204 BTC [-] [06:01]
* San1ty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:03]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 99 @ 0.0430003 = 4.257 BTC [-] [06:03]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0430002 BTC [-] [06:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0049 BTC [06:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004567 BTC [-] [06:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00465 BTC [+] [06:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00443 BTC [-] [06:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00435 BTC [-] [06:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004699 BTC [+] [06:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.04505 = 0.4055 BTC [-] [06:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.04504 = 2.252 BTC [-] [06:10]
* GordonG3kko has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [06:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.04501 = 0.3151 BTC [-] [06:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.045 = 0.675 BTC [-] [06:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04491 = 0.2246 BTC [-] [06:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.0449 = 0.449 BTC [-] [06:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 51 @ 0.04461 = 2.2751 BTC [-] [06:10]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0432999 BTC [+] [06:10]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 11 @ 0.0432999 = 0.4763 BTC [+] [06:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004397 BTC [-] [06:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0432999 BTC [+] [06:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.65 BTC [-] [06:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 18 @ 0.003994 = 0.0719 BTC [-] [06:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00392 BTC [-] [06:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 35 @ 0.04461 = 1.5614 BTC [-] [06:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04461 = 0.2231 BTC [-] [06:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04461 BTC [-] [06:14]
* GordonG3kko (~GordonG3k@gateway/tor-sasl/gordong3kko) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004 BTC [+] [06:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0446 BTC [-] [06:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.0446 = 0.0892 BTC [-] [06:16]
* DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:16]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Changing host) [06:16]
* DeLorean719 (~DeLorean7@unaffiliated/delorean719) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0446 BTC [-] [06:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.65 BTC [-] [06:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 99 @ 0.0039 = 0.3861 BTC [-] [06:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 14 @ 0.0039 = 0.0546 BTC [-] [06:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 99 @ 0.004 = 0.396 BTC [+] [06:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 3 @ 0.6715 = 2.0145 BTC [-] [06:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 10 @ 0.671 = 6.71 BTC [-] [06:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.67 BTC [-] [06:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 3 @ 0.66 = 1.98 BTC [-] [06:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 10 @ 0.651 = 6.51 BTC [-] [06:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 85 @ 0.0039 = 0.3315 BTC [-] [06:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 17 @ 0.65 = 11.05 BTC [-] [06:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.003802 = 0.057 BTC [-] [06:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04596 BTC [+] [06:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004 = 0.4 BTC [+] [06:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004 = 0.2 BTC [+] [06:24]
* ericmuyser has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [06:25]
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Namworld ? [06:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2000 @ 0.0039 = 7.8 BTC [-] [06:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 20 @ 0.01901 = 0.3802 BTC [-] [06:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 10 @ 0.019 = 0.19 BTC [-] [06:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 200 @ 0.019 = 3.8 BTC [-] [06:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004 BTC [+] [06:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 100 @ 0.01265 = 1.265 BTC [-] [06:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 4 @ 0.01262 = 0.0505 BTC [-] [06:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 30 @ 0.01261 = 0.3783 BTC [-] [06:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 50 @ 0.01261 = 0.6305 BTC [-] [06:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 200 @ 0.0126 = 2.52 BTC [-] [06:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.0039 = 0.039 BTC [-] [06:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 118 @ 0.0039 = 0.4602 BTC [-] [06:28]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.04315 = 0.2158 BTC [-] [06:28]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.0431999 = 0.432 BTC [+] [06:28]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 116 @ 0.0431999 = 5.0112 BTC [+] [06:30]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 125 @ 0.0432998 = 5.4125 BTC [+] [06:30]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 44 @ 0.04329989 = 1.9052 BTC [+] [06:30]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 125 @ 0.04329989 = 5.4125 BTC [+] [06:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 4 @ 0.0399 = 0.1596 BTC [+] [06:37]
* San1ty has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [06:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 1 @ 0.0399 BTC [+] [06:37]
Hiro2 what securities are you guys investing in? [06:41]
* ericmuyser (~ericmuyse@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:41]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.0098 = 0.0196 BTC [-] [06:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 11 @ 0.000272 = 0.003 BTC [+] [06:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004 = 0.2 BTC [+] [06:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 636 @ 0.004 = 2.544 BTC [+] [06:48]
* [7] has quit (Disconnected by services) [06:49]
* TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.65 BTC [-] [06:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 34 @ 0.004 = 0.136 BTC [+] [06:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 16 @ 0.00399 = 0.0638 BTC [-] [06:51]
thestringpuller ;;seen mod6 [06:51]
gribble mod6 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 20 hours, 49 minutes, and 56 seconds ago: s/poste/posts [06:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 8 @ 0.043292 = 0.3463 BTC [-] [06:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00399 BTC [-] [06:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.00399 = 0.0599 BTC [-] [07:01]
* San1ty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04596 BTC [+] [07:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 5 @ 0.0399 = 0.1995 BTC [+] [07:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 750 @ 0.004 = 3 BTC [+] [07:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 580 @ 0.004 = 2.32 BTC [+] [07:08]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0431 = 0.2155 BTC [-] [07:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 72 @ 0.0431999 = 3.1104 BTC [+] [07:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 800 @ 0.0043 = 3.44 BTC [+] [07:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9400 @ 0.00086493 = 8.1303 BTC [-] [07:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 850 @ 0.00086378 = 0.7342 BTC [-] [07:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004348 BTC [+] [07:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.00989 = 0.0297 BTC [+] [07:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004347 BTC [-] [07:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6300 @ 0.00086511 = 5.4502 BTC [+] [07:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.004347 = 0.013 BTC [-] [07:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 96 @ 0.004347 = 0.4173 BTC [-] [07:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0044 = 0.44 BTC [+] [07:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 806 @ 0.004499 = 3.6262 BTC [+] [07:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 3 @ 0.000273 = 0.0008 BTC [+] [07:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 140 @ 0.0045 = 0.63 BTC [+] [07:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.0045 = 0.018 BTC [+] [07:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 256 @ 0.0045 = 1.152 BTC [+] [07:23]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0431999 = 0.216 BTC [+] [07:23]
mod6 whats up thestringpuller [07:25]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 15 @ 0.00025505 = 0.0038 BTC [+] [07:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 15 @ 0.00025501 = 0.0038 BTC [-] [07:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 50 @ 0.000255 = 0.0128 BTC [-] [07:30]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 29 @ 0.0432 = 1.2528 BTC [+] [07:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0433 = 0.2165 BTC [+] [07:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.04596 = 0.2758 BTC [+] [07:37]
* San1ty has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [07:37]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.04339986 = 0.0868 BTC [+] [07:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04339986 BTC [+] [07:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.009997 BTC [+] [07:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 3 @ 0.003195 = 0.0096 BTC [+] [07:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.01024 BTC [+] [07:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 6 @ 0.000273 = 0.0016 BTC [+] [07:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000275 BTC [+] [07:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0043 BTC [-] [07:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0043 BTC [-] [07:54]
* lippoper1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:55]
* lippoper has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [07:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.0044 = 2.2 BTC [+] [07:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0044 = 4.4 BTC [+] [07:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.004489 = 0.0898 BTC [+] [07:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 400 @ 0.00449 = 1.796 BTC [+] [07:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.00449 = 0.0449 BTC [+] [07:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1550 @ 0.0045 = 6.975 BTC [+] [07:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 470 @ 0.0041 = 1.927 BTC [-] [08:00]
* topace has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [08:00]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 17 @ 0.00449 = 0.0763 BTC [+] [08:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00448 = 0.224 BTC [-] [08:04]
* San1ty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00448 = 0.448 BTC [-] [08:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 19 @ 0.00449 = 0.0853 BTC [+] [08:06]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 12 @ 0.0432 = 0.5184 BTC [-] [08:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.00448 = 0.0179 BTC [-] [08:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.0041 = 0.615 BTC [-] [08:11]
* tiberiusii has quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) [08:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000275 BTC [+] [08:15]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8900 @ 0.00086511 = 7.6995 BTC [+] [08:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 600 @ 0.00087 = 0.522 BTC [+] [08:16]
* Apocalyptic ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:16]
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assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.00445 = 0.0223 BTC [+] [08:20]
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* asciilifeform is now known as Guest10786 [08:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.0133 BTC [+] [08:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.476 BTC [-] [08:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.476 BTC [-] [08:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.476 = 1.428 BTC [-] [08:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.4752 = 1.4256 BTC [-] [08:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4751 BTC [-] [08:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4751 BTC [-] [08:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 23 @ 0.04339986 = 0.9982 BTC [+] [08:26]
ThickAsThieves finally, some real news: [08:27]
* ColdHardMetal has quit (Quit: Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector) [08:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 2 @ 0.0018 = 0.0036 BTC [-] [08:27]
[\] What's with all the little dick dudes being involved in the sex scandals? [08:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00444 BTC [-] [08:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.00444 = 0.0089 BTC [-] [08:28]
ThickAsThieves what's with mistresses getting airplay [08:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 80 @ 0.0433 = 3.464 BTC [-] [08:29]
ThickAsThieves the woman looks like someone who got paid to smear [08:29]
* sky_king has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [08:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.00444 = 0.0311 BTC [-] [08:30]
ThickAsThieves "Otherwise he wouldn't have went on the whole 'I'm a changed man, I've learned my lesson, I wouldn't have said those things' if he wasn't trying to be someone he wasn't," she said. [08:31]
Duffer1 i bet she got $$PAYED$$ [08:31]
ThickAsThieves yep [08:31]
ThickAsThieves PAID* [08:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 5 @ 0.01024 = 0.0512 BTC [+] [08:31]
Duffer1 that too :P [08:31]
ThickAsThieves "The exact wording was that he was an argumentative, perpetually horny middle aged man," she said. "And at the time, I was like, 'Oh no, you're not.' But yes, he is." [08:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 135 @ 0.04594 = 6.2019 BTC [-] [08:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 200 @ 0.04595 = 9.19 BTC [+] [08:32]
Duffer1 so they had phone sex like all the damned time, but $uddenly $he feel$ "manipulated" [08:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04597 = 0.2299 BTC [+] [08:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 65 @ 0.04597 = 2.9881 BTC [+] [08:33]
ThickAsThieves another lol [08:33]
ThickAsThieves [08:33]
ozbot Christie: NSA critics should talk to 9/11 families – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs [08:33]
ThickAsThieves why does CNN even exist [08:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 22 @ 0.04597 = 1.0113 BTC [+] [08:33]
ThickAsThieves let's see how foxnews is doing [08:34]
Duffer1 oh lawd lets not [08:35]
ThickAsThieves wow, it's actually like 500% more newsy than CNN [08:35]
* San1ty has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [08:39]
* ColdHardMetal (~IceChat77@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:39]
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* ColdHardMetal (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/coldhardmetal) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:40]
* MCM-Mike_ is now known as MCM-Mike [08:41]
* MCM-Mike has quit (Changing host) [08:42]
* MCM-Mike (~mcm@unaffiliated/mcm-mike) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.004204 = 0.0378 BTC [-] [08:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 91 @ 0.004203 = 0.3825 BTC [-] [08:42]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [08:44]
Duffer1 [08:48]
* Hiro2 has quit () [08:48]
ozbot Free Kanye West RPG Takes The Whole Phenomenon To A New Level [08:48]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4100 @ 0.00086378 = 3.5415 BTC [-] [08:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 8 @ 0.0126 = 0.1008 BTC [-] [08:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 14 @ 0.004203 = 0.0588 BTC [-] [08:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 179 @ 0.004202 = 0.7522 BTC [-] [08:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 39 @ 0.004202 = 0.1639 BTC [-] [08:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 27 @ 0.00435 = 0.1175 BTC [+] [08:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.00435 = 0.0218 BTC [+] [09:00]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [10:15]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || - most days worth reading, I heard. [10:15]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Tue May 14 16:38:49 2013 [10:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004202 = 0.4202 BTC [+] [10:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.004201 = 2.1005 BTC [-] [10:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 800 @ 0.004201 = 3.3608 BTC [-] [10:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.66 = 23.3 BTC [+] [10:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 2000 @ 0.0018 = 3.6 BTC [-] [10:22]
* Duffer1 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 22.0/20130618035212]) [10:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.004287 = 0.0386 BTC [+] [10:26]
* dance4x ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:27]
* AusBitBank ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004287 BTC [+] [10:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.004288 = 0.0386 BTC [+] [10:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 17 @ 0.004288 = 0.0729 BTC [+] [10:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 69 @ 0.004288 = 0.2959 BTC [+] [10:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.004288 = 0.8576 BTC [+] [10:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 553 @ 0.004289 = 2.3718 BTC [+] [10:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 999 @ 0.00429 = 4.2857 BTC [+] [10:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.643 BTC [-] [10:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 4.641 = 41.769 BTC [-] [10:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.00435 = 0.0131 BTC [+] [10:36]
* louong has quit (Quit: louong) [10:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4754 BTC [+] [10:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.4754 = 1.4262 BTC [+] [10:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.4753 BTC [-] [10:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.4752 = 0.9504 BTC [-] [10:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 13 @ 0.4751 = 6.1763 BTC [-] [10:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 3 @ 0.0145 = 0.0435 BTC [+] [10:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.00435 = 0.0087 BTC [+] [10:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 250 @ 0.0018 = 0.45 BTC [-] [10:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.00435 = 0.1305 BTC [+] [10:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0043 = 0.43 BTC [-] [10:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 2 @ 0.003194 = 0.0064 BTC [-] [10:51]
* lippoper has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [10:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.0043 = 0.0172 BTC [-] [10:53]
* random_cat has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [10:53]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 23 @ 0.04339987 = 0.9982 BTC [+] [10:54]
* random_cat (~random_ca@gateway/tor-sasl/randomcat/x-49498005) has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:55]
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assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.0043 = 0.086 BTC [-] [10:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3055 @ 0.0043 = 13.1365 BTC [-] [10:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 40 @ 0.0018 = 0.072 BTC [-] [11:01]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6450 @ 0.00084059 = 5.4218 BTC [-] [11:03]
* benkay has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [11:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.0043 = 0.0129 BTC [-] [11:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.0043 = 0.0215 BTC [-] [11:10]
* saulimus ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:11]
* saulimus has quit (Quit: saulimus) [11:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 16 @ 0.0043 = 0.0688 BTC [-] [11:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 214 @ 0.00434 = 0.9288 BTC [+] [11:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004335 BTC [-] [11:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 2 @ 0.0008355 = 0.0017 BTC [-] [11:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.004335 = 0.0217 BTC [-] [11:23]
Scrat [11:23]
Apocalyptic that's how it's done [11:24]
* Neil_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [11:25]
* Neil_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004335 = 0.2168 BTC [-] [11:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 52 @ 0.04598 = 2.391 BTC [+] [11:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 13 @ 0.000275 = 0.0036 BTC [+] [11:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04598 BTC [+] [11:31]
* benkay ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.009997 BTC [+] [11:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.004335 = 0.039 BTC [-] [11:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.00313 BTC [-] [11:34]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [11:53]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || - most days worth reading, I heard. [11:53]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Tue May 14 16:38:49 2013 [11:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 46 @ 0.004315 = 0.1985 BTC [-] [11:57]
* B0g4r7__ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [11:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0043 = 0.215 BTC [-] [11:59]
* coin2 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.0096 BTC [-] [12:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 6 @ 0.00921 = 0.0553 BTC [-] [12:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 6 @ 0.009201 = 0.0552 BTC [-] [12:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 100 @ 0.00920003 = 0.92 BTC [-] [12:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 274 @ 0.00920002 = 2.5208 BTC [-] [12:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 71 @ 0.00920001 = 0.6532 BTC [-] [12:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 130 @ 0.0091 = 1.183 BTC [-] [12:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 10 @ 0.0091 = 0.091 BTC [-] [12:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.0091 = 0.0182 BTC [-] [12:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 60 @ 0.00900001 = 0.54 BTC [-] [12:00]
* coin2 has quit (Changing host) [12:00]
* coin2 (~coingenui@unaffiliated/coingenuity) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 14 @ 0.00900001 = 0.126 BTC [-] [12:00]
* coin2 is now known as coingenuity [12:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.009 = 0.027 BTC [-] [12:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 6 @ 0.0088 = 0.0528 BTC [-] [12:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.0086 = 0.0258 BTC [-] [12:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.0085 = 0.0255 BTC [-] [12:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.0085 = 0.0255 BTC [-] [12:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.0083 BTC [-] [12:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00809 BTC [-] [12:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 6 @ 0.0079001 = 0.0474 BTC [-] [12:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 760 @ 0.0043 = 3.268 BTC [-] [12:01]
mircea_popescu Case on: Chip Temperature: 59.2oC (as reported by BFGMiner) Ambient Temperature: 32.7oC Case Temperature: 49.4oC Noise Level: 87dB [12:02]
mircea_popescu Case Off: Chip Temperature: 37.6oC (as reported by BFGMiner) Ambient Temperature: 30.9oC Case Temperature: N/A Noise Level: 36dB [12:02]
mircea_popescu the wonders of bfl engineering. [12:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0043 = 0.43 BTC [-] [12:03]
* B0g4r7 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.04574 = 0.4574 BTC [+] [12:08]
* toffoo has quit () [12:09]
* benkay ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.04572 = 0.3658 BTC [-] [12:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 14 @ 0.04573 = 0.6402 BTC [+] [12:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0043 BTC [-] [12:23]
* error47311 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:24]
* benkay has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) [12:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 10 @ 0.000275 = 0.0028 BTC [+] [12:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 97 @ 0.0043 = 0.4171 BTC [-] [12:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.003159 BTC [+] [12:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.6451 BTC [-] [12:43]
* Vbs (~Vbs@unaffiliated/vbs) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.0043 = 0.0344 BTC [-] [12:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.2 = 2 BTC [-] [12:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 6 @ 0.20999999 = 1.26 BTC [+] [12:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00425 = 0.425 BTC [-] [12:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004204 = 0.4204 BTC [-] [12:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.004204 = 0.0084 BTC [-] [12:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 588 @ 0.004204 = 2.472 BTC [-] [12:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0043 BTC [+] [12:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004205 = 0.4205 BTC [-] [12:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.004204 = 0.6306 BTC [-] [12:47]
* kingofsports (47b3dd29@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:47]
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assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 400 @ 0.0018 = 0.72 BTC [-] [12:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 9 @ 0.0205 = 0.1845 BTC [+] [12:50]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 22 @ 0.04339987 = 0.9548 BTC [+] [12:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 92 @ 0.04339989 = 3.9928 BTC [+] [12:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.603 = 13.809 BTC [-] [12:52]
* kingofsports has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [12:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004205 = 0.4205 BTC [+] [12:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 652 @ 0.004204 = 2.741 BTC [-] [12:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1020 @ 0.004203 = 4.2871 BTC [-] [12:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 80 @ 0.004202 = 0.3362 BTC [-] [12:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.004201 = 4.201 BTC [-] [12:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 628 @ 0.0042 = 2.6376 BTC [-] [12:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04482 = 0.0896 BTC [-] [12:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.04482 = 0.1793 BTC [-] [12:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 91 @ 0.04465 = 4.0632 BTC [-] [12:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 74 @ 0.04464 = 3.3034 BTC [-] [12:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 1 @ 0.0205 BTC [+] [12:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.5147 = 1.0294 BTC [+] [12:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.04562 = 0.6843 BTC [+] [12:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.04563 = 2.2815 BTC [+] [12:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 100 @ 0.0018 = 0.18 BTC [-] [12:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8550 @ 0.00081076 = 6.932 BTC [-] [13:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.01044887 BTC [+] [13:01]
* terryww ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.0042 = 0.084 BTC [-] [13:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.5 BTC [-] [13:03]
* lippoper has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 59 @ 0.00421 = 0.2484 BTC [+] [13:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 352 @ 0.0042 = 1.4784 BTC [-] [13:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 80 @ 0.004103 = 0.3282 BTC [-] [13:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004102 = 0.4102 BTC [-] [13:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 696 @ 0.004101 = 2.8543 BTC [-] [13:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 196 @ 0.0041 = 0.8036 BTC [-] [13:08]
* lippoper ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 483 @ 0.0043 = 2.0769 BTC [+] [13:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0043 = 0.43 BTC [+] [13:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.00431 = 0.0129 BTC [+] [13:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.0043 = 0.0258 BTC [-] [13:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 18 @ 0.00431 = 0.0776 BTC [+] [13:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.004314 = 0.0302 BTC [+] [13:18]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.00831 = 0.0166 BTC [-] [13:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.0043 = 0.172 BTC [-] [13:19]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 10 @ 0.000255 = 0.0026 BTC [-] [13:19]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1953 @ 0.000255 = 0.498 BTC [-] [13:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04379 BTC [+] [13:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 265 @ 0.00081076 = 0.2149 BTC [-] [13:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 371 @ 0.0043 = 1.5953 BTC [-] [13:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 25 @ 0.003196 = 0.0799 BTC [+] [13:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.003197 = 0.3197 BTC [+] [13:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 15 @ 0.00026998 = 0.004 BTC [+] [13:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 8 @ 0.04379 = 0.3503 BTC [+] [13:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.5148 BTC [+] [13:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.515 BTC [+] [13:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 73 @ 0.004314 = 0.3149 BTC [+] [13:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 390 @ 0.004314 = 1.6825 BTC [+] [13:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.516 BTC [+] [13:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.517 BTC [+] [13:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 80 @ 0.004314 = 0.3451 BTC [+] [13:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.04379688 = 0.1314 BTC [+] [13:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 100 @ 0.01023 = 1.023 BTC [-] [13:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.004314 = 0.0302 BTC [+] [13:31]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22200 @ 0.00079922 = 17.7427 BTC [-] [13:31]
FabianB_ !t m S.MG [13:31]
assbot [MPEX:S.MG] 1D: 0.00024 / 0.00024476 / 0.00025 (19100 shares, 4.68 BTC), 7D: 0.000185 / 0.00023218 / 0.000295 (1247665 shares, 289.69 BTC), 30D: 0.00012451 / 0.00021941 / 0.0004 (2073543 shares, 454.96 BTC) [13:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 73 @ 0.00026999 = 0.0197 BTC [+] [13:31]
FabianB_ !t h S.MG [13:32]
assbot Hell, ain't we about more fucked than a whore at closin' time, huh? [13:32]
FabianB_ !t h SMG [13:32]
assbot [HAVELOCK:SMG] 1D: 0.00025401 / 0.00025909 / 0.00027999 (22939 shares, 5.94337810 BTC), 7D: 0.00024000 / 0.00028347 / 0.00044998 (435816 shares, 123.54101583 BTC), 30D: 0.00009500 / 0.00033643 / 0.00095000 (589988 shares, 198.49044479 BTC) [13:32]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.00851 = 0.0255 BTC [+] [13:38]
* daybyter has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [13:40]
* lippoper1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:41]
* lippoper has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [13:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.00850001 = 0.017 BTC [-] [13:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 1 @ 0.036 BTC [-] [13:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 4 @ 0.03632 = 0.1453 BTC [+] [13:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 20 @ 0.0399 = 0.798 BTC [+] [13:45]
* CheckDavid (~david@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.004299 = 0.0344 BTC [-] [13:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 3 @ 0.013 = 0.039 BTC [-] [13:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 100 @ 0.013 = 1.3 BTC [-] [13:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 5 @ 0.0121 = 0.0605 BTC [-] [13:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 100 @ 0.0121 = 1.21 BTC [-] [13:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 140 @ 0.0085 = 1.19 BTC [-] [13:52]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 337 @ 0.00832 = 2.8038 BTC [-] [13:52]
* error47311 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [13:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.012 BTC [-] [13:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 21 @ 0.01161 = 0.2438 BTC [-] [13:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00866 BTC [+] [13:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 10 @ 0.00867 = 0.0867 BTC [+] [14:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 139 @ 0.00868 = 1.2065 BTC [+] [14:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 50 @ 0.0399 = 1.995 BTC [+] [14:05]
* BigBitz|wrk ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:05]
BigBitz|wrk burnside: are you here? [14:05]
Scrat ;;slap BigBitz|wrk [14:05]
* gribble slaps BigBitz|wrk with a indiscreet Bitcoin [14:05]
BigBitz|wrk or someone else, I am perhaps being stupid but..... I can only see one of my stocks :( [14:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 92 @ 0.004299 = 0.3955 BTC [-] [14:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 293 @ 0.004299 = 1.2596 BTC [-] [14:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12500 @ 0.0043 = 53.75 BTC [+] [14:07]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1950 @ 0.00079922 = 1.5585 BTC [-] [14:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 21 @ 0.003201 = 0.0672 BTC [-] [14:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 13 @ 0.004315 = 0.0561 BTC [+] [14:09]
BigBitz|wrk Yeah I only see one of my assets. [14:10]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 43 @ 0.0084 = 0.3612 BTC [-] [14:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 57 @ 0.00834 = 0.4754 BTC [-] [14:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 59 @ 0.004298 = 0.2536 BTC [-] [14:15]
BigBitz|wrk burnside: you around? [14:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.004201 = 0.168 BTC [-] [14:16]
* Namworld has quit () [14:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.5175 BTC [+] [14:17]
mircea_popescu BigBitz|wrk he gets around occasionally. [14:18]
* error47311 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:19]
BigBitz|wrk Cool, thanks. [14:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 143 @ 0.004314 = 0.6169 BTC [+] [14:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04552 BTC [-] [14:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 5 @ 0.0018 = 0.009 BTC [-] [14:22]
ThickAsThieves You are more likely to reach him through the forums [14:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 14 @ 0.009997 = 0.14 BTC [+] [14:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 20 @ 0.000275 = 0.0055 BTC [+] [14:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.616 = 9.232 BTC [+] [14:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.669 = 18.676 BTC [+] [14:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 4.67 = 42.03 BTC [+] [14:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.689 = 23.445 BTC [+] [14:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.001975 BTC [+] [14:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.616 = 9.232 BTC [-] [14:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.615 = 13.845 BTC [-] [14:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 2 @ 0.01447 = 0.0289 BTC [+] [14:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 4.625 = 37 BTC [+] [14:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 225 @ 0.004314 = 0.9707 BTC [+] [14:31]
* lippoper ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:36]
* Menoetius (~hidden@unaffiliated/menoetius) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004313 BTC [-] [14:38]
* lippoper1 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [14:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 400 @ 0.0018 = 0.72 BTC [-] [14:39]
* dance4x has quit (Quit: Leaving) [14:44]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.0431 = 0.1724 BTC [-] [14:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 123 @ 0.0430001 = 5.289 BTC [-] [14:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04291011 BTC [-] [14:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 99 @ 0.04290101 = 4.2472 BTC [-] [14:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0429 = 0.0858 BTC [-] [14:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0429 BTC [-] [14:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 318 @ 0.04280001 = 13.6104 BTC [-] [14:45]
* assbot has quit (Excess Flood) [14:45]
Scrat cya assbot [14:48]
ThickAsThieves assbot can't handle fractional share action [14:49]
ThickAsThieves what will assbot do when we are pushing billions of bitcoins per second? [14:50]
Vbs lol [14:52]
mircea_popescu prolly some aggregation is in order [14:57]
ThickAsThieves twas a large selloff of AM100, from 431 to 400 [14:58]
ThickAsThieves not large in bitcoin, but a lot of orders at once, maybe Havelock could batch in 5 orders at a time or such, with 1 second delay, or whatever threshold is for a flood [15:01]
* gimme_bottles ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:01]
* gimme_bottles has quit (Client Quit) [15:02]
mircea_popescu probably something that assbot should do rather than the exchanges [15:03]
mircea_popescu just add stuff together per intervals. [15:03]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla you feel like coding ? :D [15:03]
ThickAsThieves yeah [15:03]
* Transisto has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [15:07]
bumbledorf . [15:09]
* lippoper has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:11]
ThickAsThieves lucif has a casino now [15:13]
* lippoper ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:13]
* darkee_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [15:14]
mircea_popescu nice, tits. [15:14]
* Transisto ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:16]
* Transisto has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:16]
lea w47 [15:17]
* lippoper has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [15:18]
* Transisto ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:18]
* darkee_ (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:25]
* lippoper ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:28]
ThickAsThieves [15:46]
ozbot LA Unified School District will give each of its 640,000 kids iPads by the end of next year | 9to5Ma [15:46]
ThickAsThieves [15:46]
ozbot Halliburton pleads guilty to destroying Gulf spill evidence [15:47]
ThickAsThieves "The government said Halliburton's guilty plea is the third by a company over the spill and requires the world's second-largest oilfield services company to pay a maximum $200,000 statutory fine." [15:47]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Leaving) [15:58]
Rulother_ I need my assbot [16:01]
ThickAsThieves BTCT does have a realtime ticker [16:02]
ThickAsThieves Bitfunder has its own irc chan and bot [16:02]
ThickAsThieves so we're just missing mpex and havelock [16:02]
Rulother_ Yes I know but Its nice to have my irc client up and two other webpages going [16:02]
ThickAsThieves agreed [16:03]
* daybyter ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:09]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:13]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [16:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.00433 = 0.026 BTC [-] [16:13]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0432 = 0.216 BTC [+] [16:14]
* pigeons has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [16:15]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.0432 = 0.432 BTC [+] [16:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.729 = 1.458 BTC [+] [16:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.515 BTC [-] [16:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0432 BTC [+] [16:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04579 = 0.0916 BTC [+] [16:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 38 @ 0.0432 = 1.6416 BTC [+] [16:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.043 = 0.086 BTC [-] [16:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 2 @ 0.003189 = 0.0064 BTC [+] [16:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.651 BTC [-] [16:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.65 BTC [-] [16:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 12 @ 0.6511 = 7.8132 BTC [-] [16:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.651 BTC [-] [16:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.6505 BTC [-] [16:23]
* BigBitz|wrk ( has left #bitcoin-assets [16:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.65 BTC [-] [16:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 100 @ 0.04 = 4 BTC [+] [16:26]
* louong (~louong@unaffiliated/louong) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.038 BTC [+] [16:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 29 @ 0.0002699 = 0.0078 BTC [-] [16:28]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00945 BTC [+] [16:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00077451 = 7.7451 BTC [-] [16:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 140 @ 0.004257 = 0.596 BTC [-] [16:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 90 @ 0.004334 = 0.3901 BTC [+] [16:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.53 = 1.06 BTC [+] [16:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.0085 BTC [-] [16:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00845 BTC [-] [16:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.0083111 = 0.0166 BTC [-] [16:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 15 @ 0.001772 = 0.0266 BTC [-] [16:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.645 BTC [-] [16:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.04503 = 0.9006 BTC [-] [16:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 5 @ 0.000272 = 0.0014 BTC [-] [16:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.004333 = 0.8666 BTC [-] [16:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 1 @ 0.045 BTC [+] [16:34]
* grubles has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [16:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.004334 = 0.1734 BTC [+] [16:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 13 @ 0.004334 = 0.0563 BTC [+] [16:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 4.645 = 41.805 BTC [-] [16:41]
* daybyter has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [16:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 30 @ 0.004333 = 0.13 BTC [-] [16:46]
* mjoiii ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:47]
* topace_ (~topace@unaffiliated/topace) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:47]
kakobrekla fucking gox. [16:48]
Rulother_ ? [16:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 4 @ 0.7197 = 2.8788 BTC [+] [16:49]
* dexX7 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:50]
* dexX7 has quit (Changing host) [16:51]
* dexX7 (~cBx@unaffiliated/dexx7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:51]
* naemsi has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [16:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.002829 BTC [-] [16:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.209 BTC [-] [16:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.04350001 = 0.435 BTC [+] [16:58]
* mjr_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 21 @ 0.0002699 = 0.0057 BTC [-] [16:59]
mjr_ [16:59]
ozbot I walked into a bar and watched as people swapped thousands of dollars for bitcoins - [16:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.04350001 = 0.2175 BTC [+] [17:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 25 @ 0.0018 = 0.045 BTC [+] [17:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.04150001 = 0.083 BTC [-] [17:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0415 = 0.1245 BTC [-] [17:02]
mircea_popescu mjr_ cool going [17:02]
mjr_ slowly but surely [17:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.636 = 9.272 BTC [-] [17:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.002829 BTC [-] [17:03]
mjr_ LA met up again last night [17:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.004333 = 0.0087 BTC [-] [17:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 134 @ 0.01023 = 1.3708 BTC [-] [17:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 94 @ 0.0002699 = 0.0254 BTC [-] [17:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 41 @ 0.00283 = 0.116 BTC [+] [17:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.5201 BTC [-] [17:06]
* lippoper1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:06]
* lippoper has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 634 @ 0.004333 = 2.7471 BTC [-] [17:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2966 @ 0.004334 = 12.8546 BTC [+] [17:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004334 = 0.4334 BTC [+] [17:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.04579 = 0.1374 BTC [+] [17:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.636 = 9.272 BTC [-] [17:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.635 = 13.905 BTC [-] [17:10]
* naemsi (~wanderwah@gateway/tor-sasl/wanderwah) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:10]
* dance4x ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.635 = 9.27 BTC [-] [17:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.626 BTC [-] [17:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.625 = 46.25 BTC [-] [17:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 150 @ 0.0002699 = 0.0405 BTC [-] [17:16]
* Anduck ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:18]
* Anduck has quit (Changing host) [17:18]
* Anduck (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 4.625 = 32.375 BTC [-] [17:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.66 BTC [+] [17:20]
* dance4x has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [17:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.004334 = 0.0173 BTC [+] [17:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.04155 = 0.4155 BTC [+] [17:23]
* terryww has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [17:24]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.679 BTC [+] [17:26]
* darkee_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [17:27]
* darkee_ (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 14 @ 0.004334 = 0.0607 BTC [+] [17:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.5299 BTC [+] [17:35]
mjr_ amir on RT right now [17:40]
dexX7 [17:40]
mjr_ i was more bemoaning that fact [17:41]
* darkee_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 83 @ 0.004334 = 0.3597 BTC [+] [17:43]
mircea_popescu well... if they feed him he will come. [17:43]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.04155 = 0.4155 BTC [+] [17:43]
mjr_ hahaha [17:44]
mjr_ good point [17:44]
ThickAsThieves i'm glad amir made bitcoin [17:45]
dexX7 lol [17:45]
ThickAsThieves "can i pat for college with bitcoin" [17:45]
dexX7 "why do u want to go to college, when there are those free internet sites" [17:46]
mircea_popescu lol [17:46]
ThickAsThieves "i dunno i havent really looked into, why would anyone want to go to college?" [17:46]
Rulother_ lol [17:46]
ThickAsThieves lol [17:46]
mircea_popescu wait. [17:46]
mircea_popescu you people are quoting or parodying ? [17:46]
ThickAsThieves for realsies [17:46]
mircea_popescu hm. just the fact i can't tell [17:46]
mircea_popescu owait. srsly ?! [17:46]
mjr_ no f'ing way [17:46]
mjr_ did he really say that???? [17:46]
mircea_popescu this dude is really entertaining [17:46]
* Guest10786 is now known as asciilifeform [17:46]
dexX7 he did say that [17:47]
mjoiii Is this guy a fucking moron? [17:47]
ThickAsThieves bitcoin is disempowering gangsters he says [17:47]
mjr_ entertaining, like monkeys drinking their own piss entertaining? [17:47]
dexX7 i think he wanted to hover around the question [17:47]
mircea_popescu random audience member goes "well... i might have been canned, but at least i'm not as stupid as this accident face" [17:47]
mjr_ HAHAHA [17:47]
mircea_popescu mjoiii [17:47]
mircea_popescu mjr_ yeah. [17:47]
ThickAsThieves they just zoomed in on his zits [17:47]
* Anduckkk (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:48]
mircea_popescu i read tits. [17:48]
Rulother_ Damn that's good [17:48]
mircea_popescu i think i'm getting a problem with reading. earlier i read handprint " fresh download" as freak doomlord [17:48]
mircea_popescu and i was pretty wtf'd. [17:48]
ThickAsThieves this lady "it's much easier to buy drugs with bitcoin than cash right?" [17:48]
ThickAsThieves why are people so retarded [17:48]
mircea_popescu does she want to know if it's easier to trade bitcoins for drugs than it is to trade bitcoin for dollars ? [17:49]
mircea_popescu by now it probably is. [17:49]
ThickAsThieves how come amir says froo, instead of through [17:49]
ThickAsThieves hehe [17:49]
mircea_popescu esl. [17:50]
* Anduck has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:50]
ThickAsThieves this is insane [17:50]
ThickAsThieves she wants to know if bitcoin would be useful in nicaragua, with no internet [17:50]
Rulother_ well [17:51]
dexX7 Broadcast is over [17:51]
dexX7 woot [17:51]
ThickAsThieves refresh [17:51]
dexX7 nvm [17:51]
dexX7 ty [17:51]
ThickAsThieves they trying hard to cut it off [17:51]
ThickAsThieves hehe [17:51]
ThickAsThieves "how does that sit with your cypherpunk anarchist mentality?" [17:52]
mircea_popescu i thought he was steampunk [17:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1437 @ 0.004334 = 6.228 BTC [+] [17:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4716 @ 0.00435 = 20.5146 BTC [+] [17:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.00435 = 4.35 BTC [+] [17:53]
ThickAsThieves stinkpunk [17:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.0043 = 0.645 BTC [-] [17:54]
mircea_popescu lol [17:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.209 = 0.418 BTC [-] [17:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.195 BTC [-] [17:55]
kakobrekla o its still on [17:56]
Apocalyptic yep [17:56]
kakobrekla i prolly missed the good parts eh [17:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.6 BTC [-] [17:57]
mircea_popescu i wouldn't bet on that [17:57]
mircea_popescu the guy can outdo huimself [17:57]
* Exocyst (~textual@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:57]
kakobrekla its over [17:57]
kakobrekla :( [17:57]
Apocalyptic the last face.. [17:57]
Apocalyptic priceless [17:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 582 @ 0.00445 = 2.5899 BTC [+] [17:57]
ThickAsThieves can we get a new bitcoin jesus plz? [17:58]
Rulother_ jesuscoin [17:58]
ThickAsThieves or does amir get airtime because they wanna make btc look bad? [17:58]
mjr_ kakobrekla: [17:58]
mjr_ better link, also, for anyone who already read it [17:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 5 @ 0.0096 = 0.048 BTC [+] [17:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 5 @ 0.0097 = 0.0485 BTC [+] [17:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 18 @ 0.00975 = 0.1755 BTC [+] [17:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 5 @ 0.0098 = 0.049 BTC [+] [17:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25000 @ 0.00077254 = 19.3135 BTC [-] [17:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00077253 = 7.7253 BTC [-] [17:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 30 @ 0.0098 = 0.294 BTC [+] [17:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00077252 = 3.8626 BTC [-] [17:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23200 @ 0.0007725 = 17.922 BTC [-] [17:59]
mjoiii Dud reminds me a little of the shoe bomber [18:00]
mjr_ hahaha [18:00]
mjoiii poor idiot they trot out for spectacle and he's just happy to get attention. [18:00]
kakobrekla cool mjr_ [18:00]
ThickAsThieves TSA monetizes: [18:02]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves they're running out of dough. [18:03]
mjoiii Quick Ahmed! I need $85 right now or the jihad is off! [18:04]
ThickAsThieves this is a trend, getting charged for shit you don't want [18:04]
* tiberiusix (~55d6493f@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:05]
ThickAsThieves it's the next step after freemium [18:05]
mjr_ lol nice [18:05]
mircea_popescu ya srsly. i suppose the entire system relies on suicide bombers not being able to save 85 bux [18:05]
mjr_ i am pretty sure that my govt has been charging me for shit i don't want for a while [18:05]
jcpham HAPPY SYSADMIN DAY [18:05]
ThickAsThieves we pay for ads more and more too [18:05]
mjr_ here is a kinda stupid video [18:06]
pankkake that's their business model: create problems and then offer to fix it (for more of your money) [18:06]
ThickAsThieves i saw that vid [18:06]
mjr_ ThickAsThieves: and here is something that you will find interesting (also mircea_popescu) [18:06]
mjr_ [18:06]
pankkake jcpham: cool. too bad I'm not one anymore [18:06]
ozbot Matthew Butterick: The Bomb in the Garden [18:06]
pankkake can't threaten my user to give me gifts [18:07]
mircea_popescu pankkake sort of like web antiviruses. [18:07]
mjr_ the second one is about content monetization, and ads, from the perspective of a designer, he has a cool example of the shit we put up with [18:07]
pankkake web antiviruses? :o [18:07]
mjr_ ransomware is a more extreme example [18:07]
pankkake right [18:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.004449 = 1.3347 BTC [-] [18:08]
ThickAsThieves i think there is a deeper issue with design quality [18:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2418 @ 0.00445 = 10.7601 BTC [+] [18:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 382 @ 0.00445 = 1.6999 BTC [+] [18:08]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.0416 = 0.1664 BTC [+] [18:08]
ThickAsThieves more than one issue really [18:08]
ThickAsThieves but [18:08]
mjr_ that was his argument, in his paper [18:08]
mjr_ that it is structural and comes from two main flaws [18:08]
ThickAsThieves first, people that aren't good at design, are given a say [18:08]
* error47311 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0416 BTC [+] [18:09]
ThickAsThieves this is more compicated than it sounds [18:09]
ThickAsThieves because when you ask someone what they think about a design [18:09]
ThickAsThieves what they hear is [18:09]
ThickAsThieves "find something bad about this" [18:09]
mjr_ i agree [18:10]
mjr_ but also, read his article, i think you'll agree with his points [18:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3800 @ 0.0007725 = 2.9355 BTC [-] [18:10]
ThickAsThieves second, there is not enough distinction between UIX and aesthetic [18:10]
ThickAsThieves i will [18:10]
ThickAsThieves just ranting [18:10]
ThickAsThieves :) [18:10]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 5 @ 0.0087 = 0.0435 BTC [-] [18:10]
mjr_ np [18:10]
mjr_ his rant goes deeper than that [18:10]
mjr_ its basically a cry for the web to maintain relevance [18:11]
ThickAsThieves i have background in design (identity, layout, typography) [18:11]
mjr_ his point is that it will die, apps are becoming the new de facto way for people to consume online content [18:11]
mjr_ you will appreciate his article then [18:11]
ThickAsThieves that will die too [18:11]
mjr_ not necessarily [18:11]
mjr_ apps are much easier to monetize [18:11]
mjr_ meaning less reliance on ads [18:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.53 = 2.65 BTC [+] [18:12]
ThickAsThieves there will always be consolidation and deconsruction [18:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.535 = 1.07 BTC [+] [18:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 2 @ 0.0018 = 0.0036 BTC [+] [18:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.538 BTC [+] [18:12]
mjr_ also, you can control the entirety of your app, you don't have to worry about what your end user will be using [18:12]
kakobrekla apps are evil. [18:12]
pankkake most "apps" are actually frontends to a website [18:12]
mjr_ i can design for ios devices, and know exactly what my users will see [18:12]
mjr_ yes [18:12]
mjr_ but i am controlling the user experience [18:12]
mjr_ as i know exactly how that "website" will be displayed [18:13]
ThickAsThieves and what about android? [18:13]
mjr_ not to say that most designers/developers actually take advantage [18:13]
ThickAsThieves and w RT [18:13]
ThickAsThieves and blackberry [18:13]
mjr_ i can also design specifically for android [18:13]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0416 BTC [+] [18:13]
mjr_ and know exactly what they will see [18:13]
ThickAsThieves it's just a rearrangement [18:13]
pankkake well the good thing is third-party application which give back some control back to the user [18:13]
mjr_ i'm saying, on the web, there is a lack of standards [18:14]
mjr_ and a very poor monetization strategy [18:14]
ThickAsThieves people dont use the control they have on the web [18:14]
ThickAsThieves browsers can do things [18:14]
mjr_ of course they can [18:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.62 = 46.2 BTC [+] [18:14]
kakobrekla oh, there is a standard [18:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0416 BTC [+] [18:14]
kakobrekla just noone gives a shit. [18:14]
mjr_ unenforced standards can't really be called standards [18:14]
mjr_ try ignoring ipv4 standards [18:15]
mjr_ see how far you get [18:15]
mjr_ try ignoring ios standards for a more applicable example [18:15]
kakobrekla i am completley ignoring ios yeah [18:15]
mjr_ only on web pages can i say, eh, fuck that, i don't feel like it [18:15]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.0096 = 0.0288 BTC [+] [18:15]
* darkee_ (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:15]
ThickAsThieves there are compromises though [18:16]
kakobrekla that is just because browsers are so smart [18:16]
ThickAsThieves like what will apple allow? [18:16]
kakobrekla and operating systems are stupid [18:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00445 BTC [+] [18:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 1 @ 0.04 BTC [-] [18:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 40 @ 0.04579 = 1.8316 BTC [+] [18:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 3 @ 0.013 = 0.039 BTC [+] [18:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.004449 = 0.089 BTC [-] [18:26]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1100 @ 0.00077451 = 0.852 BTC [+] [18:26]
* cosmo (~cosmo@unaffiliated/cosmo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:28]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.00875 = 0.0175 BTC [-] [18:29]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1900 @ 0.00077451 = 1.4716 BTC [+] [18:29]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15700 @ 0.00077522 = 12.171 BTC [+] [18:29]
ThickAsThieves I gave up trying to make the web pretty because everyone that was willing to pay me wanted to make it ugly [18:30]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.00875 = 0.0263 BTC [-] [18:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 5 @ 0.0087 = 0.0435 BTC [-] [18:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 5 @ 0.0086 = 0.043 BTC [-] [18:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00851001 BTC [-] [18:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 4 @ 0.00851 = 0.034 BTC [-] [18:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00851 BTC [-] [18:31]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9602 @ 0.0007725 = 7.4175 BTC [-] [18:32]
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* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 21 @ 0.003189 = 0.067 BTC [+] [18:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 12 @ 4.6 = 55.2 BTC [-] [18:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 200 @ 0.00319 = 0.638 BTC [+] [18:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.618 BTC [+] [18:35]
* ColdHardMetal has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [18:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 16 @ 4.617 = 73.872 BTC [-] [18:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 12 @ 4.6 = 55.2 BTC [-] [18:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.617 = 18.468 BTC [+] [18:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.615 = 9.23 BTC [-] [18:37]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [18:38]
* benkay ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04579 = 0.0916 BTC [+] [18:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.04349 = 0.087 BTC [+] [18:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04579 = 0.0916 BTC [+] [18:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.5383 BTC [+] [18:42]
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* darkee_ (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:42]
tiberiusix content monetization is needed when cheapskates dont want to pay useage fees [18:42]
* louong has quit (Quit: louong) [18:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 19 @ 0.004449 = 0.0845 BTC [-] [18:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.531 BTC [-] [18:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.53 = 1.06 BTC [-] [18:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 15 @ 0.5201 = 7.8015 BTC [-] [18:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.52 = 1.04 BTC [-] [18:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.52 BTC [-] [18:44]
benkay [18:44]
ozbot Beef and Bitcoin | Bitcoin MagazineBitcoin Magazine [18:44]
benkay now there's an arbitrage play [18:44]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 20 @ 0.0421 = 0.842 BTC [-] [18:44]
benkay stop fucking around with play "markets" and play "assets" and actually arb, eh? [18:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.026 = 0.052 BTC [-] [18:45]
* tiberiusix has quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) [18:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04512 = 0.0902 BTC [+] [18:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.026 BTC [-] [18:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003197 = 0.032 BTC [+] [18:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 139 @ 0.003198 = 0.4445 BTC [+] [18:47]
* AusBitBank has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [18:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04512 BTC [+] [18:47]
* Anduck ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:48]
* Anduck has quit (Changing host) [18:48]
* Anduck (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0044 = 0.44 BTC [-] [18:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.04512 = 0.2707 BTC [+] [18:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04579 = 0.229 BTC [+] [18:48]
dexX7 kinda old, but relevant imho: [18:49]
ThickAsThieves cool [18:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004356 = 0.2178 BTC [-] [18:50]
* Anduckkk has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [18:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004356 = 0.2178 BTC [-] [18:50]
* nonick (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:50]
* darkee_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [18:50]
* nonick is now known as darkee [18:51]
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* ColdHardMetal (~IceChat77@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004356 = 0.4356 BTC [-] [18:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.5201 BTC [+] [18:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 9 @ 0.52 = 4.68 BTC [-] [18:52]
* Anduck has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [18:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 10 @ 0.0205 = 0.205 BTC [+] [18:53]
mircea_popescu change and revolutionize ? [18:54]
mircea_popescu BIPS’s technology is a world-leading product [18:54]
mircea_popescu i have no fucking idea what it even is. what is it ? [18:54]
dexX7 a payment processor like [18:55]
mircea_popescu mkay. [18:55]
pankkake world-leading as in "we're number of two, out of two"? [18:55]
mircea_popescu so basically this means "hi, we're too stupid to have followed mp's get off gox orders in april. we're doinfg it in august" [18:55]
dexX7 from coindesk: "BIPS is a two-year-old payment processor cited by Crunchbase as the largest provider of bitcoin payments in Europe." [18:56]
mircea_popescu world leading & revolutionizing alright. [18:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 9 @ 0.0139 = 0.1251 BTC [-] [18:56]
dexX7 Dealing with Mt. Gox was becoming increasingly unworkable, he told CoinDesk. Withdrawal times were the biggest bugbear. “In BIPS’ case, each withdrawal had a pending period of over eight weeks. This was devastating on BIPS’ fiat buffer, as we process withdrawals in 1 to 5 business days,” he complained. [18:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 145 @ 0.003199 = 0.4639 BTC [+] [18:56]
mircea_popescu i can see it. [18:56]
* Anduck ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.04569 = 1.1423 BTC [-] [18:57]
* Anduck has quit (Changing host) [18:57]
* Anduck (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.604 BTC [-] [18:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 211 @ 0.00321 = 0.6773 BTC [+] [18:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 45 @ 0.004399 = 0.198 BTC [+] [19:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 13 @ 0.003328 = 0.0433 BTC [+] [19:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04567 = 0.0913 BTC [-] [19:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 14 @ 0.04567 = 0.6394 BTC [-] [19:06]
* darkee has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 47 @ 0.004399 = 0.2068 BTC [+] [19:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04569 = 0.0914 BTC [+] [19:07]
* benkay has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [19:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 30 @ 0.04579 = 1.3737 BTC [+] [19:09]
ThickAsThieves ;;nethash [19:10]
gribble 245221.9755 [19:10]
ThickAsThieves ;;estimate [19:10]
gribble Next difficulty estimate | 33075472.3109 based on data since last change | 34256591.5141 based on data for last three days [19:10]
ThickAsThieves ;;bcstats [19:10]
gribble Current Blocks: 248565 | Current Difficulty: 3.125696072776893E7 | Next Difficulty At Block: 249983 | Next Difficulty In: 1418 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 1 day, 1 hour, 21 minutes, and 49 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 33075472.3109 | Estimated Percent Change: 5.81794 [19:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.0455 = 0.455 BTC [-] [19:10]
* tiberiusix (~c7309326@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:10]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 70 @ 0.0002699 = 0.0189 BTC [-] [19:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 19 @ 0.004399 = 0.0836 BTC [+] [19:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004399 = 0.4399 BTC [+] [19:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 160 @ 0.004399 = 0.7038 BTC [+] [19:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0039 = 3.9 BTC [-] [19:13]
Rulother_ fuckers [19:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 25 @ 0.003232 = 0.0808 BTC [-] [19:15]
* AusBitBank ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:15]
pankkake [19:15]
ozbot Short Funds Coming Soon [19:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.65 BTC [+] [19:16]
mircea_popescu pankkake [19:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.604 BTC [-] [19:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.6 = 9.2 BTC [-] [19:17]
* CheckDavid (~david@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:17]
ThickAsThieves hehe [19:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.0043 = 0.0645 BTC [+] [19:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.0018 BTC [+] [19:19]
mircea_popescu it's called mathematical induction [19:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.0018 BTC [+] [19:19]
pankkake reminds me of [19:20]
mircea_popescu kinda [19:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 85 @ 0.0043 = 0.3655 BTC [+] [19:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.0043 = 0.0086 BTC [+] [19:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.00427 = 0.0171 BTC [-] [19:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.004266 = 0.0171 BTC [-] [19:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1400 @ 0.004266 = 5.9724 BTC [-] [19:20]
mircea_popescu except in soviet romania bed comes to you [19:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 210 @ 0.004265 = 0.8957 BTC [-] [19:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 16 @ 0.004264 = 0.0682 BTC [-] [19:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.004261 = 0.0639 BTC [-] [19:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.00426 = 2.13 BTC [-] [19:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.004251 = 0.0425 BTC [-] [19:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2249 @ 0.00425 = 9.5583 BTC [-] [19:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 165 @ 0.00425 = 0.7013 BTC [-] [19:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0039 = 3.9 BTC [-] [19:21]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:21]
mircea_popescu "I will attempt to follow this thread and the crosspost on reddit throughout the day while I'm at work, and I will be able to respond more thoroughly to questions and comments after about 9pm UTC." [19:21]
mircea_popescu anyone wanan bet what he does for a living "? [19:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.654 = 18.616 BTC [+] [19:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 55 @ 0.004388 = 0.2413 BTC [+] [19:23]
dexX7 you have no information about his timezone, do you? [19:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20750 @ 0.0007725 = 16.0294 BTC [-] [19:25]
mircea_popescu nope [19:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0434886 BTC [+] [19:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 30 @ 0.0439 = 1.317 BTC [-] [19:26]
mircea_popescu but he's paying interest on shares, so it's pretty clear how much he has to do with this line of work. [19:26]
pankkake I have a hard time understanding how his thing works [19:29]
jcpham read your chicken bones [19:29]
* ozbot has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [19:30]
* FabianB (~FabianB@unaffiliated/fabianb) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:31]
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* benkay (~benkay@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 2 @ 0.03702 = 0.074 BTC [-] [19:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 17 @ 0.004388 = 0.0746 BTC [+] [19:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004388 = 0.2194 BTC [+] [19:33]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.0095 BTC [+] [19:35]
* Vbs has quit (Quit: Leaving) [19:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 1 @ 0.0205 BTC [+] [19:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.004387 = 0.0658 BTC [-] [19:37]
mircea_popescu pankkake here's the cliffnotes : he's seen the brendio/deprived attempt at a synthetic short [19:38]
mircea_popescu and he figures he can do it better. because internet. [19:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 133 @ 0.004388 = 0.5836 BTC [+] [19:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 72 @ 0.004388 = 0.3159 BTC [+] [19:39]
dexX7 "For example, (these numbers are just illustrative) you might consider 1 share of ASICMINER-SHORT.LOAN = 1 share of ASICMINER-PT = 100 shares of TAT.ASICMINER. The shares will be directyl exchangeable (send 100-shares of TAT.ASICMINER to the Loan Fund, receive 1 share of the loan fund; or the reverse)." -> this would enable the conversion between and am-pt [19:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004387 BTC [-] [19:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.004388 = 0.0263 BTC [+] [19:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 16 @ 0.004388 = 0.0702 BTC [+] [19:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.004388 = 0.0088 BTC [+] [19:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 60 @ 0.004388 = 0.2633 BTC [+] [19:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.004387 = 0.0351 BTC [-] [19:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.606 = 9.212 BTC [-] [19:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04539 BTC [+] [19:43]
* Anduckkk (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.0018 BTC [+] [19:48]
* Exocyst has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:49]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 7 @ 0.000275 = 0.0019 BTC [+] [19:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.0018 BTC [+] [19:50]
* ozbot (~ozbot@unaffiliated/jezzz/bot/ozcoin) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1 @ 0.0018 BTC [+] [19:51]
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assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 4.6 = 27.6 BTC [-] [19:52]
* Anduckkk has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [19:52]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004212 BTC [-] [19:53]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00854001 BTC [-] [19:54]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0431 = 0.1293 BTC [-] [19:55]
ThickAsThieves this would enable the conversion between and am-pt <<< his loss [19:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 25 @ 0.013 = 0.325 BTC [+] [19:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 133 @ 0.001803 = 0.2398 BTC [-] [19:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 20 @ 0.001802 = 0.036 BTC [-] [19:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 100 @ 0.0018 = 0.18 BTC [-] [19:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.0018 BTC [-] [19:57]
* Anduck ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.00176 BTC [-] [19:57]
* Anduck has quit (Changing host) [19:57]
* Anduck (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 8 @ 0.0133 = 0.1064 BTC [+] [19:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 17 @ 0.0133 = 0.2261 BTC [+] [19:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 42 @ 0.00175 = 0.0735 BTC [-] [19:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.5202 = 1.5606 BTC [+] [20:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 9 @ 0.0018 = 0.0162 BTC [+] [20:01]
* metabyte (~metabyte@unaffiliated/metabyte) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004386 BTC [+] [20:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.004386 = 0.0658 BTC [+] [20:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 145 @ 0.004387 = 0.6361 BTC [+] [20:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.605 = 23.025 BTC [+] [20:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.604 BTC [-] [20:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.603 BTC [-] [20:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.6 BTC [-] [20:02]
* darkee (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.004388 = 0.8776 BTC [+] [20:04]
* terryww ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:05]
* AusBitBank has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [20:11]
mjr_ [20:13]
ozbot Paul Kemp-Robertson: Bitcoin. Sweat. Tide. Meet the future of branded currency. | Video on [20:13]
benkay tl;dr? [20:15]
mjr_ in which i prove that bitcoin can be more transparent than any other method of payment [20:15]
mircea_popescu well ya cause tide is colored [20:16]
mjr_ hehehe [20:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.01435 BTC [+] [20:16]
mjr_ unfortunately, that proof will prob be wasted on some idiot who hasn't figured out how to use google [20:17]
mjr_ people are idiots, unfortunately, and talk about money usually brings out the most idiocy [20:17]
mjr_ "hahaha, you are just describing a barter system" [20:18]
mjr_ ... [20:18]
mjr_ like dollars for something? i barter dollars, in exchange for your thing [20:18]
mjr_ people imbue dollars (and by extension bitcoins) with all sorts of magical properties [20:18]
* riX2000_ is now known as riX2000 [20:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 2 @ 0.000275 = 0.0006 BTC [+] [20:22]
* San1ty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2000 @ 0.00077251 = 1.545 BTC [+] [20:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 398000 @ 0.0007725 = 307.455 BTC [-] [20:25]
* dexX7 has quit () [20:25]
* ericmuyser (~ericmuyse@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:27]
benkay things are just things? [20:31]
ThickAsThieves When that S.MPOE bid wall at 0.00077250 gets eaten, is that when we find out that MPEx bought S.DICE? [20:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 69 @ 0.0451 = 3.1119 BTC [-] [20:32]
* lippoper1 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:35]
* lippoper ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.588 BTC [-] [20:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.586 = 45.86 BTC [-] [20:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.585 BTC [-] [20:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 11 @ 4.582 = 50.402 BTC [-] [20:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.581 = 9.162 BTC [-] [20:36]
* LainZ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 4 @ 0.195 = 0.78 BTC [-] [20:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.191 BTC [-] [20:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.19000001 BTC [-] [20:41]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13700 @ 0.0007725 = 10.5833 BTC [-] [20:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 20 @ 0.19 = 3.8 BTC [-] [20:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.209 BTC [+] [20:43]
* chsados__ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [20:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 4.581 = 27.486 BTC [-] [20:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.58 = 9.16 BTC [-] [20:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.58 = 9.16 BTC [-] [20:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004387 = 0.4387 BTC [-] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 491 @ 0.004388 = 2.1545 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 985 @ 0.004389 = 4.3232 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004399 = 0.4399 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 247 @ 0.0044 = 1.0868 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0044 = 0.44 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1135 @ 0.00442 = 5.0167 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.00444 = 4.44 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.004448 = 4.448 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 617 @ 0.00445 = 2.7457 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.004499 = 4.499 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 950 @ 0.0045 = 4.275 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 33 @ 0.0045 = 0.1485 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.0045 = 0.045 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 49 @ 0.0045 = 0.2205 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 589 @ 0.0045 = 2.6505 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0046 = 4.6 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.00464 = 4.64 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 294 @ 0.00465 = 1.3671 BTC [+] [20:47]
Rulother_ hah [20:47]
Rulother_ cancelled just in time [20:48]
* Anduckkk ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:48]
* Anduckkk has quit (Changing host) [20:48]
* Anduckkk (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:48]
Rulother_ maybe not [20:48]
thestringpuller [20:49]
ozbot The Smart Charger: Charging On-The-Go For iPhone, Android &The Ubuntu Edge | Indiegogo [20:49]
thestringpuller I thought S.DICE was getting delisted [20:50]
* topace_ has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [20:50]
* Anduck has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [20:50]
ThickAsThieves it already has been [20:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004699 = 0.4699 BTC [+] [20:52]
* Anduckkk has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [20:53]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.009 BTC [+] [20:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.009 BTC [+] [20:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.0091 = 0.0182 BTC [+] [20:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.004698 = 0.9396 BTC [-] [20:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.009 = 0.027 BTC [-] [20:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 6 @ 0.00891 = 0.0535 BTC [-] [20:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00885 BTC [-] [20:57]
* Anduck (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:57]
* Apocalyptic has quit (Quit: Leaving) [20:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 18 @ 0.01392 = 0.2506 BTC [-] [21:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 10 @ 0.01393 = 0.1393 BTC [+] [21:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 50 @ 0.014 = 0.7 BTC [+] [21:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 22 @ 0.01438 = 0.3164 BTC [+] [21:01]
* lippoper has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [21:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 4 @ 0.00885 = 0.0354 BTC [-] [21:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 10 @ 0.00870001 = 0.087 BTC [-] [21:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 4 @ 0.00860002 = 0.0344 BTC [-] [21:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00860001 BTC [-] [21:02]
* lippoper ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04312 BTC [+] [21:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 520 @ 0.0046 = 2.392 BTC [-] [21:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.04311111 = 0.1293 BTC [-] [21:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 8 @ 0.04310001 = 0.3448 BTC [-] [21:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 80 @ 0.0431 = 3.448 BTC [-] [21:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 10 @ 0.0085 = 0.085 BTC [-] [21:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.04527 = 1.1318 BTC [+] [21:06]
* lippoper has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [21:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.004694 = 0.0939 BTC [+] [21:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.004695 = 0.047 BTC [+] [21:08]
* lippoper ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004508 = 0.1127 BTC [-] [21:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.004507 = 0.2254 BTC [-] [21:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 85 @ 0.004506 = 0.383 BTC [-] [21:10]
* Exocyst (~Exocyst@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004512 = 0.1128 BTC [+] [21:12]
* Duffer1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004513 = 0.1128 BTC [+] [21:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.609 BTC [+] [21:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.004523 = 0.1131 BTC [+] [21:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.004522 = 0.0904 BTC [-] [21:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 65 @ 0.00452 = 0.2938 BTC [-] [21:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 95 @ 0.004515 = 0.4289 BTC [-] [21:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 72 @ 0.004514 = 0.325 BTC [-] [21:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.004511 BTC [-] [21:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.004505 = 0.0901 BTC [-] [21:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 202 @ 0.004505 = 0.91 BTC [-] [21:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.004692 = 0.0469 BTC [+] [21:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00469 = 0.1173 BTC [-] [21:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 10 @ 0.0018 = 0.018 BTC [+] [21:24]
* [\] has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.609 BTC [+] [21:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.0451 = 0.2706 BTC [-] [21:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.04501 = 0.9002 BTC [-] [21:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 13 @ 0.045 = 0.585 BTC [-] [21:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 26 @ 0.045 = 1.17 BTC [-] [21:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.045 = 0.45 BTC [-] [21:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.045 = 0.09 BTC [-] [21:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 29 @ 0.045 = 1.305 BTC [-] [21:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 80 @ 0.0431 = 3.448 BTC [-] [21:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.003328 BTC [+] [21:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 90 @ 0.004692 = 0.4223 BTC [+] [21:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.04517 = 0.3162 BTC [+] [21:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 85 @ 0.004692 = 0.3988 BTC [+] [21:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.004694 = 0.4694 BTC [+] [21:30]
* [\] (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:32]
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