Forum logs for 25 Feb 2012

Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc [06:33]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || Bot's control sequence is ';;'. || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe [06:33]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube at Mon Dec 19 23:38:55 2011 [06:33]
* SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdAFK [06:33]
* bill_stickers (~skaro@2001:0:53aa:64c:cf1:45ab:b945:457f) has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:34]
rg [06:34]
rg ^ dude had like 200 mil [06:34]
splatster Adam_: gpgauth isn't a command [06:34]
* Adam_ has quit (Client Quit) [06:34]
* silvercoin has quit (Client Quit) [06:34]
* bill_stickers is now known as Guest85881 [06:34]
* AdamGiunta (180b232f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:34]
AdamGiunta ;;gpg eauth AdamGiunta [06:35]
rg make millions of dollars with piracy: complete [06:35]
Keefe spawn-: i'm (almost) always open to buying BTC, but you'll get a better rate from "noobs" [06:35]
njstein man' [06:35]
rg finding a plastic chair that can accomodate my ass: failed [06:35]
danieldaniel Keefe: got any mining contracts? [06:35]
Guest97593 danieldaniel [06:35]
splatster AdamGiunta: Could you -try- to keep your auth requests in gribble PMs, I, personally, find them annoying to see [06:35]
danieldaniel OHH [06:35]
danieldaniel thats where my hard drive went [06:35]
danieldaniel XD [06:35]
splatster AdamGiunta: I'm no OP or anything, you don't have to listen to me [06:36]
Staatsfeind ;;eauth vragnaroda [06:36]
gribble Request successful for user vragnaroda, hostmask Staatsfeind!~markac@unaffiliated/vragnaroda. Get your encrypted OTP from [06:36]
danieldaniel shit, its cracked in half [06:36]
* Chaang-Noi ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:36]
danieldaniel :( [06:36]
* Gekz (~gekz@unaffiliated/gekz) has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:36]
njstein ==== rghgh [06:36]
splatster Staatsfeind: Y U NO LISTEN? [06:36]
Keefe danieldaniel: yes, i can rent some mining power to you. how much are you looking for? [06:36]
Staatsfeind ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:8def1980356352e71324e061dd74e33754429be0a8c0cb63585b637a [06:36]
gribble You are now authenticated for user vragnaroda with key B594FD658613B519 [06:36]
danieldaniel Keefe: pmd [06:37]
Staatsfeind splatster: Note: it was extra annoying because I was already authed and gribble was replying in-channel. [06:37]
Staatsfeind [06:37]
splatster Staatsfeind: That makes it worse! [06:37]
Staatsfeind hehe [06:37]
Guest97593 [06:38]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [06:38]
rg [06:39]
rg HAHAHA [06:39]
Staatsfeind rg: wtf [06:40]
splatster rg: LOL! [06:41]
Guest97593 If you would have viewed her story 100k times her boyfriend wouldn't have had to die giving up his ovaries [06:41]
Guest97593 facebook would have donated their ovaries [06:41]
rg i dont know if this is real, but its cool [06:42]
* Guest97593 is now known as BTCHer0 [06:43]
* r2982 (60e0d6d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:43]
* Bwild ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:44]
* gribble gives voice to mircea_popescu [06:47]
BTCHer0 rg who's the rich fat guy? [06:47]
mircea_popescu ;;rate 3 onefixt Fixt once, good forever. [06:47]
mircea_popescu ;;rate onefixt 3 Fixt once, good forever. [06:47]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 3 for user onefixt has been recorded. [06:47]
Staatsfeind ;;rate danieldaniel 1 pony [06:48]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user danieldaniel has changed from 1 to 1. [06:48]
danieldaniel ... [06:48]
BTCHer0 ;;getrating vragnaroda [06:48]
gribble User vragnaroda, created on Thu Apr 21 13:11:13 2011. Cumulative rating 20, from 21 total ratings. Received ratings: 18 positive, 3 negative. Sent ratings: 20 positive, 10 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask vragnaroda!~vragnarod@unaffiliated/vragnaroda [06:48]
rg btchero: thts kim dotcom [06:48]
Staatsfeind I've had a bunch of revenge ratings. [06:48]
rg fatty megaupload guy [06:49]
BTCHer0 oh [06:49]
BTCHer0 ok [06:49]
BTCHer0 you never really got into trading on here Staatsfeind? [06:49]
rg i dont find Cate Blanchett attractive [06:50]
BTCHer0 2/10 Would not bang? [06:50]
splatster Staatsfeind: Why can't BS ratings like those be put up for removal by vote of the community? [06:50]
BTCHer0 because [06:50]
BTCHer0 thats bad [06:51]
* AdamGiunta has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:51]
BTCHer0 What if we all decide we didn't like someone [06:51]
splatster BTCHer0: but it's total abuse of the system [06:51]
BTCHer0 yeah, I mean it would be better i suppose. But it is nice to know if you leave a feedback it is going to stick [06:52]
BTCHer0 although scammers don't usually care [06:52]
splatster How about this, leave the rating there but mark it as something that makes it not counted towards the total [06:52]
* ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:52]
Staatsfeind BTCHer0: I don't trade often. I have traded a few times. [06:52]
Cory He does Spanish homework. [06:53]
BTCHer0 Staatsfeind will you tell me how old you are? [06:53]
Staatsfeind splatster: If your gettrust counts L2 ratings from people you don't trust, what's the point? [06:53]
splatster I would gladly donate my time to work at a something like I described. [06:53]
rg ha my room mate submitted nzb's just after me [06:54]
rg from the other room [06:54]
rg so i got priority [06:54]
rg suck it! [06:54]
Staatsfeind I do trust danieldaniel about 1/10. [06:54]
rg why dont you trust daniel [06:54]
rg hes never ripped anyone off [06:54]
danieldaniel rg: thanks! :D [06:54]
splatster Staatsfeind: I mean, the rating is kept in certain places, but removed from ;;getrating and score total and marked as "spam" "abusive" or something [06:54]
Staatsfeind Who gets to say a rating's spam or abusive? [06:55]
rg god! [06:55]
rg allah! [06:55]
splatster The community as a whole [06:55]
splatster we vote [06:55]
Staatsfeind Fuck no. [06:55]
Staatsfeind I don't trust you fuckers. [06:55]
rg most of us have better shit to worry abot [06:55]
ineededausername lol [06:55]
rg ;;getrating ineededausername [06:55]
mircea_popescu splatster : i piss on the community "as a whole" in that sense [06:55]
* spawn- selling BTC i need PPUSD or LRUSD :) any trusted noobs? i always accomodate :) [06:55]
Staatsfeind I trust some portion of the community, but there's no way in hell I trust most of the community. [06:55]
Cory Or people could vote, weighted to nanotube's L2 trust of them. [06:55]
ineededausername who would sit here on irc all day combing through ratings [06:55]
splatster ;;vote 212 Yes [06:56]
ineededausername and voting on them [06:56]
mircea_popescu groupthink likethat is what sunk the us financials. [06:56]
ineededausername scammers, that's who... they'd be the only voters [06:56]
rg ineededausername: i dunno. maybe all the people that're here all day [06:56]
ineededausername lol [06:56]
mircea_popescu bitcoin is not a democracy! [06:56]
rg you should have to have a rating of over 100 to vote [06:56]
BTCHer0 ;;getrating rg [06:56]
gribble User rg, created on Sun Jun 5 10:39:49 2011. Cumulative rating 117, from 60 total ratings. Received ratings: 60 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 55 positive, 2 negative. Details: Currently not authenticated. [06:56]
splatster What about you can only thumbs down one thing every day/week/etc [06:56]
ineededausername lol [06:56]
BTCHer0 No vote for me? Fuck this [06:57]
rg only i should be able to vote [06:57]
Staatsfeind I rate people I trust. The people they rate show up as my L2 trust and that's much better than “the community” (which by the way is running toward us with pitchforks). [06:57]
rg cause im you know, me [06:57]
splatster rg: I could do that [06:57]
splatster wait [06:57]
splatster no [06:57]
Staatsfeind 23:53 <+BTCHer0> Staatsfeind will you tell me how old you are? ← 28 [06:57]
splatster the 100+ part [06:57]
Cory rg: nanotube has to have a certain L2 trust of you in order for you to make long orders is the order book. I think that would be a good way to weight votes, if voting should be done at all. [06:57]
ineededausername hey does anyone know a good way to get someone's rating [06:57]
ineededausername is there an api here for that [06:58]
Staatsfeind Cory: I'd rather that system be abolished, tool. [06:58]
neofutur [06:58]
rg ineededausername: /quit does it pretty well [06:58]
neofutur just change the nickname [06:58]
ineededausername lol [06:58]
Cory Staatsfeind: I know you hate the guidelines! I get it, okay?? [06:58]
* BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:58]
* ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt [06:58]
Staatsfeind I'd rather gribble charge 0.05 BTC for a long order or something. [06:58]
ineededausername neofutur: but that's html and i don't want to go through it because i am lazy [06:58]
* BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has left #bitcoin-otc [06:58]
BTCHer0 long order? [06:59]
neofutur ;;getrating ineededausername [06:59]
neofutur you dont want IRC either ? [06:59]
* chakl has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:59]
Cory 90 days instead of 14 or whatever the default is. [06:59]
Staatsfeind BTCHer0: Not really long orders but ones that expire later. [06:59]
rg FooDSt4mP ne0futur 2011-06-17 03:18:17 1 fuck off [06:59]
Staatsfeind lol [06:59]
BTCHer0 wait orders expire? [06:59]
ineededausername lol [06:59]
Staatsfeind BTCHer0: On gribble's order book, yes. [06:59]
ineededausername neofutur: can't use irc... i'm making an app that interfaces with bitcoin-otc.... [06:59]
neofutur yup i traded with foodstamp long ago [06:59]
ineededausername lol [06:59]
BTCHer0 Strange I didn't know this yet [07:00]
neofutur ineededausername: you want to talk with nanotube ;) [07:00]
ineededausername yeah he's away right now [07:00]
ineededausername lol [07:00]
ineededausername ;;seen nanotube [07:00]
Staatsfeind neofutur: If it makes you feel better, I sockpuppeted a brand new GPG key when he got close to being negative and I gave him the rating that made him go negative as the user "fuckyou" [07:00]
ineededausername heh [07:00]
neofutur personally i had no problem with foodstamp [07:01]
Staatsfeind ;;gettrust fuckyou foodst4mp [07:01]
gribble Trust relationship from user fuckyou to user foodst4mp: Level 1: -10, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: [07:01]
BTCHer0 ;;rate vragnaroda -10 abuse of rating system [07:01]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of -10 for user vragnaroda has been recorded. [07:01]
neofutur he made hundreds of legit trades before the problem [07:01]
* Dragonai (~octanexs@unaffiliated/dragonai) has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:01]
Staatsfeind BTCHer0: I think we have different definitions of abuse. [07:01]
neofutur I still havent nderstood what happened [07:01]
Staatsfeind neofutur: he had a rating > 200. That's not the same thing. [07:01]
BTCHer0 :) [07:01]
BTCHer0 two wrongs don't make a right [07:02]
neofutur he really made hundreds of legit trades, with no chargeback problems [07:02]
MBS any interest in a cr-48 chromebook with 10 months of 3g left? [07:02]
BTCHer0 the assumption was he was selling stolen coins i think [07:02]
Staatsfeind I don't believe that to be the case. He had people rating him +10 after a single trade. [07:02]
neofutur its really old [07:02]
BTCHer0 amirite? [07:02]
danieldaniel neofutur: who? [07:02]
neofutur before any stolen bitcoins I knew of [07:02]
neofutur and he was not selling he wad trading [07:03]
neofutur buying and selling [07:03]
Staatsfeind BTCHer0: I don't think he started off planning on scamming anyone. [07:03]
neofutur he probably bought as many btc as he sold [07:03]
BTCHer0 then his foodstamps ran out? [07:03]
Staatsfeind I think he was careless and when accepting PayPal burned him, he flaked out. [07:03]
ineededausername yeah [07:03]
ineededausername that's what i heard [07:03]
* spawn- selling BTC i need PPUSD or LRUSD :) any trusted noobs? i always accomodate :) [07:03]
BTCHer0 so he got scammed and scammed to make up for it? [07:04]
ineededausername apparently, he got scammed once too many [07:04]
ineededausername BTCHer0 yeah [07:04]
danieldaniel ineededausername: who? [07:04]
ineededausername foodstamp [07:04]
BTCHer0 I'm down 153.50 to scammers, better watch out [07:04]
danieldaniel oh [07:04]
Staatsfeind BTCHer0: I think so. He was annoying as fuck, but I don't think he planned things to go that way from the beginning. [07:04]
ineededausername so then he pulled off a mitm attack and stole 30btc or so [07:04]
Cory MBS: Selling Google's property? :P [07:04]
BTCHer0 You would thing the sting of being scammed would make him not want to scam anyone [07:05]
MBS lol [07:05]
MBS the beta is long over, they dont care about people selling them anymore [07:05]
Staatsfeind BTCHer0: Not everyone has the same reaction to things like that. [07:05]
danieldaniel MBS: how much? [07:05]
MBS idk, make an offer [07:05]
ineededausername apparently the guy he scammed did something to him [07:05]
danieldaniel 1btc [07:05]
MBS nothx [07:05]
danieldaniel k [07:06]
ineededausername i think he accused him of scamming before foodstamp was ever a scammer [07:06]
MBS i used it alot in previous semesters, but with kindle fire havent used it as much though [07:06]
BTCHer0 so wait, he used his real paypal and stuff on here and still scammed everyone? [07:06]
BTCHer0 that's a little strange, what if someone lived close or something [07:06]
MBS though the 100MB/m of verizon 3g for free came in handy alot [07:06]
BTCHer0 I'd be scared [07:06]
BTCHer0 people that get burned don't make rational decisions [07:06]
splatster I haven't lost a penny to scammers, yet! [07:07]
ineededausername BTCHer0: fake paypal [07:07]
ineededausername they tried to dox him [07:07]
ineededausername but came up with a lot of false positives [07:07]
BTCHer0 oh I thought you meant he was completely legit at the beginning [07:07]
BTCHer0 and used his real paypal and whatnot [07:07]
ineededausername oh [07:07]
danieldaniel ineededausername: dox? [07:07]
njstein ;;getrating foodst4mp [07:07]
ineededausername danieldaniel: ID him. [07:08]
danieldaniel oh [07:08]
ineededausername foodst4mp has a rating of -1 now [07:08]
ineededausername lol [07:08]
neofutur (07:04) < ineededau> i think he accused him of scamming before foodstamp was ever a scammer [07:08]
neofutur I also think this [07:09]
neofutur strange mitm deal / misunderstanding [07:09]
Staatsfeind The first specific accusation against foodst4mp, he admitted to. [07:09]
neofutur the foodstamp gone mad [07:09]
danieldaniel anyone want 2 50% off valve coupons? [07:10]
danieldaniel or a -33% off sky rim coupon? [07:11]
ineededausername the bizarre thing is that foodst4mp kept posting on the forums for a while after he scammed [07:11]
danieldaniel or a steam mobile access invite [07:11]
ineededausername and no one brought the scam up [07:11]
BTCHer0 for free? [07:11]
wizkid057 free is good [07:11]
BTCHer0 I want the skyrim one for free [07:11]
danieldaniel BTCHer0: Maybe a little tip would be good [07:11]
danieldaniel like a half bitcoin [07:11]
BTCHer0 oh wait [07:11]
* loltu has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [07:11]
BTCHer0 nevermind [07:11]
wizkid057 already own skyrim :- [07:11]
danieldaniel fine, free [07:11]
BTCHer0 :) [07:11]
BTCHer0 no actually I want it for xbox [07:12]
danieldaniel oh [07:12]
danieldaniel nvm then [07:12]
wizkid057 0.5BTC for the 50% off one? [07:12]
BTCHer0 yeah don't know what i was thinking [07:12]
danieldaniel wizkid057: sure [07:12]
wizkid057 ok, deal [07:12]
danieldaniel and 1btc for both [07:12]
danieldaniel ok [07:12]
danieldaniel whats your steam? [07:12]
wizkid057 double deal [07:12]
danieldaniel awesome [07:12]
Staatsfeind ineededausername: He was gloating on the forums about the scam for quite a while. No one else needed to bring it up. [07:12]
wizkid057 <--- [07:12]
danieldaniel wizkid057: 15RT3dYmv2B9oyYMADDnLxpn9Xiv72qsRa [07:12]
danieldaniel oh, lol [07:12]
ineededausername oh, i see [07:12]
danieldaniel wizkid057: accept me so we can trade [07:13]
BTCHer0 the guy that scammed me kept coming back in here to say he was going to give me my bitcoins [07:13]
BTCHer0 I think some of them aren't even out for the money as much as to fuck people over [07:13]
BTCHer0 get their rocks off [07:13]
* brocktice has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [07:13]
* loltu ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:13]
* robblesz has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [07:13]
danieldaniel ;;ident wizkid057 [07:13]
gribble Nick 'wizkid057', with hostmask 'wizkid057!', is identified as user wizkid057, with GPG key id 896E9D825AEF918F, and key fingerprint 79579DAF59287FBA71BDC68E896E9D825AEF918F. [07:13]
danieldaniel ;;getrating wizkid057 [07:14]
gribble User wizkid057, created on Wed Feb 22 14:49:00 2012. Cumulative rating 1, from 1 total ratings. Received ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask wizkid057! [07:14]
wizkid057 danieldaniel: e0c7b5f4346639ba72e88cb69523a9219511bdd3dc7e091a2020f41bb1f57ccb [07:14]
danieldaniel got it [07:14]
danieldaniel accept the trade request [07:14]
ineededausername oh... clever... foodst4mp changed his forum username to someone else on otc, and scammed a person who didn't frequent the forums [07:14]
* brocktice (~brock@unaffiliated/brocktice) has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:14]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to brocktice [07:14]
amazingrando Anyone able to loan me some btc so I can get motherboards and PSUs for the 6990's I bought? [07:15]
danieldaniel wizkid057: want a mobile invite? [07:15]
danieldaniel ill throw them in [07:15]
Cory brocktice: We misssed you! :P [07:15]
* charlierlee (43a07586@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:15]
splatster brocktice: I still don't know who you are/ [07:15]
* robblesz (robblesz@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:15]
splatster s///./ [07:15]
spawn- selling BTC i need PPUSD or LRUSD :) [07:15]
wizkid057 well thankie :) [07:15]
splatster spawn-: ME! [07:15]
danieldaniel ;;rate wizkid057 1 Paid a bit coin for a bunch of stem st00f [07:16]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user wizkid057 has been recorded. [07:16]
danieldaniel ;;rate wizkid057 1 Paid a bit coin for a bunch of steam st00f [07:16]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user wizkid057 has changed from 1 to 1. [07:16]
BTCHer0 amazingrando you bought 30 6990's and forgot you needed mobos and ps to go with them? [07:16]
wizkid057 ;;rate danieldaniel 1 bought steam stuff for a BTC :) [07:16]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user danieldaniel has been recorded. [07:16]
BTCHer0 doesn't make much sense [07:16]
Staatsfeind splatster: sed: -e expression #1, char 5: unknown option to `s' [07:16]
danieldaniel wat [07:16]
splatster Staatsfeind: Ya I know, it was a sting replace of a slash [07:17]
Staatsfeind His sed syntax was borked. [07:17]
mod6 s//// [07:17]
amazingrando btcher0 no, i bought all of the equipment from btcx, which included 25 built rigs and 29 6990's not in machines [07:17]
BTCHer0 oh [07:17]
Staatsfeind mod6: wat [07:17]
amazingrando but it's going to take all of my cash to buy it and put in more power, etc. [07:17]
mod6 s///./ too! [07:17]
Staatsfeind s-/-.- [07:18]
amazingrando so looking for a loan to get some or all of those 29 x 6990's mining [07:18]
* UNOE227_ (~mmc@unaffiliated/unoe227) has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:18]
Staatsfeind No escaping needed. :þ [07:18]
BTCHer0 maybe telling your rates and stuff like that would help you out? [07:18]
amazingrando good idea [07:18]
wizkid057 been meaning to buy the valve complete pack... [07:19]
amazingrando so i'm willing to pay 10% or more depending on the term [07:19]
wizkid057 Savings from coupons $49.99 [07:19]
amazingrando I've got a 40gh farm that i own outright now, plus these new rigs that I can use as collateral - i would sell them if I couldn't pay the loan [07:19]
splatster ;;getrating amazingrando [07:19]
gribble User amazingrando, created on Sun Jan 8 01:29:35 2012. Cumulative rating 14, from 4 total ratings. Received ratings: 4 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 3 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask amazingrando!3f4040b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [07:19]
amazingrando i have a bigger/longer rep on bitcointalk [07:20]
amazingrando same name there [07:20]
* askjdhwqdgwiuxqb (bd04ee04@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:20]
MBS Perfect way to get some mining rigs: [07:21]
mod6 clever nick, askjdhwqdgwiuxqb [07:21]
BTCHer0 :) [07:21]
* UNOE227 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [07:22]
amazingrando mbs: that's a good idea, but i'm trying to avoid getting a credit card [07:22]
amazingrando i would want to cancel it after a year, but that's not good for your credit [07:22]
BTCHer0 question, would a bank take a bunch of computers as collateral :) [07:22]
BTCHer0 if cancelling one credit card ruins your credit then you don't have very good credit [07:23]
MBS theres never a reason to cancel credit unless theres an annual fee [07:23]
MBS well unless a bank thinks you have too much outstanding credit for your income [07:23]
reeses usually they care more about balance-to-limit [07:24]
MBS but assuming you have good credit, 2-15 months no interest, plus better protection on purchases, and reward points/miles [07:24]
amazingrando yeah, i should try that since it has no annual fee [07:24]
splatster BTCHer0: Wanna see if we can get away with more in-channel rap references? [07:24]
MBS do you have decent credit right now? [07:25]
amazingrando my credit is good - no negatives, but my balances are high because i've been buying equipment [07:25]
BTCHer0 sure. But im not really sure why i always know what lyrics you are saying [07:25]
BTCHer0 it is kind of weird [07:25]
BTCHer0 I don't listen to that much music [07:25]
MBS AH [07:25]
MBS what is your balance percentage? [07:26]
splatster Buying BTC with PP/MP! [07:26]
amazingrando my rate of return is much higher from mining than my cost of capital, so i have kept my balances high [07:26]
splatster wait [07:26]
amazingrando probably 80-90% [07:26]
splatster Buying BTC with PP! [07:26]
reeses i canceled the shitty college student card with like a $500 limit and it toasted my credit by shortening my credit history (back in the 90s) [07:26]
MBS oh yeah, dont even try to apply for any 18 month 0% cards with that balance, lol [07:26]
* three41 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:27]
amazingrando yeah, i figured that [07:27]
MBS just applied for a bunch more cards recently, before only had one (have a bunch of student loans though) [07:27]
MBS so my credit is going to be ehhhh for a while, but should go up nicely [07:27]
splatster BTCHer0: I know where I got to be right now, but I can't wait much longer. [07:28]
BTCHer0 my credit score is like 715 and I haven't had a job in years [07:28]
* dizzler has quit (Read error: No route to host) [07:28]
BTCHer0 stronger? [07:28]
splatster Yuuuup! [07:28]
MBS 3/6 new accounts reporting, new limits + lower utilization made my creditkarma score go up from 650-693, and trying to pay only non-0% card with a balance off soon [07:28]
amazingrando i'm not really planning to pay off my credit cards in full until after mining becomes unprofitable. then i can easily pay off all my cards and have a bunch left over [07:28]
BTCHer0 let me think of a sweet lyric [07:29]
MBS are they 0% cards? [07:29]
amazingrando no, like 12% [07:29]
MBS oh thats not too bad then [07:29]
danieldaniel [07:30]
danieldaniel Livestream of my cat [07:30]
MBS is that 715 with your 90% utilization? [07:30]
amazingrando yeah [07:30]
MBS if so, it should have an awesome boost after paying it all off [07:30]
amazingrando yeah, though what will I do with that credit? i won't have anything to buy. lol [07:30]
BTCHer0 If you made 12 dollars you put 7 away and lived off the 5 and never ever fuck with your safe [07:31]
amazingrando how long can i live on $5? that's not realistic ;) [07:31]
MBS lol [07:31]
danieldaniel I'm gonna throw batteries [07:31]
danieldaniel next to him [07:32]
MBS i mean depending on what you owe and your cash flow, might be better to pay it all off now, then get more mining rigs [07:32]
BTCHer0 it's a percentage thing explained to a young stupid black man [07:32]
splatster BTCHer0: Fuck, I know that... [07:32]
* three41 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [07:32]
splatster lemme think about it [07:32]
danieldaniel you all know you love my cat [07:33]
danieldaniel OMGEH [07:33]
danieldaniel He's licking his dick with his mouth! [07:33]
MBS though yeah , main reason im working on my credit now is that im a year off from graduating, and hoping to be able to get those nice airline/premium cards with 50000 mile signup bonuses when i do graduate [07:33]
BTCHer0 jelly? [07:33]
danieldaniel its funny cause [07:33]
danieldaniel when I said that, I got +2 viewers [07:33]
splatster BTCHer0: It's by scarface [07:33]
BTCHer0 yep [07:33]
splatster was it the song just called safe? [07:33]
amazingrando i won't have enough positive cash flow for a few months because i need build out these rigs and such [07:33]
BTCHer0 yep [07:33]
amazingrando better to keep mining for now [07:33]
splatster ok imma think of something [07:34]
danieldaniel Who wants to have an auction on there? [07:35]
danieldaniel for random shit [07:36]
splatster What kind of shit? [07:36]
Cory danieldaniel: Kitty! [07:36]
danieldaniel Cory: lol [07:36]
amazingrando i'm thinking of selling a kidney so i can buy mobos [07:36]
splatster BTCHer0: You know it's funny when it rains it pours; they got money for wars, but they can't feed the poor. [07:36]
BTCHer0 nope [07:37]
BTCHer0 don't know it :( [07:37]
* splatster gasps [07:37]
splatster 2pac! [07:37]
* ineededausername has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [07:37]
splatster keep ya head up [07:37]
splatster I think... [07:37]
BTCHer0 I never listened to 2pac much [07:37]
danieldaniel Auctioning off my checkbook! [07:37]
BTCHer0 for some reaosn [07:38]
splatster BTCHer0: I listened to a few of his songs [07:38]
splatster Ya that was 2pac [07:38]
danieldaniel But seriously [07:38]
danieldaniel who wants to have an auction [07:38]
danieldaniel f [07:38]
danieldaniel or stuff in my house? [07:38]
danieldaniel like random tech stuff [07:38]
mircea_popescu any hot girls ? [07:39]
danieldaniel mircea_popescu: yes [07:39]
danieldaniel mircea_popescu: manny [07:39]
mircea_popescu or a newer AGP card ? [07:39]
danieldaniel mircea_popescu: i can look; probs not [07:39]
mircea_popescu well, can the girl cook ? [07:39]
Cory danieldaniel: Be nice! [07:39]
danieldaniel no [07:39]
* njstein has quit (Quit: Leaving) [07:40]
Cory danieldaniel: Are we going to see your face? [07:40]
danieldaniel Cory: no [07:40]
mircea_popescu ya, i'd pay like .1 btc for daniel's mug [07:40]
danieldaniel but seriously [07:41]
BTCHer0 ill pay .080085 [07:41]
danieldaniel I'm gonna throw stuff at him [07:41]
danieldaniel and tell me if you want it [07:41]
danieldaniel *throws an xbox 360* [07:41]
splatster danieldaniel: Why did you throw a blanket at your cat? [07:41]
BTCHer0 1 btc [07:41]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [07:42]
BTCHer0 going once [07:42]
BTCHer0 twice [07:42]
BTCHer0 sold to me [07:42]
BTCHer0 ill pm you my address [07:42]
danieldaniel lol [07:42]
danieldaniel no [07:42]
* splatster performs an exorcism on BTCHer0 [07:43]
splatster BTCHer0: The power of christ compels you! [07:43]
* BTCHer0 is now known as BTCHero [07:43]
* splatster throws a bible at BTCHero [07:43]
BTCHero pheww [07:43]
mod6 :) [07:44]
BTCHero the demon has left [07:44]
* hngryhngryhippo has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [07:44]
BTCHero so seriously danieldaniel let me bid on your belongings [07:44]
danieldaniel no [07:44]
mod6 ha [07:44]
danieldaniel if some people actually want to buy stuff [07:44]
splatster I'll pay 5 BTC for the house! [07:44]
danieldaniel LOL [07:45]
BTCHero thats not how an auction works danieldaniel [07:45]
BTCHero 6 [07:45]
danieldaniel BTCHero: If we get some people [07:45]
danieldaniel seriously [07:45]
splatster DAMN! [07:45]
splatster 6.00000001 [07:45]
danieldaniel join #bitcoin-auction [07:45]
BTCHero I'm there gimme your shit [07:45]
splatster I bid 26,999,999 BTC! [07:45]
splatster LOLOL [07:46]
mod6 Bitcoin overflow. [07:46]
splatster fine [07:46]
danieldaniel XD [07:46]
splatster I bid 20,999,999 BTC! [07:46]
splatster that number will eventually exist [07:46]
mod6 :D [07:46]
danieldaniel would anyone actually bid on camera stuff? [07:46]
danieldaniel like SLR [07:46]
BTCHero 1btc [07:47]
danieldaniel no [07:47]
danieldaniel im asking [07:47]
danieldaniel stop bidding [07:47]
splatster I bid 20,999,999 BTC! [07:47]
BTCHero sorry [07:48]
danieldaniel lol [07:48]
splatster I bid 20,999,999 BTC!lol [07:48]
BTCHero fingers too fat [07:48]
splatster caps lock [07:48]
danieldaniel oh fuck [07:48]
danieldaniel its already saturday [07:48]
danieldaniel I'm gonna post it on forums [07:49]
danieldaniel and do it in the morning [07:49]
danieldaniel sometime [07:49]
imsaguy I got btc now :) [07:49]
BTCHero My girlfriend doesn't allow me to use my computer during the daytime anymore sorry [07:50]
BTCHero something about how I talk to my imaginary friends too much [07:50]
danieldaniel [07:50]
danieldaniel If anyone wants to buy any of that stuff [07:50]
danieldaniel tell me [07:51]
danieldaniel If you want to bid, wait [07:51]
danieldaniel something smells like shit [07:51]
danieldaniel and I just farted [07:51]
danieldaniel SHIT [07:51]
Staatsfeind wtf [07:51]
splatster You sharted [07:51]
BTCHero farts smell like shit [07:52]
BTCHero do you feel anything suspicious? [07:52]
danieldaniel Huge shitstain on my pant [07:52]
danieldaniel pants [07:52]
splatster LOL! [07:52]
amazingrando nasty [07:52]
imsaguy Staatsfeind, I think I should be op'd again [07:53]
danieldaniel imsaguy: NO [07:53]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to imsaguy [07:53]
danieldaniel oh fuck [07:53]
danieldaniel imsaguy: please no [07:53]
imsaguy I'm slightly inebriated [07:53]
imsaguy so danieldaniel, what are you selling? [07:53]
danieldaniel [07:53]
danieldaniel all of it [07:53]
danieldaniel camera [07:53]
Staatsfeind danieldaniel: Uh oh, ChanServ disagrees. [07:53]
BTCHero 1 btc [07:53]
danieldaniel flight sim [07:53]
danieldaniel WAP [07:54]
danieldaniel Blu-ray player [07:54]
BTCHero 1btc [07:54]
danieldaniel SELLING--not bidding [07:54]
danieldaniel bidding is later [07:54]
danieldaniel way later [07:54]
splatster imsaguy: Apparently he is selling his pants. [07:54]
danieldaniel splatster: LOL [07:54]
BTCHero ill take the chair [07:54]
BTCHero how much [07:54]
danieldaniel lmao [07:54]
danieldaniel *puts iPad in the pile* [07:55]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: [07:55]
* ChanServ removes channel operator status from imsaguy [07:55]
* DeLorean719 has quit () [07:55]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: for what it's worth, I kind of agree with brendio [07:55]
copumpkin :P [07:55]
imsaguy is this like chatroulette without the p3n0r? [07:56]
danieldaniel imsaguy: no [07:56]
mod6 haha [07:56]
danieldaniel imsaguy: its a vid of what I'm selling [07:56]
danieldaniel >.> [07:56]
danieldaniel if anyone needs xbox shit [07:56]
* amazingrando has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [07:57]
danieldaniel *puts in half used bottle of soda* [07:57]
BTCHero do you have any games danieldaniel [07:57]
danieldaniel wait, i have abetter [07:57]
danieldaniel idea [07:57]
danieldaniel oone sec [07:57]
* r2982 has quit (Quit: Page closed) [07:59]
mircea_popescu a, hey. [07:59]
danieldaniel also [07:59]
danieldaniel if anyone needs any cables [07:59]
mircea_popescu but i don't get his point, ofcourse if you invest money as in, give credit your maximul loss is 100% and your maximum gain some interest %. [08:00]
mircea_popescu what'd one expect ? [08:00]
mod6 is that a PS2 there on the right? [08:00]
danieldaniel mod6: no [08:00]
danieldaniel its a blu-ray player [08:00]
mircea_popescu 2% a month comes to like 26% a year. as far as i know a random consumer can only pay that sort of interest, never get it. [08:00]
danieldaniel mod6: want an xbox? [08:00]
danieldaniel modded [08:01]
MBS speaking of flight sims, anyone want xplane 9 [08:01]
mod6 naw, im cool. thanks tho. [08:01]
danieldaniel MBS: I have that somewhere [08:01]
danieldaniel but if anyone gets xplane [08:01]
MBS damnit [08:01]
* Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: REALITY.SYS Corrupted: Re-boot universe? (Y/N/Q)) [08:01]
MBS xplane 10 is out :( [08:01]
danieldaniel :( [08:01]
BTCHero how much for the bed [08:01]
BTCHero ? [08:01]
danieldaniel BTCHero: >.> [08:01]
mod6 Is that a netgear 10/100 hub? [08:01]
danieldaniel mod6: let me see [08:01]
mircea_popescu lmao daniel's mom comes home, find no bed. [08:01]
danieldaniel its a WAP [08:01]
BTCHero how much for 1 night stay? [08:01]
danieldaniel mircea_popescu: LMAO [08:01]
danieldaniel BTCHero: :( [08:01]
* hngryhngryhippo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:02]
mod6 oh ok yeah, i see. [08:02]
danieldaniel its a WG102 [08:02]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: usually the risk in a bond comes from counterparty risk [08:02]
copumpkin and that's it [08:02]
copumpkin (and possibly currency risk) [08:03]
mircea_popescu if the business goes bust, the business goes bust. [08:03]
copumpkin here, there's additional risk built into the structure [08:03]
mircea_popescu look at the people with greek bonds, as a for instance. [08:03]
copumpkin yeah, but you're saying that bondholders are responsible for any losses the business incurs, not just when it goes out of business [08:03]
copumpkin yeah, that's counterparty risk [08:03]
mircea_popescu it goes "a little" out of business any time it fails to make money. [08:03]
mircea_popescu just a logical extension of what's currently going on with bankruptcy [08:03]
mircea_popescu imo. [08:03]
copumpkin well, that's not how it usually works [08:04]
mircea_popescu give it 10 years i say. [08:04]
copumpkin :) [08:04]
mircea_popescu look at citibank. did it go out of business ? [08:04]
* charlierlee has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [08:04]
mircea_popescu about 3 times past 20 years. did it ACTUALLY go out of business ? [08:04]
mircea_popescu well.... no. the bonds just got hosed a little. [08:04]
copumpkin bonds are usually absolutely first in the chain of liquidation prioriy [08:05]
mircea_popescu but anyway, if you look at the record the bondholders never actually lost money yet. [08:05]
mircea_popescu they are the 1st here, too. [08:05]
mircea_popescu if there's anything to liquidate they get it first. [08:05]
copumpkin but the value of their bond goes down if you make a loss [08:06]
copumpkin on a monthly basis [08:06]
mircea_popescu just, sometimes there's nothing to liquidate. [08:06]
copumpkin ask nanotube, he'll tell you that's unconventional :P [08:06]
mircea_popescu ya, it does, but really it's a sort of payment. [08:06]
mircea_popescu you have a 10k bond, company loses .8% [08:06]
mircea_popescu you make 200 in cash and your bond is devalued to 9920. [08:06]
mircea_popescu so basically... you got 120 in interest and 80 payment off principal in those 200 [08:06]
mircea_popescu it's a built-in wind down so if the business goes down you actually get your capital back (slowly) [08:07]
copumpkin I dunno :) as far as I'm concerned (as a potential investor), it's not particularly appealing [08:08]
copumpkin but perhaps others might feel otherwise [08:08]
mircea_popescu give it 10 years i say :) [08:08]
mircea_popescu actually tbh im affraid the current stock offering is already overvalued by subscription. [08:08]
danieldaniel lol [08:10]
danieldaniel .1 btc ftw [08:10]
* bougyman_ has quit (Changing host) [08:11]
* bougyman_ (bougyman@pdpc/supporter/gold/bougyman) has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:11]
* bougyman_ is now known as bougyman [08:11]
amiller sdfasd [08:11]
mircea_popescu hehe daniel [08:11]
Staatsfeind mircea_popeſcu: What do you þink about long s? [08:11]
Staatsfeind And þorn and eð for that matter? [08:11]
danieldaniel o.0 [08:11]
mircea_popescu lmao [08:12]
mircea_popescu say wut ? [08:12]
* markac (~markac@unaffiliated/vragnaroda) has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:12]
bougyman ;;eauth bougyman [08:12]
Staatsfeind .u ſ [08:12]
markac U+017F LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S (ſ) [08:12]
splatster Sell me BTC! [08:12]
* ChanServ gives voice to markac [08:12]
splatster or Gox USD [08:12]
Staatsfeind .u þ [08:12]
markac U+00FE LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN (þ) [08:12]
Staatsfeind .u ð [08:12]
markac U+00F0 LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH (ð) [08:12]
Staatsfeind mircea_popeſcu: ðoſe [08:13]
* Shaded has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [08:13]
mircea_popescu but i mean... what do you think about a pebble ? [08:13]
mircea_popescu i dunno man, it's a pebble. what'd i think about it... [08:13]
danieldaniel onomnom [08:13]
bougyman i can sell gox usd. [08:13]
mircea_popescu am i supposed to like or dislike letters ? [08:13]
bougyman how much do those sell for? [08:13]
Staatsfeind What would you þink about uſing ðem for writing Engliſh? [08:13]
splatster bougyman: Usually 1:1 [08:13]
danieldaniel anybody want a nomnom? [08:13]
bougyman splatster: lame [08:13]
mircea_popescu well i think it's been tried and for some reason failed [08:13]
bougyman i can get that anywhere. [08:14]
mircea_popescu possibly inconvenience [08:14]
mircea_popescu and it'd maybe be Engliſ [08:14]
splatster bougyman: get me BTC and then the rate is negotiable [08:14]
* devrandom has quit (Quit: leaving) [08:14]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:14]
bougyman btc for what? [08:14]
Staatsfeind No, ſ is medial or initial only. [08:14]
splatster bougyman: PP [08:14]
splatster I'm trusted [08:14]
Staatsfeind To replace sh, I'd advocate š. [08:14]
splatster ;;getrating splatster [08:14]
gribble User splatster, created on Fri Jan 13 22:39:48 2012. Cumulative rating 27, from 21 total ratings. Received ratings: 21 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 22 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask splatster!~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster [08:14]
mircea_popescu we go by ortographic convention or by sound ? [08:15]
bougyman ;;getrating splatster [08:15]
gribble User splatster, created on Fri Jan 13 22:39:48 2012. Cumulative rating 27, from 21 total ratings. Received ratings: 21 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 22 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask splatster!~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster [08:15]
bougyman ;;ident splatster [08:15]
gribble Nick 'splatster', with hostmask 'splatster!~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster', is identified as user splatster, with GPG key id 3B99C220301F7227, and key fingerprint F47A44D018B33EE39650E6C53B99C220301F7227. [08:15]
bougyman yeah looks good. [08:15]
mircea_popescu if you start using š you end up with a sort of czech/serbian [08:15]
bougyman i've been holding btc, though [08:15]
bougyman it's kinda early to sell [08:15]
danieldaniel bougyman: sell at 6 [08:15]
Staatsfeind mircea_popescu: ʃ ≠ ſ [08:15]
bougyman how many do you want? [08:15]
splatster bougyman: Well I have plenty of PPUSD [08:15]
splatster -plenty- [08:16]
mircea_popescu well yea, ok, but how many letters do you want to end up with ? we do a mark for each of the 17 english vowels ? [08:16]
bougyman $5.04 today? [08:16]
splatster sure [08:16]
Staatsfeind Yes, it'd look a bit like the Wester Slavic languages, but that wouldn't bother me. [08:16]
woofcat ;;ticker [08:16]
gribble Best bid: 5.03, Best ask: 5.0489, Bid-ask spread: 0.0189, Last trade: 5.04993, 24 hour volume: 68898, 24 hour low: 4.87, 24 hour high: 5.1 [08:16]
Staatsfeind It's more than 17 in some dialects. :þ [08:16]
mircea_popescu well it might bother the people who come 2000 years from now [08:16]
bougyman well shit. [08:16]
mircea_popescu and have to puzzle why the fuck a saxon language suddenly writes like a slavic one [08:16]
Staatsfeind Well, why the fuck is it written like medieval French now? :þ [08:17]
mircea_popescu cause the french raped the english a new one in 1066 [08:17]
mircea_popescu and they never recovered. [08:17]
mircea_popescu so you know, after the russians invade boston and hold it for a couple centuries [08:18]
mircea_popescu your ideea might get traction i imagine [08:18]
Staatsfeind The other possibility I'd consider for writing /ʃ/ is ç, but that interferes with existing practice in loanwords. [08:18]
Staatsfeind No, that'd just Cyrillicize English orthography and fuck that. [08:18]
mircea_popescu why not satisfy yourself with the current state of affairs ? [08:18]
Staatsfeind Because the Latin alphabet sucks donkey balls. [08:18]
BTCHero is there no way in Mirc to automatically color everyones nicknames? [08:19]
mircea_popescu everything sucks various specification balls [08:19]
mircea_popescu it's how life keeps going on earth. [08:19]
mircea_popescu ok, so i got a question for the more seasoned miners : [08:20]
* amazingrando (~amazingra@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [08:20]
mircea_popescu if i were to put money into buying gear, reasonable efficiency and all, count averages odf anything [08:20]
Staatsfeind is probably the best system I've seen suggested for English and it still sucks. [08:20]
mircea_popescu about how much btc would i reasonably expect to mine each month per 100 btc invested ? [08:20]
mircea_popescu Staatsfeind i still don't grasp why changing it is being discussed. [08:21]
reeses Staatsfeind: I'd be a bigger fan of dotting or barring it rather than ‘stretching’ it [08:22]
copumpkin [08:22]
copumpkin good headline [08:22]
Staatsfeind reeses: What d'you mean? [08:22]
* Raccoon explodes into a frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter. [08:22]
Staatsfeind copumpkin: lol [08:23]
phantomcircuit copumpkin, lol nice title [08:23]
Staatsfeind Does he do that at any mention of Santorum? [08:23]
Staatsfeind I gueſs not. [08:23]
mircea_popescu lol apparently not [08:23]
mircea_popescu you guelfs ? [08:23]
reeses Staatsfeind: i just think that relying on relative length will reduce legibility [08:23]
mircea_popescu ahahahaha cutest thing i heard all day [08:23]
BTCHero he has already exploded, you can only do that once [08:23]
Staatsfeind BTCHero: He's said that more than once; there might be a timer on it. [08:24]
mircea_popescu what a waste of lube... [08:24]
* copumpkin is a ghibelline [08:24]
reeses Staatsfeind: as i suspect one would take artistic license in situations such as justified text à la arabic [08:24]
Staatsfeind reeses: Oh, on . Like I said, it's the best system I've seen suggested and I still think it sucks. [08:24]
copumpkin perhaps we should just give up [08:25]
reeses yeah, suck it does [08:25]
mircea_popescu Wibellingen! [08:25]
* copumpkin makes a variety of grunting noises [08:25]
mircea_popescu everybody messes up german words! [08:25]
Staatsfeind reeses: However, not as bad as the Latin alphabet. [08:25]
reeses ironic, that [08:25]
reeses i disagree [08:25]
reeses spoken language should converge on written latin [08:26]
Staatsfeind lol [08:26]
reeses I'm a prescriptive primitivist [08:26]
mircea_popescu i think they actually do, de facto. [08:26]
reeses you THink so? [08:26]
mircea_popescu well its slight but it seems to me most languages (in europe) sorta go that way [08:27]
reeses i have to assume you are aware of the perversions perpetrated by languages such as romanian/moldovan [08:27]
mircea_popescu just the fact that something like "typo" is acceptable in english now seems kinda indicative. [08:28]
reeses haceks, etc [08:28]
splatster Sell me BTC! [08:28]
splatster or die! [08:28]
mircea_popescu to wit reeses ? [08:28]
Staatsfeind There's nothing wrong with háčeks. [08:29]
reeses abomination! [08:29]
mircea_popescu for the record : i;'ve been writing romanian in proper latin alphabet for years. [08:29]
mircea_popescu people throw a fit then go away. [08:29]
Staatsfeind Now, Esperanto's ĉĥĵŝ are an abomination. [08:30]
mircea_popescu by no means the only one, either, about 60% of all material published on the internet is devoid of all that crap. [08:30]
reeses we will spare you come the revolution [08:30]
mircea_popescu i think you'll have to spare most everyone except for like, the government and administration [08:30]
mircea_popescu which seems to me a very reasonable course of events. [08:30]
reeses Staatsfeind: and the pussies who need dotted hebrew [08:30]
reeses which also includes arabic [08:31]
Staatsfeind s/dotted // [08:31]
copumpkin any of you guys have a working supybot? [08:31]
mircea_popescu nanotube has [08:31]
reeses amen [08:31]
Staatsfeind copumpkin: nanotube :þ [08:31]
mircea_popescu and i think vrag too [08:31]
copumpkin well yeah, but he's afk [08:31]
mircea_popescu don't you ? [08:31]
copumpkin I was trying to write another command for him [08:31]
reeses i hate vrag [08:31]
reeses glad he has disappeared [08:31]
Staatsfeind I haven't done anything with supybot. [08:31]
mircea_popescu lmao [08:31]
copumpkin poor vrag [08:31]
mircea_popescu are you trolling or being honest reeses ? [08:31]
vragnaroda reeses: fuck you [08:32]
reeses vragnaroda: damn, i thought you were dead [08:32]
vragnaroda I have no Unicode in this one, but I still have it open. [08:32]
Staatsfeind Ðat's why I'm on ðis one, too. [08:32]
reeses anyway, Staatsfeind, you seem sane, let’s ignore these idiots [08:32]
mircea_popescu omg i hack you [08:33]
Staatsfeind mircea_popescu: Anyway, long s (ſ) was used at the beginning, or in the middle of a word, but not at the end or after another s. The ſpecific rules it followed varied a lot more, but it pretty much died out in Engliſh around 1800. It's juſt anoðer way of writing S. [08:34]
mircea_popescu so seriously, no miners on ? [08:34]
reeses the medial s? [08:34]
mircea_popescu i am aware. point being maybe it died for a reason. [08:34]
reeses it was created in renaissance italy iirc because they were italians in the renaissance [08:35]
mircea_popescu ahahaha [08:35]
reeses then it became the lens flare of text [08:35]
mircea_popescu its just florish [08:35]
Staatsfeind ſ was unneceſsary, but cool. þorn and eð ſhould never have died. [08:35]
mircea_popescu it's there to ensure a barrier to entry into the writing "profession" [08:35]
copumpkin ⨀_⨀ [08:36]
Staatsfeind mircea_popescu: lol [08:36]
splatster Buying BTC!!!!!!!!!! [08:36]
mircea_popescu since it wouldn't practically work like that now... well... [08:36]
reeses I use the medial s in my handwriting to annoy people [08:36]
mircea_popescu i use chinese in my handwriting [08:36]
mircea_popescu nobody can read it [08:36]
mircea_popescu save i [08:36]
Staatsfeind Yes, I can see how that might work. [08:36]
Staatsfeind mircea_popescu: Do you read Chinese? [08:36]
reeses oh no [08:36]
reeses here we go [08:37]
mircea_popescu o, by the way, i am offering 100 BTC as a prize for a challenge , you gotta translate a text. you two interested ? [08:37]
copumpkin translate from what to what? [08:37]
mircea_popescu no, i don't. i just meant chinese in the sense of "unreadable gibberish" prevalent in the 1800s [08:37]
reeses lorem ipsum... [08:37]
Staatsfeind lol [08:37]
mircea_popescu copumpkin to english is ok. or french, or romanian. or italian, i dont care. [08:37]
copumpkin from? [08:37]
Staatsfeind mircea_popescu: from what? [08:37]
mircea_popescu mk lemme find it. [08:37]
copumpkin lemme guess, it's the codex seraphinianus [08:38]
mircea_popescu no it's not. one moment i gotta find the thing. [08:38]
Staatsfeind If it's the Voynich manuscript, no. [08:38]
* askjdhwqdgwiuxqb has quit (Quit: Page closed) [08:38]
neofutur mircea_popescu: i could have a look, could translate from / to fr/en/es/po [08:38]
neofutur 100 btc for a translation seens interesting [08:38]
copumpkin neofutur: he's probably offering 100 cause he knows it's untranslateable [08:39]
neofutur yupm I thought so [08:39]
reeses the unexpurgated necronomicon? [08:39]
copumpkin by the way, I need a copy of the codex seraphinianus for bitcoins [08:39]
copumpkin I'll pay 50 coins for it [08:39]
neofutur or from an old alien language no one knows ? [08:39]
reeses physical? [08:39]
copumpkin yeah [08:39]
reeses i have scanned i believe [08:39]
copumpkin nah, I want an original print :P [08:40]
copumpkin they're remarkably hard to come by [08:40]
splatster Someone sell to me, damnit! [08:40]
copumpkin splatster: for $25 a coin, you can have all my coins, right now [08:40]
copumpkin I will call pirateat40 up and wake him up [08:40]
splatster lolno [08:40]
neofutur copumpkin: [08:41]
neofutur looks like its already been translated to english [08:41]
copumpkin splatster: well if you're gonna be picky, no, I won't sell to you [08:41]
neofutur Peter Schwenger (2006). "Museal". The Tears of Things: Melancholy and Physical Objects. University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 0816646317. [08:41]
neofutur 1st American edition, New York: Abbeville Press, 1983, 370 pp., ISBN 0-89659-428-9; [08:41]
neofutur I want the 50 btc :p [08:41]
reeses buy it and ship it to him for btc [08:42]
Staatsfeind neofutur: po is not a valid language code. [08:42]
neofutur Staatsfeind: sorry [08:42]
copumpkin neofutur: not sure I'd call that a translation :) [08:42]
mircea_popescu aha! [08:42]
neofutur br is ok ? [08:42]
mircea_popescu the pic in there. [08:42]
copumpkin neofutur: have you looked at the book? [08:42]
Staatsfeind pt is OK. [08:42]
Staatsfeind ;) [08:42]
a5m0 why does it always sounds like pirateat40 has everyone's coins? [08:42]
neofutur ah pt, ok thanks [08:42]
copumpkin a5m0: cause he does [08:42]
copumpkin my three-day payouts are fucking huge [08:42]
neofutur ( i m not the one speaking pt, its my wife ) [08:42]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: I see. [08:43]
a5m0 does he have a 100gh/s farm that everyone rents from? [08:43]
copumpkin nope [08:43]
mircea_popescu you do ? [08:44]
copumpkin I choose not to translate it though. The translation is too dangerous [08:44]
mircea_popescu well no wonder you don't want to invest if pirateguy is paying you huge 3 days payouts, how much is it [08:44]
mircea_popescu smart move. [08:44]
reeses copumpkin’s payouts are bigger than everyone else’s holdings [08:44]
copumpkin lol [08:45]
mircea_popescu well, but specifically ? 10% a day ? [08:45]
copumpkin lol no [08:45]
reeses he gave me one of his payouts and it took me three months to sell it and withdraw the USD from gox [08:45]
mircea_popescu 1% ? [08:45]
copumpkin that'd be insane [08:45]
mircea_popescu .1% ? [08:45]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: [08:46]
reeses /msg pirateat40 [08:46]
mircea_popescu aha [08:46]
mircea_popescu he says he's not actually accepting more ppl or is it just me [08:46]
copumpkin yeah, no more [08:47]
mircea_popescu seems odd, why not pay less accept more. [08:47]
reeses you have to pay copumpkin 500btc for an invite [08:47]
reeses stfu bitch [08:47]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: because he doesn't need more money or more people [08:48]
MBS idk [08:48]
mircea_popescu you mean ſtfu i hope. [08:48]
copumpkin lol [08:48]
MBS dont think i would store money in bitcoin just for interest [08:48]
copumpkin MBS prefers CDOs [08:48]
reeses math is hard [08:48]
copumpkin likes to stick to his own kind [08:48]
MBS CDO? [08:48]
reeses hehehe [08:48]
copumpkin Collateralized Debt Obligation [08:48]
mircea_popescu collateralised debt obligations [08:48]
copumpkin a type of MBS :P [08:48]
mircea_popescu ow fuck! [08:48]
MBS oh [08:48]
MBS anyway, just saying price going down could easily wipe out your earnings :p [08:49]
copumpkin sorry, I've been making that lame joke for a while now [08:49]
mircea_popescu copumpkin ima cut your seeds out then you'll take longer to type [08:49]
copumpkin mircea_popescu :( [08:49]
mircea_popescu lol k k im not. [08:49]
mircea_popescu stop making the long face [08:49]
copumpkin MBS: the price would have to go pretty far down to wipe out my profit altogether [08:49]
copumpkin MBS: and even if so, I accept the risk :) [08:49]
mircea_popescu besides he buys puts to make sure :D [08:49]
MBS yeah i guess 1% interest is pretty good but still [08:49]
MBS does he allow automatic compounding [08:50]
reeses ask [08:50]
copumpkin either way, it's irrelevant cause he isn't taking on new people :) [08:50]
MBS not like it matters anyway [08:50]
MBS i dont have 100 BTC to save :p [08:50]
reeses you [08:50]
copumpkin but you can figure out most answers from the thread [08:50]
mircea_popescu where's paraipan when you need him to write a c omplaint ;/ [08:50]
reeses you can deposit with me for 0.1% [08:51]
copumpkin lol [08:51]
copumpkin shush you [08:51]
MBS nothx [08:51]
MBS though lol, if you are really hopefully with bitcoin, do a 0% credit card balance transfer for a year and a half :p [08:51]
copumpkin ;;sell 5 [08:51]
gribble (sell [at|@] []) -- Logs a sell order for units of per unit, in units of . Use the optional field to put in any special notes. may include an arithmetical expression, and {mtgox(ask|bid|last)} to index price to mtgox ask, bid, or last price. May also include expression (1 more message) [08:51]
mircea_popescu i wonder how many people total have over 100 btc of their own. [08:51]
copumpkin oh damn [08:51]
mircea_popescu maybe 10k or so ? [08:52]
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copumpkin MBS: we're risk tolerant, not stupid [08:52]
copumpkin I set aside some money I was willing to play with and I'm playing with it :P [08:52]
reeses hear dat [08:52]
MBS lol [08:52]
mircea_popescu stop playing with your money [08:52]
mircea_popescu monsturbators! [08:53]
* copumpkin starts playing with himself [08:53]
copumpkin lol [08:53]
mircea_popescu so this friend of mine just sent his son to live with grandparents [08:53]
mircea_popescu cause the kid and his twin sister were apparently getting too chummy [08:53]
copumpkin :O [08:53]
copumpkin why? [08:53]
copumpkin ooh [08:53]
copumpkin I'm fine with incest [08:54]
copumpkin not that I have any siblings [08:54]
mircea_popescu as in, they're 12, like to sleep together (naked), wait for everyone to go to bed [08:54]
reeses cousins count [08:54]
copumpkin I barely know my cousins [08:54]
copumpkin not very close with extended family due to living on different continents from them [08:54]
copumpkin but yeah, in principle, I see nothing wrong with incest [08:55]
mircea_popescu anyway, i told him if i had a twin sister i'd prolly be like an addict with a lifetime supply, i'd just not go out anymore. [08:55]
mircea_popescu i wonder how frequent that actually is. [08:55]
copumpkin lol [08:55]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: 23% of all twins have sex at least once [08:55]
reeses house of yes [08:55]
copumpkin (with their twin) [08:56]
mircea_popescu lol, british researchers say ? [08:56]
copumpkin yep [08:56]
mircea_popescu i was rooting for 69. [08:56]
copumpkin I'm british and like to call myself a researcher [08:56]
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* mircea_popescu removes operator status from mircea_popescu [08:57]
mircea_popescu that'll teach vrag. [08:57]
vragnaroda What? [08:57]
mircea_popescu ehehe [08:57]
amazingrando for those who have been following along, i'm still looking for btc loans to build out rigs for the 30 x 6990's I bought [08:57]
mircea_popescu o hey amazingrando : [08:57]
mircea_popescu i had a q. [08:57]
MBS mircea_popescu: 23% of all twins have sex at least once [08:58]
amazingrando sure [08:58]
amazingrando what? that's not true [08:58]
copumpkin amazingrando: so the guy sold you all the cards but not the computers? why didn't you take his computers too? [08:58]
MBS so twins have a very high chance of remaining virgins? [08:58]
mircea_popescu what return you expect out of mining for 100 btc in gear ? [08:58]
copumpkin MBS: the next line clarified [08:58]
MBS lol [08:58]
reeses amazingrando: what rate did you get for the 6990s? [08:58]
vragnaroda MBS: *with each other [08:58]
reeses $ that is, not hash [08:58]
MBS i wish i had a twin sister :( [08:58]
amazingrando he didn't have rigs for the 6990's [08:59]
mircea_popescu i wish i had twin girlfriends. [08:59]
amazingrando otherwise i would have have tried to buy them [08:59]
amazingrando i think i ended up paying about $450 for each [08:59]
reeses not bad but I'd try to resell [08:59]
MBS ill give you $20 for one [08:59]
reeses power usage and heat dissipation is high [08:59]
amazingrando haha [08:59]
amazingrando i only want to do mining [08:59]
copumpkin amazingrando: oh, I thought he was selling 25 machines with 3 6990s each [08:59]
copumpkin or was that a different guy? [09:00]
amazingrando i bought those too [09:00]
copumpkin lol [09:00]
mircea_popescu amazingrando : so how much you expect to mine per 100btc of equipment ? [09:00]
MBS you should give out cards for mining returns :p [09:00]
copumpkin wait, you can afford a crapton of cards but don't have any money left for the boxes to put them in? [09:00]
reeses i mine on a lot of 6990s, 6970s, and 6950s and regret my choice at this point [09:00]
amazingrando mircea_popescu: let me run the bumbers [09:00]
mircea_popescu danke [09:00]
amazingrando well it really maxed me out to get everything [09:00]
copumpkin reeses: regret the 6990s? [09:00]
reeses yeah [09:00]
copumpkin amazingrando: that's ballsy [09:00]
MBS if i was building my new gaming rig now, would love 2x 6990 in it [09:00]
reeses the 6990s are what pushed me to liquid cooling [09:01]
amazingrando i already have 40gh farm, so i know what works and what doesn't [09:01]
MBS would LOVE 2x6990 with liquid cooling as well [09:01]
copumpkin reeses: is your entire house submersed in mineral oil? [09:01]
amazingrando it was an opportunity i couldn't pass up [09:01]
copumpkin amazingrando: amazing! [09:01]
copumpkin amazingrando: gonna get some bfl rigs? [09:01]
reeses 40gh is a good start [09:01]
copumpkin ;;bc,calc 40000000 [09:02]
gribble The average time to generate a block at 40000000 Khps, given current difficulty of 1376302.2678864 , is 1 day, 17 hours, 2 minutes, and 59 seconds [09:02]
reeses but fuck 30x6990 on top of that is going to hurt [09:02]
amazingrando not yet. in addition to my concerns about bfl shipping, etc. my power is really cheap - 5 cents/kwh [09:02]
MBS bfl? [09:02]
amazingrando fpga miner [09:02]
copumpkin the rig is pretty good pricing per ghash too, isn't it? [09:02]
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copumpkin 50 ghash for 25-30k? [09:02]
reeses i melted the wax off the bottles in my wine cellar when i had only 10gh at home [09:02]
MBS ah [09:02]
amazingrando who knows if they will ever ship the big box [09:03]
copumpkin ah reeses, truly a 1%er [09:03]
amazingrando lol [09:03]
amazingrando wine bottles, really? [09:03]
copumpkin :) [09:03]
reeses ruined ten years accumulation of châteauneuf-du-pape [09:03]
copumpkin I have a wine bottle too! [09:03]
mircea_popescu lol [09:03]
MBS empty? [09:03]
copumpkin except my gf and I compete to find the cheapest shit we can find [09:04]
mircea_popescu no, not empty [09:04]
mircea_popescu fully inside a vagina. [09:04]
copumpkin we loved europe cause we could find 2 euro bottles [09:04]
MBS though i should eventually see if someone would give me coins if i mined for them, lol [09:04]
copumpkin in the US wine has a bit of an upper-class feel to it [09:04]
MBS copumpkin, you can get $2 bottles in the US [09:04]
copumpkin I can only get down to $5 around here [09:04]
NASDAQEnema ok I have one question [09:04]
MBS lif you wait for rebates, can get even lower [09:04]
copumpkin maybe boston is just full of stuck-up assholes [09:04]
copumpkin *massholes [09:04]
MBS some people got $0.75 bottles with rebate in december, lol [09:04]
mircea_popescu europe is afloat on a lake of wine [09:04]
NASDAQEnema all the spy plane pilots in bitcoin [09:05]
reeses you can get ‘table wine’ for $8 or so here [09:05]
reeses not sure what it is at my parents’ [09:05]
NASDAQEnema wtf do you ppl want to buy [09:05]
NASDAQEnema ;) [09:05]
mircea_popescu spy palne what ? [09:05]
MBS copumpkin, got a trader joes near you? [09:05]
reeses a spy plane would be a good start [09:05]
copumpkin MBS: there's one right next to my office [09:05]
reeses he means 70k+ I think [09:06]
MBS they have $2 wine there [09:06]
MBS so ive heard [09:06]
reeses if he’s not metric [09:06]
copumpkin MBS: doesn't have any wine in it, as far as I could tell [09:06]
MBS none down here, ol [09:06]
copumpkin it's a small underground one [09:06]
reeses metric sounds less cool [09:06]
copumpkin metric fucktons sound good to me [09:06]
reeses does MA control wine and liquor sales? [09:06]
mircea_popescu is brendio like owner of TH btw ? [09:07]
copumpkin not sure, but we do have supermarkets with booze in them [09:07]
copumpkin so I'd assume not [09:07]
copumpkin it's not as common as NY though [09:07]
copumpkin so maybe it's restrcited somehow [09:07]
amazingrando +mircea_popescu: ran the numbers. 100btc would give about $40 in profit per month after power, facility, depreciation, etc. [09:08]
copumpkin [09:08]
mircea_popescu o tyvm amazingrando. [09:08]
amazingrando np [09:08]
MBS sigh at how much sandy bridge e costs though [09:08]
mircea_popescu so you stand to make about 8% or so as it is now. [09:08]
amazingrando per month, yeah [09:09]
* mircea_popescu doesn't expect bond investments for quite a while consequently :) [09:09]
MBS my next right not counting video card will be like 1500 or so minimum not counting graphics card :( [09:09]
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amazingrando [09:10]
amazingrando looking for feedback, ideas about offering shares in the new farm from my 6990's [09:11]
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mircea_popescu i don't have a forum acct but lets see [09:11]
rg wha time is it [09:11]
amazingrando you shouldn't need one to view it [09:11]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: you could get one :) [09:11]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: it really doesn't take much [09:12]
mircea_popescu i tried once and got pissed off with it [09:12]
copumpkin fair enough [09:12]
MBS one thing im worried about though, room gets way too hot and humid in louisiana with this mining rig, lol [09:12]
copumpkin ;;market [09:12]
gribble Documentation for the #bitcoin-market channel: [09:12]
MBS even with a window AC [09:12]
MBS next rig will suck cock to be in same room as [09:13]
mircea_popescu hey, i think its a good ideea amazingrando [09:13]
mircea_popescu public owned miners are the future imo [09:13]
amazingrando thanks! [09:13]
amazingrando well, i could certainly expand a lot faster with investors. i've bought everything myself [09:13]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: communist! [09:13]
mircea_popescu by now if i lived in sweden/norway/canada/alaska etc and i'd be building a house [09:13]
mircea_popescu i'd pretty much build rig heating for it. [09:13]
amazingrando haha [09:14]
mircea_popescu public owned as in, share based cop! [09:14]
copumpkin likely excuse! [09:14]
reeses bitpud [09:14]
copumpkin we know you're secretly a communist [09:14]
copumpkin that's why you have such a big house [09:14]
mircea_popescu im about what ?! lol [09:14]
copumpkin is mircea_popescu's house, for people who don't know [09:14]
mircea_popescu im about as much of a communist as you're a perambulatory pantyhose [09:14]
copumpkin :) [09:15]
reeses uh, have you seen his pic? [09:15]
copumpkin fine, fine [09:15]
copumpkin oh I have [09:15]
copumpkin shirtless [09:15]
copumpkin mmmm [09:15]
reeses no [09:15]
reeses yours [09:15]
amazingrando i think i see him on the third floor window [09:15]
copumpkin oh [09:15]
reeses in pantyhose [09:15]
copumpkin lol [09:15]
reeses and assuming you can walk [09:15]
copumpkin it was pretty uncomfortable [09:16]
mircea_popescu guys in pantyhose are possibly the most ridiculous sight [09:16]
* woofcat has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [09:16]
mircea_popescu esp if not shaved [09:16]
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amazingrando well if you had legs like mine you would change your mind [09:16]
reeses you must burn his retinas, copumpkin [09:16]
copumpkin hah no [09:16]
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mircea_popescu i wonder if dressing boys in pantyhose would count as child abuse ? [09:17]
mircea_popescu that'd be a liberal's conundrum right there. [09:17]
amazingrando not if they are gay [09:17]
copumpkin also, I didn't have any pantyhose [09:17]
mircea_popescu child abuse meets gender identity [09:17]
mircea_popescu no, i mean that's what they have to wear. [09:17]
mircea_popescu they're say 12. [09:17]
reeses weekend irc is so high brow [09:17]
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mircea_popescu high on blow, amirite ? [09:19]
Ukto reeeeeses [09:20]
Ukto peices [09:20]
Ukto :P [09:20]
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copumpkin here, [09:20]
MBS why is no one selling these for bitcoins yet [09:28]
MBS [09:28]
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mircea_popescu good q mbs [09:31]
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splatster Buying BTC!!!!!!!!!! [09:39]
mircea_popescu sell splatster btcs! [09:39]
* andress (~andres@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [09:39]
splatster mircea_popescu: You should sell me your BTC [09:39]
* andress has quit (Client Quit) [09:39]
splatster mircea_popescu: Or else..... [09:39]
splatster DUN DUN DUN!!! [09:39]
mircea_popescu hehe i might have too many [09:40]
copumpkin no such thing as too many bitcoins [09:42]
copumpkin well, assuming I have them all [09:42]
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splatster copumpkin: 21,000,000.00000001 BTC is too many bitcoins. [09:44]
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mircea_popescu copumpkin a, cause i forgot before : [10:08]
mircea_popescu brendio wants me to do a bookbuilding structure, except...well... who's the institutional investors in btc ? [10:08]
mircea_popescu bookbuilding is just another form of wall street chummy fraud,. [10:09]
* BCBot has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [10:09]
* Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?) [10:09]
MBS someone should make diamondcoins [10:10]
MBS value gets cut in half every time you transfer them [10:10]
benjamindees if you give one to a woman... she gets half your net worth [10:12]
* copumpkin has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [10:17]
MBS hmm actually a different thing would be interesting [10:17]
MBS mining with quality [10:17]
mircea_popescu actually MBS... i have. [10:17]
mircea_popescu i run this digg type service, users are rewarded with "karma". [10:17]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc [10:17]
* ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin [10:17]
mircea_popescu they can sell it out, half of it. [10:17]
mircea_popescu and they can also withdraw to a sort of codes like gox has [10:18]
mircea_popescu wich also gives them half of it [10:18]
mircea_popescu and if you keep putting codes in and taking them out, presto [10:18]
mircea_popescu diamondcoin [10:18]
MBS like you mine a coin, and you can get same amount of "coins/diamonds/w/e", but they might have different qualities [10:18]
MBS like use some mathmatical thing to determine quality of diamond [10:18]
devDelay !seen gammag [10:18]
MBS wouldnt be as liquid as bitcoin though, but some people might see that as positive [10:19]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc [14:22]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || Bot's control sequence is ';;'. || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe [14:22]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube at Mon Dec 19 23:38:55 2011 [14:22]
mircea_popescu bitfloor seems a good ideea on the face, i wonder why it didn't take off [14:22]
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spawn- selling BTC for PPUSD or LRUSD anyone :) [14:39]
gigavps i have too many bitcoins already [14:40]
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spawn- selling BTC for PPUSD or LRUSD anyone :) [15:08]
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Mqrius One can never have too many bitcoins, gigavps. [15:13]
Mqrius mircea_popescu: They're quite new IIRC. They had a testing phase a few weeks back, maybe they haven't been discovered yet? [15:14]
Mqrius What's special about them that you expect them to take off though? [15:15]
mircea_popescu maybe so, tho the domain is registered a while back [15:15]
mircea_popescu the liquidity thing caught my eye [15:15]
mircea_popescu meanwhile obviously i found a few dubious spots, so i dunno anumore. [15:15]
jaypetermm_ hi,anyone can tell me how to check that u are verified by bitcoin otc [15:16]
Mqrius ;;ident jaypetermm_ [15:16]
gribble Nick 'jaypetermm_', with hostmask 'jaypetermm_!7aa2538c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is identified as user jaypetermm, with GPG key id F64F2DC47D275F97, and key fingerprint 7FCF8F17E8CABCF52A29C0DCF64F2DC47D275F97. [15:16]
Mqrius That looks fine [15:16]
jaypetermm_ thank you i am new to it [15:16]
* Vual is now known as vual_is_AWAY [15:17]
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spawn- selling BTC for PPUSD or LRUSD anyone :) [15:20]
* charlierlee (43a07586@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:21]
jaypetermm_ ;;getrating spawn- [15:23]
gribble User spawn-, created on Sat Feb 4 19:27:00 2012. Cumulative rating 38, from 30 total ratings. Received ratings: 25 positive, 5 negative. Sent ratings: 25 positive, 1 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask spawn-! [15:23]
jaypetermm_ selling BTC for LR USD [15:26]
* silvercoin (47442431@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:26]
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* ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin [15:30]
jaypetermm_ selling BTC for LR USD [15:31]
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jaypetermm_ 10 % discount on BTC to USD LR exchange [15:32]
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GlooBoy ;;eauth GlooBoy [15:39]
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spawn- selling BTC for PPUSD or LRUSD anyone :) [15:40]
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silvercoin spawn what are your rates [15:44]
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charlierlee ;;gpg eauth charlierlee [15:44]
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charlierlee ;;gpg everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:e437666dbf3c7016cf43206346c0e0ecf3e6fe23edbd69b8fe2afece [15:45]
gribble You are now authenticated for user charlierlee with key 8BDA7ABE18034912 [15:45]
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charlierlee ;;ident spawn- [16:07]
gribble Nick 'spawn-', with hostmask 'spawn-!', is identified as user spawn-, with GPG key id AE30E5D188391FE6, and key fingerprint 57810BDEC1A01158F60A2648AE30E5D188391FE6. [16:07]
charlierlee ;;ident spawn [16:08]
charlierlee ;;rate spawn- 1 smooth trade. fast! [16:10]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user spawn- has been recorded. [16:10]
mircea_popescu ;;seen btcx [16:11]
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spawn- ;;rate charlierlee 1 PPUSD for BTC quick business :) [16:12]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user charlierlee has been recorded. [16:12]
BTCHero ;;getrating charlierlee [16:12]
gribble User charlierlee, created on Sun Feb 19 00:48:24 2012. Cumulative rating 3, from 3 total ratings. Received ratings: 3 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 3 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask charlierlee!43a07586@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [16:12]
* randumbum has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 10.0.2/20120216101208]) [16:13]
ocminer i'm selling 20 btc for 90 ppusd (thats 4.50 per btc) [16:13]
BTCHero Ill do it [16:14]
ocminer ;;getrating spawn- [16:15]
gribble User spawn-, created on Sat Feb 4 19:27:00 2012. Cumulative rating 39, from 31 total ratings. Received ratings: 26 positive, 5 negative. Sent ratings: 26 positive, 1 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask spawn-! [16:15]
ocminer hmmmm [16:15]
spawn- ;;getrating ocminer [16:16]
gribble User ocminer, created on Sun Nov 6 13:20:11 2011. Cumulative rating 46, from 28 total ratings. Received ratings: 28 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 28 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask ocminer! [16:16]
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jaypetermm_ looking to exchange BTC to LR @ 10 % discount rates [16:21]
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* Vual is now known as vual_is_AWAY [16:23]
jaypetermm_ looking to exchange BTC to LR @ 10 % discount rates [16:23]
* darkee (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:25]
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Cephei_ ;;guide [16:35]
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* ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:37]
ineededausername hey is nanotube here [16:37]
ineededausername ;;seen nanotube [16:37]
ineededausername well damn [16:38]
* rokj (~rokj@pdpc/supporter/active/rokj) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:38]
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Cephei_ Anyone just want to be nice and sell 10btc for $50 PP? [16:46]
* Guest89022 (~unclemant@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:47]
Guest89022 well so much for my sell order to trigger. :( [16:47]
* Guest89022 is now known as unclemantis [16:47]
unclemantis stupid irc [16:48]
unclemantis ^^ [16:48]
unclemantis i was expecting more of a spike this weekend than what happened [16:49]
unclemantis well i guess i will just keep it in. It will trigger eventually [16:49]
ineededausername a spike, eh [16:50]
ineededausername it looks like it's going to spike down [16:50]
unclemantis well i have a buy order in too [16:51]
* Guest61184 is now known as rf [16:51]
* rf is now known as rg [16:51]
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Cephei_ ;;rate spawn- [16:54]
* draco49 (~draco49@gateway/tor-sasl/draco49) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:54]
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sturles Some people were shorting a lot when it went above 5. I think trading will be slow for at least 30 more hours, and then we may see some action. I don't know about direction, but those who believe in another 4.2 low will get disappointed. Up is the easier way. [16:59]
* gribble gives voice to draco49 [16:59]
sturles I am prepared. A spike down will open fantastic arbitrage opportunities! [17:00]
mircea_popescu i like sturles' optimism :) [17:00]
draco49 good morning everyone :) [17:03]
sturles 16:02 <+amphipod> Feb25 15:02:12 btcde 5.0000 @ 4.18 EUR [17:03]
sturles ;;google calc 4.18 EUR in USD [17:03]
gribble 4.18 Euros = 5.589078 U.S. dollars [17:03]
* HawkeyeMikk (522f8bf3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:07]
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rg ;;ticker [17:11]
rg damn [17:11]
ineededausername ;;ticker [17:12]
* Turingi (~devon@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:12]
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* Turingi (~devon@unaffiliated/devon-hillard/x-7250961) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:12]
jaypetermm_ BTC to LR anyone interested ? [17:12]
rg ;;asks 5.10 [17:12]
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ineededausername dammit why is it dropping :( [17:12]
sturles ;;bids 4.9 [17:12]
ineededausername i might have to short [17:12]
gribble There are currently 2831.5832 bitcoins demanded at or over 4.9 USD, worth 13879.8768692 USD in total. [17:12]
ineededausername uh oh [17:12]
rg thats not even bad [17:12]
* SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdzzzz [17:13]
rg [gribble(~gribble@unaffiliated/nanotube/bot/gribble)] There are currently [17:13]
rg 8525.6484 bitcoins offered at or under 5.1 USD, worth 43101.6319657 [17:13]
rg USD in total. [17:13]
sturles ;;asks 5 [17:13]
ineededausername watch out, spike coming any moment now [17:13]
gribble There are currently 2004.6773 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 9996.74371476 USD in total. [17:13]
rg thats 10 medium trades [17:13]
unclemantis go long people! [17:13]
sturles ;;bids 4.8 [17:13]
gribble There are currently 11418.6 bitcoins demanded at or over 4.8 USD, worth 55385.6393987 USD in total. [17:13]
rg i always go long [17:15]
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Blitzboom we all do [17:16]
mircea_popescu hoard hoard hoard your coinz [17:16]
mircea_popescu gently up the slope [17:16]
mircea_popescu merily merily merily [17:16]
unclemantis rg well i guesss we just need to place our bids for buy and sell and sit back and enjoy the ride. When one triggers we just reset and sit back again [17:17]
Blitzboom bids are for pussies [17:17]
Blitzboom market order is the way to trade [17:17]
unclemantis lol [17:17]
* mircea_popescu trades market. [17:17]
unclemantis Blitzboom that is not for the faint of heart [17:17]
Blitzboom the mkt. always runs away from me [17:18]
Blitzboom and last i had a limit to catch a spike, 5.18, i took it down because i went to sleep [17:18]
Blitzboom damn limit orders >:[ [17:18]
rg heh [17:18]
rg im too dumb to trade like that [17:19]
* bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:20]
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Blitzboom ineededausername: good senses [17:22]
Blitzboom i wouldn’t use bitcoinica anymore though after what i last heard [17:22]
Blitzboom some security flaw which could have allowed funds to be stolen [17:22]
ineededausername yeah [17:23]
Blitzboom [17:23]
ineededausername i saw that... [17:23]
ineededausername also someone told me they got a double deposit [17:23]
ineededausername so there are flaws on both sides [17:23]
Blitzboom i deposit 1 BTC and get 2 BTC? [17:23]
ineededausername yeah [17:23]
rg There is a significant vulnerability in Bitcoinica. [17:23]
rg Strongly advise withdrawing funds. [17:23]
Blitzboom wtf [17:23]
rg lol [17:23]
rg note: thats from a competitor [17:23]
Blitzboom rg: he is trustworthy [17:23]
draco49 That's not a very detailed sec flaw report... [17:24]
Blitzboom of course ont [17:24]
ineededausername well, zhou has certainly not addressed it [17:24]
rg all im saying is [17:24]
rg take it with a grain of salt [17:24]
rg cause it is from a competitor [17:24]
Blitzboom no, i trust him [17:24]
ineededausername if it were wrong, then zhou would have said something about it [17:24]
sagia12 danieldaniel : did you make it to Post Office today? [17:25]
Cusipzzz post the flaw, or give zhou some time to fix, and then post the flaw. rather than vague bs [17:25]
ineededausername they fixed it [17:25]
Blitzboom Cusipzzz: he already fixed it [17:25]
* kaptah has quit (Quit: leaving) [17:25]
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* Joric has quit (Changing host) [17:25]
* Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:25]
Blitzboom withdrawal was made impossible for a while [17:25]
draco49 You trust a competitor to provide accurate information about a potential security flaw in the system, without anything else to back it up? [17:25]
Cusipzzz so no harm posting it now [17:25]
Blitzboom draco49: no, i trust this particular person [17:25]
ineededausername evidently, there was a flaw [17:25]
ineededausername because zhou took down the deposit/withdrawal pages [17:26]
Cusipzzz maybe he just took them down as a precaution, saw it was bs, then put them back up [17:26]
ineededausername then he would say something. [17:26]
sagia12 anyone want to buy some CCTV/Security Equip. for BTC [17:26]
draco49 Blitzboom: does the person who posted that warning have access to the Bitcoinica system/backend or have someone inside who does? [17:27]
Cusipzzz anyone who posts "omg, massive exploit" and then doesn't post it after it has been fixed or giving them sufficient time to fix...has an agenda. [17:27]
Blitzboom Cusipzzz: i heard it from MagicalTux himself [17:27]
Blitzboom but oh wait, that’s a competitor too [17:27]
ineededausername :P [17:27]
Blitzboom but they are all part of an agenda right [17:27]
sagia12 ;;asks 5 [17:27]
gribble There are currently 2298.9141 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 11458.3625655 USD in total. [17:27]
Cusipzzz that's fine, i'm just saying keeping it vague is weak [17:27]
ineededausername oh [17:28]
ineededausername later on the details were revealed [17:28]
draco49 ^^ especially AFTER it's been allegedly fixed [17:28]
Cusipzzz ineededausername: where? [17:28]
ineededausername it was a race condition [17:28]
ineededausername in the db [17:28]
Cusipzzz shouldbe on the same "omg, flaw" blogpost. [17:28]
ineededausername hold on let me see it [17:28]
ineededausername *see if i can find it [17:28]
ineededausername [17:28]
sagia12 ;;guide [17:29]
gribble Guide to using #bitcoin-otc: [17:29]
ineededausername The bitcoin withdrawal processing code in use at bitcoinica until yesterday contained a significant race condition allowing for withdrawal requests to be duplicated a significant number of times (I believe capped at a dozen, but possibly more). This stemmed from the improper use of FOR UPDATE outside of a MySQL transaction. Thanks to MagicalTux and the bitcoin police for bringing the original report of a double withdraw [17:29]
Cusipzzz ineededausername: thx [17:29]
* Cephei_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) [17:30]
ineededausername it says patrick found flaws in gox too :O [17:30]
mircea_popescu cusipzzz is such a hater :D [17:30]
ineededausername lol [17:30]
Cusipzzz lol [17:30]
sagia12 anyone looking to convert anything? [17:30]
draco49 Why would a competitor warn everyone to withdraw all their funds if the problem was with the system allowing dup withdrawls? [17:30]
Cusipzzz i'm looking to covert my house to a private island somewhere [17:31]
bitcoinTrader ;;getrating sagia12 [17:31]
mircea_popescu lol good one draco49 [17:31]
sagia12 bitcoinTrader im relatively new [17:31]
bitcoinTrader hmm [17:31]
draco49 That doesn't seem like something that would be posted if the poster's intentions were benign. [17:32]
GlooBoy buying 20-60 LR @3% gox,btc [17:32]
rg [17:32]
rg new freenode ircd! [17:32]
rg has no AAAA record [17:32]
rg lame! [17:32]
draco49 I don't need mooor cock.. I got plenty of my own :P [17:33]
silvercoin buying gox or btc via PP [17:34]
rg ;;asks 4.00 [17:34]
imsaguy MOAR!!! [17:34]
* Joric has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [17:34]
rg i need to register a domain [17:35]
Mqrius [17:35]
bitcoinTrader silvercoin: can u pay LR for gox usd? [17:37]
silvercoin sorry I don't have LR :( [17:37]
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rg godaddy needs to drop some .99 cent coupons [17:41]
rg ive never paid more than $2 for a domain [17:42]
mircea_popescu so since copumpkin put my link in forum i've been reading the investment marketplace there [17:43]
mircea_popescu JESUS GOD i am scared now. seems like 9x% of all bitcoin businesses are outright scams. [17:43]
mircea_popescu get a load of this one as a for instance. [17:43]
* randumbum ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:44]
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* gilly_ (c1a99130@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:45]
jaypetermm_ looking to exchange bitcoin to LR [17:46]
mircea_popescu ;;seen brendio [17:48]
jaypetermm_ looking to exchange bitcoin to LR [17:49]
mircea_popescu well if anyone has a forum handle and is so inclined, point out to brendio the discussion with random_cat about seniority of bonds and other matters [17:49]
mircea_popescu to be found here [17:49]
mircea_popescu or quote or whatever. [17:49]
gilly_ sell 50 USD for BTC USD in the form of CVS PHARMACY egift cards. .smaller amounts acceptable pm me. [17:50]
* Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:51]
imsaguy mircea_popescu: its highly profitable to start a business/ask for a loan under a new nick on the forums [17:53]
imsaguy infinite % profit [17:54]
mircea_popescu apparently so. [17:54]
mircea_popescu infinite profit of five bux. [17:54]
draco49 gilly... we KNOW you're celeste [17:54]
imsaguy seriously [17:54]
draco49 Nobody wants the friggin CVS gift cards [17:54]
mircea_popescu i wonder if he knows how we know. [17:54]
draco49 lol [17:55]
imsaguy come in offering the exact same thing [17:55]
draco49 same wording [17:55]
imsaguy right after the first nick got banned [17:55]
mircea_popescu personally i was using the final dash silly name convention. [17:55]
* xHire ( has left #bitcoin-otc ("Bye bye!") [17:55]
imsaguy herp derp [17:55]
draco49 he's been changing it up... he was nelly___ or something like that the other day [17:55]
mircea_popescu you see my point [17:55]
imsaguy yeah [17:55]
* mircea_popescu jessie_ [17:55]
imsaguy I called him out on it [17:56]
imsaguy "how do you change nicks?" [17:56]
imsaguy you tell me, you do it daily [17:56]
mircea_popescu lol [17:56]
draco49 hehe [17:56]
imsaguy and now I get a pm from jaypetermm_ [17:57]
draco49 gilly_ Do us and yourself a favor... just print out the stupid egift cards and go hang outside of your local CVS and sell them for cash. [17:57]
imsaguy gee, that isn't suspicious [17:57]
mircea_popescu you got a pm from me, too [17:57]
imsaguy I love how these unauth'd, web users pm me out of the blue [17:57]
rg me too [17:57]
draco49 People are soooooo stupid. [17:58]
mircea_popescu rg copycat! [17:58]
rg when i ask why they say some shit like ' you are a top trader in -otc' [17:58]
silvercoin i have not had that problem [17:58]
rg when im really not [17:58]
imsaguy yeah [17:58]
rg i only sell to like 3 people [17:58]
imsaguy its bullshit [17:58]
imsaguy hey jaypetermm_, my name isn't 'chief' [17:58]
imsaguy quit calling me that. [17:58]
mircea_popescu you sold to me at some point too. [17:58]
jaypetermm_ got it [17:58]
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* gives voice to wizkid057 [17:58]
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imsaguy so rather than pm me asking if I trade LR [17:59]
imsaguy ask the freaking channel [17:59]
imsaguy don't ask me, I'm too quick to -1 you [18:00]
imsaguy and if you aren't auth'd, you ain't getting crap [18:00]
imsaguy oh look, new scam in the making..;all [18:01]
draco49 lol... I have a loan I didn't pay, so I need a BTC loan so I can cover that. [18:02]
imsaguy yes [18:02]
draco49 otherwise, Joey Baggadonuts is gonna come break my legs. [18:03]
draco49 lol [18:03]
* gim (d5f9ae68@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:03]
imsaguy let me convert my payday loan into a bitcoin loan where I can get screwed by the price volatility [18:03]
imsaguy taking a picture with my shoe is degrading, but a payday loan is not. [18:03]
rg ^^ [18:04]
rg haha [18:04]
rg indeed [18:04]
imsaguy he replied to you rg [18:04]
imsaguy I like his argument. [18:04]
gim Do any of the transactions that take place here ever use cash in mail? [18:05]
imsaguy yep [18:05]
imsaguy lots of us will sell btc for cash in the mail [18:05]
gim ok [18:05]
gim sweet [18:05]
draco49 I'll do anything to prove i'm legit.... except putting a shoe on my head. That's where I draw the line. [18:05]
silvercoin lol [18:05]
silvercoin lord [18:05]
imsaguy draco49: gotta have standards [18:06]
silvercoin who is making you do that [18:06]
silvercoin shame on u guys [18:06]
imsaguy silvercoin: read that url I posted [18:06]
rg oh wow [18:06]
rg his argument is very valid [18:06]
silvercoin yea I know I saw that lol [18:06]
rg i should just shut up [18:06]
silvercoin torturing the noob are we [18:06]
imsaguy no [18:06]
rg in reality, hes just afraid to post a pic of himself [18:06]
silvercoin lies [18:06]
imsaguy making sure it isn't the same guy under a new nick [18:06]
rg or provide any real information [18:06]
draco49 He wants a 100BTC loan to pay back some other loan he's in default on. [18:06]
rg for example, im trying to take out a $2k loan of btc for bitvps [18:06]
silvercoin what is he trying to do? [18:06]
rg anyone who did that would get all mine + grubles info [18:07]
silvercoin oic [18:07]
draco49 rg: that's different [18:07]
imsaguy rg: posting a picture of your p3n0r didn't help your cause [18:07]
danieldaniel imsaguy: o.0 [18:07]
danieldaniel I'm back [18:07]
rg hey danny [18:07]
rg check your ratings [18:07]
danieldaniel ;;getrating danieldaniel [18:07]
gribble User danieldaniel, created on Wed Jul 13 17:27:02 2011. Cumulative rating 78, from 51 total ratings. Received ratings: 51 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 44 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask danieldaniel!~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel [18:07]
mircea_popescu we need a way to diff scams from real businesses. [18:07]
rg any business thats been open less than 6 mo == no loans [18:07]
danieldaniel fuck you rg [18:07]
silvercoin oh boy [18:08]
danieldaniel :) [18:08]
rg ;p [18:08]
danieldaniel No, I'm just saying that in a nice way [18:08]
rg whmcs is so retarded [18:08]
rg sometimes it wont let me login [18:08]
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rg Subject: WHMCS Admin Failed Login Attempt [18:08]
rg but i close firefox, reopen it, give the same pw [18:08]
rg and it lets me in just fine [18:08]
danieldaniel "likes to pony with the ponies mostly ponying" "likes to pony ponies with me all day long" "traded ponies for ponies. pony pony pony pony" (<-- XD) " traded ponies for ponies. pony pony pony pony" [18:08]
* gim has quit (Quit: Page closed) [18:09]
rg ill stop now [18:09]
imsaguy mircea_popescu: the shoe picture is a surprisingly easy way [18:09]
rg hopefully no one else responds to my email [18:09]
danieldaniel rg: FUUU [18:09]
mircea_popescu well i dunno imsaguy, plenty of pics of mine available but i wouldn't do one with a shoe on my head [18:09]
mircea_popescu seeing how im not dali [18:09]
rg i didnt really send an email [18:09]
rg thats far too much work for me [18:10]
mircea_popescu so i know this girl that writes copy. what does she send me this morning ? [18:10]
danieldaniel anyone know a way to get to a post office (that's really far away), without walking/driving/biking? [18:10]
mircea_popescu Project : I'd like to have an ebook written about natural ways to take care of dental problems. [18:11]
imsaguy yeah, its called a stamp [18:11]
nanotube danieldaniel: helicopter. [18:11]
draco49 danieldaniel: bus [18:11]
silvercoin ask the mailman for a ride [18:11]
mircea_popescu Answer : step 1: find squirrel [18:11]
mircea_popescu step 2: make it really, really angry [18:11]
mircea_popescu step 3: place in mouff [18:11]
mircea_popescu step 4: ??? [18:11]
mircea_popescu step 5: all better [18:11]
danieldaniel draco49: no busses near me [18:11]
draco49 a stamp or helicoptor would also work [18:11]
danieldaniel nanotube: no :) [18:11]
nanotube danieldaniel: also, po does offer a pick-up service, iirc... [18:11]
danieldaniel po? [18:11]
silvercoin lol [18:11]
draco49 skateboard? you gotta have one of those lying around [18:11]
danieldaniel oh [18:11]
danieldaniel post office XD [18:11]
rg even i have a skateboard [18:11]
danieldaniel hmm, googleing [18:12]
draco49 Don't you have a friend with a car? Or parents or something? [18:12]
danieldaniel!input.action :D [18:12]
mircea_popescu or legs >? [18:12]
silvercoin or a brain [18:12]
mircea_popescu lets not be too harsh [18:12]
draco49 How far away is this post office? [18:12]
silvercoin lol [18:12]
danieldaniel draco49: (A) I don't have any friends (I do, but they aren't available right now) and (B) My parents are not home right now [18:12]
danieldaniel draco49: >9000 miles [18:12]
silvercoin lol [18:13]
danieldaniel nanotube: thanks [18:13]
nanotube danieldaniel: np :) [18:13]
danieldaniel nanotube: You actually helped (unlike everyone else) XD [18:13]
danieldaniel Wait [18:13]
danieldaniel How do they already have my address [18:13]
danieldaniel o.0 [18:13]
silvercoin oh you were serious my bad [18:13]
draco49 Oh, my suggestions weren't valid? [18:13]
danieldaniel "Address found" [18:13]
draco49 Cuz you have an address that's recognized by the postal system [18:14]
vigilyn because the usps uses an address validator [18:14]
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draco49 it doesn't mean they're tracking you [18:14]
danieldaniel vigilyn: I didn't type _anything_ in [18:14]
danieldaniel draco49: I didn't type _anything_ in [18:14]
danieldaniel I just opened the page [18:14]
vigilyn then miss cleo got a new job [18:14]
draco49 Oh, then they're tracking you. [18:14]
silvercoin no they are not [18:14]
danieldaniel draco49: *hides* [18:14]
nanotube danieldaniel: dunno, possibly something by ip [18:14]
danieldaniel nanotube: That's what I thought, but [18:15]
silvercoin an address validator simply validates the address exists, not who is there [18:15]
rg wow [18:15]
danieldaniel how would they get that specific info? [18:15]
rg most of these 'loan posts' are horror stories [18:15]
silvercoin you can fucking google an address to see if it exists [18:15]
nanotube when i load the page, it says "finding address" but doesn't come out of it. [18:15]
nanotube you guys can go to that page, enable js, and see that it tries to find an address without you putting anything in [18:15]
vigilyn browser geolocation [18:16]
draco49 danieldaniel: also, they will only pick up from you if you are sending via priority or express mail and have your pkg ready to go incl. postage paid. [18:16]
danieldaniel draco49: aww [18:16]
danieldaniel I don't have a box [18:16]
imsaguy ask your mom, she has a box [18:16]
draco49 lol [18:16]
danieldaniel imsaguy: (1) no (2) "(B) My parents are not home right now" [18:17]
draco49 Seriously, how far away is the post office? [18:17]
danieldaniel draco49: like far [18:17]
danieldaniel .000000001 mile [18:17]
draco49 like more than 5 miles? [18:17]
draco49 more than 10 miles? [18:17]
danieldaniel more than 10 [18:18]
rg then you better get going now [18:18]
draco49 For real... [18:18]
danieldaniel f this [18:18]
danieldaniel im walking [18:18]
danieldaniel bbl [18:18]
draco49 how is it that you don't have a bike or skateboard... [18:18]
draco49 bring a snack... [18:19]
rg 10 mi wont take you more than 5 hours [18:19]
rg and by that time your parents will be home [18:19]
draco49 less if he's wearing his heelies [18:19]
rg heh a kid bumped into me wearing those [18:19]
draco49 danieldaniel has the delux pair that light up [18:19]
silvercoin LA gear [18:20]
silvercoin I have some badass LA gears [18:21]
danieldaniel draco49: what??? [18:21]
danieldaniel And anyways [18:21]
danieldaniel I have 40 minutes to walk 12 miles [18:21]
danieldaniel f this [18:21]
danieldaniel 4:21pm] draco49: [19:19:55] danieldaniel has the delux pair that light up [18:22]
danieldaniel :( [18:22]
draco49 You must live in East Bumblefuck [18:22]
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mircea_popescu you know in a marathon they do 22 miles. [18:22]
danieldaniel [18:22]
rg daniel: a light job would get you there [18:22]
rg jog* [18:22]
danieldaniel rg: in 40 mins? [18:22]
danieldaniel Plus, I'm fat [18:23]
rg if you can average 6mi [18:23]
rg oh [18:23]
rg yeah [18:23]
rg thats not happening [18:23]
danieldaniel lol [18:23]
rg hitch hike [18:23]
rg actually, i dont even know where you life [18:23]
rg live [18:23]
rg dont hitch hike [18:23]
danieldaniel rg: its funny because you probably do [18:23]
draco49 If the nearest PO is 12 miles away you live in Far East Bumblefuck. [18:23]
danieldaniel draco49: I was kidding about 12 miles [18:24]
danieldaniel I'm too lazy tho [18:24]
* Gekz has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [18:24]
danieldaniel 4:23pm] danieldaniel: Plus, I'm fat [18:24]
danieldaniel wow my time is screwed up [18:24]
danieldaniel no idea how to fix it [18:24]
draco49 OMG DD... you probably could have gone there and been back in all the time you've been on here looking for suggestions on how to get there. [18:24]
rg ineededausername looks really goth [18:24]
danieldaniel draco49: its like 5-6 miles [18:24]
danieldaniel let me see [18:24]
rg i have two PO's within 5mi [18:25]
draco49 What about a taxi? [18:25]
rg and i live in a town of like 10k [18:25]
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danieldaniel oh [18:25]
danieldaniel 0.8 miles [18:25]
danieldaniel wiat, no [18:25]
danieldaniel that one close [18:25]
danieldaniel that one closed* [18:26]
rg look, youre not gonna make it [18:26]
rg so just drop it [18:26]
draco49 Or call a cab. [18:26]
rg PO's close by 12 on Sat. [18:26]
danieldaniel rg: Closed as in went out of business [18:26]
draco49 Good point... I forgot it was Saturday. [18:26]
rg unless you live in a city [18:26]
ineededausername rg: i look really goth? [18:26]
ineededausername :P [18:26]
draco49 Ya I got 24/7 PO's around my place. [18:27]
danieldaniel draco49: lucky :( [18:27]
draco49 What are you trying to mail anyway? [18:27]
danieldaniel a router [18:27]
rg yes [18:27]
danieldaniel lol, what time does your mail come draco49 [18:27]
rg according to your forum pic [18:28]
draco49 I'd just get it ready for Monday and ship it then. [18:28]
danieldaniel rg: forum pic? [18:28]
copumpkin ;;market [18:28]
draco49 My mail arrives whenever I go to the PO to get it. [18:28]
danieldaniel draco49: lol, po box [18:28]
rg our mail arrives when our mailman feels like it [18:28]
draco49 Yep [18:28]
rg which is not every day [18:28]
danieldaniel i have to wait until 6 every day :( [18:28]
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rg and when he does come all he does is give me junk mail [18:28]
draco49 My PO has my mail in its box by 10:30am daily. [18:28]
ineededausername rg: that's a pic of atlas.... [18:28]
ineededausername lol [18:28]
rg yeah [18:28]
rg i dont use teh forum [18:28]
rg i dont know what that means [18:29]
ineededausername oh lol [18:29]
rg so far all ive seen on the forum is flamers and scammers [18:29]
rg so i try to abstain from using it [18:29]
rg i only comment 'scam' [18:29]
ineededausername haha [18:29]
draco49 ^^lol [18:29]
danieldaniel lol, *looks at post history* [18:29]
rg i was going to ask for a loan [18:29]
rg but im fearful [18:29]
rg the second i post an ask for a loan people are gonna be like ' i know this guy from IRC, hes a prick ' [18:30]
mircea_popescu you're a prick ? [18:30]
rg mhmm [18:30]
mircea_popescu what did you do ? [18:30]
rg exist [18:31]
imsaguy rg [18:31]
imsaguy post it [18:31]
imsaguy I'll make the dick comment [18:31]
imsaguy get it out of the way [18:31]
imsaguy out troll the trolls [18:31]
mircea_popescu make a comment on mine imsaguy! and no dix. [18:31]
ineededausername lol [18:31]
imsaguy link? [18:31]
mircea_popescu [18:31]
mircea_popescu now im curious what he comes up with :D [18:32]
draco49 I don't think asking for a loan on a public forum is really the way to go... [18:32]
rg [18:32]
imsaguy its ok to include the http:// [18:32]
danieldaniel rg: [18:32]
danieldaniel just for you [18:32]
draco49 lol The RapeGhost is listed [18:32]
rg ofcourse [18:33]
rg everyone knows rapeghost [18:33]
danieldaniel *deleted* [18:33]
danieldaniel 16:33, 25 February 2012‎ DanieldanielOMG (talk | contribs)‎ (2,963 bytes) (undo) [18:33]
* alfred__ (5ce00cf3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:33]
draco49 Now that I know danieldaniel is a contributor of WikiPedia my faith in it has drastically dropped. [18:34]
danieldaniel draco49: lol [18:34]
mircea_popescu lmao wikipedia is evil [18:34]
draco49 ;) [18:34]
danieldaniel draco49: check when my acc was made [18:34]
rg [18:34]
mircea_popescu haha, were you like 12 daniel ? [18:34]
danieldaniel It was made ~1 minute ago [18:34]
rg Tanzania: sex attacks blamed on bat demon [18:34]
danieldaniel o.0 [18:34]
rg jfyi i was born in tanzania [18:34]
draco49 rg: well that's to be expected [18:34]
draco49 I think Tanzania is where the US military tests out it's secret Super Soldier projects... [18:35]
draco49 That bat demon used to be Sgt. Jaminson [18:36]
danieldaniel Bbl [18:37]
ineededausername man commits suicide over watermelon theft [18:39]
ineededausername [18:39]
mircea_popescu anyone know 2weiX ? [18:39]
mircea_popescu of [18:39]
* jaypetermm (7aa2538c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:40]
rg [18:40]
rg ^ daniels cat [18:40]
draco49 How does a man go through 84 years of life and then end it because someone was stealing watermelons from him? [18:41]
rg was he black [18:41]
* rg drops that comment [18:42]
draco49 Now that he's gone, all his watermelons will be up for grabs. [18:42]
BTCHero has been gone long does anyone know? [18:42]
* jaypetermm_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:42]
draco49 AND he left his wife to clean up the mess and continue tending to the watermelon fields. [18:42]
draco49 BTCHero: has been weird for a few days. [18:43]
imsaguy rg: post a picture of you with a shoe on your head [18:43]
draco49 LOL watch him get the 100BTC loan... [18:43]
imsaguy draco49: it usually happens [18:43]
imsaguy and then the lender gets screwed [18:43]
draco49 I don't see why the WOT can't be used for p2p loans.... [18:44]
imsaguy it often is [18:44]
rg im looking for far more than 100 btc [18:44]
rg ;;ticker [18:45]
draco49 rg: you're looking for like $2100, right? [18:45]
imsaguy rg: it was to prove this asshat wrong [18:45]
sturles The microtraderbot has gone from buying to selling. Does it have a plan? Will it work? [18:45]
BTCHero because just like fronting drugs, people are happy about it until its all gone and they have to pay [18:45]
rg more like 428.57 [18:45]
rg yeah [18:45]
rg 428btc [18:45]
jaypetermm Anyone looking to exchange BTC to LR [18:45]
rg but i have something like 150 btc [18:45]
rg i dont know whats in the wallet currently [18:46]
draco49 You could always call Western Sky, but then you'd be forever indebted to the Cherokee Nation. [18:46]
rg heh [18:46]
rg i like them [18:46]
rg theyre atleast honest [18:46]
BTCHero rg if you would have had a package of ramen noodles everytime you had someone order out for you I'm sure you would have 428 coins [18:46]
rg they admit in their commercials that its a rip off [18:46]
draco49 right! [18:46]
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* JeanCarlo2 (4f75ab44@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:46]
rg thats how they get their jollies, fucking over white trash [18:46]
draco49 I like how the obviously indian woman on the commercial says "Yes, the money is expensive..." [18:47]
BTCHero bout time? [18:47]
* vaasu (~vaasu@unaffiliated/vaasu) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:47]
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rg poot injind [18:47]
rg poot injins [18:47]
rg omg [18:47]
rg i cant type tyoay [18:47]
rg fail.. [18:47]
rg ./giveup [18:47]
draco49 And since the Cherokee Nation is a sovereign nation, the loan isn't governed by US law. [18:48]
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BTCHero Thats cool though [18:48]
draco49 If you don't pay, they send Dances with Bitcoins to your house to scalp you. [18:48]
JeanCarlo2 what do you guys do with bitcoins? [18:49]
BTCHero we talk about how cool they are [18:49]
draco49 I just look at mine. [18:49]
mircea_popescu we hoaerd tham [18:49]
JeanCarlo2 xD [18:49]
BTCHero hoard them [18:49]
mircea_popescu learn to spell btchero :D [18:49]
* random_cat (~random_ca@gateway/tor-sasl/randomcat/x-49498005) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:49]
draco49 Yeah, hoarding and staring at charts is a popular bitcoin pastime. [18:49]
rg I: How did you come up with the idea of Bitcoinica? Were you majoring in finance? It is a very cool exchange. [18:49]
* yongjhen (~yongjhen@gateway/tor-sasl/yongjhen) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:49]
rg Z: Hehe, thanks. [18:49]
der_michel anyone interested in buying 1000+ bitcoins vs cash (RLT in germany) [18:49]
rg wow what a great interviewee [18:49]
der_michel ? [18:49]
silvercoin i like to touch myself while looking at how many bitcoins I have in my wallet [18:49]
mircea_popescu i like to touch girls. [18:50]
silvercoin dont know about anyone else [18:50]
JeanCarlo2 who sells bitcoins for PPUSD? [18:50]
rg ;;ident JeanCarlo2 [18:50]
rg no one [18:50]
draco49 lol [18:50]
BTCHero lol [18:50]
rg you have no trust and youre not signed up [18:50]
rg ;;tell JeanCarlo2 [guide] [18:50]
silvercoin lord [18:50]
draco49 i.e. nobody will deal with you [18:50]
JeanCarlo2 i know how to log in [18:50]
rg then why dont you do it [18:50]
silvercoin DO IT NOW [18:50]
JeanCarlo2 only login in when doing business [18:51]
rg no one is going to trade with an unauth'd user [18:51]
rg well [18:51]
rg who sells bitcoins for PPUSD? [18:51]
rg seems like business to me [18:51]
draco49 JeanCarlo2: PP trades are generally frowned upon here. [18:51]
* Joric (~joric@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:51]
* Joric has quit (Changing host) [18:51]
* Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:51]
jaypetermm gpg ident JeanCarlo2 [18:51]
silvercoin I like to trade via PP [18:51]
der_michel wazzup guys. I've got lots of bitcoins. need cash (euros)? interests? [18:51]
silvercoin with trusted people [18:51]
JeanCarlo2 ;;gpg ident silvercoin [18:51]
rg i use paypal all the time [18:52]
silvercoin im not authed at the moment [18:52]
rg but i also have a stellar rating [18:52]
draco49 I said "generally" [18:52]
BTCHero ;;getrating silvercoin [18:52]
gribble User silvercoin, created on Sat Feb 11 12:48:10 2012. Cumulative rating 8, from 6 total ratings. Received ratings: 6 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 6 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently not authenticated. [18:52]
JeanCarlo2 rg [18:52]
JeanCarlo2 do you sell via paypal? [18:52]
* bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:52]
silvercoin jean [18:53]
silvercoin I can help you [18:53]
JeanCarlo2 what? [18:53]
ineededausername jeancarlo has a rating of 3 [18:53]
ineededausername :P [18:53]
JeanCarlo2 yea [18:53]
JeanCarlo2 only did trades with sturles [18:53]
JeanCarlo2 trustworthy guy [18:53]
silvercoin ;;getrating jeancarlo2 [18:53]
JeanCarlo2 but he doesn't respond [18:53]
JeanCarlo2 jeancarlo2 is new account [18:54]
silvercoin what is your old account [18:54]
JeanCarlo2 didn't know i had to back up the old private pgp key [18:54]
JeanCarlo2 JeanCarlo [18:54]
JeanCarlo2 and reinstalled windows without saving it [18:54]
silvercoin ;;getrating jeancarlo [18:54]
silvercoin how many are you wanting? [18:54]
JeanCarlo2 [18:55]
JeanCarlo2 25 [18:55]
JeanCarlo2 silvercoin [18:55]
silvercoin hmm [18:55]
silvercoin PM [18:55]
silvercoin lets not flood [18:55]
ineededausername whoa flood :O [18:56]
der_michel I'm still offering 1000+ bitcoins, need cash (germany) [18:56]
* JeanCarlo2 has quit (Quit: Page closed) [18:56]
silvercoin cash via? [18:56]
mircea_popescu ;;ident der_michael [18:56]
der_michel treffen am besten [18:56]
mircea_popescu ;;ident der_michel [18:57]
der_michel hab keine historie [18:57]
* james777 (602dbd51@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:57]
rg JeanCarlo: not to you [18:58]
rg you are a very high risk of chargeback [18:58]
silvercoin I migth try him. [18:58]
rg feel free [18:58]
silvercoin You have a bad experience? [18:58]
rg no ive never had a bad experience [18:58]
rg cause im careful [18:58]
silvercoin Same here [18:59]
draco49 ^^ +1 [18:59]
silvercoin Hard to be helpful and careful sometimes. [18:59]
rg ive made a few trades that were high risk [18:59]
rg but turned out to be ok [18:59]
rg not everyone is a scammer , just most [18:59]
silvercoin Yea... [18:59]
der_michel RLT irgendjemand?? [19:00]
draco49 English please. [19:00]
der_michel real life meeting anyone? [19:02]
der_michel I've got a nice supply of bitcoins [19:02]
MBS XDXDXD sorta nsfw [19:03]
* bitcoinsarefun ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:03]
danieldaniel *visits [19:04]
danieldaniel "sorta" [19:04]
danieldaniel MBS: LOL [19:05]
danieldaniel Hello and welcome to Wikipedia! We appreciate encyclopedic contributions, but some of your recent edits do not conform to our policies [19:05]
danieldaniel aww [19:05]
* james777 has quit (Quit: Page closed) [19:07]
* der_michel has quit (Quit: Page closed) [19:07]
danieldaniel rg: look at what I pasted [19:07]
danieldaniel They don't like you [19:07]
* Zarutian ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:08]
danieldaniel rg: they gave me a link to [19:09]
Tasty Who can sell me 28 btc via paypal? [19:10]
bitcoinTrader ;;getrating tasty [19:11]
danieldaniel ;;getrating tasty [19:11]
gribble User Tasty, created on Mon Jul 11 03:40:37 2011. Cumulative rating 7, from 7 total ratings. Received ratings: 7 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 6 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask Tasty! [19:11]
copumpkin omnom [19:12]
danieldaniel copumpkin: omnomnomnom [19:12]
danieldaniel I am eating dunkin donuts [19:12]
danieldaniel :O [19:12]
danieldaniel <-- moar fa [19:12]
danieldaniel fat* [19:12]
copumpkin oh I'm glad [19:12]
copumpkin I like fat people [19:12]
danieldaniel fat people sux [19:13]
danieldaniel [19:13]
danieldaniel o.0 [19:13]
* elkingrey ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:13]
danieldaniel [19:13]
danieldaniel LOL [19:13]
danieldaniel NSGW [19:14]
danieldaniel NSFW* [19:14]
danieldaniel Its a 20 page lesson on it!!! [19:14]
draco49 Well you better get started then... [19:14]
danieldaniel "Take enough time that you convince your companion that some kind of treat is in store for him provided he will allow you to do with him, and particularly with his cock, exactly what you want." [19:14]
danieldaniel "For the second cum you are free to really get into his body and explore all those erotic areas that you missed when you were concentrating on his cock exclusively. His navel. His toes." [19:15]
rg daniel: wow. [19:15]
danieldaniel rg: IKR [19:15]
* charlierlee has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:15]
draco49 :/ [19:15]
rg boning up for your fathers birthday? [19:15]
danieldaniel I am rofling right now [19:15]
danieldaniel rg: :( [19:15]
draco49 Just don't use your teeth danieldaniel, and you won't get donkey-punched. [19:15]
danieldaniel o.0 [19:15]
danieldaniel I want a blowjob [19:15]
copumpkin bitblowjobs [19:16]
danieldaniel I don't want to give people blowjobs [19:16]
danieldaniel copumpkin: lolwat [19:16]
draco49 You can't even get to the post office. [19:16]
copumpkin if you pay rg enough money, I'm sure he'll be happy to [19:16]
danieldaniel draco49: D: [19:16]
danieldaniel copumpkin: by a girl, pl0x [19:16]
copumpkin so picky [19:16]
copumpkin a mouth is a mouth is a mouth [19:16]
draco49 LMAO [19:16]
danieldaniel and imsaguy: don't even say anything [19:16]
danieldaniel Dont [19:16]
danieldaniel copumpkin: D: [19:16]
* Gaglia ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:17]
danieldaniel "Place him flat on his back on your bed, in a well lighted room. Take his cock in your hand and LOOK at it. He probably will not have the will power to stay soft, but then again you are worshipping his very essence. Few men can stay soft under these circumstances, when it is apparent that the person LOOKING at his cock is worshipping." [19:17]
copumpkin I'm just saying, beggars can't be choosers [19:17]
rg daniel [19:17]
rg enough [19:17]
danieldaniel fine [19:17]
danieldaniel ok [19:17]
draco49 That's right bitch, worship it! [19:17]
danieldaniel draco49: LOL [19:17]
danieldaniel remember that guy [19:17]
danieldaniel [19:17]
rg thats spawn [19:17]
danieldaniel That was his host [19:17]
danieldaniel he owns that site [19:18]
draco49 yup [19:18]
draco49 spawn- [19:18]
danieldaniel lol [19:18]
rg no [19:18]
rg he has [19:18]
danieldaniel ohhh [19:18]
danieldaniel nvm then [19:18]
danieldaniel I am posting that on Facebook [19:18]
`g danieldaniel: you are such a failure. [19:18]
rg thatll surely get you a girlfriend. [19:18]
danieldaniel rg: yep [19:18]
draco49 With your newly acquired skills, I bet you can get a trucker to give you a lift to the PO... [19:18]
rg i posted steak and blowjob day on my facebook, when i had one [19:19]
rg it did NOT go over well [19:19]
danieldaniel draco49: >.> [19:19]
danieldaniel rg: lolweut [19:19]
danieldaniel wut* [19:19]
draco49 rg: that sounds like a good day [19:19]
danieldaniel Wow, i _really_ need to talk less [19:19]
copumpkin danieldaniel: you just gotta whine loudly at school about how you aren't getting blowjobs. That'll make all the girls flock to you [19:19]
danieldaniel copumpkin: Already tried [19:20]
copumpkin trust me man, I'm an expert at receiving [19:20]
copumpkin you must've done it wrong [19:20]
copumpkin try throwing a tantrum [19:20]
danieldaniel nope [19:20]
danieldaniel I did [19:20]
danieldaniel and then the police came like WTF [19:20]
rg the only way to get blowjobs is to pretend you dont want them [19:20]
draco49 You should pick one girl, and tell all the other girls how bad she was at servicing you. [19:20]
rg and then be mean to the girl with family issues [19:20]
draco49 Then the other girls will wanna do it to show how much better they are than the girl yu mentioned. [19:20]
copumpkin lol [19:20]
danieldaniel rg: not funny [19:21]
danieldaniel draco49: no, they wont [19:21]
draco49 danieldaniel: rg is right [19:21]
danieldaniel draco49: plus, I'm fat [19:21]
rg so am i [19:21]
rg i still get some [19:21]
danieldaniel rg: pics or it didn't happen [19:21]
rg and most of my gf's have been attractive [19:21]
rg you want to see pics of my dick? [19:21]
danieldaniel no [19:22]
rg i knew it [19:22]
danieldaniel of your fat [19:22]
copumpkin I posted a pic of myself in here last night [19:22]
danieldaniel copumpkin: what time? [19:22]
copumpkin can't remember [19:22]
danieldaniel *looks through logs [19:22]
draco49 danieldaniel: physical appearance has very little to do with it... attitude and personality is everything [19:22]
rg [19:22]
rg [19:22]
copumpkin your name is Amie? [19:22]
copumpkin rg: you really don't look that fat :P [19:22]
rg .. no? [19:22]
copumpkin rg: the J kind of disappears into your sleeve [19:23]
danieldaniel rg: thats actually you? [19:23]
copumpkin yep, I can verify [19:23]
rg it is indeed me [19:23]
copumpkin I spend a lot of my time watching him [19:23]
copumpkin from across the street [19:23]
danieldaniel copumpkin: o.0 [19:23]
copumpkin see, we live in the same area [19:23]
rg copumpkin: across the st would be a perfect vantage point [19:23]
rg its an old mill [19:23]
copumpkin oh, trust me, I know [19:23]
rg you can rent out office spaace [19:23]
danieldaniel wow [19:24]
danieldaniel my logs are >1gb each [19:24]
danieldaniel I have to turnt his off [19:24]
* Joric has quit () [19:24]
copumpkin oh well, I guess you'll never find out what I look like [19:24]
rg i am fat [19:25]
rg i assure you [19:25]
danieldaniel [22:43:43] [19:25]
danieldaniel you posted that yesterday [19:25]
rg im aware [19:26]
danieldaniel oh [19:26]
copumpkin how tall are you? [19:26]
danieldaniel me or rg? [19:26]
rg i dunno [19:26]
copumpkin both [19:26]
rg 6 feet? [19:26]
* rokj has quit (Quit: Leaving) [19:26]
danieldaniel copumpkin: 5-11 or something [19:26]
danieldaniel I'm short [19:26]
copumpkin [12:26:35] <+danieldaniel> I'm short [19:26]
danieldaniel wow, nobody comment about that comment [19:26]
danieldaniel WOW, before I could even say it [19:26]
danieldaniel XD [19:26]
rg id rather be tall and fat [19:27]
rg than short and fat [19:27]
danieldaniel rg: I'm not really fat [19:27]
danieldaniel only ~300 lbs [19:27]
danieldaniel trolololo [19:27]
rg 300+ lbs maked you morbidly obes [19:27]
rg e [19:27]
danieldaniel No, I'm actually not that fat [19:27]
rg makes* [19:27]
danieldaniel rg: I weigh like 135 [19:27]
danieldaniel or something like that [19:28]
copumpkin lol [19:28]
rg lie [19:28]
danieldaniel nopr [19:28]
rg obvious lie [19:28]
danieldaniel ... [19:28]
danieldaniel I'm actually not lying [19:28]
rg pics plx [19:28]
copumpkin danieldaniel is called danieldaniel cause he weighs as much as two normal daniels (like me) [19:28]
rg pl0x [19:28]
danieldaniel of what? [19:28]
danieldaniel Im not giving you pics of me [19:28]
copumpkin I weigh about 160 so danieldaniel must weigh 320 [19:28]
danieldaniel pix* [19:28]
rg ah shit i need to pay bills [19:28]
danieldaniel co shut up [19:28]
rg ;;ticker [19:28]
danieldaniel copumpkin: shut up [19:28]
rg it keeps going donw lower [19:29]
rg ;;asks 5 [19:29]
danieldaniel ;;ticker [19:29]
gribble Best bid: 4.87347, Best ask: 4.89987, Bid-ask spread: 0.0264, Last trade: 4.89987, 24 hour volume: 68456, 24 hour low: 4.85001, 24 hour high: 5.07 [19:29]
copumpkin that's what she said [19:29]
danieldaniel fffff [19:29]
danieldaniel copumpkin: LOL [19:29]
* bitcoinTrader has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [19:29]
draco49 <--- check out pages 20-23 [19:30]
danieldaniel what does maintenance mean on bitcoinica? [19:30]
danieldaniel on the right hand side [19:30]
* gheorghe (~gheorghe@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:30]
rg probably means theyre doing maintenance [19:30]
danieldaniel no [19:30]
danieldaniel it says a number next to it [19:31]
danieldaniel $x.xx [19:31]
copumpkin lol [19:32]
Tril danieldaniel that's the minimum net value before you get force liquidated, position closed and bitcoinica keeps the money you lost [19:32]
danieldaniel oh [19:32]
danieldaniel thats fine then [19:32]
danieldaniel XD [19:32]
danieldaniel its 0.39 [19:32]
danieldaniel And I have way more than that [19:32]
Tril so increase your position :) [19:32]
danieldaniel why do they need to do that if I'm not doing margin? [19:32]
danieldaniel im 1.0:1 [19:33]
* charlierlee (43a07586@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:33]
Tril I dunno that's just how it works. no reason to use bitcoinica if you're not doing margin... unless you like stop orders [19:33]
danieldaniel Tril: I can't use mtgox [19:33]
danieldaniel not 18 [19:33]
copumpkin taking a position always has a margin I think [19:33]
danieldaniel copumpkin: nope... [19:33]
copumpkin keep in mind that you aren't actually buying or selling [19:33]
danieldaniel wait, does it? [19:33]
copumpkin unless you go to the exchange tab [19:33]
rg [19:34]
danieldaniel yeah, I was wondering, because the position didn't deduct from my currency account [19:34]
* bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:34]
copumpkin you name weed after yourself/ [19:34]
* devrandom (~devrandom@gateway/tor-sasl/niftyzero1) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:34]
rg [19:35]
draco49 lovely pic rg :) [19:35]
* weedweed (5d84ceca@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:35]
Tril copumpkin: can you exchange while you have a position? [19:35]
copumpkin I dunno, never tried, but I'd assume so if your net supports it (i.e., you aren't already in the hole) [19:35]
grubles rg: lol [19:35]
rg [19:35]
rg thats from when i was skinny [19:35]
rg about 2 years ago [19:36]
Tril but liquidating always goes to/from the USD currency balance first? [19:36]
copumpkin rg: you know why you got fat (although I still don't think you're fat)? all that delivery food for bitcoins [19:36]
copumpkin Tril: not sure, haven't really played with it that much [19:36]
rg i got fat cause i stopped exercising [19:36]
xtor_ why does bitinstant charge almost 5% for a cash bank deposit versus 2% for LR deposit for funding an account? [19:36]
grubles youre supposed to take a picture with the light in /front/ of you :p [19:36]
rg my diet never changed [19:36]
* weedweed has quit (Client Quit) [19:36]
danieldaniel xtor_: thats just how they make $ [19:36]
xtor_ yeah but it doesnt make sense [19:37]
xtor_ people with cash expect to pay less in fees for obvious reasons [19:37]
silvercoin time is money [19:37]
bitcoinTrader ;;seen akhan08 [19:38]
rg bitcoinTrader: i havent seen akhan in months [19:38]
rg i think he cashed out [19:38]
bitcoinTrader hmm [19:39]
bitcoinTrader he was mostly buying [19:39]
rg he sold his life savings to get bitcoins [19:39]
silvercoin lol [19:39]
danieldaniel ;;seen akhan08 [19:39]
gribble akhan08 was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 23 weeks, 1 day, 12 hours, 40 minutes, and 35 seconds ago: he could have made lots of legit money [19:39]
danieldaniel lol [19:40]
bitcoinTrader might have got burnt [19:40]
rg i think he made away with some profit [19:40]
rg he disappeared before the real cras [19:40]
bitcoinTrader frm wht i remember... [19:40]
rg h [19:40]
danieldaniel aww, I lost money on my btc [19:40]
danieldaniel :( [19:40]
bitcoinTrader he used to buy at 10% above market [19:40]
bitcoinTrader even during 30$ [19:41]
bitcoinTrader :) [19:41]
rg only if mtgox didnt ruin bitcoin [19:41]
bitcoinTrader mtgox has volume [19:43]
danieldaniel do you have to be 18 to use cryptoexchange? [19:43]
rg lower and lower shes goes [19:43]
rg where she stops [19:43]
rg nobody knows! [19:43]
grubles low and low to the floor [19:44]
bitcoinTrader crypto requires id [19:44]
danieldaniel bitcoinTrader: I can do that [19:44]
bitcoinTrader id number to desosit [19:44]
danieldaniel i know [19:44]
danieldaniel thats fine [19:44]
bitcoinTrader and id upload to withdraw 500$ [19:44]
bitcoinTrader but their trading engine sux [19:44]
danieldaniel ohrly [19:45]
danieldaniel then nvm [19:45]
bitcoinTrader Last Price : 4.98000 [19:45]
bitcoinTrader Buy :4.98000 [19:45]
bitcoinTrader Sell : 4.97000 [19:45]
bitcoinTrader Volume : 437.40725 [19:45]
bitcoinTrader buy - 4.98 [19:45]
danieldaniel lol [19:45]
bitcoinTrader sell - 4.97 [19:45]
danieldaniel XD [19:45]
DBordello I am selling BTC for MoneyPak. Let me know if you are interested [19:45]
bitcoinTrader good for arbitrage [19:45]
bitcoinTrader if they r matching orders fast [19:45]
* njstein ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:46]
bitcoinsarefun ;;gpg [19:47]
* ineededausername has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:48]
rg i want to use bitcoinica [19:48]
rg but i dont know how [19:48]
rg if i place a limit order at 5.10 [19:48]
rawrmage rg: what do you mean? [19:48]
rawrmage oic [19:48]
bitcoinsarefun ;;gpg eregister bitcoinsarefun E72C7A7EE701B9F0 [19:49]
rawrmage what position do you have open? [19:49]
njstein how have the coins been doing today? [19:49]
rg bitcoinsarefun is my passwor [19:50]
rg d [19:50]
copumpkin it is really fucking windy today [19:50]
copumpkin I feel like it's gonna knock my windows down [19:50]
rg yeah but its nice and sunny [19:50]
copumpkin yeah, I might go out for a walk in a bit [19:50]
netxshare ;;block [19:51]
rg rawrmage: i dont have any positions open [19:51]
rg not until i know what im doing [19:51]
* stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:52]
rawrmage then um i think a limit order at 5.1 will sell x coins at 5.1 but not sure [19:52]
stamit ;;later tell Vual sorry about that [19:52]
njstein copumpkin: bring and umbrella and get some serious lift [19:52]
* stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has left #bitcoin-otc [19:52]
copumpkin copumpkin poppins? [19:53]
njstein if you want [19:53]
* echelon (~echelon@gateway/tor-sasl/harel) has left #bitcoin-otc [19:53]
njstein perfect in every way :3 [19:53]
njstein just like the us school systems [19:53]
rawrmage lol [19:53]
bitcoinsarefun ;;gpg everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:bb7088ec6b901f2621a6f5c0ee737972df371184d3cbda0885bd6f52 [19:54]
gribble Registration successful. You are now authenticated for user bitcoinsarefun with key E72C7A7EE701B9F0 [19:54]
copumpkin wat [19:54]
copumpkin oh [19:54]
danieldaniel <-- lol [19:54]
danieldaniel As soon as someone offered something to make him legit, he locked the topic [19:54]
luke-jr my package is out for delivery [19:55]
luke-jr so should be here soon [19:55]
jaypetermm anyone interested for BTC to LR ??????? [19:55]
rawrmage g'day danieldaniel [19:55]
copumpkin luke-jr: TMI [19:55]
danieldaniel rawrmage: wat [19:55]
copumpkin your package is your own business [19:55]
jaypetermm anyone interested for BTC to LR ??????? [19:55]
silvercoin SPAM [19:55]
silvercoin spam [19:55]
luke-jr copumpkin: no, because it has stuff I sell here [19:55]
copumpkin :) [19:55]
danieldaniel jaypetermm: umadbro [19:55]
luke-jr any last-day bids on BitFORCE Single? [19:55]
silvercoin lol [19:55]
luke-jr high bid is $750 [19:55]
danieldaniel luke-jr: question [19:56]
luke-jr danieldaniel: ? [19:56]
danieldaniel how long would it take to make that back? [19:56]
danieldaniel at the current difficulty [19:56]
* seco- has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [19:56]
luke-jr ;;bc,gen 820000 [19:56]
luke-jr [12:56:51] The expected generation output, at 820000 Khps, given current difficulty of 1376302.2678864 , is 0.599271897841 BTC per day and 0.0249696624101 BTC per hour. [19:57]
danieldaniel ok [19:57]
luke-jr 2.92 USD/day, at current price [19:57]
danieldaniel 1 251.51872 days [19:57]
danieldaniel oh [19:57]
danieldaniel fail, [19:57]
luke-jr so 9 months or so [19:57]
luke-jr at $750 [19:57]
imsaguy at today's difficulty [19:57]
danieldaniel i divided USD by btc [19:57]
danieldaniel XD [19:57]
imsaguy ;;bc,diffchange [19:57]
gribble Estimated percent change in difficulty this period | 7.855502497 % based on data since last change | 12.2725241086 % based on data for last three days [19:57]
imsaguy so glwt [19:58]
rawrmage lol [19:58]
copumpkin today's difficulty and bitcoin price [19:58]
copumpkin lots of variables :) [19:58]
luke-jr difficulty and price tend to offset each other [19:58]
draco49 But, at 80w your electric bill would be way lower than a traditional rig with the same hash power [19:58]
luke-jr so it's reasonable to expect ~9 months anyway [19:58]
rawrmage you should advertise it as 'a piece of bitcoin history' [19:58]
luke-jr but you need to consider electric costs too [19:58]
danieldaniel luke-jr: would my power bill go up? [19:59]
danieldaniel lol [19:59]
imsaguy ;;cal 80/1000*24*30*9*.12 [19:59]
draco49 80w is less than a lightbulb [19:59]
imsaguy ;;calc 80/1000*24*30*9*.12 [19:59]
gribble 62.208 [19:59]
danieldaniel oh [19:59]
luke-jr you could have sex today and have a baby in 9 months too [19:59]
draco49 No he can't [19:59]
imsaguy 62.208 in electricity over 9 months. [19:59]
rg hey grubies [19:59]
rg you here? [19:59]
danieldaniel luke-jr: im a guy [19:59]
danieldaniel :p [19:59]
draco49 He can't even get to the post office. [19:59]
rg im posting to the lending forum [19:59]
luke-jr so? [19:59]
rg just wondering if theres anyhting you want to add [19:59]
rg to my post [19:59]
danieldaniel _I_ Cant have a baby [19:59]
imsaguy luke-jr, he can't have sex today, he isn't married. [19:59]
danieldaniel and I'm 17 [19:59]
danieldaniel soooooo [20:00]
danieldaniel no [20:00]
* phungus is now known as phungio [20:00]
* phungi is now known as phungus [20:00]
luke-jr imsaguy: true [20:00]
draco49 Yeah cuz nobody under 18 ever has sex [20:00]
luke-jr danieldaniel: so? [20:00]
copumpkin guys can have babies, too [20:00]
danieldaniel copumpkin: 0.0 [20:00]
luke-jr danieldaniel: ideal age for marriage is 14-16 [20:00]
copumpkin haven't you seen the governator? [20:00]
luke-jr danieldaniel: get with it [20:00]
imsaguy he *could* have sex, but then he'd go to hell. [20:00]
copumpkin the governator had a baby [20:00]
* silvercoin has quit (Quit: Page closed) [20:01]
luke-jr I have 4 babies [20:01]
danieldaniel luke-jr: 0.0 0.0 [20:01]
copumpkin oh I was talking about the governator actually being pregnant [20:01]
copumpkin [20:02]
danieldaniel damnit im bored [20:02]
rg i lost my virginity when i was 17 [20:02]
rg many times [20:02]
copumpkin danieldaniel: watch margin call! it's a good movie, and you'll learn shit too [20:02]
danieldaniel wats a stop loss again [20:02]
rg haha copumpkin [20:02]
* ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:02]
copumpkin [20:02]
rg the wind is insane here this morning!! [20:02]
danieldaniel trololo [20:02]
copumpkin rg: it really is! I'm on the 5th floor, too, and my wind is ridiculous [20:03]
ineededausername hey rg what's the "i know this guy from irc" comment again [20:03]
* bgupta has quit (Quit: bgupta) [20:03]
copumpkin danieldaniel: I'm serious [20:03]
ineededausername :P [20:03]
danieldaniel oh [20:03]
copumpkin it's a good movie [20:03]
rg /lastlog prick [20:03]
rg 16:30 the second i post an ask for a loan people are gonna be like ' i [20:03]
rg know this guy from IRC, hes a prick ' [20:03]
rg do NOT post that [20:03]
copumpkin danieldaniel: you know all the fucked-up shit that went down in 2008? do you know what happened? [20:03]
copumpkin (with the market) [20:03]
copumpkin well, 2007-2008 [20:03]
rg i am trying to run a busisness [20:03]
danieldaniel lol [20:03]
danieldaniel copumpkin: yes [20:03]
copumpkin that movie gives you a glimpse into what probably happened somewhere during that period [20:03]
danieldaniel copumpkin: sorta [20:03]
rg we should just ask for $2900 [20:03]
rg and get 3 servers [20:04]
rg i want to replace Dallas [20:04]
copumpkin danieldaniel: you should also read The Big Short [20:04]
copumpkin [20:04]
danieldaniel copumpkin: too lazy [20:04]
draco49 rg: Have you looked into a traditional loan? [20:04]
copumpkin you don't want to be a sophisticated financier? [20:04]
copumpkin fair enough [20:04]
rawrmage copumpkin: aren't you proud of the future of society, too lazy to read but not too lazy to complain about being bored? :P [20:04]
danieldaniel fine, ill look :( [20:04]
luke-jr danieldaniel: don't let em get to you; I'm sure you can find a decent wife in your own time ;) [20:05]
rg draco49: i have bad credit [20:05]
luke-jr … actually, thinking about it for real, probably not these days [20:05]
rg and i dont want to put that on grubles [20:05]
copumpkin danieldaniel: it's really really really easy reading. It reads like an airport fiction novel, but is mostly based on real accounts from real people, of what happened (albeit it's quite one-sided about things) [20:05]
luke-jr so few decent women out there [20:05]
danieldaniel luke-jr: "em" means "you" [20:05]
rg we could easily get a business credit card [20:05]
draco49 rg: gotcha [20:05]
rg but like i said, i dont wanna put that on grubles [20:05]
* copumpkin has a decent woman in tampa, fl [20:05]
* randumbum ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:05]
copumpkin where all the awesomeness is [20:05]
rg we operate debt free, currently, its very hard for me to get into debt [20:05]
rg i really dont want to take the loan [20:06]
rg but we will have to [20:06]
draco49 I can understand that. [20:06]
luke-jr copumpkin: I didn't see you at the meetup! [20:06]
danieldaniel rg: what are you getting with it, again? [20:06]
rg daniel: two servers, two raid cards, and two rail sets so they can fit into the rack [20:06]
copumpkin luke-jr: I'm not usually there, but I'd like to attend a future one. I'm in boston so I only visit her every so often, and only for a week or so at a time [20:06]
danieldaniel i thought you were paying monthly for the servers [20:06]
draco49 rg: If you're looking long-term for your business, you really should make a plan to establish business credit. [20:06]
rg i know [20:06]
luke-jr copumpkin: I was trolling you. [20:06]
rg if we ever start accepting USD [20:07]
rg i will do so [20:07]
draco49 are you LLC'd? [20:07]
njstein bleh, decisions decisions [20:07]
danieldaniel draco49: he is [20:07]
* Bwild has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [20:08]
rg yeah draco [20:08]
draco49 If you accepted USD i'd take a dedicated server from you in a minute. [20:09]
copumpkin luke-jr: oh :P [20:09]
rg draco49: we do accept USD [20:09]
rg on a per-client basis [20:09]
* copumpkin takes a shower [20:09]
draco49 on a CC? [20:09]
* danieldaniel watches [20:09]
rg the majority of our revenue is Bitcoin but we have a few crucial clients who pay us with paypal [20:09]
luke-jr rg: can I put Eligius on a dedi from you? [20:10]
rg they pay us a lot of money, so we cater to them [20:10]
ineededausername copumpkin: that book looks interesting... think i'll buy it [20:10]
rg luke-jr: i dont see why not [20:10]
rg what kinda specs does it take? [20:10]
luke-jr rg: 30 gbit DDoS? [20:10]
rg sure, you'd be null routed within 5 minutes [20:10]
rg and still liable for the bill [20:10]
luke-jr useless [20:10]
rg so feel free [20:10]
rg we're only in one DC that has DoS mitigation [20:11]
rg and its not very good [20:11]
* randumbum is now known as randumbaway [20:11]
rg i guess it could be good, but im not paying for it [20:11]
rg we never get attacked [20:11]
luke-jr :p [20:11]
rg our customers are good little boys [20:11]
danieldaniel rg: lol [20:11]
rawrmage luke-jr: where do you host eligius? [20:11]
phantomcircuit luke-jr, roll your own ddos mitigation isn't that hard, you just have to buy a shitton of bandwidth [20:12]
rg 1gbit line from Cogent [20:12]
rg BGP magic [20:12]
rg *boom* [20:12]
rg ddos mitigation [20:12]
luke-jr rawrmage: secret now :P [20:12]
rg i know where it is! [20:12]
rg will sell the information for 1000 btc [20:12]
danieldaniel lol [20:12]
luke-jr I'll sell the info for 999 BTC [20:12]
rg oops, missed a 0 [20:12]
rg i would never sell out eligius [20:13]
rawrmage someone donated to the Church of Bitcoin! :D [20:13]
luke-jr :p [20:13]
phantomcircuit rg, if you push the null routing to the next layer it's only a matter of time before they'll demand you buy enough bandwidth to cover the actual amount you're using [20:13]
rg regardless of luke and his trolling [20:13]
rg eligius is a weapon against Deepbit [20:13]
rg and any weapon against deepbit is a weapon id like to use [20:13]
rg largest bitcoin pool and they set a HORRIBLE example for all pool operators [20:13]
jaypetermm looking to exchange bitcoin to LR 1line.txt logs2.txt logs3.txt logs4.txt [20:13]
rg using reasoning like 'just cause' [20:14]
NASDAQEnema draco49: I'd accept USD and cover rg for his dedi in BTC [20:14]
* draco49 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:14]
danieldaniel wow [20:14]
NASDAQEnema lol [20:14]
rg lol [20:14]
danieldaniel i pmd draco [20:14]
danieldaniel and he left [20:14]
rg i was in the middle of messaging him [20:14]
rg and he quit [20:14]
danieldaniel 1 ms later [20:14]
danieldaniel lol [20:15]
* draco49 (~draco49@gateway/tor-sasl/draco49) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:15]
danieldaniel ;;getrating draco49 [20:15]
gribble User draco49, created on Mon Feb 20 09:50:11 2012. Cumulative rating 1, from 1 total ratings. Received ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently not authenticated. [20:15]
* Valalvax|Blah is now known as Valalvax [20:15]
luke-jr draco49 is a scammer‼‼‼‼!111111oneoneone [20:16]
danieldaniel lol [20:16]
njstein is he eh? [20:16]
danieldaniel njstein: hes not [20:16]
njstein he's cool [20:16]
luke-jr Currently not authenticated. <-- gribble sez [20:16]
* ineededausername has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [20:16]
draco49 I'm not a friggin scammer! [20:16]
njstein he bought from me [20:16]
danieldaniel luke-jr: lawl [20:16]
NASDAQEnema rg so what we have here is a battle between a religious authoritarian (luke-jr) vs a geek technocrat (Tycho) [20:16]
njstein and ran all the way to the bank before i sent [20:16]
draco49 ;;gpg eauth draco49 [20:17]
luke-jr NASDAQEnema: fail [20:17]
rg lol [20:17]
rg the issue isnt their beliefs [20:17]
luke-jr NASDAQEnema: the Church fully recognizes non-religious authorities (such as experts) [20:17]
NASDAQEnema luke-jr: actually I'm somewhat amused by the situation [20:17]
NASDAQEnema My compass says deepbit must die [20:18]
luke-jr NASDAQEnema: no, you fail because you imply religious authority and technocracy are exclusive :p [20:18]
rg luke [20:18]
rg dont even start [20:18]
rg i will get you banned [20:18]
* gribble gives voice to draco49 [20:19]
luke-jr /ban rg [20:19]
danieldaniel draco49: respond to my PM!111!1!111oneoneone [20:19]
rg you forget that i have the powah [20:19]
rg and by powah i mean begging grubles to ban you [20:19]
danieldaniel lol [20:19]
njstein fuckj [20:19]
njstein i wish i woke up earlier [20:19]
rg njstein: what'd you miss [20:19]
rg ? [20:19]
danieldaniel rg: btc going down [20:19]
njstein fluctuation [20:19]
rg indeed [20:19]
rg good time to buy tho [20:19]
njstein well i hadd a buy [20:20]
njstein but like [20:20]
sturles Woke up in time for some cheap coins! [20:20]
njstein it could have been lower [20:20]
luke-jr rg: you forget I can go see grubles in person about that [20:20]
rawrmage lol [20:20]
NASDAQEnema luke-jr that wasn't the implication - i have a deep distrust of technocrats - slightly more than authority [20:20]
rg grubles would probably call the police if you showed up at his door [20:21]
luke-jr OK, looks like I was working with the wrong definition of technocracy [20:21]
rg 'some creepy skinny guy is here... i think hes goth' [20:21]
rg 'send police' [20:21]
danieldaniel kthxbaigais [20:21]
luke-jr I see Deepbit as more of marketing-ocracy [20:22]
rg i forget who was asking [20:22]
rg but our LLC informtion is here : [20:22]
NASDAQEnema draco49: I'd accept USD and cover rg for his dedi in BTC [20:22]
* Testerosterone has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [20:22]
rg NASDAQ: we have a paypal [20:22]
rg a few of our hosts refuse to deal in BTC, etc [20:23]
rg so we had to get a paypal [20:23]
draco49 thx NASDAQEnema I'll keep it in mind. [20:23]
sturles Double price for PayPal then? [20:23]
rg im a well wisher, in that i dont wish you any specific harm. [20:23]
rg sturles: no [20:23]
rg same price [20:23]
rg fees are our problem, not the customer [20:23]
* wazzootieman has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [20:24]
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phantomcircuit rg, i guess i would accept a wire transfer :) [20:24]
sturles Of course fees are the customers problem! They should be. [20:24]
NASDAQEnema the market is fierce so fees cut into your profit? [20:24]
rg we dont operate that way [20:24]
rg basically everything that pissed me off about hosting companies in the past; we do the opposite [20:24]
njstein it's never too early for a shot :D [20:25]
rg growth has been real slow this month [20:25]
rg im wondering if any other btc related companies are seeing this [20:25]
NASDAQEnema ^ you can only pass the buck so much before it comes around and bites you in the ass [20:25]
* wazzootieman (~wazzootie@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:25]
rg This Month: 175.25 BTC [20:26]
NASDAQEnema passing fees onto the customer screws you when you need them [20:26]
copumpkin rg: you gonna offer shares someday? [20:27]
NASDAQEnema besides - your choice of payment processor - why customer pays? [20:27]
DBordello rg, is that growth or gross? [20:27]
rg DBordello: thats just what we accepted this month [20:28]
rg in BTC [20:28]
DBordello ah [20:28]
rg last month we had 32 new accounts created [20:28]
* Bosma (~Bosma@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:28]
rg this month only 17 [20:28]
danieldaniel rg: i thought you were doing like 1000 btc, at leasr [20:28]
danieldaniel least* [20:28]
danieldaniel idk why [20:28]
rg daniel: nah [20:28]
copumpkin lol [20:28]
rg we've accepted a total of around 600 btc [20:28]
imsaguy how worried should I be about a bad esn with buying a phone on ebay? [20:28]
DBordello rg, what was last month? [20:28]
DBordello imsaguy, gsm or cdma? [20:29]
danieldaniel imsaguy: feedback? [20:29]
imsaguy cdma [20:29]
DBordello Verizon? [20:29]
imsaguy sprint [20:29]
DBordello ah [20:29]
DBordello I think you can call and check? [20:29]
copumpkin someone's selling a lot [20:29]
rg DBordello: i dont have the number here [20:29]
imsaguy if the esn is good now when I buy the phone, whats the danger of it going bad in the next 2 weeks? [20:29]
DBordello rg, how do you pay your bills? Obviously not with BTC? [20:29]
DBordello imsaguy, good point. I think ebay has good consumer protection [20:30]
* draco49 is now known as draco49_AFK [20:30]
imsaguy I'm for sure paying with paypal ;) [20:30]
* Bwild ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:30]
Mqrius big wall is big. [20:30]
rg DBordello: i usually sell as much as i have to [20:30]
rg to imsaguy [20:30]
rg and pay with paypal [20:30]
DBordello ah [20:30]
rg or we have other customers who pay us with moneypak [20:30]
rg we just add it to the company paypal [20:30]
DBordello I think I was involved in a transaction similarly [20:30]
rg you were [20:31]
imsaguy I usually buy rg's lunch [20:31]
imsaguy so its a lot of micro trades [20:31]
rg imsaguy: i cant eat there anymore [20:31]
copumpkin comboy: you still planning on reviving bitcoinity? :) [20:31]
imsaguy rg: piss them off? [20:31]
rg no [20:31]
copumpkin that's a nice ask wall [20:31]
rg i just cant eat it [20:31]
imsaguy oh [20:31]
rg ive eaten everything on that menu atleast 100 times [20:31]
imsaguy sad panda [20:31]
DBordello rg, any luck getting a loan? [20:31]
rg EVERYTHING [20:31]
* Chaang_Noi_ (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:31]
sturles rg: If I saw someone offering the same service for PayPal and BTC at the same price, I would feel cheated. You obviously like PayPal more than the customer by handing over a large rebate to them. [20:31]
* draco49_AFK is now known as draco49 [20:32]
imsaguy I'm in the market for the evo 3d if anyone wants to sell one. [20:32]
danieldaniel wow [20:32]
copumpkin omg it's Chaang-Noi [20:32]
* agricocb has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:32]
danieldaniel theres shit all over my house [20:32]
danieldaniel literally, shit [20:32]
rg well no ones forcing you to be a customer [20:32]
copumpkin danieldaniel: why? [20:32]
rg and like i said [20:32]
rg its on a per-customer basis [20:32]
rg we dont accept it by default [20:32]
danieldaniel copumpkin: my effing cat :( [20:32]
rg so each instance is different for each user [20:32]
sturles OK [20:32]
copumpkin danieldaniel: teach it to shit in its own mouth [20:32]
imsaguy danieldaniel: cats only shit outside a litterbox if the litterbox isn't clean [20:32]
danieldaniel imsaguy: it is [20:33]
imsaguy I doubt it [20:33]
danieldaniel it is [20:33]
imsaguy you dirty jew [20:33]
danieldaniel my other cat just doesn't go in it [20:33]
copumpkin lol [20:33]
danieldaniel imsaguy: thats not funny [20:33]
danieldaniel imsaguy: go and blow your moms dick [20:33]
* wazzootieman has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [20:33]
imsaguy copumpkin thought so. [20:33]
rg hrm [20:33]
copumpkin [20:33]
rg i have an invoice marked paid [20:33]
copumpkin enjoy that [20:33]
rg but i never created a VM [20:33]
* lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:33]
sagia12 danieldaniel did you ship it? [20:33]
danieldaniel copumpkin: LOL [20:33]
imsaguy copumpkin, I assume the liquid is hot [20:34]
copumpkin imsaguy: it's the salt in the soy sauce stimulating the nerves posthumously, as far as I've read [20:34]
imsaguy ah [20:34]
copumpkin a bit like what people do with frog legs [20:34]
imsaguy some people eat that shit live/raw [20:34]
copumpkin 4.79 [20:34]
imsaguy fml [20:34]
copumpkin yeah, I'm not a fan of eating shit alive [20:34]
* Chaang-Noi has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [20:34]
imsaguy I need $6 [20:34]
* wazzootieman (~wazzootie@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:35]
copumpkin don't worry, it'll happen [20:35]
njstein oh fuck meeee [20:37]
danieldaniel njstein: no [20:37]
imsaguy copumpkin: in the next 2 days? [20:37]
* edwtjo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:37]
imsaguy who wants to loan me 1,244.84? [20:37]
imsaguy I'll send you ghashes [20:37]
copumpkin I'll call up warren buffett [20:37]
danieldaniel imsaguy: I would if I had monies [20:37]
* edwtjo has quit (Changing host) [20:37]
* edwtjo (~edwtjo@fsf/member/edwtjo) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:37]
* Testerosterone ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:37]
copumpkin amusingly, one of the traders at the bank I interviewed at spent some time reading about bitcoin [20:37]
imsaguy ;;calc 1244.84 / [ticker --last] [20:38]
gribble 260.426778243 [20:38]
* amazingrando has quit () [20:38]
danieldaniel copumpkin: why are you interviewing people? [20:38]
imsaguy ;;bc,gen 8000 [20:38]
gribble The expected generation output, at 8000 Khps, given current difficulty of 1376302.2678864 , is 0.00584655510089 BTC per day and 0.000243606462537 BTC per hour. [20:38]
imsaguy ;;bc,gen 8000000 [20:38]
gribble The expected generation output, at 8000000 Khps, given current difficulty of 1376302.2678864 , is 5.84655510089 BTC per day and 0.243606462537 BTC per hour. [20:38]
copumpkin danieldaniel: I'm not [20:38]
danieldaniel ;;bc,gen 99999999999 [20:38]
gribble The expected generation output, at 99999999999 Khps, given current difficulty of 1376302.2678864 , is 73081.9387604 BTC per day and 3045.08078168 BTC per hour. [20:38]
danieldaniel :O [20:38]
* lunks has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:38]
imsaguy ;;calc 260.426778243/5.84655510089 [20:39]
gribble 44.543629197 [20:39]
danieldaniel oh gawd [20:39]
danieldaniel 4.79 [20:39]
* Btcheroo (48f0dfa8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:39]
danieldaniel on bitcoinica [20:39]
copumpkin 4.76 actually [20:39]
copumpkin oh [20:39]
imsaguy ok, loan me $1200 and I'll send you 8ghash for 50 days [20:39]
copumpkin that's not much spread [20:39]
danieldaniel ;;rated saiga12 [20:39]
danieldaniel ;;rated sagia12 [20:39]
gribble You rated user sagia12 on Thu Feb 23 22:33:34 2012, giving him a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: Bought mah access point! :D. [20:39]
* dareq (5bddd6bf@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:40]
danieldaniel ;;rate sagia12 2 Understand's that shit happens! Bought mah access point, and understood when I couldn't ship until 3 days later! [20:40]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user sagia12 has changed from 1 to 2. [20:40]
dareq WTS BTC for PayPal. [20:41]
danieldaniel dareq: no [20:41]
dareq ? [20:41]
copumpkin danieldaniel: understand's? [20:41]
danieldaniel wow [20:41]
danieldaniel ;;rate sagia12 2 Understands that shit happens! Bought mah access point, and understood when I couldn't ship until 3 days later! [20:42]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user sagia12 has changed from 2 to 2. [20:42]
copumpkin :) [20:42]
imsaguy anyone have any amazon they want to sell? [20:42]
danieldaniel imsaguy: i can get one [20:42]
sagia12 imsaguy for what? [20:42]
imsaguy for btc, derp [20:42]
sagia12 imsaguy amazon payment or amazon gift? [20:42]
imsaguy gc [20:42]
sagia12 oh [20:42]
sagia12 i only have amazon payment [20:43]
* lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:43]
sagia12 what rate for the btc to amazon/ [20:43]
dareq WTS BTC for PayPal. [20:43]
* Btcheroo has quit (Client Quit) [20:44]
lunks ;;fraud [20:45]
* bitcoinTrader has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [20:46]
danieldaniel ;;pong [20:50]
gribble ping [20:50]
* Kanye ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:51]
danieldaniel crap [20:52]
danieldaniel my cat bit my finger [20:52]
danieldaniel :( [20:52]
Kanye hello [20:53]
* UNOE227 (~mmc@unaffiliated/unoe227) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:53]
danieldaniel hi Kanye [20:53]
luke-jr danieldaniel: nyaa [20:53]
Kanye i have a $90 moneypak and im looking for bitcoins [20:53]
luke-jr Kanye: I'll give you 3.60 BTC for that [20:53]
danieldaniel luke-jr: whatttt [20:53]
imsaguy Kanye: how about 14btc? [20:53]
danieldaniel whats nyaa? [20:53]
Kanye im looking for 16 btc [20:53]
luke-jr danieldaniel: the sound cats make [20:53]
danieldaniel oh [20:53]
* Gekz (~gekz@unaffiliated/gekz) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:54]
danieldaniel anyone want a live stream of my cat? [20:54]
Kanye any want $90 moneypak for 16BTC [20:54]
luke-jr if it comes with a remote-controlled gun <.< [20:54]
bruzum danieldaniel: yes [20:54]
danieldaniel bruzum: k one sec [20:54]
rg hey whos a minecraft user here? [20:54]
luke-jr ever see those internet hunting things? [20:54]
rg i just got a sales inquery and i dont want to sound like a moron [20:55]
imsaguy what'd they ask? [20:55]
rg the question is: [20:55]
luke-jr rg: I don't host it because it's bloated Java crap [20:55]
rg how many slots would 4GB of ram be able to withstand [20:55]
* luke-jr used to do his game hosting on 32 MB RAM :p [20:55]
danieldaniel rg: i use it sometimes [20:55]
imsaguy rg: [20:55]
rg imsaguy: thanks [20:56]
danieldaniel rg: Estimate, I would say about 25? [20:56]
danieldaniel oh [20:56]
rg sweet [20:56]
danieldaniel lol [20:56]
danieldaniel i was wrong [20:56]
rg looks like he'd be good to go [20:56]
rg for a rather large server [20:56]
imsaguy yep [20:56]
imsaguy 16 slots per gb [20:56]
danieldaniel my bawls are aching [20:57]
* silvercoin (47442431@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:58]
bruzum danieldaniel: im going afk for a bit, please hilight me with the url [20:58]
Kanye i can host minecraft server [20:58]
danieldaniel bruzum: ok [20:58]
silvercoin i had to stop playing that [20:58]
Kanye if anyone needs a VPS for minecraft, let me know [20:58]
imsaguy Kanye: how much? [20:58]
* Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: Say What?) [20:58]
Kanye hmm lets say 2 btc for 1 month 256mb ram [20:58]
rg im selling a 4GB minecraft server for 15 btc/mo [20:59]
rg in a proper datacenter [20:59]
danieldaniel lmao [20:59]
imsaguy $8 for 4 slots per month? [20:59]
* Gekz has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [20:59]
imsaguy rg: I should start leasing you my ram/hd space on my miners [20:59]
imsaguy it just sits idle otherwise. [21:00]
imsaguy ssd [21:00]
rg if you were in a proper datacenter, sure [21:00]
imsaguy I am in a proper datacenter [21:00]
imsaguy you cant ddos me! [21:00]
imsaguy I'll just shut my modem off [21:00]
imsaguy /sarcasm [21:00]
rg i used to host people off my cable modem [21:01]
rg i had a hacked modem that was capable of like 5 MB/sec [21:01]
rg but it doesnt work anymre [21:01]
* james777 (602dbd51@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:01]
danieldaniel bbl [21:03]
sagia12 does anyone have an amazon account they can help me for a sec? [21:04]
* james777 has quit (Client Quit) [21:04]
foggyb help with what? [21:05]
silvercoin ^ [21:06]
* njstein has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [21:06]
sagia12 i need to see if im setting something up right [21:07]
sagia12 it wont let me buy my own product [21:07]
sagia12 and i need to find out if you can use amazon gift cards to pay [21:07]
sagia12 [21:07]
sagia12 thats the link [21:07]
sagia12 dont buy it though [21:07]
sagia12 just see if you can use a giftcard [21:08]
* Kanye ( has left #bitcoin-otc [21:08]
luke-jr fwiw, check from TradeHill arrived [21:09]
foggyb sagai12: why did you shorten the link? [21:09]
sagia12 BECAUSE ITS HUGE [21:09]
sagia12 [21:10]
sagia12 12FblKlNH8%25253D&pageId=amzn_cbav2&openid.mode=checkid_setup&openid.pape.max_auth_age=0&siteState=actionToken%3DznN%252FR51Jl6q4EqRIaHxEjdrDLCs%253D%3Baction%3Dspc%3BmarketplaceId%3DAZ4B0ZS3LGLX%3BcartOwnerId%3DA3NSKCZ8GJHY0C%3BcartId%3Dmiq%3A%2F%2Frose%3A1.0%2Fcart%2Fcba%3A1.0%2Fcart%3A3.0%2FAZ4B0ZS3LGLX%2FX%2F1-1330196218906-33ACB7F9BE5FE96B%3BrequestId%3D0EXTJWX70EKK66FMYY4H%3Bcustom [21:10]
sagia12 erId%3D%3BorderingChannel%3DCBA%3BcartOrigin%3DCartPage%3BppDis%3D1%3BappPath%3D%2Fcba%2Fv2%2Fcheckout%3BpurchaseContractId%3D%3BprimeOneClick%3D%3Bprime%3D%3BshowCustomizations%3Don [21:10]
foggyb lol [21:10]
silvercoin lol [21:10]
foggyb i understand now [21:10]
foggyb just link me to the produt [21:10]
foggyb product [21:10]
silvercoin too scured to sign in [21:11]
sagia12 its a test [21:11]
sagia12 nm [21:11]
sagia12 i just got done setting up a dummy acct for my fiance........nope credit cards only [21:11]
foggyb why do they care if you use gift cards? [21:12]
pigeons luke-jr: was tradehill paying your $25 ask? [21:13]
* gilly_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [21:13]
* |m| has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [21:13]
* splatster (~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:14]
sagia12 i set up a seller acct with i can sell my shit through amazon. Hoping i could convert amazon giftcards to cash [21:14]
* dareq has quit (Quit: Page closed) [21:14]
* gribble gives voice to splatster [21:14]
splatster Stop fucking with the market, you idiots! [21:15]
foggyb gc that were bought with btc? [21:16]
ahbritto That spike was likely longs getting liquidated on Bitcoinica. [21:17]
Tril *over-leveraged longs [21:17]
sagia12 ahhh it does word [21:17]
sagia12 work* [21:17]
* amazingrando (~amazingra@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:18]
Tril amazingrando what's up [21:18]
rg hrm [21:18]
rg apparently bitvps's billing system has stopped functioning [21:18]
ahbritto rg: Oh cool. ;) [21:18]
amazingrando hi [21:18]
danieldaniel omg gais im back [21:18]
rg now i know why [21:19]
rg but the question is [21:19]
rg why did it happen [21:19]
rg right now our bitcoin l/p is set to '123412345'. '1234512345' [21:19]
amazingrando still trying to find a loan(s) to buy mobos and power supplies for my 6990's [21:19]
danieldaniel im confused [21:19]
luke-jr pigeons: back when I used it [21:19]
danieldaniel how to I get usd [21:19]
danieldaniel into my currency account after I slel btc [21:19]
danieldaniel sell* [21:20]
Tril danieldaniel press liquidate [21:20]
* paraipan has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:20]
rg ok [21:20]
rg fixed [21:20]
danieldaniel Tril: I sold it [21:20]
danieldaniel It won't go into my currency account [21:20]
splatster Sell me BTC! [21:20]
Tril danieldaniel: then you need to go to the Exchange tab. [21:20]
danieldaniel and do what? [21:20]
Tril danieldaniel: sell them again :/ [21:20]
danieldaniel But [21:20]
danieldaniel i already sold them [21:20]
foggyb anyone have a real-debrid account? [21:20]
luke-jr hmm [21:20]
danieldaniel oh nvm [21:21]
luke-jr BitFORCE in dmesg, but no dev [21:21]
danieldaniel it went in [21:21]
unclemantis shit [21:21]
phantomcircuit luke-jr, they removed the label from anything interesting right [21:21]
Tril amazingrando: are these miners in Tacoma? [21:21]
phantomcircuit so i suspect they've gone to significant effort to hide what they're running [21:21]
amazingrando +tril: yeah [21:22]
unclemantis my sell order was at $5.80. I knew I should have set it for $5.20 :( Now it is going DOWN! [21:22]
splatster unclemantis: You should sell to me. [21:22]
unclemantis for how much [21:22]
splatster idk [21:23]
unclemantis how about $6 [21:23]
danieldaniel lol [21:23]
splatster lolnofuckingway [21:23]
luke-jr phantomcircuit: I didn't open it up. [21:23]
unclemantis just predent we are spiking at $7. You are getting a good deal [21:23]
rawrmage lol, the market, wtf [21:23]
splatster unclemantis: Wait, let me think about it. [21:24]
splatster wait.... [21:24]
splatster NOOO!!!! [21:24]
* njstein ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:24]
unclemantis ;;slap splatster [21:26]
* gribble slaps splatster with a unethical tricycle [21:26]
* ineedcoins123 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:26]
danieldaniel ;;slap unclemantis [21:26]
* gribble slaps unclemantis with a fenny AK-47 [21:26]
splatster ;;slap [echo $randomNick] [21:26]
* gribble slaps unclemantis with a not new cestus [21:26]
danieldaniel LMAO [21:26]
splatster LOL! [21:26]
splatster That was lucky! [21:26]
* unclemantis hugs gribble [21:26]
splatster ;;slap [echo $randomNick] [21:27]
* gribble slaps pigeons with a aphrodisiac bike [21:27]
danieldaniel ;;slap [echo $randomnick] [21:27]
* gribble slaps elmom with a lubric trout [21:27]
danieldaniel elmom? [21:27]
danieldaniel lolwut [21:27]
splatster ;;seen pigeons [21:27]
gribble pigeons was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 14 minutes and 4 seconds ago: luke-jr: was tradehill paying your $25 ask? [21:27]
splatster ;;seen elmom [21:27]
gribble elmom was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 36 weeks, 3 days, 17 hours, 7 minutes, and 42 seconds ago: Point the flaws in my logic: Some with lot's of bitcoins (like on the order 100k) could trade about half of it to USD on MtGox and then set dark limit orders on both sides, with a profitable spread (maybe 18 and 20 ATM). Wouldn't that keep the price stable, without losing much or it even (1 more message) [21:27]
splatster lol [21:27]
danieldaniel lawl [21:27]
danieldaniel ;;rate [echo $randomnick] -10 OMG [21:27]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of -10 for user h4ckm3 has been recorded. [21:27]
splatster Lawl and Order! [21:27]
danieldaniel ;;unrate h4ckm3 [21:28]
gribble Successfully removed your rating for h4ckm3. [21:28]
unclemantis BURN!!!! [21:28]
danieldaniel unclemantis: you burn [21:28]
unclemantis you liked that, didn't you :P [21:28]
splatster ;;rate [echo $randomnick] -10 What a dickface. [21:28]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of -10 for user npouillard has been recorded. [21:28]
rg HAHA [21:28]
danieldaniel o.o why is my cat -- [21:28]
danieldaniel OH SHIT [21:28]
danieldaniel BRB [21:28]
splatster ;;unrate npouillard [21:28]
gribble Successfully removed your rating for npouillard. [21:28]
unclemantis ;;rate [echo $randomnick] -10 He raped my guinepig! [21:29]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user gribble has changed from 1 to -10. [21:29]
danieldaniel LOLOLOL [21:29]
danieldaniel LOLOLOLOLOL [21:29]
unclemantis SCORE!!! [21:29]
Tasty Buying 28 btc via paypal [21:29]
unclemantis ;;unrate gribble [21:29]
gribble Successfully removed your rating for gribble. [21:29]
danieldaniel lmao [21:29]
splatster danieldaniel's cat is vomiting [21:29]
unclemantis I should get BTC for that! [21:29]
danieldaniel splatster: it ate a bag of chocolat [21:29]
splatster Tasty: Get out of my market! [21:29]
splatster Tasty: or else! [21:29]
unclemantis i should be rewarded for that last rate! that was awesome! [21:30]
danieldaniel my cat is a lesbian [21:30]
Tasty splatster: Never [21:30]
unclemantis hey gribble! 1DtYDsRM9dvVVFyMCeMyWe57BGH7HVhqFP PAY UP BITCH! [21:30]
* splatster shanks Tasty with a rusty knife and gives him tetanus [21:30]
danieldaniel 0.0 [21:30]
splatster Tasty: Off to the hospital for you [21:31]
danieldaniel ;;leet fuck [21:31]
* unclemantis rubs up against danieldaniel and shmoofucks him [21:31]
danieldaniel gribble: Error: You don't have the #bitcoin-otc,filter capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. [21:31]
danieldaniel aww [21:31]
splatster ;;echo $randomNumber [21:31]
gribble $randomNumber [21:31]
splatster damn [21:31]
splatster ;;echo $random [21:31]
gribble $random [21:31]
splatster :( [21:31]
draco49 23 [21:31]
draco49 48 [21:31]
splatster gribble: Y U NO GENERATE RANDOM NUMBERS? [21:31]
danieldaniel ;;rate % [21:32]
gribble (rate []) -- Enters a rating for in the amount of . Use optional field to enter any notes you have about this user. must be the user's GPG-registered username, Your previously existing rating, if any, will be overwritten. [21:32]
danieldaniel unclemantis told me to [21:32]
splatster ;;debian [21:32]
splatster LOLOLOL [21:32]
danieldaniel ;;debian [21:32]
splatster (random number generator) [21:32]
splatster [21:32]
* unclemantis is evil! [21:33]
splatster [21:33]
splatster Those are funny, FYI. [21:33]
danieldaniel lol [21:34]
danieldaniel I sent .00003825 to unclemantis [21:34]
danieldaniel check what 3825 translates to on your keypad [21:34]
danieldaniel :3 [21:34]
draco49 duck? [21:35]
draco49 ;) [21:35]
rg heh [21:35]
danieldaniel no [21:35]
rg im so poor [21:35]
rg i have invented some home made deoderant [21:35]
danieldaniel o.0 [21:35]
danieldaniel draco49: i thought it was fuck [21:35]
rg its just rubbing alcohol and this gel aftershave i have [21:35]
danieldaniel g2g [21:35]
danieldaniel bai gais [21:35]
* ineedcoins123 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:36]
rawrmage guinepig? [21:36]
* draco49 is now known as draco49_AFK [21:36]
silvercoin I have a gp named phil [21:36]
* BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:37]
* ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt [21:37]
* copumpkin has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:37]
rg im hungry [21:37]
rg rg requires food [21:37]
rg but which [21:37]
silvercoin ramen [21:38]
rg nah [21:38]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:38]
* ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin [21:38]
mircea_popescu i like that everybody complains about MY issuance structure. [21:38]
rg cheeseburger club with spicy fries [21:38]
mircea_popescu there's nothing wrong with like lib.m etc. it's ME that's out of whack [21:38]
rg please refrain from tasting the knob [21:38]
mircea_popescu ah, the world is injust but unfair. [21:38]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:38]
* Magnusss_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:42]
netxshare does anyone have a mirc script to auth with grible [21:43]
netxshare gribble [21:43]
netxshare found one nm [21:44]
* Magnusss has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [21:44]
* Magnusss_ is now known as Magnusss [21:44]
NASDAQEnema mircea_popescu: i'm crazier [21:44]
mircea_popescu crazier than what ? [21:45]
* draco49_AFK is now known as draco49 [21:45]
NASDAQEnema than your issuance structure [21:45]
draco49 Does anyone know if bitcoin-qt will work on an ipad? [21:45]
NASDAQEnema how low will it go [21:45]
* Lazore (54d1572b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:46]
NASDAQEnema it will hit 4.65 I think but I also think 5.50 by midweek [21:51]
* dissipate (~steve@unaffiliated/dissipate) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:51]
UNOE227 rg - seasalt [21:52]
* unclemantis has quit () [21:52]
njstein yayyy for trade volume [21:52]
NASDAQEnema screw it I don't want to babysit it [21:52]
NASDAQEnema I'm buying [21:53]
njstein don't buy [21:54]
njstein wait for it to drop some more [21:54]
NASDAQEnema I have less than a dollar [21:54]
NASDAQEnema not worth babysitting for that [21:54]
njstein hh [21:54]
imsaguy bestbuy card for auction: [21:54]
NASDAQEnema it will drop to 4.65 maybe 4.59 [21:55]
njstein buy in a dollar of bitcoins? [21:55]
NASDAQEnema but it will hit 5.50 by the middle of the week [21:55]
njstein why do you say that? [21:55]
NASDAQEnema I bought $.541 [21:55]
njstein also [21:55]
* netxshare (~netxshare@2a01:608:ffff:3405::42) has left #bitcoin-otc [21:55]
* netxshare (~netxshare@2a01:608:ffff:3405::42) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:55]
njstein i totally don't remember making my one sell order [21:56]
njstein or i thought i was selling for less [21:56]
NASDAQEnema because there's a fucking wall at 4.5 and 4.9 is weak [21:56]
* dissipate has quit (Quit: Leaving) [21:58]
* minimoose ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:59]
NASDAQEnema i can't log in to btc-e [21:59]
netxshare hm [22:01]
netxshare ;;eauth netxhare [22:01]
netxshare ops [22:01]
netxshare ;;eauth netxshare [22:01]
netxshare Error: Problem creating encrypted OTP file. whhhyyy [22:01]
mircea_popescu disk full ? [22:02]
rawrmage lol [22:02]
* blaeks ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:04]
* ski_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [22:06]
* draco49 is now known as draco49_AFK [22:07]
* heisebersch has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [22:09]
mircea_popescu anyone saw on the beach ? 1959 movie, gardner, fred astaire. [22:16]
* Gaglia has quit (Quit: Gaglia) [22:17]
splatster "Don't need anything just keep it up; I'll be right here cause she's enough." - Atmosphere [22:22]
* vuce has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [22:23]
splatster "So say goodbye to the NAACP award; goodbye to the India.Arie award. They'd rather give me the nigga-please award, but I'll just take the I-got-a-lot-of-cheese award." - Kanye [22:24]
* vuce ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:24]
splatster ;;seen nanotube [22:24]
gribble nanotube was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 4 hours, 8 minutes, and 32 seconds ago: you guys can go to that page, enable js, and see that it tries to find an address without you putting anything in [22:24]
splatster nanotube: Are you alive? [22:24]
* Lazore has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [22:24]
splatster Sell me your bitcoins! (they're worthless now) [22:25]
splatster loljk, but I am buying [22:25]
* Orion (5ed1dfae@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:25]
* Orion is now known as Guest9801 [22:26]
* Guest9801 (5ed1dfae@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-otc [22:27]
* heisebersch (~sdfcvyxva@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:32]
* UNOE227_ (~mmc@unaffiliated/unoe227) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:34]
splatster This channel is a fucking ghost town. [22:37]
splatster Someone speak! [22:37]
* AdamGiunta (180b232f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:37]
* draco49_AFK is now known as draco49 [22:38]
luke-jr splatster: no u [22:38]
* UNOE227 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [22:38]
draco49 Hi splatster [22:38]
splatster ;;echo splatster: Your're not the only in here [22:38]
gribble splatster: Your're not the only in here [22:38]
splatster Thanks, gribble [22:38]
splatster hey [22:38]
splatster People are alive! [22:38]
splatster I thought someone killed you all :( [22:38]
splatster lol [22:38]
luke-jr [22:38]
luke-jr ^ BitFORCE Single (physically have it) via gmp-proxy on Eligius [22:39]
draco49 Yup... i'm cranking out some python code and gettin ready to grab some fresh weed to smoke on :P [22:39]
draco49 luke-jr: did you fire that BFL up yet? [22:39]
AdamGiunta ;;gpg eauth C7C9EF7317BAA37C [22:39]
splatster AdamGiunta: STOP AUTHING IN THE DAMN CHANNEL! [22:39]
splatster It's so annoying [22:40]
vragnaroda ;;eauth vragnaroda [22:40]
gribble Request successful for user vragnaroda, hostmask vragnaroda!~vragnarod@unaffiliated/vragnaroda. Get your encrypted OTP from [22:40]
luke-jr draco49: see link? [22:40]
draco49 lol yeah just saw that [22:40]
vragnaroda ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:02df4a6735169848d8f078bbccbc6611ef89fe5b60b2429887321945 [22:40]
gribble You are now authenticated for user vragnaroda with key B594FD658613B519 [22:40]
splatster vragnaroda: Why must you do this! [22:40]
vragnaroda ;;voiceme [22:40]
* gribble gives voice to vragnaroda [22:40]
splatster s/!/?/ [22:40]
splatster vragnaroda: YOU WHERE ALREADY AUTHED! [22:40]
draco49 luke-jr: What are your initial impressions of the device? [22:41]
luke-jr draco49: well, my ambient temp is higher than it's rated for, but it's still doing 830 MH/s [22:41]
luke-jr mine seems to have shipped w/o the temperature-sensor firmware [22:41]
vragnaroda splatster: I know that but luke-jr didn't know that. [22:41]
* BurgerChris (b821a0d8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:41]
draco49 luke-jr: Well i'm pretty sure Sonny is making these by hand, so it would surprise me if he forgot that. [22:42]
splatster vragnaroda: I am going to make my own set of gribble extensions and have nanotube add them [22:42]
* BurgerChris has quit (Client Quit) [22:42]
luke-jr also, I was surprised to find the airflow is *inward* from the big fan on the top, and the heat goes out the sides [22:42]
splatster Extension 1: make the channel optional in ;;seen [22:42]
luke-jr but I'm not really an EE [22:42]
splatster Extension 2: ban users who auth in-channel after a certain date, and give them a warning if they do so before the cutoff date [22:43]
vragnaroda I'm pretty sure if nanotube wanted to disable authing in-channel, it'd have been done a long time ago. [22:43]
draco49 ;;voiceme [22:43]
* gribble gives voice to draco49 [22:43]
draco49 lol [22:43]
splatster draco49: Imma kill you [22:43]
danieldaniel splatster: [23:40:56] vragnaroda: YOU WHERE ALREADY AUTHED! [22:43]
danieldaniel lmao [22:43]
danieldaniel *reads scrollback* [22:43]
* splatster throws a tomahawk at draco49 and vragnaroda [22:44]
draco49 Oh danieldaniel is here splatster. Now you'll have all the chit-chat you can handle. [22:44]
splatster *headshot* [22:44]
danieldaniel what? [22:44]
* Magnusss has quit (*.net *.split) [22:44]
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* Gimm has quit (*.net *.split) [22:44]
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danieldaniel LOL [22:44]
* DeLorean731 has quit (Excess Flood) [22:44]
splatster LOLOL! [22:44]
danieldaniel Perfect timing! [22:44]
* DeLorean731 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:44]
vragnaroda ;;eauth vragnaroda [22:44]
gribble Request successful for user vragnaroda, hostmask vragnaroda!~vragnarod@unaffiliated/vragnaroda. Get your encrypted OTP from [22:44]
splatster Netsplittorious! [22:44]
danieldaniel vragnaroda: trololo [22:44]
splatster ;;eauth vragnaroda [22:44]
gribble Request successful for user vragnaroda, hostmask splatster!~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster. Get your encrypted OTP from [22:44]
vragnaroda ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:f1833f1aed3e34ea12cee3768d810b70d7bd0628092a2b4c5e21ee29 [22:44]
gribble You are now authenticated for user vragnaroda with key B594FD658613B519 [22:44]
splatster lol [22:44]
splatster lol [22:44]
vragnaroda ;;voiceme [22:44]
splatster no [22:44]
draco49 ;;voiceme [22:44]
* gribble gives voice to vragnaroda [22:44]
* gribble gives voice to draco49 [22:44]
splatster stop [22:45]
splatster stop [22:45]
splatster stop [22:45]
draco49 lmao [22:45]
danieldaniel splatster: OMG SPAM [22:45]
luke-jr [22:45]
danieldaniel ;;voiceme [22:45]
* gribble gives voice to danieldaniel [22:45]
splatster OH MA GAWD! [22:45]
* ChanServ removes voice from vragnaroda [22:45]
* Magnusss ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:45]
* Bwild ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:45]
* Gimm ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:45]
* winterblack ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:45]
* NASDAQEnema ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:45]
* jsidhu_ (u1050@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:45]
* LobsterMan (~LobsterMa@unaffiliated/lobsterman) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:45]
* dstien_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:45]
* parus (parus@gateway/shell/ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:45]
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* ne0futur (~neofutur@mtgox/staff/pdpc.student.ne0futur) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:45]
* jm____ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:45]
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* gives voice to ne0futur jm____ phedny_ ronaz [22:45]
* ryan-c ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:45]
* gives voice to ryan-c [22:45]
danieldaniel splatster: MAH* [22:45]
draco49 See, it was all nice and quiet here and you had to go and raise the dead! [22:45]
danieldaniel lmao [22:45]
vragnaroda ;;unauth [22:45]
danieldaniel vragnaroda: LOL [22:45]
vragnaroda ;;eauth vragnaroda [22:45]
splatster danieldaniel: typo [22:45]
danieldaniel splatster: ? [22:46]
vragnaroda ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:2e11be04faf84d754ace6398de2bb9e0e5a343a4c620e98e71f64052 [22:46]
gribble You are now authenticated for user vragnaroda with key B594FD658613B519 [22:46]
draco49 Everyone, make sure you're auth'd and voiced. [22:46]
vragnaroda ;;voiceme [22:46]
* gribble gives voice to vragnaroda [22:46]
splatster Ya i know its MAH i just messed up [22:46]
danieldaniel ;;ident [22:46]
gribble You are identified as user danieldaniel, with GPG key id C5D21E9BDCAE3594, and key fingerprint 4761C0C9EA65B824459AF736C5D21E9BDCAE3594. [22:46]
draco49 ;rate danieldaniel -100 causes way too much chaos in the channel [22:47]
danieldaniel D: [22:47]
draco49 :P [22:47]
draco49 oops, I forgot the other ; [22:47]
danieldaniel "The last posting from your IP was less than 20 seconds ago. Please try again later." [22:47]
danieldaniel what? I just logged in.... [22:47]
* Staatsfeind (~vragnarod@unaffiliated/vragnaroda) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:47]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [22:47]
splatster Skip to 1:38 [22:47]
Dark_Apostrophe should be daniel squared [22:47]
splatster tho the whole vid is funny [22:47]
Staatsfeind ;;eauth vragnaroda [22:48]
splatster Staatsfeind: STOP! [22:48]
Staatsfeind ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:b8cae10e9eb862f105ae4b7dc8fa9beaefaa795ecae4c29efc2e510f [22:48]
gribble You are now authenticated for user vragnaroda with key B594FD658613B519 [22:48]
danieldaniel splatster: lawlzor [22:48]
Staatsfeind ;;voiceme [22:48]
* gribble gives voice to Staatsfeind [22:48]
* Staatsfeind has quit (Client Quit) [22:49]
splatster Also, 3:00 in that same vid is so funny [22:49]
splatster and 3:24 [22:49]
vragnaroda lol [22:49]
splatster vragnaroda: What are you laughing at? Me or the vid? [22:49]
vragnaroda thee [22:50]
splatster :( [22:50]
splatster Now I'm sad [22:50]
danieldaniel smickles: you here? [22:50]
danieldaniel Im mad, bri [22:50]
danieldaniel bro* [22:50]
* Bwild has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [22:50]
splatster LOLOL [22:51]
splatster 5:09! [22:51]
splatster watch it! [22:51]
* draco49 is now known as draco49_AFK [22:51]
danieldaniel splatster: bo [22:51]
danieldaniel no* [22:51]
rg bitvps's whmcs got compromised [22:51]
danieldaniel rg: :O [22:51]
danieldaniel WHAT? [22:51]
splatster OH NO! [22:51]
rg daniel: nah no big deal, there was nothing to get from it [22:51]
danieldaniel oh [22:51]
rg i dont store any data in it [22:51]
danieldaniel lawl [22:51]
rg they took one look at teh system and gave up [22:51]
rg i replced their files tho [22:52]
rg with an annoying.js [22:52]
rg and unfortuantely for them [22:52]
danieldaniel lol [22:52]
rg i caught them as they were doing it [22:52]
rg and now i updated WHMCS to the newest patch level [22:52]
rg so no big deal [22:52]
danieldaniel rg: IP? [22:52]
danieldaniel post it on 4chan [22:52]
rg the web user that i run our web apps from has 0 permissions [22:52]
* draco49_AFK is now known as draco49 [22:52]
rg trusted path execution for the win :) [22:52]
danieldaniel lol [22:53]
rg so they couldnt even run /bin/ls, etc [22:53]
danieldaniel lawl [22:53]
rg i gotta contact the WHMCS devs now though [22:53]
* draco49 slaps danieldaniel for trying to exploit BitVPS [22:53]
rg cause our whmcs was patched [22:53]
danieldaniel draco49: it wasn't me :P [22:53]
rg (patched to the newest version of the revision) [22:53]
rg no.. it was someone here [22:53]
rg i think [22:53]
rg looks to be sabotage [22:53]
danieldaniel rg: It seriously wasn't me [22:53]
rg obviously daniel [22:53]
danieldaniel rg: I sux at hacking [22:53]
rg youre not romanian [22:53]
danieldaniel oh [22:53]
danieldaniel XD [22:53]
danieldaniel Its funny cause I think I have a romanian VPS [22:54]
danieldaniel from somewhere [22:54]
* MrTiggr has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [22:54]
danieldaniel *checks logs* [22:54]
vragnaroda OK, let's play this game. [22:54]
nanotube splatster: yes i am still alive :) [22:55]
splatster Shit, now I forgot what I was gonna ask you [22:55]
splatster fuuuuck [22:55]
danieldaniel lolol [22:55]
danieldaniel splatster: was it something along the lines of "free money pl0x"? [22:55]
nanotube splatster: heh well, no hurry [22:55]
splatster danieldaniel: No [22:55]
danieldaniel freeh* moneh* [22:55]
splatster OH WAIT! [22:55]
splatster I KNOW! [22:56]
rg just a hassle [22:56]
rg i never trusted WHMCS [22:56]
rg thats why its in such a locked down environment [22:56]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [22:56]
rg (and apparently with good cause_ [22:56]
danieldaniel rg: how did they do it? [22:56]
danieldaniel I wanna know now [22:56]
splatster nanotube: I wanted to extend ;;seen so that if no channel is specified, then it searches all channels for the latest message from that person. [22:56]
rg daniel: looks like they exploited the ticketing system [22:56]
danieldaniel i think i have whmcs somewhere [22:56]
rg which is a new exploit [22:57]
rg i contacted WHMCS [22:57]
danieldaniel rg: o.0 [22:57]
rg to let them know [22:57]
rg thats why i think it was directed, surely there are better hosts to exploit than ol bitvps [22:57]
danieldaniel wow, i just realized something [22:57]
* draco49 still thinks it was danieldaniel [22:57]
danieldaniel *everything* uses whmcs [22:57]
splatster nanotube: What do you think? [22:57]
danieldaniel draco49: gtfo [22:57]
draco49 :) [22:57]
danieldaniel draco49: I really suck at hacking [22:58]
danieldaniel i tried it on my friends server once [22:58]
draco49 just what some awesome hacker would say... [22:58]
danieldaniel :( [22:58]
danieldaniel also, i did it with permission [22:58]
danieldaniel so it wasn't hacking [22:58]
danieldaniel draco49: I'm not that kind of person [22:58]
* luke-jr watches the deepspam flood #bitcoin-watch [22:59]
nanotube splatster: heh, as it happens, just today i fixed seen so that it doesn't let you request info from channels you're not on, to eliminate a potential data leak from private channels. [22:59]
* netxshare (~netxshare@2a01:608:ffff:3405::42) has left #bitcoin-otc [22:59]
* netxshare (~netxshare@2a01:608:ffff:3405::42) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:59]
nanotube splatster: so... searching "all channels" seems a little counter to that. :P [22:59]
* gribble gives voice to netxshare [22:59]
splatster nanotube: What about a all the public/normal channels [23:00]
nanotube every channel that you're not on, is by definition not public /to you/ :) [23:00]
nanotube so, if it only searches dbs for channels that the requesting user is present on, that'd be fine [23:00]
splatster E.G. #bitcoin, -otc, -dec [23:00]
splatster oh ok [23:00]
danieldaniel whats -dec? [23:00]
nanotube dev [23:00]
danieldaniel oh [23:00]
splatster oh [23:01]
splatster woops [23:01]
luke-jr nanotube: what if I join a channel, then request info from a prior conversation that was semi-private? ;) [23:01]
splatster What about just the channels with logs? [23:01]
danieldaniel rg: [23:01]
danieldaniel :D [23:01]
nanotube luke-jr: heh no system is perfect. people shouldn't hold semi-private conversations in channels that they later invite people to that they wanted to keep things private from. :P [23:02]
nanotube splatster: how does gribble know which channels have public logs? [23:02]
splatster Well, I know [23:02]
nanotube heh [23:02]
splatster So I can just program those in [23:02]
nanotube then that'll never get merged into upstream gribble. [23:02]
* samumedic1 (18d967ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:02]
splatster :( [23:02]
nanotube because upstream gribble aims to be a genericly useful bot. :P [23:03]
splatster WHat if it just searches #bitcoin, -otc, and -dev? [23:03]
nanotube anyway, so if you make it search only chans that the user is currently in, that'd be 'generically useful', e.g. [23:03]
rg what a hassle [23:03]
splatster Ok [23:03]
splatster I'll look at it [23:03]
nanotube it's trivial to check if a user is in chan. [23:04]
splatster I could use some of the code from ;;whois [23:04]
splatster right? [23:04]
nanotube hm, i don't think whois has anything to do with it... [23:04]
nanotube seen keeps its own dbs [23:04]
splatster but ;;whois shows which channels a person is on (I think) [23:05]
splatster ;;whois splatster [23:05]
gribble splatster (~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster) has been on server since 11:13 AM, February 25, 2012 (idle for 0 seconds) and is voiced on bitcoin-otc and is also on #bitcoin-dev and #bitcoin. [23:05]
splatster is voiced on bitcoin-otc and is also on #bitcoin-dev and #bitcoin. [23:05]
rg i hate web apps [23:06]
splatster So it does (somewhat) [23:06]
nanotube splatster: yes, but that's coming from the network's /whois output. [23:06]
splatster So I can just use that to check which channels the person is on [23:06]
splatster and then I can check those agains the seen DB [23:06]
* draco49 is now known as draco49_AFK [23:07]
splatster and then I give the most recent message of the requested seen [23:07]
* Bwild ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:07]
nanotube ah well, yes. but you can also just check "if nick in state[channelname].users [23:07]
nanotube " [23:07]
vragnaroda splatster: ;;ident does not list all the channels I'm in with gribble. [23:07]
nanotube since the bot keeps its own state dicts for each chan, which includes user lists. [23:07]
vragnaroda ;;ident vragnaroda [23:07]
gribble Nick 'vragnaroda', with hostmask 'vragnaroda!~vragnarod@unaffiliated/vragnaroda', is identified as user vragnaroda, with GPG key id B594FD658613B519, and key fingerprint 394512AECFD3673C7EE829AEB594FD658613B519. [23:07]
vragnaroda ;;whois vragnaroda [23:07]
gribble vragnaroda (~vragnarod@unaffiliated/vragnaroda) has been on server since 02:58 AM, February 23, 2012 (idle for 0 seconds) and is an op on bitcoin-politics, is voiced on bitcoin-otc, and is also on #bitcoin-otc-ratings, #gpumax, and #bitcoin. [23:07]
splatster vragnaroda: I never said ;;ident [23:08]
vragnaroda I meant ;;whois. [23:08]
splatster It lists the public channels you are in [23:08]
vragnaroda That's a very different thing. [23:08]
splatster for instance, I am in #mtgox, but it doesn't show that [23:08]
* Gimm has quit () [23:08]
splatster Well the main bitcoin channels are all public to my knowledge [23:08]
nanotube splatster: it doesn't show that, because gribble is not there. and freenode only shows channels which you share with the target user. [23:08]
rawrmage unless they're not +i [23:09]
vragnaroda gribble isn't in there. [23:09]
splatster ok [23:09]
* area ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:09]
splatster but you understand what I'm getting at [23:09]
splatster nanotube: Is gribble not on github? [23:09]
* area has quit (Changing host) [23:09]
* area (~area@unaffiliated/area) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:09]
vragnaroda I don't. [23:09]
nanotube yes he is on github. supybot_fixes is the repo :) [23:10]
vragnaroda That's the normaly behavior of a whois command. [23:10]
splatster ok [23:10]
nanotube (because gribble started as merely a few minor tweaks i needed... and grew from there) [23:10]
vragnaroda *normal [23:10]
vragnaroda Fuck. [23:10]
nanotube vragnaroda: well, it's default, but there's a setting you can change on nickserv to reveal your entire chanlist. [23:10]
splatster ;;plugin seen [23:11]
gribble The "seen" command is available in the Seen plugin. [23:11]
vragnaroda nanotube: Yes, since they reversed the norm on freenode. [23:11]
vragnaroda I don't really care either way, but it's not really secret what channels I'm in. [23:11]
* Clonedead ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:11]
* Woundead has quit (Disconnected by services) [23:11]
nanotube splatster: well yes, so relying on whois will work, it is just not as clean as looking in the already-existing bot channel user dicts... imo. [23:11]
nanotube vragnaroda: maybe you should join more secret channels. then you'll start caring :D [23:12]
vragnaroda nanotube: Secret channels are another issue. [23:12]
vragnaroda ;) [23:12]
nanotube :) [23:13]
splatster LOL github "Hardcore Forking Action" [23:17]
luke-jr [23:19]
rawrmage luke-jr: ? [23:20]
* alek1 (c84af419@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:21]
alek1 i would like to place a buy order for 5,000 LR to BTC [23:21]
alek1 Can anyone handle this volume? [23:22]
splatster ;;getratinf alek1 [23:22]
MBS ok sweet, xbox live codes came in [23:22]
splatster ;;getratinf [ident alek1] [23:22]
splatster lol [23:22]
splatster alek1: No. [23:22]
splatster oh [23:22]
splatster wait [23:23]
MBS ;;seen BTCHero [23:23]
gribble BTCHero was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 4 hours, 30 minutes, and 37 seconds ago: ;;getrating silvercoin [23:23]
splatster ;;getrating [ident alek1] [23:23]
splatster still not rated [23:23]
alek1 i'm not registered here, but i can be [23:23]
splatster But you aren't rated [23:23]
alek1 if it's a buy order and i'm sending LR first, wouldn't the guy im buying from need the feedback? [23:23]
alek1 or are you saying that because of transaction size [23:23]
alek1 i can certainly do smaller transactions to build feedback [23:25]
* blaeks has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [23:25]
* blaeks ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:25]
MBS ;;seen silvercoin [23:26]
gribble silvercoin was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 1 hour, 48 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: ramen [23:26]
njstein weeeeeeeeeeeee [23:30]
* silvercoin has quit (Quit: Page closed) [23:30]
* charlierlee has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [23:33]
alek1 splatster: what is an acceptable volume? I want the seller to be comfortable. [23:34]
splatster alek1: I'm not interested, sorry [23:34]
alek1 ok. is there anyone else here that can exchange LR to btc? [23:34]
alek1 at a smaller volume is perfectly fine [23:35]
* malkauns ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:36]
njstein alek1: not using mtgox? [23:36]
* ineedcoins123 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:36]
njstein or you want it like rright now instead of waiting [23:36]
danieldaniel BITCOINICA-BTC-C756220A-DA2D-406E-9CD3-D7B02362E3BA [23:37]
danieldaniel wow, nobody's taking it? [23:37]
alek1 im not opposed to using MTGOX [23:37]
* boomdulnerf (48d5b67d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:38]
alek1 but ive heard that they can freeze funds and require id and shit [23:38]
danieldaniel i'm lolling right now [23:38]
danieldaniel loling* [23:38]
splatster danieldaniel: "Thank you! You have successfully deposited 0.2 BTC." [23:38]
danieldaniel Ok, there [23:38]
splatster Thanks! [23:38]
danieldaniel Yw :3 [23:38]
danieldaniel *withdraws 1000 btc* [23:38]
splatster MEMEMME! [23:38]
danieldaniel no [23:38]
danieldaniel i have 8 [23:38]
danieldaniel XD [23:38]
* elkingrey has quit (Quit: Leaving) [23:38]
splatster I'll take it :) [23:38]
danieldaniel lol, go on margin 5:1 and then you'll have a bitcoin! :O [23:39]
rawrmage lol [23:39]
danieldaniel I'm not doing margin tho [23:39]
danieldaniel im doing it cause I can't use mtgox :( [23:39]
rawrmage go sideways 10:1 [23:39]
danieldaniel lol [23:39]
splatster Someone give me a good position to take [23:40]
danieldaniel BITCOINICA-BTC-DD94B67B-BF08-47BB-A0AA-D75ED4E50F2F [23:40]
splatster And don't give me BS [23:40]
danieldaniel There, I'm done [23:40]
splatster YAY! [23:40]
splatster "Thank you! You have successfully deposited 0.08627313 BTC." [23:40]
* hngryhngryhippo has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [23:40]
splatster Thnx [23:41]
danieldaniel I just wanted to get to a whole number to make interest less confusing [23:41]
danieldaniel lawl [23:41]
splatster That was pure clicking speed [23:41]
danieldaniel oh yeah [23:41]
splatster lol [23:41]
splatster No bot [23:41]
danieldaniel I'm thinking of applying to be an authorized partner [23:41]
danieldaniel so I can make a redeem bot for bitcoinica [23:41]
danieldaniel :D [23:41]
* area has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [23:42]
alek1 i can also do WU for BTC [23:42]
alek1 if LR makes people nervous, heh [23:42]
danieldaniel i can do cc for btc [23:42]
danieldaniel small amounts though [23:42]
danieldaniel and with verification [23:42]
danieldaniel like, intense verification [23:43]
danieldaniel but no paypal [23:43]
splatster I can do Prepaid GCs [23:43]
alek1 I think the safest an easiest methods I can do would be WU or Moneypak for BTC [23:44]
splatster alek1: I'll take MP [23:46]
* viper1092 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:46]
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danieldaniel [23:48]
danieldaniel Can some people vouch for me? [23:49]
* viper1092 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:49]
splatster Yup [23:49]
danieldaniel splatster: thanks [23:49]
danieldaniel and don't say don't trust him [23:49]
danieldaniel seriously [23:49]
danieldaniel I'm trying to gain some rep on the forums [23:49]
splatster Well my trust doesn't mean much as I don't have trust on the forums [23:50]
danieldaniel Its fine :) [23:50]
danieldaniel Anything helps [23:50]
imsaguy danieldaniel, requiring scans of the card is against the cardmember agreement [23:50]
danieldaniel imsaguy: orly [23:50]
imsaguy thats why people take impressions, but not copies [23:50]
danieldaniel taking out then [23:50]
danieldaniel impressions? [23:50]
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imsaguy using carbons [23:51]
danieldaniel oh [23:51]
danieldaniel so can I ask for a pic? [23:51]
imsaguy thats why some information on the card is raised and other bits printed [23:51]
danieldaniel oh [23:51]
danieldaniel i get it [23:51]
danieldaniel so no pics either? [23:51]
imsaguy you shouldnt keep copies of the printed stuff [23:51]
danieldaniel imsaguy: pics ok? [23:51]
danieldaniel ;;ping [23:53]
gribble pong [23:53]
imsaguy nope [23:53]
imsaguy pics are just like scans dope [23:54]
danieldaniel hmm [23:54]
danieldaniel then i can't do it [23:54]
danieldaniel XD [23:54]
splatster I can do prepaid cards, but I will need them to be sent to me if they are over like $10-15 [23:55]
danieldaniel bai gais] [23:56]
njstein danieldaniel: you going to any parties tonight and get some of that hot under 18 high school poon? [23:57]
* luke-jr smacks njstein [23:57]
njstein what [23:57]
njstein you do that as if i did something wrong [23:58]
luke-jr ;;dict poon [23:58]
luke-jr ;;insult gribble [23:58]
njstein .w poon [23:58]
markac poon — noun: 1. (US, vulgar slang) Poontang; the vagina; or, intercourse with a woman, 2. (colloquial) A wimp; a pussy [23:59]
`g .w fail [23:59]
markac fail — noun: 1. a failure, especially of a financial transaction, 2. a failing grade in an academic examination — verb: 1. (intr.) To be unsuccessful, 2. (trans.) Not to achieve a particular stated goal. (Usage note: The direct object of this word is usually an infinitive.) [23:59]
imsaguy .o ud poontang [23:59]
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