Forum logs for 24 Sep 2015

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
BingoBoingo Well make it spread [00:00]
cazalla BingoBoingo, quit fat shaming me into losing the dad-bod [00:02]
BingoBoingo cazalla: Mebbe if you had more dangerous wildlife than abbos and spiders you'd change your mind on your own [00:03]
BingoBoingo cazalla: Also it isn't really dad-bod if you are actually a dad [00:03]
mircea_popescu !up brg444 [00:03]
-assbot- You voiced brg444 for another 30 minutes. [00:03]
* assbot gives voice to brg444 [00:03]
phf punkman: clearly russia, and from what i hear it's still a common practice. taught me to always carefully observe the weighing. i also have a 100g weight that i sometimes bring with me, in istanbul at spice bazaar for example i ran into much disagreement about standards and measures. a less conspicuous trick is to weigh a litre of milk, or somesuch [00:04]
mircea_popescu brg444 did you just upload it ? [00:04]
brg444 yea. looking into that now but tbf this is sorta new to me. using this stupid gui and it doesn't seem to want to connect to for some obscure reason. [00:04]
cazalla BingoBoingo, sorta sad in a way but there aren't many abos left, all the drunks and petrol sniffers are at best half-caste [00:04]
* mius has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:05]
brg444 attempting to submit from there gives me "error handling request. exception raised" [00:05]
BingoBoingo cazalla: WHat do you think happened to the Aztec, their Navajo slaves, and the liberal Cherokee? [00:05]
brg444 *from there [00:05]
assbot MIT PGP Key Server ... ( ) [00:05]
* assbot removes voice from tvmcsoqenc [00:06]
BingoBoingo brg444: WHat ciphers did you use to generate the public key? [00:06]
* tvmcsoqenc has quit (Quit: Page closed) [00:07]
punkman would make sense for assbot to grab dpasted keys like deedbot did [00:07]
brg444 followed pete's guide here: so 4096 RSA it is I believe [00:07]
assbot Please To PGP (Guide for Linux, OS X, Windows) | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( ) [00:08]
BingoBoingo brg444: generated with what verison of GPG on what OS? [00:09]
mircea_popescu would make sense for assbot to grab dpasted keys like deedbot did << word. the shitserver dependency is turning out to be a pain. for kakobrekla konsideration. [00:09]
asciilifeform weren't there gonna be a skstron for #b-a ? [00:09]
asciilifeform as in, separate thing [00:10]
BingoBoingo ^ mats [00:10]
punkman has anyone managed to register on the first try? [00:10]
mircea_popescu there was, at some point. [00:10]
mircea_popescu punkman yes. people generally do (see recently psomething fellow) [00:10]
asciilifeform or is this now 37th on the list of things-asciilifeform-has-to-write-in-ada [00:10]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform making a key server for a basically defunct implementation of pgp not really much of a priority [00:11]
mircea_popescu first, we rewritre gpg. [00:11]
mircea_popescu properl;y, this time. [00:11]
asciilifeform what do you think i've been doing. [00:11]
mircea_popescu fucking organic chemistrists ? [00:11]
mircea_popescu how should i know! [00:11]
brg444 GPG 1.2 on OSX 10.7.5 [00:11]
punkman asciilifeform: made some conflicting patches earlier and got the deconflict thing working [00:12]
asciilifeform punkman: neato [00:12]
asciilifeform btw, for anyone else contemplating pgp, the retardation really flows from the protocol [00:13]
BingoBoingo GPG 1.2 on OSX 10.7.5 << The correct answer to this question was "Fuck you for asking" but since you raised the issue something in the 1.4 series may work better. GPG 2 is right out of the game. [00:13]
asciilifeform it is possible in principle to write a provably-correct implementation of a subset of rfc4880, but the result is still horrendously ugly. [00:13]
brg444 let's see here [00:13]
brg444 !register 0x4a0363951afa090b6c221787e2f23db84a63ec22 [00:13]
assbot That does not seem to be a valid fingerprint. [00:13]
brg444 !register 4a0363951afa090b6c221787e2f23db84a63ec22 [00:14]
assbot Searching for key with fingerprint: 4A0363951AFA090B6C221787E2F23DB84A63EC22. This may take a few moments. [00:14]
assbot Key 4A63EC22 / "Alexandre Bergeron " successfully imported. [00:14]
assbot Registration successful. [00:14]
deedbot- [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00690000 BTC on 'No' - BTC to reach $1000 or more in 2015 - [00:14]
brg444 well there we go [00:14]
BingoBoingo !rate brg444 1 new, not a lost cause yet [00:14]
assbot Request successful, get your OTP: [00:14]
BingoBoingo !v assbot:BingoBoingo.rate.brg444.1:b16f55b4ab1b8146f179ef6828c942cb7a6134f411dddef478a4d29ce5cb2b2d [00:15]
assbot Successfully added a rating of 1 for brg444 with note: new, not a lost cause yet [00:15]
BingoBoingo brg444: You can !up yourself nao in assbot pm [00:16]
brg444 great, that was long time due. I do think I was closing in on the mandatory 6 months reading off the logs [00:17]
brg444 thx [00:17]
mircea_popescu more power to ya. [00:17]
BingoBoingo Well, that's rare then. Most people now seem to register and hopefully later fuck off to 6 months of lawgs [00:17]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i'm not wholly convinced that 'key server' is a right thing at all. [00:17]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform the protocol has to be restated and /me does not feel equal to the task [00:18]
mircea_popescu me either. [00:18]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: consider, for instance, that there is nothing whatsoever preventing a galactic spam flood [00:18]
mircea_popescu immutable. [00:18]
asciilifeform key set really ought to be a thing synced once a year at mircea_popescuconf [00:18]
mircea_popescu if so inclined, i could just set a box too old to be bitcoin node to generate and register gpg sigs [00:18]
asciilifeform aha [00:18]
asciilifeform trivial. [00:18]
mircea_popescu hopefully they got 8gb blocks. [00:19]
asciilifeform 1liner. [00:19]
brg444 BingoBoingo: about 21inc. can't say I am not guilty of charge :/ [00:19]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: one example of something which Must Die is 'subkeys' [00:20]
asciilifeform it is an atrocity. [00:20]
asciilifeform one modulus, one key, as the gods intended. [00:20]
asciilifeform the other major atrocity is the fingerprint (yes). [00:21]
asciilifeform ought to be able to include any subset of a pubmod with a signature or ciphertext - up to all of it, if i want. [00:21]
brg444 mircea_popescu: funny you mention iCEBREAKER, was just having a chat with him the other day as he was inquiring about b-a thinking I was already in seeing as regularly quote content from trilema/logs. will let him know about your "interest". [00:22]
asciilifeform the third and all-encompassing atrocity of rfc2440/4880 is the idiot cruft pertaining to 'new' vs 'old' packet formats, the magical constants specifying largely antiquated block ciphers and hash algos, etc. [00:23]
asciilifeform more or less the whole document. [00:23]
asciilifeform another annoyance is the inclusion of zlib. [00:25]
asciilifeform yes, there is a 'do i want zlib' flag in pubkey, but EVERYONE here has it set. [00:25]
asciilifeform traditional whizzzdum is that it somehow improves seek00rity by making the plaintext less structured. [00:26]
asciilifeform (except that it very clearly adds structure of another kind) [00:26]
asciilifeform aaand is an attack vector of its own. [00:26]
asciilifeform (not only in the added complexity of a zlib decoder, but in the fact that a message's actual length remains unknown until your start shitting it out) [00:27]
asciilifeform i could go on. and on. [00:28]
asciilifeform but i won't, because the rfc is so retarded that it will kill your brain cells just by being told of it. [00:29]
asciilifeform pgp is just another one of those ancient workhorses that begs for the glue factory, but there is NO ALTERNATIVE to it [00:30]
asciilifeform just as there is no alternative to, e.g., ada [00:30]
asciilifeform (will somebody PLEASE wake me up if they learn of an alternative to ada?!!!) [00:31]
asciilifeform pretty please ? [00:31]
punkman you'll be sleeping ad libitum before that happens [00:32]
* assbot removes voice from brg444 [00:34]
BingoBoingo !up brg444 [00:34]
* assbot gives voice to brg444 [00:34]
asciilifeform punkman: [00:35]
assbot Logged on 12-03-2015 01:41:14; asciilifeform: 'Bien Darkmans then, Bouse Mort and Ken The bien Coves bings awast, On Chates to trine by Rome-Coves dine, For his long lib at last.' [00:35]
asciilifeform everybody 'sleeps ad libitum' eventually. [00:36]
lobbes BingoBoingo: daww you should have let him !up himself [00:37]
punkman asciilifeform: exactly :P [00:37]
BingoBoingo lobbes: Not everyone handles it the first time [00:38]
BingoBoingo brg444: Seriously !up yourself [00:38]
brg444 just did, do I get voiced down automatically after a certain time? [00:38]
punkman you gotta !v after !up [00:39]
deedbot- [BitBet Bets Bets] 10.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Donald Trump gets Republican Nomination - [00:39]
asciilifeform in other nyooz, 73 connexions on zoolag, 41 - on bucephalus. [00:42]
asciilifeform these are just short of bursting at the seams. [00:42]
* assbot gives voice to brg444 [00:53]
BingoBoingo !down brg444 [00:53]
asciilifeform welcome brg444 [00:53]
brg444 thanks. [00:54]
asciilifeform BingoBoingo: << lulzy. one of yours ? [00:57]
assbot Network Snapshot - Bitnodes ... ( ) [00:57]
BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Mebbe... [00:58]
brg444 speaking of lulzy matters: [01:09]
brg444 "The government implemented a system in which you are given only one day of the week to be able to buy and this is decided according to your ID number." [01:09]
assbot ciberaj comments on Whats going on in Venezuela (Economically)? Outsider asking. ... ( ) [01:09]
* Newar has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:12]
BingoBoingo OH SHIT [01:32]
assbot BitBet - Donald Trump gets Republican Nomination :: 10.02 B (95%) on Yes, 0.58 B (5%) on No | closing in 6 months 2 weeks | weight: 99`980 (100`000 to 1) ... ( ) [01:32]
mike_c yeah.. that's a good one [01:32]
BingoBoingo Already getting more bettors [01:34]
* schmidty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:37]
* Michail1 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:38]
* schmidty is now known as Guest44021 [01:38]
* assbot gives voice to VariaVarietatis [01:38]
* joshbuddy has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:40]
* joshbuddy (~josh@wikimedia/Joshbuddy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:40]
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* Michail1 has quit (Quit: Outta here) [01:46]
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* Michail1 has quit (Client Quit) [01:47]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45800 @ 0.00074259 = 34.0106 BTC [+] [01:59]
* Michail1 has quit (Quit: Outta here) [02:00]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29085 @ 0.00075161 = 21.8606 BTC [+] {3} [02:09]
* huseby has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [02:25]
* toddf_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:25]
* toddf (~todd@2605:6400:20:8a57::) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:27]
* brg444 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [02:31]
* huseby (~huseby@unaffiliated/huseby) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:37]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14515 @ 0.00075577 = 10.97 BTC [+] [02:38]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44671 @ 0.00075463 = 33.7101 BTC [-] {3} [02:45]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8579 @ 0.00075168 = 6.4487 BTC [-] {2} [03:12]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14061 @ 0.00074259 = 10.4416 BTC [-] [03:13]
mircea_popescu mircea_popescu: one example of something which Must Die is 'subkeys' << absolutely. i have no fucking idea what chickenbrain thought that's a thing. "o hey, you know what this chevy is made out of ? chevys! because they didn;'t get me that lego set when i was nine and now im fucked in the head." [03:20]
mircea_popescu it's up there with the fucking PICTURE. [03:20]
mircea_popescu shoot anyone who ever put a fucking pic in their god damned comment field. [03:20]
mircea_popescu i mean, a blob i can see, for whatever crazy purposes. but an actual fucking picture ? with like a dog and a dumbass hat too ? shoot the fucker. [03:20]
cazalla hashtag selfie [03:21]
assbot ... ( ) [03:21]
mircea_popescu at first i thought she's tied up to that thing [03:24]
* joesmoe has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [03:26]
mircea_popescu the other major atrocity is the fingerprint (yes). << im noit so sure. hash functions are fixed length output. [03:26]
* schmidty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:27]
* schmidty is now known as Guest63491 [03:27]
* joesmoe (~joesmoe@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:28]
mircea_popescu in other nyooz, 73 connexions on zoolag, 41 - on bucephalus. << i see 64. not really a big deal there. [03:29]
mircea_popescu venezuela is one step ahead of argentina on the path of being the future of the united states. [03:30]
* Guest63491 has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [03:31]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28600 @ 0.00075305 = 21.5372 BTC [+] [03:34]
mircea_popescu but anyway, sure, if anyone's looking to buy she-meat, in this side of the world, fine place to do it. [03:35]
cazalla i imagine that is like buying a car mircea_popescu [03:38]
mircea_popescu more like buying a mule. [03:38]
mircea_popescu [03:39]
assbot So You Want to Buy a Mule? - YouTube ... ( ) [03:39]
mircea_popescu (mostly quoted for the part where the guy says you can tell the animal's disposition by its coat color.) [03:41]
cazalla white ones are higher maintenance too [03:42]
mircea_popescu eh, higher. what's it, 6% ? [03:46]
mircea_popescu if you're that squeezed for margin you don't belong there anyway. [03:46]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40450 @ 0.00074187 = 30.0086 BTC [-] {3} [03:46]
* Transisto2 has quit () [03:51]
* Transisto2 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:52]
mircea_popescu incidentally mod6 , i'm seeing just about 1.2g memory footprint. how about yours ? [04:08]
* joshbuddy has quit (Quit: joshbuddy) [04:15]
cazalla mircea_popescu, can't be many here who would be in the position to buy em anyway [04:19]
* Transisto2 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [04:20]
mircea_popescu kinda need an arizona or i guess australia ranch for that. [04:20]
mircea_popescu mule's kinda no good outside of scrub brush. [04:20]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3050 @ 0.00075305 = 2.2968 BTC [+] [04:24]
* diana_coman (~diana_com@unaffiliated/diana-coman/x-8319396) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:37]
mircea_popescu << ethereum derps wanna misrepresent themselves as "Web 3.0", because yeah, totally, that's something you wanna be after the shocking failure of web 2.0 and the trail of black eyes it left behind. o reilly turned a publishing powerhouse into a vanity press stuck churning the memoirs of ex boxers, Derp-on Derpopo-lous and Br [04:37]
mircea_popescu ette Fiddler by betting on web 2.0 so why would any sane team with a good strategist not jump right into that toxic sludge pool! [04:37]
assbot Why is cpp-ethereum now calling their projects webthree? : ethereum ... ( ) [04:37]
mircea_popescu and of course create a ton of confusion downstream because hey, why the fuck not be as weird as Mr. W.T.F Osstrich here : [04:38]
assbot ... ( ) [04:38]
mircea_popescu i hope whoever's in charge of this got paid for being this fucking stupid, it just wouldn't do any other way. [04:38]
mircea_popescu buncha fucken farm hands and colored pest control professionals mistaking themselves for white men in suits, for a pinata of ridiculous the likes of which. [04:39]
mircea_popescu im starting to inkle towards understanding what prussian school officers must have felt and thought meeting the russians "on the field" cca 1916, in the sense that if they chased fast enough they could sorta get within a hundred leagues of the revolutionary committee organised "military units" running away from the front. [04:42]
mircea_popescu "an army of the people!!11" [04:42]
punkman 80085 [04:46]
assbot ... ( ) [04:46]
* joshbuddy (~josh@wikimedia/Joshbuddy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:48]
mircea_popescu 80085 wuts ? [04:48]
punkman boobs [04:49]
mircea_popescu i only see two! [04:49]
mircea_popescu anyway, who's the girl ? dja know 'er ? [04:50]
punkman hmm google says "Velma chan" [04:51]
mircea_popescu lol bitpay's "free forever" nonsense lasted almost about a whole year. [04:52]
mircea_popescu and they STILL haven't got the fucking lesson of Natalie, or a first inkling about how to communicate. [04:53]
punkman and backside [04:54]
assbot ... ( ) [04:54]
mircea_popescu ;;isup [04:54]
gribble is up [04:54]
mircea_popescu i dun think so. all it got up is a linein, img src="" [04:55]
mircea_popescu "Accredited Online University, Counter Terrorism Training" [04:55]
mircea_popescu which... whatevs. [04:55]
* bounce has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:55]
punkman works here [04:56]
mircea_popescu maybe i'm special. [04:56]
mircea_popescu << is that their ga code punkman ? [04:57]
assbot dpaste: 2A0ZWZ2 ... ( ) [04:57]
punkman ah on the last link, yeah I get that too [04:58]
punkman does it even archive direct image links? [04:59]
mircea_popescu i get that on the root. [04:59]
* PinkPosixPXE has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [05:05]
punkman I get the usual page on root, weird [05:11]
mircea_popescu are you seeing or a diff server ? [05:12]
* Transisto2 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:13]
punkman if I ping it [05:13]
mircea_popescu nope al;so dun work. [05:16]
* Xuthus (~x@unaffiliated/xuthus) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:23]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53000 @ 0.00074169 = 39.3096 BTC [-] {3} [05:24]
cazalla apparently these are popping up in australia, remote area no less (Eurora, VIC - which is like 3 hours from Melbourne) yet i've never even seen on the road [05:25]
assbot ... ( ) [05:26]
cazalla never seen one as in never seen a tesla irl [05:26]
* wywialm (~mateusz@unaffiliated/wywialm) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:27]
* PinkPosixPXE (IdentUdent@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:28]
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mircea_popescu you kinda have to have the powerstations before you can really sell the cars i think [05:35]
* PinkPosixPXE (IdentUdent@2607:5300:60:69b1::1337:babe) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:37]
cazalla apparently they're being installed along the hume highway which is a highway around 1000km in length which connects sydney<->melbourne as well as a bunch of rural towns together, but from what i've read, you'd have to stop every 200-250 km to recharge this car for 45m, meaning the trip takes an extra 3 hours.. keeping in mind my piece of shit car does 750km of that trip on one tank [05:38]
davout bonjour messieurs dames [05:39]
davout australia sounds like one of the worst fits for electric cars [05:39]
mircea_popescu well... they could put cells on the roof... prolly help a lot. [05:40]
davout one of the first things I was told when arriving in melbourne was [05:40]
davout "don't like the weather? wait half an hour" [05:40]
mircea_popescu "if she's not blonde she prolly has aids" ? [05:40]
mircea_popescu oh. [05:40]
davout kek [05:40]
cazalla davout, yeah melbourne is a bit like that.. 4 seasons in one day is the saying [05:41]
cazalla voted world's most livable city but really, the food is shit, the people are shit, the architexture is shit, the weather is shit, the soil is shit, the housing is shit stacked upon shit, the traffic is even shittier, it's shit [05:44]
* HeySteve (~Lizard__W@unaffiliated/heysteve) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:45]
cazalla obviously, nfi who votes for such rigged polls in the first place [05:45]
davout cazalla: you guys do have good weed [05:46]
davout though :D [05:47]
cazalla well i wouldn't know anything of the sort but last i heard, it was all asians growing hydro [05:48]
* julmae has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [05:49]
davout i agree on the food though [05:49]
cazalla although you can always go to nimbim for mardigrass, lovely girls and all that [05:49]
assbot Nimbin MardiGrass 2015 | Tony Partridge Photography ... ( ) [05:50]
davout i stayed with an audtralian roommate, he was amazed that i actually cooked [05:50]
davout as in anything different than "open package, shove in mouth" [05:50]
deedbot- [Trilema] Time to rehash that old strategic superiority discussion. - [05:51]
* DreadKnight has quit (Quit: #AncientBeast - Master Your Beasts ( )) [05:57]
* julmae ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:05]
davout deedbot- only does trilema. [06:07]
davout ? [06:07]
punkman davout, it does all the feeds now [06:15]
davout punkman: hm, dropped mine apparently, last X.EUR statement didn't make it <<< trinque [06:17]
* Xuthus has quit (Quit: Xuthus) [06:24]
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* schmidty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:26]
mircea_popescu cazalla all those chicks are dressed ? [06:26]
mircea_popescu provided they're not actually skinny guys... [06:26]
* schmidty is now known as Guest3926 [06:27]
cazalla seen better pics before, just can't remember where [06:27]
cazalla and fucking google thinks i'm searching for mardi gras [06:27]
cazalla here ya go lol [06:28]
assbot ... ( ) [06:28]
davout can't unsee [06:28]
cazalla courtesy of google [06:28]
mircea_popescu seems australian alright. [06:29]
mircea_popescu who else paints their snatch dogvomit green [06:29]
* Guest3926 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [06:31]
davout i'd be tempted to ask "who paints their snatch in the first place" [06:33]
mircea_popescu well... they shave it, they butter it... might as well. [06:34]
davout butter ? [06:34]
mircea_popescu well yeah ? [06:35]
mircea_popescu fanny doesn't shea butter ? [06:35]
mircea_popescuéparation_du_beurre_de_Karité_-_Mali.jpeg [06:36]
assbot 501 Not Implemented ... ( ) [06:36]
davout heh, i was mentally picturing this -> [06:37]
assbot ... ( ) [06:37]
mircea_popescu anyway, buy her a chunk see what happens. stop keeping the poor girl in the basement of medieval scarcity culture!!1 [06:38]
davout sounds like a plan [06:38]
cazalla anyone seen black mass yet? [06:40]
mircea_popescu nope, what is it ? [06:40]
cazalla johnny depp as whitey bulger [06:41]
cazalla released last week, so i was tempted to actually go to the cinema, but of course.. not released in australia until next month [06:42]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27962 @ 0.00074283 = 20.771 BTC [+] [06:46]
mircea_popescu australia is where they try out the nutty coercion schemes, not the entertainment. [06:47]
* assbot gives voice to btcdrak [06:47]
cazalla i hear the same things from asciilifeform [06:47]
* agorecki (~agorecki@unaffiliated/agorecki) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:50]
* bounce (bounce@unaffiliated/bounce) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:52]
cazalla seems to be something has changed down under over the past 25 years but i can never be sure if actually has always been this way and this 25 years bullshit is just the process of growing from a child to an adult [06:53]
mircea_popescu i'm mostly following his theory :p [06:53]
* mius (~mius@unaffiliated/mius) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:59]
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shinohai Holy shit punkman, nice assets to wake up to >>> 03:52 +punkman [07:15]
shinohai and backside [07:15]
assbot ... ( ) [07:15]
shinohai [07:37]
assbot Oath Keepers Member: We’re Sending Armed Militia To Arrest Lawmakers And Obama ‘For Treason’ | FreakOutNation ... ( ) [07:37]
deedbot- [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Donald Trump gets Republican Nomination - [07:38]
davout nice /r/buttcoin find [07:50]
assbot zanetackett comments on [Daily Discussion] Wednesday, September 23, 2015 ... ( ) [07:50]
davout bitfinex's "updated calculation is more accurate thus removing the large variance in accuracy" [07:50]
davout one doesn't just make that up [07:50]
* jordandotdev has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [07:51]
mircea_popescu nb. [07:51]
mircea_popescu lol buttfinex still pretending ? [07:52]
davout it does have entertainment value [08:03]
* funkenstein_ (~user@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:06]
* funkenstein_ is now known as Guest261 [08:06]
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* assbot gives voice to funkenstein_ [08:10]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 262950 @ 0.00075313 = 198.0355 BTC [+] {10} [08:16]
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* Guest47466 has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [08:20]
funkenstein_ <-- in related news "happy birthday" became officially not owned by evil. Not that any gcj user cares about that kind of "official" anyway. [08:32]
assbot Logged on 24-09-2015 00:45:54; BingoBoingo: Java not only sucks, it is owned by evil [08:32]
* CheckDavid (uid14990@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:37]
funkenstein_ <-- not for me either. Keep AMA and FDA "medicine" far away from me please. I'll do whatever it takes to prove I'm not eligible. [08:40]
assbot Logged on 24-09-2015 01:32:26; BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: medicaid is for everyone. It just isn't for you... yet [08:40]
funkenstein_ <-- There is always an "enabler". [08:42]
assbot Logged on 24-09-2015 01:41:43; mircea_popescu: so how do the fatties survive ? [08:42]
funkenstein_ <-- I had a dream y'all released a stack of 10 fresh coins [08:45]
assbot Logged on 24-09-2015 02:09:11; mike_c: BingoBoingo: i don't know about safety net, we couldn't even protect altcoin [08:45]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69852 @ 0.00074266 = 51.8763 BTC [-] {3} [08:45]
* rdymac (uid31665@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:50]
mircea_popescu what, like pigeons from the hagia sofia ? [08:52]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31403 @ 0.00073981 = 23.2323 BTC [-] [08:59]
* Naphex has quit (Quit: bbl) [08:59]
* funkenstein_ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [09:03]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71100 @ 0.00073981 = 52.6005 BTC [-] [09:05]
punkman [09:17]
assbot ... ( ) [09:17]
* airgapped (~airgapped@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/airgapped) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:17]
punkman [09:19]
assbot Junta Readies ‘Great Firewall of Thailand’ ... ( ) [09:19]
punkman [09:21]
assbot Stampede kills hundreds at Hajj pilgrimage near Mecca - ... ( ) [09:21]
punkman cranes fall, fire, now stampede. [09:21]
punkman though the stampede is kinda traditional [09:22]
phf locust next [09:22]
* airgapped has quit (Quit: leaving) [09:22]
punkman [09:26]
assbot ... ( ) [09:26]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78950 @ 0.00073975 = 58.4033 BTC [-] {4} [09:28]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61023 @ 0.00073855 = 45.0685 BTC [-] {4} [09:43]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [21:26]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [21:26]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 16:58:12 2014 [21:26]
-assbot- Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), send me "!up" in a private message to get an OTP. You must have a sufficient WoT rating. If you do not have a WoT account or sufficient rating, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary voice. [21:26]
BingoBoingo Oh MPIF is in on the Trump bet [21:27]
assbot BitBet - Donald Trump gets Republican Nomination :: 10.24 B (57%) on Yes, 7.84 B (43%) on No | closing in 6 months 2 weeks | weight: 99`567 (100`000 to 1) ... ( ) [21:27]
* assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu [21:27]
mircea_popescu ha. [21:27]
mircea_popescu almost even odds by now ? [21:27]
BingoBoingo Yeah, Looks like it is just you and the smaller MPIF share betting on trump so far with everyone else offering odds [21:28]
mircea_popescu << pay BACK the VCs ? da fuck's wrong with you! [21:29]
assbot Logged on 24-09-2015 13:50:30; hdbuck: raspi + 3D printed case! they'll sell at least 100 of them, so that's around $1.2 million a piece to pay back the VCs. i am waiting for the « toasters » tho. [21:29]
mircea_popescu you don't pay the credit card, you move the balance on a bigger credit card. duh. [21:29]
mircea_popescu << i suspek that's what they were trying to do with the sha1. [21:30]
assbot Logged on 24-09-2015 14:13:39; asciilifeform: if the protocol had been designed by sane people, ALL SIGNATURES WOULD HAVE SAME FORMAT regardless of for what the signature is - for a file, or for the key itself, whatever [21:30]
mircea_popescu and yes it will have to be redone if nothing else then for that reason. [21:30]
mircea_popescu << how fast do you expect to go in traffic ? 200W should be enough at the 1mph speed provided your bearings aren't made out of clay. [21:31]
assbot Logged on 24-09-2015 14:20:54; asciilifeform: (a panel which fits on a passenger car roof - let's even assume one on the hood, as well - would be lucky to pick up 200W at high noon on a cloudless day.) [21:31]
mircea_popescu << dude who stole my cat. [21:33]
assbot ... ( ) [21:34]
mircea_popescu << he has a point. the notion of putting http in there but then going "The settlement part isn’t covered by the document, for the pretty simple reason that settlement is a business matter, not a technical challenge. It would also vastly complicate everything." is pretty wild. [21:35]
assbot Logged on 24-09-2015 15:32:14; jurov: it would work fine with gpg mpex-style [21:35]
mircea_popescu if you are going to put something, put pgp. not pki, and in no case http for a stateful machine. [21:36]
mircea_popescu ("https" is not a thing. it's a flavor of usg-pki. burn it.) [21:36]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9794 @ 0.0007319 = 7.1682 BTC [-] [21:37]
mircea_popescu also the correct way to handle this is through some sort of repo agreement. "A agrees to receive any sums from B throughout today, Sept 25th, and remit no later than by Sept 26th, at 8:00 gmt at address so and so a sum of btc equal to : the sum of btc received ; plus the sum of X currency received divided by Vx ; plus the sum of Y currency received divided by Vy ; plus [etc]." [21:39]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3900 @ 0.00073785 = 2.8776 BTC [+] [21:39]
mircea_popescu this way B can send any payments its customers want, and A will idem send whatever payments its customers want, and at the end of the day the whole balance is BTC settled at the agreed upon price and that's that. [21:39]
mircea_popescu it can just be published as an item, you don't even need a "connection" between the two. [21:40]
mircea_popescu in other news, the pin of the association of plastic surgeons from lima, peru depicts as a logo a stylisized cunt. [21:46]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19049 @ 0.00073421 = 13.986 BTC [-] [21:47]
BingoBoingo Nice [21:49]
mircea_popescu last fucking place you want the dudes to get involved, the cunt and the other set of labia. [21:50]
mircea_popescu hands off the functional parts, yo! stick to tits and hips and whatnot [21:50]
BingoBoingo Seriously [21:53]
BingoBoingo It's nice that they put that warning up there [21:53]
BingoBoingo "Don't get anesthesia in Peru, They mess with the functional parts" [21:53]
mircea_popescu "Adopting Russian Orthodox Christian terminology for an important house of worship, the building is called the Moscow Cathedral Mosque. Its main golden dome and tall minaret reflected the style of many Orthodox churches, except for the Islamic crescents atop them." [21:53]
mircea_popescu lol stalinism survived, huh. [21:53]
mircea_popescu << lovely! [21:54]
assbot Logged on 24-09-2015 20:23:18; mike_c: mircea_popescu: wot user does a live search now if user isn't found, and/or provides a handy link for the JS-handicapped among us. [21:54]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19650 @ 0.00073761 = 14.494 BTC [+] [21:55]
* schmidty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:02]
* schmidty is now known as Guest74080 [22:02]
BingoBoingo lol trend [22:05]
assbot "Reto del pasesito" de coca: la nueva moda entre las niñas bien mexicanas ... ( ) [22:05]
mircea_popescu notrly news is it ? [22:08]
BingoBoingo Nah, "Trend Piece" aka not news that sneaks into the news [22:11]
mircea_popescu Stroustrup said: “You can write C++ programs that are statically type safe and have no resource leaks. You can do that without loss of performance and without limiting C++’s expressive power. This supports the general thesis that garbage collection is neither necessary nor sufficient for quality software. Our core C++ guidelines makes such code simpler to write than older styles of C++ and the safety can be validat [22:15]
mircea_popescu ed by tools that should soon be available as open source.” [22:15]
mircea_popescu check it out asciilifeform, "experts at Morgan Stanley" fixed the world! [22:15]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26584 @ 0.00073785 = 19.615 BTC [+] [22:15]
* punkman1 (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:15]
BingoBoingo Seems Stroustrup really went senile [22:16]
* punkman has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [22:17]
mircea_popescu << not run by stephen pair. [22:17]
assbot Logged on 24-09-2015 21:27:23; Pierre_Rochard: sad day, could’ve been a great business… [22:17]
mircea_popescu << what abgout the idea of eulora on macos!11!! [22:18]
assbot Logged on 24-09-2015 21:29:38; phf: ascii_field, mircea_popescu, et al: i've been experimenting with idea of trusted nodes in bitcoind. so far: address has levels of trust, ultimate, trusted and untrusted. adding an address with -connect gives it ultimate trust, with -addnode makes it trusted, otherwise (reported by other nodes, random connections, etc.) are untrusted. nodes have the same level of trust as their addresses. trusted [22:18]
mircea_popescu but on the subject : the only thing that matters is the value transferred. any other approach is a waste of time. [22:19]
mircea_popescu you gotta meter what txn they pass you and score them. [22:19]
BingoBoingo Further news in 'Murican manufactering [22:19]
phf mircea_popescu: it's already done! afaik ben_vulpes and gernika both have a mac built using my approach [22:19]
mircea_popescu didja publish it ? [22:20]
mircea_popescu << we can already do this using iptables like god intended. it didn't practically help in the field if you recall. [22:21]
assbot Logged on 24-09-2015 21:54:55; phf: well, the patch gives special status to ips that were explicitly provided. if you're being mitm'd, your only recourse is operator intervention, the goal of the patch was to ensure that your recourse does not automatically become "use random shmoe" [22:21]
mircea_popescu << that's ok, china is not an adult place. [22:22]
assbot Logged on 24-09-2015 21:57:49; ascii_field: but that is not an adult answer. [22:22]
mod6 oh speaking of eulora, is the new version out? [22:23]
mircea_popescu ayup. [22:23]
mod6 nice :] [22:23]
mircea_popescu << this is a point that perhaps may pass unnoticed and trip people i think. [22:24]
assbot Logged on 24-09-2015 22:12:13; ascii_field: (eatblock is a locking operation) [22:24]
mircea_popescu machine can not do anything else during, if you're say making a large tarball at the same time odds are you'll cry. [22:24]
mod6 ahyeah << found it. [22:25]
assbot ... ( ) [22:25]
mod6 so asciilifeform & mircea_popescu, I added a sync mechinism for V. but wanted to discuss it a bit, not sure if it's whats really ideal or anything. [22:27]
mircea_popescu do tell ? [22:27]
mod6 so, to start, I dropped the vpatches, wot pub keys, and seals (sigs of vpatches) into a webirectory here: [22:27]
assbot Index of /v ... ( ) [22:27]
mod6 this way when one clicks on a node in the directed grap (from before), it takes you to the actual vpatch. anyway... [22:28]
mircea_popescu aha [22:28]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [22:28]
BingoBoingo << $15,000 rent stipend. When I was there rented for $3,600/year fucking inflation [22:29]
assbot Grubbs to get pay raise, stipend to move into Carbondale city limits : Carbondale ... ( ) [22:29]
mod6 one possibility to publish releases in the future now that we have V is to create a manifest of V patches and have the co-chairs sign the manifest, as well as the patches. [22:29]
mod6 so for instance, I've made, so far unsigned as its just for testing my code for a minute here.. [22:29]
assbot 404 Not Found ... ( ) [22:29]
mod6 not found? wth [22:29]
mircea_popescu i think this is the correct approach. also i like it. [22:31]
phf mircea_popescu: i did not publish the instructions, i will update [22:31]
assbot OS X - Eulorum ... ( ) [22:31]
mod6 So I added subroutines to pull all patches, wots and seals from the foundation site, and/or audit what's already local by checking the local vpatch hashes against the manifest. [22:31]
mod6 or you can pull individual patches if one likes. [22:31]
mircea_popescu phf you gonna get in game to get your pile of woooly shrooms ? [22:32]
mircea_popescu spiffy mod6 [22:32]
mod6 (incase there are patches added to the site webdirectory that are not included in the release manifest) [22:32]
mod6 thanks :] [22:32]
mod6 also, i'm leaving some room here for mirrors. [22:32]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: [22:32]
assbot India Imposes and US Considers Tariffs on Hot Rolled Steel | Qntra ... ( ) [22:32]
phf mircea_popescu: yes, once i do the publishing [22:32]
mod6 we could have a signed list of mirrors in the same location as the manifest so that there is some redundancy [22:33]
* Guest74080 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:33]
mod6 anyway sorry for the verbosity, thanks for listening. just wanted to see if I was on the right track before I get too far along. [22:33]
mircea_popescu seems lovely mod6 [22:35]
mod6 ty, having fun building it. :] [22:35]
* DreadKnight (~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:40]
mircea_popescu :) [22:42]
BingoBoingo lol [22:43]
assbot sciencehatesyou comments on Eyewitness: People Walking Out of BitPay Office in Tears ... ( ) [22:43]
asciilifeform << this picture is not correct. 'locking' here refers to literal lock, the global big fat lock in bitcoind, the one that makes it only pseudo-multithreaded on account of just about every major routine hogging it [22:44]
assbot Logged on 25-09-2015 01:22:51; mircea_popescu: machine can not do anything else during, if you're say making a large tarball at the same time odds are you'll cry. [22:44]
mircea_popescu it does fucking lock the io somehow. [22:44]
asciilifeform (for n00bz - consider a lock as analogous to an airplane toilet door) [22:44]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the blockchain is tough on the disk i/o, yes. as illustrated by the abysmal failure of pogo-with-mechanical-hdd [22:45]
asciilifeform but this is a separate thing. [22:45]
mircea_popescu aite [22:45]
asciilifeform << presently they are quite unlike! hash type for general-purpose message signing is ~selectable~ from the handful of traditional algos; hash for signature ~of keys~ is hardwired to sha1 ! [22:47]
assbot Logged on 25-09-2015 00:28:18; mircea_popescu: << i suspek that's what they were trying to do with the sha1. [22:47]
mircea_popescu yeah but they were "oh, you know what, sigs for THIS really need to be dependably known" [22:48]
mircea_popescu sort of design-by-accident approach [22:48]
asciilifeform perhaps. [22:48]
asciilifeform but it is gnarly and broken. [22:48]
asciilifeform and no less so than if it had been designed to be. [22:48]
mircea_popescu perhaps. [22:48]
asciilifeform << it is also, to borrow a naggumism, theoretically ~possible~ for a mountain of garbage to lack a single fly. [22:49]
assbot Logged on 25-09-2015 01:13:17; mircea_popescu: Stroustrup said: “You can write C++ programs that are statically type safe and have no resource leaks. You can do that without loss of performance and without limiting C++’s expressive power. This supports the general thesis that garbage collection is neither necessary nor sufficient for quality software. Our core C++ guidelines makes such code simpler to write than older styles of C+ [22:49]
mircea_popescu in any case : one of the things i'd like to see is non-familiar stuff. [22:49]
mircea_popescu !s cramer-shoup [22:49]
assbot 9 results for 'cramer-shoup' : [22:49]
mircea_popescu << first mentioned here almost two years ago to the day [22:49]
assbot Logged on 28-09-2013 09:10:42; mircea_popescu: my current curiosity in the field is why isn't cramer–shoup more widely usedf. [22:49]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i am very much leaning towards scriptable crypto. [22:50]
asciilifeform as in bitcoin's script. [22:50]
mircea_popescu i saw it in the logs. i dun know what to say of this as of yet. [22:50]
asciilifeform it CAN be implemented correctly. [22:50]
BingoBoingo Too far gone for makeup [22:50]
assbot ... ( ) [22:50]
asciilifeform this means, almost inescapably - ada. with proofs. [22:50]
asciilifeform probably i am doomed to do this. [22:51]
asciilifeform (the set of mathematical operations used in crypto is quite limited, well-defined, and does not require a turing-complete interpreter to fully encompass.) [22:52]
asciilifeform the specificity-of-diddle 'theorem' more or less demands this approach. [22:52]
asciilifeform see also [22:53]
asciilifeform !s no formats no format wars [22:53]
assbot 9 results for 'no formats no format wars' : [22:53]
mircea_popescu <<< ahjahaha check it out, buttcoin crew is confronted with a dilemma between their own stated goals and their own mental capacities. [22:54]
assbot Eyewitness: People Walking Out of BitPay Office in Tears : Buttcoin ... ( ) [22:54]
mircea_popescu o noes, you lose. [22:54]
mircea_popescu derps. [22:54]
asciilifeform << the thing spoken of, i think, was the annoying tendency of every isp we sit down on to molest the packetz [22:54]
assbot Logged on 25-09-2015 01:17:01; mircea_popescu: but on the subject : the only thing that matters is the value transferred. any other approach is a waste of time. [22:54]
asciilifeform (or the backbone, if you like, molests. i don't care who. there is exactly one pill against this.) [22:54]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform no, i get it, you want encrypted channel for bitcoind [22:54]
asciilifeform more importantly, authenticated. [22:55]
asciilifeform bitwise. [22:55]
mircea_popescu myeah. [22:55]
mircea_popescu it adds overhead. [22:55]
asciilifeform 'thou shalt not add, neither shall thou take away' - that kind of thing. [22:55]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: we spend so much time waiting on i/o that cpu is largely idle. [22:56]
asciilifeform measure it. [22:56]
mircea_popescu well the chinese surely do. [22:56]
asciilifeform the illusion of cpu-boundedness really comes from the idiot serial-verify of block tx-en [22:56]
asciilifeform there is absolutely no reason for it save the fact that i have not had personally the time to shoot it in the head [22:57]
asciilifeform (the pill is to spawn p+1 threads, where p is cpu count, and parcel out verification jobs to the workers) [22:57]
mircea_popescu << check it out, we can truly be a cult now. [22:57]
assbot Logged on 12-01-2015 03:09:44; mircea_popescu: BitPay will soon be dead. They probably make $1000 per month revenue and burn around $500K. [22:57]
mircea_popescu we even have a prophet. [22:57]
asciilifeform i still don't grasp ~what~ they spent it on [22:58]
asciilifeform why would an outfit like bitpay even have expenses on top of bandwidth ? [22:58]
mircea_popescu you're not a businessman, so how would you. [22:58]
asciilifeform i'm not a violinist either. but i understand how strings make sound... [22:58]
mircea_popescu (hint : they spent it ALL on trying to give people just like you the illusion that mansions, and lizard hitler. [22:58]
mircea_popescu just like the spam "mmwys" kids spend it all on trying to give other jerky teenagers the illusion that "mmwys".) [22:59]
* brg444 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [22:59]
asciilifeform !s mmwys [22:59]
assbot 0 results for 'mmwys' : [22:59]
asciilifeform hm [22:59]
mircea_popescu make money while i fuck your sister. [22:59]
asciilifeform ah [22:59]
asciilifeform l0l [22:59]
mircea_popescu or thereabouts. [22:59]
BingoBoingo << BitPay spending [23:00]
assbot ... ( ) [23:00]
asciilifeform << i once suggested, iirc, 'rsync'. the beauty of 'v' is that it does not really matter ~how~ you marshall the bits around, given that every operation verifies every single bit of your tree. [23:00]
assbot Logged on 25-09-2015 01:25:01; mod6: so asciilifeform & mircea_popescu, I added a sync mechinism for V. but wanted to discuss it a bit, not sure if it's whats really ideal or anything. [23:00]
BingoBoingo why would an outfit like bitpay even have expenses on top of bandwidth ? << Their office is literally around the block from a hooters knockoff that does pizza instead of wings. They spent on location [23:00]
asciilifeform rsync would need a pre-write hook so that it only accepts 'push' attempts that end up sig-verifying [23:01]
asciilifeform but other than this, unmodified [23:01]
asciilifeform BingoBoingo: but why did it even need a physical office ?! the only possible explanation is mircea_popescu's... [23:01]
asciilifeform (chumpatronic engineering) [23:02]
BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Needed physical office for stotting [23:02]
BingoBoingo Have dollars will rent [23:02]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform if i sign on gavin's dumbass "proposal", it's directly obvious to anyone what happened. [23:02]
mircea_popescu if gallippi wants to play the adult and "sign declarations", what's that mean ? [23:02]
mircea_popescu gotta have something. what he got ? [23:02]
mircea_popescu "some bum said some things nobody card about" ? he doesn't want it to be like that. [23:03]
mircea_popescu he wants to pretend he's sorta kinda like me, were i to exist (which i don't, OOOOBVIOUSLY). so... [23:03]
asciilifeform ;;later tell mod6 << the way i suggested doing it is to avoid having multiple classes of signed objects. manifest for a release would be merely another kind of patch - one that simply takes every leaf that is to form part of the release head, and add a comment to the top of the file, 'REL-xxx.' this auto-gloms the leaves into a single patch 'handle', think about it. [23:04]
gribble The operation succeeded. [23:04]
assbot Logged on 25-09-2015 01:27:12; mod6: one possibility to publish releases in the future now that we have V is to create a manifest of V patches and have the co-chairs sign the manifest, as well as the patches. [23:04]
asciilifeform ;;later tell mod6 after this, anyone who wants to build THAT release merely needs to 'grab' ~that~ patch and 'v' does the rest. [23:04]
gribble The operation succeeded. [23:04]
asciilifeform this property of a system is called 'orthogonality' [23:05]
asciilifeform it is the thing children like about 'lego' [23:05]
Pierre_Rochard BingoBoingo: rent wasn’t actually that much, ~3 people’s salaries. Employed ~70 people [23:05]
asciilifeform there is precisely 1 kind of thing. [23:05]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform i thought he just meant signing patches. [23:05]
BingoBoingo Pierre_Rochard: Interesting. I would have thought nice place downtown in the cool area would have cost more. [23:05]
mod6 asciilifeform: hey, thanks for your input/thoughts there. [23:05]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: as i understood it, he was speaking of signing manifests [23:06]
asciilifeform but this way, a release is simply a vpatch that adds a 'this is part of such-and-such release' comment to a set of files in such a way that the desired leaves are brought into the release. [23:06]
mircea_popescu no, just make a special patch (for historical reasons called a manifest) that does exactly what you describe [23:06]
asciilifeform then yes. [23:06]
mircea_popescu well it's what i read anyway. [23:06]
* schmidty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:06]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo you don't understand. it's not the place that's cheap [23:07]
* schmidty is now known as Guest8322 [23:07]
asciilifeform this way, no one who wants to get a release ever needs to do anything but ordinary operation of 'v'. [23:07]
mircea_popescu it's dumbass "employees" doing nothing that are EXPENSIVE [23:07]
Pierre_Rochard ^^^ that [23:07]
asciilifeform no screwing with pgp separately, no untarring, etc. [23:07]
mircea_popescu could have had a stable of indians doing the same job for 1.5% of the cost and 0.0x% of the liabilities. [23:07]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: perhaps they had a stable of indians also [23:08]
mod6 right, i want the sync mech to work inside of the bounds of V. [23:08]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform perhaps they fucked madonna as well. [23:08]
mircea_popescu what's it do for them ? [23:08]
Pierre_Rochard asciilifeform: no indians, a few argentinians (great devs fwiw) [23:08]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it is actually very common in usa software shops. indians produce mountain of horror, and then a handful of other people - clean it [23:08]
mircea_popescu yeah, great devs. [23:08]
mircea_popescu they sit around and talk a splendid talk. [23:09]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform these were fucking [23:10]
assbot Logged on 21-09-2015 11:28:01; mircea_popescu: which is weird because where the fuck would she get moneyz. [23:10]
mircea_popescu except no big tits, no nude at home, and no eating dogfood. just, derpage and pretense. [23:10]
asciilifeform i confess to having wondered if anyone in .ar writes software [23:10]
mod6 ok so. release vpatch would be creating a new vertex that has edges coming from the current leafs. [23:11]
mircea_popescu they mostly like to write ~about~ things. [23:11]
mod6 am I understanding that correctly? [23:11]
* Guest8322 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [23:11]
asciilifeform mod6: correct [23:11]
Pierre_Rochard mircea_popescu: I know JS & a mobile wallet are anathema here, but they shipped Copay: [23:11]
assbot Contributors to bitpay/copay · GitHub ... ( ) [23:11]
mod6 ok neat-o [23:11]
mod6 i like it. [23:11]
asciilifeform mod6: same topology as the hook of a mesh bag [23:11]
asciilifeform one point by which you 'lift' the whole mess. [23:11]
mircea_popescu Pierre_Rochard yes, there are some passible webdevs in argentina. [23:12]
mod6 sure, makes sense [23:12]
mod6 appreciate the input here, im gonna ponder this for a bit. [23:12]
mircea_popescu sciencehatesyouSorry for your loss 2 points 58 minutes ago This is sad, and it's just a shitpost from Mircea the Rapist's QNTRA << check it out, sciencehatesme. [23:12]
mircea_popescu are you fat, yo ? [23:13]
mircea_popescu "Moving along, this document is document ." [23:14]
mircea_popescu ahaha cazalla that qntra ascii thing is the lulz. [23:14]
* danielpbarron has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:15]
Pierre_Rochard my ‘favorite’ bitpay boondoggles: [23:16]
assbot ... ( ) [23:16]
assbot bitpay/foxtrot · GitHub ... ( ) [23:16]
assbot Get Bits: Get bitcoin from your friends. ... ( ) [23:16]
mircea_popescu anyway. all the derps that wanna say things about how a non-bitcoin company's management reflects poorly on anything but the well known, amply documented and oft discussed ineptitude of the VC circus : feel free to suck a cock. [23:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41100 @ 0.00073439 = 30.1834 BTC [-] {4} [23:17]
Pierre_Rochard for the record: [23:18]
assbot Bitcoin payments pioneer BitPay raises record $30M in Series A led by Index Ventures | Index Ventures ... ( ) [23:18]
mircea_popescu im kinda sad nobody bought their shares, but anyway. [23:19]
mircea_popescu With total accumulated investment reaching $32.7M, BitPay has now raised more venture funding than any other bitcoin startup. << this is drastically false. [23:19]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49058 @ 0.00073174 = 35.8977 BTC [-] {3} [23:20]
Pierre_Rochard In any case, a textbook illustration of [23:21]
assbot The problem of too much money on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [23:21]
mircea_popescu you can't have a venture without a ceo. [23:22]
mircea_popescu and this doesn't mean, pick up your hair artist best friend and promote him. [23:22]
* danielpb1rron ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:23]
* funkenstein_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:25]
BingoBoingo [23:25]
assbot ... ( ) [23:25]
* assbot gives voice to funkenstein_ [23:26]
* danielpb1rron is now known as danielpbarron [23:27]
mircea_popescu !rated crescendo [23:29]
assbot You have not rated crescendo. [23:29]
* assbot gives voice to danielpbarron [23:29]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26361 @ 0.00073842 = 19.4655 BTC [+] {3} [23:30]
mircea_popescu !rate crescendo -1 Aka Eric Martindale. Nice job trying to sell me/MPEx bitpay shares a week before information was to come out that'd render them worthless. Say hello to Daphna for me. [23:31]
assbot Request successful, get your OTP: [23:31]
mircea_popescu !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.crescendo.-1:2aea276f4b159d2520ba164116a6cbd83cc0b987fb7d716a7c0578da4f9d1feb [23:31]
assbot Successfully added a rating of -1 for crescendo with note: Aka Eric Martindale. Nice job trying to sell me/MPEx bitpay shares a week before information was to come out that'd render them worthless. Say hello to Daphna for me. [23:31]
BingoBoingo O.o [23:32]
mircea_popescu kids. because [23:32]
assbot Bitcoin is creating a whole new set of problems on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [23:32]
cazalla mircea_popescu, pdf reads better as it is clear where the blackouts are (everywhere), perhaps i should've taken screencaps instead [23:33]
* rdymac has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [23:33]
mircea_popescu cazalla nah it's good as is. [23:33]
mircea_popescu let them fucking explain where the words went, what do you care. [23:33]
cazalla paragraph lol [23:34]
assbot CoinDesk - Page not found ... ( ) [23:34]
cazalla even [23:34]
assbot Bitcoin Processor BitPay Reduces Staff in Cost-Cutting Effort ... ( ) [23:34]
mircea_popescu check it out, they learned how to link ! [23:35]
mircea_popescu in other news, the "strategic superiority rehash" thing is like the most read trilema article. i don't think this ever happened before for a day old item. [23:35]
asciilifeform << !! where do i pick up my airworthy pig !? [23:39]
assbot Logged on 25-09-2015 02:33:13; mircea_popescu: check it out, they learned how to link ! [23:39]
* asciilifeform did not expect to live to see this [23:39]
asciilifeform also there is not yet the obligatory 'bitcoin died!!!111' nyooz piece! what witchcraft is this. [23:41]
asciilifeform in other nyooz from same fishwrap, [23:41]
asciilifeform 'To set up the KeepKey wallet, users need to install a Google Chrome extension on their browser.' [23:41]
asciilifeform for the love of god, montrezor!!!11 [23:42]
cazalla asciilifeform, i'd say someone slipped it past the editor and it will later be removed [23:43]
mircea_popescu should be funny then, because [23:44]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16650 @ 0.00074057 = 12.3305 BTC [+] {3} [23:44]
mircea_popescu for the lulz : << this is how a pageload looks on that site. three fucking pages worth of crap. [23:44]
assbot dpaste: 3VDEQ9W ... ( ) [23:44]
asciilifeform 'KeepKey is actually a fork of the Trezor project. We have maintained compatibility through development, and are compatible with Trezor v1.3.3.' << l0l [23:45]
asciilifeform have a glass of amontillado ! [23:45]
mircea_popescu ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; [23:48]
mircea_popescu it's like... at some point it's gonna be easier to specify which you're not pulling in. [23:48]
mircea_popescu in other news, from the ever-lower camp, [23:50]
assbot Is Stephan's warning prophetic? : ethtrader ... ( ) [23:50]
mircea_popescu "the lower price actually helps to more evenly distribute ETH." [23:50]
mircea_popescu it only shed 10% in a day, WHATCOULDPOSSIBLYGOWRONG [23:50]
* assbot gives voice to midnightmagic [23:53]
midnightmagic mircea_popescu: Do you mind me asking how long ago he tried to sell those? [23:53]
asciilifeform << mircea_popescu has a cat ?! [23:56]
assbot Logged on 25-09-2015 00:31:57; mircea_popescu: << dude who stole my cat. [23:56]
asciilifeform like, a four-legged beast ? [23:57]
* bocobit (~bocobit@2601:281:8000:fa9b:dd56:4dfa:505:9dd3) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:57]
asciilifeform the kind that eats mice ? [23:57]
Category: Logs
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