Forum logs for 22 Jul 2013

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.045033 = 0.9007 BTC [-] [00:02]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3735 @ 0.00082788 = 3.0921 BTC [-] [00:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2 @ 0.002711 = 0.0054 BTC [-] [00:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.01 BTC [+] [00:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.819976 BTC [-] [00:08]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 14 @ 0.042702 = 0.5978 BTC [-] [00:08]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0427012 BTC [-] [00:08]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0427 BTC [-] [00:08]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 20 @ 0.042691 = 0.8538 BTC [-] [00:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.04269001 = 1.0673 BTC [-] [00:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.04269 = 0.0854 BTC [-] [00:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 300 @ 0.04269 = 12.807 BTC [-] [00:09]
* ericmuys_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 4 @ 0.002711 = 0.0108 BTC [-] [00:17]
* jimmy2k ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 492 @ 0.002711 = 1.3338 BTC [-] [00:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 198 @ 0.002712 = 0.537 BTC [+] [00:19]
* AusBitBank__ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 275 @ 0.002711 = 0.7455 BTC [-] [00:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 575 @ 0.002713 = 1.56 BTC [+] [00:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 16 @ 0.045033 = 0.7205 BTC [-] [00:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.045032 = 0.4053 BTC [-] [00:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 45 @ 0.04503 = 2.0264 BTC [-] [00:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 20 @ 0.043594 = 0.8719 BTC [+] [00:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.0435949 = 2.1797 BTC [+] [00:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.04502 = 0.4052 BTC [-] [00:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.04359888 = 2.1799 BTC [+] [00:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 41 @ 0.04502 = 1.8458 BTC [-] [00:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.045512 = 0.3186 BTC [+] [00:22]
* Guest92666 has quit (Quit: Reconnecting) [00:32]
* MCM-Mike ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:32]
* MCM-Mike is now known as Guest87727 [00:32]
* ericmuyser (~ericmuyse@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:33]
* oizotov has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:35]
* oizotov (~x@gateway/tor-sasl/oizotov) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:36]
ThickAsThieves ;;bcstats [00:37]
gribble Current Blocks: 247815 | Current Difficulty: 2.61628756825699E7 | Next Difficulty At Block: 247967 | Next Difficulty In: 152 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 18 hours, 19 minutes, and 53 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 31116311.0389 | Estimated Percent Change: 18.93307 [00:37]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 8 @ 0.042801 = 0.3424 BTC [-] [00:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 7 @ 0.042801 = 0.2996 BTC [-] [00:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 150 @ 0.0428001 = 6.42 BTC [-] [00:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 27 @ 0.045023 = 1.2156 BTC [-] [00:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.045022 = 0.9004 BTC [-] [00:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 79 @ 0.04502 = 3.5566 BTC [-] [00:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.045019 = 0.9004 BTC [-] [00:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.045005 = 0.18 BTC [-] [00:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 111 @ 0.0428001 = 4.7508 BTC [-] [00:40]
PirateKitteh yay Havelock! [00:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 15 @ 0.0428001 = 0.642 BTC [-] [00:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 26 @ 0.045005 = 1.1701 BTC [-] [00:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.045 = 0.135 BTC [-] [00:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 82 @ 0.045 = 3.69 BTC [-] [00:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0428001 = 0.214 BTC [-] [00:42]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.04280001 = 0.1712 BTC [-] [00:45]
* Guest87727 has quit (Quit: Reconnecting) [00:45]
* MCM-Mike ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:46]
* MCM-Mike is now known as Guest14713 [00:46]
* peterl ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:46]
* Guest14713 has quit (Changing host) [00:51]
* Guest14713 (~mcm@unaffiliated/mcm-mike) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:51]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3900 @ 0.00082991 = 3.2366 BTC [+] [00:53]
* Guest14713 is now known as MCM-Mike [00:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 5 @ 0.002019 = 0.0101 BTC [+] [00:53]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.04399 = 0.22 BTC [+] [00:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0445 = 0.2225 BTC [+] [00:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.0445 = 0.445 BTC [+] [00:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04496988 BTC [+] [00:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 312 @ 0.039477 = 12.3168 BTC [-] [00:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 12 @ 0.045502 = 0.546 BTC [+] [00:58]
* Anduckkk has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [00:59]
* peterl has quit (Quit: peterl) [01:00]
* Apocalyptic has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.04496799 = 2.2484 BTC [-] [01:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 112 @ 0.044968 = 5.0364 BTC [+] [01:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.044968 = 2.2484 BTC [+] [01:10]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 75 @ 0.044968 = 3.3726 BTC [+] [01:10]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 37 @ 0.044969 = 1.6639 BTC [+] [01:10]
ThickAsThieves [01:10]
ozbot Bitcoin transaction volume as % of market cap - Imgur [01:10]
Scrat seconds since unix epoch [01:11]
Scrat worst time axis for a graph [01:11]
mircea_popescu bitcoin tx volume is notoriously meaningless. [01:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.009996 BTC [+] [01:14]
Scrat .bait [01:15]
Scrat ozbot still ignoring me :/ [01:15]
ThickAsThieves haha [01:17]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 66 @ 0.042811 = 2.8255 BTC [-] [01:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 14 @ 0.04281 = 0.5993 BTC [-] [01:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003603 = 0.036 BTC [-] [01:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 14 @ 0.003602 = 0.0504 BTC [-] [01:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.045398 = 0.1816 BTC [-] [01:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003331 = 0.0333 BTC [-] [01:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 50 @ 0.00333 = 0.1665 BTC [-] [01:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 6 @ 0.00332 = 0.0199 BTC [-] [01:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 30 @ 0.003311 = 0.0993 BTC [-] [01:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 924 @ 0.0033 = 3.0492 BTC [-] [01:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 303 @ 0.00311 = 0.9423 BTC [-] [01:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.00311 = 0.0311 BTC [-] [01:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 9 @ 0.00311 = 0.028 BTC [-] [01:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 9 @ 0.00311 = 0.028 BTC [-] [01:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.00311 = 0.0311 BTC [-] [01:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 120 @ 0.0031 = 0.372 BTC [-] [01:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 870 @ 0.00305 = 2.6535 BTC [-] [01:34]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 25 @ 0.00028998 = 0.0072 BTC [-] [01:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045395 BTC [-] [01:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.045 = 0.135 BTC [-] [01:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.044901 = 0.6735 BTC [-] [01:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.0449 = 0.1347 BTC [-] [01:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 21 @ 0.0449 = 0.9429 BTC [-] [01:37]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0445 BTC [+] [01:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003374 = 0.0337 BTC [+] [01:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 90 @ 0.003374 = 0.3037 BTC [+] [01:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.0449 = 0.4041 BTC [-] [01:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003375 = 0.0338 BTC [+] [01:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.003376 BTC [+] [01:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 399 @ 0.003653 = 1.4575 BTC [+] [01:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 11 @ 0.0449 = 0.4939 BTC [-] [01:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 20 @ 0.024489 = 0.4898 BTC [+] [01:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.0449 = 0.4041 BTC [-] [01:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003499 = 0.035 BTC [-] [01:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003499 = 0.035 BTC [-] [01:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003499 = 0.035 BTC [-] [01:42]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3165 @ 0.00083204 = 2.6334 BTC [+] [01:43]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1735 @ 0.0008306 = 1.4411 BTC [-] [01:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003499 = 0.035 BTC [-] [01:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003499 = 0.035 BTC [-] [01:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 750 @ 0.003499 = 2.6243 BTC [-] [01:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0035 BTC [+] [01:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003501 = 0.035 BTC [+] [01:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003499 = 0.035 BTC [-] [01:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.045388 = 0.1362 BTC [+] [01:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 15 @ 0.00271 = 0.0407 BTC [-] [01:48]
* mod6_ is now known as mod6 [01:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 1 @ 0.024489 BTC [+] [01:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.015203 BTC [-] [01:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.015203 BTC [-] [01:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 23 @ 0.015202 = 0.3496 BTC [-] [01:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 4 @ 0.015201 = 0.0608 BTC [-] [01:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 58 @ 0.015093 = 0.8754 BTC [-] [01:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 25 @ 0.015001 = 0.375 BTC [-] [01:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 6 @ 0.00271 = 0.0163 BTC [-] [01:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 8 @ 0.015 = 0.12 BTC [-] [01:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.015 BTC [-] [01:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.003201 BTC [-] [01:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0445 BTC [+] [01:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.04494888 = 2.2474 BTC [+] [01:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 171 @ 0.04496999 = 7.6899 BTC [+] [01:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003651 = 0.0365 BTC [+] [01:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 467 @ 0.003652 = 1.7055 BTC [+] [01:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.002089 BTC [+] [01:56]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5015 @ 0.0008306 = 4.1655 BTC [-] [01:56]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 435 @ 0.00082991 = 0.361 BTC [-] [01:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003499 = 0.035 BTC [-] [01:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003499 = 0.035 BTC [-] [01:58]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1130 @ 0.00082991 = 0.9378 BTC [-] [01:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1250 @ 0.00082708 = 1.0339 BTC [-] [01:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 120 @ 0.00082708 = 0.0992 BTC [-] [01:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003497 = 0.035 BTC [-] [01:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 128 @ 0.003498 = 0.4477 BTC [+] [01:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003499 = 0.035 BTC [+] [01:59]
* hnz has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [02:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.044968 BTC [-] [02:00]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.044255 = 0.8851 BTC [-] [02:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 35 @ 0.044254 = 1.5489 BTC [-] [02:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003497 = 0.035 BTC [-] [02:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.003498 BTC [+] [02:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 4 @ 0.003499 = 0.014 BTC [+] [02:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003498 = 0.035 BTC [-] [02:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.003499 BTC [+] [02:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0035 BTC [+] [02:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 283 @ 0.003652 = 1.0335 BTC [+] [02:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 104 @ 0.003653 = 0.3799 BTC [+] [02:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 101 @ 0.003654 = 0.3691 BTC [+] [02:03]
* jimmy2k has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [02:05]
* hnz ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.631165 = 13.8935 BTC [+] [02:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.631161 BTC [-] [02:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 12 @ 0.044254 = 0.531 BTC [-] [02:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.04425 = 1.1063 BTC [-] [02:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.04425 = 1.1063 BTC [-] [02:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.044003 = 0.176 BTC [-] [02:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.044 = 0.176 BTC [-] [02:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 28 @ 0.044 = 1.232 BTC [-] [02:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.044 BTC [-] [02:05]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 4.7 = 9.4 BTC [+] [02:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003203 = 0.032 BTC [-] [02:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.003202 = 0.3202 BTC [-] [02:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0032 BTC [-] [02:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 5 @ 0.003004 = 0.015 BTC [-] [02:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 112 @ 0.01525 = 1.708 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 200 @ 0.01525 = 3.05 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 25 @ 0.015499 = 0.3875 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.0159 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 69 @ 0.015979 = 1.1026 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 30 @ 0.01598 = 0.4794 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 46 @ 0.015984 = 0.7353 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 40 @ 0.015984 = 0.6394 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 50 @ 0.015984 = 0.7992 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 100 @ 0.015996 = 1.5996 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 187 @ 0.01624 = 3.0369 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.016242 = 0.1624 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 20 @ 0.016242 = 0.3248 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 20 @ 0.016243 = 0.3249 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 50 @ 0.016247 = 0.8124 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 50 @ 0.016248 = 0.8124 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 62 @ 0.016249 = 1.0074 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 40 @ 0.01625 = 0.65 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 25 @ 0.01625 = 0.4063 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 20 @ 0.01625 = 0.325 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 50 @ 0.01639 = 0.8195 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 143 @ 0.016399 = 2.3451 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003499 = 0.035 BTC [+] [02:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 68 @ 0.016399 = 1.1151 BTC [+] [02:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 40 @ 0.015001 = 0.6 BTC [-] [02:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003299 = 0.033 BTC [-] [02:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 90 @ 0.00271 = 0.2439 BTC [-] [02:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.045197 = 0.3616 BTC [+] [02:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003298 = 0.033 BTC [-] [02:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003297 = 0.033 BTC [-] [02:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 90 @ 0.003298 = 0.2968 BTC [+] [02:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 40 @ 0.039477 = 1.5791 BTC [-] [02:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003299 = 0.033 BTC [+] [02:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003299 = 0.033 BTC [+] [02:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 40 @ 0.015003 = 0.6001 BTC [+] [02:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003299 = 0.033 BTC [+] [02:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 150 @ 0.002711 = 0.4067 BTC [+] [02:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003299 = 0.033 BTC [+] [02:12]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 13 @ 0.044968 = 0.5846 BTC [-] [02:12]
* publio has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [02:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 25 @ 0.002711 = 0.0678 BTC [+] [02:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 13 @ 0.045197 = 0.5876 BTC [+] [02:14]
* cads has quit (Quit: Leaving) [02:15]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 450 @ 0.00082708 = 0.3722 BTC [-] [02:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 50 @ 0.02459 = 1.2295 BTC [+] [02:18]
* peterl ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 100 @ 0.003998 = 0.3998 BTC [-] [02:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 180 @ 0.003999 = 0.7198 BTC [+] [02:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 20 @ 0.004 = 0.08 BTC [+] [02:25]
* random_cat has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 50 @ 0.02459 = 1.2295 BTC [+] [02:26]
* random_cat (~random_ca@gateway/tor-sasl/randomcat/x-49498005) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:27]
* peterl has quit (Quit: peterl) [02:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 73 @ 0.02459 = 1.7951 BTC [+] [02:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 25 @ 0.02459 = 0.6148 BTC [+] [02:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00271 = 0.271 BTC [-] [02:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 350 @ 0.002711 = 0.9489 BTC [+] [02:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 12 @ 0.045193 = 0.5423 BTC [-] [02:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 242 @ 0.039477 = 9.5534 BTC [-] [02:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 2 @ 0.004 = 0.008 BTC [+] [02:37]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3019 @ 0.00083351 = 2.5164 BTC [+] [02:39]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5031 @ 0.000834 = 4.1959 BTC [+] [02:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 120 @ 0.002711 = 0.3253 BTC [+] [02:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.045191 = 0.1356 BTC [-] [02:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.045192 = 0.3163 BTC [+] [02:39]
* benkay_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 10 @ 0.02459 = 0.2459 BTC [+] [02:47]
* ericmuyser has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:51]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4700 @ 0.00082708 = 3.8873 BTC [-] [02:55]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 610 @ 0.000834 = 0.5087 BTC [+] [02:59]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1589 @ 0.00083439 = 1.3258 BTC [+] [02:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 425 @ 0.002713 = 1.153 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 288 @ 0.00273 = 0.7862 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 439 @ 0.00273 = 1.1985 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.00273 = 1.365 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.002738 = 2.738 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 379 @ 0.002745 = 1.0404 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 20 @ 0.002745 = 0.0549 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.002745 = 1.3725 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 5000 @ 0.002748 = 13.74 BTC [+] [03:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10000 @ 0.002749 = 27.49 BTC [+] [03:04]
* ericmuyser ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0033 BTC [+] [03:09]
* topace_home has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [03:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 20 @ 0.02459 = 0.4918 BTC [+] [03:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3550 @ 0.00083439 = 2.9621 BTC [+] [03:17]
* DeLorean719 (~DeLorean7@unaffiliated/delorean719) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 7 @ 0.8 = 5.6 BTC [-] [03:20]
* DeLorean731 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 5 @ 0.00341 = 0.0171 BTC [+] [03:29]
* DeLorean731 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:34]
* peterl ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:37]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 11 @ 0.00028999 = 0.0032 BTC [+] [03:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.0027 = 0.135 BTC [-] [03:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 140 @ 0.00028999 = 0.0406 BTC [+] [03:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 5 @ 0.039477 = 0.1974 BTC [-] [03:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 470 @ 0.0027 = 1.269 BTC [-] [03:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.65001 BTC [+] [03:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 4 @ 0.02459 = 0.0984 BTC [+] [03:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1500 @ 0.002745 = 4.1175 BTC [+] [03:43]
* AusBitBank__ has quit (Quit: later) [03:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 15 @ 0.039477 = 0.5922 BTC [-] [03:46]
* peterl has quit (Quit: peterl) [03:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 20 @ 0.02469 = 0.4938 BTC [+] [03:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 150 @ 0.002745 = 0.4118 BTC [+] [03:50]
* fuufuf (adb7a812@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:50]
* fuufuf has quit (Client Quit) [03:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 450 @ 0.00271 = 1.2195 BTC [-] [03:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.746 BTC [+] [03:54]
* PirateKitteh has quit (Quit: Page closed) [04:01]
* peterl ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:02]
* Rulother_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.016098 = 0.161 BTC [+] [04:03]
* Rulother_ (~Rulother@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:03]
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assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 50 @ 0.016099 = 0.805 BTC [+] [04:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 40 @ 0.0161 = 0.644 BTC [+] [04:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 10 @ 0.0115 = 0.115 BTC [-] [04:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 40 @ 0.01618 = 0.6472 BTC [+] [04:08]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MG] 30000 @ 0.00021 = 6.3 BTC [-] [04:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MG] 10000 @ 0.000208 = 2.08 BTC [-] [04:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MG] 1750 @ 0.000205 = 0.3588 BTC [-] [04:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.01638 = 0.1638 BTC [+] [04:10]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 500 @ 0.000265 = 0.1325 BTC [-] [04:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 200 @ 0.000261 = 0.0522 BTC [-] [04:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 7 @ 0.0002601 = 0.0018 BTC [-] [04:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1000 @ 0.00026008 = 0.2601 BTC [-] [04:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1000 @ 0.000259 = 0.259 BTC [-] [04:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 45 @ 0.00025802 = 0.0116 BTC [-] [04:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 785 @ 0.0002503 = 0.1965 BTC [-] [04:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1050 @ 0.0002502 = 0.2627 BTC [-] [04:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 40 @ 0.0002502 = 0.01 BTC [-] [04:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1300 @ 0.0002501 = 0.3251 BTC [-] [04:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 4073 @ 0.00025 = 1.0183 BTC [-] [04:12]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1000 @ 0.000251 = 0.251 BTC [+] [04:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 2053 @ 0.00025 = 0.5133 BTC [-] [04:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 50 @ 0.00025 = 0.0125 BTC [-] [04:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 3617 @ 0.000242 = 0.8753 BTC [-] [04:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1000 @ 0.000241 = 0.241 BTC [-] [04:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1000 @ 0.00024001 = 0.24 BTC [-] [04:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 200 @ 0.00024 = 0.048 BTC [-] [04:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1080 @ 0.00024 = 0.2592 BTC [-] [04:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.7 BTC [+] [04:16]
* Menoetius has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0443 = 0.2215 BTC [-] [04:17]
* B0g4r7 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:17]
* ROZEAUDIO ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 4 @ 0.002743 = 0.011 BTC [+] [04:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1300 @ 0.002744 = 3.5672 BTC [+] [04:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1130 @ 0.002745 = 3.1019 BTC [+] [04:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 485 @ 0.002748 = 1.3328 BTC [+] [04:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2500 @ 0.00275 = 6.875 BTC [+] [04:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2000 @ 0.00275 = 5.5 BTC [+] [04:18]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04435 BTC [+] [04:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.002763 = 2.763 BTC [+] [04:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3000 @ 0.00275 = 8.25 BTC [-] [04:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 845 @ 0.002769 = 2.3398 BTC [+] [04:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 76 @ 0.044699 = 3.3971 BTC [+] [04:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1550 @ 0.00275 = 4.2625 BTC [-] [04:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 579 @ 0.002779 = 1.609 BTC [+] [04:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2000 @ 0.002779 = 5.558 BTC [+] [04:21]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.044699 BTC [+] [04:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.002788 = 2.788 BTC [+] [04:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.0028 BTC [+] [04:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.0028 BTC [+] [04:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1600 @ 0.0028 = 4.48 BTC [+] [04:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 16 @ 0.0028 = 0.0448 BTC [+] [04:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 57 @ 0.015093 = 0.8603 BTC [-] [04:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.01502 = 0.03 BTC [-] [04:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 40 @ 0.01501 = 0.6004 BTC [-] [04:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 40 @ 0.015003 = 0.6001 BTC [-] [04:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 29 @ 0.015 = 0.435 BTC [-] [04:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 75 @ 0.015 = 1.125 BTC [-] [04:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 5 @ 0.015 = 0.075 BTC [-] [04:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.015 BTC [-] [04:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 5 @ 0.015 = 0.075 BTC [-] [04:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 500 @ 0.015 = 7.5 BTC [-] [04:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 5 @ 0.015 = 0.075 BTC [-] [04:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 6 @ 0.015 = 0.09 BTC [-] [04:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.01499 BTC [-] [04:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 20 @ 0.01471 = 0.2942 BTC [-] [04:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.0147 = 0.0294 BTC [-] [04:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.014211 = 0.1421 BTC [-] [04:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.0142 = 0.142 BTC [-] [04:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 62 @ 0.01415 = 0.8773 BTC [-] [04:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.014001 = 0.14 BTC [-] [04:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 500 @ 0.014 = 7 BTC [-] [04:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 37 @ 0.013933 = 0.5155 BTC [-] [04:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.013933 BTC [-] [04:30]
* topace_home ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:31]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9550 @ 0.00083087 = 7.9348 BTC [-] [04:33]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2675 @ 0.00082708 = 2.2124 BTC [-] [04:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 15 @ 0.024738 = 0.3711 BTC [+] [04:33]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7600 @ 0.00082586 = 6.2765 BTC [-] [04:33]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2700 @ 0.00082493 = 2.2273 BTC [-] [04:33]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4548 @ 0.00082383 = 3.7468 BTC [-] [04:33]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4548 @ 0.00082383 = 3.7468 BTC [-] [04:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 250 @ 0.0028 = 0.7 BTC [+] [04:33]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1000 @ 0.0008 = 0.8 BTC [-] [04:34]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.0008 = 8 BTC [-] [04:34]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4773 @ 0.00077252 = 3.6872 BTC [-] [04:34]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30320 @ 0.00077251 = 23.4225 BTC [-] [04:34]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1419599 @ 0.0007725 = 1096.6402 BTC [-] [04:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 85 @ 0.024738 = 2.1027 BTC [+] [04:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1534 @ 0.0028 = 4.2952 BTC [+] [04:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.002814 = 2.814 BTC [+] [04:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.002839 = 2.839 BTC [+] [04:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3466 @ 0.002845 = 9.8608 BTC [+] [04:36]
* cads ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 15 @ 0.024739 = 0.3711 BTC [+] [04:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 5 @ 0.002845 = 0.0142 BTC [+] [04:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 29 @ 0.00088 = 0.0255 BTC [-] [04:47]
mircea_popescu so if you google Dempsey you get some schmuck born in the 80s [04:47]
mircea_popescu what the fuck is wrong with this world. [04:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 10 @ 0.675 = 6.75 BTC [-] [04:47]
peterl and who should you get? [04:48]
peterl big selloff on s.mpoe just now, what's up with that? [04:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.819948 BTC [+] [04:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.045548 = 0.1822 BTC [+] [04:50]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.0111 = 0.0333 BTC [-] [04:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.819949 = 1.6399 BTC [+] [04:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 9 @ 0.0111 = 0.0999 BTC [-] [04:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.01106 BTC [-] [04:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.82 BTC [+] [04:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 6 @ 0.011 = 0.066 BTC [-] [04:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.0109 = 0.0327 BTC [-] [04:51]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [04:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.01082001 = 0.0325 BTC [-] [04:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 100 @ 0.0108 = 1.08 BTC [-] [04:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.82 BTC [+] [04:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 75 @ 0.0107 = 0.8025 BTC [-] [04:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.0105 = 0.0315 BTC [-] [04:51]
* DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:52]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Changing host) [04:52]
* DeLorean719 (~DeLorean7@unaffiliated/delorean719) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:52]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 20 @ 0.044698 = 0.894 BTC [-] [04:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 5 @ 0.002001 = 0.01 BTC [-] [04:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 2 @ 0.0036 = 0.0072 BTC [+] [04:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 9 @ 0.011 = 0.099 BTC [+] [04:55]
* toffoo (~tof@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.695998 BTC [+] [04:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 24 @ 0.0002875 = 0.0069 BTC [+] [04:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.002839 = 0.2839 BTC [-] [04:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 22 @ 0.002801 = 0.0616 BTC [-] [04:58]
* ROZEAUDIO has quit (Quit: Leaving) [04:59]
* dance4x_ (4b4b0bc3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:00]
dance4x_ Looking for a 15 BTC loan tied to BTC/GOXUSD rate. Can secure it with 100% collateral. [05:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.0149 = 0.149 BTC [+] [05:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 56 @ 0.015093 = 0.8452 BTC [+] [05:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 20 @ 0.0154 = 0.308 BTC [+] [05:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 14 @ 0.0157 = 0.2198 BTC [+] [05:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 25 @ 0.01 = 0.25 BTC [+] [05:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 83 @ 0.002839 = 0.2356 BTC [+] [05:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 117 @ 0.002839 = 0.3322 BTC [+] [05:11]
* dance4x_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) [05:12]
thestringpuller !ticker m [05:13]
assbot [MPEX:S.MG] 1D: 0.000185 / 0.00020191 / 0.00026901 (77350 shares, 15.62 BTC), 7D: 0.000181 / 0.00021207 / 0.0004 (1140308 shares, 241.83 BTC), 30D: 0.00012451 / 0.00020252 / 0.0004 (1398760 shares, 283.28 BTC) [05:13]
* jbjb-- has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [05:13]
thestringpuller ;;ticker [05:13]
gribble MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 90.19203, Best ask: 90.90000, Bid-ask spread: 0.70797, Last trade: 90.85000, 24 hour volume: 7875.61576957, 24 hour low: 88.00000, 24 hour high: 92.00000, 24 hour vwap: 89.40112 [05:13]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 176 @ 0.0002875 = 0.0506 BTC [+] [05:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 824 @ 0.00028788 = 0.2372 BTC [+] [05:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 290 @ 0.00284 = 0.8236 BTC [+] [05:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 3 @ 0.002 = 0.006 BTC [-] [05:15]
thestringpuller !ticker btctc bitvps [05:17]
assbot [BTCT:BITVPS] 1D: 0.002 / 0.00201 / 0.002089 (17 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.001621 / 0.00177 / 0.0021 (9391 shares, 16.6 BTC), 30D: 0.00089 / 0.00161 / 0.0035 (58045 shares, 93.6 BTC) [05:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045546 BTC [-] [05:18]
* ColdHardMetal_ is now known as ColdHardMetal [05:19]
* peterl has quit (Quit: peterl) [05:19]
* ColdHardMetal has quit (Changing host) [05:20]
* ColdHardMetal (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/coldhardmetal) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 329 @ 0.009996 = 3.2887 BTC [+] [05:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 100 @ 0.009998 = 0.9998 BTC [+] [05:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.0028 BTC [-] [05:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.00277 BTC [-] [05:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 33 @ 0.043112 = 1.4227 BTC [-] [05:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.757999 BTC [+] [05:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 99 @ 0.00277 = 0.2742 BTC [-] [05:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2 @ 0.002756 = 0.0055 BTC [-] [05:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 15 @ 0.002755 = 0.0413 BTC [-] [05:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.002752 = 0.0275 BTC [-] [05:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.002751 = 0.2751 BTC [-] [05:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 74 @ 0.00275 = 0.2035 BTC [-] [05:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 49 @ 0.045546 = 2.2318 BTC [-] [05:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 11 @ 0.045547 = 0.501 BTC [+] [05:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 7 @ 0.002839 = 0.0199 BTC [+] [05:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 93 @ 0.002839 = 0.264 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 710 @ 0.00284 = 2.0164 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.00284 = 0.142 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 6946 @ 0.002845 = 19.7614 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.002845 = 2.845 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.00285 = 1.425 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.002864 = 2.864 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.002889 = 2.889 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.002899 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 150 @ 0.002899 = 0.4349 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0029 = 0.29 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0029 = 0.29 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.002914 = 2.914 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 598 @ 0.002925 = 1.7492 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.002939 = 2.939 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.002964 = 2.964 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.002989 = 2.989 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 767 @ 0.002998 = 2.2995 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.002999 = 0.5998 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003 = 0.3 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003 = 0.3 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 400 @ 0.003 = 1.2 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.003 = 1.5 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003 = 0.3 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 377 @ 0.003 = 1.131 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 250 @ 0.003013 = 0.7533 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.003015 = 3.015 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.00304 = 3.04 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0031 = 0.31 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.0031 = 1.55 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0032 = 0.32 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 801 @ 0.0032 = 2.5632 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 91 @ 0.0032 = 0.2912 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00325 = 0.325 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 150 @ 0.003265 = 0.4898 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 400 @ 0.003299 = 1.3196 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0033 = 0.33 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.0033 = 3.3 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.0033 = 1.65 BTC [+] [05:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 600 @ 0.0033 = 1.98 BTC [+] [05:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3039 @ 0.0033 = 10.0287 BTC [+] [05:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2 @ 0.00329 = 0.0066 BTC [-] [05:34]
* grilledcat (52452f79@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 13 @ 0.003576 = 0.0465 BTC [-] [05:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.045546 = 2.2773 BTC [-] [05:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 27 @ 0.045555 = 1.23 BTC [+] [05:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 9 @ 0.045674 = 0.4111 BTC [+] [05:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 4 @ 0.01565 = 0.0626 BTC [-] [05:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2 @ 0.002811 = 0.0056 BTC [-] [05:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 98 @ 0.00281 = 0.2754 BTC [-] [05:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 13 @ 0.045673 = 0.5937 BTC [-] [05:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 420 @ 0.0031 = 1.302 BTC [+] [05:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 300 @ 0.0032 = 0.96 BTC [+] [05:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.003299 = 0.033 BTC [+] [05:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 990 @ 0.0033 = 3.267 BTC [+] [05:39]
* naemsi (~wanderwah@gateway/tor-sasl/wanderwah) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.044699 = 0.447 BTC [+] [05:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 28 @ 0.01 = 0.28 BTC [+] [05:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2 @ 0.00329 = 0.0066 BTC [-] [05:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 298 @ 0.0033 = 0.9834 BTC [+] [05:41]
* Menoetius (~hidden@unaffiliated/menoetius) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.82 BTC [+] [05:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 4 @ 0.003297 = 0.0132 BTC [-] [05:51]
mircea_popescu [05:51]
ozbot Cash-only doctors abandon the insurance system - Jun. 11, 2013 [05:51]
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assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 20 @ 0.003001 = 0.06 BTC [-] [05:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.003 = 0.15 BTC [-] [05:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 40 @ 0.003255 = 0.1302 BTC [+] [05:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 22 @ 0.01 = 0.22 BTC [+] [05:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 74 @ 0.043115 = 3.1905 BTC [-] [05:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.043114 BTC [-] [05:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.04311201 = 0.4311 BTC [-] [05:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.04311 = 0.1724 BTC [-] [05:57]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0431 = 0.2155 BTC [-] [05:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.0430101 = 0.4301 BTC [-] [05:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.04301 = 4.301 BTC [-] [05:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 40 @ 0.043 = 1.72 BTC [-] [05:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2000 @ 0.003 = 6 BTC [-] [06:00]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2690 @ 0.003 = 8.07 BTC [-] [06:00]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2000 @ 0.003 = 6 BTC [-] [06:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3353 @ 0.003 = 10.059 BTC [-] [06:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 62 @ 0.043 = 2.666 BTC [-] [06:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3920 @ 0.003 = 11.76 BTC [-] [06:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.82 = 1.64 BTC [+] [06:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 9 @ 0.8 = 7.2 BTC [-] [06:02]
grilledcat So many AMC-PT buys. People are idiots. [06:04]
* publio has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.748499 BTC [-] [06:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.748 BTC [-] [06:09]
mircea_popescu grilledcat well, their own btc right ? [06:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.045672 = 0.0913 BTC [-] [06:10]
* malaimo has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [06:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.01539 BTC [-] [06:11]
grilledcat Yeah, but the fact that you can pretty much set up a cargo cult copy of a successful security and have it make you rich from idiots is bad for BTC. [06:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0036 BTC [+] [06:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003199 = 0.3199 BTC [+] [06:13]
* malaimo (~malaimo@unaffiliated/malaimo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
grilledcat Maybe idiots is too harsh :) [06:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 250 @ 0.003199 = 0.7998 BTC [+] [06:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 477 @ 0.003 = 1.431 BTC [-] [06:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2 @ 0.0032 = 0.0064 BTC [+] [06:16]
mircea_popescu not sure it's bad for btc per se. [06:17]
mircea_popescu people have to learn somehow. [06:17]
mircea_popescu considering that only a year ago they were throwing btc by the million to a clear ponzi, [06:17]
mircea_popescu i can see a marked improvbement. [06:17]
mircea_popescu even if the headcount of cattle talking smack to mpoe-pr in the forum is about stable [06:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.044603 BTC [-] [06:18]
grilledcat pirate? Yeah, I wasn't around for that. [06:18]
mircea_popescu give them another few weeks, link them to the pesonal responsibility and the ponzi scam again [06:19]
mircea_popescu butthurt ragequit again etc. [06:19]
jborkl whick one do you think was the dumbest? Dank bank was a good one [06:20]
jborkl which [06:20]
mircea_popescu kinda hard to tell [06:21]
grilledcat lol hadn't heard of that one. I need to study the history more. [06:21]
jborkl Patrick was pretty lulz [06:22]
mircea_popescu personalluy i like eskimo bob's thing [06:22]
mircea_popescu heat without hashing. hard to beat. [06:22]
mircea_popescu course this is kinda recent. [06:23]
jborkl that one is very lol [06:23]
mircea_popescu o o o [06:23]
mircea_popescu i know which was the best. [06:23]
mircea_popescu some forum dork came up with the idea of making a glbse asset [06:23]
jborkl very funny to see eskimobob and usag i goig at it [06:24]
mircea_popescu invest the proceeds in pmbs [06:24]
mircea_popescu and with the dividends from there buy canadian lottery tickets [06:24]
jborkl oh yeah [06:24]
mircea_popescu he had a scheme and everything, people were all on board, [06:24]
mircea_popescu expert advice, all that jazz [06:24]
jborkl that was really goid [06:24]
mircea_popescu course it was a week before glbse popped [06:24]
mircea_popescu so we never got our lulz worth [06:24]
jborkl the mist obvious to me was sock on the head guy [06:25]
jborkl most [06:25]
mircea_popescu which one was that ? [06:25]
mircea_popescu o, the oil worker selling btc short at 30 ? [06:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 20 @ 0.003199 = 0.064 BTC [-] [06:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 54 @ 0.003199 = 0.1727 BTC [-] [06:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 298 @ 0.0032 = 0.9536 BTC [+] [06:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 40 @ 0.00321 = 0.1284 BTC [+] [06:25]
jborkl yeah [06:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 160 @ 0.003255 = 0.5208 BTC [+] [06:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.003295 = 3.295 BTC [+] [06:25]
mircea_popescu there's also the shirt printer, [06:26]
jborkl that guy was a iduot [06:26]
mircea_popescu all professional and whatnot, making shirts for whatever convention and so on [06:26]
jborkl bitpride ? [06:26]
jborkl i cant remember that one [06:26]
mircea_popescu i only vaguely recall. was in here at some point [06:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.670005 = 2.01 BTC [-] [06:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 4 @ 0.670004 = 2.68 BTC [-] [06:27]
mircea_popescu but at the time i was busy smh at aethero's thing [06:27]
mircea_popescu so didn't pay so much attention [06:27]
jborkl theymos dumping glbse was a good one [06:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.042901 BTC [-] [06:29]
jborkl aethero had a story about being run off the road by russians right ? [06:29]
* danielbarlow (6eae48ed@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:30]
mircea_popescu was a full book of stories. [06:30]
mircea_popescu course usagi's accounting back in 2012 is also worth the mention. [06:30]
jborkl oh the guy that got hit by a semi and couldnt pay back his loan [06:31]
mircea_popescu tho i think he deleted most of the lolcow posts [06:31]
jborkl best accounting ever [06:31]
mircea_popescu well, sort of like this entire vmc buys amc etc [06:31]
jborkl numbers. pfft [06:31]
mircea_popescu same basic shceme [06:31]
jborkl oh yeah. it is [06:31]
jborkl that one smells like shit. so honestly i have not even looked at it [06:32]
grilledcat and then calling it ActiveMining, or AM for short. It's like he's seeing how far he can go before everyone just bursts out laughing [06:33]
mircea_popescu there was also that guy shakaru that basically borrowed from 20 people that didn't know of each other [06:33]
mircea_popescu grilledcat scams are made like that deliberately, so as to preselect. [06:34]
mircea_popescu there's a reason nigerian spam doesn't spell right. that reason isn't that nobody in nigeria can proofread. [06:34]
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assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.0032 = 0.032 BTC [-] [06:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045669 BTC [+] [06:34]
mircea_popescu that reason is that the scammer doesn't want to have to spend his time with people who can read. [06:34]
grilledcat that does make sense of a lot of stuff [06:35]
mircea_popescu yea [06:35]
mircea_popescu [06:37]
ozbot MSNBC Host Dons Tampon Earrings On-Air to Defend Abortion Rights | Video | [06:37]
mircea_popescu someone needs to explain the logic of this. [06:37]
mircea_popescu why's she not wear dilator earrings ? [06:38]
grilledcat isn't nigerian spam also spelt wrong to get through spam protection, by having the bots spelling differently each time so it won't get filtered for having the same words? [06:38]
jborkl mircea .that was very insightful, honestly that should be taught in schools [06:39]
mircea_popescu well, depends on the type of spelling errors. randomly distributed stuff is indeed anti-bayesian [06:39]
mircea_popescu but that mostly shows in v1agra [06:39]
mircea_popescu jborkl what do you mean ? [06:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 37 @ 0.003 = 0.111 BTC [-] [06:39]
jborkl that scammers intentionally disregard those who are smarter by playing stupid [06:40]
jborkl i liked the way you said it [06:40]
mircea_popescu a a [06:41]
mircea_popescu yeah. kinda ciommon knowledge among the scam fighters. [06:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.70001 = 9.4 BTC [-] [06:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.700003 BTC [-] [06:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.7 BTC [-] [06:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.7 = 9.4 BTC [-] [06:42]
grilledcat Be interesting to see ASICMiner's financial report soon (hopefully) [06:43]
grilledcat Unless he's too busy fixing the blades [06:43]
mircea_popescu kinda the first ever huh [06:43]
grilledcat Pretty much. [06:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.009954 BTC [-] [06:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 49 @ 0.009954 = 0.4877 BTC [-] [06:44]
mircea_popescu well, better late than never. [06:45]
grilledcat Not that he has to prove himself quite as much when he's already given out more than the IPO was. He has a religious following by now :) [06:45]
jborkl and it is funny. Mircea at one point was the villian of bitcoin [06:46]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.044666 BTC [+] [06:46]
mircea_popescu yeah, one of the few actual assets. [06:46]
mircea_popescu jborkl i was ?! [06:46]
jborkl oh yeah. all the forum noobs were crying mircea the scammerz [06:47]
jborkl you know [06:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 163 @ 0.003 = 0.489 BTC [-] [06:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 187 @ 0.003 = 0.561 BTC [-] [06:47]
grilledcat Over anything in particular? [06:47]
mircea_popescu i thought the issue was that the girl was pedaling [06:47]
mircea_popescu grilledcat groupthink cognitive dissonance basically. [06:48]
jborkl people were pro glbse and fanboys [06:49]
jborkl didnt work out [06:49]
mircea_popescu ended up with so much lol material. [06:49]
grilledcat ah, the global scam exchange [06:50]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 59 @ 0.044666 = 2.6353 BTC [+] [06:51]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.044666 = 2.2333 BTC [+] [06:52]
grilledcat mircea_popescu do you own any AM? [06:53]
* TheSeven has quit (Disconnected by services) [06:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.044666 = 2.2333 BTC [+] [06:54]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.044666 = 1.1167 BTC [+] [06:54]
mircea_popescu nope [06:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.045673 = 0.137 BTC [+] [06:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 4541 @ 0.000279 = 1.2669 BTC [-] [06:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1307 @ 0.000279 = 0.3647 BTC [-] [06:55]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MG] 5000 @ 0.000205 = 1.025 BTC [-] [06:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 70 @ 0.00317 = 0.2219 BTC [+] [06:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 62 @ 0.044666 = 2.7693 BTC [+] [07:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 29 @ 0.044666 = 1.2953 BTC [+] [07:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 4852 @ 0.000279 = 1.3537 BTC [-] [07:00]
mircea_popescu lol the pts got a pretty good business going, buy on mpex sell on for +50% [07:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 48 @ 0.0036 = 0.1728 BTC [+] [07:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 50 @ 0.00361 = 0.1805 BTC [+] [07:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 39 @ 0.00362 = 0.1412 BTC [+] [07:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 30 @ 0.00317 = 0.0951 BTC [+] [07:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.003172 = 0.1586 BTC [+] [07:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 150 @ 0.003173 = 0.476 BTC [+] [07:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.003199 = 0.6398 BTC [+] [07:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.0032 = 0.16 BTC [+] [07:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 187 @ 0.00329 = 0.6152 BTC [+] [07:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3000 @ 0.003296 = 9.888 BTC [+] [07:05]
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grilledcat S.MG lowest ask on MPEX is 0.000269 though, so not quite as big a difference as it looks :) [07:07]
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* [7] has quit (Disconnected by services) [07:07]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 35 @ 0.044666 = 1.5633 BTC [+] [07:07]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 24 @ 0.044666 = 1.072 BTC [+] [07:08]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04466666 BTC [+] [07:08]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04466701 BTC [+] [07:08]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0447 = 0.2235 BTC [+] [07:08]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 29 @ 0.04479999 = 1.2992 BTC [+] [07:08]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4734 @ 0.00080248 = 3.7989 BTC [+] [07:08]
mircea_popescu [MPEX] [S.MG] 5000 @ 0.000205 = 1.025 BTC [-] [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 4852 @ 0.000279 = 1.3537 BTC [-] [07:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 7 @ 0.000835 = 0.0058 BTC [-] [07:09]
grilledcat Yeah, but that was a sell into the bid wall. Bids and asks are far apart right now. [07:09]
grilledcat [07:09]
mircea_popescu $depth [07:09]
mpexbot mircea_popescu: S.MG Bids: ['3250 @ 0.000205', '25000 @ 0.000191', '10000 @ 0.00019', '1000 @ 0.00018111', '15000 @ 0.00018'] [07:09]
mpexbot mircea_popescu: Asks: ['35000 @ 0.000269', '149400 @ 0.00026901', '10000 @ 0.00027', '10000 @ 0.00028', '10000 @ 0.000291'] [07:09]
ozbot S.MG last 5000@0.00020500 [07:09]
mircea_popescu ;) [07:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003298 BTC [+] [07:09]
grilledcat $depth [07:10]
mpexbot grilledcat: S.MG Bids: ['3250 @ 0.000205', '25000 @ 0.000191', '10000 @ 0.00019', '1000 @ 0.00018111', '15000 @ 0.00018'] [07:10]
mpexbot grilledcat: Asks: ['35000 @ 0.000269', '149400 @ 0.00026901', '10000 @ 0.00027', '10000 @ 0.00028', '10000 @ 0.000291'] [07:10]
grilledcat cool :) [07:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3 @ 0.00328 = 0.0098 BTC [-] [07:10]
* topace_home has quit (Client Quit) [07:11]
grilledcat $help [07:11]
mpexbot grilledcat: (help [ ] []) -- This command gives a useful description of what does. is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. [07:11]
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assbot [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 10 @ 0.0431 = 0.431 BTC [+] [07:11]
mircea_popescu [07:12]
mircea_popescu it's there. [07:12]
ozbot The many ways available for talking to MPEx pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. [07:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.045672 = 0.0913 BTC [-] [07:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 415 @ 0.00301 = 1.2492 BTC [-] [07:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 130 @ 0.00328 = 0.4264 BTC [+] [07:13]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 33 @ 0.00028 = 0.0092 BTC [+] [07:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 89 @ 0.003 = 0.267 BTC [-] [07:13]
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* DeLorean719 (~DeLorean7@unaffiliated/delorean719) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:18]
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assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 2 @ 0.00362 = 0.0072 BTC [+] [07:31]
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assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 16 @ 0.045672 = 0.7308 BTC [-] [07:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.789999 BTC [-] [07:37]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3600 @ 0.00080308 = 2.8911 BTC [+] [07:37]
* toffoo (~tof@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.045673 = 0.1827 BTC [+] [07:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1 @ 0.00028 BTC [+] [07:41]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 144 @ 0.01 = 1.44 BTC [+] [07:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 2 @ 0.000835 = 0.0017 BTC [-] [07:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045673 BTC [+] [07:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 105 @ 0.0031 = 0.3255 BTC [+] [07:53]
* danielbarlow has quit (Quit: Page closed) [07:56]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3366 @ 0.00080248 = 2.7011 BTC [-] [07:59]
* cads has quit (Quit: Leaving) [07:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 37 @ 0.045673 = 1.6899 BTC [+] [07:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 42 @ 0.045675 = 1.9184 BTC [+] [07:59]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 4.7 BTC [+] [08:00]
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assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045675 BTC [+] [08:03]
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assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 23 @ 0.045675 = 1.0505 BTC [+] [08:13]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1284 @ 0.00080014 = 1.0274 BTC [-] [08:23]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3865 @ 0.00080308 = 3.1039 BTC [+] [08:23]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00080001 = 4.1601 BTC [-] [08:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2700 @ 0.00079999 = 2.16 BTC [-] [08:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.045015 = 0.09 BTC [-] [08:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003199 = 0.3199 BTC [+] [08:30]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [08:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 78 @ 0.003199 = 0.2495 BTC [+] [08:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045674 BTC [+] [08:34]
* DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:41]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Changing host) [08:41]
* DeLorean719 (~DeLorean7@unaffiliated/delorean719) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:41]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [08:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 113 @ 0.003 = 0.339 BTC [-] [08:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 300 @ 0.003 = 0.9 BTC [-] [08:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 11 @ 0.003 = 0.033 BTC [-] [08:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 21 @ 0.003199 = 0.0672 BTC [+] [08:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 357 @ 0.0032 = 1.1424 BTC [+] [08:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 622 @ 0.0032 = 1.9904 BTC [+] [08:50]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 435 @ 0.00080308 = 0.3493 BTC [+] [08:52]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5100 @ 0.00080785 = 4.12 BTC [+] [08:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.003578 BTC [-] [09:00]
mircea_popescu [09:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045674 BTC [+] [09:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.002952 = 0.1476 BTC [-] [09:04]
* qxzn has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [09:04]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [09:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4750 @ 0.0008089 = 3.8423 BTC [+] [09:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 398 @ 0.01 = 3.98 BTC [+] [09:08]
Scrat lol mircea_popescu that's veggos [09:09]
Scrat what a legend [09:09]
mircea_popescu i have nop idea what that is [09:10]
Scrat [09:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 15 @ 0.024739 = 0.3711 BTC [+] [09:17]
mircea_popescu aah [09:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 30 @ 0.0248 = 0.744 BTC [+] [09:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 30 @ 0.0248 = 0.744 BTC [+] [09:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 15 @ 0.0248 = 0.372 BTC [+] [09:23]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7125 @ 0.0008089 = 5.7634 BTC [+] [09:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 217 @ 0.0248 = 5.3816 BTC [+] [09:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 32 @ 0.0248 = 0.7936 BTC [+] [09:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 22 @ 0.003 = 0.066 BTC [+] [09:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 7 @ 0.009956 = 0.0697 BTC [-] [09:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045675 BTC [+] [09:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.003 = 0.6 BTC [+] [09:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.014999 = 0.03 BTC [-] [09:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003 = 0.3 BTC [+] [09:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.002952 = 0.1476 BTC [-] [09:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.002952 = 0.2952 BTC [-] [09:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10000 @ 0.002951 = 29.51 BTC [-] [09:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2078 @ 0.002951 = 6.1322 BTC [-] [09:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 168 @ 0.0248 = 4.1664 BTC [+] [09:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003 = 0.3 BTC [+] [09:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.043211 = 0.0864 BTC [-] [09:52]
* louong has quit (Quit: louong) [09:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.003189 = 0.6378 BTC [+] [09:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 95 @ 0.00319 = 0.3031 BTC [+] [09:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.003199 = 3.199 BTC [+] [09:54]
* Megzylna has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [09:55]
* Megz ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 4 @ 0.01451 = 0.058 BTC [-] [09:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 233 @ 0.0145 = 3.3785 BTC [-] [09:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 167 @ 0.0145 = 2.4215 BTC [-] [09:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 25 @ 0.0145 = 0.3625 BTC [-] [09:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 99 @ 0.02484 = 2.4592 BTC [+] [09:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2 @ 0.003229 = 0.0065 BTC [+] [09:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.003229 = 0.0323 BTC [+] [10:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.003567 BTC [-] [10:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.044797 = 0.1344 BTC [+] [10:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.002976 = 0.5952 BTC [-] [10:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.04512 = 1.128 BTC [-] [10:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 48 @ 0.045119 = 2.1657 BTC [-] [10:15]
dub good news bitcoin [10:16]
dub the royal vagina is being rearranged [10:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.700001 BTC [+] [10:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.7 BTC [-] [10:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 2 @ 0.003566 = 0.0071 BTC [-] [10:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 7 @ 0.003565 = 0.025 BTC [-] [10:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003001 = 0.3001 BTC [+] [10:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.0031 BTC [+] [10:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003002 BTC [-] [10:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 698 @ 0.003001 = 2.0947 BTC [-] [10:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003224 BTC [+] [10:21]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 9 @ 0.266 = 2.394 BTC [-] [10:21]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.256001 BTC [-] [10:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 4 @ 0.25600001 = 1.024 BTC [-] [10:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 5 @ 0.2551 = 1.2755 BTC [-] [10:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.255 = 0.51 BTC [-] [10:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 199 @ 0.003224 = 0.6416 BTC [+] [10:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 415 @ 0.003225 = 1.3384 BTC [+] [10:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 188 @ 0.003229 = 0.6071 BTC [+] [10:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 378 @ 0.00323 = 1.2209 BTC [+] [10:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1850 @ 0.003239 = 5.9922 BTC [+] [10:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 481 @ 0.003224 = 1.5507 BTC [-] [10:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.699901 BTC [-] [10:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.6999 BTC [-] [10:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.6978 BTC [-] [10:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.68 BTC [-] [10:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.68 BTC [-] [10:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.27999 BTC [+] [10:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003249 = 0.3249 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3069 @ 0.00325 = 9.9743 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 4900 @ 0.003298 = 16.1602 BTC [+] [10:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.665 BTC [-] [10:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.665 BTC [-] [10:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.660001 BTC [-] [10:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.66 BTC [-] [10:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.631163 = 18.5247 BTC [-] [10:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.631162 BTC [-] [10:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.631161 = 9.2623 BTC [-] [10:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.631 BTC [-] [10:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.631 BTC [-] [10:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.631 BTC [-] [10:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.63 = 9.26 BTC [-] [10:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.63 = 9.26 BTC [-] [10:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.6251 = 9.2502 BTC [-] [10:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003297 = 0.3297 BTC [-] [10:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003298 = 0.3298 BTC [+] [10:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2384 @ 0.003299 = 7.8648 BTC [+] [10:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3 @ 0.003299 = 0.0099 BTC [+] [10:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1450 @ 0.00331 = 4.7995 BTC [+] [10:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 250 @ 0.003333 = 0.8333 BTC [+] [10:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 44 @ 0.00339 = 0.1492 BTC [+] [10:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0034 = 0.34 BTC [+] [10:31]
* sgnb has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [10:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2000 @ 0.0034 = 6.8 BTC [+] [10:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2000 @ 0.0034 = 6.8 BTC [+] [10:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 9750 @ 0.0034 = 33.15 BTC [+] [10:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 70 @ 0.0034 = 0.238 BTC [+] [10:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0034 = 0.34 BTC [+] [10:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.04567 = 0.137 BTC [+] [10:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003494 = 0.3494 BTC [+] [10:37]
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assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3 @ 0.0032 = 0.0096 BTC [-] [10:40]
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assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 26 @ 0.014201 = 0.3692 BTC [-] [10:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003447 = 0.3447 BTC [+] [10:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.635 BTC [+] [10:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.631013 BTC [-] [10:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.631011 BTC [-] [10:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.631 = 23.155 BTC [-] [10:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.620008 = 9.24 BTC [-] [10:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.620006 = 18.48 BTC [-] [10:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.61005 = 9.2201 BTC [-] [10:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.610001 = 9.22 BTC [-] [10:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003447 = 0.3447 BTC [+] [10:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.003448 = 0.6896 BTC [+] [10:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 250 @ 0.003495 = 0.8738 BTC [+] [10:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1038 @ 0.003498 = 3.6309 BTC [+] [10:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 276 @ 0.003499 = 0.9657 BTC [+] [10:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0035 = 0.35 BTC [+] [10:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 98 @ 0.0035 = 0.343 BTC [+] [10:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.0035 = 3.5 BTC [+] [10:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 700 @ 0.0035 = 2.45 BTC [+] [10:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.0035 = 1.75 BTC [+] [10:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0035 = 0.35 BTC [+] [10:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 105 @ 0.0035 = 0.3675 BTC [+] [10:53]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5300 @ 0.00080975 = 4.2917 BTC [+] [10:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.6021 = 9.2042 BTC [-] [10:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.6021 BTC [-] [10:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.602 BTC [-] [10:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.600001 BTC [-] [10:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 20 @ 4.6 = 92 BTC [-] [10:56]
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* cosmo has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [11:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003549 BTC [+] [11:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.9605 BTC [+] [11:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 99 @ 0.003549 = 0.3514 BTC [+] [11:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 302 @ 0.00355 = 1.0721 BTC [+] [11:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.0036 = 0.036 BTC [+] [11:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0036 = 0.36 BTC [+] [11:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.0036 = 3.6 BTC [+] [11:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 290 @ 0.0036 = 1.044 BTC [+] [11:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 4053 @ 0.00368 = 14.915 BTC [+] [11:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 6183 @ 0.00369 = 22.8153 BTC [+] [11:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 19 @ 0.003549 = 0.0674 BTC [-] [11:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 963 @ 0.003549 = 3.4177 BTC [-] [11:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.0036 = 3.6 BTC [+] [11:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 13 @ 0.003565 = 0.0463 BTC [-] [11:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.045138 = 0.2708 BTC [-] [11:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 9 @ 0.003699 = 0.0333 BTC [+] [11:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 91 @ 0.003699 = 0.3366 BTC [+] [11:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 6 @ 0.0037 = 0.0222 BTC [+] [11:27]
* a (3ce23861@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:27]
* a is now known as Guest38366 [11:28]
* Guest38366 has quit (Client Quit) [11:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 94 @ 0.0037 = 0.3478 BTC [+] [11:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.0037 = 1.85 BTC [+] [11:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 600 @ 0.0037 = 2.22 BTC [+] [11:30]
* cosmo (~cosmo@unaffiliated/cosmo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.04514 = 0.3611 BTC [+] [11:33]
* San1ty_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) [11:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003749 = 0.3749 BTC [+] [11:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003749 = 0.3749 BTC [+] [11:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 80 @ 0.043212 = 3.457 BTC [-] [11:43]
* benkay_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.00375 = 0.0375 BTC [+] [11:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 320 @ 0.00375 = 1.2 BTC [+] [11:46]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 12 @ 0.043212 = 0.5185 BTC [-] [11:49]
* benkay_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [11:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 18 @ 0.014201 = 0.2556 BTC [-] [11:56]
* toffoo has quit () [11:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003749 = 0.3749 BTC [-] [11:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.003749 = 1.8745 BTC [-] [11:57]
* B0g4r7 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [11:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.2511 = 0.7533 BTC [-] [11:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.252 BTC [+] [11:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 95 @ 0.003749 = 0.3562 BTC [-] [12:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 105 @ 0.003749 = 0.3936 BTC [-] [12:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1860 @ 0.00375 = 6.975 BTC [+] [12:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 150 @ 0.003913 = 0.587 BTC [+] [12:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 700 @ 0.003913 = 2.7391 BTC [+] [12:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.00399 = 1.995 BTC [+] [12:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 330 @ 0.003992 = 1.3174 BTC [+] [12:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 355 @ 0.003993 = 1.4175 BTC [+] [12:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2 @ 0.003749 = 0.0075 BTC [-] [12:03]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1050 @ 0.00080975 = 0.8502 BTC [+] [12:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2331 @ 0.0008089 = 1.8855 BTC [-] [12:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 198 @ 0.003749 = 0.7423 BTC [-] [12:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 400 @ 0.00399 = 1.596 BTC [+] [12:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 120 @ 0.003993 = 0.4792 BTC [+] [12:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 262 @ 0.003993 = 1.0462 BTC [+] [12:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.003993 = 1.9965 BTC [+] [12:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 20 @ 0.003993 = 0.0799 BTC [+] [12:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.003651 = 0.0365 BTC [-] [12:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 74 @ 0.00366 = 0.2708 BTC [+] [12:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 74 @ 0.00399 = 0.2953 BTC [+] [12:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 26 @ 0.00399 = 0.1037 BTC [+] [12:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.003992 = 3.992 BTC [+] [12:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.003992 = 1.996 BTC [+] [12:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 11 @ 0.045152 = 0.4967 BTC [+] [12:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 100 @ 0.00028 = 0.028 BTC [+] [12:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 218 @ 0.003993 = 0.8705 BTC [+] [12:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 282 @ 0.003993 = 1.126 BTC [+] [12:17]
* Vbs (~Vbs@unaffiliated/vbs) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 4 @ 0.003991 = 0.016 BTC [-] [12:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.689999 BTC [+] [12:26]
* rdponticelli has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [12:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045156 BTC [+] [12:30]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3988 @ 0.0008089 = 3.2259 BTC [-] [12:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 14 @ 0.003991 = 0.0559 BTC [-] [12:31]
* rdponticelli (~rdpontice@gateway/tor-sasl/rdponticelli) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:32]
* GordonG3kko has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [12:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 1 @ 0.003449 BTC [+] [12:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 8 @ 0.003991 = 0.0319 BTC [-] [12:33]
* PirateKitteh (473b3ebc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045581 BTC [+] [12:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 8 @ 0.003991 = 0.0319 BTC [-] [12:36]
* GordonG3kko (~GordonG3k@gateway/tor-sasl/gordong3kko) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 216 @ 0.003991 = 0.8621 BTC [-] [12:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 6300 @ 0.003999 = 25.1937 BTC [+] [12:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.004 = 4 BTC [+] [12:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 150 @ 0.004 = 0.6 BTC [+] [12:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.004 = 2 BTC [+] [12:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 300 @ 0.02529 = 7.587 BTC [+] [12:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 16 @ 0.0034 = 0.0544 BTC [-] [12:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.7 BTC [+] [12:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.7 BTC [+] [12:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04558 BTC [-] [12:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2 @ 0.004099 = 0.0082 BTC [+] [12:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.00365 BTC [-] [12:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.004 BTC [+] [12:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 5272 @ 0.004099 = 21.6099 BTC [+] [12:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 4999 @ 0.004199 = 20.9908 BTC [+] [12:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.00366 BTC [-] [12:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003669 BTC [+] [12:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.004199 BTC [+] [12:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.004319 = 0.0432 BTC [+] [12:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 9 @ 0.00432 = 0.0389 BTC [+] [12:49]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10474 @ 0.000811 = 8.4944 BTC [+] [12:50]
* Apocaly ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:51]
* Apocalyptic has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [12:51]
* copumpkin has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [12:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0044 = 0.44 BTC [+] [12:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 30 @ 0.0044 = 0.132 BTC [+] [12:52]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 370 @ 0.0044 = 1.628 BTC [+] [12:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.004463 = 4.463 BTC [+] [12:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 5 @ 0.004499 = 0.0225 BTC [+] [12:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.0045 BTC [+] [12:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.0045 = 2.25 BTC [+] [12:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.0045 = 4.5 BTC [+] [12:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 94 @ 0.0045 = 0.423 BTC [+] [12:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.0037 BTC [-] [12:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.043311 = 0.0866 BTC [+] [12:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 54 @ 0.043311 = 2.3388 BTC [+] [12:56]
* rdponticelli has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) [12:56]
* rdponticelli_ (~rdpontice@gateway/tor-sasl/rdponticelli) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:56]
PirateKitteh Go Havelock! [12:57]
FabianB havelock is just an exchange [12:58]
dance4x Havelock Investments - "We're more than just an exchange" [12:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.045574 = 0.4557 BTC [-] [13:00]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.045575 = 0.2279 BTC [+] [13:00]
* PirateKitteh likes Havelock [13:02]
* mjr_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:05]
mjr_ hi all [13:05]
dance4x hello [13:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.00385 BTC [+] [13:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.004449 BTC [+] [13:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.00445 = 0.89 BTC [+] [13:11]
PirateKitteh hi mjr_ [13:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 10 @ 0.0175 = 0.175 BTC [-] [13:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 38 @ 0.01706 = 0.6483 BTC [-] [13:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 48 @ 0.01701 = 0.8165 BTC [-] [13:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 10 @ 0.017 = 0.17 BTC [-] [13:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 70 @ 0.017 = 1.19 BTC [-] [13:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 24 @ 0.016889 = 0.4053 BTC [-] [13:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00445 = 0.445 BTC [+] [13:16]
mjr_ whats new [13:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.004499 = 0.4499 BTC [+] [13:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 13 @ 0.004325 = 0.0562 BTC [-] [13:18]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 11 @ 0.526 = 5.786 BTC [-] [13:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.52500001 = 1.05 BTC [-] [13:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.525 = 1.05 BTC [-] [13:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.52000001 BTC [-] [13:20]
FabianB mjr_: S.MG got passthroughs, mining got more bubbly pumpling, s.dice got bought [13:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.52 = 5.2 BTC [-] [13:21]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.51 BTC [-] [13:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.800001 BTC [+] [13:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.8 BTC [-] [13:21]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 9 @ 0.5 = 4.5 BTC [-] [13:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 5 @ 0.79 = 3.95 BTC [-] [13:21]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.47 BTC [-] [13:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0045 = 0.45 BTC [+] [13:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1500 @ 0.0045 = 6.75 BTC [+] [13:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00472 = 0.472 BTC [+] [13:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1100 @ 0.004749 = 5.2239 BTC [+] [13:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.7 BTC [+] [13:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 30 @ 0.004608 = 0.1382 BTC [-] [13:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 125 @ 0.004607 = 0.5759 BTC [-] [13:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 345 @ 0.0044 = 1.518 BTC [-] [13:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.661001 BTC [-] [13:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5350 @ 0.0008089 = 4.3276 BTC [-] [13:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 125 @ 0.0047 = 0.5875 BTC [+] [13:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 4 @ 0.004748 = 0.019 BTC [+] [13:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 400 @ 0.0045 = 1.8 BTC [-] [13:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.004401 = 0.4401 BTC [-] [13:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 155 @ 0.0044 = 0.682 BTC [-] [13:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 400 @ 0.00426 = 1.704 BTC [-] [13:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00425 = 0.425 BTC [-] [13:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.0042 = 0.84 BTC [-] [13:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 400 @ 0.004 = 1.6 BTC [-] [13:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.004 = 4 BTC [-] [13:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 170 @ 0.004 = 0.68 BTC [-] [13:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.004 = 0.4 BTC [-] [13:34]
* Diablo-D3 has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [13:35]
* Diablo-D3 (~diablo@2002:4610:63ae:0:bd69:7b8:844f:5bdb) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 16 @ 0.004449 = 0.0712 BTC [+] [13:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 227 @ 0.00445 = 1.0102 BTC [+] [13:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 484 @ 0.004493 = 2.1746 BTC [+] [13:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 16 @ 0.004493 = 0.0719 BTC [+] [13:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.004498 = 0.4498 BTC [+] [13:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 509 @ 0.0045 = 2.2905 BTC [+] [13:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 391 @ 0.00455 = 1.7791 BTC [+] [13:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 207 @ 0.00435 = 0.9005 BTC [-] [13:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 250 @ 0.004493 = 1.1233 BTC [+] [13:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 19 @ 0.004549 = 0.0864 BTC [+] [13:46]
* daybyter ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 316 @ 0.0045 = 1.422 BTC [-] [13:49]
* MCM-Mike_ is now known as MCM-Mike [13:49]
* MCM-Mike has quit (Changing host) [13:49]
* MCM-Mike (~mcm@unaffiliated/mcm-mike) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:49]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 2000 @ 0.00028 = 0.56 BTC [+] [13:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.661001 BTC [-] [13:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.01519 BTC [+] [13:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 282 @ 0.004375 = 1.2338 BTC [-] [13:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 8 @ 0.00435 = 0.0348 BTC [-] [13:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.004151 = 0.4151 BTC [-] [13:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.004101 = 0.4101 BTC [-] [13:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.0041 = 2.05 BTC [-] [13:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.004325 BTC [+] [13:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 150 @ 0.00425 = 0.6375 BTC [-] [13:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.717 = 23.585 BTC [+] [14:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 150 @ 0.004275 = 0.6413 BTC [+] [14:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 230 @ 0.00433 = 0.9959 BTC [+] [14:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00437 = 0.437 BTC [+] [14:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.004375 = 2.1875 BTC [+] [14:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1102 @ 0.004398 = 4.8466 BTC [+] [14:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.0043 = 0.043 BTC [-] [14:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2 @ 0.00435 = 0.0087 BTC [+] [14:05]
* ROZEAUDIO ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 249 @ 0.00435 = 1.0832 BTC [+] [14:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 531 @ 0.00426 = 2.2621 BTC [-] [14:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00425 = 0.425 BTC [-] [14:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 7800 @ 0.00425 = 33.15 BTC [-] [14:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 45 @ 0.00425 = 0.1913 BTC [-] [14:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 60 @ 0.004335 = 0.2601 BTC [+] [14:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 68 @ 0.004335 = 0.2948 BTC [+] [14:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 327 @ 0.004335 = 1.4175 BTC [+] [14:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 9 @ 0.00435 = 0.0392 BTC [+] [14:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 94 @ 0.00435 = 0.4089 BTC [+] [14:09]
ThickAsThieves wtf [14:09]
FabianB crazy bubble pumping [14:10]
mjr_ heard about s.dice, very cool [14:11]
mjr_ 75% premium paid to public holders [14:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 54 @ 0.00439 = 0.2371 BTC [+] [14:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 81 @ 0.00435 = 0.3524 BTC [-] [14:11]
dance4x i sold my shares of s dice literally less than 12 hours before the sale was announced [14:11]
dance4x i felt pretty cool [14:12]
pankkake I added AMC-PT to my /ignores [14:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 216 @ 0.00435 = 0.9396 BTC [-] [14:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 60 @ 0.00435 = 0.261 BTC [-] [14:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00436 = 0.436 BTC [+] [14:12]
* elgrecoFL has quit (Changing host) [14:15]
* elgrecoFL (Jezzz@unaffiliated/elgrecofl) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:15]
* ROZEAUDIO has quit (Quit: Leaving) [14:17]
dance4x how do you ignore certain assets pankkake? [14:17]
pankkake with irssi, for example: /ignore -pattern AMC-PT -channels #bitcoin-assets assbot [14:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 15 @ 0.00425 = 0.0638 BTC [-] [14:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 250 @ 0.004225 = 1.0563 BTC [-] [14:19]
dance4x ahh thank you [14:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 11 @ 0.0255 = 0.2805 BTC [+] [14:19]
dance4x actually is there a way to only allow certain assets to come through? [14:20]
dance4x basically the opposite of ignore [14:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.003351 BTC [-] [14:20]
AndChat|356841 Ignore everything but the ones you wanna hear [14:20]
pankkake yes you can /ignore the bot and then do some /ignore -except [14:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.00421 = 0.2105 BTC [-] [14:22]
dance4x k thanks for the help pankkake [14:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.004102 = 0.4102 BTC [-] [14:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.004052 = 0.4052 BTC [-] [14:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.004051 = 2.0255 BTC [-] [14:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00405 = 0.405 BTC [-] [14:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.004 = 2 BTC [-] [14:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1500 @ 0.004 = 6 BTC [-] [14:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.004 = 0.4 BTC [-] [14:23]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 350 @ 0.000265 = 0.0928 BTC [-] [14:24]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 200 @ 0.000261 = 0.0522 BTC [-] [14:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003851 = 0.3851 BTC [-] [14:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 25 @ 0.004 = 0.1 BTC [+] [14:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 19 @ 0.003852 = 0.0732 BTC [-] [14:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 8 @ 0.003851 = 0.0308 BTC [-] [14:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 280 @ 0.003851 = 1.0783 BTC [-] [14:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00385 = 0.385 BTC [-] [14:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 27 @ 0.00367 = 0.0991 BTC [-] [14:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.716 BTC [-] [14:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 44 @ 0.00367 = 0.1615 BTC [-] [14:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003669 BTC [-] [14:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.0036 = 0.18 BTC [-] [14:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 84 @ 0.003552 = 0.2984 BTC [-] [14:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 621 @ 0.00352 = 2.1859 BTC [-] [14:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.045674 = 0.9135 BTC [+] [14:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 203 @ 0.0037 = 0.7511 BTC [+] [14:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 203 @ 0.003744 = 0.76 BTC [+] [14:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003728 BTC [-] [14:35]
* B0g4r7 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [14:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 165 @ 0.003722 = 0.6141 BTC [-] [14:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003722 BTC [-] [14:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 6 @ 0.003722 = 0.0223 BTC [-] [14:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 223 @ 0.039476 = 8.8031 BTC [-] [14:43]
parseval_ another day in paradise here [14:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 4 @ 0.0027 = 0.0108 BTC [-] [14:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 31 @ 0.003722 = 0.1154 BTC [-] [14:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 77 @ 0.039477 = 3.0397 BTC [+] [14:44]
* Vbs has quit (Quit: Leaving) [14:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 191 @ 0.003721 = 0.7107 BTC [-] [14:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.003712 = 0.7424 BTC [-] [14:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3 @ 0.003712 = 0.0111 BTC [-] [14:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 9 @ 0.003712 = 0.0334 BTC [-] [14:46]
* B0g4r7 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:46]
* CheckDavid (~David@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 212 @ 0.003707 = 0.7859 BTC [-] [14:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1050 @ 0.0037 = 3.885 BTC [-] [14:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3788 @ 0.00368 = 13.9398 BTC [-] [14:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.716 = 14.148 BTC [-] [14:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 100 @ 0.015 = 1.5 BTC [-] [14:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 1 @ 0.0247 BTC [-] [14:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 212 @ 0.00368 = 0.7802 BTC [-] [14:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.719949 BTC [+] [14:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.71995 = 9.4399 BTC [+] [14:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 11 @ 0.010001 = 0.11 BTC [+] [14:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 936 @ 0.003501 = 3.2769 BTC [-] [14:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 1 @ 0.039477 BTC [+] [14:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 212 @ 0.003705 = 0.7855 BTC [+] [14:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 38 @ 0.00371 = 0.141 BTC [+] [14:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 548 @ 0.003715 = 2.0358 BTC [+] [14:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 85 @ 0.003725 = 0.3166 BTC [+] [14:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.00378 = 3.78 BTC [+] [14:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.0038 = 3.8 BTC [+] [14:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 164 @ 0.003501 = 0.5742 BTC [-] [14:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 30 @ 0.003501 = 0.105 BTC [-] [14:52]
ThickAsThieves Food consumption arb:,0,1179654.story [14:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.003705 = 0.741 BTC [+] [14:56]
parseval_ Wow [14:56]
ThickAsThieves [14:56]
parseval_ I should move to dubai [14:56]
ozbot FBI announces review of 2,000 cases featuring hair samples | McClatchy [14:56]
parseval_ I've lost over 50 pounds in the last 4 months [14:56]
* Vbs (~Vbs@unaffiliated/vbs) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:57]
parseval_ I wonder how much gold that would be [14:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 30 @ 0.0252 = 0.756 BTC [+] [14:57]
ThickAsThieves You sold too soon [14:57]
dance4x i would gain more weight first [14:57]
ThickAsThieves bad fat trading [14:57]
ThickAsThieves [14:57]
ozbot Internet porn block on EVERY home: Victory for the Mail as PM David Cameron pledges 'opt in' rule | [14:57]
ThickAsThieves wtf of the day goes to ^ [14:57]
parseval_ I almost think that's a good thing [14:58]
mjr_ would that not be 50 lb of gold? [14:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 5 @ 0.010001 = 0.05 BTC [+] [14:58]
parseval_ Not because it will be blocked, but because it will wake people up to censorship issues [14:58]
mjr_ i can't wait for the day when everyone uses gpg [14:58]
mjr_ and it becomes user friendly [14:58]
parseval_ It's been waiting to become user friendly since 1993 [14:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 20 @ 0.00372 = 0.0744 BTC [+] [14:59]
mjr_ quick survey, different topic [14:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.716 BTC [-] [14:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.003705 = 0.0371 BTC [-] [14:59]
* Guest81860 is now known as Jezzz [14:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.728799 = 9.4576 BTC [+] [14:59]
* Jezzz has quit (Changing host) [14:59]
* Jezzz (Jezzz@unaffiliated/jezzz) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:59]
mjr_ would google have done: [14:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 180 @ 0.00372 = 0.6696 BTC [+] [14:59]
mjr_ A. Worse if it ran detroit [14:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 88 @ 0.003732 = 0.3284 BTC [+] [14:59]
mjr_ B. The Same [14:59]
mjr_ C. Better job at running detroit [14:59]
ThickAsThieves lol [14:59]
parseval_ actually, 1991 [15:00]
mjr_ I don't think it is possible to do much worse... [15:00]
ThickAsThieves i dont believe in answering wildly fantastic what ifs [15:00]
mjr_ I don't think it is that fantastic [15:00]
dance4x it would be the same [15:00]
mjr_ I mean i think it would be great [15:01]
mjr_ I don't think it'd be the same [15:01]
mjr_ think about it [15:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 17 @ 0.045666 = 0.7763 BTC [-] [15:01]
dance4x everyone fails when they try to manage other peoples lives through government [15:01]
ThickAsThieves a good what-if has to be within the possibility of occurring in the recent past [15:01]
mjr_ you can buy houses and land in detroit now for like $47.50 [15:01]
ThickAsThieves or the near future [15:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.716 BTC [-] [15:01]
mjr_ so if i was looking for data centers, and space [15:01]
mjr_ i would go there [15:01]
mjr_ and i would incorporate my own city [15:01]
mjr_ plan out the housing, and infrastructure [15:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 70 @ 0.0252 = 1.764 BTC [+] [15:02]
ThickAsThieves would your employees wanna live there? [15:02]
mjr_ to work at google? yes [15:02]
parseval_ I thought they already gave corporate control to detroit, or maybe it was michigan... [15:02]
mjr_ you pay them well, and isolate yourself and your employees from the outside world of detroit with private security [15:02]
mjr_ and that is nothing new [15:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 232 @ 0.0038 = 0.8816 BTC [+] [15:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 13 @ 0.045675 = 0.5938 BTC [+] [15:02]
* cads has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [15:03]
mjr_ all corporate complexes and gated communities already have private security [15:03]
mjr_ just combine the two things into one [15:03]
mjr_ and add some infrastructure [15:03]
ThickAsThieves why does Google choose to grow into successful cities then? [15:03]
ThickAsThieves and not ghettos [15:03]
mjr_ just saying that is possible, and not hard to do [15:03]
mjr_ and I don't think they always do choose that [15:03]
mjr_ kansas? not succesful, but maybe not ghetto [15:04]
ThickAsThieves I'm guessing kansas was strategic [15:04]
ThickAsThieves being center of the US [15:04]
mjr_ besides their corporate presence in ny and ca [15:04]
parseval_ I want to move to Kansas for Google Fiber [15:04]
mjr_ they are only in remote locations [15:04]
dance4x wtf is going on with just dice [15:04]
* Eizy ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:04]
mjr_ parseval: would you move to detroit for google fiber? [15:04]
parseval_ I have a 50/35 connection now, but I want 1GB/1GB [15:04]
parseval_ I would do taht [15:04]
mjr_ i think most would [15:04]
ThickAsThieves i would move to kansas before detroit [15:05]
mjr_ jobs, good internet, and benefits [15:05]
parseval_ I'd look for a WFH job and get cheap housing and fast internet [15:05]
mjr_ organization that can actually organize [15:05]
mjr_ exactly [15:05]
mjr_ you could own your house for literally under $500 [15:05]
mjr_ keep all your salary [15:05]
AndChat|356841 Doesn't Vermont offer a fiber service for less than the of Google and it's faster [15:05]
mjr_ anyways, just think about this...when anything fails, you can usually pick up stuff at fire sale prices [15:06]
mjr_ like any other failure, it was usually due to the mgmt, not the people or the situation [15:06]
mjr_ i think most cities in the US have proven that they suck at mgmt [15:06]
mjr_ but amazon, google, and apple (to some extent) have proven that they can manage [15:07]
mjr_ anyways, this is just the mapping of reality onto Neal Stephenson stories (quite prescient author IMO) [15:07]
ThickAsThieves i know my city managers are painfully horrible [15:08]
mjr_ almost all are [15:08]
mjr_ imagine a city built for the future [15:08]
parseval_ 13% of my coinflow site visitors have chinese as their primary language.. A few weeks ago it was significantly less. I wonder if BTC is trending up in China more now [15:08]
mjr_ where public transit works and is nice, where its laid out in a way that makes sense, and designed well [15:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 7 @ 0.0027 = 0.0189 BTC [-] [15:09]
mjr_ using technology...i think that the tech guys should build a model city, with its own schools, health care, and public services (fire, police, etc) [15:10]
mjr_ i give them 100% odds to do better than management of detroit, and over 50% to be successful in general [15:10]
* cads ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:11]
Scrat mjr_: lets hope that one of the superwhales here does this (if bitcoin becomes mainstream) [15:11]
Scrat takes balls to do something like that [15:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 26 @ 0.045675 = 1.1876 BTC [+] [15:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.045675 = 0.0914 BTC [+] [15:11]
ThickAsThieves if you're gonna buy a cheap city, is the US the best place though? [15:12]
Scrat aka filthy rich, doesn't give a shit about the status quo [15:13]
ThickAsThieves also consider stuff like those BlueSeed guys [15:13]
dance4x mjr_, it could happen with the seasteading institute [15:13]
dance4x ThickAsThieves, exactly [15:13]
dance4x we will startup countries within the next 10-20 years [15:14]
ThickAsThieves sooner I think [15:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.00375 BTC [-] [15:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 19 @ 0.003706 = 0.0704 BTC [-] [15:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 673 @ 0.003705 = 2.4935 BTC [-] [15:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.0037 = 1.85 BTC [-] [15:14]
ThickAsThieves country starting chatter from directly interested parties is only 1-3 degrees of separation from any of us [15:15]
ThickAsThieves bitcoin is pushing people to think of new paradigms that suit its own [15:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1800 @ 0.00361 = 6.498 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.00361 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.0036 = 3.6 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3000 @ 0.0035 = 10.5 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2000 @ 0.0035 = 7 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.0035 = 3.5 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 5000 @ 0.0035 = 17.5 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1095 @ 0.00349 = 3.8216 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003302 = 0.3302 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 20 @ 0.003302 = 0.066 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1350 @ 0.003302 = 4.4577 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 84 @ 0.0033 = 0.2772 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 75 @ 0.0033 = 0.2475 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 600 @ 0.0033 = 1.98 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 232 @ 0.0033 = 0.7656 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 114 @ 0.00322 = 0.3671 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.003102 = 1.551 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1325 @ 0.003101 = 4.1088 BTC [-] [15:17]
parseval_ Options, or dumping? [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1150 @ 0.00301 = 3.4615 BTC [-] [15:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3099 @ 0.003001 = 9.3001 BTC [-] [15:17]
parseval_ Looks like a dump [15:17]
ThickAsThieves pump n dump [15:18]
ThickAsThieves cost of doing business for AMC [15:18]
parseval_ Yeah, I noticed that upward spike this morning [15:18]
ThickAsThieves maybe he's prepping to put a new ask wall up at 3 [15:19]
ThickAsThieves just laying some foundation first [15:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.7288 = 23.644 BTC [+] [15:21]
* David_ (~David@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:22]
parseval_ I was thinking of making an easy library for BTCTC API but I'm a little worried it might help botters.. however, if they need a third party API to make it work for them, then in all likelihood they would be easily manipulated bots [15:22]
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assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.0034 BTC [+] [15:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 30 @ 0.0031 = 0.093 BTC [-] [15:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 20 @ 0.003002 = 0.06 BTC [-] [15:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 110 @ 0.003002 = 0.3302 BTC [-] [15:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2000 @ 0.003001 = 6.002 BTC [-] [15:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 320 @ 0.003001 = 0.9603 BTC [-] [15:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 265 @ 0.003 = 0.795 BTC [-] [15:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 4000 @ 0.003 = 12 BTC [-] [15:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003 = 0.3 BTC [-] [15:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1180 @ 0.002961 = 3.494 BTC [-] [15:24]
mjr_ i do like seasteading, but its a tougher sell right now...and yes, i agree that startup cities will happen soon [15:24]
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mjr_ my point is that if people have a choice, they will pick the best option [15:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 65 @ 0.0031 = 0.2015 BTC [+] [15:25]
ThickAsThieves wel... [15:25]
mjr_ basically, i want to live in mr. lee's greater hong kong [15:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 4 @ 0.0255 = 0.102 BTC [+] [15:25]
mjr_ i mean that kind of stuff would be relatively easy to do...think robocop lol [15:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 150 @ 0.00299 = 0.4485 BTC [-] [15:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 320 @ 0.002961 = 0.9475 BTC [-] [15:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.00296 BTC [-] [15:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00295 = 0.295 BTC [-] [15:26]
* daybyter has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 855 @ 0.002901 = 2.4804 BTC [-] [15:26]
ThickAsThieves parseval, pm [15:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.0031 BTC [+] [15:26]
ThickAsThieves parseval_ * [15:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 11 @ 0.0031 = 0.0341 BTC [+] [15:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 588 @ 0.0031 = 1.8228 BTC [+] [15:28]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.01099 BTC [-] [15:28]
* David_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) [15:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 520 @ 0.00325 = 1.69 BTC [+] [15:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 235 @ 0.0031 = 0.7285 BTC [-] [15:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.044787 BTC [+] [15:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.00325 BTC [+] [15:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 7 @ 0.010001 = 0.07 BTC [+] [15:30]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1 @ 0.000278 BTC [+] [15:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.661001 BTC [-] [15:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 79 @ 0.00325 = 0.2568 BTC [+] [15:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.01099 = 0.022 BTC [-] [15:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 118 @ 0.003125 = 0.3688 BTC [-] [15:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.661001 BTC [-] [15:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 778 @ 0.018 = 14.004 BTC [+] [15:34]
* Populus has quit (Quit: - nbs-irc 2.39 - -) [15:34]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 199 @ 0.000278 = 0.0553 BTC [+] [15:35]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 1 @ 0.000278 BTC [+] [15:36]
* AndChat|356841 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 63 @ 0.0033 = 0.2079 BTC [+] [15:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003351 = 0.0335 BTC [-] [15:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.00335 BTC [-] [15:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 40 @ 0.003167 = 0.1267 BTC [-] [15:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 300 @ 0.003163 = 0.9489 BTC [-] [15:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045667 BTC [-] [15:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.00315 = 0.315 BTC [-] [15:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 200 @ 0.003143 = 0.6286 BTC [-] [15:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.003102 = 0.3102 BTC [-] [15:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.003101 = 0.3101 BTC [-] [15:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2 @ 0.0033 = 0.0066 BTC [+] [15:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.0031 = 0.31 BTC [-] [15:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1000 @ 0.0031 = 3.1 BTC [-] [15:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 283 @ 0.00301 = 0.8518 BTC [-] [15:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 19 @ 0.045194 = 0.8587 BTC [-] [15:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3 @ 0.0033 = 0.0099 BTC [+] [15:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 7 @ 0.044787 = 0.3135 BTC [+] [15:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 5 @ 0.0033 = 0.0165 BTC [+] [15:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 17 @ 0.045674 = 0.7765 BTC [+] [15:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 23 @ 0.045194 = 1.0395 BTC [-] [15:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.661001 BTC [-] [15:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 55 @ 0.00335 = 0.1843 BTC [+] [15:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 115 @ 0.043312 = 4.9809 BTC [-] [15:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 13 @ 0.0034 = 0.0442 BTC [+] [15:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 45 @ 0.00335 = 0.1508 BTC [-] [15:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 55 @ 0.0034 = 0.187 BTC [+] [15:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.7 = 23.5 BTC [-] [15:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.694998 BTC [+] [15:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 30 @ 0.0034 = 0.102 BTC [+] [15:48]
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assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003299 = 0.033 BTC [+] [15:50]
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assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 3 @ 0.025 = 0.075 BTC [-] [15:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 15 @ 0.045198 = 0.678 BTC [+] [15:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 40 @ 0.003399 = 0.136 BTC [+] [15:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 400 @ 0.003325 = 1.33 BTC [-] [15:55]
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assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 20 @ 0.003326 = 0.0665 BTC [+] [15:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 175 @ 0.0033 = 0.5775 BTC [-] [15:56]
* topace_home has quit (Client Quit) [15:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 20 @ 0.0033 = 0.066 BTC [-] [15:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 21 @ 0.0033 = 0.0693 BTC [-] [15:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 75 @ 0.00339 = 0.2543 BTC [+] [15:59]
* malaimo has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [15:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 159 @ 0.0033 = 0.5247 BTC [-] [15:59]
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assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 21 @ 0.003151 = 0.0662 BTC [-] [16:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 6 @ 0.003151 = 0.0189 BTC [-] [16:01]
* rulother-tab ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.01099999 BTC [+] [16:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.729997 BTC [+] [16:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.010291 BTC [+] [16:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 4.7 = 9.4 BTC [+] [16:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.0032 BTC [+] [16:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 144 @ 0.003399 = 0.4895 BTC [+] [16:05]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 12 @ 0.044789 = 0.5375 BTC [+] [16:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11350 @ 0.00080799 = 9.1707 BTC [-] [16:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003388 BTC [+] [16:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.729997 = 18.92 BTC [+] [16:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 4.729998 = 28.38 BTC [+] [16:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.73 = 18.92 BTC [+] [16:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.74999 BTC [+] [16:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 5 @ 0.003389 = 0.0169 BTC [+] [16:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 7 @ 0.00339 = 0.0237 BTC [+] [16:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.755 = 9.51 BTC [+] [16:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003152 = 0.3152 BTC [-] [16:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003151 BTC [-] [16:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 5 @ 0.003151 = 0.0158 BTC [-] [16:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 894 @ 0.00315 = 2.8161 BTC [-] [16:12]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.01099999 = 0.022 BTC [+] [16:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 5 @ 0.011 = 0.055 BTC [+] [16:14]
* rulother-tab has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [16:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.77899 BTC [+] [16:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.779 BTC [+] [16:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003349 = 0.3349 BTC [+] [16:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00335 = 0.335 BTC [+] [16:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 21 @ 0.003389 = 0.0712 BTC [+] [16:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 183 @ 0.00339 = 0.6204 BTC [+] [16:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 20 @ 0.00339 = 0.0678 BTC [+] [16:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 76 @ 0.0034 = 0.2584 BTC [+] [16:18]
parseval_ kakobreklaa: Would it be possible for me to get a login for the MPEx websocket? [16:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 80 @ 0.0034 = 0.272 BTC [+] [16:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.014999 BTC [-] [16:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 496 @ 0.0034 = 1.6864 BTC [+] [16:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 24 @ 0.0034 = 0.0816 BTC [+] [16:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003425 = 0.3425 BTC [+] [16:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 800 @ 0.00345 = 2.76 BTC [+] [16:26]
* rulother-tab ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1429 @ 0.00080782 = 1.1544 BTC [-] [16:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0035 = 0.35 BTC [+] [16:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 5 @ 0.014999 = 0.075 BTC [-] [16:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.00357 BTC [+] [16:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 55 @ 0.0035 = 0.1925 BTC [-] [16:30]
* guruvan has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [16:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.778999 BTC [-] [16:30]
* GordonG3kko has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [16:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 45 @ 0.0032 = 0.144 BTC [-] [16:30]
* guruvan (~guruvan@gateway/tor-sasl/guruvan) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:31]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0445 = 0.2225 BTC [-] [16:34]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.04479 = 0.0896 BTC [+] [16:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.779 BTC [+] [16:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.779 BTC [+] [16:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.784955 BTC [+] [16:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.799989 BTC [+] [16:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.79999 BTC [+] [16:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.799998 = 14.4 BTC [+] [16:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.799999 BTC [+] [16:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 7 @ 0.0034 = 0.0238 BTC [+] [16:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 35 @ 0.04566 = 1.5981 BTC [+] [16:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 10 @ 0.011 = 0.11 BTC [+] [16:39]
* GordonG3kko (~GordonG3k@gateway/tor-sasl/gordong3kko) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 39 @ 0.01689 = 0.6587 BTC [-] [16:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003301 = 0.3301 BTC [-] [16:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0033 = 0.33 BTC [-] [16:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 71 @ 0.01 = 0.71 BTC [+] [16:43]
* Populus ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:47]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00080782 = 9.6131 BTC [-] [16:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 393 @ 0.0034 = 1.3362 BTC [+] [16:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0034 = 0.34 BTC [+] [16:48]
* Anduck (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 49 @ 0.003444 = 0.1688 BTC [+] [16:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 12 @ 0.0252 = 0.3024 BTC [+] [16:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 51 @ 0.003455 = 0.1762 BTC [+] [16:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.799999 BTC [+] [16:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0035 = 0.35 BTC [+] [16:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.791001 BTC [+] [16:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.010999 = 0.033 BTC [-] [16:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 20 @ 0.003579 = 0.0716 BTC [+] [16:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.791 BTC [-] [16:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 50 @ 0.039477 = 1.9739 BTC [+] [16:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 6 @ 0.79 = 4.74 BTC [-] [16:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 656 @ 0.00358 = 2.3485 BTC [+] [16:53]
* Eizy has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [16:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 150 @ 0.0036 = 0.54 BTC [+] [16:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.0036 = 3.6 BTC [+] [16:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0036 = 0.36 BTC [+] [16:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.650001 = 1.95 BTC [-] [16:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.65 BTC [-] [16:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.631 BTC [-] [16:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 12 @ 0.63015 = 7.5618 BTC [-] [16:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.6301 BTC [-] [16:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 6 @ 0.63 = 3.78 BTC [-] [16:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 6 @ 0.63 = 3.78 BTC [-] [16:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0037 = 0.37 BTC [+] [16:55]
* inhies has quit (Quit: inhies) [16:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 26 @ 4.799999 = 124.8 BTC [+] [16:56]
ThickAsThieves nice [16:57]
* darkee_ (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.045674 = 0.2284 BTC [+] [16:57]
* darkee has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [16:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 7 @ 0.00373 = 0.0261 BTC [+] [16:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 34 @ 0.045675 = 1.553 BTC [+] [16:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 243 @ 0.00373 = 0.9064 BTC [+] [16:59]
* naemsi (~wanderwah@gateway/tor-sasl/wanderwah) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:00]
* inhies ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.0037 = 3.7 BTC [-] [17:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.01421 BTC [-] [17:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 84 @ 0.014201 = 1.1929 BTC [-] [17:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 61 @ 0.014201 = 0.8663 BTC [-] [17:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.014201 BTC [-] [17:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 6 @ 0.0142 = 0.0852 BTC [-] [17:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 100 @ 0.0142 = 1.42 BTC [-] [17:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 4 @ 0.014155 = 0.0566 BTC [-] [17:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 60 @ 0.01415 = 0.849 BTC [-] [17:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 19 @ 0.013933 = 0.2647 BTC [-] [17:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 34 @ 0.013901 = 0.4726 BTC [-] [17:03]
* darkee_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [17:05]
* nonick (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00379 = 0.379 BTC [+] [17:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 20 @ 0.039476 = 0.7895 BTC [-] [17:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 80 @ 0.039477 = 3.1582 BTC [+] [17:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.045989 = 0.2759 BTC [+] [17:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.045989 = 0.092 BTC [+] [17:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.045989 = 0.3219 BTC [+] [17:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0038 = 0.38 BTC [+] [17:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003848 = 0.3848 BTC [+] [17:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 268 @ 0.003849 = 1.0315 BTC [+] [17:08]
* alecpap (~frognoise@unaffiliated/alecpap) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 22 @ 0.045989 = 1.0118 BTC [+] [17:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045989 BTC [+] [17:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.04599 = 0.2759 BTC [+] [17:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0039 = 0.39 BTC [+] [17:09]
Rulother_ what a bounce back [17:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003949 BTC [+] [17:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 2 @ 0.0034 = 0.0068 BTC [+] [17:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.004 = 0.4 BTC [+] [17:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 400 @ 0.004 = 1.6 BTC [+] [17:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 305 @ 0.004 = 1.22 BTC [+] [17:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.004 = 0.8 BTC [+] [17:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.004 = 0.4 BTC [+] [17:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0041 = 0.41 BTC [+] [17:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1300 @ 0.00414 = 5.382 BTC [+] [17:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 201 @ 0.0039 = 0.7839 BTC [-] [17:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 199 @ 0.0039 = 0.7761 BTC [-] [17:11]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.003588 = 3.588 BTC [-] [17:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.00358 = 0.716 BTC [-] [17:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003578 = 0.3578 BTC [-] [17:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.70011 BTC [-] [17:18]
* Vbs has quit (Quit: Leaving) [17:20]
* cosmo has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [17:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.790001 BTC [+] [17:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 5 @ 0.79 = 3.95 BTC [-] [17:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 4 @ 0.79 = 3.16 BTC [-] [17:26]
mjr_ wow cog is getting killed now [17:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 220 @ 0.003611 = 0.7944 BTC [+] [17:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04599 BTC [+] [17:29]
* CheckDavid ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:30]
ThickAsThieves it was a pump [17:30]
mjr_ yeah [17:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.759999 BTC [+] [17:30]
* Guest33257 has quit (Quit: Leaving) [17:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 8 @ 0.002001 = 0.016 BTC [+] [17:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.00375 = 0.75 BTC [+] [17:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 438 @ 0.003811 = 1.6692 BTC [+] [17:34]
* DeCiB3l (Bitcointal@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-dyhjhiguloqkjggx) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 220 @ 0.003955 = 0.8701 BTC [+] [17:35]
mjr_ ok, guys, this is really weird [17:35]
mjr_ i just found myself agreeing with max keiser [17:35]
DeCiB3l Hello is this the channel where you talk about your bitcoin assets [17:35]
DeCiB3l like, how many bitcoin you have? [17:35]
mjr_ [17:35]
Rulother_ No [17:35]
mjr_ bitcoin-assets refers to assets denominated in bitcoin [17:35]
DeCiB3l So we talk about how many Bitcoins we have? [17:36]
mjr_ like equities, derivatives, etc [17:36]
mjr_ i have 22 million [17:36]
* oizotov has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.003956 = 3.956 BTC [+] [17:36]
ThickAsThieves mostly we do just compare how rich we are [17:36]
DeCiB3l Yes exactly [17:36]
Rulother_ lol [17:36]
ThickAsThieves how smart we are [17:36]
DeCiB3l I have a lot of Bitcoins [17:36]
ThickAsThieves and how big mircea's dick is [17:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 146 @ 0.00398 = 0.5811 BTC [+] [17:36]
DeCiB3l Do you have a lot of Bitcoins? [17:36]
mjr_ but do you have 22 million? [17:36]
Rulother_ You should send them to me [17:36]
* oizotov (~x@gateway/tor-sasl/oizotov) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.620547 BTC [-] [17:36]
Rulother_ I will reinvest them [17:36]
DeCiB3l Nobody has 22M btc [17:36]
DeCiB3l that's not possible [17:36]
mjr_ hahaha, i am joking [17:36]
mjr_ i know [17:36]
DeCiB3l That's like playing bs [17:37]
DeCiB3l the card game [17:37]
DeCiB3l and saying you have 5 Ace's [17:37]
mjr_ yeah [17:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.610101 BTC [-] [17:37]
Rulother_ Actually [17:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.610101 BTC [-] [17:37]
Rulother_ You can have 4 aces and a Joker [17:37]
Rulother_ So [17:37]
DeCiB3l What is this assbot and why is he spamming MY channel [17:37]
ThickAsThieves booya [17:37]
mjr_ but in general measuring dick size in a financial sense with a bunch of assholes online is just as valuable [17:37]
DeCiB3l But that's what this channel is for [17:37]
mjr_ lol [17:37]
DeCiB3l goat on the forums told me to visit this channel [17:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.6101 = 1.2202 BTC [-] [17:38]
mjr_ ah, now it makes sense [17:38]
ThickAsThieves are you like a troll assassin? [17:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.61 BTC [-] [17:38]
mjr_ ahhaha [17:38]
DeCiB3l I still can't get over the 1MatthewNWrightisaScammer [17:39]
* mjr_ is now known as troll_assassin [17:39]
DeCiB3l That address will be written in history [17:39]
troll_assassin nice [17:39]
* ThickAsThieves is now known as CorporateEspiona [17:39]
DeCiB3l Yes I am a troll assassin [17:39]
CorporateEspiona boo [17:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.606001 = 1.212 BTC [-] [17:39]
DeCiB3l If you have a troll on your forums [17:39]
troll_assassin i am a troll assassin [17:39]
* CorporateEspiona is now known as CorpEspionager [17:39]
troll_assassin <---- [17:39]
DeCiB3l I will be so boring he will leave [17:39]
troll_assassin hahha [17:39]
DeCiB3l You know I am a mod on [17:39]
DeCiB3l Because there was a spamming problem and I took care of it [17:40]
DeCiB3l Through social engineering [17:40]
CorpEspionager they have mods now? [17:40]
DeCiB3l It's a secret [17:40]
CorpEspionager is it? [17:40]
DeCiB3l That was my plan [17:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.606 = 3.03 BTC [-] [17:40]
DeCiB3l That the trolls don't know there are mods [17:40]
* CorpEspionager is now known as ThickAsThieves [17:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.016889 BTC [-] [17:40]
ThickAsThieves but now we know [17:40]
DeCiB3l Well now we don't have a spamming problem [17:40]
ThickAsThieves you showed us your 5th ace [17:40]
DeCiB3l No that is not a good analagy [17:41]
ThickAsThieves maybe i'm trolling [17:41]
DeCiB3l So I have this project where I believe that everyone on the forum is an idiot [17:41]
DeCiB3l [17:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.00389 = 3.89 BTC [-] [17:41]
* inhies has quit (Quit: inhies) [17:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 2 @ 0.016889 = 0.0338 BTC [-] [17:41]
DeCiB3l Proof [17:41]
troll_assassin makes sense so far... [17:41]
ozbot Best of #bitcoin IRC [17:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.6011 BTC [-] [17:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.6 BTC [-] [17:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.003988 = 1.994 BTC [+] [17:42]
ThickAsThieves meh [17:42]
ThickAsThieves seems like a chore to read that [17:43]
DeCiB3l That thread is pure gold [17:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.599 = 2.995 BTC [-] [17:43]
DeCiB3l or should I say [17:43]
troll_assassin Chaang-noi: then again #bitcoin-assets is the only serious bitcoin chan i know of other than -dev. [17:43]
DeCiB3l Pure Bitcoin [17:43]
DeCiB3l That's why I made that thread [17:43]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.01099 = 0.022 BTC [-] [17:43]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 8 @ 0.01095 = 0.0876 BTC [-] [17:43]
DeCiB3l '(In response to Zerocoin) - It's helpful because the name tells you how many BTC you should trust it with." [17:43]
DeCiB3l "the only function this forum serves is to spread wrong information so someone can profit" [17:44]
ThickAsThieves chaang doesnt realize he's just polluting the chan [17:44]
ThickAsThieves sending people here from a thread like that [17:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04599 BTC [+] [17:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.560002 BTC [-] [17:44]
DeCiB3l LOL [17:44]
DeCiB3l He said that this is a channel where you talk about your wealth [17:44]
DeCiB3l So now everyone will come here [17:44]
ThickAsThieves no, [17:44]
DeCiB3l We need a new chan [17:44]
DeCiB3l #bitcoin-rich [17:44]
DeCiB3l invite-onlly [17:44]
ThickAsThieves it's a channel where Chaang-Noi talks about his wealth [17:45]
DeCiB3l only people who invest big get in [17:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.57 BTC [+] [17:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.560002 BTC [-] [17:45]
troll_assassin ThickAsThieves: it's a channel where Chaang-Noi talks about his wealth [17:45]
troll_assassin hahaha [17:45]
DeCiB3l How do you want to talk about your wealth, you don't even own a lambo! [17:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.004 BTC [+] [17:45]
DeCiB3l troll_assassin, add that line to the thread [17:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.04599 = 0.4599 BTC [+] [17:45]
troll_assassin YES [17:45]
Rulother_ lol [17:45]
ThickAsThieves however you are measuring today I guess [17:45]
DeCiB3l So what exactly did Chaang do? [17:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.560002 BTC [-] [17:45]
DeCiB3l Was he just an early investor [17:46]
ThickAsThieves usually you measure it in rice rockets and lambos [17:46]
DeCiB3l early adopter [17:46]
DeCiB3l and did some buisiness [17:46]
troll_assassin srsly, the forums are where good convos go to die [17:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.55 = 1.1 BTC [-] [17:46]
DeCiB3l In the German translation of "Turn My Swag On": he says "Du fahrst VM, ich kauf nen BMW, penner" [17:46]
ThickAsThieves it's hard for me [17:46]
DeCiB3l "You drive VM, I'll buy a BMW, hobo" [17:46]
ThickAsThieves i iz srs bznz [17:47]
* B0g4r7_ (~B0g4r7@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:47]
DeCiB3l Geramny version of turn my swag on: [17:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.544001 BTC [-] [17:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.04599 = 0.3219 BTC [+] [17:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.04599 = 0.4599 BTC [+] [17:47]
DeCiB3l this channel: assbot assbot assbot [17:47]
DeCiB3l So much ass [17:48]
Rulother_ asshat [17:48]
DeCiB3l So just-dice was down and doog is gone [17:48]
DeCiB3l missing [17:48]
DeCiB3l offline on forums/irc/gtalk [17:48]
* GordonG3kko has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [17:48]
DeCiB3l Yes it's just kind of funny [17:48]
DeCiB3l Because everyone is spreading FUD [17:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.544 = 1.088 BTC [-] [17:48]
ThickAsThieves Maybe Dooglus will run [17:49]
ThickAsThieves would be pretty funny [17:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.53 BTC [-] [17:49]
ThickAsThieves Hey let's trust some stat guy with 25000btc in 2 weeks! [17:49]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.011 BTC [+] [17:49]
Apocaly *35k at some point afaik [17:49]
DeCiB3l How can I make money on this site? [17:49]
ThickAsThieves nice [17:49]
ThickAsThieves you actually can male money here [17:50]
ThickAsThieves make [17:50]
DeCiB3l ok [17:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.5222 BTC [-] [17:50]
ThickAsThieves just be around for when people discuss good knowledge [17:50]
DeCiB3l I have more knowledge than them [17:50]
DeCiB3l I predicted bitcoin price 2 times 1 year ahead [17:51]
DeCiB3l since 2011 [17:51]
DeCiB3l and I predicted AsicMiner stock price when it went from 1 to 2 [17:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 4 @ 0.52101 = 2.084 BTC [-] [17:52]
DeCiB3l here it is [17:52]
DeCiB3l Jun 28 14:40:26 can i make bitcoin off this site? [17:52]
Rulother_ So when do you think it will hit 500usd [17:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 6 @ 0.521 = 3.126 BTC [-] [17:53]
DeCiB3l Rulother what do you think I'm some sort of oracle? [17:53]
Rulother_ yes [17:53]
DeCiB3l I can make an informed decision [17:53]
Rulother_ You said you predicted the price 2 times, 1 year ahead. [17:53]
DeCiB3l Do you know what caused the price to go from $10 to $100? [17:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.003939 = 0.0394 BTC [-] [17:54]
DeCiB3l Because I know exactly what happened [17:54]
Rulother_ A large pizza + a liter of coke [17:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 815 @ 0.003939 = 3.2103 BTC [-] [17:54]
DeCiB3l Are you familiar with the Kim Dotcom pump-and-dump from the 90s? [17:54]
DeCiB3l He basically can never go back to Germany again [17:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.045995 = 0.23 BTC [+] [17:55]
ThickAsThieves Have you ever considered smoking pot? [17:55]
* rdponticelli_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:55]
DeCiB3l no [17:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 35 @ 0.010291 = 0.3602 BTC [+] [17:55]
DeCiB3l It looks like Rulother does not know about Kim Dotcom [17:55]
troll_assassin do you guys think the spike in gold will have an effect in bitcoin? [17:55]
DeCiB3l How am I supposed to teach him price fixing is he doesn't even know these famous figures in the market? [17:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.045997 = 0.46 BTC [+] [17:56]
kakobreklaa Chaang-Noi i hopo you dont end up usagi [17:56]
ThickAsThieves dammit gold spiked? I've been putting off buying some... [17:56]
troll_assassin kakobreklaa: whats new! [17:56]
troll_assassin its above 1300 [17:56]
troll_assassin up 3% since the open [17:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 42 @ 0.010292 = 0.4323 BTC [+] [17:57]
troll_assassin but started going up over the weekend [17:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.044 = 0.088 BTC [-] [17:57]
troll_assassin ugh, nvm, this nick is cool, but i'd rather be me [17:57]
* troll_assassin is now known as mjr_ [17:57]
DeCiB3l I will say this once. Kim Dotcom in 2001 investing all-in into and said he will invest 50M Euro to the public (obviously a lie and everyone knew it). [17:57]
DeCiB3l This was a pump-and-dump [17:57]
DeCiB3l He turned his 375K Euro into 1.5M Euro [17:57]
ThickAsThieves i dont think we care [17:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.044 = 0.088 BTC [-] [17:58]
kakobreklaa heya mjr_, ah not much, everything is fucked as it was, you? [17:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 9 @ 0.003825 = 0.0344 BTC [-] [17:58]
mjr_ eh, its ok [17:58]
Rulother_ Sorry had a work call t here, but I did know of it. [17:58]
mjr_ did you guys see those guys who found 36 million in silver? [17:58]
DeCiB3l ThickAsThieves, "just be around for when people discuss good knowledge' [17:58]
mjr_ sea eploration company [17:58]
Scrat DeCiB3l: what do you think the bottom is [17:59]
thestringpuller ;;ticker [17:59]
gribble MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 90.20034, Best ask: 90.86498, Bid-ask spread: 0.66464, Last trade: 90.84000, 24 hour volume: 9046.81233898, 24 hour low: 88.00000, 24 hour high: 92.00000, 24 hour vwap: 90.33840 [17:59]
DeCiB3l In early 2013 Kim Dotcom annouced on his Tiwtter that he will "Create a Bitcoin credit-card". Just saying that one line and nothing else [17:59]
Scrat is = will be [17:59]
DeCiB3l the price went from $10 to $100 [17:59]
ThickAsThieves we already hit the bottom [17:59]
kakobreklaa silver is abundant i hear [17:59]
mjr_ well yeah [17:59]
DeCiB3l I suspect he did not cash out yet because all of his accounts are frozen [17:59]
mjr_ i also heard that they have found out where the universes gold comes from [17:59]
mjr_ the collisions of dead stars [18:00]
kakobreklaa from the golden gods? [18:00]
DeCiB3l But that was the easiest pump-and-dump he has ever done, and these Bitcoin investors are so dumb nobody even noticed [18:00]
mjr_ and each one of those collisions produces more gold than 10 moons [18:00]
thestringpuller kakobreklaa: I need you to hire your somalian goons to do a piracy job [18:00]
DeCiB3l Chaang-Noi, gold can't burn [18:00]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 30 @ 0.003691 = 0.1107 BTC [-] [18:00]
DeCiB3l ??? [18:00]
DeCiB3l It was in the thread [18:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 5 @ 0.252 = 1.26 BTC [+] [18:00]
Rulother_ Silver is how I first got into investing [18:01]
kakobreklaa you gonna rob colliding stars? [18:01]
mjr_ i want to [18:01]
DeCiB3l thestringpuller, if your into piracy The Pirate Bay is celebrating their 10 year aniversary on August 10 in Stockholm [18:01]
mjr_ i could use ten moons worth of gold [18:01]
Rulother_ Fuck that, mine the moon. [18:01]
kakobreklaa mhm [18:02]
Rulother_ Have you seen 2001? [18:02]
Rulother_ It's there man [18:02]
kakobreklaa mjr_ you dont like helium? :) [18:02]
mjr_ helium is actually expensive [18:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.044 = 0.088 BTC [-] [18:02]
mjr_ and getting more so [18:02]
kakobreklaa yeah [18:03]
kakobreklaa maybe its better than gold [18:03]
kakobreklaa easier to ship [18:03]
kakobreklaa ;;g helium [18:03]
gribble Error: "g" is not a valid command. [18:03]
kakobreklaa ;;g helium 3 [18:03]
gribble Error: "g" is not a valid command. [18:03]
kakobreklaa fu [18:03]
Rulother_ lol [18:03]
kakobreklaa ;;google helium 3 [18:03]
gribble Helium-3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Mining Helium-3 On the Moon - YouTube: ; Could Helium-3 really solve Earth's energy problems? - Io9: [18:03]
Rulother_ In short yes it will out do gold [18:03]
DeCiB3l inb4 SpaceX stock on [18:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 400 @ 0.003691 = 1.4764 BTC [-] [18:04]
kakobreklaa oh that, yeah as soon as kelinworth finds a nugget [18:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.00339 BTC [-] [18:04]
* GordonG3kko (~GordonG3k@gateway/tor-sasl/gordong3kko) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:04]
DeCiB3l this chat is dumb [18:05]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.044 BTC [-] [18:05]
* rdponticelli (~rdpontice@gateway/tor-sasl/rdponticelli) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 806 @ 0.00375 = 3.0225 BTC [+] [18:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3570 @ 0.003691 = 13.1769 BTC [-] [18:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 117 @ 0.00365 = 0.4271 BTC [-] [18:05]
DeCiB3l Yes [18:06]
kakobreklaa just go with i7 [18:06]
DeCiB3l No [18:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.003824 = 0.0382 BTC [+] [18:06]
DeCiB3l AMD is better value for your money [18:06]
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* Guest54507 is now known as jcpham [18:06]
kakobreklaa you are acting like money is problem [18:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2000 @ 0.003845 = 7.69 BTC [+] [18:07]
DeCiB3l Chaang well if you're a rich motherfucker than get an i7 [18:07]
mjr_ i7 black [18:07]
DeCiB3l gaming or video-editing or rendering? [18:07]
Rulother_ Isn't the next generation supposedly coming out soon from both sides? I would say wait til Oct if you can [18:07]
DeCiB3l or whatever workstation work you do [18:07]
* kakobreklaa is now known as kakobrekla [18:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0039 = 0.39 BTC [+] [18:07]
* kakobrekla has quit (Changing host) [18:07]
* kakobrekla (~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:07]
DeCiB3l Chaang-Noi, then you need a single core [18:08]
DeCiB3l [i]need[/i] [18:08]
* assbot sets ban on *!*@@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-dyhjhiguloqkjggx [18:08]
* assbot has kicked DeCiB3l from #bitcoin-assets (Bye.) [18:08]
* DeCiB3l (Bitcointal@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-dyhjhiguloqkjggx) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:08]
DeCiB3l what? [18:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 35 @ 0.003939 = 0.1379 BTC [+] [18:08]
DeCiB3l Chaang get an SSD and the biggest monitor [18:08]
mjr_ get a hybrid drive maybe [18:08]
DeCiB3l If you have the money [18:08]
Rulother_ SSD are so cheap now [18:09]
DeCiB3l Beyond HD [18:09]
DeCiB3l goat do you have to overpay for everything because you don't buy it in the US? [18:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1642 @ 0.003949 = 6.4843 BTC [+] [18:09]
DeCiB3l Makes sense [18:10]
DeCiB3l Get a 2560x1600 monitor [18:10]
DeCiB3l Doesn't matter which one [18:10]
Rulother_ You're crazy [18:10]
mjr_ makes a lot of sense for linux [18:10]
* assbot sets ban on *!*@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-dyhjhiguloqkjggx [18:10]
* assbot has kicked DeCiB3l from #bitcoin-assets (Bye.) [18:10]
mjr_ where you can partition [18:10]
mjr_ i personally like RAID-10's with 2 tb drives [18:10]
* Menoetius has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:11]
mjr_ limited writes? [18:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.045991 = 0.092 BTC [-] [18:11]
* gecko_x2 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:11]
kakobrekla encryption is just fine [18:11]
mjr_ can't see how it would make a difference [18:11]
kakobrekla and you wont use up your writes [18:11]
mjr_ i mean, drive level encryption really barely helps you [18:11]
kakobrekla the problem is the controller [18:11]
jcpham did i just see a ban [18:12]
kakobrekla if that goes [18:12]
kakobrekla then you are fucked. [18:12]
jcpham TOTALLY ANARCHY [18:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.00395 = 0.79 BTC [+] [18:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 522 @ 0.00395 = 2.0619 BTC [+] [18:12]
mjr_ if i remember correctly, drive level will only help you in the event someone gains physical access to your machine [18:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.71 BTC [-] [18:12]
mjr_ which is by far the least of most people's worries [18:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.559999 BTC [+] [18:12]
mjr_ really? [18:12]
mjr_ i would say that out of most bitcoin hacks [18:13]
* daybyter ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:13]
mjr_ almost none were by someone stealing a hard drive [18:13]
mjr_ almost all were by someone gaining access to a machine that was already on [18:13]
mjr_ using a network [18:13]
gecko_x2 mmm AMC :) [18:13]
mjr_ well that is what i mean [18:13]
gecko_x2 nice action today [18:13]
mjr_ you can have disk level, but you would still encrypt the files that are important [18:13]
gecko_x2 was all quiet over the weekend lol [18:13]
mjr_ so they would be encrypted either way [18:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.0149 = 0.0298 BTC [+] [18:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.700101 BTC [-] [18:14]
* avyd (~avyd@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:14]
mjr_ yo dawg, i heard you like encryption... [18:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 685 @ 0.003984 = 2.729 BTC [+] [18:14]
kakobrekla just delete those nudes [18:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.7001 BTC [-] [18:14]
kakobrekla we have all seen em by now [18:15]
mjr_ yes, i know, you would want to get disk level and then partition level and maybe even file level [18:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.700101 BTC [+] [18:15]
gecko_x2 you could read up on noiseless steganography [18:15]
mjr_ my point was, if you have file level...the rest is mostly irrelevant, and that attack vector is IMO the smallest [18:15]
gecko_x2 that's where its all heading next [18:15]
mjr_ physical security is usually a lot easier to maintain [18:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 3 @ 0.0034 = 0.0102 BTC [+] [18:16]
mjr_ i mean disk level is usually not great....because like xkcd said about the $5 wrench [18:16]
mjr_ and, the govt has been trying to get a legal equivalent to a $5 wrench [18:16]
mjr_ they are trying to pressure people that are arrested to be forced to decrypt their drives [18:17]
mjr_ with penalties for "forgetting" password [18:17]
mjr_ so far, being key word [18:17]
mjr_ whoever mentioned stego is right [18:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 24 @ 0.0034 = 0.0816 BTC [+] [18:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 101 @ 0.0034 = 0.3434 BTC [+] [18:17]
mjr_ think mircea_popescu wrote about pictures with encoded btc info [18:17]
Rulother_ +1 [18:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.522003 = 1.566 BTC [-] [18:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.522002 BTC [-] [18:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 10 @ 0.521002 = 5.21 BTC [-] [18:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 4 @ 0.521 = 2.084 BTC [-] [18:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 35 @ 0.52 = 18.2 BTC [-] [18:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 1 @ 0.001996 BTC [-] [18:18]
gecko_x2 [18:18]
ozbot Noiseless Steganography: The Key to Covert Communications: Abdelrahman Desoky: 9781439846216: Amazon [18:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 50 @ 0.00343 = 0.1715 BTC [+] [18:18]
gecko_x2 sell some AMC-PT :p [18:19]
mjr_ truecrypt has a feature like that [18:19]
mjr_ encrypted drive, and secret encrypted drive [18:19]
mjr_ with two separate passwords, one opens the one "oh, you got me" [18:19]
gecko_x2 that's plausible deniability [18:20]
mjr_ yeah [18:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.044 = 0.132 BTC [-] [18:20]
mjr_ but also stego, in that they don't know there is secret info, you are hiding the secret info in other public info [18:20]
Rulother_ I read an article recently about a hacker, where the police couldn't decode his computer and he didn't have to give up the password due to the 5th Amend, and got off clean as a result. [18:20]
mjr_ well, i think they are only up to taking away the first 4 [18:21]
* BTCOxygen is now known as Guest20487 [18:21]
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* BTCOxygen (~BTCOxygen@unaffiliated/oxygen) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:21]
mjr_ so still a little time while we get the 5th [18:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 590 @ 0.00352 = 2.0768 BTC [+] [18:21]
Rulother_ Yeah for now [18:21]
mjr_ no joke, guy sued for 4th amendment violation [18:21]
Rulother_ Tell me about it [18:21]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [18:21]
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assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.00355 = 0.355 BTC [+] [18:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 200 @ 0.00355 = 0.71 BTC [+] [18:23]
* slinki ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:23]
topace_ haha [18:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.00358 BTC [+] [18:24]
mjr_ hahaha [18:24]
Rulother_ lol who? [18:24]
Rulother_ Ahhhh ok [18:25]
mjr_ here is the third amendment case [18:26]
ThickAsThieves didnt you get banned for fraud goat? [18:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 15 @ 0.044 = 0.66 BTC [-] [18:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.003599 = 0.3599 BTC [+] [18:27]
ThickAsThieves no in IRC [18:27]
ThickAsThieves recently [18:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.00389 BTC [-] [18:27]
ThickAsThieves oh [18:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 401 @ 0.003599 = 1.4432 BTC [+] [18:27]
ThickAsThieves word [18:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.5 BTC [+] [18:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 293 @ 0.0036 = 1.0548 BTC [+] [18:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 829 @ 0.0036 = 2.9844 BTC [+] [18:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 300 @ 0.0036 = 1.08 BTC [+] [18:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 49 @ 0.00389 = 0.1906 BTC [-] [18:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 4 @ 0.25000001 = 1 BTC [-] [18:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003403 = 0.034 BTC [-] [18:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.003402 = 0.3402 BTC [-] [18:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 2 @ 0.0034 = 0.0068 BTC [-] [18:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 85 @ 0.000265 = 0.0225 BTC [-] [18:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003653 = 0.0365 BTC [+] [18:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 408 @ 0.003654 = 1.4908 BTC [+] [18:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 300 @ 0.000261 = 0.0783 BTC [-] [18:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 63 @ 0.0039 = 0.2457 BTC [+] [18:31]
mjr_ do you guys think it is worth it to get gold that is minted? or is bullion better? [18:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 2253 @ 0.00026 = 0.5858 BTC [-] [18:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003654 = 0.0365 BTC [+] [18:31]
gecko_x2 definiately coins [18:31]
mjr_ lol [18:31]
mjr_ ok, why [18:32]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 2480 @ 0.000255 = 0.6324 BTC [-] [18:32]
gecko_x2 lunar II for ex [18:32]
mjr_ since i got opposite answers [18:32]
gecko_x2 they are much more liquid [18:32]
gecko_x2 and they might develop a premium over time [18:32]
* GordonG3kko has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [18:32]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 15 @ 0.000278 = 0.0042 BTC [+] [18:32]
mjr_ i mean, and maybe this is silly, but how hard would it be to just mint your own coins? [18:33]
gecko_x2 well if you trade in 400 Oz bars that's fine [18:33]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.5 = 1 BTC [+] [18:33]
mjr_ the reason i ask, is exactly you pay seignorage [18:33]
gecko_x2 but if you have let's say a million bucks then still coins definiately [18:33]
mjr_ and i see a lot of bullshit coins anyway [18:33]
mjr_ john galt and ron paul, etc [18:33]
gecko_x2 you just don't know the coins [18:33]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:33]
gecko_x2 no that crap is not for you [18:33]
mjr_ but point is, you can get more of the metal with bullion i would imagine [18:33]
mjr_ lol, i know [18:33]
mjr_ i would get double eagles or krug [18:34]
gecko_x2 stick to perth mint lunars lunars [18:34]
mjr_ just curious [18:34]
gecko_x2 sure [18:34]
mjr_ maybe both [18:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.705 BTC [+] [18:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.700101 BTC [-] [18:34]
mjr_ and why perth mint lunars [18:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.7001 = 9.4002 BTC [-] [18:34]
gecko_x2 because they are extremely liquid, and seminumismatic [18:34]
gecko_x2 you buy at bullion price and they develope a premium over the years [18:35]
gecko_x2 also chinese panda's are a good bet [18:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.045991 = 0.3219 BTC [-] [18:35]
mjr_ interesting guys, thanks [18:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.780001 BTC [-] [18:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.78 BTC [-] [18:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.77 BTC [-] [18:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 3 @ 0.77 = 2.31 BTC [-] [18:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 11 @ 0.045991 = 0.5059 BTC [-] [18:35]
mjr_ pamp suisse? [18:36]
gecko_x2 silver i would buy perth lunar's, koala's panda's etc [18:36]
gecko_x2 not fucking bars [18:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045997 BTC [+] [18:36]
mjr_ gold [18:36]
gecko_x2 bars suck when u need to sell [18:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.045991 = 0.092 BTC [-] [18:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.04599 = 0.138 BTC [-] [18:36]
gecko_x2 bars can be filled with tungsten [18:36]
gecko_x2 etc etc [18:36]
gecko_x2 sure [18:36]
mjr_ not 1oz though, right? [18:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 60 @ 0.003691 = 0.2215 BTC [-] [18:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 120 @ 0.00369 = 0.4428 BTC [-] [18:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 25 @ 0.003661 = 0.0915 BTC [-] [18:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.00366 = 0.183 BTC [-] [18:36]
gecko_x2 100g bars are fine [18:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 645 @ 0.00365 = 2.3543 BTC [-] [18:36]
gecko_x2 but coins are better [18:37]
gecko_x2 get the 20 franc rooster and vreneli's too [18:37]
mjr_ k, coins are better as long as you don't pay too much over spot [18:37]
* GordonG3kko (~GordonG3k@gateway/tor-sasl/gordong3kko) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:37]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.25 BTC [-] [18:37]
gecko_x2 they are very liquid and easy to sell anywhere in the world [18:37]
gecko_x2 yea [18:37]
gecko_x2 4% over spot is normal [18:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04599 = 0.092 BTC [-] [18:37]
gecko_x2 that depends on the coins [18:37]
gecko_x2 the 20 franc's are 100 years old [18:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.25 BTC [-] [18:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.474 BTC [-] [18:38]
gecko_x2 they are 90% [18:38]
mjr_ aha [18:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 12 @ 0.473 = 5.676 BTC [-] [18:38]
gecko_x2 that makes no difference [18:38]
gecko_x2 if the coin is 900 or 9999 [18:38]
mjr_ one last question, is it still counterfeiting if you copy other countries coins? [18:38]
gecko_x2 really [18:38]
gecko_x2 all coins are differennt [18:38]
gecko_x2 krugs are just fine [18:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.003838 = 0.3838 BTC [+] [18:38]
gecko_x2 always liquid [18:38]
mjr_ so let's say i had one krug, and a ton of maple leafs [18:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.003839 = 0.3839 BTC [+] [18:39]
gecko_x2 oh, why not [18:39]
mjr_ could you make a mold and then make the other coin? [18:39]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 900 @ 0.00080782 = 0.727 BTC [-] [18:39]
gecko_x2 right [18:39]
gecko_x2 the asians have slightly different tastes [18:39]
gecko_x2 well anyways [18:39]
gecko_x2 lunars are 9999 [18:39]
gecko_x2 for ex, the 2009 lunar Ox [18:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 500 @ 0.0038 = 1.9 BTC [-] [18:39]
gecko_x2 might be trading for 1800 EUR on ebay today [18:40]
gecko_x2 because it's limited to 30000 mintage [18:40]
gecko_x2 even though it sold at bullion prices in 2009 [18:40]
gecko_x2 that's one reason to get lunars [18:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 6 @ 0.01489 = 0.0893 BTC [-] [18:40]
gecko_x2 fractional panda's develope nice premiums as well [18:41]
ThickAsThieves is editing orderbooks to only allow 4 signifcant digits [18:41]
ThickAsThieves [18:41]
ozbot [BTC-TC] Virtual Community Exchange w/ Options, DRIP, 2FA, API, CSV, etc. [18:41]
ozbot E-mails from an Asshole [18:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.045701 = 0.2742 BTC [-] [18:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.521101 BTC [+] [18:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 981 @ 0.0038 = 3.7278 BTC [+] [18:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 19 @ 0.0038 = 0.0722 BTC [+] [18:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.0038 = 0.19 BTC [+] [18:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 7 @ 0.0038 = 0.0266 BTC [-] [18:44]
gecko_x2 Chaang-Noi silver? [18:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 300 @ 0.000835 = 0.2505 BTC [-] [18:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.045701 = 0.2285 BTC [-] [18:44]
gecko_x2 oh [18:44]
gecko_x2 very nice [18:44]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 4.7 = 18.8 BTC [+] [18:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 21 @ 0.0039 = 0.0819 BTC [+] [18:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 743 @ 0.0038 = 2.8234 BTC [-] [18:44]
gecko_x2 once the mania starts they are gonna go ballistic [18:44]
gecko_x2 the chinese will pay anything [18:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0038 BTC [-] [18:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 9 @ 0.0037 = 0.0333 BTC [-] [18:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045701 BTC [-] [18:45]
gecko_x2 there's a big forum for panda coin traders.. over at.. [18:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 359 @ 0.003652 = 1.3111 BTC [-] [18:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.003651 = 0.0365 BTC [-] [18:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 238 @ 0.00365 = 0.8687 BTC [-] [18:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 471 @ 0.00365 = 1.7192 BTC [-] [18:45]
* inhies ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 55 @ 0.000835 = 0.0459 BTC [-] [18:46]
gecko_x2 [18:46]
ozbot badon [18:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 126 @ 0.00365 = 0.4599 BTC [-] [18:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.81 BTC [+] [18:46]
gecko_x2 anyways [18:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.559999 = 1.12 BTC [+] [18:46]
gecko_x2 fractional gold panda's are good [18:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 400 @ 0.0038 = 1.52 BTC [-] [18:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045701 BTC [-] [18:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 126 @ 0.00364 = 0.4586 BTC [-] [18:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.751 BTC [+] [18:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 7 @ 0.0038 = 0.0266 BTC [-] [18:47]
gecko_x2 check out the ebay auctions for chinese silver coins in this thread [18:48]
gecko_x2 [18:48]
ozbot MCC LIST #181 - Contrarian, silver age, opportunistics, slowdown, restrikes etc [18:48]
gecko_x2 starting page 2 really [18:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 60 @ 0.0038 = 0.228 BTC [-] [18:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.56 = 2.8 BTC [+] [18:48]
gecko_x2 you'll se what prices they trade for [18:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.045701 = 0.2742 BTC [-] [18:49]
gecko_x2 yea.. just nice to watch 1Oz silver coins go for $13000 :p [18:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.559999 = 1.68 BTC [-] [18:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.56 = 1.12 BTC [+] [18:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0457 BTC [-] [18:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.56 BTC [+] [18:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 9 @ 0.0038 = 0.0342 BTC [-] [18:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 80 @ 0.0038 = 0.304 BTC [-] [18:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.045676 = 0.2284 BTC [-] [18:53]
mjr_ gold and silver are both up [18:53]
mjr_ maybe the manipulators are tired out? [18:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.045675 = 0.2741 BTC [-] [18:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 20 @ 0.0038 = 0.076 BTC [-] [18:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 130 @ 0.0038 = 0.494 BTC [-] [18:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.045701 = 0.1371 BTC [+] [18:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0457 BTC [-] [18:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 44 @ 0.0038 = 0.1672 BTC [-] [18:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 6 @ 0.0038 = 0.0228 BTC [-] [18:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.045674 = 0.2284 BTC [-] [18:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 60 @ 0.0038 = 0.228 BTC [-] [18:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.00205 BTC [+] [18:57]
ThickAsThieves ''bcstats [18:57]
ThickAsThieves &bcstats [18:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 18 @ 0.045601 = 0.8208 BTC [-] [18:57]
gribble Current Blocks: 247951 | Current Difficulty: 2.61628756825699E7 | Next Difficulty At Block: 247967 | Next Difficulty In: 16 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 hours and 37 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 31203736.2516 | Estimated Percent Change: 19.26723 [18:57]
Scrat lol [18:57]
ThickAsThieves ;;bcstats [18:57]
gribble Current Blocks: 247951 | Current Difficulty: 2.61628756825699E7 | Next Difficulty At Block: 247967 | Next Difficulty In: 16 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 hours and 37 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 31203736.2516 | Estimated Percent Change: 19.26723 [18:57]
ThickAsThieves & used to work [18:57]
gribble Error: "used" is not a valid command. [18:57]
Scrat lol [18:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.0456 = 0.3648 BTC [-] [18:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00384 = 0.384 BTC [+] [18:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 300 @ 0.0038 = 1.14 BTC [-] [18:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 12 @ 0.0038 = 0.0456 BTC [-] [18:58]
pankkake ¿bcstats [18:58]
ThickAsThieves @bcstats [18:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.559999 = 1.68 BTC [-] [18:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.56 BTC [+] [18:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.56 = 2.8 BTC [+] [18:59]
pankkake ‡bcstats [18:59]
Scrat ❤bcstats [18:59]
pankkake I still haven't added a btc sign on my keyboard layout [18:59]
Scrat ☭ bcstats [19:00]
pankkake I have ฿ on compose but it's not the "best" btc one right? [19:00]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 25 @ 0.56 = 14 BTC [+] [19:00]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 1 @ 0.0255 BTC [+] [19:01]
pankkake Scrat: 卍 [19:01]
* benkay_ (~benkay@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:02]
* error47311 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.04599 = 0.092 BTC [+] [19:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.045997 = 0.46 BTC [+] [19:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.046 = 0.368 BTC [+] [19:02]
Scrat 卍卍rate pankkake 10 geil [19:03]
pankkake [19:03]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 27 @ 0.044 = 1.188 BTC [-] [19:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 14 @ 0.045601 = 0.6384 BTC [-] [19:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.6 = 3 BTC [+] [19:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 28 @ 0.0456 = 1.2768 BTC [-] [19:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.6 = 3 BTC [+] [19:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 40 @ 0.003849 = 0.154 BTC [+] [19:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 60 @ 0.003849 = 0.2309 BTC [+] [19:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.6 BTC [+] [19:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 4 @ 0.00385 = 0.0154 BTC [+] [19:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.74 BTC [-] [19:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.6 BTC [+] [19:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.93001 BTC [-] [19:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.875 BTC [-] [19:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.875 BTC [-] [19:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.7 = 18.8 BTC [-] [19:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.6 BTC [+] [19:11]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.011 BTC [+] [19:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 6 @ 0.6 = 3.6 BTC [+] [19:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.6 BTC [+] [19:12]
* FabianB_ (~ogg@unaffiliated/fabianb) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:12]
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pankkake blame litecoin [19:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 3 @ 0.8557 = 2.5671 BTC [-] [19:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.6 = 3 BTC [+] [19:16]
Rulother_ I want a real home audio/video btc store to pop up [19:16]
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* currrakind (543b25fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:17]
Rulother_ I would do it myself, but I don't have time to run an online store anymore. [19:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.738 BTC [+] [19:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 24 @ 0.00378 = 0.0907 BTC [-] [19:18]
* inhies has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [19:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.738 BTC [+] [19:19]
* oizotov (~x@gateway/tor-sasl/oizotov) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.046 = 0.092 BTC [+] [19:19]
* GordonG3kko has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 2 @ 0.00378 = 0.0076 BTC [-] [19:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 360 @ 0.0038 = 1.368 BTC [-] [19:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1640 @ 0.00385 = 6.314 BTC [+] [19:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.6439 BTC [+] [19:22]
* David_ (~David@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 4 @ 0.00385 = 0.0154 BTC [+] [19:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 20 @ 0.003899 = 0.078 BTC [+] [19:25]
* CheckDavid has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [19:26]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5702 @ 0.00080782 = 4.6062 BTC [-] [19:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1998 @ 0.00081064 = 1.6197 BTC [+] [19:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.819944 BTC [+] [19:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 3 @ 0.8557 = 2.5671 BTC [-] [19:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 3 @ 0.016889 = 0.0507 BTC [-] [19:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 20 @ 0.016689 = 0.3338 BTC [-] [19:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 100 @ 0.003999 = 0.3999 BTC [-] [19:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 60 @ 0.0164 = 0.984 BTC [-] [19:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 50 @ 0.016137 = 0.8069 BTC [-] [19:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.015816 BTC [-] [19:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 14 @ 0.015172 = 0.2124 BTC [-] [19:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 100 @ 0.0141 = 1.41 BTC [-] [19:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 100 @ 0.014 = 1.4 BTC [-] [19:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.013 BTC [-] [19:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 100 @ 0.013 = 1.3 BTC [-] [19:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 100 @ 0.012504 = 1.2504 BTC [-] [19:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 3 @ 0.02559 = 0.0768 BTC [+] [19:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 72 @ 0.00399 = 0.2873 BTC [+] [19:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 19 @ 0.003999 = 0.076 BTC [+] [19:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.004 = 4 BTC [+] [19:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.004 = 0.4 BTC [+] [19:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2000 @ 0.004 = 8 BTC [+] [19:33]
Rulother_ There we go [19:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 169 @ 0.003999 = 0.6758 BTC [-] [19:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.643889 = 1.2878 BTC [-] [19:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 40 @ 0.004001 = 0.16 BTC [+] [19:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 444 @ 0.004088 = 1.8151 BTC [+] [19:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.004089 = 0.2045 BTC [+] [19:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1297 @ 0.00409 = 5.3047 BTC [+] [19:35]
* GordonG3kko (~GordonG3k@gateway/tor-sasl/gordong3kko) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 25 @ 0.004 = 0.1 BTC [-] [19:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 10 @ 0.004 = 0.04 BTC [+] [19:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 4 @ 0.02559 = 0.1024 BTC [+] [19:37]
* David_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) [19:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 15 @ 0.039422 = 0.5913 BTC [-] [19:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 11 @ 0.004 = 0.044 BTC [-] [19:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 30 @ 0.01278 = 0.3834 BTC [+] [19:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 100 @ 0.0125 = 1.25 BTC [-] [19:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 414 @ 0.004 = 1.656 BTC [-] [19:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.004 = 0.4 BTC [-] [19:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.01489 = 0.0298 BTC [-] [19:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1703 @ 0.00409 = 6.9653 BTC [+] [19:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0041 = 0.41 BTC [+] [19:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.00414 = 4.14 BTC [+] [19:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 4 @ 0.00378 = 0.0151 BTC [-] [19:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1111 @ 0.0041 = 4.5551 BTC [-] [19:44]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 710 @ 0.004144 = 2.9422 BTC [+] [19:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2290 @ 0.004144 = 9.4898 BTC [+] [19:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 710 @ 0.00415 = 2.9465 BTC [+] [19:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 800 @ 0.004144 = 3.3152 BTC [-] [19:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.045584 = 0.2279 BTC [-] [19:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 200 @ 0.0326 = 6.52 BTC [-] [19:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 2 @ 0.039422 = 0.0788 BTC [-] [19:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 200 @ 0.01 = 2 BTC [+] [19:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 11 @ 0.004143 = 0.0456 BTC [-] [19:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 13 @ 0.004143 = 0.0539 BTC [-] [19:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 11 @ 0.00412 = 0.0453 BTC [-] [19:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2900 @ 0.004143 = 12.0147 BTC [+] [19:52]
* San1ty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.004 = 0.2 BTC [-] [19:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 30 @ 0.01 = 0.3 BTC [+] [19:54]
* dust-otc (~dust-otc@unaffiliated/dust-otc) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 4 @ 0.01489 = 0.0596 BTC [-] [19:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.004055 BTC [+] [19:55]
Rulother_ Ah [19:56]
Rulother_ Well you want to be careful about where you put your games when dealing with an SSD [19:56]
Rulother_ writing and reading over and over again from SSD can shorten it's life span. [19:57]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 900 @ 0.00080469 = 0.7242 BTC [-] [19:57]
Scrat Rulother_: BS [19:57]
Scrat Chaang-Noi: SSDs have a huge impact on game load times, do it [19:57]
Rulother_ That has always been my experience, with earlier SSDs [19:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 18 @ 0.01489 = 0.268 BTC [-] [19:57]
Rulother_ Lifetime [19:57]
Rulother_ I was not refering to load time [19:57]
Scrat earlier = 2009? [19:57]
Rulother_ 2009-2010 [19:58]
ThickAsThieves Anyone have any "essentials" recommendations for finance and investing related books? [19:58]
Scrat any SSD in the last 3 years does proper write balancing [19:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 7 @ 0.004142 = 0.029 BTC [+] [19:58]
Rulother_ Chaang, yes [19:58]
Scrat you have to write hundrends terabytes to destroy an ssd nowadays [19:58]
Rulother_ Well that's good to hear. I had Rift/DAoC on my SSD and it made a huge difference. It did also kill an older SSD. I haven't had any problems since [19:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.0149 = 0.149 BTC [+] [19:59]
thestringpuller Chaang-Noi: yup [19:59]
ThickAsThieves I'm just looking for specific books, not necessarily a curriculum [19:59]
* Vbs (~Vbs@unaffiliated/vbs) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:59]
ozbot Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country: William Greider: 9780671675561: Ama [20:00]
ThickAsThieves thx [20:00]
ThickAsThieves anyone else? [20:00]
Rulother_ Scrat I believe you just convinced me to purchase another ssd lol [20:02]
* Pucilowski_ has quit () [20:03]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:03]
* Pucilowski ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.728999 = 14.187 BTC [-] [20:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.729 BTC [+] [20:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 4.7295 = 28.377 BTC [+] [20:06]
* dance4x has quit (Quit: Leaving) [20:11]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 4000 @ 0.00385 = 15.4 BTC [-] [20:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 345 @ 0.003704 = 1.2779 BTC [-] [20:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 345 @ 0.003704 = 1.2779 BTC [-] [20:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.003703 = 0.1852 BTC [-] [20:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 140 @ 0.003703 = 0.5184 BTC [-] [20:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.003703 = 1.8515 BTC [-] [20:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2050 @ 0.003702 = 7.5891 BTC [-] [20:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1400 @ 0.0037 = 5.18 BTC [-] [20:14]
Rulother_ bitch [20:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.0041 BTC [+] [20:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.045989 = 0.138 BTC [+] [20:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 5 @ 0.004 = 0.02 BTC [-] [20:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.004134 BTC [+] [20:15]
currrakind who? :D [20:16]
currrakind those amc sellers? [20:16]
Rulother_ yeah [20:17]
Rulother_ Getting so cheap on me [20:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 375 @ 0.00368 = 1.38 BTC [-] [20:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.643889 BTC [-] [20:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 3 @ 0.00375 = 0.0113 BTC [-] [20:18]
Rulother_ later [20:19]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.011 = 0.022 BTC [+] [20:19]
* Chaang-Noi has quit (Quit: Leaving) [20:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.01 BTC [+] [20:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 97 @ 0.00375 = 0.3638 BTC [-] [20:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 3 @ 0.00378 = 0.0113 BTC [+] [20:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.010292 BTC [+] [20:21]
* naemsi has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:30]
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assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.045592 = 1.1398 BTC [-] [20:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045574 BTC [-] [20:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 32 @ 0.045391 = 1.4525 BTC [-] [20:32]
* guruvan has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003711 BTC [+] [20:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2 @ 0.00371 = 0.0074 BTC [-] [20:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.0037 = 0.037 BTC [-] [20:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 250 @ 0.0037 = 0.925 BTC [-] [20:33]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7300 @ 0.0008044 = 5.8721 BTC [-] [20:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.00368 BTC [-] [20:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 124 @ 0.00368 = 0.4563 BTC [-] [20:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.003641 = 0.1821 BTC [-] [20:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.003641 = 0.1821 BTC [-] [20:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.003641 = 0.1821 BTC [-] [20:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00364 = 0.364 BTC [-] [20:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003611 = 0.3611 BTC [-] [20:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.00361 = 0.722 BTC [-] [20:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1169 @ 0.003625 = 4.2376 BTC [+] [20:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 193 @ 0.003625 = 0.6996 BTC [+] [20:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 463 @ 0.003625 = 1.6784 BTC [+] [20:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003608 = 0.3608 BTC [-] [20:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 217 @ 0.003625 = 0.7866 BTC [+] [20:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 52 @ 0.003605 = 0.1875 BTC [-] [20:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-GOLD] 1 @ 0.054 BTC [+] [20:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 30 @ 0.003604 = 0.1081 BTC [-] [20:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.643889 BTC [-] [20:41]
mjr_ [20:42]
ozbot ultrascale [20:42]
mjr_ i want this [20:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.0038 BTC [+] [20:42]
gesell okay what happened to s.dice? [20:42]
mjr_ it got bought out [20:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 75 @ 0.003603 = 0.2702 BTC [-] [20:42]
gesell by whom? [20:42]
mjr_ a private party [20:42]
gesell how much per share? [20:42]
mjr_ they bought back public shares at 75% markup [20:42]
mjr_ .0035 [20:42]
gesell yeah [20:42]
mjr_ the exact number of coins paid for the company was announced [20:43]
* error47311 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [20:43]
gesell nuts [20:43]
mjr_ yep [20:44]
mjr_ making anyone who got in at the "bottom" a nice little chunk of change [20:44]
* dust-otc has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [COG.F] 1 @ 11.84 BTC [-] [20:45]
gesell does just dice have a no-US policy? [20:45]
TomServo what was the bottom? [20:46]
mjr_ around .002 [20:47]
mjr_ in that range, and don't take my decimals as facts [20:47]
mjr_ i don't remember [20:47]
gesell the lowest buy bid was 0.002 but there were sells around 0.0027 or something if i remember [20:48]
gesell sorry i mean the highest buy bid was 0.002 [20:49]
gesell i was in for 300btc, got 200 out. better than what i expected at least [20:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003701 = 0.037 BTC [-] [20:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003701 = 0.037 BTC [-] [20:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 90 @ 0.0037 = 0.333 BTC [-] [20:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.04699 BTC [+] [20:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003701 = 0.037 BTC [+] [20:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003701 = 0.037 BTC [+] [20:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.8 BTC [-] [20:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003701 = 0.037 BTC [+] [20:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003701 = 0.037 BTC [+] [20:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.003602 = 0.3602 BTC [-] [20:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 200 @ 0.0036 = 0.72 BTC [-] [20:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003701 = 0.037 BTC [+] [20:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003701 = 0.037 BTC [+] [20:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003701 = 0.037 BTC [+] [20:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003701 = 0.037 BTC [+] [20:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003701 = 0.037 BTC [+] [20:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.0037 = 0.037 BTC [-] [20:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003606 = 0.0361 BTC [-] [20:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 5 @ 0.003605 = 0.018 BTC [-] [20:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003606 = 0.0361 BTC [+] [20:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0445 BTC [+] [20:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003606 = 0.0361 BTC [+] [20:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003606 = 0.0361 BTC [+] [20:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003605 = 0.0361 BTC [-] [20:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 90 @ 0.0036 = 0.324 BTC [-] [20:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003773 BTC [+] [20:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003606 = 0.0361 BTC [+] [20:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003773 BTC [+] [20:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003601 = 0.036 BTC [-] [20:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.04699 BTC [+] [20:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003601 = 0.036 BTC [-] [20:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003601 = 0.036 BTC [-] [20:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 275 @ 0.003601 = 0.9903 BTC [-] [20:59]
* grilledcat (52452f79@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 550 @ 0.0036 = 1.98 BTC [-] [20:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 155 @ 0.003593 = 0.5569 BTC [-] [21:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 10 @ 0.003592 = 0.0359 BTC [-] [21:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.003592 = 0.1796 BTC [-] [21:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 250 @ 0.00359 = 0.8975 BTC [-] [21:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.003581 = 1.7905 BTC [-] [21:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1500 @ 0.003577 = 5.3655 BTC [-] [21:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.003601 BTC [-] [21:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.003525 = 3.525 BTC [-] [21:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0035 = 0.35 BTC [-] [21:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 420 @ 0.0035 = 1.47 BTC [-] [21:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.0035 = 3.5 BTC [-] [21:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3300 @ 0.0035 = 11.55 BTC [-] [21:03]
* gesell ( has left #bitcoin-assets [21:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003601 = 0.036 BTC [-] [21:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003601 = 0.036 BTC [-] [21:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003601 = 0.036 BTC [-] [21:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.0036 = 0.036 BTC [-] [21:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.700002 = 9.4 BTC [-] [21:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 5 @ 0.003501 = 0.0175 BTC [-] [21:06]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.0445 = 0.178 BTC [+] [21:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 100 @ 0.00334 = 0.334 BTC [-] [21:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 44 @ 0.02559 = 1.126 BTC [+] [21:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.0149 = 0.0298 BTC [+] [21:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 5 @ 0.003501 = 0.0175 BTC [-] [21:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 2 @ 0.003699 = 0.0074 BTC [+] [21:10]
* inhies ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.00345 = 0.1725 BTC [-] [21:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 17 @ 0.0036 = 0.0612 BTC [+] [21:17]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6450 @ 0.00080469 = 5.1903 BTC [+] [21:18]
* lippoper1 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [21:24]
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* lippoper ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:26]
mjr_ slow day huh? [21:26]
Rulother_ was pretty busy earlier [21:27]
Rulother_ slowed down a good bit [21:27]
mjr_ yeah [21:27]
mjr_ i was just in the #cydia channel, on, asking if they could accept bitcoins [21:28]
* grilledcat has quit (Quit: Page closed) [21:29]
benkay_ what'd they say? [21:31]
benkay_ it'd be awesome to get coins on the phone [21:32]
* Lee- (~Lee@unaffiliated/lee-) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.018899 BTC [+] [21:33]
Rulother_ It feels like a sushi kind of day for Lunch [21:34]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 8 @ 0.044783 = 0.3583 BTC [+] [21:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.700002 = 9.4 BTC [-] [21:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.700001 = 9.4 BTC [-] [21:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.7 = 9.4 BTC [-] [21:36]
mjr_ [21:38]
ozbot [Question] Alternative payment services in cydia? : jailbreak [21:38]
mjr_ so i came back with "bitpay doesn't require you to even touch or see bitcoins, but you can offer customers privacy, and reach 3rd world, but only see pounds" [21:39]
mjr_ i agree [21:39]
* daybyter has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [21:39]
benkay_ meh. [21:39]
benkay_ i think compliance is overkill for small app devs. [21:40]
mjr_ that is what i think [21:41]
mjr_ think its silly [21:41]
mjr_ but i told him that he can pretend they are only british pounds, euros and dollars [21:42]
* alecpap has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:42]
mjr_ and account away [21:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.00365 = 0.365 BTC [+] [21:46]
benkay_ mhm [21:47]
benkay_ i just declare them as income [21:47]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2930 @ 0.0008044 = 2.3569 BTC [-] [21:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003775 BTC [+] [21:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 3 @ 0.0038 = 0.0114 BTC [+] [21:50]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 31 @ 0.044783 = 1.3883 BTC [+] [21:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 271 @ 0.02559 = 6.9349 BTC [+] [21:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 58 @ 0.02565 = 1.4877 BTC [+] [21:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 125 @ 0.045971 = 5.7464 BTC [+] [21:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 188 @ 0.0038 = 0.7144 BTC [+] [21:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1825 @ 0.003849 = 7.0244 BTC [+] [21:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 390 @ 0.00385 = 1.5015 BTC [+] [21:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 39 @ 0.045972 = 1.7929 BTC [+] [21:53]
Rulother_ Yes, let it grow [21:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 20 @ 0.02565 = 0.513 BTC [+] [21:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 39 @ 0.04599 = 1.7936 BTC [+] [21:54]
* Megz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [21:55]
ThickAsThieves Not sure if this is any interest to anyone: [21:55]
* Megz ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 18 @ 0.0038 = 0.0684 BTC [-] [21:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 4982 @ 0.0038 = 18.9316 BTC [-] [21:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 1 @ 0.02565 BTC [+] [21:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.04599 = 0.4599 BTC [+] [21:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 25 @ 0.0325 = 0.8125 BTC [-] [21:59]
benkay_ good spot, TAT. [21:59]
benkay_ thanks. [22:00]
benkay_ dat waf. [22:00]
thestringpuller ;;calc 16.40 * .2 [22:00]
gribble 3.28 [22:00]
thestringpuller ;;calc 16.20 * .2 [22:00]
gribble 3.24 [22:00]
thestringpuller ;;google good tip [22:00]
gribble What Is a Good Tip Amount? - ; CNN/Money: How much to tip: ; How to Get a Good Tip as a Waiter: 7 Steps - wikiHow: [22:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.003989 = 1.9945 BTC [+] [22:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 300 @ 0.003989 = 1.1967 BTC [+] [22:01]
* Eizy ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 2 @ 0.0394 = 0.0788 BTC [-] [22:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 8 @ 0.039422 = 0.3154 BTC [+] [22:05]
* cads ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:05]
* inhies has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [22:06]
* Xerxes32 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003506 = 0.0351 BTC [-] [22:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.003505 = 0.3505 BTC [-] [22:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0035 BTC [-] [22:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 89 @ 0.0035 = 0.3115 BTC [-] [22:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 11 @ 0.0035 = 0.0385 BTC [-] [22:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.0034 = 0.34 BTC [-] [22:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 5 @ 0.0034 = 0.017 BTC [-] [22:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.004137 BTC [+] [22:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 150 @ 0.004137 = 0.6206 BTC [+] [22:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.04599 = 0.138 BTC [+] [22:12]
mjr_ [22:14]
ozbot Saurik addressed alternative payments, but why couldn't Bitpay address his concerns? : jailbreak [22:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 1 @ 0.02565 BTC [+] [22:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 10 @ 0.001901 = 0.019 BTC [-] [22:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 150 @ 0.0019 = 0.285 BTC [-] [22:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.0019 BTC [-] [22:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 50 @ 0.001812 = 0.0906 BTC [-] [22:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 200 @ 0.001812 = 0.3624 BTC [-] [22:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 179 @ 0.001811 = 0.3242 BTC [-] [22:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2 @ 0.0041 = 0.0082 BTC [-] [22:15]
* Eizy ( has left #bitcoin-assets [22:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.004 = 0.2 BTC [-] [22:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 49 @ 0.004099 = 0.2009 BTC [+] [22:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 51 @ 0.0041 = 0.2091 BTC [+] [22:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 10 @ 0.003683 = 0.0368 BTC [+] [22:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 17 @ 0.003684 = 0.0626 BTC [+] [22:21]
-christel- [Global Notice] Hi all, some of you may have been experiencing some temporary issues relating to SSL whilst we updated our certificates. Unfortunately this update was necessary for security reasons, you can read a bit more about the issues at - we apologise for the inconvenience and for the issue arising in the first place. Thank you for using freenode! [22:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 20 @ 0.004 = 0.08 BTC [-] [22:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.25 BTC [-] [22:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 6 @ 0.017869 = 0.1072 BTC [-] [22:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.004 BTC [-] [22:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.004 = 0.2 BTC [-] [22:25]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.0445 = 2.225 BTC [-] [22:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 58 @ 0.004 = 0.232 BTC [-] [22:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 108 @ 0.004 = 0.432 BTC [-] [22:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 713 @ 0.004 = 2.852 BTC [-] [22:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 200 @ 0.00334 = 0.668 BTC [-] [22:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.00399 BTC [-] [22:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 199 @ 0.00399 = 0.794 BTC [-] [22:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.003989 BTC [-] [22:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.004 = 0.4 BTC [+] [22:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1200 @ 0.004 = 4.8 BTC [+] [22:32]
Rulother_ for a second there, i read that as 1200 @ .0048 [22:33]
ThickAsThieves would it be that surprising? [22:33]
ThickAsThieves AMC tripled in one night a few weeks ago [22:33]
Rulother_ Would be nice [22:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 95 @ 0.0039 = 0.3705 BTC [-] [22:35]
* benkay_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [22:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.04594 = 0.1378 BTC [-] [22:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1073 @ 0.004097 = 4.3961 BTC [+] [22:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.004097 = 0.2049 BTC [+] [22:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.04594 = 0.1378 BTC [-] [22:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 70 @ 0.004098 = 0.2869 BTC [+] [22:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 30 @ 0.004098 = 0.1229 BTC [+] [22:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 47 @ 0.0041 = 0.1927 BTC [+] [22:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2000 @ 0.0041 = 8.2 BTC [+] [22:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 70 @ 0.0041 = 0.287 BTC [+] [22:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.585001 = 1.755 BTC [-] [22:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 400 @ 0.004099 = 1.6396 BTC [-] [22:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.699103 = 18.7964 BTC [-] [22:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.699102 = 14.0973 BTC [-] [22:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.6991 = 23.4955 BTC [-] [22:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.699 BTC [-] [22:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1030 @ 0.0041 = 4.223 BTC [+] [22:47]
* Vbs has quit (Quit: Leaving) [22:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 199 @ 0.004 = 0.796 BTC [-] [22:48]
* naemsi has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:49]
* Apocaly has quit (Quit: Leaving) [22:49]
* naemsi (~wanderwah@gateway/tor-sasl/wanderwah) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0041 = 0.41 BTC [+] [22:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 700 @ 0.0041 = 2.87 BTC [+] [22:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.0041 = 0.41 BTC [+] [22:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 16 @ 0.045551 = 0.7288 BTC [-] [22:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 4051 @ 0.004 = 16.204 BTC [-] [22:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.003901 = 3.901 BTC [-] [22:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 949 @ 0.0039 = 3.7011 BTC [-] [22:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 12 @ 0.04555 = 0.5466 BTC [-] [22:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1010 @ 0.004 = 4.04 BTC [+] [22:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 13 @ 0.00409 = 0.0532 BTC [+] [22:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 84 @ 0.004 = 0.336 BTC [-] [22:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1487 @ 0.00409 = 6.0818 BTC [+] [22:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.00412 = 4.12 BTC [+] [22:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.638998 BTC [+] [22:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 50 @ 0.004125 = 0.2063 BTC [+] [22:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.695101 = 9.3902 BTC [-] [22:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.680003 = 14.04 BTC [-] [22:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.68 BTC [-] [22:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 156 @ 0.0039 = 0.6084 BTC [-] [22:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 2500 @ 0.0039 = 9.75 BTC [-] [22:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 500 @ 0.003761 = 1.8805 BTC [-] [22:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.00376 = 3.76 BTC [-] [22:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 42 @ 0.00375 = 0.1575 BTC [-] [22:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1000 @ 0.00375 = 3.75 BTC [-] [22:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 743 @ 0.003701 = 2.7498 BTC [-] [22:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 6799 @ 0.0037 = 25.1563 BTC [-] [22:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 34 @ 0.004125 = 0.1403 BTC [+] [22:56]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1094 @ 0.0008044 = 0.88 BTC [-] [22:57]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4556 @ 0.00080322 = 3.6595 BTC [-] [22:57]
jurov ;;bcstats [22:57]
gribble Current Blocks: 247978 | Current Difficulty: 3.125696072776893E7 | Next Difficulty At Block: 249983 | Next Difficulty In: 2005 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 7 hours, 51 minutes, and 51 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 34251363.2603 | Estimated Percent Change: 9.57995 [22:57]
ThickAsThieves ;;nethash [22:58]
gribble 246386.033254 [22:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.0445 = 0.089 BTC [-] [22:58]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [22:58]
gribble MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 91.67939, Best ask: 91.78880, Bid-ask spread: 0.10941, Last trade: 91.78880, 24 hour volume: 8005.83782962, 24 hour low: 88.15504, 24 hour high: 92.00000, 24 hour vwap: 91.31701 [22:58]
mircea_popescu now we've done it all [22:58]
ThickAsThieves together we form knowtron! [22:59]
PirateKitteh Long Live ThickAsThieves !!! [23:00]
mjr_ nice guys [23:00]
jurov lol you seem morbidly bored [23:01]
mjr_ me? [23:01]
* nonick has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 169 @ 0.0027 = 0.4563 BTC [-] [23:01]
kakobrekla i dun understand any of this [23:01]
* jcpham has quit (Changing host) [23:02]
* jcpham (~jcpham@unaffiliated/aeon/x-3095533) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:02]
* nonick (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:02]
jurov excited by bcstats && nethash && ticker trifecta [23:02]
ThickAsThieves PirateKitteh, what's your deal? [23:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.809994 BTC [+] [23:02]
* jcpham has quit (Changing host) [23:02]
* jcpham (~jcpham@unaffiliated/jcpham) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:02]
ThickAsThieves are you my biggest fan? [23:03]
* jurov is just doing iDiff-O September ass pull [23:03]
ThickAsThieves ass pull? [23:03]
ThickAsThieves ask poll? [23:03]
ThickAsThieves poll tug? [23:03]
ThickAsThieves pole* [23:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 20 @ 0.044 = 0.88 BTC [-] [23:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.045911 = 0.0918 BTC [+] [23:05]
PirateKitteh My deal, ThickAsThieves ? Just a big fan [23:05]
ThickAsThieves cant tell if youre mocking me [23:06]
ThickAsThieves but i'm okay either eay [23:06]
ThickAsThieves way [23:06]
PirateKitteh God no! I love Havelock and TAT [23:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.004059 BTC [-] [23:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 150 @ 0.00375 = 0.5625 BTC [-] [23:06]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 2920 @ 0.00026 = 0.7592 BTC [-] [23:06]
* jcpham mocks ThickAsThieves in an obvious fashion [23:08]
jurov done, mind you: split by 100 [23:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.6601 BTC [-] [23:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9020 @ 0.00080469 = 7.2583 BTC [+] [23:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 10 @ 0.0422 = 0.422 BTC [-] [23:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 4 @ 0.0421 = 0.1684 BTC [-] [23:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.04202 BTC [-] [23:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 2 @ 0.042018 = 0.084 BTC [-] [23:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 10 @ 0.042 = 0.42 BTC [-] [23:10]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.251 = 0.753 BTC [+] [23:10]
mircea_popescu lmao knowtron [23:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.045911 = 0.1377 BTC [+] [23:11]
ThickAsThieves 69! [23:11]
* Menoetius (~hidden@unaffiliated/menoetius) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:11]
mjr_ defender of the universe [23:11]
ThickAsThieves Jurov you know what would be awesome [23:11]
ThickAsThieves if yo projected how many diff changes are between issue date and close date [23:12]
ThickAsThieves at 3 %s of diff [23:12]
ThickAsThieves so i dont have to [23:12]
mjr_ lol [23:13]
FabianB_ mircea_popescu: X.IDIFF sold out or are they just not calculable right now? [23:14]
ThickAsThieves incalculable risk! [23:14]
mjr_ ;;calc (95-88.48) [23:14]
gribble 6.52 [23:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.01421 BTC [-] [23:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.01421 BTC [-] [23:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 6 @ 0.014101 = 0.0846 BTC [-] [23:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 100 @ 0.014 = 1.4 BTC [-] [23:15]
jurov FabianB_, mircea_popescu does not market make them [23:15]
mjr_ ;;calc 6.52/95 [23:15]
gribble 0.0686315789474 [23:15]
jurov and i made my own instead [23:15]
mircea_popescu FabianB_ i think nobody's selling any [23:15]
mjr_ ;;calc .0686315789474 * 3 [23:15]
gribble 0.205894736842 [23:15]
mircea_popescu i don't have a diffbot [23:15]
FabianB_ ah, ic, there's no bot as with the options [23:15]
mjr_ 20.5% not too shabby :) [23:15]
mircea_popescu nope. [23:15]
* alecpap (~alecpap@unaffiliated/alecpap) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:15]
mircea_popescu [23:15]
ozbot The wonder of inflation pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. [23:15]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.0441 BTC [+] [23:16]
mircea_popescu this discussion is actually pretty cool. anyone know the pole ? [23:16]
mircea_popescu Mateusz Wywial [23:16]
ThickAsThieves if mp enjoys talking to someone, you KNOW it's a sock [23:17]
ThickAsThieves ;) [23:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.045551 = 0.4555 BTC [-] [23:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 21 @ 0.04555 = 0.9566 BTC [-] [23:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.045401 = 0.454 BTC [-] [23:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0454 BTC [-] [23:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.045392 = 0.2724 BTC [-] [23:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 52 @ 0.04539 = 2.3603 BTC [-] [23:17]
mircea_popescu lmao [23:18]
mjr_ mircea_popescu: i would like to see the inflation number in weimar germany using this measure [23:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 5 @ 0.0149 = 0.0745 BTC [+] [23:18]
mjr_ the actual number [23:18]
mircea_popescu mjr_ which one ? [23:18]
mjr_ just would make a good stat [23:18]
mjr_ CPI, not counting food and energy [23:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.684999 BTC [+] [23:18]
mjr_ taking into account substitution [23:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 4 @ 0.01495 = 0.0598 BTC [+] [23:19]
mjr_ i think it would be telling if you can show concretely that using those (relatively new inventions in the CPI) I could make an obvious example look secure [23:19]
mircea_popescu a a [23:19]
mircea_popescu probably pretty stable [23:19]
mircea_popescu no wait. we have the testimony of maria rilke [23:20]
mjr_ the CPI used to be sacred I think [23:20]
mircea_popescu apparently tombstones cost a barrowful of money early in the day [23:20]
mircea_popescu but a truckload of money by evening [23:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 14 @ 0.01497 = 0.2096 BTC [+] [23:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 19 @ 0.01497 = 0.2844 BTC [+] [23:20]
mjr_ plastic tombstones? [23:20]
mjr_ joking of course [23:20]
* cosmo (~cosmo@unaffiliated/cosmo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:21]
* benkay_ (~benkay@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:21]
mjr_ in 2010: suggested a transition to using a "chained CPI" in 2010, when they headed the White House’s deficit-reduction commission. which "saves" the govt 290 convenient [23:22]
mjr_ i suggest a reduction in the population of the chickens said the wolves who headed up the wolf feeding commission [23:22]
mjr_ anyways, time for satoshi square [23:22]
mjr_ it's at EVR today, for any new yorkers aorund [23:23]
mjr_ 5-7 [23:23]
mircea_popescu enjoy! [23:23]
jurov yes, good luck! [23:24]
jurov oh and mircea_popescu , withdrawals pls... seems some folks were not interested in anything other than s.dice and are closing accounts [23:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.014979 = 0.1498 BTC [+] [23:25]
mircea_popescu for shame [23:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.014979 BTC [+] [23:26]
* inhies ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.04591 = 0.2755 BTC [+] [23:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.045911 BTC [+] [23:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 23 @ 0.045911 = 1.056 BTC [+] [23:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 400 @ 0.00080469 = 0.3219 BTC [+] [23:28]
* topace_ has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.3 Equilibrium [23:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 3 @ 0.014979 = 0.0449 BTC [+] [23:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.045911 = 0.1836 BTC [+] [23:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 39 @ 0.004 = 0.156 BTC [+] [23:30]
ThickAsThieves mjr_ pm [23:30]
* topace (~topace@unaffiliated/topace) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:30]
ThickAsThieves if ur still here [23:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 7 @ 0.004 = 0.028 BTC [+] [23:31]
mircea_popescu you'll prolly have to send it by carrier pigeons to evr [23:31]
ThickAsThieves maybe he'll IRC on his celly [23:32]
mircea_popescu i don't think people can carry their phones around in ny [23:32]
mircea_popescu because of the muggers [23:32]
ThickAsThieves that bad now? [23:33]
mircea_popescu i think everyone in ny keeps his mobile chained to the power outlet. [23:33]
ThickAsThieves hehe [23:33]
ThickAsThieves if they can afford to live in NY they can afford to have spare cells [23:33]
mircea_popescu [23:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.0459 = 0.1377 BTC [-] [23:33]
mircea_popescu did this dude blow a leprechaun or wtf happened to his mouth [23:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 32 @ 0.039422 = 1.2615 BTC [+] [23:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.63899 = 1.278 BTC [-] [23:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.638991 = 1.917 BTC [+] [23:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.639 BTC [+] [23:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.64 BTC [+] [23:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.64389 BTC [+] [23:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.6439 BTC [+] [23:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 1 @ 0.004 BTC [+] [23:34]
ThickAsThieves lol [23:34]
ThickAsThieves its a grill yo [23:34]
ThickAsThieves never seen that before? [23:34]
ThickAsThieves must be torture to wear [23:34]
mircea_popescu i did [23:34]
mircea_popescu they just never looked like a gargle of leprechaun cum before. [23:34]
* Ukto is now known as Ukyo [23:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 125 @ 0.039422 = 4.9278 BTC [+] [23:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.638989 BTC [-] [23:35]
Rulother_ There's an image [23:35]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 31 @ 0.044698 = 1.3856 BTC [+] [23:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 8 @ 0.253 = 2.024 BTC [+] [23:37]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 11 @ 0.254 = 2.794 BTC [+] [23:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.255 BTC [+] [23:38]
parseval_ Ukyo: I bet your nick highlighter goes off constantly because of assetbot [23:39]
PirateKitteh ;; bcstats [23:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.003099 BTC [+] [23:39]
gribble Current Blocks: 247981 | Current Difficulty: 3.125696072776893E7 | Next Difficulty At Block: 249983 | Next Difficulty In: 2002 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 7 hours, 27 minutes, and 27 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 31343392.0739 | Estimated Percent Change: 0.27652 [23:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 7 @ 0.255 = 1.785 BTC [+] [23:39]
* avyd has quit (Quit: Leaving) [23:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 4000 @ 0.004 = 16 BTC [+] [23:42]
* PeterL_ (d8634153@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:42]
* DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:43]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Changing host) [23:43]
* DeLorean719 (~DeLorean7@unaffiliated/delorean719) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 390 @ 0.039422 = 15.3746 BTC [+] [23:43]
dub t-peazy [23:44]
dub og leprechaun cum gargler [23:44]
mircea_popescu sooo [23:45]
mircea_popescu most every al-quaeda guy held in iraq broke out [23:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 100 @ 0.0255 = 2.55 BTC [-] [23:45]
mircea_popescu massive jailbreak operation brought to you by cia, which has decided the end of the usg. [23:45]
Diablo-D3 url [23:46]
Diablo-D3 ;;ticker [23:46]
gribble MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 91.41428, Best ask: 91.78880, Bid-ask spread: 0.37452, Last trade: 91.78880, 24 hour volume: 8294.62733822, 24 hour low: 88.80501, 24 hour high: 92.00000, 24 hour vwap: 91.33284 [23:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.00992 BTC [-] [23:46]
benkay_ wat [23:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 100 @ 0.004 = 0.4 BTC [+] [23:46]
mircea_popescu [23:47]
ozbot Al Qaeda militants flee Iraq jail in violent mass break-out [23:47]
benkay_ that really shows the sham that is us military power [23:47]
benkay_ can't hold a damn high-security prison against a bunch of epithets [23:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 3 @ 0.003999 = 0.012 BTC [-] [23:47]
dub peace don't pay the bills [23:47]
Ukyo parseval: you dont even know [23:51]
dub well, I've destroyed tis clit [23:51]
dub and evidently the keys next to it [23:51]
dub fixed the clit drift though [23:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.PURCHASE] 25 @ 0.039422 = 0.9856 BTC [+] [23:53]
* benkay_ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [23:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 6 @ 0.045601 = 0.2736 BTC [-] [23:53]
dub you may henceforth call me Clit Destroyer [23:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 75 @ 0.003776 = 0.2832 BTC [-] [23:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 150 @ 0.003775 = 0.5663 BTC [-] [23:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 128 @ 0.003754 = 0.4805 BTC [-] [23:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 6 @ 0.003753 = 0.0225 BTC [-] [23:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 141 @ 0.00375 = 0.5288 BTC [-] [23:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.798999 BTC [-] [23:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.8025 BTC [+] [23:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [AMC-PT] 76 @ 0.004049 = 0.3077 BTC [+] [23:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 5 @ 0.199996 = 1 BTC [+] [23:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 20 @ 0.044 = 0.88 BTC [-] [23:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 10 @ 0.199997 = 2 BTC [+] [23:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 25 @ 0.199999 = 5 BTC [+] [23:57]
Category: Logs
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