Forum logs for 22 Feb 2012
Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* | Now talking on #bitcoin-otc | [04:13] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || Bot's control sequence is ';;'. || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe | [04:13] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube at Mon Dec 19 23:38:55 2011 | [04:13] |
danieldaniel | Staatsfeind: :/ | [04:13] |
Staatsfeind | Cory: I'm right here. ;) | [04:13] |
Cory | Let's both vrag him at the same time. | [04:13] |
danieldaniel | Cory: D: | [04:13] |
danieldaniel | I can only handle one! | [04:13] |
* | gribble gives voice to Staatsfeind | [04:14] |
danieldaniel | o noes | [04:15] |
* | weedsmoke4200 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | [04:15] |
danieldaniel | he has voice | [04:15] |
danieldaniel | *runs* | [04:15] |
danieldaniel | | [04:16] |
danieldaniel | y.u. mad | [04:16] |
danieldaniel | ' | [04:16] |
* | pp7 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:16] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:17] |
* | ChanServ removes voice from danieldaniel | [04:17] |
danieldaniel | ;;voiceme | [04:17] |
* | gribble gives voice to danieldaniel | [04:17] |
danieldaniel | : | [04:17] |
danieldaniel | :3 | [04:17] |
danieldaniel | wait a second | [04:17] |
danieldaniel | if he can do that | [04:17] |
danieldaniel | OH SHIT | [04:17] |
Brusker | anyone giving btc for mp? i did a successful one with BTCHero but he isnt around | [04:17] |
danieldaniel | *hides* | [04:18] |
danieldaniel | Brusker: 4.70? | [04:18] |
Brusker | eeeee | [04:18] |
danieldaniel | lol | [04:18] |
Staatsfeind | /knockout 5800 danieldaniel Oops, what's that do? | [04:18] |
danieldaniel | oh crap | [04:18] |
danieldaniel | lol | [04:18] |
danieldaniel | please dont | [04:18] |
danieldaniel | Staatsfeind: ill go to #freenode | [04:18] |
Brusker | isnt btc at 4.33? | [04:18] |
danieldaniel | and report sexual harassment | [04:19] |
danieldaniel | Brusker: yes | [04:19] |
danieldaniel | and illegal drug use | [04:19] |
danieldaniel | :O | [04:19] |
Brusker | 4.41 | [04:19] |
errydayimgenerat | [04:19] | |
Staatsfeind | danieldaniel: wut | [04:19] |
danieldaniel | Brusker: 4.75 or no deal | [04:19] |
danieldaniel | lol | [04:19] |
errydayimgenerat | why you hustlin the guy | [04:19] |
errydayimgenerat | show him some love | [04:19] |
errydayimgenerat | ;;getrating brusker | [04:20] |
danieldaniel | 02:19am] Brusker: are you serious? | [04:20] |
danieldaniel | LOL | [04:20] |
Brusker | im not registered | [04:20] |
danieldaniel | D: | [04:20] |
danieldaniel | Brusker: do you have a pic of the receipt? | [04:20] |
errydayimgenerat | brusker gpg authenticate | [04:20] |
Brusker | yes i do | [04:20] |
danieldaniel | Brusker: how much is the mp? | [04:20] |
Brusker | $180 | [04:20] |
danieldaniel | oh | [04:20] |
danieldaniel | I don't have nearly enough BTC | [04:21] |
danieldaniel | XD | [04:21] |
Staatsfeind | ;;ident errydayimgenerat | [04:21] |
gribble | Nick 'errydayimgenerat', with hostmask 'errydayimgenerat!', is identified as user errydayimgenerat, with GPG key id C7C3F3750594495A, and key fingerprint 7A60083422FB48F3B4F681FEC7C3F3750594495A. | [04:21] |
danieldaniel | but if anyone wants to donate to my "make money" fund | [04:21] |
danieldaniel | just paste an mtgox code and your all set :) | [04:21] |
Staatsfeind | *a | [04:21] |
errydayimgenerat | the better rating is all up on errydayimgenerating | [04:21] |
danieldaniel | wait, you know what I should do | [04:21] |
danieldaniel | i should make a lottery bot with mtgox codes | [04:21] |
danieldaniel | LOL | [04:21] |
* | Silberfuchs has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [04:21] |
danieldaniel | who would do that? | [04:22] |
danieldaniel | like, try it out | [04:22] |
Cory | I love gambling. :) | [04:22] |
Staatsfeind | danieldaniel: You should not talk about planned illegal activities in here. :þ | [04:22] |
errydayimgenerat | | [04:22] |
danieldaniel | Staatsfeind: its illegal? | [04:22] |
danieldaniel | how? | [04:22] |
Brusker | i am willing to take a $20 hit to convert $180 to btc | [04:22] |
Cory | Not that I'd ever gamble online. | [04:22] |
errydayimgenerat | that sexy sexy 26 points out of 10 ratings | [04:23] |
errydayimgenerat | yeah gambling without paying some gubmint is illegal | [04:23] |
Staatsfeind | danieldaniel: Are you serious? | [04:23] |
danieldaniel | Staatsfeind: its bitcoins | [04:23] |
errydayimgenerat | also gambling at 17 | [04:23] |
Staatsfeind | That doesn't matter. | [04:23] |
danieldaniel | aww | [04:23] |
danieldaniel | ok | [04:23] |
errydayimgenerat | you can gamble with fingers and lives too | [04:23] |
danieldaniel | yeah | [04:23] |
danieldaniel | thats a bad idea | [04:23] |
danieldaniel | lol | [04:23] |
errydayimgenerat | and children sold into the sex trade | [04:23] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: thats *not* funny | [04:23] |
errydayimgenerat | no | [04:24] |
errydayimgenerat | not at all | [04:24] |
errydayimgenerat | honestly that's what the authorities should be going after | [04:24] |
Staatsfeind | Well, it's pretty funny. | [04:24] |
errydayimgenerat | rather than arresting dumb kids smoking weed | [04:24] |
Brusker | danieldaniel shame on you for being poor of btc | [04:24] |
Brusker | shame | [04:25] |
danieldaniel | Brusker: im not poor | [04:25] |
Staatsfeind | ;;ident Brusker | [04:25] |
gribble | Nick 'Brusker', with hostmask 'Brusker!ohya@unaffiliated/brusker', is not identified. | [04:25] |
Staatsfeind | Brusker: stfu | [04:25] |
Brusker | :X | [04:25] |
danieldaniel | Staatsfeind: thx | [04:25] |
danieldaniel | :3 | [04:25] |
errydayimgenerat | 3892 benlake ErryDayImGenerating 2011-06-08 19:24:23 9 multiple thousands exchanged. couldn't trust more if related | [04:25] |
danieldaniel | Brusker: if your so rich | [04:25] |
errydayimgenerat | dat sexy sexy rating | [04:25] |
danieldaniel | paste an mtgox code | [04:25] |
Brusker | im not even close to being above poor | [04:25] |
errydayimgenerat | he doesn't have bitcoins | [04:25] |
Brusker | lol | [04:25] |
* | jurov has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | [04:25] |
errydayimgenerat | also besides your gox code thieving bot | [04:25] |
errydayimgenerat | i'm sure there's 3 others | [04:26] |
danieldaniel | mien is fastar | [04:26] |
errydayimgenerat | may the best ping/coding win | [04:26] |
danieldaniel | 70mbps connection FTW | [04:26] |
nanotube | nothing a little rot13 won't cure. ;) | [04:26] |
errydayimgenerat | you have optimum online | [04:27] |
* | jurov (aqgtfd@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:27] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: yep | [04:27] |
errydayimgenerat | i refuse to believe that it works that well | [04:27] |
Staatsfeind | nanotube: If I had a goxcatcher in here, it'd probably try rot13ing them, too. | [04:27] |
errydayimgenerat | also jersey or new york? | [04:27] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: doing a speediest now | [04:27] |
danieldaniel | oh | [04:27] |
danieldaniel | have to switch to wire | [04:27] |
danieldaniel | d | [04:27] |
nanotube | Staatsfeind: well, i'd probably nest a couple obfuscators. :) but yea, arms race, etc. | [04:27] |
danieldaniel | brb | [04:27] |
nanotube | Staatsfeind: like double rot13! | [04:27] |
errydayimgenerat | what's rot13? | [04:27] |
Staatsfeind | ;;rot13 this | [04:27] |
Staatsfeind | Oh, nanotube! | [04:28] |
nanotube | ;;ud rot13 | [04:28] |
gribble | | Used for obscuring text by replacing each letter with the letter thirteen places down the alphabet. A becomes N, B becomes O and so on. This is use... | [04:28] |
errydayimgenerat | ;;rot13 | [04:28] |
nanotube | errydayimgenerat: ^ | [04:28] |
Staatsfeind | 21:28 |
[04:28] |
Staatsfeind | 21:28 |
[04:28] |
Staatsfeind | 21:28 |
[04:28] |
Staatsfeind | 21:28 |
[04:28] |
Brusker | ;;guide | [04:28] |
Staatsfeind | It's just a +13 Caesar cipher. | [04:29] |
* | rapid99 (~rapid99@gateway/tor-sasl/rapid99) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:29] |
nanotube | maybe ,,(wp rot13) will be more in depth than ud :) | [04:29] |
gribble | | ROT13 ("rotate by 13 places", sometimes hyphenated ROT-13) is a simple substitution cipher used in online forums as a means of hiding spoilers, punchlines, ... | [04:29] |
* | spawn- has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [04:29] |
errydayimgenerat | ol gur jnl v nz nyfb awfgrva, lbh xabj gung ovgpuva genaftraqre tvey jub vf bu fb frkl naq ubg naq vf gbgnyyl njrfbzr ohg gur ceboyrz vf ure ohvyqvat vf trggvat pybfrq ol gur pvgl sbe orvat fb fuvggl fb fur vf tbvat gb or ubzryrff naq qbrfa'g xabj jung gb qb. | [04:30] |
rawrmage | this is how not to do ,,(rot13 spoilers: like this!) | [04:30] |
rawrmage | :( | [04:30] |
phraust | heh | [04:30] |
errydayimgenerat | ,,rot13 you suck rawrmage | [04:30] |
phraust | homeless trannies? | [04:31] |
errydayimgenerat | aw you gotta be special to have it post to channel | [04:31] |
errydayimgenerat | ;;voiceme | [04:31] |
* | gribble gives voice to errydayimgenerat | [04:31] |
errydayimgenerat | phraust: it's more likely than you thiknk | [04:31] |
rawrmage | ;;rot13 bitcoin sure thinks so errydayimgenerat | [04:31] |
* | rapid99 (~rapid99@gateway/tor-sasl/rapid99) has left #bitcoin-otc | [04:31] |
* | rapid99 (~rapid99@gateway/tor-sasl/rapid99) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:31] |
rawrmage | nanotube: why is rot13 restricted? o.O' | [04:31] |
errydayimgenerat | you can do it with gribble on pm | [04:31] |
* | danieldaniel212 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [04:32] |
rawrmage | yeabut | [04:32] |
nanotube | ;;ident rawrmage | [04:32] |
gribble | Nick 'rawrmage', with hostmask 'rawrmage!~servnix@pdpc/supporter/student/rawrmage', is identified as user rawrmage, with GPG key id 677F1EBC1EA5A6A7, and key fingerprint D1B8F11EE3D551A64100055A677F1EBC1EA5A6A7. | [04:32] |
danieldaniel | ff | [04:32] |
danieldaniel | ;;ident | [04:32] |
gribble | You are identified as user danieldaniel, with GPG key id C5D21E9BDCAE3594, and key fingerprint 4761C0C9EA65B824459AF736C5D21E9BDCAE3594. | [04:32] |
errydayimgenerat | phraust: it actually happens a lot, transgirls getting abandoned/ditched by family/friends not agreeing with what they are doing, and try and force them to stay male, and that just leaves them being completely miserable an a reason trans suicide rats are up so high | [04:32] |
errydayimgenerat | ;;whoami | [04:33] |
gribble | I don't recognize you. | [04:33] |
errydayimgenerat | ;;ident | [04:33] |
gribble | You are identified as user errydayimgenerat, with GPG key id C7C3F3750594495A, and key fingerprint 7A60083422FB48F3B4F681FEC7C3F3750594495A. | [04:33] |
nanotube | rawrmage: ah, i took out the filter cap because people were spamming too much. that's why :) | [04:33] |
phraust | I'm not doubting it. | [04:33] |
rawrmage | ;;echo is this a filter | [04:33] |
gribble | is this a filter | [04:33] |
rawrmage | ok no | [04:33] |
Cory | ZGTBK-USD-LU46D-P2UKL-SNS36-C8A18 | [04:33] |
errydayimgenerat | like with transgirls,it's something crazy like 50% of them attempt suicide before the age of 20 | [04:33] |
* | danieldaniel212 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:33] |
rawrmage | errydayimgenerat: tbh this channel really doesn't seem like it would make a good trans-safe space :P | [04:34] |
danieldaniel | MTGOX-HFQ-YH46Q-C2HXY-FAF36-P8N18 | [04:34] |
danieldaniel | aww | [04:34] |
errydayimgenerat | and that number is skewed too because sometimes with suicides the families won't identify the victim as trans, or no one cares cause of male genitals, to prevent embarassment etc | [04:34] |
errydayimgenerat | y'know, most places aren't trans-safe | [04:34] |
Cory | danieldaniel: Nobody's taken it yet. | [04:34] |
danieldaniel | yeah they have | [04:34] |
nanotube | rawrmage: i think it'll be fine. we don't really tolerate wanton insults, unless they're mutually agreed-upon. :) | [04:34] |
* | Staatsfeind smacks danieldaniel with a baseball bat. | [04:35] |
rawrmage | errydayimgenerat: i'm saying here in particula | [04:35] |
rawrmage | nanotube: lol | [04:35] |
errydayimgenerat | for no real reason beyond ignorance or misunderstanding or insecurity or just unjust hatred | [04:35] |
errydayimgenerat | why not? | [04:35] |
danieldaniel | wtf | [04:35] |
danieldaniel | my internet is failing right now | [04:35] |
danieldaniel | oh | [04:35] |
danieldaniel | i have like 3 games open | [04:35] |
danieldaniel | that are using my bw | [04:35] |
Staatsfeind | Where'd danieldaniel go? | [04:35] |
danieldaniel | lolwut | [04:35] |
nanotube | dunno, i don't see him | [04:36] |
nanotube | >_> | [04:36] |
Staatsfeind | He must be about to ping out; he hasn't said anything in a while. | [04:36] |
danieldaniel | ??? | [04:36] |
errydayimgenerat | he hasn't been here in a while has he | [04:36] |
nanotube | yea, probably | [04:36] |
danieldaniel | ;;ping | [04:36] |
gribble | pong | [04:36] |
danieldaniel | trololo | [04:36] |
nanotube | aw | [04:36] |
errydayimgenerat | maybe he had some homework to do | [04:36] |
danieldaniel | nanotube: :3 | [04:36] |
danieldaniel | I just spoiled it | [04:36] |
danieldaniel | right there | [04:36] |
Staatsfeind | ☺ | [04:36] |
danieldaniel | | [04:36] |
nanotube | we had you going for a little bit though, admit it, danieldaniel :) | [04:36] |
danieldaniel | nanotube: you did | [04:36] |
danieldaniel | except for | [04:36] |
nanotube | but good thinking on the gribble command. ++ | [04:36] |
danieldaniel | I wouldn't be able to see what you say | [04:37] |
rawrmage | i don't know, for one, i'm pretty sure this channel is fairly male-dominated, and i've seen some fairly misogynistic stuff here before, and that is never a good indicator | [04:37] |
danieldaniel | if I was pinging out | [04:37] |
danieldaniel | :3 | [04:37] |
errydayimgenerat | you gotta admit though | [04:37] |
errydayimgenerat | he's clever | [04:37] |
danieldaniel | who was saying that optonline wouldn't work that well? | [04:37] |
danieldaniel | *coughs* | [04:37] |
nanotube | rawrmage: well, if you see some stuff that'd make some subset of people feel unwelcome (unless the subset is "scammers" or "fraudsters" :)), call it out. | [04:37] |
errydayimgenerat | i had opt online at my house back home | [04:37] |
errydayimgenerat | and it sucked | [04:37] |
errydayimgenerat | just the cable though | [04:37] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: :) | [04:38] |
errydayimgenerat | again, jersey or new york/ | [04:38] |
errydayimgenerat | i'm curious | [04:38] |
rawrmage | nanotube: oh, i do, if i'm around | [04:38] |
nanotube | k :) | [04:38] |
errydayimgenerat | i used to live off of exit 102/100 | [04:38] |
nanotube | Staatsfeind: good try, too. :) | [04:38] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: neither | [04:39] |
errydayimgenerat | really? | [04:39] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: yep | [04:39] |
errydayimgenerat | i didn't think they had optimum online anywhere else | [04:39] |
errydayimgenerat | i'm going to say connecticut then | [04:39] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: ct | [04:39] |
danieldaniel | yep | [04:39] |
errydayimgenerat | aw | [04:39] |
errydayimgenerat | you almost just got so man points for being from jersey | [04:40] |
danieldaniel | ct is way better than ny | [04:40] |
danieldaniel | :) | [04:40] |
danieldaniel | im jk | [04:40] |
errydayimgenerat | rawrmage: why would i really care what anyone says anyways | [04:40] |
danieldaniel | I go to ny a lot | [04:40] |
phantomcircuit | :) | [04:40] |
errydayimgenerat | it's the internet, people are going to let out their silly opinions and jugments and irrational biased thoughts | [04:40] |
rawrmage | errydayimgenerat: a lot of people seem to, those who don't are rare comparatively | [04:41] |
nanotube | well my silly opinion is that anyone who upholds his end of the bargain is ok with me. take that! | [04:41] |
errydayimgenerat | ultimately, it's silly to judge or place people on different levels because of any factor. we're all human beings, we were all born. we all had a family of sorts at one time or another | [04:41] |
danieldaniel | lol | [04:42] |
danieldaniel | this trading bot is actually pretty cool | [04:42] |
errydayimgenerat | everyone wants to have some sort of job/career//financial security, most want a relationship/famliy and security, and they want to enjoy themselves and not have to deal with the belligerence of others | [04:42] |
rawrmage | "now I can lose money /automatically/!" | [04:42] |
nanotube | errydayimgenerat: well i'd argue that some factors are relevant for judgement. e.g., the factor of the person being a murderer or a thief is kind of relevant. :) | [04:42] |
AcidicChip | what trading bot? | [04:42] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: I've already made .5 btc | [04:42] |
danieldaniel | :P | [04:42] |
danieldaniel | AcidicChip: the one that I have | [04:42] |
errydayimgenerat | i don't believe anyone is really evil | [04:43] |
danieldaniel | and you no can has | [04:43] |
errydayimgenerat | just misguided | [04:43] |
danieldaniel | *hopes that nobody that name start's with a v saw that* | [04:43] |
AcidicChip | danieldaniel, okay that's fine... Karma my friend. :P | [04:43] |
danieldaniel | AcidicChip: :3 | [04:43] |
nanotube | that's metaphysics. would you want to hang out with a guy who makes his living mugging people at night at gunpoint? | [04:43] |
danieldaniel | I paid for it | [04:43] |
danieldaniel | a lot | [04:43] |
AcidicChip | ;;eightball will danieldaniel get his come uppins?! | [04:43] |
gribble | Obviously. | [04:43] |
AcidicChip | OOOOO | [04:43] |
rapid99 | ;;guide | [04:43] |
errydayimgenerat | why is he making his living like that though | [04:44] |
nanotube | whether he's "evil" or "misguided", it's a 'no' for me. | [04:44] |
danieldaniel | ;;eightball will AcidicChip stay virgin forever | [04:44] |
gribble | _I_ don't know. | [04:44] |
AcidicChip | LoL, 4 kids later, I'm still a virgin | [04:44] |
danieldaniel | ;;eightball is AcidicChip addicted to 5 different drugs | [04:44] |
gribble | You're kidding, right? | [04:44] |
errydayimgenerat | what is causing him todo said things | [04:44] |
danieldaniel | gribble: no, I'm not | [04:44] |
nanotube | errydayimgenerat: well ultimately, there's only so much time in the day. i can't afford to spend time trying to figure out why people who act evil are acting that way. i only have enough time to try to stay away from them. | [04:44] |
errydayimgenerat | yeah | [04:45] |
Noitev | ;;eightball Is god one of us? | [04:45] |
gribble | No clue. | [04:45] |
Staatsfeind | nanotube: To be honest, knowing that, I'd be disinclined to befriend such a person but it'd be different if I found out afterwards that a friend already did shit like that. | [04:45] |
errydayimgenerat | you should never encroach upon the freedoms of others | [04:45] |
errydayimgenerat | no matter how just or righteous you may think your actions are | [04:45] |
danieldaniel | ;;eightball should you encroach upon the freedoms of others | [04:45] |
gribble | You know the answer better than I. | [04:45] |
nanotube | Staatsfeind: well yes, then you'd be in a particularly privileged position to figure it out, so you might as well take advantage of the opportunity. but 'ex-ante', you wouldn't seek those people out. | [04:45] |
Noitev | So what off-topic thing are we doing now? | [04:45] |
Staatsfeind | I'd certainly try to persuade him to stop doing that shit, though. | [04:45] |
rawrmage | danieldaniel: do you believe in the efficient market hypothesis :3 | [04:45] |
errydayimgenerat | as edmund burke once said, all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing | [04:46] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: wuts that | [04:46] |
rawrmage | hehe | [04:46] |
Noitev | and hi nanotube | [04:46] |
rawrmage | .wik efficient-market hypothesis | [04:46] |
markac | "In finance, the efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) asserts that financial markets are 'informationally efficient'." - | [04:46] |
* | hngryhngryhippo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:46] |
nanotube | anyway yea, it's kind of ot, though as long as it stays civil, oh well heh. | [04:46] |
nanotube | Noitev: sup | [04:46] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: umadbro | [04:46] |
Noitev | nm nm | [04:46] |
rawrmage | read it | [04:46] |
danieldaniel | mad being crazy in this cas | [04:46] |
danieldaniel | I did | [04:46] |
errydayimgenerat | Noitev: everyone is waiting to see where the coins are going before they buy/sell | [04:46] |
errydayimgenerat | also hi hngryhngryhippo | [04:47] |
Noitev | what coins? | [04:47] |
errydayimgenerat | how are you doing? i've missed you :3 | [04:47] |
hngryhngryhippo | hi | [04:47] |
errydayimgenerat | mtgox | [04:47] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: I'm not reading that! | [04:47] |
danieldaniel | its like 586 pages long | [04:47] |
errydayimgenerat | had a bit of fluctuation | [04:47] |
rawrmage | read the summary | [04:47] |
errydayimgenerat | i went to cop and come back and it's up 15 cents | [04:47] |
danieldaniel | i read *that* | [04:47] |
Noitev | ok then | [04:47] |
errydayimgenerat | with a 17000 btc wall | [04:47] |
errydayimgenerat | i saw | [04:47] |
Noitev | the topic looks the same | [04:47] |
Noitev | nanotube help me | [04:48] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: I don't believe in that | [04:48] |
danieldaniel | I believe that I can get $10000000 from $1 in one day | [04:48] |
nanotube | Noitev: state your problem, please. :) | [04:48] |
rawrmage | lol | [04:48] |
errydayimgenerat | at 4.43 | [04:48] |
errydayimgenerat | wall is creeping downwards | [04:48] |
Noitev | what are people talking about? what btc realted thing happened? | [04:48] |
danieldaniel | Noitev: nothing | [04:49] |
errydayimgenerat | danieldaniel: buy a pair of knee pads and go at it | [04:49] |
Noitev | oh | [04:49] |
danieldaniel | nobody tell him | [04:49] |
Noitev | carry on then | [04:49] |
DeLorean719 | lol | [04:49] |
nanotube | Noitev: just some minor ups and downs between 4.3 and 4.5 | [04:49] |
rawrmage | errydayimgenerat: hhahahahahahhahahha | [04:49] |
danieldaniel | nobody tell Noitev about the huge thing that just happened | [04:49] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: gtfo | [04:49] |
danieldaniel | :3 | [04:49] |
rawrmage | errydayimgenerat++ | [04:49] |
errydayimgenerat | :D | [04:49] |
Noitev | <:( | [04:49] |
nanotube | yea it's better not to spread it around too much. | [04:49] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: errydayimgenerat is not an integer | [04:49] |
nanotube | >_> | [04:49] |
rawrmage | channel karma | [04:50] |
Noitev | <_< | [04:50] |
Staatsfeind | Markets are not efficient in any absolute sense of the term. Any suggestion to address that through coordination of nonincentivized nondirectly-interested people only makes them less so. | [04:50] |
danieldaniel | oh crap | [04:50] |
danieldaniel | where did all the bit coins go | [04:50] |
danieldaniel | why is my balance .0001 | [04:50] |
rawrmage | lol | [04:50] |
bitinstant | hahaha | [04:50] |
Noitev | i ate them | [04:50] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: WTF did you do this time | [04:50] |
Staatsfeind | rofl | [04:50] |
errydayimgenerat | on the gox or the wallet? | [04:50] |
rawrmage | did your trading bot screw up | [04:50] |
* | malkauns ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:51] |
rawrmage | does it have a bug :3 | [04:51] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: I would assume so... | [04:51] |
danieldaniel | I had 25 btc in there | [04:51] |
Noitev | they tasted like almonds | [04:51] |
rawrmage | check your trading logs | [04:51] |
danieldaniel | Noitev: lol | [04:51] |
errydayimgenerat | it wasn't a trading bot as much as it was a give the money up bot | [04:51] |
nanotube | maybe they ere sold and now you have usd? | [04:51] |
errydayimgenerat | danieldaniel: gox or wallet? | [04:51] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: its like 1000 trades | [04:51] |
rawrmage | review them | [04:51] |
danieldaniel | i think I did something wrong | [04:51] |
errydayimgenerat | heh | [04:51] |
errydayimgenerat | do you have usd now? | [04:51] |
rawrmage | expensive mistake | [04:51] |
Noitev | i just started taking a class in programming | [04:51] |
danieldaniel | TYPE: withdraw | [04:51] |
errydayimgenerat | danieldaniel: any usd? | [04:51] |
Noitev | all i know how to do is basic math right now... | [04:51] |
danieldaniel | AMOUNT: 25 BTC | [04:52] |
rawrmage | lol | [04:52] |
danieldaniel | FFFFF | [04:52] |
errydayimgenerat | or out of both? | [04:52] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: out of both | [04:52] |
rawrmage | why did you withdraw? | [04:52] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: I didn't | [04:52] |
errydayimgenerat | to where? | [04:52] |
rawrmage | why'd your bot withdraw? | [04:52] |
Noitev | god help us | [04:52] |
nanotube | maybe your bot did | [04:52] |
errydayimgenerat | what are you french/ | [04:52] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: i don't know why | [04:52] |
danieldaniel | lol | [04:52] |
nanotube | or your account got compromised | [04:52] |
danieldaniel | you guys know I'm trollin | [04:52] |
danieldaniel | right? | [04:52] |
Noitev | didnty you like, gwet an email? | [04:52] |
rawrmage | fuck you | [04:52] |
errydayimgenerat | you have the log | [04:52] |
errydayimgenerat | it said you withdrew | [04:52] |
errydayimgenerat | did it withdraw to your address or? | [04:52] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: read what I just said | [04:52] |
danieldaniel | XD | [04:52] |
nanotube | danieldaniel: >_> you bastard. :P | [04:52] |
Noitev | rawrmage that's not very nice :( | [04:52] |
danieldaniel | nanotube: :3 | [04:53] |
errydayimgenerat | i have a little lag | [04:53] |
Staatsfeind | lol | [04:53] |
danieldaniel | But I did lose .12 btc | [04:53] |
errydayimgenerat | no reason to troll about btc losses | [04:53] |
Noitev | ... | [04:53] |
errydayimgenerat | there's more than enough legit ones | [04:53] |
Noitev | yeah | [04:53] |
Noitev | it happens pretty often | [04:53] |
nanotube | oops, i think danieldaniel is about to ping out. ... or maybe to be kicked? >_> heh heh heh heh | [04:53] |
rawrmage | danieldaniel: please go engage in self-copulation | [04:53] |
errydayimgenerat | like last august or so | [04:53] |
danieldaniel | ;;ping | [04:53] |
gribble | pong | [04:53] |
Noitev | dont blame people for trying to help | [04:53] |
danieldaniel | :( | [04:53] |
Noitev | or what they think is helping | [04:53] |
danieldaniel | Ill leave nao | [04:53] |
danieldaniel | kthxbai | [04:53] |
Noitev | hugs* | [04:53] |
errydayimgenerat | i lost 14,000$ in two weeks in bad day trades | [04:53] |
nanotube | haha jk danieldaniel :) | [04:53] |
Staatsfeind | Like I've said before, dan² is the boy that cried wolf. He's just doing it about more than one wolf, now. | [04:54] |
danieldaniel | <-- is already gone | [04:54] |
rawrmage | Staatsfeind: lol | [04:54] |
danieldaniel | Staatsfeind: I am refraining from saying "umadbro" | [04:54] |
danieldaniel | and its getting REALLY hard | [04:54] |
danieldaniel | :) | [04:54] |
DeLorean719 | i got one earlier | [04:54] |
Staatsfeind | dan²: I'm not mad; I found the whole thing funny. | [04:54] |
DeLorean719 | a "umadbro" | [04:54] |
* | Noitev is now known as danieldaniel_KIC | [04:54] |
rawrmage | <+danieldaniel> its getting REALLY hard | [04:54] |
danieldaniel | imma go rage in #freenode | [04:54] |
danieldaniel | brb | [04:54] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: LOL | [04:54] |
rawrmage | inb4 k-line | [04:55] |
danieldaniel_KIC | but, this is freenode | [04:55] |
Staatsfeind | lol | [04:55] |
danieldaniel | wats kline | [04:55] |
danieldaniel | wait | [04:55] |
errydayimgenerat | it's like a gline | [04:55] |
danieldaniel | do I want to know | [04:55] |
Staatsfeind | .wik K-line | [04:55] |
danieldaniel_KIC | calvin kline | [04:55] |
markac | "An IRCd, short for Internet Relay Chat daemon, is server software that implements the IRC protocol, enabling people to talk to each other via the Internet (exchanging textual messages in real time)." - | [04:55] |
errydayimgenerat | or a zline | [04:55] |
danieldaniel | is it a sexual term? | [04:55] |
Cory | Careful danieldaniel, you'll find a g-line is a bit worse than a kick. | [04:55] |
Staatsfeind | It's in that article. | [04:55] |
rawrmage | .o ud k-line | [04:55] |
* | Shaded has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [04:55] |
markac | ENOTFOUND | [04:55] |
rawrmage | what | [04:55] |
Staatsfeind | .o ud kline | [04:55] |
rawrmage | .o ud g-line | [04:55] |
* | danieldaniel_KIC is now known as Cytarabine | [04:55] |
errydayimgenerat | no it's not a sexual term, but an alaskan pipeline is | [04:55] |
danieldaniel | Cory: is it a ban? | [04:55] |
markac | To be disallowed to connect to an IRC server. The network-wide ban is known as a gline, and requires three opers to vote for the gline before it takes effect.From network security and administration. | [04:55] |
dwon | g-lines are HOT | [04:55] |
markac | Global kill line, on an IRC network. It can be either a kick across an entire netowork (a k-line would be used for just a specific server in the network) or to ban a specific user for a set amount of | [04:55] |
danieldaniel | oh | [04:56] |
errydayimgenerat | no it's not a sexual term, but an alaskan pipeline is | [04:56] |
rawrmage | hawt saucy | [04:56] |
danieldaniel | that would suck | [04:56] |
Cory | danieldaniel: It's a network-wide ban, yeah. | [04:56] |
Staatsfeind | :o | [04:56] |
* | ineededausername has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [04:56] |
danieldaniel | lol | [04:56] |
Cytarabine | was your debit card really stolen danieldaniel? | [04:56] |
danieldaniel | imma go in freenode | [04:56] |
Staatsfeind | .o ud alaskan pipeline | [04:56] |
markac | n: the act of pooping in to a condom, freezing the rubber overnight, then inserting it in to ones anus. Invented at the University of Iowa by Brian and Andy S. in 2001.alaskan pipeline is the act of | [04:56] |
danieldaniel | and say "can you guys kline *? He sexually harassed me" | [04:56] |
rawrmage | Staatsfeind: i like the dan² notation, is that official now? | [04:56] |
danieldaniel | Cytarabine: yeah | [04:57] |
Staatsfeind | rawrmage: Sure. | [04:57] |
danieldaniel | Cytarabine: they cancelled it though | [04:57] |
Cytarabine | pity | [04:57] |
Cytarabine | nanotube can you get banned for anything here? | [04:57] |
Staatsfeind | errydayimgenerat: WHATTHEFUCK? | [04:57] |
danieldaniel | LOL | [04:57] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:57] |
dwon | Staatsfeind: problem? | [04:57] |
errydayimgenerat | that's not the definition i knew | [04:57] |
Cory | Cytarabine: Spamming will get you banned. | [04:58] |
* | rauskimon has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | [04:58] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: LOLOLOLOLOLOL | [04:58] |
errydayimgenerat | the one i know is just you freeze it no condom and fuck a girl with it | [04:58] |
Cytarabine | is that it though? | [04:58] |
danieldaniel | .o ud dirty shotgun | [04:58] |
markac | When you are havin sex with a bitch and your about to nut she sticks her fingers in your ass while beating you off shooting a huge wad! | [04:58] |
danieldaniel | lolwut | [04:58] |
errydayimgenerat | LOL | [04:58] |
errydayimgenerat | 'what's a rusty venture?' | [04:58] |
Cory | Why else might somebody get banned? Some ops will ban people for a couple hours if they're trolling. | [04:58] |
errydayimgenerat | trolling, spamming, blatantly illegal trading | [04:59] |
danieldaniel | Cory: does getting the definition for a rusty ventura count as trolling? | [04:59] |
danieldaniel | rusty venture( | [04:59] |
frauf | hey guys | [04:59] |
frauf | | [04:59] |
Staatsfeind | Cytarabine: Sufficiently hard trolling, fraud, spamming, harassment, indiscretion in unlawful commerce that might attract attention, etc. | [04:59] |
errydayimgenerat | if i were to allegedly say "want to sell kids for bitcoins" | [04:59] |
errydayimgenerat | i'd probablyg et banned | [04:59] |
danieldaniel | frauf: nice cover | [04:59] |
danieldaniel | XD | [04:59] |
* | h4ckm3th32nd ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:59] |
danieldaniel | but thats cool | [04:59] |
Cytarabine | i recall people cahtting about sr a while back is that not allowed? | [04:59] |
rawrmage | paying you bitcoins to take these kids? | [04:59] |
Cory | errydayimgenerat: Maybe blatently asshole trading like DDoS or something. I don't think drugs are off limits per the -otc rules. | [04:59] |
Staatsfeind | If you say that but it's clear from context you're joking, you'll probably be OK. | [05:00] |
danieldaniel | frauf: nice | [05:00] |
frauf | yeah looks lol | [05:00] |
danieldaniel | lolpaypal | [05:00] |
danieldaniel | *gets off site* | [05:00] |
Staatsfeind | Cory: Selling drugs on -otc violates freenode's rules and therefore -otc's rules. | [05:00] |
errydayimgenerat | i'm pretty sure otc mentions no illegal items or services within your host nation | [05:00] |
danieldaniel | wait | [05:00] |
danieldaniel | it actually ships? | [05:00] |
danieldaniel | thats really cool | [05:00] |
Cory | Staatsfeind: -otc enforces Freenode's rules? | [05:00] |
* | laxgun has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [05:00] |
danieldaniel | Cory: since when? | [05:01] |
frauf | you can pay in bitcoiners | [05:01] |
frauf | beleive it or not | [05:01] |
danieldaniel | bitcoiners? | [05:01] |
frauf | yeah | [05:01] |
errydayimgenerat | freenode didn't make this channel | [05:01] |
frauf | bitcoins except with more grammar | [05:01] |
frauf | to make it sound nicer | [05:01] |
danieldaniel | oh | [05:01] |
errydayimgenerat | this channel was made on freenode | [05:01] |
rawrmage | freenode allows it to exist | [05:01] |
Cory | Cytarabine: Discussion is fine. Sometimes specificity (like "I'm going to buy some pot with the BTC I buy here") will annoy an op, though. | [05:01] |
Staatsfeind | Cory: If I see people doing that, I don't mention it to freenode staffers, but if that's blatantly going on in -otc, it attracts unwanted attention. | [05:01] |
Cytarabine | k then | [05:02] |
errydayimgenerat | surprise gift? | [05:02] |
Cory | If Freenode starts complaining at us then I can see it. | [05:02] |
errydayimgenerat | i hope it's a nanotube centerfold | [05:02] |
danieldaniel | frauf: I'm gonna call you | [05:02] |
Cytarabine | nanotube, how do i get to be an @ symbol? :( | [05:02] |
frauf | really | [05:02] |
Cory | Cytarabine: It only costs a donation of a few hundred BTC. | [05:02] |
Staatsfeind | They haven't that I know of, yet, but ffs, use some discretion. | [05:02] |
errydayimgenerat | Cytarabine: the same way Staatsfeind got it | [05:02] |
MBS | im going to buy some BTC with the pot i buy here | [05:02] |
* | EasyAt ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:02] |
errydayimgenerat | lotion and a strong pair of lungs | [05:02] |
Cytarabine | a few hundred, thats a lot :( | [05:02] |
MBS | someone sell me a pan too | [05:03] |
rawrmage | errydayimgenerat: being vrag's sockpuppet/alt nick? | [05:03] |
danieldaniel | MBS: lol | [05:03] |
* | h4ckm3 has quit (Disconnected by services) | [05:03] |
* | h4ckm3th32nd is now known as h4ckm3 | [05:03] |
vragnaroda | rawrmage: I resemble that remark! | [05:03] |
errydayimgenerat | i've been ragging on vrag for like | [05:03] |
* | _h4ckm3 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:03] |
rawrmage | vragnaroda: yes you do | [05:03] |
errydayimgenerat | since last may | [05:03] |
Cytarabine | thats the best damn thing ive seen on irc | [05:03] |
rawrmage | lol | [05:04] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to vragnaroda | [05:04] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to Staatsfeind | [05:04] |
Cytarabine | lol | [05:04] |
Staatsfeind | :þ | [05:04] |
Cytarabine | aw | [05:04] |
Cytarabine | I hate you guys :( | [05:04] |
* | Staatsfeind removes channel operator status from vragnaroda Staatsfeind | [05:04] |
rawrmage | i hate me too | [05:04] |
Cytarabine | nanotube probably paid 300 btc when they were 1 cent each.. | [05:04] |
Staatsfeind | Cytarabine: (My primary nick is vragnaroda.) | [05:05] |
Cytarabine | I'm still a sad anda | [05:05] |
Cytarabine | panda | [05:05] |
errydayimgenerat | when i started trading here, bitcoins were about 3.30 and there were about 300 people in here | [05:05] |
Cytarabine | when i astarted they were closer to 0.9 | [05:05] |
errydayimgenerat | last summer, bitcoins were about 33 dollars and there were over 1000 in here | [05:05] |
errydayimgenerat | started coming here i meant | [05:06] |
Cytarabine | and a lot of the time no one was here | [05:06] |
errydayimgenerat | when i first learned about 'em they were like 0.08 | [05:06] |
rawrmage | i remember that | [05:06] |
danieldaniel | frauf: invalid phone # | [05:06] |
danieldaniel | :( | [05:06] |
Cytarabine | talking at least | [05:06] |
errydayimgenerat | this fucking laptop is refusing to charge | [05:06] |
* | fimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | [05:06] |
Cytarabine | At least your computer isn't a venomous snake, or it might bite you. | [05:06] |
danieldaniel | Cytarabine: thats a good way to look at it | [05:07] |
danieldaniel | ;;ping | [05:07] |
gribble | pong | [05:07] |
Cytarabine | What pretty colors | [05:07] |
Cytarabine | ;;pong | [05:07] |
gribble | ping | [05:07] |
* | cockmunch has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [05:07] |
rawrmage | ;;ding | [05:07] |
Cytarabine | o well | [05:07] |
danieldaniel | ;;pet | [05:07] |
gribble | *purrrrrrrr* | [05:08] |
rawrmage | ;;botsnack | [05:08] |
gribble | Forget the snack, just send me some bitcoins at 1MgD6rah5zUgEGYZnNmdpnXMaDR3itKYzU :) | [05:08] |
Cytarabine | gribble is notoriously good at ping pong | [05:08] |
danieldaniel | ;;rate gribble 10 Surprisingly good at ping pong! | [05:08] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating for user gribble has changed from -10 to 10. | [05:08] |
errydayimgenerat | if it was a venomous snake i wouldn't be playing with its hole | [05:08] |
Cytarabine | i wanna make a bot and call it grobble that spams ;;pong every 2 seconds | [05:08] |
danieldaniel | nanotube: y u no vanity address | [05:08] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: o.0 | [05:08] |
danieldaniel | nanotube: 1gribble | [05:09] |
* | Chaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:09] |
Cory | Let danieldaniel generate it for you. | [05:09] |
danieldaniel | if he would use it | [05:09] |
danieldaniel | i would | [05:09] |
errydayimgenerat | it's lke | [05:09] |
Cytarabine | danieldaniel please make that | [05:09] |
errydayimgenerat | refusing to charge half the time | [05:09] |
danieldaniel | nanotube: would you use it? | [05:09] |
Cytarabine | um | [05:09] |
Cytarabine | id probably be kicked... | [05:09] |
errydayimgenerat | i have to fanagle the wire a certain wasy | [05:10] |
errydayimgenerat | to get it to start | [05:10] |
errydayimgenerat | then it stops | [05:10] |
Cytarabine | or make a bot called grobble that makes snide remarks when people input ;;commands | [05:10] |
errydayimgenerat | randomly | [05:10] |
errydayimgenerat | it's really anooying | [05:10] |
Staatsfeind | lol, I like the idea of a grobble bot making snide remarks | [05:11] |
danieldaniel | Cory: I'm making it | [05:11] |
Cory | Lol he can't use it. :P | [05:11] |
danieldaniel | i know | [05:11] |
danieldaniel | I'm just doing it for the fun of it | [05:11] |
Cory | How long will it take with your hardware? | [05:11] |
danieldaniel | idk | [05:11] |
danieldaniel | if its more than an hour I'm giving up | [05:11] |
Cory | VanityGen estimates. | [05:11] |
danieldaniel | i know | [05:11] |
danieldaniel | I'm downloading it now | [05:11] |
* | random_cat has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [05:12] |
* | UnitClick has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [05:12] |
rawrmage | how can we trust you danieldaniel AcidicChip | [05:12] |
danieldaniel | wut | [05:12] |
rawrmage | -AcidicChip | [05:12] |
rawrmage | sorry | [05:12] |
danieldaniel | oh | [05:12] |
errydayimgenerat | and it's even worse at 4% | [05:12] |
Cytarabine | Alright thank you danieldaniel | [05:12] |
errydayimgenerat | which means if it goes out it turns off | [05:12] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: how can you trust me? | [05:13] |
* | random_cat (~random_ca@gateway/tor-sasl/randomcat/x-49498005) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:13] |
errydayimgenerat | but sometimes if i nail it right it'll stop freaking for hours | [05:13] |
danieldaniel | well, ill give a server to nanotube to gen it himself | [05:13] |
Cytarabine | like if it's ;;bc,stats itll say What am I a rocket sceintist? | [05:13] |
rawrmage | dan², how can we trust you :o | [05:13] |
danieldaniel | 03:13am] danieldaniel: well, ill give a server to nanotube to gen it himself | [05:13] |
Cytarabine | or ;;gpg eauth Whhens the last time you talked to your parents? | [05:13] |
rawrmage | i just said it cause it rhymed | [05:13] |
MBS | who wants to buy this for bitcoins | [05:13] |
MBS | | [05:13] |
errydayimgenerat | or when you list a buy/sell "does your wife know you're doing this?" | [05:13] |
MBS | tactical flashlight with video recorder | [05:14] |
Cytarabine | um | [05:14] |
rawrmage | and you're gonna need a gpu to vanitygen danieldaniel. | [05:14] |
Cytarabine | price? | [05:14] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: i can use my gpu | [05:14] |
MBS | $96 in bitcoins | [05:14] |
danieldaniel | but if you don't trust me | [05:14] |
danieldaniel | idk | [05:14] |
rawrmage | heh | [05:14] |
Cytarabine | I'll buy that domain name for 50 btc | [05:14] |
Cory | MBS: I bought 11 of their solid color shirts today. :) | [05:14] |
errydayimgenerat | does anyone remember that guy like | [05:14] |
MBS | lol | [05:14] |
errydayimgenerat | last year | [05:14] |
Cory | It's a shame they're moving away from AA. :( | [05:14] |
MBS | AA? | [05:15] |
errydayimgenerat | he was trying to make multple wallets, like a checking/savings/etc, and he overwrote his wallet with like several thousand coins? | [05:15] |
Cytarabine | Is it bad if my feet melt into the ground... slowly... | [05:15] |
Cory | American Apparel | [05:15] |
MBS | oh | [05:15] |
danieldaniel | is mtgox down for anyone? | [05:15] |
rawrmage | Cytarabine: it means the drugs are beginning to take hold | [05:15] |
danieldaniel | fuck | [05:16] |
errydayimgenerat | or your house was built on a sink hole | [05:16] |
Cytarabine | Why are my faces together? | [05:16] |
errydayimgenerat | but drugs are bad | [05:16] |
errydayimgenerat | Cytarabine: what'd you take? | [05:16] |
Cytarabine | I don't know | [05:16] |
rawrmage | but we know where he is | [05:17] |
errydayimgenerat | mom's basement? | [05:17] |
MBS | anyone need a dedicated server? | [05:17] |
rawrmage | somewhere around barstow, on the edge of the desert | [05:17] |
Cytarabine | I have cancer, so I mean I kinda live with my parents.. | [05:17] |
Greed | vragnaroda for president 2013 | [05:18] |
errydayimgenerat | where at? | [05:18] |
MBS | anyone need any sort of gift card? | [05:18] |
MBS | xbox live gold 12 month codes? | [05:19] |
rawrmage | Cytarabine: do you feel lightheaded | [05:19] |
Cytarabine | I feel.. stormy | [05:19] |
Staatsfeind | Greed: Not eligible. | [05:19] |
errydayimgenerat | stormy? | [05:19] |
Greed | Eh? | [05:19] |
Greed | Whaddya mean, Staatsfeind? | [05:19] |
rawrmage | prolly too young :P | [05:20] |
Staatsfeind | 22:18 <+Greed> vragnaroda for president 2013 ← Not eligible until 2019. | [05:20] |
errydayimgenerat | im gonna go with convicted felon | [05:20] |
rawrmage | i think felons can still run, no? | [05:20] |
errydayimgenerat | when you say for president as well don't you tote the election year too/ | [05:20] |
errydayimgenerat | probably not | [05:21] |
errydayimgenerat | they can't vote | [05:21] |
Staatsfeind | Felons are eligible to run. | [05:21] |
Staatsfeind | Whether they can vote depends on state, but in most states they can. | [05:21] |
rawrmage | i think felons can vote too | [05:21] |
rawrmage | yea... | [05:21] |
errydayimgenerat | man | [05:22] |
errydayimgenerat | btc ruined my life | [05:22] |
Cytarabine | I voted for taft | [05:22] |
rawrmage | why | [05:22] |
Staatsfeind | Greed: To be president, one must be 35. | [05:22] |
MBS | shooting up bitcoins | [05:22] |
Cytarabine | and male | [05:22] |
danieldaniel | i think i got banned from mtgox | [05:22] |
danieldaniel | fffff | [05:22] |
Staatsfeind | (or older) | [05:22] |
MBS | and white | [05:22] |
rawrmage | Cytarabine: wat | [05:22] |
Staatsfeind | Cytarabine: No. | [05:22] |
MBS | oh wait | [05:22] |
rawrmage | danieldaniel: wat | [05:22] |
Greed | I didn't know there was an age requirement beyond 'adulthood' | [05:22] |
imsaguy | and American born | [05:22] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: I'm in #mtgox now | [05:22] |
rawrmage | MBS: lol | [05:22] |
rawrmage | danieldaniel: lolol | [05:22] |
Cytarabine | im just kidding | [05:22] |
MBS | ehh close enoguh | [05:22] |
danieldaniel | and its working for everyone | [05:23] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: FUCK YOU | [05:23] |
danieldaniel | :34 | [05:23] |
danieldaniel | :3 | [05:23] |
rawrmage | mtgox told you 'gtfo' | [05:23] |
danieldaniel | I had like all of my btc in three | [05:23] |
danieldaniel | :( | [05:23] |
danieldaniel | there* | [05:23] |
imsaguy | danieldaniel, why are you always telling people 'fuck you' and 'fuck off'? | [05:23] |
Staatsfeind | A natural-born citizen, whether jus soli or jus sanguinis. | [05:23] |
imsaguy | it isn't very becoming. | [05:23] |
MBS | danieldaniel, give me your mtgox login | [05:23] |
danieldaniel | MBS: LOL | [05:23] |
MBS | ill get your bitcoins | [05:23] |
danieldaniel | imsaguy: i can't connect to mtgox and he's like lol | [05:23] |
danieldaniel | MBS: XD | [05:23] |
* | DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [05:23] |
rawrmage | imsaguy: it's "cool" when you're 16 i think | [05:24] |
imsaguy | could be | [05:24] |
Staatsfeind | *12 | [05:24] |
copumpkin | *1 | [05:24] |
MBS | no no no | [05:24] |
rawrmage | lol | [05:24] |
MBS | you mean groovy | [05:24] |
danieldaniel | MBS: lol | [05:24] |
Cory | Ageism? | [05:24] |
* | Chaang_Noi_ (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:24] |
rawrmage | adultism! | [05:25] |
imsaguy | Cory: not all references to age are ageism | [05:25] |
MBS | selling $100 in $25 itunes cards, shipped to your house, for $85 in bitcoins | [05:25] |
rawrmage | Cytarabine: do you see any bats? | [05:26] |
* | Chaang-Noi has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [05:26] |
danieldaniel | wow | [05:26] |
Cytarabine | I see clovers... | [05:26] |
danieldaniel | it was my ISP | [05:26] |
danieldaniel | XD | [05:26] |
danieldaniel | another person in CT with optimum couldn't connect either | [05:27] |
danieldaniel | and now its fixed | [05:27] |
rawrmage | lol | [05:27] |
Cytarabine | i probably shouldnt pick them til there ripe though | [05:27] |
MBS | anyone want some gift cards? | [05:27] |
danieldaniel | MBS: what type? | [05:27] |
MBS | itunes gift cards, $100 for $85 in bitcoins | [05:27] |
danieldaniel | no | [05:27] |
danieldaniel | I'm gonna win me a $10000 itunes | [05:28] |
danieldaniel | :) | [05:28] |
MBS | lol | [05:28] |
MBS | get yer woot baseball gloves for bitcoins | [05:28] |
errydayimgenerat | 0 | [05:29] |
danieldaniel | MBS: lolno | [05:29] |
danieldaniel | although, i love that site | [05:29] |
MBS | get yer woot wifi car signal booster for bitcoins | [05:29] |
MBS | oh wait, just a plain cell phone signal booster, sorry | [05:30] |
danieldaniel | lol | [05:30] |
Cory | MBS: Get me the bag of crap and we'll talk. | [05:30] |
* | Chaang_Noi_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [05:30] |
MBS | lol | [05:30] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: *nudge* Do you have the goods? | [05:30] |
rawrmage | danieldaniel: what? | [05:30] |
danieldaniel | *flashes cash* | [05:30] |
* | pingdrive has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [05:30] |
danieldaniel | Do you have the goods? | [05:31] |
rawrmage | sorry i'm out of gay pron would you like some heroin instead? :P | [05:31] |
danieldaniel | lolwut | [05:31] |
* | pingdrive (~pingdrive@gateway/tor-sasl/pingdrive) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:31] |
danieldaniel | get your mind out of the gutter | [05:31] |
danieldaniel | i was talking about those nice blueberry candies | [05:31] |
rawrmage | oh | [05:31] |
danieldaniel | sicko... | [05:31] |
rawrmage | groceries? | [05:32] |
rawrmage | oh | [05:32] |
rawrmage | lol | [05:32] |
danieldaniel | wow | [05:32] |
rawrmage | wow what | [05:32] |
danieldaniel | | [05:32] |
danieldaniel | the description | [05:33] |
danieldaniel | creepy | [05:33] |
danieldaniel | a grown person | [05:33] |
danieldaniel | driving a car up to little kids | [05:33] |
danieldaniel | and wearing a black suit | [05:33] |
danieldaniel | and sunglasses | [05:33] |
danieldaniel | o.0 | [05:33] |
rawrmage | lol | [05:33] |
dwon | That's why it's awesome! | [05:33] |
danieldaniel | dwon: 0.0 | [05:33] |
imsaguy | danieldaniel, stfu | [05:33] |
danieldaniel | imsaguy: read it | [05:34] |
imsaguy | you shouldn't consume half the channel window | [05:34] |
rawrmage | <+danieldaniel> i know what i want to do when i grow up | [05:34] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: LOL | [05:34] |
imsaguy | with lines of 2 words | [05:34] |
danieldaniel | imsaguy: 4* | [05:34] |
dwon | imsaguy: It's only | [05:34] |
dwon | imsaguy: a third of my window | [05:34] |
Staatsfeind | It's like half of my screen. | [05:34] |
danieldaniel | *shuts up | [05:34] |
imsaguy | dwon: don't encourage stupidity | [05:34] |
danieldaniel | * | [05:34] |
rawrmage | no, shut sideways | [05:35] |
danieldaniel | >.> | [05:35] |
dwon | shutting down is easier. Gravity assist. | [05:35] |
imsaguy | danieldaniel, you can talk | [05:35] |
danieldaniel | if I do, Staatsfeind will knock me out | [05:36] |
danieldaniel | irl and in IRC | [05:36] |
danieldaniel | *hides* | [05:36] |
imsaguy | he only wants to knock you out because you refuse to have a complete sentence on a single line. | [05:36] |
Staatsfeind | No, that's only if you keep using |
[05:36] |
rawrmage | just think about what you type fully before you type it and then type it all on one line and then only press enter at the end | [05:36] |
errydayimgenerat | rawrmage: you have gay porn AND heroin?! | [05:36] |
danieldaniel | Staatsfeind: what's that? Do you mean return by any chance? | [05:37] |
errydayimgenerat | will you marry me? :3 | [05:37] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | [05:37] |
rawrmage | errydayimgenerat: i am the anti-luke-jr | [05:37] |
rawrmage | lol | [05:37] |
rawrmage | danieldaniel: i read that as a load average | [05:37] |
Staatsfeind | wat | [05:37] |
imsaguy | rawrmage: sane and rational? | [05:37] |
errydayimgenerat | what's liuke-jr do? | [05:37] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: he's the best person evar | [05:37] |
Staatsfeind | luke-jr trolls. | [05:37] |
luke-jr | errydayimgenerat: I am the good guy. | [05:37] |
danieldaniel | pm him asking to buy solidcoins | [05:37] |
nanotube | danieldaniel: meh, vanity addresses are silly. you still have to copy-paste the rest of it, so it's not like it does anything. | [05:37] |
danieldaniel | nanotube: delayed response much? :D | [05:38] |
imsaguy | nanotube: not if its a proper firstbits | [05:38] |
nanotube | danieldaniel: ha yes, much. :) | [05:38] |
rg | there's a boy i know, hes the boy i dream of. DANIELDANIEL | [05:38] |
luke-jr | imsaguy: firstbits is inherently improper | [05:38] |
nanotube | imsaguy: firstbits sucks. | [05:38] |
Staatsfeind | firstbits is stupid. | [05:38] |
errydayimgenerat | wait luke-jr how are you a good guy? | [05:38] |
rg | HOW WILL I KNOW | [05:38] |
imsaguy | haha | [05:38] |
rg | IF DANIELS THINKIN OF ME | [05:38] |
danieldaniel | rg: oh fuck no | [05:38] |
imsaguy | rg | [05:38] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to Staatsfeind | [05:38] |
rg | HOW WILL I KNOW | [05:38] |
errydayimgenerat | cause eligius was for the power of good and slush was corporate evil? | [05:38] |
imsaguy | because | [05:38] |
rawrmage | lol | [05:38] |
danieldaniel | 0.0 | [05:38] |
rawrmage | hi rg | [05:38] |
* | Staatsfeind has kicked rg from #bitcoin-otc (Knock it off) | [05:38] |
luke-jr | errydayimgenerat: not just that. | [05:38] |
* | rg (~rg@2001:bd0:100::49) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:38] |
rg | | [05:39] |
rg | .title | [05:39] |
rawrmage | .title | [05:39] |
markac | rg: Whitney Houston - How Will I Know - YouTube | [05:39] |
markac | rawrmage: Whitney Houston - How Will I Know - YouTube | [05:39] |
danieldaniel | rg: why did you talk while Staatsfeind was op? | [05:39] |
rawrmage | .dreidel | [05:39] |
danieldaniel | LOL | [05:39] |
extor | | [05:39] |
danieldaniel | .title | [05:39] |
rg | vragnaroda is just a fag | [05:39] |
markac | danieldaniel: Lyze - the happiest owlet - YouTube | [05:39] |
errydayimgenerat | what else good sir luke-jr ? | [05:39] |
danieldaniel | rg: :O | [05:39] |
rg | it makes me want to do it more | [05:39] |
rg | every time he kicks me | [05:39] |
mircea_popescu | | [05:39] |
Staatsfeind | rg: You're the one that posted gay porn into this channel. | [05:39] |
danieldaniel | Staatsfeind: Ban ban ban! | [05:39] |
rawrmage | | [05:39] |
Staatsfeind | .title | [05:39] |
luke-jr | errydayimgenerat: dunno, he said he's teh anti-me by beign evil | [05:39] |
danieldaniel | oh god | [05:39] |
danieldaniel | wrong thing to say | [05:40] |
markac | Staatsfeind: Replacer - A Pony Like Me - YouTube | [05:40] |
danieldaniel | OMGGGGG | [05:40] |
rawrmage | i just felt like posting a youtube like | [05:40] |
rawrmage | everyone was doing it | [05:40] |
rg | so im doing my first assignment for ne wjob | [05:40] |
rg | its a lot of work | [05:40] |
rg | im sick of doing it | [05:40] |
mircea_popescu | Es braust ein Ruf wie Donnerhall, | [05:40] |
mircea_popescu | Wie Schwertgeklirr und Wogenprall lalala | [05:40] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: wtf is that | [05:40] |
Staatsfeind | rawrmage: lol | [05:40] |
errydayimgenerat | oh word | [05:40] |
rg | Staatsfeind: gay porn doesnt make you gay | [05:40] |
rg | having sex with dudes make you gay | [05:40] |
rawrmage | danieldaniel: a song | [05:40] |
imsaguy | not even | [05:40] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: o.0 | [05:40] |
imsaguy | there are dudes that fuck dudes in prison and it has nothing to do with being gay | [05:41] |
rg | and if you knew anything about porn, you'd know shows gay porn mixed with straight | [05:41] |
rg | for some reason | [05:41] |
* | Justasic is now known as Justasic2 | [05:41] |
dwon | Why does the pony have the "dd" command on its ass? | [05:41] |
rawrmage | danieldaniel's never heard of music before? | [05:41] |
rawrmage | dwon: idk | [05:41] |
rawrmage | lol | [05:41] |
danieldaniel | not of a song called a pony like me | [05:41] |
rg | i wish i couldveseen daniels face | [05:41] |
rg | when he realized it was gay porn | [05:41] |
rawrmage | do you listen to much pony music danieldaniel | [05:41] |
danieldaniel | rg: i didn't click on it | [05:41] |
danieldaniel | rg: :) | [05:41] |
imsaguy | rg: you probably don't | [05:41] |
* | spawn- ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:41] |
danieldaniel | rg: Someone already showed me what that site was | [05:42] |
rg | yes you did | [05:42] |
imsaguy | he probably secretly liked it | [05:42] |
rg | i knwo you looked at it | [05:42] |
rg | cause the URL didnt describe it | [05:42] |
* | GlooBoy has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [05:42] |
Staatsfeind | danieldaniel: It's OK if you liked it. | [05:42] |
rg | then yo uwere like OH | [05:42] |
rg | NO | [05:42] |
rg | WHAT | [05:42] |
danieldaniel | Staatsfeind: now tht | [05:42] |
rg | andi was like lol. | [05:42] |
danieldaniel | is sexual harassment | [05:42] |
Staatsfeind | rg: wat | [05:42] |
Staatsfeind | That URL made it rather obvious. | [05:42] |
imsaguy | danieldaniel: that wasn't sexual harassment. | [05:42] |
rg | no it didnt | [05:42] |
rg | it was like 'redhead blowjob' | [05:42] |
rg | thats how i found it | [05:42] |
danieldaniel | rg: um | [05:42] |
errydayimgenerat | luke-jr: ah i thought you did something noteworthy or extraordinaruy in btc histoyr | [05:42] |
danieldaniel | thats pretty porny | [05:42] |
rg | yes obviously but its not gay porny | [05:43] |
rg | thats my point | [05:43] |
rawrmage | danieldaniel: if you don't listen to much pony music than it wouldn't be surprising that you have never heard of A Pony Like Me or anything by Replacer | [05:43] |
imsaguy | /ignore | [05:43] |
errydayimgenerat | omfg | [05:43] |
danieldaniel | oh crap | [05:43] |
luke-jr | errydayimgenerat: Tonal Bitcoin! | [05:43] |
rg | what is it with people and ponies | [05:43] |
danieldaniel | ./ignore * actually worked | [05:43] |
rg | i know this guy on EFnet, hes all fag for pony too | [05:43] |
errydayimgenerat | i'm gointg to have a stroke | [05:43] |
errydayimgenerat | if that | [05:43] |
rawrmage | danieldaniel: lol | [05:43] |
danieldaniel | are you guys talking | [05:43] |
pirateat40 | Tonal lol | [05:43] |
Staatsfeind | pizza_guy_and_chubby_blond_office_man.html is how that URL ended. | [05:43] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin | [05:44] |
rawrmage | errydayimgenerat: if that what | [05:44] |
danieldaniel | ok | [05:44] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin | [05:44] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin | [05:44] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin | [05:44] |
danieldaniel | unignored everyone | [05:44] |
luke-jr | errydayimgenerat: also, I've contributed lots of various things to the mainline client, codeveloper of the first alternative client, and wrote the first getmemorypool-based poolserver | [05:44] |
danieldaniel | lol | [05:44] |
Staatsfeind | danieldaniel: You know, /part does that. :þ | [05:44] |
danieldaniel | oh | [05:44] |
errydayimgenerat | ah nice | [05:44] |
imsaguy | ;;voiceme | [05:44] |
* | gribble gives voice to imsaguy | [05:44] |
imsaguy | ;;voiceme | [05:44] |
* | gribble gives voice to imsaguy | [05:44] |
imsaguy | ;;voiceme | [05:44] |
* | gribble gives voice to imsaguy | [05:44] |
imsaguy | my way is better copumpkin | [05:44] |
errydayimgenerat | i just remember you last year trying to get erryone to join eligius | [05:44] |
danieldaniel | Kick Kick Kick! | [05:44] |
rawrmage | rg: you don't understand; i bucking love ponies :P | [05:44] |
* | Staatsfeind removes voice from imsaguy | [05:44] |
imsaguy | twice as much channel spam | [05:44] |
imsaguy | ;;voiceme | [05:44] |
* | gribble gives voice to imsaguy | [05:44] |
errydayimgenerat | and everyone else is lieke ehhhhh slush is so much bigger | [05:44] |
* | Staatsfeind has kicked imsaguy from #bitcoin-otc (wtf) | [05:45] |
* | imsaguy (~nick@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:45] |
* | gribble gives voice to imsaguy | [05:45] |
rawrmage | eligius puts god in blocks | [05:45] |
copumpkin | where he belongs, I might add | [05:45] |
Staatsfeind | lol | [05:45] |
luke-jr | errydayimgenerat: the argument holds even more, now that slush's pool is harming Bitcoin and Eligius is pushing forward ;) | [05:45] |
imsaguy | yeah, kicking to deauth me is a waste of your time | [05:45] |
imsaguy | scripted FTW | [05:45] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin | [05:46] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin | [05:46] |
rawrmage | WASTED CYCLES | [05:46] |
errydayimgenerat | slush didn't seem that cool either | [05:46] |
Staatsfeind | Are you ;;voicemeing over and over now? | [05:46] |
rawrmage | Staatsfeind: chanserv | [05:46] |
imsaguy | no | [05:46] |
imsaguy | that's chanserv | [05:46] |
* | gribble gives voice to copumpkin | [05:46] |
luke-jr | errydayimgenerat: most of my code for Eligius is open source | [05:46] |
imsaguy | most, but not all | [05:46] |
luke-jr | errydayimgenerat: just not the embarassing part <.< | [05:46] |
* | nanotube 's silly-meter is showing increased ... silliness. | [05:46] |
imsaguy | so might as well not have any | [05:46] |
errydayimgenerat | also yeah | [05:46] |
Staatsfeind | I'm not talking about copumpkin; I'm talking about you and gribble. | [05:46] |
errydayimgenerat | you'd be u in here talking to people | [05:47] |
copumpkin | luke-jr: what's embarrassing about it? | [05:47] |
rawrmage | rg: you do know that the mylittlepony subreddit on reddit has over 21k subs lol | [05:47] |
errydayimgenerat | and only thing i saw of slush was some article like "HE MAKES SO MUC MONEYS" | [05:47] |
luke-jr | copumpkin: it's just terribly ugly | [05:47] |
copumpkin | I want 21k coins | [05:47] |
copumpkin | anyone wanna give me some? | [05:47] |
rawrmage | luke-jr: hey what do you think about bronies | [05:47] |
danieldaniel | paste an mtgox code | [05:47] |
danieldaniel | lol | [05:47] |
luke-jr | copumpkin: it's a very simple proportional system with minimum payouts, merged mining, and SMPPS hacked on top of it | [05:47] |
copumpkin | ah | [05:47] |
luke-jr | someday I'll hopefully rewrite it :/ | [05:48] |
* | btclot has quit (Quit: Saindo) | [05:48] |
rawrmage | luke-jr: are bronies immoral? | [05:48] |
* | funziggy ( has left #bitcoin-otc | [05:48] |
errydayimgenerat | you know a lot of transgirls are completely obsessed with my little pony: fim | [05:49] |
errydayimgenerat | andd then post pictures of drawings of these ponies doing illicit things | [05:49] |
rawrmage | so are a lot of cismales and cisfemales and transmales i'm sure | [05:49] |
Staatsfeind | errydayimgenerat: I'm sure a lot of transgirls are completely obsessed with a lot of things. | [05:49] |
errydayimgenerat | they are batshit crazy half the time | [05:50] |
* | danieldaniel212 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [05:50] |
errydayimgenerat | and drama magnets | [05:50] |
copumpkin | ಠ_ಠ | [05:50] |
luke-jr | copumpkin: also, the ugly code happens to have my passwords all hardcoded in it | [05:50] |
* | danieldaniel212 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:50] |
copumpkin | luke-jr: that's the best kind of ugly code, though | [05:50] |
luke-jr | :p | [05:50] |
copumpkin | at least from the reader's perspective | [05:50] |
luke-jr | if there's a vulnerability in Eligius, that's where it is :/ | [05:50] |
danieldaniel | guys, someone post a rot13 mtgox codr | [05:51] |
danieldaniel | code* | [05:51] |
errydayimgenerat | like some of them just constantly rant and rave about cis privilege and how people not trans are privileged and how they hate cisgendered people for their cisarchy and keeping transpeople down | [05:51] |
rawrmage | does luke have me on ignore? :( | [05:51] |
luke-jr | yes | [05:51] |
rawrmage | lol | [05:51] |
rawrmage | ok | [05:51] |
rawrmage | errydayimgenerat: i know plenty of people like that :( | [05:51] |
* | tripper (4ac12ab1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:51] |
rawrmage | :/* | [05:51] |
errydayimgenerat | and they're like I HATE CISPEOPLE | [05:51] |
errydayimgenerat | i was like | [05:51] |
danieldaniel | ZGTBK-OGP-8UO5U-PTJJG-FJ3H5-2P614 | [05:52] |
* | danieldaniel212 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [05:52] |
errydayimgenerat | ...what are you guys like the tranny black panthers? | [05:52] |
copumpkin | errydayimgenerat: when people enjoy beating you up and murdering you a lot even in a "civilized" western society, it might be easier to get carried away with demonizing others | [05:52] |
Staatsfeind | Fuck you all for misusing that prefix. | [05:52] |
errydayimgenerat | danieldaniel: is your bot on a proxy? | [05:52] |
rawrmage | Staatsfeind: what? | [05:52] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: nope | [05:52] |
errydayimgenerat | what prefix? | [05:52] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: its on my IP | [05:52] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: I'm on a proxy | [05:52] |
Staatsfeind | cis- | [05:52] |
copumpkin | errydayimgenerat: similarly to the black panthers, indeed. It's an extreme reactionary movement against some fairly intense oppression / violence against them | [05:52] |
errydayimgenerat | do you connect to gox on proxy? | [05:52] |
errydayimgenerat | protip | [05:53] |
errydayimgenerat | <- njstein | [05:53] |
* | danieldaniel212 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:53] |
rawrmage | Staatsfeind: is cis/trans isomerism nomenclature a misuse? | [05:53] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: nope | [05:53] |
rawrmage | .ety cis | [05:53] |
copumpkin | errydayimgenerat: just saying :) | [05:53] |
markac | Can't find the etymology for "cis". Try | [05:53] |
danieldaniel | ZGTBK-OGP-8UO5U-PTJJG-FJ3H5-2P614 | [05:53] |
errydayimgenerat | yeah | [05:53] |
Staatsfeind | Yes. | [05:53] |
errydayimgenerat | t's horrible | [05:53] |
errydayimgenerat | but it doesn't mean hate people | [05:53] |
rawrmage | Staatsfeind: But | [05:53] |
rawrmage | but | [05:53] |
Staatsfeind | Until they were hijacked, they referred exclusively to locations. | [05:53] |
* | EasyAt has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [05:53] |
copumpkin | I know a few transpeople and it's definitely not something I'd choose to be if I had the option (lifestyle my ass) | [05:53] |
errydayimgenerat | i prefer to meet hate in the face and educate | [05:54] |
rawrmage | well I guess IUPAC uses E/Z notation anway | [05:54] |
errydayimgenerat | yeah i would sure as shit be normal if i could | [05:54] |
danieldaniel | !quit | [05:54] |
* | danieldaniel212 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [05:54] |
copumpkin | errydayimgenerat: sure, but some people have had rougher times than others, and people just deal with difficulty in different ways | [05:54] |
rawrmage | i was going to say BUT IUPAC CANT BE WRONG | [05:54] |
errydayimgenerat | why the hell would anyone want to be like this | [05:54] |
* | danieldaniel212 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:54] |
copumpkin | take the one who got beaten up in mcdonalds for going to the "wrong" restroom | [05:55] |
rawrmage | luke-jr: so, seriously, i'm curious, do you think bronies are immoral? | [05:55] |
errydayimgenerat | i've lost friends, my relation with my family is all fucked up awkward | [05:55] |
danieldaniel | ZGTBK-OGP-PLTGQ-R5EHL-XQ5K5-5S997 | [05:55] |
copumpkin | :( | [05:55] |
danieldaniel | yay | [05:55] |
danieldaniel | lol | [05:55] |
errydayimgenerat | and yeah i do fall into that suicide attempt before 20 statistic | [05:55] |
errydayimgenerat | danieldaniel: didn't you get banned from mtgox? | [05:55] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: no | [05:56] |
errydayimgenerat | stop trolling | [05:56] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: I thought i did | [05:56] |
luke-jr | rawrmage: define | [05:56] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: No, I really did | [05:56] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: It was my ISP | [05:56] |
errydayimgenerat | stop being silly | [05:56] |
rawrmage | .o ud brony | [05:56] |
markac | A name typically given to the male viewers/fans (whether they are straight, gay, bisexual, etc.) of the My Little Pony show or franchise. They typically do not give in to the hype that males aren't al | [05:56] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: another person (phantom) is on my ISP and he couldn't connect, either | [05:56] |
errydayimgenerat | ah | [05:57] |
danieldaniel | Someone post an rot13 mtgoxcode | [05:57] |
errydayimgenerat | i'm going to write a book about about how btc ruined my life | [05:57] |
danieldaniel | lol | [05:57] |
errydayimgenerat | well not necessarily ruin | [05:57] |
errydayimgenerat | but it has mad it a real fucking interesting last year | [05:58] |
copumpkin | | [05:58] |
* | tripper has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [05:58] |
rawrmage | luke-jr: basically male fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic | [05:58] |
copumpkin | rawrmage: you're one, right? | [05:58] |
danieldaniel | copumpkin: wow | [05:58] |
danieldaniel | thats horribe | [05:58] |
luke-jr | rawrmage: nhoi | [05:58] |
rawrmage | copumpkin: i am a brony yes :P | [05:58] |
errydayimgenerat | rawrmage: to the point of drawing pony sex picture drawings? | [05:59] |
rawrmage | errydayimgenerat: no | [05:59] |
Staatsfeind | lol | [05:59] |
* | joecool has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [05:59] |
copumpkin | danieldaniel: I think there have been at least 7 transgendered people who were killed and burned (not necessarily in that order) in the US in the past year, or something like that | [05:59] |
rawrmage | not all bronies are into clop that's a very small subset | [05:59] |
Staatsfeind | rawrmage: clop? | [05:59] |
rawrmage | luke-jr: well that's a good thing to know then | [06:00] |
copumpkin | and beatings are a lot more common | [06:00] |
rawrmage | .o ud clopclop | [06:00] |
markac | A branch of slash pertaining to My Little Pony erotic literature. | [06:00] |
errydayimgenerat | copumpkin: that seems more like gang related than trans bashing | [06:00] |
Staatsfeind | wtf | [06:00] |
rawrmage | fap:clop::human:pony Staatsfeind | [06:00] |
copumpkin | errydayimgenerat: yeah, that was one that initially looked trans bashy but I found that follow-up so not so much there | [06:00] |
* | nanotube is getting the feeling that the conversation should move off otc at this point ;) | [06:00] |
copumpkin | I saw the article preceding it | [06:00] |
Staatsfeind | rawrmage: I'm sorry I asked. | [06:00] |
errydayimgenerat | also yeah copumpkin i've heardd it all | [06:01] |
* | rapid99 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [06:01] |
rawrmage | Staatsfeind: i'm sorry it exists | [06:01] |
* | copumpkin nanotubes nanotube | [06:01] |
errydayimgenerat | and then people think i'm "afraid to be myself" when i do present myself in the hood of north philly | [06:01] |
errydayimgenerat | don't present* | [06:01] |
* | rapid99 (~rapid99@gateway/tor-sasl/rapid99) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:01] |
danieldaniel | ;;action will charge .1 BTC for every auth from now on | [06:01] |
* | gribble will charge .1 BTC for every auth from now on | [06:01] |
danieldaniel | ;;action 's address is 1FaRJRXcGsCPZ4LCQqvi6r2xy47ZZ51bZV | [06:02] |
* | gribble 's address is 1FaRJRXcGsCPZ4LCQqvi6r2xy47ZZ51bZV | [06:02] |
errydayimgenerat | ;;botsnack | [06:02] |
gribble | Forget the snack, just send me some bitcoins at 1MgD6rah5zUgEGYZnNmdpnXMaDR3itKYzU :) | [06:02] |
danieldaniel | lol | [06:02] |
danieldaniel | its my address | [06:02] |
errydayimgenerat | i know | [06:02] |
rawrmage | no /really/ | [06:02] |
* | ne1watching (629a321d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:02] |
errydayimgenerat | that's why i botsnacked | [06:02] |
errydayimgenerat | cause people are dumb | [06:02] |
* | smickles has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [06:03] |
* | subpar has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [06:04] |
errydayimgenerat | but thanks to btc and this one *chan about substances, my life has been absolutely retarded the past 3 years | [06:04] |
* | ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:04] |
errydayimgenerat | i guess mainly the chan, cause i found out about bitcoins on their irc | [06:05] |
* | subpar (~JW@unaffiliated/subpar) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:06] |
MBS | anyone interested in a crucial m4 256GB ssd, only 70 BTC | [06:06] |
nanotube | copumpkin: heh | [06:06] |
* | joecool (~joecool@no-sources/joecool) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:06] |
errydayimgenerat | nanotube: if you were any slowere i'd call you a short bus full of | [06:07] |
errydayimgenerat | lead bricks | [06:07] |
nanotube | errydayimgenerat: if i were any faster, i'd hang out on irc all day and not get anything else done. so i'll take the lead bricks. :) | [06:08] |
* | traviscj ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:08] |
danieldaniel | anyone want to rent a dedicated server? | [06:09] |
danieldaniel | Its $15 a month in BTC | [06:09] |
danieldaniel | I have it available niow | [06:09] |
danieldaniel | now* | [06:09] |
* | bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:09] |
MBS | anyone want to rent a better dedicated server, $25/m in BTC, would probably get in under 12 hours | [06:09] |
danieldaniel | MBS: ll | [06:09] |
danieldaniel | lol* | [06:09] |
* | rawrmage pokes danieldaniel with eir finger | [06:09] |
woofcat | danieldaniel, specs? | [06:09] |
danieldaniel | woofcat: pming | [06:10] |
* | Staatsfeind smacks rawrmage. | [06:11] |
* | rawrmage is smacked by Staatsfeind | [06:11] |
Staatsfeind | Damned right. | [06:11] |
* | danieldaniel dodges | [06:11] |
Staatsfeind | No fucking Spivak bullshit. | [06:11] |
rawrmage | :( | [06:11] |
rawrmage | why do you hate on Spivak | [06:12] |
Staatsfeind | Because it's stupid, unnecessarly, kludgy, ugly, obnoxious, and ignorant. | [06:12] |
MBS | anyone want a crucial m4 256gb for $300 in bitcoins shipped | [06:12] |
ineededausername | was there an altercation in this bar? :O | [06:13] |
* | Vaerros has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [06:13] |
* | smickles ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:13] |
rawrmage | Staatsfeind: suggest an alternative gender-neutral pronoun set that is non-ambiguous in that case | [06:13] |
MBS | dem | [06:13] |
smickles | sassafras | [06:14] |
MBS | get yo dedicated servers | [06:14] |
copumpkin | defecated servers | [06:14] |
MBS | mardi gras special, free king cake with every purchase | [06:14] |
rawrmage | deprecated servers | [06:14] |
Staatsfeind | rawrmage: English has neuter, feminine, and epicene; take your pick among them. | [06:14] |
smickles | i pretty much just came back to say that i'm going to bed | [06:14] |
smickles | :D | [06:14] |
* | MBS ties up smickles | [06:15] |
smickles | aw, shit | [06:15] |
Cory | G'night, smickles. | [06:15] |
* | splatster (~splatster@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:15] |
* | splatster has quit (Changing host) | [06:15] |
* | splatster (~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:15] |
smickles | nn Cory :) | [06:15] |
* | gribble gives voice to splatster | [06:16] |
* | Staatsfeind has quit (Quit: leaving) | [06:16] |
splatster | Hey guys, did I miss anything? | [06:16] |
* | pingdrive has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [06:17] |
rawrmage | vragnaroda: epicene they is /really/ ambiguous in my case :( | [06:17] |
ineededausername | night, smickles :) | [06:18] |
* | chakl ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:18] |
rawrmage | but fine | [06:18] |
* | rawrmage pokes danieldaniel with their finger | [06:18] |
imsaguy | his/her | [06:19] |
imsaguy | their isn't proper | [06:19] |
imsaguy | [06:19] | |
splatster | s/vrag/Grammar Nazi/ | [06:20] |
copumpkin | *Grammer | [06:20] |
imsaguy | lol | [06:20] |
splatster | copumpkin: what? | [06:20] |
imsaguy | *Graham Cracker | [06:20] |
rawrmage | imsaguy: yes it is, he just said I could choose from neuter, feminine, or epicene :( | [06:20] |
imsaguy | rawrmage: lemme clue you in on something... vrag isn't always right. | [06:21] |
copumpkin | plasticene | [06:21] |
copumpkin | *wright | [06:21] |
rawrmage | but you just closed your vrag tag! that would be self-contradictory! | [06:22] |
copumpkin | challenge question: wrought is the past participle of what? | [06:22] |
imsaguy | yes. | [06:22] |
rawrmage | also, you're right, luke is imsaguy | [06:22] |
imsaguy | I am most definitely not luke. | [06:22] |
danieldaniel | lol | [06:22] |
rawrmage | luke is, imsaguy* | [06:22] |
imsaguy | what? | [06:23] |
rawrmage | "vrag isn't always right" -> "you're right, luke is, imsaguy" | [06:23] |
danieldaniel | can someone bring the market down? | [06:23] |
imsaguy | jesus | [06:23] |
rawrmage | him too, i think | [06:24] |
danieldaniel | 5up3rub3rpl0x? | [06:24] |
splatster | danieldaniel: Careful what you wish for... | [06:24] |
imsaguy | thæt | [06:24] |
imsaguy | just skip over their | [06:24] |
imsaguy | us thæt | [06:24] |
rawrmage | lol ok | [06:25] |
danieldaniel | wow | [06:25] |
danieldaniel | ifail | [06:25] |
imsaguy | you really can use their for gender neutral | [06:25] |
imsaguy | but its stupid | [06:25] |
danieldaniel | I just realized I was listening to two songs at the same time | [06:25] |
danieldaniel | in two youtube windows | [06:25] |
danieldaniel | >.> | [06:25] |
danieldaniel | *thats* why it sounded like shit | [06:25] |
rawrmage | … | [06:25] |
danieldaniel | that makes sense! | [06:26] |
splatster | *facepalm* | [06:26] |
danieldaniel | someone bring it down by 1.11 cents pl0x | [06:26] |
* | rawrmage mentally adjusts its estimate of a number downwards | [06:27] |
imsaguy | ...................................... | [06:27] |
woofcat | ;;ticker | [06:27] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.37734, Best ask: 4.38, Bid-ask spread: 0.00266, Last trade: 4.3811, 24 hour volume: 76328, 24 hour low: 4.212, 24 hour high: 4.49 | [06:27] |
splatster | "Wow, I've never heard this song before! It almost sounds like... two songs playing at the same time!" | [06:27] |
splatster | "Interesting!" | [06:27] |
danieldaniel | splatster: :) | [06:27] |
* | Canuck_tux has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [06:27] |
imsaguy | so who wants to loan me $1200? | [06:28] |
splatster | I'm going to send all my PP money to my bank account and do a massive withdrawal in dollor bills. | [06:28] |
danieldaniel | imsaguy: If I had that much | [06:28] |
danieldaniel | me | [06:28] |
danieldaniel | but, sadly, I dont | [06:28] |
danieldaniel | :( | [06:28] |
rg | yes you do | [06:28] |
rg | let us use your moms cc | [06:28] |
danieldaniel | rg: in my savings | [06:28] |
danieldaniel | LOL | [06:28] |
danieldaniel | that actually has like a 32000 credit limit | [06:29] |
rawrmage | splatster: what's a dollor | [06:29] |
danieldaniel | and its in my room | [06:29] |
danieldaniel | hidden | [06:29] |
rg | c'mon | [06:29] |
rg | pam's cool | [06:29] |
danieldaniel | lolno | [06:29] |
danieldaniel | wait a second | [06:29] |
danieldaniel | how the fuck do you know who pam is | [06:29] |
rawrmage | lolllll | [06:29] |
rg | i told you | [06:29] |
rg | i know everything about you | [06:29] |
danieldaniel | who is she | [06:29] |
splatster | rawrmage: Oh woops | [06:29] |
MBS | [06:30] | |
danieldaniel | what relationship does she have to me | [06:30] |
MBS | possibly a bank, lol | [06:30] |
rg | auntie | [06:30] |
danieldaniel | MBS: lol | [06:30] |
rg | pam | [06:30] |
danieldaniel | rg: nope | [06:30] |
danieldaniel | she's my financial advisor | [06:30] |
danieldaniel | XD | [06:30] |
danieldaniel | at UBS | [06:30] |
rawrmage | lol | [06:30] |
danieldaniel | also my parents | [06:30] |
Cory | ... | [06:30] |
splatster | s/dollor/dollar/ | [06:30] |
rg | good to know | [06:30] |
rg | *noted* | [06:30] |
danieldaniel | and my grandparents | [06:30] |
danieldaniel | rg: you have no idea what her last name is | [06:30] |
Cory | Well there's no way rg dug that far. :P | [06:30] |
danieldaniel | Cory: lol | [06:30] |
danieldaniel | Cory: she would have | [06:30] |
danieldaniel | wait, rg's a girl; right? | [06:31] |
rg | yes | [06:31] |
danieldaniel | i always assumed she was | [06:31] |
danieldaniel | ok | [06:31] |
danieldaniel | just makingsure | [06:31] |
danieldaniel | ;;ping | [06:31] |
gribble | pong | [06:31] |
splatster | I hate interest rates right now | [06:32] |
splatster | Stupid feds | [06:32] |
splatster | Fucking up my savings account | [06:33] |
AcidicChip | LoL, and I called her a "bro" at least twice | [06:33] |
rg | my name is james | [06:33] |
danieldaniel | wait rg, are you actually a girl? | [06:33] |
AcidicChip | lol | [06:33] |
AcidicChip | I'm so confused!!! | [06:33] |
rg | i am a boy | [06:33] |
danieldaniel | rofl | [06:33] |
danieldaniel | rg: i saw pics | [06:33] |
danieldaniel | of you and your bf | [06:33] |
* | h4ckm3 has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [06:34] |
danieldaniel | :3 | [06:34] |
rawrmage | lol | [06:34] |
* | malkauns has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | [06:34] |
* | pp7 is now known as malkauns | [06:34] |
* | hexTech has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [06:34] |
dwon | Did rg just transition on IRC? Congrats! | [06:34] |
dwon | It's a big step. | [06:34] |
rg | your mothers cooch | [06:35] |
MBS | splatster, then put your money somewhere else | [06:35] |
* | joecool_ (~joecool@no-sources/joecool) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:35] |
MBS | like bitcoin | [06:35] |
MBS | jk, obviously | [06:35] |
danieldaniel | lol | [06:35] |
splatster | MBS: My money is likely safer under my mattress. | [06:35] |
* | hexTech (~hexTech@gateway/tor-sasl/hextech) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:35] |
MBS | invest in some norwegian bonds | [06:36] |
splatster | MBS: You mean greek bonds :) | [06:36] |
danieldaniel | lol | [06:36] |
danieldaniel | @ greek bondw | [06:36] |
danieldaniel | bonds* | [06:36] |
* | randumbum has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 10.0.2/20120216101208]) | [06:36] |
splatster | Why want they just default? | [06:36] |
MBS | so you are worried about safety but want greek bonds :p | [06:36] |
MBS | the rest of the EU should just invade greece and sell their people into slavery to china | [06:37] |
* | joecool has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [06:37] |
splatster | "We paying 70 cents on the dollar, not defaulting." THAT IS HORSE SHIT!!! | [06:37] |
splatster | MBS: +1 | [06:37] |
imsaguy | anything that is less than 100% is a default | [06:37] |
* | Mafek has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [06:37] |
splatster | imsaguy: Exactly | [06:37] |
splatster | but they aren't calling it that | [06:38] |
* | smoothie has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [06:38] |
* | Mafek ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:38] |
* | smoothie ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:38] |
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* | vinhpk (~khacvinhp@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:39] |
* | ianthius_ has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [06:39] |
* | ianthius_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:39] |
* | ineededausername has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [06:41] |
danieldaniel | ;;ping | [06:43] |
gribble | pong | [06:43] |
rawrmage | are you going to do that every time the channel's quiet | [06:44] |
danieldaniel | yes | [06:44] |
splatster | ;;ping | [06:44] |
gribble | pong | [06:44] |
splatster | ;;pong | [06:44] |
gribble | ping | [06:44] |
danieldaniel | either that or ,,pong | [06:44] |
gribble | ping | [06:44] |
splatster | haha | [06:44] |
splatster | ;;ping;;pong | [06:44] |
danieldaniel | ,,ping ,,pong | [06:44] |
gribble | pong | [06:44] |
gribble | ping | [06:44] |
danieldaniel | :O | [06:44] |
splatster | ,,ping,,pong,,ping,,pong | [06:45] |
NASDAQEnema | MBS - austerity = murder to keep the spreadsheets happy | [06:45] |
splatster | :( | [06:45] |
rawrmage | ;;action yells "SHUT UP!" | [06:45] |
* | gribble yells SHUT UP! | [06:45] |
danieldaniel | ;;action fucks himself | [06:46] |
* | gribble fucks himself | [06:46] |
danieldaniel | ;;eightball will rawrmage ever get a GF? | [06:46] |
gribble | The outlook is poor. | [06:46] |
danieldaniel | :D | [06:46] |
rawrmage | lol | [06:46] |
* | vincent_point (d317cca5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:46] |
danieldaniel | omggggggg | [06:46] |
danieldaniel | y u all ignore me | [06:46] |
rawrmage | ;;eightball will danieldaniel ever get a BF? | [06:47] |
gribble | _I_ don't know. | [06:47] |
danieldaniel | fffff | [06:47] |
danieldaniel | ;;eightball will rawrmage ever get a BF? | [06:47] |
gribble | About as likely as pigs flying. | [06:47] |
danieldaniel | D: | [06:47] |
danieldaniel | wait | [06:47] |
danieldaniel | but in minecraft... | [06:47] |
rawrmage | gribble knows me <3 | [06:47] |
danieldaniel | ohrly? | [06:48] |
danieldaniel | ;;eightball will rawrmage ever get a BF? | [06:48] |
gribble | I doubt it very much. | [06:48] |
danieldaniel | ;;eightball will rawrmage ever get a BF? | [06:48] |
gribble | The outlook is poor. | [06:48] |
danieldaniel | fffff | [06:48] |
rawrmage | ;;eightball will danieldaniel ever get a GF? | [06:48] |
gribble | The outlook is hazy, please ask again later. | [06:48] |
danieldaniel | LOL | [06:48] |
rawrmage | ok | [06:48] |
danieldaniel | gribble: umadbro? | [06:48] |
danieldaniel | ;;umad | [06:48] |
danieldaniel | ;;alias | [06:48] |
danieldaniel | ;;whoami | [06:48] |
gribble | I don't recognize you. | [06:48] |
danieldaniel | D: | [06:48] |
danieldaniel | ;;ident | [06:48] |
gribble | You are identified as user danieldaniel, with GPG key id C5D21E9BDCAE3594, and key fingerprint 4761C0C9EA65B824459AF736C5D21E9BDCAE3594. | [06:48] |
rawrmage | ;;eightball will danieldaniel ever have a significant other | [06:49] |
gribble | _I_ don't know. | [06:49] |
rawrmage | ok. | [06:49] |
danieldaniel | nanotube: can you make an alias for me? | [06:49] |
danieldaniel | CMD: ;;umad should output Yes; I am mad, bro. | [06:49] |
danieldaniel | can someone make the market go up | [06:50] |
danieldaniel | ill give them -1 btc | [06:50] |
errydayimgenerat | rg: awwww :( | [06:50] |
rawrmage | ;;eightball will someone make the market go up? | [06:50] |
gribble | What are you asking me for? | [06:50] |
rawrmage | money | [06:50] |
danieldaniel | What is loveeeee | [06:50] |
danieldaniel | baby don't hurt meee | [06:50] |
danieldaniel | dubstep ftw | [06:51] |
rawrmage | ;;eightball will danieldaniel ever know non-unilateral love | [06:51] |
gribble | You know the answer better than I. | [06:51] |
errydayimgenerat | dubstep is horrrrriiiible | [06:51] |
danieldaniel | ;;fuck | [06:51] |
rawrmage | hehe, I do, gribble <3 | [06:51] |
danieldaniel | you guys are creepy | [06:52] |
rawrmage | ;;eightball am I creepy | [06:52] |
gribble | The outlook is hazy, please ask again later. | [06:52] |
danieldaniel | ;;eightball is rawrmage creepy | [06:52] |
rawrmage | ;;eightball am I crazy | [06:52] |
gribble | About as likely as pigs flying. | [06:52] |
gribble | One would be wise to think so. | [06:52] |
danieldaniel | lolpwnt | [06:52] |
rawrmage | ;;eightball is danieldaniel more creepy than I | [06:53] |
gribble | About as likely as pigs flying. | [06:53] |
danieldaniel | :D | [06:53] |
rawrmage | ;;eightball how about equal? | [06:53] |
gribble | No. | [06:53] |
rawrmage | :( | [06:53] |
rawrmage | maybe even just ,,(eightball almost?) | [06:53] |
gribble | About as likely as pigs flying. | [06:53] |
rawrmage | D: | [06:53] |
rawrmage | ;;eightball does danieldaniel have bad qualitis | [06:54] |
gribble | Come again? | [06:54] |
rawrmage | ;;eightball does danieldaniel have bad qualities | [06:54] |
gribble | One would be wise to think so. | [06:54] |
danieldaniel | ffffff | [06:54] |
rawrmage | >:) | [06:54] |
errydayimgenerat | danieldaniel: you going to prom | [06:54] |
errydayimgenerat | ? | [06:54] |
danieldaniel | oh shit | [06:54] |
danieldaniel | the trading bot broke my account | [06:54] |
errydayimgenerat | what does your trading bot do? | [06:55] |
danieldaniel | stuff | [06:55] |
rg | comes on IRC and begs for bitcoins | [06:55] |
danieldaniel | rg: not that one | [06:55] |
danieldaniel | lol | [06:56] |
errydayimgenerat | lol | [06:56] |
errydayimgenerat | rg not gonna read my pm? | [06:56] |
errydayimgenerat | just a curious question | [06:56] |
rg | i dont know what it means | [06:56] |
danieldaniel | someone bring down market pl0x | [06:57] |
rg | fuckin land papers jim | [06:58] |
rg | daniel: we want it to go up | [06:58] |
rg | not down | [06:58] |
danieldaniel | rg: i want it to go down | [06:58] |
rg | lol @ 17k wall | [06:58] |
rg | thats horrible | [06:58] |
danieldaniel | fffff | [06:58] |
danieldaniel | FFFFFFFFF | [06:59] |
rg | what is with that | [06:59] |
rg | 18k at 4.45 | [06:59] |
errydayimgenerat | oh wait nvm rg i got confused | [06:59] |
errydayimgenerat | danieldaniel: stop saying pl0x | [06:59] |
danieldaniel | :( | [06:59] |
copumpkin | pl0x | [06:59] |
errydayimgenerat | you're 17 | [06:59] |
errydayimgenerat | going to be 18 soon | [06:59] |
danieldaniel | and? | [06:59] |
errydayimgenerat | you're going to be a man | [06:59] |
errydayimgenerat | an adult | [06:59] |
errydayimgenerat | so start acting like one | [06:59] |
rg | someone really doesnt want the price to go out | [06:59] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: how do you know that 0.0 | [06:59] |
errydayimgenerat | and not spouting stupid lame chanspeak | [06:59] |
errydayimgenerat | know what | [06:59] |
rg | thats $77k of bitcoins | [06:59] |
danieldaniel | right when I need it to go down | [07:00] |
danieldaniel | >.> | [07:00] |
pho| | isnt it time for kids to go to bed yet? | [07:00] |
errydayimgenerat | you're going to be 18 or wat | [07:00] |
danieldaniel | pho|: no | [07:01] |
pho| | ok cool, just checking | [07:01] |
errydayimgenerat | seriously, know what? | [07:01] |
pho| | i dont think kids should have a bedtime, but, many do | [07:01] |
* | uzyn ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:02] |
Graet | my kids are still at school, can't put them to bed yet :( | [07:02] |
* | gribble gives voice to uzyn | [07:02] |
splatster | OK wait a minute. The person who put up that ask wall expects that we think the price will go down, so why don't we keep our cool and -not- panic sell like a bunch of douchesbags? | [07:02] |
pho| | eventually you have to let the old folks dominate the chat | [07:02] |
danieldaniel | splatster: OMG PANIC SELL | [07:02] |
pho| | with you know, stories | [07:02] |
* | rg empties the bitvps wallet @ 3.00 | [07:03] |
errydayimgenerat | it couldd be like | [07:03] |
errydayimgenerat | trying to price fix | [07:03] |
splatster | Unless the person is trying to use reverse psychology... | [07:03] |
pho| | maybe get in a game of bridge | [07:03] |
errydayimgenerat | so you know | [07:03] |
errydayimgenerat | businesses would be more inclined to use btc | [07:03] |
pho| | have a nightcap ..etc | [07:03] |
Cusipzzz | maybe the guy with the ask wall needs exactly 77k usd for a porsche 911. no trying to fool anyone, seems reasonable. | [07:03] |
rg | i run a bitcoin business | [07:03] |
rg | and its a pain in the ass | [07:03] |
danieldaniel | rg: lol | [07:04] |
pho| | rg +1 | [07:04] |
splatster | If only satoshi would come back and put up ask and bid walls so high, that no one could break them... | [07:04] |
pho| | i think satoahi cashed out long ago, too early | [07:05] |
danieldaniel | pho|: me too | [07:05] |
pho| | but im sure he is still setup nice | [07:05] |
rg | Bitcoin is written by a female | [07:06] |
rg | thats why its such a pain in the ass | [07:06] |
* | OneFixt (~OneFixt@unaffiliated/onefixt) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:06] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to OneFixt | [07:06] |
errydayimgenerat | i bet satoshi went into the mountains to live a life of peace and quiet and watch his beast unfold | [07:06] |
rg | i wonder if that wall is one person | [07:06] |
draco49 | g'morning all :) | [07:06] |
pho| | sexism, nice touch, doesnt apply here | [07:06] |
rg | to think one person has 17k bitcoins | [07:06] |
rg | is quite obscene | [07:07] |
errydayimgenerat | not at all | [07:07] |
errydayimgenerat | i used to have a decent amount | [07:07] |
errydayimgenerat | they were all cpu generated too | [07:07] |
pho| | 17K is nothing compared to what other big players have | [07:07] |
splatster | There have been 10k + ask/bid walls thought have been bought/sold out buy some other equally rich person. | [07:07] |
danieldaniel | | [07:07] |
rg | its more than anyone here has | [07:07] |
errydayimgenerat | yeah i only generated for like, 3 months | [07:07] |
* | badluck ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:07] |
danieldaniel | look at the comments | [07:07] |
* | gribble gives voice to draco49 | [07:08] |
splatster | There are plenty of people with a lot of money. | [07:08] |
errydayimgenerat | not even since i didn't let bc run half the time | [07:08] |
copumpkin | rg: not sure I'd say that | [07:08] |
danieldaniel | they are *all* holocaust jokes | [07:08] |
draco49 | g'morning all | [07:08] |
danieldaniel | draco49: omg | [07:08] |
errydayimgenerat | rg: i used to have about | [07:08] |
rg | well you dont know | [07:08] |
draco49 | :D | [07:08] |
rg | now* | [07:08] |
rg | so it doesnt matter | [07:08] |
pho| | im cure a couple people here (idling and laughing) have alot more than 17K | [07:08] |
errydayimgenerat | 38.8% of that amount | [07:08] |
danieldaniel | .0001% of that amount | [07:09] |
danieldaniel | probably less | [07:09] |
Cory | Satoshi's probably in here now. | [07:09] |
danieldaniel | psst | [07:09] |
danieldaniel | im satoshi | [07:09] |
pirateat40 | Hi | [07:09] |
danieldaniel | don't tell anyonr | [07:09] |
splatster | I know someone who has personally to me about his buying out walls, putting up walls, and have over $250k | [07:10] |
errydayimgenerat | i'm sure satoshi is too busy getting wasted on sake and banging models | [07:10] |
copumpkin | splatster: in here? | [07:10] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: haha, or maybe satoahi works for the cia now | [07:11] |
splatster | The person is an active community member | [07:11] |
errydayimgenerat | ;;calc 4.5 * 6.6 | [07:11] |
gribble | 29.7 | [07:11] |
danieldaniel | omg guys $5!!!!! | [07:11] |
danieldaniel | trololo | [07:11] |
splatster | I'm not gonna be an ass to him and tell who he is | [07:11] |
errydayimgenerat | if i guess right will you tell me? | [07:11] |
errydayimgenerat | pm of course | [07:11] |
danieldaniel | splatster: dont do it | [07:12] |
splatster | No, I'm not a douche. | [07:12] |
copumpkin | we all know it's rg | [07:12] |
pho| | splatser is talking about himself! | [07:12] |
splatster | PM from errydayimgenerat: "[10:12 PM] |
[07:12] |
danieldaniel | copumpkin: perfect quote from this | [07:12] |
danieldaniel | for this* | [07:12] |
splatster | pho|: I'M RICH BIATCH! | [07:13] |
danieldaniel | nvm | [07:13] |
pho| | yes! | [07:13] |
pho| | i knew it! | [07:13] |
errydayimgenerat | splatster: that's a PRIVATE message >:( | [07:13] |
splatster | oops, I forgot | [07:13] |
* | draco49 packs a bowl of some fine medical MJ and prepares for wake-n-bake | [07:13] |
pho| | draco49: share or it didnt happen :P | [07:14] |
errydayimgenerat | wake and bake? | [07:14] |
errydayimgenerat | it's like 9-12 at night? | [07:14] |
splatster | For anyone who doesn't get the "I'm rich biatch" reference: | [07:14] |
danieldaniel | pho|: pics or it didn't happen* | [07:14] |
draco49 | lol yeah I been sleepin all day | [07:14] |
pho| | danieldaniel: cant smoke pics :P | [07:14] |
* | Cytarabine has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [07:14] |
errydayimgenerat | etokes lol | [07:14] |
danieldaniel | pho|: true | [07:14] |
danieldaniel | oh | [07:14] |
errydayimgenerat | camchats rippin bongs oh yeah | [07:14] |
danieldaniel | i just read what he siad | [07:15] |
danieldaniel | >.> | [07:15] |
errydayimgenerat | but yeah | [07:15] |
errydayimgenerat | i'ma bout to take my last shot of the night | [07:15] |
errydayimgenerat | but it shall be a doozy | [07:15] |
errydayimgenerat | i declare it so | [07:15] |
danieldaniel | can someone explain | [07:15] |
danieldaniel | why everybody in here takes dugs? | [07:16] |
draco49 | | [07:16] |
danieldaniel | .> | [07:16] |
danieldaniel | >.> | [07:16] |
draco49 | enjoy! | [07:16] |
pho| | I just tore into a 6 pak of 16 ozers | [07:16] |
* | SomeoneWeird_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:16] |
errydayimgenerat | danieldaniel: you're not old enough to understandd life sucks | [07:16] |
errydayimgenerat | i bet you live in some cushy ct suburb | [07:16] |
errydayimgenerat | full of rich people | [07:16] |
danieldaniel | i do | [07:16] |
Graet | i have never taken a dug | [07:16] |
danieldaniel | but I'm not | [07:16] |
pho| | dugs r bad mmkay | [07:16] |
draco49 | MJ isn't drugs, it's medicine | [07:16] |
errydayimgenerat | alcohol is a drug | [07:16] |
errydayimgenerat | it's still a drug | [07:17] |
errydayimgenerat | morphine is a medicine | [07:17] |
errydayimgenerat | but it's stll a drug | [07:17] |
errydayimgenerat | and it's what heroin synthesizes too in the body | [07:17] |
pho| | alchohol is one of the more destructive drugs | [07:17] |
errydayimgenerat | metaboilzes* | [07:17] |
draco49 | I have a presciption for MJ so it's medicine. | [07:17] |
errydayimgenerat | yessss pho | [07:17] |
errydayimgenerat | i'm with you 100% | [07:17] |
errydayimgenerat | draco49: do you live in cali? | [07:17] |
* | SomeoneWeird_ has quit (Changing host) | [07:17] |
* | SomeoneWeird_ (~SomeoneWe@unaffiliated/someoneweird) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:17] |
draco49 | Denver | [07:17] |
errydayimgenerat | do they give 'em out there willy nilly too? | [07:17] |
pho| | but acholohol is still fun (and legal for some reason) | [07:17] |
draco49 | Yep | [07:18] |
errydayimgenerat | alcohol isn't fun | [07:18] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: I respect that opinion | [07:18] |
draco49 | alcohol CAN be fun if you know how to control yourself and not become a complete mess. | [07:19] |
errydayimgenerat | it's a poison that intoxicates you | [07:19] |
errydayimgenerat | and does some serious havoc on your system | [07:19] |
errydayimgenerat | and absolutely destroys motor skills | [07:19] |
pho| | all true | [07:19] |
errydayimgenerat | and lowers inhibitions in people and that sense of like | [07:19] |
errydayimgenerat | respect | [07:19] |
errydayimgenerat | heh | [07:19] |
draco49 | MJ is the opposit | [07:19] |
errydayimgenerat | it's just not my style | [07:19] |
errydayimgenerat | mj just makes you okay with being bored | [07:19] |
pho| | but you cant go to jail for having some alchohol | [07:19] |
errydayimgenerat | and kills short term memory | [07:19] |
draco49 | s'cool | [07:19] |
* | BlueMatt has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [07:20] |
errydayimgenerat | plus alcohol withdrawal is lethal | [07:20] |
splatster | I got my Casascius Silver Round with the gold plating in the mail today | [07:20] |
splatster | look real nice | [07:20] |
draco49 | sweet | [07:20] |
danieldaniel | splatster: pic? | [07:20] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: short term what? i forgot what we are talking about? | [07:20] |
splatster | one sec | [07:20] |
* | BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:20] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt | [07:20] |
splatster | ..... | [07:20] |
danieldaniel | pho|: lol | [07:20] |
errydayimgenerat | tbh heroin is safer/easier on the body than alcohol | [07:20] |
* | splatster gets his phone out | [07:20] |
errydayimgenerat | lol pho| | [07:20] |
draco49 | I keep wanting to buy one of those... | [07:20] |
draco49 | ^^ true | [07:20] |
MBS | dat krocodil | [07:20] |
danieldaniel | can someone make the market go up | [07:21] |
draco49 | oh man, the krocodil again... | [07:21] |
rg | i wonder if i should go to sleep | [07:21] |
errydayimgenerat | krokodil is a commie drug | [07:21] |
Cory | splatster: Did you ever find a picture of the coin? | [07:21] |
rg | its almost 1 | [07:21] |
MBS | actually man problem with it is that they dont clean it at all | [07:21] |
errydayimgenerat | also danieldaniel now you know why professional traders jump out of buildings | [07:21] |
MBS | so still had phosphorus and hydrocloric acid in it | [07:21] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: lol | [07:21] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: herios is less damaging to physical body systems, but you have to be more careful with it, or you pass out and choke on your own vomit | [07:21] |
splatster | Cory: Which coin? | [07:21] |
errydayimgenerat | what was krokodil supposed to be? | [07:21] |
errydayimgenerat | pho|: yeah, sam with alcohol though | [07:22] |
errydayimgenerat | int hat regard | [07:22] |
Cory | The one with the gold-plated Bitcoin symbol, splatster. | [07:22] |
MBS | is pretty much like meth from codeine | [07:22] |
errydayimgenerat | really the things you hear about how horrible heroin can be is from method of ingestion | [07:22] |
splatster | Cory: nope, so I'm taking one of my own now | [07:22] |
MBS | desomorphine | [07:22] |
Cory | That's great! You should post it on the forums, too. :) | [07:22] |
errydayimgenerat | so it's like drug alchemy gone wrong | [07:22] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: same with alchohol to a point, but herion is much more potent and used in excess will have more drastic effects | [07:23] |
pho| | knwo you limits | [07:23] |
draco49 | | [07:23] |
errydayimgenerat | fuck i misplaced something | [07:23] |
errydayimgenerat | okay found it | [07:23] |
errydayimgenerat | i guess it ddepends how you define drastic | [07:24] |
errydayimgenerat | and ywhat you consider excess | [07:24] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: you forget where you put your drugs? | [07:24] |
errydayimgenerat | yah | [07:24] |
errydayimgenerat | it was under the laptop | [07:24] |
pho| | haha | [07:24] |
* | att_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [07:25] |
* | _h4ckm3 is now known as h4ckm3 | [07:26] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: drastic is when you get addicted, and simply refuse to acknowledge your limits .... with alchohol most people pass out when they have had too much, with herion the line is fuzzier | [07:26] |
splatster | FYI this is just going to be a photo take on my phone. I'll take a fancy one in good weather some time over the weekend. | [07:26] |
errydayimgenerat | you cn get addicted to alcohol too | [07:26] |
pho| | sure | [07:26] |
Cory | splatster: No problem. | [07:27] |
* | bitcoinTrader has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | [07:27] |
pho| | but its unlikely you are able to drink enough alchohol to kill you before you simply pass out, with herion you can mainline it all in one dose | [07:27] |
* | stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:28] |
errydayimgenerat | dont forget the ones that died plugging alcohol | [07:28] |
* | DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:28] |
stamit | are any people here interested in Amazon Payments credit? | [07:28] |
stamit | just asking, out of curiosity | [07:28] |
* | gribble gives voice to DeLorean719 | [07:28] |
* | arvicco has quit (Quit: arvicco) | [07:28] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: shooting up alchohol? | [07:28] |
errydayimgenerat | plugging is | [07:29] |
errydayimgenerat | uhhh | [07:29] |
rg | i bet if we bought 5k btc from that 17k wall | [07:29] |
errydayimgenerat | rectal admission | [07:29] |
rg | itd disappear | [07:29] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: haha OK never heard of that | [07:29] |
danieldaniel | stamit: amazon payments credit? | [07:29] |
rg | ive plugged | [07:29] |
rg | its the best | [07:29] |
stamit | yes | [07:29] |
draco49 | lol you booty-bump alcohol | [07:29] |
rg | but its also the worst | [07:29] |
rg | no | [07:29] |
rg | not alcohol | [07:29] |
stamit | amazon payments is a payment processor | [07:29] |
danieldaniel | i know | [07:29] |
pho| | how do you do that exactly ... can i do it with beer? | [07:29] |
danieldaniel | oh | [07:29] |
danieldaniel | i was confused by the credit | [07:29] |
errydayimgenerat | you can stick a lot of drugs up your butt | [07:30] |
errydayimgenerat | the rectal cavity tends to have a rather high bioavailablility for drugs | [07:30] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: i know about suppositories for cociane and the like, never heard of an alchohol suppository | [07:30] |
errydayimgenerat | because of the blood vssels etc | [07:30] |
draco49 | yeah higher absorption rate or sumptin | [07:30] |
splatster | Sorry this is so shitty: | [07:30] |
* | llanox (468397bf@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:30] |
danieldaniel | can you send me a high quality scan of the back? | [07:31] |
errydayimgenerat | it's kind of what ot me to quit drinking | [07:31] |
stamit | anyone at all interested? | [07:31] |
splatster | Verdict on Gold Plating on the SIlver Round: DEFINITELY WORTH IT! | [07:31] |
errydayimgenerat | also cocaine what? | [07:31] |
errydayimgenerat | it fucks peoples noses up i would never put that in the butt | [07:31] |
danieldaniel | splatster: that looks nice | [07:31] |
draco49 | [07:31] | |
splatster | danieldaniel: Scanners really flatten out the hologram | [07:32] |
errydayimgenerat | okay | [07:32] |
DeLorean719 | grr where's andres | [07:32] |
danieldaniel | omg | [07:32] |
danieldaniel | someone make the market go up | [07:32] |
errydayimgenerat | time for my last shot of the night >:D | [07:32] |
splatster | They take away all the flash color, etc. | [07:32] |
* | bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:32] |
DeLorean719 | anyone selling btc for Wells Fargo USD? | [07:32] |
draco49 | A watched pot never boils... | [07:32] |
danieldaniel | DeLorean719: there was a uy | [07:32] |
danieldaniel | guy* | [07:32] |
danieldaniel | who was doing it | [07:32] |
* | dserrano5 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:32] |
danieldaniel | i forget who | [07:32] |
danieldaniel | bitcoinTrader: make the market go up | [07:33] |
bitcoinTrader | no | [07:33] |
bitcoinTrader | down | [07:33] |
danieldaniel | D: | [07:33] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: cocaine suppositories .. i guess just google it, cuz i dont understand it either | [07:33] |
bitcoinTrader | :P | [07:33] |
mod6 | heh | [07:33] |
danieldaniel | :( | [07:33] |
errydayimgenerat | danieldaniel: delorean and i are already acquainted | [07:33] |
danieldaniel | oh | [07:33] |
danieldaniel | ok | [07:33] |
DeLorean719 | (: | [07:33] |
* | bitcoinTrader has quit (Client Quit) | [07:34] |
Cory | errydayimgenerat was looking for Wells Fargo. | [07:34] |
errydayimgenerat | he took me up on me offer | [07:34] |
llanox | Does anyone sell bitcoins for Paypal? | [07:34] |
errydayimgenerat | before | [07:34] |
DeLorean719 | I gave him some! lol | [07:34] |
errydayimgenerat | that's why i stopped craying it about | [07:34] |
llanox | I'm just wondering | [07:34] |
errydayimgenerat | her | [07:34] |
errydayimgenerat | :) | [07:34] |
DeLorean719 | ya llanox, if you have trust | [07:34] |
errydayimgenerat | nevermind the legal anme | [07:34] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: ah cool you finally found a trade with the wells fargo thing? | [07:34] |
badluck | zargo | [07:34] |
* | Zillow (~Zillow@unaffiliated/zillow) has left #bitcoin-otc ("Leaving") | [07:35] |
errydayimgenerat | yeah | [07:35] |
errydayimgenerat | like at | [07:35] |
errydayimgenerat | hours ago | [07:35] |
pho| | i so much hate wells fargo, worst bank ever | [07:35] |
errydayimgenerat | 8pm | [07:35] |
pho| | they screwed me every time | [07:35] |
pho| | now they wont let me make a new account | [07:35] |
DeLorean719 | worst savings account rate ever lol | [07:35] |
danieldaniel | td bank six too | [07:36] |
danieldaniel | sux* | [07:36] |
DeLorean719 | i use ally | [07:36] |
pho| | all banks are sucking like that now | [07:36] |
DeLorean719 | but still have wells fargo for the most part | [07:36] |
draco49 | ALL banks suck... | [07:36] |
pho| | find a good local credxit union near you and use them | [07:36] |
errydayimgenerat | mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm | [07:36] |
vragnaroda | [23:21] #bitcoin-otc: <+ imsaguy> | rawrmage: lemme clue you in on something... vrag isn't always right. <-- Nonsense. | [07:36] |
DeLorean719 | errydayimgenerat: you don't have any btc to sell me? d: | [07:37] |
errydayimgenerat | also i used to have wachovia | [07:37] |
pho| | or just go bankless and use prepaid debit cards from american express | [07:37] |
errydayimgenerat | then they were absorbed by WF | [07:37] |
errydayimgenerat | holy shit | [07:37] |
errydayimgenerat | this is hitting hard | [07:37] |
vragnaroda | rawrmage: If by epicene they, you mean singular they, that's an abomination. | [07:37] |
errydayimgenerat | maybe DeLorean719 | [07:38] |
MBS | lol at this google ad on my gmail spam page | [07:38] |
MBS | Ginger Spam Salad - Serves 1, refrigerate overnight | [07:38] |
errydayimgenerat | i only have mtgox usd at the moment though | [07:38] |
pho| | vragnaroda: lol, nice, you hurt my brain | [07:38] |
DeLorean719 | how much? | [07:38] |
draco49 | At least we're not moving towards a one-world central bank ... | [07:39] |
vragnaroda | rawrmage: ‹they› is, of course, always epicene, though. | [07:39] |
errydayimgenerat | i'll have to think | [07:40] |
errydayimgenerat | also see if the wire clears tomorrow | [07:40] |
errydayimgenerat | well i don't reallly need to see that | [07:40] |
vragnaroda | [23:19] <+ imsaguy> | his/her <-- No. ‹His› suffices; ‹his› is epicene. | [07:40] |
pho| | vragnaroda: did you just end a sentace with a preposition? | [07:40] |
errydayimgenerat | but i'm going to be homeless soon | [07:40] |
vragnaroda | pho|: No, but that's an idiotic rule that ought never be claimed to apply to English. | [07:40] |
pho| | haha, jk | [07:40] |
vragnaroda | That is precisely the sort of nonsense up with which I shall not put! | [07:40] |
pho| | lmao | [07:41] |
pho| | nice | [07:41] |
pho| | cliche, but nice | [07:41] |
stamit | "holy shit" as the americans say | [07:41] |
vragnaroda | It's credited to Churchill but he may not have been the first one to say it. | [07:41] |
* | joecool_ is now known as joecool | [07:41] |
stamit | i just looked at that bank merging chart | [07:41] |
badluck | taylor swift to appear in hustler | [07:41] |
pirateat40 | stamit, our shit is holy. | [07:41] |
copumpkin | errydayimgenerat: why homeless? | [07:41] |
copumpkin | :/ | [07:41] |
vragnaroda | *cliché and no, it isn't. Not every quote is a cliché. | [07:41] |
copumpkin | hacknéed | [07:42] |
stamit | this is going to be world war 3 or something | [07:42] |
pirateat40 | I vote to kick him. | [07:42] |
copumpkin | clichey and hacknéed | [07:42] |
pirateat40 | :) | [07:42] |
danieldaniel | if I accepted cash at a TD bank for bitcoins, who would use it? | [07:42] |
* | chakl has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | [07:43] |
vragnaroda | danieldaniel: Drug dealers and human traffickers of course. | [07:43] |
pirateat40 | danieldaniel, some scammer | [07:43] |
danieldaniel | vragnaroda: then I guess I'm not doing that | [07:43] |
danieldaniel | wow | [07:43] |
danieldaniel | great responses | [07:43] |
copumpkin | danieldaniel: you're in the right community | [07:43] |
vragnaroda | And politicians when they want to pay their minor sexual partners discretely. | [07:43] |
draco49 | | [07:43] |
pirateat40 | danieldaniel, why cant you just trade like the rest of us. | [07:43] |
danieldaniel | pirateat40: I am, with a bot | [07:44] |
pirateat40 | Then your bot sucks. | [07:44] |
danieldaniel | no | [07:44] |
danieldaniel | i made .4 btc in the past 10 mins... | [07:44] |
pirateat40 | but you lost 4 BTC before that. | [07:44] |
draco49 | ballin! | [07:44] |
danieldaniel | pirateat40: I mean net profit | [07:44] |
danieldaniel | soo | [07:45] |
danieldaniel | someone make the market go down | [07:45] |
pirateat40 | I made .30 BTC in the last month. Im jealous then. | [07:45] |
* | copumpkin buys $250k in coins | [07:45] |
danieldaniel | pirateat40: lolwut | [07:45] |
danieldaniel | copumpkin: do it | [07:45] |
danieldaniel | ffff | [07:45] |
* | zeezey (~textual@unaffiliated/zeezey) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:45] |
danieldaniel | I'm losing $ now | [07:45] |
danieldaniel | :( | [07:45] |
zeezey | hi | [07:45] |
draco49 | there goes that .4 | [07:45] |
danieldaniel | what | [07:45] |
zeezey | anyone want batman arkham city | [07:45] |
danieldaniel | draco49: lol | [07:45] |
danieldaniel | zeezey: no | [07:45] |
danieldaniel | :) | [07:46] |
zeezey | k | [07:46] |
danieldaniel | Im sure someone does | [07:46] |
danieldaniel | god damnit market | [07:46] |
danieldaniel | y u so mean | [07:46] |
danieldaniel | go down alreadyz | [07:46] |
a5m0 | i think someone should rate limit danieldaniel | [07:46] |
copumpkin | oh guys | [07:47] |
danieldaniel | rate limit? | [07:47] |
copumpkin | anyone remember there was some service for deliveries with bitcoin? | [07:47] |
danieldaniel | deliveries? | [07:47] |
danieldaniel | what do you mean | [07:47] |
draco49 | :| | [07:47] |
a5m0 | they deliver babies | [07:47] |
danieldaniel | oh | [07:47] |
danieldaniel | OH | [07:47] |
draco49 | in exchange for bitcoin | [07:47] |
a5m0 | i'm pretty sure that they don't | [07:47] |
danieldaniel | No | [07:47] |
copumpkin | you could pay people to deliver shit for you | [07:47] |
danieldaniel | I don't fucking remember that | [07:47] |
copumpkin | I remember seeing it on the forum I thought | [07:47] |
splatster | Just looked at the casascius website. I saved 5.2 BTC on my ordered thanks to when I placed my order. | [07:47] |
danieldaniel | copumpkin: LOLWUT | [07:48] |
copumpkin | they were looking to get local couriers | [07:48] |
stamit | de-liver us | [07:48] |
danieldaniel | People can deliver shit? | [07:48] |
danieldaniel | o.0 | [07:48] |
danieldaniel | shittttt | [07:48] |
copumpkin | well I'm just looking for a bitcoin deliveryman | [07:48] |
danieldaniel | why is it going up | [07:48] |
a5m0 | copumpkin, what city? | [07:48] |
danieldaniel | copumpkin: you mean like a package? | [07:48] |
mod6 | I think the BTC to USD is something I'd like to build. Like a vending machine for BTC. | [07:48] |
danieldaniel | yeah, where? | [07:48] |
copumpkin | they need to buy the item (I'd pay for it) | [07:48] |
copumpkin | it's in TX | [07:48] |
a5m0 | i'm in tx | [07:48] |
draco49 | Yes... back in 98 and 99 there was a company call UrbanFetch that would deliver whatever you wanted at any time. | [07:49] |
copumpkin | hmm | [07:49] |
danieldaniel | oh shit | [07:50] |
danieldaniel | its up to 4.46??? | [07:50] |
danieldaniel | ;;pomg | [07:50] |
gribble | I do not know about 'pomg', but I do know about these similar topics: 'pm' | [07:50] |
danieldaniel | ;;pong | [07:50] |
gribble | ping | [07:50] |
danieldaniel | rawrmage: :3 | [07:50] |
* | dserrano5 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [07:50] |
stamit | that large ask wall appears and disappears | [07:50] |
danieldaniel | someone make the market go down please | [07:51] |
stamit | seller probably got scared, when the order started to be filled | [07:51] |
danieldaniel | to at least 4.38 | [07:51] |
mod6 | yeah, werid. looks gone now. | [07:51] |
danieldaniel | noooo | [07:51] |
danieldaniel | not up | [07:51] |
danieldaniel | down | [07:51] |
danieldaniel | FFFFFF | [07:51] |
stamit | this is obviously a "fake wall" | [07:51] |
stamit | i'm with you danieldaniel | [07:51] |
stamit | and all analysts agree on "down" too | [07:52] |
danieldaniel | come on | [07:52] |
danieldaniel | FIFF+F Dkzglkhdfnzjgnhm | [07:52] |
danieldaniel | the market is trolling me | [07:52] |
danieldaniel | ' | [07:52] |
danieldaniel | the world is trolling me | [07:52] |
mod6 | RISE! | [07:52] |
danieldaniel | no | [07:52] |
Cory | :) | [07:52] |
danieldaniel | NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO | [07:52] |
mod6 | :P | [07:52] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to vragnaroda | [07:52] |
* | vragnaroda has kicked danieldaniel from #bitcoin-otc (danieldaniel) | [07:53] |
* | danieldaniel (~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:53] |
danieldaniel | oh wow | [07:53] |
danieldaniel | you know whats funny | [07:53] |
vragnaroda | danieldaniel: Sorry, reflex. | [07:53] |
danieldaniel | my order got filled at 4.38 | [07:53] |
imsaguy | vragnaroda: your correction wasn't warranted, because it was wrong from the get go | [07:53] |
splatster | *speculation* *more speculation* *outlandish speculation* *total BS speculation* TOO MUCH DAMN SPECULATION! | [07:53] |
danieldaniel | LOOL | [07:53] |
* | llanox has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [07:53] |
danieldaniel | ;;eauth danieldaniel | [07:53] |
a5m0 | up | [07:53] |
a5m0 | do it | [07:53] |
a5m0 | nao | [07:53] |
imsaguy | splatster: are you requesting no speculation? | [07:53] |
splatster | imsaguy: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! | [07:53] |
* | gribble gives voice to danieldaniel | [07:53] |
vragnaroda | imsaguy: wat | [07:54] |
* | devrandom has quit (Quit: leaving) | [07:54] |
danieldaniel | yeah, I lost .3 btc | [07:54] |
imsaguy | <+vragnaroda> [23:19] <+ imsaguy> | his/her <-- No. ‹His› suffices; ‹his› is epicene. | [07:54] |
danieldaniel | … | [07:54] |
imsaguy | if you had had correction, you'd have been slapping me for suggesting even his | [07:54] |
danieldaniel | oh great | [07:55] |
danieldaniel | now it goes down | [07:55] |
rg | typical | [07:55] |
rg | 17kwall gone | [07:55] |
imsaguy | s/correction/context/ | [07:55] |
copumpkin | anyone remember this? | [07:55] |
rg | i was right | [07:55] |
danieldaniel | .titl | [07:55] |
danieldaniel | .title | [07:55] |
markac | danieldaniel: Centory feat. Turbo B - point of no return - YouTube | [07:55] |
vragnaroda | imsaguy: No, English does not and never has had a masculine pronoun. | [07:55] |
stamit | so we got buyer wave 2 | [07:55] |
danieldaniel | yeah | [07:55] |
danieldaniel | my bot is stupid | [07:55] |
imsaguy | I was suggestiong to not use their, instead use his/her | [07:55] |
imsaguy | but their was sufficient. | [07:56] |
danieldaniel | if we get up to 4.60 | [07:56] |
danieldaniel | Im gonna be so happy | [07:56] |
stamit | grammar | [07:56] |
mod6 | and 1 less byte for efficientcy :) | [07:56] |
vragnaroda | “his/her” works, but I still dislike it. “Their” would just be wrong as two boys fucking and I was *not* suggesting that. | [07:56] |
Cory | < That's what I have to say about the market | [07:57] |
danieldaniel | fff | [07:57] |
danieldaniel | .title | [07:57] |
imsaguy | vragnaroda: not a fan of NAMBLA? | [07:57] |
markac | danieldaniel: BaitCar: -Oncoming- - YouTube | [07:57] |
imsaguy | boys need love too | [07:57] |
splatster | I can already see I should have waited a day to sell all those coins. But no more regrets, I made a decision and I'm sticking to it. | [07:57] |
vragnaroda | I just like the idiom. | [07:57] |
Cory | Mostly from 2:00 to the end. | [07:58] |
mod6 | BEEEEP | [07:58] |
danieldaniel | *cr* | [07:58] |
danieldaniel | cry* | [07:58] |
Cory | I can feel it coming in the air tonight. | [07:59] |
rg | i can feel it | [07:59] |
rg | comin in your hair tonight | [07:59] |
danieldaniel | i can feel it | [07:59] |
rg | oh lord | [07:59] |
* | Justasic2 is now known as Justasic | [07:59] |
Cory | I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, rg. | [07:59] |
Cory | Hold on! | [07:59] |
mod6 | [08:00] | |
splatster | Someone has to think of a bitcoin-related "Crack is Wack" parody. | [08:00] |
Cory | Ponzis are for pussies! | [08:01] |
* | DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [08:02] |
Cory | Anybody going to Bonnaroo the music festival? | [08:03] |
* | pirateat40 runs the biggest ponzi EVAR | [08:03] |
copumpkin | pirateat40: we all know, don't worry | [08:03] |
pirateat40 | ok ok | [08:03] |
pirateat40 | sorry | [08:03] |
Cory | pirateat40: Well we can't say you didn't warn us. | [08:03] |
* | pirateat40 goes back to wrecking the market. | [08:03] |
mod6 | tis all good as long as we know ahead of time :D | [08:03] |
stamit | seller at 4.6 now | [08:04] |
imsaguy | Cory: waht's wrong with pussy? | [08:04] |
copumpkin | I prefer dogs | [08:04] |
imsaguy | bish | [08:04] |
danieldaniel | ffff | [08:04] |
splatster | 20k ask wall at 4.6 | [08:04] |
imsaguy | splatster: if oyu can see it, we can too | [08:04] |
Cory | Some of us are driving and using text-to-speech on our phones, imsaguy. | [08:05] |
imsaguy | Cory, some of us man up and just type on our irc clients while driving | [08:06] |
pirateat40 | Opps, how did that ask wall get there. | [08:06] |
imsaguy | text to speech is for pussy haters | [08:06] |
stamit | some of us don't man up | [08:06] |
stamit | ever. | [08:06] |
pirateat40 | I swear this remote doesn't work anymore. | [08:06] |
imsaguy | there's nothing wrong with being female | [08:07] |
imsaguy | pirateat40: change the batteries? | [08:07] |
pirateat40 | I tried. | [08:07] |
pirateat40 | It made it worse. | [08:07] |
Cory | imsaguy: Your a dang germ to human it tea. Don't text and dive. | [08:07] |
imsaguy | hire some illegal to stand there and be your remote | [08:07] |
stamit | why was that guy in the video screaming "fuckers, fuckers"? | [08:07] |
Cory | stamit: ONCOMING | [08:07] |
imsaguy | lol Cory | [08:07] |
imsaguy | human it tea | [08:07] |
imsaguy | Cory: do you eat and drive? do you drink non-alcoholic beverages and drive? | [08:08] |
stamit | "oncoming" | [08:08] |
imsaguy | Cory, do you speed? | [08:08] |
copumpkin | I only drink 151 and drive | [08:08] |
copumpkin | and I don't have a license | [08:08] |
splatster | +1 | [08:08] |
mod6 | :D | [08:09] |
Cory | imsaguy: But *I'm* a good enough driver to do that. | [08:09] |
imsaguy | copumpkin: that's because the car in front of kmart isn't going to go anywhere but up and down | [08:09] |
Cory | It's the other idiots who don't know what they're doing. | [08:09] |
MBS | so who wants to buy a server | [08:09] |
imsaguy | MBS: put it in the book and quit harassing the people you asked 24 minutes ago | [08:10] |
stamit | is she nice looking, MBS? | [08:10] |
MBS | are you into intels? | [08:10] |
stamit | nah | [08:11] |
stamit | i'm more into humans | [08:11] |
imsaguy | yeah, I like intelligent servers | [08:12] |
badluck | Kim Dotcom has been released from prison after a New Zealand judge granted him bail. | [08:13] |
MBS | | [08:13] |
MBS | tons of free crapstick | [08:13] |
MBS | imsaguy, so you want an i7 right? | [08:13] |
imsaguy | only if it has a vagina | [08:13] |
MBS | lol chapstick | [08:13] |
MBS | not crapstick | [08:14] |
stamit | one can always be set up with a nice "tranny" | [08:14] |
* | lakkris ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:14] |
stamit | when one can't get the original product, he gets the counterfeit | [08:15] |
errydayimgenerat | supposedly the city is closing my building | [08:15] |
errydayimgenerat | or that's what the one land lordd told to the one guy | [08:15] |
errydayimgenerat | copumpkin: | [08:16] |
copumpkin | ah :( | [08:16] |
MBS | anyone need gift cards anywhere? | [08:16] |
* | coyo has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [08:17] |
* | Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:18] |
* | debaser90 (ad3c3496@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:18] |
debaser90 | ;;guide | [08:18] |
* | stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has left #bitcoin-otc | [08:19] |
Cory | Wow. Lots of authenticated people in here. | [08:22] |
* | gribble gives voice to imsaguy | [08:22] |
imsaguy | Cory: no | [08:22] |
imsaguy | vragnaroda did a mass voicing a while back | [08:22] |
Cory | Oh. | [08:22] |
imsaguy | still holdover from that. | [08:22] |
imsaguy | I say we do a chan clear once a week | [08:23] |
vragnaroda | ;;gpg stats | [08:23] |
gribble | There are 3403 registered users, 54 currently authenticated. There are also 1 pending authentication requests. | [08:23] |
imsaguy | punt the bots out | [08:23] |
Cory | It hasn't been a problem yet, has it? | [08:23] |
imsaguy | 317 users in here and half of them never talk | [08:23] |
Cory | Oh lol. | [08:23] |
imsaguy | seriously | [08:23] |
imsaguy | I was scrolling through the nick list | [08:23] |
Cory | I lurk on a few channels and that would make me sad if they kicked me. :( | [08:23] |
imsaguy | there are names I dont' even know | [08:23] |
Cory | Even you?? | [08:24] |
imsaguy | perhaps nanotube does | [08:24] |
Cory | You'd probably be kicking Satoshi, too. | [08:24] |
imsaguy | he's older | [08:24] |
Brusker | i am willing to take a $20 hit to convert $180 to btc | [08:24] |
imsaguy | Brusker: payment method? | [08:24] |
Brusker | well i was lol | [08:24] |
mircea_popescu | o wow look at thr 4.5 wall | [08:24] |
Brusker | but anyone give btc for mp? | [08:24] |
NASDAQEnema | chapstick probly has a thing that makes your lips dry | [08:26] |
* | M4v3R ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:26] |
* | M4v3R has quit (Changing host) | [08:27] |
* | M4v3R (~M4v3R@unaffiliated/m4v3r) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:27] |
* | errydayimgenerat has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [08:28] |
debaser90 | anyone in the los angeles area selling btc? | [08:28] |
* | randumbum ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:31] |
danieldaniel | anyone know somewhere I can get free BTC? | [08:31] |
mircea_popescu | well if you spoke romanian you could participate in fain | [08:32] |
danieldaniel | (a) I don't, and (b) fain? wtf's that? | [08:32] |
mircea_popescu | pretty much the only way to get free btc. | [08:32] |
copumpkin | he'll probably enslave you and lock you up in his dungeon | [08:32] |
vragnaroda | danieldaniel: I'm sure there's an untappend (pardon the pun) market for gay escorts for BTC. :p | [08:32] |
mircea_popescu | nah, i dun; have a tooth for bois. | [08:32] |
copumpkin | fair enough | [08:33] |
danieldaniel | can someone just tell me how to? | [08:33] |
copumpkin | how big is your dungeon anyway? | [08:33] |
mircea_popescu | besides, easier to learn romanian than to grow tits i imagine. | [08:33] |
mircea_popescu | just three girls. | [08:33] |
copumpkin | I mean the location | [08:33] |
mircea_popescu | it's not really a dungeon in that sense lol. | [08:33] |
copumpkin | damnit | [08:33] |
mircea_popescu | aww | [08:33] |
copumpkin | what's even the point then | [08:33] |
mircea_popescu | sorry to dissapoint | [08:33] |
copumpkin | I am very disappoint | [08:34] |
mircea_popescu | well im not fuckin austrian lol | [08:34] |
mircea_popescu | besides, women that get no sun get depressed. | [08:34] |
copumpkin | all you europeans are the same | [08:34] |
vragnaroda | lol | [08:34] |
mircea_popescu | ya, just we're all the same in different ways | [08:34] |
rg | imsaguy: how goes funding | [08:34] |
copumpkin | I think mircea_popescu is just the average european | [08:34] |
copumpkin | but he lives in a larger house | [08:34] |
vragnaroda | Well, for one, you don't know how to spell Yuropean. :p | [08:35] |
mircea_popescu | it's yurpean | [08:35] |
copumpkin | romanians live in really large buildings: | [08:35] |
mircea_popescu | lol that's actually an outhouse cop :D | [08:35] |
rg | still looking? | [08:35] |
copumpkin | mircea_popescu: holy shit, how big are your houses!? | [08:35] |
splatster | No, it's obviously Your-o-pein' | [08:35] |
mircea_popescu | bigger than our penises :D | [08:35] |
splatster | *Your-o-peein' | [08:35] |
Cory | copumpkin: You found a picture of my guest bathroom? :O | [08:35] |
vragnaroda | That's not saying much. | [08:36] |
copumpkin | oh here, this is the main building: | [08:36] |
mircea_popescu | Al-Bait ? | [08:36] |
mircea_popescu | do they have a lot of really developed 15yos there ? | [08:36] |
copumpkin | lol | [08:36] |
rg | i heard that mircea is a dracul | [08:36] |
pirateat40 | 1.21 Jigawatts | [08:36] |
rg | a | [08:36] |
copumpkin | that building complex has the largest floor area in the world | [08:36] |
mircea_popescu | lol rg | [08:36] |
rg | its probably true | [08:36] |
mircea_popescu | dra-culalalala-laaaa dra culalalala-liii | [08:36] |
Brusker | ;;getrating spawn- | [08:37] |
rg | Romania is cool | [08:37] |
mircea_popescu | whats with the jigglewats pirateat40 ? | [08:37] |
rg | the only problem is, theres romanians there | [08:37] |
mircea_popescu | well not in my dungeon rg, i mostly keep foreign girls :D | [08:37] |
pirateat40 | Clock tower | [08:37] |
rg | i think the *lamest* IRC users ive met | [08:37] |
rg | have been romanians | [08:37] |
rg | and umm | [08:37] |
copumpkin | mircea_popescu: are they in it by choice? | [08:37] |
pirateat40 | 1.21 Jiggawatts | [08:37] |
rg | whats the ohter place | [08:38] |
rg | Macedonia | [08:38] |
mircea_popescu | paraipain dood was romanian, | [08:38] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: Does Romanian have a cognate with French ‹cul›? | [08:38] |
mircea_popescu | copumpkin but ofcourse. | [08:38] |
copumpkin | just making sure! | [08:38] |
mircea_popescu | vragnaroda cur means ass. | [08:38] |
rg | copumpkin: | [08:38] |
rg | we need $2k | [08:38] |
rg | fund me | [08:38] |
vragnaroda | OK, cool. | [08:38] |
pirateat40 | Go to bed people. | [08:38] |
* | hngryhngryhippo has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [08:38] |
copumpkin | why am I known as Mr Moneybags around here? | [08:38] |
rg | you arent | [08:38] |
vragnaroda | Interesting the l → rv | [08:38] |
pirateat40 | copumpkin can i borrow some cash. | [08:38] |
vragnaroda | Interesting the l → r* | [08:38] |
copumpkin | rg: I need to move soon so need more cash on hand | [08:38] |
rg | same | [08:38] |
copumpkin | pirateat40: hah | [08:38] |
rg | company is paying for me to move | [08:39] |
mircea_popescu | o, yea, bears repeating for the morning crowd : BITCOINS INVESTMENTS!!!! | [08:39] |
mircea_popescu | | [08:39] |
rg | but im sur etheres gonna be other costs | [08:39] |
rg | they wont touch | [08:39] |
copumpkin | rg: to london? | [08:39] |
rg | yea =/ | [08:39] |
copumpkin | that sounds pretty good to me | [08:39] |
rg | well its a different story when you've got to uproot your life | [08:39] |
rg | from a place you've lived 20 years | [08:39] |
mircea_popescu | vragnaroda : one of the more common actually, r and l are related iirc | [08:39] |
* | gribble gives voice to spawn- | [08:39] |
pirateat40 | I'll just say that copumpkin was the first to help the Pirate Industries off the ground and I'm forever grateful. So im bias to pumpkins now. | [08:39] |
copumpkin | rg: hey, I did that to move to a country I'd never lived to before, without knowing anyone there! | [08:39] |
* | copumpkin huggles pirateat40 | [08:40] |
mircea_popescu | [08:40] | |
rg | pirate: make him open up his wallet | [08:40] |
copumpkin | rg: plus, I was 18 | [08:40] |
pirateat40 | rg, i am his wallet. | [08:40] |
rg | maybe we can use those pictures against him | [08:40] |
rg | no no | [08:40] |
rg | his REAL wallet | [08:40] |
copumpkin | lol | [08:40] |
copumpkin | my real wallet is busy | [08:40] |
rg | i need USD | [08:41] |
pirateat40 | rg, he makes more money from me than his real job. | [08:41] |
rg | already have plenty of btc | [08:41] |
pirateat40 | LOL Real Job | [08:41] |
mircea_popescu | isn't pirate industries a contradiction in terms ? | [08:41] |
copumpkin | lol | [08:41] |
mircea_popescu | like, accountant's lair of loot, rape and plunder ? | [08:41] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: Switching the two is not stereotypically a feature of Yuropean languages. If Romanian ‹r› is /ɾ/, it's pretty common elsewhere. That's also how English has both grammar and glamor. | [08:41] |
copumpkin | pirateat40: not sure I'd say that, unless the price of bitcoins goes back up | [08:41] |
copumpkin | but it's pretty decent :P | [08:41] |
vragnaroda | English, when it has a phoneme shift, likes to keep both words. | [08:41] |
pirateat40 | shhhhh | [08:41] |
vragnaroda | English is speshul. | [08:41] |
rg | pirate: could you theoretically create a 17k sell wall | [08:41] |
rg | ? | [08:41] |
rg | with your managed btc | [08:41] |
mircea_popescu | romanian used to have a very strong r that softened a lot under italian/southern influence so now it's closer to a velar. | [08:41] |
rg | 17k is so fuckin much | [08:42] |
copumpkin | rg: funny you should ask | [08:42] |
rg | i cant believ ethat | [08:42] |
pirateat40 | It sounds better when you are making more in bitcoin and have a hobby job. | [08:42] |
mircea_popescu | if you want i can dig up some samples | [08:42] |
copumpkin | pirateat40: true | [08:42] |
copumpkin | pirateat40 is my pimp daddy and he pays me a good salary | [08:42] |
rg | i have like 200 btc and i consider that a lot | [08:42] |
vragnaroda | Nah, that's fine. | [08:42] |
pirateat40 | vragnaroda sells every coin i send him. | [08:42] |
mircea_popescu | in my opinion the most dramatic shift last century, that. | [08:42] |
rg | hmm | [08:43] |
rg | i gotta find someone who wants to give bitvps $2k | [08:43] |
mircea_popescu | it's practically an entire new sound, just showed up from nowhere and ate the preexinsting one. it's like phonetic Species. | [08:43] |
rg | well, not give | [08:43] |
joecool | rg: nobody | [08:43] |
rg | joecool: someone will want to make money for doing nothing | [08:43] |
rg | its just a matter of finding someone trustworthy | [08:43] |
joecool | rg = #bitcoin-otc's oldest scammer :D | [08:43] |
rg | joecool = -otc's biggest fuck tard | [08:44] |
rg | just kidding | [08:44] |
rg | or am i | [08:44] |
rg | ha ha i am. | [08:44] |
Cory | Good one!! | [08:45] |
* | wonderbread ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:46] |
pirateat40 | Cory, go to bed already. | [08:47] |
rg | why is everyone poor | [08:47] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: In Korean, syllable-initial or -medial ㄹ is /l/ but at the end of a syllable it's /ɾ/. Pronouncing it word-initially in words not derived from English is pretty much a political statement, and no one in the South does it anymore, but everyone in the North does. | [08:48] |
rg | dont you want tomake $300 | [08:48] |
rg | for giving me $2k | [08:48] |
* | nicolejade ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:48] |
mircea_popescu | ha, interesting how that works out vragnaroda. | [08:48] |
rg | i guess ill just let the accountant figure it out | [08:48] |
rg | (imsaguy) | [08:48] |
MBS | rg, only if you make a youtube video of you dancing to | [08:49] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: If the word comes from English, though, they have no problem saying it. | [08:49] |
rg | MBS | [08:49] |
rg | you have no monye | [08:49] |
* | sgornick has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [08:49] |
rg | you claimd to have money then when it came down to it | [08:49] |
rg | you admitted to haven one | [08:49] |
vragnaroda | 리 = 이 = Rhee = Lee = I | [08:49] |
* | wonderbread ( has left #bitcoin-otc ("Part") | [08:49] |
MBS | i have money | [08:49] |
MBS | not much | [08:49] |
MBS | but i have even more credit | [08:49] |
rg | 6 months is long time to hold something on a cc | [08:50] |
* | wonderbread ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:50] |
mircea_popescu | as opposed to reddit ? | [08:50] |
MBS | off thats what 6-12m 0% offers are for | [08:50] |
MBS | though anyway just joking about youtube thing anyway :p | [08:51] |
Cory | If rg publishes a video of himself dancing to Robot Movement I will give him 1 BTC no strings attached. | [08:51] |
rg | yeah | [08:51] |
rg | i think im just gonna end up asking grubles to get a business cc | [08:51] |
MBS | i was saying you should do notes and just have 10-40 people finance the server, lol | [08:51] |
rg | i dont know if he has credit | [08:51] |
rg | i sure as fuc dont | [08:51] |
copumpkin | rg: you could try the lending forum | [08:52] |
Cory | It will probably work, too. | [08:52] |
MBS | my credits going to horrible the next few months i think | [08:52] |
rg | copumpkin: imsaguy has | [08:52] |
* | borealisx (7a6be59f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:52] |
Cory | Loans are given out like candy. | [08:52] |
rg | $2k is a lot | [08:52] |
MBS | though after that it should be ballin as hell | [08:52] |
rg | especially since i need USD, not bitcoins | [08:52] |
MBS | have you ever had any credit at all? | [08:52] |
mircea_popescu | o ya which reminds me, anyone feel like pasting my offering thing in the loans forum ? | [08:52] |
* | gribble gives voice to wonderbread | [08:52] |
mircea_popescu | ill pay a little. | [08:52] |
Cory | I'll bet you can get it if you cite bitvps and your -otc ratings, rg. | [08:52] |
rg | MBS: yes | [08:52] |
rg | when i was 18 | [08:52] |
MBS | im guessing it wasnt a happy ending then? | [08:53] |
rg | no | [08:53] |
rg | it wast | [08:53] |
rg | i only owed them $50 | [08:53] |
rg | but they turned $50 into $600 | [08:53] |
rg | and i told them to fuck themselves | [08:53] |
rg | i told them id give them the $50 and we'd cdall it square | [08:53] |
rg | they said no | [08:53] |
rg | i said well, you can get some money or none -- your choice | [08:53] |
rg | they said none and thats all she wrote | [08:53] |
rg | they never collected a dime from me | [08:54] |
MBS | how old are you now? | [08:54] |
rg | 25 | [08:54] |
MBS | oh that shit might be gone already then | [08:54] |
MBS | 7-10 years its usually gone | [08:54] |
copumpkin | | [08:54] |
MBS | | [08:54] |
copumpkin | find out | [08:54] |
rg | the only place that would give me a CC is Capital One | [08:54] |
mod6 | they're the real savages. despite what they say. | [08:54] |
rg | and thats where the bad cc was from | [08:54] |
MBS | lol | [08:54] |
MBS | dont think capital one really blacklists though | [08:55] |
* | mod6 sprinkles hate on CapitalOne | [08:55] |
MBS | so if its gone on report you might possibly have a chance, though if you have no other credit probably a meh chance without a secured card | [08:55] |
danieldaniel | I take it capitalone is bad? | [08:55] |
MBS | alot of people hate them | [08:55] |
* | debaser90 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [08:55] |
* | BGL ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:55] |
MBS | i dont mind them though, they have my highest credit limit so far, $2000 | [08:56] |
MBS | though i hear they rarely give increases, so thats probably highest im ever gunna have on this card | [08:56] |
copumpkin | rg: I'd post on the lending board anyway, if I were you | [08:56] |
* | nicolejade is now known as errydayimgenerat | [08:56] |
danieldaniel | rg: what are you trying to do? | [08:56] |
Cory | rg: That's how copumpkin makes a threat. | [08:56] |
splatster | I'm at a 1.7 seed ratio on BT right now. BLEH | [08:56] |
MBS | but wonder how much my credit score is going to go down, lol | [08:57] |
rg | lol | [08:57] |
rg | guess what my rating is | [08:57] |
MBS | 580 | [08:57] |
danieldaniel | rg: 1 | [08:57] |
rg | MBS, close | [08:57] |
rg | lower | [08:57] |
danieldaniel | rg: 575 | [08:57] |
MBS | 560 | [08:57] |
danieldaniel | 400 | [08:57] |
splatster | Stick to Visa/MasterCard/Amex. Discover/CapitalOne/other fly-by-night CCs just make you look stupid. | [08:57] |
rg | 574 | [08:58] |
MBS | uhh how is discover fly by night | [08:58] |
danieldaniel | i was closest | [08:58] |
MBS | and capital one offers visa and mastercard | [08:58] |
danieldaniel | rg: isn't that horrible? | [08:58] |
danieldaniel | also | [08:58] |
MBS | have tons of inquries and new accounts and average age of account will be like a year after these accounts, but total amount of credit avalaible has increased by like 4.42x | [08:58] |
danieldaniel | don't tell people your credit score on irc | [08:58] |
MBS | yeah with that you would only be able to get a secured card | [08:58] |
danieldaniel | especially when your trying to get a loan | [08:58] |
danieldaniel | XD | [08:58] |
* | sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:59] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to sgornick | [08:59] |
MBS | lol | [08:59] |
splatster | My PP balance is all the same numbers in each digit. | [08:59] |
MBS | 0.00 | [08:59] |
splatster | looks weird | [08:59] |
danieldaniel | splatster: 0 | [08:59] |
* | FlyRyan is now known as FlyRyan-Away | [08:59] |
splatster | no | [08:59] |
danieldaniel | lol | [08:59] |
danieldaniel | splatster: 111 | [08:59] |
danieldaniel | splatster: 222 | [08:59] |
danieldaniel | lol | [08:59] |
MBS | 6.66 | [08:59] |
danieldaniel | 7.77 | [08:59] |
MBS | 666.66 | [08:59] |
danieldaniel | *gets bot out* | [08:59] |
danieldaniel | lol | [08:59] |
splatster | Hey, I'll let you in on a secret: | [08:59] |
danieldaniel | splatster: will u give a bit coin to whoever guesses it | [08:59] |
rg | it says i owe $534 | [08:59] |
rg | but wont say what it sfor | [08:59] |
danieldaniel | rg: D: | [09:00] |
danieldaniel | rg: screenshot | [09:00] |
danieldaniel | :3 | [09:00] |
splatster | If you guess all the digits from 0-9, you'll get it right! | [09:00] |
MBS | one thing i do hate about capital one is how funky their balance stuff is | [09:00] |
draco49 | 222.22 | [09:00] |
danieldaniel | 1 | [09:00] |
danieldaniel | 2 | [09:00] |
danieldaniel | 3 | [09:00] |
danieldaniel | 4 | [09:00] |
danieldaniel | lol | [09:00] |
* | vragnaroda has kicked danieldaniel from #bitcoin-otc (lol) | [09:00] |
mod6 | fail | [09:00] |
mod6 | 4.44 | [09:01] |
* | danieldaniel (~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [09:01] |
splatster | lol | [09:01] |
danieldaniel | :( | [09:01] |
danieldaniel | FUUU | [09:01] |
danieldaniel | ;;eauth danieldaniel | [09:01] |
MBS | rg, if you go to and get one of the credit reports, should tell you how old loan is (not sure exactly how to find out how long before it drops off though) | [09:01] |
splatster | LOL! | [09:01] |
rg | it says if i get a card with a $300 limit | [09:01] |
rg | my score will go to 614 | [09:01] |
rg | which is almost a D rating | [09:01] |
* | splatster regrets adding 'loan' to his highlishts | [09:01] |
* | gribble gives voice to danieldaniel | [09:01] |
MBS | like right now my balance is 149.74 and my available credit is 1676.90 | [09:01] |
!~danieldan*@*.* | added to ignore list. | [09:01] |
errydayimgenerat | ugh i totally fucked up today = | [09:02] |
danieldaniel | how so? | [09:02] |
MBS | think maybe paypal instant stuff is holding temp on alot of available credit or something | [09:02] |
errydayimgenerat | sold low | [09:02] |
!danieldan*@*.* | added to ignore list. | [09:02] |
danieldaniel | lol | [09:02] |
rg | no point | [09:02] |
rg | im moving soon anyway | [09:02] |
danieldan!*@*.* | added to ignore list. | [09:02] |
errydayimgenerat | it's okay though | [09:02] |
danieldaniel | rg: whats your ssn | [09:02] |
errydayimgenerat | it'll dip low again | [09:02] |
errydayimgenerat | it's just the waiting game | [09:02] |
vragnaroda | Buenos nachos. | [09:02] |
rg | us + uk visa arent linked up | [09:02] |
danieldaniel | i want to check your credit score | [09:02] |
rg | daniel: 017-38-5928 | [09:02] |
* | #bitcoin-otc :You're not a channel operator | [09:02] |
danieldaniel | lol | [09:02] |
danieldaniel | whats your last name? | [09:03] |
mod6 | Ghost | [09:03] |
mod6 | First name Rape | [09:03] |
danieldaniel | k | [09:03] |
Cory | If somebody can name the president of the youth rights group NYRA I will send them 0.1 BTC. | [09:03] |
MBS | im sure capital one must hate me though | [09:03] |
splatster | rg's name is Ghost, Rape Ghost | [09:03] |
MBS | 7 payments and havent even gotten first statement yet, lol | [09:03] |
danieldaniel | Adam King | [09:04] |
danieldan*@*.* | added to ignore list. | [09:04] |
rg | charles e hayward | [09:04] |
danieldaniel | rg: your kidding, right? | [09:04] |
Hostmask | PRIV NOTI CHAN CTCP DCC INVI UNIG | [09:04] |
danieldan*@*.* | YES YES YES YES YES YES NO | [09:04] |
danieldan!*@*.* | YES YES YES YES YES YES NO | [09:04] |
!danieldan*@*.* | YES YES YES YES YES YES NO | [09:04] |
!~danieldan*@*.* | YES YES YES YES YES YES NO | [09:04] |
[09:04] | ||
danieldaniel | rg: the SSN didn't work to open up the credit card | [09:04] |
danieldaniel | :( | [09:04] |
!danieldan@*.* | added to ignore list. | [09:04] |
danieldaniel | trololo | [09:04] |
draco49 | [09:04] | |
Hostmask | PRIV NOTI CHAN CTCP DCC INVI UNIG | [09:04] |
!danieldan@*.* | YES YES YES YES YES YES NO | [09:04] |
danieldan*@*.* | YES YES YES YES YES YES NO | [09:04] |
danieldan!*@*.* | YES YES YES YES YES YES NO | [09:04] |
!danieldan*@*.* | YES YES YES YES YES YES NO | [09:04] |
!~danieldan*@*.* | YES YES YES YES YES YES NO | [09:04] |
[09:04] | ||
Usage: | IGNORE |
[09:04] |
rg | daniel: you have succesfully commited a federal crime | [09:04] |
rg | congrats | [09:04] |
danieldaniel | rg: I was kidding.... | [09:04] |
danieldan* | added to ignore list. | [09:04] |
splatster | +b | [09:05] |
splatster | Do it! | [09:05] |
* | splatster starts chanting | [09:05] |
rg | umm | [09:05] |
rg | i was right | [09:05] |
Cory | You weren't right, danieldaniel. | [09:05] |
rg | you were wrong | [09:05] |
splatster | Bankick! Bankick! Bankick! Bankick! Bankick! | [09:05] |
* | Duke_pro (~duke@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [09:05] |
* | draco49 joins in the chant | [09:05] |
splatster | lol | [09:05] |
splatster | no | [09:05] |
mircea_popescu | Bankick Louisiana ? | [09:05] |
splatster | I'm offended | [09:06] |
splatster | Bankick! | [09:06] |
* | Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) | [09:06] |
splatster | he said a bad word | [09:06] |
pirateat40 | Whats going on | [09:06] |
mircea_popescu | anyone seen Blutjunge Verfuhrerinnen btw ? | [09:06] |
Cory | wtb "information: my favorite color AND favorite animal" @ 0.1 BTC | [09:06] |
draco49 | Whatever dude... you get kicked at least once a day anyway... | [09:06] |
Cory | I need both at once. | [09:06] |
pirateat40 | Its Barney | [09:06] |
Cory | Nope. | [09:07] |
mircea_popescu | cory : cobalt blue and siberian chipmunk | [09:07] |
Cory | pirateat40: :( | [09:07] |
* | vragnaroda removes channel operator status from vragnaroda | [09:07] |
Cory | mircea_popescu: You're closer. | [09:07] |
splatster | Cory: Hookers Green and Ponies | [09:07] |
draco49 | Why doe it not surpise me that danieldaniel is a MLP fan? | [09:07] |
mircea_popescu | azure and muskrats | [09:07] |
Cory | danieldaniel: Right! | [09:07] |
mircea_popescu | lol he's on ignore i dont even know wtf it was | [09:07] |
splatster | .wik Hookers Green | [09:07] |
markac | "There are many tints and shades of the color green." - | [09:08] |
splatster | | [09:08] |
Cory | Sent, danieldaniel. | [09:08] |
splatster | Cory: How much did you send him? | [09:08] |
Cory | Wow! | [09:08] |
Cory | 0.1. | [09:08] |
MBS | munsell green sucks | [09:08] |
rg | CoryL was i right? | [09:08] |
MBS | who wants to send me money | [09:08] |
MBS | 1yvKooinfWqGqr7BB7agfJ7Sg2UFAbFrm | [09:08] |
Cory | rg: About what? | [09:08] |
rg | charles e hayward | [09:08] |
Cory | No. | [09:09] |
MBS | Donate to the shut MBS up fund: 1yvKooinfWqGqr7BB7agfJ7Sg2UFAbFrm | [09:09] |
rg | | [09:09] |
rg | accordingto NYRA's webite | [09:09] |
rg | he is president | [09:09] |
Cory | rg: I said the youth rights grouP! | [09:09] |
rg | oh | [09:09] |
rg | gay | [09:09] |
AcidicChip | You seriously have to redraw each fram in canvas to do something like having an image slide from 1 point to another? | [09:09] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to vragnaroda | [09:10] |
AcidicChip | Sorry, random outburst | [09:10] |
splatster | OH NOOOES! | [09:10] |
vragnaroda | /kick MBS [02:09] <+ MBS> | Donate to the shut MBS up fund: 1yvKooinfWqGqr7BB7agfJ7Sg2UFAbFrm <-- Don't need to. :p | [09:10] |
Cory | The next person to kick danieldaniel gets 0.1 BTC. | [09:10] |
splatster | LOLOLOL | [09:10] |
splatster | DO IT! | [09:10] |
* | MBS kicks danieldaniel | [09:10] |
* | vragnaroda removes channel operator status from vragnaroda | [09:10] |
splatster | NOO | [09:10] |
Cory | Oh man. Now I'm going to have to remember this deal for a long time. | [09:10] |
splatster | kick 'em both | [09:10] |
MBS | ok wheres my money | [09:11] |
Cory | Somebody hilight me when it happens. | [09:11] |
splatster | Cory | [09:11] |
vragnaroda | I will not kick someone for direct monetary gain. | [09:11] |
MBS | how about indirect monetary gain | [09:11] |
Cory | vragnaroda: You have a price. | [09:11] |
rg | | [09:11] |
vragnaroda | MBS: I won't pretend to be omniscient. | [09:11] |
vragnaroda | Cory: Yes, but that's not it. | [09:12] |
Joric | is that linux? | [09:12] |
draco49 | owhat if the money goes to the charity of your choosing? | [09:12] |
Joric | it is beautiful | [09:12] |
Cory | Hey. I don't negotiate with terrorists. | [09:12] |
vragnaroda | draco49: No, that'd be worse. | [09:12] |
draco49 | :) | [09:12] |
MBS | if anyone orders a server right now, would probably be ready in a few hours | [09:12] |
MBS | [09:12] | |
rg | i have a server that'd be up within 20 minutes | [09:13] |
rg | and better | [09:13] |
pirateat40 | Support OTC 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe 10 Donations over 1 BTC in the next 10 min and ill post a 10 BTC MTGOX code. | [09:13] |
draco49 | That would be cool. | [09:13] |
* | splatster opens up MTGOX | [09:13] |
Cory | We could have a sponsored competition with the proceeds going to the -otc donation address. Sponsor somebody for every time the user is kicked in a 24 hour period. :P | [09:13] |
pirateat40 | When am I not? | [09:13] |
draco49 | kick-a-thon | [09:13] |
rg | Joric: yes | [09:14] |
Cory | pirateat40: I hope it's encoded somehow. | [09:14] |
pirateat40 | of course | [09:14] |
vragnaroda | pirateat40: 10 donations each over 1 BTC or 10 donations the sum of which is greater than 10 BTC? | [09:14] |
Cory | danieldaniel: Donate to find out! | [09:14] |
vragnaroda | *1 BTC | [09:14] |
draco49 | you pledge a sepecific amount on someone, and everytime they get kicked, your pledge goes to -otc | [09:14] |
pirateat40 | 10 total donations over 1 BTC | [09:14] |
splatster | so 10 separate donations of at least 1 BTC? | [09:15] |
pirateat40 | We got 1 | [09:15] |
vragnaroda | That's still ambiguous. :/ | [09:15] |
pirateat40 | I swear all you moochers. | [09:15] |
Cory | danieldaniel: Awesome! | [09:16] |
Cory | nanotube should donate 10 times. | [09:16] |
Cory | Take advantage of the matching. | [09:16] |
pirateat40 | 1 | [09:16] |
splatster | Donate 1 BTC to me so I can donate 1 BTC to -otc so I can use my super fast computer skills to redeem that code! | [09:16] |
errydayimgenerat | pirateat40 people have bots to autoredeem codes | [09:16] |
pirateat40 | LOL | [09:17] |
pirateat40 | It will take some thinking | [09:17] |
splatster | I know for a fact that there is at least one auto redeem bot in this channel | [09:17] |
Cory | pirateat40 if you post the code and I'm not the first to redeem it I will accuse you of doing it wrong! >:( | [09:17] |
pirateat40 | Still 1 | [09:18] |
pirateat40 | im telling you, its a bunch of tight asses around here. | [09:18] |
Cory | You mean danieldaniel's going to have donated for NOTHING?? | [09:18] |
splatster | WOW! looking through the history I realized that nanotube loaned to me from the -otc fund! | [09:19] |
errydayimgenerat | danieldaniel: the only reason you donated is cause you have an auto redeem in regular and rot13 | [09:19] |
splatster | do it rot-14 | [09:19] |
errydayimgenerat | sorry i believe in integrity | [09:19] |
splatster | lololol | [09:19] |
errydayimgenerat | do it cryptoquote style | [09:20] |
errydayimgenerat | you never know | [09:20] |
splatster | everyone donate 0.99999999 BTC | [09:20] |
errydayimgenerat | i'm a woman, it's my job to ruin the plans of men | [09:20] |
pirateat40 | vragnaroda, do we allow women in here? | [09:20] |
splatster | That way danieldaniel doesn't get his code | [09:20] |
rg | ive donated so much btcs to daniel | [09:21] |
Cory | pirateat40: Just encrypt it with my gpg key. :) | [09:21] |
pirateat40 | danieldaniel, 1 | [09:21] |
rg | no one give him anything | [09:21] |
pirateat40 | 4min left | [09:21] |
vragnaroda | pirateat40: lol | [09:21] |
splatster | pirateat40:lol | [09:21] |
splatster | this is done with | [09:21] |
splatster | danieldaniel: Maybe you should have checked before donating | [09:21] |
splatster | And realized that you were the first and only one to donate | [09:22] |
rg | mtgox sucks | [09:22] |
rg | i keep getting disconnected from websoc | [09:22] |
pirateat40 | If we don't hit it, its going to nanotube | [09:22] |
splatster | No. | [09:22] |
pirateat40 | rg, I know why... you are running on a CHI server right? | [09:22] |
pirateat40 | You can sleep good knowing you did your good deed. | [09:23] |
rg | chi hasnt had any issues | [09:23] |
rg | since the upgrades | [09:23] |
pirateat40 | 2min left | [09:23] |
rg | my shows 100% uptime | [09:24] |
pirateat40 | rg, nice | [09:24] |
rg | so kindly keep those types of cmoments to yourself | [09:24] |
rg | as im trying to run a business | [09:24] |
pirateat40 | lol | [09:24] |
Joric | you spell ruin wrong | [09:24] |
pirateat40 | rg, should i take it off the main GPUMAX site. | [09:25] |
rg | do whatever you want | [09:25] |
rg | it syour site | [09:25] |
pirateat40 | lol | [09:25] |
rg | is it not? | [09:25] |
Cory | rg: Show him where you got those scars! >:D | [09:25] |
splatster | nope | [09:25] |
pirateat40 | rg, are you picking a fight with me.... its hard to tell. | [09:25] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [09:25] |
rg | anyway | [09:26] |
rg | there used to be a way on ebay to only show negative feedback | [09:26] |
pirateat40 | Times up | [09:26] |
rg | i think they removed it | [09:26] |
pirateat40 | :( | [09:26] |
splatster | :( | [09:26] |
Shaded | pirateat40: Hi | [09:26] |
MBS | ok lets see, minus this payment of bitcoin related stuff, 173 left in pending stuff, 66 is covered by those xbox live codes, hoping to make a profit of $14 on those, then rest is covered by 2x vps fees and then theres like 60 left for that ssd from staples | [09:26] |
mod6 | lulz | [09:26] |
Shaded | What's he doing wrong? | [09:26] |
splatster | :( | [09:26] |
pirateat40 | 10 BTC goes to nanotube | [09:26] |
pirateat40 | :( | [09:26] |
pirateat40 | It was a good try | [09:27] |
splatster | :( | [09:27] |
pirateat40 | right | [09:27] |
MBS | depending on how staples does it, 60 might be all of it, or there might be a further 20 taken out when it gets confirmed | [09:27] |
vinhpk | ;;ident vinhpk | [09:27] |
gribble | You are identified as user danieldaniel, with GPG key id C5D21E9BDCAE3594, and key fingerprint 4761C0C9EA65B824459AF736C5D21E9BDCAE3594. | [09:27] |
MBS | splatster, was it you that was interested in the ssd? | [09:27] |
splatster | MBS: sorry, not anymore | [09:28] |
MBS | k | [09:28] |
pirateat40 | What... i tried | [09:28] |
splatster | MBS: Maybe when one of mine fails | [09:28] |
* | MBS calls upon the ssd gods | [09:28] |
pirateat40 | danieldaniel, seriously that would help A LOT. | [09:28] |
pirateat40 | lol | [09:28] |
Shaded | danieldaniel: how? | [09:28] |
MBS | nah sure i can find someone else to buy it :p | [09:28] |
vragnaroda | danieldaniel: *you're | [09:28] |
splatster | /ignore danieldaniel | [09:28] |
MBS | its coming in tommorrow | [09:29] |
MBS | though i will be tempted as hell to use it :( | [09:29] |
* | Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: IceChat - Keeping PC's cool since 2000) | [09:29] |
vragnaroda | Fucking Christ, do they teach anything in schools nowadays? | [09:29] |
splatster | Someone tell me when danieldaniel speeks | [09:29] |
mod6 | No. | [09:29] |
errydayimgenerat | actually i didn't do too bad | [09:29] |
splatster | so I can know if this works | [09:29] |
pirateat40 | danieldaniel, you donated it to nanotube | [09:29] |
errydayimgenerat | i just missed out on making like 60 bucks | [09:29] |
pirateat40 | in hopes that others would too | [09:29] |
mod6 | Just Angry Birds and Sixteen and Pregnent. | [09:29] |
vragnaroda | danieldaniel: (a) No, he didn't. (b) That sucks. | [09:29] |
Joric | your, you're what the difference | [09:30] |
MBS | he stole 1000 BTC from me | [09:30] |
pirateat40 | That's true | [09:30] |
MBS | and raped my father | [09:30] |
pirateat40 | but the 1 BTC is lies | [09:30] |
errydayimgenerat | i got my credit card closed thakns to bitcoins | [09:30] |
splatster | fail | [09:31] |
mod6 | :( | [09:31] |
pirateat40 | errydayimgenerat, its cause you're a girl. | [09:31] |
errydayimgenerat | fr something completely unrelated | [09:31] |
errydayimgenerat | i did a chase quickpay transaction with a guy | [09:31] |
errydayimgenerat | you're* | [09:31] |
errydayimgenerat | and yeah | [09:31] |
errydayimgenerat | good job captain obvious | [09:31] |
errydayimgenerat | no | [09:31] |
errydayimgenerat | it gets better | [09:31] |
pirateat40 | Cause he was a guy? | [09:31] |
errydayimgenerat | it was a quickpay for like 900 bucks | [09:31] |
errydayimgenerat | i sold him bitcoins | [09:32] |
errydayimgenerat | but i used the same email and whatnot as my credt card | [09:32] |
errydayimgenerat | but someone got his account info or something | [09:32] |
errydayimgenerat | and tried to pay out 10 milion dollars from his chase account | [09:32] |
pirateat40 | WHAT???? | [09:32] |
errydayimgenerat | but his bank refused that, and closed all his recent transactions | [09:32] |
rg | # Earn 2% cash back on every purchase, every day | [09:32] |
rg | # Get a $100 cash bonus - just spend $1,000 within the first 3 months | [09:32] |
rg | # Receive a $50 cash bonus by signing up for one or more employee cards | [09:32] |
errydayimgenerat | my quikpay got reversed | [09:32] |
rg | hmm not bad | [09:32] |
pirateat40 | Sounds sketchy | [09:33] |
draco49 | that's some bullshit | [09:33] |
errydayimgenerat | and after that my credit card got closed | [09:33] |
errydayimgenerat | and i couldn't log on and hwat not | [09:33] |
mod6 | :( | [09:33] |
errydayimgenerat | and it got closed with a balance too | [09:33] |
mod6 | savages. | [09:33] |
errydayimgenerat | i called 'em up later and they said it was cause of non-payment | [09:33] |
errydayimgenerat | but htat's bullshit i think | [09:33] |
errydayimgenerat | but that's a hit against my credit | [09:33] |
errydayimgenerat | credit card | [09:34] |
* | pirateat40 doesn't believe this story now. | [09:34] |
errydayimgenerat | not debit card | [09:34] |
errydayimgenerat | it's true | [09:34] |
errydayimgenerat | vragnaroda: do you remember that? | [09:34] |
rg | errydayimgenerat is a transvestite | [09:34] |
rg | now it makes sense | [09:34] |
errydayimgenerat | i'm not a transvestite | [09:34] |
rg | yeah, you are | [09:34] |
errydayimgenerat | no | [09:34] |
Cory | pirateat40: Some of us don't spend $10m/day. | [09:34] |
errydayimgenerat | i'm ont. | [09:34] |
rg | thats why you messaged me all that weird shit ealriar | [09:34] |
rg | about trannys | [09:34] |
errydayimgenerat | i asked if you were | [09:34] |
errydayimgenerat | but i got confused | [09:34] |
rg | yeah cause you wanted to know if you werent alone | [09:35] |
errydayimgenerat | i'm transgender by the way, not a transvestite | [09:35] |
rg | shits gross | [09:35] |
rg | see | [09:35] |
rg | i knew it | [09:35] |
errydayimgenerat | transvestite is just a crossdresser | [09:35] |
* | pirateat40 throws up a little bit. | [09:35] |
mod6 | LOL | [09:35] |
rg | hey daniel, wanna lose your virginity? | [09:35] |
rg | this girl is hot for you | [09:35] |
errydayimgenerat | my gender is legit female | [09:35] |
pirateat40 | lol | [09:35] |
pirateat40 | LOL | [09:35] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to vragnaroda | [09:35] |
errydayimgenerat | also | [09:36] |
draco49 | you guys are mean... | [09:36] |
errydayimgenerat | daniel is 17 | [09:36] |
* | vragnaroda sets ban on *!*rg@2001:bd0:100::* | [09:36] |
* | vragnaroda has kicked rg from #bitcoin-otc (No.) | [09:36] |
errydayimgenerat | laws etc | [09:36] |
errydayimgenerat | i like a real man | [09:36] |
errydayimgenerat | older guys | [09:36] |
* | vragnaroda removes ban on *!*rg@2001:bd0:100::* | [09:36] |
pirateat40 | What the hell!!! | [09:37] |
errydayimgenerat | it's just who i am. i have a high natural level of estrogen. | [09:37] |
errydayimgenerat | i didn't ask to be like this i figured it out | [09:37] |
Cory | errydayimgenerat: Do you mind crude questions? | [09:37] |
errydayimgenerat | no question is crude imho | [09:37] |
Cory | Were you born with what I would consider a penis? | [09:37] |
Cory | Do you have a y chromosome? | [09:37] |
errydayimgenerat | yeah andd yeah | [09:38] |
* | gribble likes to suck on rg so hard | [09:38] |
Joric | errydayimgenerat, estrogen or testosterone? it's important! | [09:38] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to pirateat40 | [09:38] |
errydayimgenerat | male to female | [09:38] |
* | danieldaniel (~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel) has left #bitcoin-otc | [09:38] |
* | pirateat40 has kicked devDelay from #bitcoin-otc (You're not welcome here!) | [09:38] |
* | danieldaniel (~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [09:38] |
draco49 | lol | [09:38] |
* | gribble gives voice to danieldaniel | [09:38] |
errydayimgenerat | LOL | [09:38] |
* | ChanServ removes channel operator status from pirateat40 | [09:38] |
gribble | Request successful for user danieldaniel, hostmask danieldaniel!~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel. Get your encrypted OTP from | [09:39] |
Cory | Who was that? | [09:39] |
* | gribble gives voice to danieldaniel | [09:39] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to pirateat40 | [09:39] |
* | pirateat40 has kicked danieldaniel from #bitcoin-otc (You're not welcome here!) | [09:39] |
errydayimgenerat | that was devdelay. | [09:39] |
draco49 | danieldaniel: it wasn't wvwn you who got kicked | [09:39] |
errydayimgenerat | obviously. | [09:39] |
* | ChanServ removes channel operator status from pirateat40 | [09:39] |
* | danieldaniel (~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [09:39] |
pirateat40 | Just cause i missed you | [09:39] |
draco49 | oh nvm | [09:39] |
Cory | pirateat40: That's 0.1 BTC for you. | [09:40] |
* | vragnaroda has kicked danieldaniel from #bitcoin-otc (Oops, what's this do?) | [09:40] |
* | danieldaniel (~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [09:40] |
Cory | At least somebody here takes bribes. | [09:40] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to pirateat40 | [09:40] |
* | pirateat40 sets ban on *!*@unaffiliated/danieldaniel | [09:40] |
Joric | danieldaniel, your mean | [09:40] |
* | pirateat40 has kicked danieldaniel from #bitcoin-otc (You're not welcome here!) | [09:40] |
errydayimgenerat | Joric: you're* | [09:40] |
* | ChanServ removes channel operator status from pirateat40 | [09:40] |
pirateat40 | Ok... | [09:40] |
draco49 | LMAO | [09:40] |
errydayimgenerat | pirateat40: thank you | [09:40] |
errydayimgenerat | i've been telling the little shit for a few days to chiggity check himself befor he wrecks himself | [09:41] |
mod6 | HAH | [09:41] |
errydayimgenerat | i wonder who he pms to cry about it | [09:42] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to pirateat40 | [09:43] |
Joric | i guess 'mtgox code' was just a codename for a kick | [09:43] |
* | pirateat40 removes ban on *!*@unaffiliated/danieldaniel | [09:43] |
* | danieldaniel (~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [09:43] |
* | ChanServ removes channel operator status from pirateat40 | [09:43] |
sturles | Ah! Just as predicted. First europeans got money into MtGox this morning (JST), and started buying. :-) | [09:43] |
sturles | Bulk will arrive tomorrow. | [09:44] |
netxshare | pirateat40: may I PM you? | [09:44] |
* | gribble gives voice to danieldaniel | [09:44] |
pirateat40 | uh... sure | [09:44] |
pirateat40 | lol NO | [09:44] |
sturles | Expect a small dip when America wakes up, and buy then! | [09:44] |
* | Duke_pro has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [09:45] |
splatster | I have been kicked out of -otc 1 time a while ago and last night I was kickbanned out of -otc for the first time for 5 minutes. | [09:45] |
splatster | That's a pretty clean record if you ask me. | [09:45] |
splatster | Especially compared to danieldaniel. | [09:45] |
* | vincent_point has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [09:45] |
Cory | That's so impressive you should be an op, splatster. | [09:45] |
vragnaroda | To be fair, most of danieldaniel's have been just messing with him. | [09:46] |
splatster | Cory: Yes! | [09:46] |
splatster | Okay fine, better than MBS's record | [09:46] |
splatster | who has been kickbanned a couple of times | [09:46] |
vragnaroda | danieldaniel: I'm sure you've been kicked when I wasn't around. :P | [09:46] |
MBS | ? | [09:46] |
splatster | if memory serves | [09:46] |
MBS | what record? | [09:46] |
vragnaroda | Remember I took an IRC vacation for a while. | [09:47] |
errydayimgenerat | sturles what do you mean bulk? | [09:47] |
splatster | MBS: Weren't you kickbanned a few times for spamming? | [09:47] |
MBS | i was kicked like once | [09:47] |
MBS | speaking of, anyone want a server | [09:47] |
splatster | kickban ^ | [09:47] |
splatster | lololol | [09:47] |
splatster | JK | [09:47] |
Joric | danieldaniel, 5 times, basically you paid 0.2 btc per kick | [09:48] |
mod6 | remember, each byte typed is * 185 on this channel now :D | [09:48] |
splatster | mod6: lolwut? | [09:49] |
Cory | That's why I broadcast anything I need to keep in popular IRC channels. | [09:49] |
Cory | That way if I somehow lose it at least somebody is bound to have it. | [09:49] |
pirateat40 | vragnaroda kicked me once. | [09:49] |
pirateat40 | Ill never forget it | [09:49] |
Cory | Who's laughing now!! | [09:49] |
pirateat40 | I cried for almost a week. | [09:49] |
vragnaroda | I've kicked myself more. | [09:49] |
errydayimgenerat | where do you get * 185? | [09:49] |
vragnaroda | lol | [09:49] |
mod6 | the number of people in this channel. | [09:50] |
errydayimgenerat | 316? | [09:50] |
mod6 | oh, my bad, was just looking at the normal. :/ | [09:50] |
mod6 | Irssi: #bitcoin-otc: Total of 316 nicks [5 ops, 0 halfops, 126 voices, 185 normal] | [09:50] |
* | mod6 goes to bed :) | [09:50] |
errydayimgenerat | i eviscerated a mouse tonight | [09:51] |
* | pirateat40 wonders why he is still up | [09:51] |
splatster | All the normals usually -aren't- reading the channel | [09:51] |
errydayimgenerat | i kind of feel bad about it | [09:51] |
sturles | errydayimgenerat: Europeans noticing the insane arbitrage between MtGox and the EUR exchanges after the crash (still continuing), quickly transferred money to MtGox. The first of the transfers were due to arrive today (by my own experience). Most of the transfers sent during the weekend or on monday will arrive tomorrow morning. Some on friday morning. Then I think we'll reach a balance airly quickly during the weekend. | [09:51] |
errydayimgenerat | what crash now? | [09:52] |
sturles | From almost 6 to 4.2. | [09:53] |
Joric | whoa look at this steep wall at 4.6 | [09:54] |
badluck | peen | [09:54] |
Joric | someones pushing prices down | [09:54] |
sturles | I graph mine with Munin. | [09:54] |
Joric | the manipulator! | [09:54] |
sturles | Nice graph of BTC and currency value and total value in BTC and currency. | [09:55] |
errydayimgenerat | ohhhh shit sturles | [09:55] |
errydayimgenerat | touche | [09:55] |
badluck | graph? | [09:55] |
Joric | 31kbtc to 4.6 | [09:55] |
woofcat | ;;ticker | [09:55] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.46548, Best ask: 4.4655, Bid-ask spread: 1.99999999992e-05, Last trade: 4.46549, 24 hour volume: 94281, 24 hour low: 4.212, 24 hour high: 4.54 | [09:55] |
errydayimgenerat | ;;calc 4.28 * 1.006 | [09:56] |
splatster | ;;asks 4.6 | [09:56] |
gribble | There are currently 31777.957 bitcoins offered at or under 4.6 USD, worth 145586.444644 USD in total. | [09:56] |
splatster | no fucking way | [09:56] |
splatster | ;;asks 4.5 | [09:56] |
gribble | There are currently 1734.5084 bitcoins offered at or under 4.5 USD, worth 7800.31849339 USD in total. | [09:56] |
splatster | lolwall | [09:57] |
Joric | no way it'll went 4.6 | [09:57] |
* | `g ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [09:58] |
* | `g has quit (Changing host) | [09:58] |
* | `g (~whocares@unaffiliated/g/x-7257079) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [09:58] |
sturles | Don't trust the order book. | [09:58] |
splatster | Joric: *No way it will get to 4.6. | [09:58] |
sturles | It is to easy to manipulate. | [09:58] |
errydayimgenerat | same goes for women | [09:58] |
sturles | People are buying at the EUR equivalent of 5 USD, and watch that wall as the price close in on it. | [09:58] |
`g | hi | [09:59] |
mircea_popescu | maybe tghe result will be the euro alligning :) | [10:00] |
wonderbread | Sigh... selling off the last of my coins to help fund taking a friend out for dinner on her birthday. WTS: $80 MtGoxUSD code for paypal (1:1). | [10:01] |
mircea_popescu | aite worderbread | [10:01] |
* | Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) | [10:01] |
errydayimgenerat | sturles: so are you saying the euros haven't been trading to transfer money/btc? | [10:02] |
gribble | Nick 'wonderbread', with hostmask 'wonderbread!', is identified as user wonderbread, with GPG key id C55EF427C62D6699, and key fingerprint 5B0D30A05DCB1226428F6CACC55EF427C62D6699. | [10:02] |
gribble | You are identified as user danieldaniel, with GPG key id C5D21E9BDCAE3594, and key fingerprint 4761C0C9EA65B824459AF736C5D21E9BDCAE3594. | [10:02] |
errydayimgenerat | wonderbread: take her to dennys | [10:02] |
errydayimgenerat | or need i remind you of the 10,000 BTC pizza | [10:02] |
* | dserrano5 (~9dsd9s9da@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:03] |
* | ovidiusoft (~ovidiusof@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:03] |
wonderbread | Apologies. It's gone. | [10:03] |
errydayimgenerat | sturles: cause the daily trade rates are on par or greater than the 30 day average | [10:03] |
errydayimgenerat | what's gone? | [10:04] |
errydayimgenerat | also anyone have a high resolution camera i could borrow in philly? | [10:04] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user wonderbread has been recorded. | [10:04] |
mircea_popescu | sturles : i see about 40k btc volume on euro at 3.47. | [10:05] |
errydayimgenerat | that's about how quickly i'll have sex with someone | [10:05] |
wonderbread | 12 seconds according to my client but who's counting :P | [10:05] |
mircea_popescu | what exaclty ios the difference or impact ? 40k btc won't make a dent in the usd market. | [10:05] |
mircea_popescu | and 3.5 euro is about 4.3 usd | [10:06] |
Joric | bogus code | [10:06] |
Joric | you deserved kicking then | [10:06] |
mircea_popescu | also, anyoen selling an agp vidcard ? | [10:07] |
mircea_popescu | preferably a later model. | [10:07] |
splatster | ;;calc 36^20 | [10:07] |
splatster | gribble doesn't do powers? | [10:08] |
wonderbread | I feel terrible letting those coins go, it feels like I've relinquished my last bit of internet freedom. Ah well. I'm sure I'll come into more sooner or later :) | [10:08] |
splatster | How can you get gribble to calc exponents? | [10:08] |
phraust | actually, i might have one. | [10:08] |
wonderbread | Haha. It's ok :P You helped fund a nobel cause! | [10:09] |
phraust | ill have to rummage in the garage. | [10:09] |
mircea_popescu | cool phraust | [10:10] |
mircea_popescu | wonderbread = mizerydearia ? | [10:10] |
wonderbread | Nope. | [10:10] |
wonderbread | yup | [10:10] |
* | sfantu (~sfantu@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:11] |
splatster | ;;calc 36**20 | [10:11] |
gribble | 13367494538843734031554962259968 | [10:11] |
splatster | yay | [10:12] |
splatster | figured it out | [10:12] |
errydayimgenerat | danieldaniel: have you tried buying in? | [10:12] |
splatster | there are 13367494538843734031554962259968 * 2 possible Gox codes | [10:12] |
errydayimgenerat | that's how you get it to go up | [10:12] |
splatster | ;;calc 13367494538843734031554962259968 * 2 | [10:12] |
gribble | 26734989077687468063109924519936 | [10:12] |
errydayimgenerat | how does your bot trade? | [10:12] |
errydayimgenerat | just wondering | [10:12] |
splatster | 26734989077687468063109924519936 possible Mt. Gox Redeem Codes. | [10:12] |
* | relet (~hirtho@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:13] |
errydayimgenerat | obvoiusly | [10:13] |
wonderbread | Also, danieldaniel: AGP = Accelerated graphics port. It's a legacy graphics card slot which got replaced by PCIe. | [10:13] |
errydayimgenerat | like when does it buy/sell | [10:13] |
splatster | 26,734,989,077,687,468,063,109,924,519,936 Holy shit! | [10:13] |
splatster | How do you pronounce that? | [10:13] |
errydayimgenerat | buy low sell high obviously | [10:13] |
errydayimgenerat | splatster: a shitload | [10:14] |
splatster | lol | [10:14] |
vragnaroda | errydayimgenerat: You got that backwards; this is bitcoin. We buy high and sell low 'round these parts. :p | [10:14] |
errydayimgenerat | that's how i do | [10:14] |
errydayimgenerat | i did that in august | [10:14] |
errydayimgenerat | for a sum of -$14,000 | [10:14] |
mircea_popescu | i never sell so i never have that problem | [10:14] |
errydayimgenerat | such a wonderful line | [10:15] |
errydayimgenerat | danieldaniel: did you write your bot? | [10:15] |
* | torsthaldo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:15] |
errydayimgenerat | what sort of parameters are there? | [10:15] |
errydayimgenerat | that's not a parameter | [10:16] |
wonderbread | splatster: - that's how you pronounce it | [10:16] |
splatster | WTF?! | [10:16] |
errydayimgenerat | i could see how it functions | [10:16] |
wonderbread | <3 Wolfram | [10:16] |
errydayimgenerat | like buy x sell y | [10:17] |
* | errydayimgenerat is sick of people mentioning more than 21 million bitcoins | [10:17] |
splatster | danieldaniel: Only that amount of BTC doesn't exist | [10:17] |
errydayimgenerat | you have bad jokes | [10:18] |
splatster | I didn't laugh. | [10:18] |
errydayimgenerat | danieldaniel: when doees school start again? | [10:18] |
errydayimgenerat | now did you get that | [10:18] |
errydayimgenerat | or another bot | [10:18] |
* | pumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:18] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to pumpkin | [10:18] |
Joric | bogus code again | [10:18] |
* | copumpkin has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [10:18] |
* | pumpkin is now known as copumpkin | [10:18] |
errydayimgenerat | i meant | [10:19] |
errydayimgenerat | your bot | [10:19] |
errydayimgenerat | or someone elses | [10:19] |
Joric | danieldaniel, lies, i got this one in 1497ms | [10:19] |
errydayimgenerat | yeah ddon't forget latency to send to channel | [10:19] |
errydayimgenerat | no | [10:19] |
Joric | errydayimgenerat, good note | [10:20] |
errydayimgenerat | it's kind of scummy imho | [10:20] |
Joric | i still doubt theres a 3 sec latency | [10:20] |
Joric | more likely danieldaniel just posting empty codes | [10:20] |
Joric | danieldaniel, no thank you, i already codereviewed two php monkeys this morning | [10:21] |
* | Cablesaurus ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:21] |
* | Cablesaurus has quit (Changing host) | [10:21] |
* | Cablesaurus (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/cablesaurus) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:21] |
* | onEm__ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:22] |
splatster | "26 nonillion, 734 octillion, 989 septillion, 77 sextillion, 687 quintillion, 468 quadrillion, 63 million, 109 billion, 924 million, 519 thousand and 936" | [10:24] |
* | danieldaniel212 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [10:24] |
splatster | ;;say /kick danieldaniel | [10:24] |
splatster | damn | [10:25] |
splatster | ;;echo /kick danieldaniel | [10:25] |
gribble | /kick danieldaniel | [10:25] |
splatster | :( | [10:25] |
* | yongjhen has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [10:25] |
* | Now talking on #bitcoin-otc | [10:35] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || Bot's control sequence is ';;'. || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe | [10:35] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube at Mon Dec 19 23:38:55 2011 | [10:35] |
* | Optimo has quit (Quit: bai) | [10:35] |
splatster | I've got another one | [10:35] |
danieldaniel | o.0 | [10:35] |
Mqrius | ?????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? | [10:36] |
splatster | Not for the < 14 crowd | [10:36] |
Mqrius | Well that didn't work. | [10:36] |
danieldaniel | someone bring the market up by 0.04 please | [10:36] |
splatster | awww | [10:36] |
splatster | Message too large to be sent | [10:36] |
splatster | damn | [10:36] |
danieldaniel | o.- | [10:36] |
danieldaniel | o.o | [10:36] |
* | yossarian_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:36] |
* | Mqrius wanted to send braille. I can read that, as opposed to morse. | [10:36] |
* | copumpkin has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [10:37] |
danieldaniel | omg | [10:37] |
danieldaniel | someone change the market | [10:37] |
danieldaniel | its getting boring | [10:37] |
* | copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:37] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin | [10:38] |
sturles | Reading morse is hard. Trying to whistle the dots and dashes and read it by the sound at the same time. | [10:38] |
splatster | Two part Morse Code message: - --- - .... . .-- .. -. -.. --- .-- --..-- - --- - .... . .-- .- .-.. .-.. .-.-.- - --- - .... . ... .-- . .- - -.. .-. --- .--. -.. --- .-- -. -- -.-- -... .- .-.. .-.. ... .-.-.- - --- .- .-.. .-.. - .... . ... . -... .. - -.-. .... . ... -.-. .-. .- .-- .-.. .-.-.- - --- .- .-.. .-.. ... -.- . . - ... -.- . . - --..-- -- --- - .... . .-. ..-. ..- -.-. -.- . | [10:38] |
mircea_popescu | good morning copumpkin :D | [10:38] |
splatster | - --- .- .-.. .-.. ... -.- . . - ... -.- . . - --..-- --. --- -.. -.. .- -- -. .-.-.- - --- .- .-.. .-.. ... -.- . . - ... -.- . . - --..-- -- --- - .... . .-. ..-. ..- -.-. -.- . .-. .-.-.- - --- .- .-.. .-.. ... -.- . . - ... -.- . . - --..-- --. --- -.. -.. .- -- -. .-.-.- | [10:38] |
splatster | I wonder who will get the reference first... | [10:38] |
mircea_popescu | nohing to do bla bla | [10:39] |
Raccoon | 626C61636B62697264 73696E67696E67 696E 746865 64656164 6F66 6E69676874 | [10:39] |
Raccoon | 74616B65 7468657365 62726F6B656E 77696E6773 616E64 6C6561726E 746F 666C79 | [10:39] |
Raccoon | 616C6C 6F66 796F7572 6C696665 | [10:39] |
splatster | You guys are slow at morse code. | [10:39] |
Raccoon | 796F75 77657265 6F6E6C79 77616974696E67 666F72 74686973 6D6F6D656E74 746F 6172697365 | [10:39] |
Mqrius | splatster: I just don't know the reference | [10:39] |
* | splatster shakes his head in disappointment | [10:39] |
Mqrius | Seems like some high quality literature. | [10:40] |
splatster | Mqrius: Do you at least know what it says? | [10:40] |
Mqrius | Yeah, I can google a translater | [10:40] |
Mqrius | Try sending me grade 1 braille, I won't google that. | [10:40] |
* | SomeoneWeird_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:40] |
Raccoon | grade 1? | [10:40] |
splatster | Mqrius: Try googling the result of the converter or whatever you used | [10:41] |
Mqrius | There's 2 grades of braille, Raccoon. | [10:41] |
Raccoon | same braille, different advancement in reading and comprehension? | [10:41] |
Mqrius | One is simply the letters and punctuation and some things, grade 2 is with lots of contractions and shortenings. | [10:41] |
sturles | Mqrius: Send a MtGox code in braille once in a while, and I'm sure the people here will learn braille extremely fast! | [10:41] |
* | SomeoneWeird_ has quit (Changing host) | [10:41] |
* | SomeoneWeird_ (~SomeoneWe@unaffiliated/someoneweird) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:41] |
Mqrius | sturles: That'd be cool :P Would prevent the bot from getting it as well :) | [10:42] |
Raccoon | i see. | [10:42] |
Mqrius | My mIRC is crap at sending unicode though -.-' | [10:42] |
Raccoon | Mqrius, why is that? | [10:42] |
Mqrius | It just sends either blocks or question marks | [10:42] |
Raccoon | easy fix. | [10:42] |
Mqrius | How? | [10:42] |
Raccoon | right-click the channel tab, select font, select from the droplist Display & Encode, select Set As Default | [10:43] |
Raccoon | you'll have to do this to each window-type. eg, Querys, DCC | [10:44] |
* | borealisx has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [10:44] |
Mqrius | ???? | [10:44] |
Mqrius | Does that show up as braille at all? | [10:44] |
Raccoon | no. | [10:44] |
* | lebek has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [10:44] |
Raccoon | check the setting again | [10:44] |
Mqrius | Hrm. | [10:44] |
Mqrius | What font should I set it as? Also, isn't this simply the display font? | [10:45] |
Mqrius | Also, it shows up as braille when I paste it in the entry field, just not when I hit enter. | [10:45] |
sturles | Ehm.. Won't work for anyone but yourself. | [10:45] |
Raccoon | also go into ALT+O > IRC > Messages > checkmark each of the bottom 6 options. | [10:45] |
Mqrius | Alt+0? | [10:45] |
Mqrius | Doesn't do anything | [10:45] |
Raccoon | ALT+Letter-Oh | [10:45] |
Mqrius | Oh | [10:45] |
Mqrius | right | [10:45] |
Mqrius | ???? | [10:46] |
Mqrius | Still nope. | [10:46] |
Raccoon | hmm, still nope. | [10:46] |
Raccoon | are you running any fancy scripts? | [10:46] |
Mqrius | No | [10:46] |
* | eol (d8ba94b8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:46] |
Raccoon | to test, type /remote off and try again | [10:46] |
* | willygeek (765a5807@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:47] |
Mqrius | My remote tab is empty | [10:47] |
Mqrius | ???? | [10:47] |
Joric | does anyone remember that oatmeal comic theres a guy climbing on other's guy head trying to get attention can't find it | [10:47] |
splatster | Wow, here's the most useful image you may ever find if you want to make a web/app based clock: | [10:47] |
MBS | anyone want to preorder the playstation vita for bitcoins :p | [10:48] |
* | Optimo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:49] |
Raccoon | ⠀⠁⠂⠃⠄⠅⠆⠇⠈⠉⠊ | [10:50] |
Raccoon | Mqrius: try copying and pasting that | [10:50] |
eol | make me btc offfers | [10:50] |
Mqrius | ⠁⠂⠃⠄⠅⠆⠇⠈⠉⠊ | [10:50] |
Raccoon | works. | [10:50] |
Raccoon | you're good to go. | [10:50] |
Mqrius | That seems to work, but in my entry thingey it shows up as weird characters | [10:51] |
Mqrius | O.o | [10:51] |
Raccoon | whatever you are copying from is not using correct encoding for the client to understand what to copy | [10:51] |
Raccoon | how are you entering? | [10:51] |
Mqrius | The entry bar under the channel | [10:51] |
Mqrius | (standard way) | [10:51] |
* | extor has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [10:51] |
Raccoon | i mean, where are you obtaining the characters | [10:51] |
splatster | MBS: I bid 0.00000001 BTC | [10:51] |
Raccoon | not from your keyboard | [10:51] |
Mqrius | notepad, or the internet. | [10:51] |
Raccoon | ⠞⠑⠎⠞ | [10:52] |
Raccoon | i copied 'test' from their page. | [10:53] |
Joric | the very clock | [10:53] |
Raccoon | check your browser settings | [10:53] |
Raccoon | works in Firefox | [10:53] |
* | extor ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:53] |
Mqrius | Raccoon: I can paste it into notepad without any problems, which suggests mIRC is the problem | [10:53] |
Raccoon | Mqrius: you can paste into mIRC too | [10:53] |
* | Gaglia ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:53] |
* | MrTiggr (~MrTiggr@unaffiliated/mrtiggr) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [10:54] |
Raccoon | but what you're pasting isn't unicode as best i can tell | [10:54] |
Mqrius | Yes, and then it shows up fine in the entry field, but not when I send the message | [10:54] |
Mqrius | copypasting your message into the entry field shows up as weird characters, but sends fine | [10:54] |
Raccoon | try it once more, fresh copy from the web page | [10:54] |
Mqrius | It seems the entry field is not unicode or something | [10:54] |
Mqrius | ???? | [10:54] |
Raccoon | what do you have firefox's Character Encoding set to? | [10:55] |
Raccoon | Should be Unicode (UTF-8) | [10:55] |
errydayimgenerat | i'm out of matches :'( | [10:55] |
Mqrius | I'm using chrome, it's probably set to default | [10:56] |
Raccoon | Mqrius: You could test with an update to mIRC 7 (or just install it separately from 6.35) | [10:56] |
Mqrius | Don't see a setting for it | [10:56] |
* | eol has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [10:56] |
Raccoon | mIRC 7 is a Fully Unicode client. 6.35 is only interpretive | [10:57] |
Mqrius | Might help... | [10:57] |
Raccoon | I've found how to manage 6.35, and I get what I need to | [10:57] |
sturles | Hrm. This is not about mIRC. Unless you only want to read it yourself. | [10:57] |
Joric | splatster, i'll add those numbers to ragecoin ) | [10:57] |
sturles | Look -- I can type fancy characters and read them myself! Nevermind the other people. | [10:58] |
splatster | Joric: Great idea! | [10:58] |
Joric | apple will sue me but still | [10:58] |
splatster | Yup | [10:58] |
Raccoon | ṡṫῡṙḻἕṥ ἴṥ ὑῥṩὲṱ əṯ ṹṩ. | [10:58] |
splatster | Make a torrent of it | [10:58] |
Mqrius | sturles: I can read them fine when others send it. I just can't send them properly. | [10:58] |
splatster | then you can blame bittorrent | [10:58] |
Mqrius | I think it's about mirc. | [10:58] |
* | MrTiggr has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | [10:59] |
splatster | and say you thought it was legal | [10:59] |
sturles | OK | [10:59] |
splatster | and that you had NO idea it was copyrighted | [10:59] |
Raccoon | Mqrius: you demonstrated you can send in mIRC. just not from Chrome | [10:59] |
Mqrius | Raccoon: But it shows up as weird characters in the entry form | [10:59] |
Raccoon | Mqrius: if you paste from Chrome to Notepad, then Save as a Unicode or UTF-8 .txt file, then open it again, it will copy/paste to mIRC fine. | [11:00] |
* | edwtjo has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [11:00] |
Raccoon | Notepad is able to interpret what mIRC isn't | [11:00] |
errydayimgenerat | i hate paxum | [11:00] |
sturles | Nah. Just link to the origional apple image. Hope they don't notice and change it to goatse or something. | [11:00] |
errydayimgenerat | i have a grand on their i can't get out | [11:00] |
Mqrius | ???? | [11:01] |
Mqrius | No it won't. | [11:01] |
Raccoon | ⓒⓞⓟⓨ ⓟⓐⓢⓣⓔ ⓣⓗⓘⓢ ⓛⓘⓝⓔ. | [11:01] |
* | yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [11:01] |
splatster | Raccoon: ⓒⓞⓟⓨ ⓟⓐⓢⓣⓔ ⓣⓗⓘⓢ ⓛⓘⓝⓔ. Done. | [11:02] |
MBS | not a bad deal on this camera | [11:02] |
MBS | | [11:02] |
MBS | refurbished though' | [11:02] |
badluck | digital vajajay | [11:02] |
splatster | Has anyone here bought a casascius silver round before? | [11:02] |
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* | Mqrius7 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [11:02] |
Mqrius7 | ⠞⠑⠎⠞ | [11:03] |
Mqrius7 | That works. | [11:03] |
splatster | I'm considering breaking open the clear plastic capsule it's in. | [11:03] |
* | vinhpk (~khacvinhp@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [11:03] |
MBS | ⑳ | [11:03] |
MBS | damint | [11:03] |
* | Mqrius is now known as Mqrius6 | [11:03] |
* | Mqrius7 is now known as Mqrius | [11:03] |
Raccoon | Mqrius: also try this font if you're fond of Fixedsys. It's a unicode expansion. %fixedsys | [11:03] |
Raccoon | | [11:03] |
MBS | ⒈ | [11:04] |
* | onEm__ has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 3.6.11/20101012113537]) | [11:04] |
Mqrius | Raccoon: Thanks | [11:04] |
Raccoon | you're welome. | [11:04] |
Raccoon | i'm hoping to get Khaled to include it with mIRC | [11:05] |
Mqrius | Ugh the braille is unreadable in excelsior though | [11:05] |
Raccoon | agreed. | [11:05] |
Mqrius | Better in default fixedsys | [11:05] |
Raccoon | I'm changing that in the next version. | [11:05] |
Raccoon | what you see with default fixedsys is some random-other font via font linking | [11:06] |
Mqrius | Drop me a line when you've got that updated, then I'll switch :) | [11:06] |
MBS | anyone want 4 sticks of 8GB 1600mhz ddr3, only 43 BTC | [11:06] |
Raccoon | k :) | [11:06] |
MBS | you know you want 32GB of ram :p | [11:06] |
Joric | i just added 1000 coins bet now you could make millions | [11:06] |
danieldaniel | <-- making an IRC morse code translater | [11:07] |
Raccoon | danieldaniel: which language? | [11:07] |
danieldaniel | php | [11:07] |
danieldaniel | shit | [11:07] |
danieldaniel | it broke | [11:07] |
Raccoon | there's a very nifty one, only a few lines of code | [11:07] |
* | fizzisist has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [11:07] |
Raccoon | it translates the morse into binary, then uses a binary lookup table | [11:08] |
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Raccoon | only a few hundred characters long total | [11:08] |
danieldaniel | mine is way more complicated | [11:09] |
danieldaniel | lol | [11:09] |
Raccoon | AˆŠd ‚f€@‡e„CBg†b`!ac‰‹Œ¿¯¼¸° °¸¼¾ | [11:09] |
Raccoon | that's the lookup table | [11:09] |
MBS | ..-..--.---.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-..-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-- | [11:10] |
Raccoon | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 | [11:10] |
Raccoon | that's the other half | [11:10] |
MBS | -.-- --- --..-- / ... --- / .. / .... . .- .-. -.. / -.-- --- ..- / --. ..- -.-- ... / .-.. .. -.- . / -.-. .- -.- . --..-- / ... --- / .. / .--. ..- - / .- / -.-. .- -.- . / .. -. / - .... .. ... / -.-. .- -.- . / .- -. -.. / ... --- .-.. -.. / .. - / ..-. --- .-. / -... .. - -.-. --- .. -. ... | [11:11] |
MBS | lol | [11:13] |
MBS | | [11:13] |
Mqrius | ⠠⠉⠕⠕⠇⠀⠎⠞⠕⠗⠽⠀⠃⠗⠕⠲ | [11:13] |
Raccoon | blah, that link requires java. | [11:15] |
Raccoon | fuck java. dead language. | [11:15] |
Joric | more alive than any other atm | [11:16] |
* | Mqrius6 has quit () | [11:17] |
Joric | well, except plain c (probably due to the huge linux kernel) | [11:17] |
Joric | | [11:17] |
MBS | yeah, java is really getting popular again for companies | [11:18] |
MBS | have been seeing more places looking for java coders than .NET ,lol | [11:18] |
errydayimgenerat | java coders? you mean starbucks baristas? | [11:19] |
Joric | someone speak python here? | [11:20] |
Mqrius | A bit | [11:20] |
* | extor has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | [11:20] |
danieldaniel | Joric: no | [11:20] |
* | Mqrius makes hiss noises | [11:21] |
Mqrius | def hiss(): | [11:21] |
Mqrius | print("SSSsssss") | [11:21] |
danieldaniel | y u no function | [11:21] |
Mqrius | hiss() | [11:21] |
Joric | i never use brackets in print | [11:21] |
Mqrius | SSSsssss | [11:21] |
Mqrius | Joric: Upgrade to python 3 already! :P | [11:21] |
errydayimgenerat | danieldaniel: go to school | [11:22] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: off for the week | [11:22] |
errydayimgenerat | why | [11:22] |
errydayimgenerat | what grade are you in? | [11:22] |
Joric | Mqrius, did it become necessary in python 3? | [11:22] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: its some sort of vacation shit | [11:23] |
errydayimgenerat | that you're spending on irc instead of going to house parties, getting drunk and banging sluts | [11:24] |
danieldaniel | errydayimgenerat: yes | [11:24] |
errydayimgenerat | and why do you dodge half my questoins, you get left back? | [11:24] |
Joric | fucking Guido van Rossum really wants to turn print into a function what a douche | [11:25] |
danieldaniel | what? | [11:25] |
danieldaniel | no... | [11:25] |
errydayimgenerat | read between the highlights foo | [11:25] |
Joric | this will render most of sources obsolete | [11:25] |
danieldaniel | well yeah | [11:26] |
danieldaniel | im tired | [11:26] |
danieldaniel | so bai | [11:26] |
MBS | lol | [11:26] |
MBS | had to learn python for computer science class last semester | [11:26] |
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MBS | so now i know php and python, lol | [11:26] |
Mqrius | Joric: Yup. | [11:27] |
MBS | want to learn java/groovy before arma 3 comes out | [11:27] |
Mqrius | Also, Imma set up my highlights in this version of mirc :P | [11:27] |
pho| | next step, learn perl ... next step, learn why perl 6 isnt out yet | [11:27] |
Joric | also Guido van Rossum said he'd use curly brackets or something to get rid of indentation dependency | [11:27] |
* | MBS enjoys curly brackets | [11:27] |
Joric | i think he's getting out of mind | [11:27] |
Mqrius | What!? | [11:27] |
MBS | you can rip them from my cold dead hands | [11:27] |
Mqrius | Citation needed? | [11:27] |
Cory | { | [11:29] |
Mqrius | } | [11:29] |
pho| | ${citation granted}?/.*[1..9] | [11:30] |
Joric | most probably he will make an implicit block ending as in ruby (ie. 'end' operator) | [11:31] |
Joric | that will end python as we know it | [11:32] |
MBS | fuck yeah, 2 credit accounts started reporting so creditkarma score went from 650 to 693 | [11:32] |
Mqrius | Joric: Yeah, I hope he won't. | [11:32] |
pho| | I never really did understand perl | [11:32] |
MBS | though these inqueries and average age of account will hurt for a while, but from the looks of this i should hopefully have 750+ by graduation | [11:33] |
pho| | but i was promised perl 6 would be better like ... what 6 years ago? | [11:34] |
pho| | and its still not ready | [11:34] |
MBS | LOL, the 2 cards that are reporting are my bank of america and my walmart, they havent even come in yet and have my lowest credit lines XD | [11:34] |
errydayimgenerat | if you get a loan for say a car | [11:34] |
errydayimgenerat | make a few payments | [11:34] |
errydayimgenerat | then pay it off a few months later | [11:35] |
errydayimgenerat | how well would that adjust you think? | [11:35] |
MBS | for me or in general? | [11:37] |
MBS | it would be good on your score | [11:37] |
MBS | for me it would be awesome, since some of the points go to what different types of accounts you have, right now just have CCs and student loans | [11:37] |
* | weroiuyp (~anonymous@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [11:39] |
weroiuyp | what is bitcoin? | [11:40] |
MBS | nioctib si tahw | [11:40] |
* | weroiuyp is now known as lobo | [11:40] |
* | lobo is now known as Guest77561 | [11:40] |
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* | Guest77561 is now known as quori | [11:42] |
errydayimgenerat | quori: it ruined my life | [11:43] |
quori | how did it ruin your life errydayimgenerat? | [11:44] |
MBS | cocaine | [11:45] |
quori | how do we buy bitcoin? | [11:45] |
errydayimgenerat | no | [11:45] |
pho| | many ways | [11:45] |
errydayimgenerat | it just gave me | [11:46] |
errydayimgenerat | way too much mpney and opportunities | [11:46] |
quori | errydayimgenerat how? | [11:46] |
quori | it's free money? | [11:46] |
Joric | only good wife knows how to buy bitcoin | [11:46] |
errydayimgenerat | which led to a heroin addiction, totalling a car, 2 arrests in 3 weeks, etc | [11:46] |
pho| | lol Joric | [11:46] |
quori | theres something weird with this channel | [11:46] |
errydayimgenerat | yeah there's some freak trannies in it | [11:47] |
MBS | sounds like a fun mardi gras | [11:47] |
quori | too many people with a symbol before their name | [11:47] |
Joric | | [11:47] |
errydayimgenerat | + just means they are authenticated usually | [11:47] |
errydayimgenerat | and the @ means they are a doucheba | [11:47] |
errydayimgenerat | g | [11:47] |
quori | I can't find any douche | [11:48] |
Joric | yeah @ is a kindof stylized douche | [11:48] |
pho| | + voiced means nothing, and should not be taken as any sort of authentication | [11:48] |
errydayimgenerat | ah | [11:48] |
MBS | well it does mean they they are authed though | [11:48] |
errydayimgenerat | ohhh | [11:48] |
quori | you get a @ symbol if you're being a douche here? | [11:49] |
errydayimgenerat | just freenode auth? | [11:49] |
MBS | nah, with gribble | [11:49] |
pho| | MBS: no it doesnt | [11:49] |
errydayimgenerat | no, they are the ones that can kick/ban | [11:49] |
errydayimgenerat | ;;voiceme | [11:49] |
MBS | do the mods normally voice people not authed? | [11:49] |
quori | I heard many guys are turning gays | [11:49] |
errydayimgenerat | [11:49] | |
kinlo | nah, but if gribble disconnects it forget's who has authed | [11:50] |
errydayimgenerat | they're not turning out gay | [11:50] |
pho| | iif you see an actual ;;voiceme or ;;letmein .. in the channe4l then yes it means they are authed with gribble ... but if you dont witness that, it means nothing | [11:50] |
quori | like they sleep with their wives at night but they have a sexual attraction to their male colleague every minute | [11:50] |
pho| | just a couple days ago, everyone in the channel was given +v for no reason | [11:50] |
errydayimgenerat | they were gay all along | [11:50] |
errydayimgenerat | they just tried to be straight/fit in | [11:51] |
MBS | ah ok thats why im +v XD | [11:51] |
errydayimgenerat | and lied to themselves | [11:51] |
MBS | dont remember voicing myself | [11:51] |
quori | Yuck | [11:51] |
errydayimgenerat | i've had so many offers from married guys looking for 'discreet hot fun' | [11:51] |
MBS | they should make gribble automatically devoice anyone not authed | [11:51] |
quori | I can't imagine an ass | [11:51] |
MBS | though maybe not will all the netsplits and shit | [11:51] |
errydayimgenerat | first thing i say is "does your wife know?" | [11:51] |
errydayimgenerat | quori: how not? you have one | [11:51] |
quori | wait a sec! I was here to ask about bitcoin!! | [11:51] |
MBS | want some undiscreet icy fun? | [11:51] |
errydayimgenerat | yessssssssssss | [11:52] |
pho| | MBS, no, they shouldnt ... because as has been stated many times in here a +v has no bearing on your actual status in the community | [11:52] |
errydayimgenerat | MBS: undiscreet and freezing? your empty sex life? | [11:52] |
MBS | :( | [11:52] |
quori | So how is it we can buy bitcoin? We can pay using Visa? | [11:52] |
* | copumpkin has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [11:52] |
quori | Any of you have sex with an underage before? | [11:52] |
quori | it's getting more on the news | [11:53] |
* | copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [11:53] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin | [11:53] |
quori | 17 year old boy with his teacher | [11:53] |
pho| | ;;ident MBS | [11:53] |
gribble | Nick 'MBS', with hostmask 'MBS!~MBS@unaffiliated/mbs', is identified as user MBS, with GPG key id 09789601CEF3EA59, and key fingerprint DDBFEED420FEC19A912A61CD09789601CEF3EA59. | [11:53] |
pho| | that ^ is how you should determine ones status | [11:53] |
pho| | anlong with ;;getrating MBS | [11:54] |
MBS | ;;getrating MBS | [11:54] |
gribble | User MBS, created on Tue Apr 19 17:18:54 2011. Cumulative rating 54, from 31 total ratings. Received ratings: 31 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 32 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask MBS!~MBS@unaffiliated/mbs | [11:54] |
MBS | under a month left til my anniverary :D | [11:54] |
pho| | and ;;gpg info MBS | [11:54] |
MBS | ;;gpg info MBS | [11:54] |
gribble | User 'MBS', with keyid 09789601CEF3EA59 and fingerprint DDBFEED420FEC19A912A61CD09789601CEF3EA59, registered on Sat Apr 16 22:26:27 2011. Currently authenticated from hostmask MBS!~MBS@unaffiliated/mbs | [11:54] |
quori | Anyone can answer if I can buy bitcoin using Visa? I want to buy a VPN using bitcoin... | [11:54] |
MBS | thats same exact thing as ident, just in different order :| | [11:54] |
quori | !rate gribble | [11:55] |
Joric | 17 year old boy ? are we talking about zhou ? | [11:55] |
pho| | MBS, yeah but it also includes the date you registered | [11:55] |
MBS | ah | [11:55] |
Joric | if so, i had sex with him, a lot | [11:55] |
Joric | even now | [11:56] |
pho| | key ID | [11:56] |
quori | you can be charged joric | [11:56] |
pho| | and fingerprint | [11:56] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [11:56] |
pho| | which of course can all be seen on the web page, as well, with a couple clicks | [11:57] |
errydayimgenerat | ;;gpg info errydayimgenerating | [11:57] |
quori | !help | [11:57] |
errydayimgenerat | [11:57] | |
quori | !facts | [11:57] |
Joric | i object it all was his fault | [11:57] |
errydayimgenerat | the bot commands are ;; | [11:57] |
errydayimgenerat | quori: | [11:57] |
quori | !stfu and answer my q | [11:58] |
Joric | !freebitcoins | [11:58] |
quori | !freebitcoins | [11:58] |
quori | !freekevin | [11:58] |
quori | !freebradley | [11:58] |
quori | !assange is not guilty | [11:58] |
mircea_popescu | im curious : can anyone find my public key ? i'd appreciate if you tried, to see if it's reasonably available. | [11:58] |
quori | !stfu | [11:58] |
errydayimgenerat | quori: how oldd are you? | [11:59] |
quori | your age | [11:59] |
pho| | quori, i suppose so, yes, you can buy btc with visa here, if you can find someone who can take credit card orders | [11:59] |
pho| | nothing in the order book for that though :/ | [11:59] |
errydayimgenerat | people don't sell to minors here quori | [11:59] |
quori | someone? you buy from other people? | [11:59] |
Joric | !stack is innocent | [11:59] |
quori | !menu | [11:59] |
quori | !password | [12:00] |
quori | !backdoor | [12:00] |
errydayimgenerat | !iftheglovedoesnotfityoumustacquit | [12:00] |
pho| | quori: no, we are all bots :P | [12:00] |
errydayimgenerat | i have to use my space heater to light cigs | [12:00] |
errydayimgenerat | the fuck | [12:00] |
* | ovidiusoft has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | [12:00] |
quori | can you all make jokes? | [12:00] |
quori | for my amusement | [12:00] |
quori | right here right now | [12:00] |
errydayimgenerat | this is an 18+ show | [12:01] |
errydayimgenerat | sorry | [12:01] |
MBS | only if you pay bitcoins | [12:01] |
pho| | 1 BTC per joke | [12:01] |
quori | Can I have a refund if it's not funny? | [12:01] |
pho| | ^ that doesnt count as a joke ^ | [12:01] |
pho| | quori: no refunds | [12:02] |
pho| | also, no chargebacks | [12:02] |
quori | Guess this movie. A customer tell the waiter, "test the soup!" | [12:02] |
errydayimgenerat | hey quori: she said she wants to have sex with you | [12:02] |
quori | Waiter, "what's wrong with it?" | [12:03] |
pho| | fly | [12:03] |
quori | customer "just taste the soup!!" | [12:03] |
quori | waiter, " is it hot? is it cold?" | [12:03] |
pho| | oh no wait i know this one | [12:03] |
quori | what is it? | [12:03] |
pho| | but carry on | [12:03] |
quori | Customer, "just taste the damn soup!!" | [12:04] |
quori | Waiter, "ok, ok, where's the spoon?" | [12:04] |
quori | Customer, "........." | [12:04] |
quori | which box office $300 million movie? | [12:05] |
errydayimgenerat | quori: she said she wants to have sex with you | [12:05] |
quori | Customer, " that's the problem, where's the spoon??!" | [12:05] |
quori | HahaHahahahahahAHAHAHHaHahaHaHaHaHaHahaHaHaHHAHaHaHaHaHahAHHAHaHaHaHaHA | [12:05] |
pho| | there is no spoon! | [12:06] |
errydayimgenerat | coming to america | [12:06] |
quori | oh shit your a genius | [12:06] |
pho| | yeah | [12:06] |
errydayimgenerat | you're* | [12:06] |
errydayimgenerat | what's so funny? | [12:06] |
pho| | but no, the other movie, where they say "there is no spoon!" | [12:06] |
errydayimgenerat | the matrix | [12:07] |
pho| | sorry, irrelevant | [12:07] |
quori | how do you know that errydayimgenerat? | [12:07] |
errydayimgenerat | she's hanging out with me | [12:07] |
quori | I mean how do you know the movie? | [12:08] |
errydayimgenerat | cause it's a good movie | [12:08] |
quori | it's a very old movie | [12:08] |
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errydayimgenerat | '88 is not very old | [12:08] |
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quori | no? | [12:09] |
errydayimgenerat | how old are you 17? | [12:09] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: awesome, can she send me a pic ? | [12:09] |
errydayimgenerat | yeah sure | [12:09] |
quori | If you realize, Eddie Murphy is actually a vampire. His face doesn't cahnge | [12:10] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: like, with three fingers in her mouth and "pho" written on her boob in green marker? | [12:10] |
errydayimgenerat | pho|: really? | [12:10] |
pho| | no, teah, really | [12:10] |
errydayimgenerat | well | [12:10] |
errydayimgenerat | i have a secret | [12:10] |
errydayimgenerat | i'm not hanging out with her | [12:10] |
errydayimgenerat | i am her | [12:10] |
pho| | oh, well, even easier then! | [12:11] |
errydayimgenerat | and i don't have anything to write on my boob with | [12:11] |
pho| | well OK stick something random on your boob then | [12:12] |
pho| | anything you got | [12:12] |
errydayimgenerat | how bout some clothes/ | [12:12] |
* | Joric has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [12:12] |
quori | | [12:13] |
pho| | clothed or not, doesnt matter, but still need random thing stuck to your boob | [12:13] |
pho| | like, how about a spoon ... | [12:13] |
errydayimgenerat | why would i take erotic pics for you? | [12:14] |
errydayimgenerat | without y'know | [12:14] |
errydayimgenerat | bitcoins or something | [12:14] |
pho| | cant tell me you dont have a spoon to stick to your boob | [12:14] |
* | bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:14] |
errydayimgenerat | i actually don't have any spoons | [12:14] |
Coolty | ;;ticket | [12:14] |
Coolty | STOP ALL THE DOWNLOADIN | [12:14] |
Coolty | r | [12:14] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: k then it didnt happen | [12:15] |
* | ggreer (~AngryPars@unaffiliated/angryparsley) has left #bitcoin-otc | [12:15] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: a fork? | [12:15] |
* | Joric (~joric@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:15] |
* | Joric has quit (Changing host) | [12:15] |
* | Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:15] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat a toothbrush? | [12:16] |
errydayimgenerat | how would the toothbrush stick to my boob? | [12:16] |
pho| | doesnt need to stick, just hold it there | [12:17] |
errydayimgenerat | it's like | [12:17] |
pho| | send pic | [12:17] |
errydayimgenerat | 5am tthough | [12:17] |
errydayimgenerat | and i don't have any makeup on | [12:17] |
pho| | um, cool, i dont have any makeupon either | [12:18] |
pho| | but makeup doesnt help me much | [12:19] |
MBS | just boob is fine, dont need any spoon | [12:19] |
MBS | i mean toothbrush | [12:19] |
pho| | usually just makes me look worse | [12:19] |
MBS | yeah i dont wear any makeup either | [12:19] |
mircea_popescu | i sometimes have lipstick on my cock... | [12:20] |
mircea_popescu | i had pubic fake lashes once... | [12:20] |
mircea_popescu | but in general i'd say i don't wear make-up either. | [12:20] |
pho| | lipstick on your cock just means she wears cheap ass lipstick | [12:22] |
mircea_popescu | or that you take a while. | [12:22] |
pho| | or that you put it there yourself | [12:22] |
mircea_popescu | lol now why would i do that | [12:22] |
pho| | no reason .. many reasons ... next topic!!!! | [12:23] |
mircea_popescu | what's wrong with blowjobs ?! they're internet's best, oldest and most loved topic | [12:23] |
mircea_popescu | going on 40ish years now. | [12:23] |
* | Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) | [12:24] |
pho| | oh nothing wrong there | [12:24] |
pho| | we are talking about lipstick, cheap lipstick, not blowjobs | [12:24] |
mircea_popescu | oic. | [12:24] |
pho| | good | [12:24] |
mircea_popescu | so why do you wear cheap lipstick then ?! | [12:25] |
pho| | i dont wear it, i put it on my cock | [12:25] |
mircea_popescu | cocks are getting to be too mainstream | [12:25] |
mircea_popescu | everybody's got one. | [12:25] |
pho| | yeah | [12:25] |
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mircea_popescu | maybe it's time to buy lipstick maker stocks. | [12:26] |
pho| | um, no i think that time was like in 1950 | [12:27] |
pho| | or evern 1920 | [12:27] |
pho| | way too late now | [12:28] |
pho| | unless you got an angle | [12:28] |
mircea_popescu | ya, im young enough to still get an angle. | [12:28] |
mircea_popescu | funny you should inquire. | [12:28] |
* | robblesz (robblesz@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [12:28] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: How old are you? | [12:28] |
mircea_popescu | 32. | [12:28] |
pho| | I wont even ask what your angle is | [12:28] |
vragnaroda | I like it when people say “I'm young enough to still…” and they're older than I am. It makes me feel better. ;) | [12:29] |
mircea_popescu | how old did i look to you ? | [12:29] |
pho| | vragnaroda: and how old are you? | [12:29] |
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kakobrekla | mornin | [12:30] |
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Graet | I'm young enough to still use irc... | [12:30] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: I haven't really looked at a picture of you that closely. | [12:30] |
Joric | what do young people use instead of irc nowadays | [12:31] |
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kakobrekla | failbook | [12:31] |
Graet | [12:31] | |
Graet | either or ^^ | [12:31] |
Graet | lol | [12:31] |
mircea_popescu | mostly facebook i think | [12:31] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: Have you had a birthday yet this year? | [12:31] |
Joric | stupid youngers | [12:31] |
pho| | Graet: using irc doesnt actually make you young, hehe | [12:31] |
Graet | i didnt say it did | [12:31] |
* | SomeoneWeird_ is now known as SomeoneWeirdzzz | [12:31] |
pho| | ots more likely to make you old | [12:31] |
Graet | i said i'm still young enough to use it response to |
[12:32] |
Graet | sorry if i made vragnaroda feel better :P | [12:32] |
pho| | yes i see | [12:32] |
Graet | i AM old.... | [12:32] |
mircea_popescu | lmao no, im a scorpio. | [12:32] |
Graet | me too!!! | [12:32] |
Graet | scorpio ftw | [12:32] |
Joric | does anyone believe zhou is 17? more likely he's closer to 40 | [12:32] |
mircea_popescu | imagine rthat. | [12:32] |
Graet | lmao | [12:32] |
pho| | but vragnaroda hasnt answered my question, even vaguely, about his age | [12:32] |
mircea_popescu | i think he's a little shy phlo. | [12:33] |
pho| | thats ok | [12:33] |
mircea_popescu | like 25 or so anyway. | [12:33] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: scorpio? I don't know or want to know that astrology shit | [12:33] |
vragnaroda | .wik Cho Seung-Hui | [12:33] |
markac | "Seung-Hui Cho[2]| ( /ˌtʃoʊ sʌŋˈhiː/; January 18, 1984 – April 16, 2007) was a senior-level undergraduate student at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University who killed 32 people and wounded 25 others on April 16, 2007, in the shooting rampage which [...]" - | [12:34] |
vragnaroda | pho|: I share a birthday with that guy. | [12:34] |
mircea_popescu | whoa, he;'s 28 i was way off | [12:34] |
pho| | i already have my opinion of vragnaroda's age, which i think ive publically announced | [12:34] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: Whenever someone says something about astrology, I have to bring that up. | [12:34] |
mircea_popescu | you know in europe its a convenient way to give sufficient indication of your birthday as to be polite but not enough to have people pestering you on your bday. | [12:34] |
pho| | vragnaroda: birthdays state a day, not a year :P | [12:35] |
mircea_popescu | not necessarily any "astrology" to it. | [12:35] |
vragnaroda | lol @ way off | [12:35] |
vragnaroda | pho|: Wrong. | [12:35] |
mircea_popescu | and yes, i can usually guess within a year. | [12:35] |
pho| | well ok | [12:35] |
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pho| | 1984 then? | [12:35] |
vragnaroda | It can be the specific day or the anniversary of it. | [12:35] |
vragnaroda | Yes. | [12:35] |
mircea_popescu | even my young sister's older than you NOOB :D | [12:36] |
pho| | good year | [12:36] |
mircea_popescu | and yes pho, it was a good year. im in the process of fully sampling it :D | [12:36] |
vragnaroda | My sister was born in 1974. | [12:36] |
pho| | George Orwelss favoite | [12:36] |
splatster | "Oh my God, is that a Black Card?" "I reply, 'Why, yes, but I prefer the term African American Express." | [12:36] |
mircea_popescu | ahahahaah | [12:36] |
vragnaroda | My brothers were born in 1972, 1975, 1982, and 1985. | [12:37] |
mircea_popescu | african american express aka niggress | [12:37] |
splatster | [3:37 AM] Activating Flood Protection | [12:37] |
splatster | [3:37 AM] Deactivating Flood Protection | [12:37] |
splatster | My client keeps doing that every 10 seconds like clockwork | [12:37] |
splatster | Just did it again | [12:37] |
mircea_popescu | get a nat. | [12:38] |
splatster | fuck | [12:38] |
splatster | stop it! | [12:38] |
pho| | not really anythiong signifant happenned in 1984, though, other than ... the olympics, and ... a leap year | [12:38] |
splatster | AHHHHHHHHH! I'm not flooding, God damnit! | [12:38] |
pho| | but its a classic year, for anyone who has ever even heard of GO | [12:38] |
Mqrius | splaster: Running a ping script or something? | [12:39] |
splatster | This is getting really damn annoying! | [12:39] |
splatster | Mqrius: no | [12:39] |
splatster | splat-ster is my name FYI | [12:39] |
splatster | FUUUUUUUUCK! | [12:39] |
pho| | splaster? | [12:39] |
pho| | i know that guy! | [12:40] |
splatster | splATSTer | [12:40] |
pho| | slapster too! | [12:40] |
vragnaroda | The Mac was introduced in 1984. | [12:40] |
splatster | spldamn | [12:40] |
splatster | that's my name | [12:40] |
vragnaroda | The prison break from death row at Mecklenburg was in 1984. | [12:40] |
Mqrius | splatster: Sorry, my tabcompletion failed. | [12:40] |
splatster | splatOhfuckidontknowwhattoputhereanymore | [12:41] |
Mqrius | You should see how many people mess up my name though, especially in places with no tabcompletino | [12:41] |
Mqrius | s/tino/tion/ | [12:41] |
pho| | vragnaroda: ah yes, .... though, not really a significant even in modern times, was an historic even at the time | [12:41] |
splatster | FUUUUUUUUCK! | [12:41] |
pho| | mac ^ | [12:41] |
splatster | FUUUUUUUUCK! | [12:41] |
vragnaroda | “My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.” was in 1984. | [12:41] |
splatster | This sucks ass | [12:41] |
vragnaroda | pho|: What are you talking about? | [12:41] |
pho| | the mac | [12:41] |
splatster | Half of my logs are going to be about flood protection | [12:41] |
vragnaroda | Whether you like it or not, the Mac's been really influential. | [12:41] |
vragnaroda | (Not always for the best.) | [12:42] |
splatster | indeed | [12:42] |
pho| | as i said, not influential toady, but very landmark then | [12:42] |
splatster | I use a Mac. | [12:42] |
errydayimgenerat | teehee | [12:42] |
splatster | How is it -not- influential today? | [12:42] |
splatster | +b him | [12:43] |
pho| | and haha “My fellow Americans,..." rings a few bells | [12:43] |
vragnaroda | By that standard, the crucifixion of Jesus isn't influential today, either, because it's just a landmark. Don't be a fucking retarded troll. | [12:43] |
pho| | true | [12:43] |
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splatster | [3:43 AM] Activating Flood Protection | [12:44] |
splatster | [3:43 AM] Deactivating Flood Protection[3:43 AM] Activating Flood Protection | [12:44] |
splatster | [3:43 AM] Deactivating Flood Protection | [12:44] |
splatster | stop | [12:44] |
splatster | fuck this | [12:44] |
pho| | flood protection flood! | [12:44] |
Mqrius | Try flooding when it's off. Maybe you're allowed :D | [12:44] |
splatster | [3:44 AM] Activating Flood Protection | [12:44] |
splatster | [3:44 AM] |
[12:44] |
splatster | [3:44 AM] Deactivating Flood Protection | [12:44] |
splatster | [3:44 AM] |
[12:44] |
splatster | AHHHH! | [12:44] |
pho| | kill yourself now | [12:44] |
splatster | I hate how no one else can see this but me! | [12:45] |
splatster | Don't you do it! Don't you do it!!!! | [12:45] |
splatster | damnit! | [12:45] |
* | Mqrius Activating Flood Protection | [12:45] |
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mircea_popescu | << very nsfw. | [12:45] |
vragnaroda | Well, if the channel doesn't stop getting flooded with those messages, I'll have to flood-protect the channel. :P | [12:46] |
pho| | flood protection flood | [12:46] |
pho| | irony | [12:46] |
pho| | its funny, laugh | [12:46] |
splatster | Flood protecting from a flood protection flood. | [12:46] |
pho| | and then ban | [12:46] |
splatster | I give up | [12:47] |
pho| | or just delicately kick | [12:47] |
* | splatster quits | [12:47] |
pho| | gently | [12:47] |
* | splatster has quit (Quit: Linkinus - | [12:47] |
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pho| | join flood! omg! | [12:48] |
splatster | What? | [12:48] |
vragnaroda | Ugh, client advertisement in the quit message. :-( | [12:48] |
splatster | vragnaroda: Oh ya I know | [12:48] |
mircea_popescu | maybe your client is the suck ? | [12:48] |
splatster | I hate that I can't switch that off | [12:48] |
splatster | So far no floods... | [12:48] |
mircea_popescu | get xchat or whatever why dont ya | [12:48] |
vragnaroda | What? There's got to be a way to change that. | [12:49] |
pho| | you could switch that off ... explain why you cant switch that iff? | [12:49] |
splatster | vragnaroda: Ya, I know | [12:49] |
mircea_popescu | speaking of which, what do i say when i leave, anyoenknow ? | [12:49] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: Macfags really like Linkinus for some reason. | [12:49] |
splatster | if now quit message is supplied, it defaults to an unchangeable advert | [12:49] |
splatster | s/now/no/ | [12:49] |
errydayimgenerat | mircea_popescu: | [12:49] |
pho| | mircea_popescu: you say [Quit: allyourbase] | [12:50] |
mircea_popescu | eee who's a pretty girl | [12:50] |
mircea_popescu | a ty pho | [12:50] |
pho| | just kidding | [12:50] |
mircea_popescu | pff! | [12:50] |
splatster | I should be going to bed anyways | [12:50] |
mircea_popescu | and i was warned to not trust girls | [12:50] |
mircea_popescu | by schopenhauer! | [12:50] |
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errydayimgenerat | hehe :3 | [12:50] |
pho| | oh no nyan cat is gone! | [12:51] |
pho| | I can has 6 confirmations? | [12:51] |
mircea_popescu | im still awed by the diff | [12:51] |
mircea_popescu | seems humongous to me. | [12:51] |
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pho| | mircea_popescu: big is better, no yes? | [12:52] |
mircea_popescu | depends dunnit. | [12:52] |
Joric | how that print >> sys.stderr, "..." would look in python 3 ? | [12:53] |
pho| | it dun | [12:53] |
mircea_popescu | it doth. | [12:53] |
pho| | indeed | [12:53] |
pho| | Joric, no idea, but my guess is the same as it would look in python 1-2.9 | [12:54] |
sturles | sys.stderr.print? | [12:54] |
pho| | stderr doesnt change much | [12:54] |
pho| | cuz it cant | [12:54] |
mircea_popescu | stderr should charge | [12:55] |
mircea_popescu | CHARGE I SAY! | [12:55] |
pho| | and it wouldnt be standard | [12:55] |
Joric | pho|, nope, guido went crazy and prohibited print as a statement in py3 | [12:55] |
mircea_popescu | like a cent a line or something | [12:55] |
Joric | pho|, so at least it would need a couple of brackets now | [12:55] |
pho| | ah i see | [12:55] |
pho| | acho then | [12:55] |
pho| | echo | [12:56] |
Joric | print('...', file=sys.stderr) | [12:56] |
pho| | printf | [12:56] |
errydayimgenerat | i need to get laid | [12:56] |
splatster | Get ready for a non-advert quit message! | [12:57] |
splatster | Night y'all. | [12:57] |
mircea_popescu | people still get laid off irc ?! | [12:57] |
errydayimgenerat | or at least have a man dominate me and tie me up and have his way with me | [12:57] |
* | splatster has quit (Quit: Grab a drink, grab a glass. After that I grab your ass.) | [12:57] |
Joric | reminds me of | [12:57] |
mircea_popescu | i feel so like it's 1990 again | [12:57] |
errydayimgenerat | heh, i actually have | [12:57] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat ill do ya, just show me the pic with the random thing on your boob!!! lawl | [12:57] |
errydayimgenerat | i'm too tired to take one | [12:58] |
Joric | please do not open that link it's really bad | [12:58] |
pho| | oh now i have to open that link | [12:58] |
errydayimgenerat | or like | [12:59] |
pho| | oh damn | [12:59] |
errydayimgenerat | get a nice leash and collar and some hot man to slap me around and make me follow his every command ;) | [12:59] |
pho| | spamnails | [12:59] |
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pho| | or as i like to call them, snails | [13:00] |
pho| | errydayimgenerat: beyond my abilities | [13:01] |
mircea_popescu | i like how everone on wot assumes everyone they're trading with is a guy. | [13:01] |
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mircea_popescu | i mean womenz wouldn' | [13:01] |
mircea_popescu | t know about bitcoin and such. | [13:01] |
Joric | random thing | [13:02] |
pho| | mircea_popescu: its better that way ... if anyone assumed any one of was a women, there would ansue weird lonely geek boy chatter none of us want to hear | [13:03] |
mircea_popescu | i thought you were shopping for it a minute ago :p | [13:03] |
pho| | gender ambuitity on the internet is a good thing | [13:03] |
Joric | is there a girl? | [13:04] |
* | mircea_popescu is shocked, SHOCKED that vrag said nothing of ansue yet. | [13:04] |
* | bitcoinTrader has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [13:04] |
Joric | no, can't be | [13:04] |
mircea_popescu | this -otc thing is going to the dogs | [13:04] |
* | yongjhen (~yongjhen@gateway/tor-sasl/yongjhen) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [13:04] |
pho| | micro, you must take what i say in context | [13:04] |
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pho| | never assume im a male! | [13:04] |
pho| | or, for that matter, never assume | [13:05] |
vragnaroda | [06:03] <+ pho|> | gender ambuitity on the internet is a good thing <-- Meh. | [13:05] |
mircea_popescu | pho is a male fatale. | [13:05] |
* | SomeoneWeirdzzz is now known as SomeoneWeird_ | [13:05] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: I don't know what was meant there, so a correction would probably be just as wrong. | [13:05] |
mircea_popescu | that is kinda true... | [13:05] |
mircea_popescu | pho| Y U MINCE TEH BIG WORDS ??? | [13:05] |
pho| | vragnaroda: stop touching my V | [13:05] |
vragnaroda | pho|: I object to that use of the word gender (for which one should properly use the term ‘sex’) and for future reference, I have a penis. | [13:06] |
pho| | big words?... what? ... like gender? | [13:06] |
mircea_popescu | like ambi-titty and ensure. | [13:06] |
pho| | sorry ... sex then | [13:06] |
mircea_popescu | no sex for you. | [13:06] |
mircea_popescu | come... back, 1 yr. | [13:06] |
pho| | no big for you! | [13:07] |
* | masori (~masori@gateway/tor-sasl/masori) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [13:07] |
pho| | I R now talk small | [13:07] |
Joric | vragnaroda, what's the difference between sex and gender? | [13:07] |
* | mircea_popescu wonders if pho is trying but not really managing to make the best of the perceived asset of big cup size. | [13:07] |
sturles | Wow! 34159 coins needs to be sold to reach 4.2 again. Less than 30k needed to break the 4.6 wall, if it's real. | [13:08] |
mircea_popescu | sturles you shill you, 30k = 30k lol | [13:08] |
sturles | ? | [13:09] |
pho| | no wall is ever real | [13:09] |
mircea_popescu | i just like the presentation, 3xxxxx vs 30k lol | [13:09] |
vragnaroda | Joric: “Queer studies” has been molesting English for a few generations now and they've been largely successful, but to pedants like me, gender is strictly a grammatical term. | [13:09] |
pho| | at least not if the one who made is awake | [13:09] |
sturles | mircea_popescu: OK. 34k vs 27k. OK? | [13:09] |
mircea_popescu | you know it's a downtrend baby :D | [13:09] |
vragnaroda | Joric: errydayimgenerat can probably give you the bullshit definitions they use. | [13:10] |
sturles | The wall at 4.6 is a classical wall. The bids down to 4.2 are spread all over. | [13:10] |
Joric | idk i'd use it in expressions like 'gender role' | [13:10] |
mircea_popescu | vragnaroda : i kinda like using sex for the actual act and gender for the social parts. | [13:10] |
mircea_popescu | seems to me a useful distinction. | [13:10] |
pho| | vragnaroda: we all know yopu to be the channel grammar nazi ... but, enlighten us ... WTF does pendants mean! | [13:10] |
vragnaroda | pho|: Pendants or pedants? | [13:10] |
mircea_popescu | he said pedants not pendants. | [13:10] |
vragnaroda | .w pendant | [13:10] |
vragnaroda | .w pedant | [13:10] |
markac | pedant — noun: 1. (obsolete) A teacher or schoolmaster, 2. A person who is overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning, 3. A person who emphasizes his/her knowledge through the use of vocabulary | [13:10] |
pho| | whatever! | [13:10] |
markac | pendant — noun: 1. (architecture) A supporting post attached to the main rafter. [from 14th c.], 2. (obsolete, in the plural) Testicles. [15th-17th c.] | [13:10] |
vragnaroda | Well, they're different. ;) | [13:11] |
pho| | you fail to detect my irony? | [13:11] |
mircea_popescu | actually a pendant is a little chest worn jewel too | [13:11] |
pho| | or, rather sarcasm | [13:11] |
mircea_popescu | lmao. THEY ARE ALSO DIFFERENT | [13:11] |
pho| | orony wrong word there | [13:11] |
vragnaroda | Yes, phenny just goes with the first few English-language definitions it finds; it doesn't try to prioritize them. | [13:11] |
pho| | i^ | [13:11] |
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mircea_popescu | anyone taking bets on d3 actual release date ? | [13:12] |
pho| | 21042 | [13:12] |
mircea_popescu | a year is not a date. | [13:12] |
* | [diablo] has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [13:12] |
pho| | June 5th 21042 | [13:13] |
Joric | i even have no idea what d3 is | [13:13] |
mircea_popescu | ill bet you a dolla it happens before :D | [13:13] |
Joric | oh, diablo 3 | [13:13] |
mircea_popescu | yea. | [13:13] |
pho| | deal! ill be dead b efore you can collect | [13:13] |
mircea_popescu | joric, asc pho how old she is. | [13:13] |
mircea_popescu | not really, if it comes out q3 2012 i can collect. | [13:13] |
Joric | that clicking game always annoyed me | [13:14] |
mircea_popescu | i liked it. | [13:14] |
GlooBoy | Buying 10-50 LR @ 3%over mtgoxask. btc-mtgox-pp, | [13:14] |
pho| | mircea_popescu: ill be dead by new years 2013 | [13:14] |
pho| | so you might profit | [13:14] |
Joric | pho|, are you terminally il? | [13:14] |
mircea_popescu | more aptly put, pho, are you cutting ? | [13:15] |
Joric | < l | [13:15] |
pho| | Joric: if old = terminally ill, yes ... but we all are | [13:15] |
Joric | some ppl are terminally young | [13:16] |
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sturles | Price development on MtGox now is exactly as I predicted all week. Now let's see if the Americas still doubt it and start selling. My bot thinks so, and my bot is good at this. Another possible outcome is short squeeze with loads of buying when price crosses 4.6 USD. This could easily cascade and get the price to above 5. | [13:16] |
mircea_popescu | im tertiarily young. | [13:16] |
pho| | terminally young doesnt stop nature, only the perception of it | [13:16] |
mircea_popescu | well ill tell you something sturles, my option book seems to fully agree with you. | [13:17] |
pho| | in which case i am also terminally young | [13:17] |
mircea_popescu | in my experience the options book is usually wrong tho. | [13:17] |
Joric | it looks like S3052 talk, he says maybe, maybe not, then says ...everything was just like i predicted... | [13:18] |
sturles | True. Option buyers are mostly wrong. My bot hasn't lost money a single day. Value steadily increasing measured in BTC or currency. | [13:18] |
sturles | Heh, yes. | [13:18] |
sturles | S3052 was pretty clear in his prediction of further decline, and I don't believe he is correct. | [13:18] |
pho| | i made a bot once, it made between 2 and 7 cents a day | [13:19] |
mircea_popescu | the strangest thnig to me is that everyone i talk to in -otc has a bot and everyone's bot has been steadily making money. maybe i should make a bot... | [13:19] |
pho| | and some days a couple dollars | [13:19] |
Joric | i made a bot he lost 15% a few seconds after launch | [13:19] |
mircea_popescu | well i guess it'd qualify ? | [13:19] |
mircea_popescu | o hey ty joric. | [13:19] |
sturles | mircea_popescu: Do it! Bots are incredibly powerful. I noticed just after I put it to work. It was like a holy shit expereince. | [13:20] |
sturles | mircea_popescu: Just don't make the same bot as everyone else. :-) | [13:20] |
Joric | no shit, it was modified solidbot from github | [13:20] |
mircea_popescu | after i get through the ipo im going to maybe organise a trading desk | [13:20] |
Joric | i adjusted buy/sell rates improperly | [13:20] |
mircea_popescu | whats solidbot written in, python ? | [13:21] |
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sturles | mircea_popescu: If you have found a property or pattern which is correct most of the time, just write a bot to take advantage of it. | [13:22] |
mircea_popescu | yea... | [13:22] |
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pho| | i just made my own code in python, to trade on some advance omving averge algo i found | [13:23] |
sturles | I wrote mine from scratch in perl using Finance::MtGox slightly modified for multi-currency trading. Took an hour to write and test it. | [13:23] |
pho| | using mtgox websicket, which didnt work half the time, and probably still doesnt | [13:24] |
mircea_popescu | ill deff look into it this year. | [13:24] |
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pho| | but it did make a tiny profit | [13:25] |
pho| | when it worked | [13:25] |
pho| | put in my own flavor of stop loss tactics | [13:26] |
pho| | which, mostly didnt stop loss | [13:26] |
pho| | but prevented extreme disasters | [13:26] |
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pho| | which also didnt really work well because when there is extreme situation on mtgox, the websocket, and other API's tend to get way overloaded | [13:28] |
sturles | Mine don't trade very often, but makes good profit when it does. I don't have a stop loss tactics. My stop loss tactics is to sell BTC and load fully up with currency just before the price falls, and load up with BTC when the price is about to go up. :-) | [13:28] |
Joric | sturles, what strategy are you using? what if price will go in the wrong direction? | [13:29] |
sturles | The price hasn't gone in the wrong direction so far. :-) | [13:29] |
pho| | so in the end you just wind up fighting lag rather than the market | [13:29] |
nelisky | well, I can buy 100 eur at mtgox at 3.5, but intersange will be 3.7 | [13:29] |
sturles | A few cents on the very short term, but my bot isn't that trigger happy. | [13:29] |
Joric | well there must be at least 1.2% spread to make something | [13:30] |
Joric | well, maybe less, i remember my bot drove the fee down to 0.4% in a few hours | [13:31] |
mircea_popescu | i think the vast majority of bots are making more money for mtgox than the owner. | [13:31] |
pho| | Joric that depends on the price (on mtgox) a low price ($2) has a much lower profit spread than a price of $20 | [13:32] |
pho| | in other words, the lower the prioce, the lower the spread | [13:32] |
Graet | lol mircea_popescu ++ | [13:32] |
sturles | mircea_popescu: This is true. Some of the fast trading bots are basically giving all their funds tom MtGox. | [13:32] |
pho| | hehe very true | [13:33] |
pho| | those .01 bots | [13:33] |
pho| | spend more in fees than they could ever make | [13:33] |
sturles | Yep. I noticed one which started with 2 BTC and did smaller and smaller trades until it had lost everything after three hours or so. | [13:34] |
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pho| | but, thats not to say they cant tip the market in one direction or another, or simply stall it long enough to use other tactics | [13:34] |
Joric | what a nice bot | [13:34] |
Joric | bankrupts his owner | [13:34] |
pho| | the main thin i see with the microtrading bots is that they dont trigger other bots to jump in front of them | [13:35] |
pho| | most bots will ingnore a real small order if it jumps in front of thier target price | [13:35] |
Joric | 'most bots' how do they work | [13:36] |
pho| | so wherre 1 order for 10 btc might trigger another bot to react ... 1000 orders for .01 wont | [13:36] |
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Joric | what i'll do next time is MACD/RSI bot | [13:38] |
pho| | but now im divulging trade secrets that may or may not be terribly useful to anyone | [13:38] |
GlooBoy | Buying 10-100 LR @ 3%over btc-mtgox | [13:38] |
pho| | Joric, yep do that, compete with 1000 others just like it | [13:38] |
sturles | My bot just ignores all offers and trades below a certain threshold. To small to be of any influence. It takes a long time to trade a relevant amount when buying or selling 0.001 BTC every time. The price is moved by other trades. | [13:39] |
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pho| | it will work ... just not make any significant profit | [13:39] |
pho| | sturles: so if some other bot puts in 10,000 orders for .01 BTC, you bot wont notice and ignire them? | [13:40] |
Hunterbunter | sturles: do you run your bot off your own pc? | [13:40] |
pho| | and miss oput on 10 btc (just an example) | [13:40] |
pho| | err 100 btc | [13:41] |
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sturles | pho|: No, it aggregates. The sum of many orders is noticed. | [13:43] |
sturles | Hunterbunter: Yes. | [13:43] |
Hunterbunter | cool k | [13:44] |
pho| | right | [13:44] |
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Hunterbunter | I'd love to play with one but have nfi where to start | [13:44] |
Hunterbunter | I do have python installed | [13:44] |
Joric | thats important! | [13:44] |
pho| | sturles: do you agree that the tiny order bots we see on mtgox every day are attempting to do exactly that? trying to evade the attention of other bots (or people) | [13:45] |
sturles | pho|: I have no idea what the tiny order bots are trying to do. I can only speculate. Analyzing other bots perhaps? Some bots can be tricked. | [13:46] |
pho| | sturles: yeahi have no idea either, but the more i watch it, the more i think its just bots trying to defeat other bots | [13:48] |
pho| | for even the tinyest advantage | [13:48] |
Joric | those bots can drive price up or down selling to themselves if someone doesn't use weighted average he'll fall into it | [13:51] |
errydayimgenerat | [13:52] | |
errydayimgenerat | [13:52] | |
pho| | yes indeed | [13:52] |
errydayimgenerat | [13:52] | |
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Joric | my bot used only the last price for a while | [13:52] |
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errydayimgenerat | woops | [13:52] |
pho| | and those bots can drive other bots up to artificial prices if there is a large gap | [13:52] |
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errydayimgenerat | i do it manually | [13:53] |
pho| | and then meet with a ready seller/byuer | [13:53] |
errydayimgenerat | fuck the cowards | [13:53] |
pho| | ive done that myself manualy .. drive a bot up to much higher than high bid should be ... and then sell to it | [13:54] |
pho| | or the reverse | [13:54] |
pho| | but not on mtgox | [13:54] |
pho| | mtgox is just too crowded with bots to do that manually | [13:55] |
pho| | most of the time | [13:55] |
errydayimgenerat | ah true | [13:55] |
MBS | robot wars | [13:55] |
pho| | but there is always the quest to make a better bot that can do it | [13:56] |
pho| | robot wars indeed | [13:56] |
Joric | it's rather complicated if not impossible you should be alone on the market to do this | [13:56] |
errydayimgenerat | blehh | [13:57] |
errydayimgenerat | so lonely | [13:57] |
errydayimgenerat | forever unowned :( | [13:57] |
pho| | Joric, other markets arent so jammed iwth bots ... like BTC-e | [13:57] |
Graet | does btc-e have a decent api for botsd to work with? | [13:58] |
pho| | since they provide no trade API, in order to make a bot you have to scrape the web pages constantly | [13:58] |
Graet | yer | [13:58] |
pho| | but there are still a few bots there | [13:58] |
pho| | but they are easily manipulated manually during non peak hours | [13:59] |
pho| | and shit, i just gave away another trade secret | [13:59] |
Joric | picture of the day | [14:01] |
errydayimgenerat | HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA | [14:03] |
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pho| | he looks cooler in the real commercials ... | [14:05] |
pho| | because there are hot chics surrounding him | [14:06] |
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errydayimgenerat | is he real? | [14:11] |
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sturles | Joric: Don't tell me you sold ad 4.2 or something? I tried to tell you how the price is going up as soon as the money from Europe arrives at MtGox! | [14:14] |
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sturles | You may be able to buy back today as the americans are going to sell more, but that's your last chance. Tomorrow there will be even more european money on MtGox due to the huge price difference between mtgox and european exchanges. | [14:16] |
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Joric | sturles, s3052 was predicting fall to 3.6-3.8 all the way so i decided to sell everthing | [14:20] |
Joric | i'm still hoping it'll crash soon | [14:20] |
kakobrekla | meh | [14:22] |
kakobrekla | i have 0usd/eur on mtg | [14:22] |
vragnaroda | Try a ouija board next time. | [14:22] |
OneFixt | famous last words | [14:22] |
sturles | When S3052 says "sell", you buy. At least when all the fundamentals are agaisnt him. This has been my guideline for a long time, and it works. There may be a short panic right afterwards, and then the price continues in the opposite direction of what S3052 says. And afterwards he will come out and say "exactly as I predicted". | [14:22] |
OneFixt | "i'm still hoping it'll crash soon" | [14:22] |
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sturles | Joric: And if you were going to sell everything, you should have done it on exchanges where Bitcoin was priced a lot higher than on MtGox. | [14:23] |
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Joric | sturles, i wonder what does he write in the paid subscription | [14:23] |
badluck | !bc,mtgox | [14:24] |
sturles | Probably just a lot more of the same bs. | [14:24] |
Joric | btw he just lowered the subscription prices from 5 to 3 btc a month | [14:24] |
Blitzboom | Joric: obviously | [14:24] |
Blitzboom | because waveaddict provides better service and better charting for 2.5 a month | [14:24] |
Blitzboom | daily updates, and even multiple ones (yesterday 4x) | [14:24] |
vragnaroda | He probably writes in that “LOL, you can't be this stupid; you're in this for the lulz so just play along.” | [14:25] |
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Blitzboom | i would never base my trading decisions on S3052 | [14:29] |
Blitzboom | i devoted a thread to this topic: | [14:29] |
Blitzboom | read it, Joric | [14:30] |
Bigpiggy01Mining | I've liked to use him to confirm my own opinions | [14:30] |
vragnaroda | There was an amusing thread of pirate's a while ago where someone commented “Well, handilng so many bitcoins, I just assumed you read S3052's newsletter” and I couldn't stop laughing for like 15 minutes when I read that. | [14:30] |
Bigpiggy01Mining | but going all the way on his advice is mad | [14:30] |
Blitzboom | vragnaroda: hahahaha yeah | [14:31] |
Bigpiggy01Mining | ROFL | [14:31] |
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MBS | the bird | [14:32] |
MBS | what is it | [14:32] |
Joric | don't! | [14:32] |
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Tykling | the word! | [14:33] |
Joric | so what Tykling receives btc now or what | [14:34] |
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ginnz | how do i buy bitcoin here | [14:36] |
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Blitzboom | Joric: have you read my thread? | [14:36] |
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Joric | Blitzboom, just finished | [14:38] |
Blitzboom | ok. i agree with sturles that the best thing is to use it as a contrarian indicator | [14:38] |
Blitzboom | at the extremes | [14:38] |
OneFixt | yup | [14:38] |
OneFixt | that's my plan | [14:38] |
OneFixt | use his subscribers for liquidity | [14:38] |
Blitzboom | S3052 notices trends usually when they are about to reverse | [14:39] |
Joric | M4v3R set me up | [14:39] |
Joric | i believe he's still shorting atm | [14:39] |
OneFixt | M4v3R and S3052 both have names of 5 characters, including numbers | [14:41] |
OneFixt | dun dun dun | [14:41] |
Joric | rot13! | [14:41] |
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Bigpiggy01Mining | hey rg we've got another Dane in here | [14:42] |
Joric | punish all 5 char names! | [14:43] |
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Graet | /nick Gr437 | [14:47] |
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Joric | haha | [14:48] |
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badluck | brou | [14:50] |
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Blitzboom | "Tomorrow there will be even more european money on MtGox due to the huge price difference between mtgox and european exchanges." | [15:04] |
Blitzboom | sturles, tell me more about that | [15:04] |
Blitzboom | which exchanges? what vol.? which price? | [15:04] |
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Blitzboom | and why are arbitrageurs not doing it right now? | [15:05] |
Blitzboom | or, rather, why is the market not expecting the arbitrage and accounting for it? | [15:05] |
Blitzboom | tell me more | [15:06] |
Blitzboom | :P | [15:06] |
Joric | how does all that arbitraging work? it's not that easy to move money between exchanges, there's like 5% fee | [15:06] |
sturles | Blitzboom: and Bitcoin Central are the highest. Intersango is well above as well. EUR vs MtGox USD. | [15:06] |
Blitzboom | thanks, i’ll check it out | [15:06] |
Blitzboom | what kind of volume do you think is "well above"? | [15:07] |
sturles | I have taken out all the arbitrage I could with the money I had on mtgox, and guess most other europeans have done the same and rushed to send more money to MtGox. | [15:07] |
Blitzboom | interesting, interesting | [15:07] |
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sturles | Just place offers, and the offers will be taken. | [15:08] |
Blitzboom | so the best ask on is 3.5€ | [15:08] |
Blitzboom | which is 4.63 USD | [15:08] |
Blitzboom | erm, the best bid | [15:09] |
sturles | Blitzboom: Don't look at the LR prices, but yes. And look at the asks. | [15:09] |
Blitzboom | yeah, the asks are pretty high with min. 3.7/3.8 | [15:09] |
sturles | Best bid at Bitcoin Central is 3.6. Not huge volume, but other bids at that level have been taken very fast. | [15:10] |
Blitzboom | that’s 4.9$ | [15:10] |
Blitzboom | that’s funny | [15:10] |
Blitzboom | are europeans more bullish? :D | [15:10] |
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Blitzboom | no wonder, americans are stupid | [15:10] |
Joric | their rally is rodeo | [15:10] |
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sturles | I think europeans actually use their bitcoins. | [15:11] |
kakobrekla | :DDDDD | [15:11] |
Blitzboom | what do you mean, use bitcoins? | [15:11] |
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Blitzboom | how does that work | [15:11] |
Blitzboom | :D | [15:11] |
sturles | To buy stuff. | [15:11] |
Blitzboom | that’s stupid | [15:11] |
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kakobrekla | i bought many things w them | [15:11] |
sturles | No, it isn't. | [15:11] |
Blitzboom | hehe, just kidding | [15:11] |
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Joric | i only remember alpaca socks | [15:12] |
sturles | It is very smart to get an economy going. Makes trading easier and the coins more valuable by spreading them to more and more people. | [15:12] |
Blitzboom | yes, i agree | [15:12] |
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Blitzboom | although i do not see a bitcoin "economy" going anytime soon | [15:12] |
sturles | You can buy everything with bitcoin now. Even rent a private jet or travel to North Korea. | [15:12] |
sturles | Or get a meal at several restaurants. | [15:12] |
Blitzboom | yeah, but noone does it | [15:13] |
sturles | I have bought a lot of stuff with bitcoin. | [15:13] |
Blitzboom | also it’s bound to some exchange rate from a magic the gathering online exchange | [15:13] |
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Blitzboom | so they won’t take my bitcoins, they will take my dollars | [15:13] |
Joric | i remember meze grill advertized (and probably used) mybitcoin | [15:13] |
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Blitzboom | and they will sell my bitcoins for dollars to cover their costs | [15:13] |
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Blitzboom | so that’s no economy, not much better than directly using USD | [15:14] |
sturles | Often, yes. But e.g. Room 77 in Berlin pays more. Perhaps because coins are worth more in Europe. | [15:14] |
Blitzboom | it "pays more"? | [15:14] |
Blitzboom | what do you mean | [15:14] |
Blitzboom | the exchange rate is higher? | [15:14] |
Joric | oh shit rally | [15:15] |
Blitzboom | the fundamental problem i see is that the exchange rate which is determined by some obscure speculation is dictating the market value | [15:15] |
sturles | Room 77's bitcoin rate > mtgox rate. You could say they give you a rebate if you pay with bitcoin. | [15:15] |
Blitzboom | yeah, i see | [15:15] |
Blitzboom | i thought about what would happen if mtgox disappeared | [15:15] |
Blitzboom | maybe an organic, "true" market price for BTC could emerge | [15:15] |
Joric | price just went from 4.49 to 4.53 | [15:16] |
Blitzboom | thanks for the update, i always want to be notified when the prices moves 4 cents | [15:16] |
Joric | #bitcoin-market everyone | [15:16] |
sturles | Joric: What is the time in America now? | [15:16] |
Joric | sturles, | [15:16] |
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Joric | 08:16 in NY | [15:16] |
Joric | am | [15:17] |
errydayimgenerat | fuck amerrrrka | [15:17] |
Joric | ameerica! fuck yeah! | [15:18] |
sturles | I guess America knows is going to be a rally then. I expected them to sell and not notice until tomorrow. | [15:18] |
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Blitzboom | amurrrrrrrrrica | [15:18] |
Joric | mtgox TOS wil go into effect today | [15:19] |
Joric | thus no cheating, provide identity, no multiple accounts | [15:20] |
badluck | identity? | [15:21] |
badluck | shit | [15:21] |
errydayimgenerat | like you hs to identity? | [15:21] |
errydayimgenerat | cause paxum would always reject mine for being low res | [15:21] |
Joric | badluck, on request | [15:21] |
errydayimgenerat | but i don't own a camera | [15:21] |
errydayimgenerat | oh word? | [15:21] |
errydayimgenerat | not here then | [15:21] |
errydayimgenerat | long term customer ;) | [15:21] |
Joric | and all deposited coins should correspond to actual assets | [15:21] |
Joric | and come from legal sources | [15:21] |
Joric | | [15:22] |
badluck | damn | [15:24] |
badluck | looking more and more like a honeypot | [15:24] |
Joric | first time in my life i just paid a fee (0.0005) hated it! | [15:27] |
Joric | sipa said my coins were not mature enough | [15:27] |
badluck | damn fees are through the roof | [15:27] |
badluck | greedy miners | [15:27] |
f1nw4y | <+amphipod> Feb22 13:27:03 mtgox x3 0.0300 @ 4.49888 USD | [15:27] |
f1nw4y | what does x3 mean? | [15:27] |
Joric | 3 sources combined | [15:27] |
Joric | oh gawd is it going down now | [15:28] |
Tykling | f1nw4y: IIUC, that it combined three smaller orders/trades to fill that order | [15:28] |
f1nw4y | Tykling: thanks. | [15:29] |
Joric | wtf i paid fee and got low priority transaction | [15:30] |
Joric | fuck that i'm building my own client | [15:30] |
Joric | i used custom 0.3.24 before all that encryption stuff | [15:31] |
Joric | guess when it'll hit mtgox the price would be 4.2 | [15:31] |
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smickles | ;;later tell danieldaniel yes, you can take screenshots to show to a friend. but also, it's probably better to ask shakaru these things ;) | [15:33] |
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DeLorean731 | anyone selling btc? | [15:50] |
vragnaroda | DeLorean731: Nope. | [15:50] |
vragnaroda | No one does that around here. | [15:50] |
DeLorean731 | that makes me sad ): | [15:50] |
Blitzboom | yeah, this is the offtopic channel | [15:51] |
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gilly_ | more like fb | [15:52] |
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imsaguy2 | DeLorean731, how many do you need? | [15:58] |
Joric | 'Any thoughts on this, or any other analyses on the psychology behind the manipulator's actions? I'm looking for specific reasons that he acts like he does' | [15:58] |
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DeLorean731 | vragnaroda: contrary to popular belief, someone sells btc in here! (: | [16:08] |
DeLorean731 | I still need more though | [16:08] |
helo | the manipulator is an early adopter/dev with tons of coins that wants to prevent another massive bubble from forming | [16:09] |
helo | or multiple individuals | [16:10] |
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gilly_ | ;;sell 50 USD @ {mtgoxlast} BTC USD in the form of CVS PHARMACY egift cards. smaller amounts acceptable pm me. | [16:11] |
NASDAQEnema | helo which proves that Solidcoin is redundant - Bitcoin already has a control troll | [16:14] |
helo | it's just another case of people acting in self-interest that benefit bitcoin | [16:20] |
helo | benefits | [16:20] |
helo | it's not usually looked at as a good thing that bitcoin early adopters were able to amass a ton of bitcoin | [16:21] |
helo | but it seems like maybe it has made a core group of powerful stewards to help it succeed | [16:22] |
vragnaroda | I guess most of the people usually looking at it are retarded then. | [16:22] |
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* | gribble gives voice to draco49 | [16:24] |
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NASDAQEnema | vragnaroda: not really not many here would argue that it would be good for someone to amass a ton of power | [16:25] |
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errydayimgenerat | where's the brony | [16:25] |
errydayimgenerat | rawrmage: | [16:26] |
* | finway (76d45460@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [16:26] |
finway | Good news. now Bitcoinica support AliPay now (Chinese Paypal)!! | [16:26] |
NASDAQEnema | but then money isn't power - it only potentiates power (I know vrag will kill me for that) | [16:26] |
finway | Chinese people are coming, bitcoin! | [16:26] |
NASDAQEnema | i'm bitcoin whoever he is will be happy to hear that | [16:27] |
draco49 | Good... that means more money in the system. | [16:27] |
finway | haha~~ | [16:27] |
finway | You can't imagine how much money in China. | [16:27] |
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finway | There's no investment channel in China. | [16:28] |
errydayimgenerat | great now they have something to spend their money farming wow gold | [16:28] |
draco49 | If they can hurl that money over The Great Firewall, i'm all for it. | [16:28] |
errydayimgenerat | china islikthe 2nd largest economy | [16:28] |
finway | These money are gambling on Stock Market, Housing Market. | [16:28] |
finway | Chinese people have a lot of savings, nowhere to go. | [16:29] |
finway | and the inflation rate is huge. | [16:29] |
draco49 | They should invest in bitcoin :) | [16:29] |
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finway | The price of gold is too high! | [16:29] |
finway | We all Chinese people should invest in bitcoin. | [16:30] |
NASDAQEnema | only until someone figures out how to weave gold into bills | [16:30] |
draco49 | almost 1800/oz | [16:30] |
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NASDAQEnema | bitcoinica takes paypal directly? | [16:30] |
youdied | china is dead | [16:31] |
youdied | with AIDS | [16:31] |
youdied | then you all die | [16:31] |
NASDAQEnema | with cancer | [16:31] |
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EvanR_ | mardi gras is over | [16:32] |
finway_ | | [16:32] |
EvanR_ | im fucking exhausted | [16:32] |
finway_ | Bitcoinica now supports Alipay deposit! | [16:32] |
* | EvanR_ collapses on the floor | [16:32] |
finway_ | enjoy the power of Chinese Yuan. | [16:32] |
youdied | tChinese is lady, are they hot? | [16:32] |
youdied | and then China take control of the world | [16:33] |
youdied | controlling Europe | [16:33] |
youdied | Europe nation beg from China | [16:33] |
EvanR_ | all states are bad | [16:33] |
youdied | yup Unitd States of America is bad | [16:33] |
EvanR_ | us, china, whatever | [16:33] |
youdied | No not really, I'm good | [16:34] |
* | EvanR_ smacks youdied | [16:34] |
youdied | generally people are bad | [16:34] |
errydayimgenerat | china is buying everything | [16:34] |
EvanR_ | youdied: incorrect | [16:34] |
badluck | paycorn | [16:34] |
youdied | china is going crazy | [16:34] |
errydayimgenerat | with success | [16:34] |
youdied | and their peolpe work hard | [16:34] |
errydayimgenerat | or they starve | [16:35] |
youdied | to survive human must eat, china make many food | [16:35] |
EvanR_ | youdied: i just spent two straight weeks with tens of thousands of people crammed together in a shitty port city celebrating basically tits and ass, black white asian whatever, and almost no one got hurt | [16:35] |
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youdied | you have something to tell me by that EvanR_ | [16:36] |
errydayimgenerat | EvanR_: sounds like philly except the no one got hurt part | [16:36] |
youdied | so finway are you chinese? | [16:36] |
EvanR_ | yeah | [16:37] |
EvanR_ | if this happens elsewhere it only supports my point even more, people dont need to be managed to survive | [16:37] |
badluck | Former IMF Strauss-Kahn chief held for questioning over allegations he helped procure prostitutes for orgies in France and the US | [16:39] |
youdied | theres a story that say china will take over the world | [16:39] |
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youdied | then we all need to learn chinese national anthem | [16:40] |
youdied | forced | [16:40] |
helo | here's another story: china will create pink flying elephants that will bring peace and waffles to the world | [16:40] |
youdied | every school must have a chinese language lesson | [16:40] |
youdied | every nation must obey China | [16:41] |
draco49 | Good luck with that. | [16:41] |
youdied | or they will get China-slap | [16:41] |
youdied | or forced to drink soap | [16:41] |
youdied | water | [16:41] |
youdied | just kidding | [16:41] |
youdied | then the world will end | [16:42] |
youdied | in 2012 | [16:42] |
youdied | not exactly the end | [16:42] |
youdied | there will be earthquakes everyway | [16:42] |
youdied | smokes from burning | [16:42] |
helo | duh | [16:42] |
youdied | human population will diminish | [16:42] |
youdied | and tsunami's are scaring people | [16:43] |
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youdied | half of the population in USA will die | [16:43] |
helo | i hope you aren't hoping to receive bitcoin for this information | [16:43] |
lathomas | ;;fraud | [16:43] |
Graet | and bitcoin will take over the world, then there will be a huge solar flare and it will take out power to 3/4 of the world and your bitcoions will be on your pc but with no power | [16:43] |
Joric | half of the population in USA will die in less than 50 years! | [16:43] |
youdied | everybody are too scared to go out of their caves | [16:44] |
Graet | i dont have a cave | [16:44] |
Graet | what do i do what do i do???? | [16:44] |
youdied | it is in january 2013, the 2012 mayan predictions are correct | [16:44] |
youdied | the earth's magnetic change | [16:44] |
youdied | the animals are confused | [16:44] |
badluck | have you ever shot a deer in your own backyard | [16:44] |
youdied | we all use internet | [16:44] |
helo | and then people will start riding their stationary bikes to generate electricity and then they will get really strong and start running everywhere and then all running records will be broken and then the previious record holders will get angry and throw rocks and then they will run out of rocks and everybody will be happy for a while | [16:44] |
youdied | only | [16:44] |
youdied | we use bitcoins to buy | [16:45] |
Graet | helo, yep :D | [16:45] |
youdied | online | [16:45] |
youdied | that's when the sex online started | [16:46] |
Joric | i remember i was waiting for the rapture (spring 2011), got bitcoins instead | [16:46] |
NASDAQEnema | Rap Chair | [16:46] |
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NASDAQEnema | we send all the born agains a bunch of Rap Chairs | [16:47] |
helo | youdied: are you in kuala lumpur? | [16:47] |
Joric | rap sure | [16:47] |
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cyphur | hey guys :) | [16:47] |
lathomas | ;;help | [16:47] |
future2013 | can I have bitcoins? | [16:47] |
NASDAQEnema | they already have rocking chairs so a beat boxing chair will do | [16:47] |
helo | future2013: yep, google for "free bitcoins" | [16:48] |
NASDAQEnema | no I took all the bitcoins - and you can't haz | [16:48] |
Joric | i take cheezburgers | [16:48] |
future2013 | by march 31st we all are stunned | [16:48] |
future2013 | the Anonymous shut the fuck of the internet, like seriously | [16:48] |
future2013 | as they claim | [16:48] |
jcpham | boring | [16:49] |
future2013 | however there is one thing | [16:49] |
future2013 | Anonymous or anyone CANNOT turn it back again | [16:49] |
future2013 | ike never | [16:49] |
future2013 | ever | [16:49] |
future2013 | again | [16:49] |
future2013 | to shut down the internet | [16:50] |
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helo | fascinating theory you have there | [16:50] |
future2013 | Anonymous actually had developed a new virus in a lab | [16:50] |
badluck | sources report that DSK used bitcoins to pay for prostitutes to attend orgies in France and the US | [16:50] |
Joric | check this out it's bumping agains the wall | [16:51] |
helo | future2013 == youdied | [16:51] |
future2013 | it's a super-virus that cannot be stopped | [16:51] |
draco49 | yep | [16:51] |
mcorlett | sturles: Are you buying coins at market? | [16:51] |
future2013 | there is no stopping this super-virus, without resistance | [16:51] |
future2013 | everyone was dumbfounded | [16:51] |
Joric | funny rsi is just a bit over 50% | [16:52] |
future2013 | in every telephone any network there will be no connection | [16:52] |
future2013 | none | [16:52] |
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jcpham | hi | [16:52] |
future2013 | unless it's never connected to the internet before, | [16:52] |
future2013 | becasue that's how the super-virus spread | [16:52] |
helo | wow $100K wall | [16:53] |
Joric | bitcoinica just went out of reserve | [16:53] |
Joric | double asterisked | [16:53] |
future2013 | all the world's greatest white hackers combine try to defeat the super-virus | [16:53] |
future2013 | Linus Trovalds | [16:53] |
future2013 | Bill Gates | [16:53] |
future2013 | Steve Wozniak | [16:53] |
NASDAQEnema | oh jesus christ | [16:53] |
future2013 | Kevin Mitnck | [16:53] |
Joric | how about jobs | [16:54] |
future2013 | Julian Assange | [16:54] |
NASDAQEnema | Bill Gates is not a whitehat and not a hacker | [16:54] |
future2013 | All Indian hackers | [16:54] |
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helo | maybe legalizing pot everywhere is not such a good idea... | [16:54] |
NASDAQEnema | Kevin Mitnick was a blackhat | [16:54] |
future2013 | all under the leadership of OBAMA | [16:54] |
finway | Mitnick is not WhiteHat, he's blackHat? | [16:54] |
EvanR_ | listen gates wrote a basic interpreter, hes a programming master | [16:54] |
future2013 | He changed by that time | [16:54] |
sturles | mcorlett: Yes. | [16:55] |
future2013 | Bradley is freed, to help | [16:55] |
finway | Oh, is down. | [16:55] |
finway | | [16:55] |
future2013 | There were voices begging Anonymous to stop their worst creation | [16:55] |
NASDAQEnema | ^ I'm writing a dynamic language in less than 100 lines of php | [16:55] |
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future2013 | Annymous members one by one | [16:56] |
EvanR_ | NASDAQEnema: you say that like dynamic is harder | [16:56] |
helo | then it comes out that all of those people make up the core of anonymous, and it's all just a big show so they can sell movie rights | [16:56] |
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NASDAQEnema | future2013: you are giving me a headache - there's Anons in this room | [16:57] |
Joric | actually gates didn't write basic he hired his classmate monte davidoff | [16:57] |
NASDAQEnema | EvanR_: sure but in less than 100 lines - I'm also handicapped by a tendency to be unfocused and scattered | [16:58] |
NASDAQEnema | and I'm still pulling it off | [16:58] |
Joric | i'm wondering what gates made himself | [16:58] |
EvanR_ | Joric: heh | [16:58] |
future2013 | and the Anonymous leader...have her demand | [16:59] |
future2013 | and if you want internet back... | [16:59] |
future2013 | She said, | [16:59] |
future2013 | a trillion BTC of Bitcoins | [17:00] |
Joric | her? she? are you sure we're talking about the computer industry | [17:00] |
NASDAQEnema | ok /ignore future2013 - even I can't bear this much wankery | [17:00] |
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future2013 | If I were do this, if...if I even could do it, I'd need a guarantee. How do I know you can deliver? | [17:02] |
future2013 | NASDAQEnema EvanR_ Joric helo If I were do this, if...if I even could do it, I'd need a guarantee. How do I know you can deliver? | [17:02] |
NASDAQEnema | do what? | [17:03] |
helo | you could reduce your narcotic consumption, and rely on clear judgement | [17:03] |
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future2013 | No idea is simple when you need to plant it in somebody elses mind. | [17:03] |
future2013 | It's simple enough. | [17:04] |
NASDAQEnema | I talked to the leader of Anonymous - she's got PMS and told me to get out | [17:04] |
EvanR_ | lol | [17:04] |
future2013 | what is PMS? | [17:04] |
Joric | we're doooomed | [17:04] |
EvanR_ | ... | [17:04] |
pirateat40 | oh god | [17:04] |
Joric | oh the humanity | [17:04] |
pho| | DOOOOOOMED! | [17:04] |
future2013 | She'll need a totum. | [17:05] |
pirateat40 | Hey, them may not have PMS in his country. | [17:05] |
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pirateat40 | they* | [17:05] |
EvanR_ | lol | [17:05] |
future2013 | So a totum, you need a small object, potentiall heavy, something you can have on you all the time that no one else knows. | [17:05] |
EvanR_ | pms is socialized in his country | [17:05] |
NASDAQEnema | totem | [17:05] |
draco49 | What is this, Inception? | [17:05] |
pirateat40 | I the the PMS activists are mainly US based. | [17:05] |
NASDAQEnema | Trollception | [17:06] |
pirateat40 | jesus, i cant type | [17:06] |
pirateat40 | not enough sleep | [17:06] |
EvanR_ | pms activists | [17:06] |
NASDAQEnema | ^ I'm choking on that one | [17:06] |
pirateat40 | I think the* | [17:06] |
Joric | she's got Project Management System ? | [17:06] |
future2013 | We need at least a good ten hours. | [17:07] |
future2013 | You know how to find me. You know what you have to do. You remember when you asked me | [17:07] |
NASDAQEnema | pms activists - a bunch of women with sweaters around their waist holding signs that say "Silent treatment!" | [17:07] |
EvanR_ | wtf? | [17:08] |
future2013 | And I start to panic and realize I'm gonna regret this moment, that I need to see their faces one last time. The moment's passed and whatever I do I can't change this moment. I'm about to call out to them, they run away. If I'm ever gonna see their faces again I've gotta get back home in the real world. | [17:08] |
pirateat40 | Mine gives me the Spending Treatment. | [17:08] |
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future2013 | I'll tell you a riddle. You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you don't know for sure. That it doesn't matter. How can it not matter to you where the train will take you? | [17:08] |
NASDAQEnema | future2013 is a copypasta bo | [17:09] |
NASDAQEnema | bot | [17:09] |
NASDAQEnema | has to be | [17:09] |
EvanR_ | kick him | [17:09] |
Joric | my wife just went to the business trip for two weeks | [17:09] |
NASDAQEnema | moar XBOX time | [17:09] |
future2013 | The longer the issue the more powerful the catharcisim. | [17:09] |
Joric | left me home for householding | [17:10] |
NASDAQEnema | My sarcasicisim is becoming unleasheded | [17:10] |
EvanR_ | this could turn into a pidgin english | [17:10] |
EvanR_ | spelling | [17:10] |
EvanR_ | spellingsism | [17:11] |
NASDAQEnema | it'll be an atrociticism | [17:11] |
future2013 | a dream within a dream with a VM within a VM using a VPN in a VPN in a VPN in a VM in VM, you're there, an.... | [17:11] |
future2013 | Anonymous | [17:11] |
EvanR_ | lol vpn | [17:11] |
NASDAQEnema | and he stole my idea | [17:12] |
NASDAQEnema | I was gonna blog future events | [17:12] |
NASDAQEnema | lol | [17:12] |
NASDAQEnema | oh relief | [17:12] |
future2013 | a VPN within a VM within a VM within a VPS within a VM within a VPN within a VPS within a VOM within a proxy within an elite proxy within a VM within TOR | [17:12] |
EvanR_ | a dream within a vm within a sms within a 56k modem within a cheese sandwich | [17:13] |
helo | haha | [17:13] |
Joric | reminds me of (try it, it's pretty hard i only managed to get to level 14) | [17:13] |
mcorlett | "Ancient browser users click here." | [17:13] |
mcorlett | What is this? | [17:14] |
EvanR_ | hhaha | [17:14] |
mcorlett | I'm on the latest version of Chrome. | [17:14] |
EvanR_ | ancient browser | [17:14] |
EvanR_ | of the ages | [17:14] |
* | Turingi (~devon@unaffiliated/devon-hillard/x-7250961) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:14] |
future2013 | and then you will lost. You dunno if your in a VM or a host! and you keep shuting down your machine. shuting down your machine shuting down your machine. your were lost. and you don't realize in the last machine it's actually the host machine. and you didn't log out yet. | [17:14] |
mcorlett | Screw that shit, I'm going to play some RageCoin! | [17:14] |
pirateat40 | future2013, wth are you taking about | [17:14] |
future2013 | you were lost within limbo of online hacking. | [17:15] |
future2013 | and the next day, the feds come knocking your door asking for.. | [17:15] |
EvanR_ | at least ask for bitcoins | [17:15] |
EvanR_ | tips for this storytelling | [17:15] |
Joric | i just remembered, based on rumours and legends, 31 level of io - root on openvz container | [17:16] |
pirateat40 | future2013, You're gonna be lost from this channel if you don't stop it. | [17:16] |
Joric | 32 - root on main server | [17:16] |
future2013 | "excuse me, can I borrow your toilet for a second? heh heh.. ahk ahak" | [17:16] |
DeLorean731 | who's selling btc? | [17:16] |
mcorlett | DeLorean731: PayPal? | [17:16] |
DeLorean731 | or wells fargo usd | [17:17] |
* | hexTech has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [17:17] |
Joric | mcorlett, i added 1000 coins bet recently | [17:18] |
future2013 | such a poor kid | [17:18] |
future2013 | Joric | [17:18] |
future2013 | so sad | [17:18] |
* | ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:18] |
* | hexTech (~hexTech@gateway/tor-sasl/hextech) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:18] |
future2013 | An inception is happening to Joric | [17:19] |
mcorlett | Joric: Oh, I just modify the buttons. | [17:19] |
mcorlett | Playing for 10,000 right now. | [17:19] |
ineededausername | lol | [17:19] |
ineededausername | is ragecoin going live?! | [17:19] |
ineededausername | :D | [17:19] |
future2013 | Joric is forced to believe the idea that I force into him. | [17:19] |
mcorlett | future2013: What are you doing? | [17:20] |
future2013 | ceh, 1000 coins. you're poor | [17:20] |
a5m0 | selling yubikeys, dual 2.8ghz xeon server, radeon 5830s, pm for details | [17:20] |
draco49 | he's a troll | [17:20] |
ineededausername | what is future2013 rambling on about | [17:20] |
Joric | with my luck i'll forget to reset sessions when it go live and users will withdraw all my btc at once | [17:21] |
mcorlett | "Won 500000 coins. Balance 633063 coins." | [17:21] |
a5m0 | Joric, is trying to get people hooked before it goes live :p | [17:21] |
future2013 | Inception on Joric to have my idea on him | [17:21] |
draco49 | wtf | [17:21] |
future2013 | Joric you are poor and I'm better. Like what the fuck I'm not good either. | [17:22] |
NASDAQEnema | future2013: is a copypasta bot | [17:22] |
* | nphyx ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:22] |
future2013 | Once an idea is planted inside a mind, it is impossible to eradicate. An idea | [17:23] |
future2013 | You're in a dream. You all are | [17:24] |
* | gfinn (~gfinn@gateway/tor-sasl/gfinn) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:24] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to pirateat40 | [17:24] |
* | pirateat40 has kicked future2013 from #bitcoin-otc (You're not welcome here!) | [17:24] |
* | ChanServ removes channel operator status from pirateat40 | [17:24] |
mcorlett | Just when I was starting to believe! | [17:24] |
Category: Logs