Forum logs for 21 Oct 2013

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [00:38]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || - most days worth reading || - all days worth reading [00:38]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Sun Sep 29 03:06:59 2013 [00:38]
* slashroot__ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 70 @ 0.00273998 = 0.1918 BTC [-] [00:43]
* PhantomSpark ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:48]
* virtuals_mr has quit (Quit: labcoin shares best xmas present ever get them at [00:52]
* bloctoc ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 250 @ 0.00117 = 0.2925 BTC [-] [01:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.40979999 BTC [+] [01:11]
mircea_popescu o hey guise! remember [01:15]
mircea_popescu [01:15]
ozbot Ripple or Bitcoin [01:15]
dexX7 what is this? necro hour? [01:15]
mircea_popescu dude im just totally bummed out that bitcoin lost [01:16]
dexX7 digging out the old am comparison.. shame on you [01:16]
mircea_popescu because all of the people who said ripple rocks on a forum [01:16]
mircea_popescu hm ? [01:16]
dexX7 [01:17]
ozbot Furthering the S.DICE / AM comparison [01:17]
mircea_popescu awww hahaha [01:18]
mircea_popescu i didn't do that lol. [01:18]
* Lee- has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:18]
dexX7 haha yea, but maybe you instructed her ;) [01:18]
mircea_popescu sometimes i do but not this time [01:19]
mircea_popescu was a good chuckle anyway. [01:19]
* Kleeck_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:19]
mircea_popescu (the oglaf comic was per my instructions for instance hehe) [01:20]
dexX7 the one with the ship and lack of real knowledge was awesome [01:20]
* MTBmanTT (443ce878@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:21]
mircea_popescu yeah that one. [01:21]
dexX7 i don't think so? [01:23]
dexX7 or let's say never heard anything bad about him besides trolling [01:23]
* kleeck__ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:24]
dexX7 report you at the bitcoin police? [01:24]
* arij has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:25]
* Ogedei_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:25]
* arij ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:25]
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* arij (~arij@unaffiliated/arij) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:26]
* Ogedei_ (~Ogedei@unaffiliated/ogedei) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:26]
* GordonG3kko has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:26]
dexX7 wasn't there already drama about keeping the am shares? [01:27]
* Lee- (~Lee@unaffiliated/lee-) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:27]
* GordonG3kko (~GordonG3k@gateway/tor-sasl/gordong3kko) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:28]
* jborkl (~jborkl@unaffiliated/jborkl) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:30]
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* kleeck__ has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:33]
pankkake Diablo-D3: well, grow some balls and become an outlaw [01:36]
* tyrion70 has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [01:39]
* mixdio has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 23 @ 0.00749 = 0.1723 BTC [+] [01:40]
* mixdio ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:42]
* jimmy2k ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:43]
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* GordonG3kko has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:48]
* GordonG3kko (~GordonG3k@gateway/tor-sasl/gordong3kko) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:49]
* skinnkavaj has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:53]
* skinnkavaj (~skinnkava@unaffiliated/skinnkavaj) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:54]
* chsados has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:55]
* chsados (~chsados@unaffiliated/chsados) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:56]
* jimmy2k has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [01:59]
* fanquake (~anonymous@unaffiliated/fanquake) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:59]
* nubbins` has quit (Quit: nubbins`) [02:00]
* pigeons ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:10]
* zoinky has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [02:12]
* joesmoe has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [02:12]
* Andrew (~kvirc@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:14]
* marks1976 has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [02:15]
* Ogedei (~Ogedei@unaffiliated/ogedei) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:18]
* nubbins` (~nubbins` has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:19]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 15 @ 0.00749 = 0.1124 BTC [+] [02:27]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [02:30]
gribble MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 184.50082, Best ask: 184.73998, Bid-ask spread: 0.23916, Last trade: 184.74000, 24 hour volume: 11282.63857969, 24 hour low: 177.25000, 24 hour high: 186.12000, 24 hour vwap: 182.83954 [02:30]
assbot 123! [02:30]
* DBordello (~DBordello@unaffiliated/dbordello) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:36]
MTBmanTT yawn [02:41]
* joesmoe ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:44]
skinnkavaj Lol [02:48]
skinnkavaj pankkake [02:48]
skinnkavaj Making fun of himself in a Litecoin is dead thread [02:48]
skinnkavaj [02:48]
ozbot litecoin dead ? [02:48]
pankkake ozbot: yes [02:49]
* Duffer1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:51]
skinnkavaj ozbot: Lol. Look at all altcoins, litecoin is the number 1 in acceptance overall. Piratebay and Wikileaks use it. Founder of it works in Coinbase. Mtgox is around the corner. It's the first scrypt coin with no premine (NVC). It has the marketing effect "Silver to Gold". [02:51]
pankkake ozbot is a bot :/ [02:51]
skinnkavaj Who cares [02:51]
nubbins` hahaha [02:51]
mircea_popescu !b 4 [02:51]
assbot Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( [02:51]
nubbins` [02:52]
ozbot Google [02:52]
pankkake did you buy litecoins earlier, or are just buying now? [02:52]
pankkake I hope for you it's the latter [02:52]
pigeons its not the first scrypt coin with no premine, that was fairbrix, and coblee started litecoin cause fairbrix got 51%ed too many times [02:52]
skinnkavaj pigeons: Yes and it survived and is the second biggest network on the internet [02:53]
skinnkavaj If there is any altcoin that is going to succeed, it is LTC [02:53]
pigeons add an adjective to second bigges ___ network on the internet [02:53]
pigeons just tryin to keep it real [02:54]
nubbins` second biggest goddamn network? [02:54]
pankkake "If there is any altcoin that is going to succeed, it is LTC" this is endlessly repeated with no basis at all [02:54]
pigeons second biggest hashcash network on the internet [02:54]
skinnkavaj pankkake: No its based on that it has the most acceptance and the best marketing phrase of all. [02:54]
* zoinky (~Adium@unaffiliated/zoinky) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:54]
nubbins` best marketing phrase! [02:54]
skinnkavaj Sell me XPM [02:55]
pigeons litecoin is the new black [02:55]
skinnkavaj Its enviroement friendly [02:55]
skinnkavaj Hahahha [02:55]
skinnkavaj Sell me LTC [02:55]
skinnkavaj its SILVER [02:55]
pankkake well, be *very* careful with that silver to gold. when silver got demonetized, it lost a lot of its value [02:55]
pankkake kinda like my point of litecoin being just another altcoin ;) [02:55]
skinnkavaj I don't even understand your point [02:55]
skinnkavaj It is based on NOTHING [02:56]
pigeons just like litecoin [02:56]
skinnkavaj Think of BTC like Coca Cola and think of LTC like Pepsi [02:56]
nubbins` i don't like soft drinks [02:57]
asciilifeform more of an Inca Cola. [02:57]
pankkake but it isn't, both are digital tokens [02:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 85 @ 0.00708235 = 0.602 BTC [-] {3} [02:57]
nubbins` asciilifeform: ltc is popular in peru? [02:57]
pankkake coming back to silver and gold: both were used as monetary backing, but silver lost that privilege; silver lost a lot of value [02:57]
asciilifeform nubbins`: incacola is a cheapo soda sold in the u.s. [02:58]
* zoinky has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:58]
skinnkavaj Yeah I bet silver lost in USD value in the long run [02:58]
skinnkavaj So retarded [02:58]
nubbins` asciilifeform: its also the national drink of peru [02:58]
nubbins` not really. but it's EVERYWHERE [02:59]
pankkake still, there are reasons for these metals to be sold because of their industrial use; while digital tokens are digital tokens [02:59]
skinnkavaj pankkake: Do you believe any altcoin is going to succeed? [02:59]
* pigeons ( has left #bitcoin-assets [02:59]
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skinnkavaj Yes or No [02:59]
pankkake probably not [02:59]
skinnkavaj Lol [03:00]
skinnkavaj I am out [03:00]
* joesmoe has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [03:00]
pankkake it would have to be something truly unfixable in Bitcoin [03:00]
pankkake or a wholly different codebase at least [03:00]
* tyrion70 (~Adium@unaffiliated/tyrion70) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:01]
pankkake I do follow some altcoin development - even donated to some ;) [03:02]
mircea_popescu its not the first scrypt coin with no premine, that was fairbrix, and coblee started litecoin cause fairbrix got 51%ed too many times << few know this [03:04]
pankkake lol [03:04]
ozbot i'd like to buy some Hashing power hashing for FTC [03:04]
mircea_popescu lol @best marketing phrase. what is it, litecoin makes your tits float ? [03:05]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 220 @ 0.00055445 = 0.122 BTC [+] {4} [03:05]
pankkake I'd like to start a 51% attack pool. the only goal is to destroy [03:05]
pankkake "silver to gold" [03:05]
mircea_popescu eh forget it. ltc is not to blame that it attracts idiots. [03:06]
mircea_popescu so does (did ?) btc. [03:06]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.76 = 3.04 BTC [-] [03:06]
pankkake my reservations are mostly technical [03:06]
mircea_popescu is there any hax in here to see ltc diff ? [03:07]
* Evolyn_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:07]
mircea_popescu pankkake Luke-Jr became famous through doing the same thing coupla years ago. or trying... i don't recall if he succeeded. [03:07]
pankkake by subverting his pool power so I heard [03:08]
pankkake but I wouldn't do that [03:08]
pankkake has nice stats [03:08]
ozbot Litecoin Charts - Litecoin Cryptocurrency Blockchain Explorer [03:08]
mircea_popescu difficulty 1k ?! are you fucking with me ? [03:09]
mircea_popescu so it'd cost me what, 0.1 btc/hour to maintain a 51% attack on ltc indefinitely ? [03:09]
pankkake it's scrypt, I guess values aren't comparable [03:09]
mircea_popescu orly. [03:10]
* Evolyn has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [03:10]
pankkake I tried to guess the cost, estimated litecoin's power to 38124 Radeon 7970 [03:10]
mircea_popescu what, nobody cared to make fpgas yet ?! [03:12]
dexX7 mp, lurk more [03:13]
pankkake so that should be an investment of 17 155 800 USD is behind the network ($450 per card for counting the other components) [03:13]
pankkake and thus you need half of that to attack it [03:14]
pankkake or rent it, obviously [03:14]
mircea_popescu dexX7 i've not been paying much attention to ltc since prolly 2012 [03:15]
mircea_popescu anyway, the notion that 1k diff is worth 10mn in gear is ludicrous. [03:15]
mircea_popescu now i understand whty all the noob fury for pushing ltc : it allows them to live the illusion that their worthless gear is to be counted at 450 a board. [03:15]
* Kleeck_ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [03:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 1302 @ 0.00077447 = 1.0084 BTC [+] {6} [03:16]
mircea_popescu ;;calc 17 * 300000 [03:16]
nubbins` what, you mean there isn't an insatiable demand for used gfx cards that have been melting themselves mining btc for the past few years? [03:16]
gribble 5100000 [03:16]
nubbins` it's almost like it's a solution in search of a problem [03:16]
mircea_popescu there, bitcoin mining gear is worth 5bn nao >D [03:16]
* riX2000 (~riX2000@unaffiliated/rix2000) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:16]
VanCleef mining is a scam [03:16]
VanCleef stop buying into it [03:16]
Luke-Jr pankkake: mircea_popescu is a troll; my pool was not involved [03:17]
mircea_popescu by the same rationale, a good pricing for the radeons would be 50 cents a piece. [03:17]
pankkake Luke-Jr: well the rumor is there! [03:17]
mircea_popescu Luke-Jr srsly ? [03:18]
Luke-Jr srsly. [03:18]
pankkake but if you create a pool to destroy altcoins I'd mine on it… if I actually had anything capable of :) [03:18]
Luke-Jr it was just lolnohashes [03:18]
Luke-Jr pankkake: waste of my time [03:19]
Luke-Jr pankkake: the hope with that one instance was that it'd deter the scammers [03:19]
pankkake well, some people just like to watch the world burn [03:19]
mircea_popescu hm. [03:19]
mircea_popescu well i guess more research is needed here. i can't readily point to proof. [03:19]
MTBmanTT I just dont understand the "push" with ltc- being a n00b to this world, ive never heard of it until the BTC forums. [03:20]
Luke-Jr MTBmanTT: it's a popular scam because it hasn't broken yet [03:20]
mircea_popescu MTBmanTT basically it makes sense on some level to have a reserve implementation. [03:20]
Luke-Jr mircea_popescu: there's no reserve implementation in litecoin, it's just a dumb clone [03:20]
mircea_popescu obviously idiots flock there just like they flock to btc. ltc has the disadvantage that it gets all the idiots that got broken uin btc, too [03:20]
MTBmanTT ah, I just figured it was there to make GPUs feel useful again, to in turn exchange for btc..... but that sounds more reasonable [03:20]
Luke-Jr if SHA256d breaks, it does too since it uses it for everything but the POW [03:21]
mircea_popescu goat being a fine example. [03:21]
pankkake mircea_popescu: yes, while I used to think that, litecoin isn't a different implementation [03:21]
mircea_popescu Luke-Jr depends how hardcore do yo uwant to get. one could say bitcoin isn't really a bitcoin either, just a dumb prototype. [03:21]
mircea_popescu the idea is it may be made to work if need be. [03:21]
nubbins` i thought btc was a prototype for mastercoin [03:21]
nubbins` *cough* [03:21]
pankkake :D [03:21]
Luke-Jr nubbins`: if you want to argue that, use freicoin as an example :p [03:22]
Luke-Jr they seem to be clueful [03:22]
mircea_popescu is that the demurage thing ? [03:22]
Luke-Jr yeah, and a bunch of other stuff [03:23]
mircea_popescu while it's a good idea to try it so it's trioed, im convinced demurage is a bad idea. [03:23]
dexX7 mircea_popescu: i just wanted to exploit this rare situation of "lecturing you" :) scrypt is designed in a way that the bottleneck is rather the amount of fast accessible memory than computational speed and people say "litecoin is fpga/asic resistant" for that reason [03:24]
mircea_popescu dexX7 people say many things. meanwhile, 16gb boards aren't too expensive [03:24]
Luke-Jr mircea_popescu: yeah, I think inflation works better [03:25]
mircea_popescu inflation MIGHT work better. [03:25]
Luke-Jr dexX7: normal scrypt is; litecoin's variant is not [03:25]
Luke-Jr dexX7: and scrypt requires just as much memory to verify as to search, so it's not a proof-of-work [03:25]
mircea_popescu i have no idea. perhap a coin without the reward halving would win out on that score. [03:25]
dexX7 ah okay, i'm not familiar with the underlying details [03:26]
Luke-Jr the BitShares guys came up with an actual memory-hard PoW algorithm, though I'm not convinced if it's solid or not yet [03:26]
mircea_popescu that the coindesk thing ? [03:28]
pankkake Yacoin (yes, Yet Another Altcoin) has a memory-intensive scrypt [03:28]
asciilifeform everybody knows that you can get FPGA+sdram socket boards for pocket change, right? [03:28]
pankkake and the memory requirements go up [03:29]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform apparently not. [03:29]
Luke-Jr pankkake: to verify as well [03:29]
MTBmanTT ok, this maybe really dumb and for that I'm sorry- but what is the point to all these other alt currencies? hopes that it becomes the next, or second bitcoin? [03:29]
Luke-Jr asciilifeform: the goal of memoryhard is that it the SDRAM would perform equally well with any host [03:29]
mircea_popescu Luke-Jr since you mention them, do you also know the drama re charles guy quitting invictus ? [03:30]
* Pucilowski (~pucilowsk@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:30]
Luke-Jr MTBmanTT: to scam people into paying for them [03:30]
Luke-Jr MTBmanTT: convince a loser it's going to succeed, and that he'll make big bucks by buying early [03:30]
mircea_popescu MTBmanTT the inca cola example controls. they're there just in case you run out of coke somehow. [03:30]
Luke-Jr mircea_popescu: no, I didn't even hear of that [03:30]
asciilifeform Luke-Jr: sdram plus fpga which does nothing but sCrypt, vs. a general-purpose pc? [03:30]
Luke-Jr asciilifeform: well, I never said scrypt is a good algo :p [03:31]
MTBmanTT ty [03:31]
mircea_popescu all this delicious drama going to waste unknown. no wonder the alt coins aren't going anywhere. [03:31]
Luke-Jr asciilifeform: just that's the goal of a memoryhard algo [03:31]
mircea_popescu it's a fucking naive goal it's what it is. but anyway. [03:31]
asciilifeform 1st fellow to bake an altcoin that's actually interesting will win (something.) [03:31]
mircea_popescu memory is tghe cheapest thing you can do on silicon [03:31]
MTBmanTT +1 [03:32]
asciilifeform smart money's on 'slavecoin.' [03:32]
mircea_popescu 1st fellow to bake an altcoin that's actually interesting will win (something.) << he'll win my attention, for sure. [03:32]
* joesmoe ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:32]
Luke-Jr mircea_popescu: before SHA256d ASICs, it would have been a worthwhile goa.l [03:33]
Luke-Jr goal* [03:33]
Luke-Jr mircea_popescu: that's why [03:33]
pankkake mircea_popescu: did you look at ppcoin? [03:33]
mircea_popescu Luke-Jr yes, but only in the naive perspective. "oh, maybe things never happen". memory still was the cheapest use of silicon even before the sha256d was actually implemented. [03:33]
asciilifeform here's an idea: generalize the altcoin concept and bake a turing-complete workfunction spec right into the protocol. [03:33]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform go away haskelite. [03:33]
Luke-Jr pankkake: the altcoin that never accomplished decentralisation [03:34]
asciilifeform laughing? it would instantly let you convert, say, btc, into arbitrary parallel computations [03:34]
pankkake the checkpoints are a thing of the past, though I'd like some serious auditing of proof of stake [03:34]
asciilifeform say i want a certain hash bruted, and i say 'trade ya 100btc for 10000 hash-X-crack-coin.' [03:35]
* marks1976 (~quassel@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:35]
mircea_popescu do you have any idea how hard this'd be to implement ? [03:35]
asciilifeform not really hard at all [03:35]
* mircea_popescu drops dead [03:36]
* benkay ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:36]
nubbins` lel [03:36]
asciilifeform just bake a Forth of sorts in there [03:36]
asciilifeform sorta how the original btc protocol wanted to [03:36]
mircea_popescu will the protocol support recursion in the workfunction ? [03:36]
asciilifeform sure, with a field for memory constraint, why not. [03:37]
mircea_popescu so can i implement a miner in the proof of work ? [03:37]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: already fun! [03:37]
asciilifeform metacoin... [03:37]
* marks1976 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:37]
nubbins` ha [03:37]
asciilifeform built-in mining future [03:37]
mircea_popescu and then if it forks what do you do ? [03:37]
mircea_popescu go back in time ? [03:38]
nubbins` call it non-deterministic [03:38]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: that'd be just a special case of altcoin, no? [03:38]
nubbins` fuck quantum computing [03:38]
mircea_popescu km [03:38]
nubbins` coin computing is the future [03:38]
mircea_popescu lmao [03:38]
nubbins` imagine! [03:38]
mircea_popescu this was the most amusing instance of being trolled while i know im being trolled. [03:38]
mircea_popescu and he doesn't even have tits. [03:38]
nubbins` NP-HardCoin [03:38]
asciilifeform everybody loves nphard, but the rest of the complexityzoo needs love too [03:39]
asciilifeform [03:39]
ozbot Complexity Zoo [03:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.76 = 1.52 BTC [-] [03:43]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5243 @ 0.00088553 = 4.6428 BTC [-] [03:45]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6557 @ 0.00088112 = 5.7775 BTC [-] {2} [03:47]
mircea_popescu Luke-Jr fwiw, this was pretty lulzy [03:47]
* riX2000 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:48]
MTBmanTT Has anyone here used CEX? I know there is alot of back n fourth about them, but honestly ive been doing ok- almost have a whole btc, def. beats faucet crap [03:53]
MTBmanTT then again, Iam sure most of you have some actual money to work with in btc world :P [03:54]
mircea_popescu yes, this chan is for ppl doing 1k+ [03:54]
MTBmanTT noted [03:54]
dexX7 what's the connection of cex and faucets? [03:57]
MTBmanTT On Mpex exchange, is that for 1K and above as well? [03:57]
MTBmanTT @dex, nothing really I am just a broke kid trying to earn a little is all...was wondering if I am just spinning my tires on something like CEX [03:58]
mircea_popescu anyway, so upon research the entire "luke-jr attacked litecoin" thing boils down to, back in april luke had no idea i had put the kaibosh on mtgox at the secret march meeting. thus he got all excited upon hearing mtgox intends to go die into altcoin heaven, and started a campaign of wiki editing and trolling the ltc dev chan. he didn't actually 51% ltc or anything. [03:58]
mircea_popescu MTBmanTT nah, you only pay 30 btc to get a seat. [03:58]
MTBmanTT lol ooook, ill be waiting outside if thats the case [03:59]
mircea_popescu you can prolly use a broker till then. [03:59]
kakobrekla no he couldnt have done much to ltc, he has sha256 pool not scrypt, not compatible [03:59]
Luke-Jr mircea_popescu: lol, troll [03:59]
mircea_popescu Luke-Jr which part ? [04:00]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla apparently kano (still) doesn't like him. [04:00]
Luke-Jr of course he doesn't, he never did [04:01]
Luke-Jr he's a troll like you [04:01]
Luke-Jr and trolls tend to hate me [04:01]
pankkake everyone's a troll! [04:01]
kakobrekla im not sure who does, mp. [04:01]
* riX2000 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:01]
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nubbins` everyone is a troll except you [04:03]
nubbins` ^ now there's a t-shirt idea [04:03]
mircea_popescu lol [04:03]
mircea_popescu i wonder if kano actually thinks he's like me. [04:03]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla lmao at XVII + nineteen = on the bash site. [04:08]
mircea_popescu this will become a fucking meme. [04:08]
kakobrekla hehe [04:09]
mircea_popescu ;;google jesus is a troll [04:10]
gribble troll jesus on Tumblr: ; Jesus is a Jerk | Know Your Meme: ; Troll Jesus | Facebook: [04:10]
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nubbins` [04:11]
ozbot imgur: the simple image sharer [04:11]
mircea_popescu [04:12]
mircea_popescu actually, much better, [04:12]
nubbins` !! [04:13]
nubbins` now that's ankle strength [04:13]
MTBmanTT I waiting for a faceplant wont lie [04:13]
mircea_popescu girl that learned to high heel properly. [04:13]
kakobrekla speaking of bash [04:14]
kakobrekla this seems to be most disliked comment [04:14]
kakobrekla do we have lots of labcoin 'investor' readers? [04:14]
mircea_popescu btw, shouldn't you be approving some more ? [04:14]
* zoinky (~Adium@unaffiliated/zoinky) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:14]
kakobrekla i just did [04:14]
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kakobrekla im still thinking about the anal prolapse one. [04:15]
KRS1 "rosebud" [04:15]
mircea_popescu the worst part about being a bash mod [04:15]
mircea_popescu you get to spend a lot of time pondering anal prolapse. [04:15]
kakobrekla ill sleep on it. [04:16]
mircea_popescu don't fall in. [04:16]
kakobrekla hehe [04:16]
mircea_popescu also i just negged the labcoin bash because it's banal and unfunny [04:17]
VanCleef shut up, labcoin is going to recover damn it [04:17]
nubbins` can't get a home run with every swing, ya know [04:18]
VanCleef sam said so [04:18]
* benkay ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:18]
mircea_popescu nubbins` depends if you swing in the lake of cunt. [04:21]
nubbins` [04:22]
nubbins` not sure if relevant or if i've taken too many allergy pills [04:23]
turbo_ac100_ lol [04:24]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8581 @ 0.00088531 = 7.5968 BTC [+] {2} [04:28]
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* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [08:55]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || - most days worth reading || - all days worth reading [08:55]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Sun Sep 29 03:06:59 2013 [08:55]
Vexual hey bella [08:56]
Vexual [08:57]
ozbot N.W.A. - Straight Outta Compton (EXPLICIT VERSION) - YouTube [08:57]
mircea_popescu [09:07]
Vexual tennis money [09:08]
Vexual powerful glutes [09:11]
Vexual have you seen her play mircea? [09:13]
mircea_popescu when she was real young [09:13]
Vexual where? [09:13]
mircea_popescu in constanta [09:13]
Vexual does she play wimbledon now? [09:14]
Vexual coz thats some champagne and strawberry scenery [09:14]
mircea_popescu she might win the next one. [09:14]
Vexual is she into dick? [09:15]
* blastbob1 (~blastbob@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:16]
mircea_popescu to some extent i suppose [09:16]
Vexual itd be a pity if she was alergic [09:17]
mircea_popescu she's a 20ish yo tennis player on the upstroke. [09:17]
mircea_popescu she probably gets laid about as much as the average computer geek does. [09:17]
Vexual well if it wasnt vigourous, im sure her trainer would say it was a waste of time [09:18]
mircea_popescu funny thing is, serena williams is prolly her personal nemesis [09:19]
mircea_popescu wiped her in the finals twice i think. or mebbe three times [09:20]
Vexual ive got to get a tv [09:20]
mircea_popescu course serena is like what, 32 ? [09:21]
Vexual no idea [09:21]
mircea_popescu in five years she'll wipe her right back fo sho [09:21]
Vexual she looks very fit [09:21]
Vexual is her tennis game good? excitting as her body? [09:22]
mircea_popescu she just won the kremlin cup [09:23]
Vexual whats her prize money total? [09:23]
mircea_popescu milionish [09:24]
Vexual more importantly, whens she in a grand slam? [09:24]
Vexual im gonna get a case of gin and put a big bet on for her win [09:24]
mircea_popescu prolly this year. [09:25]
Vexual whats her name? [09:25]
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mircea_popescu simona halep [09:27]
mircea_popescu you're probably going to get great ods, as she was wiped this year in au open, rg, wimbledon and us open. she goes like 1st 1st 2nd 4th [09:28]
Vexual well with the gin ana d the tv, i cant really lose [09:29]
Vexual watching her win at wimbledon from ther stands would be better [09:30]
Vexual [09:32]
ozbot Snoop Dogg : Sign - Video Dailymotion [09:32]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3550 @ 0.00088165 = 3.1299 BTC [-] {2} [09:37]
Vexual especially with a grand on at 50 to 1 [09:39]
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Vexual [09:44]
* sgnb ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:46]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.76 = 3.04 BTC [-] [09:47]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1994 @ 0.00088543 = 1.7655 BTC [+] [10:03]
* Namworld ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:05]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 10614 @ 0.00230278 = 24.4417 BTC [-] {7} [10:06]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 80 @ 0.00748 = 0.5984 BTC [+] [10:09]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 300 @ 0.00748 = 2.244 BTC [+] [10:19]
* Andrew|2 (~kvirc@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 60 @ 0.00748 = 0.4488 BTC [+] [10:23]
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* CheeseDooles (CheeseDool@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:29]
Vexual ahh london in the summer [10:30]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.76 = 3.8 BTC [-] [10:31]
Vexual you can keep zurich and frankfurt [10:32]
Vexual new york [10:32]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.40979999 BTC [+] [10:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 545 @ 0.00748 = 4.0766 BTC [+] {3} [10:38]
Vexual it goes london, mumbai, sydney [10:40]
Vexual id put san fran in there for satoshi, but bitcoin has no hoome [10:42]
kakobrekla who is it that you are talking to? [10:43]
Vexual mainly me, but i know youre listening kako [10:43]
kakobrekla :) [10:43]
Vexual and i can see the logs [10:43]
* AusBitBank ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:44]
Vexual [10:44]
ozbot Dirty Cash(Money Talks) - YouTube [10:44]
Vexual if you're running out of hard drive, feel free to kick me to save on log space [10:45]
kakobrekla hd space is practically free these days [10:45]
Vexual ive got to replace my 40 gb system drive for the blockchain now [10:46]
Vexual im not sure if i buy a 256 ssd or 2tb hdd [10:47]
Vexual i think disc [10:47]
kakobrekla are you from 99? [10:50]
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VanCleef is it possible to sue satoshi for coming up with the bitcoin mining scam? [10:52]
Vexual no [10:53]
kakobrekla are you from another planet? [10:53]
Vexual m or slovakistan? [10:53]
kakobrekla m? [10:53]
Vexual *me [10:53]
kakobrekla vancleef [10:53]
Vexual i missed the e, i type so fast [10:53]
Vexual and my found dell keyboard is encrusded with spilled cocktails [10:54]
VanCleef SEC wants to charge satoshi for the bitcoin mining scam [10:54]
Vexual sad but true [10:54]
Vexual satoshi gets stopped at airports, but doesn no crimes [10:55]
VanCleef we will get him, dont worry [10:55]
Vexual didnt even spend the old money ever [10:55]
Vexual sec's continued relevance can be measured in months [10:57]
Vexual gotta get me a honeywell [10:58]
Vexual black is s atupid colour for a kb [10:59]
VanCleef i need me some dot matrix action [10:59]
Vexual snes? [11:00]
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Vexual dutch are you saying get solid state with the 99 gybe? [11:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4098 BTC [+] [11:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.76 = 1.52 BTC [-] [11:03]
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Vexual ok, ssd [11:09]
Vexual after all [11:09]
Vexual foor old 40 samsung, hot but no failures ever [11:13]
Vexual no bad secor in 7 years [11:13]
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Vexual i meant seagate [11:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.76 = 2.28 BTC [-] [11:17]
* skinnkavaj (~skinnkava@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:19]
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Vexual how old is friedcat? [11:20]
Vexual i would gess he was gorn in the eighties [11:23]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6836 @ 0.00088543 = 6.0528 BTC [+] [11:24]
Vexual [11:28]
ozbot Black Lagoon - Revy's Sound Advise - YouTube [11:28]
Vexual [11:32]
ozbot Balalaika's Bad Day - YouTube [11:32]
* zoinky has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [11:33]
Vexual cmon kako, put me on the bash, you know its clever [11:39]
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* tyrion70 (~Adium@unaffiliated/tyrion70) has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:41]
Vexual half that shits about litecoin [11:42]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.4098 = 2.049 BTC [+] [11:48]
dub [11:51]
ozbot Waltzing Matilda (Australia Day 2009 Live) - YouTube [11:51]
Vexual [11:51]
ozbot Iggy Azalea - Work (Explicit) - YouTube [11:51]
Vexual sup dub [11:51]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 998 @ 0.002709 = 2.7036 BTC [+] [11:51]
dub [11:54]
ozbot Waltzing Matilda - YouTube [11:54]
Vexual [11:55]
ozbot GANGgajang - Sounds Of Then (This Is Australia) - YouTube [11:55]
dub [11:57]
ozbot Kylie Minogue - Waltzing Matilda (2000) - YouTube [11:57]
Vexual as tastry a strumpet kylie is, i give you this [11:59]
Vexual [12:00]
ozbot Men At Work-Land Down Under - Video Dailymotion [12:00]
Vexual [12:03]
ozbot Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap by AC/DC (with lyrics) - YouTube [12:03]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 1 @ 0.1216 BTC [-] [12:14]
Vexual [12:18]
ozbot ACDC - Highway To Hell with lyrics - YouTube [12:18]
* jborkl (~jborkl@unaffiliated/jborkl) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:19]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.76 = 2.28 BTC [-] [12:53]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.132705 = 0.2654 BTC [+] {2} [13:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 688 @ 0.00017005 = 0.117 BTC [-] {3} [13:40]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 15 @ 0.00745 = 0.1118 BTC [-] [13:48]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.76 = 2.28 BTC [-] [14:19]
pankkake Labcoin shareholder: "I'm really disappointed、angry、despair、depress." [14:35]
Vexual tell it to thge swede [14:35]
kleeck what a drama queen. [14:35]
* GordonG3kko has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [14:35]
KRS1 Ah Poor investor. [14:36]
* GordonG3kko (~GordonG3k@gateway/tor-sasl/gordong3kko) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:37]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1300 @ 0.00222849 = 2.897 BTC [-] {7} [14:37]
Vexual if you gave money to a mentally ill person tho buy an icecream and they failed in the endeavour would you be surprised [14:40]
jurov ;;bids 0.1 [14:42]
gribble There are currently 438217.22 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.1 USD, worth 15860381.9766 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0094 seconds [14:42]
jurov ;;asks 200 [14:42]
gribble There are currently 6145.4144 bitcoins offered at or under 200.0 USD, worth 1214062.07692 USD in total. | Data vintage: 28.4765 seconds [14:42]
kleeck .d [14:43]
ozbot 267731249.48242 | Next Diff in 1052 blocks | Estimated Change: 34.6435% in 4d 18h 26m 40s [14:43]
jurov ;;asks 1000 [14:44]
gribble There are currently 24241.38 bitcoins offered at or under 1000.0 USD, worth 6378279.99773 USD in total. | Data vintage: 105.9737 seconds [14:44]
KRS1 heh vexual [14:44]
* hnz has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [14:47]
kleeck I take mentally ill people's money on the reg. [14:48]
_Neil Litecoin collapsed below 0.01 BTC [14:50]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13570 @ 0.00088444 = 12.0019 BTC [-] {3} [14:50]
* hnz ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:51]
KRS1 saw that coming [14:54]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] [PAID] 0.69348300 BTC to 1`386`966 shares, 50 satoshi per share [15:00]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2344 @ 0.00088198 = 2.0674 BTC [-] [15:13]
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pankkake well it did already a few times on mcxNOW [15:27]
pankkake RIP litecoin [15:28]
Vexual 2 blockchains are neccessary [15:29]
pankkake 1) why? 2) why litecoin's? [15:30]
Apocalyptic pankkake, wonder where our friend skinnkavaj is [15:30]
pankkake I guess if you want to experiment you can have a merge mined coin, it is much safer [15:30]
Apocalyptic oh, he's there [15:30]
* cads has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [15:30]
skinnkavaj I am right here [15:30]
skinnkavaj buying cheap LTC [15:30]
pankkake Apocalyptic: well, I doubt he said it wouldn't go under; his idea is that it will go up later [15:30]
skinnkavaj I really hope [15:30]
skinnkavaj it goes down more [15:30]
skinnkavaj So i can buy even more [15:31]
skinnkavaj Looking for 0.007 levels [15:31]
pankkake why not wait for the bottom? [15:31]
skinnkavaj There is no way to tell the bottom [15:31]
skinnkavaj But best guess 0.0007 [15:31]
skinnkavaj Then i go all in [15:31]
pankkake I mean, if I ever wanted to buy an altcoin falling that I did believe in, that's what I would do [15:31]
Apocalyptic pankkake, cause he is irrational [15:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.73 = 7.3 BTC [-] [15:31]
pankkake I don't see a reason to buy right now, I'll just wait and watch the prices [15:32]
pankkake with bitcoins I don't like to wait because I don't trust my fiat in exchanges, but with altcoins it's fast [15:32]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 20 @ 0.0074475 = 0.149 BTC [-] {3} [15:32]
pankkake just trying to help you skinnkavaj :) [15:32]
Apocalyptic pankkake, my guess is he's fully loaded in ltc and can't buy more anyway [15:33]
pankkake yes, sadly a possibility [15:33]
pankkake you can assume everyone's telling you to buy is selling, by default :p [15:33]
pankkake or at least holding [15:34]
Apocalyptic of course he bought some days ago, at 0.1* levels, trolling shit now [15:34]
Apocalyptic 0.01* [15:34]
pankkake well buying at 0.01* isn't so bad. I'm glad I sold those I got at 0.03 or something :) (thankfully they were invested and I didn't lose BTC-wise) [15:35]
pankkake (sold at 0.02) [15:36]
* tyrion70 (~Adium@unaffiliated/tyrion70) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:36]
Vexual litecoins current primary fucntion is cleaning dirty bitcoin for crims [15:36]
* nubbins` (~nubbins` has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:36]
Vexual and silroad got busted [15:36]
pankkake Vexual: indeed, but any altcoin can do that [15:37]
pankkake actually, more obscure blockchains are probably better; though having a small spread is obviously good [15:37]
pankkake hmm I guess I could write some software to find the best altcoin to launder by looking at orderbooks [15:38]
Vexual well if some aspbergers find the windows box or blackberry or whatever with the seized silkroad keys on it, you migth want some overpriced ltc asks somewhere [15:38]
Vexual you could make a tumbler that works [15:39]
* freshcoin has quit (Quit: Leaving) [15:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 87 @ 0.0074 = 0.6438 BTC [+] [15:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 8 @ 0.07497499 = 0.5998 BTC [+] {3} [15:42]
* [\] (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:43]
* zoinky (~Adium@unaffiliated/zoinky) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:44]
Vexual some of those exchanges tell the fbi to fuck off for sport [15:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 322 @ 0.001155 = 0.3719 BTC [+] [15:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 60 @ 0.00746 = 0.4476 BTC [+] [15:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.40999996 BTC [+] [15:47]
* cads ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:47]
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pankkake ;;bc,stats [15:52]
gribble Current Blocks: 265069 | Current Difficulty: 2.677312494824211E8 | Next Difficulty At Block: 266111 | Next Difficulty In: 1042 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 23 hours, 39 minutes, and 19 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 360668416.691 | Estimated Percent Change: 34.71286 [15:52]
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* mius (~mius@gateway/tor-sasl/mius) has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:56]
pankkake why was "Coinbase Will Integrate Litecoin" rejected for Too late? did they add it? [15:58]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 176 @ 0.00264918 = 0.4663 BTC [+] [15:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 42 @ 0.0026492 = 0.1113 BTC [+] [16:00]
* fanquake (~anonymous@unaffiliated/fanquake) has left #bitcoin-assets [16:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 131 @ 0.0071 = 0.9301 BTC [-] [16:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 374 @ 0.001155 = 0.432 BTC [+] [16:03]
* _mjoiii (~AndChat52@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:07]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 42 @ 0.00747 = 0.3137 BTC [-] [16:11]
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Rulother Hey I need some software to record activity on my desktop, gots to make a demo for my company, any suggestions? [16:22]
Troic recordmydesktop [16:24]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.4098 = 1.2294 BTC [-] [16:25]
* dexX7 (~cBx@unaffiliated/dexx7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:26]
Rulother thanks [16:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.380015 = 1.5201 BTC [-] {2} [16:26]
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Rulother windows? [16:28]
Troic maybe on windows, I use it on *nix [16:29]
* LorenzoMoney1 (~LorenzoMo@unaffiliated/lorenzomoney) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:30]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 10 @ 0.075 = 0.75 BTC [+] [16:34]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 25 @ 0.70617118 = 17.6543 BTC [-] {14} [16:46]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 229 @ 0.00701404 = 1.6062 BTC [-] {12} [16:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.380015 = 1.14 BTC [-] {2} [16:51]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 370 @ 0.00671326 = 2.4839 BTC [-] {14} [17:08]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 105 @ 0.00661999 = 0.6951 BTC [+] {3} [17:25]
KRS1- good morning from the U.S. [17:26]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 99 @ 0.00660602 = 0.654 BTC [-] {3} [17:26]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 250 @ 0.0066 = 1.65 BTC [-] [17:30]
nubbins` morning [17:31]
nubbins` although technically it's one minute past noon here [17:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 150 @ 0.00664987 = 0.9975 BTC [+] {11} [17:33]
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KRS1- U.K.? [17:40]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 189 @ 0.00088 = 0.1663 BTC [-] [17:42]
nubbins` canada [17:44]
topace morning [17:44]
topace silly newfies [17:44]
topace and your extra half hour time zone [17:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 200 @ 0.0065 = 1.3 BTC [-] [17:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 7 @ 0.4 = 2.8 BTC [+] [17:49]
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nubbins` the sun rises earlier in st. john's ;) [17:52]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 61 @ 0.00609487 = 0.3718 BTC [-] {11} [18:12]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.69000001 BTC [-] [18:18]
skinnkavaj pankkake [18:19]
skinnkavaj Do you think that in one years LTC is completley dead, no one is talking about it [18:19]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5023 @ 0.00087842 = 4.4123 BTC [-] {3} [18:20]
skinnkavaj everyone forgot about mtgox, coblee with coinbase and his chinese brother running the btcchina exchange [18:20]
pankkake that's kind of vague [18:21]
skinnkavaj And ltc was just something hip for 2 years [18:21]
skinnkavaj ? [18:21]
dexX7 hey pankkake [18:21]
pankkake well, I do think the hype phase is done yes [18:21]
dexX7 can you create some am bets and spam the forum? [18:21]
dexX7 =D [18:21]
pankkake dexX7: hehe, well there is [18:22]
skinnkavaj pankkake: So LTC in one year has crashed even more? [18:22]
dexX7 i was thinking about something like "gen 2 will be delievered before xx" and "am gen 2 has a lower power consumption than bitfury, knc and x" or so [18:22]
pankkake skinnkavaj: hard to know, but its market cap will be probably closer to other altcoins [18:22]
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pankkake hmm I guess, but it's highly subjective, hard to say what is "gen 2" without proper announcments [18:23]
skinnkavaj pankkake: There is no way everyone will forget about Mtgox, Coinbase and Btcchina exchange.. The hype has not even begun. [18:24]
pankkake but I'll try to think about it :) [18:24]
pankkake what are some fiat exchanges going to bring, when you can very easily do fiat=>btc=>ltc anyway? the btc=>ltc step really isn't incovenent [18:25]
pankkake btc-e and kraken already tie it to fiat [18:25]
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skinnkavaj pankkake: Merchants using LTC [18:26]
dexX7 really? [18:27]
skinnkavaj The reason why Bitpay is not using LTC is beacause of lack of support from mtgox [18:27]
skinnkavaj They need big volume [18:27]
pankkake Coinbase can probably help with that, along with bringing web wallets I guess [18:27]
skinnkavaj Everyone has gone around waiting for MTgox [18:27]
skinnkavaj when it finally happens [18:27]
skinnkavaj do you think that LTC will go under in value? [18:27]
pankkake is coinbase using mtgox? how are they getting their USD? [18:27]
skinnkavaj Buy on rumours [18:27]
skinnkavaj Sell on news [18:27]
skinnkavaj pankkake: Coinbase use Mtgox [18:28]
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skinnkavaj Look this is no secrete, coblee has even asked bitpay why no LTC.. yeah because no big exchange [18:28]
skinnkavaj support LTC [18:28]
skinnkavaj everyone has been waiting for mtgox [18:28]
pankkake that makes no sense, as it is very easy to do ltc=>btc=>fiat [18:29]
skinnkavaj Yes [18:30]
skinnkavaj for you and mei [18:30]
skinnkavaj its easy [18:30]
* btcgaming__ (cc4d2c31@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:30]
skinnkavaj who have 10 BTC? [18:30]
pankkake sure, you lose a bit with fees and spread [18:30]
skinnkavaj But ask Bitpay [18:30]
skinnkavaj how big volume [18:30]
skinnkavaj do you think they have? [18:30]
btcgaming__ Try your luck at crossing a minefield! Free play! ~~ ~~ [18:30]
pankkake hmm coinbase's buy price is $182 while mtgox's is $192 [18:33]
TomServo ;;ticker [18:34]
gribble MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 192.50002, Best ask: 193.50076, Bid-ask spread: 1.00074, Last trade: 193.69972, 24 hour volume: 22260.28449495, 24 hour low: 181.00013, 24 hour high: 197.39005, 24 hour vwap: 190.41948 [18:34]
TomServo It'd be nice to gribble start quoting or some such. [18:34]
pankkake at least stop using mtgox by default, especially for commands where you can't chose [18:34]
skinnkavaj TomServo: ask nanotube about it [18:34]
dexX7 is indeed a great website [18:35]
TomServo Indeed, love the big "ignore gox price" button [18:36]
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dexX7 :D [18:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.68833333 = 8.26 BTC [-] {2} [18:37]
skinnkavaj So pankkake is now speechless about LTC [18:37]
skinnkavaj I bet he is secretley buying [18:37]
pankkake uh? lol [18:37]
pankkake what is there to add? [18:38]
pankkake they support ltc - and I've seen an altcoin payment processor that automatically converted to bitcoin [18:38]
pankkake so it is possible *now* even without a directly tied to fiat exchange, because it's so easy to exchange altcoins [18:39]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 546 @ 0.00115054 = 0.6282 BTC [-] {7} [18:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 158 @ 0.00691894 = 1.0932 BTC [+] {5} [19:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.007 = 0.175 BTC [+] [19:03]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 101 @ 0.007 = 0.707 BTC [+] [19:12]
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jurov !t m s.nsa [19:23]
assbot [MPEX:S.NSA] 1D: 0.00028 / 0.00028 / 0.00028 (100 shares, 0.03 BTC), 7D: 0.0001 / 0.0001 / 0.00028 (4737175 shares, 473.74 BTC), 30D: 0.0001 / 0.0001 / 0.00028 (4737175 shares, 473.74 BTC) [19:23]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5944 @ 0.00087714 = 5.2137 BTC [-] [19:23]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 96 @ 0.007 = 0.672 BTC [+] {2} [19:29]
jurov Ukyo, I'd like to reissue CoinBr.iDiff-E but wanted to get verified first... but still waiting :( [19:35]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.67419999 = 3.371 BTC [-] {5} [20:04]
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Kushed . [20:12]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 39 @ 0.39999999 = 15.6 BTC [-] {3} [20:34]
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pankkake new pictures [20:38]
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kakobrekla where are labcoin pictures [20:42]
jcpham at the printer obv [20:42]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.4 = 2.4 BTC [+] [20:44]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 443 @ 0.00087714 = 0.3886 BTC [-] [21:18]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 10000 @ 0.00218491 = 21.8491 BTC [-] {21} [21:20]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.40999995 BTC [+] [21:21]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MG] 4461 @ 0.00015 = 0.6692 BTC [-] [21:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.4 = 0.8 BTC [-] [21:33]
dub ;;ticker --market all [21:34]
gribble MtGox BTCUSD last: 192.99999, vol: 22501.56130459 | Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 177.03, vol: 26599.82333438 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 169.28, vol: 11013.007 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 178.0, vol: 5013.0485047 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 168.50, vol: 865.87779979 | Volume-weighted last average: 181.143683516 [21:34]
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* Guest97165 is now known as KRS1- [21:38]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.705 BTC [+] [21:39]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 39 @ 0.0068 = 0.2652 BTC [-] [21:41]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 19 @ 0.07 = 1.33 BTC [-] {2} [21:44]
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jurov ;;ticker [21:54]
gribble MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 193.00000, Best ask: 193.73999, Bid-ask spread: 0.73999, Last trade: 193.74000, 24 hour volume: 22645.45965562, 24 hour low: 182.55231, 24 hour high: 197.39005, 24 hour vwap: 190.98508 [21:54]
jurov ;;asks 200 [21:55]
gribble There are currently 7726.7519 bitcoins offered at or under 200.0 USD, worth 1529282.36191 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0015 seconds [21:55]
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MobGod can ahyone tell me what the command would be to check a price? [22:01]
MobGod anyone* [22:01]
MobGod looking for asicminer [22:01]
kakobrekla on which exchange [22:01]
kakobrekla but anyway, !ticker [22:02]
MobGod kakobrekla doesn't matter maybe a general price [22:02]
kakobrekla !t m s.bbet [22:02]
assbot [MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.00061999 / 0.00061999 / 0.00061999 (5000 shares, 3.10 BTC), 30D: 0.0005 / 0.00054865 / 0.00061999 (43300 shares, 23.76 BTC) [22:02]
* mjr_ (~Thunderbi@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:02]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.4 BTC [-] [22:04]
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mike_c !t h am1 [22:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK:AM1] 1D: 0.66000000 / 0.73022396 / 0.78799900 (95 shares, 69.37127654 BTC), 7D: 0.52700020 / 0.65301904 / 0.85799990 (1412 shares, 922.06288531 BTC), 30D: 0.52700020 / 0.91519381 / 1.76899999 (3196 shares, 2924.95942608 BTC) [22:04]
deadweasel [22:06]
ozbot Project Shield [22:06]
deadweasel is this going to be any good? [22:06]
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MobGod i was using this site does anyone suggest anyone i can use ? [22:06]
MobGod another* [22:07]
kakobrekla play exchange or real exchange? [22:09]
lewicki .d [22:13]
ozbot 267731249.48242 | Next Diff in 986 blocks | Estimated Change: 35.2315% in 4d 10h 24m 6s [22:13]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 100 @ 0.0011499 = 0.115 BTC [-] [22:15]
dub deadweasel: lol [22:17]
dub im sure google is happy to "protect" any content they can [22:18]
deadweasel they certainly have the infrastructure to beat cloudflares abilities.. [22:21]
deadweasel i have no resources that need protect, so it's just curiousity. [22:21]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 19 @ 0.0068 = 0.1292 BTC [-] [22:23]
MobGod sup dub [22:25]
Bunnyh this should be resolved to YES soon, right? [22:26]
ozbot BitBet - Litecoin to fall below .01 BTC before 2014 [22:26]
* GordonG3kko (~GordonG3k@gateway/tor-sasl/gordong3kko) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:26]
skinnkavaj Bunnyh: The time to buy LTC is NOW [22:27]
nubbins` !t h am1 [22:27]
Bunnyh lol, the ltc troll awakens [22:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK:AM1] 1D: 0.66000000 / 0.72694694 / 0.78799899 (89 shares, 64.69827754 BTC), 7D: 0.52700020 / 0.65301904 / 0.85799990 (1412 shares, 922.06288531 BTC), 30D: 0.52700020 / 0.91519381 / 1.76899999 (3196 shares, 2924.95942608 BTC) [22:27]
nubbins` is that low / last / high, errr..? [22:27]
skinnkavaj Bunnyh: I will be here in this channel until LTC is 0.1 [22:27]
MobGod so does anyone know who i can use now that btct is gone ? [22:28]
kakobrekla play exchange or real exchange? [22:28]
* nubbins` presses rewind just in case [22:28]
MobGod real [22:28]
MobGod why would i play lol [22:29]
kakobrekla mpex [22:29]
kakobrekla cause you seem to be playing [22:29]
MobGod kakobrekla so no more back doors [22:29]
kakobrekla hm? [22:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 329 @ 0.00114002 = 0.3751 BTC [-] {4} [22:30]
* mius (~mius@gateway/tor-sasl/mius) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:31]
nubbins` you mean massive csrf vulnerabilities that existed on a bunch of exchanges until recently? [22:31]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 103 @ 0.00114 = 0.1174 BTC [-] {2} [22:31]
nubbins` nope, none of those on mpex [22:31]
pankkake investors like it in the back door [22:31]
phungus I want to find a copy of that porno movie [22:32]
phungus the original "Behind the Back Door" [22:32]
phungus it was soo good [22:32]
phungus from the 80's [22:32]
phungus lol [22:32]
pankkake Bunnyh: I'm actually surprised no one is trying to bet after the fact [22:32]
kakobrekla people do learn if you take their money. [22:33]
pankkake it looks like the last bets were a lesson, yes :) [22:33]
MobGod kakobrekla so nothing really out there [22:33]
kakobrekla O_o [22:33]
kakobrekla thats what you said [22:33]
MobGod i'm asking what people are using now [22:34]
kakobrekla thats completley different question [22:34]
MobGod i'm sure they all didn't goto mpex [22:34]
kakobrekla no, most of them are still playing on other exchanges [22:34]
kakobrekla such as GLBSE and [22:35]
kakobrekla err i ment BTCtco [22:35]
kakobrekla and buttfunder [22:35]
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pankkake buttfinder [22:36]
pankkake bitfodder [22:36]
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deadweasel it's called 'Behind the Green Door' [22:39]
deadweasel and it's a great Porno. [22:39]
* Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:39]
deadweasel although I'm sure there are plenty with back-door in the title. [22:39]
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phungus no [22:44]
phungus not behind the Green door [22:44]
phungus that is a distinct movie from the one I'm talking about [22:44]
phungus Behind the Back Door is different and lower budget [22:44]
phungus but I think it may have had Ginger Lynn in it [22:44]
phungus that was like, the first porno I ever watched [22:45]
phungus lol [22:45]
deadweasel ditto for me on the Green Door. first..... of MANY. [22:45]
* scotjam has quit (Quit: Page closed) [22:45]
deadweasel thank god my dad had a VHS stash. [22:45]
phungus yeah this came from my friend's dad [22:46]
phungus lol [22:46]
phungus my own dad didn't do porno [22:46]
deadweasel or you couldn't find it.... [22:46]
deadweasel .. [22:46]
deadweasel . [22:46]
phungus no he didn't [22:46]
phungus I found everything else [22:46]
phungus lol [22:46]
deadweasel haha. OMG i hope my non-existent children don't find my browser history. [22:48]
MobGod kakobrekla i think they are closed also [22:49]
kakobrekla MobGod play exchanges tend to do that. [22:49]
MobGod kakobrekla ok than to ask the question correctly any play exchanges around right now [22:50]
kakobrekla a few [22:51]
pigeons bitfunder is only closed to "united states persons" [22:51]
pigeons or entities [22:52]
pankkake it's closed to anyone wanting to be anonymous, too [22:52]
pigeons yes [22:52]
pigeons another good play exchange is havelock [22:52]
kakobrekla and also closed to anyone who doesnt want to use some 3rd party site for deposits [22:52]
pigeons doubt you can be anonymous or a united states person or entity there either [22:53]
pankkake it's also closed to anyone who value having a >50% chance of getting back their coins [22:53]
pigeons oh, yeah, what he said [22:53]
phungus havelock is not accepting new listings [22:53]
pankkake :) [22:53]
phungus until they figure out regulations [22:53]
phungus :-( [22:53]
phungus BitVPS is Shit out of luck right now [22:53]
nubbins` [22:53]
pigeons hey how about just-dice for the man then [22:53]
ozbot BitBet - Havelock will announce US restrictions by Guy Fawkes Night [22:53]
pankkake it's funny that weexchange supports gpg authentication, but if you enable it, you are locked out of your account [22:53]
pankkake as there is no way to actually use it [22:53]
kakobrekla lol [22:53]
pankkake by support, I mean there is an option [22:54]
pankkake and of course, good luck getting *any* support [22:54]
nubbins` weexchange is why i never had a bitfunder account [22:54]
nubbins` who wants to sign up for two new things at once? [22:54]
kakobrekla idiots doing idiotic things, nothing new in the btc world. [22:54]
pankkake well, I created an account, luckily never put coins [22:54]
pigeons ooh i have a good play exchange if you liked btct. sells "shares" in his "ddos prevention biznas" and the exchange itstelf in ltc and btc [22:55]
kakobrekla what about crypto stocks [22:55]
kakobrekla and [22:55]
kakobrekla and umm what was the other one [22:55]
kakobrekla i forgot [22:56]
pigeons yeah cryptostocks, which will never get hacked cause its run by vircurex [22:56]
pigeons oh relatively new one [22:56]
kakobrekla and mcxnow [22:56]
pigeons yes, get in at the top [22:57]
kakobrekla that one has built in ponzi [22:57]
kakobrekla good stuff [22:57]
kakobrekla i think everyone should invest there [22:57]
pigeons hey what about the nasty fan club? [22:57]
kakobrekla oh yeah, nasty is the man. [22:57]
kakobrekla and BFL has preorders security exhcange [22:58]
dexX7 "build in ponzi" lol [22:58]
dexX7 mcxnow is just an altcoin exchange, nothing more [22:58]
dexX7 they don't want securities [22:58]
kakobrekla it pays daily interests on deposit [22:58]
kakobrekla and they have itself listed [22:59]
kakobrekla and trading there [22:59]
dexX7 yea [22:59]
pigeons dexX7: they have a security called "FEEshares" [22:59]
dexX7 i know [22:59]
kakobrekla i think BFL preorders are the way to go [22:59]
kakobrekla get em while they are cheap! [22:59]
pigeons i would get in on some litecoin ASICs [22:59]
dexX7 oh wait. is the bfl preorder exchange already up? [22:59]
kakobrekla it isnt? [22:59]
dexX7 i don't know? [23:00]
dexX7 hehe [23:00]
kakobrekla twas like 2 weeks 2 months ago [23:00]
kakobrekla should be up by tomorrow [23:00]
kakobrekla as soon as jalapenos ship ya know [23:00]
dexX7 yeah, probably tomorrow or the day after [23:00]
pankkake even bfl fails at exploiting its failures [23:00]
kakobrekla maybe even yesterday [23:00]
kakobrekla if we are lucky [23:00]
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BigBitz Two Weeks. Min. [23:08]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.73999989 = 1.48 BTC [+] [23:17]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 3165 @ 0.00109016 = 3.4504 BTC [-] {8} [23:17]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 1645 @ 0.00109 = 1.7931 BTC [-] [23:18]
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FabianB_ 21:53 < pankkake> it's funny that weexchange supports gpg authentication, but if you enable it, you are locked out of your account [23:18]
FabianB_ pankkake: i didn't use it for a while, but it used to work like this: put "gpg" in the password field instead of your password [23:19]
pankkake oh [23:19]
FabianB_ pankkake: then you can authenticate via gpg [23:19]
pankkake indeed [23:20]
* [\] (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.39 = 1.95 BTC [-] [23:20]
pankkake thanks [23:20]
FabianB_ pankkake: np [23:21]
FabianB_ don't know why Ukyo never documented it [23:21]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.74 = 1.48 BTC [+] [23:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.73999989 = 1.48 BTC [-] [23:24]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.73999989 = 2.96 BTC [-] [23:25]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.73999989 = 1.48 BTC [-] [23:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.73999989 BTC [-] [23:28]
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Ukyo FabianB_: if you enabled gpg, you must use 'gpg' as password when you login [23:53]
Ukyo was a broken method to get to gpg auth method at login [23:54]
Ukyo the new weex site just has you log in normally and then do gpg auth [23:54]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 100 @ 0.00114765 = 0.1148 BTC [+] {3} [23:56]
FabianB_ Ukyo: np for those who know i guess [23:58]
* jMyles ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:58]
the20year Ukyo: What are asset issuers expected to do with regards to our assets on BF if we personally are located in the US? I can't verify due to living in the US, unless you want me to get the nominee director verified. [23:59]
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