Forum logs for 20 Mar 2012

Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
dothackers anyone want to buy PPUSD and sell me btc? [00:01]
loktight i need some bitcoin man [00:02]
chwergy it's going to drop more than this [00:03]
smickles_ srsly, no interest in a fully functioning IBM model 5140? [00:03]
loktight ;;ticker [00:03]
loktight so bitcoin went down? wtfff [00:03]
helo time to buy! [00:03]
chwergy i would say hold off another day [00:04]
rg i think i just got the worst customer service email [00:04]
rg ever [00:04]
chwergy it should drop more [00:04]
rg from me -> my electric company [00:04]
helo some of you may recognize this as part 1 of the "buy low, sell high" get rich scheme... [00:04]
* bitcoin-otc-uk has quit (Quit: Page closed) [00:05]
smickles_ helo: i think low was 2 pizzas for however many thousands [00:05]
* copumpkin has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:05]
chwergy haha [00:05]
chwergy read about that, i gaped [00:06]
chwergy apparently it was good pizza [00:06]
mircea_popescu back then btc was < 1 cent [00:06]
smickles_ sounds like a low to me ;) [00:06]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:06]
* ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin [00:06]
neofutur Mad7Scientist: the FEd cals it "quantitative easing" [00:06]
* Turingi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:07]
neofutur they just invented 2000 billions o dollars from thin air [00:07]
neofutur to lend it to the banks so banks can buy US debt [00:07]
smickles_ neofutur: it's great for the payments on my mortgage [00:07]
neofutur yes "ncrease in money supply" [00:07]
pigeons at the time of the pizza it was a high, not a low [00:07]
lyspooner it was papa john's pizza, so i can confirm its deliciousness [00:08]
pigeons it was very hard to get anything at all for your bitcoins prior [00:08]
* loktight is now known as loktite [00:09]
smickles_ was that delivery guy 'an outsider'? [00:09]
bengee_ printing more money causes inflation so wait for your bills to go up [00:09]
smickles_ bengee_: fixed rate mortgage ;) [00:09]
bengee_ food [00:09]
bengee_ oil [00:09]
smickles_ assuming I keep getting paid in btc, np [00:09]
bengee_ petrol [00:10]
* JimLutz has quit (Quit: JimLutz) [00:10]
Cory I want to buy 100 BTC at 4.65 PPUSD or at market for something I can buy with my debit card. [00:10]
Mad7Scientist watch the price of bitcoin go up yeah [00:12]
Mad7Scientist actually domestically produced things shouldn't go up in price with inflation so much [00:13]
loktite bitcoin i am very dissapoint [00:13]
Cory Not with this 2500 BTC wall. >:[ [00:13]
mircea_popescu why not Mad7Scientist ? [00:13]
Mad7Scientist Because the cost of American made things as already quite a bit higher than from foreign suppliers [00:13]
lyspooner smickles, yes the delivery guy was paid a tip in USD [00:13]
Mad7Scientist We still have a depressed economy where paychecks are not going up [00:13]
* bengee_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) [00:13]
Mad7Scientist adding more money is just reducing the value of labor in the USA [00:14]
loktite amerika is a lamecountry [00:14]
Mad7Scientist making us closer to the rest of the world [00:14]
copumpkin does anyone have any LR lying around? [00:14]
mircea_popescu now that's an interesting theory, yes. [00:14]
mircea_popescu prolly why the politicos favour inflation anyway. easiest way to land the wage bubble. [00:15]
Mad7Scientist If they didn't add more money to the economy then the cost of labor (valued in dollars) would start going down [00:15]
chwergy We accept Donations in BTC for in-game rewards on our Minecraft server! Faction based, 51 slots. [00:15]
Mad7Scientist this way the cost of labor goes down while the value in dollars remains constant [00:15]
loktite american economy: [00:15]
Mad7Scientist also the inflation way extracts wealth from people woh have USD savings [00:15]
copumpkin loktite: that was a fun article [00:15]
* Mononymous (3e2f119f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:15]
Mononymous ;; [00:15]
loktite indeed copumpkin [00:15]
copumpkin apparently their portrayal of the libor thing was wrong though [00:15]
loktite oh? [00:15]
copumpkin but overall it's a pretty good picture [00:15]
* tester45 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:16]
chwergy Buying BTC for PPUSD [00:16]
copumpkin I dunno, someone I know who's fairly well versed in rates said it wasn't a very good summary, but I didn't get any details [00:16]
Mad7Scientist ;;getrating chwergy [00:16]
gribble User chwergy, created on Thu Mar 15 03:43:50 2012. Cumulative rating 5, from 5 total ratings. Received ratings: 5 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 6 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask chwergy! [00:16]
Mad7Scientist Up to 8 coins at $5.05 chwergy when you identify [00:17]
loktite "They lie, cheat and steal as reflexively as addicts, they laugh at people who are suffering and don't have money, they pay themselves huge salaries with money stolen from old people and taxpayers - and on top of it all, they completely suck at banking. And yet the state won't let them go out of business, no matter how much they deserve it, and it won't slap them in jail, no matter what [00:17]
loktite crimes they commit. [00:17]
loktite That makes them not bankers or capitalists, but a class of person that was never supposed to exist in America: royalty." [00:18]
* occulta has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium [00:18]
Mad7Scientist If the article does not mention the possibily of a collapse of the dollar then it is no good [00:18]
copumpkin lol [00:18]
Mad7Scientist ;;ident chwergy [00:18]
gribble Nick 'chwergy', with hostmask 'chwergy!', is identified as user chwergy, with GPG key id 260E643A50883F46, and key fingerprint C94FF8B86A601283F4EC25C6260E643A50883F46. [00:18]
Mad7Scientist ;;getrating chwergy [00:18]
gribble User chwergy, created on Thu Mar 15 03:43:50 2012. Cumulative rating 5, from 5 total ratings. Received ratings: 5 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 6 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask chwergy! [00:18]
copumpkin Mad7Scientist: have you read it? [00:19]
Mad7Scientist I read the first sentences of ecah paragraph [00:19]
copumpkin lol [00:19]
copumpkin on each of the five pages? [00:19]
smickles_ i read only every 3rd word of ea. paragraph [00:20]
smickles_ :P [00:20]
Mad7Scientist only on the 1st page [00:20]
copumpkin Mad7Scientist: so, what did you get out of that article? [00:20]
Mad7Scientist I need to read more of it [00:20]
copumpkin ah, okay [00:21]
smickles_ copumpkin: I'll tell you what I got: [00:21]
smickles_ nonsense [00:21]
copumpkin lol [00:21]
loktite i dont know the details of the libor thing, but depending on their holdings, driving up the libor (ARM interest rates would go up) might be just as profitable as lowering it [00:21]
Mad7Scientist I'm guessing the article only talks about domestic issues, in a Great Depression mindset [00:22]
copumpkin why guess when you can just read it? :P [00:22]
smickles_ lol, yeah, you'd have to read someone's answer here anyway @.@ [00:23]
copumpkin (because, if you assume you know everything an article says before you read it, you'll never be presented with anything you don't already know) [00:23]
copumpkin anyway, I'm gonna go home :) [00:24]
* copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [00:24]
* Mononymous has quit (Quit: Page closed) [00:26]
* davex__ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:27]
* Mononymous (3e2f119f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:27]
danieldaniel wait [00:27]
danieldaniel when did btc drop [00:27]
danieldaniel im confused! D: [00:27]
loktite yeah shit went down [00:27]
loktite its a spiracy [00:27]
Mad7Scientist ;;rate chwergy 1 Bought 8 BTC from me for PPUSD. sent first. [00:28]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user chwergy has been recorded. [00:28]
dirkdizzler runnin' with the devil [00:29]
chwergy Buying BTC for PPUSD [00:29]
Mad7Scientist ;;gettrust chwergy [00:30]
gribble Trust relationship from user Mad7Scientist to user chwergy: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: [00:30]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [00:30]
dothackers buying btc for ppusd also! :) [00:30]
* lyspooner has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 10.0.2/20120215223356]) [00:31]
Mad7Scientist Can level 3 be added to getrust? [00:31]
Mad7Scientist ;;gettrust dirkdizzier [00:31]
gribble Trust relationship from user Mad7Scientist to user dirkdizzier: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: [00:31]
cheebydi ;;ticker [00:31]
gribble Best bid: 4.7567, Best ask: 4.82, Bid-ask spread: 0.0633, Last trade: 4.7567, 24 hour volume: 123329, 24 hour low: 4.7567, 24 hour high: 5.3099 [00:31]
vragnaroda rg: You're putting together photos of everyone? wtf [00:31]
Cory Jeez. :( [00:31]
dirkdizzler yes vragnaroda and gribble is by far the most popular [00:32]
Mad7Scientist OK! I read the first sentence of each paragraph [00:32]
mircea_popescu vragnaroda got a pic ? [00:32]
Mad7Scientist It's exactly what I thought after reading for the first 10 second [00:32]
Mad7Scientist It's about domestic issues [00:32]
Mad7Scientist I really don't care what kind of corrupt means is used to pump new money in to the economy [00:33]
Mad7Scientist ALL loans are BAD [00:33]
chwergy are there other places to Buy BTC? [00:33]
mircea_popescu chwergy mtgox for one. [00:33]
Mad7Scientist There is not enough money in the economy to repay all the loans. More money has to be borrowed to pay the interest [00:33]
chwergy icky [00:33]
chwergy how bout crptoxchange? [00:33]
* Orion-Hax ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:33]
chwergy cryptoxchange* [00:34]
Mad7Scientist So they have loans to people with low incomes and no money down [00:34]
mircea_popescu i think that one has a pretty bad name [00:34]
vragnaroda mircea_popescu: Well, I don't know what he's doing with it. If it's just because he wants to know what people look like, I'll go with the one with the Hitler 'stache. But, he'll probably use that for more so that's probably a bad idea. grubles has my facebook, though. [00:34]
mircea_popescu or no wait, was coinexchange that did. [00:34]
mircea_popescu vragnaroda specifically what "a lot more" you thinking ? [00:34]
mircea_popescu strike "a lot" from there [00:34]
dirkdizzler [00:35]
dirkdizzler a mustache like that ^ [00:35]
* JimLutz ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:35]
vragnaroda Well, ‘a lot’ is a relative term. More than one other use, though. [00:35]
mircea_popescu i kinda like putting faces to the names. then again... [00:36]
mircea_popescu im prolly more public than most feel comfortable. [00:36]
* jjjrmy-m (~chatzilla@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:36]
* JimLutz ( has left #bitcoin-otc [00:37]
* dwon (~dwon@2607:f2c0:a000:c0:217:31ff:fe53:f7c7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:37]
Mononymous could someone please help me with the registration? [00:37]
mircea_popescu Mononymous whats the trouble ? [00:38]
Mononymous i followed the steps on but when i try to decrypt the OTP my console says nothing [00:39]
Mad7Scientist ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? [00:39]
mircea_popescu Mononymous you pressed ctrl-d ? [00:39]
dwon Mad7Scientist: . [00:39]
neofutur ;;ident Mononymous [00:39]
gribble Nick 'Mononymous', with hostmask 'Mononymous!3e2f119f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. [00:39]
vragnaroda mircea_popescu: As for being public about who one is, people that have been in this channel have certainly had the chance to learn my name's Mark Cornelius and I live diagonally across the intersection from Planned Parenthood in Binghamton, NY, that I share a birthday (including the year) with Cho Seung-Hui (the Virginia Tech shooter), and a lot more about me. [00:40]
vragnaroda How much more public should I be? [00:40]
neofutur [00:40]
neofutur shows no keyid or fingerprint [00:40]
* EvanR has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:40]
BTC_Bear vragnaroda: ssn? [00:41]
Mononymous why ctrl-d? [00:41]
smickles_ EOF character [00:41]
LordCanti Mononymous: you're familiar with how GPG works? [00:41]
mircea_popescu o, i didn't mean any should there. [00:41]
vragnaroda If you're on Windows, I think it's Ctrl-Z. [00:41]
neofutur shouldnt show a keyid / fingerprint [00:41]
neofutur if Mononymous completed the registration process ? [00:42]
nanotube neofutur: yes. therefore, he has not completed it. [00:42]
neofutur thats what I thought ;) [00:42]
neofutur Mononymous: ¡¡¡ [00:42]
smickles_ rg\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ [00:42]
smickles_ ack [00:42]
smickles_ sry guys [00:42]
rg er [00:42]
neofutur Mononymous: dont try to decrypt an otp before you completed registration [00:42]
rg heh [00:42]
Cory Oh God :( [00:42]
rg what [00:42]
nanotube neofutur: registration also gives you an otp. [00:43]
neofutur k [00:43]
smickles_ rg: i didn't even mean to type that [00:43]
dothackers anyone wanna buy my ppusd for bitcoins? [00:43]
danieldaniel Cory: what? [00:43]
rg vragnaroda: can i have your pic [00:43]
Cory danieldaniel: More selling. [00:43]
rg for the album? [00:43]
danieldaniel oh [00:43]
nanotube it's basically the same process. i know when you registered it was only signature-based stuff, neofutur :) [00:43]
vragnaroda rg: What are you doing with it? [00:43]
rg [00:43]
rg [00:43]
Mononymous i did ;;gpg eregister then gribble said it was successful and gave me the encryptet otp [00:44]
danieldaniel are those real pics [00:44]
nanotube Mononymous: right. now you gotta decrypt it. [00:44]
rg real as opposed to what [00:44]
danieldaniel fake [00:44]
Mononymous yeah but i have problems with that [00:44]
rg yes theyre real [00:44]
danieldaniel oh wow [00:44]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:45]
* ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin [00:45]
LordCanti Mononymous what software are you using on what system? [00:45]
nanotube Mononymous: what os, windows? [00:45]
danieldaniel [00:45]
danieldaniel 82891662&page=1&tbnh=150&tbnw=127&start=0&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0 [00:45]
danieldaniel oh god [00:45]
Mononymous yes, windows [00:45]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:45]
nanotube Mononymous: using the cli? [00:45]
LordCanti Gnu Privacy Assistant? [00:45]
danieldaniel [00:45]
rawrmage it's not that hard to click [00:45]
rawrmage full-sized image [00:45]
neofutur hum 4.7 [00:46]
neofutur someone is selling hard [00:46]
Mononymous yes [00:46]
mircea_popescu smickles_ you're all set. [00:46]
* aparigraha has quit (Quit: Leaving) [00:46]
danieldaniel rawrmage: LOL is that actually you? [00:46]
neofutur danieldaniel: my photo is real ;) [00:47]
* paralumina ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:47]
danieldaniel y u all so uglu [00:47]
danieldaniel ugly* [00:47]
* vraa_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:47]
mircea_popescu o wow, wonder if it goes to 4. [00:47]
danieldaniel [00:47]
bruzum ;;ticker [00:47]
smickles_ mircea_popescu: kk, tkx :D [00:48]
paralumina Would anyone want to buy the rights to an internet motion picture clip? It's funny, smart, and classic. 1000000 bitcoins would be ridiculous wouldn't it? [00:48]
bruzum mrsy: 4.0? [00:48]
dothackers anyone want to buy PPUSD and sell me btc? [00:48]
bruzum mircea_popescu: even [00:48]
neofutur mostly young guys on [00:48]
neofutur I feel ike a dynosaur here ;( [00:48]
rawrmage danieldaniel: hm? [00:48]
mircea_popescu im prolly the oldest in chan [00:49]
danieldaniel rawrmage: is that you? [00:49]
danieldaniel [00:49]
neofutur mircea_popescu: how old ? [00:49]
mircea_popescu 32 [00:49]
rawrmage that is a picture of me at one point in time [00:49]
danieldaniel LOLOLOL [00:49]
cheebydi 4.6 [00:49]
bruzum smickles has watched his own pic 390 times [00:49]
loktite [00:49]
loktite oops [00:49]
rawrmage danieldaniel: hmm? [00:49]
neofutur mircea_popescu: 38 here ;( [00:50]
danieldaniel lmaolmao [00:50]
rawrmage i'm glad to see you're amused [00:50]
vragnaroda rg: <- Go with that one. [00:50]
* vraa has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:50]
mircea_popescu awww neofutur you relic. [00:50]
bruzum loktite: am i missing something in the picture? [00:50]
vragnaroda My sister turns 38 in June. [00:50]
danieldaniel vragnaroda: is that really you? [00:50]
vragnaroda danieldaniel: Yes. [00:50]
danieldaniel LOL [00:51]
mircea_popescu ahahaha pirate vrag [00:51]
vragnaroda (The human, not the bird.) [00:51]
rawrmage danieldaniel: are you going to do this for every pic!? [00:51]
danieldaniel no [00:51]
mircea_popescu he might fall asleep first. [00:51]
danieldaniel I just thought vrag was fat [00:51]
danieldaniel and rawrmage was…. older [00:51]
bruzum hahaha [00:51]
* BlueMatt has quit (Quit: Quit!) [00:51]
rawrmage lol [00:51]
vragnaroda danieldaniel: I am not fat; I'm pleasantly plump. That picture's not that recent. [00:51]
danieldaniel oh [00:51]
danieldaniel ok [00:51]
bruzum i didnt expect you to be some half-chinse kiddo tho, rawrmage [00:52]
bruzum :P [00:52]
rawrmage lol [00:52]
rawrmage that's a pretty old picture [00:52]
mircea_popescu ahahaha PP. pleasantly plump. [00:52]
* jca1981 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:53]
danieldaniel rawrmage: pix [00:53]
danieldaniel nao [00:53]
vragnaroda However, I *am* losing weight. I'm down to 210 lbs now fully clad (including steel-toed boots). [00:53]
* BlueMatt (~BlueMatt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:53]
* ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt [00:53]
Cory I think everybody has said "oh that picture's old I look nothing like that." [00:53]
rawrmage Cory: hahaha [00:53]
bruzum not me [00:53]
rawrmage :P [00:53]
* luke-jr|otg has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [00:53]
bruzum mine is recent [00:53]
bruzum i took a new one today [00:53]
vragnaroda Cory: I do look like that picture, but with slightly longer hair, and rounder. [00:53]
bruzum but rg didnt want to put it up [00:53]
danieldaniel when I search my name [00:54]
danieldaniel a bunch of prisoners come u[p [00:54]
danieldaniel with mug shots [00:54]
danieldaniel wait, oh crap [00:54]
bruzum hahahaha [00:54]
rawrmage danieldaniel: no u [00:54]
danieldaniel So thats what happened last night... [00:54]
* BlueMatt is now known as must [00:54]
* must is now known as and [00:54]
bruzum i took this picture today: [00:54]
bruzum [00:54]
bruzum i didnt take the picture [00:54]
* and is now known as must [00:54]
* must is now known as and [00:54]
danieldaniel pr0n? [00:54]
* and is now known as BlueMatt [00:54]
bruzum but i had my picture TAKEN [00:54]
danieldaniel hoh [00:54]
bruzum today [00:54]
danieldaniel oh* [00:54]
danieldaniel flower pr0n [00:54]
bruzum yeah [00:54]
bruzum hahahahha [00:54]
bruzum and a eee pc in the other arm [00:55]
bruzum hand [00:55]
vragnaroda lol, that picture of gmaxwell is about exactly what I expected. [00:55]
* luke-jr has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [00:55]
* luke-jr (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:55]
* ChanServ gives voice to luke-jr [00:55]
vragnaroda rg: Also, that pic of luke-jr is very fitting. [00:55]
* senjin (~senjin@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:55]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [00:55]
Mononymous finally got it, thank you [00:56]
neofutur [00:56]
danieldaniel picture of luke? [00:56]
chwergy Buying and Selling BTC for PPUSD [00:56]
bruzum and yes, i havent showered, cut my hair or anything like that in like 1 month [00:56]
luke-jr vragnaroda: I'm so winning the contest. [00:57]
danieldaniel lol [00:57]
* luke-jr|otg (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:57]
* ChanServ gives voice to luke-jr|otg [00:57]
neofutur 45k sold in 15 mins . . . [00:57]
vragnaroda luke-jr: wat [00:57]
chwergy 0.o [00:57]
bruzum ;;ticker [00:57]
danieldaniel gribble's fat [00:57]
Mononymous you must be burzum himself [00:57]
luke-jr vragnaroda: I have the most views. [00:57]
chwergy ;;fraud [00:57]
gribble Be smart, and stay safe - follow these guidelines to avoid fraudsters: [00:57]
danieldaniel no [00:57]
mircea_popescu it was a contest of views ?! [00:57]
danieldaniel smickles has 391 [00:57]
bruzum Mononymous :D [00:57]
* mircea_popescu won a twitter contest at some point in 2010 with 1mn+ views. [00:58]
vragnaroda luke-jr: He hasn't even put up mine yet. [00:58]
mircea_popescu also, these things are stoopid. [00:58]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:58]
luke-jr vragnaroda: hence winning, not won. [00:58]
vragnaroda Also, I don't think that means you're winning. [00:58]
LordCanti is someone just unloading a huge amount of coins? [00:58]
mircea_popescu seems so LordCanti [00:58]
LordCanti the 24 hour volume is huge [00:58]
Cory Getting ready to buy a couple million. [00:58]
mircea_popescu 100k so far today alone [00:58]
luke-jr LordCanti: Satoshi is cashing out [00:59]
neofutur rg: how many viees are counted from a unique IP ? [00:59]
mircea_popescu some people with short puts will be massacred it seems. [00:59]
luke-jr <.< [00:59]
bruzum prise is good [00:59]
dothackers ;;rate abracadabra 2 fast quick easy awesome! ppusd for btc! [00:59]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user abracadabra has changed from 1 to 2. [00:59]
bruzum where is nelisky [00:59]
bruzum nelisky: hello? [00:59]
abracadabra ;;rate dothackers 2 fast quick easy awesome! btc for ppusd! [00:59]
LordCanti he's finally cashing in and flying to the caman islands [00:59]
* masori (~masori@gateway/tor-sasl/masori) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:00]
Cory Mmm look at all that volume under $20 that's gonna be bought up now. [01:01]
abracadabra ;;rate dothackers 2 fast quick easy awesome! btc for ppusd! [01:01]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user dothackers has changed from 1 to 2. [01:01]
* Mononymous has quit (Quit: Page closed) [01:01]
mircea_popescu if that 4k wall at 4.5 drops [01:01]
mircea_popescu we're going to 3. [01:01]
* Mononymous (3e2f119f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:01]
* Gaglia has quit (Quit: Gaglia) [01:02]
Cusipzzz mircea_popescu: O.o [01:02]
chwergy so, by the time i get back from work, the BTC will be quite low? [01:02]
* tester45 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:03]
luke-jr chwergy: unliekly [01:03]
chwergy quite low as in 3-3.5 [01:03]
mircea_popescu possibly chwergy [01:03]
danieldaniel chwergy: sell at 3.5 now [01:03]
danieldaniel to me [01:03]
chwergy ok [01:03]
loktite ;;ticker [01:04]
vraa_ chwergy, would you entertain amazon gift card for your btc? [01:04]
chwergy trololol [01:04]
loktite btc is dropping like a stone wtf [01:04]
neofutur yup [01:04]
LordCanti AGC's seem to be a hot ticket item [01:04]
bruzum :D [01:04]
neofutur [01:04]
neofutur really very big volume, always down [01:04]
chwergy Buying and Selling BTC for PPUSD :3 [01:04]
neofutur only goes up on small volume [01:04]
* Mononymous has quit (Client Quit) [01:04]
danieldaniel OMG [01:05]
bruzum hmm [01:05]
nelisky bruzum: 'sup? [01:06]
bruzum need btc [01:06]
bruzum got ukash [01:06]
bruzum you sellin? [01:06]
bruzum in like 1-2 hrs, when the price has dropped even more [01:06]
bruzum :D [01:06]
nelisky :) [01:06]
bruzum no, but seriously [01:07]
bruzum i got some ukash in SEK [01:07]
neofutur or in 1-2 hrs, when the price reboundes to 7 ? [01:07]
nelisky I don't sell at spot, as you may know. I sell with all the fees I get charged because I buy the coins back immediately [01:07]
chwergy no vraa_ [01:07]
nelisky ask my bot for rates -> /privmsg neliskybot help [01:07]
bruzum ok [01:07]
vraa_ np, thanks :) [01:08]
LordCanti won't it hit a mark where a lot of folks say 'oh crap now I need to buy' and the price will jump back up [01:08]
Cory LordCanti: Any second now... [01:08]
neofutur +1 [01:08]
neofutur I wouldnt be surprised [01:09]
luke-jr LordCanti: more like, you probably couldn't buy under $4.90 or so anyhow [01:09]
luke-jr LordCanti: I bet most of the trades lower were someone selling to low bidders [01:09]
luke-jr it doesn't mean someone's got a sell up that you can buy from [01:10]
loktite btc is goin down like a uboat [01:10]
LordCanti yeah [01:10]
LordCanti loktite: it's a good thing uboats were designed to resurface [01:10]
mircea_popescu i think this drop made me ~100 btc tbh. [01:10]
seco still offers funding via ukash? [01:10]
bruzum everyone is buying [01:11]
* Zarutian has quit (Quit: Zarutian) [01:11]
mircea_popescu its already popping back up [01:12]
bruzum mmhm [01:12]
mircea_popescu i guess now it all depends if the dump is finished or not [01:12]
mircea_popescu but dayum, 100k+ btcs sold in half hour. person's insane. [01:12]
luke-jr it's probably a typo >_< [01:13]
luke-jr someone probably put 0.50 instead of $5 or something [01:13]
mircea_popescu o wouldn't that suck [01:13]
luke-jr or 100k instead of 100 [01:13]
neofutur back up but still low volume up [01:13]
mircea_popescu btw, i wonder how bitcoinica will be doing [01:13]
luke-jr mircea_popescu: wouldn't be the first time [01:13]
mircea_popescu i think this is the exact sort of thing that's problematic for it. [01:13]
* luke-jr wonders how his AI trader investments are doing [01:13]
* mircea_popescu expects forum bankruptcy wave. [01:14]
* jjjrmy-m has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [01:14]
loktite this thing is going titanic [01:15]
dwon mircea_popescu: I sold short, then put in a stop order. The damn stop order executed and I lost about 50% of my profits, but still came out about ahead. Now I'm just speculating on Gox. :) [01:15]
chwergy oh so i should be buying right now? [01:15]
pigeons yes, and selling [01:15]
mircea_popescu dwon : i heard buncha people got burned recently. [01:15]
chwergy wish i knew how trading works [01:15]
pigeons you give the money, you get the coins; you give the coins, you get the money [01:16]
bruzum chwergy: buy for 1 sell for 2 [01:16]
mircea_popescu seems like a ceiling is up around 4.7 [01:16]
dwon In theory, trailing stop orders are good, but not on Bitcoinica, because the price can shift wildly for really short periods of time. [01:16]
dwon I find, anyway [01:17]
chwergy oh well ive been doing that OTC [01:17]
* smickles_ has a trailing stop on mtgox [01:17]
bruzum chwergy: or do you mean techincally? [01:17]
chwergy but i mean how to trade on mtgox [01:17]
chwergy sorta [01:17]
bruzum gotcha [01:17]
chwergy dont know what 'buying short' means [01:17]
chwergy that kinda thing [01:17]
bruzum that's just some fake ass stock exchange lingo [01:18]
dwon chwergy: "Selling short" --- it's selling stocks/bitcoins that you don't actually have yet, hoping to buy them later at a lower price. [01:18]
chwergy oh [01:18]
chwergy anyone know of coinPal's rep? [01:19]
smickles_ maybe holding on to my put wasn't such a god awful bad idea after all [01:19]
dwon chwergy: coinpal shut down a while ago [01:21]
* smickles (~smickles@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:21]
* paralumina has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:22]
chwergy oh [01:23]
chwergy why is their site still up? [01:23]
chwergy oh i see [01:23]
chwergy dirty paypal [01:23]
* LordCanti has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:23]
pho| up is down, left is right, top is bottom [01:23]
bnmorgan 2+2 is 5 [01:24]
pho| 5-2 is 2 [01:24]
chwergy someone ish still unloading [01:25]
* paraipan has quit (Quit: Saliendo) [01:25]
bruzum ;;ticker [01:26]
bluefirecorp Everyone knows 2+2 is fish. [01:26]
bluefirecorp >., [01:26]
bluefirecorp My god, how stupid can people be! [01:26]
loktite ;;ticker [01:26]
* da2ce7 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:27]
bruzum chwergy: maybe we should learn trading on gox [01:27]
bruzum apprently i already have an account there [01:27]
bruzum because when i try to register it says my email is already regisered [01:28]
bruzum +t [01:28]
chwergy yeah i'm trying to but my BTC isnt showing up [01:28]
dwon chwergy: refresh the page [01:28]
Cory It takes six confirmations. [01:29]
loktite your btc is being held by a kid named larry sellers [01:29]
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dwon loktite: is that zhoutong's younger brother? [01:30]
chwergy yeah dwon, ive been doing that for the past hour [01:30]
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* fairydust ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:30]
dwon chwergy: Did you guy BTC for USD, or did you send BTC to your MtGox account? If the latter, you have to wait for 6 confirmations before it will show up (as Cory said) [01:30]
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Mad7Scientist anyone buying bitcoins for paypal? [01:31]
dwon chwergy: You can look up the transaction here if you have the transaction ID or the sending/receiving address: [01:31]
chwergy yeah, did that [01:32]
chwergy i am mad7 [01:32]
* danieldaniel has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:32]
* brute_ (b858a639@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:32]
* brute_ is now known as brute` [01:32]
Cory Bit of support at 4.4. [01:32]
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neofutur brute`: if your email is already registered try [01:33]
* danieldaniel (~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:33]
brute` looking for someone with a good rep to exchange $1400 in moneypaks to bitcoins [01:33]
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brute` my email is registered i think, let me try and identify [01:33]
brute` i dont remember what email i used though [01:33]
brute` or what password it was [01:34]
brute` :( [01:34]
* da2ce7 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia [01:34]
BTC_Bear ;;getrating [ident brute`] [01:34]
gribble This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. [01:34]
brute` i did $750 moneypak to btc with someone in here, im trying to remember who it was [01:34]
* lebek has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [01:34]
brute` couple weeks ago [01:34]
* smickles_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) [01:35]
* devrandom (~devrandom@gateway/tor-sasl/niftyzero1) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:35]
chwergy the dumpage is slowing down [01:35]
* benjamindees ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:36]
* att_ (~att@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:36]
* splatster_ (~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:36]
* splatster_ is now known as splatster [01:36]
* gribble gives voice to splatster [01:36]
* brute` is now known as brute_ [01:37]
* brute_ is now known as brute` [01:37]
brute` hmm i guess my nick isnt registered [01:37]
loktite dive dive dive [01:37]
* subpar (~JW@unaffiliated/subpar) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:39]
* tester451 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:39]
mircea_popescu still pretty hardcore dumping [01:40]
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mircea_popescu im surprised we're strong enough to withstand something of that scale [01:40]
mircea_popescu if someone tried to sell 0.5% of all dollars in circulation [01:40]
mircea_popescu the us would be a smoldering ruin [01:40]
* a5m0 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [01:41]
* tester45 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [01:42]
neofutur or the home of the trader would be a eruin before he can sell . . . [01:42]
subpar fun day in the market [01:42]
* dothackers has quit (Quit: Page closed) [01:43]
chwergy Anyone willing to sell at 4.7? [01:44]
* stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:44]
stamit wasn't expecting it to go that low [01:46]
splatster Bitcoin dropped like a rock. [01:47]
Cusipzzz the us is a smoldering ruin..most just don't see it yet [01:47]
chwergy so what do you guys value BTC at, irrespective of MT.Gox rates [01:47]
splatster ;;echo chwergy: [ticker --last] [01:48]
gribble chwergy: 4.66792 [01:48]
BTCHero Cusipzzz If you don't like it you can gggeeeettt out [01:48]
stamit chwergy, that's an interesting question [01:48]
* da2ce7 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:48]
Cusipzzz lol [01:48]
chwergy im stuck at around 5.4 [01:48]
vraa_ chwergy, at what price would you sell your btc for ppusd [01:48]
* splatster prods Cusipzzz out the door [01:48]
splatster Get on! Shoo! [01:49]
chwergy about 5.4 [01:49]
* minimoose has quit (Quit: minimoose) [01:49]
chwergy but im not selling atm [01:49]
chwergy (ass-to-mouth) [01:49]
BTCHero doubt many are [01:49]
* cheebydi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:49]
mircea_popescu cusipzzz that's a point. BTCHero i kinda did get out. [01:50]
subpar chwergy: nice [01:50]
chwergy Anyone selling at all? [01:50]
brute` i'd like to buy $1400 worth of btc [01:50]
BTCHero seems like someone on mtgox was selling earlier [01:50]
* ski_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:50]
chwergy yeah.. [01:50]
stamit what do you think about the ask wall at $4.70? [01:50]
chwergy they still are [01:50]
* chsados (~chsados@unaffiliated/chsados) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:51]
BTCHero mircea_popescu how do you kind of get out? [01:51]
mircea_popescu as in, was there, moved to cr to see maybe it setlltes down, left the continent when i decided no, they're stupid enough to elect the monkey. [01:52]
Mad7Scientist ;;getrating ? [01:52]
gribble This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. [01:52]
* mbwilding (ca2801e0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:52]
splatster imsaguy: You around? [01:52]
brute` I am looking exchange $1400 in moneypak to BTC, please PM me if you can make this trade. [01:53]
s1mngg brute`: if you buy 1400 of btc, you'llshift the price alittle bit [01:53]
brute` grr [01:53]
brute` looking to* [01:53]
* cheebydi (cheebydi@unaffiliated/cheebydi) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:53]
BTCHero mircea_popescu which monkey? [01:53]
brute` the only thing keeping me from going to 711 and buying the moneypaks is having someone to exchange it [01:53]
brute` i dont remember who i used last time, but it was someone in here [01:53]
mbwilding ;;guide [01:53]
Mad7Scientist record your IRC contacts in your wallet's address book [01:53]
IcePee brute`, why don't you put something on the orderbook? [01:54]
neofutur and if you traded with him you should have a rating from him [01:54]
mircea_popescu BTCHero [01:54]
brute` I think I had them send it directly to a silkroad wallet last time [01:54]
jjjrmy how'd they get that moustache on Obama? [01:54]
brute` IcePee: orderbook? [01:55]
chsados ;;getrating brute [01:55]
IcePee brute`, the btc orderbook [01:55]
chwergy Looking to buy 4.6 BTC [01:55]
IcePee brute`, I mean the otc orderbook [01:55]
jjjrmy anyone interested in advertising on [01:55]
IcePee jjjrmy, is that your site? [01:56]
jjjrmy IcePee: yes [01:56]
* hngryhngryhippo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:56]
IcePee jjjrmy, nice, I haven't seen that before. [01:56]
IcePee jjjrmy, you got a lot of retailers there. [01:57]
jjjrmy 32 aren't completely added yet [01:57]
jjjrmy and a lot more coming [01:57]
brute` my nick could have been different, but i dont remember what it could have been. total epic fail [01:57]
jjjrmy tonton [01:57]
jjjrmy ? [01:57]
jjjrmy brute': was it like tonton or something? [01:58]
brute` nah [01:58]
chwergy buying 4.76 BTC for 23.80 USD, rate of 5.00 [01:58]
brute` thats a weird username [01:58]
brute` but it was for around 750 dollars in bitcoins [01:58]
Cory chwergy: How? [01:58]
brute` 2 moneypaks [01:58]
brute` one for 500 one for ~250 [01:58]
chwergy how? Paypal. [01:58]
Cory Ah. Lame. [01:59]
chwergy i know.. [01:59]
jjjrmy I did two Moneypaks yesterday [01:59]
chwergy :L [01:59]
brute` jjjrmy: this was weeks ago [01:59]
jjjrmy oh okay [01:59]
loktite btc goin to 3 [01:59]
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BTCHero jjjrmy your site sells cards for only .04 less than market rate? [02:00]
jjjrmy BTCHero: sure [02:00]
* mbwilding has quit (Quit: Page closed) [02:01]
chwergy What are the chances BTC is 6+ in 4 hours? [02:01]
BTCHero well maybe ill have to check it out sometime, i swear i looked before and it was much more expensive? [02:01]
BTCHero 0% [02:01]
splatster chwergy: 0.0000000000000000000001 % [02:01]
chwergy anyone think its going to go really high, really fast? [02:01]
splatster 1 * 10^-99 [02:02]
BTCHero I rounded splatster [02:02]
brute` my retracement bot is predicting 5.41 very soon [02:02]
splatster BTCHero: Accuracy is key :) [02:02]
jjjrmy I need a bot :( [02:02]
chwergy I'm just worried I won't be able to purchase any while at work. [02:02]
imsaguy splatster is good at making bots [02:02]
imsaguy you should ask him. [02:02]
splatster imsaguy: I need to talk to you [02:03]
* paraipan (~paraipan@gateway/tor-sasl/paraipanakos) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:03]
brute` im using a bot written by smickles [02:03]
imsaguy then lets talk [02:03]
imsaguy What'd I do wrong now? [02:03]
splatster lol nothing [02:03]
coingenuity XD [02:03]
chwergy buying 4.76 BTC for 23.80 PPUSD, rate of 5.00 [02:04]
chwergy yup, price is about to soar [02:04]
neofutur (01:59) < chwergy> anyone think its going to go really high, really fast? [02:04]
brute` I am looking to exchange $1400 in moneypak to BTC, please PM me if you can make this trade. [02:04]
neofutur really not sure, but could be [02:04]
splatster imsaguy: Check your PMs [02:04]
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chwergy too bad there aren't more traders here [02:05]
coingenuity modem that supports uncapped connections up for 1btc in #bitcoin-auctions :) [02:05]
copumpkin chwergy: plenty of traders in here, but you're offering us a currency that we don't like [02:06]
chwergy yeah, i know.. I'm in Canada.. not much i can do [02:06]
copumpkin chwergy: lots of canadians use interac [02:06]
copumpkin I think that's what it's called [02:06]
chwergy for otc? [02:06]
loktite try #bitcoin-cad [02:07]
chwergy mmk [02:07]
coingenuity sounds correct copumpkin [02:07]
splatster Maybe it should be #bitcoin-eh [02:07]
chwergy lawl [02:07]
neofutur ;;gpg info chwergy [02:08]
gribble User 'chwergy', with keyid 260E643A50883F46 and fingerprint C94FF8B86A601283F4EC25C6260E643A50883F46, registered on Thu Mar 15 03:21:02 2012. Currently authenticated from hostmask chwergy! [02:08]
neofutur chwergy: you created your account only some days ago [02:08]
neofutur the few people who accept selling for paypal will wait 45-90 days before trusting you [02:08]
* BlueMatt has quit (Quit: Quit!) [02:09]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [02:09]
chwergy yeah, rg was my first trade [02:10]
* stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has left #bitcoin-otc [02:10]
chwergy I just got into BTC [02:10]
chwergy ;;getrating chwergy [02:10]
gribble User chwergy, created on Thu Mar 15 03:43:50 2012. Cumulative rating 6, from 6 total ratings. Received ratings: 6 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 7 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask chwergy! [02:10]
* BlueMatt (~BlueMatt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:11]
* ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt [02:11]
loktite chwergy is legit [02:11]
* BlueMatt is now known as must [02:11]
* must is now known as and [02:11]
* and is now known as must [02:11]
* must is now known as and [02:11]
* and is now known as BlueMatt [02:11]
splatster BlueMatt: No more BlueBatmobile? [02:12]
BlueMatt that is on my phone [02:12]
splatster Ah, ok [02:12]
BlueMatt sorry for the nick changes, my bouncer plugin is acting kinda weird... [02:12]
* BlueMatt has quit (Client Quit) [02:13]
splatster Wow. [02:13]
* copumpkin roars like a bear [02:13]
splatster Kinda weird? Random nick changes and random /quit seems more like possessed. [02:13]
* BlueMatt (~BlueMatt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:14]
* ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt [02:14]
pho| roger roger [02:14]
* chwergy has quit (Quit: Leaving) [02:17]
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* copumpkin roars like a beer [02:20]
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smickles hmm, /lastlog smickles [02:23]
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smickles O_o one of shakaru's customers I see [02:24]
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copumpkin ? [02:30]
* pho| (~pho@unaffiliated/pho/x-6551342) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:31]
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* BlueMatt (~BlueMatt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:37]
* ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt [02:37]
Mad7Scientist selling at $5 per BTC for PPUSD [02:37]
* minimoose ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:37]
vraa_ ;;getrating Mad7Scientist [02:37]
* localhost ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:38]
* vraa_ is now known as vraa [02:39]
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vraa ;;getrating vraa [02:41]
loktite heyt mangus [02:46]
vraa i can't create keys with four digit usernames? [02:46]
Mad7Scientist !seen vraa [02:48]
gribble vraa was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 1 minute and 29 seconds ago: i can't create keys with four digit usernames? [02:48]
* vraa is now known as speed_racer8 [02:48]
* DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:49]
* gribble gives voice to DeLorean719 [02:49]
* d4de (~RaWWR@unaffiliated/d4de) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:50]
clone1018 [02:54]
copumpkin clone1018: yes? [02:54]
clone1018 Yes! [02:55]
clone1018 Just getting feedback [02:55]
loktite cool man [02:57]
Mad7Scientist ;;getrating speed_racer8 [02:58]
gribble This user has not yet been rated. Currently authenticated from hostmask speed_racer8! [02:58]
speed_racer8 fantastic! [02:58]
* da2ce7|2 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:02]
* LordCanti (~LordCanti@unaffiliated/lordcanti) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:03]
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jjjrmy grubles: You here? netxshare's server is down! [03:06]
* da2ce7|2 is now known as da2ce7 [03:06]
* giod is now known as Lucashayes [03:07]
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* eph_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:07]
* Stewie__ (~Stewie@gateway/tor-sasl/stewiemcfluffy) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:08]
netxshare ;;seen rg [03:11]
jjjrmy nanotube: I had an idea :) [03:13]
copumpkin stop the press! [03:19]
copumpkin guys, jjjrmy had an idea! [03:19]
stochastic_ had? [03:19]
jjjrmy still have [03:19]
copumpkin netxshare: I can try to ping grubles if you want, but I don't think he has a way to contact rg [03:19]
jjjrmy everyone seems to be dead [03:20]
stochastic_ morbid idea [03:20]
* SomeoneWeirdzzz is now known as SomeoneWeird [03:20]
jjjrmy anyone wanna do some math for me? [03:20]
copumpkin depends on the kind of math and whether you're interested in learning it or just want it done [03:20]
reeses uhoh [03:20]
reeses blood in the water [03:21]
reeses this would be like me walking into a sorority and saying,”anyone up for naked time?" [03:21]
copumpkin lol [03:21]
jjjrmy I don't want to learn, I want it done [03:22]
copumpkin okay, then no [03:22]
reeses and you had better not be the fat ugly girl who is there to bring up the gap so they can keep their charter [03:22]
reeses gpa [03:22]
copumpkin netxshare: I pinged grubles on facebook [03:22]
Cory I'll like it again. It seemed to help last time. [03:23]
copumpkin lol [03:23]
copumpkin the trick is to notice that he posts some of his updates "via mobile" [03:23]
copumpkin which means he has facebook on his smartphone, which probably means he gets notifications [03:23]
stochastic_ jjjrmy: what kind of math? [03:23]
copumpkin stochastic calculus! [03:23]
stochastic_ oh missed that [03:24]
jjjrmy stochastic_: Pre-Calculus [03:24]
* da2ce7 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:24]
loktite sup brough [03:24]
reeses thats not math [03:24]
reeses thats algebra [03:24]
stochastic_ jjjrmy: how much? [03:24]
* Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm) [03:24]
copumpkin lol [03:24]
* pho| has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [03:24]
jjjrmy how much what [03:24]
stochastic_ how much are you going to pay for someone to do your homework? [03:25]
Cory How much will you pay? [03:25]
reeses make copumpkin work his ABD [03:25]
jjjrmy -50BTC [03:25]
jjjrmy so you pay me [03:25]
copumpkin lol [03:25]
copumpkin jjjrmy: as appealing as your proposition is, I must decline [03:25]
jjjrmy jk, free [03:25]
stochastic_ haha, that is ok, i get paid to do math by my work [03:25]
copumpkin stochastic_: what kind of math? [03:25]
stochastic_ statistics [03:25]
Cory The old door-in-the-face technique. [03:26]
copumpkin stochastic_: applied to what? [03:26]
stochastic_ mostly biology experiments [03:26]
copumpkin ah, cool [03:26]
* Ekki (~Mackindal@unaffiliated/ekki) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:26]
Ekki HEY [03:26]
Cory HI! :D [03:26]
* Dark_ is now known as DarkBE [03:26]
Ekki I want to buy some bitcoins with paypal!!! [03:26]
Ekki Who can help me? [03:26]
* DarkBE has quit (Changing host) [03:26]
* DarkBE (~Dark@unaffiliated/darkbe) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:26]
* da2ce7 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:26]
Ekki And don't worry, I won't scam you [03:26]
copumpkin Ekki: oh, well I was worried [03:26]
copumpkin but because you told me you wouldn't [03:26]
Ekki Because I plan on PROFIT [03:26]
copumpkin now I'm no longer worried [03:27]
Ekki via playing the market like a pro [03:27]
Ekki The mastermind who controls the market from behind the scenes [03:27]
copumpkin Ekki: are you in the US? [03:27]
Ekki The sort of genius who makes it rich [03:27]
Ekki and lives rich [03:27]
Ekki And yes. [03:27]
Ekki I am! [03:27]
Cory You're too late, Ekki. It's already been played. [03:27]
Cory Fun's over. [03:27]
Ekki Played? [03:27]
Ekki What do you mean? [03:27]
copumpkin Ekki: you'd be much happier if you went and bought a moneypak :) [03:27]
Ekki What's moneypak? [03:27]
Ekki Oh [03:27]
Ekki No [03:27]
copumpkin Ekki: I applaud your ambitious plans [03:27]
Cory Somebody already milked it for all it's worth. [03:27]
Ekki I need to buy NOW. [03:27]
Ekki I gotta get rich fast [03:27]
copumpkin Ekki: a moneypak takes 5 minutes to pick up at the store [03:27]
Ekki and bitcoin is the only way [03:27]
Ekki No, I cannot go to the store! [03:27]
Ekki I only have paypal [03:28]
Ekki I have dwolla too [03:28]
copumpkin well, you're not going to find coins for paypal [03:28]
copumpkin oh, dwolla usually works [03:28]
Ekki I usually use dwolla [03:28]
copumpkin but with dwolla you might as well just go to mtgox [03:28]
Ekki and that's tooooooo much [03:28]
Ekki I need bitcoin NOW. [03:28]
Cory So you don't have Dwolla? [03:28]
copumpkin well, paypal won't get you coins NOW [03:28]
Ekki Like, in 2:42 minutes [03:28]
coingenuity Ekki: what part of the country are you in [03:28]
Ekki BUT I NEED THEM NOW [03:28]
Ekki I am in the midwest! [03:28]
Cory Me too! [03:28]
Ekki Why does it matter? [03:28]
copumpkin Very enthusiastic! [03:28]
coingenuity oh, too bad. [03:28]
Ekki Internet is worldwide [03:28]
stochastic_ ;;ident Ekki [03:28]
gribble Nick 'Ekki', with hostmask 'Ekki!~Mackindal@unaffiliated/ekki', is not identified. [03:28]
Cory Ekki: Let's meet up. [03:29]
Ekki Meet up? [03:29]
coingenuity Ekki: cuz i have thousands of coins but i will only take cash for them [03:29]
copumpkin the midwest is tiny [03:29]
Ekki But that's scary.. [03:29]
Cory Yeah. Cash. [03:29]
Ekki Cash? [03:29]
Ekki I have cash [03:29]
copumpkin Cory's a scary guy [03:29]
Ekki Trust me, I have cash [03:29]
coingenuity but you're not in my neighborhood [03:29]
Ekki But I also have paypal [03:29]
Cory And we're both in the midwest! [03:29]
Perlboy ;;getrating Ekki [03:29]
gribble This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. [03:29]
copumpkin he'll steal your fast food from the drive-through [03:29]
Ekki And cash takes a while [03:29]
Perlboy you have cash and no rep. [03:29]
Ekki You'll have to pick it up [03:29]
Ekki Yup [03:29]
copumpkin [03:29]
Ekki A legit customer still [03:29]
Cory All right, Ekki. Which part of the beautiful midwest are you in? [03:29]
Ekki Minnesota [03:29]
copumpkin ooh! [03:29]
Ekki It is incredibly hot though [03:29]
Cory Aw, I'm in Wisconsin. [03:30]
Cusipzzz "hi...I'm chris hanson" [03:30]
Cory We're like neighbors! [03:30]
copumpkin close enough, yeah [03:30]
copumpkin just drive over [03:30]
Ekki I have no car [03:30]
Cusipzzz take a cab [03:30]
coingenuity how is that even possible Ekki [03:30]
copumpkin lol [03:30]
Ekki It doesn't matter [03:30]
Ekki I need bitcoins [03:30]
copumpkin coingenuity: he's probably 12 and what is this [03:30]
Ekki And I have paypal [03:30]
Cory Nobody drives in Minnesota. [03:30]
Ekki That's it [03:30]
imsaguy this summer we're gonna have a meetup in Chicago [03:30]
Ekki I'm not 12.. [03:30]
stochastic_ no walgreens near your house? [03:30]
Ekki eh [03:30]
Cory imsaguy: Theymos can come! [03:30]
Ekki Not walking distance in the rain and thunder [03:31]
imsaguy Where is he from? [03:31]
stochastic_ Ekki: no car? [03:31]
Ekki well [03:31]
Ekki NO CAR [03:31]
copumpkin Ekki: people don't accept paypal from newcomers here, period. You can bug us about it for hours but it's not going to make it happen :) [03:31]
coingenuity yeah, i dunno how you survive sans vehicle [03:31]
stochastic_ you need a car, not bitcoins [03:31]
Ekki but [03:31]
Ekki But [03:31]
copumpkin lol [03:31]
* funziggy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:31]
coingenuity yeah, i would agree with stochastic_ [03:31]
Ekki I only need like [03:31]
coingenuity >.> [03:31]
Ekki 10 bitcoins [03:31]
Cory imsaguy: Wisconsin. [03:31]
imsaguy ah [03:31]
Perlboy hmm, Ekki you're idented to anonymity' [03:31]
imsaguy you can give him a ride [03:31]
Ekki idented? [03:31]
imsaguy or maybe he'll give you a ride [03:31]
Perlboy why would i trust someone with no rep and no real identifiers in their whois [03:31]
imsaguy or you can ride each other [03:31]
Cory We can take turns. [03:32]
Ekki Because some people are GOOD [03:32]
Perlboy at least when i came here with no rep i deliberately didn't mask my ip [03:32]
Ekki rather than sneaky theives [03:32]
Ekki er [03:32]
Ekki theives [03:32]
Ekki fuck [03:32]
Ekki thieves [03:32]
copumpkin Ekki: the bad people say they're good, too [03:32]
Ekki No they don't [03:32]
imsaguy Cory, you'd come though? [03:32]
Perlboy ;;ident Ekki [03:32]
gribble Nick 'Ekki', with hostmask 'Ekki!~Mackindal@unaffiliated/ekki', is not identified. [03:32]
copumpkin yes, they do [03:32]
Ekki Not THIEVES [03:32]
copumpkin Ekki: we've seen plenty of them and have been scammed by them too [03:32]
Ekki They wouldn't say that [03:32]
Perlboy Ekki: gribble explains. [03:32]
imsaguy if there were a bunch of other people [03:32]
copumpkin (including me) [03:32]
Cory imsaguy: Probably. :D [03:32]
Ekki I'm sure the guilt would kill them inside [03:32]
Ekki it'd kill me at least [03:32]
imsaguy sweet [03:32]
imsaguy ben's in michigan [03:32]
imsaguy about 3 hours from here [03:32]
Cory Ben? [03:32]
Ekki I mean, stealing from someone is pretty bad [03:32]
copumpkin Ekki: I agree [03:32]
imsaguy err, kludge [03:32]
loktite "happy hunger games" [03:32]
Ekki But when it's this sort of stealing [03:32]
Cory Kluge? [03:33]
copumpkin Kluge [03:33]
copumpkin lol [03:33]
imsaguy from the forums [03:33]
Cory Sludge. [03:33]
Ekki Utter betrayal of the trust of the market [03:33]
imsaguy he sold me some gpus [03:33]
Ekki That is pure evil [03:33]
imsaguy he loans a lot [03:33]
copumpkin Ekki: people call it counterparty risk :P [03:33]
Ekki counter party risk? [03:33]
Ekki I don't know what that means [03:33]
Ekki But I need coins! [03:33]
imsaguy yeah, it means getting screwed. [03:33]
Ekki So will someone help me? [03:33]
imsaguy ;;ident Ekki [03:33]
gribble Nick 'Ekki', with hostmask 'Ekki!~Mackindal@unaffiliated/ekki', is not identified. [03:33]
Ekki I will send the paypal first, if you're worried [03:33]
copumpkin Ekki: you can charge it back for up to 180 days afterwards [03:33]
Ekki charge it back up? [03:34]
copumpkin if you wait for 180 days before we send the coins, it's fine [03:34]
Ekki oh [03:34]
copumpkin chargeback [03:34]
Ekki No [03:34]
Ekki I'm not a damn thief [03:34]
Ekki sheesh [03:34]
stochastic_ i am interested in doing my first bitcoin purchase otc. I will be using a $50 moneypak. Any suggestions on who to buy from? [03:34]
* ozstralia (3a06b40b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:34]
copumpkin dude, to us you're exactly four letters [03:34]
copumpkin we know nothing about you [03:34]
copumpkin and nothing you can do can change that [03:34]
funziggy ;;tell Ekki [;;fraud [03:34]
Cusipzzz stochastic_: lots of trusted people here, check their ratings [03:34]
Ekki If you won't take paypal [03:34]
bruzum GIV [03:34]
bruzum COINS [03:34]
bruzum PLESZ [03:34]
Ekki What about another way to pay? [03:34]
Ekki I can write poetry. [03:35]
jjjrmy moneypak [03:35]
Ekki Or um [03:35]
jjjrmy Ekki: write me a poem please [03:35]
Ekki I can draw in mspaint too [03:35]
funziggy ;;tell Ekki [;;fraud] [03:35]
Ekki I'll write you 10 poems [03:35]
Ekki 1 bitcoin each [03:35]
jjjrmy I want a free poem [03:35]
Ekki No [03:35]
jjjrmy to test [03:35]
Ekki I'll do 11 [03:35]
* area has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [03:35]
Ekki For 10 bitcoins [03:35]
Cory Ekki: Got a sister? [03:35]
Ekki If that's not a great deal, I don't know what is [03:35]
Cusipzzz lol [03:35]
Ekki A sister? [03:35]
Ekki Nope, I got an older brother though [03:36]
imsaguy Ekki: got a girlfriend? [03:36]
imsaguy how about your mom? [03:36]
Ekki Nope! [03:36]
Ekki I have a boyfriend though [03:36]
reeses where’s this fucking math problem already? [03:36]
Cusipzzz the walls, come tumblin down... [03:36]
imsaguy oh [03:36]
jjjrmy reeses: oh, you wanted to help?! [03:36]
Ekki I'm not some sort of whore though.. [03:36]
copumpkin Ekki: gay sex pics, please (you need a photo of you holding a sign saying "Ekki") [03:36]
Cory Ekki: Maybe you could find 10 people willing to pay a bitcoin for a poem and MS paint drawing. [03:36]
imsaguy reeses: x=x+1 [03:36]
* area ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:36]
Ekki wat [03:36]
stochastic_ reeses: the math problem is, why does Ekki need bitcoins but still does not have a car or girlfriend [03:36]
reeses lol [03:36]
Ekki that's terrible [03:36]
Ekki no [03:36]
reeses uh [03:37]
Ekki I'll do normal stuff [03:37]
Ekki like goods and services that are LEGAL [03:37]
Cory jjjrmy: I bet if you post the problem publicly somebody will solve it. [03:37]
imsaguy why would Ekki have a girlfriend if Ekki has a boyfriend [03:37]
* Rattman has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:37]
Ekki well, I guess porn is legal [03:37]
copumpkin imsaguy: bi polyamory [03:37]
jjjrmy sin[arcsin(-0.2)] [03:37]
Ekki But I'm still not that sort of girl [03:37]
Cusipzzz uh [03:37]
stochastic_ imsaguy: why not have both? [03:37]
reeses god [03:37]
imsaguy stochastic_: not everyone is bisexual. [03:37]
* copumpkin listens to Matchbook Romance and gets really emo [03:37]
Cusipzzz Ekki: what will you do with these 10 bitcoins you crave so much ? [03:38]
reeses i’d hate to think what you’t do when you found out i was female [03:38]
* pho| ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:38]
imsaguy reeses: ask for the pictures to prove it. [03:38]
Ekki That's the beauty of bitcoin and the market, Cusipzzz [03:38]
Ekki I will see them once the price goes up enough [03:38]
Ekki Then buy them back when it goes down! [03:38]
copumpkin Ekki: why must you have them NOW! [03:38]
Ekki After doing that several times [03:38]
copumpkin ? [03:38]
Ekki I'll be RICH [03:38]
Cusipzzz Ekki: sounds foolproof [03:38]
jjjrmy reeses: we'd want your picture to put into the Bitcoin-otc Photobook [03:38]
* pho| has quit (Client Quit) [03:38]
copumpkin Ekki: now you've just gotta outsmart all the other people trying to do the same thing :) [03:38]
Ekki ahaha, outsmart? [03:38]
copumpkin Ekki: the smart money is in alpaca socks [03:38]
reeses that probably crashed with the rest of rg’s shit [03:39]
Ekki I don't need to worry about other people [03:39]
Ekki I just set a bunch of buys and sells [03:39]
Ekki and wait as long as I need until I'm rich [03:39]
copumpkin lol [03:39]
copumpkin :) [03:39]
Ekki Should be around two weeks [03:39]
brute` looking to trade $1400 in moneypak for btc, contact me if interested [03:39]
Ekki and I'll have doubled it or more [03:39]
Cusipzzz Ekki: you've cracked it alright. well played. [03:39]
reeses that’s why immortal vampires are rich [03:39]
neofutur (03:36) Nick 'Ekki', with hostmask 'Ekki!~Mackindal@unaffiliated/ekki', is not identified. [03:39]
copumpkin Ekki: I'm glad you've figured it out! you should write a book [03:39]
copumpkin I'll pay 10 btc for your book on get rich quick [03:39]
Ekki Really? [03:39]
* funziggy has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [03:39]
neofutur if you gpg register and ident i ll sell you up to 2 btcs Ekki [03:39]
copumpkin well, if it's worth reading [03:39]
Ekki I will write that, if you pay right now [03:39]
Ekki worth reading? [03:39]
Ekki Not sure about that [03:39]
Ekki but I can certainly write it [03:40]
Ekki I like writing [03:40]
copumpkin hah [03:40]
copumpkin Ekki: fanfic? [03:40]
Ekki yup ^^ [03:40]
copumpkin I want somethign with ed cullen in it [03:40]
Ekki NO [03:40]
* JZavala ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:40]
gmaxwell omg Twlight-bitcoin slash fanfiction. [03:40]
copumpkin oh well, I guess no 10 btc for you [03:40]
reeses and jack dawkins [03:40]
* Blazr has quit (Quit: Leaving) [03:40]
jjjrmy some kid wrote a slash fiction iat my school [03:40]
gmaxwell satoshi == vampire [03:40]
copumpkin Ekki: have you read my immortal? [03:40]
vragnaroda [01:37] <+ imsaguy> | stochastic_: not everyone is bisexual. <-- Is stochastic_ greedy? [03:40]
Ekki nope [03:41]
* pho| (~pho@unaffiliated/pho/x-6551342) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:41]
copumpkin the best fanfic ever [03:41]
loktite [03:41]
stochastic_ vragnaroda: greed is good [03:41]
copumpkin goth vampire harry potter [03:41]
reeses I did them for a ‘creative writing’ course i had to take [03:41]
copumpkin it's awesome [03:41]
loktite oops [03:41]
reeses but i was ahead of my time [03:41]
Greed Very good. [03:41]
jjjrmy and everyone died [03:41]
Greed Thebest. [03:41]
pigeons twilight characters riding my little ponies and spending bitcoins [03:41]
reeses i made elvis the gay one [03:41]
Greed Quite possible the only emotion that matters. [03:41]
copumpkin pigeons: you have little ponies? [03:41]
Greed I appreciate the admiration, stochastic_. [03:41]
copumpkin Ekki: anyway, you should register so you can buy coins off neofutur [03:41]
gmaxwell Capitalism is Magic. [03:41]
pigeons no but my sister asked santa for a pony every year [03:41]
vragnaroda stochastic_: lol, greed isn't good (or bad). Greed is greed. [03:42]
Greed Greed is most excellent. [03:42]
reeses greedo is bad [03:42]
vragnaroda pigeons: rawrmage stole it. [03:42]
Greed I can assure you of this. [03:42]
Ekki What's neofutur? [03:42]
reeses that’s why han shot first [03:42]
Cusipzzz greed works. greed is right. greed will fix teldar paper! [03:42]
rawrmage vragnaroda: i did no such things [03:42]
copumpkin Ekki: someone in here who offered to sell you two coins if you register [03:42]
copumpkin Ekki: for paypal [03:42]
vragnaroda Ekki: ne0futur is a frog that's willing to sell you two coins if you register. [03:43]
Ekki oh [03:43]
Ekki I've already registered thouhg [03:43]
Ekki *though [03:43]
Ekki But under a different name [03:43]
vragnaroda ;;ident Ekki [03:43]
gribble Nick 'Ekki', with hostmask 'Ekki!~Mackindal@unaffiliated/ekki', is not identified. [03:43]
reeses hmm [03:43]
vragnaroda Well, then authenticate. [03:43]
copumpkin Ekki: then authenticate under that name [03:43]
Ekki I forgot how [03:43]
Ekki and I don't have GPG stuff installed [03:43]
vragnaroda Well, figure it out. [03:43]
vragnaroda [03:43]
* dwon has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [03:43]
reeses vragnaroda: I think the best way to improve your typing speed is to say you’re a girl in a ‘technical’ irc channel [03:43]
copumpkin lol [03:44]
vragnaroda haha [03:44]
stochastic_ vragnaroda: if michael douglas said it then it has to be true [03:44]
Cusipzzz i'll also sell you 2btc if you register/authenticate, scan a drivers license and email it from the paypal email address [03:44]
vragnaroda stochastic_: He was a troll. [03:44]
Ekki wat [03:44]
BTC_Bear That seems to improve everybody else's typing speed. [03:44]
reeses i'll also sell you 2btc if you register/authenticate, scan a naked picture and email it from the paypal email address [03:44]
copumpkin lol [03:44]
Cusipzzz lol [03:44]
copumpkin reeses: watch out for the FBI [03:44]
copumpkin we don't know how old Ekki is [03:44]
Cusipzzz "have a seat.. I'm chris hanson" [03:45]
vragnaroda Ekki: How old are you? [03:45]
reeses FBI will be reporting to my wife soon [03:45]
Ekki It doesn't matter! [03:45]
Ekki I just want to buy bitcoins.. [03:45]
copumpkin good [03:45]
loktite [03:45]
copumpkin Ekki: yeah, but people want proof of your identity because they have no way to be safe otherwise [03:45]
da2ce7 Ekki: what country are you from? [03:45]
Cusipzzz Ekki: mtgox is -----> way. no hassles [03:45]
neofutur Ekki: buying coins here is a matter of time and trust [03:45]
copumpkin Ekki: what was the username you registered under before? [03:45]
Ekki Shocky [03:46]
neofutur trust take time, and you need to register to have an identity here [03:46]
vragnaroda Cusipzzz: * → [03:46]
Ekki ;;getrating Shocky [03:46]
copumpkin wat [03:46]
copumpkin rating of 47 and you don't know why we're reluctant to sell to you? [03:46]
Cory You're Shocky? [03:46]
Ekki ahahaha [03:46]
Ekki Yes [03:46]
jjjrmy Shocky [03:46]
jjjrmy whoah [03:46]
copumpkin I guess the usernames match up [03:46]
jjjrmy long time no see [03:46]
loktite sup shockbro [03:46]
jjjrmy you said you'd use my site Shocky, you never did :'( [03:47]
copumpkin doesn't prove anything [03:47]
Ekki jjjrmy's site [03:47]
Ekki was [03:47]
Ekki um [03:47]
Ekki I forgot [03:47]
neofutur i ll check my logs to compare cloaks [03:47]
Cusipzzz shocky? you never emailed! [03:47]
da2ce7 Ekki: if you auth as shocky, then ppl will trust you more. [03:47]
Ekki I know coingenuity was bitcoin cold [03:47]
Ekki or something [03:47]
Ekki *gold [03:47]
jjjrmy Ekki: [03:47]
neofutur +1 if you auth as shocky, then ppl will trust you more [03:47]
* Shocky ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:47]
Cusipzzz lol [03:47]
jjjrmy i won't trust him [03:48]
pigeons everybody loves shocky [03:48]
jjjrmy he never fullfilled his promise :'( [03:48]
copumpkin Ekki: how about I send an email to the email for Shocky [03:48]
copumpkin and if you tell me what's in it, I'll believe you're the same person [03:48]
Shocky what's your site? [03:48]
jjjrmy Shocky: [03:48]
Shocky "This Connection is Untrusted" [03:48]
jjjrmy it is trusted [03:48]
copumpkin Ekki: okay, you should have an email [03:48]
LordCanti I think you can authorize for "shocky" regardless of the nick you're using [03:48]
Shocky THAT SITE [03:49]
jjjrmy why does it say that but not to me? [03:49]
Shocky I invested like $350 dollars [03:49]
Shocky for a graphics card for newegg [03:49]
Shocky but bitcoin lost tons of value right after I bought [03:49]
Shocky and I missed my chance [03:49]
Shocky I was going to buy!!! [03:49]
Shocky Seriously [03:49]
jjjrmy I don't want to hear your lies. LIAR!! :'( [03:49]
Shocky I'm not lying... [03:49]
coingenuity lol [03:49]
copumpkin Shocky's username is Troll [03:49]
copumpkin Ekki seems more likely [03:50]
Shocky shocky's username is clearly Shocky [03:50]
speed_racer8 buying BTC for PPUSD, PM for info [03:50]
Shocky His hostname [03:50]
neofutur Ekki: you own this email ? : [03:50]
Shocky Yup [03:50]
Ekki Yup [03:50]
da2ce7 ShadeS: == Shocky??? [03:50]
Cusipzzz lol [03:50]
Shocky shades? [03:50]
copumpkin neofutur: I already sent it an email, waiting for proof that she can read it [03:50]
Shocky No idea who ShadeS is [03:50]
da2ce7 shades: except you are authed as him... [03:50]
copumpkin Ekki: if you tell me what was in that email [03:50]
da2ce7 hmm... [03:50]
da2ce7 no... [03:50]
neofutur Shocky [ [03:50]
da2ce7 sorry.. I take it back. [03:50]
Ekki 646526 [03:51]
copumpkin okay, I believe it :) [03:51]
neofutur same isp as Shocky [ [03:51]
Shocky see [03:51]
da2ce7 Shocky: is authed as Shocky [03:51]
bruzum why are you guys reluctant to sell? [03:51]
neofutur a goo beginning [03:51]
loktite Shocky is legit [03:51]
Shocky Clearly I'm the same person [03:51]
copumpkin Ekki seems legit [03:51]
copumpkin I don't know if Ekki = Shocky [03:51]
neofutur ;;ident Shocky [03:51]
gribble Nick 'Shocky', with hostmask 'Shocky!', is not identified. [03:51]
pigeons shocky are you astana or shakaru [03:51]
Cusipzzz wat [03:51]
* UNOE227 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:51]
* UNOE227 has quit (Changing host) [03:51]
* UNOE227 (~mmc@unaffiliated/unoe227) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:51]
Shocky none of those people? [03:51]
copumpkin but Ekki controls the email address that Shocky registered with [03:51]
jjjrmy pigeons: ! [03:51]
Cusipzzz Ekki haxz [03:51]
Shocky Troll~ is set in Pidgin [03:51]
da2ce7 copumpkin: has he proved it? [03:51]
Shocky I must be using the same shocky config as always [03:51]
copumpkin da2ce7: that number (s)he just posted was in an email I sent [03:52]
Shocky Along with Ekki [03:52]
Shocky Both must be on the same computer [03:52]
chsados anyone know a secure free forum software? [03:52]
copumpkin so I believe Ekki [03:52]
chsados besides phbb [03:52]
copumpkin I'm still not selling coins right now :P [03:52]
Shocky But it's not about belief [03:52]
pigeons there is no secure forum software, especially not for free [03:52]
Shocky It's about MAKING CASH [03:52]
Shocky using bitcoin [03:52]
bruzum true dat [03:52]
da2ce7 Shocky: lol [03:52]
Shocky My ultimate grandmaster scheme to make it rich and control the world [03:52]
chsados pigeons well "most" secure [03:52]
copumpkin Shocky: to sell coins, you must buy them first, and to buy them, we must believe you :P [03:52]
loktite [03:52]
chsados have you heard of vanilla? [03:52]
Shocky I'm going to eat food [03:53]
Shocky but then I'll be back [03:53]
da2ce7 Shocky: ident or gtfo. imho. [03:53]
copumpkin da2ce7: the "proof" scheme I used seems pretty reliable [03:53]
copumpkin I suppose I should ident too [03:53]
copumpkin or someone else can replicate it [03:53]
* da2ce7 tooo... [03:53]
loktite the dude is legit [03:54]
copumpkin ;;whoami [03:54]
gribble copumpkin [03:54]
neofutur not proven until he gpg ident . . . [03:54]
neofutur but hostmask is the same as the old Shocky od 2011 [03:54]
copumpkin neofutur: that number's pretty hard to guess [03:54]
Cusipzzz easier to hack an email that gpg key [03:54]
copumpkin [21:50:53] 646526 [03:54]
copumpkin Cusipzzz: true [03:54]
neofutur much easier ;) [03:54]
copumpkin but still [03:54]
copumpkin it's less likely [03:54]
* gribble gives voice to da2ce7 [03:54]
* knotwork_ (~markm@unaffiliated/knotwork) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:55]
da2ce7 ah nice. [03:55]
copumpkin anyway, that's the best I can do to help things move along [03:55]
da2ce7 ;;getrating da2ce7 [03:56]
gribble User da2ce7, created on Sat Jan 8 00:57:26 2011. Cumulative rating 23, from 9 total ratings. Received ratings: 9 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 7 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask da2ce7!~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7 [03:56]
da2ce7 hello knotwork_ [03:56]
da2ce7 :) [03:56]
* rodrigorcm-afk has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:57]
* knotwork__ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [03:59]
* funziggy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:00]
knotwork_ hi [04:00]
* knotwork_ is now known as knotwork [04:00]
* dvide_ has quit () [04:01]
jjjrmy 93% ram [04:02]
jjjrmy D= [04:02]
loktite [04:02]
da2ce7 knotwork: how have you been? [04:04]
da2ce7 ;;ident knotwork [04:04]
gribble Nick 'knotwork', with hostmask 'knotwork!~markm@unaffiliated/knotwork', is not identified. [04:04]
da2ce7 ;;getinfo knotwork [04:04]
Shocky soooo [04:04]
Shocky who wants to make it rich? [04:04]
Shocky I'll pay you paypal for bitcoin [04:05]
neofutur gpg ident Shocky ;) [04:05]
Shocky with USD, rather than worthless coins you can only buy drugs with [04:05]
Shocky The world is unlocked to you [04:05]
Shocky and I am far too lazy to install GPG stuff and learn how to use it [04:05]
Shocky and then actually do the whole [04:05]
Shocky encrypting thing [04:05]
neofutur [04:05]
Shocky that is far too much work for very little [04:05]
neofutur Shocky: loosing this is just mad [04:05]
ozstralia how do you enter gribble commands on browder based IRC client? [04:05]
Shocky loosing this is mad? [04:06]
neofutur a nearly 1 year web of trust on otc have a value [04:06]
ozstralia browser* [04:06]
* julian_work (~jdemarchi@opennic/julian) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:06]
neofutur you ll find plenty of sellers if you gpg ident [04:06]
neofutur if you dont you re just a trojan install on the real shoccky computer [04:06]
LordCanti how did you ident in the first place? [04:06]
neofutur and using the same hostmask [04:06]
jjjrmy he's probably foodstamp! [04:06]
Shocky With this sort of personality? [04:06]
Shocky foodstamp [04:06]
Shocky that bastard [04:07]
Shocky I mean [04:07]
jjjrmy exactly what foodstamp would say [04:07]
Shocky I bought from him a few times [04:07]
Shocky and sold too [04:07]
Shocky But didn't he rip someone else off? [04:07]
jjjrmy yeah, I remember? [04:07]
Shocky He always had really high prices [04:07]
da2ce7 *we all love foodstamp, 'scaming the noobs since 2011'* [04:07]
neofutur Shocky: also since you idented to nickserv I couls sell you some coins [04:08]
neofutur but since you are not gpg ident [04:08]
neofutur you cant rate me [04:08]
neofutur so . . . I m not interested [04:08]
ozstralia hey [04:08]
Shocky ok [04:08]
ozstralia could everyone stop talking shit for a second and help me [04:09]
Shocky no [04:09]
Shocky we cannot [04:09]
pigeons get a real client [04:09]
ozstralia i know you cannot [04:09]
da2ce7 hello ozstralia, make sure you visit #bitcoin-aus [04:09]
ozstralia do i have to? [04:09]
pigeons actually /q gribble command [04:09]
vragnaroda EVERYONE, DROP WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING!!! ozstralia needs your help! [04:09]
neofutur ozstralia: /msg gribble [04:09]
vragnaroda ozstralia: What can we you for? [04:09]
neofutur then you are in a private message with gribble [04:09]
ozstralia i know that [04:09]
ozstralia im not illiterate [04:09]
Shocky oh gosh [04:09]
neofutur and you can put those commands in the private message [04:09]
Shocky being alone with gribble makes me blush.. [04:09]
ozstralia so its /q is it? [04:10]
pigeons try it [04:10]
vragnaroda Shocky: lol [04:10]
neofutur ozstralia: if you need more help /join #gribble [04:10]
da2ce7 Shocky: just ident and get over you 'feelings' about gribble [04:10]
ozstralia okay.../q doesent work [04:10]
vragnaroda ozstralia: /query [04:11]
pigeons then go with /msg [04:11]
neofutur ozstralia: also, saying we are "talking shit" is not a great way to get help [04:11]
ozstralia i was getting ignored before [04:11]
Shocky what insane lunatic thought it'd be a good idea to use GPG.. [04:11]
pigeons otherwise, yes, get a real client [04:11]
ozstralia worked much better [04:11]
ozstralia yeah i can get in PM with gribble [04:11]
Shocky And if you want attention, just type a lot and say shocking, annoying things [04:11]
Shocky And say that you're a girl [04:11]
ozstralia cant execute any commands though [04:11]
da2ce7 Shocky: the one that wants to make it hard for you to scam. [04:11]
ozstralia haha [04:11]
vragnaroda ozstralia: … [04:11]
pigeons what command [04:11]
ozstralia any command [04:12]
pigeons pick one [04:12]
Shocky but [04:12]
neofutur ozstralia: try /join #gribble [04:12]
neofutur please [04:12]
ozstralia register? [04:12]
Shocky I have been scammed by people using GPG [04:12]
Shocky provided they used paypal, I suppose [04:12]
da2ce7 Shocky: only becasue you are a dumb-ass. [04:12]
pigeons gpg is teh ponzi [04:12]
Shocky I am not a dumb ass [04:12]
Shocky I am just a trusting person [04:12]
da2ce7 *trusting of scammers? [04:12]
Shocky because I know that I do not commit fraud or steal [04:12]
Shocky I would hope others don't do that to me [04:13]
Shocky it is a flaw, yes [04:13]
Shocky But I'm not a dumb ass for it [04:13]
da2ce7 I have never been scamed... but then again I'm diligent with checking. [04:13]
* julian_work (~jdemarchi@opennic/julian) has left #bitcoin-otc [04:13]
Shocky Are you new? [04:13]
Shocky Back when it was popular to use paypal [04:13]
pigeons he's older than moses' toes [04:13]
Shocky When everyone was doing it [04:13]
Cory Moses supposes his toeses are roses. [04:14]
Shocky I mean, it would be unusual to spend more then 5 minutes interviewing someone to see if they can be trusted [04:14]
vragnaroda da2ce7: STFU. If you trade with people you don't know IRL and haven't verified their keys, you're not using GPG properly. [04:14]
vragnaroda Making GPG keys is not hard. [04:14]
Cory moses supposes [04:15]
da2ce7 vragnaroda: I use gpg signed and encypted email... and require that from the people I trade with? Dose that count? [04:15]
vragnaroda No, that doesn't* count. [04:15]
vragnaroda GPG-signed and encrypted email doesn't prevent people from scamming. [04:16]
stochastic_ vragnaroda: what is irl? i need to learn this [04:16]
vragnaroda MAKING GPG KEYS IS *NOT* HARD. [04:16]
Shocky that movie was sad [04:16]
Perlboy da2ce7: and you connect from tor. ;) [04:16]
neofutur please people send newbies to #gribble for help [04:16]
vragnaroda stochastic_: irl is in real life. [04:16]
neofutur ( and join #gribble to help them ) [04:16]
stochastic_ lol [04:16]
* Ekki (~Mackindal@unaffiliated/ekki) has left #bitcoin-otc ("PONG") [04:16]
neofutur we sorted out ozstralia difficulties [04:16]
da2ce7 vragnaroda: but making other peoples keys, that have good reputations is hard... [04:17]
* JZavala has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:17]
vragnaroda da2ce7: There! WAS THAT SO FUCKING HARD? :D [04:17]
Shocky well [04:17]
Shocky if no one will sell me coins [04:17]
Shocky then I'll go... [04:17]
vragnaroda That's a lot more than just using GPG. :p [04:17]
* funziggy has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:17]
Shocky probably won't be back thoguh [04:17]
Shocky *thoguh [04:17]
Shocky *though [04:17]
Shocky [04:18]
Shocky byebye... [04:18]
neofutur np Shocky we dont _need_ paypal [04:18]
Shocky but think of the profit.. [04:18]
neofutur profit for 45 days [04:18]
neofutur then chargeback ? [04:18]
Shocky yeah [04:18]
Shocky sure [04:18]
Shocky if you seriously think I'd do that [04:19]
neofutur I thnk you woudlnt do that if you gpg ident [04:19]
neofutur I trust [04:19]
neofutur ;;gettrust Shocky [04:19]
stochastic_ i think if someone can't go down to the corner store to pick up a moneypak then they are not being truthful [04:19]
gribble Trust relationship from user ne0futur to user Shocky: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 5 via 6 connections. Graph: [04:19]
neofutur ¡¡¡ [04:19]
neofutur you have great WoT Shocky , use it ! [04:19]
MBS anyone want to buy a $10 best buy or $20 lowes gift card? [04:19]
da2ce7 vragnaroda: I agree... you need to make sure thay you are indeed dealing with the person you think that your are. Also you need to get 2nd party proof if there is any ambugity. I also use a trusted 3rd party as an Escrow if the person I'm trading with has a small reputation. [04:19]
MBS ;;seen mcorlett [04:20]
neofutur stochastic_: so you say only US residents can be trusted ? [04:20]
Shocky that's racist [04:20]
neofutur moneypack is US only [04:20]
neofutur bitcoin is not [04:20]
* da2ce7 thinks that Shocky is really sombody who has hacked Shocky's irc. [04:20]
stochastic_ neofutur: i am sure there are other ways to exchange besides moneypak [04:20]
neofutur +1 [04:20]
neofutur pretty sure, if it was shocky he would ident [04:21]
Shocky no I wouldn [04:21]
Shocky 't [04:21]
neofutur (04:16) < stochasti> i think if someone can't go down to the corner store to pick up a moneypak then they are not being truthful [04:21]
Shocky If you're using the same computer [04:21]
Shocky find logs of me [04:21]
neofutur not what you said before stochastic_ :p [04:21]
Shocky you'll know I always hated GPG [04:21]
neofutur stochastic_: the way to tust people is [04:21]
stochastic_ sorry, misunderstanding, I was referring to the person before wanting to use paypal [04:21]
neofutur I never used moneypack ( I cant ) and i m trusted [04:22]
stochastic_ said they lived in the midwest USA [04:22]
neofutur k [04:22]
da2ce7 Shocky: if you have hacked Shocky's pc... well you won't have Shocky's gpg private key, as that would have a pasword on it. [04:22]
Shocky I don't have the program anymore [04:22]
neofutur Shocky: i have all your logs ;) [04:22]
Shocky I don't think I even have my old account or anything [04:22]
Shocky I had to reformat [04:22]
Shocky old GPG account, I mean [04:22]
copumpkin Shocky: if you can prove you know things that only Shocky would know, people might believe you [04:23]
copumpkin you did a lot of trades with people [04:23]
* lucid ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:23]
copumpkin if you have records of the amounts involved [04:23]
copumpkin that weren't public record [04:23]
copumpkin that might also help [04:23]
neofutur [04:23]
da2ce7 Shocky: then release your revocation certificate [04:23]
neofutur for those interested [04:23]
neofutur Shocky: but the same hostmask is not enough to trust you [04:23]
neofutur and decide you are the real Shocky [04:23]
Shocky But [04:23]
neofutur 04:20) < Shocky> I had to reformat [04:23]
Shocky What is up with that log? [04:23]
Shocky ahahaha, steven jobs is dead [04:24]
neofutur ewell, next time you ll know you have to backup your .gnupg [04:24]
copumpkin the same hostmask is pretty hard to forge, and not really worth forging for 10 btc [04:24]
neofutur as much as you need to backup your .bitcoin [04:24]
Shocky I don't have a .bitcoin [04:24]
Shocky I've been using mtgox for ages now [04:24]
Shocky I've never needed to use paypal [04:24]
neofutur I can provide backup space on 3 different dedicated servers if needed [04:24]
Shocky only dwolla [04:24]
neofutur so you never loose your gpg ident or wallet file [04:24]
Shocky but I don't want to pay you for that.. [04:24]
Shocky I didn't bother to back it up [04:25]
* neofutur selling GNU/Linux, web, SEO services, and more ; check [04:25]
Shocky because I didn't really care, I didn't think I'd need it again [04:25]
neofutur next time you will [04:25]
neofutur you lost a very valuable thing [04:25]
neofutur a 1 year old OTC web of trust [04:25]
* splatster has quit (Quit: splatster) [04:25]
da2ce7 Shocky: it is simple... just pick your top 10 email contacts, and email them your encrypted copy of your wallet, and gpg private key. [04:25]
BTC_Bear I don't remember shocky being so talkative. But, who knows. [04:25]
neofutur if you re not silly you wont make the same error again [04:25]
da2ce7 then you can just get it back by asking for it... [04:25]
Shocky BTC_Bear [04:25]
* funziggy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:25]
Shocky I remember you [04:25]
BTC_Bear I remember you [04:26]
copumpkin BTC_Bear is a bear [04:26]
copumpkin roar [04:26]
BTC_Bear tell me something from a year ago [04:26]
copumpkin that isn't in the logs? :P [04:26]
jjjrmy i don't like the new shocky [04:26]
* da2ce7 thinks Shocky is not the old Shocky. [04:26]
Cory Yay up [04:26]
Shocky you don't like the new shocky? [04:26]
neofutur ozstralia is now ident ! [04:26]
Shocky That's cruel [04:26]
neofutur #gribble is great ! [04:26]
neofutur join and help newbies ! [04:26]
* minimoose has quit (Quit: minimoose) [04:27]
Shocky [04:27]
Shocky for jjjrmy [04:27]
da2ce7 Shocky: ok... suppose you have hacked into the old Shocky's computer... then you will have accesss to everything but the gpg key. (that I assume would be protected by a passphase). [04:28]
Shocky eh? [04:29]
* dwon (~dwon@2607:f2c0:a000:c0:217:31ff:fe53:f7c7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:29]
Shocky I don't think that's how hacking works.. [04:29]
LordCanti Is it even possible to set up a private key without a passphrase? [04:29]
Shocky I mean, if I had hacked into a computer [04:29]
neofutur +1 [04:29]
Shocky I doubt I'd be trying to buy bitcoins [04:29]
neofutur you have logs but you cant gpg ident [04:29]
jjjrmy that's exactly what I'd do [04:29]
Shocky 10 bitcoins? [04:29]
jjjrmy gotta start small [04:29]
Shocky and another thing- [04:29]
Shocky I was here originally as Ekki [04:30]
da2ce7 Shocky: why... becasue you have a good identity to burn... so scam ppl for btc. [04:30]
Shocky if I had wanted to use shocky's GPG rating [04:30]
Shocky I would have done that right away [04:30]
da2ce7 maybe the Shocky's bitcoin wallet is also protected by a passphase. [04:30]
neofutur with time you ll learn to love gpg and woT [04:30]
neofutur ;;gettrust Shocky [04:30]
Shocky no [04:30]
gribble Trust relationship from user ne0futur to user Shocky: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 5 via 6 connections. Graph: [04:30]
neofutur and not loose that [04:30]
LordCanti but you wouln't be able to decrypt the OTP [04:30]
Shocky I will never like GPG [04:30]
Shocky ever [04:30]
Shocky it is a cursed system [04:31]
loktite [04:31]
neofutur so, buils your own otc ewithout gpg ident [04:31]
da2ce7 Shocky: wel then people won't trust you.... and you will find it very hard to scam them. [04:31]
neofutur a good place for scammers for sure :p [04:31]
Shocky I just don't know why you'd need a separate program for this.. [04:31]
Shocky I mean, mtgox is self contained [04:31]
Shocky my bank account is [04:32]
Shocky paypal is [04:32]
Shocky dwolla has the same normal, easy to use password system [04:32]
Shocky but only this place needs crazy GPG stuff [04:32]
paulzag in about 30 mins I'll be able to sell BTC if anyone wants any - let me know in PM [04:32]
Cusipzzz Shocky: so use dwolla, or mtgox. ez game [04:32]
Shocky TONIGHT [04:32]
Shocky Not in 5 days [04:33]
Cusipzzz too bad [04:33]
imsaguy ... [04:33]
Shocky oh well [04:33]
Shocky good bye then [04:33]
* james ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:33]
Cusipzzz adios! hasta la vista. a bientot [04:33]
* james is now known as topace_ [04:33]
* Shocky ( has left #bitcoin-otc ("QUIT :Leaving.") [04:33]
neofutur (04:29) < Shocky> but only this place needs crazy GPG stuff [04:34]
neofutur you can contribute to a BTC bounty [04:34]
neofutur to have gpg ident integrated in Nickserv [04:34]
neofutur if others are interested query me [04:34]
neofutur the guy developping atheme-services ( nickserv. chanserv . . . ) is ok to implement it [04:34]
neofutur the same OTP way as here [04:35]
imsaguy well, other networks have gpg already implemented in nickserv :) [04:35]
neofutur links to the code ? [04:35]
da2ce7 I would prefer good client side ssl auth... [04:35]
* Bob__ (60f3c11b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:36]
imsaguy neofutur: I don't know if the code is public yet [04:36]
Bob__ I have a Roku XS 2 for sale [04:37]
da2ce7 dose anyone have -off the internet- communcation with the real Shocky... maybe warn him that his computer may be compomised. [04:38]
* chsados has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:38]
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loktite gee pee gee [04:38]
loktite the dude is legit bro [04:38]
* Bob__ has quit (Client Quit) [04:38]
* dsmouse (~mouse@2001:470:8:e79::32) has left #bitcoin-otc ("Leaving") [04:39]
neofutur da2ce7: ( computer + email account ) [04:40]
* wood has quit (Quit: Leave me alone. kthx) [04:44]
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* splatster (~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:46]
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jjjrmy am i still [04:48]
* sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:49]
* ChanServ gives voice to sgornick [04:49]
MBS lol wtf at walking dead, hershel has shot at least like 50 rounds out of that shotgun XD [04:53]
jjjrmy MBS: yeah that stood out too [04:53]
Graet lol [04:53]
phantomcircuit MBS, xD [04:53]
MBS i wish i had a magic shotgun :( [04:53]
* gribble gives voice to splatster [04:54]
Graet realism mis important in zombie movies eh [04:54]
* O1O1 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:56]
abracadabra pffft [04:56]
abracadabra he reloads when the camera looks away [04:56]
abracadabra :) [04:56]
Cory Ooh what did waveaddict's new email say? [04:58]
BTC_Bear Please Subscribe [04:58]
copumpkin lol [04:59]
splatster As for my upcoming GLBSE thing, should I wait until GLBSE 2 and have to wait about a week (maybe more depending on their dev team), or go live ASAP? [04:59]
Cory Why would you wait? [05:00]
jjjrmy splatster: wait [05:00]
splatster Cory: That's what I'm asking [05:00]
jjjrmy splatster: Nefario personally told me that it is best to wait. [05:01]
splatster jjjrmy: That's what he told me too, but didn't give much more reason other then letting it 'mature', per se. [05:01]
jjjrmy splatster: lemme see if I can find out what he said [05:02]
jjjrmy it's on my skype [05:02]
splatster "I would recommend you wait until 2.0, as there is a recommended waiting period of IPO's of a week or more, just to give time for people to discover and investigate new shares." [05:02]
loktite sup bro [05:03]
* pho| has quit (Quit: ow, fuck, i like it) [05:03]
jjjrmy meh, too lazy to find it [05:03]
splatster How much time will you guys need to investigate? [05:04]
stochastic_ splaster: just wait 1 week [05:04]
Cory Who knows if 2.0 will be delayed more? [05:04]
* h4ckm3 has quit (Disconnected by services) [05:05]
splatster Cory: I have already waited in expectation of 2.0 launching today [05:05]
* _h4ckm3 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:05]
stochastic_ splaster: what are you listing on GLBSE? [05:05]
splatster stochastic_: That information is classified. [05:05]
* splatster takes a black sharpie to his computer screen. [05:06]
* h4ckm3 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:06]
stochastic_ classified for an IPO? [05:06]
copumpkin stochastic_: buy first, find out what you bought, later [05:06]
mircea_popescu lol? [05:06]
stochastic_ haha [05:06]
* gribble gives voice to AcidicChip [05:06]
vragnaroda copumpkin: It's like the health care law. [05:07]
mircea_popescu i think it's better than the health care law in that if it's classified it means it already is written down somewhere [05:08]
splatster You guys will know more (including the -exact- distribution of funds) when we make the announcement. (which depends on when we do the IPO, which depends on GLBSE 2. [05:09]
mircea_popescu splatster, what if it takes 2 more months, glbse 2 ? [05:09]
loktite [05:09]
vragnaroda mircea_popescu: lol and then sad [05:09]
splatster mircea_popescu: That's why I just want to say, "fuck it" and get into it ASAP. [05:09]
stochastic_ splaster: go for it [05:10]
splatster splat-ster :) [05:10]
splatster FYI, I already know where the funds are going. [05:10]
* lucid has quit (Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client - [05:11]
BTC_Bear Don't all IPO's there start at 0.01 or less? [05:12]
splatster Also, all of said people/institutions have opted against being anon in the earnings reports, so you'll know what's going where. [05:13]
* vigilyn ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:13]
mircea_popescu so 24h avg btc price = 30 day avg btc price. [05:13]
splatster BTC_Bear: Not necessarily [05:13]
* NASDAQEnema has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [05:14]
splatster 100 shares to raise 1 BTC in capital is insane. [05:15]
* Snapman is now known as Snapman[afkers] [05:15]
mircea_popescu lol actually mpoe shares went for 90btc to the million. [05:15]
mircea_popescu and i thought that's a pretty decent price. [05:15]
splatster mircea_popescu: How much was each share worth? [05:15]
stochastic_ that one mining company went for 0.30 [05:16]
mircea_popescu a millionth of 90 btc. [05:16]
* BlueMatt has quit (Quit: Quit!) [05:16]
mircea_popescu o boy headed back to 4.6 [05:17]
* Orion-Hax has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [05:17]
mircea_popescu anyway, splatster, read up the ipo if you're curious [05:17]
splatster When dividends start getting clipped by the 8 decimal btc limit, there might be a small problem with how many shares you're issuing. [05:17]
* Orion-Hax ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:18]
mircea_popescu not really. most anyone's out is one satoshi. [05:18]
splatster With GLBSE's 20 BTC listing fee, at 0.01 BTC per share, I would have to sell 2000 shares just to cover the listing fee. [05:19]
splatster That's insane. [05:19]
paulzag ;;view 7175 [05:19]
gribble #7175 Tue Mar 13 05:00:15 2012 paulzag SELL 100.0 BTC @ 4.8053 AUD (Westpac cash branch deposit - smaller amounts are okay) [05:19]
paulzag ;;ticker [05:19]
gribble Best bid: 4.80017, Best ask: 4.85522, Bid-ask spread: 0.05505, Last trade: 4.85532, 24 hour volume: 212487, 24 hour low: 4.5, 24 hour high: 5.28 [05:19]
BTC_Bear Well, not to tell you how to conduct your business, but most IPO's let people know everything, even hype it up a little. Still not buy Facebook tho. [05:20]
BTC_Bear buying [05:20]
splatster BTC_Bear: Everything will be known when the official announcement is made. [05:21]
splatster Not a single share will be sold until full details are made public. [05:21]
BTC_Bear That's fine, just saying before the issuance of the IPO. [05:21]
splatster yup [05:22]
DeLorean719 what caused the price dip? [05:22]
* pho| (~pho@unaffiliated/pho/x-6551342) has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:22]
mircea_popescu nobody knows [05:23]
BTC_Bear btw: who determines the amount of shares a company has and is able to issue. Just incase, I want to start a proxy war and take over. :) [05:23]
splatster *assumes uber-religious personality* It was Jesus! [05:23]
splatster BTC_Bear: The company decides how many shares they issue and to whom they issue said shares. [05:24]
BTC_Bear Yea, I know. It's not traditional. It was a little Yahoo humor. [05:25]
loktite [05:25]
copumpkin loktite: you kee posting that [05:27]
loktite cut and paste is messed up [05:28]
* guest_ (~guest@gateway/tor-sasl/gagecolton) has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:29]
neofutur loktite: anyeway .otc is not the place for posting your links [05:29]
loktite i heard the best place was your moms [05:30]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to neofutur [05:30]
splatster +o? +o?! +o! [05:30]
splatster YEAH! [05:30]
* neofutur has kicked loktite from #bitcoin-otc (yours) [05:30]
splatster lol [05:30]
* loktite ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:31]
* neofutur removes channel operator status from loktite [05:31]
loktite u mad brow? [05:31]
* neofutur removes channel operator status from neofutur [05:31]
neofutur you were the first one to insult [05:31]
neofutur but you can still tell me why you post links completely unrelated with bitcoin [05:32]
neofutur or tell me hoew is related to bitcoin [05:32]
copumpkin jjjrmy, netxshare: is the server back up? [05:32]
copumpkin ageis: you around? [05:32]
neofutur also you can read the topic, particularly [05:32]
mircea_popescu loktite had +o ? wtf is going on here [05:32]
loktite were you posting your own picture here before? [05:32]
neofutur mircea_popescu: nop i just fucked up my deop [05:33]
* DarkPunk ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:33]
mircea_popescu a [05:33]
h4ckm3 ;;rate spawn 3 regular reliable business will continue to use [05:33]
neofutur ok, so is yourself ? [05:33]
neofutur you post it for the otc photo book ? [05:33]
neofutur you could tell it , not just posting the link with no explanation [05:34]
mircea_popescu that's an actress lol [05:34]
neofutur (05:00) < loktite> sup bro [05:34]
neofutur (05:07) < loktite> [05:34]
neofutur those ones are also you ? [05:34]
neofutur (04:00) < loktite> [05:35]
loktite what are you talking about [05:35]
neofutur (04:28) < loktite> [05:35]
neofutur and those ones ? [05:35]
loktite just becaue you post pics of yourself doesn't mean everyone does [05:35]
h4ckm3 do you have to everify with gribble every log in? [05:35]
neofutur you re just posting many links all the time with no explanation [05:35]
h4ckm3 with the pgp email thing and all that? [05:35]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc [14:15]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe [14:15]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Sun Feb 26 06:25:27 2012 [14:15]
* BTC_Bear|hbrntng is now known as BTC_Bear [14:16]
* max7890_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) [14:19]
rg paulzag [14:19]
rg i gotta pay a tiny $25 invoice [14:19]
rg to my ISP [14:19]
* da2ce7 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [14:21]
paulzag usd I'm guessing... my usd cc has nothing in it atm, Can I pay with my AUD CC, or pay via paypal? [14:22]
* Raccoon (bismuth@unaffiliated/raccoon) has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:22]
* ChanServ gives voice to Raccoon [14:22]
* winterblack has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:23]
rg i think paypal [14:24]
rg i will get back to you when they reply [14:24]
rg i just filed the ticket like 10 minutes ago [14:24]
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* Chaang_Noi_ (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:32]
* Turing_i (~devon@unaffiliated/devon-hillard/x-7250961) has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:32]
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rg i am so happy for bitvps [14:37]
mircea_popescu lol [14:37]
rg people still use bitcoinica? [14:38]
rg mircea_popescu: i decided im gonna buy some options [14:38]
mircea_popescu a ? cool! [14:38]
rg whats the URL again [14:38]
rg doesnt link to it [14:39]
mircea_popescu [14:39]
rg you know [14:39]
rg it helps if your main page links to your service [14:39]
rg :> [14:39]
* rory1 (5b79d0da@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:39]
rory1 Hi [14:39]
rory1 i want to sell on here for btc [14:40]
* EvilJStoker (jstoker@unaffiliated/jstoker) has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:40]
rory1 iam selling [14:40]
rory1 selling 2 $50 southwest airlines email gift cards for btc pm me [14:41]
rg ok [14:41]
rg ;;tell rory1 [guide] [14:41]
rory1 thanks [14:41]
rory1 guide [14:41]
* att_ has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [14:41]
mircea_popescu well rg, you know its up there in chan topic ? [14:41]
mircea_popescu you know, before like, bitvps ? :p [14:42]
* Raccoon (bismuth@unaffiliated/raccoon) has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:42]
* ChanServ gives voice to Raccoon [14:42]
rg no one reads the topic [14:42]
rg you know that [14:42]
mircea_popescu hehehe [14:42]
mircea_popescu lolz [14:43]
rory1 i got a message in the right hand side look a wikipedia why [14:44]
mircea_popescu rory1 come again ? [14:44]
rory1 rg wants me to tell you: Guide to using #bitcoin-otc: [14:45]
rory1 wtf [14:45]
rory1 can i sell on here [14:45]
rory1 or not [14:45]
rg uh [14:45]
rg first you can watch your attitude [14:45]
rg secondly [14:45]
rg im telling you how to use the channel [14:45]
rg you wont be able to just come in here and say ' hi i have all this shit for sale, buy it ' [14:46]
rg there are proper procedures to selling/buying [14:46]
* BTC_Bear is now known as BTC_Bear|hbrntng [14:46]
* yossarian_ has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [14:46]
rory1 I thout this place is OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. free market or is it not? [14:47]
rg it is [14:47]
rg but you have to follow the rules and procedures to do so [14:47]
rory1 but there no rules in the free market hence the word free [14:48]
rory1 no [14:48]
rg yea, good luck selling buddy [14:48]
rory1 thanks [14:48]
rory1 all i want to do is sell once and that is it [14:48]
* Joric has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [14:50]
* tbage ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:50]
rory1 no big deal [14:50]
rory1 sorry if i upset you [14:50]
mircea_popescu didn't upset anone rory1 [14:50]
rg you'll just hurt me, like all the rest. [14:50]
mircea_popescu just, what you wan't can't be done. [14:51]
* hngryhngryhippo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:51]
rory1 sorry [14:51]
rory1 sorry [14:51]
rg you would have better luck if you read the guide, signed up, and put it in the order book [14:51]
rory1 i look at the guide now [14:51]
rory1 but i havent got a clue realy [14:52]
rg heres how it works [14:52]
rory1 go on [14:52]
rg you create a PGP key, send it to the PGP key servers, register the key with gribble (our channel bot who handles ratings/buy/sells) [14:52]
rg then once youre registered/logged in [14:52]
rg you can place your stuff in the 'order book' [14:53]
rg order book is a listing of stuff people are trying to sell [14:53]
rory1 i have to do all at [14:53]
rg what i described would literally take less than 5 minutes. [14:53]
* DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:53]
* gribble gives voice to DeLorean719 [14:54]
rory1 that will take me a long time to work out [14:54]
rory1 i just want to sell on thing for all that [14:55]
* agricocb has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [14:55]
rory1 is there a easy way? [14:55]
rory1 or not [14:56]
rg you can hang out here all day and night [14:56]
rg looking for someone to buy [14:56]
* tcatm has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [14:56]
rg but people will be less likely to deal with someone who isnt signed up [14:56]
rory1 i get it [14:56]
rory1 trust [14:57]
rg ;;getrating rg [14:57]
gribble User rg, created on Sun Jun 5 10:39:49 2011. Cumulative rating 143, from 73 total ratings. Received ratings: 73 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 71 positive, 3 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask rg! [14:57]
rory1 o [14:57]
rory1 cool [14:57]
rory1 that you? [14:57]
rg yes [14:57]
rg you might have better luck signing up to a bitcoin classified site [14:57]
rg if you dont want to sign up here [14:57]
* je_fro has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [14:58]
* tcatm (~quassel@2001:4dd0:fb22::2) has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:58]
* tcatm has quit (Changing host) [14:58]
* tcatm (~quassel@unaffiliated/tcatm) has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:58]
rory1 i dont realy just to sell 2 $50 giftcards [14:58]
* chakl has quit (Quit: ircN 8.00 for mIRC (20100904) - [14:58]
rory1 i will keep on trying if that is ok [14:58]
rg feel free [14:59]
rory1 thank you [14:59]
rg im not the boss here [14:59]
rg heh [14:59]
rg i should be, but the powers that be are racist [14:59]
rory1 and thanks for all your help [15:00]
rory1 it seems to me you are the boss [15:00]
* senttipentti (c29d07c8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:00]
rg no i just act it [15:01]
rory1 everthing need order [15:01]
rg cause in real life im a nobody [15:01]
rg so i act a tough guy on IRC [15:01]
rory1 i dont belive that [15:01]
* Raccoon has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [15:01]
rory1 you seem cool to me [15:01]
rg you might be able to sell that stuff here [15:02]
rg i dunno [15:02]
rg ive not seen anyone offer those before [15:02]
rg that can either be good or bad [15:02]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [15:02]
rory1 i will try my best thanks [15:02]
TheFriscoFainter rory1: what are you selling? too lazy to scroll up [15:02]
rory1 selling 2 $50 southwest airlines email gift cards for btc [15:03]
rory1 thats all [15:03]
BTCHero rory1 are you going to be around here long? [15:03]
rory1 how long [15:04]
senttipentti hey, i need 2btc, anyone wanna sell? [15:04]
BTCHero my mom is going on a trip soon, but i don't know what airline. Also how much of a discount [15:04]
rory1 cool [15:04]
rory1 what will you give me? [15:05]
rory1 i dont realy no the price of btc [15:05]
BTCHero maybe 70 usd worth of bitcoins [15:05]
BTCHero but like i said i would have to see what airline my mom wants to use and she is working all day [15:05]
rg uff [15:06]
rg no one is answering my ticket [15:06]
* EvanR (~erinehart@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:06]
rory1 i could do $75 [15:06]
BTCHero I would be ok with that if i need them [15:06]
* EvanR is now known as Guest94167 [15:06]
rory1 thank you [15:06]
* cakes1000 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [15:07]
rory1 i will hang around [15:07]
BTCHero can you pm me your email in case you aren't here when she gets home like 8 hours from now [15:07]
* loktight has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [15:07]
rory1 how do i do that? [15:07]
BTCHero type /query btchero [15:07]
rg /msg btchero [15:07]
BTCHero or that [15:07]
imsaguy2 use /query so it opens a new window [15:08]
imsaguy2 /msg leaves it inline [15:08]
* blaeks has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [15:10]
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rory1 i like this place nice people [15:11]
* th1sl3gacyy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:11]
rory1 thanks btchero [15:11]
* Toats ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:13]
* faithBTC (45767e9e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:15]
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NASDAQEnema 10 more bids left on chewing gum [15:21]
* att_ (~att@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:21]
NASDAQEnema [15:21]
faithBTC ;;gpg eregister alice 665FC11DD53E9583 [15:22]
jcpham hi [15:22]
faithBTC oops [15:22]
mircea_popescu rg so, did you find the page ? [15:23]
rg yes [15:23]
rg but im gambling now [15:23]
vragnaroda ;;wp Dyson tree [15:25]
gribble | A Dyson tree is a hypothetical genetically-engineered plant, (perhaps resembling a tree) capable of growing in a comet, suggested by the physicist Freeman ... [15:25]
rg god damn bitjack is still slow as fuck [15:25]
rg BTCTrader said it was fixed... [15:25]
rg it is not [15:25]
rg ;;later tell BTCTrader bitjack is still slow as ever [15:25]
gribble The operation succeeded. [15:25]
faithBTC sorry, im trying to figure out how to register [15:25]
jcpham what you dudes been up to [15:25]
rg jcpham [15:25]
rg are you of the orient? [15:25]
jcpham of course i am [15:26]
rg well i didnt know that [15:26]
rg while i was looking for your picture [15:26]
jcpham because i just lied to you [15:26]
rg i found out JC Pham is a common slanty name [15:26]
jcpham ikr! [15:26]
jcpham i'm not going to assist, sorry [15:26]
rg waiting 1h20m for a reply to my support ticket now [15:26]
jcpham cameras steal souls [15:27]
rg i need to find something to watch [15:27]
mircea_popescu jcpham we've been watching the charts. [15:28]
jcpham gribble! [15:28]
rg ;;asks 4 [15:28]
gribble There are currently 0 bitcoins offered at or under 4.0 USD, worth 0.0 USD in total. [15:28]
* dxdx_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:28]
rg ;;asks 4.60 [15:28]
gribble There are currently 0 bitcoins offered at or under 4.6 USD, worth 0.0 USD in total. [15:28]
jcpham what charts [15:28]
rg ;;asks 5 [15:28]
gribble There are currently 15333.09 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 75534.5970405 USD in total. [15:28]
* dxdx has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [15:28]
rg lol [15:28]
rg looks like we're done with $5 for a while [15:28]
jcpham oh the price [15:28]
mircea_popescu speaking of updating, rg, you gonna update your photo page? [15:28]
rg yes [15:28]
rg i just need people to give me pictures [15:28]
jcpham who broke the price. should've known since it swelled [15:29]
rg jcpham a bunch of lemmings [15:29]
rg saw one big sale [15:29]
rg and dumped all their btc [15:29]
mircea_popescu rg : [15:29]
vragnaroda [22:50] <+ vragnaroda> | rg: <- Go with that one. [15:29]
vragnaroda rg: Also, for something to watch: [15:30]
rg added [15:31]
rg anyone who hasnt submitted a pic must be a real mutant [15:32]
* Raccoon (~bismuth@unaffiliated/raccoon) has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:32]
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* GlooBoy (48948d9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:33]
GlooBoy ;;eauth GlooBoy [15:33]
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mircea_popescu vragnaroda : should have gone with staatsfiend. [15:34]
mircea_popescu as it is you'll be 2nd paged and get no votes :D [15:34]
rg no, hes on the first page [15:34]
rg everyone will be [15:34]
vragnaroda mircea_popescu: *Staatsfeind [15:34]
rg i set the max listing to 9000 [15:34]
* dxdx_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [15:34]
jcpham WEAK [15:34]
vragnaroda It's not the English word fiend. ;) [15:35]
mircea_popescu hehehe [15:35]
mircea_popescu curses. foiled again. [15:35]
rg mircea looks like a hassidic jew [15:35]
rg and luke-jr is problem child [15:35]
rg someone keeps fucking with the viewed amount [15:36]
* dxdx ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:36]
mircea_popescu i got one in which i look like el che [15:36]
mircea_popescu would you prefer that ? [15:36]
* Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:36]
vragnaroda It's the first day of spring and it's been in the 70°s for a week already. What the fuck? [15:37]
* agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:37]
rg im blocking the person who keeps fucking the viewed amount [15:37]
mircea_popescu well astronomical spring. [15:37]
mircea_popescu astronomical spring is to seasons what the zodiac is to dating. [15:37]
vragnaroda lol, no [15:38]
* brute` (b858a639@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:38]
* Guest94167 is now known as EvanR [15:38]
Joric another forbes article [15:38]
jcpham [15:38]
* EvanR has quit (Changing host) [15:38]
* EvanR (~erinehart@unaffiliated/evanr) has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:38]
* ChanServ gives voice to EvanR [15:38]
jcpham never say i didn't provide a pic [15:38]
Joric someone at forbes loves bitcoins [15:38]
rg who here is from alabama [15:38]
brute` I'm looking to exchange $1400 in moneypak to BTC. please contact me if you can make this trade [15:38]
vragnaroda “If zeros and ones are outlawed, only outlaws will use zeros and ones.” [15:38]
vragnaroda lol [15:38]
rg Joric: at least someone loves bitcoin [15:39]
mircea_popescu if bitcoin becomes illegal [15:40]
mircea_popescu we'll prolly just rename it bitecoin [15:40]
kakobrekla bytecoin [15:41]
rg even if it was illegal [15:41]
* Raccoon has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [15:41]
rg id just sell VPS's in a different country where its legal [15:41]
rg hell, even if it was illegal i dont think itd matter [15:41]
Joric remember angry birds everybody hated them except Peter Levin who had some media connections [15:41]
mircea_popescu rg : i could care less about what some bunch of dorks calling themselves "parliament" sign. [15:41]
rory1 panama [15:41]
mircea_popescu seriously. [15:41]
Blitzboom Joric: matonis is great [15:41]
mircea_popescu taking them seriously is tantamount to sitting in irc to be told what to do. [15:42]
* speed_racer8 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [15:42]
Joric Bruce Wagner is our biggest loss [15:42]
mircea_popescu that's good enough for botnets. [15:42]
Blitzboom who is bruce wagner [15:42]
* hngryhngryhippo has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [15:42]
mircea_popescu ya, who's that ? [15:42]
Blitzboom never heard of him! [15:42]
brute` does anyone in here accept moneypak for btc? [15:42]
mircea_popescu o wait [15:42]
mircea_popescu isn't he the guy with very gay mannerisms who has some youtube show about bitcoins ? [15:43]
Blitzboom yes [15:43]
vragnaroda lol [15:43]
mircea_popescu a ok. so how'd "we" "lose" him ? [15:43]
mircea_popescu or did you mean to type two o's ? [15:43]
mircea_popescu brute` plenty of people. usualyl for lower ammts from what i've seen tho. [15:44]
Blitzboom he is no loss at all [15:44]
vragnaroda We loosed him on OWS last I heard. ;p [15:44]
brute` mircea_popescu: i have no problem doing it in smaller transactions. i just need to end up with $1400 in btc [15:44]
mircea_popescu is he playing fast and loose with out bitcoinz ? [15:44]
jcpham rg i can provide a creepier pic iupon request [15:44]
mircea_popescu brute` also putting your order in the book is likely to help [15:45]
brute` oh yeah, i meant to do that [15:45]
brute` i have to get setup with the bot right [15:45]
mircea_popescu ;;tell brute` [guide] [15:46]
Joric bruce wagner is fine without bitcoins [15:47]
rg jcpham [15:47]
rg if you dont wanna provide a pic [15:47]
rg you dont have to [15:47]
* ColdHardMetal_ is now known as ColdHardMetal [15:47]
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th1sl3gacyy mircea_popescu can you tell me the guide too [15:47]
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* ColdHardMetal (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/coldhardmetal) has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:48]
mircea_popescu ;;tell th1sl3gacyy [guide] [15:48]
rg its not a rule to submit a photo [15:48]
rg so dont worry about [15:48]
rg it [15:48]
mircea_popescu i wonder why nano is so shy [15:48]
rg i havent even asked nano for a photo yet [15:48]
mircea_popescu maybe he's this girl that looks like portia de rossi [15:48]
copumpkin oh man, it's vragnaroda not in uniform [15:48]
rg we're on IRC at ooposite times [15:48]
copumpkin I don't think I've seen any of those [15:48]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: nice beard [15:48]
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rg i will say that [15:49]
rg mircea's beard is bad ass [15:49]
rg and i also must stress: the gallery is SFW pics only [15:49]
rg so stop sending me porn [15:49]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: don't you have the source image though? it looks kinda weird to have the cloudy border [15:49]
mircea_popescu copumpkin ya but i'd have to dig through all the pics to find it ;/ [15:49]
rg copumpkin: yeah it kinda looks fucked on the site too [15:50]
* UNOE227 (~mmc@unaffiliated/unoe227) has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:50]
mircea_popescu well if anyone wants to pay me a btc, ima go dig it up [15:50]
rg i think i speak for everyone when i say [15:50]
rg we want pics of your girl, not you [15:51]
Joric mircea_popescu looks convincing [15:51]
Joric i shall try options [15:51]
* tester45 has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [15:52]
copumpkin yeah, with a beard like that, you should put that pic on the front page of MPOE [15:52]
copumpkin much more business [15:52]
* Woundead ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:52]
copumpkin hell, screw the options, put _only_ the pic along with a bitcoin donation address [15:53]
mircea_popescu (sfw) [15:53]
copumpkin much more viable business plan if you ask me [15:53]
copumpkin lol [15:53]
mircea_popescu lmao. ok copumpkin, you've sold me. [15:53]
copumpkin the most SFW-but-implied-NSFW pic I've seen in a while [15:54]
mircea_popescu hehehe. [15:54]
gigavps lol [15:54]
Blitzboom You don't have permission to access /trilema/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/aventurile-zilei-10.jpg on this server. [15:54]
Blitzboom fffffffffu [15:54]
copumpkin Blitzboom: guess you aren't cool enough [15:54]
* UNOE227_ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [15:54]
* copumpkin sits back smugly [15:54]
mircea_popescu umm now that's odd. [15:55]
mircea_popescu prolly abused vps ip [15:55]
gigavps [15:55]
th1sl3gacyy nice shoes [15:55]
gigavps my personal favorite -> [15:55]
Blitzboom works on my phone [15:56]
Blitzboom odd indeed [15:57]
rg mircea [15:57]
copumpkin what's odd is that mircea_popescu still hasn't found the original beard pic [15:57]
rg i must ask [15:57]
copumpkin what are we waiting for [15:57]
rg whats with all the hot chicks showing their titties [15:57]
rg in the femen-* pictures [15:57]
copumpkin rg: he's a slave master [15:57]
mircea_popescu well femen is this ukrainian sorority [15:57]
gigavps lol, rg wants in on the secrets [15:58]
rg they appear to be protesting something [15:58]
mircea_popescu there's ~a dozen or so chicks that like to go topless [15:58]
gigavps gimme boobies! [15:58]
mircea_popescu and a hundred or two thatl ike to smoke the cock [15:58]
copumpkin lol [15:58]
mircea_popescu mostly freshman/sophomore [15:58]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: sounds unpleasant if there's fire involved [15:58]
codemojo coderrr coingenuity ColdHardMetal comboy Coolio- Coolty copumpkin Cory [15:58]
* gigavps ( has left #bitcoin-otc [15:58]
codemojo coderrr coingenuity ColdHardMetal comboy Coolio- Coolty copumpkin Cory [15:58]
mircea_popescu you're new to this copumpkin you wouldn't undertstand [15:58]
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* ChanServ gives voice to Raccoon [15:58]
rg [15:58]
rg in this one [15:58]
mircea_popescu it's a sort of fire but it burns inside :D [15:58]
rg they appear to have shit on the sidwalk [15:59]
mircea_popescu to have shat! [15:59]
mircea_popescu hahaha vragnaroda beat you to one lalala [15:59]
mircea_popescu anyway. kinda wild tall lanky chicks. [15:59]
rg ok [16:00]
rg you have too many pictures [16:00]
rg i am going back to work [16:00]
mircea_popescu there copumpkin. how's that ? [16:02]
Blitzboom hahahahaha [16:02]
Blitzboom yes,l eave it there [16:02]
copumpkin awesome! [16:02]
mircea_popescu cool. [16:02]
mircea_popescu come trade with teh jew. [16:03]
copumpkin with that there, I'll be rich in no time with my 0.00001% of MPOE [16:03]
mircea_popescu tbh, that entire set was mostly taken cause the ppl on my blog kept going on about how jew-y i am. [16:03]
jcpham [16:03]
Blitzboom i doubt you are a jew [16:03]
jcpham i approve of that creepy photo [16:03]
jcpham but only that one [16:03]
mircea_popescu im not. [16:03]
Blitzboom is english your first language btw? [16:04]
brute` hah there [16:04]
brute` i finally did it :) [16:04]
mircea_popescu nope. born in romania. [16:04]
copumpkin jcpham: better tell rg [16:04]
Blitzboom then explain how yours is so good [16:04]
jcpham nope [16:04]
mircea_popescu brute` wd. [16:04]
brute` mircea_popescu: my order is now in the book. hooray for me [16:04]
Blitzboom >:[ [16:04]
phedny_ mircea_popescu: you still live in .ro? [16:04]
mircea_popescu Blitzboom im a poliglot what can i tell you. [16:04]
mircea_popescu phedny_ atm yes. [16:04]
Blitzboom how many languages do you speak? [16:04]
phedny_ mircea_popescu: anywhere near the North-West? like Timisoara? [16:04]
brute` [16:05]
mircea_popescu half dozen or something. but the explanation is, of course, sex. [16:05]
mircea_popescu phedny_ exactly, timisoara. [16:05]
brute` mircea_popescu: what do i do now, just wait? [16:05]
Blitzboom wtf [16:05]
phedny_ mircea_popescu: really? I'll be visiting that city in May [16:05]
mircea_popescu brute` yea, someone will see it and talk to you about it. [16:05]
mircea_popescu phedny_ cool. who're you ? :) [16:05]
brute` thanks for your help [16:05]
mircea_popescu np [16:05]
phedny_ mircea_popescu: just a guy who'll be traveling Central Europe for holiday [16:06]
mircea_popescu a, cool. timisoara is nice in may. [16:06]
mircea_popescu prolly catch the cherry blossoms. [16:06]
phedny_ nice :) [16:06]
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mircea_popescu it is. right behind the main church in the main square there's this riverwalk thing, cherry trees on both sides. [16:07]
mircea_popescu must see sorta thing. [16:07]
phedny_ ah, let me take a note of that :) [16:07]
mircea_popescu lemme see here... [16:07]
phedny_ and if you're in town during that period, we might meet up or something [16:08]
mircea_popescu phedny_ just scroll down [16:08]
mircea_popescu sure, have a cup of coffee. [16:08]
mircea_popescu and Blitzboom : the only way to learn languages is from womenz. [16:08]
mircea_popescu hook up with a native speaker, a few months down the road you're reading the newspapers. [16:09]
Blitzboom must’ve been travelling a lot then [16:10]
mircea_popescu well yea. [16:10]
tbage yo [16:10]
tbage does open-transactions have any adoption [16:10]
mircea_popescu never heard of it tbage [16:10]
* Raccoon has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [16:10]
NASDAQEnema hi? [16:10]
tbage it's chaumian digital cash [16:10]
mircea_popescu sup NASDAQEnema [16:11]
NASDAQEnema god damn cursor [16:11]
NASDAQEnema burning karma by the minute [16:11]
tbage [16:11]
Joric spike! [16:12]
* Raccoon (bismuth@unaffiliated/raccoon) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:12]
* ChanServ gives voice to Raccoon [16:12]
Joric 4.85 [16:12]
mircea_popescu a GUI test wallet (in Java) [16:12]
mircea_popescu no ty. [16:12]
phedny_ mircea_popescu: looks nice... let me contact you in like 8 weeks :) [16:12]
mircea_popescu phedny_ no prob. best way drop a comment on that blog [16:13]
* pho| has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [16:13]
mircea_popescu Joric i see 4.75 lol [16:13]
tbage mircea_popescu: you clearly didn't read it :) [16:14]
tbage are you familiar with chaumian digital currencies? [16:14]
* helo orders some chaumian [16:14]
mircea_popescu tbage nope. [16:15]
phedny_ tbage: hmm, nice, looks like something I was just starting already exists [16:15]
mircea_popescu tbage are you familiar with the laziness of the consumer ? [16:15]
phedny_ or at least this may cover the functionality I was looking for [16:15]
tbage phedny: yeah i'm excited, this is the only real chaumian DC impl. i've ever seen [16:15]
phedny_ tbage: *must* there be a central server by the way? [16:15]
tbage no [16:15]
tbage but yes [16:15]
tbage the central server is 'auditable' though [16:16]
tbage there might be another scheme it can be managed under [16:16]
* hngryhngryhippo (~hngryhngr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:16]
tbage mircea_popescu: OT provides an equivalent to digital cash, amongst other things [16:17]
phedny_ you know the double-spend detection scheme by Stefan Brands? [16:17]
tbage the secret sauce is that when you give someone a dollar [16:17]
tbage the 'serial number' changes [16:17]
tbage and becomes anonymized [16:17]
tbage no transaction log [16:17]
tbage phedny: nope [16:17]
phedny_ can you give someone that dollar offline, so without going through the server? [16:17]
mircea_popescu and if the fed seizes your server tbage ? [16:18]
Joric how can you give something offline? [16:18]
tbage the centralized server is blind to the serial numbers as well [16:18]
tbage phedny: i think there's an offline sync sheme [16:18]
tbage i dont know what's implemented in OT [16:18]
phedny_ Joric: from phone to phone [16:18]
tbage p-t-p is not offline [16:19]
tbage :.) [16:19]
phedny_ Joric: using NFC, bluetooth, but without Internet connection or central server [16:19]
mircea_popescu mk. so basically this would be most useful to finally get voting off the ballots and onto the bits. [16:19]
tbage chaum did some voting stuff as well. [16:19]
tbage good dude [16:20]
tbage old old old research [16:20]
tbage 80s old [16:20]
tbage heh [16:20]
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mircea_popescu anyway tbage : point in case, on mpex rather than trying to find something like the ot, i just designed a simplified scheme and that's all. [16:21]
* pho| (~pho@unaffiliated/pho/x-6551342) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:21]
mircea_popescu so i don't see the usefullness of ot to me, at least not yet. [16:21]
tbage ya [16:21]
mircea_popescu maybe years down the road if development continues. [16:22]
vraa buying btc, selling ppusd or amzn gc [16:24]
tbage well thats the big technical let down for me [16:25]
tbage on BTC [16:25]
tbage the fact that transactions dont get blinded [16:25]
mircea_popescu by the way gigavps : that sheep's name is cornelius :p [16:26]
mircea_popescu tbage : why ? [16:26]
* th1sl3gacyy has quit (Quit: Leaving) [16:27]
tbage because [16:29]
tbage i can't buy guns [16:29]
* copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [16:29]
* BTC_Bear|hbrntng is now known as BTC_Bear [16:30]
mircea_popescu mk. i don't want to buy guns. [16:30]
tbage or nukes [16:30]
* brute` is now known as brute [16:30]
tbage and worry about getting identified at exchange points [16:31]
mircea_popescu and i think to imagine that something like that is a major issue that technology can approach is at least naive. [16:31]
brute is there a way to see what email a nick is registered to [16:31]
brute and/ord request the password [16:31]
tbage MP [16:31]
tbage what [16:31]
* ternit ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:31]
mircea_popescu what isn't a valid question really. [16:32]
tbage and i think to imagine that something like that is a major issue that technology can approach is at least naive. <- this sentence doesn't make sense [16:32]
phedny_ tbage: hmm, are you using OT by the way? [16:32]
ternit ;;guide [16:33]
tbage the problem of buying restricted goods with currency and blinding that cash so that you aren't tied into those transactions at exchange points [16:33]
tbage is not only 'approached' by technology [16:34]
* Ard1t (~shkodrani@unaffiliated/shkodrani) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:34]
brute that sucks, the guy that registered 'brute' hasnt signed on in over 2 years [16:34]
tbage but is provided actively by OT [16:34]
mircea_popescu well let me go at it another way [16:34]
tbage and has been openly documented as a system since the 80s [16:34]
mircea_popescu if you think the reason you aren't buying nukes anonymously is because of the lack of an ot-type thing [16:34]
mircea_popescu you're bordering on insane. [16:34]
tbage lol [16:34]
tbage it was hyperbole [16:34]
tbage here's something more accessible [16:34]
tbage lets say i live in iran [16:35]
tbage and i want to buy some documents about how great western democracy is [16:35]
mircea_popescu let's. [16:35]
mircea_popescu ok. evaluate the per annum market for such documents in iran. please. [16:35]
tbage no [16:36]
mircea_popescu technology is only any good if it serves an ACTUAL purpose. otherwise it's just pure research. and can wallow for 30+ years or 300+ years. [16:36]
tbage it's irrelevant [16:36]
mircea_popescu ya. mkay. [16:36]
tbage i could quote the black market article to you [16:37]
vragnaroda mircea_popescu: [16:37]
tbage [16:37]
mircea_popescu vragnaroda context ? [16:37]
tbage according to this [16:37]
tbage there's an enormous market for blinded currency [16:37]
tbage today [16:37]
vragnaroda mircea_popescu: I've decided on the phoneme inventory of slra (my conlang). [16:38]
mircea_popescu ohoho. okay. [16:38]
mircea_popescu tbage : maybe so. perfeclty possible im blind to it. [16:38]
vragnaroda (Because I am insane.) [16:38]
mircea_popescu (or close at any rate) [16:38]
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mircea_popescu but practically speaking, don't you think a narrower phonetic base would work better ? [16:40]
mircea_popescu after all, computers only use a vowel and a consonant and seem to do just fine. [16:40]
vragnaroda Nope. [16:40]
mircea_popescu what happens if you misspronounce ? [16:41]
* ternit ( has left #bitcoin-otc ("Leaving") [16:41]
vragnaroda People do that with other languages, too. Sometimes, it results in miscommunication and sometimes, it's understandable. [16:42]
mircea_popescu ya but that's what i mean, do you have some sort of mechanism for code correction ? [16:42]
mircea_popescu built in redundancy, something ? [16:43]
vragnaroda Well, in some parts of speech, there's vowel harmony and consonant harmony but the rules for vowel and consonant harmony for nouns are not the same as the harmony rules for verbs. [16:44]
jcpham there's this lady that sits in office in new jersey [16:44]
* djoot ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:44]
BTC_Bear As lnog as the udnreylnig styesm is in palce it wlil work [16:44]
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* djoot (~djoot@unaffiliated/djoot) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:44]
jcpham and everytime she sends an email she puts a red exclamation point on it [16:44]
jcpham which means it is important [16:44]
phedny_ tbage: have you been using OT or have you just stumbled across it? [16:44]
phedny_ tbage: I'm asking, because it may actually solve the requirements we have for a project and therefore we could better focus on this system instead of starting our own [16:45]
tbage just stumbled upon it [16:46]
phedny_ okay [16:46]
tbage but it seems mature [16:46]
phedny_ yeah [16:46]
vragnaroda bbiab [16:46]
tbage also he the FT guy knows another dude here on freenode [16:46]
tbage billstclair [16:46]
tbage who knows some stuff [16:46]
tbage apparently it does do offline cheques [16:46]
phedny_ yeah [16:47]
phedny_ [16:47]
tbage but since the transact hasnt been committed [16:47]
* DBordello (~DB@unaffiliated/dbordello) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:47]
tbage the offline isn't very safe [16:47]
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* GlooBoy_ (48948d9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:47]
phedny_ that's what Brands' scheme adds: when double-spending occurs, the bank can determine whether the merchant or the account-holder is cheating [16:47]
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* lizzreptile (41225dae@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:47]
tbage hm [16:47]
phedny_ while the account-holder is anonymous to the bank when he's not cheating [16:48]
tbage well it's open source [16:48]
phedny_ that-is, his identity is blinded, but can be revealed when he double-spends a coin [16:48]
* GlooBoy_ has quit (Client Quit) [16:48]
tbage is that enough of a detriment to double spending? [16:48]
tbage like does the double spend work [16:48]
tbage lol [16:48]
* GlooBoy (48948d9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:48]
phedny_ well, when offline, the merchant cannot verify double-spend [16:49]
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phedny_ but the bank can identify the account-holder doing so and can obtain payment outside of the protocol [16:49]
tbage ah [16:49]
phedny_ paper by Brands by the way: [16:49]
tbage ;) [16:49]
tbage danke [16:49]
phedny_ it might be possible to integrate the Brands' scheme into OT [16:51]
phedny_ it seems only one of our requirements isn't met by OT [16:51]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:52]
* ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin [16:52]
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Sarajevo teach me sex, and i will teach you bitcoin mining [16:53]
Sarajevo with your mind [16:53]
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rg jcpham [16:54]
rg have you figured a way to create .5 GB partition with proxmox? [16:54]
jcpham Y MAKE ICON SHAKE [16:54]
rg or anything less than 1.0 [16:54]
BTC_Bear First Get a Hammer, hit your nuts real hard, that warm fuzzy feeling, that's not sex [16:54]
Dark_Apostrophe Sarajevo: Ja bih radije vjerovo nekoliko mining sa nekoliko 6990 :P [16:55]
jcpham you are talking about a partition or vdisk? [16:55]
rg vdisk [16:55]
jcpham one seems openvz, one seems kvm [16:55]
rg it only lets me create 1GB + [16:55]
* gribble gives voice to BTC_Bear [16:55]
rg and im creating swap partitions with different caching options [16:55]
jcpham have you tried from gui or console [16:55]
rg gui [16:55]
rg ive found adding things from the console and messing with them through the web ui fucks stuff up [16:56]
jcpham pretty sure you can do it from console and them just edit your vm.conf [16:56]
jcpham oic [16:56]
jcpham like make a 20 mb .rad vdisk [16:56]
jcpham .raw [16:56]
rg im just sick of giving epople 1GB swap [16:57]
rg they rape the disk [16:57]
rg instead of ordering what they really need [16:57]
jcpham swap would be a bitch with multiple clients [16:57]
jcpham users/whatever [16:57]
jcpham disk io is key! [16:57]
jcpham i would do it the way i said. make yourself a blank vdisk of whatever size [16:58]
jcpham copy it somewhere, rename it, reuse it [16:58]
rg yeah [16:59]
rg OpenVZ has a way to share the swap [16:59]
rg but kvm doesnt [16:59]
jcpham zv containers would swap less [16:59]
jcpham *vz [16:59]
DBordello swap can be useful in a pinch, such as when compiling bitcoind [17:00]
Blitzboom so, after all, butterfly labs turned out to be real [17:00]
Blitzboom nice [17:00]
DBordello it won't compile with 613 MB of ram, which is more than necessary to run it [17:01]
rg ugh [17:01]
rg i hate when customers run bitcoind [17:01]
rg more than anything [17:01]
rg its a monster to compile, boostrapping causes massive io lag [17:01]
DBordello I think it kind of comes with the territory? [17:01]
rg thats why there is now [17:01]
* Rattman ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:04]
Sarajevo ej Dark_Apostrophe [17:05]
Sarajevo odakle si ti [17:05]
vraa buying btc, selling ppusd or amzn gc [17:09]
jcpham why did gribble's views get removed? [17:11]
rg i removed them all [17:11]
rg cause someone is cheating [17:11]
jcpham i bet if you checked you access logs you'd find the culprit [17:12]
rawrmage [17:12]
jcpham lol [17:12]
rg i did [17:12]
rg its someone from alabama [17:12]
rg i firewalled their ip [17:12]
jcpham lame [17:12]
rg i know its you jcp [17:13]
rg youcan drop the act [17:13]
jcpham pretty weak act [17:13]
* SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdzzz [17:13]
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rg PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. [17:16]
rg 64 bytes from ( icmp_req=1 ttl=51 time=829 ms [17:16]
rg 64 bytes from ( icmp_req=3 ttl=51 time=621 ms [17:16]
rg 64 bytes from ( icmp_req=4 ttl=51 time=1053 ms [17:16]
rg 64 bytes from ( icmp_req=5 ttl=51 time=1281 ms [17:16]
rg what in teh fuck. [17:17]
* masori (~masori@gateway/tor-sasl/masori) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:18]
rawrmage rg: numbers aer cool [17:19]
Dark_Apostrophe Sarajevo: Iz Bosne :P [17:20]
Dark_Apostrophe Uh, zabrljo sam prvu rjecenicu. [17:20]
Dark_Apostrophe ;;bc,mtgox [17:21]
Dark_Apostrophe Still hanging in the 5 region, eh? [17:21]
vragnaroda Hey! This is the Internet. Speak American! [17:21]
Dark_Apostrophe Dey derk ur jerbs! [17:22]
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Blitzboom vragnaroda: the internet = amurrica [17:25]
phraust hoorah!' [17:26]
Blitzboom i didn’t know there were other countries [17:26]
* Turing_i has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [17:26]
vragnaroda If it was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me! [17:27]
Blitzboom (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ [17:27]
jcpham so geographically speaking, jessus is from america? [17:29]
vragnaroda jcpham: Congratulations on being an uncultured twat. :p [17:29]
vragnaroda It's a reference to an apocryphal (but quite humorous) quote. [17:29]
vragnaroda [17:30]
jcpham thanks vragraroda! [17:30]
jcpham -raroda [17:30]
* james777 (466b03bf@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:31]
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jcpham click link -> tl:dr -> ctrl F -> t-w-a-t -> nope, not here, bleh [17:31]
bitcoinTrader hi [17:32]
bitcoinTrader selling btc [17:32]
* tester45 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:32]
jcpham bitcoinTrader that's awesome [17:32]
Dark_Apostrophe vragnaroda: Yankistanis use "twat"? I thought that was reserved for Brits. [17:32]
jcpham i just moved an assload of money into my paypal [17:32]
jcpham for the express purpose of purchasing bitcoin [17:33]
* gribble gives voice to phraust [17:33]
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vraa ;;getrating bitcoinTrader [17:34]
gribble User bitcoinTrader, created on Wed May 11 15:23:00 2011. Cumulative rating 100, from 53 total ratings. Received ratings: 53 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 41 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently not authenticated. [17:34]
jcpham except i can't log into it because my stupid key doesn't work [17:34]
bitcoinTrader lol [17:34]
vragnaroda Dark_Apostrophe: A Yankee is a New Englander, you fuckwit and no, American English uses ‹twat›, too, but differently and not as much. [17:35]
brute [17:35]
bitcoinTrader jcpham: which key? [17:36]
Dark_Apostrophe vragnaroda: Oh, so it's English now? [17:36]
Dark_Apostrophe (For the record: I'm just kidding, not actually being serious :P ) [17:37]
* vraa is now known as speed_racer8 [17:37]
s1mngg hey bitcoinTrader [17:38]
s1mngg can you rate me plz [17:39]
bitcoinTrader hi s1mngg [17:39]
bitcoinTrader yes... [17:39]
s1mngg i cant rate you til you rate me 1st lol [17:39]
bitcoinTrader yeah... [17:40]
bitcoinTrader i forgot [17:40]
mircea_popescu so 4.8 is the new 5.3 pretty much [17:40]
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Blitzboom mircea_popescu: the bitcoin price is getting stable because of your options [17:43]
Blitzboom amirite [17:43]
mircea_popescu well theoretically at some point it will, but hm. i don't think its there yet. [17:43]
jcpham oh yeah btw I WTB bitcoin today [17:43]
jcpham a lot of it [17:43]
* lepra ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:43]
Blitzboom yeah, i don’t think your service is popular enough either [17:43]
Blitzboom you’d need to make it easier/automated [17:44]
mircea_popescu i mean, a few k's of contracts, what's that ? volume on gox is 100k [17:44]
mircea_popescu what do you mean make it automated ? [17:44]
Blitzboom wlel, i think one has to send you a mail with a request? [17:44]
Blitzboom maybe i’m wrong [17:44]
copumpkin no, you're right [17:44]
copumpkin just think how many times mircea_popescu got hacked though [17:45]
mircea_popescu blitzboom you can't automate sending mails ? [17:45]
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Blitzboom you know what i mean [17:45]
mircea_popescu i don't ? [17:45]
mircea_popescu what do you mean ? [17:46]
Blitzboom let me see how the process is [17:46]
mircea_popescu you calc what you want, shoot a mail, send the dough. that's all on your end. can be as automated as you like. [17:46]
rg ;;later tell netxshare your server is good to go, please contact me when you're around so we can discuss teh issue that caused your dedi to become unavailable [17:46]
gribble The operation succeeded. [17:46]
Blitzboom you should have accounts [17:46]
mircea_popescu go on mpex make an account there. [17:47]
mircea_popescu eventually it will take over. [17:47]
Blitzboom link [17:47]
mircea_popescu [17:47]
mircea_popescu that you can automate with gpg and wget/curl whatever to your heart's content. [17:47]
Blitzboom i have made the experience that very few people are willing to deal with GPG :P [17:48]
mircea_popescu that's ok, very few people deal directly with the nyse infrastructure too. [17:48]
Blitzboom which is why #bitcoin-otc is such a cozy community [17:48]
mircea_popescu there's nothing to keep someone from opening a broker, do whatever they feel like. [17:48]
Blitzboom point taken [17:48]
NASDAQEnema <- 10 bids left, chewing gum ltc [17:49]
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helo man i'm all over that [17:53]
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vragnaroda mircea_popescu: → “There is a 20BTC fixed fee for adding your public key to the MPEx.” ← wtf [17:58]
* faithBTC is now known as FaithBTC [17:58]
mircea_popescu what about it ? [17:58]
vragnaroda How much business do you expect it to end up doing? [17:59]
jcpham mircea_popescu you realize that your fee may astronomically expensive one day? [17:59]
vragnaroda jcpham: You realize that fees can be changed? [17:59]
jcpham NO [17:59]
copumpkin jcpham: just like the 10000 btc pizza [17:59]
jcpham NO [17:59]
* vragnaroda welcomes price discovery. [17:59]
mircea_popescu vragnaroda : guess how much does it cost to license yourself to participate as a broker in ay stock exchange ? [17:59]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: TRILLIONS [18:00]
mircea_popescu jcpham : i can ofcourse lower it in time [18:00]
copumpkin amirite [18:00]
mircea_popescu copumpkin well i don't remember right off, but it's not anything Joe Random Consumer can afford. [18:00]
jcpham freaking tear my head off next time [18:00]
mircea_popescu lol poor guy. sorry! [18:00]
vragnaroda mircea_popescu: I don't know (or really care) but most of the people dealing in bitcoins so far aren't playing with nearly as much. [18:00]
mircea_popescu vragnaroda i understand, which is why it's waived for now. [18:01]
mircea_popescu people who participate in the beta helping test it get it for free, so i dun see the problem. [18:01]
jcpham "dealing in bitcoins so far aren't playing with nearly as much" -> vague [18:01]
vragnaroda jcpham: No, it's not at all vague. [18:02]
vragnaroda It's elided. There's a difference. [18:02]
jcpham nice verbiage [18:03]
mircea_popescu ya srsly. someone had their reinforced linguistics cheerios this monring [18:03]
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jcpham i was strictly speaking of the construction of the words [18:05]
rg ;;ticker [18:05]
gribble Best bid: 4.74446, Best ask: 4.76816, Bid-ask spread: 0.0237, Last trade: 4.74446, 24 hour volume: 176288, 24 hour low: 4.5, 24 hour high: 5.03899 [18:05]
rg ;;asks 4.99 [18:05]
gribble There are currently 15443.796 bitcoins offered at or under 4.99 USD, worth 75808.7552037 USD in total. [18:05]
rg ;;asks 5 [18:05]
gribble There are currently 17794.082 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 87559.9774163 USD in total. [18:05]
rg lol just pile it on [18:05]
* Blitzboom has quit () [18:06]
rg ;;market sell 1000 [18:06]
gribble A market order to sell 1000 bitcoins right now would net 4709.5373 USD and would take the last price down to 4.6922 USD. [18:06]
rg ;;market sell 5000 [18:06]
gribble A market order to sell 5000 bitcoins right now would net 23358.8865 USD and would take the last price down to 4.6185 USD. [18:06]
rg thats where we're headed [18:06]
jcpham someone should do that [18:06]
rg we're going to see 4.30 by tonight [18:06]
jcpham then i'll wait awhile [18:07]
rg unless someone hits the wall and takes us to 4.90 [18:07]
rg we're going down [18:07]
rg big tiemn [18:07]
jcpham ;;market buy 2000 [18:07]
gribble A market order to buy 2000 bitcoins right now would take 9644.1089 USD and would take the last price up to 4.8500 USD. [18:07]
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mircea_popescu im thinking we might see 3.0 this month [18:08]
rg gaga [18:09]
rg haha [18:09]
rg i dont know about that [18:09]
occulta imsaguy: are you here, i am leaving soon [18:09]
Sarajevo oh yea babe [18:10]
Sarajevo shake dat ass [18:10]
* Sarajevo stuffs bitcoins in the bitches bra [18:10]
Sarajevo yea babe, ur doin it good [18:10]
* rg looks around [18:10]
occulta mircea_popescu: we wont see 3, that would stop miners from bothering :) [18:10]
rg occulta: i disagree [18:11]
rg people like gigavps, etc are profitable up until $1 [18:11]
occulta ok, a large % of miners [18:11]
rg and then account for the idiots [18:11]
rg who dont care [18:11]
rg OK [18:12]
rg i swear to god [18:12]
occulta imsaguy2: have i been msging the wrong nick? [18:12]
rg i am going to finish v2 [18:12]
occulta im off shortly [18:12]
rg imsaguy2 is imsaguy at work [18:12]
rg imsaguy is imsaguy at home [18:12]
occulta bastard [18:12]
occulta imsaguy2 at work, pm me [18:12]
rg i have a head ache [18:13]
rg i never get headaches [18:13]
rg argh [18:13]
mircea_popescu occulta it was 2. [18:14]
Sarajevo u wanna fight dude [18:14]
jcpham i'm profitable down to .01 [18:14]
copumpkin I'm profitable down to 0 [18:15]
jcpham null set [18:15]
rodrigorcm haah [18:15]
rg i dont even mine anymore [18:15]
occulta not enough people mining for the love [18:15]
rg i cant be bothered [18:15]
* dserrano5 has quit (Quit: random quit message) [18:15]
jcpham i mine for lurves [18:15]
rodrigorcm all we need is bitcoins [18:15]
jcpham everybody now! [18:15]
copumpkin occulta: I'm sure imsaguy wants you real bad. I can try to ping him if you need him urgently, but I only have his facebook, so I dunno if that helps at all [18:15]
rg imsaguy is around [18:16]
rodrigorcm alltogheter mining now [18:16]
rg he'll respond when he can [18:16]
jcpham give me his facebooks [18:16]
imsaguy2 copumpkin, we already spoke [18:16]
rg just chillax [18:16]
copumpkin oh okay [18:16]
imsaguy2 I made other arrangements [18:16]
occulta copumpkin: i told gribble the wrong handle [18:16]
imsaguy2 4.5G arriving SOOOOON [18:16]
imsaguy2 I need MOAR hashes [18:16]
jcpham did you ever settle on a config [18:16]
* copumpkin ships imsaguy2 a kg of hash [18:16]
rg mining is gay [18:16]
rg mining makes you gay [18:16]
jcpham iimsaguy how do you build your rigs [18:16]
occulta sweet, good for me RG [18:17]
imsaguy2 is that why you were slobbing on my knob rg? [18:17]
occulta toodles [18:17]
* occulta has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium [18:17]
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rg stop talking [18:19]
rg im trying to work [18:19]
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androSnake I have Paysafecard here, want to buy BTC [18:31]
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guest_ anybody know a Voip provider that accepts bitcoin in the US? [18:41]
* speed_racer8 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [18:43]
guest_ what about a good VoIP provider? [18:46]
rg hrmm [18:46]
rg thats a good idea [18:46]
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* gribble gives voice to draco49 [18:47]
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* ChanServ gives voice to Raccoon` [18:51]
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* Raccoon` is now known as Raccoon [18:53]
* loktight ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:54]
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* gribble gives voice to pirateat40 [18:54]
draco49 pretty quiet in here this morning... [18:57]
jcpham crickets [18:59]
rg hrm [18:59]
draco49 I think a tumbleweed just blew by... [18:59]
rg i borked my wordpress [18:59]
draco49 awww that sucks [18:59]
rg when i try to view the site in a browser, it says 'page not found' [18:59]
rg but when i wget it manually [18:59]
rg it works fine [18:59]
FaithBTC finally registered! [18:59]
* androSnake has quit (Quit: Verlassend) [19:00]
FaithBTC now im sleepy [19:00]
draco49 rg: I'm gettin a 404 as well... [19:00]
* bitfil (~bitfil@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:01]
* FaithBTC has quit (Quit: Page closed) [19:01]
rg strange [19:03]
rg its not finding the .css file [19:03]
rg yet i can wget it.. [19:03]
rg thats very strange [19:03]
* Cablesaurus ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:03]
* Cablesaurus has quit (Changing host) [19:03]
* Cablesaurus (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/cablesaurus) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:03]
rg Length: 53937 (53K) [text/css] [19:04]
rg Saving to: “style.css” [19:04]
rg when viewing it in firefox: [19:04]
rg [19:04]
* eldnord has quit (Quit: eldnord) [19:05]
draco49 when I try a wget I get the index page but no css [19:06]
* klaus_trainer ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:07]
loktight love the new design rg: [19:07]
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* Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:13]
* gribble gives voice to Joric [19:13]
rg ha [19:14]
rg it plays music too [19:14]
loktight gotta have the music [19:14]
* hngryhngryhippo has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [19:15]
rg luke-jr is #1 for photo views right now [19:16]
rg followed by me [19:16]
grubles lols [19:16]
loktight [19:16]
loktight people click on the images? but they're pretty big and visible in the gallery [19:17]
* d4de has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [19:18]
loktight pump up the selena gomez [19:18]
* hngryhngryhippo (~hngryhngr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:21]
* mayli (~mayli@2001:250:401:a218:210:c6ff:fe15:2d87) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:21]
Toats [19:21]
Toats :) [19:21]
* d4de (~RaWWR@unaffiliated/d4de) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:21]
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bitfil ;;sell 1 "Amazon Gift Card" at "7.78 * 0.7 * {mtgoxlast}" BTC $7.78 Amazon Gift Card with 30% discount. Bitcoin accepted. [19:32]
gribble Order id 7312 created. [19:32]
imsaguy2 bitfil, thats expensive [19:32]
imsaguy2 <+gribble> #7312 Tue Mar 20 10:32:00 2012 bitfil SELL 1.0 Amazon Gift Card @ 25.944 BTC ($7.78 Amazon Gift Card with 30% discount. Bitcoin accepted.) [19:32]
* hngryhngryhippo has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:32]
imsaguy2 "7.78 * 0.7 / {mtgoxlast}" [19:33]
* Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: Some folks are wise, and some otherwise.) [19:34]
* att_ (~att@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:35]
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loktight the design is awesome tho [19:36]
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* vraa_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:38]
rg welp [19:41]
* vraa has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [19:41]
rg mircea i have bad news for you [19:41]
* aemaeth has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [19:41]
rg the general consensus is that you're amish [19:41]
draco49 lol [19:42]
draco49 Too much beard for Amish... They never let a mustache grow. [19:42]
loktight is there a gallery for women of bitcoin? [19:43]
loktight oh wait, there are none [19:43]
mircea_popescu i got them all. [19:43]
* aemaeth ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:43]
mircea_popescu and im not amish, i use electricity! [19:43]
rg there are very few women bitcoin users [19:44]
* aemaeth is now known as Guest97268 [19:44]
rg the only one ive met has been a scammer [19:44]
draco49 [19:44]
* niggee (ade0d88c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:44]
mircea_popescu The requested URL /women was not found on this server. [19:44]
mircea_popescu rg has no sexytime ? [19:44]
draco49 :) [19:44]
mod6 xD [19:45]
* chmod755 (~affilitat@unaffiliated/chmod755) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:46]
rg stop distracting me [19:46]
rg im so close to finishing the new [19:46]
loktight how can we get the female demographic more interested in btc [19:46]
draco49 figure out a way for them to use it at the mall [19:46]
niggee hi can you help me please i want to send 1 bitcoin from my btc wallet and it says it wants to charge me a fee to do so why. and how do i turn it of i can? [19:47]
* agricocb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [19:47]
pigeons niggee: it is probably a necessary fee, see [19:48]
mod6 yeah draco49 they'd be all over it if Saphora or whatever only took BTC :) [19:48]
draco49 lol yep [19:48]
* AcidicAway is now known as AcidicChip [19:48]
loktight tjere [19:49]
loktight niggee: there's a no-fee client here [19:49]
niggee what if i send 2 btc? [19:49]
pigeons niggee: you can try bitcoind settxfee 0 (or however you do it in the gui) [19:49]
mircea_popescu niggee : can't really. [19:49]
pigeons loktight: stop it [19:49]
helo niggee: the fee is tiny... just send it with the fee [19:49]
* pierreghz ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:49]
pigeons don't use that niggee [19:49]
AcidicChip The fees will make the transaction run faster, right? [19:49]
draco49 it's not the amount ... it's the transaction size [19:49]
mircea_popescu and inputs age [19:50]
AcidicChip Gotcha [19:50]
niggee thank you all [19:50]
pigeons the fee will likely be .0005 niggee [19:50]
loktight lots of people use it without any problems. stop spreading FUD pigeon [19:50]
helo $0.002375 [19:50]
niggee is there a fee if i send 2? [19:50]
pigeons loktight: if he isn't familiar with tx fees, he shouldn't try to use that client and get his money stuck [19:51]
pigeons niggee: its not based on how many btc you send [19:51]
AcidicChip Someone mind explaining the purpose of the fees? Those fees are what go towards block payouts, right? [19:51]
helo niggee: the amount i think isn't important. the age of the bitcoin you are sending is probably what is making it need a fee. [19:51]
loktight the download documents all the considerations. it's up to him if he wants to use it or not [19:51]
draco49 Yes... tx fees go to block miners [19:51]
helo niggee: this prevents people from spamming the network with a ton of transactions [19:51]
pigeons AcidicChip: [19:51]
niggee it says optianl fee [19:52]
AcidicChip pigeons, thanks I read that, just needed confirmation of what I was reading. Didn't sleep well last night, and I'm still trying to wake up, lol [19:52]
draco49 If you have a lot of small inputs, the size of your send transactions goes up. [19:52]
rg AcidicChip: your work is about to go live [19:53]
rg :> [19:53]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:54]
niggee thanks everyone [19:54]
chmod755 loktight: [19:54]
rg hrm [19:54]
rg looks like has gone defunct [19:54]
rg =/ [19:54]
rg thats a shame [19:54]
rg i placed an order a week ago [19:54]
rg no reply, no nothing [19:54]
chmod755 loktight: @ "how can we get the female demographic more interested in btc"... [19:55]
loktight chmod755: yeah thats a good idea [19:55]
* tbage has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [19:55]
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loktight adrianne jeffries is one notable bitcoin gal [19:56]
AcidicChip As sad as it may sound, I like it when btc drops, it creates all kinds of profit gaps to other exchanges [19:56]
niggee do you you get charged if you send 5 btc? [19:56]
AcidicChip niggee, I have before [19:56]
draco49 niggee, The tx fee has nothing to do with the amount of BTC you are sending. [19:56]
AcidicChip But the fee is minimal [19:56]
AcidicChip like 0.0005 btc [19:56]
niggee thanks [19:56]
* DBordello ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:56]
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* DBordello (~DB@unaffiliated/dbordello) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:56]
AcidicChip niggee, if you have bitcoins sitting inyour wallet for a couple days, maybe a week, then they will most likely encour a fee to send them to someone else [19:57]
AcidicChip Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please [19:57]
mircea_popescu the longer they sit the cheaper it is to send [19:58]
AcidicChip So, then opposite of what I said, lol [19:58]
* AcidicChip hides [19:58]
imsaguy2 1 btc from 1 input requires 144 confirmations to send without a fee [19:58]
jcpham i like to just go ahead and pay the fee [19:58]
loktight the fee stuff is very complicated now [19:58]
jcpham you know, for the miners [19:58]
imsaguy2 144 confirmations is 1 day [19:58]
imsaguy2 jcpham: I thank you [19:58]
jcpham :) [19:59]
* Bigpiggy01Mining has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:59]
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* Joric has quit () [20:00]
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loktight werdup sonabro [20:03]
loktight [20:03]
Toats what [20:04]
Toats o.o; [20:04]
draco49 Oh it's from The Sun, so you know it's reputable :P [20:05]
jcpham do you think god is punishing her now? [20:05]
draco49 I think she was Jesus' first girlfriend... [20:05]
* Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:06]
* gribble gives voice to Joric [20:06]
* tester45 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:06]
loktight well there is no god, and there may not even be free will [20:07]
Joric you know, i do iphone apps, just got a killer app idea [20:07]
jcpham tell it to me now! [20:07]
Joric when you take a picture of your junk and send it to a girl - this app makes your junk look bigger [20:07]
loktight an app that lets people draw what their farts smell like and share it virally [20:08]
loktight haahah Joric [20:08]
* jcpham starts taking pictures of junk and doing dev work [20:08]
jcpham looks like Apple already patented that [20:08]
Joric it's two and a half men actually but it could work [20:08]
* tester45 has quit (Client Quit) [20:09]
draco49 fish-eye lens - the distortion [20:09]
loktight while youre at it, have it add a 6-pack to your abs [20:09]
mod6 photoshop-goggles [20:09]
draco49 It could be a Google-Goggles plugin [20:10]
jcpham make sure to send photos to rg for -nsfw photobook [20:10]
* Toats has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [20:11]
* gfinn has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [20:12]
rg woot [20:13]
rg new is live [20:13]
grubles o/ [20:13]
imsaguy2 nice job grubles [20:13]
* rg rapes nick [20:14]
imsaguy2 rg: I think it should say 1btc/month [20:14]
jcpham aww this one's purdier [20:14]
imsaguy2 I think the /pm is a bit confusing [20:14]
jcpham this one's purdier [20:14]
draco49 It looks good! [20:15]
* Ard1t has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:15]
rg well [20:15]
rg ill have to pay Acidic to modify those [20:15]
rg and i dont want to [20:15]
jcpham /mon. [20:16]
loktight looks slick rg [20:16]
rg oops [20:17]
rg i just borked it [20:17]
niggee thanks for you help [20:17]
* niggee has quit (Quit: Page closed) [20:17]
* vraa_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [20:17]
loktight borked? [20:18]
* Ard1t (~shkodrani@unaffiliated/shkodrani) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:18]
AcidicChip I'm looking to sell some BTC for MP. Anyone? [20:21]
* yayolover (614c91f4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:21]
mircea_popescu yes, was somebody wanting 1.4k usd worth [20:22]
mircea_popescu i think they put it in the book AcidicChip [20:22]
yayolover Hello [20:22]
rg weird [20:23]
rg its not letting me set a link [20:23]
yayolover Hello, I am new here. Wanted to say hi. [20:24]
rg hi. [20:25]
vragnaroda yayolover: howdy [20:25]
* mayli has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [20:25]
rg i can see teh future [20:25]
* draco49 has quit (Changing host) [20:25]
* draco49 (~draco49@unaffiliated/draco49) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:25]
* gives voice to draco49 [20:25]
yayolover Any suggestions on the best place/way to sell a brand new, unopened Roku 2 XS player with HDMI cable and 2gig memory card? [20:26]
* mayli (~mayli@2001:250:401:a218:210:c6ff:fe15:2d87) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:26]
AcidicChip a 1.4K moneypack? lol [20:26]
* AcidicChip checks the books [20:26]
* draco49 has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) [20:27]
* draco49 (~draco49@unaffiliated/draco49) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:27]
rg AcidicChip: he never claimed its 1 moneypak [20:28]
rg he just said he has moneypaks totaling 1.4k to sell [20:28]
* gribble gives voice to draco49 [20:29]
rg man its getting hot in here [20:29]
yayolover Any suggestions on the best place/way to sell a brand new, unopened Roku 2 XS player with HDMI cable and 2gig memory card? [20:29]
rg yayolover: #1 - dont spam, #2 - you're already here [20:29]
mircea_popescu guy said he'd take lesser ammts too [20:30]
yayolover rg sorry, didn't know I posted twice. [20:30]
rg you can sign up and put it in the order book [20:30]
rg or wait around here [20:30]
rg and ask every 30 or so minutes [20:30]
rg there's also [20:30]
rg which is an ebay-style site with btc [20:30]
rg atually looks like its dead [20:31]
AcidicChip ;;guide [20:31]
gribble Guide to using #bitcoin-otc: [20:31]
AcidicChip whyd oesn't that command work in msg ? [20:31]
yayolover +rg thanks! [20:32]
* Sedra- (~msn@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:32]
* Sedra has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [20:35]
* churchill (~neo2@gateway/tor-sasl/neo2) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:35]
rg AcidicChip: can you help me with something [20:38]
rg HTML related? [20:38]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [20:39]
* Joric has quit () [20:40]
* neofutur selling GNU/Linux, web, SEO services, and more ; check [20:42]
* Chaang-Noi has quit (Quit: Leaving) [20:45]
* Chaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:46]
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* crescendo (~eric@unaffiliated/crescendo) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:46]
loktight ;;ticker [20:46]
loktight holy bajeezle [20:47]
* Snapman[afkers] is now known as Snapman [20:47]
specular ;;ticker [20:48]
nanotube AcidicChip: it's a channel-specific factoid. in pm, try 'whatis #bitcoin-otc guide' [20:49]
helo ouch... "BiddingPond Unfortunately, we have reached delays in bringing BiddingPond back up. Please stay tuned for more information..... [20:50]
helo 48 days ago" [20:50]
luke-jr ;;view [20:50]
* maxipad (ae657074@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:52]
maxipad Anyone selling bitcoins for moneypak ? [20:52]
DBordello what size moneypak? [20:52]
maxipad 60$ [20:53]
vragnaroda * $60 [20:53]
vragnaroda MoneyPaks are denominated in dollars, not pesos. :p [20:53]
maxipad ^^ [20:53]
luke-jr maxipad: I bid 2.40 BTC [20:54]
vragnaroda luke-jr: That's generous of you. [20:54]
maxipad lol [20:54]
vragnaroda luke-jr: You should start a service that sells confirmation futures. [20:54]
* FACEFOX ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:55]
* FACEFOX has quit (Excess Flood) [20:55]
luke-jr vragnaroda: ? [20:55]
easystevey ;;rate acidicchip 1 sent MP for BTC easy deal [20:55]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user acidicchip has been recorded. [20:55]
* RaoulDuke has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [20:55]
* FACEFOX ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:56]
vragnaroda luke-jr: Since your pool pays on generation, you could offer them an alternative address to use with eligius (which goes to you), but after 6 confirmations or something (instead of the whole 120), they get paid out minus a fee. [20:56]
vragnaroda It could obviously be used for more than just your pool, though. [20:56]
BTC_Bear That makes him more money, why would he do that? [20:56]
mircea_popescu "I trust that I will no longer have to referee papers where people use GnuPlot to draw lines on log-log graphs, as though that meant something, and that in five to ten years even science journalists and editors of Wired will begin to get the message." [20:57]
luke-jr vragnaroda: well, what besides my pool sends via generation? :P [20:58]
mircea_popescu pretty delightful bit on statistics : [20:58]
* mayli has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [20:58]
* mayli (~mayli@2001:250:401:a218:210:c6ff:fe15:2d87) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:59]
rg hrm [21:00]
rg who here knows the h t m l [21:00]
rg that thing you use for facebook? [21:00]
rg and youtube [21:00]
mircea_popescu i can get you many w3c errors rg [21:00]
Cory Uh oh nanotube [21:00]
mircea_popescu do you want my help going for the record ? :D [21:00]
rg mircea_popescu yes [21:01]
rg i dont care about w3c, as long as it works [21:01]
jcpham i speak hypertext [21:01]
jcpham transfer your protocol [21:01]
mircea_popescu ok so whatcha need ? [21:01]
* dubsbitcoin ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:01]
vragnaroda luke-jr: I don't know about other pools, but it could be used for more than just generation-originating payments. You can use a similar model for pricing mtgox codes for < 6 confirmations, too. All you really need is n1 confirmations and n2 fee. [21:01]
dubsbitcoin ;;guide [21:01]
rg ok [21:01]
rg so on the new bitvps, on the top sliding images [21:01]
rg i tried to set a link clickable but when i did it took away the markers in the html [21:02]
rg and fucked it all up [21:02]
rg so [21:02]
vragnaroda luke-jr: And other pools ought to pay on generation, anyway. ;p [21:02]
rg i need to figure out how to properly set those images as a link [21:02]
rg to their proper pages [21:02]
mircea_popescu wherever you have the [21:02]
rg there is no img src.. [21:02]
mircea_popescu surround it in a wrapper [21:02]
mircea_popescu um [21:02]
rg plz to look at the src [21:02]
rg before you comment [21:02]
mircea_popescu link ? [21:02]
jcpham it's a ul [21:02]
rg [21:02]
rg Virtual Servers [21:02]
rg KVM based [21:02]
rg [21:02]
rg jcpham [21:03]
rg mr asian persuation [21:03]
mircea_popescu that's bs lol [21:03]
rg sorry [21:03]
rg thats how it is [21:03]
rg i dont care if its bs or not [21:03]
jcpham so each
  • [21:04]
    mircea_popescu [21:04]
    * vragnaroda gives rg some flied lice. [21:04]
    rg thanks [21:04]
    mircea_popescu why the heck are you using the names as hrefs is anyone's guess. [21:04]
    * jcpham slowly steps away [21:05]
    chmod755 [21:05]
    Jezzz have a $35 gamestop giftcard to sell for BTC [21:05]
    rg new [21:06]
    rg that fucked it all up [21:06]
    mircea_popescu umm [21:06]
    mircea_popescu link ? [21:06]
    jcpham so it's three images that coincide with the little taps to the left? [21:06]
    jcpham *tabs [21:06]
    rg [21:06]
    chmod755 ;;ticker [21:06]
    chmod755 sell moar [21:07]
    * mayli has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [21:07]
    jcpham so the 3 choices that coincide with the images are clickable [21:07]
    jcpham like css hover [21:07]
    jcpham but the images aren't [21:08]
    * mayli (~mayli@2001:250:401:a218:210:c6ff:fe15:2d87) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:08]
    jcpham i say it's css [21:08]
    Coolty wow that site is all fuckered up [21:08]
    mircea_popescu omg what a mess. [21:08]
    rg you ruined my website [21:08]
    mircea_popescu there's some js interacting with the links [21:09]
    * vigilyn ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:09]
    mircea_popescu add a tiny element maybe ? [21:09]
    jcpham the .js displays the images! [21:10]
    helo live site development... classy :) [21:10]
    luke-jr vragnaroda: if there's demand for it, I might set something up. [21:10]
    rg helo: i wont get any work done if its on the dev environment [21:10]
    luke-jr also, a sensible rule I'd enforce is that the 6 blocks must have been found within 90 minutes ;) [21:10]
    rg it needs to be live and i need feedback from the people [21:10]
    rg to make it proper [21:10]
    mircea_popescu [21:10]
    mircea_popescu Virtual Servers [21:10]
    mircea_popescu KVM based [21:10]
    mircea_popescu this helps ? [21:10]
    DBordello vragnaroda, confirmation futures are interesting [21:11]
    DBordello especially for mtgox deposits [21:11]
    Coolty rg: you've never edited your hosts file i guess [21:11]
    rg no [21:11]
    rg thats what i did first mircea [21:11]
    rg Coolty: [21:11]
    rg [21:11]
    DBordello rg, I don't think this is the right place for this discussion [21:11]
    jcpham rg tell your coder to make his js slideshow clickable [21:11]
    rg thats how i originally did it [21:11]
    Coolty oh ok [21:11]
    rg DBordello: i agree [21:12]
    rg i thought it was going to be simple [21:12]
    * chuck23 (5b79d0da@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:13]
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    neofutur +1 with DBordello , why not move it to #bitcoin-hosting ? [21:14]
    loktight [21:14]
    rg neofutur: i dont think its necessary, everyone's last words pretty much translated to 'i have no idea' [21:15]
    rg signaling the end of the conversation [21:15]
    * jcpham is now known as CCCXLI [21:15]
    chuck23 selling $40 for email gift card code for btc. [21:15]
    neofutur loktight: you could at least say something when you post a link , like what it is [21:16]
    CCCXLI i'm still inspectating [21:16]
    specular i have a question for gift cards like [21:16]
    specular for like [21:16]
    specular do they work internationally? can you trade a giftcard bought in usa for usd in the uk for examplke? [21:17]
    * Shaded ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:17]
    * Shaded has quit (Changing host) [21:17]
    * Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:17]
    yayolover Unopened Roku 2 XS player with HDMI cable and 2gig memory card for sale [21:18]
    specular anyone? [21:18]
    CCCXLI it's css rg [21:18]
    chuck23 mine will [21:19]
    LordCanti specular: Gift Card claim codes cannot be redeemed on Amazon's international sites, including,,,, and However, operates an online store powered by Amazon's e-commerce platform. The site features the full selection of shoes and accessories available at For your convenience, allow payment using information in your existing Amazon [21:19]
    LordCanti account, and your Gift Card balance is shared between both Web sites. So, you can use newly applied Gift Cards or existing gift card balances for purchases on As long as you use the same e-mail address and password to log into your accounts, you'll see the same gift card balance available for purchases. [21:19]
    LordCanti from [21:19]
    CCCXLI featured_slider.css [21:19]
    dubsbitcoin I want to buy $50 worth of BTC using paypal, can't figure out this gpg thing, anyone want to oblige me? [21:19]
    LordCanti dubs at what point in the gpg process are you having trouble [21:20]
    LordCanti and what OS are you using [21:20]
    * mayli has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [21:20]
    neofutur dubsbitcoin: ask for help on #gribble to gpg register [21:20]
    dubsbitcoin mac, got the key from the website but gpg is saying "decryption failed: No secret key" [21:20]
    neofutur you tried to follow ? [21:20]
    LordCanti or that... probably better haha [21:20]
    CCCXLI .pane_1 { [21:21]
    CCCXLI background:url(../images/slide1.jpg) no-repeat; [21:21]
    CCCXLI } [21:21]
    dubsbitcoin yea, followed that to the T, got gribble to make me a OTP, just can't get gpg on my box to decrypt it [21:21]
    CCCXLI a#pane_l or something [21:21]
    CCCXLI i hate css [21:21]
    LordCanti you using gpg keyring manager or the cli [21:22]
    dubsbitcoin used the keyring manager to generate my public key, tried using cli to decrypt the message [21:22]
    dubsbitcoin is that an issue? [21:22]
    pigeons no [21:22]
    neofutur If you run gpg -K, are any keys listed? [21:22]
    neofutur If you run gpg --list-keys, is your public key listed? [21:23]
    dubsbitcoin yep [21:23]
    bitcoinTrader dubsbitcoin: chck PM [21:23]
    dubsbitcoin oh wait, not the pub key, just the sec and ssb one [21:23]
    neofutur perhaps you need to add a subkey [21:25]
    nanotube Cory: haha no nanotubes? what a crappy dict. :) [21:26]
    neofutur also try to decrypt with verbose option [21:26]
    neofutur gpg -v -d message [21:26]
    neofutur verbose could help [21:27]
    * mayli (~mayli@2001:250:401:a218:210:c6ff:fe15:2d87) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:27]
    dubsbitcoin got back (censored some things) gpg: public key is ******** [21:28]
    dubsbitcoin gpg: using subkey ******* instead of primary key ********* [21:28]
    dubsbitcoin gpg: encrypted with 2048-bit ELG key, ID *********, created 2010-08-19 [21:28]
    dubsbitcoin "GPGTools Project Team (Official OpenPGP Key) " [21:28]
    dubsbitcoin gpg: decryption failed: No secret key [21:28]
    nanotube dubsbitcoin: clearly, you don't have that secret key. :) [21:28]
    neofutur you just created it or used import keys ? [21:29]
    nanotube unless you are "gpgtools project team" you will not be able to decrypt a message encrypted to their key [21:29]
    nanotube neofutur: he used gpgtools projec tkey [21:29]
    neofutur if you imported , as a default it will import only public keys [21:29]
    nanotube instead of his own. [21:29]
    neofutur k [21:29]
    mircea_popescu aww, dubsbitcoin now you need to start over using your own key. [21:30]
    CCCXLI I'm pretty sure there was a fembot looking at gribble pics yesterday [21:30]
    * Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:30]
    nanotube dubsbitcoin: if you generated a key, try running gpg --list-keys and see what you have. :) [21:30]
    CCCXLI doing tinktink or clankclank [21:30]
    dubsbitcoin one sec, I thought I followed the directions [21:30]
    * jjjrmy-m (~chatzilla@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:31]
    Joric fucking bitcoinica [21:32]
    nanotube dubsbitcoin: that may be, but you have to supply your own keyid, not other people's keyid :) [21:32]
    neofutur Joric: what happens with bitcoinica ? [21:32]
    jjjrmy-m Guess who got a PO box :) [21:33]
    Joric with such volatility i could make millions unless i didn't have a position on bitcoinica [21:33]
    * mayli has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [21:33]
    * winterblack ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:33]
    mircea_popescu random factoid of the day : largest timisoara cab co is called "bimbo vest" [21:34]
    * yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [21:34]
    neofutur Joric: like ? you are long at 5.4 ? [21:34]
    Joric i'm long at 5 [21:35]
    mircea_popescu << Criminal charges have been dropped against for Ryan Matheson, a 27-year-old comic book fan previously known as "Brandon X" who had been accused of possessing child pornography for carrying manga images into Canada that authorities found objectionable. [21:35]
    chuck23 Selling $40 for email gift card code for btc. [21:35]
    neofutur 5 is not so far, you could buy more to lower your medium buy price to 4.8 ? [21:35]
    Joric nope it's all there [21:35]
    * yayolover has quit (Quit: Page closed) [21:37]
    mircea_popescu aww time to learn about diversification joric [21:37]
    * wazzootieman has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [21:39]
    Joric manga's not a crime? really? [21:39]
    ne0futur if you play on bitcoinica, better always have some firepower left to adjust and support position [21:39]
    * wazzootieman (~wazzootie@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:40]
    mircea_popescu someone needs to explain again what's the practical benefit of having law enforcement at all. [21:41]
    * bitcoinTrader has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [21:41]
    Joric is it possible to switch leverage while working position? i don't quite get this part [21:42]
    rg i just watched 'Limitless' [21:42]
    rg whew [21:42]
    rg what a stinker [21:42]
    BTC_Bear Now, in the current times, Law Enforcement is to keep people from rioting when they find out how much their governments screwed them over. [21:42]
    * amazingrando ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:42]
    mircea_popescu maybe it's time to scrap them as a public expense then. [21:43]
    mircea_popescu i certainly don;'t see why the onus should be on some random douche to pay 75k to defend himself against the oppinions of some bureaucrats [21:43]
    * loktight has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:43]
    mircea_popescu who get their 100k to make up the mess in the first place from taxes. [21:43]
    Joric rg, in the end it was crystal clear he stashed all pills under his lousy wig [21:45]
    * DBordello has quit (Quit: Leaving) [21:45]
    CCCXLI [21:45]
    * mayli (~mayli@2001:250:401:a218:210:c6ff:fe15:2d87) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:45]
    * Blitzboom ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:46]
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    * ChanServ gives voice to Blitzboom [21:46]
    ne0futur Joric: yes you can switch leverage while having a position [21:46]
    ne0futur just tried, worked here [21:46]
    mircea_popescu there's a pony chan ?! [21:47]
    Joric right here [21:48]
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    Joric ne0futur, i don't get can you change leverage of the very position? [21:51]
    neofutur leverage if for your account, not for a position [21:52]
    * wazzootieman has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [21:52]
    neofutur jus t go to account settings and choose your leverage [21:53]
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    * Turingi (~devon@unaffiliated/devon-hillard/x-7250961) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:53]
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    rg lol, every ice cube tray in the freezer is emtpy [21:55]
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    * jjjrmy-m (~chatzilla@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:00]
    mircea_popescu ahh, my first execution assignments [22:01]
    mircea_popescu options are fun :D [22:02]
    dubsbitcoin okay, got verified, thanks for the help, ended up doing it all in cli, much easier that way [22:02]
    nanotube cli ftw [22:02]
    mircea_popescu goes without sayin. [22:03]
    neofutur yup cli is much easier [22:03]
    neofutur and more people will be able to help you [22:03]
    neofutur ;;ident dubsbitcoin [22:03]
    gribble Nick 'dubsbitcoin', with hostmask 'dubsbitcoin!', is identified as user dubsbitcoin, with GPG key id 5CB347E167E4D659, and key fingerprint 820DD66A878A55CEC26CCF6C5CB347E167E4D659. [22:03]
    mircea_popescu the only thing easier than cli [22:03]
    neofutur welcome here ;) [22:03]
    mircea_popescu is windows gui [22:03]
    * torsthaldo has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [22:04]
    dubsbitcoin thanks [22:04]
    jjjrmy Anyone interested in Ads on ? [22:04]
    * mircea_popescu nods sadly at his failed trolling ;/ [22:04]
    neofutur I could be interested in a link exchange with [22:05]
    nanotube mircea_popescu: haha [22:06]
    mircea_popescu a ty :) [22:06]
    * RaoulDuke ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:07]
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    jjjrmy anyone else want advertising? [22:12]
    rg PERFEC [22:15]
    rg i figured out how to disable people from selecting PayPal during the Bitcoin ordering process [22:15]
    rg funk yeah [22:15]
    CCCXLI i told you how to fix your images [22:15]
    CCCXLI mr. rg [22:15]
    rg did you? i wasnt paying attention [22:15]
    CCCXLI sucks to be in your area of life [22:15]
    rg where exactly did you tell me [22:16]
    rg cause i just lastlog CCCXLI [22:16]
    rg and its like 8 lnes, no solutions [22:16]
    * mayli (~mayli@2001:250:401:a218:210:c6ff:fe15:2d87) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:16]
    CCCXLI it's css i hate css [22:17]
    CCCXLI featured_slider.css [22:17]
    CCCXLI lines 84+ where it's talking about your /images [22:17]
    CCCXLI those need clickety css [22:17]
    rg clickety css? [22:20]
    * Turingi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:20]
    phraust i wanna see. [22:21]
    CCCXLI something like a#pane_1 { stupid css shit goes here } [22:21]
    CCCXLI the css for those divs isn't clickable [22:21]
    helo wtb fascinating web development discussion [22:22]
    * mayli has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [22:22]
    rg and then what [22:24]
    rg you should be an op in freenode #html [22:25]
    * Cory has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [22:25]
    phraust there is an #html room? [22:26]
    rg PHRAUST [22:26]
    rg we are on IRC [22:26]
    rg they are channels [22:26]
    rg not rooms [22:26]
    phraust haha. [22:26]
    * rg sends phraust to AOL [22:26]
    * phraust hangs his head in shame. [22:26]
    CCCXLI i don't know the rest without trial and error [22:27]
    CCCXLI i hate css [22:27]
    phraust post a link, I'll take a look. [22:28]
    * MORA| has quit () [22:28]
    * alph4zulu (529e535a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:29]
    alph4zulu ;;guide [22:30]
    rg it occurs to me [22:33]
    rg i have no eaten since 9 [22:33]
    rg food 4 me no?! [22:33]
    rg WAT [22:33]
    rg kekek [22:33]
    rg food for i be hehehehehehee [22:33]
    rg excuse me, i went japanese school girl for a moment there [22:33]
    vragnaroda rg: Japanese schoolgirls need no excuse. [22:35]
    * agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:35]
    rg kekekeke [22:35]
    rg im watching 'I saw the devil' [22:35]
    CCCXLI i watched exit through the gift shop the other day [22:36]
    CCCXLI good movie [22:36]
    fizzisist CCCXLI: i agree [22:36]
    * ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:36]
    chuck23 selling $40 for email gift card code for btc. [22:36]
    CCCXLI there's a lot going on in that movie [22:36]
    * rebroad (~rebroad@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:37]
    * JimmyHo2 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:37]
    jjjrmy rg: Do you want to advertise on Giftcoin? [22:38]
    * Cory (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:39]
    * pierreghz has quit (Quit: Dodo) [22:39]
    ineededausername hi cory [22:39]
    * gribble gives voice to Cory [22:39]
    * agricocb has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:40]
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    rg jjjrmy [22:40]
    rg how much monies from rg [22:40]
    jjjrmy what? [22:40]
    rg 4 advertise [22:40]
    rg u site [22:40]
    jjjrmy it's PPC [22:41]
    rg ekkekekekeke [22:41]
    rg rg like [22:41]
    rg u me [22:41]
    rg we b frens [22:41]
    rg sign up lar [22:41]
    jjjrmy 0.01BTC PPC [22:41]
    vragnaroda rg: That's just weird. :p [22:41]
    * sgornick has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) [22:42]
    rg its manglish [22:42]
    rg lar [22:42]
    rg hrm [22:42]
    rg what to get for dinner [22:42]
    rg ive been getting the chicken finger dinner, but i need to stop [22:42]
    * mayli (~mayli@2001:250:401:a218:210:c6ff:fe15:2d87) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:45]
    neofutur (22:19) <+ helo> wtb fascinating web development discussion [22:47]
    neofutur try on #bitcoin-hosting ;) [22:47]
    rg what do you think about a chicken salad club [22:47]
    Cory I finally did it. I paid for mIRC. [22:48]
    rg why? [22:48]
    Cory They deserve it. [22:48]
    ageis Cory: could have used my cracked .exe. I disassembled and removed the registration, CRC check, and version reply [22:49]
    Cory I've used their program for over 5 years, so I would have donated were it freeware anyway. [22:49]
    ageis your money is going to support Palestine [22:49]
    * darkee has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [22:50]
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    * mayli has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [22:51]
    ineededausername lol, palestine [22:52]
    * Ard1t (~shkodrani@unaffiliated/shkodrani) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:52]
    ageis that's what Khaled Mardam-Bey is all about [22:53]
    helo ehh [22:53]
    * darkee (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:53]
    CCCXLI how about the green stuffed dinosaur thing [22:53]
    helo money there can do good at least as much as bad [22:54]
    brute i am looking to buy btc with moneypak, can anyone do this? [22:54]
    ageis ya, I support the palestinians, I think the israelis are awful [22:54]
    * Dragonai (~dragonai@unaffiliated/dragonai) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:55]
    neofutur Cory: you d better pay me for a ssh/screen/irssi :p [22:55]
    Cory I knew I shouldn't have mentioned mIRC! [22:56]
    * rodrigorcm is now known as hermeto [22:56]
    rg this movie is fucked [22:56]
    * hermeto is now known as rodrigorcm [22:57]
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    * blaeks ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:00]
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    * Cory has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [23:02]
    * gribble gives voice to Pasha [23:02]
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    * Cory ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:03]
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    * tbage has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [23:04]
    * BTC_Bear is now known as BTC_Bear|hbrntng [23:04]
    rg cory [23:05]
    rg fix your connection [23:05]
    * gribble gives voice to Cory [23:05]
    rg you're quit/join/quit/join like 10000000000 times [23:05]
    androSnake thats really bad! [23:05]
    Cory rg: My computer crashed then mIRC had my servers in the wrong order so I had to disconnect. :P [23:05]
    androSnake quit join quit join -.- [23:05]
    * en729 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:06]
    * BTC_Bear|hbrntng is now known as BTC_Bear [23:06]
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    * dubsbitcoin has quit (Quit: dubsbitcoin) [23:16]
    * DBordello (~DB@unaffiliated/dbordello) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:17]
    chuck23 Selling $40 for email gift card for btc. [23:18]
    phraust oooh, I love their exfoliating orange-mandarin bodywash. [23:20]
    * sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:21]
    * ChanServ gives voice to sgornick [23:21]
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    rg pff [23:21]
    rg the delivery driver just asked me how much we pay for this place [23:21]
    rg that is so rude [23:21]
    luke-jr it is? [23:22]
    copumpkin "more than you'll make in your lifetime, scumbag" [23:22]
    copumpkin that's what you should answer [23:22]
    copumpkin that's what a 1%er would answer [23:22]
    * luke-jr doesn't see how that's rude. [23:22]
    coingenuity rg: that's not really rude [23:23]
    copumpkin ask me how much I pay for this place [23:24]
    coingenuity copumpkin: how much do you pay for your place [23:24]
    copumpkin more than you'll make in your lifetime, scumbag [23:24]
    DBordello luke-jr, how much do you pay for your place? [23:25]
    copumpkin how's that? [23:25]
    DBordello I like it, it is shiny [23:25]
    coingenuity XD probably inaccurate [23:25]
    copumpkin coingenuity: yeah, $1700 a month :( [23:25]
    mircea_popescu its a little presumptious, but not really rude now is it [23:25]
    luke-jr DBordello: $850/mo [23:25]
    coingenuity thats not bad at all copumpkin [23:25]
    DBordello luke-jr, are you offended? [23:25]
    mircea_popescu i pay ~500 bucks and i bet i have the nicest place of the lot of ya :D [23:25]
    luke-jr DBordello: no? [23:25]
    coingenuity probably get a nice 3 or 4br in your area for that [23:25]
    copumpkin coingenuity pays $100,000 a month for his mansion [23:25]
    DBordello luke-jr, I kind of figured. If you were the offended type, you would be long gone [23:25]
    coingenuity lol [23:25]
    rg luke-jr [23:26]
    coingenuity copumpkin: i am actually looking at renting a mansion >.> [23:26]
    rg you wouldnt walk up to someone and be like [23:26]
    rg hey [23:26]
    coingenuity but they want $12k/mo [23:26]
    rg how much do you make? [23:26]
    luke-jr rg: how much I pay for a place has nothing to do with how much I make. [23:26]
    copumpkin coingenuity: pfft, only $12k [23:26]
    rg sure ti does [23:27]
    copumpkin rg: in some countries it's a lot more acceptable than others [23:27]
    rg well we're in america god damn it [23:27]
    luke-jr rg: I like to save. [23:27]
    coingenuity rg: and we're capitalists, its not rude to ask about money [23:27]
    coingenuity people ask me "how much do you make every month" all the time [23:27]
    coingenuity i never get butthurt [23:27]
    copumpkin man, the internet connection really sucks here [23:27]
    DBordello csshih, ping? [23:28]
    imsaguy [2012/03/20 16:27:30] rg: and we're capitalists, its not rude to ask about money << you can be capitalist and still mind your own fucking business [23:28]
    * malkauns ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:28]
    coingenuity and yeah, good man luke-jr for saving your $ if you can find a good deal for $800/mo [23:28]
    mircea_popescu if you're not getting butthurt you're not doing it right :D [23:28]
    copumpkin coingenuity makes millions a month [23:28]
    copumpkin this is why I'm his bitch [23:28]
    mircea_popescu copumpkin is like, on a vicarious riches roll [23:28]
    coingenuity imsaguy there's really nothing wrong with asking how much someone makes, just my 0.02, you can disagree if you want [23:28]
    copumpkin mircea_popescu: yeah, pretty much [23:28]
    luke-jr coingenuity: yeah, I'd have to pay like 2x that to get any better [23:28]
    imsaguy well thanks for your approval, since I already did. [23:29]
    coingenuity luke-jr yep, you' [23:29]
    coingenuity you're* grandfathered* [23:29]
    mircea_popescu actually "how much do you make" is like a great 1st date ice breaker [23:29]
    luke-jr actually no, I just signed the lease :P [23:29]
    coingenuity oh seriously? you got lucky ftw [23:29]
    coingenuity very nice luke [23:30]
    coingenuity what kinda place is it? [23:30]
    Cory mircea_popescu: I like your beard. [23:30]
    mircea_popescu lol that also works for 1st dates [23:30]
    mircea_popescu ahaha i got 21 views vragnaroda got 9. I AM WINNING INTERNETS [23:31]
    * CCCXLI is now known as jcpham [23:32]
    * Joric_ (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:32]
    jcpham the winner was laready decided [23:32]
    jcpham rg cheated [23:32]
    mircea_popescu of the internets ?! [23:32]
    jcpham yes [23:32]
    luke-jr coingenuity: 3/2 in a decent area, fenced in backyard [23:32]
    coingenuity oh, fuck yeah bro. that's a steal for $800 [23:32]
    copumpkin man, mine has 1 bedroom [23:32]
    rg i didnt cheat [23:32]
    copumpkin and it's tiny [23:32]
    rg i corrected errors [23:32]
    imsaguy 800 gets you a studio in Chicago [23:33]
    * _Bigpiggy01Minin (Bigpiggy01@2610:150:5f92::2) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:33]
    jcpham will click refresh for bitcoin. [23:33]
    rg we have a 3br for $950/mo [23:33]
    coingenuity copumpkin: s'ok, i have definatley paid $800 for tiny bedrooms in the bay area :P [23:33]
    luke-jr coingenuity: master bedroom is huge too [23:33]
    copumpkin coingenuity: I'm $1700, remember? :P [23:33]
    jcpham i'll rent someone a 3/1 for 150/btc month [23:33]
    rg every room in our house has a walk in closet too [23:33]
    jcpham mine the shit out it [23:33]
    rg i wish it didnt [23:33]
    copumpkin for a small 1br [23:33]
    rg id rather have the extra space in the room [23:33]
    copumpkin I don't like it [23:33]
    copumpkin I'm moving soon [23:33]
    coingenuity awesome luke-jr :) if i ever end up in your hood i wont feel bad about using one of your guest rooms :D [23:33]
    mircea_popescu 2 bedrooms, 150sq foot living room, 2 floors, 1/4 acre garden and stuff [23:33]
    rg my stomach has felt queesy all day [23:33]
    rg wtf [23:33]
    coingenuity copumpkin: ya, i remember. where the hell do you live?! [23:34]
    luke-jr coingenuity: unfortunately, 3/2 doesn't have any guest rooms [23:34]
    copumpkin coingenuity: boston! yay! [23:34]
    * wazzootieman has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [23:34]
    rg copumpkin pays double what we pay [23:34]
    coingenuity oh, yeah... [23:34]
    coingenuity you have kids luke [23:34]
    rg and his apt is probably like 100x smaller [23:34]
    copumpkin yeah, it's actual boston city [23:34]
    copumpkin which tends to be pretty expensive [23:34]
    copumpkin main perk is that I can walk to work [23:34]
    copumpkin that's about it [23:34]
    rg very very expensive [23:34]
    coingenuity copumpkin: thats terrible :O [23:34]
    copumpkin ;) [23:34]
    * Joric has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [23:34]
    coingenuity $1700/mo for 1 br and COLD [23:34]
    rg copumpkin could move 15 minutes away from where he lives now [23:35]
    rg and his rent would be 1/2 [23:35]
    mircea_popescu 550 even [23:35]
    * mayli (~mayli@2001:250:401:a218:210:c6ff:fe15:2d87) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:35]
    luke-jr I'd probably pay $100/mo more for a 4th bedroom, but the market isn't that great [23:35]
    copumpkin it's actually also top floor and I can look out over nearby buildings and get a decent view from my bedroom [23:35]
    copumpkin LOTS of light [23:35]
    luke-jr the best 4bd I found had tons of code violations [23:35]
    rg mircea_popescu: we're talking apartments [23:35]
    copumpkin rg: yeah, but I'm a dumbass [23:35]
    rg not your romanian mudhut [23:35]
    luke-jr ie, no GFI in the bathrooms [23:35]
    copumpkin lol [23:35]
    mircea_popescu lmao [23:35]
    danieldaniel lmao [23:35]
    * Joric_ is now known as Joric [23:35]
    mircea_popescu i also keep a town apt for teh girls, but that's practically free so [23:35]
    copumpkin mircea_popescu: do you guys poop in ditches? [23:35]
    * wazzootieman (~wazzootie@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:36]
    coingenuity yeah luke-jr im trying to save for a house at the moment, hoping to buying market continues to act in my favor [23:36]
    coingenuity s/to/the* [23:36]
    luke-jr coingenuity: me too, I'm renting. [23:36]
    mircea_popescu copumpkin no, this is the rich folks nearby townlet. there's sewage. [23:36]
    coingenuity same, but i can't rationalize it anymore [23:36]
    copumpkin mircea_popescu: wow, luxury! [23:36]
    mircea_popescu copumpkin lol such a hater [23:36]
    copumpkin coingenuity: so you'll rent a mansion instead? [23:36]
    luke-jr coingenuity: I don't think I know enough about house maintenance to buy yet anyway [23:36]
    * mircea_popescu proceeds to dig for pictures [23:36]
    coingenuity interest rates on mortgages are so low, its just stupid to not scrape a few hundred k togetherr and get something good [23:36]
    rg copumpkin is gonna cash out btc one day [23:37]
    rg and buy a ferarri [23:37]
    coingenuity copumpkin: thats why i DIDNT move in that place [23:37]
    coingenuity saving the rent for a mortgage [23:37]
    luke-jr I'd probably end up buying something about to be condemned for some hidden reason :/ [23:37]
    * jjjrmy has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [23:37]
    copumpkin rg: pfft no [23:37]
    copumpkin rg: you missed my bragging about where I _used_ to live [23:37]
    imsaguy luke-jr: thats why banks require a home inspection. [23:37]
    rg well right now you could get a nice umm [23:37]
    copumpkin rg: I want to move back there [23:37]
    rg impala [23:37]
    rg :> [23:37]
    luke-jr imsaguy: home inspections come with a guarantee? :P [23:37]
    coingenuity luke-jr yeah, maintaining a home is a big PITA but worthwhile in the end [23:37]
    * Bigpiggy01Mining has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [23:37]
    imsaguy copumpkin: good. we don't want you here. [23:38]
    copumpkin :( [23:38]
    imsaguy luke-jr: the good ones do [23:38]
    copumpkin rg: pfft, don't sell me short [23:38]
    luke-jr plus, if I buy a house, I want something I can use for at least 5-10 years [23:38]
    imsaguy copumpkin: are you irish too? [23:38]
    mircea_popescu there copumpkin, mudhut. [23:38]
    luke-jr so probably at least $200k range [23:38]
    rg copumpkin is english [23:38]
    copumpkin imsaguy: I think part scotish if you try to look far back enough [23:38]
    * Bigpiggy01Mining (~Bigpiggy0@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:38]
    coingenuity exactly, luke-jr i'm not going to go pick up a cheap condo that i'll hate forever. [23:38]
    imsaguy oh [23:39]
    rg oof i got a salad with lunch [23:39]
    rg i cant even eat it [23:39]
    rg so full [23:39]
    copumpkin guys, not to brag or anything [23:39]
    copumpkin [23:39]
    copumpkin this almost literally used to be the view from my balcony [23:39]
    copumpkin [23:39]
    copumpkin [23:39]
    mircea_popescu looks like cairo [23:39]
    * Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:39]
    copumpkin mircea_popescu: monte carlo [23:40]
    rg [23:40]
    mircea_popescu o hey. [23:40]
    rg lol [23:40]
    rg thats what i see off our balncy [23:40]
    * imsaguy stalks rg [23:41]
    * copumpkin stalks imsaguy [23:41]
    imsaguy :) [23:41]
    coingenuity ohgod [23:41]
    * mircea_popescu wonders what "almost literally" means [23:41]
    mircea_popescu like, what you see from your gf's balcony when you visit ? [23:41]
    copumpkin mircea_popescu: meaning that I don't have the panoramic photos I took off my balcony on my computer, but that one's awfully close to the ones I took [23:42]
    * Joric_ (~joric@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:42]
    copumpkin mircea_popescu: I lived there when I was a kid [23:42]
    * Joric_ has quit (Changing host) [23:42]
    * Joric_ (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:42]
    DBordello phraust, around? [23:43]
    rg i need to vacuum the living room [23:43]
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    phraust howdy! [23:43]
    coingenuity sup phraust [23:44]
    phraust :D [23:44]
    coingenuity howsit? [23:45]
    copumpkin coingenuity: so how much do you pay right now for rent? [23:45]
    * Joric has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:45]
    coingenuity too much X_X [23:45]
    DBordello phraust, I have gotten numerous complements on your web design. If you want, you could put together a "about us" page, with a big section on the web designer :) [23:45]
    copumpkin coingenuity: I can empathize with that! [23:46]
    phraust that'd be awesome. I'm currently on the fence about quitting my day job and freelancing again. [23:46]
    Cory DBordello: BTCPak? [23:47]
    DBordello Cory, yup [23:47]
    Cory It is pretty. :) [23:47]
    DBordello Cory, I couldn't agree more. Phraust is the man behind it ;) [23:47]
    * mayli has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [23:47]
    coingenuity copumpkin: yeah, its not fun, but i AM paying for the luxury of being in SoCal [23:47]
    phraust there have been a couple things I wanted to update on that site as well, maybe accomdating smaller displays. [23:47]
    copumpkin coingenuity: just like me paying for the luxury of being in boston! [23:47]
    copumpkin surrounded by fucking red sox fans [23:47]
    coingenuity copumpkin: if i moved, like, 40 minutes away i could save half of what i pay on rent every month, but i would be surrounded by gangbangers and shit [23:48]
    * copumpkin likes gangbangs [23:48]
    coingenuity would rather pay for my peace and quiet [23:48]
    coingenuity oh, dont get me wrong [23:48]
    coingenuity i used to live with bangers in college [23:48]
    DBordello phraust, that wouldn't be bad :) I widened the main container, firefox was wrapping one of the lines. I also have noticed a few icons are getting cut-off in certain browsers [23:48]
    coingenuity its fun and all, but im old now and i like it quiet >.< [23:48]
    copumpkin I used to eat bangers and mash [23:48]
    copumpkin coingenuity: how old are you? [23:48]
    coingenuity 25 copumpkin [23:48]
    copumpkin lol [23:48]
    copumpkin fuckin ancient [23:48]
    coingenuity but 52 inside [23:49]
    coingenuity possibly 152 [23:49]
    * copumpkin is now known as DBorello [23:49]
    phraust it's been shitballs cazy here though. right now it looks like i'll be moving come the third week of april. [23:49]
    coingenuity i broke my foot and had to use a cane for a little minute, all my friends went "omg that matches your personality!" [23:49]
    * wazzootieman has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [23:49]
    phraust I need to decide by the end of this week whether I want to keep my job or not. they are fighting to keep me, and I could really use the money. [23:50]
    DBordello phraust, get your BFLs yet? [23:50]
    phraust nope. been back and forthing with BFL though. [23:50]
    phraust looks like I might get em before I leave. at least that's what I am hoping. [23:50]
    DBorello phraust, get your BFLs yet? [23:50]
    midnightmagic phraust: a number of people have been taking pictures of them. :) [23:50]
    midnightmagic phraust: when did you preorder yours, btw? [23:51]
    * DBorello is now known as DBordelIo [23:51]
    DBordelIo DBordello: ohi! [23:51]
    coingenuity midnightmagic: im debating making a supercube out of bfl's for fun [23:51]
    phraust yeah, from what i've heard the next shipment is rev 3, with newer heatpipes and internal fans. [23:51]
    * wazzootieman (~wazzootie@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:51]
    * DBordello is now known as copumpkin [23:51]
    phraust I'm hoping im in that or the next order. [23:51]
    copumpkin I hate bunnies! [23:52]
    * copumpkin is now known as DBordello [23:52]
    midnightmagic such libel! [23:52]
    imsaguy interesting expression, little minute [23:52]
    midnightmagic coingenuity: did you actually get yours? [23:52]
    midnightmagic i didn't know you ordered any [23:52]
    coingenuity midnightmagic: havent ordered, waiting for their delivery timeframe to diminish a bit [23:52]
    coingenuity midnightmagic: i am also waiting for competition to drive the price down a little ;) [23:53]
    rg midnightmagic: please 2 submit a photo [23:53]
    midnightmagic coingenuity: yah, it would've been nice if tycho actually built his asi, even if it weren't actually in a finished device. [23:53]
    phraust i ordered 3 in the last part of feb, and 7 more in the beginning of march. [23:53]
    rg for the photobook [23:53]
    midnightmagic rg: :-/ but then people would recognise me and throw rocks [23:54]
    rg you guys are far too insecure [23:54]
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    phraust i'm thinking of making some custom waterblocks. it's going to be hot in hawaii. [23:56]
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    * pringles ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:58]
    coingenuity yeah, its a shame tycho dropped his asic project [23:59]
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