Forum logs for 16 Aug 2014

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* DreadKnight has quit (Quit: #AncientBeast - Master Your Beasts ( )) [00:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.296 = 0.888 BTC [+] [00:00]
* lampelina (~lampi@unaffiliated/lampelina) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:00]
* jctb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [00:02]
* jctb (~jctb@gateway/tor-sasl/jctb) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:02]
* diana_coman (~Diana@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:02]
* jctb has quit (Client Quit) [00:03]
* jctb (~jctb@gateway/tor-sasl/jctb) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:04]
* jctb has quit (Client Quit) [00:07]
* jctb (~jctb@gateway/tor-sasl/jctb) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:08]
* jonvaage has quit (Quit: Leaving) [00:08]
* arij has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [00:12]
* OX3 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:13]
* starsoccer has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:14]
* Sebastan has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:15]
* kermit has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [00:17]
* [\] has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:17]
* kermit (unknown@pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:18]
* [\] (~\]@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:19]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1140 @ 0.00156113 = 1.7797 BTC [-] {18} [00:23]
* [\\] (\@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:24]
* [\] has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:25]
* [\\] is now known as [\] [00:25]
* arij ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:26]
* arij is now known as Guest51422 [00:26]
* punkman has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:27]
* punkman (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:27]
* Guest83829 (~starsocce@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:29]
* shovel_boss has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [00:31]
* shovel_boss (~shovel_bo@unaffiliated/shovel-boss/x-4881665) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:31]
* OX3 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:34]
* jdanks ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:38]
* yamaka (~yamaka@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:40]
trixisowned [00:42]
assbot Best News Bloopers 2014 - YouTube [00:42]
trixisowned here guys [00:42]
trixisowned im sure you would like this part [00:42]
trixisowned of the video [00:42]
* Guest51422 has quit (Quit: Accidentally the whole network) [00:44]
* jim_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:49]
* RagnarDanneskjol ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:50]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 56 @ 0.0118 = 0.6608 BTC [-] {3} [00:51]
* jdanks has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:58]
* mike_c (~mike_c@unaffiliated/mike-c/x-9105598) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:02]
* assbot gives voice to mike_c [01:02]
* punkman1 (~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:03]
mike_c ben_vulpes, you around? [01:04]
mike_c ;;seen ben_vulpes [01:05]
gribble ben_vulpes was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 hours, 36 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: wywialm: there is no recourse in bitcoin. [01:05]
* punkman has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [01:05]
mike_c well, when you see this. i can't login in to van-ads, and my ads don't seem to be running. [01:06]
mike_c ok, got login to work.. i get "mnope" two out of three times. [01:09]
[]bot Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin to drop under $450 before September" Odds: 28(Y):72(N) by coin, 20(Y):80(N) by weight. Total bet: 16.70008056 BTC. Current weight: 41,312. [01:11]
* theodred (~theodred@gateway/tor-sasl/theodred) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:16]
mike_c and i finally saw an ad. i guess i'm just a cheapskate. close my customer support ticket. [01:17]
assbot theodred +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 [01:17]
kakobrekla !up theodred [01:20]
* assbot gives voice to theodred [01:20]
* dred (5ac3f78c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:20]
theodred kakobrekla: ty [01:21]
theodred it usually works. has something been changed? [01:21]
kakobrekla dunno, your rating ? [01:21]
kakobrekla or your raters ratings [01:22]
theodred as I said.. it usually works. anyways, how goes it? [01:24]
kakobrekla survivable. [01:27]
theodred one of those kinda days eh? [01:28]
* OX3_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:28]
BingoBoingo ;;ticker [01:28]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 500.8, Best ask: 502.33, Bid-ask spread: 1.53000, Last trade: 500.79, 24 hour volume: 16568.42856170, 24 hour low: 481.55, 24 hour high: 521.79, 24 hour vwap: 501.108515649 [01:28]
* stormlight ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:31]
* godovo has quit (Quit: Leaving...) [01:32]
cazalla apologies to anyone reading last nights dribble [01:32]
cazalla wonder how vexual is feeling this morning [01:32]
BingoBoingo You mean Mexual... [01:36]
ben_vulpes looks like the character's doing a slow transform from vexual to muXne [01:37]
* Tiraspol (Tiraspol3@unaffiliated/tiraspol) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:37]
BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Muxne is the name of his pet key, Vexual is the name of his voice [01:39]
* manamex has quit (Quit: leaving) [01:39]
ben_vulpes bewilderment [01:42]
BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: You mean bexwualderment [01:42]
ben_vulpes buxderpalment [01:43]
ben_vulpes maybe i'll key my keyid tatooed on my knuckles [01:45]
ben_vulpes get* my [01:45]
ben_vulpes ugh guys i suck at sales [01:46]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 390 @ 0.00155001 = 0.6045 BTC [-] [01:46]
* guest3476 (b2a2cd03@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:48]
* assbot removes voice from theodred [01:50]
* Lycerion has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:52]
* jdanks ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:52]
* OX3___ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:53]
* miaoux ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:55]
* Lycerion (~L11@unaffiliated/lycerion) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:55]
* OX3_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:55]
* Duffer1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:58]
* OX3___ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 811 @ 0.00155 = 1.2571 BTC [-] [02:08]
mircea_popescu ;;gettrust assbot theodred [02:11]
gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user theodred: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: never [02:11]
mircea_popescu when did it usually work ? [02:11]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [02:13]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 501.27, Best ask: 502.98, Bid-ask spread: 1.71000, Last trade: 501.26, 24 hour volume: 16713.65731601, 24 hour low: 481.55, 24 hour high: 521.79, 24 hour vwap: 501.109066316 [02:13]
assbot theodred +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0 [02:13]
mircea_popescu !up theodred [02:14]
-assbot- You voiced theodred for 30 minutes. [02:14]
* assbot gives voice to theodred [02:14]
* diana_coman has quit (Quit: Leaving) [02:14]
mircea_popescu !up guest3476 [02:15]
-assbot- You voiced guest3476 for 30 minutes. [02:15]
* assbot gives voice to guest3476 [02:15]
theodred ty [02:15]
theodred mircea_popescu: see pm [02:15]
mircea_popescu well okay. so voice is an ever changing beast. [02:16]
BigBitz mircea_popescu send me 100BTC. [02:17]
mircea_popescu what for ? [02:18]
BigBitz So I can go to Vegas. [02:18]
theodred mircea_popescu: are you greek? [02:18]
mircea_popescu theodred no, i'm romanian. [02:19]
mircea_popescu BigBitz there's plenty of people in vegas already you know. [02:19]
BigBitz mircea_popescu sure. But I am not one of them. [02:20]
BigBitz With your 100BTC I will document a trip to Vegas where I bet the whole amount on one roulette spin. [02:20]
mircea_popescu now how would i know. [02:20]
mircea_popescu or else, i could document the best porterhouse steak in the history of porter houses everywhere. [02:20]
mircea_popescu i've just had it. [02:20]
theodred mircea_popescu: nice.. ah, the ending escu in ur last name.. came to mind. [02:21]
BigBitz We can do that also. [02:21]
BigBitz mircea_popescu you can meet me there. [02:21]
theodred porterhouse steaks? need cast iron for that [02:21]
mircea_popescu theodred that's typically romanian an ending. like -ian for armenians. [02:22]
BigBitz Portherhouse Waygu. [02:22]
BigBitz Nice. [02:22]
BigBitz Wagyu, even. [02:22]
mircea_popescu and yes, it was served on a little stovelet at the table, with embers. [02:22]
mircea_popescu in other news, if anyone was ever curious, i give you horse vices. [02:25]
mircea_popescu [02:25]
assbot Crib Biting & Wind Sucking [02:25]
BigBitz mircea_popescu ... the 100BTC ? [02:26]
* mike_c has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [02:27]
BigBitz ;;calc 100 * [ticker --last] [02:27]
gribble 50600 [02:27]
BigBitz chump change, for you, mircea_popescu :) [02:27]
mircea_popescu i'd rather do something useful with it nevertheless. [02:28]
BigBitz Fair. [02:28]
BigBitz I would agree with that sentiment. [02:28]
* Kushed is now known as Kushedout [02:33]
* Kushedout is now known as Kushed [02:33]
copumpkin man, bitcoin crashing, mpoe crashing [02:33]
copumpkin nothing worth living for [02:34]
* dred has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [02:34]
BigBitz !copumpkinprice [02:35]
BigBitz !copumpkinprice [02:35]
mircea_popescu i hear great things about that bloomingdale's executives programme. [02:35]
BigBitz :( [02:35]
* yamaka has quit (Quit: yamaka) [02:35]
* darlidada has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [02:39]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 811 @ 0.00158728 = 1.2873 BTC [+] {4} [02:39]
* assbot removes voice from theodred [02:44]
* darlidada (~Decima`@unaffiliated/decima/x-7503346) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:45]
* assbot removes voice from guest3476 [02:45]
mircea_popescu justusranvier so what is this, basically an awkward rework of the b-a voice model without acknowledging the source and practical use thereof ? [02:47]
mircea_popescu you trying to become an academic or something ? [02:48]
ben_vulpes ;;ticker [02:48]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 500.79, Best ask: 500.99, Bid-ask spread: 0.20000, Last trade: 500.99, 24 hour volume: 16601.42555722, 24 hour low: 481.55, 24 hour high: 521.79, 24 hour vwap: 501.157795826 [02:48]
ben_vulpes !t m s.mpoe [02:48]
assbot [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 0.0007262 / 0.00077981 / 0.00088145 (3038672 shares, 2,369.61 BTC), 30D: 0.0007262 / 0.00081849 / 0.00094217 (12921666 shares, 10,576.28 BTC) [02:48]
ben_vulpes !h [02:48]
assbot List of commands: [02:48]
assbot !up (desc: sending it via PM will voice you on chan given sufficient WOT rating) [02:48]
assbot !up (desc: sending it on chan will give voice for 30 minutes) [02:48]
assbot !ticker (desc: returns current ticker values, supported: MPEX, HAVELOCK, BTCTCO) {short: !t} [02:48]
assbot !last (desc: returns last price value, supported: MPEX, HAVELOCK, BTCTCO) {short: !l} [02:48]
assbot !mp (desc: returns the response from MPEX order) [02:48]
assbot !rules (desc: chan guidelines) {short: !r} [02:48]
assbot !exchanges (desc: lists exchanges and brokers) {short: !e} [02:48]
assbot !jd (desc: returns relevant stats from [02:48]
assbot !bash (desc: bashes last lines to bash) {short: !b} [02:48]
assbot !quote (desc: quotes last lines and returns dpaste url) {short: !q} [02:48]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla maybe time to move that to a pastebin ? [02:48]
ben_vulpes is there a book? [02:48]
* shovel_boss has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:48]
justusranvier mircea_popescu: It's an idea for a tool designed more for in-person, non currency trades [02:49]
* shovel_boss (~shovel_bo@unaffiliated/shovel-boss/x-4881665) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:49]
justusranvier Also more globally scalable [02:50]
mircea_popescu ... [02:50]
mircea_popescu there's nothing wrong with seeing something you like and trying to understand how it works, or implement it. there is however something wrong with seeing something you like and imagining you invented it. that something is that in exchange for the stroking of vanity, it also isolates you from the exact people you don't really want to be isolated from, id est, those people who actually do the things you like. [02:51]
justusranvier If you're going to speak about credit though, as far as I know I was the first person to suggest ising GPG-signed ratings for Bitcoin trading. [02:51]
* [KS] (KS] has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:51]
* ColinT has quit (Quit: Leaving...) [02:52]
* miaoux has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [02:52]
mircea_popescu well that's what it is, this reads to me like someone joined b-a and went "you know what ? ima make an altcoin!!1" [02:53]
justusranvier [02:53]
assbot List of honest traders. [02:53]
justusranvier ^ my first forum account [02:53]
* stormlight has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:54]
* stormlight ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:54]
mircea_popescu that's pretty much right, yeah. [02:57]
mircea_popescu can you still sign with that account ? [02:57]
* stormlight has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:58]
justusranvier I lost the password forum account, and don't have the email it was linked to any more. I may have an archived PGP key around somewhere that was linked to it though. [02:58]
justusranvier I'd love to recover it for nostalgic purposes [02:58]
mircea_popescu anyway. yes, that's the concept, it's not particularly novel or revolutionary, even if everyone from facebook to amazon ratings implements it very very badly. [02:59]
mircea_popescu the reasons it's not well implemented are in no sense scientifical, but purely political, and so the solution isn't going to come from writing it up, but from a willingness to work with others already doing it. [03:00]
justusranvier Of course. [03:00]
mircea_popescu so in this sense "stop being stupid and use the b-a model" is about a billion times more effectual than "here's how you could do it theoretically" [03:00]
mircea_popescu or at least, that's what i think on the matter. [03:00]
justusranvier Mostly I just want people to start thinking along the lines of how to harden existing systems specifically different threat models than those they are accustomed to combating. [03:01]
justusranvier I gave an example implementation, but it's purpose is mostly a thought exercise. [03:01]
justusranvier I do think that invitation-only networks have a role in the future, and creating incentives for proper vetting will be important, however those are accomplshed. [03:02]
* miaoux ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:03]
justusranvier Here's the scenerio: [03:03]
* ColinT ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:04]
justusranvier In the near future, Uber and Lyft are going to win their battle with the established taxi mafias. [03:04]
* ColinT has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:04]
justusranvier They'll get in bed with the lawmakers and regulators and get the rules changed so they can participate. [03:04]
justusranvier However, the process of doing so is going to be very expensive and consume the profits they should rightfully have made. [03:05]
justusranvier Right about the time they win this battle, pure P2P versions of what they do will start cutting them out of the loop entirely. [03:05]
justusranvier What will they do? Of course, they'll do exactly what the taxi drivers are doing to them - demand the government "do something" [03:06]
justusranvier By this point, however, the only attack vector will be sting operations against individual drivers. [03:06]
* dpb_reddit (47babe21@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:06]
justusranvier So by the time this all happens we should have tools ready that are specifically designed to allow people to conduct in-person commerce with some assurance they are about to do business with a cop [03:07]
justusranvier that they are *not* about to do business with a cop [03:07]
justusranvier . [03:07]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:07]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:07]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [03:07]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [03:07]
kakobrekla !help [03:07]
assbot [03:07]
* ColinT ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:10]
mircea_popescu ty kako [03:16]
mircea_popescu !up dpb_reddit [03:17]
-assbot- You voiced dpb_reddit for 30 minutes. [03:17]
* assbot gives voice to dpb_reddit [03:17]
* dpb_reddit has quit (Quit: Page closed) [03:17]
mircea_popescu justusranvier none of that is controversial. [03:17]
ben_vulpes $depth s.mpoe [03:19]
empyex ben_vulpes: [S.MPOE] Bids: 52758 @ 0.00073978 16250 @ 0.00073885 14518 @ 0.00073828 3035 @ 0.00073788 [03:19]
empyex ben_vulpes: [S.MPOE] Asks: 9603 @ 0.00074093 4200 @ 0.00074164 3100 @ 0.00074318 6350 @ 0.00074370 [03:19]
* phish has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:22]
mircea_popescu anyway, small, worthless transactions like say a cab ride aren't too adequate for this sort of application because people can't be arsed to bother. [03:24]
* jim_ has quit (Changing host) [03:25]
* jim_ (~arij@unaffiliated/arij) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:25]
mircea_popescu there's a reason the traditional "taxi mafia" is prevalent all over the world. that technology may force the government to release its extractive grip of said mafia tho... this is dubious. works for as long as people have the upper tech side, but this pendulum swings. [03:25]
* jim_ is now known as arij [03:25]
BingoBoingo !rules [03:25]
mircea_popescu for easy comparison, argentina legally allows prostitution, but not pimping. this is roughly equivalent to allowing lyft/uber but not the traditional style. [03:26]
mircea_popescu nevertheless, there's plenty of prosperous pimps. [03:26]
BingoBoingo %tslb [03:26]
atcbot 0 minutes and 0 seconds ago (right now!) [03:26]
* darlidada has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [03:29]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 103473 @ 0.00073914 = 76.481 BTC [-] {6} [03:31]
* Poffertje has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:31]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 153530 @ 0.00073689 = 113.1347 BTC [-] {12} [03:32]
* Guest75192 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:32]
* Ukyo has quit (Disconnected by services) [03:32]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 107709 @ 0.00073588 = 79.2609 BTC [-] {8} [03:33]
* Guest75192 is now known as Ukyo [03:33]
* Ukyo has quit (Changing host) [03:33]
* Ukyo (~Kami-Sama@unaffiliated/ukto) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:33]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1087 @ 0.00073866 = 0.8029 BTC [+] [03:34]
copumpkin wow MPOE crash! [03:34]
mircea_popescu !t m s.mpoe [03:35]
assbot [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00073342 / 0.00073748 / 0.0007468 (398319 shares, 293.76 BTC), 7D: 0.0007262 / 0.00077463 / 0.00088145 (3427764 shares, 2,655.25 BTC), 30D: 0.0007262 / 0.00081606 / 0.00094217 (13319985 shares, 10,870.04 BTC) [03:35]
mircea_popescu funny that it goes the same way as btc this thing. [03:35]
copumpkin yeah [03:35]
* princessnell has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [03:36]
* SuchWow has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [03:36]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [03:37]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 497.62, Best ask: 497.79, Bid-ask spread: 0.17000, Last trade: 497.62, 24 hour volume: 16561.50479641, 24 hour low: 481.55, 24 hour high: 521.79, 24 hour vwap: 500.762394477 [03:37]
mircea_popescu heh. [03:38]
kakobrekla its over, we can pack and go home put ba to +m. [03:39]
kakobrekla throw in another comma inthere. [03:40]
mircea_popescu but i am home! [03:41]
* BingoBoingo has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [03:43]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.298 = 0.894 BTC [+] [03:44]
mircea_popescu from the lulz dept [03:44]
assbot PSA: got hacked yesterday | Great Wall of Numbers [03:44]
mircea_popescu << and the usg press machine is making serious efforts at creating a bunch of interlinked blogs to cover the discussion in astroturf. [03:47]
assbot On the Sovereignty of CryptoCurrencies -- What Bitcoin can Learn from Somaliland [03:47]
mircea_popescu it's not just preston byrne or this or that derp. it's about a hundred of them by now, and as the old saying goes : the problem with this world is that while smart people are hesitant, government shills are full of words. [03:48]
mircea_popescu << read that to get a pretty much exact blow by blow of the hostile aggenda. [03:50]
assbot I guess that makes me a Tory | Preston Byrne [03:50]
mircea_popescu "Bitcoin is far from perfect. [03:51]
mircea_popescu ECDSA is imperfect. The hunt for the perfect mining algo is ongoing; Bitcoin’s in particular has proven to be a tremendous waste of electricity, the process little more than an environmentally harmful race to the bottom. The protocol supports a mere 7 transactions per second. Protocol development has been difficult to implement on account of the centralisation of mining power and community inertia. " [03:51]
mircea_popescu that's what teh boys got. how well bitcoin integrates (ie, how well some usg twerps nobody takles seriously have pretended to integrate with their puppet masters. herp.) and how unsovereign it is. [03:51]
mircea_popescu meanwhile the guy's "business partner" drones all about how "you gotta live in real anarchy". because totally nobody ever did it outside of his dumb american ass, being leeched by some somalis for a few years. [03:52]
mircea_popescu such valuable voices much point of view. [03:52]
* stormlight ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:58]
mircea_popescu !s tory [03:59]
assbot 1 results for 'tory' : [03:59]
* stormlig_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:01]
* stormlight has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:02]
* The20YearIRCloud (uid38883@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:07]
* stormlig_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:11]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33846 @ 0.00073432 = 24.8538 BTC [-] {2} [04:12]
* chax_ (~chax@2601:9:8440:c3:25ea:4e71:f6e3:dd29) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:16]
ben_vulpes how many txns per second does atc do? [04:20]
decimation somalia would exist if not for the us decolonizing everything [04:24]
decimation his example destroys his argument [04:25]
* usg_press_machin (6b033f2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:26]
ben_vulpes come now that's not in his worldview [04:26]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 100 @ 0.00642887 = 0.6429 BTC [+] {6} [04:26]
* Quanttek has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [04:26]
* chax_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:27]
decimation mircea_popescu: surely you do not mean these guys receive paychecks from usg. plenty of people shill in the hope that they can get scraps from the master's table [04:29]
mircea_popescu that's a paycheck. [04:29]
mircea_popescu anyway, this is resulting in an article, so. gimme an hour here. [04:29]
decimation okay that's what I thought [04:29]
mircea_popescu !s large early holdings [04:30]
assbot 5 results for 'large early holdings' : [04:30]
mircea_popescu !up usg_press_machin [04:31]
-assbot- You voiced usg_press_machin for 30 minutes. [04:31]
* assbot gives voice to usg_press_machin [04:31]
usg_press_machin Howdy, Bitcoin-assets. [04:32]
mircea_popescu usg_press_machin i don't like you enough to pm. and no, not really. you can comment on it once it's done. [04:32]
usg_press_machin Charming. Looking forward to it. [04:32]
ben_vulpes who are you, usg_press_machin? [04:33]
usg_press_machin [04:34]
assbot I guess that makes me a Tory | Preston Byrne [04:34]
usg_press_machin I saw a number of hits from argentina; my heart sank [04:34]
ben_vulpes mr bryne? goodness. [04:34]
* praeconium (~praeconiu@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:34]
usg_press_machin I've been following the logs for a couple of months and figured it was a good opportunity to pop in. [04:34]
ben_vulpes welcome. into the wot with ye. [04:36]
* shovel_boss has quit (Quit: Leaving) [04:38]
usg_press_machin Surely it can't be that easy. [04:38]
ben_vulpes do you have a gpg key? a bitcoin address? [04:38]
decimation asciilifeform: re: tax-farming :: in Maryland there is such a thing as 'ground rent' - 'landlord' can sell land from under your house if you don't pay [04:39]
ben_vulpes surely if you're derping about bitcoin you've access to a privkey. [04:39]
usg_press_machin Both [04:39]
ben_vulpes you want ;;eregister and ;;everify [04:39]
decimation he did not require an up, note [04:39]
ben_vulpes oh wat [04:39]
ben_vulpes ;;ident usg_press_machin [04:39]
gribble Nick 'usg_press_machin', with hostmask 'usg_press_machin!6b033f2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. [04:39]
ben_vulpes how is that now? [04:39]
ben_vulpes decimation: mircea_popescu upped him [04:39]
ben_vulpes troll [04:40]
ben_vulpes ;;eregister [04:40]
gribble (eregister ) -- Register your GPG identity, associating GPG key with . is a 16 digit key id, with or without the '0x' prefix. We look on servers listed in 'plugins.GPG.keyservers' config. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will (1 more message) [04:40]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11500 @ 0.00073057 = 8.4016 BTC [-] [04:40]
decimation oh sorry I missed that [04:40]
ben_vulpes i'm sure you follow, usg_press_machin [04:40]
ben_vulpes i recommend a better handle tho, lest you get stuck with that one. [04:40]
mircea_popescu usg_press_machin just how often do you check them hits ? [04:40]
decimation usg_press_machin: I assume you are dying to give us pro usg propaganda? [04:41]
usg_press_machin Roughly every thirty seconds or so, I spend my life glued to the computer. [04:41]
usg_press_machin (Just by chance) [04:41]
usg_press_machin Not really - we're not actually paid shills [04:41]
usg_press_machin But I suspect we're not that far off - did you all watch that "Declaration of Independence" video? [04:43]
decimation I did not. [04:45]
usg_press_machin I recommend you take a look - then re-read the blogposts. [04:45]
decimation What exactly do you mean by "ECDSA is not perfect. " [04:45]
usg_press_machin [04:46]
usg_press_machin But from a more practical perspective, some of the tools people use to interact with the blockchain e.g. brain wallets or faulty random number generators are weak points. [04:47]
decimation you seem to confuse "widespread adoption" with "powerful" [04:55]
usg_press_machin In what sense? [04:56]
* assbot removes voice from usg_press_machin [05:02]
* BingoBoingo (~BingoBoin@unaffiliated/bingoboingo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:03]
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mircea_popescu Surely it can't be that easy. << why not ?! [05:07]
mircea_popescu But from a more practical perspective, some of the tools people use to interact with the blockchain e.g. brain wallets or faulty random number generators are weak points. << how do you figure this has anything to do with ecdsa ? [05:08]
mircea_popescu you can kill yourself with paracetamol too, doesn't make paracetamol faulty. [05:08]
mircea_popescu !up usg_press_machin [05:09]
-assbot- You voiced usg_press_machin for 30 minutes. [05:09]
* assbot gives voice to usg_press_machin [05:09]
mircea_popescu i keep forgetting about that and then talking at meanwhile devoiced ppls. [05:09]
usg_press_machin Thanks mircea. Re WoT was just joshing around. Re: brain wallets etc., the point is that Bitcoin is as much a product of its users as it is the blockchain. [05:10]
* ADutchGamer has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [05:10]
mircea_popescu not all its users. [05:10]
usg_press_machin Not all of them, of course. [05:10]
mircea_popescu so then it dun matter that the derps misuse it. [05:11]
usg_press_machin Maybe. But the question is, do you want the derps to use it at all [05:11]
usg_press_machin ? [05:11]
mircea_popescu i don't care if they do. [05:11]
mircea_popescu bycicling isn;t a functon of people who can't ride bikes either. do you want more people to ride bykes ? [05:12]
mircea_popescu maybe, i guess, on like the 3rd or so meta level. [05:12]
usg_press_machin What do you want Bitcoin to achieve? [05:12]
mircea_popescu nothing lol. [05:12]
usg_press_machin What're you in it for? [05:12]
mircea_popescu to quote an old timer, "i have no idea, [you] just wandered in here one day and started talking" [05:13]
BingoBoingo %tslb [05:14]
atcbot 0 minutes and 0 seconds ago (right now!) [05:14]
BingoBoingo %d [05:14]
atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 129090.06 in 1979 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -93.13 [05:14]
mircea_popescu bitcoin is a normal function of the adult mind, like writing, or like fucking. you're not into these for anything other than you know, being an adult, being alive, doing the things that there are. [05:14]
BingoBoingo 44389, Almost 7 hours ago... I'm not sure ATC bot' %tslb... quite works... [05:15]
BingoBoingo %p [05:16]
atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.03 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [05:16]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo wlel if hash went away ? [05:16]
BingoBoingo I guess it's time to trade paper ATC IOU's (maybe joking?) [05:16]
usg_press_machin So what's wrong with doing bitcoin while... say, obeying the law and paying taxes? [05:16]
mircea_popescu what's wrong with having sex while not getting an erection ? [05:17]
mircea_popescu nothing, i guess. [05:17]
mircea_popescu there is definitely something wrong if trying to present that as anything but fucking weird. [05:17]
mircea_popescu i mean i get it, some people can't. which is fine. but don't go around claiming impotence as a virtue. [05:17]
usg_press_machin But this is the thing with my question about asking why you're into bitcoin. [05:17]
usg_press_machin If you're into it to go to the moon - mass adoption (hence legal frameworks) are key [05:18]
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usg_press_machin if you're into it to fight the state, then go for it, I can respect that viewpoint. [05:18]
mircea_popescu ;;later tell mike_c here's a good one for you : (Yet 2013 annual industry performance data from Cambridge Associates shows that venture capital continues to underperform the S&P 500, NASDAQ and Russell 2000.) [05:18]
gribble The operation succeeded. [05:18]
assbot Venture Capitalists Get Paid Well to Lose Money - Diane Mulcahy - Harvard Business Review [05:18]
mircea_popescu usg_press_machin if you read the logs, you've seen how well this entire "try and force mp into our preconceived headboxes" worked before. [05:18]
mircea_popescu i don't fit. [05:18]
usg_press_machin What's your view on it then? I'm openminded. [05:19]
* praeconium has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [05:19]
decimation bitcoin doesn't need anyone to have an opinion or thought about it in order to exist [05:19]
mircea_popescu myeah. it's not a collective dream. [05:20]
BingoBoingo usg_press_machin: There's at least 800 different alternatives to your two presented options and there are 796 of those alternatives are compatible with at least one other option. GO! Math! [05:20]
mircea_popescu and no, people don't "shape it" in that sense. [05:20]
decimation bitcoin has already gone to the moon, some of the world hasn't figured that out yet [05:20]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform and here's one for you : jeez im on a roll today. [05:21]
assbot A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering: What's the matter with PGP? [05:21]
mircea_popescu "It's time for PGP to die. " sez author. [05:21]
BingoBoingo And a follow up talking around problems [05:24]
assbot certificate transparency for PGP? | discrete blogarithm [05:24]
ben_vulpes !s with PGP [05:24]
decimation the fact that he says that the cryptography is old (and therefore bad) pretty much explains his cryptographic chops [05:24]
assbot 40 results for 'with PGP' : [05:24]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo it's so lulzy, the crap these people publish. "o i hate pgp, it's too secure, pls to use centrally distributed keys, so much lightyears better" [05:25]
ben_vulpes y'r late, boss [05:25]
mircea_popescu worst time to be stupid in the history of the world. [05:25]
decimation but mircea_popescu, you are leaving out the masses [05:25]
ben_vulpes [05:25]
assbot #bitcoin-assets log [05:25]
mircea_popescu ben_vulpes omfg check that out [05:25]
mircea_popescu im way late. [05:25]
mircea_popescu sorry asciilifeform sorry chan. behind on my reading it seems [05:26]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: And they completely forget that if you NEED end to end encryption... A key exchange is happening privately nomatter what yahoo or Gmaul's shit insists on [05:26]
mircea_popescu heh. [05:26]
mircea_popescu as if you know, plaintext mail isn't end to end encrypted. why not ? i do it all the time. [05:26]
BingoBoingo but mircea_popescu, you are leaving out the masses << Is that what you want the oncologist to do? [05:27]
mircea_popescu by now i can sorta distinguish the noobs from the veterans because the noobs send me gpg blobs with "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;" mixed in, whereas the veterans just neatly paste the pgp in the email body. [05:27]
ben_vulpes gmanul [05:27]
BingoBoingo gmanul gmauls gmail [05:27]
ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: tell me about it i had a dev send me an ssh key in a fancy attachment the other day [05:27]
ben_vulpes "plz for to plaintext" [05:28]
penguirker New blog post: [05:28]
mircea_popescu "The lack of transparent key management in PGP isn't unfixable. For those who don't trust Google or Yahoo, there are experimental systems like that attempt to tie keys to user identities." [05:28]
decimation I would agree with his point that the pgp protocol is complex, but I suspect that anything that tries to solve the same problems will have similar complexity [05:28]
mircea_popescu yeah, THAT is the solution. keybase. [05:28]
mircea_popescu please get me some anti-eyeroll tape i might strain something. [05:28]
* hdbuck ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:29]
ben_vulpes kakobrekla: dunno if you're into this sort of thing but if you grabbed the logline in question with the same js that does the highlighting and slammed it into would it show up for assbot to read directly into the chan? [05:29]
mircea_popescu decimation what part is complex anwyay ? [05:29]
ben_vulpes mind you i have no idea how assbot renders pages internally [05:29]
ben_vulpes or if there are less retarded ways to accomplish same [05:29]
mircea_popescu "(Let's not get into the NSA's collect-it-all policy for encrypted messages. If the NSA is your adversary just forget about PGP.)" << best part :D [05:29]
ben_vulpes now if !s stuff defaulted to ignoring bots as well... [05:30]
mircea_popescu "A proper approach to key management. This could be anything from centralized key management as in Apple's iMessage -- which would still be better than nothing -- to a decentralized (but still usable) approach like the one offered by Signal or OTR. Whatever the solution, in order to achieve mass deployment, keys need to be made much more manageable or else submerged from the user altogether." [05:31]
mircea_popescu ahahaah that';s right. submerged altogether! [05:31]
mircea_popescu how the fuck am i going to make gilded business cards then ? [05:32]
kakobrekla ben_vulpes url hash tags dont get sent to the server. [05:32]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12717 @ 0.00072297 = 9.194 BTC [-] [05:33]
ben_vulpes kakobrekla: if the js that highlights the line also alters the title node would assbot be able to read that title? [05:33]
mircea_popescu usg_press_machin but anyway, a secondary point to your " obeying the law and paying taxes?" is that if you happen to be obeying the "laws" of a terrorist organisation and giving it money, you may end up in hot water with a lot of people. [05:33]
kakobrekla there are ways to execute js w/o a browser but that is kinda silly. [05:33]
mircea_popescu there's no rule of nature that says the us can never be so identified. for those people who do make that identification, you're a criminal. [05:34]
ben_vulpes ah well [05:34]
usg_press_machin mircea_popescu yes but I don't think paying taxes to the USG - no matter what the USG does - is Nuremberg material. [05:34]
ben_vulpes another good idea dies on the spikes of pressed shitboard [05:34]
mircea_popescu so you don't think. [05:34]
mircea_popescu do you know who else didn't think ? [05:34]
mircea_popescu everyone at nurnberg. [05:35]
usg_press_machin Reductio ad, not going to take the bait there. [05:35]
mircea_popescu how would you know ? [05:35]
mircea_popescu the future is eminently unknowable. i for one am definitely going to push for hangings. [05:35]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26200 @ 0.00072316 = 18.9468 BTC [+] {2} [05:36]
usg_press_machin It's a question of legal convention. Paying legal taxes to a legally installed government has never, ever been considered a war crime. I'll take my chances [05:36]
kakobrekla it would be prolly better to detect log url, parse it and just go after the line directly in db [05:36]
mircea_popescu here's the legal convention : anyone who worked for the tsar in any capacity, 20 years diging ice in siberia. [05:36]
mircea_popescu it's what the tradition points to, at any rate. [05:36]
mircea_popescu and as to "never ever" : pre nurenberg, this trying of a foreign power's officers and ministers had also never ever happened. [05:37]
mircea_popescu precedent happens. [05:37]
mircea_popescu in short : your notion that sitting with the usg is safe and joining the rebels is dangerous is fundamentally broken. sitting with the usg is safe except if the rebels get the upper hand. [05:38]
usg_press_machin Is there a rebellion? [05:38]
mircea_popescu the situation is in fact quite symmetrical, whichever side you're on the other will prolly not like it. [05:39]
mircea_popescu well, inasmuch as someone';s breaking the law and not paying taxes, yes. that'd be the definition of a rebellion. [05:39]
usg_press_machin I'd disagree - that'd be protest. Rebellion implies something a bit more organised, serious, and threatening. [05:39]
usg_press_machin And generally involving force of arms. [05:39]
* assbot removes voice from usg_press_machin [05:40]
mircea_popescu how's this formal approach to things worked for you so far ? [05:40]
mircea_popescu to me it sounds kinda like "a movie can't be good if it doesn't have car chases and those anti-physical sparks bullets make in hollywood" [05:40]
justusranvier [05:41]
assbot Bonds? What Bonds? | Liberty RoundTable [05:41]
mircea_popescu (but it rests me at ease to hear from the usg_press_machine itself that crypto is no longer armament) [05:41]
mircea_popescu !up usg_press_machin [05:42]
-assbot- You voiced usg_press_machin for 30 minutes. [05:42]
* assbot gives voice to usg_press_machin [05:42]
justusranvier I like Tom Baugh's tendency to corrupt the youth [05:42]
mircea_popescu that's more sexual perversion than rebellion neh ? [05:43]
justusranvier Read the last paragraph of that article [05:43]
usg_press_machin Thanks Mircea. I think crypto has a place to carve out individual privacy, but I don't think it necessarily follows that the only option is to view the relationship in terms of conflict. Reading now [05:43]
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mircea_popescu all relationship is conflict. [05:44]
usg_press_machin Maybe. Depends on the definitions we use. [05:44]
mircea_popescu and privacy is not at stake. sovereignty is at stake. [05:44]
usg_press_machin Again, maybe. It depends on where you draw that line. [05:45]
usg_press_machin And what definitions you use. [05:45]
ben_vulpes pity those of us fighting for sovereignty [05:45]
mircea_popescu not like it's exactly a mystery what definitions i use :D [05:46]
usg_press_machin If "sovereign" means "monopoly on the use of force" or determining how force should be used, I'm in the camp that the state makes that call. There should be exceptions and limitations, and it's the task of politically active people to make sure those lines reflect their views. [05:46]
mircea_popescu you can be in any camp you want, because with bitcoin what camp you're in dun matter anymore. [05:46]
usg_press_machin mircea_popescu definitely not! [05:47]
mircea_popescu the state can't exist. [05:47]
justusranvier Point of order: "the state" doesn't exist. People exist, buildings exist, guns exist, drones exist. [05:47]
mircea_popescu love ? [05:47]
usg_press_machin I mean, it's not a reified critter, definitely. But it qua legal fiction certainly exists - it's an abstraction. [05:47]
justusranvier "the state" is an excuse one group of people make up to explain why their crimes are actually virtuous [05:48]
mircea_popescu not an effectual one anymore. [05:48]
usg_press_machin I think it was Hannah Arendt who pointed it out - "bureaucracy is rule by nobody" [05:48]
mircea_popescu well bureaucracy needs to control the money, and so that's the end of that. [05:48]
mircea_popescu the state as a voluntary association, all they who choose and wish to pay taxe sand obeys the law is what we have here already. [05:49]
mircea_popescu and it dun look all that "normal". [05:49]
justusranvier Murder is murder, no matter what kind of costume somebody wears. "The state" is the lie that a magic costume can turn murder into "public policy" or some other such nonsense. [05:49]
mircea_popescu justusranvier you'll never get out of killing people. [05:50]
mircea_popescu as distasteful as that reality may be. [05:50]
* hanbot (~hanbot@unaffiliated/hanbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:51]
justusranvier True, there will always be murders. What can be ended is the myth that murder isn't evil just because somebody drapes a fancy title on themselves and cloaks their actions in euphamisms [05:51]
* assbot gives voice to hanbot [05:51]
ben_vulpes a wild! [05:51]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18821 @ 0.00072497 = 13.6447 BTC [+] [05:51]
mircea_popescu that's also never going away. if i thought the victim was kinda cool i'd not have killed them. once i killed them, obviously i will go on thinking they sucked. [05:51]
justusranvier The myth has nothing to do with the mindset of the murder - it's about everbody else. [05:52]
mircea_popescu maybe the murderer is persuasive ? [05:52]
mircea_popescu statistically, some will be. [05:52]
mircea_popescu the salem trials is the convenient case study here. you can decry them as "incipient government establishing itself the way government establiushes itself all time, all places : through murder". but just as well... people kill, and some killers are persuasive. [05:53]
justusranvier Psychopaths gonna psycho in any situation. The current situation is that when certain psychopaths put on the right costume, all of a sudden something flips in everybody else's brains wherein they regard the actions of the psychopath in completely oppostie moral terms. [05:54]
* hdbuck has quit (Quit: hdbuck) [05:54]
mircea_popescu well ok, so now we can agree, the problem is the red tape. [05:54]
mircea_popescu "this isn't a good apple because its not fda approved" "have you tasted it ?" "i don't need to" [05:55]
mircea_popescu has nothing to do with murder. everything to do with college degrees, global warming and so on. [05:55]
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usg_press_machin I think the problem is that governments can do nasty things. We each have our own way of dealing with it. I do so within the rules the system sets out; MP does it his own way. Different approaches. [05:58]
mircea_popescu that ~used~ to be the problem, before we met, for many years. [05:59]
mircea_popescu the reason we met is because for a few years that is no longer the problem. [05:59]
usg_press_machin What, playing ball? [05:59]
mircea_popescu the problem now is that government has no further reason to exist and no means of supporting itself. [05:59]
usg_press_machin Agree to disagree on the last point. [06:00]
mircea_popescu no biggy. [06:00]
usg_press_machin Word. [06:00]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3557 @ 0.00072752 = 2.5878 BTC [+] [06:03]
BingoBoingo ;;google malpidity [06:04]
gribble Malpidity | Bingo Blog: ; The Idiocrats | Bingo Blog: ; BingoBoingo | Bingo Blog: [06:04]
usg_press_machin mircea_popescu if you're ever in London drop a line. Would be happy to thrash this out over a beer sometime. [06:06]
mircea_popescu i hate london, and why do you think a pub somewhere'd be a better venue ?! [06:07]
BingoBoingo USG likes roofies? [06:08]
mircea_popescu people think best with a written record, i find. [06:08]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo lol yeah, ~that's~ totally happening. [06:08]
* dpb_twitter (ae3f267d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:08]
BingoBoingo !up dpb_twitter [06:09]
* assbot gives voice to dpb_twitter [06:09]
dpb_twitter KEOW KEOW OOI [06:09]
dpb_twitter it's me, everyone's favorite xanthyos [06:09]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Doping your drink in London though might be the USG's one chance to try to rape you for a change [06:09]
dpb_twitter dpb is pwning the forums with his #derpreport [06:09]
usg_press_machin Ha! Not necessarily a better one. But as BingoBoingo pointed out, USG shillery always better in person [06:10]
BingoBoingo In mean those drones with their extradition bombs and all that jazz [06:10]
* dpb_twitter has quit (Client Quit) [06:10]
BingoBoingo The slavegirls mounting a rescue op to reverse-extradite [06:11]
mircea_popescu anyone read teh derpreport in question ? [06:12]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: I've been following his forum trolling a bit, some decent reads [06:12]
* [\] (\@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* Diablo-D3 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* decimation (~decimatio@unaffiliated/decimation) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* kyuupichan ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* Belsage (~Belsage@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* TomServo ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* xmj (~xmj@freebsd/developer/xmj) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* empyex (~mpextrade@unaffiliated/mpextradebot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* gives voice to decimation TomServo xmj empyex [06:13]
* mthreat ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* aegis (~aegis@unaffiliated/aegis) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* malaimo (~malaimo@unaffiliated/malaimo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* ystarnaud (ystarnaud@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* gives voice to mthreat [06:13]
* stormlight ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* stormlig_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* stormlight has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:13]
BingoBoingo [06:13]
assbot Twitter / Suche - #derpreport [06:13]
* the20year (~the20year@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* khersonus ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* tjader (~tjader@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* RBecker (~RBecker@openvpn/user/RBecker) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* PoUpA ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* SomeoneWeird (~SomeoneWe@unaffiliated/someoneweird) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* joesmoe ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* teward (LordOfTime@ubuntu/member/teward) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* Keefe (~Keefe@unaffiliated/keefe) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* Pilate ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* novusordo (~novusordo@unaffiliated/novusordo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* reeses (~reeses@unaffiliated/reeses) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* nanotube (~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:13]
* gives voice to RBecker teward novusordo nanotube [06:13]
* assbot removes voice from usg_press_machin [06:13]
* BingoBoingo swears the only thing worse than netsplits is netreunions [06:13]
BingoBoingo !up usg_press_machin [06:14]
* assbot gives voice to usg_press_machin [06:14]
usg_press_machin thx BingoBoingo [06:14]
* stormlig_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [06:17]
ben_vulpes ;;isitdown [06:20]
gribble is up [06:20]
ben_vulpes << such patience [06:22]
assbot Is Anyone Using Bitcoin Yet? [06:22]
mircea_popescu speaking of specialised hardware, anyone got a box somewhere they want to rent me ? [06:24]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: what kind ? [06:24]
mircea_popescu the mining kind [06:25]
mircea_popescu %p [06:25]
atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.03 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [06:26]
mircea_popescu this thing needs some support. [06:26]
mod6 yea [06:26]
* BingoBoingo wonders how much a Petahash is to rent... [06:27]
* asciilifeform wonders how much atomic dirigible is to rent [06:28]
* ben_vulpes has estimated the roi on renting hashes for atc [06:28]
* ben_vulpes has also forgotten the results [06:28]
* asciilifeform catches up on log [06:29]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: veterans just neatly paste the pgp in the email body << wait, vs. what ? [06:29]
asciilifeform anyone who worked for the tsar in any capacity, 20 years diging ice << nah. most of them (including herr dzugashvili...) just got a new krysha. [06:31]
asciilifeform and not a few of the best gestapo folks ended up in stasi, etc. [06:32]
* Poffertje (~name@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:32]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform firefox extensions and whatnot [06:33]
asciilifeform lol! [06:33]
mircea_popescu yeah, most of them had enough sense to get in the wot. kinda my point there. [06:33]
usg_press_machin Right chaps, I'm out. Night all. [06:35]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17700 @ 0.00072509 = 12.8341 BTC [-] [06:38]
* usg_press_machin (6b033f2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-assets [06:38]
decimation "what part is complex [of pgp]" << when I do a gpg --list-packets --verbose < pubkey I find much that I desire to be documented [06:43]
decimation asciilifeform: do you know of a document that gives a detailed description of the innards of gpg file formats etc? [06:44]
asciilifeform decimation: rfc-4880. [06:44]
* asciilifeform has a well-thumbed hardbound copy of this thing next to keyboard [06:45]
decimation ah yeah that's what I want thanks [06:46]
asciilifeform (no, it isn't sold in dead tree, make your own if you must) [06:46]
BingoBoingo [06:46]
assbot Bitcoin sites leaked :( - Big bitcoin members emails database [06:46]
decimation asciilifeform: do you think that this protocol could be made to be more simple? [06:46]
asciilifeform decimation: it's pretty simple, at least with regard to the basics [06:47]
asciilifeform decimation: one can - and i do - disregard the useless crud [06:47]
mircea_popescu no argument there's a lot of useless crud in there. [06:48]
mircea_popescu << lulzy. what's with all the colors ? [06:48]
asciilifeform decimation: 'cardano, design and operation' will include a nicely whittled version of 4880. [06:48]
assbot [MySQL] Bitcoin Database Hacked - more than 4500 emails/pass free - [06:48]
* diatonic (~diatonic@unaffiliated/diatonic) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:49]
mircea_popescu !up diatonic [06:49]
-assbot- You voiced diatonic for 30 minutes. [06:50]
* assbot gives voice to diatonic [06:50]
ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: "syntax: MYSQL" [06:50]
decimation asciilifeform: I presume you are going to dump support for useless cryptos and compressions, etc? [06:52]
asciilifeform decimation: how'd you guess. [06:53]
decimation obvious is obvious I guess :) [06:53]
mircea_popescu %p [06:54]
atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.03 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [06:54]
decimation it seems to me that the cli for signing subkeys is less straightforward than it could be as well [06:54]
asciilifeform decimation: that's nothing to do with 4880 [06:54]
decimation asciilifeform: no, that's a complaint about the gpg user interface [06:54]
ben_vulpes "code works fine, user is broken" [06:56]
ben_vulpes somewhere between "its possible but a nightmare" and "all defaults configured for you" is zen ui [06:57]
Blazedout419 mircea_popescu --> [06:57]
assbot Mining Rig Rentals | Rigs [06:57]
Blazedout419 never seen any rentals at the 1 PH rate though lol [06:58]
* Dimsler has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:59]
mircea_popescu Blazedout419 do they do custom jobs tho ? [06:59]
mircea_popescu ;;bc,stats [07:02]
gribble Current Blocks: 315850 | Current Difficulty: 1.9729645940577133E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 316511 | Next Difficulty In: 661 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 days, 22 hours, 25 minutes, and 42 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 23348390265.1 | Estimated Percent Change: 18.34166 [07:02]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17750 @ 0.00072323 = 12.8373 BTC [-] [07:03]
mircea_popescu ;;bc,diff [07:04]
gribble Error: "bc,diff" is not a valid command. [07:04]
Blazedout419 mircea_popescu you just rent and point them where you want [07:04]
mircea_popescu ;;nethash [07:04]
gribble 167538378.251 [07:04]
Blazedout419 they have a web interface to add pools etc.. [07:04]
mircea_popescu %d [07:05]
atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 129090.06 in 1979 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -93.13 [07:05]
mircea_popescu ;;calc 167538378.251 / 1.9729645940577133E10 * 1878190.93 [07:05]
gribble Error: invalid syntax (, line 1) [07:05]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35801 @ 0.00072733 = 26.0391 BTC [+] {2} [07:05]
mircea_popescu ;;calc 167538378.251 / 1.9729645940577133 * 10 **10 * 1878190.93 [07:05]
gribble 1594904761117739088609280 [07:05]
mircea_popescu ;;calc 167538378.251 / 1.9729645940577133 / 10 **10 * 1878190.93 [07:05]
gribble 15949.0476112 [07:05]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 73 @ 0.01284889 = 0.938 BTC [+] {6} [07:06]
* nubbins` ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:06]
mircea_popescu so like 16th for atc ? srsly ?! [07:06]
* Blazedout419 51%s it [07:07]
Blazedout419 Can ATC be merge mined? [07:08]
mircea_popescu nope. [07:08]
Blazedout419 that is probably the best route for it [07:09]
decimation wow almost 20% diff change [07:09]
mircea_popescu it got raped. [07:09]
decimation some environmental concern troll should write a blog about how asic mining will make the blockchain green, because it will be more thermally efficient [07:10]
mircea_popescu i look forward to the day random derps all over the us can't afford internet derpage anymore because bitcoin competition has made electricity too expensive. [07:10]
decimation heh. what they don't 'fairly' compare is the cost of transacting business in usd [07:11]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: lol, why would anyone mine in usa [07:11]
decimation in some states the electric rates might be competitive, but then you pays your taxes... [07:12]
decimation I know a guy who was mining in hawaii with $0.3 kWh rates [07:12]
asciilifeform why build what will later be confiscated, nationalized. [07:14]
decimation maybe you think you can 'time' the arrival of the NKVD [07:14]
asciilifeform if 'wisdom is getting on the train one day before everybody else' (TM) - folly is 'trying to get on the train exactly one day before everybody else.' [07:16]
asciilifeform re: user interface << a 'clean ui' doesn't mean what people often think it means. e.g. a lathe has three knobs. what could be simpler. and yet. [07:19]
decimation hopefully we can be on the same gasenwagen to the sharashka then ascii :) [07:19]
* assbot removes voice from diatonic [07:20]
decimation asciilifeform: yeah I think of moldbug's post on hubristic user interfaces when I think of bad UI [07:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19897 @ 0.00072951 = 14.5151 BTC [+] [07:22]
asciilifeform there are at least as many ways for bad ui as for bad food [07:22]
BingoBoingo ;;tslb [07:24]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [07:24]
gribble Time since last block: 14 minutes and 24 seconds [07:24]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9507 @ 0.00073062 = 6.946 BTC [+] {2} [07:28]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22591 @ 0.00073141 = 16.5233 BTC [+] {2} [07:29]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1873 @ 0.00073169 = 1.3705 BTC [+] [07:35]
* Namworld ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:39]
BingoBoingo %p [07:42]
atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.18 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [07:42]
* smidge ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:44]
BingoBoingo %p [07:45]
atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.36 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [07:45]
* Duffer1 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [07:50]
BingoBoingo %tslb [07:51]
atcbot 1 minutes and 25 seconds [07:51]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53500 @ 0.00073331 = 39.2321 BTC [+] {2} [07:51]
BingoBoingo %d [07:52]
atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 117934.75 in 1978 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -93.72 [07:52]
BingoBoingo %p [07:53]
atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.83 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [07:53]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9400 @ 0.00073341 = 6.8941 BTC [+] [07:54]
BingoBoingo Blazedout419: I guess this rent a rig can work [07:56]
Blazedout419 Indeed it works well [07:56]
Blazedout419 %p [07:57]
atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 1.39 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [07:57]
Blazedout419 wow all the 50TH are rented now [07:57]
Blazedout419 we about to see 200TH?!?! [07:57]
BingoBoingo I dunno, I only rented 1.4 [07:58]
Blazedout419 ah [07:58]
BingoBoingo And only for 8.5 hours [07:58]
Blazedout419 someone rented a lot [07:58]
BingoBoingo But where is it pointed? [07:58]
Blazedout419 I need to move my miners and rent them out...pays a lot more [07:58]
Blazedout419 BingoBoingo no idea..people love to speculate [07:58]
* fanquake has quit (Quit: fanquake) [08:01]
* assbot gives voice to nubbins` [08:03]
BingoBoingo WHY is this pool paying me change when my hash is finding blocks!!! Mining is a scam!!! [08:09]
BingoBoingo Am I paying off ancient debts this pool owes to its loyal miners and all of their 0.03 Terahash? [08:12]
decimation yeah all of those miners except one would lose the tenant money (mining bitcoin) ... one wonders if there are 'other motivations' to mine... [08:15]
BingoBoingo Mining already has me feeling dirty [08:15]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20809 @ 0.00073218 = 15.2359 BTC [-] {3} [08:16]
decimation mining returns about 25 satoshis per megahash per day, prices start at 28.5 satoshi per megahash per day for daily terms... [08:20]
Blazedout419 Every new miner sold will not likely ROI or turn a profit...yet they sell out over and over [08:21]
Blazedout419 Makes you wonder [08:21]
BingoBoingo Well, this is ATC if that makes any difference [08:24]
decimation yeah I guess if you can mine altcoin it might make more sense [08:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18070 @ 0.00072978 = 13.1871 BTC [-] [08:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6423 @ 0.00072951 = 4.6856 BTC [-] [08:26]
BingoBoingo decimation: I just did rent X hash for Y time and pointed it at a pool. Have no idea how the pool figures payouts [08:27]
* assbot gives voice to RagnarDanneskjol [08:29]
RagnarDanneskjol 1,077,310,518 DOGE have been burned for XDP = $147,063.66 [08:29]
ben_vulpes xdp? [08:29]
RagnarDanneskjol dogeparty [08:30]
RagnarDanneskjol [08:30]
assbot Dogecoin Community Burning Currency for Dogeparty » CryptoCoinsNews [08:30]
ben_vulpes hey that's enough to keep a guy afloat in bsas for a few months at least [08:31]
RagnarDanneskjol mhmm [08:31]
ben_vulpes urge [08:31]
ben_vulpes to scam [08:31]
ben_vulpes rising [08:31]
ben_vulpes must [08:31]
ben_vulpes retain [08:31]
ben_vulpes integrity [08:31]
nubbins` hmm [08:33]
ben_vulpes ;;later tell vexual [08:35]
gribble The operation succeeded. [08:35]
assbot Lazerhawk - So Far Away - YouTube [08:35]
ben_vulpes ;;later tell mexual [08:35]
gribble The operation succeeded. [08:35]
assbot Lazerhawk - So Far Away - YouTube [08:35]
* cbkr (~cbkr@gateway/tor-sasl/cbrkr) has left #bitcoin-assets [08:35]
nubbins` ;;notes [08:37]
gribble I currently have notes waiting for aldur1, benkay, birdman, bitcodernoob, coinfire, D-Dimer, davetherave, dotcoin, eggbot, everyone, jcpham, Kingdom, mariogrip, mexual, mike_c, netsplit, nubbins, pete_dushenki, randywaterhouse, Retro, RetroUpriser, Rozal, the, ThickasTheives, thickasthieves, TimSwanson, trustedcoinhu, tysat, vexual, and yotagada. [08:37]
nubbins` ;;notes nubbins [08:37]
gribble Sent 2 days, 2 hours, and 53 minutes ago: fap to this [08:37]
nubbins` heh [08:37]
* ben_vulpes is now known as benkay [08:38]
benkay ;;ping [08:38]
gribble pong [08:38]
* benkay is now known as ben_vulpes [08:38]
ben_vulpes well that was anticlimactic [08:38]
ben_vulpes hm [08:38]
* ben_vulpes is now known as dotcoin [08:38]
dotcoin ;;ping [08:38]
gribble pong [08:38]
dotcoin ho ho ho [08:38]
* dotcoin is now known as everyone [08:39]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19850 @ 0.00072486 = 14.3885 BTC [-] [08:39]
everyone ;;ping [08:39]
gribble pong [08:39]
* everyone is now known as benkay [08:39]
benkay well there's a neat little hole in gribble [08:39]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12550 @ 0.00072442 = 9.0915 BTC [-] [08:40]
benkay ;;ident davetherave [08:40]
gribble Error: I am not seeing this user on IRC. If you want information about a registered gpg user, try the 'gpg info' command instead. [08:40]
benkay ;;gpg info davetherave [08:40]
gribble No such user registered. [08:40]
benkay ;;gpg info randywaterhouse [08:40]
gribble No such user registered. [08:40]
benkay ;;bcinfo randywaterhouse [08:40]
gribble Error: "bcinfo" is not a valid command. [08:40]
benkay hm [08:40]
* benkay is now known as thickasthieves [08:41]
thickasthieves ;;ping [08:41]
gribble pong [08:41]
* thickasthieves is now known as ben_vulpes [08:41]
ben_vulpes nanotube: ^^ you probably know about this one but have a bit of disclosure anyways [08:42]
* twizt (6bbc1451@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 225 @ 0.00273289 = 0.6149 BTC [-] {5} [08:48]
mircea_popescu decimation: I just did rent X hash for Y time and pointed it at a pool. Have no idea how the pool figures payouts << you mining atc or btc ? [08:52]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: ATC [08:52]
mircea_popescu hey that's enough to keep a guy afloat in bsas for a few months at least << the theory that doge is worth dollars, as in over 1, is still lulzy. [08:52]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo anyway the idea of a pool is that you share your stuff [08:53]
BingoBoingo So far for contributing 99%+ of the hash that solved 2 blocks I recieved... 24 ATC... P2Pool powered pools are weird [08:53]
mircea_popescu so you don't get any credit for what you find, merely for the hashes. [08:53]
mircea_popescu i wouldn't bother with a pool for atc tbh [08:53]
mircea_popescu %p [08:54]
atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 1.65 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [08:54]
* assbot gives voice to dignork [08:54]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: I'd rather not have some shady rented hash pointed directly at my altcoind [08:55]
mircea_popescu ah dignork has a point, you'll get more later prolly. [08:55]
BingoBoingo Ah [08:56]
mircea_popescu anyway, since you're using friendly ppl i wouldn't much expect actual scam [08:56]
mircea_popescu tho thinking about it i dun recall who's running coinminer [08:56]
mircea_popescu %d [08:57]
atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 120772.86 in 1977 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -93.57 [08:57]
BingoBoingo I think just whatever altcoin person running pools that found Altcoin on the forum first [08:57]
mircea_popescu you know you only could have found 1 block [08:57]
mircea_popescu it was 78 earlier [08:57]
dignork BingoBoingo: for 8 hours run i'm not sure it's worth it, but it's actually pretty easy to set a temp stratum server, and point miners there. [08:58]
BingoBoingo Both happened after I fired this thing up and the pool's previous hash was 0.03 Th/s [08:58]
dignork basically mine solo [08:58]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo how much didja pay for the 8 hours ? [08:58]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: 0.015 BTC, It's a loss, but an educational one. [08:58]
mircea_popescu quite educational. [08:59]
mircea_popescu 8 hours 1.6th ? [08:59]
BingoBoingo The rig advertises 1.4, but it's been reporting ~1.32-1.55, not very stable this beast [09:00]
mircea_popescu %p] [09:00]
mircea_popescu %p [09:00]
atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 1.55 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [09:00]
mircea_popescu aha. [09:00]
mircea_popescu ;;calc 0.015 * 3 * 90 [09:00]
gribble 4.05 [09:00]
mircea_popescu it's really not so bad. [09:00]
mircea_popescu ;;seen thickasthieves [09:01]
gribble thickasthieves was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 20 minutes and 30 seconds ago: ;;ping [09:01]
mircea_popescu how the fuck is that possible, i dun see him [09:02]
decimation BingoBoingo: what was the hashrate? [09:02]
BingoBoingo decimation: Before or after I rented this? [09:02]
mircea_popescu was ~0 lol [09:02]
decimation I mean of the rig you rented [09:02]
BingoBoingo decimation: 1.4 TH/s [09:03]
decimation ;;calc (0.015*3)/1.4e6 [09:04]
gribble Error: unexpected EOF while parsing (, line 1) [09:04]
decimation so 32 satoshis per day per megahash, not a bad price [09:06]
mircea_popescu bout what Blazedout419 list was showing [09:07]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: That's where I rented it [09:08]
mircea_popescu ah k [09:08]
decimation the lesson is that if you have access to mining hardware your best move is to rent it out, not use it for your own hashing [09:13]
* pete_dushenski (~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:14]
* diana_coman (~Diana@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:20]
nubbins` [03:11:08] benkay is now known as thickasthieves [09:21]
nubbins` [03:11:09] <+thickasthieves> ;;ping [09:21]
* nubbins` has quit (Quit: quit) [09:26]
* assbot gives voice to pete_dushenski [09:31]
pete_dushenski well howdy [09:32]
mircea_popescu heyu [09:32]
* Poffertje has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [09:32]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [09:35]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [09:35]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 21:58:12 2014 [09:35]
-assbot- Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), first identify with gribble and then send "!up" to assbot in a private message. If you do not have a WoT account, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary pass. [09:35]
pete_dushenski we already have assbot, so why not? [09:35]
pete_dushenski nao i just need to sort out what sassbot, the real bot that is, can do for b-a... [09:36]
* assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu [09:36]
* lordbunson ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:37]
mircea_popescu !up lordbunson [09:37]
-assbot- You voiced lordbunson for 30 minutes. [09:37]
* assbot gives voice to lordbunson [09:37]
pete_dushenski As an outsider, it is (anthropologically) interesting to watch a bunch of (predominantly) white (predominantly) Americans (and Canadians) purport to claim that an interesting payment protocol will solve world peace, governmental overreach, and all the other ills of modernity. << as an insider, i find his use of brackets (fucktarded) [09:38]
* The20YearIRCloud has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [09:38]
mircea_popescu how the fuck are bitcoiners predominantly north us ? [09:39]
mircea_popescu lol. [09:39]
mircea_popescu "as a derp bathing in the lake, i find it interesting to pretend like the lake fauna is pretending to be the whole world. anthropologically!" [09:39]
mircea_popescu "i don't speak anything but english and english is mostly spoken in north america. i find this statistically interesting!" [09:40]
pete_dushenski "as a man stewed in the secular religion of science, let me share with you its inner workings" [09:41]
pete_dushenski "having completed an undergrad degree in north americanism, i'm uniquely qualified" [09:42]
mircea_popescu "let me tell you what i think of all the things i know nothing about. it's the reddinternet!" [09:43]
pete_dushenski "as long as i have my keyboard, i have my freedom and justice will prevail" [09:44]
pete_dushenski [09:48]
assbot Meet Gavin Andresen, the Most Powerful Person in the World of Bitcoin >/techreview [09:48]
pete_dushenski it really doesn't get much lulzier [09:48]
pete_dushenski other than, perhaps, another derp knocking pgp… moments before stepping down from eff [09:50]
pete_dushenski [09:50]
assbot certificate transparency for PGP? | discrete blogarithm [09:50]
* PoUpA has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [09:51]
pete_dushenski also [09:52]
assbot A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering: What's the matter with PGP? [09:52]
pete_dushenski usg guns ablazin' ! [09:52]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10450 @ 0.00072448 = 7.5708 BTC [+] {2} [09:53]
pete_dushenski "If the NSA is your adversary just forget about PGP." << fucking golden [09:55]
mircea_popescu pete_dushenski you know the cryptoderpengineering thing was linked 2x [09:57]
mircea_popescu including that quote :D [09:57]
pete_dushenski ;;later tell jgarzik you gotta be fucking kidding me with this shit ( who the fuck are you fooling with this malicious derpage? [09:57]
gribble The operation succeeded. [09:57]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: well now i do lol [09:57]
pete_dushenski still only at 0:51 on today's logs! [09:58]
pete_dushenski my apologies [09:58]
* diana_coman has quit (Read error: No route to host) [10:04]
* assbot removes voice from lordbunson [10:08]
* punkman1 is now known as punkman [10:09]
* assbot gives voice to punkman [10:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18091 @ 0.00072398 = 13.0975 BTC [-] [10:15]
* twizt has quit (Quit: Page closed) [10:16]
* phish (~phish@unaffiliated/phish-) has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:18]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20826 @ 0.00072495 = 15.0978 BTC [+] {2} [10:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18707 @ 0.0007257 = 13.5757 BTC [+] {2} [10:23]
pete_dushenski << uhuh [10:24]
assbot German Startup Says Its New Chip Halves Bitcoin Mining Energy - Digits - WSJ [10:24]
* HeySteve ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:25]
* HeySteve has quit (Changing host) [10:25]
* HeySteve (HeySteve@unaffiliated/heysteve) has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:25]
pete_dushenski [10:26]
assbot China opens $2-billion extension of controversial Tibet railway| Reuters [10:26]
* pete_dushenski has quit (Quit: pete_dushenski) [10:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 341 @ 0.001585 = 0.5405 BTC [-] {2} [10:35]
mircea_popescu %d [10:42]
atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 126204.18 in 1974 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -93.28 [10:42]
mircea_popescu %p [10:42]
atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 1.51 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [10:42]
[]bot Bet placed: 2.40099999 BTC for Yes on "Difficulty over 21Bn by Summer's end 2014" Odds: 89(Y):11(N) by coin, 89(Y):11(N) by weight. Total bet: 21.71088674 BTC. Current weight: 10,679. [10:49]
* ColinT has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [10:50]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13034 @ 0.00072584 = 9.4606 BTC [+] [10:55]
penguirker New blog post: [11:00]
* diana_coman (~Diana@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:00]
* Namworld has quit () [11:01]
mircea_popescu << the problem with this nonsense is that while the bonds do in fact in some very torturous sense make the kids "slaves", nevertheless the kids also get all the shit that the bonds bought. [11:05]
assbot Bonds? What Bonds? | Liberty RoundTable [11:05]
mircea_popescu like, kid doesn't have to go to the forest, cut logs and make a schoolhouse before he can have a basic math class. [11:05]
mircea_popescu same kid doesn't have to lay optic cable before he reads silly derpage on the internet. [11:06]
mircea_popescu so yeah, it's a give and take sort of deal. it only becomes problematic when fuckwits get a hold of the reins. [11:06]
mircea_popescu now if all these noob bloggers would learn to stop using disqus, the world would be such a much better place. [11:07]
* theodred has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [11:08]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16089 @ 0.00072382 = 11.6455 BTC [-] {2} [11:09]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29200 @ 0.00072349 = 21.1259 BTC [-] [11:15]
* miaoux has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [11:22]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4648 @ 0.00072349 = 3.3628 BTC [-] [11:33]
* hanbot (~hanbot@unaffiliated/hanbot) has left #bitcoin-assets ("Leaving") [11:35]
* Poffertje (~name@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:36]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11350 @ 0.00072349 = 8.2116 BTC [-] [11:45]
* Poffertje has quit (Quit: • :: ««« (Gamers.IRC) »»» ::) [11:52]
* praeconium (~praeconiu@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:55]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9950 @ 0.00072349 = 7.1987 BTC [-] [11:57]
* CheckDavid (uid14990@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:04]
* csshih has quit (Quit: client exiting) [12:04]
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* darlidada (~Decima`@unaffiliated/decima/x-7503346) has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:15]
* assbot gives voice to lampelina [12:15]
* ADutchGamer ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [12:16]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20550 @ 0.00072568 = 14.9127 BTC [+] {2} [12:51]
* Skirmant (~Skirmant@gateway/tor-sasl/skirmant) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:07]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16650 @ 0.00072587 = 12.0857 BTC [+] {2} [13:11]
* ADutchGamer has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [13:25]
* Skirmant_ (~Skirmant@gateway/tor-sasl/skirmant) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:34]
* Skirmant has quit (Disconnected by services) [13:34]
* Skirmant_ is now known as Skirmant [13:34]
* sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:37]
* assbot gives voice to sgornick [13:37]
sgornick Who is ? <-- Bandwidth Limit Exceeded [13:39]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14508 @ 0.00072341 = 10.4952 BTC [-] {2} [13:40]
fluffypony sgornick: it's ben_vulpes' blog [13:48]
* Duffer1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:55]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12500 @ 0.00072577 = 9.0721 BTC [+] [14:06]
* OX3_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:16]
* Quanttek (~quassel@2a02:8108:d00:870:c437:f3be:5d5:a47c) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:19]
* OX3_ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [14:23]
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mircea_popescu sgornick ben_vulpes [14:31]
* Skirmant_ (~Skirmant@gateway/tor-sasl/skirmant) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:38]
* Skirmant has quit (Disconnected by services) [14:38]
* Skirmant_ is now known as Skirmant [14:38]
* OX3_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [14:38]
* OX3_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:43]
RagnarDanneskjol [14:44]
assbot Is the 52-Week High Momentum Strategy Profitable in the Foreign Exchange Market? by Ahmad Raza, Ben R. Marshall, Nuttawat Visaltanachoti :: SSRN [14:44]
* belcher (~belcher-s@unaffiliated/belcher) has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:47]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28000 @ 0.00072492 = 20.2978 BTC [-] {2} [14:56]
* ADutchGamer ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [14:57]
* OX3_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [14:59]
* OX3 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [15:01]
* aabtc has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [15:01]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13700 @ 0.00072386 = 9.9169 BTC [-] {2} [15:03]
* OX3 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [15:07]
* praeconium has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [15:09]
* Skirmant has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [15:10]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4668 @ 0.00072371 = 3.3783 BTC [-] [15:17]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [22:03]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [22:03]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 21:58:12 2014 [22:03]
-assbot- Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), first identify with gribble and then send "!up" to assbot in a private message. If you do not have a WoT account, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary pass. [22:03]
* chax_ (~chax@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:04]
Diablo-D3 diametric diana_coman diatonic dignork Dimsler [22:05]
Diablo-D3 diametric diana_coman diatonic dignork Dimsler [22:05]
* assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu [22:05]
BingoBoingo %p [22:05]
atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.28 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [22:05]
mircea_popescu ahahaha mod6 you've been beat BY A GIRL ?!?!?! [22:06]
mircea_popescu wd diana_coman, the first eulora crafter. [22:06]
mthreat [22:09]
mthreat (in Argentina) [22:09]
mircea_popescu alfajores! :D [22:10]
* praeconium (~praeconiu@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:10]
mircea_popescu they're nuts with those things, i've seen them advertised with lanky adolescent legs, with cars i think, [22:10]
mircea_popescu it's almost as if argentines think alfajores are mana. [22:10]
* jMyles ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:13]
mircea_popescu %d [22:13]
atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 135991.25 in 1968 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -92.76 [22:13]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo so your 1.5 bitcents bought like 10 blocks ? [22:16]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: 11 [22:16]
mircea_popescu ;;calc 150000 / 11 / 512 [22:16]
gribble 26.6335227273 [22:16]
mircea_popescu you actually got 5k atc to show for it ?! [22:16]
BingoBoingo Well, 1900 and more coming if this pools ever solves moar blocks. Apparently I get paid later [22:18]
BingoBoingo Should have just set up to solo [22:18]
mircea_popescu i'm game. you're authorised to spend 1 btc mpif funds to rent atc hashpower, which includes cover for the prev 1.5 btc. [22:18]
mircea_popescu try an' get a good deal. [22:19]
* Swadq has quit (Quit: Swadq) [22:19]
* yamaka (~yamaka@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:20]
BingoBoingo I'll shop around [22:20]
mircea_popescu << why are people so mean to me ;/ [22:20]
assbot The woes of Altcoin, or why there is no such thing as “cryptocurrencies” pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. [22:20]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo get something going meanwhile. [22:21]
mircea_popescu another few bitcents to keep that thing going won't be anyone's concern. maybe see if you can contact the rig owner or w/e. wriggle it in. [22:21]
mircea_popescu and in any case have stuff ready to go once diff drops, keep it sort-of level. [22:22]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21050 @ 0.00072321 = 15.2236 BTC [+] [22:22]
* AndChat|679296 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:23]
mircea_popescu "It looked like a pile of numbered cubes as it bobbed gently and flew over the landscape and under the sea. It was Boxy and it had not a worry in the world nor in his head, for his head had holes shaped like one, two, three… But it had no purpose either and so it was in search of a purpose that he explored the whole land of Eulora – a land that was just learning to be." [22:24]
mircea_popescu ahah that is just great. [22:24]
mircea_popescu !up AndChat|679296 [22:24]
-assbot- You voiced AndChat|679296 for 30 minutes. [22:24]
* assbot gives voice to AndChat|679296 [22:24]
BingoBoingo dignork: How does this setting up a stratum server work? [22:24]
mircea_popescu and who's running coinminer again ? hey! you here ? [22:25]
* RagnarsBitch has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [22:26]
BingoBoingo [22:26]
assbot [Pool] _-=* CoinMiner Pool *=-_ 42 [22:27]
* CS1980 (180f2eca@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:28]
mircea_popescu !up CS1980 [22:28]
-assbot- You voiced CS1980 for 30 minutes. [22:28]
* assbot gives voice to CS1980 [22:28]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Sent him a PM on the forum [22:28]
BingoBoingo Hello CS1980 [22:28]
CS1980 hello everyone [22:28]
mircea_popescu for some reason i thought someone in the wot was running an atc pool. [22:28]
mircea_popescu i guess i got confused. [22:28]
mircea_popescu CS1980 who're you ? [22:28]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo lol [22:29]
assbot [Pool] _-=* CoinMiner Pool *=-_ 42 [22:29]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: There's also Pity the Pool, but they... are reporting 0 hash [22:30]
mircea_popescu so ? [22:30]
mircea_popescu o, you mean even when you mine ? [22:30]
* shovel_boss has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:30]
* CS1980 is now known as Chris_Sabian [22:31]
BingoBoingo Haven't mined it yet but I'll point a trickle there to see if they report anything... Once I make an account as I am nao [22:31]
* AndChat|679296 is now known as RagnarsBitch [22:31]
* ChanServ removes voice from RagnarsBitch [22:32]
diana_coman hello all [22:34]
diana_coman thanks mircea_popescu [22:34]
diana_coman any pointers to figure out atc? I have no idea on it, lol [22:34]
Chris_Sabian which part of ATC? [22:34]
Diablo-D3 diametric diana_coman diatonic dignork Dimsler [22:35]
diana_coman any part, I know nothing more about it than that I won 500 of it lol [22:35]
mircea_popescu diana_coman it's just a direct btc clone, really. you can even use btc addresses for it. [22:35]
mircea_popescu %t [22:35]
atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 188 Ask: 221 Last Price: 188 24h-Vol: 5k High: 188 Low: 188 VWAP: 188 [22:35]
mircea_popescu %d [22:36]
atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 135991.25 in 1968 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -92.76 [22:36]
mircea_popescu that'd be it ^ [22:36]
diana_coman uh oh, then...why ? I'm fine with btc, lol [22:36]
Chris_Sabian ThickAsThieves started it as a CoinGen bitcoin clone in late january 2014. people have been mining since then. they are worth about 200 satoshi [22:36]
Diablo-D3 diametric diana_coman diatonic dignork Dimsler [22:36]
mircea_popescu diana_coman it's mostly a b-a insider joke. [22:36]
diana_coman mircea_popescu ahh, now I remember something from the logs, I had rather skipped it though so far as not-on-my-list [22:37]
diana_coman will go back and have a look, thanks [22:37]
Chris_Sabian not sure if there has been any development on atc or if there will ever be [22:38]
mircea_popescu well for instance you can play wol. [22:38]
mircea_popescu or you mean ON THE PROTOCOL ? [22:38]
Chris_Sabian either. [22:39]
Chris_Sabian i've heard of wol but never looked into it. [22:39]
mircea_popescu only altchain you can play wol on. [22:39]
mircea_popescu [22:40]
assbot War of Life - Cellular automata to the death! [22:40]
mircea_popescu this actually looks kinda pretty. [22:40]
assbot Game 24 - Death 4336 Life 5664 Year 1000 - War of Life [22:40]
* blg has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:44]
BingoBoingo %p [22:49]
atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.08 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [22:49]
mod6 not the predicted 93% of the broken bitcoin-asset bot. << dick. this number comes from [22:49]
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* teward (LordOfTime@ubuntu/member/teward) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:51]
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* Pilate ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:51]
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* nanotube (~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:51]
* gives voice to RBecker teward novusordo nanotube [22:51]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13000 @ 0.00072189 = 9.3846 BTC [-] {2} [22:51]
* smidge ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:52]
* decimation (~decimatio@unaffiliated/decimation) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:52]
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* Belsage (~Belsage@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:52]
* TomServo ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:52]
* xmj (~xmj@freebsd/developer/xmj) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:52]
* mthreat ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:52]
* gives voice to decimation TomServo xmj mthreat [22:52]
* kdomanski_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:53]
* blast ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:53]
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* [\] (\@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:53]
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* aegis (~aegis@unaffiliated/aegis) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:53]
* malaimo (~malaimo@unaffiliated/malaimo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:53]
mircea_popescu mod6 he has a point, it doesn't move more than 4x either way on a recalibration [22:54]
* empyex (~mpextrade@unaffiliated/mpextradebot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:54]
* ystarnaud (ystarnaud@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:54]
* gives voice to empyex [22:54]
BingoBoingo Ah, PitythePool just doesn't work [22:54]
mircea_popescu however, it's purely academic. so it takes more blocks. same deal. [22:54]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo a fine mess! where is tat! :D [22:54]
* assbot removes voice from RagnarsBitch [22:55]
mod6 mircea_popescu: maybe so. the bot just reports what it's handed. just trying to defend my code's honor so to speak. lol [22:55]
-tomaw- [Global Notice] Sorry about the noise - it seems one of our hubs had some issues so we've worked around it for now. [22:55]
BingoBoingo Yes, where is Tat! [22:57]
* stormlight ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:58]
* assbot removes voice from Chris_Sabian [22:59]
* darlidada has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:03]
BingoBoingo %p [23:04]
atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.19 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [23:04]
* shovel_boss (~shovel_bo@unaffiliated/shovel-boss/x-4881665) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:05]
BingoBoingo Emailed the PitythePool guy [23:05]
* jMyles has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:06]
* ColinT ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:07]
* railzand (sid39942@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:07]
mircea_popescu !up railzand [23:08]
-assbot- You voiced railzand for 30 minutes. [23:08]
* assbot gives voice to railzand [23:08]
* stormlight has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:09]
railzand Thank you Mr P. I'm the idiot who broke altcoin. I beg your forgiveness [23:09]
BingoBoingo railzand: What did you do? [23:10]
railzand I pointed 12.5 T at it on a stratum server [23:10]
mircea_popescu railzand lol hey, it's supposed to be tried out. [23:13]
mircea_popescu so point 12.5t at it again. [23:13]
ben_vulpes (and leave it there?) [23:13]
mircea_popescu well not rly, just, get diff more in line with mkt value [23:13]
railzand Is that my punishment? I am but a poor peon... [23:13]
mircea_popescu lol what, you rented it ? [23:14]
BingoBoingo ;;gettrust railzand [23:14]
gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user BingoBoingo to user railzand: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: never [23:14]
BingoBoingo railzand: Which stratum server was this? [23:14]
railzand Yes rented from a guy who knows how to do all that [23:15]
mircea_popescu well so did you actually make a profit ? [23:15]
railzand I made .2x real coin and 43000 alt [23:15]
mircea_popescu sounds a little under my earlier estimate :o [23:16]
mircea_popescu anyway, so get the guy in question to come here. we were looking for someone to rent from anyway [23:16]
railzand ok [23:16]
* pleego (~pleego@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:18]
* X-Rob (sid14615@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:18]
* yamaka has quit (Quit: yamaka) [23:18]
mircea_popescu !up X-Rob [23:19]
-assbot- You voiced X-Rob for 30 minutes. [23:19]
* assbot gives voice to X-Rob [23:19]
X-Rob Morning 8) [23:19]
mircea_popescu heya. who're you ? [23:19]
X-Rob Just a guy [23:19]
mircea_popescu cool. [23:19]
railzand X-Rob saw me through the raping of altcoin [23:19]
* smidge has quit (Quit: sorry, but you've mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck...) [23:19]
mircea_popescu X-Rob so you're this guy ? [23:20]
assbot #bitcoin-assets log [23:20]
X-Rob Yeah [23:20]
mircea_popescu aite, so you got some hash to rent out ? [23:21]
X-Rob Yeah, I do! [23:22]
X-Rob [23:22]
assbot - Mining Rigs   - Rent and Lease Mining Rigs for Bitcoin, Litecoin and Altcoin Mining. [23:22]
kakobrekla laser rig! [23:22]
mircea_popescu lol totally. [23:22]
X-Rob However, full disclosure, etc, I'm the guy who caused all that shitstorm with that new unattainum scamcoin [23:22]
mircea_popescu what shitstorm was that ? [23:22]
X-Rob Excellent [23:22]
X-Rob Let's just leave it like that then [23:22]
X-Rob (that was the correct answer) [23:23]
mircea_popescu !s unattanium [23:23]
assbot 0 results for 'unattanium' : [23:23]
mircea_popescu << i like it when .lk outranks tardstalk [23:24]
assbot unattanium scamcoin - Google Search [23:24]
X-Rob IT's actually Unattainium [23:24]
X-Rob an extra i [23:24]
X-Rob however, you can look through my bct ('xrobau') profile for me trying to argue with idiots. I gave up, however. [23:25]
railzand ;;ident [23:25]
gribble Nick 'railzand', with hostmask 'railzand!sid39942@gateway/web/', is identified as user 'railzand', with GPG key id 449DCE0C3F3952EA, key fingerprint 1CFAF95FA34862FCD62A33A3449DCE0C3F3952EA, and bitcoin address None [23:25]
mircea_popescu X-Rob so just like mpoe-pr, two years later. [23:26]
mircea_popescu anyway, so it's either the 1.2 or the 12.7 rig ? [23:26]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4500 @ 0.00072216 = 3.2497 BTC [+] {2} [23:26]
X-Rob That's meant to be 13, but a couple of S2s are running slow [23:26]
X-Rob so I downspecced it. [23:27]
X-Rob and yes [23:27]
X-Rob I can organise larger hashrates if you want [23:27]
mircea_popescu what i actually want is like 2.x ish [23:27]
X-Rob 2th? [23:27]
mircea_popescu something like that. [23:27]
X-Rob for how long? [23:28]
mircea_popescu but i guess the lower one would work. how'd you feel about a longer term deal ? willing to move on the price a little ? [23:28]
* jMyles ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:28]
X-Rob Depends on how long you want it for [23:28]
X-Rob 8) [23:28]
mircea_popescu something like 3 months [23:29]
X-Rob 2th for 3 months. [23:29]
* X-Rob grabs a calculator [23:29]
kakobrekla if there isnt a significant discount you are better off to rehire every diff change hehe [23:30]
kakobrekla i mean btc diff change. [23:30]
mircea_popescu precisely. [23:30]
X-Rob OK [23:31]
X-Rob [23:31]
X-Rob artcalculate=true [23:31]
assbot Bitcoin Mining Calculator [23:31]
X-Rob Crap [23:31]
X-Rob Link's too long [23:31]
mircea_popescu we welcome your sausage donation. [23:31]
X-Rob that says 2 months = 2btc for 1.7 [23:31]
X-Rob I'm happy to lease for that [23:32]
X-Rob We can do it all through leaserig so you can control where it points [23:32]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu and all other 'trinitron' aficionados: when you get the inevitable tube fade, do you boost the electron gun voltage? or bite the bullet and somehow conjure up a new (!) tube ? [23:32]
X-Rob 3 months is.. unwise. [23:32]
mircea_popescu is laserig your thing ? [23:32]
X-Rob nah, I just rent my gear through there [23:32]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform i use my displays incredibly low. [23:32]
mircea_popescu X-Rob well, i dun know em, i dun trust em, and we have a similar problem : you're not in the wot. [23:33]
asciilifeform darkroom ? [23:33]
X-Rob mircea_popescu: uh I am? [23:33]
mircea_popescu ;;gettrust X-Rob [23:33]
gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user X-Rob: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Mon May 16 20:47:55 2011 [23:33]
X-Rob you mean gribble? [23:33]
mircea_popescu ^ [23:33]
X-Rob ;;gettrust xrobau [23:33]
gribble Currently authenticated from hostmask X-Rob!sid14615@gateway/web/ CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Trust relationship from user xrobau to user xrobau: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 5 via 4 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Thu Apr 4 18:48:30 2013 [23:33]
mircea_popescu yes but that's not how this thing works. [23:33]
mircea_popescu i guess i should have said you're not in mine. [23:34]
X-Rob fair enough [23:34]
X-Rob well [23:34]
X-Rob I'm not anonymous. [23:34]
X-Rob I have a reputation thread [23:34]
X-Rob [23:34]
assbot xrobau Reputation thread. [23:34]
kakobrekla i have a reputation dildo [23:34]
mircea_popescu lol [23:34]
mircea_popescu now what was that, [23:35]
mircea_popescu ;;calc 200000000 / 1.7 / 60 / 24 / 3600 [23:35]
gribble 22.6942628903 [23:35]
X-Rob I'm actually away at my inlaws this weekend [23:35]
mircea_popescu so like 2.269 satoshi/day or did i just broke the maths ? [23:35]
X-Rob and the kids are now up and want to play minecraft on the laptop [23:36]
mircea_popescu aite, so return later! [23:36]
X-Rob mircea_popescu: use the link I pasted [23:36]
X-Rob which is based on [23:36]
assbot Bitcoin Mining Calculator [23:36]
X-Rob jsut doubled [23:36]
X-Rob 8) [23:36]
X-Rob anyway, toodles 8-) [23:36]
* Sebastan has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [23:37]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17100 @ 0.00072159 = 12.3392 BTC [-] {2} [23:37]
mircea_popescu yeah well that link doesn't have avalon 3 blades [23:38]
mod6 I guess I could just put a line in there to set the % est. diff change to -75% of less than that number is received from the source. [23:39]
* assbot removes voice from railzand [23:39]
mircea_popescu mod6 dun worry about it, it doesn't need fixing. [23:39]
mod6 ok thx. [23:40]
* chax_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:41]
mircea_popescu and of course the spec is a gnarly pos. anywhere from 310 to 410 w per o.o [23:42]
assbot Avalon3 - Bitcoin [23:42]
asciilifeform still boggling mind at the newest pgp hatchet job. why the idiocy? or rather, why was it not cushioned in perfectly logical criticism of the spec (crufty; mandates support for hideously weak algos; etc) ? [23:42]
asciilifeform almost enough to believe that the author is secretly on the side of the forces of good - i.e. he isn't genuinely trying to fool anyone [23:43]
asciilifeform like the mythical einsatzgruppen kommando loading blank shells. [23:43]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform because they can't afford to pay smart people enough. [23:45]
asciilifeform can't afford - or won't prioritize ? [23:45]
mircea_popescu can.not.afford. [23:45]
mod6 that seems like a shitton of power for one chip mp O.o [23:45]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23921 @ 0.00072431 = 17.3262 BTC [+] {2} [23:45]
mircea_popescu mod6 he has 6 of em. they're rated 280ish to 310ish ea [23:46]
asciilifeform i bet that eth dump could've bought some talent. [23:46]
asciilifeform (or, hell, $bignum printed bezzlars) [23:46]
mod6 huh [23:46]
* asciilifeform favours crackpot theory: the seekrit skvirels prefer to enlist 'pure blood aryans' and this is a painful constraint for them [23:48]
BingoBoingo lol [23:48]
* assbot removes voice from X-Rob [23:50]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform that's provably false : if they did, you'd know what the definition of aryan is. [23:50]
asciilifeform definition of aryan << something like herr snowden [23:50]
mircea_popescu "something like" is not much of a definition. [23:51]
asciilifeform american military tradition borrows heavily from the brits [23:51]
mircea_popescu orly. how did they manage to enlist a tranny then ? [23:51]
* praeconium has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:51]
asciilifeform enlist a tranny << slightly different dynamic there. any street scum can enlist as a private [23:52]
asciilifeform i think they even removed the age limits recently [23:52]
* praeconium (~praeconiu@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:52]
mircea_popescu but... they gave him the keys. [23:53]
asciilifeform 'diplomatic' (intelligence) corps are still largely 'aryan' afaik [23:53]
mircea_popescu you're trying to sell this conceptual model where in alt-nazi germany one can be hung for being a jew ONLY IF working as a clerk. [23:53]
mircea_popescu but otherwise, all gravy. [23:54]
* donpillou has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:54]
asciilifeform they gave him the keys << the anglos have a historic problem, in that they never invented политрукs [23:54]
mircea_popescu by its very nature aryan-ism has to be universal. [23:54]
mircea_popescu too painful cognitive dissonance otherwise. [23:54]
asciilifeform thus they have issues with quis custodiet ipsos custodes [23:54]
asciilifeform ^ re: the conundrum of why a private has 'the keys' [23:55]
mircea_popescu For those that are unaware, Unattanium is a newish limited-number-of-coins SHA coin. They've recently had to fork the chain, because the difficulty calculations were broken, and it went far too high. Sadly, they've now broken it in the other direction, and the dev seems intent on ignoring this, and abusing or hand-waving the problems away. It's now running at an 8 second block time. For everyone who is NOT facepalming [23:55]
mircea_popescu right now, this is faster than blockchain propagation. Basically, it will be amazingly difficulty for the coin to agree on a valid chain, because there will be any number of chains that are almost the same length. [23:55]
assbot AMAZING COMPANY! [23:55]
mircea_popescu what a gem. [23:55]
* stormlight ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:55]
* asciilifeform returns, every time he thinks about any of this, to the Great Mystery of why our beloved phriends never, ever leak anything interestingly cryptological [23:57]
* asciilifeform wants to know wtf is in 'suite A' (, how AES drips key bits, etc. [23:57]
mircea_popescu stan's wishlist :D [23:58]
asciilifeform if wishes were atomic dirigibles, beggars would rain thermonuclear hell upon their enemies. [23:59]
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