Forum logs for 16 Apr 2013
Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
pgp | whoa | [00:00] |
* | Bugpowder_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [00:00] |
Bugpowder | 81 | [00:00] |
Bugpowder | is coming | [00:00] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [00:00] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 82.23450, Best ask: 83.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.76550, Last trade: 82.23450, 24 hour volume: 172174.43696469, 24 hour low: 83.12000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 92.56464 | [00:00] |
thestringpuller | itss hit 90 overnight | [00:00] |
thestringpuller | just you see | [00:00] |
Bugpowder | There will be bounces | [00:01] |
Bugpowder | short lived pathetic little things | [00:01] |
Bugpowder | so unlike the bounces of yesteryear | [00:01] |
pgp | we'll see - off to get a drink - will have to monitor situation from cell phone (blows) | [00:01] |
* | fishfish ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:02] |
* | hnz ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:02] |
orkaa | btw, anyone got a nexus 4? | [00:02] |
orkaa | mine just doesn't like the mtgox app | [00:02] |
orkaa | crashes on startup | [00:03] |
kakobrekla | huh | [00:03] |
kakobrekla | mtgox qualitat | [00:03] |
* | ColinT has quit (Quit: Leaving...) | [00:04] |
ThickAsThieves | even the bounces are almost gone | [00:04] |
Bugpowder | thats becuase the selloff's haven't gotten violent enough. yet. | [00:04] |
Bugpowder | If we drop to 50 there will be a bounce | [00:05] |
* | pgp2 (~pgp2@2600:1001:b029:d510:ebca:ddd2:7a4a:26d) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:06] |
Bugpowder | every bounce with a lower high | [00:06] |
Bugpowder | every dip a lower low | [00:07] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.37 = 0.74 BTC [+] | [00:10] |
Bugpowder | | [00:10] |
Bugpowder | video of the bombing | [00:10] |
Bugpowder | ;;bids 0 | [00:11] |
gribble | There are currently 49607416 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 12514542.8959 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0087 seconds | [00:11] |
Bugpowder | ;;asks 99999999999 | [00:11] |
gribble | There are currently 161806.29 bitcoins offered at or under 99999999999.0 USD, worth 125033136860.0 USD in total. | Data vintage: 2.8288 seconds | [00:11] |
taub | this is more like it | [00:13] |
taub | :D | [00:13] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [00:15] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 82.20000, Best ask: 82.39999, Bid-ask spread: 0.19999, Last trade: 82.40000, 24 hour volume: 181286.53123402, 24 hour low: 81.11000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 91.99549 | [00:15] |
* | deadweasel_work has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [00:15] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [00:16] |
taub | mtgox humming along nicely | [00:16] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 82.00000, Best ask: 82.23300, Bid-ask spread: 0.23300, Last trade: 85.07394, 24 hour volume: 181765.32662977, 24 hour low: 81.11000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 91.96967 | [00:16] |
* | Bugpowder has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [00:16] |
taub | why no lag suddenly?!?! maybe they finally released the brakes... | [00:16] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [00:17] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 82.46070, Best ask: 82.50000, Bid-ask spread: 0.03930, Last trade: 82.50000, 24 hour volume: 182869.62756165, 24 hour low: 81.11000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 91.91353 | [00:17] |
* | micky has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:18] |
* | micky ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:19] |
* | Bugpowdurr (cef100f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:19] |
ThickAsThieves | sdice rallying pretty hard | [00:19] |
Bugpowdurr | no surprise there | [00:20] |
* | ColinT ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:20] |
Bugpowdurr | but that will only be supported if betting volume actually picks up | [00:20] |
Bugpowdurr | and buy back in lower | [00:20] |
Bugpowdurr | I would rather cash out of coins | [00:20] |
Bugpowdurr | and then move to s.dice when bet volume is shown to be up again | [00:20] |
ThickAsThieves | i guess it depends where it lands | [00:20] |
* | micky_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:21] |
Bugpowdurr | people are front-running S.DICE | [00:21] |
Bugpowdurr | and it's low volume | [00:21] |
Bugpowdurr | its not a bad idea | [00:21] |
Bugpowdurr | but not a home run either | [00:21] |
thestringpuller | Bugpowdurr: you done with btc? | [00:21] |
Bugpowdurr | hell no | [00:22] |
Bugpowdurr | no | [00:22] |
Bugpowdurr | I just want more | [00:22] |
thestringpuller | lol | [00:22] |
jborkl | bid ask gox 88 81 | [00:23] |
jborkl | nm | [00:23] |
* | Bugpowdeer (cef100f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:23] |
* | Simon__ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:23] |
* | micky has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | [00:23] |
* | DeaDTerra has quit () | [00:23] |
Bugpowdeer | I will buy the winkelvoxen's stack when they capitulate | [00:23] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9600 @ 0.00071101 = 6.8257 BTC [-] | [00:24] |
Bugpowdeer | btw - got some c302t's on the market, CHEEP! | [00:24] |
* | bitbuyer ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:25] |
ThickAsThieves | hehe | [00:26] |
* | Bugpowdurr has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [00:26] |
thestringpuller | ;;next | [00:26] |
gribble | expecting to test 93, then to test 98 if 93 breaks, then testing 100 and targetting 103-105 | updated by OneFixt at Apr 15 2013, 18:43 UTC ( tips: ) | disclaimer: | this is not investment or trading advice | #bitcoin-analysis | 2 hours, 43 minutes, and 17 seconds ago | [00:26] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [00:26] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 82.00001, Best ask: 82.21000, Bid-ask spread: 0.20999, Last trade: 82.00001, 24 hour volume: 184460.54915531, 24 hour low: 81.11000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 91.82169 | [00:26] |
ThickAsThieves | I have some O.USD.P089T | [00:26] |
thestringpuller | ;;bids 80 | [00:27] |
gribble | There are currently 6374.6862 bitcoins demanded at or over 80.0 USD, worth 513716.693315 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0041 seconds | [00:27] |
thestringpuller | ;;asks 90 | [00:27] |
gribble | There are currently 10789.73 bitcoins offered at or under 90.0 USD, worth 939197.07045 USD in total. | Data vintage: 7.8740 seconds | [00:27] |
jurov | ;;bc,stats | [00:27] |
gribble | Current Blocks: 231525 | Current Difficulty: 7672999.920164138 | Next Difficulty At Block: 231839 | Next Difficulty In: 314 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 20 hours, 4 minutes, and 12 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 8928892.15082 | Estimated Percent Change: 16.36768 | [00:27] |
* | Simon__ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [00:28] |
* | benkay (~benkay@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:31] |
* | pgp2 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | [00:31] |
* | pgp2 (~pgp2@2600:1001:b007:b86f:100a:a9c0:9332:7286) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:34] |
* | fishfish has quit (Quit: Zzzzz..zzzzz) | [00:36] |
* | micky_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:37] |
* | micky ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:37] |
* | daybyter has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | [00:38] |
* | Bugpowdeer has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [00:38] |
* | micky has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | [00:42] |
* | SMSM ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:42] |
taub | pop pop pop | [00:43] |
jborkl | uh oh | [00:43] |
taub | omg lol those sells | [00:43] |
taub | cooldown imminent | [00:44] |
* | Buggy (cef100f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:47] |
* | benkay has quit (Write error: Broken pipe) | [00:47] |
* | fishfish ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:48] |
pizzaman1337 | ;;ticker | [00:49] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 76.40000, Best ask: 76.48000, Bid-ask spread: 0.08000, Last trade: 76.48000, 24 hour volume: 202039.77755624, 24 hour low: 76.00000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 90.72171 | [00:49] |
pgp2 | wow | [00:49] |
* | error4733 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:49] |
* | inallcb (cef100f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:50] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 1.22 BTC [+] | [00:51] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [00:51] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 78.00000, Best ask: 78.75000, Bid-ask spread: 0.75000, Last trade: 78.75000, 24 hour volume: 202039.77755624, 24 hour low: 76.00000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 90.72171 | [00:51] |
* | Buggy has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [00:52] |
Scrat | ;;title | [00:52] |
gribble | Blame it on MT.GOX - YouTube | [00:52] |
* | PhantomSpark ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:52] |
taub | BTC bought: [tid:1366062491912230] 12.00000000 BTC at $76.10000 | [00:53] |
taub | BTC sold: [tid:1366062708031449] 9.15686140 BTC at $79.00000 | [00:53] |
taub | quick scalp :3c | [00:53] |
Namworld | yeah | [00:53] |
Namworld | with so much movements, easy to flip for a few USD | [00:54] |
* | Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:55] |
* | naemsi has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [00:55] |
* | bitbuyer_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:55] |
* | micky ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:57] |
* | bitbuyer has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [00:57] |
error4733 | ;;next | [00:58] |
gribble | expecting to test 93, then to test 98 if 93 breaks, then testing 100 and targetting 103-105 | updated by OneFixt at Apr 15 2013, 18:43 UTC ( tips: ) | disclaimer: | this is not investment or trading advice | #bitcoin-analysis | 3 hours, 15 minutes, and 54 seconds ago | [00:58] |
pgp2 | lol | [00:59] |
jurov | all so unreal... since 9 April till today went travelling without access to my own mpex account, figured that won't be problem | [01:00] |
jurov | of course, mayhem ensues in exactly that time frame | [01:00] |
* | inallcb has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [01:00] |
taub | | [01:01] |
error4733 | !bids 69.9 | [01:02] |
error4733 | !bids 69.9 | [01:03] |
error4733 | ;;ticker | [01:03] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 72.00000, Best ask: 72.90000, Bid-ask spread: 0.90000, Last trade: 72.90000, 24 hour volume: 215607.09679741, 24 hour low: 73.31000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 89.77153 | [01:03] |
Scrat | ;;bids 69.9 | [01:03] |
gribble | There are currently 17121.238 bitcoins demanded at or over 69.9 USD, worth 1234402.44978 USD in total. | Data vintage: 47.0863 seconds | [01:03] |
Scrat | oh shit | [01:04] |
jcpham | ;;market sell 10000 | [01:04] |
gribble | A market order to sell 10000 bitcoins right now would net 732027.7637 USD and would take the last price down to 71.5100 USD, resulting in an average price of 73.2028 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 103.7943 seconds | [01:04] |
taub | looks like we're goign for 40 | [01:04] |
error4733 | i use to pm gribble, it's confusing !bids work | [01:04] |
taub | er, 50 | [01:04] |
kakobrekla | yes 50 before 40 | [01:06] |
pizzaman1337 | ;;goxlag | [01:06] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 1.852667 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.00371272392451 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from Jupiter to its third largest moon, Io (0.002819 AU). | [01:06] |
Namworld | MtGox really fixed the lag good | [01:07] |
joecool | lol | [01:07] |
Namworld | No more 300-30000 seconds of lag on panic buy/sell | [01:07] |
Namworld | I ranges from 0-10 second | [01:07] |
* | Bugpow (cef100f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:08] |
* | naemsi (~wanderwah@gateway/tor-sasl/wanderwah) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:10] |
error4733 | satoshi kid's play with his wallet | [01:11] |
b0n1 | haha ;) | [01:13] |
* | SMSM has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [01:14] |
* | Smoovious has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [01:15] |
* | Gandal___ (~gandalf@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:16] |
* | Enky__ has quit () | [01:17] |
Bugpow | ;;bids 0 | [01:19] |
gribble | There are currently 49577235 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 11076918.2758 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0122 seconds | [01:19] |
Bugpow | ;;asks 999999999 | [01:19] |
gribble | There are currently 163292.17 bitcoins offered at or under 999999999.0 USD, worth 3921203220.22 USD in total. | Data vintage: 2.6129 seconds | [01:19] |
* | Gandalf__ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [01:19] |
Bugpow | ;;asks 100 | [01:20] |
gribble | There are currently 35249.319 bitcoins offered at or under 100.0 USD, worth 3244397.7273 USD in total. | Data vintage: 45.8733 seconds | [01:20] |
Bugpow | kiss 100 goodbye | [01:20] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 17 @ 0.48399999 = 8.228 BTC [+] | [01:21] |
* | Guest51908 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:21] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3600 @ 0.00071199 = 2.5632 BTC [+] | [01:21] |
* | Guest51908 has quit (Client Quit) | [01:22] |
KRS1 | are there options for short? | [01:23] |
* | error4733 has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | [01:28] |
* | Bugpow has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [01:28] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 0.899 = 4.495 BTC [+] | [01:28] |
* | error4733 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:29] |
* | Bugpowder (cef100f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:31] |
* | micky has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [01:31] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 200 @ 0.0006 = 0.12 BTC [-] | [01:31] |
* | micky ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:32] |
thestringpuller | !ticker m s.mpoe | [01:35] |
assbot | [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00067807 / 0.00069653 / 0.00071199 (321008 shares, 223.59 BTC), 7D: 0.00065356 / 0.00069955 / 0.000735 (2738441 shares, 1,915.70 BTC), 30D: 0.00059218 / 0.0006853 / 0.00077505 (9950306 shares, 6,818.95 BTC) | [01:35] |
Bugpowder | nice little bounce here | [01:36] |
* | micky has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [01:36] |
Bugpowder | glad my friends will be able to get out above 80 | [01:36] |
* | tk993 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [01:38] |
* | pgp2 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | [01:39] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.895 BTC [-] | [01:41] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.89 = 1.78 BTC [-] | [01:41] |
* | bitbuyer_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [01:42] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3213 @ 0.00071004 = 2.2814 BTC [-] | [01:43] |
* | anarchy5 (~anarchy5@unaffiliated/anarchy5) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:44] |
* | anarchy5 has quit (Max SendQ exceeded) | [01:44] |
* | anarchy5 (~anarchy5@unaffiliated/anarchy5) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:45] |
* | anarchy5 has quit (Max SendQ exceeded) | [01:45] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.87021 BTC [-] | [01:45] |
* | anarchy5 (~anarchy5@unaffiliated/anarchy5) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:45] |
* | anarchy5 has quit (Max SendQ exceeded) | [01:45] |
* | anarchy5 (~anarchy5@unaffiliated/anarchy5) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:46] |
* | anarchy5 has quit (Max SendQ exceeded) | [01:46] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3401 @ 0.00071004 = 2.4148 BTC [-] | [01:48] |
deadweasel | ;;ticker | [01:52] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 77.21200, Best ask: 77.21210, Bid-ask spread: 0.00010, Last trade: 77.21210, 24 hour volume: 235487.22898511, 24 hour low: 71.51000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 87.89123 | [01:52] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.8702 BTC [-] | [01:53] |
* | joecool has quit (Quit: off) | [01:54] |
* | b0n1 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [01:55] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.10179 BTC [+] | [01:56] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2000 @ 0.00071199 = 1.424 BTC [+] | [01:59] |
* | Bugpowder has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [02:01] |
deadweasel | that remains to be seen | [02:01] |
* | TheMonarchTx has quit () | [02:02] |
* | TheMonarchTx ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:03] |
* | pgp2 (~pgp2@2600:1001:b003:88f:a9d4:76ef:7387:3ae6) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:03] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 1.22 BTC [+] | [02:08] |
* | anarchy5 (~anarchy5@unaffiliated/anarchy5) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:09] |
* | anarchy5 has quit (Max SendQ exceeded) | [02:09] |
* | Smoovious ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:14] |
* | TheMonarchTx ( has left #bitcoin-assets | [02:14] |
* | pgp2 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | [02:14] |
* | Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:15] |
ThickAsThieves | scraped another 42btc out of stocks and sold above 80 | [02:15] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [RSM] 5 @ 0.0016 = 0.008 BTC [-] | [02:16] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7251 @ 0.00070461 = 5.1091 BTC [-] | [02:16] |
* | wences has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [02:16] |
jurov | got btctalk PM with disguised link to proxy to get my password | [02:16] |
jurov | wonder how many users will fall for it | [02:17] |
Doffx | Hell I am always afraid I will fall for one | [02:17] |
* | Bugpowder (cef100f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:17] |
Namworld | I want to scrape BTC out of my stocks too | [02:18] |
Doffx | why would you want to sell it now? Think its going much lower? | [02:18] |
Bugpowder | Sell the bounces | [02:18] |
Bugpowder | bounce back to 87 is pretty likely. 94 plausible. 100 unlikely. | [02:18] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [02:18] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 83.70000, Best ask: 83.71000, Bid-ask spread: 0.01000, Last trade: 83.71000, 24 hour volume: 228798.11579488, 24 hour low: 71.51000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 87.58152 | [02:18] |
jurov | ;;eightball bounce | [02:18] |
gribble | Yes! | [02:18] |
jurov | yay | [02:18] |
thestringpuller | Bugpowder: you are supposed to be neural scientist | [02:19] |
thestringpuller | not hedgefund man | [02:19] |
thestringpuller | ;;seen smickles | [02:19] |
gribble | smickles was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 4 days, 7 hours, 37 minutes, and 14 seconds ago: |
[02:19] |
* | error4733 has quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- Chicks dig it) | [02:20] |
ThickAsThieves | stringpuller, still getting goxed by smickles? | [02:21] |
ThickAsThieves | getting smickled? | [02:22] |
ThickAsThieves | most of the btc i got out was bonds i had with Deprived, he bought them back from me like a champ | [02:22] |
Bugpowder | he is the only non bitcoin-assets guy with half a brain | [02:23] |
Bugpowder | actually he is full brain | [02:23] |
thestringpuller | smickles is like overwhelmed doing people's taxes for btc | [02:24] |
thestringpuller | likely* | [02:24] |
Namworld | Deprived has a bond? | [02:24] |
* | soypirate (~soypirate@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:24] |
jurov | hehe i made him once-a-lifetime offer to license coinbr code for 90BTC | [02:25] |
jurov | he refused | [02:25] |
jurov | *shrugs* | [02:25] |
* | Doffx has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [02:26] |
ThickAsThieves | yes LTC ATF | [02:27] |
ThickAsThieves | has bonds | [02:27] |
ThickAsThieves | LTC ATF B1 | [02:27] |
ThickAsThieves | denominated in btc | [02:27] |
* | Bugpowder has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [02:28] |
* | GoWest (~Gonzago@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:28] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [02:29] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 79.10000, Best ask: 79.57928, Bid-ask spread: 0.47928, Last trade: 78.00000, 24 hour volume: 231528.75561906, 24 hour low: 71.51000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 87.45454 | [02:29] |
* | soypirate has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [02:29] |
thestringpuller | too many speculatrs :( | [02:30] |
* | Bugpow (cef100f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:31] |
* | soypirate (~soypirate@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:31] |
Bugpow | do we get one more bounce up here? | [02:33] |
Bugpow | or back to tankage? | [02:33] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [02:33] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 80.63830, Best ask: 80.65190, Bid-ask spread: 0.01360, Last trade: 78.80000, 24 hour volume: 234374.31191872, 24 hour low: 71.51000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 87.29248 | [02:33] |
thestringpuller | maybe | [02:33] |
pgp | nice to see a little volume coming back into the market... | [02:34] |
Bugpow | huge volume | [02:34] |
pgp | down from here I think | [02:34] |
Bugpow | Well my friends have another 600BTC on the way to gox | [02:34] |
pgp | we got our dead cat bounce already | [02:34] |
Bugpow | for dumpage | [02:34] |
Scrat | i seriously think that volume figure is bogus | [02:35] |
Bugpow | why? | [02:35] |
* | bitbuyer ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:35] |
pgp | scrat: why? | [02:35] |
Bugpow | There are serious bids and asks getting destroyed right now | [02:36] |
pgp | right | [02:36] |
Bugpow | this is actually the highest volume period ever, excluding the free 48 hour period | [02:36] |
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pgp | yes, i noticed that too | [02:36] |
Bugpow | 40,000 BTC / hr | [02:36] |
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pgp | ;;next | [02:38] |
gribble | buy targets: 74, 68, 54 | upper target 85-88, reversal up if we stay above 85 | updated by OneFixt at Apr 15 2013, 22:54 UTC ( tips: ) | disclaimer: | this is not investment or trading advice | #bitcoin-analysis | 44 minutes and 29 seconds ago | [02:38] |
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pgp | ;;eightball $32 bitcoin? | [02:39] |
gribble | It shall be. | [02:39] |
pgp | i KNEW it | [02:39] |
pgp | bids are evapotaing... | [02:40] |
Bugpow | now OneFixt is talking some sense | [02:40] |
pgp | evaporating.. | [02:40] |
Bugpow | too bad he told you that AFTER it dumped | [02:40] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.13999 BTC [+] | [02:40] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 15 @ 0.14 = 2.1 BTC [+] | [02:41] |
OneFixt | Bugpow: i stepped out for an hour =( | [02:41] |
Bugpow | ha! | [02:41] |
OneFixt | one hour in like 2 weeks | [02:41] |
OneFixt | and bam | [02:41] |
Bugpow | ;;bids 0 | [02:42] |
gribble | There are currently 49590076 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 11742910.623 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0078 seconds | [02:42] |
Bugpow | ;;asks 99999999999 | [02:42] |
gribble | There are currently 150494.7 bitcoins offered at or under 99999999999.0 USD, worth 125027833971.0 USD in total. | Data vintage: 10.6874 seconds | [02:42] |
Bugpow | coins for sale going down | [02:42] |
pgp | sell the bounce! | [02:43] |
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pgp | man, a LOT of coin sloshing around... | [02:44] |
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pgp | low lag is such a novelty... | [02:44] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.484 BTC [+] | [02:45] |
Bugpow | MONEY NEVER SLEEPS | [02:45] |
Bugpow | they must have upgraded their servers actually | [02:45] |
Bugpow | otherwise lagged out | [02:46] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [RSM] 6 @ 0.00159 = 0.0095 BTC [-] | [02:46] |
* | Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [02:46] |
pgp | 3day chart on bitcoinity tells the story in no uncertain terms... lower lows and lower highs... | [02:46] |
pgp | you could almost set your watch to it... | [02:47] |
pgp | they did upgrade their severs during the "cool down"... | [02:47] |
pgp | problem was that they came back up with "free" trading for 2 days which killed them... | [02:48] |
Bugpow | nice bidwall now | [02:48] |
Bugpow | very happy my friends are going to get out above 80 | [02:48] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.484 = 1.936 BTC [+] | [02:49] |
pgp | PSA - sell the bounce! | [02:49] |
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ThickAsThieves | CampBX got a new logo | [02:54] |
ThickAsThieves | it's not bad but kinda outta place with the site design | [02:54] |
ThickAsThieves | | [02:55] |
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wences | ;;goxlag | [03:03] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 1.143437 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.00229143494544 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin across the outer diameter of Saturn's rings (0.0024 AU). | [03:03] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1000 @ 0.00439999 = 4.4 BTC [+] | [03:04] |
mircea_popescu | ;;ticker | [03:05] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 83.47901, Best ask: 83.48000, Bid-ask spread: 0.00099, Last trade: 83.47900, 24 hour volume: 235906.16414531, 24 hour low: 71.51000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 87.05151 | [03:05] |
* | Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [03:05] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3050 @ 0.00070866 = 2.1614 BTC [+] | [03:06] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.18617 BTC [-] | [03:24] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 3 @ 0.17 = 0.51 BTC [-] | [03:25] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.152 BTC [-] | [03:25] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 347 @ 0.00070461 = 0.2445 BTC [-] | [03:27] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3498 @ 0.00069916 = 2.4457 BTC [-] | [03:27] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.41 = 0.82 BTC [+] | [03:27] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9084 @ 0.0006988 = 6.3479 BTC [-] | [03:27] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6709 @ 0.00069835 = 4.6852 BTC [-] | [03:27] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.871 BTC [+] | [03:29] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.8707 BTC [-] | [03:29] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.87 BTC [-] | [03:29] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 0.86 = 2.58 BTC [-] | [03:30] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 0.83 = 4.15 BTC [-] | [03:31] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.8261 BTC [-] | [03:31] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.826 BTC [-] | [03:31] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.826 BTC [-] | [03:31] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 3 @ 0.00428 = 0.0128 BTC [+] | [03:32] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3091 @ 0.00069835 = 2.1586 BTC [-] | [03:36] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7259 @ 0.00069763 = 5.0641 BTC [-] | [03:36] |
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* | Bugpowder is now known as Guest42048 | [03:48] |
* | Guest42048 is now known as Bugpowdurr | [03:48] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 6 @ 0.41 = 2.46 BTC [+] | [04:03] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.8709 BTC [+] | [04:05] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 17 @ 0.01 = 0.17 BTC [+] | [04:08] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 5 @ 0.10179 = 0.509 BTC [+] | [04:15] |
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pgp | it is QUIET in here... are those crickets i hear? | [04:18] |
kakobrekla | *tubleweed* | [04:19] |
kakobrekla | tumble* | [04:19] |
mircea_popescu | stubbleweed lol | [04:19] |
Bugpowdurr | i'll be back in a bit | [04:21] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [RSM] 10 @ 0.00159 = 0.0159 BTC [-] | [04:22] |
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pgp | you know, I really wish all charting products offered logarithmic scales... especially for volatile assets... | [04:25] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 5 @ 1.22 = 6.1 BTC [+] | [04:33] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 4 @ 1.22 = 4.88 BTC [+] | [04:34] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 4 @ 1.22 = 4.88 BTC [+] | [04:34] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 3 @ 1.22 = 3.66 BTC [+] | [04:34] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 2 @ 1.19 = 2.38 BTC [-] | [04:35] |
* | bitbuyer has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [04:36] |
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thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [04:41] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 73.20000, Best ask: 74.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.80000, Last trade: 74.00000, 24 hour volume: 244430.28357478, 24 hour low: 71.51000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 86.06528 | [04:41] |
thestringpuller | ;;bc,24hprc | [04:41] |
gribble | 86.18 | [04:41] |
thestringpuller | jurov: | [04:41] |
thestringpuller | where is you | [04:41] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.88999 BTC [+] | [04:42] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 0.89 = 5.34 BTC [+] | [04:42] |
KRS1 | somebody's fixin to buy $14K of litecoins | [04:43] |
* | Bugpowdurr has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [04:43] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.49 = 0.98 BTC [+] | [04:43] |
KRS1 | actually $15K | [04:43] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [04:43] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 74.43000, Best ask: 74.90000, Bid-ask spread: 0.47000, Last trade: 74.95000, 24 hour volume: 246451.24074112, 24 hour low: 71.51000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 85.94777 | [04:43] |
thestringpuller | ;;next | [04:43] |
gribble | 74-80 range | buy targets: 74, 68, 54 | resistance 85-88, upper target in case of breakout mid-90s - 100 | updated by OneFixt at Apr 16 2013, 1:06 UTC ( tips: ) | disclaimer: | this is not investment or trading advice | #bitcoin-analysis | 37 minutes and 35 seconds ago | [04:43] |
KRS1 | that thing accurate? | [04:44] |
thestringpuller | this is not investment or trading advice <<<<< what do you think? | [04:44] |
KRS1 | thats different than the tool being accurate | [04:44] |
thestringpuller | it's not a tool a guy updates it | [04:45] |
thestringpuller | every so often | [04:45] |
KRS1 | it was a simple question, didnt ask if it was good advice just if it was accurate or not | [04:45] |
KRS1 | chill | [04:45] |
* | thestringpuller is very chill. | [04:46] |
* | louong ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:46] |
thestringpuller | It's like a weather forecast... | [04:46] |
KRS1 | ok cool i understand those pretty well..thanks- | [04:47] |
thestringpuller | ;;bc,24hprc | [04:47] |
gribble | 86.00 | [04:47] |
thestringpuller | stop being such a meanie | [04:48] |
thestringpuller | ;;seen smickles | [04:49] |
gribble | smickles was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 4 days, 10 hours, 7 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: |
[04:49] |
splnkr | way to look, glad i heard that idea | [04:51] |
thestringpuller | ? | [04:52] |
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splnkr | bitcoin atm isn't just for getting money out of your account, but also for transferring it to anyone else | [04:55] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.46 = 2.76 BTC [-] | [04:58] |
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* | micky has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [05:02] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.36500018 = 0.73 BTC [-] | [05:07] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 4 @ 1.049 = 4.196 BTC [-] | [05:08] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.66110001 BTC [-] | [05:09] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 4 @ 1.6611 = 6.6444 BTC [-] | [05:10] |
pgp | getting kinda frothy out there! | [05:15] |
ThickAsThieves | whatcha mean? | [05:17] |
pgp | pick up in volume, large market orders order on both side... market trying to decide which way it wants to go... | [05:18] |
pgp | kinda like my kids splashing around in the bathtub... frothy... | [05:19] |
ThickAsThieves | hehe | [05:20] |
ThickAsThieves | nice time to play | [05:21] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13700 @ 0.00070213 = 9.6192 BTC [+] | [05:22] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 500 @ 0.00071199 = 0.356 BTC [+] | [05:22] |
kakobrekla | well the gold chart makes me feel better | [05:23] |
kakobrekla | i guess another trait of slovenes | [05:24] |
kakobrekla | should be added to definition of sloveny | [05:24] |
pgp | lol | [05:25] |
pgp | ok, so we're at 75... poll: were are we at 24 hours from now? | [05:28] |
ThickAsThieves | 65 | [05:28] |
KRS1 | thanks to you fine people i know a bit more than i did about Slovenia and how embarrased i was to confuse it with Somalia..especially geographically. | [05:28] |
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pgp | krs1: lol | [05:29] |
kakobrekla | thanks to our PM id rather be in somalia | [05:29] |
mircea_popescu | ahahaha somalia | [05:29] |
KRS1 | =( | [05:29] |
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joecool | mircea_popescu: how's romania? | [05:30] |
KRS1 | Many Americans are ignorant about other countries, ours is so big many cant even name all of our states. | [05:30] |
mircea_popescu | sorta 50 miles east of somalia. | [05:30] |
joecool | mircea_popescu: it's sorta a non-popular country to see on IRC | [05:31] |
mircea_popescu | orly ? | [05:31] |
joecool | yeah | [05:31] |
pgp | in case you didn't know, the balkan mafia runs this channel | [05:31] |
KRS1 | I do know a few things about Romania. | [05:31] |
kakobrekla | lol | [05:31] |
mircea_popescu | there;'s evenb a freenode romanian server what arte you talkin' about | [05:31] |
KRS1 | Any tourist destinations there for the Dracul interests? | [05:31] |
joecool | yeah I know there is, I VPN there too, i assumed it was because you don't have laws or something | [05:32] |
mircea_popescu | we just don't have american nazism. | [05:32] |
ThickAsThieves | you mean romanians dont hate americans? | [05:32] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 0.89 = 3.56 BTC [+] | [05:33] |
joecool | i'm assuming romanians know more about americans than americans know about romanians | [05:33] |
* | micky has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [05:33] |
* | Diablo-D3 has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | [05:33] |
ThickAsThieves | romanians probly know more about americans than americans know about americans, we dumb | [05:33] |
mircea_popescu | well... they think they do at the very least. | [05:34] |
* | Chilca_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [05:34] |
pgp | curiously, I have a trio of romanian developers who have worked for me for 8 years... sponsored 2 of them for h1b's... we joke about romanians in my offic all he time... in a nice way, of course... | [05:35] |
joecool | ask an american what they think of romania, the answer will probably be around the lines of "isn't that a place where gypsies and wizards roam around?" | [05:35] |
mircea_popescu | gypsies kinda all left for france. | [05:35] |
ThickAsThieves | my only impression of romania is that video mp showed of dudes fucking with the kid who stole the bike | [05:35] |
KRS1 | joecool: u are probably right | [05:35] |
* | Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:36] |
ThickAsThieves | like some kinda eurpoean bronx | [05:36] |
pgp | transylvania - that's what americans know about romania | [05:36] |
joecool | mircea_popescu: i thought france was a muslim country now | [05:36] |
KRS1 | pgp was spot on | [05:36] |
mircea_popescu | no that's the uk. | [05:36] |
KRS1 | and the weather is always dreadful | [05:36] |
mircea_popescu | well... i'm from transylvania actually. | [05:36] |
ThickAsThieves | i like dreadful weather | [05:36] |
ThickAsThieves | rain | [05:37] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.89899 BTC [+] | [05:37] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 0.89899 = 2.697 BTC [+] | [05:37] |
KRS1 | mircea popescu: i bet you can pull some bitches too | [05:37] |
orkaa | it's finally improving here in eu | [05:37] |
mircea_popescu | it's not dreadful. it's sort of like hm... virginia maybe. | [05:37] |
KRS1 | like a tow truck | [05:37] |
orkaa | after 8 months of winter | [05:37] |
orkaa | brr | [05:37] |
joecool | well would be worse, canada is mostly cold and snow | [05:37] |
ThickAsThieves | virginia has distinctive weather? | [05:37] |
mircea_popescu | kinda my point. | [05:37] |
ThickAsThieves | hehe | [05:37] |
pgp | mp: how much time did you spend abroad? did you live in the US? | [05:37] |
kakobrekla | sure only 8 moths of winter, wasnt there like 14? | [05:37] |
KRS1 | lol joecool wizards and gypsies lol yep | [05:38] |
ThickAsThieves | were you born in a vampire castle? | [05:38] |
KRS1 | I am not far from Miami, FL we have a lot of culture here | [05:38] |
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ThickAsThieves | culture = lotsa spaniards? | [05:39] |
KRS1 | Cubans mostly, but a big mix of everyone..and i mean everyone | [05:39] |
mircea_popescu | pgp yeah. | [05:39] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3874 @ 0.00069763 = 2.7026 BTC [-] | [05:39] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7826 @ 0.00069745 = 5.4582 BTC [-] | [05:39] |
mircea_popescu | what does "a lot of culture" mean ? | [05:39] |
pgp | timisoara kinda like NYC right now... | [05:39] |
ThickAsThieves | good question | [05:39] |
ThickAsThieves | must mean he is not cuban | [05:40] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 0.899 = 2.697 BTC [+] | [05:40] |
orkaa | kakobrekla, climate is different in your secluded village | [05:40] |
pgp | lol | [05:40] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.6611 BTC [-] | [05:41] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.661 BTC [-] | [05:41] |
ThickAsThieves | everywhere has culture | [05:41] |
* | Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [05:41] |
KRS1 | Umm..means, a good mix of food/dancing/special interest groups of nationalities/people you will meet on the streets who could be from anywhere really..but a lot of Cubans...a lot of folks from the Caribbean..but also people from many parts of the world. | [05:41] |
orkaa | slovenia's really nice these days | [05:41] |
orkaa | | [05:41] |
ThickAsThieves | where i am, its nascar and pickup trucks | [05:41] |
orkaa | took this today | [05:41] |
kakobrekla | zokijevo morje lol | [05:41] |
pgp | oh shit - gox taking a crap | [05:41] |
KRS1 | I have studied with students from abroad, Egypt, Japan, everywhere. | [05:41] |
mircea_popescu | i fail to see how this is culture. | [05:42] |
mircea_popescu | culture mostly means written shit 500 years old or older. | [05:42] |
mircea_popescu | you mean a lot of ethno stuff ? | [05:42] |
KRS1 | It has to be written? I have learned much about food from Jamaicans, dance from Cubans, poetry from folks from the U.K.. | [05:42] |
KRS1 | Music from Brazil.. | [05:43] |
mircea_popescu | yes culture has to be written. else it's maybe civilisation | [05:43] |
mircea_popescu | if you mean buldings or whatnot. | [05:43] |
mircea_popescu | if it's neither then it's folklore. | [05:43] |
KRS1 | Ok I had the wrong definition of culture then.. | [05:43] |
KRS1 | The Cubans make delicious food. | [05:43] |
mircea_popescu | thuis is kinda the advantage of vbeing american/english | [05:44] |
mircea_popescu | comparatively everyone makes great food. | [05:44] |
orkaa | lol | [05:45] |
mircea_popescu | even the canadians, if only marginally. | [05:45] |
KRS1 | Even the British? ;) | [05:45] |
ThickAsThieves | nah poutine is nasty | [05:45] |
ThickAsThieves | as is candaian bacon | [05:45] |
mircea_popescu | that shit's sweet | [05:45] |
ThickAsThieves | bleh | [05:45] |
mircea_popescu | who ever heard of sweet meat ;/ | [05:45] |
pgp | english have worst cuisine - hands down | [05:45] |
KRS1 | thats real big here mircea popescu | [05:45] |
orkaa | yep | [05:45] |
orkaa | their breakfast | [05:45] |
joecool | yeah english food is pretty bad | [05:46] |
KRS1 | really big...took someone from Brazil to help me realize most of how we prepare meat here is sweat.. | [05:46] |
mircea_popescu | sucks. | [05:46] |
KRS1 | yeah, gets ...bleh | [05:46] |
ThickAsThieves | i like spicy foods (any kind of spice, not just hot), Thai, Indian, portuguese | [05:46] |
pgp | errr, guys, i think we're gonna break 70 here.... | [05:47] |
joecool | KRS1: live without carbs for a couple months, will change entirely how you feel about sweet things | [05:47] |
KRS1 | never ate Indian food I like.. | [05:47] |
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kakobrekla | fuck the price, gimme some horse meat | [05:47] |
mircea_popescu | i love lamb tikka masala | [05:47] |
KRS1 | Carbs is the one thing I can't break away from..wish I could. | [05:47] |
KRS1 | I go mad. | [05:47] |
orkaa | mmm, horse meat | [05:47] |
ThickAsThieves | i'd die without carbs, vegan | [05:47] |
pgp | carbs are killing me.... | [05:47] |
joecool | eh it's like a drug, there's a withdrawal from it, but then it doesn't matter | [05:47] |
mircea_popescu | ^ | [05:47] |
orkaa | i'll have to treat myself with a horse burger soon | [05:47] |
KRS1 | I need to try to get over that hump. | [05:47] |
dub | ThickAsThieves: was it you that linked | [05:48] |
ThickAsThieves | never heard of it | [05:48] |
dub | if not, good vegan food blog | [05:48] |
kakobrekla | omg vegan srsly | [05:48] |
joecool | heh vegan = cancer | [05:48] |
ThickAsThieves | thx! | [05:48] |
KRS1 | joecool: what? | [05:48] |
dub | kakobrekla: read teh blog anywya | [05:48] |
mircea_popescu | kakobrekla must kidnap vegans, feed them slanina. | [05:48] |
joecool | KRS1: raises cancer risk | [05:48] |
KRS1 | no shit | [05:48] |
kakobrekla | mircea_popescu crossed my mind before | [05:48] |
pgp | yes | [05:48] |
ThickAsThieves | thats bullshit cmon | [05:48] |
KRS1 | wow...i gotta hit teh google on that one | [05:49] |
orkaa | mircea_popescu, | [05:49] |
orkaa | is this it? | [05:49] |
orkaa | nomnomnom | [05:49] |
pgp | vegan = higher risk of cancer - recent study... | [05:49] |
dub | sample image | [05:49] |
mircea_popescu | orkaa looks kinda shitty but maybe. | [05:49] |
orkaa | pgp, urlpls | [05:49] |
ThickAsThieves | bullshit study | [05:49] |
pgp | j/k | [05:49] |
joecool | ThickAsThieves: it's not, start reading this blog, plenty of studies linked | [05:49] |
ThickAsThieves | look up proportion of meat eaten in a country compared to cancer levels | [05:49] |
pgp | 70 gone | [05:49] |
pgp | i guess my crystal ball isn't broken afterall... | [05:50] |
dub | also | [05:50] |
orkaa | dick cancer, lol | [05:50] |
ThickAsThieves | i will say that for some reason lately ive had trouble with energy, vegan and 3 hrs sleep isnt working :/ | [05:51] |
orkaa | just saw a guy on reddit had one | [05:51] |
joecool | probably your insulin levels going fucking mad | [05:51] |
joecool | riding that rollercoaster all day | [05:51] |
pgp | 68 | [05:51] |
mircea_popescu | i have a slave used to be vegetarian. | [05:52] |
dub | now she gets a little sausage erryday? | [05:52] |
ThickAsThieves | lol | [05:52] |
joecool | ! awesome, romania has slavery still | [05:52] |
pgp | lol | [05:52] |
pgp | 67 | [05:52] |
mircea_popescu | dub now she eats prosciutto | [05:52] |
mircea_popescu | and cooks beef. | [05:52] |
pgp | 66 | [05:52] |
kakobrekla | some biggish dumps yea | [05:53] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;ticker | [05:53] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 66.10000, Best ask: 66.80000, Bid-ask spread: 0.70000, Last trade: 66.10000, 24 hour volume: 275365.83424234, 24 hour low: 66.55000, 24 hour high: 102.00000, 24 hour vwap: 84.22094 | [05:53] |
dub | I had some proper prosciutto recently, almost couldnt take it | [05:53] |
dub | and I'll eat anything | [05:53] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;eightball Will being vegan kill me? | [05:53] |
gribble | Unlikely. | [05:53] |
pgp | jesus h christ... | [05:53] |
mircea_popescu | it's great, what. | [05:53] |
dub | home cured, never beeen near regrigeration | [05:53] |
joecool | well the being vegan part won't kill you, the cancer you get from it will | [05:54] |
dub | pretty much scraping maggots off it to eat | [05:54] |
joecool | :D | [05:54] |
ThickAsThieves | prosciutto is deliciois | [05:54] |
ThickAsThieves | delicious | [05:54] |
ThickAsThieves | as is chourico | [05:54] |
ThickAsThieves | no vegan options for that stuff | [05:54] |
pgp | ;;eightball is ThickAsThieves REALLY a vegan? | [05:54] |
gribble | It is possible. | [05:54] |
ThickAsThieves | vegan 1 yr | [05:55] |
ThickAsThieves | vegetarian 7 | [05:55] |
mircea_popescu | dub whart maggots ?! | [05:55] |
dub | ThickAsThieves: have you seen the tofu meat replacement shitchina comes out with? | [05:55] |
ThickAsThieves | not sure | [05:55] |
dub | 'vegetarian pork chops' etc | [05:55] |
dub | they take tofu and flavour the shit out of it with nuclear waste | [05:56] |
kakobrekla | lol | [05:56] |
ThickAsThieves | hehe | [05:56] |
ThickAsThieves | not the biggest tofu fan | [05:56] |
orkaa | meh, tofu | [05:56] |
pgp | yes... with U235 | [05:56] |
ThickAsThieves | we buy blocks sometimes | [05:56] |
dub | tofu rules | [05:56] |
ThickAsThieves | and cook ourselves | [05:56] |
orkaa | yeah, me too | [05:57] |
ThickAsThieves | like it firm | [05:57] |
dub | tofu is the shit | [05:57] |
orkaa | but you have to deep fry it to be eatable | [05:57] |
dub | try using it in baking | [05:57] |
ThickAsThieves | i hate baking | [05:57] |
ThickAsThieves | i'm a stovetop guy | [05:57] |
pgp | My wife like tofu - show's up on the dinner table now and again | [05:57] |
ThickAsThieves | like most | [05:57] |
mircea_popescu | tofu is illegal in romania. | [05:57] |
pgp | lol | [05:57] |
dub | gf hates tofu but I sneak it in here and there | [05:58] |
mircea_popescu | also being a vegetarian, and other faggotry. | [05:58] |
pgp | the food of freedom? | [05:58] |
ThickAsThieves | lol | [05:58] |
KRS1 | pgp: so you never really have to eat out huh ;) | [05:58] |
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pgp | ? | [05:58] |
pgp | I live in NYC | [05:58] |
mircea_popescu | he eats her out like everyone else, what. | [05:58] |
KRS1 | your comment about tofu- | [05:58] |
KRS1 | lol mp got it | [05:58] |
ThickAsThieves | everyone eats our his wife? | [05:58] |
mircea_popescu | ouch | [05:59] |
pgp | lol | [05:59] |
orkaa | her cheese? | [05:59] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 4 @ 1.08 = 4.32 BTC [+] | [05:59] |
orkaa | damn | [05:59] |
mircea_popescu | unintended misinterpretations ftw. | [05:59] |
ThickAsThieves | lol | [05:59] |
pgp | lol | [05:59] |
pgp | good one | [05:59] |
pgp | 72 | [05:59] |
mircea_popescu | so what's the ny-boston bombings score so far ? | [05:59] |
mircea_popescu | i lost count. | [05:59] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 2 @ 1.08 = 2.16 BTC [+] | [06:00] |
orkaa | have you seen the nasty pics? | [06:00] |
ThickAsThieves | there are nasty pics? | [06:00] |
orkaa | NSFL: | [06:00] |
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mircea_popescu | i've not looked. i'll survive uninformed. | [06:00] |
orkaa | might be better, yep | [06:01] |
* | darkee (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [06:01] |
ThickAsThieves | there's a big event in jacksonville this weekend | [06:01] |
ThickAsThieves | called OneSpark, with bombs in the logo... | [06:01] |
ThickAsThieves | feel bad for those guys... | [06:01] |
pgp | that can't be real | [06:01] |
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ThickAsThieves | | [06:02] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.5 = 2 BTC [+] | [06:02] |
dub | mircea_popescu: never watched a beheading vid? | [06:02] |
mircea_popescu | sure, back in 1990s | [06:02] |
pgp | I have seen that | [06:02] |
mircea_popescu | seen one seen all imo | [06:02] |
ThickAsThieves | i remember watching faces of death as a kid | [06:02] |
ThickAsThieves | i survived | [06:02] |
pgp | me | [06:02] |
pgp | me too | [06:03] |
joecool | boston fails it so hard, they shut down the city for lite brights, not even bother to check for bombs -_- | [06:03] |
dub | faces of death lol | [06:03] |
dub | staged as fuck | [06:03] |
ThickAsThieves | never went back and watched as adult | [06:03] |
ThickAsThieves | probly true | [06:03] |
dub | the satanists eating girl scene LOL | [06:03] |
ThickAsThieves | mostly i remember them eatying monkey brains | [06:03] |
joecool | << more nsfl pics, the link above i believe that's same guy pic #3 | [06:03] |
ThickAsThieves | tapping the skull | [06:03] |
ThickAsThieves | or maybe that was indian jones? | [06:03] |
joecool | not dead, grabbing leg stub though | [06:03] |
ThickAsThieves | lol | [06:03] |
ThickAsThieves | indiana* | [06:04] |
dub | yeah the monkey brains thing is real | [06:04] |
pgp | boston photos are fucked up... | [06:05] |
dub | meh, go look up some shit from whereve 'murica has started a war | [06:05] |
pgp | the dude sans leg is brutal... | [06:05] |
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ThickAsThieves | ok see i thought i saw all kindsa blood on the ground on the news, i was like did someone explode? | [06:06] |
joecool | heh this would be business as usual in israel | [06:06] |
jcpham | Taking a beating today | [06:06] |
pgp | 3 day low, btw | [06:06] |
joecool | ThickAsThieves: aljazeera thought it was a gas main explosion | [06:06] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 274 @ 0.00069745 = 0.1911 BTC [-] | [06:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1050 @ 0.00069735 = 0.7322 BTC [-] | [06:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7374 @ 0.00069447 = 5.121 BTC [-] | [06:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3202 @ 0.0006941 = 2.2225 BTC [-] | [06:07] |
orkaa | so no terrorists took responsibility yet? | [06:07] |
Diablo-D3 | orkaa: Im thinking it was home grown | [06:07] |
ThickAsThieves | they said something about a dark man trying to access secure area | [06:07] |
ThickAsThieves | yes it was that vague | [06:07] |
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dub | inb4 gun nuts protesting 2nd ammendment shit | [06:08] |
orkaa | 'dark man' | [06:08] |
orkaa | of course | [06:08] |
dub | haha | [06:08] |
ThickAsThieves | fuckin dark people, get ya every time | [06:08] |
dub | africanised killer bees | [06:08] |
Diablo-D3 | ThickAsThieves: yeah its like | [06:08] |
Diablo-D3 | a dark skinned man | [06:08] |
Diablo-D3 | with possible accent | [06:08] |
dub | no niggers in boston | [06:08] |
Diablo-D3 | wearing black hoodie and clothing | [06:08] |
joecool | dub: they call them haitians, they drive the taxis | [06:08] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.51899 BTC [+] | [06:09] |
joecool | this is what it's like in bawston | [06:09] |
ThickAsThieves | dpends what part | [06:09] |
Diablo-D3 | bawwstan | [06:09] |
ThickAsThieves | i lived in southie and west boston, pretty different | [06:09] |
Diablo-D3 | and the news WAS reporting a third bomb at the jfk library | [06:09] |
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Diablo-D3 | and now no one is talking about | [06:09] |
Diablo-D3 | wtf happened | [06:09] |
Bugpowder | WHHHHeeeeee | [06:09] |
joecool | plenty of nigs in murderpan | [06:09] |
dub | Diablo-D3: like hte plane that hit the pentagon | [06:09] |
ThickAsThieves | spent some time in jamaice plain too | [06:10] |
ThickAsThieves | lotsa dark men there | [06:10] |
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ThickAsThieves | jamaica* | [06:10] |
joecool | this is why the red line is disconnected from there | [06:10] |
Bugpowder | seen this? | [06:10] |
Bugpowder | | [06:10] |
ThickAsThieves | horrible | [06:11] |
Diablo-D3 | dub: yeah pretty fucking much | [06:11] |
kakobrekla | i see a coke bottle | [06:11] |
Diablo-D3 | dub: fucking supernigger hijacked a cruise missile or some shit | [06:12] |
orkaa | kakobrekla, it sure is dark | [06:12] |
ThickAsThieves | in southie, they actually have flyers in shops for bareknuckle boxing matches, or at least they used to... | [06:12] |
kakobrekla | hm? | [06:12] |
ThickAsThieves | pics of two scrawny 20 yos | [06:12] |
joecool | haven't had a lot of time in southie, mostly back bay | [06:12] |
ThickAsThieves | boston is a great city, for a city | [06:13] |
orkaa | btw, poor north korea, they're off the headlines today | [06:13] |
joecool | went drinking in southie a few times, it's like full-retard boston | [06:13] |
ThickAsThieves | yeah | [06:13] |
ThickAsThieves | i lived on one of those alley streets | [06:13] |
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ThickAsThieves | rented an attic room from a single mom who smoked pot in her bathroom | [06:14] |
joecool | pretty much hated the time i was there, hate the city, hate that it shuts down pretty much at midnight, hate the people, hate the accent, yeah all pretty horrible | [06:14] |
joecool | only plus side is you can actually walk, it's pretty small | [06:14] |
ThickAsThieves | commuting is a nightmare | [06:14] |
ThickAsThieves | and the cold | [06:15] |
ThickAsThieves | gawd | [06:15] |
joecool | rent was crazy high too | [06:15] |
ThickAsThieves | like any big city | [06:15] |
pipeline | uh | [06:16] |
pipeline | not every big city has bad commuting | [06:16] |
joecool | boston is especially bad | [06:16] |
pipeline | yes | [06:17] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.519 = 1.557 BTC [+] | [06:17] |
joecool | but i guess there could be worse, boston is low on my list of cities to drive in | [06:17] |
pipeline | boston traffic is terrifying | [06:17] |
joecool | but it's not philly or montreal bad | [06:17] |
pipeline | i would rather drive in philly | [06:17] |
pipeline | at least if i had an armored car | [06:17] |
pipeline | the traffic in philly is pleasant by comparison | [06:17] |
pipeline | and the roads more or less are straight, not cow-paths from the 16th century | [06:17] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.89899 BTC [-] | [06:17] |
ThickAsThieves | hehe | [06:17] |
joecool | well yeah armored car in philly is a good idea | [06:17] |
joecool | fuck using a gps unit | [06:17] |
joecool | those roads defy all logic and science | [06:17] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 200 @ 0.00065 = 0.13 BTC [+] | [06:18] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 142 @ 0.000689 = 0.0978 BTC [+] | [06:18] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 696 @ 0.00069 = 0.4802 BTC [+] | [06:18] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 129 @ 0.000691 = 0.0891 BTC [+] | [06:18] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 100 @ 0.000695 = 0.0695 BTC [+] | [06:18] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 182 @ 0.000697 = 0.1269 BTC [+] | [06:18] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 18 @ 0.000698 = 0.0126 BTC [+] | [06:18] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 704 @ 0.000698 = 0.4914 BTC [+] | [06:18] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 2 @ 0.0007 = 0.0014 BTC [+] | [06:18] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 394 @ 0.000709 = 0.2793 BTC [+] | [06:18] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 100 @ 0.000709 = 0.0709 BTC [+] | [06:18] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 100 @ 0.00071 = 0.071 BTC [+] | [06:19] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 1500 @ 0.000712 = 1.068 BTC [+] | [06:19] |
joecool | just don't make the mistake of hopping into camden at night | [06:19] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 588 @ 0.000714 = 0.4198 BTC [+] | [06:19] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 30 @ 0.00073 = 0.0219 BTC [+] | [06:19] |
joecool | that's a city they should just burn to the ground | [06:19] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 50 @ 0.000746 = 0.0373 BTC [+] | [06:19] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 30 @ 0.000747 = 0.0224 BTC [+] | [06:19] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 2 @ 0.00075 = 0.0015 BTC [+] | [06:19] |
joecool | easier to build a replacement | [06:20] |
ThickAsThieves | hmmm this is gonna go lower faster than i thought | [06:20] |
orkaa | hm, i should go to sleep | [06:21] |
orkaa | i can hear the morning busses | [06:21] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 80 @ 0.00079 = 0.0632 BTC [+] | [06:21] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 8 @ 0.00081 = 0.0065 BTC [+] | [06:21] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 41 @ 0.00081 = 0.0332 BTC [+] | [06:21] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 100 @ 0.00089 = 0.089 BTC [+] | [06:21] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 8 @ 0.0009 = 0.0072 BTC [+] | [06:22] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 50 @ 0.00096 = 0.048 BTC [+] | [06:22] |
dub | wat | [06:22] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 8 @ 0.00097 = 0.0078 BTC [+] | [06:22] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 10 @ 0.001 = 0.01 BTC [+] | [06:22] |
Bugpowder | It might go faster than expected | [06:23] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 182 @ 0.00364763 = 0.6639 BTC [-] | [06:23] |
Bugpowder | now that people see the inevitable coming up to meet them | [06:23] |
Bugpowder | the last bubble chart is very clear | [06:24] |
Bugpowder | people will probably try to front run it | [06:24] |
Bugpowder | I know I did | [06:24] |
kakobrekla | i agree | [06:24] |
kakobrekla | also the pullback might be slightly faster | [06:24] |
ThickAsThieves | i think there are a lot of people waiting for the bottom | [06:25] |
ThickAsThieves | wonder how log it will last once we hit it | [06:25] |
ThickAsThieves | long* | [06:25] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3312 @ 0.00071199 = 2.3581 BTC [+] | [06:25] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4970 @ 0.0006941 = 3.4497 BTC [-] | [06:26] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10330 @ 0.00069311 = 7.1598 BTC [-] | [06:26] |
Bugpowder | remember, the psychological perspective of immediate post-pop last time was probably very similar to what we naturally are thinking now | [06:27] |
Bugpowder | step ahead | [06:27] |
Bugpowder | we need to think like the people 3 weeks after the pop | [06:27] |
dub | ;;goxlag | [06:27] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 0 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.0 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin ... nowhere, really (0 AU). | [06:27] |
dub | gox right click unfucked the lag eh | [06:28] |
jcpham | Easy peasy | [06:28] |
dub | ;;next | [06:28] |
gribble | looking for retracement to 86 | buy targets: 74, 68, 54 | resistance 85-88, upper target in case of breakout mid-90s - 100 | updated by OneFixt at Apr 16 2013, 1:44 UTC ( tips: ) | disclaimer: | this is not investment or trading advice | #bitcoin-analysis | 1 hour, 44 minutes, and 48 seconds ago | [06:28] |
kakobrekla | Bugpowder thats prolly somewhat true but certain conditions have changed | [06:29] |
Bugpowder | conditions have changed | [06:29] |
kakobrekla | is one of the reasons why its going down faster | [06:29] |
Bugpowder | bitcoin is in a much better place | [06:29] |
jcpham | so what did gox do to fix the lag | [06:29] |
Bugpowder | of course, the valuation is 8x | [06:29] |
jcpham | Or did everyone just give up? | [06:29] |
Bugpowder | volume is extremely heavy | [06:29] |
Bugpowder | they fixed the lag | [06:29] |
dub | jcpham: new hardware, higher min trade, trade rate limits | [06:29] |
Bugpowder | must have | [06:29] |
jcpham | I thought so too | [06:29] |
Bugpowder | dub oh? higher min trade and rate limits? | [06:30] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 16 @ 0.00421 = 0.0674 BTC [+] | [06:30] |
dub | Bugpowder: yeah according to that neofutur shill | [06:30] |
joecool | well new hardware didn't do shit tbh, rate limiting and putting a check to stop people bidding with empty wallets seemed to help | [06:30] |
joecool | still sucks though | [06:31] |
joecool | everything they do is crappy bandaid solutions | [06:31] |
dub | I dont thing the balance check is in yet | [06:31] |
joecool | support has a 3 day backlog, verifications has ~2 week backlog | [06:31] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 14 @ 0.519 = 7.266 BTC [+] | [06:32] |
joecool | i'm guessing they spent a good amount of money on pizza parties and don't have enough to fund all deposits | [06:32] |
Bugpowder | luckily wire transfers out have 0 backlong | [06:32] |
Bugpowder | backlog | [06:32] |
joecool | so it's a cycle of sweating and eating pizza | [06:32] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.89899 = 1.798 BTC [-] | [06:32] |
dub | tux collection of diamond 20 sided dice | [06:32] |
Bugpowder | lol | [06:32] |
Bugpowder | I just bought 2500 magic cards for some used 5850s | [06:33] |
dub | and gold leafe yugio cards | [06:33] |
kakobrekla | dunno a friend of mine has been waiting sepa withdrawal 3 weeks now from gox | [06:33] |
joecool | i tell them it's a 50/50 on whether they will be successful or in jail in a year | [06:33] |
mircea_popescu | goes to 20/80 if you make it 3 years. | [06:33] |
Bugpowder | wire | [06:33] |
Bugpowder | the | [06:33] |
Bugpowder | money | [06:33] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 11 @ 0.899 = 9.889 BTC [+] | [06:33] |
mircea_popescu | sepa is a wire. | [06:33] |
Bugpowder | is it? | [06:33] |
mircea_popescu | yeah | [06:34] |
Bugpowder | y so slow then? | [06:34] |
mircea_popescu | cause idiocy. | [06:34] |
mircea_popescu | but basically it's faster cheaper wire. | [06:34] |
kakobrekla | they are saying they are capped out at the polish bank iirc | [06:34] |
Bugpowder | well they seem to have their shit together with US intl wire, at least for bofa | [06:34] |
kakobrekla | which is bull | [06:34] |
Bugpowder | what banks DON'T WANT you to wire them money? | [06:34] |
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kakobrekla | its a withdrawal to be nitpicky | [06:35] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 0.89998 = 3.5999 BTC [+] | [06:35] |
mircea_popescu | basically you can't initiate a sepa wire except from an european bank or subsidiary | [06:35] |
mircea_popescu | and mtgox is illegal in europe | [06:35] |
mircea_popescu | that'd be the rub. | [06:35] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 0.89999 = 8.0999 BTC [+] | [06:36] |
mircea_popescu | anyway, catch all of you tomorrow. | [06:37] |
dub | peace | [06:37] |
Bugpowder | this selloff is brutal | [06:38] |
Bugpowder | dude! | [06:38] |
Bugpowder | you are going to miss the climax | [06:38] |
Bugpowder | Bugpowder's investment return plot | [06:38] |
Bugpowder | (brought to you by MPEx) | [06:38] |
kakobrekla | :D | [06:38] |
dub | wall moved lower | [06:38] |
dub | fuck | [06:39] |
kakobrekla | so bug, whats 3 weeks from now | [06:39] |
dub | kinda want to sell here and rebuy but thsi asshole is gonna trap me | [06:39] |
Bugpowder | 3 weeks from now is 40 | [06:39] |
Bugpowder | 1st guess | [06:40] |
Bugpowder | need to think about it of course | [06:40] |
Bugpowder | It has been shown that if you make a guess, pause, reconsider, then make a second guess, then average those two guesses, you are more accurate | [06:40] |
kakobrekla | good info | [06:40] |
Bugpowder | the average beats both the first or second guess, even if you have the same information | [06:41] |
Bugpowder | I hope all my friends got out | [06:42] |
Bugpowder | I told them all to sell this morning. | [06:42] |
Bugpowder | dub I think there will be a bounce | [06:43] |
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dub | yeah | [06:43] |
Bugpowder | this downward move is too violent | [06:43] |
dub | it will be right after I sell | [06:43] |
Bugpowder | yes | [06:43] |
kakobrekla | lol | [06:43] |
Bugpowder | you never want to sell after a selloff has been going for quite a while | [06:44] |
Bugpowder | but I would exit on the next sustained up move | [06:44] |
Bugpowder | if I still had coins | [06:44] |
Bugpowder | (not advice) | [06:45] |
jcpham | Exit permanente? | [06:46] |
ThickAsThieves | looks like we'll lose 60 soon | [06:46] |
jcpham | That doesn't sound fun at all | [06:46] |
dub | yes officer, this dude named after tim leary's herion metaphore on the internet gave me trading advice | [06:46] |
dub | heroin* | [06:46] |
jcpham | I did my ten percent metal thing this morning closer to 100 | [06:47] |
Diablo-D3 | *metafore | [06:47] |
jcpham | Still waiting on the big bubble | [06:47] |
dub | Diablo-D3: orly | [06:47] |
jcpham | I think dub's phonetic is more | [06:49] |
kakobrekla | well luke will be reasonably priced soon | [06:49] |
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Bugpowder | oh my | [06:49] |
Diablo-D3 | kakobrekla: we're selling luke? to who? | [06:49] |
Bugpowder | dub lol | [06:50] |
kakobrekla | id get rid of him for free, but his coins are 25$ a pop | [06:50] |
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dub | I suspect you'd have to pay to have him taken away | [06:55] |
* | BingoBoingo (60230280@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [06:56] |
dub | expecially now his loyal mouth breathing fanbase is realising what a spineless piece of shit he really is | [06:57] |
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ThickAsThieves | lol clarkmoody cant keep up with gox now | [06:58] |
ThickAsThieves | how things have changed | [06:58] |
ThickAsThieves | here comes 60 | [06:58] |
Bugpowder | hooooly fuk | [07:01] |
jcpham | BFL Shipping delayed! Avalon batch #2 shipping instead. Preorder your Avalon Batch #4 unit now from PREORDER NOW! | [07:01] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.15999 BTC [+] | [07:02] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 42 @ 0.00085 = 0.0357 BTC [-] | [07:04] |
ThickAsThieves | soooo 50 tonight? | [07:04] |
Bugpowder | hmm | [07:05] |
Bugpowder | time to update my bid positioning | [07:05] |
pgp | happening faster than i thought... | [07:06] |
BingoBoingo | $30 tonight? | [07:06] |
pgp | bp: what do you think? | [07:06] |
Bugpowder | bounce off 50 | [07:06] |
Bugpowder | or a little before | [07:06] |
ThickAsThieves | ugh i had a bid up at 65 i forgot about :/ | [07:07] |
ThickAsThieves | just 10btc | [07:07] |
Bugpowder | lol | [07:07] |
ThickAsThieves | guess i'll throw it into sdice or something | [07:08] |
ThickAsThieves | myabe ltc | [07:08] |
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ThickAsThieves | nah | [07:09] |
ThickAsThieves | hehe | [07:09] |
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BingoBoingo | ;;bids 31 | [07:09] |
gribble | There are currently 119758.3 bitcoins demanded at or over 31.0 USD, worth 5378138.64252 USD in total. | Data vintage: 76.0023 seconds | [07:09] |
pgp | thought I was going to bed, but... not now! | [07:09] |
pgp | started nibbling... | [07:10] |
Bugpowder | combo should really be posting funny shit on the way down too | [07:11] |
Bugpowder | | [07:11] |
Bugpowder | comboy | [07:11] |
Bugpowder | who's got balls | [07:11] |
Bugpowder | DRAINAAAGGGGEEEE | [07:12] |
pgp | how bout that ... new low... a little sooner than I expected, but hey... | [07:13] |
Bugpowder | come on hit 51 | [07:14] |
Bugpowder | ;;goxlag | [07:14] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 4.718365 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.00945555063055 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from Saturn to its largest moon, Titan (0.00802 AU). | [07:14] |
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kakobrekla | you gonna play the bounce ? | [07:14] |
Bugpowder | yeah if it hits my bid | [07:15] |
ThickAsThieves | just did :) | [07:15] |
* | Now talking on #bitcoin-assets | [13:59] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: | [13:59] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 13 14:15:50 2013 | [13:59] |
Bugpowder | ThickAsThieves: 70 might be a bit rich actually… People will definitely want to buy at 50, but at 69? At 69 people are probably counting their blessings that they can sell the bounce. | [14:00] |
mircea_popescu | Bugpowder you're making the mistake of thinking "people" are like you. | [14:01] |
mircea_popescu | the vast majority of bitcvoin holders don't give a shit what the price is. | [14:01] |
Bugpowder | I have made very few mistakes tonight | [14:01] |
Bugpowder | actually | [14:01] |
Bugpowder | and the vast majority are in a panic | [14:01] |
mircea_popescu | sigh. | [14:01] |
Bugpowder | the big dogs might not be | [14:01] |
mircea_popescu | the 1% or so bitcoins that are held by noobs really don't matter in any serious discussion. | [14:01] |
Bugpowder | are you talking people or talking total bitcoins | [14:02] |
mircea_popescu | total bitcoins. | [14:02] |
Bugpowder | that's different | [14:02] |
mircea_popescu | this is money. people don't matter. | [14:02] |
mircea_popescu | well... | [14:02] |
Bugpowder | half the top 500 addresses didn't move during the whole bubble | [14:02] |
Bugpowder | I saw that somewhere | [14:02] |
mircea_popescu | exactly. | [14:02] |
mircea_popescu | buncha noobs got tjhemselves into a tizzy. nobody really caresd. | [14:02] |
Bugpowder | but if they didn't move on the way up or the way down, they aren't participating in the market | [14:03] |
mircea_popescu | the mtgox "market" is very decoupled from economic reality, as it happens. | [14:03] |
Bugpowder | and my goal is to make $ and coins from the price movement | [14:03] |
mircea_popescu | i don't imagine a recoupling is ever likely at any rate. | [14:03] |
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mircea_popescu | i know your goal is to try and speculate, but this makes you not part of bitcoin in any meaningful sense. | [14:03] |
Bugpowder | hence, the people that are market participants are the people I'm thinking about, since they are pushing the price around. | [14:04] |
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mircea_popescu | well... | [14:04] |
Bugpowder | Define meaningful | [14:05] |
deadweasel | i'd rather be profitable than be part of something in a meaningful sense. | [14:05] |
mircea_popescu | Bugpowder meaningful, as in having a price signal. you're currently unable to make any sort of judgement as to what bitcoin price should be other than "what are others thinking" | [14:05] |
mircea_popescu | thus you're not participating in price formation | [14:05] |
mircea_popescu | you're merely participating in volatility formation. | [14:05] |
mircea_popescu | deadweasel nothing wrong with that. | [14:06] |
mircea_popescu | the only problem is that it doesn't work longterm. might as well play s.dice. | [14:06] |
deadweasel | i agree. but for some reason this has worked out better. | [14:06] |
Bugpowder | I think economic activity associated with bitcoin currently supports a price of ~30 | [14:07] |
mircea_popescu | well, that's the nature of chance. sometimes it works. | [14:07] |
mircea_popescu | conversely, the nature of people is to infer patterns in chance. | [14:07] |
Bugpowder | and we will see an undershoot on that | [14:07] |
deadweasel | you think undershooot 30? | [14:07] |
mircea_popescu | Bugpowder ok, but you think this based on what ? | [14:07] |
Bugpowder | based on the stability of price at around 15 pre-bubble, and the growth in bitcoin infrastructure since then | [14:07] |
mircea_popescu | see ? this is all "What others think" | [14:07] |
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Bugpowder | I'm 'adding liquidity' | [14:09] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1833 @ 0.00070824 = 1.2982 BTC [+] | [14:09] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7618 @ 0.00071 = 5.4088 BTC [+] | [14:09] |
dub | ;;calc [ticker --vol]*[ticker --avg] | [14:09] |
mircea_popescu | let's look at this past week (dear lord, it is ONE WEEK) from a macro perspective. buncha noobs poured 20-25 mn into the fiat/btc exchanges. miners took out a few mn of that, exchanges took out a few mn out of that too as fees. | [14:09] |
gribble | 37198356.7324 | [14:09] |
mircea_popescu | rest was split out back among the noobs. | [14:09] |
mircea_popescu | i bet you the EV of the bubble is < the EV of S.dice. | [14:09] |
dub | 40mn volume today | [14:10] |
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Bugpowder | for a n00b | [14:10] |
mircea_popescu | dub that's not how it works tho. | [14:10] |
Bugpowder | sure | [14:10] |
mircea_popescu | Bugpowder well macro is macro. | [14:10] |
dub | ;;calc [ticker --vol]*[ticker --last] | [14:10] |
gribble | 34220690.9548 | [14:10] |
Bugpowder | and from a long term EV perspective, buying at 260 is still positive | [14:10] |
dub | lie dat? | [14:10] |
mircea_popescu | probably. if by long term one means more than a year or a few. | [14:10] |
mircea_popescu | dub most of the trades count as wash trades in this perspective. | [14:11] |
Bugpowder | IFF you don't consider future buy in | [14:11] |
Bugpowder | potential future buy in costs | [14:11] |
mircea_popescu | we're talking net inflows, the fact someone makes bets worth 10 btc on s.dice doesn't mean he has bet a total over 1 btc | [14:11] |
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Bugpowder | If you are ignoring volatility and bubble formation and popping, (which was obvious both during and in hindsight) then you may be making an EV positive play, but it is far far far from the best EV + play. | [14:12] |
KRS1 | that all sounds very positive to me | [14:12] |
mircea_popescu | KRS1 it is, kinda. | [14:13] |
mircea_popescu | Bugpowder in the end it all boils down to "it's an -ev game" and "everybody thinks they're special". | [14:13] |
KRS1 | wow i've learned a thing or two since i've been here | [14:13] |
mircea_popescu | sure, they are. till they aren't. | [14:13] |
Bugpowder | I agree actually | [14:13] |
Bugpowder | everyone does think there special | [14:14] |
Bugpowder | when they are winning | [14:14] |
mircea_popescu | kinda how the human brain is made to work i think | [14:14] |
Bugpowder | I maintain that luck has a huge role to play here | [14:14] |
mircea_popescu | well absolutely. | [14:15] |
mircea_popescu | hence the -ev / s.dice discussion | [14:15] |
mircea_popescu | o wow, huge iran quake. | [14:15] |
mircea_popescu | i wonder if their concrete prefab building can take it. | [14:15] |
Bugpowder | although my brain tells my that I must be more skilled than the market | [14:16] |
mircea_popescu | 7.8 15 minutes ago | [14:16] |
Bugpowder | I wouldn't believe it if this was a mature financial market | [14:16] |
mircea_popescu | it is a bounty of information and case study for actual economical discussion however. | [14:17] |
mircea_popescu | for instance : the common wisdom is that capital controls help volatile macrofinancial situations. | [14:17] |
mircea_popescu | well... mtgox is the most extreme case of capital controls i've ever seen implemented. | [14:18] |
mircea_popescu | did not help. | [14:18] |
deadweasel | we actually make very few decisions with our conscious mind. our unconscious makes the decision and the consciousness creates a story around it make so it feels special about 'making' the decision. | [14:18] |
Bugpowder | but the seductive argument is that the current state of bitcoin pricing is based on new market participants with little experience, and by using information asymmetries, like spending 12 hours a day on #bitcoin-assets, I can beat them. | [14:18] |
mircea_popescu | leaving aside the quite typical cypriot failure mode of capital controls (ie, corruption), it still doesn't work. | [14:18] |
mircea_popescu | deadweasel sorta like dreams work. | [14:18] |
deadweasel | so if you know a subject well enough and long enough (10,000 hours i think), the instinct can be correct when you're conciously not sure. | [14:19] |
deadweasel | yeah, but it's how we work ALL the time. | [14:19] |
Bugpowder | thank you Malcom Gladwell :) | [14:19] |
mircea_popescu | Bugpowder i always suspected the "fight" or "Game" representation of markets is an artefact of the american mind and has nothing to do with market reality. | [14:19] |
deadweasel | lol | [14:19] |
deadweasel | Bugpowder: you got me. | [14:19] |
deadweasel | :D | [14:19] |
deadweasel | i'm Malcom Gladwell. | [14:19] |
ThickAsThieves | also consider that the market price is manifesting itself from people doing what they think other people think people are doing | [14:20] |
Bugpowder | I wonder how that guy that quit his job to play 10000 hours of golf is doing. | [14:20] |
deadweasel | he's probably very relaxed. | [14:20] |
ThickAsThieves | a map has been provided in the bubble chart | [14:20] |
ThickAsThieves | we're just following/leading it | [14:20] |
mircea_popescu | sounds like torture | [14:20] |
deadweasel | work now, sign on in a bit. | [14:20] |
Bugpowder | ThickAsThieves: I would argue though that the dynamics of bubble formation and popping have such similarities that there must be common stages of collective emotion that drive them | [14:21] |
ThickAsThieves | at this point how do you separate that | [14:21] |
ThickAsThieves | now we think all bubbles are alike | [14:21] |
mircea_popescu | Bugpowder we have, of course, newton's famous quote. | [14:21] |
Bugpowder | well anyone can draw a plot | [14:21] |
Bugpowder | and label it with descriptors of emotion | [14:22] |
Bugpowder | doesn't make it right | [14:22] |
ThickAsThieves | right but knowing what a bubble looks like, allows us to construct it | [14:22] |
mircea_popescu | not really. | [14:22] |
Bugpowder | but there IS something there. | [14:22] |
mircea_popescu | this is like saying knowing what democracy looks like we can now construct it. | [14:22] |
Bugpowder | mircea_popescu: quote? | [14:22] |
ThickAsThieves | nah | [14:22] |
mircea_popescu | 1. we don't really know what it looks like ; 2 we've never constructed it. | [14:22] |
ThickAsThieves | i dont mean it an intentional way | [14:22] |
ThickAsThieves | i mean our behavior facilitates it | [14:23] |
Bugpowder | maybe democracy is harder to construct than a spec bubble | [14:23] |
Bugpowder | takes higher order thinking, reasoning debate | [14:23] |
Bugpowder | bubbles are just raw emotion driven asset valuation | [14:23] |
ThickAsThieves | the speculators note that when i bubble pops, this and that happens, making it much more confident behaior | [14:23] |
Bugpowder | ThickAsThieves: I certainly have used the last bitcoin bubble chart to inform my position for this one. | [14:24] |
Bugpowder | it went better than expected | [14:24] |
ThickAsThieves | thus you are also manifesting it | [14:24] |
Bugpowder | right | [14:24] |
ThickAsThieves | my point | [14:24] |
Bugpowder | sure | [14:25] |
ThickAsThieves | we all sat here waiting for 50 | [14:25] |
ThickAsThieves | obv it had to come | [14:25] |
Bugpowder | just, when you personally manifest it, be early :) | [14:25] |
mircea_popescu | Bugpowder "I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people." | [14:25] |
Bugpowder | ah yes | [14:25] |
mircea_popescu | and something being simple does not make it easy. | [14:25] |
Bugpowder | need Dr. Selden for that | [14:25] |
mircea_popescu | such as, airplanes were made in the 1900s. ants are still not made. | [14:25] |
Bugpowder | Seldon | [14:25] |
ThickAsThieves | i do think we'll strike an anomaly against the bubble template | [14:25] |
ThickAsThieves | as bitcoin is still bitcoin, unique | [14:26] |
mircea_popescu | ThickAsThieves to put it simply : the more close to common thought you are, the less likely it is to be correct. the further out you are the higher chances for you to be wrong. this is how thinking about bubbles works. | [14:26] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.95 BTC [+] | [14:26] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 0.95 = 2.85 BTC [+] | [14:26] |
ezdiy | also '' Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one. ,, | [14:26] |
ezdiy | however this line thinking is actually useless to quantify bubless, because you can get the shape right | [14:27] |
ezdiy | but never the timescale :( | [14:27] |
thestringpuller | ;;seen smickles | [14:28] |
gribble | smickles was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 4 days, 19 hours, 46 minutes, and 7 seconds ago: |
[14:28] |
Bugpowder | ezdiy: yup, that's why averaging out and averaging in are useful concepts | [14:28] |
Bugpowder | Can't pick the top | [14:29] |
Bugpowder | but you can tell you are probably in a bubble and peel off some gains on the way up | [14:29] |
mircea_popescu | i think statistically the difference between the strategy of averaging in and the strategy of timing the top | [14:30] |
Bugpowder | EV is the same | [14:30] |
mircea_popescu | is the same as the difference between the strategy of martingale and the strategy of playing s.dice | [14:30] |
Bugpowder | ? | [14:30] |
ThickAsThieves | mp, re: common thought, isn't it a different situation when the very game IS common thought (speculation) | [14:30] |
Bugpowder | possibly | [14:30] |
mircea_popescu | actually the proof of this would be a huge step forward in economic theory. | [14:30] |
Bugpowder | I think it boils down to psychology | [14:31] |
mircea_popescu | ThickAsThieves i'm always wary when someone proposes something is different from something else. | [14:31] |
mircea_popescu | we just don't have that many different things available. | [14:31] |
ezdiy | mircea_popescu: martingale is for truly iniform random walk | [14:31] |
ThickAsThieves | speculation is being at the front of the herd, rather than the back, where the wolves are | [14:32] |
ThickAsThieves | (thinking out loud) | [14:32] |
mircea_popescu | replace wolves with terrorists. | [14:32] |
mircea_popescu | (ie, imagined threat). nao what ? | [14:32] |
Bugpowder | If you give someone a 50/50 chance of making $1,000,000 or a 100% change of making $500,000, unless they already have many million in the bank, they will invariably pick the sure bet. | [14:32] |
ThickAsThieves | well its all game again | [14:32] |
Bugpowder | similar thing in settlement negotiations | [14:32] |
mircea_popescu | Bugpowder also someone will tend to represent a 49/51 chance as a 33/66 chance and a 1/99 chance as a 0/100 chance. | [14:32] |
thestringpuller | ;;seen smickles | [14:33] |
gribble | smickles was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 4 days, 19 hours, 50 minutes, and 28 seconds ago: |
[14:33] |
mircea_popescu | this as a restatement of taleb's ideas. | [14:33] |
Bugpowder | sure | [14:33] |
Bugpowder | well, taleb may be restating our ideas | [14:33] |
Bugpowder | cause I didn't read that yet | [14:33] |
mircea_popescu | he is, he is. | [14:33] |
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mircea_popescu | well... the old black swan. 'it never happened therefore it's impossible" fallacy. | [14:33] |
mircea_popescu | 1/99 really is 0/100 after 72 tries or somesuch | [14:34] |
Bugpowder | in settlement negation, client management and selection is essential for optimizing firm revenue under contingency model | [14:34] |
Bugpowder | You want a client that already is rich | [14:34] |
ezdiy | Bugpowder: until you're overrun by competition which caters to long trail :) | [14:34] |
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Bugpowder | so when a defendant finally raises the settlement offer from 1MM to $10MM, the client doesn't piss himself and take the money | [14:35] |
BitHub | come join us at #oracles&rogues where we perform miracle readings and premonitions | [14:35] |
BitHub | mircea hi :) | [14:35] |
mircea_popescu | ello | [14:35] |
ezdiy | moar crystal balls, yay | [14:35] |
BitHub | yes but this one is lulz | [14:35] |
mircea_popescu | Bugpowder this is incidentally why i never raise offers. i make an offer. any further discussion is met with a deduction from the offer. | [14:35] |
BitHub | especially the slang | [14:35] |
mircea_popescu | works with women, too. ask her out. she fails to accept... well... he'll have to work at it next time. | [14:36] |
mircea_popescu | haha i missed an s in there to great benefit. | [14:36] |
ezdiy | mircea_popescu: i'm afraid this is not universally acceptable *g* | [14:36] |
Bugpowder | you need a client that can say, fuck 100% at 10MM, let's try for the 30% shot at 100MM | [14:36] |
ezdiy | try that with any self-respecting woman | [14:37] |
ezdiy | or human, for that matter lol | [14:37] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10700 @ 0.00071 = 7.597 BTC [+] | [14:37] |
BitHub | is the site issues all good now mircea? | [14:37] |
BitHub | well the ddos bs, same guy as gox? | [14:37] |
Bugpowder | ezdiy: works will all women | [14:37] |
ezdiy | yeah | [14:37] |
ezdiy | daddy issues ftw | [14:37] |
ezdiy | :) | [14:37] |
Bugpowder | most men too | [14:37] |
ezdiy | well, generally works with doormats of all walks of life | [14:37] |
Bugpowder | not just doormats. | [14:38] |
KRS1 | heh doormats | [14:38] |
* | micky_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [14:38] |
BitHub | i only trust asicminer | [14:38] |
Bugpowder | There is a lot of truth in 'The Game' | [14:38] |
BitHub | pua? | [14:38] |
Bugpowder | yah | [14:38] |
BitHub | heh | [14:38] |
BitHub | i enjoy that | [14:38] |
Bugpowder | of course, you must be savvy enough to adapt it to your own style | [14:39] |
BitHub | niel strauss | [14:39] |
BitHub | neil | [14:39] |
pgp | morning | [14:39] |
Bugpowder | and now deal with everyone know about The Game | [14:39] |
BitHub | better off reading robert greene books tho | [14:39] |
ezdiy | Bugpowder: in it's core, it's artificial price inflation | [14:39] |
ezdiy | Bugpowder: youre making scarce something which is in reality not scarce at all | [14:39] |
ezdiy | smart women realize that :) | [14:39] |
BitHub | read his art of seduction | [14:39] |
mircea_popescu | ezdiy it only works with self respecting people. | [14:39] |
BitHub | he's the real master | [14:39] |
Bugpowder | which is tricky, because doing the meta-game game usually doesn't not go well. | [14:39] |
Bugpowder | I read all this shit when it was just on that web forum | [14:40] |
mircea_popescu | they're the only ones that can go yes or no on the first presentation and stick to it. | [14:40] |
Bugpowder | way before the books | [14:40] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1300 @ 0.00070023 = 0.9103 BTC [-] | [14:40] |
Bugpowder | I went from having NO women, to 2 hot girlfriends at the same time | [14:40] |
BitHub | women are very easy | [14:40] |
Bugpowder | although a part of my integrity died | [14:41] |
mircea_popescu | Bugpowder why not tell them ? | [14:41] |
Bugpowder | heheh | [14:41] |
mircea_popescu | what ? | [14:41] |
Bugpowder | early days | [14:41] |
mircea_popescu | a | [14:41] |
Bugpowder | I was not ready for that at 20 yr old | [14:41] |
BitHub | have you developed your inner game yet? | [14:41] |
mircea_popescu | girls don't mind eating a girl out once they figure out it's safe. | [14:41] |
BitHub | don't listen to mircea when it comes to girls | [14:41] |
mircea_popescu | yeah, i agree. | [14:42] |
Bugpowder | I am retired from the game | [14:42] |
BitHub | probably hasn't been with one for a while | [14:42] |
BitHub | just be yourself | [14:42] |
mircea_popescu | ahaha | [14:42] |
BitHub | its simple | [14:42] |
ezdiy | BitHub: why not? this sort of talk leads to guys one-upping each other | [14:42] |
ezdiy | gradually | [14:42] |
ezdiy | its hilarious | [14:42] |
mircea_popescu | ezdiy no u. | [14:42] |
BitHub | maybe im neggin him ;) | [14:42] |
Bugpowder | lol | [14:42] |
mircea_popescu | BitHub this chan has a strict no fag policy. | [14:42] |
BitHub | or that alpha male technique thingy | [14:42] |
ezdiy | mircea_popescu: awww. are we negging? :) | [14:42] |
ezdiy | /insert relevant xkcd/ | [14:42] |
BitHub | heh better ban yourself then | [14:43] |
mircea_popescu | i don't smoke. | [14:43] |
BitHub | just run off with peoples bits yeah? | [14:43] |
mircea_popescu | heh. | [14:43] |
BitHub | i kid, i love you | [14:43] |
Bugpowder | beta male move there BitHub | [14:44] |
Bugpowder | supplication | [14:44] |
BitHub | that's how easy it is | [14:44] |
mircea_popescu | can't he love me ? | [14:44] |
BitHub | just showing example | [14:44] |
BitHub | but at the end of the day right its a numbers game | [14:44] |
BitHub | either you like daddy, or piss off | [14:44] |
Scrat | ;;ticker --last | [14:44] |
gribble | 58.41000 | [14:44] |
BitHub | new girls turning 18 every day | [14:45] |
ezdiy | depends on what youre looking for | [14:45] |
BitHub | listen | [14:45] |
ezdiy | till 25, people are looking just for a cheap fuck | [14:46] |
BitHub | you know why people get gf's and wives etc | [14:46] |
mircea_popescu | you do ? | [14:46] |
BitHub | because they're poor and scared to die alone | [14:46] |
ezdiy | yep | [14:46] |
Bugpowder | hmmm | [14:46] |
Bugpowder | can't agree with that | [14:46] |
BitHub | its true | [14:46] |
mircea_popescu | everybody dies alone. | [14:46] |
ezdiy | BitHub: whats worse, there are rich people who die alone | [14:46] |
BitHub | work on your bank account | [14:46] |
ezdiy | in the true sense | [14:46] |
Bugpowder | 1) positive influence on life, 2) understanding, 3) having kids | [14:46] |
BitHub | give it away | [14:46] |
Scrat | disregard bitches, acquire satoshi | [14:47] |
Scrat | is what i say | [14:47] |
ezdiy | Scrat: :)))) | [14:47] |
mircea_popescu | heh. i guess the rebellious youth of these days no longer reads sartre & co huh. | [14:47] |
Bugpowder | those would be my top 3 reasons for a wife, in some order. | [14:47] |
BitHub | anyway my point is, be a man and work on making money | [14:47] |
BitHub | teh girls will cum | [14:47] |
Bugpowder | Work on something | [14:47] |
Bugpowder | doesn't need to be money | [14:47] |
Scrat | b-b-but im still a poor beta fag | [14:48] |
Scrat | t-t-thanks bitcoin-assets | [14:48] |
mircea_popescu | srsly. learn how to handle a whip and rope. | [14:48] |
Bugpowder | but you gotta be good at something | [14:48] |
BitHub | lul mircea | [14:48] |
Bugpowder | science don't pay | [14:48] |
ezdiy | BitHub: not much money needed actually | [14:48] |
BitHub | why | [14:48] |
BitHub | ezdiy at last 1 million | [14:48] |
BitHub | least | [14:48] |
ezdiy | BitHub: it might come as a surprise, but shallow women are mostly interested int *things* | [14:48] |
mircea_popescu | because more girls need a good whipping than need money at all. | [14:48] |
BitHub | then you can relax | [14:48] |
ezdiy | ie visible signs of social status | [14:48] |
ezdiy | ie piss poor, but a good car | [14:48] |
ezdiy | etc | [14:48] |
BitHub | anyway lil off topic, i actually really enjoy all the different bitcoin assets | [14:49] |
BitHub | and analysing them | [14:49] |
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BitHub | any good ipo's coming up? i'm only feeling asicminer at the moment | [14:49] |
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Bugpowder | [14:52] | |
Bugpowder | ZIGZAP 2.0 | [14:52] |
thestringpuller | well smickles has goxxed me | [14:52] |
Scrat | BitHub: mine | [14:53] |
Bugpowder | | [14:53] |
Scrat | it will rox your sox off | [14:53] |
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mircea_popescu | thestringpuller i thought he was getting out of brokering ? | [14:53] |
BitHub | scrat? | [14:54] |
Bugpowder | he probably should if he locks you up for weeks | [14:54] |
BitHub | lul bug | [14:54] |
BitHub | Scrat, hook me up | [14:54] |
BitHub | scam me and i'll you tho | [14:54] |
ThickAsThieves | BitHub, do you realize that you're repeatedly looking for confirmation that ASICminer shares are a good buy? | [14:54] |
BitHub | i already have heaps | [14:54] |
ThickAsThieves | you know what that means right? | [14:55] |
ezdiy | self-assuring circle jerks are a good thing | [14:55] |
mircea_popescu | notrly. | [14:55] |
BitHub | well name another asset then | [14:55] |
Scrat | BitHub: well, not yet released | [14:55] |
Bugpowder | 24hr volume, 545,000BTC | [14:55] |
BitHub | should i put all my btc into ziggap? | [14:55] |
Bugpowder | this is what happens with no lag | [14:55] |
Bugpowder | BitHub: It's a long tail play | [14:55] |
BitHub | or maybe should i put all my btc into BAKEDwell | [14:56] |
ThickAsThieves | you should be looking for reliable stocks that are tied to USD | [14:56] |
BitHub | i praise asicminer because its a legit asset | [14:56] |
Scrat | ;;ticker --last | [14:56] |
gribble | 56.91000 | [14:56] |
Bugpowder | ZIGZAP, BAKEWELL distressed assets and litecoin. | [14:56] |
ThickAsThieves | since USD is going up | [14:56] |
BitHub | i want to get your guys opinions on good and trusthworth bitcoin companies that are floating assets | [14:56] |
BitHub | i mean shares | [14:56] |
ThickAsThieves | asicminer may be the most stable, but you are essentially locking yourself in to BTC/USD value | [14:56] |
ThickAsThieves | which you may have noticed is plummeting | [14:57] |
BitHub | yes | [14:57] |
BitHub | so during these times of suicides, isn't it better to be collecting divs? and the demand for stable asset is there, so alot of people pumping, allowing you to golden parachute out later when btc price picks up again? | [14:58] |
ThickAsThieves | :/ | [14:58] |
ThickAsThieves | not sure where to start | [14:58] |
Bugpowder | S.DICE could be good | [14:59] |
ThickAsThieves | you really think divs will outweigh your loss in BTC/USD value? | [14:59] |
Bugpowder | but you really need that betting volume to pickup | [14:59] |
Bugpowder | it hasn't yet | [14:59] |
ThickAsThieves | Bug, check again | [14:59] |
mircea_popescu | @DalaiLama It’s unrealistic to think that the future of humanity can be achieved only on the basis of prayer, what we need is to take action. | [14:59] |
mircea_popescu | i guess another religion confronts its intellectual bankruptcy. | [14:59] |
ThickAsThieves | BTC In doubled 2 days ago, quadrupled last night | [14:59] |
Bugpowder | kik | [14:59] |
Bugpowder | deepceleron whale watch | [15:00] |
pgp | I agreed SDICE is the a defensive USD/BTC play | [15:00] |
kakobrekla | | [15:01] |
Bugpowder | what da fuck is this plot doing? | [15:01] |
ThickAsThieves | lol | [15:01] |
Bugpowder | I think calling that guy a 'whale' is being a little generous. | [15:01] |
pizzaman1337 | that chart is awesome | [15:02] |
ThickAsThieves | that is a time travel plot | [15:02] |
ThickAsThieves | revisionist charting? | [15:02] |
Scrat | lol | [15:02] |
Bugpowder | I'd restrict whales to someone with proven 10k btc in a set of addresses and is hammering s.dice for bets of >100BTC for long stretches. | [15:02] |
pgp | impossible chart? | [15:02] |
ThickAsThieves | skyline of Tokyo 3030? | [15:03] |
Scrat | | [15:03] |
ThickAsThieves | lol | [15:03] |
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ThickAsThieves | maybe double spend attempts causing that chart? | [15:04] |
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Bugpowder | ;;calc 550000*.003*2 | [15:08] |
gribble | 3300 | [15:08] |
Bugpowder | ;;calc 3300*60 | [15:09] |
gribble | 198000 | [15:09] |
Bugpowder | mtgox only making $200,000 today | [15:09] |
kakobrekla | bummer | [15:09] |
pgp | interesting to note that at bitfinex, they have changed margin rules - they use to offer 5x - I guess that didn't work out so good for them... they still have 400k lent out in margin, but at an average annual rate of ONLY 84% - used to be consistently over 300%... Sentiment indicator? | [15:10] |
kakobrekla | hmm | [15:10] |
kakobrekla | interesting indeed | [15:10] |
pgp | i'll be they go smoked trying to liquidate some margin accounts.... | [15:11] |
mircea_popescu | i am boggled anyone'd take that thing seriously. | [15:12] |
mircea_popescu | they are using the bitcoinica codebase they've stolen ffs. | [15:12] |
mircea_popescu | what more ? what more could one do to be untrustworthy ? | [15:12] |
Namworld | Well as long as someone can fix the security issues of the script (unless funds were actually stolen by the admin)... although it casts some serious doubts about the safety of such a thing. | [15:15] |
Namworld | meh | [15:15] |
mircea_popescu | no. | [15:15] |
mircea_popescu | currently bitcoin contains this throng of idiots who literally have no standard. | [15:15] |
mircea_popescu | if you go by them there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING one can do to fuck up. | [15:15] |
mircea_popescu | this will ensure bitcoin's failure on the long term if allowed to continue. | [15:16] |
mircea_popescu | there must be standards, and if those standards are breached the person must be dead. | [15:16] |
pizzaman1337 | dead? | [15:16] |
mircea_popescu | dead. | [15:16] |
Scrat | pk'd | [15:17] |
mircea_popescu | there's currently absolutely nothing jared kenna can do to become a bitcoin business person again. | [15:17] |
mircea_popescu | nothing at all. | [15:17] |
mircea_popescu | repaying all his debts ? nope, doesn't do it. | [15:17] |
mircea_popescu | build a temple to satoshi ? mnope, doesn't do it. | [15:17] |
mircea_popescu | you scam, you're dead. | [15:17] |
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Namworld | I didn't say it was good, I said it COULD be possible to reuse some failed codebase if someone fixed it. Not that I think this is likely to have occured. | [15:18] |
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mircea_popescu | but! they didn;t obtain permission! | [15:18] |
mircea_popescu | the bitcoinica victims, one of their avenues to recover something of their lost money | [15:19] |
mircea_popescu | would have been codebase licensing. for fixing etc. | [15:19] |
Namworld | yeah but that's not happening regardless, does it? | [15:19] |
mircea_popescu | doesn't seem likely. i have no idea who'd fix ror code. | [15:20] |
kakobrekla | | [15:20] |
kakobrekla | idiots | [15:20] |
kakobrekla | srsly | [15:20] |
kakobrekla | that is why bitcoin is fucked | [15:20] |
Namworld | Maybe I should read more about these cases, but I can't care enough to go and do it. | [15:20] |
kakobrekla | "young enterpreneurs and still learning their business" | [15:20] |
mircea_popescu | kakobrekla how much you got locked there ? | [15:20] |
kakobrekla | fuck you. | [15:20] |
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kakobrekla | 30k | [15:20] |
kakobrekla | not much but eh | [15:21] |
mircea_popescu | "young entrepreneurs learning the business" heh. | [15:21] |
mircea_popescu | that's exactly what i[m talking about. | [15:21] |
mircea_popescu | "he's a young dentist learning dentistry". | [15:21] |
mircea_popescu | on your teeth motherfucker. this is okay. because most retards are tauight how to write and nothing else, then given internet access. | [15:22] |
Bugpowder | New Major Lazer out today. noice | [15:22] |
Namworld | Honestly, if someone is going to make an exchange or anything without much experience, make it clear BTC withdrawals will take a long time to process. Because there won't be a hotwallet. | [15:24] |
kakobrekla | i am talking fiat money here | [15:25] |
kakobrekla | the tx is 'pending confirmation' for days now | [15:25] |
kakobrekla | fuck you and give me my money | [15:25] |
Namworld | eh... that's no good either | [15:26] |
pgp | holding up fiat is just plain bad business... | [15:26] |
kakobrekla | Namworld the problem is | [15:26] |
kakobrekla | noone who is sane | [15:26] |
kakobrekla | would make fiat exchange | [15:26] |
kakobrekla | in the FIRST PLAE | [15:26] |
kakobrekla | PLACE | [15:26] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [15:26] |
pgp | BTC, expecially large amounts, i understand. Do you prefer convenience or security? | [15:27] |
pgp | bounce! | [15:27] |
pgp | got a little longer overnight - scale seller over 65 methinks | [15:28] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.83501 BTC [-] | [15:30] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.835 BTC [-] | [15:30] |
pgp | gox 24h volume at 547k... that's HUGE... | [15:31] |
unbalanced | ;;seen jurov | [15:32] |
gribble | jurov was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 hours, 2 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: |
[15:32] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 1.24999998 BTC [+] | [15:35] |
pgp | future fiat exchange will need blessing of govt and prolly a banking license to be truly succesful | [15:35] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1118 @ 0.00071387 = 0.7981 BTC [+] | [15:36] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6682 @ 0.00071 = 4.7442 BTC [-] | [15:36] |
pgp | friendly jurisdictions like panama, malta, gibralter, costa rica, even | [15:36] |
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error4733 | or just use ripple instead ! | [15:40] |
Bugpowder | pgp No lag = more trades | [15:40] |
BitHub | bitcoinmilf | [15:40] |
BitHub | scrat ? | [15:41] |
BitHub | let me know about teh asset | [15:41] |
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Namworld | 547k... impressive | [15:44] |
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deadweasel_work | are we going to bounce around this week and still return to 30$? | [15:44] |
deadweasel_work | or is 50 the bottom? | [15:45] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [15:46] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 59.00100, Best ask: 59.92000, Bid-ask spread: 0.91900, Last trade: 59.89000, 24 hour volume: 547666.44717794, 24 hour low: 50.01000, 24 hour high: 98.22700, 24 hour vwap: 68.89155 | [15:46] |
error4733 | ;;next | [15:47] |
gribble | 57-58 support | resistance: 70, 77, 85-88 | upper target in case of breakout mid-90s - 100 | highest targets 111-113 | updated by OneFixt at Apr 16 2013, 10:40 UTC ( tips: ) | disclaimer: | this is not investment or trading advice | #bitcoin-analysis | 2 hours, 7 minutes, and 48 seconds ago | [15:47] |
Namworld | I'd be surprised 50 is the bottom | [15:48] |
Namworld | Also I don't understand how this support/resistance is calculated... | [15:49] |
Namworld | This data looks dubious | [15:50] |
pgp | ;;bids 30 | [15:52] |
gribble | There are currently 130246.66 bitcoins demanded at or over 30.0 USD, worth 5550385.33549 USD in total. | Data vintage: 8.8607 seconds | [15:52] |
pgp | ;;bids 90 | [15:52] |
gribble | There are currently 0 bitcoins demanded at or over 90.0 USD, worth 0.0 USD in total. | Data vintage: 19.9924 seconds | [15:52] |
pgp | ;;asks 90 | [15:52] |
gribble | There are currently 51116.173 bitcoins offered at or under 90.0 USD, worth 3911649.1496 USD in total. | Data vintage: 32.4811 seconds | [15:52] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;ticker | [15:53] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 59.29001, Best ask: 59.66249, Bid-ask spread: 0.37248, Last trade: 59.66249, 24 hour volume: 547741.83685989, 24 hour low: 50.01000, 24 hour high: 98.22700, 24 hour vwap: 68.88007 | [15:53] |
ThickAsThieves | 50 isnt bottom | [15:53] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.47000001 = 1.41 BTC [-] | [15:55] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.47 = 0.94 BTC [-] | [15:55] |
pgp | ;;next | [15:55] |
gribble | 57-58 support | resistance: 70, 77, 85-88 | upper target in case of breakout mid-90s - 100 | highest targets 111-113 | updated by OneFixt at Apr 16 2013, 10:40 UTC ( tips: ) | disclaimer: | this is not investment or trading advice | #bitcoin-analysis | 2 hours, 15 minutes, and 16 seconds ago | [15:55] |
ThickAsThieves | 14 hours ago: There are currently 35974.547 bitcoins offered at or under 100.0 USD | [15:55] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;asks 100 | [15:55] |
gribble | There are currently 68671.866 bitcoins offered at or under 100.0 USD, worth 5613040.35424 USD in total. | Data vintage: 63.7432 seconds | [15:55] |
Bugpowder | deadweasel: I suspect we could bounce as high as 90 in the next few days, but also expect to see 30 or below sometime in the next 3 | [15:56] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.09001 BTC [-] | [15:56] |
Namworld | We've accumulated a nice 68k BTC asks under 100 USD/BTC. It keeps raising, bids keeps lowering. Looks like mostly people cashing out right now. | [15:56] |
Bugpowder | 3 months | [15:56] |
error4733 | ;;bids 49.9 | [15:56] |
gribble | There are currently 33142.458 bitcoins demanded at or over 49.9 USD, worth 1740332.85768 USD in total. | Data vintage: 89.1672 seconds | [15:56] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;market --sell 20000 | [15:56] |
gribble | A market order to sell 20000 bitcoins right now would net 1080445.3355 USD and would take the last price down to 51.0000 USD, resulting in an average price of 54.0223 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 115.8273 seconds | [15:56] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;market --sell 30000 | [15:56] |
gribble | A market order to sell 30000 bitcoins right now would net 1585346.9489 USD and would take the last price down to 50.0000 USD, resulting in an average price of 52.8449 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0009 seconds | [15:56] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.45 = 0.9 BTC [-] | [15:57] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.445 = 0.89 BTC [-] | [15:57] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.441 = 0.882 BTC [-] | [15:57] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.44 = 1.76 BTC [-] | [15:57] |
Bugpowder | similar level of bids were there when I went to bed | [15:57] |
deadweasel_work | Bugpowder: that follows previous bubble behavior, no? | [15:57] |
ThickAsThieves | so 50 would only be bottom if no one dodges falling price | [15:57] |
Bugpowder | got cleaned out then bounced to 66 in the space of 3 hours | [15:57] |
Namworld | yeah | [15:57] |
Bugpowder | deadweasel_work: yes. That's really the only thing I'm going on here. | [15:58] |
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error4733 | when you try to compare with 2011 bubble, dont forget MTgox hack ! less than a week after crash | [15:58] |
Bugpowder | true | [15:58] |
Bugpowder | well… get ready for a hack then! | [15:58] |
Bugpowder | :) | [15:58] |
Namworld | well we've had lots of bounce. People each time hoped for a quick rise back so they could sell their BTC they bought at a premium. | [15:58] |
ThickAsThieves | lol | [15:58] |
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Namworld | | [15:58] |
Namworld | Still looks strongly bearish | [15:58] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 1 @ 0.00195 BTC [-] | [15:59] |
ThickAsThieves | yep ADX also falls whenever buying increases | [15:59] |
pgp | i agree, though I think we could break out here to upper 60's | [16:00] |
pgp | then come back down | [16:00] |
Bugpowder | Trend is yo friend | [16:00] |
Bugpowder | when it was going up, buy the dips, buy calls | [16:00] |
Bugpowder | when its going down, wait it out, or take short term long positions on sharp selloffs, selling the bounce, if you must trade | [16:01] |
Namworld | yeah | [16:01] |
ThickAsThieves | we'll plateau or slight slope until buying/volume subsides, then dumping will resume | [16:02] |
Bugpowder | The beatings will continue until morale improves | [16:03] |
Scrat | ;;eightball will we stabilize | [16:03] |
gribble | What are you asking me for? | [16:03] |
* | DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [16:04] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;eightball Will we see 40 in less than 24 hours? | [16:04] |
gribble | NO. | [16:04] |
ThickAsThieves | :( | [16:04] |
Namworld | ;;eightball Will we see 40 USD/BTC in less than 24 hours? | [16:04] |
gribble | It is so. | [16:04] |
ThickAsThieves | oh it thought i meant something else | [16:05] |
Scrat | if I were filthy rich I'd make a bot that trades based on gribble's eightball, just for kicks | [16:05] |
ThickAsThieves | maybe age | [16:05] |
Namworld | He must have confused 40 for something else | [16:05] |
ThickAsThieves | :) | [16:05] |
ThickAsThieves | my birthday is soon, not 40 just yet | [16:05] |
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thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [16:06] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 59.89701, Best ask: 59.91000, Bid-ask spread: 0.01299, Last trade: 59.91000, 24 hour volume: 549138.33281102, 24 hour low: 50.01000, 24 hour high: 98.22700, 24 hour vwap: 68.83756 | [16:06] |
* | kmoneylongshanks (4b4b0bc3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:06] |
thestringpuller | ;;bc,24hprc | [16:06] |
gribble | 69.26 | [16:06] |
* | ColdHardMetal has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [16:06] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;gribble If you gave 3 wishes, could I wish for more wishes? | [16:06] |
gribble | yes I am gribble. why do you keep bothering me? | [16:06] |
ThickAsThieves | fine | [16:06] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;eightball If you gave 3 wishes, could I wish for more wishes? | [16:07] |
gribble | It is so. | [16:07] |
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error4733 | ;;eightball will satoshi come back ? | [16:09] |
gribble | Naturally. | [16:09] |
error4733 | ;;eightball will satoshi say it was a big joke ? | [16:09] |
gribble | The outlook is good. | [16:09] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 1.05000003 BTC [-] | [16:10] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8550 @ 0.00070758 = 6.0498 BTC [-] | [16:11] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6900 @ 0.0007028 = 4.8493 BTC [-] | [16:11] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1400 @ 0.0006965 = 0.9751 BTC [-] | [16:11] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2650 @ 0.00069512 = 1.8421 BTC [-] | [16:11] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 5 @ 0.09 = 0.45 BTC [-] | [16:11] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.07201 BTC [-] | [16:12] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [MININGCO.ETF] 1 @ 0.62 BTC [-] | [16:13] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 35 @ 0.06 = 2.1 BTC [-] | [16:13] |
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kmoneylongshanks | anyone heard anything from the people behind crypto trade? | [16:16] |
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ThickAsThieves | just that they like moving their open date | [16:18] |
Bugpowder | coinlab? | [16:18] |
Bugpowder | :) | [16:18] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5139 @ 0.00071387 = 3.6686 BTC [+] | [16:21] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 5 @ 0.00421 = 0.0211 BTC [+] | [16:23] |
pgp | upside breakout? | [16:26] |
Bugpowder | falling asleep over here TBH | [16:27] |
Bugpowder | lets see it hit 62 | [16:27] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [16:28] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 61.00102, Best ask: 61.69899, Bid-ask spread: 0.69797, Last trade: 61.00102, 24 hour volume: 552465.69282423, 24 hour low: 50.01000, 24 hour high: 98.22700, 24 hour vwap: 68.74805 | [16:28] |
* | Boydy_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [16:29] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 20 @ 0.00377 = 0.0754 BTC [-] | [16:32] |
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thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [16:38] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 61.49999, Best ask: 61.50000, Bid-ask spread: 0.00001, Last trade: 61.49999, 24 hour volume: 553160.98601480, 24 hour low: 50.01000, 24 hour high: 98.22700, 24 hour vwap: 68.72244 | [16:38] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 60 @ 0.0036 = 0.216 BTC [-] | [16:38] |
* | Guest00001 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:38] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [16:41] |
mircea_popescu | i wonder if he learns by it. | [16:41] |
pgp | all this 0.01 shit on the gox book is ridiculous... | [16:41] |
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* | Guest00001 is now known as error4733 | [16:41] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5087 @ 0.00071387 = 3.6315 BTC [+] | [16:44] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4312 @ 0.00071404 = 3.0789 BTC [+] | [16:45] |
ThickAsThieves | it speaks volumes | [16:45] |
ThickAsThieves | badoom | [16:45] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 0.88 = 4.4 BTC [+] | [16:46] |
ThickAsThieves |
[16:46] |
ThickAsThieves | avalon is unplugging units and shipping | [16:46] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.89999 BTC [+] | [16:46] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.89999 BTC [+] | [16:47] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 0.89999 = 2.7 BTC [+] | [16:47] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.851 BTC [-] | [16:49] |
mircea_popescu | ThickAsThieves interesting. | [16:49] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;nethash | [16:52] |
gribble | 65688.1558736 | [16:52] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1000 @ 0.01 = 10 BTC [+] | [16:54] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1060 @ 0.01 = 10.6 BTC [+] | [16:59] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.86 BTC [+] | [17:00] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.855 BTC [-] | [17:02] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.85 BTC [-] | [17:02] |
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Bugpowder | Rally looks great on the M1 | [17:03] |
Bugpowder | then I switch to M15 | [17:03] |
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pgp | 68 i sprolly top | [17:05] |
pgp | if it clearly 60's, there's a pretty good shot at upper 70's , i think | [17:06] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.83 BTC [-] | [17:07] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.8222 BTC [-] | [17:07] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 0.81003 = 4.0502 BTC [-] | [17:07] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 0.81002 = 4.0501 BTC [-] | [17:07] |
* | naemsi (~wanderwah@gateway/tor-sasl/wanderwah) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:07] |
Namworld | lol, who trades on M1? | [17:07] |
Namworld | I know I don't... | [17:07] |
Bugpowder | me | [17:08] |
Bugpowder | last night | [17:08] |
pgp | and me | [17:08] |
kakobrekla | scalpers | [17:08] |
pgp | there are cycles within cycles... | [17:08] |
pgp | c'mon | [17:09] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 1.15 BTC [+] | [17:10] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 1.15 BTC [+] | [17:11] |
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pgp | wow | [17:12] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 0.81 = 8.1 BTC [-] | [17:12] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 15 @ 0.8 = 12 BTC [-] | [17:12] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.8 = 1.6 BTC [-] | [17:12] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.792 BTC [-] | [17:15] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 12 @ 0.79101 = 9.4921 BTC [-] | [17:16] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 0.79101 = 2.373 BTC [-] | [17:18] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 30 @ 0.791 = 23.73 BTC [-] | [17:18] |
Namworld | these PUTs are pricey | [17:18] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 7 @ 0.790001 = 5.53 BTC [-] | [17:18] |
Namworld | anyone selling better priced PUTs? | [17:18] |
pgp | they are impossibly priced - all put > 1 by bot | [17:19] |
Namworld | yeah | [17:19] |
Namworld | although at half the strike value, they're worth 1 BTC already... | [17:19] |
Namworld | but still | [17:20] |
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Namworld | best puts are in the money at 32 USD/BTC | [17:21] |
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mircea_popescu | pgp 1 is a max for calls, it has no particular relaiton to puts. | [17:23] |
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thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [17:29] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 60.97661, Best ask: 61.50000, Bid-ask spread: 0.52339, Last trade: 61.84948, 24 hour volume: 562839.81439493, 24 hour low: 50.01000, 24 hour high: 97.69000, 24 hour vwap: 68.46823 | [17:29] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P050T] 5 @ 1.080704 = 5.4035 BTC [+] | [17:39] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00069802 = 3.4901 BTC [-] | [17:39] |
* | PsychoticBoy__ has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - | [17:40] |
pgp | $avg | [17:40] |
mpexbot | pgp: 68.88 | [17:40] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C062N] 3 @ 0.80630438 = 2.4189 BTC [+] | [17:41] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5600 @ 0.00069512 = 3.8927 BTC [-] | [17:46] |
jcpham | | [17:46] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8007 @ 0.00069311 = 5.5497 BTC [-] | [17:47] |
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ThickAsThieves | Bitcoin is a deadly pyramid scheme! | [17:48] |
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pgp | mp: i understand that puts can be > 1, but if you look at it from a USD perspective all the put are guranteed losers, right? | [17:49] |
mircea_popescu | how so ? | [17:50] |
pgp | am i right in assuming that O.USD.P050T is "best" put right now? | [17:50] |
mircea_popescu | well... what's a best put ? | [17:51] |
ThickAsThieves | the one with the lowest break even i suppose would be the "safest" | [17:51] |
pgp | lowest implied vol? just want to walk through an example | [17:51] |
ThickAsThieves | which would be somewhere around P074 | [17:52] |
mircea_popescu | ok, let's try the example then. [MPEX] [O.USD.P050T] 5 @ 1.080704 = 5.4035 BTC [+] | [17:52] |
mircea_popescu | if you atm have 5.4035 btc, their value is whatever, 300 bucks. | [17:52] |
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pgp | yes... | [17:52] |
ThickAsThieves | sry ignore me | [17:52] |
ThickAsThieves | was looking atcalls | [17:52] |
mircea_popescu | if you keep it as btc and btc goes to $6, you have 30 bucks. so from a fiat perspective lost 90% of your fortune. | [17:52] |
mircea_popescu | if you trade it for puts and btc goes to $6, you now have 44/6 * 5 = 35 btc or so. | [17:53] |
mircea_popescu | even if you count those at $6 each, it's hardly a loser compared to 30 bucks. | [17:53] |
ThickAsThieves | best put atm is 89 | [17:54] |
pgp | 35 BTC * 6 = $210 | [17:54] |
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pgp | I started with $300 | [17:54] |
pgp | no way to win in fiat terms | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | yes well, you didn't. you started with 5 btc. | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | the easy way to get 300 is to sell out. | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | basically the bot is of the opinion BTC is fucked, | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | on the strength of what it saw in the charts. | [17:56] |
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mircea_popescu | this is something we've been discussing at length yest i thought ? | [17:56] |
pgp | look at the trade in the sense that I start in fiat and end in fiat - guaranteed loser | [17:56] |
* | Bugpowder (cef100f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:56] |
ThickAsThieves | no puts or calls are really worth it atm | [17:56] |
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mircea_popescu | as far as the bot is concerned, bitcoin is a dead horse it would seem. | [17:56] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 2 @ 0.00063 = 0.0013 BTC [+] | [17:57] |
mircea_popescu | that was the entire point of yest's convo | [17:57] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 8 @ 0.00062 = 0.005 BTC [-] | [17:57] |
ThickAsThieves | bit is scurred | [17:57] |
pgp | if we used your prices, converted to USD and computed like convention option in USD, all puts are guaranteed losers... | [17:57] |
ThickAsThieves | bot* | [17:57] |
ThickAsThieves | so sell btc instead | [17:57] |
ThickAsThieves | bot does not want out business | [17:57] |
ThickAsThieves | our* | [17:58] |
mircea_popescu | more like "nothing that goes from 20 to 260 and then down to 60 has a future" | [17:58] |
mircea_popescu | which, on the strength of that alone, i find difficult to contest | [17:59] |
ThickAsThieves | meh | [17:59] |
mircea_popescu | and the bot only sees graphs, charts and so forth. | [17:59] |
* | SMSM has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [17:59] |
ThickAsThieves | a little obtuse imo | [17:59] |
mircea_popescu | it doesn't make judgements as of technology etc. | [17:59] |
mircea_popescu | well ofcourse. it's a bot after all. | [17:59] |
ThickAsThieves | it could still be making money | [17:59] |
ThickAsThieves | if it was smarter | [18:00] |
* | SM_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [18:00] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 15 @ 0.0042 = 0.063 BTC [+] | [18:00] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 14 @ 0.00421 = 0.0589 BTC [+] | [18:01] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 157 @ 0.004285 = 0.6727 BTC [+] | [18:01] |
ThickAsThieves | bot is an instrument in the volatility game, yet goes to bed when things get volatile | [18:02] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 52 @ 0.004287 = 0.2229 BTC [+] | [18:02] |
mircea_popescu | yes. just like the guy on first base is an instrument in the game of baseball | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | yet he leaves the field once somebody takes out a machete. | [18:03] |
ThickAsThieves | lol | [18:03] |
jborkl | micrea_popescu can you clear a deposit | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | one of the key factors eveeryone has to consider when promoting idiocy, | [18:03] |
ThickAsThieves | is machetes | [18:04] |
mircea_popescu | whether it's pirate idiocy like gigavps did, or price idiocy like keiser & co did, or simple technical idiocy like pushing tradehill or coinbase etc : | [18:04] |
mircea_popescu | as stupidity is promoted, sense simply leaves. | [18:04] |
ThickAsThieves | like you said, we already discussed this, so I shouldnt beat the dead horse, but in the end the bot is flawed | [18:05] |
ThickAsThieves | not a horrible crime | [18:06] |
* | guruvan wonders if the bot is flawed or smart | [18:06] |
mircea_popescu | im not terivbly sure it's flawed. | [18:06] |
mircea_popescu | we are looking into it, but overall it's a difficult argument. | [18:06] |
* | joecool (~joecool@no-sources/joecool) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:06] |
mircea_popescu | anwyay. deposits flushed. | [18:07] |
guruvan | I wouldn't let most any of my own automated trader bots trade in this market | [18:07] |
* | SMSM ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:07] |
mircea_popescu | the chief idea here is that mechanisms that exist to make this a market, and serious, and worth money, and respectable, | [18:07] |
mircea_popescu | can be wrecked by people being idiots. | [18:07] |
* | Guest00001 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:07] |
mircea_popescu | inasmuch as people behave idiotically they have not the right to functioning mechanisms, nor are entitled to actual service. | [18:08] |
guruvan | swing machetes made of USD around wildly in the air | [18:08] |
* | error4733 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [18:08] |
* | Guest00001 is now known as error4733 | [18:08] |
mircea_popescu | i guess the one most bitter lesson btc will force down people's throats is that elusive personal responsibility thing. | [18:09] |
mircea_popescu | that conservatives always roil about and socialists keep pretending to have never quite heard of. | [18:09] |
ThickAsThieves | didnt know the bot was so political | [18:09] |
guruvan | maybe the bot should tweet | [18:10] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [18:10] |
mircea_popescu | nature of the world is political sadly. | [18:10] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P059T] 90 @ 0.2 = 18 BTC | [18:13] |
* | kmoneylongshanks has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [18:13] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P059T] 18 @ 0.2 = 3.6 BTC | [18:17] |
* | alex12 has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | [18:18] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.861 BTC [+] | [18:19] |
* | Bugpowder has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [18:19] |
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* | IronSalad (42b8be12@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:23] |
kakobrekla | 17:22.30 ( coinmaster ) [MtGox] BTC 66.920 USD (-1.280 USD) | [18:25] |
kakobrekla | 17:22.34 ( coinmaster ) [Stamp] BTC 74.780 USD (+0.780 USD) | [18:25] |
kakobrekla | lulz | [18:25] |
* | CyrusV is now known as CyrusAFK | [18:26] |
kakobrekla | /rally -on | [18:26] |
kakobrekla | !r CyrusAFK | [18:26] |
mircea_popescu | | [18:28] |
kakobrekla | well | [18:28] |
kakobrekla | we have some buying happening | [18:28] |
kakobrekla | 76 | [18:28] |
kakobrekla | 77 | [18:28] |
kakobrekla | lmao | [18:28] |
kakobrekla | 78 | [18:28] |
ThickAsThieves | hold for my deposits plzzzzz | [18:28] |
kakobrekla | someone wanted 10k btc | [18:29] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.80101 BTC [-] | [18:29] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.801 BTC [-] | [18:29] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 0.790301 = 3.9515 BTC [-] | [18:29] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.7903 = 1.5806 BTC [-] | [18:29] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.7903 = 1.5806 BTC [-] | [18:29] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 0.790233 = 2.3707 BTC [-] | [18:29] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 0.790202 = 3.951 BTC [-] | [18:29] |
* | unkown247 (~lover@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:30] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.7902 BTC [-] | [18:30] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 0.7901 = 3.9505 BTC [-] | [18:30] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 0.79 = 7.11 BTC [-] | [18:30] |
ThickAsThieves | so everything's back to normal! | [18:30] |
ThickAsThieves | buy buy buy ;) | [18:31] |
ThickAsThieves | lag is back? | [18:31] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;goxlag | [18:31] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 8.284369 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.0166017827196 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin one full loop along the orbit of the Moon around Earth (0.016 AU). | [18:31] |
ThickAsThieves | got pizza on the processor again | [18:32] |
* | ThickAsThieves puts on his tinfoil hat | [18:33] |
ThickAsThieves | So now they freez at high price | [18:33] |
ThickAsThieves | to influence markets | [18:33] |
ThickAsThieves | to buy | [18:33] |
ThickAsThieves | for another big dump | [18:33] |
* | wences ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:33] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;goxlag | [18:33] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 2.067305 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.0041428560733 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from Jupiter to its third largest moon, Io (0.002819 AU). | [18:33] |
* | micky__ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:34] |
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bgupta | ddos? | [18:34] |
joecool | quality | [18:34] |
bgupta | feels ddos-like since sites other mtgox are acting wonky | [18:34] |
joecool | that's the upgraded hardware | [18:34] |
joecool | doing its job | [18:34] |
pgp | and back down again | [18:34] |
bgupta | other than mtgox | [18:34] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [18:35] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 71.13370, Best ask: 71.19999, Bid-ask spread: 0.06629, Last trade: 71.30500, 24 hour volume: 599982.61592459, 24 hour low: 50.01000, 24 hour high: 96.41990, 24 hour vwap: 68.47706 | [18:35] |
* | micky_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [18:35] |
ThickAsThieves | burnside wake up! | [18:36] |
* | toffoo (~tof@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:36] |
* | wences has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [18:37] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1551 BTC [+] | [18:39] |
* | Diablo-D3 (~diablo@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:41] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P059T] 4 @ 0.2 = 0.8 BTC | [18:42] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P059T] 1 @ 0.2 BTC | [18:44] |
* | micky__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [18:45] |
* | micky_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:46] |
* | micky_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [18:50] |
pizzaman1337 | ;;ticker | [18:51] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 77.00000, Best ask: 77.19000, Bid-ask spread: 0.19000, Last trade: 77.00000, 24 hour volume: 604694.37166289, 24 hour low: 50.01000, 24 hour high: 96.35000, 24 hour vwap: 68.48964 | [18:51] |
* | LainZ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:52] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 2000 @ 0.00365 = 7.3 BTC [+] | [18:57] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1000 @ 0.00365001 = 3.65 BTC [+] | [18:57] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1000 @ 0.00355003 = 3.55 BTC [-] | [18:57] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P059T] 15 @ 0.2 = 3 BTC | [18:58] |
KRS-1 | looking much better | [18:58] |
* | Simon__ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:58] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P059T] 3 @ 0.2 = 0.6 BTC | [18:59] |
* | Boydy has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [19:05] |
pgp | 24h volume is 614k on gox - my, my, that's a lot of coin | [19:06] |
* | damientrog has quit (Quit: damientrog) | [19:08] |
* | wences ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:09] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.14399 BTC [-] | [19:13] |
* | maradona ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:15] |
Namworld | pgp: I have traded over 2500 BTC on ~250 BTC... | [19:15] |
Namworld | 614k is probably less than actual BTC traded, probably a good chunk of back and forth | [19:16] |
* | unkown247 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [19:16] |
Namworld | Fortunately... | [19:16] |
* | Guest85732 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:17] |
* | SMSM has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [19:17] |
* | tk993 has quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- Po-ta-to, boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.) | [19:17] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 4 @ 0.43 = 1.72 BTC [+] | [19:18] |
error4733 | ;;next | [19:19] |
gribble | 57-58 support | resistance: 70, 77, 85-88 | upper target in case of breakout mid-90s - 100 | highest targets 111-113 | updated by OneFixt at Apr 16 2013, 10:40 UTC ( tips: ) | disclaimer: | this is not investment or trading advice | #bitcoin-analysis | 5 hours, 39 minutes, and 17 seconds ago | [19:19] |
Namworld | ... | [19:21] |
* | deyyo has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | [19:22] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.14399 BTC [-] | [19:23] |
* | error4733 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [19:23] |
* | error4733 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:24] |
Diablo-D3 | ;;next | [19:24] |
gribble | 57-58 support | resistance: 70, 77, 85-88 | upper target in case of breakout mid-90s - 100 | highest targets 111-113 | updated by OneFixt at Apr 16 2013, 10:40 UTC ( tips: ) | disclaimer: | this is not investment or trading advice | #bitcoin-analysis | 5 hours, 44 minutes, and 6 seconds ago | [19:24] |
Diablo-D3 | oh nice | [19:24] |
kakobrekla | this is not nice | [19:24] |
kakobrekla | you are not polite | [19:24] |
kakobrekla | behave. | [19:24] |
jurov | ;;ticker | [19:24] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 75.00000, Best ask: 75.20000, Bid-ask spread: 0.20000, Last trade: 75.00000, 24 hour volume: 619256.52243863, 24 hour low: 50.01000, 24 hour high: 95.99999, 24 hour vwap: 68.57269 | [19:24] |
jurov | 95? when? | [19:25] |
kakobrekla | yesterday | [19:25] |
Namworld | yeah | [19:25] |
* | SMSM ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:26] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.14399 BTC [-] | [19:27] |
* | Doffx ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:27] |
jcpham | | [19:27] |
jcpham | more blog | [19:27] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 2112 @ 0.0036 = 7.6032 BTC [+] | [19:28] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1000 @ 0.00350001 = 3.5 BTC [-] | [19:28] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P059T] 13 @ 0.2 = 2.6 BTC | [19:29] |
* | olive_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:30] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.15 BTC [+] | [19:31] |
kakobrekla | hm | [19:31] |
kakobrekla | i just switched that video to 2.30 or smth | [19:31] |
* | alex12 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [19:31] |
kakobrekla | whats that garbage | [19:31] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P059T] 2 @ 0.2 = 0.4 BTC | [19:32] |
kakobrekla | failing to imitate outcast | [19:32] |
jcpham | cats in heat murdering each other | [19:32] |
joecool | HIV | [19:32] |
jcpham | marvin gaye after that | [19:32] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.14 BTC [-] | [19:32] |
error4733 | ;;asks 89.9 | [19:33] |
gribble | There are currently 28254.964 bitcoins offered at or under 89.9 USD, worth 2384060.18064 USD in total. | Data vintage: 34.7650 seconds | [19:33] |
KRS-1 | ;;bids 80 | [19:33] |
gribble | There are currently 0 bitcoins demanded at or over 80.0 USD, worth 0.0 USD in total. | Data vintage: 46.6460 seconds | [19:33] |
* | alex12 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:33] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1000 @ 0.00340001 = 3.4 BTC [-] | [19:34] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P059T] 4 @ 0.2 = 0.8 BTC | [19:35] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3740 @ 0.00069482 = 2.5986 BTC [+] | [19:37] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.14001 BTC [-] | [19:37] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.14 BTC [-] | [19:37] |
* | olive_ has quit (Quit: olive_) | [19:38] |
* | Bugpowder (cef100f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:41] |
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* | farfi has quit () | [19:42] |
Scrat | ;;ticker --vol | [19:44] |
gribble | 625728.90077261 | [19:44] |
Scrat | sick | [19:44] |
error4733 | ;;asks 89.9 | [19:45] |
gribble | There are currently 24685.39 bitcoins offered at or under 89.9 USD, worth 2107078.45197 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0031 seconds | [19:45] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;ticker | [19:46] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 80.25100, Best ask: 80.44815, Bid-ask spread: 0.19715, Last trade: 80.44815, 24 hour volume: 629746.79613590, 24 hour low: 50.01000, 24 hour high: 95.90000, 24 hour vwap: 68.70007 | [19:46] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;next | [19:47] |
gribble | 57-58 support | resistance: 70, 77, 85-88 | upper target in case of breakout mid-90s - 100 | highest targets 111-113 | updated by OneFixt at Apr 16 2013, 10:40 UTC ( tips: ) | disclaimer: | this is not investment or trading advice | #bitcoin-analysis | 6 hours, 7 minutes, and 6 seconds ago | [19:47] |
error4733 | ;;eightball 90$ today ? | [19:47] |
gribble | The answer is def-- oooh! shiny thing! | [19:47] |
Bugpowder | it was just a temporary setback guys | [19:48] |
Bugpowder | moving ALL IN | [19:48] |
Namworld | ;;eightball Will price go down to 40 USD/BTC today? | [19:48] |
gribble | The answer is certainly yes. | [19:48] |
error4733 | go home eightball u'r drunk | [19:49] |
error4733 | still 70% cashed out bug ? | [19:50] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [19:50] |
Bugpowder | nope | [19:50] |
Bugpowder | 100% | [19:50] |
Bugpowder | actually | [19:50] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.17999 BTC [+] | [19:50] |
Namworld | 100% cashed out... sounds like me | [19:50] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 2 @ 0.18 = 0.36 BTC [+] | [19:50] |
Bugpowder | need to cash out the proceeds from the call sales | [19:50] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.1885 BTC [+] | [19:51] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 6 @ 0.19 = 1.14 BTC [+] | [19:51] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 100 @ 0.19 = 19 BTC [+] | [19:51] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.37 = 3.7 BTC [+] | [19:52] |
kakobrekla | you are moving in at 80? | [19:52] |
error4733 | he wait for 30 | [19:52] |
kakobrekla | 18:48.24 ( Bugpowder ) moving ALL IN | [19:52] |
Bugpowder | joking | [19:52] |
Bugpowder | sorry | [19:52] |
kakobrekla | well i wouldnt be suprised tbh | [19:53] |
error4733 | ;;asks 89.9 | [19:53] |
Bugpowder | hee hee | [19:53] |
gribble | There are currently 20219.645 bitcoins offered at or under 89.9 USD, worth 1753446.30424 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0031 seconds | [19:53] |
Bugpowder | I just wish I hadn't sold what I picked up at 52 and 51 last night | [19:53] |
* | olive_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:53] |
Bugpowder | good trade needs good entry, check, good exit, FAIL. | [19:54] |
kakobrekla | exit is the bigger part of the trade | [19:54] |
* | alex12 has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | [19:55] |
error4733 | ;;goxlag | [19:55] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 18.6353 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.0373449325488 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin ten times between Earth and Moon (0.0257 AU). | [19:55] |
* | alex12 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:57] |
* | beetlebee has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [19:58] |
Bugpowder | OK. Final Ponzi Plot update. Future updates will start from $1 again. | [20:01] |
Bugpowder | | [20:01] |
* | louong ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:02] |
* | olive_ has quit (Quit: olive_) | [20:02] |
Bugpowder | dope track | [20:03] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4000 @ 0.00069482 = 2.7793 BTC [+] | [20:03] |
mircea_popescu | | [20:05] |
mircea_popescu | there's a bunch of people looking to verbally invest into btc | [20:05] |
Bugpowder | lol | [20:05] |
mircea_popescu | i'm getting a few dozen a week by now. | [20:05] |
mircea_popescu | i wonder what's the headcount of bullshit artists at today. 4bn ? 7bn ? | [20:05] |
Bugpowder | You know what's cooler than claiming a $100,000 investment in BTC? Claiming a $10,000,000 investment. | [20:07] |
* | wences has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [20:07] |
mircea_popescu | you know what's more idiotic than claiming you're a millionaire while begging for free pizza ? | [20:07] |
Bugpowder | no imagination these days. | [20:08] |
Bugpowder | gotta think big peopel! | [20:08] |
kakobrekla | i think some became millionaries by begging for free pizzas | [20:09] |
error4733 | some became millionaries with 2 pizzas | [20:10] |
* | wences ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:10] |
kakobrekla | yeah mp you really should have picked a different dish | [20:10] |
kakobrekla | pizzas have implications. | [20:11] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [20:11] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 74.20000, Best ask: 74.38000, Bid-ask spread: 0.18000, Last trade: 75.00000, 24 hour volume: 643361.01494130, 24 hour low: 50.01000, 24 hour high: 94.67089, 24 hour vwap: 68.78895 | [20:11] |
Bugpowder | One of the more exciting moments from last night... | [20:11] |
mircea_popescu | kakobrekla they do ?! what ? | [20:11] |
mircea_popescu | o nm lol. | [20:11] |
mircea_popescu | yeah. baklava. | [20:11] |
* | olive_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:12] |
kakobrekla | yeah i pasted a link to the book when it was showing that | [20:12] |
kakobrekla | but dub said 'wut' | [20:12] |
Bugpowder | yes and I capped it | [20:13] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 1 @ 0.00065 BTC [-] | [20:14] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 200 @ 0.00064 = 0.128 BTC [-] | [20:14] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 5 @ 0.00063 = 0.0032 BTC [-] | [20:14] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 40 @ 0.00062 = 0.0248 BTC [-] | [20:14] |
kakobrekla | >> | [20:14] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 250 @ 0.00061 = 0.1525 BTC [-] | [20:14] |
kakobrekla | did you name it LOTO ? | [20:14] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 20 @ 0.000609 = 0.0122 BTC [-] | [20:15] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 1 @ 0.000608 BTC [-] | [20:15] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 726 @ 0.000608 = 0.4414 BTC [-] | [20:15] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 99 @ 0.000607 = 0.0601 BTC [-] | [20:15] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 4 @ 0.0006 = 0.0024 BTC [-] | [20:15] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 200 @ 0.0006 = 0.12 BTC [-] | [20:15] |
mircea_popescu | there goes the 50-100k investment ;/ | [20:15] |
* | olive_ has quit (Client Quit) | [20:15] |
Bugpowder | nope | [20:15] |
kakobrekla | cause it was a lottery | [20:15] |
Bugpowder | its the new YOLO | [20:16] |
kakobrekla | hehe | [20:16] |
* | micky ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:17] |
Bugpowder | 646,000 BTC / 24hr | [20:18] |
Bugpowder | just keeps rising | [20:18] |
kakobrekla | good sign i guess | [20:18] |
Bugpowder | lack of lag is nice | [20:19] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 1 @ 0.00058 BTC [-] | [20:19] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 3725 @ 0.000566 = 2.1084 BTC [-] | [20:19] |
jcpham | my wife just brought me a sandwich and walked out | [20:20] |
Bugpowder | I wonder how much added liquidity is a result of the reduced fees from couting all the volume during the free trade period towards current fee schedule. | [20:20] |
Scrat | jcpham: sounds like a good wife | [20:20] |
jcpham | i'm speechless | [20:20] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 16 @ 0.003811 = 0.061 BTC [-] | [20:20] |
kakobrekla | jcpham you need to start with domestication early | [20:20] |
kakobrekla | thats is the trick | [20:20] |
Scrat | it's just the whales playing with each other | [20:21] |
Scrat | they will get bored | [20:21] |
jcpham | it has bacon on it too | [20:21] |
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error4733 | she know you have hard time | [20:21] |
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kakobrekla | theyll get borred and go back fapping sdice | [20:21] |
Scrat | the bugpowdery whales | [20:21] |
deadweasel_work | well you already married her, all you can do now is eat your sandwich | [20:21] |
jcpham | ikr | [20:21] |
jcpham | need to do something for her | [20:22] |
kakobrekla | return empty plate? | [20:22] |
jcpham | perfect plan! | [20:22] |
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error4733 | ask for a second round, best compliment ever | [20:22] |
deadweasel_work | just tell her you love her and don't dutch oven her. that should be good for a while. | [20:22] |
Scrat | "blow me while i day trade honey" | [20:23] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.837 = 1.674 BTC [+] | [20:23] |
mircea_popescu | so is jcpham dead from cyanide poisoning yet ? | [20:23] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6750 @ 0.0006891 = 4.6514 BTC [-] | [20:23] |
error4733 | did she ask how reddem a private key yesterday ? | [20:24] |
unbalanced | Bugpowder, what's the red USD scale in that last plot? USD/BTC? Thousands? I think I get the blue scale. | [20:24] |
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jcpham | sadly she knows the passphrase to my wallet | [20:24] |
Bugpowder | fold gain in $ terms | [20:25] |
jcpham | ...if only she knew how to mount an encrypted truecrypt container | [20:25] |
error4733 | so its 5 letter max ! sounds a bad passphrase ! | [20:25] |
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bitesak | ;;bids 0 | [20:27] |
gribble | There are currently 52749739 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 12462919.8992 USD in total. | Data vintage: 17.3470 seconds | [20:27] |
error4733 | 16M$ yesterday :/ sick sick | [20:27] |
Bugpowder | 10M early this morning | [20:28] |
unbalanced | Ah, it was just the $ on the axis labels throwing me off. | [20:28] |
Bugpowder | I'm losing faith in the predictive power of this indicator | [20:28] |
kakobrekla | there is a lot of noise | [20:29] |
unbalanced | So the plot ends at 25x in USD terms, 3x in BTC terms. That'll do, pig. That'll do. | [20:30] |
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Bugpowder | it sounds so small when you say it like that | [20:31] |
unbalanced | (Has anyone seen the movie "Babe"? No?) | [20:31] |
Bugpowder | the talking pig movie? | [20:32] |
Bugpowder | no | [20:32] |
unbalanced | File it under famous movie understatements. | [20:32] |
unbalanced | The pig saves the farm, incredible achievements transpire, and the perpetually grumpy farmer finally says something positive. | [20:32] |
unbalanced | | [20:33] |
kakobrekla | lol | [20:34] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.51 = 1.02 BTC [+] | [20:37] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.19499 BTC [+] | [20:37] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 113 @ 0.195 = 22.035 BTC [+] | [20:37] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 0.80599 = 8.0599 BTC [-] | [20:44] |
jcpham | | [20:44] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.805 BTC [-] | [20:44] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.801 BTC [-] | [20:44] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.801 BTC [-] | [20:44] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 20 @ 0.791 = 15.82 BTC [-] | [20:44] |
Scrat | binary bets :/ | [20:45] |
pgp | binany options is like satoshi dice... negative EV | [20:47] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.19899 BTC [+] | [20:50] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.15001 BTC [-] | [20:50] |
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Bugpowder | Back to 70 | [20:52] |
mircea_popescu | well pretty much every scam has to be tried out at least once | [20:52] |
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Bugpowder | did u see the million dollar bitcoin homepage | [20:53] |
Bugpowder | ? | [20:53] |
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deadweasel_work | lol, just read again. "- don’t slap yourself [in public] (yes you DeadWeasel), it’s spammy" | [20:56] |
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pgp | thinking about getting long? | [20:57] |
kakobrekla | us only | [20:57] |
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mircea_popescu | Bugpowder the million dollar bitycoin ? or the bitbillion ? | [20:58] |
mircea_popescu | or bitmillions or w/e the fuck ? thye kinda run together by now | [20:58] |
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Bugpowder | | [20:59] |
Bugpowder | The faq is pretty embarrassing... suprised he hasn't taken it down yet. | [20:59] |
Bugpowder | Filling up fast. | [20:59] |
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mircea_popescu | heh. is this a buttcoin parody ? | [21:01] |
kakobrekla | i bought it all and painted gray | [21:01] |
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mircea_popescu | "14.04.2013 | [21:01] |
mircea_popescu | Website Traffic | [21:01] |
mircea_popescu | The site traffic is growing every day! Today almost 1,000 uniques and counting. Be the first to pick up your spot on the homepage. Prime time to pick the best spots =)" | [21:01] |
deyyo | lol at the faq….that is so retarded | [21:02] |
Bugpowder | he should seed the page with some fake ads | [21:03] |
Bugpowder | put an mpex and mtgox ad on there | [21:03] |
Bugpowder | give it some cred | [21:03] |
mircea_popescu | he did ?! | [21:03] |
mircea_popescu | Available: 1,000,000 Busy: 0 | [21:04] |
mircea_popescu | where ? | [21:04] |
kakobrekla | im just trying to see how much it costs to write fuck you there but its expecive as shit | [21:04] |
Bugpowder | he should | [21:04] |
Bugpowder | not clever enough | [21:04] |
jcpham | | [21:05] |
jcpham | I WIN | [21:05] |
Bugpowder | the street musician ALWAYS has some money in the hat | [21:05] |
mircea_popescu | he's not smart enough to make a buck busking | [21:05] |
mircea_popescu | hence why he's on the internet. | [21:05] |
mircea_popescu | also, 100 dollars per pixel ? what's this to do with bitcoins. | [21:06] |
jcpham | shrug i got bored of drawing dicks | [21:06] |
jcpham | doesn't minesweeper for shit | [21:07] |
joecool | 8======>~~~~~~~~ | [21:07] |
jcpham | never found a single mine | [21:07] |
kakobrekla | lol | [21:07] |
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mircea_popescu | lol | [21:07] |
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mircea_popescu | thats because you're so good at it. | [21:08] |
jcpham | drawing dicks or playing minesweeper ;)? | [21:08] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 1.71 = 5.13 BTC [+] | [21:09] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.70000001 BTC [-] | [21:09] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 5 @ 1.7 = 8.5 BTC [-] | [21:09] |
mircea_popescu | yea | [21:09] |
kakobrekla | finding dick patterns in the freemine zone | [21:09] |
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joecool | that's a minesweeping tactic | [21:09] |
jcpham | here's a funny story | [21:09] |
jcpham | this one time i was sitting around this campfire | [21:10] |
joecool | the dicks i mean | [21:10] |
jcpham | this 12 year old kid blurts out | [21:10] |
jcpham | "that fire looks like satan's penis!" | [21:10] |
jcpham | i say | [21:10] |
jcpham | "excuse me, were you thinking about dicks just now?" | [21:10] |
jcpham | everyone laughs at kid | [21:10] |
pgp | kid commits suicide... | [21:11] |
jcpham | yeah... | [21:11] |
jcpham | poor guy was broken in front of his peers | [21:11] |
Diablo-D3 | the only proper response to that is "I was thinking how your mom fits mine perfectly" | [21:13] |
pgp | only response | [21:13] |
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mircea_popescu | that awkward moment when you're watching a vid of some girls going down some stairs and exlaim "wait a second, this is that hotel in belgrade" | [21:16] |
mircea_popescu | only to immediately realise that a. yes it is, b. they're getting banged and c. that's actually when you were there. | [21:17] |
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mircea_popescu | worse than satan penis. now people think i'm going senile. | [21:17] |
jurov | how does that follow? | [21:17] |
jurov | you forgot you filmed them? | [21:18] |
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mircea_popescu | i didn't film it | [21:19] |
mircea_popescu | i was just there in case they needed money to replace destroyed underwear etc. | [21:19] |
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joecool | sounds reasonable | [21:20] |
deadweasel_work | my underwear is in tatters: 1GdtkZzhZTzBssUq6bnE27cz4rv5SJ4sr5 | [21:21] |
mircea_popescu | must have proof first miss. | [21:21] |
jurov | deadweasel you whore, how is my job? | [21:22] |
deadweasel_work | it's in the queue. | [21:23] |
jurov | don't tell me you fapped hard and spranied wrist again :) | [21:23] |
mircea_popescu | this time he was tryhing something new | [21:23] |
mircea_popescu | and sprained his thumb | [21:23] |
deadweasel_work | new AND exciting! | [21:24] |
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mircea_popescu | "This is not the case here. Paying the 30BTC doesn’t mean that other people can then trade via me and I will be able to earn commissions from their trades." | [21:27] |
mircea_popescu | according to new research. | [21:28] |
jurov | where? i so want to troll them that i paid for special broker license | [21:29] |
mircea_popescu | on trilema | [21:29] |
mircea_popescu | people have found the article where some doods who explain how $600 is way too much are being hammered, and want to add their own "$3000 is too much" contributions. | [21:30] |
mircea_popescu | basically the internet is this place where funny just grows. like a sort of agar for humor. | [21:30] |
KRS-1 | or fungus | [21:31] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5060 @ 0.00069482 = 3.5158 BTC [+] | [21:32] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1315 @ 0.00069802 = 0.9179 BTC [+] | [21:32] |
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jurov | Yes, you’re correct. For reselling MPEx account, you need special broker license from exclusive reseller such as To obtain it, please send 99 BTC to CoinBr662GWdiqVz8mXJUnYjWZbBchKAb . | [21:33] |
jurov | ftw | [21:33] |
mircea_popescu | no 1 ? | [21:33] |
mircea_popescu | you started your own scamcoin ? | [21:33] |
jurov | no, just issuing mpex broker licenses | [21:34] |
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jurov | lets see what happens nao | [21:34] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 0 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.0 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin ... nowhere, really (0 AU). | [21:34] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 69.22100, Best ask: 69.98000, Bid-ask spread: 0.75900, Last trade: 69.22100, 24 hour volume: 657938.34800807, 24 hour low: 50.01000, 24 hour high: 93.00998, 24 hour vwap: 68.33931 | [21:34] |
deadweasel_work | don't forget the monthly upkeep fee. | [21:35] |
jurov | that's there, in fine print | [21:35] |
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mircea_popescu | i wonder if the two are the same one guy. | [21:39] |
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jborkl | holy shit, you see unconfirmed transactions | [21:45] |
jborkl | 5674 | [21:45] |
jborkl | well a block just went through, still over 5000 | [21:46] |
mircea_popescu | yeah. | [21:46] |
Bugpowder | I see 962 | [21:46] |
jborkl | well, it just randomly changed for me also, now at 1100 | [21:48] |
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jborkl | back to showing 5300 | [21:49] |
Scrat | ahahah | [21:49] |
Scrat | ;;title | [21:49] |
gribble | Keiser Report: Magic of Bitcoin Gathering (E432) - YouTube | [21:49] |
Bugpowder | not for me | [21:50] |
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kakobrekla | is this a parody on MTG? | [21:50] |
Bugpowder | Wow. I never actually watched Max. He really looks and sounds like a troll. | [21:50] |
Bugpowder | like a real troll | [21:51] |
Scrat | you never know with max keiser | [21:51] |
Scrat | poe's law applies | [21:51] |
joecool | lol for real | [21:51] |
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joecool | i wonder if he lives under a bridge, i notice there's a bridge in the background behind him | [21:51] |
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jcpham | who's got a bridge for sale? | [21:52] |
kakobrekla | no cause he sold his coins in time :) | [21:52] |
jcpham | pretty sure keiser pumped and dumped already | [21:53] |
jcpham | can't listen to him anymore | [21:53] |
Namworld | Selling bridge! Only 200000 BTC! | [21:53] |
deyyo | i couldn't watch him for more than 10 seconds... | [21:53] |
Namworld | Yeah, I'm sure he sold near the top | [21:53] |
deyyo | he just looks and sounds retarded | [21:53] |
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Scrat | i have overlayed gollum on max keiser | [21:54] |
Scrat | proportions match perfectly | [21:54] |
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Namworld | He looks like gollum, but with more hairs and not yet as skinny | [21:55] |
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error4733 | some of you already bought something on bitmit ? | [21:55] |
kakobrekla | its still better than half of the shit you find outthere about bitcoin | [21:55] |
error4733 | i need btc on my account before bidding or i can fill my account after & pay ? | [21:56] |
Bugpowder | hmmm... gox is over 80% | [21:56] |
Bugpowder | I thought lower | [21:57] |
Namworld | Scrat, maybe if Bitcoins dies one day, when all BTC are lost to lost keys, he'll have the last cascacius coin, the last bitcoin, saying "My Precious" | [21:58] |
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pgp | "krugman is a complete bimbo" | [21:59] |
kakobrekla | o lloky bitpay guy in the keiser show | [22:00] |
kakobrekla | looky* | [22:00] |
kakobrekla | he is everywhere | [22:00] |
Scrat | Namworld :'( | [22:00] |
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deadweasel_work | scrat, link us to gollum keiser? | [22:01] |
kakobrekla | $vwap | [22:01] |
mpexbot | kakobrekla: | [22:01] |
Scrat | sorry I exited photoshop in disgust | [22:01] |
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Scrat | mtgox x232 3,021.3251 @ 68.73813904 USD | [22:04] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.51499989 BTC [+] | [22:08] |
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kakobrekla | also wtf "even if you were to take over the network people would see it comming....... you cant fllip a switch and take 51% of the network" | [22:13] |
kakobrekla | is he retarded? | [22:13] |
kakobrekla | srsly | [22:13] |
kakobrekla | even the big stars get it wrong | [22:14] |
kakobrekla | fucked | [22:14] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 1 @ 0.000699 BTC [+] | [22:15] |
pgp | that is not what prisoners dilemma is all about - is it? | [22:16] |
mircea_popescu | kakobrekla who;s rthat ? | [22:16] |
mircea_popescu | sounds a lot like the internet is not like a truck argument. | [22:16] |
kakobrekla | the bitpay dude | [22:16] |
kakobrekla | on the keiser show | [22:16] |
pgp | ridiculous... | [22:16] |
pgp | does he really have a .ru email address? | [22:17] |
Namworld | [15:13] |
[22:17] |
Namworld | Well... if someone were to do that... that's exactly how they'd do it. | [22:17] |
Diablo-D3 | exactly | [22:18] |
Diablo-D3 | thats how I'd do it if I wanted to | [22:18] |
pgp | critical level here | [22:18] |
Diablo-D3 | and I'd leave the shit on just enough to make it work | [22:18] |
Diablo-D3 | and then flip it back off | [22:18] |
kakobrekla | luckly for us it doesnt matter what you would do | [22:19] |
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pgp | actually, isn't hashing power now more concentrated than ever? | [22:19] |
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Namworld | yes | [22:20] |
Diablo-D3 | pgp: wont be after asicminer unleashes a 200th load all over your face | [22:20] |
Namworld | Mostly in ASICMINER's hands | [22:20] |
Namworld | they'll reach 51% at this rate | [22:20] |
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pgp | right - so... that doesn't seem so secure to me... | [22:21] |
pgp | that's the reason yifu started avalon, right? | [22:21] |
pgp | down we go... | [22:21] |
pgp | c'mon - sell, sell, sell! | [22:22] |
mircea_popescu | pgp yea. | [22:23] |
mircea_popescu | Namworld i think avalon is delivering. | [22:23] |
pgp | so, extrpolate into the future - how does the mining shit play out? | [22:23] |
Namworld | good | [22:24] |
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Namworld | going to add some balance | [22:24] |
Namworld | BFL failed at that | [22:24] |
mircea_popescu | i imagine more people will make more chips. | [22:25] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3975 @ 0.00070239 = 2.792 BTC [+] | [22:25] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2925 @ 0.0006891 = 2.0156 BTC [-] | [22:25] |
punkman | then the cheapest electricity qina | [22:26] |
punkman | *wins | [22:26] |
pgp | watch out below | [22:27] |
pizzaman1337 | ;;ticker | [22:27] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 65.94000, Best ask: 66.00100, Bid-ask spread: 0.06100, Last trade: 66.30000, 24 hour volume: 664521.94526845, 24 hour low: 50.01000, 24 hour high: 91.00000, 24 hour vwap: 68.15425 | [22:27] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.366 = 0.732 BTC [-] | [22:30] |
jcpham | to good to be true? | [22:30] |
jcpham | Using our powerful ASIC cloud, we simplify the mining process for you. | [22:30] |
alex1234567 | Luke-Jr: pingh | [22:31] |
Luke-Jr | ? | [22:31] |
mircea_popescu | jcpham sounds like it. | [22:31] |
jcpham | luke-jr what do think about this cloudhashing scam | [22:31] |
tk993 | I'd say, yeah, sounds too good to be true, jcpham. | [22:31] |
alex1234567 | Luke-Jr: can you by any chance do hardware based c coding? | [22:31] |
jcpham | i can't get behind their economic model | [22:31] |
Luke-Jr | jcpham: even if it weren't a scam, it defeats the point of mining even more than centralized pools | [22:31] |
Luke-Jr | alex1234567: what? | [22:31] |
alex1234567 | Luke-Jr: programming chips etc | [22:32] |
jcpham | doesn't seem any worse than asicminer | [22:32] |
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* | alex1234567 is now known as alex12 | [22:32] |
Luke-Jr | jcpham: well, ASICMiner has the same problem | [22:32] |
Luke-Jr | had* | [22:32] |
* | micky has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | [22:33] |
Namworld | ;;bids 0 | [22:35] |
gribble | There are currently 1.0566017e+09 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 11861233.5045 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0078 seconds | [22:35] |
Namworld | I switched gribble to e+ numbers | [22:36] |
ThickAsThieves | noooooo | [22:36] |
Namworld | Of all bids, Me: 1 billion, Rest of the world: 56.6 millions | [22:36] |
Namworld | I won | [22:36] |
ThickAsThieves | thats hideous | [22:37] |
Namworld | Where's my trophy for stupid achievements | [22:37] |
mircea_popescu | 8==D | [22:37] |
ThickAsThieves | 8==D ~o ~o ~o on your e+ | [22:38] |
Scrat | ~° | [22:38] |
* | Bugpowder ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:38] |
Bugpowder | American Airlines DDOS? | [22:38] |
Bugpowder | unlikely I'm sure | [22:39] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;asks 100 | [22:40] |
gribble | There are currently 62882.521 bitcoins offered at or under 100.0 USD, worth 5473189.36504 USD in total. | Data vintage: 84.2062 seconds | [22:40] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;bids 0 | [22:40] |
gribble | There are currently 1.0566017e+09 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 11859030.3747 USD in total. | Data vintage: 91.7733 seconds | [22:40] |
ThickAsThieves | so lame | [22:40] |
jborkl | there is something else with AA, they asked the FAA to ground all the flights? | [22:41] |
kakobrekla | ;;bids 1 | [22:41] |
gribble | There are currently 710752.61 bitcoins demanded at or over 1.0 USD, worth 11622897.2427 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0074 seconds | [22:41] |
ThickAsThieves | :/ | [22:41] |
Scrat | bear sperm ~. | [22:42] |
Scrat | bull sperm ~° | [22:43] |
Scrat | ok ill go away now | [22:43] |
Namworld | It's not lame. I represent like 95% of the bids orderbook in BTC denomination now. | [22:44] |
Namworld | ;;bids 0 | [22:45] |
gribble | There are currently 1.0565969e+09 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 11854275.4436 USD in total. | Data vintage: 107.0922 seconds | [22:45] |
Namworld | hmm... | [22:45] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00070244 = 4.7766 BTC [+] | [22:45] |
mircea_popescu | i hope you made the orders in .001 btc increments. | [22:45] |
Namworld | 0.01BTC minimum lol =P | [22:46] |
Namworld | Would have been fun actually | [22:46] |
Namworld | 0.00001 USD minimum bid... 0.0000001 cost per bid | [22:47] |
Namworld | Well that would have killed gox's engine | [22:47] |
jborkl | I am assuming SD is undergoin a DDOS attack now | [22:47] |
* | Doffx has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [22:47] |
Namworld | ;;bids 0 | [22:48] |
gribble | There are currently 1.0565969e+09 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 11830042.4309 USD in total. | Data vintage: 11.4155 seconds | [22:48] |
Namworld | hey, I removed the order... | [22:48] |
* | troc_ (~troc@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:48] |
Namworld | slow gribble | [22:48] |
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xait9 | assbot | [22:53] |
Namworld | ;;bids 0 | [22:53] |
gribble | There are currently 56594480 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 11572274.4877 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0086 seconds | [22:53] |
Namworld | back to 56 million demand | [22:53] |
Namworld | There ya go ThickAsThieves | [22:53] |
* | arschlochkind ( has left #bitcoin-assets | [22:54] |
ThickAsThieves | thank yo sir | [22:54] |
ThickAsThieves | i just think the E concept is tarded | [22:54] |
Namworld | Not my fault gribble does it | [22:54] |
ThickAsThieves | i suppose it has real purpose in larger math | [22:54] |
ThickAsThieves | but not for me :) | [22:55] |
pgp | can't gribble be formatted with 000 seperator | [22:56] |
Namworld | not without complaining to the right person | [22:58] |
pgp | who is that? | [22:58] |
Bugpowder | E is preferred | [22:59] |
Bugpowder | learn math | [22:59] |
pgp | lol | [22:59] |
mod6 | HEH | [23:00] |
ThickAsThieves | i didnt see anyone fighting for the e | [23:00] |
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ThickAsThieves | in that example it only obfuscates anyway | [23:02] |
* | Lyspooner (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/mpkomara) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:02] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.85397 BTC [+] | [23:05] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.85398 BTC [+] | [23:05] |
jcpham | | [23:06] |
pgp | another nice feature would be something like ;;depth 40% where it give ;;bids last*(1-.4) and ;;asks last*(1+.4) | [23:07] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.01299 BTC [+] | [23:07] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.013 BTC [+] | [23:07] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.014 BTC [+] | [23:07] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 8 @ 0.014898 = 0.1192 BTC [+] | [23:07] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 100 @ 0.014899 = 1.4899 BTC [+] | [23:08] |
* | Simon____ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:08] |
Bugpowder | hmm | [23:08] |
Bugpowder | interesting idea | [23:08] |
jurov | ;;bids 0.9 | [23:10] |
gribble | There are currently 722721.79 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.9 USD, worth 11548332.3198 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0095 seconds | [23:10] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.85398 BTC [+] | [23:12] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.854 = 1.708 BTC [+] | [23:12] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 0.85999 = 6.8799 BTC [+] | [23:12] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.8649 BTC [+] | [23:12] |
* | beetlebee (4f727dcb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:12] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 0.87387 = 2.6216 BTC [+] | [23:12] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11500 @ 0.00069338 = 7.9739 BTC [-] | [23:13] |
jcpham | | [23:15] |
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mircea_popescu | duh. | [23:17] |
mircea_popescu | in other news, | [23:17] |
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Lyspooner | Money is most optimal when it is fixed in value just as commerce is facilitated when we have fixed weights and measures. When you buy a pound of hamburger you expect to get 16 ounces of meat. An hour has 60 minutes. A mile has 5280 feet. These measurements don’t “float.” | [23:19] |
Lyspooner | wait, an ounce floats, right? | [23:19] |
jcpham | that's forbes staff btw | [23:19] |
jcpham | not the bloggers | [23:19] |
mircea_popescu | that's actually forbes. | [23:19] |
jcpham | yeah. | [23:19] |
mircea_popescu | Malcolm Stevenson | [23:20] |
Scrat | A mile has 5280 feet < lol | [23:20] |
Scrat | what a retarded measurement system | [23:20] |
Scrat | using that to make a point | [23:20] |
jcpham | damn your decimals! | [23:20] |
mircea_popescu | anyway, the usual set of ignorant/half informed nonsense people do these days | [23:20] |
* | ThickAsThieves has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | [23:21] |
mircea_popescu | im getting kind of meh'd even considering it. | [23:21] |
jcpham | dawwww i like seeing these old smart people look dumb | [23:21] |
mircea_popescu | "our currency collapsed against this thing therefore this thing can't be used to price hamburgers in" | [23:21] |
mircea_popescu | whoop de doo. logic. | [23:21] |
mircea_popescu | the fact that the dollar is insanely volatile these days has little bearing on anything other than... the dollar itself. | [23:22] |
* | daybyter has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | [23:22] |
* | ThickAsThieves ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:23] |
pgp | 666k 224h gox volume... | [23:23] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.19889 BTC [+] | [23:24] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1000 @ 0.01 = 10 BTC [+] | [23:24] |
Lyspooner | mircea_popescu, you do a good job of chronicling those articles or instances of great stupidity. please keep this steve forbes article in your archives for future reference | [23:24] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 3 @ 0.1989 = 0.5967 BTC [+] | [23:25] |
Namworld | lol | [23:25] |
Namworld | people just want my BTC-BOND, do they? | [23:25] |
mircea_popescu | im not gonna. guy's entitled to being stupid ocasionalyl, he has a name. | [23:27] |
Namworld | I was recalling it because price was rising too much in my taste. Now I put it back available and people buy. | [23:27] |
jborkl | looks like it is going to be approx 300w for a single, whenif they show up | [23:29] |
jborkl | 8800w for a minirig, even though those are not shipping | [23:29] |
jcpham | 8.8 kW wtf | [23:31] |
* | GordonG3kko ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:32] |
Bugpowder | warm! | [23:33] |
jcpham | most US homes/places of business aren't wired for that | [23:33] |
jcpham | not even remotely | [23:33] |
kakobrekla | so when do they pay the 1k btc chairty bet? | [23:34] |
jcpham | that can't be serious | [23:35] |
jcpham | source? | [23:35] |
kakobrekla | apparently he forgot to delete this one too | [23:36] |
pgp | wow | [23:36] |
kakobrekla | | [23:36] |
jcpham | up front investment to support power usage | [23:37] |
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kakobrekla | ok | [23:37] |
kakobrekla | | [23:37] |
kakobrekla | here it is | [23:37] |
kakobrekla | not deleted | [23:37] |
kakobrekla | maybe im jumpy | [23:38] |
jborkl | that power draw is as correct as far as I know | [23:38] |
jcpham | jborkl that's an insane number for a minirig | [23:38] |
jborkl | consistent with what has been said | [23:38] |
jborkl | I am not saying it is not insance | [23:38] |
jborkl | insane | [23:38] |
* | KRS-1 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | [23:39] |
jborkl | just relaying the news | [23:39] |
jcpham | yeah i know my bad | [23:39] |
jcpham | those fuckers at bfl are batshit | [23:39] |
jborkl | people are going to have to deal with heat, power , proper cooling, babysitting | [23:40] |
jborkl | and that is without a host | [23:40] |
jcpham | it would need 7 power cords going to maxxed out terminal is a US home | [23:40] |
jcpham | more likely 220v though | [23:40] |
jcpham | no clue what sort of support you'd need for that | [23:40] |
* | Framedragger has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | [23:40] |
jcpham | i bet i ask an electrician tomorrow though | [23:40] |
jborkl | I have places for all of mine, already drawing a bunch from GPU's | [23:40] |
jborkl | 480v with a transformer | [23:40] |
pgp | then we'll shart to hear the stories of how the bfl asics catch on fire... | [23:41] |
jcpham | so 480v | [23:41] |
Diablo-D3 | did someone say 480v? | [23:41] |
jcpham | that's new service from the electric co for most people | [23:41] |
Diablo-D3 | well | [23:41] |
Diablo-D3 | its industrial service | [23:41] |
jcpham | yeah residential gtfo | [23:41] |
Diablo-D3 | 240v is usually what comes down off the poles and then its phase split into two 120vs | [23:41] |
Namworld | oh wow... the quote: "We don’t really know how this coin is created. You can’t have a functional money without a basic transparency." | [23:42] |
Diablo-D3 | Namworld: what? | [23:42] |
Namworld | | [23:42] |
jcpham | is terrible don't read it | [23:43] |
Diablo-D3 | oh fucking forbes | [23:43] |
Diablo-D3 | no one even listens to their shit anymore | [23:43] |
* | micky has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [23:43] |
jcpham | it's steven himself Diablo-D3 | [23:43] |
Diablo-D3 | steven forbes doesnt actually exist | [23:43] |
Diablo-D3 | its a persona made up by the company | [23:43] |
jcpham | apparently the blockchain and mining is totally opaque | [23:43] |
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mircea_popescu | lol does the 10kw include the fans ? | [23:46] |
jcpham | yikes | [23:46] |
jcpham | i bet it doesn't | [23:46] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.87 = 1.74 BTC [-] | [23:46] |
jborkl | lol, I bet it does not either | [23:47] |
* | bexp (836b004a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:47] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.87387 = 1.7477 BTC [+] | [23:47] |
jborkl | you would also need a pretty big ventilation to draw out that heat | [23:47] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 0.87389 = 4.3695 BTC [+] | [23:48] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.89997 BTC [+] | [23:48] |
* | micky has quit (Ping timeout: 257 seconds) | [23:48] |
jcpham | it's no good all-around | [23:49] |
mircea_popescu | | [23:49] |
mircea_popescu | i'm making friends | [23:49] |
jcpham | they were selling a 1.5 kW plug it in anywhere device | [23:49] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 0.89998 = 4.4999 BTC [+] | [23:49] |
pgp | unless you can use it to reduce you're heating bill in the winter... | [23:49] |
Diablo-D3 | >1.5KW device | [23:49] |
Diablo-D3 | on 120v? | [23:49] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.89999 BTC [+] | [23:49] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 0.925 = 7.4 BTC [+] | [23:50] |
jcpham | i thought the minirgis came in under 1.5 | [23:50] |
mircea_popescu | tbh i don't know how you can get 10kW installed comercially. | [23:50] |
Diablo-D3 | because that might not pass federal requirements | [23:50] |
mircea_popescu | i mean... i think you need your own transformer. | [23:50] |
Diablo-D3 | mircea_popescu: pretty much you call up the power company and ask | [23:50] |
jborkl | I have my own , but I am commercial | [23:50] |
jborkl | it is big | [23:50] |
mircea_popescu | Diablo-D3 around here you can get 380V triphase installed just on asking | [23:50] |
jcpham | well the point is the minirig was a consumer device but now it seems commercial | [23:50] |
mircea_popescu | but it won't carry more than about 6kw i don't think | [23:50] |
Diablo-D3 | mircea_popescu: I think you're missing the concept | [23:51] |
mircea_popescu | on the upside it costs < 1k to have it put in | [23:51] |
Diablo-D3 | volts * amps = watts | [23:51] |
mircea_popescu | yea ? | [23:51] |
Diablo-D3 | you told me volts and watts but not amps. | [23:51] |
Diablo-D3 | 380v triphase can handle 6kw, it just depends entirely what your amperage is | [23:51] |
mircea_popescu | yes well... eu residential power is 220 v and < 20 amps | [23:51] |
Diablo-D3 | thats per circuit, mircea_popescu | [23:52] |
mircea_popescu | commercially you can get (easily) 380 volts and i think it carries about 120 amps max | [23:52] |
Diablo-D3 | you have 40, 60, 80, whatever amps coming into your house | [23:52] |
jcpham | yeah i'm saying like home wiring can't even handle it | [23:52] |
mircea_popescu | Diablo-D3 you have 20. | [23:52] |
jcpham | 20 amp 30 amp max | [23:52] |
Diablo-D3 | mircea_popescu: I said into the house, as in, for all the cirucits | [23:52] |
mircea_popescu | yes. | [23:52] |
Diablo-D3 | you have a shitty house if you only have 2 circuits | [23:52] |
Diablo-D3 | 120v in the US is typically 15a, 18a max | [23:53] |
mircea_popescu | 20 amps at 220 volts is over 4kw, which is considered sufficient | [23:53] |
Bugpowder | Tesla's home single charger is 240v/40A/10kW | [23:53] |
Bugpowder | Their dual is 240v/80A/20kW | [23:53] |
Diablo-D3 | Bugpowder: depends which one, you CAN buy superchargers for home use | [23:53] |
Bugpowder | so it can be done | [23:53] |
jcpham | 240 works w/ the 80AMP | [23:53] |
Diablo-D3 | its just going to be fun talking your electric company into doing it | [23:53] |
jcpham | inside wiring can't handle 80 | [23:53] |
Diablo-D3 | yeah what jcpham said | [23:53] |
jcpham | it's to much. you have to build the facility to house 8.8kW | [23:54] |
Bugpowder | looks like $2000 plus installation costs | [23:54] |
jcpham | right the opossite of what they initially sold | [23:54] |
Diablo-D3 | I have 6 or 7 120v circuits, and 6 240v 30a circuits | [23:54] |
mircea_popescu | jcpham soubnds like it. | [23:54] |
Diablo-D3 | and this is a small apartment. | [23:54] |
jcpham | you are wired sir Diablo-D3 | [23:54] |
Diablo-D3 | I think 120v 40a actually goes into the circuit breaker box though | [23:55] |
mircea_popescu | Diablo-D3 there is no way you can draw 40kw off your apt grid right now. | [23:55] |
Diablo-D3 | (the 240s are double 120 breakers) | [23:55] |
Diablo-D3 | mircea_popescu: of course not | [23:55] |
Diablo-D3 | it'd be fun to try though | [23:55] |
jcpham | i've got 2 meters, 4 acres and 5 buildings and i think i only have one 240 drop to each meter | [23:55] |
mircea_popescu | it'd be arson to try. | [23:55] |
mircea_popescu | even on copper wiring, calc the heat. | [23:56] |
mircea_popescu | jcpham sounds more like it. | [23:56] |
Diablo-D3 | anyhow, you said 360v at 120 amps? | [23:56] |
mircea_popescu | europe has 220 and 380 | [23:56] |
Bugpowder | Seems like you can get 90A in your garage, if you pay an electrician. | [23:56] |
Diablo-D3 | you do realize thats 45.6kw right? | [23:57] |
mircea_popescu | and 120 is i think nomional max. you won't get it more than you get 1mbps internet or w/e | [23:57] |
jcpham | ;;calc 8800360 | [23:57] |
gribble | Error: unexpected character after line continuation character ( |
[23:57] |
mircea_popescu | Diablo-D3 it also is a commercial installation. | [23:57] |
jcpham | ;;calc 8800/360 | [23:57] |
gribble | 24.4444444444 | [23:57] |
jcpham | 30 amp | [23:57] |
jurov | i can't follow, where are these kilowatts announced? | [23:57] |
Diablo-D3 | mircea_popescu: yeah but you were trying to put 6kw on it | [23:57] |
mircea_popescu | i was discussing normal house wiring. which is about 4kw tops. | [23:57] |
* | hnz has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | [23:57] |
Diablo-D3 | Bugpowder: btw, yes, due to what tesla is doing, you can now get higher end chargers installed | [23:57] |
jcpham | 4kw tops but you aren't going to be using 120v at that point | [23:58] |
mircea_popescu | 220! | [23:58] |
jcpham | yeah | [23:58] |
Diablo-D3 | Bugpowder: they'll work with your electric company to get it done for you | [23:58] |
mircea_popescu | look! europe has residential 220 v / 20 amp power | [23:58] |
Diablo-D3 | mircea_popescu: yeah, europe is weird | [23:58] |
mircea_popescu | and 380v triphase at about 100+ amps, which you have to install speciallly. | [23:58] |
jurov | you just need thicker wires | [23:58] |
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Diablo-D3 | jurov: well, kind of | [23:58] |
jcpham | i think europe requires 380 or multiple 220v drops | [23:58] |
Diablo-D3 | you need LESS copper as voltage goes up to maintain the same wattage | [23:58] |
mircea_popescu | this is what you can do out of the box pretty much. otherwise you have to get on the list for a transform station being builrt | [23:58] |
mircea_popescu | which is i think half a year lead time | [23:59] |
jcpham | surely bfl does intend to ship a device drawing more than 4kW | [23:59] |
jcpham | surely not | [23:59] |
jcpham | that's be stupid | [23:59] |
jcpham | *doesn't | [23:59] |
mircea_popescu | well if they do it [retty much won't run in yurp | [23:59] |
Diablo-D3 | it wont run in the US either | [23:59] |
mircea_popescu | or rural us, or asia, or anywhere else. | [23:59] |
Diablo-D3 | we dont have 240v sockets typically | [23:59] |
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