Forum logs for 14 Feb 2012
Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* | Now talking on #bitcoin-otc | [05:01] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || Bot's control sequence is ';;'. || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe | [05:01] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube at Mon Dec 19 23:38:55 2011 | [05:01] |
smickles | you know, if you want to buy options... | [05:01] |
BTCHero | So I am quite a bit poorer than I was this morning | [05:01] |
* | MT`BNC is now known as MagicalTux | [05:01] |
zigma | ok im looking at order 6731 | [05:02] |
* | Guest52093 has quit (Client Quit) | [05:02] |
smickles | ;;view 6731 | [05:02] |
gribble | #6731 Thu Feb 9 14:41:21 2012 Greed BUY 50.0 MTGOXUSD @ 1 USDPP (None) | [05:02] |
mircea_popescu | how come btchero ? | [05:02] |
* | MagicalTux is now known as Guest29478 | [05:02] |
* | bob12321 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:02] |
Greed | Hello | [05:02] |
zigma | so is he selling 1 bit coin for 1 dollar? | [05:02] |
Greed | 1 | [05:02] |
Greed | 1:1 | [05:02] |
* | smickles will let greed explain | [05:02] |
* | Guest29478 is now known as MagicalTux | [05:02] |
* | MagicalTux has quit (Changing host) | [05:03] |
* | MagicalTux (~MagicalTu@mtgox/staff/MagicalTux) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:03] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to MagicalTux | [05:03] |
mircea_popescu | hallo smickles | [05:03] |
smickles | howdy mircea_popescu | [05:03] |
* | MagicalTux has quit (Excess Flood) | [05:03] |
Noitev | ;;gettrust dbordello | [05:03] |
gribble | Trust relationship from user noitev to user dbordello: Level 1: 3, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: | [05:03] |
Noitev | ;;rate dbordello 4 | [05:03] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating for user dbordello has changed from 3 to 4. | [05:03] |
BTCHero | mircea_popescu because my coins are worth less | [05:03] |
smickles | ( zigma, he's selling paypal usd for mtgox usd | [05:03] |
smickles | ) | [05:03] |
Greed | I can do up to 150$ if you're interested, zigma | [05:03] |
mircea_popescu | o did it drop ? | [05:03] |
MBS | 1 year of a dedicated server, only 57.25 BTC | [05:03] |
Noitev | im still looking for 660 in btc | [05:03] |
* | pp7 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:04] |
* | nok0 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:04] |
BTCHero | lol yeah | [05:04] |
Noitev | paying by moneypak | [05:04] |
zigma | Hi greed im just looking for 5 bitcoins what can you quote me? | [05:04] |
mircea_popescu | hey, under 5, cool | [05:04] |
mircea_popescu | maybe i get to buy some. | [05:04] |
MBS | headed straight to 0.00000001 :D | [05:04] |
Greed | Not selling any, sorry, zigma | [05:04] |
Greed | ;;book PPUSD | [05:04] |
zigma | thats ok, | [05:04] |
zigma | ;;book ppusd | [05:04] |
EasyAt | ah wow | [05:05] |
EasyAt | I see we have dropped | [05:05] |
Noitev | ;;book moneypak | [05:05] |
Noitev | ;;bc,mtgox | [05:06] |
gribble | {"ticker":{"high":5.55,"low":4.816,"avg":5.279769671,"vwap":5.234570685,"vol":163346,"last_all":4.87,"last_local":4.87,"last":4.87,"buy":4.89,"sell":4.90433}} | [05:06] |
Noitev | mano mano | [05:06] |
smickles | Noitev: you may have to search notes for moneypak | [05:06] |
Noitev | sigh | [05:06] |
EasyAt | I didnt think it would break through 5 | [05:06] |
EasyAt | should put a bigger wall at 4.8 | [05:06] |
smickles | on the website, there is the option to search notes | [05:06] |
* | BlueMatt has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | [05:06] |
MBS | 1 year of a dedicated server, only 57.25 BTC | [05:07] |
* | MagicalTux (~MagicalTu@mtgox/staff/MagicalTux) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:07] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to MagicalTux | [05:07] |
* | tailspin ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:07] |
* | EasyAt is now known as EasyAt| | [05:07] |
* | ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:07] |
ineededausername | hello! | [05:07] |
Noitev | magicaltux, what makes your tux so magical anyway? | [05:07] |
ineededausername | ;;seen pirateat40 | [05:07] |
NxTitle | Noitev: tux does that | [05:08] |
Noitev | aw | [05:08] |
Noitev | i wanted an answer | [05:08] |
NxTitle | :P | [05:08] |
NxTitle | linux is magical | [05:08] |
NxTitle | but an open source magical | [05:08] |
NxTitle | so you can see how the magical works and therefore learn the magical | [05:08] |
NxTitle | tux is a penguin magical | [05:09] |
* | Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) | [05:09] |
copumpkin | ineededausername: need something? | [05:09] |
* | Noitev hits his drums twice then his cymbals | [05:09] |
zigma | cya all later, watching start gate sg1 will try later to buy bitcoins | [05:10] |
Hunterbunter | I any bulls stil have wind in their sails? | [05:10] |
Greed | Why isn't anyone else selling MtGox! D: | [05:10] |
abracadabra | | [05:10] |
mircea_popescu | hunterbunter im actually contemplating if i should buy nao or wait. | [05:11] |
* | Silberfuchs has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [05:11] |
* | BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:11] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt | [05:11] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:11] |
* | tailspin has quit (Client Quit) | [05:11] |
ineededausername | copumpkin: yeah, question about gpumax | [05:11] |
paulzag | ;;buy 100 BTGOXUSD @ 102 PPUSD other quantities are okay | [05:11] |
gribble | Order id 6794 created. | [05:11] |
copumpkin | ineededausername: I think he's out for the night | [05:11] |
* | zigma has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [05:11] |
Hunterbunter | mircea_popescu yeah it's a tough call | [05:11] |
MBS | want to do a 1:1 trade for someones mtgoxusd for amazon payments/venmo/server/clover | [05:12] |
Noitev | buying btc via moneypak, 660 usd worth | [05:12] |
gmaxwell | phantomcircuit: is this more than the thing we talked about in private? (re above) | [05:12] |
pingdrive | i wonder if we will get mainstream press around all this eekyness | [05:12] |
Hunterbunter | I don't think it will be good press though | [05:12] |
* | EasyAt| has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [05:12] |
pingdrive | not sure if you ever heard this : there is no bad press | [05:12] |
Hunterbunter | more like "oh look here's another reason bitcoins are bad lolk" | [05:12] |
Hunterbunter | dependso n your goal | [05:13] |
gmaxwell | bitcoins? people don't really use btc-e with bitcoin, they use it with all the other coins. | [05:13] |
benjamindees | there was an article on paxum | [05:13] |
pingdrive | and there will be more press to rebuff that shit | [05:13] |
Noitev | 55*;;bc,mtgox | [05:13] |
pingdrive | saying these are the reason why btc-e went bad | [05:13] |
Noitev | ;;bc,mtgox | [05:13] |
gribble | {"ticker":{"high":5.55,"low":4.816,"avg":5.274255917,"vwap":5.230271765,"vol":159687,"last_all":5.00999,"last_local":5.00999,"last":5.00999,"buy":4.972,"sell":5.00999}} | [05:13] |
* | Shaded has quit (Client Quit) | [05:13] |
pingdrive | poor security | [05:13] |
Hunterbunter | I suppose you're right, the bigger problem is that it's even happening | [05:13] |
Hunterbunter | to create the press howevr it creates it | [05:14] |
paulzag | Greed, coz it costs money to put the USD there | [05:14] |
Cory | Wall to the rescue. :) | [05:15] |
paulzag | ;;remove 6794 | [05:15] |
gribble | Order 6794 removed. | [05:15] |
Hunterbunter | It seems like the bulls are having a party and everytime the lights go out the bears have stabbed one of them :) | [05:15] |
Cory | A whole 700 BTC. | [05:15] |
MBS | someone buy a dedicated server from me :p | [05:15] |
mircea_popescu | i have no clue what btc-e is or why anyone'd care ? | [05:15] |
Noitev | Anyone selling btc for moneypak? | [05:16] |
mircea_popescu | cory the real wall is around 4.82 i think all those k's are real. | [05:16] |
* | momoney has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [05:16] |
pingdrive | MBS: can i host tor relay on it | [05:16] |
paulzag | ;;buy 100 MTGOXUSD @ 102 PPUSD other quantities are okay | [05:17] |
gribble | Order id 6795 created. | [05:17] |
MBS | pingdrive, probably not a good idea with ovh, lol | [05:17] |
* | momoney ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:17] |
paulzag | Hunterbunter, made coffee come out my nose! | [05:17] |
paulzag | [05:17] | |
BTCHero | 5 so nice to meet you again | [05:17] |
Hunterbunter | lol sorry | [05:17] |
paulzag | as soon as I get some, I'll sell em to you Noitev | [05:17] |
pingdrive | MBS, sorry, what ohv? | [05:18] |
Noitev | when shall that be hopefully? | [05:18] |
paulzag | ;;buy 100 CryptoXUSD @ 102 PPUSD other quantities are okay | [05:19] |
gribble | Order id 6796 created. | [05:19] |
* | momoney_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:19] |
* | momoney_ has quit (Client Quit) | [05:19] |
* | vragnaroda smacks smickles but isn't sure why yet. | [05:19] |
* | vragnaroda scrolls back. | [05:19] |
* | benjamindees has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [05:19] |
* | Graet is now known as Graet2 | [05:19] |
* | momoney_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:20] |
* | ineededausername has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [05:20] |
* | momoney_ has quit (Client Quit) | [05:20] |
* | AgoristRadio ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:20] |
paulzag | Graet2, is Graet great enough? | [05:20] |
* | sbingner has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [05:20] |
vragnaroda | smickles: I smacked you for hilighting me needlessly. I don't have a problem with abbreviations generally; only stupid ones. | [05:20] |
Mafeki | does anyone have a invite? | [05:21] |
* | frauf has quit (Quit: ffffffff) | [05:21] |
paulzag | ? | [05:21] |
* | frauf ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:21] |
smickles | vragnaroda: oh, sorry, i thought i uses asynchronous incorrectly. | [05:21] |
* | Sedra- has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | [05:21] |
* | vragnaroda smacks smickles for being a turd. | [05:21] |
Noitev | ;;ident dbordello | [05:22] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to vragnaroda | [05:22] |
gribble | Nick 'dbordello', with hostmask 'DBordello!~DB@unaffiliated/dbordello', is not identified. | [05:22] |
* | vragnaroda has kicked Mafeki from #bitcoin-otc (no) | [05:22] |
* | vragnaroda removes channel operator status from vragnaroda | [05:22] |
Noitev | ugh wonderful | [05:22] |
* | whutruduin_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:22] |
* | smickles 's cheek hurts | [05:22] |
smickles | er | [05:22] |
* | whutruduin has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [05:22] |
* | Cam_ (~i@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:22] |
smickles | omit /that/ s | [05:22] |
* | Cam_ has quit (Client Quit) | [05:22] |
* | vragnaroda washes his hands very meticulously now with steel wool. | [05:22] |
Noitev | ;;rate dbordello 3 | [05:23] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating for user dbordello has changed from 4 to 3. | [05:23] |
Noitev | that was the weirdest scam i was stupid enough to fall for | [05:23] |
* | Cam_ (~i@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:23] |
paulzag | tell me more | [05:23] |
vragnaroda | Noitev: wat | [05:23] |
Noitev | i miscalculated and though i was buying at 5.16 when it was really 6.16 | [05:23] |
Noitev | he sent me the funds | [05:23] |
* | Cam_ is now known as Guest57650 | [05:23] |
* | Guest57650 has quit (Client Quit) | [05:23] |
Noitev | and hes not idented | [05:23] |
Noitev | i guess it is my fault | [05:23] |
MBS | pingdrive, ovh is the isp | [05:23] |
Noitev | but ugh | [05:23] |
Noitev | lol | [05:23] |
mircea_popescu | buy a calculator from the proceeds lol | [05:24] |
vragnaroda | That's not a scam; that's just stupid. ;) | [05:24] |
Noitev | it hurts | [05:24] |
Noitev | lol | [05:24] |
MBS | they...are pretty strict network wise, you dont want to portscan or spam with them :p | [05:24] |
Noitev | plus hes not even ided | [05:24] |
Noitev | i was stupid to fall for that | [05:24] |
MBS | so doubt they would be huge fans of a tor exit relay | [05:24] |
paulzag | don't you hate making simple math mistakes? Good news it's not sheep stations | [05:24] |
mircea_popescu | and the 700 wall is gone | [05:24] |
pingdrive | MBS: why would i wan tto spam or portscan? | [05:24] |
* | Canucktux ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:24] |
MBS | well no, just saying they might not be a fan of a tor exit node | [05:25] |
dwon | I've got to learn not to put in anything except market orders. Every time I put in a limit order that's more than a few cents away from market, I get screwed. | [05:25] |
pingdrive | k | [05:25] |
mircea_popescu | so i got bitcoin 0.3.24 beta. should i get the latest version or not worth it really ? | [05:26] |
paulzag | how do you get screwed on a limit order? | [05:26] |
MBS | now maybe if it was one set to not be an exit relay | [05:26] |
errydayimgenerat | 700 is a wall? | [05:27] |
* | whutruduin_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [05:27] |
dwon | paulzag: I expected the BTC price to fall today, so I sold a bunch of bitcoins at ~ $5.27, then put in a limit order to re-buy at $5.18 and went to work. | [05:27] |
dwon | I was partly right: the BTC price did fall. | [05:28] |
dwon | dammit | [05:28] |
dwon | 'course it's not as bad as mistaking $6.16 for $5.16 :) | [05:29] |
* | Sedra (~msn@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:30] |
mircea_popescu | so how did you get screwed dwon ? made 9cents per right ? | [05:30] |
* | minimoose ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:31] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:31] |
* | davex__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [05:31] |
* | bowmessage (80c2031a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:32] |
dwon | Well, if I hadn't put in the limit order, I could have bought them at ~ $4.90 | [05:32] |
dwon | These are coins I originally bought for $6.55, so I'm not exactly in the black. :) | [05:32] |
bowmessage | ouch... :( | [05:33] |
* | splatster (~splatster@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:34] |
* | splatster has quit (Changing host) | [05:34] |
* | splatster (~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:34] |
dwon | I bought near the end of the The Good Wife bubble. I could have bought a bunch at $3.50, but my bank transfer took too long and I didn't get them early enough. | [05:34] |
* | stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has left #bitcoin-otc | [05:34] |
bowmessage | but you bought anyway? :O | [05:34] |
* | gribble gives voice to splatster | [05:34] |
* | gribble gives voice to splatster | [05:34] |
* | gribble gives voice to splatster | [05:34] |
bowmessage | and why's it called good wife? | [05:35] |
* | DeLorean719 has quit () | [05:35] |
novusordo | Buying 5 BTC for a $25 Moneypak. | [05:35] |
dwon | at that point, I hadn't heard of "buy on hype; sell on news" | [05:35] |
splatster | oh noooooes! | [05:35] |
Noitev | ;;ident dbordello | [05:35] |
gribble | Nick 'dbordello', with hostmask 'DBordello!~DB@unaffiliated/dbordello', is identified as user DBordello, with GPG key id D56ED50CCA0B95DF, and key fingerprint DDB9ECA68CD6B31CA5FAC4F5D56ED50CCA0B95DF. | [05:35] |
dwon | bowmessage: It's a TV show, which had an episode that's was basically an ad for bitcoin. | [05:35] |
splatster | what the fuck?! | [05:35] |
splatster | 4.9? | [05:35] |
bowmessage | ohhh right. Thanks. | [05:35] |
bowmessage | yessir, welcome back | [05:35] |
bowmessage | lol | [05:35] |
Hunterbunter | yeah man all the bulls were murdered in their sleep...they are now werebears | [05:36] |
splatster | Damnit, it was above 5 a few hours ago | [05:36] |
paulzag | splatster, did you just wake up? | [05:36] |
dwon | splatster: Heh. That was my reaction about 15 minutes ago. | [05:36] |
splatster | Came back from dinner | [05:37] |
paulzag | I hate it when I'm in profit, in cash and cant get the money moving fast enough to join back in. | [05:37] |
* | rd2t (467297d8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:38] |
* | Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) | [05:38] |
paulzag | okay bunnies... time for you all to sell out your BTC for immediate cash in the form of Paypal - any currency I'll pay the fees | [05:38] |
* | Geno_ (6b03c876@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:38] |
* | rd2t has quit (Client Quit) | [05:38] |
splatster | Well all my money from btc is money that I didn't expect to have, so if I lost it all, I wouldn't be broke personally | [05:39] |
jine | | [05:39] |
Someguy123 | jine they said on their blog they're re-opening next month | [05:39] |
MBS | everyone trade me your mtgoxusd for amazon payments :p | [05:39] |
jine | I c :) | [05:39] |
* | pigeons ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:39] |
paulzag | we're all desperate to get money into MTgox | [05:40] |
Someguy123 | paulzag too much work for me | [05:40] |
dwon | oh god, I hope nobody actually would be broke if they lost all their money in BTC. (Yeah, I know I'm being way too optimistic here...) | [05:40] |
splatster | I'm not really worried about this anymore | [05:40] |
* | gribble gives voice to pigeons | [05:40] |
Someguy123 | dwon i would be. | [05:40] |
Someguy123 | all my money is held in LTC | [05:40] |
* | Cam__ (~i@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:40] |
Someguy123 | so if I lost all my LTC | [05:40] |
jine | 04:40:29 < dwon> oh god, I hope nobody actually would be broke if they lost all their money in BTC. (Yeah, I know I'm being way too optimistic here...) | [05:41] |
Someguy123 | i would be broke. | [05:41] |
jine | I would. | [05:41] |
Noitev | ;;bc,mtgox | [05:41] |
gribble | {"ticker":{"high":5.55,"low":4.816,"avg":5.266823988,"vwap":5.224700613,"vol":158578,"last_all":4.90011,"last_local":4.90011,"last":4.90011,"buy":4.89187,"sell":4.9089}} | [05:41] |
* | Cam__ has quit (Client Quit) | [05:41] |
Someguy123 | dwon | [05:41] |
Someguy123 | i have 2000 LTC, not planning on losing this any time soon... | [05:41] |
jine | If i lost all my bitcoins, i would have a few thousand people hatin' me and wanting me to compensate... :D | [05:41] |
splatster | If we crash to $1, then I know we will pick back up in november | [05:41] |
jine | (I'm the owner of - if i lost all coins, hell would break loose) | [05:41] |
MBS | someone sell me mtgoxusd for amazon payments | [05:41] |
jine | God bless safe and offline storage :D | [05:41] |
Cory | This is it. I'm moving everything to SolidCoin. | [05:41] |
jine | Cory: Seems solid ;P | [05:42] |
Geno_ | Tis the perfect storm | [05:42] |
dirkdizzler | jine any plans to change from proportional | [05:42] |
* | Cam__ (~cam@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:42] |
jine | dirkdizzler: Yepp, this week. PPLNS | [05:42] |
vragnaroda | Cory: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL | [05:42] |
Someguy123 | Cory psst, realsolid was responsible for the attacks on eligius | [05:42] |
dwon | Well, I meant that more as a comment on how volatile the prices are, but I guess the risk of being hacked is there, too. | [05:42] |
jine | The implementation is finished and tested, i just havent pushed if from staging yet. | [05:42] |
Someguy123 | Cory just don't make enemies with realsolid if you join solidcoin :) | [05:43] |
Someguy123 | his magical trusted nodes will set your balance to 0. | [05:43] |
splatster | If I end up with $100 instead of the $300 I could have gotten a while back, I will be pissed, but I will still be able to pay the bills | [05:43] |
* | Cam has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [05:43] |
jine | These alt/auxchains just sucks. Don't mind them and they WILL disappear | [05:44] |
* | Cam (~i@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:44] |
* | Cam has quit (Changing host) | [05:44] |
* | Cam (~i@trivialand/staff/Cam) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:44] |
dwon | Someguy123: Is that even possible? Wouldn't he need your ECDSA keys for that? | [05:44] |
paulzag | I'm already broke - is it possible to be broker? but not A broker? | [05:44] |
paulzag | oh the humanity | [05:44] |
errydayimgenerat | homeless? | [05:45] |
jine | paulzag: If you lose someone elses money and they want it back... yes :P | [05:45] |
jine | paulzag: When you account hits a negative balance... | [05:45] |
Someguy123 | dwon trusted nodes = are basically "banks" of the network | [05:45] |
* | momoney has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [05:45] |
pigeons | errydayimgenerat: if your home is under a bridge, it's still home | [05:45] |
Someguy123 | they can set your balance to 0, or invalidate blocks that your transactions were in | [05:45] |
Someguy123 | just because realsolid doesn't like you | [05:45] |
Someguy123 | :) | [05:45] |
Someguy123 | or he'll hire people to DDOS you | [05:45] |
jine | Seems like a fare chain :) | [05:45] |
jine | fair* | [05:46] |
errydayimgenerat | i didn't know you couldd get a job ddosin | [05:46] |
Someguy123 | errydayimgenerat is dead because realsolid wouldn't pay up the guy he hired | [05:46] |
Someguy123 | for DDoSing eligius | [05:46] |
dwon | Someguy123: Couldn't you just wait for so many confirmations or something? | [05:46] |
Someguy123 | so now he's backfired against realsolid | [05:46] |
Someguy123 | :3 | [05:46] |
* | whutruduin_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:46] |
dwon | Someguy123: Or is it because the network is still too small, so he can basically reset it like gmaxwell sometimes resets testnet. | [05:46] |
dwon | ? | [05:46] |
Someguy123 | dwon trusted nodes control every block on the network | [05:46] |
splatster | Bitscalper has only lit a fire up under the ass of our stumbling market. | [05:47] |
Someguy123 | splatster and that cunt claimed he hacked BTC-E earlier | [05:47] |
Someguy123 | scared me into withdrawing my 2K LTC from it =_= | [05:47] |
splatster | yup yup yup | [05:47] |
jine | <-- BTC-E? | [05:47] |
splatster | We are headed down | [05:47] |
splatster | maybe | [05:47] |
splatster | maybe not | [05:47] |
Someguy123 | LOL | [05:47] |
splatster | Who knows? | [05:47] |
dwon | Someguy123: Is each block independent, though? If your transaction has 100 confirmations, wouldn't they lack the power to rewrite the block chain? | [05:47] |
jine | I hope all bad services just die and disappear. | [05:48] |
Someguy123 | jine that was bullshit most likely | [05:48] |
dwon | damn, is dead. I wanted to check the tech details again | [05:48] |
smickles | ;;eightball gribble, are we headed down? | [05:48] |
gribble | No. | [05:48] |
jine | And we that got some experience and knowledge - will survive :) | [05:48] |
smickles | i trust gribble | [05:48] |
Hunterbunter | oh wow its still going | [05:48] |
jine | So do i. | [05:48] |
Hunterbunter | dropping I mean | [05:48] |
Someguy123 | dwon yeah as I said, the guy realsolid hired to DOS eligius, backfired because realsolid wouldn't pay him | [05:48] |
Noitev | ;;rate dbordello 7 | [05:48] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating for user dbordello has changed from 3 to 7. | [05:48] |
Someguy123 | dwon he could change the block your transactions were in | [05:48] |
Someguy123 | to invalidate it | [05:48] |
Someguy123 | your client is supposed to agree to anything trusted nodes send it | [05:49] |
Someguy123 | if a trusted node tells it that it can now send all its coins to realsolid | [05:49] |
Someguy123 | it has to do it. | [05:49] |
DBordello | Noitev, :) | [05:49] |
Someguy123 | it's backdoored :) | [05:49] |
dirkdizzler | that's what she said | [05:49] |
splatster | s/Solidcoin/Scamcoin/ | [05:49] |
Noitev | well its something, i appreciate your understanding | [05:49] |
splatster | *cough* *cough* *cough* | [05:49] |
Someguy123 | [03:49:05] |
[05:50] |
Someguy123 | [03:49:05] |
[05:50] |
Someguy123 | [03:49:17] |
[05:50] |
Someguy123 | [03:49:18] <@RealSolid> yeah | [05:50] |
Someguy123 | [03:49:30] <@RealSolid> the "eligius" ddoser has moved onto us | [05:50] |
Someguy123 | [03:49:50] |
[05:50] |
Someguy123 | LOL | [05:50] |
Someguy123 | solidcoinmafia and SLC24 are getting hit by realsolids backfire now | [05:50] |
dwon | Someguy123: Do you have any links I can use to independently verify what you're saying about how solidcoin works? | [05:50] |
mircea_popescu | and im bought out | [05:50] |
mircea_popescu | that went fast. | [05:50] |
Noitev | buying btc with moneypak | [05:51] |
vragnaroda | Someguy123: Next time, use a fucking pastebin. | [05:51] |
* | momoney ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:51] |
Someguy123 | dwon is dead | [05:51] |
Noitev | 660 for 5 ea | [05:51] |
Greed | I need to start stockpiling MtGox monies for situations like this | [05:51] |
Someguy123 | so nope. | [05:51] |
dwon | I remember reading briefly about how solidcoin worked, and I don't remember noticing anything about trusted nodes, but I might have missed it. | [05:51] |
splatster | vragnaroda: Tell him! | [05:51] |
Greed | Nobody is selling anything right now. | [05:51] |
Noitev | or really 660 usd for 5 usd per btc | [05:51] |
dirkdizzler | i'm currently hoarding | [05:51] |
Noitev | aw | [05:51] |
mircea_popescu | indeed greed, i had them ready just for this. | [05:51] |
dwon | Someguy123: Damn. (I sorta believe you, but I enjoy picking through protocol flaws for my own amusement :) | [05:52] |
Someguy123 | dirkdizzler I'm hoarding too, litecoins. | [05:52] |
dirkdizzler | fail | [05:52] |
splatster | MBS: I'll give you 25 BTC for $140 Amazon GC | [05:52] |
* | llanox (46839b8a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:52] |
jine | I'm COding ;) | [05:52] |
dwon | Someguy123: That's kinda too bad about Solidcoin. I thought it would be neat to fix the 51% hash power attack. But, then again now that I think about it, not relying on the proof-of-work would pretty much break the thing that makes Bitcoin practical. I thought Solidcoin came up with some clever way around that, but maybe I was trusting their marketing material too much. | [05:54] |
Noitev | can you take moneypak? | [05:54] |
MBS | splatster, nothx | [05:54] |
splatster | $125? | [05:54] |
copumpkin | dwon: there's literally nothing worthwhile about solidcoin | [05:55] |
Raccoon | any photo shoppers present? | [05:55] |
jjjrmy_ | Raccoon: I am :) | [05:55] |
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MBS | splatster, how about $120 | [05:55] |
MBS | amazon payments | [05:55] |
copumpkin | it's a cult of personality | [05:55] |
* | noitev_ (626d47ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:55] |
Raccoon | Suggestions on how to tackle this image? | [05:56] |
novusordo | so what's the deal with btc-e? was it hacked, or was that claim false? | [05:56] |
jjjrmy_ | internet so slow :( | [05:56] |
noitev_ | ;;gpg everify noitev | [05:56] |
splatster | MBS: I don't want Amazon payments | [05:56] |
dwon | copumpkin: I'm sure you're right; I'd just rather not take anyone's word for it if I don't have to. (Also, I'm a bit of a crypto nerd.) | [05:56] |
MBS | oh just gc | [05:56] |
MBS | but yeah either way, $120.50 | [05:56] |
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* | noitev_ has quit (Client Quit) | [05:57] |
copumpkin | dwon: oh, me too! so I'm all the more surprised that you took his word for it when his solution was adding multiple trusted third parties | [05:57] |
copumpkin | and trusted them because they had lots of money | [05:57] |
Someguy123 | Raccoon explain/ | [05:57] |
dwon | copumpkin: I never got around to reading what the solution actually was. | [05:57] |
* | pho| has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [05:57] |
Raccoon | Someguy123: I'm trying to blend these 8 frames together into a nice sequence as laid out in that jpg | [05:57] |
dwon | copumpkin: But now that you mention it, that's how it would have to work, isn't it? | [05:57] |
MBS | splatster, want to take it? | [05:57] |
Noitev | well, if anyone is selling btc for moneypak, like at least 320, tell them to query me please :) | [05:58] |
bowmessage | Wait MBS are you selling BTC? | [05:58] |
MBS | no | [05:58] |
gmaxwell | dwon: he didn't even disclose it for about a month after SC 2.0 was released— it was closed source at first. | [05:58] |
bowmessage | my bad | [05:58] |
splatster | MBS: $120 email gc? | [05:58] |
MBS | yeah | [05:58] |
copumpkin | dwon: you can either trust global consensus (51%) or trust particular people (solidcoin's "solution") | [05:58] |
copumpkin | I prefer the former | [05:58] |
dwon | copumpkin: I think I may have been blinded by "trusted-third-parties? there's no way they'd do something that stupid" | [05:58] |
llanox | Does anyone like iTunes? | [05:58] |
Someguy123 | Raccoon just throw them in movie maker at a high speed | [05:58] |
copumpkin | dwon: oh, they've done worse | [05:58] |
gmaxwell | dwon: if thats were only the dumbest thing... | [05:58] |
splatster | lemme think about it | [05:58] |
gmaxwell | haha | [05:58] |
gmaxwell | yea.. | [05:58] |
llanox | How much would 60 btc cost me in mp? | [05:58] |
dwon | I didn't realize it wasn't FOSS | [05:58] |
llanox | Sellers? | [05:58] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:59] |
Noitev | i need 60 in mp.. | [05:59] |
Noitev | but probably 320 | [05:59] |
Raccoon | Someguy123: that doesn't create a single composit of 8 blended images | [05:59] |
copumpkin | dwon: they actually managed to violate the MIT license, which takes some effort | [05:59] |
copumpkin | I should say "he" | [05:59] |
gmaxwell | dwon: there is source available now under a by-the-blessings-of-king-solid-only license | [05:59] |
Someguy123 | Raccoon explain. | [05:59] |
dwon | copumpkin: wow | [05:59] |
dwon | How the fuck is attribution too hard? | [05:59] |
copumpkin | he went and stripped copyright notices out of all the files and put them in the root of his project | [05:59] |
copumpkin | or something along those lines | [05:59] |
Raccoon | Someguy123: As you see the images in that jpg, that's how I want them to appear, with clean overlapping. | [05:59] |
gmaxwell | dwon: it's hard when you're telling everyone you rewrote all the 'awful' bitcoin code, so then you have to strip the attribution. | [05:59] |
Someguy123 | Raccoon oh thats easy | [06:00] |
Someguy123 | let me just fire up CS5 | [06:00] |
* | dwon *facepalms* | [06:00] |
gmaxwell | copumpkin: no, he just stripped them completely. | [06:00] |
copumpkin | oh | [06:00] |
copumpkin | then after luke-jr bugged him for a while he put a notice in the root | [06:00] |
Raccoon | Someguy123: What method approach do you suggest? | [06:00] |
copumpkin | and said all was good, right? | [06:00] |
dwon | copumpkin: I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be a violation if you put them in the root of the project | [06:00] |
gmaxwell | (he later put something halfassed back at the root, after getting DMCAed .. after being complained at many many times) | [06:00] |
Raccoon | Someguy123: btw, the actual workspace is 4x as large. | [06:00] |
luke-jr | copumpkin: no, he still left out the license text | [06:00] |
copumpkin | dwon: depends if you lost information in the process, I'd assume | [06:00] |
dwon | "The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software." | [06:00] |
gmaxwell | dwon: yea, ITS NOT HARD | [06:01] |
dwon | So if it's still included in the software, you should be okay | [06:01] |
luke-jr | also, once you infringe, you lose your license | [06:01] |
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dwon | luke-jr: Not quite sure if it works that way with MIT, but you'd still be liable for the infringement that you did commit. | [06:01] |
jjjrmy_ | luke-jr: you should come to Whiskey Dicks this wednesday, just don't bring your gun. k? | [06:01] |
gmaxwell | dwon: then again, their latest update computes the exactly required subsidy amount as some function of time and difficulty using doubles and pow() | [06:01] |
luke-jr | dwon: I don't see any cure clause in MIT | [06:01] |
gmaxwell | dwon: so its safe to say that these are not smart people we're dealing with. | [06:01] |
luke-jr | jjjrmy_: get a sane venue | [06:01] |
dwon | luke-jr: You wouldn't necessarily need one. GPLv2 had an explicit termination clause. MIT just says "you have these permissions when you meet these conditions" | [06:02] |
copumpkin | luke-jr and jjjrmy_ have met? | [06:02] |
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jjjrmy_ | luke-jr: what other venue accepts Bitcoins? | [06:02] |
jjjrmy_ | luke-jr: that is local. | [06:02] |
* | stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:02] |
llanox | Does anyone here sell large amounts of bitcoins? | [06:02] |
copumpkin | llanox: depends what you consider large | [06:02] |
luke-jr | jjjrmy_: who is going to protect me from the trolls? | [06:02] |
llanox | 60 bitcoins | [06:02] |
luke-jr | jjjrmy_: and LOCAL FOR WHOM? | [06:02] |
copumpkin | lol | [06:02] |
Noitev | trust me, if someone did i d be talking to them llanox | [06:02] |
luke-jr | dwon: well, the judge can decide that | [06:03] |
jjjrmy_ | luke-jr: local for the majority of the attendies. | [06:03] |
copumpkin | llanox: I'll sell you 5k bitcoins for $25 each | [06:03] |
vragnaroda | lol, I can totally see luke-jr going to a place called Whiskey Dicks. | [06:03] |
luke-jr | jjjrmy_: majority of attendies are near Tampa, not Orlando | [06:03] |
jjjrmy_ | luke-jr: who are the majority then? | [06:03] |
dwon | luke-jr: Well yeah, I wouldn't want to rely on that. Besides it's the fscking MIT license. Just comply with it; problem solved. | [06:03] |
Noitev | ;;bc,mtgox | [06:03] |
gribble | {"ticker":{"high":5.55,"low":4.81,"avg":5.259380936,"vwap":5.213205091,"vol":159338,"last_all":4.81032,"last_local":4.81032,"last":4.81032,"buy":4.81177,"sell":4.82}} | [06:03] |
jjjrmy_ | luke-jr: and what establishment near Tampa accepts Bitcoins? | [06:03] |
Noitev | man | [06:03] |
luke-jr | jjjrmy_: most everyone around here I've seen on IRC | [06:03] |
copumpkin | I am sometimes around tampa, too! | [06:03] |
luke-jr | jjjrmy_: we can pick one and offer them our regular business if they do :P | [06:03] |
copumpkin | I will sell my body for bitcoins when I'm in the area | [06:04] |
copumpkin | for everyone else's benefit | [06:04] |
luke-jr | dwon: not really, Solidcoin makes a mockery of Bitcoin; I see no reason to go easy on them | [06:04] |
jjjrmy_ | luke-jr: anywaysss, why not just come to a venue that already accepts Bitcoins. | [06:04] |
Noitev | anyway, ill buy at 5 | [06:04] |
luke-jr | jjjrmy_: because FL has ridiculous laws | [06:04] |
dwon | luke-jr: I really wish I'd read the docs in more detail before went down. It would have been fun. | [06:04] |
Noitev | oh | [06:04] |
luke-jr | suspending my rights in such a venue | [06:04] |
Noitev | crap | [06:04] |
dwon | ah well | [06:04] |
Noitev | what was the pits room name again? | [06:04] |
jjjrmy_ | luke-jr: just leave your gun in the car | [06:04] |
Noitev | and do people even go there? | [06:04] |
jjjrmy_ | Noitev: #bitcoin-pit | [06:04] |
luke-jr | jjjrmy_: why? | [06:04] |
Noitev | ty | [06:05] |
jjjrmy_ | luke-jr: there is no need to bring it into a bar! | [06:05] |
dwon | gmaxwell: I'm a bit fuzzy on the details. What do you mean about the pow() using doubles thing? | [06:05] |
luke-jr | jjjrmy_: there could be | [06:05] |
jjjrmy_ | luke-jr: such as? | [06:05] |
dwon | gmaxwell: Is this something that needs to be an exact figure? | [06:05] |
luke-jr | jjjrmy_: such as if someone goes nuts and starts shooting | [06:05] |
luke-jr | heck, a bar is one of the *last* places I'd want to be unarmed | [06:05] |
jjjrmy_ | luke-jr: well, I've gone every week for a copule of months and that has yet to happen. | [06:05] |
luke-jr | jjjrmy_: relevance? | [06:05] |
luke-jr | gambler's fallacy! | [06:06] |
Hunterbunter | so whats the next bottom? | [06:06] |
copumpkin | I've gone my entire life without dying | [06:06] |
copumpkin | !!! | [06:06] |
copumpkin | I SHALL NEVER DIE | [06:06] |
luke-jr | copumpkin: I know srsly | [06:06] |
amiller | i've died twice | [06:06] |
amiller | this is crap | [06:06] |
jjjrmy_ | okay, your loss | [06:06] |
copumpkin | proof by induction bitch | [06:06] |
copumpkin | trust me, I do formal proofs for fun | [06:06] |
smickles | wait, you can prove things by induction? | [06:06] |
copumpkin | and recursion | [06:06] |
gmaxwell | dwon: subsidy.. the amount of coin a block gives you. it's a protocol rule which must be _exact_ or you'll reject the block. | [06:06] |
luke-jr | smickles: … did you ever study logic? | [06:07] |
gmaxwell | dwon: if two nodes reach a different conclusion on what the subsidy should be, they'll form seperate chains. | [06:07] |
* | jjjrmy_ is now known as jjjrmy | [06:07] |
smickles | copumpkin: i thought induction lacked reasonable certainty | [06:07] |
dwon | gmaxwell: *blink* | [06:07] |
luke-jr | gmaxwell: it doesn't need to be exact, no | [06:07] |
jjjrmy | night | [06:07] |
smickles | luke-jr: yes | [06:07] |
gmaxwell | luke-jr: oh fair, it can't be greater. | [06:07] |
copumpkin | smickles: o.O | [06:07] |
luke-jr | gmaxwell: if there's a problem, you'll just get a temporary fork | [06:07] |
gmaxwell | I actually think they changed it to exact. | [06:07] |
splatster | ;;asks 5 | [06:07] |
gribble | There are currently 628.97199 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 3122.53980365 USD in total. | [06:07] |
luke-jr | fail | [06:07] |
MBS | ;;asks 20 | [06:07] |
gribble | There are currently 240342.17 bitcoins offered at or under 20.0 USD, worth 1933523.69923 USD in total. | [06:07] |
gmaxwell | luke-jr: and even if, not if the greater side has more hash power. | [06:07] |
copumpkin | smickles: are you serious? :) | [06:08] |
* | sbingner (~sam@phathack/sbingner) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:08] |
MBS | only $2 million | [06:08] |
dwon | gmaxwell: Sounds scary, but would it actually be a problem, as long as every node had an IEEE i-forget-what-number-compliant floating-point implementation (which basically everyone does)? | [06:08] |
splatster | ;;asks 30 | [06:08] |
copumpkin | I can never quite tell with people on the internet | [06:08] |
gribble | There are currently 253306.53 bitcoins offered at or under 30.0 USD, worth 2279618.27705 USD in total. | [06:08] |
splatster | ;;asks 100 | [06:08] |
gribble | There are currently 270620.75 bitcoins offered at or under 100.0 USD, worth 3030919.07634 USD in total. | [06:08] |
amiller | ieee754 | [06:08] |
gmaxwell | dwon: so .. no x86_32? | [06:08] |
copumpkin | dwon: there are minor variations | [06:08] |
splatster | ;;asks 400 | [06:08] |
gribble | There are currently 270877.25 bitcoins offered at or under 400.0 USD, worth 3084751.39608 USD in total. | [06:08] |
* | tdubz (~tdubellz@freenode/staff/tdubellz) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:08] |
amiller | you do not want floating ponits in your finance | [06:08] |
NxTitle | do you have to do this in the channel? | [06:08] |
gmaxwell | dwon: x86_32 is not ieee754 because the x87 has 80 bits of precision, which gets truncated to 64 bits only when a register spills to memory. | [06:08] |
MBS | you people should buy a dedicated server in bitcoins | [06:08] |
dwon | copumpkin, gmaxwell: Different floating-point register lengths, right? | [06:08] |
dwon | gmaxwell: right, ok | [06:09] |
MBS | 57.5 BTC for 1 year of an atom dedicated server, 2gb ram, 1TB hdd | [06:09] |
amiller | stick to satoshis | [06:09] |
copumpkin | dwon: there are 80-bit registers, yeah | [06:09] |
amiller | discrete and well defined | [06:09] |
gmaxwell | dwon: not only that, pow() is not exactly specified even on ieee754 systems. | [06:09] |
splatster | Hmm I like what I just said to MBS. | [06:09] |
splatster | I'm the captain of a sinking ship. | [06:09] |
gmaxwell | dwon: but hey, since mining SC now only gives you 0.07 SC, I guess it doesn't matter much. | [06:09] |
splatster | so true | [06:09] |
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smickles | copumpkin: oh, yeah, reasonable < absolute ;) | [06:10] |
stamit | "Bitcoin termination" people! it's the "termination" of Bitcoin! run for your lives!! | [06:10] |
splatster | Maybe not the captain but you get the idea | [06:10] |
mircea_popescu | lmao | [06:10] |
copumpkin | smickles: induction is probably one of the most common forms of proof out there | [06:10] |
copumpkin | I also use coinduction, but that isn't very common outside of certain circles | [06:10] |
dwon | gmaxwell: oh right, I guess the pow() spec doesn't necessarily say that you have to multiply the base by itself, according to ieee754, exponent-times. Actually, I'm pretty sure it doesn't. | [06:10] |
copumpkin | coinduction sounds appropriate for bitcoin | [06:10] |
copumpkin | cause you know, bitcoinduction | [06:10] |
dwon | and it wouldn't work if the exponent isn't an integer anyway | [06:10] |
llanox | anyone like iTunes? | [06:11] |
amiller | coin ducks | [06:11] |
luke-jr | can we replace base58 with base 58.1415 ? | [06:11] |
luke-jr | please? | [06:11] |
mircea_popescu | i read stamit, i go to check all panicked, i see price actually went up from where i buyed | [06:11] |
amiller | lol | [06:11] |
copumpkin | oh yes please | [06:11] |
copumpkin | luke-jr: why make it rational | [06:11] |
copumpkin | I want an irrational base | [06:11] |
amiller | pi-coin | [06:11] |
mircea_popescu | i had a gf like that cop. she was irrationally base. | [06:11] |
NxTitle | should be base3.1415 | [06:12] |
amiller | that joke would work well in french | [06:12] |
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mircea_popescu | i thought it in french :) | [06:12] |
* | Woofcat (~Woofcat@unaffiliated/woofcat) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:12] |
splatster | Wow there are sells on Mt. Gox above $1,000 | [06:12] |
copumpkin | pi-monnaie | [06:12] |
gmaxwell | dwon: I dunno what c++ has to say about it but iirc c89 only says "The pow function returns the value of x raised to the power y" about pow. e.g. nothing about rounding such. | [06:12] |
copumpkin | splatster: there are joke orders on both sides | [06:12] |
* | llanox has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [06:12] |
mircea_popescu | anyone selling for negative ? | [06:12] |
amiller | rofl | [06:12] |
luke-jr | base 19π | [06:12] |
amiller | pi is bullshit anyway we should be adopting tau | [06:13] |
dwon | NxTitle: No, base 6.2832: | [06:13] |
amiller | 2pi is the actual natural value | [06:13] |
gmaxwell | Τ | [06:13] |
luke-jr | base 10τ | [06:13] |
* | smickles was waiting for tau to come up | [06:13] |
splatster | 27 million BTC on the bid side | [06:13] |
dwon | YES! | [06:13] |
amiller | inb4vihart | [06:13] |
copumpkin | tau! | [06:13] |
dwon | amiller: nice | [06:13] |
amiller | damn, i missed, gj dwon | [06:13] |
luke-jr | base 9τ (tonal) | [06:13] |
NxTitle | lol | [06:13] |
copumpkin | smickles: anyway, you can prove lots of fun things with induction! | [06:13] |
gmaxwell | Of course everyone has seen the tau page. | [06:13] |
dwon | you guys are awesome | [06:13] |
copumpkin | there are also many different forms of induction | [06:13] |
* | GlooBoy has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [06:13] |
* | LMLeverage has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [06:13] |
luke-jr | tau vs pi is less important than tonal vs decimal | [06:13] |
* | Txyru` ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:14] |
NxTitle | decimal ftw | [06:14] |
NxTitle | :P | [06:14] |
* | gribble gives voice to Woofcat | [06:14] |
luke-jr | but I do have a dedicated τ keypress! | [06:14] |
gmaxwell | τ | [06:14] |
gmaxwell | me too. | [06:14] |
Hunterbunter | alright this werebear has awoken....shorted lots and lots...down down down gogogo!!! | [06:14] |
* | NxTitle needs to enable unicode | [06:14] |
gmaxwell | greek-t | [06:14] |
Hunterbunter | oh yeah tau | [06:14] |
* | kwiko ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:14] |
* | Valalvax has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [06:14] |
vragnaroda | NxTitle: 네! | [06:15] |
luke-jr | | [06:15] |
Hunterbunter | how unfortunate a dude thought the half circle was more important 2000 yaers ago and we never bothered to fix that | [06:15] |
NxTitle | vragnaroda: I see "?!" | [06:15] |
luke-jr | NxTitle: ⁈ | [06:15] |
dwon | gmaxwell: I just checked: C99 says the same thing. | [06:15] |
NxTitle | don't know if I'm supposed to | [06:15] |
NxTitle | :P | [06:15] |
* | Txyru has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [06:15] |
Hunterbunter | oh wait that like applies to everything | [06:15] |
vragnaroda | NxTitle: 아니오. | [06:15] |
dwon | You guys have heard about the number Wau, right? | [06:15] |
amiller | what an awful alphabet luke-jr i don't see what's wrong with ABCDEF | [06:15] |
amiller | maybe i should take that to another hcannel though | [06:15] |
amiller | do you have #tonal | [06:16] |
* | mcorlett has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [06:16] |
luke-jr | amiller: …yes, but tonal doesn't do alphabet :p | [06:16] |
* | vragnaroda smacks amiller with a fire extinguisher. | [06:16] |
splatster | "I found you Miss New Butty!" - Ying Yang Twins | [06:16] |
luke-jr | does your keyboard actually do ABCDEF? | [06:16] |
vragnaroda | amiller: Those are *not* letters. | [06:16] |
Woofcat | Anyone selling BTC for PP | [06:16] |
vragnaroda | And if you use ABCDEF for hexadecimal, they're not, either. | [06:16] |
splatster | Woofcat: I'll give you 25 BTC for $200 | [06:17] |
vragnaroda | Letters and numerals do not overlap. | [06:17] |
* | EasyAt (~easy@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:17] |
* | Woofcat does math | [06:17] |
dwon | lol | [06:17] |
Woofcat | Yeah | [06:17] |
pp7 | splatster, ROFL | [06:17] |
Woofcat | shitty deal | [06:17] |
smickles | ;;calc 200/25 | [06:17] |
gribble | 8 | [06:17] |
dwon | Woofcat: I'll give you 30 BTC for $200 | [06:17] |
dwon | much better deal | [06:17] |
smickles | ;;calc 200/30 | [06:18] |
gribble | 6.66666666667 | [06:18] |
Woofcat | How about... | [06:18] |
Woofcat | ;;ticker | [06:18] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.87212, Best ask: 4.902, Bid-ask spread: 0.02988, Last trade: 4.902, 24 hour volume: 154643, 24 hour low: 4.81, 24 hour high: 5.55 | [06:18] |
pp7 | LOL | [06:18] |
smickles | ;;calc 200/[ticker --last] | [06:18] |
splatster | LOL | [06:18] |
gribble | 40.7996736026 | [06:18] |
amiller | man we're fucked, sorry bitcoin | [06:18] |
splatster | LOL | [06:18] |
vragnaroda | NxTitle: Here, I'll help you a bit. | [06:18] |
vragnaroda | .u 네 | [06:18] |
markac | U+B124 HANGUL SYLLABLE NE (네) | [06:18] |
pp7 | amiller, ROFL | [06:18] |
vragnaroda | .u 아니오 | [06:18] |
markac | U+C544 HANGUL SYLLABLE A (아) | [06:18] |
markac | U+B2C8 HANGUL SYLLABLE NI (니) | [06:18] |
markac | U+C624 HANGUL SYLLABLE O (오) | [06:18] |
vragnaroda | NxTitle: Those are the two things I said with Unicode characters to you. | [06:19] |
NxTitle | neanio? | [06:19] |
MBS | 1 year of a dedicated atom or better server, only 57.25 BTC | [06:19] |
DBordello | atom server? | [06:19] |
DBordello | can't wait | [06:19] |
MBS | lol | [06:19] |
Woofcat | ;;getrating [ident splatster] | [06:19] |
gribble | User splatster, created on Fri Jan 13 22:39:48 2012. Cumulative rating 13, from 10 total ratings. Received ratings: 10 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 12 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask splatster!~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster | [06:19] |
dwon | I like how the channel got really quiet when splatster offered Woofcat his fantastic deal | [06:19] |
MBS | well some people get lucky and get dual core pentiums | [06:20] |
vragnaroda | NxTitle: No, ne was in response to you saying you should get unicode working and ani(y)o was in response to your question if it was supposed to look like “?!” | [06:20] |
splatster | dwon: I hate when that happens | [06:20] |
Woofcat | Why is gribble now speaking in the channel. | [06:20] |
NxTitle | ah | [06:20] |
Woofcat | Like, a week ago, he would PM you. | [06:20] |
smickles | ;;lucky bitcoin draino | [06:20] |
gribble | | [06:20] |
dwon | Woofcat: Makes more sense that if you ask for something in the channel, that the reply goes to the channel | [06:21] |
vragnaroda | NxTitle: ne = yes, ani-o = no. | [06:21] |
Hunterbunter | noooooooo down | [06:21] |
dwon | I don't know what changed, though | [06:21] |
Noitev | didnt he used to speak in the channel? | [06:21] |
Woofcat | Noitev, na, it used to always message you. | [06:21] |
Noitev | your not old like me | [06:21] |
Woofcat | True | [06:21] |
Woofcat | but like 12 days ago | [06:21] |
Woofcat | it used to PM you | [06:21] |
Noitev | i mean like 6 months ago | [06:22] |
Noitev | then they decided itd pm you | [06:22] |
dwon | Hunterbunter: #debian does this all the time. If somebody asks a question, someone else can do "!blah" and the bot will answer the person's question. If people to !whatever too much, someone says "!msg the bot", which displays a factoid saying to msg the bot instead of spamming the channel. | [06:22] |
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MBS | above 5 again | [06:22] |
Noitev | now they changed it back? | [06:22] |
splatster | See, we are already back above 5 | [06:22] |
dwon | Hunterbunter: it works really well | [06:22] |
Hunterbunter | dwon lol k but...why are you telling me taht? | [06:22] |
smickles | ;;view 6784 | [06:23] |
* | Raccoon has quit (Excess Flood) | [06:23] |
gribble | #6784 Mon Feb 13 07:07:13 2012 smickles BUY 3.867374 btc @ 5.2077 usd ((price per btc) ppusd preferred method of usd tx) | [06:23] |
smickles | thiswholetime | [06:23] |
Noitev | 1msg the bot | [06:23] |
Noitev | !msg the bot | [06:23] |
dwon | oh, nevermind. I saw "noooooo down" and read it as "nooooo dwon" | [06:23] |
* | Raccoon (bismuth@unaffiliated/raccoon) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:23] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to Raccoon | [06:23] |
Noitev | lol | [06:23] |
Hunterbunter | lol | [06:23] |
dwon | Noitev: I think gribble uses ;; instead of ! | [06:23] |
Hunterbunter | all good...I just made a request for btc to get cheaper, sincee I shorted, and it seems the channel had not heard me correctly | [06:23] |
smickles | !eightball gribble , do you use this? | [06:24] |
gribble | Maybe... | [06:24] |
Hunterbunter | !eightball gribble , lol so yeah do you think btc will go down?? | [06:24] |
MBS | right now only 140 BTC for 1 year of a kimsufi 16G server, sandy bridge i5-2300 is the usual processor, 16GB ram, 2TB HDD, 10TB @ 100mbps | [06:24] |
MBS | | [06:24] |
Hunterbunter | aww didn't respond to me | [06:24] |
splatster | ;;eightball Is SolidCoin a scam? | [06:24] |
gribble | You know the answer better than I. | [06:24] |
smickles | lol | [06:25] |
MBS | Woofcat, werent you looking for a dedicated server? | [06:25] |
Hunterbunter | ;;eightball is this how you use it? | [06:25] |
Woofcat | Yeah | [06:25] |
Hunterbunter | aww | [06:25] |
Hunterbunter | perhaps I'm just not cool enough for gribble to notice | [06:25] |
* | pp7 is now known as malkauns | [06:25] |
smickles | ;;eightball will Hunterbunter auth? | [06:25] |
gribble | What are you asking me for? | [06:25] |
Noitev | O.O | [06:25] |
Hunterbunter | lolwhat | [06:25] |
Hunterbunter | auth? | [06:25] |
Noitev | authenticate | [06:26] |
Hunterbunter | oo gribble opened a private chat! how nice | [06:26] |
* | Valalvax ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:26] |
kwiko | anyone willing to help me build some rep by selling me fractions or a single BTC for paypal money? :) | [06:26] |
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Noitev | um | [06:26] |
smickles | kwiko: not me | [06:26] |
Woofcat | kwiko, wrong concept | [06:26] |
smickles | ^ | [06:26] |
Noitev | the point of rep is for it to be legit | [06:26] |
DBordello | kwiko, I'll sell you a rating for $20 PP | [06:26] |
Noitev | otherwise you could do that a lot and then when you trade big bucks take it all at once | [06:26] |
kwiko | Ah, gotcha. That makes sense. So what's the best way to build a reputation then? | [06:27] |
* | DBordello looks around to see anybody noticed | [06:27] |
amiller | i'll sell you 1 btc for paypal money, to hell with the haters | [06:27] |
amiller | are you authed with the gribmeister | [06:27] |
kwiko | I am :) | [06:27] |
Noitev | yeah just try to make legit transactions | [06:27] |
Noitev | 1 btc is fine generally | [06:27] |
smickles | kwiko: buy with moneypak/ LRUSD or sell btc to get rep | [06:28] |
Noitev | but 0.01 is kinda sketchy | [06:28] |
luke-jr | jjjrmy: how about a pizza place in Brooksville? :P | [06:28] |
paulzag | I;ll sell to to kwiko | [06:28] |
Noitev | also still buying 660 btc | [06:28] |
luke-jr | jjjrmy: my family went when they were closed once, and they let us order and eat in anyway <.< | [06:28] |
Noitev | at whatever price seems good | [06:28] |
Noitev | i mean 660 usd worth of btc | [06:28] |
novusordo | also still buying 5 btc | [06:28] |
Noitev | at whatever price seems good | [06:29] |
Noitev | lol | [06:29] |
smickles | ;;view 6784 | [06:30] |
gribble | #6784 Mon Feb 13 07:07:13 2012 smickles BUY 3.867374 btc @ 5.2077 usd ((price per btc) ppusd preferred method of usd tx) | [06:30] |
dwon | luke-jr: I hope you guys tipped well | [06:31] |
luke-jr | dwon: I forget, it was a while ago :p | [06:31] |
luke-jr | point being, they might be easier to convince to accept Bitcoins | [06:32] |
splatster | Oh well, bitscalper ran away with the money. | [06:32] |
smickles | really? | [06:32] |
paulzag | really? | [06:32] |
dwon | eh? site still looks up (although I don't have an account...) | [06:32] |
smickles | ;;echo echo? | [06:32] |
gribble | echo? | [06:32] |
paulzag | :D | [06:33] |
paulzag | for the echo -- not the bitscalper flit | [06:33] |
dwon | splatster: how do you know? | [06:34] |
luke-jr | "eddy echo!" | [06:34] |
splatster | 2 pages of pending withdrawals | [06:34] |
luke-jr | ^ my 2 year old | [06:34] |
dwon | they're all for today, though. Couldn't it just be a lot of withdrawls? | [06:35] |
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Geno_ | The day... that bitcoin died... | [06:36] |
splatster | OR they ran away with the money | [06:37] |
dwon | splatster: well, sure, but I think it's still a bit soon to call it that yet | [06:37] |
Geno_ | they started singing: bye, bye, miss american pie. Drove my chevy to the levy buy the mtgox was dry | [06:38] |
dwon | It could also be a software problem. Not like anyone *cough*MtGox*cough* has ever had one of those before | [06:38] |
amiller | ;;rate kwiko 1 swell dude, check out his design portfolio | [06:39] |
* | BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:40] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt | [06:40] |
Geno_ | Those good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye, singing, "this will be the day that BTC dies...." "this will be the day that BTC dies..." | [06:40] |
dwon | kwiko: on "Latitude" just points to a domain parking page | [06:40] |
Hunterbunter | does anyone know what that alternative bitcoin chart similar to mtgoxlive was called? | [06:40] |
* | silvercoin (47442431@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:40] |
AcidicChip | bitcoincharts? | [06:40] |
Hunterbunter | you could set the background to black | [06:40] |
Hunterbunter | no it was a realtime one | [06:41] |
silvercoin | Ugg bitcoin is going down quick | [06:41] |
kwiko | ;;rate amiller 1 great friendly guy with noble ideals and great manners | [06:41] |
Noitev | ;;bc,mtgox | [06:41] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user amiller has been recorded. | [06:41] |
gribble | {"ticker":{"high":5.55,"low":4.81,"avg":5.245795943,"vwap":5.20342786,"vol":150298,"last_all":4.912,"last_local":4.912,"last":4.912,"buy":4.91202,"sell":4.972}} | [06:41] |
dwon | Yeah, I'd like an alternative to mtgoxlive that doesn't drown Firefox if I leave it running for a few minutes | [06:41] |
Noitev | meh | [06:41] |
Noitev | its not too bad | [06:41] |
kwiko | ah sorry dwon | [06:41] |
kwiko | that shit got snatched from me. should update that page! | [06:42] |
silvercoin | pretty bad to me it's dropped almost 1$ in 3 days | [06:42] |
Noitev | oh | [06:42] |
Noitev | well sorry :/ | [06:42] |
silvercoin | All good | [06:42] |
silvercoin | I jst wonder how much further it will drop | [06:42] |
dwon | kwiko: oh, heh, "as more projects are launched in 2009"... :) | [06:42] |
kwiko | haha, yeah -- is a bit more up to date | [06:42] |
kwiko | going to get that all updated soon... if I find time. | [06:43] |
Cory | silvercoin: That just means it's time to buy. :) | [06:43] |
amiller | i said 'look', not criticize | [06:43] |
silvercoin | Yea if it gets near 3$ and stays there for a bit I will buy lots | [06:43] |
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dwon | kwiko: heh. your website's doing better than mine is. Mine is full of obsolete crap on the front page: | [06:43] |
amiller | yeah i keep mine up to date | [06:44] |
kwiko | better than nothing dwon! | [06:44] |
dwon | "addrow - how to add a row of input fields to an HTML form." <-- just use fscking jQuery now. | [06:44] |
Cory | Ew! The days of the three dollar bitcoin are over! | [06:44] |
silvercoin | lol | [06:44] |
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silvercoin | how can you be so sure | [06:44] |
Cory | Because I'm long! | [06:44] |
dwon | lol | [06:45] |
silvercoin | wtf | [06:45] |
Hunterbunter | I was long until I was burdered by a werebear, now I'm a werebear too | [06:45] |
* | jj_ (429ee51a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:45] |
pigeons | i was longer, till the brisk | [06:45] |
dwon | My options at this point are between: "long" and "less long", 'cause I bought at ~ $6.50 | [06:46] |
amiller | burdered | [06:46] |
amiller | sunk costs dwon, there's only the present | [06:46] |
Hunterbunter | oh em gee | [06:46] |
Hunterbunter | I mean beardered! | [06:46] |
dwon | amiller: well, I actually think the price will go up in the long term, but it might be awhile | [06:47] |
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amiller | i think bitcoin is satire | [06:47] |
Hunterbunter | tahts how werebears do it | [06:47] |
amiller | it's better than gold, but it reveals how silly gold was to begin with. | [06:47] |
* | OneFixt (~OneFixt@unaffiliated/onefixt) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:48] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to OneFixt | [06:48] |
dwon | I still think it's really handy for micropayments and things like "I'm a FOSS developer; donate to me!" | [06:48] |
Hunterbunter | I read some anthopology research a little while ago that claimed we never bartered...people were all hippy and everything was gifted | [06:48] |
Hunterbunter | people never returned gifts were simply shunned out of the community | [06:49] |
Hunterbunter | *people who never | [06:49] |
* | Canucktux has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [06:49] |
dwon | Hunterbunter: That would just mean that the exchange was less open. Trade favours for favour. It actually sounds very oppressive. | [06:49] |
dwon | The dominant individuals were probably able to extract "gifts" from others | [06:50] |
amiller | i have my longbets on a credit based successor to bitcoin that retains all the good parts | [06:50] |
Hunterbunter | that may be, but it does diminish support for the idea that currency was a natural progression from bartering | [06:50] |
* | BlueMatt has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | [06:50] |
amiller | the public/private keys and the decentralized anti-double-spend system | [06:51] |
* | BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:51] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt | [06:51] |
dwon | Hunterbunter: It's still a useful way to explain currency, even if it's not historically accurate. But yeah; interesting. | [06:51] |
amiller | Hunterbunter, i assume you're referring to the david graeber Debt book | [06:51] |
Cory | Keep smiling through just like you always do. :) | [06:51] |
Hunterbunter | what about currency because of taxation? ie we'll pay solidiers a gold each, you have to find a way to give us a gold each at the end of this year | [06:52] |
* | silvercoin has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [06:52] |
Hunterbunter | amiller sorry could be, I have no memory of the details (should have paid more attention) | [06:52] |
amiller | realizing that 'barter' never existed was my biggest eye opener of the last six months (bitcoin being the biggest of the 6 months prior to that) | [06:52] |
amiller | anthropologists have basically found themselves in a flat out conflict with mainstream economists | [06:53] |
dwon | I've found that economists frequently have opinions about things outside economics, and are frequently wrong. | [06:53] |
amiller | it' | [06:53] |
dwon | It's to the point now where, I can point to an arbitrary crackpot theory, and there's a good chance that it's an economist who's proposing it | [06:54] |
Hunterbunter | lol | [06:54] |
smickles | ;;sell 1 btc @ {mtgoxlast} LRUSD | [06:54] |
gribble | Order id 6797 created. | [06:54] |
dwon | I'm still waiting for an economist to start arguing with me about crypto on a public forum. It would be hilarious. | [06:54] |
amiller | please send me a link if that occurs dwon | [06:55] |
smickles | ;;ident dwon | [06:55] |
gribble | Nick 'dwon', with hostmask 'dwon!~dwon@', is not identified. | [06:55] |
smickles | aw, i was gonna sent you an encrypted message :( | [06:55] |
smickles | publicly | [06:55] |
dwon | gimme a sec | [06:55] |
amiller | gribble > keyserver | [06:55] |
dwon | ;;ident dwon | [06:56] |
gribble | Nick 'dwon', with hostmask 'dwon!~dwon@', is identified as user dwon, with GPG key id 928CEC1339C25CF7, and key fingerprint 19E11FE8B3CFF273ED174A24928CEC1339C25CF7. | [06:56] |
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* | sbingner (~sam@phathack/sbingner) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:58] |
dwon | I don't understand why people bother with "key ids"; especially "long key ids". They're just truncated versions of the fingerprint. Just use the whole fingerprint! | [06:58] |
MBS | dwon, less to remember? | [06:59] |
Hunterbunter | dwon just reading up on bartering seems there's no evidence of a society/economy that primarily on it | [07:00] |
amiller | like you're gonna remember all of 16 random characters | [07:00] |
dwon | ^ | [07:00] |
MBS | easier than remembering 48 or w/e | [07:01] |
Hunterbunter | dwon according to simple wiki...although the debt thing does remind me of pretty much being the same as money (that is money is an oppressive form of obligation) | [07:01] |
mircea_popescu | key ids are basically conveniently truncated key ids | [07:01] |
mircea_popescu | key ids are basically conveniently truncated key fingerprints i mean. | [07:01] |
MBS | someone buy a dedicated server from me | [07:01] |
MBS | 57.5 BTC for 1 year of an atom dedicated server, 2gb ram, 1TB hdd | [07:01] |
dwon | Hunterbunter: Money is the best kind of obligation! You can explicitly negotiate it, in advance, rather relying on bellyfeel to determine when you've paid a debt, for example | [07:02] |
MBS | 140 BTC for 1 year of a kimsufi 16G server, sandy bridge i5-2300 is the usual processor, 16GB ram, 2TB HDD, 10TB @ 100mbps | [07:02] |
amiller | the most important thing to take back from the debt book is that debt can and often is canceled for social reasons | [07:02] |
amiller | the rigidness and coldness of bank debt is the unnatural thing, that only works when everything is going well | [07:02] |
MBS | dwon, ill give you this cart of apples for 50 bear pelts in 6 months | [07:02] |
MBS | deal? | [07:02] |
Hunterbunter | do people forgive money debts as easily as they do gifted obligations? | [07:02] |
amiller | when it breaks down, social factors start to dominate | [07:02] |
amiller | Hunterbunter, often easier | [07:03] |
mircea_popescu | ya right amiller. | [07:03] |
* | Vaerros has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [07:03] |
dwon | I prefer the way git handles truncating hashes. The software itself (including URLs, etc) generally use the full hash, but you can specify truncated versions if you want, and the software will fail if there is more than one hash that matches your truncated version. | [07:03] |
mircea_popescu | look at greece. | [07:03] |
amiller | for example in the US you can simply walk away from any commercial debt | [07:03] |
smickles | | [07:03] |
* | cryptoxchange ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:03] |
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amiller | well the thing with greece and other european debts is that they're orchestrated by central banks in various countries | [07:03] |
amiller | they don't necessarily reflect the consent of the citizens | [07:03] |
dwon | MBS: Hmm. How are we going to remember that that was our agreement? | [07:03] |
dwon | MBS: better write it down. | [07:03] |
amiller | and when it breaks down, that's what happens on the streets, citizens rejecting the sanctity of their central bank | [07:04] |
MBS | you do it by making the agreement in public | [07:04] |
MBS | so that everyone knows | [07:04] |
* | MoPac (~MoPac@gateway/tor-sasl/mopac) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:04] |
Hunterbunter | Credit would be quite amusing in a barter ssytem | [07:04] |
MBS | and of course you can do a contract as well | [07:04] |
MBS | Hunterbunter, idk if you watch anime, but if you do, check out spice and wolf | [07:04] |
dwon | Oh, hey, amiller, do you want the 50 bear pelts that MBS is going to give me in 6 months? Just give me 40 bear pelts now. | [07:04] |
MBS | its entirly about that | [07:04] |
MBS | but its not bear season yet :p | [07:05] |
amiller | i don't believe your contract is enforceable, even within bitcoin-otc, so no i will pass | [07:05] |
MBS | so would only give you 25 right now | [07:05] |
MBS | lol main character in show gets screwed at one point though | [07:05] |
dwon | Hunterbunter: The thing about the barter system, is that I kind of think it would really quickly devolve into something involving trading promises, rather than trading actual goods. | [07:06] |
MBS | trades something for a shitton of armor, then when he gets to town to sell armor at, finds out the "crusades" for this year have been canceled | [07:06] |
MBS | so his armor is worthless | [07:06] |
Hunterbunter | yeah I agree dwon...which makes me think it never really existed in great form int eh first place | [07:06] |
dwon | Hunterbunter: So it may have effectively existed, but as soon as a population gets large enough, it would fall into disuse. I guess the argument you're putting forth is that smaller populations didn't use the barter system either. | [07:06] |
mircea_popescu | i think "worthless" is a concept that only works in cash economies mbs | [07:06] |
Hunterbunter | I find it hard to believe currency replaced the barter system, because the barter system is too shitty to work in the first place | [07:07] |
mircea_popescu | in barter systems the goods have a diff relation to their intrinsic values. | [07:07] |
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amiller | dwon, the real point is that empirically speaking, no barter system has ever existed in a civilization | [07:07] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: "worthless" means "I'm not willing to give you anything for it" | [07:07] |
amiller | dwon anthropologists have looked and have not found it | [07:07] |
mircea_popescu | no dwon, not at all. | [07:07] |
dwon | amiller: I could believe that | [07:07] |
amiller | dwon instead, even in small societies, rituals and all sorts of other bizarre circumstances can be found, but not barter | [07:07] |
dwon | amiller: seems plausible, I mean | [07:07] |
mircea_popescu | it means "no money for it" | [07:07] |
MBS | mircea_popescu, no one would trade much of anything for his armor | [07:07] |
MBS | of course the show isnt completly barter, there is obviously gold and silver too | [07:07] |
mircea_popescu | MBS that is usually the case in all contexts of a barter system | [07:07] |
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Hunterbunter | I used to sell some sauces I made at famers markets | [07:08] |
MBS | also credit was used in barter systems | [07:08] |
MBS | | [07:08] |
MBS | While one-to-one bartering is practised between individuals and businesses on an informal basis, organized barter exchanges have developed to conduct third party bartering. A barter exchange operates as a broker and bank in which each participating member has an account that is debited when purchases are made, and credited when sales are made. Compared to one-to-one bartering, concerns over unequal exchanges are reduced in a barter exchange. | [07:08] |
amiller | | [07:08] |
Hunterbunter | whenever a fellow stall holder wanted some...if I also wanted waht they had...we would actually trade in $ he takes what he wants, I take what I want, and we pay the difference in cash | [07:08] |
mircea_popescu | if you live in a barter economy, the one guarantee you have is that most of the time nobodu'd trade you anything for anything. | [07:08] |
Hunterbunter | it's only possible with cash | [07:08] |
mircea_popescu | the ideea of indefinite tradeability of anything for anything squarely depends on a backing currency | [07:09] |
Hunterbunter | oh I meant secondary credit | [07:09] |
mircea_popescu | so does "price" and so does "value" | [07:09] |
Hunterbunter | as in credit on money, not money itself | [07:09] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: value is independent of money | [07:09] |
amiller | er this link is more direct | [07:09] |
amiller | | [07:09] |
amiller | Philip Pilkington: Let’s begin. Most economists claim that money was invented to replace the barter system. But you’ve found something quite different, am I correct? | [07:09] |
amiller | David Graeber: Yes there’s a standard story we’re all taught, a ‘once upon a time’ — it’s a fairy tale. | [07:09] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: maybe not the best essay on the topic, but here: | [07:10] |
mircea_popescu | i know graham. | [07:10] |
Hunterbunter | I find it much more plausible that trade tokens were established extremely early by leaders of a even sea shells were used as currency for native americans | [07:11] |
Hunterbunter | (if I remember correctly) | [07:11] |
* | Now talking on #bitcoin-otc | [15:37] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || Bot's control sequence is ';;'. || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe | [15:37] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube at Mon Dec 19 23:38:55 2011 | [15:37] |
rg | i blocked my windows | [15:37] |
rg | so now its like night time in here all time | [15:37] |
Greed | Why would you want that | [15:37] |
rg | cause then no sunlight gets in | [15:38] |
smickles | peace from that sadistic thing in the sky | [15:38] |
Greed | [15:41] | |
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M4v3R | Nice buy | [15:44] |
M4v3R | 6k | [15:44] |
mircea_popescu | :) | [15:44] |
rg | doesnt matter | [15:45] |
rg | bitcoin is over | [15:45] |
* | stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has left #bitcoin-otc | [15:45] |
copumpkin | lol | [15:45] |
smickles | loololol | [15:45] |
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draco49 | That's not a very good attitude for the guy that runs the leading BitVPS service... | [15:45] |
OneFixt | i'll hold your bitcoins while you weep for them | [15:45] |
copumpkin | rg: you got a bell so you can stand at the street corner? | [15:45] |
rg | nope | [15:46] |
Tril | rg: roller coaster reversed!! whee | [15:46] |
rg | we closed | [15:46] |
draco49 | Aww man... I was gonna register an account today :( | [15:46] |
smickles | draco49: at TH? | [15:46] |
rg | we switched to SolidCoins | [15:46] |
rg | so its SolidVPS now | [15:46] |
copumpkin | rg: nice! | [15:46] |
Greed | | [15:46] |
rg | its even a better name | [15:46] |
Greed | Something isn't right here. | [15:46] |
draco49 | LOL no, I meant a BitVPS acct | [15:46] |
draco49 | I'm banking on LightCoins | [15:47] |
rg | mmm nice thanks for leaking your username greed | [15:47] |
Greed | Not exactly a secret | [15:47] |
* | MagicalTux has quit (Quit: Bye, see you later!) | [15:47] |
Greed | I've got plenty more where that came from | [15:47] |
Greed | ~7 or so active usernames atm | [15:47] |
Greed | Triple that in unique passwords | [15:48] |
Greed | I like to keep my identities separate. | [15:48] |
* | MT`AwAy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [15:48] |
copumpkin | why do you need more than two usernames? | [15:48] |
rg | its so sad | [15:48] |
rg | with btc down so low | [15:48] |
Phoebus | lol | [15:48] |
* | MT`AwAy is now known as Guest92866 | [15:48] |
rg | bitvps prices are higher than ever | [15:48] |
smickles | rg:, did't you want to sell at like 7.2? | [15:48] |
rg | and they work on an average too so its not even as high as it will be | [15:48] |
rg | smickles: 6.10 | [15:48] |
Greed | For anonymity / security reasons, copumpkin | [15:49] |
smickles | ah | [15:49] |
smickles | greed opens a new account for every position taken | [15:49] |
* | agricocb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [15:49] |
copumpkin | o.O | [15:49] |
* | Guest92866 is now known as MagicalTux | [15:50] |
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* | MagicalTux (~MagicalTu@mtgox/staff/MagicalTux) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [15:50] |
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shades | r-r-r-r-raaalllly | [15:50] |
copumpkin | lol | [15:51] |
M4v3R | Upside down rally maybe | [15:51] |
Cory | Bitcoinica only offers one position: BTC/USD | [15:51] |
copumpkin | MagicalTux: O MAGICALTUX, ONLY YOU CAN SAVE US | [15:51] |
MagicalTux | copumpkin: ? | [15:51] |
shades | solidcoins wtf are those? | [15:51] |
copumpkin | lol | [15:51] |
rg | magicaltux is the one who brought it down | [15:51] |
rg | for trading fees | [15:51] |
Hunterbunter | still think it's going to dump more m4v3r? | [15:51] |
shades | rg, why do you say btc is over? | [15:51] |
rg | one thing is true though | [15:51] |
shades | lightcoins? | [15:52] |
rg | youd never see mtgox funds go to improving the exchange rate | [15:52] |
rg | they just take money | [15:52] |
copumpkin | rg: that makes no sense | [15:52] |
Cory | We tickled 4.8! :O | [15:52] |
rg | sure it does | [15:52] |
Hunterbunter | rg: do you think bitcoinica are doing that? | [15:52] |
rg | everything i say makes sense | [15:52] |
rg | no | [15:52] |
rg | and i want bitcoinica out of here | [15:52] |
rg | theyre ruining bitcoin | [15:52] |
Hunterbunter | I agree with that | [15:52] |
copumpkin | lol | [15:52] |
rg | managerial impotent | [15:53] |
rg | managerial impotentence | [15:53] |
draco49 | Fire up LOIC and take-em down. | [15:53] |
* | BTCHero ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [15:53] |
copumpkin | Hunterbunter: | [15:53] |
* | gribble gives voice to BTCHero | [15:53] |
Hunterbunter | which part are you pointing out copumpkin? | [15:54] |
copumpkin | my comment in general | [15:54] |
copumpkin | and how it ties in to the anti-bitcoinica sentiment | [15:54] |
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shades | brb... | [15:54] |
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Hunterbunter | I may just be a nub, but can you explain what you mean there? | [15:56] |
rg | i guess ill make a tuna melt | [15:56] |
Hunterbunter | I mean | [15:56] |
rg | for breakfast | [15:56] |
Hunterbunter | you described all the possibilities? | [15:56] |
rg | nto everyone is a trading genius like you coumpkin | [15:57] |
Hunterbunter | ah I see :) | [15:57] |
rg | mr. i dont even trade anymore | [15:57] |
BTCHero | seriously bitcoinica should just fuck off | [15:57] |
BTCHero | You can't even use it | [15:57] |
BTCHero | starred up all the time | [15:57] |
copumpkin | BTCHero: see above | [15:57] |
Phoebus | rg actually is using BTC thus putting real value behind it. | [15:57] |
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rg | surely trying | [15:57] |
copumpkin | hey, I bought some alpaca socks | [15:57] |
copumpkin | also, I'm implicitly putting real value behind it | [15:58] |
rg | no | [15:58] |
copumpkin | by stockpiling a crapload of coins and not dumping them on th emarket | [15:58] |
rg | you get your profit and cash it out | [15:58] |
rg | to usd | [15:58] |
copumpkin | no | [15:58] |
rg | the other week you said thats what you do | [15:58] |
copumpkin | ah, I see | [15:58] |
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rg | and where can i get those socks | [15:58] |
copumpkin | well, if you guys dislike the "hoarders" so much, perhaps we should all just dump all our coins on the market and leave | [15:58] |
rg | i need socks big time | [15:59] |
copumpkin | | [15:59] |
Hunterbunter | wait, who dislikes hoarders? | [15:59] |
rg | i dont care about hoarders | [15:59] |
rg | i just want bitcoinica to fuckoff | [15:59] |
Hunterbunter | I want the same as rg, but not because it's bad, it's because I can't stop myself using it, and it's bad | [15:59] |
copumpkin | lol | [15:59] |
Graet | lol | [15:59] |
rg | and uh | [15:59] |
rg | its my birthday | [15:59] |
rg | thanks for all the birthday wishes | [16:00] |
Graet | happy b/day rg | [16:00] |
rg | and do NOT say happy birthday now | [16:00] |
rg | cause ill know it means nothing | [16:00] |
Graet | too late | [16:00] |
Hunterbunter | Happy Unbirthday RG!! | [16:00] |
Graet | i only juts found out | [16:00] |
Joric | are those alpaca socks eternal? how did they survive all those rallys | [16:00] |
copumpkin | rg: I wished you happy birthday encoded in the sequence of massive trades that got us down there, but you didn't notice my subtle message, and now I don't get the impression you even appreciated the medium I used for it :( | [16:00] |
csshih | rg: I did that too! | [16:01] |
rg | tl | [16:01] |
csshih | =0 | [16:01] |
rg | dr | [16:01] |
* | Naruby ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [16:01] |
BTCHero | I have a 400 bitcoin bounty on shutting down bitcoinica. If you manage to take it offline forever 400btc | [16:01] |
copumpkin | too lazy; don't read ? | [16:01] |
rg | btchero: thatd be illegal | [16:01] |
rg | and youd be liable | [16:01] |
BTCHero | so | [16:01] |
rg | thats called 'enciting' | [16:01] |
BTCHero | sue me in the philipines or whatever | [16:02] |
copumpkin | it's also just stupid | [16:02] |
rg | inciting? | [16:02] |
rg | enciting? | [16:02] |
rg | i need something to watch | [16:02] |
copumpkin | it's easy to blame all the shit that happens on bitcoinica | [16:02] |
rg | i just watched the full community season 1 | [16:02] |
BTCHero | yeah | [16:02] |
BTCHero | it is | [16:02] |
copumpkin | or rather, I should say it's too easy | [16:02] |
Hunterbunter | copumpkin I lost far too much money today and I don't know where to go next. I'm tired. Please tell me what position to take because it'll likely be 10x better than whatever I decide | [16:02] |
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rg | Pokemon Diamond[2009]-LW | [16:02] |
copumpkin | Hunterbunter: I decided to take no position on bitcoinica for this :P | [16:02] |
rg | man i have a lot of weird things downloaded | [16:03] |
copumpkin | cause I have no idea where we'll end up | [16:03] |
Hunterbunter | Very wise | [16:03] |
Hunterbunter | but what of your capital? | [16:03] |
BTCHero | but outside of bitcoinica I'm sure he is long as hell | [16:03] |
* | chakl ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [16:03] |
Hunterbunter | ah I see | [16:03] |
celeste | Hi i have a $35 email gift card for sale for CVS pharmacy i have allready sold a $50 egiftcard to BTCtrader and a $150 egift card to DBbollero with no problem thank you. | [16:03] |
copumpkin | Hunterbunter: left in pirateat40's ass | [16:03] |
rg | celeste: its DBordello | [16:04] |
rg | :> | [16:04] |
celeste | thanks | [16:04] |
copumpkin | celeste: you need to get an identity on gribble. Your word that you sold to them means very little | [16:04] |
Hunterbunter | copumpkin yes I should ahve done the same! my greed consumed me | [16:04] |
copumpkin | it | [16:05] |
detrate | ;;help | [16:05] |
Cory | rg: I said happy birthday before you said anything!! | [16:05] |
rg | yep | [16:05] |
rg | thats true | [16:05] |
copumpkin | it'll take a while for pirateat40's magic growth to counteract the market crash, but meh | [16:05] |
copumpkin | I'm not in a rush | [16:05] |
celeste | +copumpkin ive sold $350 worth with no trust | [16:05] |
copumpkin | celeste: yeah, and the buyers are stupid | [16:05] |
celeste | ? | [16:05] |
jcpham | splat | [16:06] |
rg | its gift cards | [16:06] |
copumpkin | it doesn't mean I think it's a good idea to keep doing so | [16:06] |
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jcpham | market crash | [16:06] |
celeste | i will register very soon | [16:06] |
helo | i assumed it was the paxum news | [16:06] |
jcpham | what the shit are you guys doing to my bitcoins | [16:06] |
helo | rather than bitcoinica | [16:06] |
copumpkin | and the tradehill news | [16:06] |
detrate | Anyone want to sell me $50 of coin for PayPal? | [16:06] |
copumpkin | lots of bad shit | [16:06] |
copumpkin | btc-e got hacked | [16:06] |
helo | well, paxum news == th news, isn't it? | [16:07] |
copumpkin | retards need to stop getting lots of power in bitcoin land :P | [16:07] |
MagicalTux | well | [16:07] |
MagicalTux | we got two announces for next week | [16:07] |
helo | RALLY | [16:07] |
MagicalTux | another method for adding/removing funds | [16:07] |
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MagicalTux | and merchant online tools (api) | [16:07] |
paraipan | great at least we are being entertained lately | [16:08] |
paraipan | :) | [16:08] |
rg | MagicalTux: what're you doing to de-evil mtgox? | [16:08] |
MagicalTux | rg: "evil" ? | [16:08] |
rg | and when can we expect your new look | [16:08] |
paraipan | you're being demonized in the community | [16:08] |
rg | to become your old look | [16:08] |
helo | MagicalTux: up is to down as good is to _____ | [16:08] |
copumpkin | MagicalTux: excellent! does that mean I'll be able to buy a humble bundle someday then? :) | [16:08] |
MagicalTux | copumpkin: that's part of the plan | [16:09] |
vigilyn | MagicalTux: what new method of adding/removing funds? | [16:09] |
Cory | mircea_popescu: How's my order at the emporium? | [16:09] |
MagicalTux | we're 3 months later than initially expected | [16:09] |
rg | paypal obviously | [16:09] |
paraipan | lol | [16:09] |
helo | moneypak... he's going to try to kill -otc :( | [16:09] |
MagicalTux | haha, if only | [16:09] |
rg | thatd be awesome | [16:09] |
mircea_popescu | cory which one'd be that ? | [16:09] |
OneFixt | cash by carrier pigeon | [16:09] |
MagicalTux | the guys behind moneypak are never replying to any contact email | [16:09] |
paraipan | WU or MoneyGram ? | [16:10] |
rg | hopefully not WU | [16:10] |
MagicalTux | not anything that grand | [16:10] |
rg | WU is so expensive | [16:10] |
jcpham | i went to .ws a few years back | [16:10] |
jcpham | WU is everywhere | [16:10] |
Cory | mircea_popescu: "buy 88 PUT @4.5 contracts expiring this month at $0.22138934" | [16:10] |
Cory | I never got any change. | [16:10] |
silvercoin | ugggg I need 5 bitcoins via PP | [16:10] |
Cory | And it doesn't look like the 4.5 contracts add up. | [16:10] |
MagicalTux | anyway we are doing things | [16:11] |
mircea_popescu | lemme look into it. | [16:11] |
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silvercoin | trying to sell all mine and am 5 short on what I want to buy | [16:11] |
MagicalTux | and things are getting closer to completion, finally | [16:11] |
Cory | All right. It may be a misunderstanding on my end, mircea_popescu. | [16:11] |
Cory | Thanks | [16:11] |
paraipan | i know i know | [16:11] |
paraipan | you will add okpay funding | [16:11] |
paraipan | :) | [16:11] |
BTCHero | So does anyone else start to cry when they see the price then realize they can give them all to pirate and it will take less than a month to make it up :) | [16:12] |
copumpkin | BTCHero: nope, because it's what I'm already doing | [16:12] |
copumpkin | :D | [16:12] |
Hunterbunter | yes and then cry again when we realize it'll be down even lower in a month | [16:12] |
Hunterbunter | :) | [16:12] |
mircea_popescu | cory : ok so, no confirms went out this morning to two ppl, you being one of them. reason is the demon didn't process w/o fee which still sometimes kills the sender. | [16:12] |
silvercoin | Piarate? | [16:12] |
mircea_popescu | ill send them manually in a sec. | [16:13] |
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mircea_popescu | also, you order 88 but got filled for 72 on account of price move in the interim. | [16:13] |
Cory | mircea_popescu: The interim between sending the transaction and the block it was included in? | [16:14] |
* | EvanR ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [16:14] |
* | EvanR is now known as Guest29396 | [16:14] |
mircea_popescu | the interim between when the page you were ordering from was generated and the moment the transaction is recorded as on blockexplorer | [16:14] |
mircea_popescu | i think you might have been ordering off a stale page ? | [16:14] |
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Cory | That's probably what happened. | [16:15] |
mircea_popescu | did it ? | [16:15] |
mircea_popescu | im still looking for any bugs or whatnot in this | [16:16] |
* | Guest29396 is now known as EvanR | [16:16] |
mircea_popescu | so don't feel shy to speak up | [16:16] |
* | EvanR has quit (Changing host) | [16:16] |
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copumpkin | AJAJ | [16:16] |
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mircea_popescu | but anyway, as general policy, always hit a reload on the page before putting in an order. | [16:17] |
* | MtEverest (b2102356@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [16:17] |
jcpham | hit reload exactly 6 times! | [16:17] |
mircea_popescu | that should limit your latency to at most 10 minutes or so. | [16:17] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: i was wondering what length of weighted average you use, i can guess, but i'd like the 'official work' :) | [16:18] |
mircea_popescu | lol jcpham | [16:18] |
smickles | s/work/word | [16:18] |
mircea_popescu | 24 hours smickles, it's actually the one reported by bitcoincharts. | [16:18] |
Cory | mircea_popescu: I probably should have been more careful to make sure things were up to date. The discrepancy's not too bad so I don't have any complaints. :) | [16:18] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: thanks ;) | [16:18] |
jcpham | clickity all the refresh | [16:18] |
mircea_popescu | cory : ok. if you manage to find a hole i'll certainly be thankful. | [16:18] |
Cory | Yay change. | [16:20] |
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celeste | Hi i have a $35 email gift card for sale for CVS pharmacy i have allready sold a $50 egiftcard to BTCtrader and a $300 egift card to DBordello with no problem thank you. | [16:28] |
spawn- | celeste check PM | [16:29] |
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detrate | ;;eauth detrate | [16:30] |
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helo | so as the price is stable over a period of time, it starts to feel like demand is absorbing the newly mined bitcoin without causing inflation | [16:30] |
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Hunterbunter | helo do you think the price has been stable lately? | [16:31] |
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M4v3R | ;;ticker | [16:32] |
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Graet | pretty pictures :P | [16:32] |
celeste | helo how coin have been mined? in the last 2 months do you know? | [16:32] |
M4v3R | 24 hour low: 4.21211, 24 hour high: 5.55 | [16:32] |
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spawn- | celeste check PM | [16:32] |
M4v3R | Yeah, seems pretty stable to me | [16:32] |
helo | celeste: probably ~432000 | [16:33] |
Hunterbunter | I think I'd stop hating bitcoinica so much if they actually did live trades and actually offered their own leverage. Of course theyd go out of business in about an hour if they did that | [16:34] |
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celeste | helo your statment is %100 right | [16:34] |
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helo | it's a little low | [16:35] |
* | Cusipzzz is now known as Guest40890 | [16:35] |
BTCHero | Anyone else think that maybe the silk road sale did some of this too? | [16:36] |
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helo | silk road was sold to the cia? | [16:36] |
BTCHero | It went up prior to their sale and now that the sellers are presumably getting their coins it is crashing | [16:36] |
Hunterbunter | Do you think druglords were cashing out? | [16:36] |
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Hunterbunter | I suppose its possibly a factor | [16:36] |
smickles | ;;rate mircea_popescu 1 if nothing else, this one seems honest and fair | [16:37] |
* | Renaat is now known as Naruby | [16:37] |
BTCHero | Dunno, don't know too much about SR but it seems to be a driving force here | [16:37] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating for user mircea_popescu has changed from 1 to 1. | [16:37] |
Hunterbunter | If anything, it's the one thing bitcoins is genuinely used to trade for over fiat | [16:37] |
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Hunterbunter | even if the purpose casts a bad's still one of the only reasons you need bitcoins | [16:37] |
celeste | Jan 24, 2012 - The relationship between Bitcoin and Ripple might be similar. ... A limited quantity of Bitcoins will ever exist – 21 million, of which 8.1 million have already been | [16:38] |
celeste | mined | [16:38] |
smickles | Hunterbunter: it only casts a bad light b/c the us gov't does as it does | [16:38] |
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mircea_popescu | lmao if nothing else | [16:38] |
smickles | ;) | [16:38] |
mircea_popescu | i'm sorry i don't have big titties :D | [16:38] |
smickles | lol | [16:39] |
mircea_popescu | however MY COMPANY DOES! | [16:39] |
helo | if a company sells some product for bitcoin, they inevitably have to sell that bitcoin for cash, so that represents a net decrease in bitcoin demand (unless that product isn't offered for fiat) | [16:39] |
smickles | O_O | [16:39] |
Hunterbunter | smickles yeah true, although I don't know many other governments that would be cool with it | [16:39] |
BTCHero | is that your girlfriend? | [16:39] |
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mircea_popescu | i don't understand the logic helo ? | [16:40] |
mircea_popescu | no BTCHero. | [16:40] |
Hunterbunter | yeah helo the only way bitcoins will have any value is if they're used for everyday items | [16:40] |
BTCHero | your mother? | [16:40] |
Joric | are you selling sticky tape | [16:40] |
mircea_popescu | lmao no its not my mother. | [16:40] |
lordcyfer | It is my ex | [16:40] |
smickles | helo: what if that company buy the product/materials to make the product with bitcoin? | [16:40] |
helo | there needs to be "closed loops" of bitcoin circulation, and then the bitcoin economy will grow by the amount of bitcoin circulating in the loop | [16:40] |
mircea_popescu | and no, im not selling sticky tape lolz. as you can see, marketing works! | [16:40] |
* | mrsy (~merseysid@gateway/tor-sasl/mrsy) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [16:40] |
celeste | helo another good statement | [16:40] |
Blitzboom | where can i reach zhoutong the quickest? | [16:41] |
Hunterbunter | I think he means company sells a sock for 3 bitcoins...trades bitcoins for cash from someone else who's buying bitcoins for whatever reason (to buy socks?) ... | [16:41] |
Cory | helo: The bitcoins that buy the product have to be bought with cash. | [16:41] |
Hunterbunter | and company goes about it's business as if it never touched a btc | [16:41] |
Joric | marketing worked only for a sticky tape so far | [16:41] |
mircea_popescu | i was being ironic. | [16:41] |
Hunterbunter | but what stops it from being a straight swap, cory? | [16:41] |
celeste | bitcoins are the future of money | [16:42] |
celeste | no more banks | [16:42] |
mircea_popescu | the money of future is bitcoins | [16:42] |
mircea_popescu | the future of money is bitcoins | [16:42] |
mircea_popescu | let's do permutations | [16:42] |
smickles | the following command should work: | [16:42] |
smickles | .o diff ironic sardonic | [16:42] |
markac | smickles: Service not found in | [16:42] |
Joric | bitcoin is the currency of the future and always will be! (c) (tm) | [16:42] |
Hunterbunter | the bitcoins of money is future | [16:42] |
helo | Cory: the products generally can be bought via fiat or bitcoin. if someone buys it with bitcoin, they're effectively choosing to keep fiat over bitcoin | [16:42] |
mircea_popescu | the money of bitcoins is cheese | [16:43] |
lordcyfer | Advertisement : If people need account on VPN services i am very cheap - 0.5 BTC for 2 weeks and 3 BTC for 4 months contact me in pm | [16:43] |
celeste | helo right | [16:43] |
celeste | no brainer | [16:43] |
M4v3R | Oh boy | [16:43] |
smickles | Joric: so never the currency of today? | [16:43] |
M4v3R | An update from S5032 | [16:43] |
M4v3R | And a bearish one | [16:43] |
mircea_popescu | omg who is s5032 | [16:43] |
helo | smickles: companies being able to use bitcoin to cover expenses is part of closing the loop | [16:43] |
Hunterbunter | odea | [16:43] |
M4v3R | Let the action begin | [16:43] |
* | Geno_ (6b03c876@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [16:43] |
M4v3R | Panic sell imminent | [16:43] |
* | smickles watches | [16:44] |
M4v3R | A guy with legion of followers | [16:44] |
M4v3R | mircea_popescu | [16:44] |
mircea_popescu | a yea ? | [16:44] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: people pay him for his musing on bitcon price movement | [16:44] |
Cory | M4v3R: Impossible to be right four times in a row! | [16:44] |
Hunterbunter | not impossible | [16:45] |
Hunterbunter | improbable :) | [16:45] |
helo | i thought it was agreed that we're headed for $3? | [16:45] |
Joric | M4v3R, read | [16:45] |
M4v3R | Cory: just watch :) | [16:45] |
* | MoPac (~MoPac@gateway/tor-sasl/mopac) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [16:46] |
Geno_ | So when is going to be the time to buy (if ever) | [16:46] |
M4v3R | Geno_: that's an excellent question | [16:47] |
BTCHero | now... BUY BUY BUY | [16:47] |
M4v3R | And the answer is: nobody knows | [16:47] |
Geno_ | Well according to speculation I mean | [16:47] |
Hunterbunter | Geno_ someone supported $2 like crazy last time...dunno if they'd do it again | [16:48] |
Hunterbunter | Geno_ tehre are lots of peeps that still want bitcfoins to succeed though, and consider that a bargain price | [16:49] |
helo | i bet they would. | [16:49] |
Joric | personally i buy to get a round number the price is almost random | [16:49] |
helo | i would support $2, and i'm pretty much broke heh | [16:49] |
M4v3R | Geno_: My best guess is: between 3.5 - 4 | [16:49] |
M4v3R | If it falls as low as that | [16:49] |
rg | dont listen to speculation | [16:49] |
M4v3R | If it'll struggle to pass $4, I'd buy it then | [16:49] |
Geno_ | interesting, should be fun to watch over the next couple days then! | [16:49] |
rg | if speculators knew what was going on | [16:50] |
rg | theyd be rich | [16:50] |
M4v3R | Geno_: I'd say hours :) | [16:50] |
M4v3R | rg: who says they aren't? ;) | [16:50] |
Geno_ | I gotta go to work soon :( lol | [16:50] |
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M4v3R | 4.39, so it begins | [16:52] |
rg | mhmm | [16:54] |
rg | it coulda recovered | [16:54] |
rg | but didnt | [16:54] |
Cory | 4.49 | [16:54] |
rg | theres not much depth | [16:54] |
rg | just wait til people wke up and PANIC | [16:55] |
Hunterbunter | tehre are a ton of people with cash now, though | [16:55] |
Hunterbunter | ie all the people who sold down from 4.8 | [16:55] |
Hunterbunter | although i suppose they're waiting for the "right time to buY" which could be any time | [16:55] |
M4v3R | Ok, let's remove some walls | [16:56] |
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Hunterbunter | I swear you're the master manipulator whenever you say something like that scary things ahppen | [16:56] |
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M4v3R | Lol | [16:56] |
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jcpham | anyone selling $3 coins yet? | [16:57] |
M4v3R | Master manipulator | [16:57] |
silvercoin | Bitcoin<$4.00 in 24-48 hours | [16:57] |
silvercoin | I sold on mine last night | [16:57] |
M4v3R | That would be a good custom title on the forums | [16:57] |
silvercoin | lol | [16:57] |
Hunterbunter | lol aye | [16:57] |
Joric | M4v3R, did s3025 say something concrete? | [16:57] |
Geno_ | Anyone selling coins via PPUSD atm? =P | [16:58] |
Blitzboom | Joric: dude | [16:58] |
Blitzboom | S3052 has no clue | [16:58] |
Blitzboom | analysts are worthless | [16:58] |
Blitzboom | do your own diligence | [16:58] |
Cory | Kind of self-fulfilling. | [16:59] |
Blitzboom | if his analysis was worth anything, he would be trading on it, not selling his analysis | [16:59] |
M4v3R | Joric: That we well most probably go down on short term ;) | [16:59] |
Blitzboom | and yes, S3052 can be self-fulfilling prophecy | [16:59] |
M4v3R | Will* | [16:59] |
Blitzboom | M4v3R: imo we have likely bottomed | [16:59] |
Blitzboom | let’s see | [16:59] |
Joric | i sold at 5.01 a few hours ago | [16:59] |
M4v3R | We already had an argument like that before, | [17:00] |
M4v3R | Blitzboom | [17:00] |
M4v3R | And look how it turned out :P | [17:00] |
Blitzboom | M4v3R: so you are always right? | [17:00] |
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Blitzboom | didn’t know about that, that’s cool | [17:00] |
M4v3R | Unfortunately not | [17:00] |
Joric | google just bought the entire motorola for $12.5 billion | [17:00] |
Joric | what if it'll buy the entire bitcoin economy | [17:01] |
Hunterbunter | isn't that like a year's revenue? | [17:01] |
M4v3R | Still, that's just my own diligence | [17:01] |
Hunterbunter | google would probably just invent a better system | [17:01] |
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shades | ahh | [17:01] |
M4v3R | And it looks right so far | [17:01] |
shades | down again? | [17:01] |
shades | M4v3R: what did I miss? | [17:02] |
Joric | how much for the economy | [17:02] |
smickles | ;;bids 2 | [17:02] |
gribble | There are currently 125793.7 bitcoins demanded at or over 2.0 USD, worth 406581.541016 USD in total. | [17:02] |
helo | bitcoin is very popular "idealogically" at google | [17:02] |
M4v3R | shades: nothing, we're just back to where the price was few hours ago | [17:02] |
Joric | meh it costs less than 400k | [17:02] |
shades | M4v3R: what did I miss while i ate ? | [17:03] |
smickles | Joric: sry, that wasnt your answer ;) | [17:03] |
smickles | Joric: i can get your answer tho, gimme a sec | [17:03] |
Joric | smickles, it's complicated, you can't buy all currency in circulation | [17:03] |
helo | it would be pretty awesome if they would thumb their nose at "the establishment" by adding bitcoin as a payment method in google wallet | [17:04] |
Joric | you may buy out the entire mtgox though | [17:04] |
helo | they'd be called out big time for doing that as being "irresponsible" | [17:04] |
Hunterbunter | they wouldn't do taht helo...they have shareholders who wouldn't stand for it | [17:04] |
* | lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:04] |
shades | Joric: uh, doesn't one guy own the new york stock exchange? | [17:04] |
MacRohard | maybe they could allow some sort of 3rd party to connect bitcoin to google wallet | [17:05] |
Hunterbunter | they might use it I suppose and just pay tax on it | [17:05] |
Geno_ | WTB BTC PPUSD :) | [17:05] |
helo | Hunterbunter: they probably have shareholders who would love it too... how do you know which side is larger? | [17:05] |
shades | MacRohard: oh yeah so people could steal it easier, because gwallet has been pwned often enough now | [17:05] |
Hunterbunter | helo yeah I don't...although I'm guessing it'll be similar to the general population of nerds vs bitcoin adopting nerds | [17:05] |
MacRohard | shades, *shrug* | [17:05] |
MacRohard | people steal. get over it. | [17:06] |
smickles | ;;bids 0.01 | [17:06] |
gribble | There are currently 1570943 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.01 USD, worth 637290.77175 USD in total. | [17:06] |
shades | MacRohard: lets hear you say that when people steal from *you* | [17:06] |
Hunterbunter | I've had the bull beaten out of me properly now | [17:06] |
* | Naruby has quit (Quit: Naruby) | [17:06] |
shades | Hunterbunter: what do you mean by that? | [17:07] |
helo | if google was an early-comer into supporting bitcoin and growing services around it, they (and android) would benefit from it | [17:07] |
smickles | ^ | [17:07] |
imsaguy2 | they already support bitcoin | [17:07] |
* | spawn- selling BTC for PPUSD anyone? | [17:07] |
helo | the price would go up so much on an announcement though... it would be pretty fucked up really | [17:07] |
helo | 10x to 100x maybe? | [17:07] |
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shades | helo: nd then they would get smacked with tax evasion | [17:07] |
jcpham | BUY ALL BITCOINS | [17:08] |
Hunterbunter | shades that I've become a werebear...don't think the price is going to rebound so quickly now | [17:08] |
smickles | shades: not if they accounted for it | [17:08] |
helo | only if they didn't pay taxes... there's a right way to do it | [17:08] |
* | Tykling ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:08] |
shades | smickles: how do you the accounting on something that fluxuates like a stock instead of being stable like a currency? | [17:08] |
Hunterbunter | account once a quarter on standing stock and market price? | [17:08] |
helo | mtgox's api for businesses is a good step though... hopefully it meaningfully lowers the bar for a business to accept bitcoin | [17:09] |
smickles | shades: how do you account for owning any other financial instrument? | [17:09] |
helo | MagicalTux: does it? ^ | [17:09] |
SerajewelKS | shades: the USD changes in value daily too | [17:09] |
silvercoin | shades---> only buy what you need to spend, everything else is like stock. | [17:09] |
MagicalTux | helo: it should | [17:09] |
shades | smickles: you don't pay taxes on your stock until you pull it out for cash | [17:09] |
shades | SerajewelKS: not by 25% | [17:09] |
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imsaguy2 | I'd like to buy some mtgox if anyone's got any | [17:09] |
silvercoin | THe dollar changes but at a much slower pace. | [17:09] |
smickles | shades: how do you pay tax on buying and selling usd? | [17:10] |
Hunterbunter | I don't think it's fair to compare bitcoins to stocks...they're very diferent | [17:10] |
helo | MagicalTux: will it allow integration with any commonly used financial/accounting software? | [17:10] |
shades | smickles: I don't know I never bought currency | [17:10] |
SerajewelKS | shades: sure... new markets are a bit more volatile | [17:10] |
SerajewelKS | the market will swing less with age | [17:10] |
smickles | shades: you pay tax on gains | [17:10] |
MagicalTux | helo: wouldn't be difficult to implement, considering there are standard file formats for that | [17:10] |
Hunterbunter | all said and done today I have $100. Tomorrow all said and done I have $110. I pay tax on $10..? | [17:11] |
smickles | shades: that's why it's called an income tax | [17:11] |
MagicalTux | our main concern right now is to integrate with existing webshop software | [17:11] |
shades | smickles: and not capital gains tax? | [17:11] |
Hunterbunter | today I have 100 bitcoins. tomorrow I have 120 bitcoins. I pay tax on 20 bitcoins in USD form | [17:12] |
smickles | shades: op, you got me ;) | [17:12] |
Hunterbunter | shades: capital gains only if it's over a y ear | [17:12] |
Hunterbunter | shades: in australia anyway | [17:12] |
smickles | long term capital gain is over a year Hunterbunter | [17:12] |
smickles | short term is under a year | [17:12] |
Hunterbunter | there's short term capital gain? | [17:12] |
Hunterbunter | egad | [17:12] |
helo | i think i'm going to go visit the pawn shops in my town and talk to them about bitcoin | [17:12] |
Geno_ | WTB BTC PPUSD | [17:12] |
smickles | and it's taxed higher Hunterbunter | [17:13] |
shades | isn't short term capital gains tax just 10%? 10% < 35% | [17:13] |
Hunterbunter | in the US or australia? | [17:13] |
helo | they already buy gold, etc., why not bitcoin? | [17:13] |
smickles | helo: they may already, who knows | [17:13] |
smickles | helo: there's ways they could "hide" the reporting of it for a couple of years | [17:14] |
* | spawn- selling BTC for PPUSD anyone? | [17:14] |
* | mircea_popescu waits patiently for ppl to figure that incorporating is actually worth it for bitcoins | [17:15] |
smickles | shades: short term capitol gains are taxed as regular income. so it is the income tax | [17:15] |
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smickles | and regular income is taxed at a higher rate than long term capital gains | [17:16] |
shades | smickles: I don't think that's true | [17:16] |
smickles | shades: it is, | [17:16] |
celeste | can any body tell me if is eney good?? | [17:17] |
* | smickles is studying accounting | [17:17] |
shades | are you sure? | [17:17] |
smickles | well, if i'm wrong, the IRS documents are wrong too | [17:17] |
nanotube | celeste: they seem legit. haven't seen any complaints. | [17:18] |
celeste | @nanotube thank you | [17:18] |
helo | mircea_popescu: you mean creating a company? | [17:18] |
shades | yeah well eitherway, a bank can report you to the irs, and if you are your own bank, it's a moral hazard to claim you made X because you could have made Y | [17:18] |
mircea_popescu | yes helo | [17:18] |
smickles | shades: I can lookup the pub. no. if you want me too | [17:18] |
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smickles | shades: all you need to do is keep accurate records | [17:19] |
smickles | or, at the very least, keep a record of the bitcoin address you use | [17:19] |
helo | if your records exist and don't disagree with anything else they can see in an audit, you are safe | [17:20] |
helo | (if you follow your cpa's advice) | [17:20] |
shades | smickles: and when no records exist that say any given bitcoin addresses belong to you... how can they catch you not paying taxes on your bitcoin? | [17:20] |
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smickles | shades: no records exist = tax evasion | [17:20] |
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Blitzboom | M4v3R: want to make a bet? | [17:22] |
Blitzboom | just a small 1 BTC one :D | [17:22] |
Blitzboom | i bet you the low will hold for 24h | [17:22] |
Blitzboom | 4.21211 | [17:22] |
smickles | Blitzboom: that's not a bet, that's an option ;) | [17:22] |
shades | smickles: so by default bitcoin is tax evasion. There as no record created of your address .... | [17:22] |
shades | there is nothing holding you back form reportin ga wallet that barely made anything as compared to a wallet that made millions | [17:23] |
smickles | shades: well, if you want to risk them finding the wallet that made millions, go ahead | [17:23] |
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Blitzboom | let’s bet ^_^ | [17:23] |
helo | shades: yes, "by default" meaning "if you dont do anything to avoid it", bitcoin is tax evasion. as is cash. | [17:24] |
mircea_popescu | shades : nothing is tax evasion "by default" | [17:24] |
smickles | shades: just because someone can use it to break the law doesn't mean everyone will... see cash | [17:24] |
mircea_popescu | and nothing "holds" you. | [17:24] |
mircea_popescu | if you report you report, if you don't you evade. | [17:24] |
mircea_popescu | also what smickles said. | [17:24] |
vlaube | gribble ;;gpg eauth BobJones | [17:24] |
vlaube | oops | [17:24] |
smickles | shades: also, b/c you have to take action to file taxes, by default, human existence is tax evasion | [17:24] |
helo | if you have income that you don't report, it is tax evasion... so all income is by default tax evasion in that sense | [17:24] |
smickles | let me say that one again | [17:25] |
smickles | shades: also, b/c you have to take action to file taxes, by default, human existence is tax evasion | [17:25] |
shades | except if you're working 'for cash' you are probably living paycheck to paycheck, not earning >$100,000 | [17:25] |
mircea_popescu | probably ?! | [17:25] |
mircea_popescu | omgwtfbbq | [17:25] |
shades | bitcoin facilitates everyone has their own personal swissbank account that can keep money hidden and nobody will be able to find out . No Supoena can prroduce thinformation they're lookingfor, nor would they know who to serve it to. | [17:26] |
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shades | this is why google is hesitent to jump on the adoption | [17:26] |
mircea_popescu | i am by now pretty much convinced incompetent and lazy us voters will put into office probabilistic politicians, and then prolly live to rue the day they didn't learn to think straight. | [17:26] |
M4v3R | Blitzboom: Ok | [17:26] |
copumpkin | shades: there are plenty of people who use cash for everything and are not poor | [17:26] |
Blitzboom | ok, we should see then in 22 hrs | [17:26] |
smickles | shades: paychecks arn't cash, a check means there is a record on the employer's tax filings, so the irs knows how much you should have paid, and if you don't claim at least that, they get you | [17:27] |
Blitzboom | and i’m telling you man | [17:27] |
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Blitzboom | cover your damn short :P | [17:27] |
shades | copumpkin: do those people have a bank account that has a direct deposit? | [17:27] |
* | gribble gives voice to Joric | [17:27] |
mircea_popescu | << uses cash for most anything, isn't exactly poor. | [17:27] |
Joric | check out the poll on | [17:27] |
copumpkin | shades: nope | [17:27] |
M4v3R | 1 BTC that until 13:25 UTC we'll see something lower that 4.2 | [17:27] |
shades | pulling cash out of your bank accoutn leaves a record, with the bank. | [17:27] |
M4v3R | Tomorrow that is | [17:27] |
Joric | 'What do you expect BTC/USD prices to do in the next 4 weeks?' | [17:27] |
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Blitzboom | if you want to do so at 5.5, sure | [17:27] |
Joric | only 6% of users answered 'i don't know' | [17:27] |
helo | shades: it's all the same as cash | [17:27] |
shades | smickles except there is no record for anyone when you collect/withdraw out of yoru wallet | [17:27] |
Joric | isn't it hilarious | [17:27] |
Blitzboom | S3052 has no clue | [17:27] |
smickles | shades: you're just trollin' now arn't you? | [17:28] |
shades | helo: no it's not it's better because it's not tangible. If you have a suitcase full of bills youc an cout how much is being evaded. If you have nothing then youultimately don't know what's missing | [17:28] |
Blitzboom | this will hold at least for 1-2 days and bounce nicely | [17:28] |
smickles | shades: there is no record for anyone when you collect/withdraw from a safe or a safe deposit box | [17:28] |
Blitzboom | just watch | [17:28] |
shades | smickles: yes and no, there's a reson google didn't adopt this and won't for a while if at all until this issue is resolved; but it's an issue that can never be resolved | [17:28] |
shades | smickles: and it's inconvenient to have to go down to the bank to use a safedeposit box | [17:29] |
helo | shades: you can hide $100K cash in a pretty small space | [17:29] |
mircea_popescu | its not a matter of google adopting this | [17:29] |
mircea_popescu | its a matter of this adopting google. | [17:29] |
shades | especially if you're on vacation several timezones away | [17:29] |
silvercoin | exactly mircea | [17:29] |
smickles | shades: I think the issue is simple and resolved, it's just risky. Large companies tend not to take risk | [17:29] |
helo | google doesn't want to adopt bitcoin because it's too early, and they are too big for bitcoin... it would be disruptive | [17:30] |
smickles | shades: you don't have to keep all you cash in a safe deposit box at the bank | [17:30] |
Blitzboom | shorts are in deep, deep shit if they haven’t liquidated yet | [17:30] |
silvercoin | google doesn't want to take on bitcoin because the goverment does not like bitcoin. | [17:30] |
shades | smickles: point is tax evasion with just cash proves a lil more difficult than btc, which almost facilitates ease of tax evasion | [17:31] |
* | smickles tends to baby | [17:31] |
mircea_popescu | you think blitzboom ? | [17:31] |
Blitzboom | yep | [17:31] |
mircea_popescu | me too, but we see. | [17:31] |
Blitzboom | people have absolutely overdone it | [17:31] |
helo | nah, if google's lawyers don't see any reason for it to be illegal, google would love to hop in if the only problem was government "unpopularity" | [17:31] |
Blitzboom | there will be a retracement | [17:31] |
mircea_popescu | im bought out, so i wouldn't mind it moving back to 6. | [17:31] |
shades | Blitzboom: what do you mean shorts are in deep shit? | [17:31] |
vlaube | hi, is here anyone selling steam games? | [17:31] |
Blitzboom | shades: they might be liquidated on the way up | [17:31] |
helo | is it illegal to have a swiss bank account? | [17:32] |
shades | Blitzboom: what do you mean by shorts? short sellers? | [17:32] |
Blitzboom | yeah | [17:32] |
mircea_popescu | i think it is by now for americans, helo | [17:32] |
shades | helo: if you use it for the purpose of tax evasion... | [17:32] |
helo | shades: and the same is true with bitcoin | [17:32] |
silvercoin | it's not because it 'unpopular' with the goverment, it's because it isn't backed by money or gold, what the goverment sees as tradable currency | [17:32] |
shades | youc an have one and still report taxes, but then what's the point of keeping your money in a swiss bank? | [17:32] |
smickles | shades: no, tax evasion is mostly caught by others reporting money they gave to you or money you gave to them. so btc would not make it easier to evade taxes. | [17:32] |
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silvercoin | the government cannot profit on something it does not control, nor can it contain it | [17:33] |
helo | the government knows pretty well that being backed with metal isn't relevant | [17:33] |
silvercoin | this is unappealing to the US gov | [17:33] |
mircea_popescu | volume is pretty huge, esp that 50k btc tick | [17:33] |
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mircea_popescu | im thinking the sellout is well finished | [17:33] |
shades | smickles: except you aren't using an ssn with your wallet address. there iis no name on it. They can be created at random with no records of who they belong to | [17:34] |
helo | the government doesn't like it because it threatens their power... i wouldn't be surprised to see some legislation extending the "Nobody can make a coin-based currency" to apply to digital stores of value as well, honestly | [17:34] |
helo | but then we get to throw another SOPA/PIPA protest :) | [17:34] |
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stamit | anyone doing USD transfers from paypal to mtgox? | [17:34] |
stamit | i.e. selling MTGUSD? | [17:34] |
rg | i gotta find out hwo much this server pulls | [17:34] |
rg | in amps | [17:34] |
BTCHero | do you know watts and volts? | [17:35] |
rg | 800w psu | [17:35] |
rg | volts are standard american DC | [17:35] |
BTCHero | well, that doesn't mean it is pulling 800 watts so that formula won't really help | [17:35] |
rg | 120v | [17:35] |
rg | well | [17:35] |
rg | i need to find the *max* | [17:36] |
rg | so i know how much to order | [17:36] |
rg | the DC owner says its 5amps, but i dont believe him | [17:36] |
BTCHero | 6.66 I think | [17:36] |
BTCHero | MAX | [17:36] |
rg | lame | [17:36] |
rg | i better buy a different server then | [17:36] |
rg | 6.66 is over $100 in power | [17:36] |
rg | alone | [17:36] |
BTCHero | well power is measured in watts but yeah | [17:37] |
BTCHero | Servers don't run on 220? That is weird | [17:37] |
rg | the DC sells it by amps | [17:37] |
rg | so thats what i need to know | [17:37] |
BTCHero | His figure is for 600 watts I think. Maybe that is all he thinks it will pull? | [17:38] |
smickles | shades: bitcoin will only make tax evasion easier if employers don't report taxes on employees paid in bitcoins and people in general stop doing buiseness wit businesses which pay taxes | [17:39] |
smickles | "legitimate" businesses have an interest in obeying tax law, if they obey tax law, then tax evasion is no easier with bitcoin than cash | [17:40] |
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BTCHero | Well, shit I am quiting IRC and all the bitcoin charts today. Don't want to look :) | [17:42] |
UukGoblin | can I withdraw paypal balance to my bank account immediately after I get paid? | [17:43] |
UukGoblin | or do I have to wait 60 days or sth? | [17:43] |
BTCHero | yes, but it takes 3-4 days | [17:43] |
UukGoblin | mhm | [17:43] |
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UukGoblin | and if they later want a chargeback, can they take the money away from my bank account? | [17:43] |
BTCHero | possibly, but they tell you to fund it yourself first | [17:43] |
gmaxwell | It would nice to be know if it really was a bittonica run that caused this apparently inefficient market behavior. | [17:43] |
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UukGoblin | BTCHero, hrrm | [17:44] |
BTCHero | my paypal was - for a few days due to chargeback. I just put the money in myself | [17:44] |
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helo | gmaxwell: inefficient because a bunch of people are now selling bitcoin much lower than they would have in previous weeks? | [17:44] |
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gmaxwell | helo: right. Assuming nothing 'real' changed, either the price before was 'wrong' or the price now is 'wrong'. | [17:45] |
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BTCHero | The price was wrong, The price is wrong :) | [17:45] |
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copumpkin | the price will always be wrong | [17:45] |
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copumpkin | I just hope it'll be wrong in my favor | [17:45] |
UukGoblin | the price is correct, it's just that demand has dropped | [17:45] |
rg | phantomcircuit | [17:46] |
gmaxwell | UukGoblin: it dropped in 10 seconds? | [17:46] |
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rg | phantoncircuit: | [17:46] |
rg | phantoncircuit: | [17:46] |
UukGoblin | gmaxwell, yeah | [17:46] |
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gmaxwell | UukGoblin: yea, that doesn't make sense. | [17:46] |
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UukGoblin | someone sold big time, cause he didn't want his coins anymore, therefore reducing demand | [17:46] |
UukGoblin | ... or something(tm) | [17:47] |
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helo | unless demand happens to grow right along with increases from mining, the price will not be right as time passes | [17:47] |
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M4v3R | Or just someone manipulated the hell out the charts | [17:47] |
gmaxwell | UukGoblin: if so, then fine. | [17:47] |
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gmaxwell | M4v3R: not just the charts. sudden drops like that are insanely profitable for some parties. | [17:48] |
shades | smickles: since realistiaclly nobody pays in bitcoins.... it makes it easier... | [17:48] |
M4v3R | Nah, sudden drops are panic sells | [17:48] |
M4v3R | They have nothing to do with the 'big guys' | [17:48] |
shades | lolololololol "if they obey tax law, then tax evasion is no easier . . . " Of course if they obey the law then evasion becomes impossible /as per definition/ | [17:48] |
gmaxwell | shades: you're missing the point he was making— if you want to evade taxes you are better off using cash than bitcoin. | [17:49] |
M4v3R | If you really want to manipulate the chart, you have to do it gradually | [17:49] |
M4v3R | So it looks like the whole market's sentiment changed | [17:49] |
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M4v3R | Then initiate some small sell off, and lemmings will jump | [17:49] |
helo | shades: before bitcoin is used to pay for things, tax evasion using it is irrelevant... once that changes, tax evasion will be harder as well | [17:49] |
gmaxwell | M4v3R: no you don't— you make a single large trade to sell down the orderbook when it becomes thin. You do this when the loss you take from it is less than the profit you gain from popping side bets. | [17:50] |
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M4v3R | gmaxwell: and how much did you earn this way? | [17:50] |
lordcyfer | Who is selling bitcoin in PPUSD ? | [17:50] |
lordcyfer | or PPEUR | [17:50] |
gmaxwell | Nothing, I don't run a bucket shop, but perhaps I should since so many people love them. | [17:51] |
* | smickles loves getting quoted out of context within the confines of one sentence | [17:51] |
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mircea_popescu | gmaxwell : where'd you make the side bets ? | [17:51] |
helo | mircea_popescu: i think he's talking about bitcoinica | [17:51] |
gmaxwell | mircea_popescu: bitcoinica. | [17:51] |
Hunterbunter | The place wehre everybody knows your game | [17:52] |
shades | gmaxwell: and my point was that BTC introduces 'cash' into an otherwise digital world riddled with writtenh transactions of who paid whom what | [17:52] |
mircea_popescu | a. possibly they're vuln to something like that | [17:52] |
mircea_popescu | esp if done really fast. | [17:52] |
UukGoblin | hrm | [17:52] |
UukGoblin | could we start a p2p real-currency deposit scheme | [17:52] |
gmaxwell | shades: so you're opposed to cash generally and bitcoin is too cashlike for you? | [17:52] |
mircea_popescu | haha sounds about right. | [17:52] |
UukGoblin | people who live nearby could exchange paper money among themselves and make corresponding entries in an IOU system like ripple | [17:53] |
shades | gmaxwell: no I am not opposed to cash. When did I say that? | [17:53] |
Hunterbunter | bitcoin isn't really cash like is a proxy trade in for value thing...whereas bitcoins are "mined" and scarce and a thing of supposed value | [17:53] |
shades | gmaxwell: I love bitcoin, where did you get the idea i'm against it any way? | [17:53] |
gmaxwell | UukGoblin: there is some kinda of hippy money system that basically works like that.. er.. whats it called | [17:53] |
smickles | gmaxwell: shades did admit to trollin' this subject earlier, fyi | [17:53] |
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gmaxwell | smickles: doh. | [17:54] |
jcpham | they see me trollin' | [17:54] |
Hunterbunter | M4v3r: you mean like now? | [17:54] |
jcpham | they hatin' | [17:54] |
shades | smickles: I said yes and no | [17:54] |
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UukGoblin | local clusters would be connected by bank wires | [17:54] |
smickles | "I said yes" lololol | [17:54] |
smickles | see what i did there? | [17:54] |
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smickles | :D to day is fun :D | [17:55] |
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shades | I love bitcoins but they facilitate tax evasion | [17:55] |
gmaxwell | UukGoblin: LETS is what I'm thinking of more generally but there is a specific instance of it that I was thinking of. | [17:55] |
smickles | shades: that's just not true | [17:56] |
Hunterbunter | Do anonymous accounts in switzerlland still exist? | [17:56] |
gmaxwell | UukGoblin: | [17:56] |
smickles | (i mean the tax evasion part) | [17:56] |
UukGoblin | ? | [17:56] |
shades | Hunterbunter: not if you keep talking about them | [17:56] |
smickles | I do not dispute shades love for bitcoin :D | [17:56] |
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rg | ugh | [17:57] |
rg | 6 amps | [17:57] |
shades | smickles: | [17:57] |
rg | at that price | [17:57] |
rg | i wouldnt even save much | [17:57] |
Hunterbunter | shades dirty gummint | [17:57] |
UukGoblin | gmaxwell, hmm, that looks quite different | [17:58] |
UukGoblin | gmaxwell, I was thinking about something that's a foundation for a decentralized bitcoin exchange | [17:58] |
shades | you could play the btc stocks, start with 5 bitcoins and eventually wind up with 5000000 bitcoins on which you will not have to report taxes | [17:58] |
gmaxwell | UukGoblin: ah. | [17:58] |
shades | what casino can you go to that will let you just walk out with out reporting your winnings? if they're over 10,000$? | [17:58] |
UukGoblin | you store/withdraw money physically or via bank transfer to trusted people | [17:58] |
UukGoblin | which gets logged in an IOU system | [17:58] |
UukGoblin | which you can then exchange for bitcoins, namecoins, litecoins or whatever else | [17:58] |
mod6 | :D | [17:59] |
UukGoblin | the whole thing would have to be based on trust | [17:59] |
smickles | shades: tax evasion is as easy as not filing taxes and avoiding doing business with anyone who will file taxes which identify you as a source of income or expense. Bitcoin does not make that easier | [17:59] |
UukGoblin | and with OpenTransactions, it'd be trivial to show when someone was scammed | [17:59] |
Hunterbunter | shades but govts will just go after exchanges to get their cut | [18:00] |
Hunterbunter | if it's worth going after | [18:00] |
shades | smickles, it does... My btc address is not dtied to my name or ssn | [18:00] |
Hunterbunter | cash it's difficult because they've already had to make it difficult | [18:01] |
smickles | smickles: it would be if it were associated with you on someone's tax filing | [18:01] |
smickles | er, shades | [18:01] |
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Hunterbunter | lol | [18:01] |
Hunterbunter | gox requires photo id if you want more than the crippled transfer | [18:02] |
Hunterbunter | although I'm pretty sure that could easily be forged | [18:02] |
smickles | shades: and that tax filing is likely to be the filing of the exchange you are trading on | [18:02] |
smickles | well, the dont give it directly, but it's available to the irs | [18:03] |
shades | smickles: excepti ts' not. and On my w-2s I don't see a line item for BTC address, I doubt people are adding that in at this point in time, and even ifsomeone did IDK what the IRS would do about it. | [18:03] |
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Hunterbunter | Do you guys have to pay yearly tax on holdings of things like gold? | [18:04] |
Hunterbunter | like literally 1 block of gold = 1% market value in tax or something? | [18:05] |
smickles | shades: i'm done, this is a pointless conversation. the fact is that you can be caught for evading taxes via bitcoin. it's likely trivial for the IRS to prove it's you b/c tax courts are a whole lot different than civil and criminal courts, the IRS could likely just say that an address was yours and not have to prove it in any sense that you or I would consider proof. | [18:05] |
Hunterbunter | over here in Oz long term stuff is sorted out via capital gains when it's sold...and if you're holding for short term profit (an income) you do the decralation thing | [18:06] |
mod6 | TH ticker is gone from bitcoincharts - wow thats weird. | [18:06] |
smickles | or, it may not even have to go to Tax court, the IRS often just makes up rules which are accepted as law without any oversight from the legislature | [18:07] |
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smickles | taxes are a HUGE "fuck you, pay me", and there's not much to do about it unless you want to run from the irs for the rest of your life | [18:08] |
smickles | ((at least in 'merica) | [18:08] |
mod6 | yup. | [18:09] |
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smickles | long and short of it is: 'come on people, don't we want bitcoin to be legal? then use it LEGALLY! | [18:10] |
* | errydayimgenerat ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:11] |
smickles | if noOnePokesTheBear: closeRant() | [18:11] |
Blitzboom | M4v3R: i told you bro | [18:12] |
M4v3R | Blitzboom: Not so fast | [18:12] |
mod6 | use will make BTC thrive. right now its in that grey zone, and obviously these governments are none too pleased that us nerds invented our own money. | [18:12] |
Blitzboom | M4v3R: ok :P | [18:13] |
shades | smickles: you can't even report taxes for bit coin in this *right* now... there is no line item on your tax form. You would have to first convert it to cash to pay it. If you just do a calculation in yoru head on that days exchange rate. You will wind up getting fucked by the time your return actually comes by either not reporting enough (evading taxes) or reporting too much and getting fucked | [18:13] |
shades | because the market is so volitile | [18:13] |
mod6 | I think BTC can keep on going -- gotta keep the exchanges secure though! | [18:13] |
M4v3R | Right now it goes exactly according to what S5032 said | [18:13] |
smickles | oh god, shades you can too report taxes for bitcoin | [18:13] |
M4v3R | Sell offs start in 3.. 2.. | [18:13] |
M4v3R | :) | [18:13] |
Cory | M4v3R: I thought it was a bearish report. | [18:14] |
Cory | Bull then bear? :P | [18:14] |
Cory | So no matter what happens he's right? | [18:14] |
Joric | bruce wagner strikes back | [18:14] |
spawn- | sell out all your coins | [18:14] |
spawn- | there will be no more coins soon | [18:14] |
spawn- | :) | [18:14] |
M4v3R | Cory: It was mostly bearish | [18:14] |
M4v3R | But he said that it'll probably retrace to 4.8-4.9 before going down some more | [18:15] |
smickles | shades: if you are really so unsure of what the price of a bitcoin is, then count them as collectible, and tax what you paid for them @ 28% !!!!! | [18:15] |
* | Internet13 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [18:15] |
rg | heh | [18:15] |
rg | i told the guy we rent rackspace from its my birthday | [18:15] |
rg | hes trying to sell me a server now, 'birthday rate' | [18:15] |
shades | smickles: that's playing the system!!!!! | [18:16] |
rg | its quite a nice server.. | [18:16] |
rg | 48gb ram, dual quad e5530, 4 x 1.5 tb, and an OCZ ssd card | [18:16] |
rg | with 8x64gb ssd disks | [18:16] |
rg | and the ocz card supports raid so you can have a huge ass ssd disk | [18:17] |
mod6 | damn. | [18:17] |
errydayimgenerat | wts mtgox btc cheap cheap for wells fargo bank wire or cash deposit :) | [18:17] |
rg | mod6: isnt that disgusting? | [18:17] |
mod6 | werd. | [18:17] |
mod6 | 8 cores / 16 threads, 48 Gb ram, bangin! | [18:18] |
rg | i would run the VPS customers off teh SSD | [18:18] |
rg | and use the 1.5tb SATA for backups | [18:18] |
vigilyn | how much | [18:18] |
rg | vigilyn: he said 'make me an offer' | [18:18] |
rg | instead of buying it | [18:18] |
rg | im gonna see if i can rent it | [18:18] |
mod6 | birthday discount. | [18:18] |
rg | exactly | [18:18] |
rg | and the hardware is sitting idle | [18:19] |
rg | he wants it out of his house | [18:19] |
smickles | in reality, what you should do is just keep a record of the amount and price you bough and sold at, when tax time comes net the gains and losses, enter that number into the form as short term capital gain/loss. here's a hint: mtgox does most of that for you ;) | [18:19] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:19] |
vigilyn | ask him for a valentine's day discount | [18:19] |
rg | smickles: a whole other conversation has happened since you typed that | [18:19] |
rg | dude my ball hurts | [18:19] |
rg | my left ball | [18:19] |
rg | its sore | [18:19] |
spawn- | damn | [18:19] |
spawn- | lol | [18:19] |
* | MoPac has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [18:19] |
smickles | rg: you only have to count the usd gains and losses | [18:19] |
spawn- | mine is rigth ball | [18:19] |
errydayimgenerat | selling btc @ $4 for wells fargo bank wire | [18:19] |
spawn- | balls aching | [18:20] |
smickles | as long as you hold btc you wouldn't be taxed on it | [18:20] |
rg | errydayimgenerat: wells fargo used to pay for murders | [18:20] |
smickles | you get taxed on the gains from sale | [18:20] |
errydayimgenerat | that's awesome | [18:20] |
* | ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:20] |
rg | they were around in the cowboy days | [18:20] |
ineededausername | ;;seen pirateat40 | [18:20] |
* | Internet13 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:20] |
rg | play the game or get played | [18:20] |
pirateat40 | have not seen him | [18:20] |
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errydayimgenerat | well i need some loots to get food :x | [18:21] |
spawn- | damn left ball | [18:22] |
spawn- | bro rg | [18:22] |
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spawn- | 4.6 | [18:22] |
Joric | spawn-, can't be it was 5.5 this morning | [18:23] |
spawn- | its mtgox rate :) | [18:23] |
smickles | oh and trading btc for a good or a service would be a gain/loss too. you just attribute the value of the good or service as the value of that amount of btc | [18:23] |
mod6 | smickles: :D | [18:24] |
smickles | "fair market value" ;) | [18:24] |
smickles | [18:26] | |
rg | i wonder | [18:26] |
* | smickles is now known as pissypissytaxpan | [18:26] |
* | M4v3R has quit (Quit: - you place to exchange Bitcoin) | [18:26] |
rg | this SSD card isnt a real drive | [18:26] |
rg | its just a PCI-E card | [18:26] |
rg | do you think that increases the life or kills it | [18:26] |
rg | actually | [18:27] |
rg | i just looked at it | [18:27] |
rg | theyre little ram sticks | [18:27] |
rg | you can replace them | [18:28] |
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mod6 | oh on card you can replace the mem? | [18:32] |
rg | yes | [18:32] |
rg | wanna see? | [18:32] |
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mod6 | Sure! | [18:34] |
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rg | | [18:34] |
mod6 | oh sure. ok thats cool. | [18:34] |
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mod6 | ive got this esxi box here, I gotta dump some more ram in that thing. its got dual xeon 5650s in it, but only 16G of ram :( | [18:36] |
rg | so my offer was | [18:36] |
rg | $300/mo | [18:37] |
rg | lol | [18:37] |
mod6 | that 48G is hurting my feeelings a bit :D | [18:37] |
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rg | hehe | [18:37] |
rg | we use atleast 24gb in all our nodes | [18:37] |
* | MoPac (~MoPac@gateway/tor-sasl/mopac) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:37] |
mod6 | it certainly helps if you're running a DB or a big jboss deployment. | [18:37] |
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mod6 | or VMs of course. | [18:38] |
M4v3R | aand the sell offs begin | [18:39] |
* | noitev (626d47ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:40] |
noitev | ;;gpg eauth noitev | [18:40] |
Blitzboom | M4v3R: aaand another higher low | [18:40] |
Blitzboom | enjoy | [18:40] |
mod6 | ive got the box for vmware api dev. that nexus switch is pretty neat-o too. | [18:40] |
mod6 | and i got this the UCS emulator up and going.... I wanna write some stuff for that also. UCS seems to be taking off. | [18:40] |
* | gribble gives voice to noitev | [18:41] |
noitev | ;;bc,mtgox | [18:41] |
gribble | {"ticker":{"high":5.5449,"low":4.21211,"avg":4.817944791,"vwap":4.759048303,"vol":274259,"last_all":4.482,"last_local":4.482,"last":4.482,"buy":4.482,"sell":4.56113}} | [18:41] |
noitev | oo | [18:41] |
noitev | brutal haha | [18:41] |
noitev | anyone selling btc for moneypak? | [18:41] |
silvercoin | yea, down 15 cents in an hour | [18:41] |
silvercoin | lol and yet you buy | [18:42] |
mod6 | i did lastnight too! | [18:42] |
noitev | im kinda doing it for someone | [18:42] |
noitev | but yeah... i guess ill buy 660 USD worth of btc at 4.6 each | [18:43] |
silvercoin | where? | [18:43] |
noitev | where? | [18:44] |
silvercoin | oh via mp? | [18:44] |
noitev | yes | [18:44] |
noitev | sorry :P | [18:44] |
silvercoin | all good if dwolla wasn't a slow bitch I'd help you out | [18:44] |
noitev | its ok, if you ever get it, id be happy to do it o.15 or so over spot | [18:45] |
noitev | thanks though | [18:45] |
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Blitzboom | M4v3R: told you | [18:47] |
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Blitzboom | higher low, retrace, higher high, higher low … | [18:48] |
Blitzboom | we aren’t done yet at all. this will be a fun day | [18:48] |
mod6 | little bounce back | [18:48] |
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mod6 | go btc, go! | [18:49] |
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Blitzboom | how many of you even still have bitcoins? | [18:50] |
mod6 | i have a bunch. | [18:51] |
mod6 | well, for me that is! heh. | [18:51] |
Graet | i have some | [18:51] |
pissypissytaxpan | Blitzboom: i still have about as many as I've ever had | [18:52] |
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mcorlett | Can someone take a look at this? Am I doing it correctly? | [18:52] |
mod6 | escape the tick marks around the $nick var maybe? | [18:53] |
mod6 | line 10. are you having trouble getting back a result set? SQL exception? | [18:54] |
mcorlett | mod6, it works beautifully. | [18:54] |
mcorlett | It doesn't seem to hold up so well in terms of security. | [18:54] |
mod6 | oh. werd. | [18:55] |
pissypissytaxpan | you mean that someone can fake the existence of a user? | [18:55] |
mcorlett | No, but this doesn't prevent against injections, right? | [18:55] |
pissypissytaxpan | i have no idea | [18:55] |
* | pissypissytaxpan is now known as smickles | [18:55] |
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* | smickles doesn't use mysql | [18:56] |
mod6 | oh i see, since you'll be pasing in $nick to the SQl query, yeah, that can be bad. | [18:56] |
mod6 | you need to check whats coming in for that query. | [18:57] |
mcorlett | Well, the beauty of PDO is that I should be able to use prepared statements and have it get rid of all the bad stuff. | [18:57] |
mod6 | he's not using mysql anyway | [18:57] |
mod6 | Sqlite | [18:57] |
smickles | oh | [18:57] |
smickles | so the idea is that someone could form a $nick that runs another sql query? | [18:57] |
shades | PDO | [18:58] |
mod6 | yeah | [18:58] |
mcorlett | smickles, exactly. | [18:58] |
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shades | smickles: like dropping your tables | [18:59] |
shades | ie: no need to report taxes on all thsoe btc that just 'went away' ;) | [18:59] |
Mad7Scientist | If someone gives you a supply of food, and then you eat it | [19:00] |
Mad7Scientist | do you pay tax on it? | [19:00] |
* | smickles is 'zinged' | [19:00] |
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mcorlett | Ha! | [19:01] |
smickles | Mad7Scientist: depends on the amounts | [19:01] |
mcorlett | | [19:01] |
mcorlett | It works, and it prevents a basic injection anyway. | [19:01] |
mod6 | yeah, good call. | [19:01] |
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sppedyd | ;;view | [19:02] |
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Mad7Scientist | did someone find a hole in gribble? | [19:03] |
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shades | Mad7Scientist: it depends on how spicy it is and that'll determine how much tax your colon has to pay | [19:04] |
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helo | gribble's hole was violated? | [19:05] |
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Mad7Scientist | ;;ticker | [19:08] |
Mad7Scientist | ;;bc,stats | [19:08] |
Mad7Scientist | ;;bc,stats is broken? | [19:09] |
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mircea_popescu | whoa nelly | [19:11] |
mircea_popescu | pretty large call order, im guessing the drop is over now. | [19:11] |
Graet | [19:11] | |
Graet | [19:11] | |
Graet | would break gribble i think ;) | [19:11] |
rg | ;;ticker | [19:11] |
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mod6 | werid, works for me in /msg | [19:12] |
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smickles | 500? so they think it's going above 5.25 soon? | [19:13] |
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smickles | (or heading that way) | [19:13] |
mircea_popescu | i think 5.05-5.1 is enough to break even there | [19:13] |
copumpkin | wouldn't it just be 4.5 + 0.75? | [19:14] |
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copumpkin | unless they placed the order when pricing was different | [19:14] |
smickles | that's still .20 away from where we are now | [19:14] |
copumpkin | I wasn't checking | [19:14] |
Mad7Scientist | Who was the 1st president of the united States? | [19:15] |
smickles | nixon | [19:16] |
lordcyfer | I was | [19:16] |
smickles | Mad7Scientist: are you serious? | [19:16] |
mircea_popescu | washington | [19:16] |
Mad7Scientist | before Washington | [19:16] |
Mad7Scientist | Articles of Confederation | [19:16] |
lordcyfer | Lincoln ? | [19:16] |
mircea_popescu | yes copumpkin, if they sell on the last day | [19:16] |
smickles | he was the articles of confederation prez | [19:16] |
mircea_popescu | but since there's still time till lasrt friday there's prolly going to be some time value | [19:16] |
mircea_popescu | i dunno, im guessing. | [19:17] |
mircea_popescu | 10 days prolly worth .1 or so | [19:17] |
lordcyfer | i am surch an ignorant | [19:17] |
silvercoin | bob saget | [19:17] |
* | copumpkin reverse engineers mircea_popescu's pricing algorithm | [19:17] |
mircea_popescu | jeanone garofalo | [19:17] |
smickles | Mad7Scientist: why do you think washington wasn't prez under the articles of confederation? | [19:17] |
mircea_popescu | *mircea_popescu's pricing algorithm reversengineers copumpkin back | [19:18] |
copumpkin | oh shit | [19:18] |
copumpkin | counterhax | [19:18] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [19:18] |
pirateat40 | John Hanson | [19:18] |
Mad7Scientist | Washington was the 1st President under the Constitution | [19:18] |
copumpkin | it's like getting ghosted on the good wife | [19:18] |
mircea_popescu | Hansome's right! | [19:18] |
copumpkin | I hate getting ghosted | [19:18] |
Mad7Scientist | ok John Hanson thanks | [19:18] |
mircea_popescu | Hanson was little more than the first among equals in Congress and had no executive power. His duties were largely ceremonial, and his correct title was President of the Continental Congress. | [19:19] |
mircea_popescu | so not really properly called "f the us" | [19:19] |
smickles | how long did it take some to correct me? | [19:19] |
smickles | 2 min | [19:20] |
smickles | not bad | [19:20] |
smickles | | [19:21] |
Mad7Scientist | Was he the highest position of the executive branch of the united States government | [19:21] |
Mad7Scientist | LIke Prime Minister | [19:22] |
Mad7Scientist | The vice president is currently the president of the Senate | [19:22] |
mod6 | like being speaker of the house or something is a little closer probably. | [19:22] |
smickles | | [19:22] |
* | BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:23] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt | [19:23] |
Mad7Scientist | 13. Declares that the Articles are perpetual, and can only be altered by approval of Congress with ratification by all the state legislatures. | [19:23] |
Mad7Scientist | So the Constitution in fact is illegal, since only 3/4 ratified | [19:23] |
Mad7Scientist | well two states didn't ratify, but the amendments only require 3/4 | [19:23] |
* | resolution1024 (4e3cb0d8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:24] |
smickles | Mad7Scientist: well, our whole country is illegal, ... from england's perspective | [19:24] |
silvercoin | sounds fun | [19:24] |
Mad7Scientist | yeah ... lets go talk to the Indians | [19:24] |
Phoebus | lol | [19:24] |
smickles | Mad7Scientist: phhft, like they had laws @.@ | [19:25] |
* | DamascusVG|afk is now known as DamascusVG | [19:25] |
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smickles | [19:25] | |
jcpham | england doesn't want to step to this | [19:25] |
errydayimgenerat | iif they wanted their land so bad they should have filed deeds and titles | [19:25] |
mod6 | they certainly tried, twice. | [19:25] |
errydayimgenerat | the natives that is | [19:25] |
Mad7Scientist | You know the Lakotah break away thing in North Dakota where they claim land of like 4 entire states because of a treaty from the 1800's | [19:25] |
errydayimgenerat | now england is america's bitch | [19:25] |
smickles | 'merica, FUCK YEAH, tits, 'n beer, 'n pussy 'n tits! | [19:25] |
phraust | fuckin GUNS | [19:25] |
phraust | wooo | [19:26] |
mod6 | :D | [19:26] |
mod6 | that Oatmeal cartoon was great. | [19:26] |
smickles | yeah | [19:26] |
Mad7Scientist | technically they are rich all land belonging to the United States should be handed over to the Lakotah | [19:26] |
Mad7Scientist | rich no I mean right | [19:26] |
Mad7Scientist | in that area of the country | [19:27] |
jcpham | handed over to locutus of borg? | [19:27] |
smickles | r.r | [19:27] |
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Mad7Scientist | I guess the Articles of Confederation didn't really have much of an executive branch. It's kind of like the EU was in 15 years ago | [19:28] |
jcpham | has the eu been the eu for 15 years now/ | [19:29] |
* | klaus_trainer has quit (Quit: Hasta la vista, baby.) | [19:29] |
jcpham | ;;google european union founding | [19:30] |
detrate | anyone want to sell me 11 btc for $50 PPUSD? | [19:32] |
Mad7Scientist | The EU was created by the Treaty of Rome in the 50's | [19:32] |
mircea_popescu | "oh and as i was washing my hair this morning it occured to me i hadnt said anything about your nice smooth balls" | [19:32] |
detrate | I'm authed and have done PP transactions before | [19:32] |
mircea_popescu | i couldn't make this shit up. | [19:32] |
mod6 | xD | [19:32] |
Mad7Scientist | IRC is such a wonder | [19:32] |
imsaguy2 | mircea_popescu: do we really want to know? | [19:32] |
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mircea_popescu | well you're in btc-otc so im guessing you do ? | [19:33] |
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Mad7Scientist | It's like bringing someone's bathroom right next door | [19:33] |
mircea_popescu | otherwise you'd be in like, some other chan | [19:33] |
* | emmanuelux (~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:33] |
shades | smoothballs, what? i have my connection fail and idk what i miss | [19:33] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [19:34] |
detrate | sturles: are you interested in selling me 11 btc for PPUSD? | [19:34] |
detrate | lunks: ? | [19:34] |
lunks | ;;remove 6767 | [19:35] |
lunks | ops | [19:35] |
lunks | detrate: sorry, no | [19:35] |
lunks | I forgot to remove the order | [19:35] |
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lunks | ;;remove 6767 | [19:36] |
gribble | Order 6767 removed. | [19:36] |
draco49 | detrate: you're gonna have a hard time buying 11BTC @$50USD via PP right now | [19:36] |
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novusordo | buying btc for moneypak | [19:37] |
mircea_popescu | ;;getrate | [19:42] |
mircea_popescu | ;;ticker | [19:42] |
mircea_popescu | hmm is gribble dead ? | [19:43] |
* | Disconnected (). | [19:44] |
* | Now talking on #bitcoin-otc | [19:44] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || Bot's control sequence is ';;'. || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe | [19:44] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube at Mon Dec 19 23:38:55 2011 | [19:44] |
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mircea_popescu | ;;ticker | [19:49] |
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mircea_popescu | i think gribble kicked the bucket. | [19:50] |
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Graet | ;;bc,diffchange | [19:50] |
Graet | ;;gribble | [19:50] |
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mircea_popescu | i hope its not my smoothness that did it. | [19:51] |
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BTCHero | nanotube gribble is broken | [19:54] |
nanotube | yea i see... let's check | [19:55] |
BTCHero | ok just wanted to page you | [19:55] |
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nanotube | zomg | [19:55] |
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BTCHero | lol | [19:55] |
nanotube | BTCHero: maybe it's freenode :) | [19:55] |
errydayimgenerat | wowee | [19:55] |
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nanotube | i'll save the checking for later then | [19:56] |
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* | gives channel operator status to OneFixt | [19:56] |
* | gives voice to draco49 OneFixt Woofcat | [19:56] |
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* | gives channel operator status to gribble | [19:56] |
* | gives voice to UukGoblin jcpham rawrmage | [19:56] |
* | markac has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [19:56] |
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mircea_popescu | [19:56] | |
* | mod6 puts his arms up for the rollercoaster | [19:56] |
nanotube | mircea_popescu: hehe | [19:57] |
* | emmanuelux (~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [19:57] |
mircea_popescu | dude i swear never to mention my balls on freenode again | [19:57] |
mircea_popescu | IM SORRY OMFG | [19:57] |
* | EvilJStoker is now known as Guest93162 | [19:57] |
* | BlueMatt is now known as Guest73265 | [19:57] |
nanotube | yea see what you done mircea_popescu let that be a lesson | [19:57] |
nanotube | heh | [19:57] |
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* | ChanServ gives voice to markac | [19:59] |
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Tril | ;;rate errydayimgenerat 1 smooth trade for 50 BTC mtgox code | [20:04] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user errydayimgenerat has been recorded. | [20:04] |
* | pigeons_ is now known as pigeons | [20:05] |
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* | Cory has quit (Changing host) | [20:07] |
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* | gribble gives voice to Cory | [20:07] |
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* | gives voice to sgornick | [20:08] |
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smickles | lol, freenode gettin' ddos | [20:09] |
* | spawn- im selling $156 Amazon Payments ill accept PPUSD or BTC as payment anyone? PM me for arrangement :) | [20:09] |
smickles | ;;pm me | [20:09] |
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jcpham | i was derping it alone | [20:10] |
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smickles | who doesn't like freenode? | [20:10] |
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mircea_popescu | anyone selling mtgox codes or btc for pp ? | [20:10] |
smickles | i mean really, what's the point of dosing freenode? | [20:10] |
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jcpham | silencio | [20:11] |
jcpham | break up comms, confuse the enemy | [20:11] |
imsaguy2 | spawn-, is that amazon gc? | [20:11] |
mircea_popescu | as if jcpham | [20:11] |
spawn- | yups | [20:11] |
* | tdubz is now known as dubellz | [20:12] |
* | Llamab9t ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:12] |
smickles | ;;letmein | [20:12] |
* | gribble gives voice to smickles | [20:12] |
jcpham | ;;letmeindeep | [20:12] |
smickles | ;;letmeinhard | [20:12] |
jcpham | nasty bastard | [20:12] |
mircea_popescu | ;;letmein your heart on this day of days oh gribble | [20:12] |
* | plato_ (~plato@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:13] |
jcpham | you guys are getting fresh with gribble | [20:13] |
smickles | i bet mircea_popescu get's in gribble's pants with that one | [20:13] |
* | t4ls0 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:13] |
* | spawn- i can load your Amazon Payments account for $156 ill accept PPUSD or BTC as payment anyone? PM me for arrangement :) | [20:13] |
mircea_popescu | he wears a skirt newb. | [20:13] |
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smickles | ack | [20:15] |
imsaguy2 | jesus | [20:15] |
silvercoin | wth | [20:15] |
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jcpham | ...down the rabbit hole | [20:16] |
spawn- | fuck freenode | [20:16] |
mircea_popescu | rather shaky | [20:16] |
spawn- | lol | [20:16] |
* | BlueMatt_ (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:16] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt_ | [20:16] |
smickles | gettin' dossed D: | [20:16] |
spawn- | is there someone attacking freenode? | [20:16] |
smickles | spawn-: yes | [20:16] |
silvercoin | bitcoin armeggedon | [20:16] |
jcpham | prove it! | [20:16] |
jcpham | pics or didn't happen | [20:16] |
draco49 | connect via tor ... I'm never affected by net splits | [20:16] |
spawn- | damn!! | [20:16] |
imsaguy2 | jcpham: I notice you didn't say that about mircea_popescu's smooth balls. | [20:16] |
draco49 | LOL | [20:17] |
mircea_popescu | haha | [20:17] |
* | lospolloshermano ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:17] |
draco49 | manybe he had first hand knowledge ;) | [20:17] |
jcpham | tongue verified? | [20:17] |
smickles |!/freenodestaff/status/167875722755575808 | [20:17] |
imsaguy2 | oh, I didn't realize you were the one saying it to him in the shower. | [20:17] |
* | torsthaldo_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:17] |
pigeons | put my salty chocolate balls in your mouth and suck 'em | [20:17] |
jcpham | smickles is all over dat twittah | [20:18] |
mircea_popescu | did any of you guys have that new scweddy balls icecream btw ? | [20:18] |
* | Bwild ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:18] |
pigeons | cause i used organic sugar | [20:18] |
terrytibbs | freenode is like that nice guy everyone is friends with | [20:18] |
smickles | .o twitter smickles | [20:18] |
draco49 | fair trade sugar I hope | [20:18] |
terrytibbs | but then he gets bullied anyway | [20:18] |
smickles | markac: ? | [20:19] |
mircea_popescu | poor freenode. | [20:19] |
pigeons | copumpkin is freenode? | [20:19] |
mircea_popescu | ahahaha omg evil. | [20:19] |
* | spawn- i can load your Amazon Payments account for $156 ill accept PPUSD or BTC as payment anyone? PM me for arrangement :) | [20:19] |
* | phedny_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:19] |
smickles | .o twitter | [20:19] |
smickles | .o twitter @smickles | [20:19] |
smickles | poo | [20:19] |
terrytibbs | spawn-: desperate much? | [20:20] |
* | area_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:20] |
spawn- | not really | [20:20] |
spawn- | just need PPUSD :) | [20:20] |
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draco49 | spawn is offering clean urine specimes for BTC | [20:20] |
smickles | only urine? | [20:21] |
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* | gives channel operator status to nanotube brocktice | [20:21] |
* | gives voice to rg | [20:21] |
smickles | lloo | [20:21] |
lunks | ovo, lol | [20:21] |
smickles | another server came back | [20:21] |
lunks | ;;voiceme | [20:21] |
draco49 | he might trade pubes for PP also | [20:21] |
rg | woof woof | [20:22] |
rg | im poochy | [20:22] |
rg | the rockin dock! | [20:22] |
rg | dog! | [20:22] |
rg | let me try that again | [20:22] |
rg | woof! woof! | [20:22] |
rg | im poochy | [20:22] |
smickles | dock, dog, what's the difference | [20:22] |
rg | the rockin dog! | [20:22] |
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rg | im going to bed | [20:22] |
rg | no one order a vps | [20:23] |
rg | just kidding order it | [20:23] |
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mircea_popescu | anyone said dog ? | [20:25] |
copumpkin | pigeons: :[ | [20:25] |
Joric | i go sleep but when i return it'll better be under $4 | [20:25] |
mircea_popescu | copumpkin : he said he's gonna wait in your apartment to get you with a sock fulla pennies too. | [20:26] |
mircea_popescu | better switch your peepholes. | [20:26] |
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imsaguy2 | mircea_popescu: its funny you should mention socks | [20:26] |
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mircea_popescu | why imsa ? | [20:27] |
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imsaguy2 | copumpkin has special socks | [20:27] |
mircea_popescu | i musta mist dat. | [20:27] |
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spawn- | yes pubes hehe | [20:28] |
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silvercoin | , | [20:31] |
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* | spawn- i can load your Amazon Payments account for $156 ill accept PPUSD or BTC as payment anyone? PM me for arrangement :) | [20:34] |
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errydayimgenerat | ;;rate tril 1 smooth trade for 50 BTC mtgox code | [20:38] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user tril has been recorded. | [20:39] |
Keefe | "In related news Microsoft announced a new plan to undermine Apple by buying 20 million ipods and destroying them. Apple's stock up 200%, Microsoft down 90%." << in response to the idea of someone buying up lots of BTC and deleting it to hurt bitcoin | [20:39] |
copumpkin | lol | [20:40] |
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mircea_popescu | lol | [20:41] |
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mcorlett | Finally. | [20:43] |
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Keefe | the low price? | [20:45] |
copumpkin | the ~2k buy? | [20:46] |
imsaguy2 | no, the ddos preventing people from connecting | [20:46] |
mcorlett | imsaguy2 said it! | [20:46] |
Someguy123 | rage... I have all my cash in LTC, and somehow LTC/BTC price is going down | [20:47] |
Someguy123 | even though the value of BTC itself is going down | [20:47] |
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vinhpk | ;;eauth | [20:49] |
mcorlett | Do we have any merchants in here? | [20:49] |
phantomcircuit | Someguy123, im guessing lack of confidence in the major market | [20:49] |
* | Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:49] |
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Keefe | mcorlett: merchants of what? | [20:51] |
mcorlett | Keefe, anything, basically. I was going to ask how people handle fluctuations in price. | [20:51] |
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mircea_popescu | some buy options. | [20:52] |
jcpham | grip it and rip it? | [20:52] |
* | smickles is now known as smickles|idle | [20:52] |
imsaguy2 | some merchants dont hold any btc, they liquidate as soon as they recieve it. | [20:53] |
mcorlett | imsaguy2, that's what I'm planning on doing. | [20:54] |
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mcorlett | What's generally used as the dollar value? Mt.Gox average? | [20:55] |
MacRohard | yes. at the moment | [20:55] |
MacRohard | if any other exchanges start getting decent volume then maybe you could do a volume based average | [20:56] |
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MacRohard | but if you're plannign to sell right away you might as well just use the price of whatever exchange you'll sell on | [20:56] |
* | smickles|idle is now known as smickles | [20:56] |
mcorlett | What about the high? What time frame does Mt.Gox use on that? | [20:57] |
smickles | any | [20:58] |
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smickles | 24 hr | [20:58] |
* | M4v3R (~M4v3R@unaffiliated/m4v3r) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:58] |
smickles | ;;bc24hprc | [20:58] |
smickles | ;;bc,24hprc | [20:58] |
gribble | 4.75 | [20:58] |
MacRohard | mcorlett, rolling 24hrs | [20:58] |
MacRohard | i think | [20:58] |
mcorlett | MacRohard: "sliding 24 hours", whatever that means. | [20:59] |
MacRohard | the same thing | [20:59] |
* | napkin (4b48960a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:59] |
napkin | yo BTCTrader | [20:59] |
* | DingoRabiit (60327aa7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:00] |
napkin | anyone want to sell me btcs? | [21:00] |
napkin | ;;ticker | [21:00] |
celeste | Hi i have a $35 email gift card for sale for CVS pharmacy i have allready sold a $50 egiftcard to BTCtrader and a $300 egift card to DBordello with no problem thank you. | [21:00] |
celeste | pm me | [21:01] |
napkin | celeste: sorry for being har on you | [21:01] |
napkin | i was in a bad mood | [21:01] |
DingoRabiit | Oi! | [21:01] |
smickles | ;;gettrust celeste | [21:01] |
gribble | Trust relationship from user smickles to user celeste: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | [21:01] |
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celeste | napkin np | [21:01] |
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mcorlett | ;;help | [21:03] |
DingoRabiit | I'll auth if asked, But i want to make it quick, (lol im good) I want to BUY (so you can chargeitback if i dont play lol) 10PPusd, Please contact me | [21:03] |
DingoRabiit | Screw it | [21:03] |
DingoRabiit | ima start ;;authing | [21:03] |
celeste | ,,ticker | [21:03] |
DingoRabiit | ;;auth | [21:03] |
Blitzboom | M4v3R: 18 hrs left | [21:03] |
Blitzboom | lol, fun bet actually | [21:03] |
* | speedyd (4d14cbb1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:04] |
mcorlett | DingoRabiit, there are scripts for most IRC clients too. | [21:04] |
DingoRabiit | Yeahyeahyeah | [21:04] |
DingoRabiit | :P | [21:04] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:04] |
mircea_popescu | anyone know what's like the hardest raid in wow ? | [21:05] |
smickles | hmm, gox price is rising too fast | [21:05] |
silvercoin | I need 15 btc | [21:06] |
vragnaroda | ;;ticker | [21:06] |
silvercoin | ;;mtgox | [21:06] |
novusordo | is ANYONE selling btc for moneypak? i've been trying for 3 days... | [21:07] |
vragnaroda | damned netsplits, I wanted that ticker in-channel! | [21:07] |
vragnaroda | ;;ticker | [21:07] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.78781, Best ask: 4.79, Bid-ask spread: 0.00219, Last trade: 4.78781, 24 hour volume: 288785, 24 hour low: 4.21211, 24 hour high: 5.5 | [21:07] |
Keefe | DingoRabiit: i can give you paypal. but you'll get a better rate from some others if you don't mind more risk | [21:08] |
* | M4v3R has quit (Quit: - you place to exchange Bitcoin) | [21:08] |
DingoRabiit | Bah, I want if quick Keefe, Slap me an offer | [21:08] |
smickles | novusordo: bad luck, i've seen a few mp sales happen in the past 3 days | [21:08] |
* | gribble gives voice to DingoRabiit | [21:08] |
* | Buglouse (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:08] |
Keefe | k, will pm in a minute | [21:08] |
* | Buglouse is now known as Guest1780 | [21:08] |
smickles | ;;view novusordo | [21:08] |
gribble | #6793 Mon Feb 13 18:49:36 2012 novusordo BUY 5.0 btc @ 5 usd (($25 moneypak)) | [21:08] |
vragnaroda | lol | [21:09] |
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* | M4v3R (~M4v3R@unaffiliated/m4v3r) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:09] |
mcorlett | What's the difference between Mt.Gox's last_all and last_local? | [21:10] |
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DingoRabiit | Keefe has made me an offer that i am taking, Im not buying anymore | [21:11] |
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MacRohard | mcorlett, not sure. it might be to do with their other currencies? | [21:14] |
MacRohard | with local being your default currency perhaps. *shrug* | [21:14] |
* | JimmyHo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:15] |
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helo | $25 moneypak? fee suckage :( | [21:15] |
novusordo | for me.... not for the receiver | [21:15] |
helo | it's hard for me to justify buying $50 moneypak | [21:15] |
helo | yes, of course :) | [21:16] |
* | gribble gives voice to novusordo | [21:17] |
novusordo | nobody's selling even for $0.25 above the going rate? | [21:18] |
Keefe | oh i'd sell, but i don't accept the payment methods most buyers want to offer | [21:19] |
Keefe | in particular, i don't accept paypal, amazon, or moneypak | [21:19] |
helo | do you accept... keefe? | [21:20] |
celeste | i want to buy £400 pounds of bitcoins with citibank tranfer? pm me | [21:20] |
celeste | from uk | [21:21] |
Blitzboom | Keefe: why not moneypak btw | [21:21] |
helo | err what do you accept | [21:21] |
copumpkin | do you accept Kief, Keefe? | [21:21] |
* | JimmyHo has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [21:22] |
imsaguy2 | I betcha he'd accept alpaca socks | [21:23] |
* | M4v3R has quit (Quit: - you place to exchange Bitcoin) | [21:23] |
Keefe | no, i want nothing to do with drugs | [21:23] |
copumpkin | yeah, so how about alpaca socks? | [21:23] |
celeste | i want to buy £400 pounds of bitcoins with citibank tranfer? pm me from uk | [21:23] |
Keefe | i live in hot southern california, so not much interest in socks :) | [21:23] |
copumpkin | dammit | [21:24] |
copumpkin | so picky | [21:24] |
* | hngryhngryhippo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:25] |
Keefe | celeste: i have a US citibank account. do you know if you can easily send gbp and it will be exchanged to usd for me? | [21:25] |
celeste | +Keefe i will pay any costs | [21:25] |
silvercoin | ;;getrating silvercoin | [21:25] |
* | JimmyHo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:26] |
Keefe | celeste: doesn't intersango accept gbp by bank transfer? | [21:26] |
celeste | what rate? | [21:26] |
Keefe | no idea. but it's a long established exchange, and i think it's in the UK. might be worth checking out | [21:27] |
* | BRAGO (62c14313@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:27] |
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celeste | +Keefe your rate? | [21:27] |
napkin | can anyone sell me BTCs for either MP or visa gift card? | [21:28] |
napkin | im looking for around 20 | [21:28] |
BRAGO | Hi all. I have a brand new Moneypak with $120 on it. Looking to sell for BTC. Any takers? | [21:28] |
imsaguy2 | jesus | [21:28] |
imsaguy2 | the influx of people | [21:28] |
imsaguy2 | yet the price is falling | [21:28] |
silvercoin | ;;eauth silvercoin | [21:28] |
Keefe | that's why the new buyers :) | [21:28] |
MORA| | im holding on to my 6BTC, /me trusts in BTC! | [21:28] |
napkin | ;;ticker | [21:28] |
[eval] | i'll be buying BTC tomorrow most likely :> | [21:29] |
celeste | Keefe please pm me so we can talk more in depth | [21:29] |
Keefe | ok | [21:29] |
* | jcpham is selling at substantially inflated rate | [21:29] |
* | ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:29] |
* | bbr0wn (~bbr0wn@gateway/tor-sasl/bbr0wn) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:29] |
rawrmage | ;;bc,price | [21:30] |
gribble | Next Price Estimate: 5.640012 | Next Price In About 2 days, 19 hours, 38 minutes, and 24 seconds | [21:30] |
rawrmage | cool | [21:30] |
copumpkin | lol | [21:30] |
BRAGO | $120 Moneypak for BTC | [21:30] |
copumpkin | nanotube: what's the story behind that one? :P | [21:30] |
copumpkin | nanotube: can we have an ;;s3052 command? | [21:31] |
napkin | are there not a ton of sellers right now cuz its damn low? | [21:31] |
copumpkin | nanotube: that randomly tells us sophisticated-sounding things? | [21:31] |
* | m00p (~moop@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:31] |
mircea_popescu | lol i second the motion | [21:32] |
imsaguy2 | ;;bc,options | [21:32] |
* | late443 (~chatzilla@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:34] |
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stamit | "motion seconded" | [21:34] |
stamit | now it's a seconded motion. seconding of motion is now complete. | [21:35] |
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smickles | ;;echo "since we're in wave [dice 1d3] of impulse B, the price should jump to [calc (ticker --last)*1.18] before falling to [calc (ticker --last)*.5] | [21:36] |
smickles | ;;echo "since we're in wave [dice 1d3] of impulse B, the price should jump to [calc (ticker --last)*1.18] before falling to [calc (ticker --last)*.5]" | [21:36] |
gribble | since we're in wave [dice 1d3] of impulse B, the price should jump to [calc (ticker --last)*1.18] before falling to [calc (ticker --last)*.5] | [21:36] |
smickles | dam | [21:36] |
* | BRAGO has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [21:36] |
smickles | i thought that would work | [21:36] |
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* | Buglouse_ (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:37] |
[eval] | smickles: the "" prevent the [] from being evaluated | [21:37] |
stamit | ;;echo [dice 1d3] | [21:37] |
[eval] | ;;dice 1d3 | [21:37] |
[eval] | neat :> | [21:38] |
mcorlett | (Almost) finished, just need to implement payment processing. Thanks for the help, everyone. | [21:38] |
jcpham | who tosses a 3 sided die | [21:38] |
* | gribble gives voice to stamit | [21:38] |
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* | late443 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 10.0.1/20120208060813]) | [21:38] |
[eval] | jcpham: who can make a 3-sided die in meatspace? | [21:38] |
stamit | ;;dice 1d10 | [21:38] |
gribble | 2 | [21:38] |
jcpham | exactly | [21:38] |
silvercoin | lunch time bbl | [21:39] |
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* | Shaded has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [21:39] |
smickles | ;;echo "since we're in wave"[dice 1d3]"of impulse B, the price should jump to"[calc [ticker --last]*1.18]"before falling to"[calc [ticker --last]*.5] | [21:39] |
gribble | since we're in wave 2 of impulse B, the price should jump to 5.5342236 before falling to 2.34501 | [21:39] |
smickles | :D | [21:39] |
[eval] | win :D | [21:39] |
* | smickles shoud use fibinocci numbers tho | [21:40] |
jcpham | or factorials | [21:40] |
jcpham | throw some exclamation points in there | [21:40] |
smickles | ;;echo "since we're in wave"[dice 1d3]"of impulse B, the price should jump to"[calc [ticker --last]*1.328]"before falling to"[calc [ticker --last]*.618] | [21:40] |
gribble | since we're in wave 2 of impulse B, the price should jump to 6.22832 before falling to 2.89842 | [21:40] |
smickles | there, that looks mor accurate | [21:40] |
jcpham | now put it ona blog | [21:40] |
jcpham | profit | [21:40] |
smickles | a 3 sided die is a triangular pyramid jcpham [eval] | [21:41] |
smickles | numbers on the points | [21:41] |
* | Buglouse_ (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:41] |
stamit | ;;roulette | [21:41] |
jcpham | a 3 sided die doesn't exist in the 3rd dimension | [21:41] |
[eval] | smickles: <-- like this? | [21:42] |
* | gribble gives voice to stamit | [21:42] |
jcpham | NO! | [21:42] |
jcpham | those have 5 sides | [21:42] |
* | lunks has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [21:42] |
smickles | [eval]: not the one's i'm talking about | [21:42] |
[eval] | true, but 2 of the sids have a virtually 0 chance of ending up on top :P | [21:42] |
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draco49 | virtually... | [21:42] |
stamit | ;;roulette | [21:42] |
stamit | why can't i practice my suicidal sport? | [21:43] |
smickles | oh lol, i was thinking of a d4 | [21:43] |
[eval] | smickles: yeah :) | [21:43] |
jcpham | i get d4 | [21:43] |
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smickles | stamit: #bitcoin-games | [21:43] |
* | fdawy (bca1660c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:44] |
[eval] | does gribble have a revolver? | [21:45] |
* | Buglouse (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:45] |
smickles | [eval]: yes | [21:46] |
smickles | and a d3 would just not have flat faces | [21:46] |
[eval] | | [21:47] |
[eval] | like these? | [21:47] |
jcpham | if it only has 3 faces, it can't be a closed geometric shape | [21:47] |
gmaxwell | smickles: you can have any number of sides using a cylinder. | [21:47] |
jcpham | it could have an open face, but iwouldn't call it a die | [21:47] |
gmaxwell | But other than cylindrical die it must be a regular polyhedra, which limits your options. | [21:48] |
gmaxwell | even if your making dice for universes with more spatial dimensions. | [21:48] |
helo | might as well use a d6 with 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 | [21:48] |
* | lunks_ (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:49] |
jcpham | the odss aren't the same on the 1d6 | [21:49] |
* | jcpham constructs d3 from silly putty | [21:50] |
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gmaxwell | You all owe me a polyhedrial d96. | [21:52] |
napkin | anyone selling btcs? | [21:52] |
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[eval] | jcpham: why aren't they the same on the 1d6 using 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3? i'm rusty on probability. | [21:52] |
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helo | [eval]: i think he misunderstood. it's gotta be the same... | [21:53] |
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smickles | ;;echo "since we're in wave"[dice 1d3]"of impulse B, the price should jump to"[calc [ticker --last]*1.18]"before falling to"[calc [ticker --last]*.5] | [21:54] |
gribble | since we're in wave 2 of impulse B, the price should jump to 5.5696 before falling to 2.36 | [21:54] |
smickles | it's consistent about wave 2, IT MUST BE RIGHT | [21:55] |
* | M4v3R (~M4v3R@unaffiliated/m4v3r) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:55] |
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smickles | ;;echo "since we're in wave"[dice 1d3]"of impulse B, the price should jump to"[calc [ticker --low]*1.328]"before falling to"[calc [ticker --low]*.664] | [21:57] |
gribble | since we're in wave 2 of impulse B, the price should jump to 5.59368208 before falling to 2.79684104 | [21:57] |
smickles | :D | [21:57] |
smickles | perfect | [21:57] |
smickles | oh | [21:57] |
smickles | not | [21:57] |
fdawy | can you help me Exchange from amazon payments to paypal | [21:58] |
smickles | you will give amazon payments for pp, fdawy ? | [21:58] |
vinhpk | ;;help | [21:58] |
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fdawy | yes | [21:59] |
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smickles | edged cigar shaped icosahedra with 3 faces | [22:04] |
smickles | that's what i was thinking of | [22:04] |
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james777 | callme hey nelisky, are you still selling ukash for btc? | [22:10] |
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mcorlett | If I use wget to overwrite a file, will that file be unusable for the duration of the download? | [22:12] |
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dinox | ;;voiceme | [22:15] |
* | gribble gives voice to dinox | [22:15] |
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dinox | Want to exchange $200 mtgoxusd to paypal usd, 1:1 and you need 30+ rating. Anyone? | [22:17] |
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vinhpk | ;;gpg eauth vinhpk | [22:18] |
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napkin_ | anyone selling btcs? | [22:20] |
dinox | napkin_: mtgoxusd :) | [22:20] |
* | echelon (~echelon@gateway/tor-sasl/harel) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:21] |
napkin_ | i have to have dwolla set up though yeh? | [22:21] |
napkin_ | i think i just have to verify bank | [22:21] |
napkin_ | which requested a few days ago | [22:21] |
* | Buglouse_ (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:22] |
* | gribble gives voice to echelon | [22:23] |
dinox | still selling mtgoxusd for ppusd... | [22:23] |
echelon | has anyone checked out from american express? | [22:23] |
echelon | it's a paypal clone | [22:23] |
echelon | they give you $10 at signup | [22:23] |
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BTCHero | You can put moneypak into it to | [22:23] |
BTCHero | too | [22:23] |
pigeons | hmmm one of the users here was referring us and only giving us $5 | [22:24] |
BTCHero | I think I will sign up someday | [22:24] |
echelon | pigeons: i guess if you sign up without a referral you get the whole $10 heh | [22:24] |
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echelon | can you register anonymously? | [22:25] |
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echelon | do they verify if your name & address are legit? | [22:26] |
dinox | is just for US? | [22:27] |
dinox | only* | [22:27] |
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echelon | well, they want the last four digits of your ssn# | [22:27] |
* | Framedragger ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:27] |
dinox | seems to be us only then... | [22:28] |
echelon | but i'm not sure if they verify anything | [22:28] |
dinox | what a blooper if they dont | [22:28] |
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echelon | oh.. "To add money to your Serve account you must link either a valid U.S. bank account or a valid U.S. credit or debit card." | [22:29] |
napkin_ | so when trading w/ mtgox, say w/ dwolla or MP do you what is best strategy for bid? | [22:29] |
echelon | so it's just like pp :/ | [22:29] |
napkin_ | just do lowest or a bit above last? | [22:29] |
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echelon | it's useless unless you link a bank account or credit card :/ | [22:29] |
BTCHero | moneypak? | [22:30] |
BTCHero | free to withdraw 1 time a month with no monthly fees if I see correctly | [22:31] |
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dinox | /'/msg -freenode gribble | [22:31] |
M4v3R | 4.55 | [22:32] |
* | Buglouse (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:32] |
M4v3R | We're going down after all | [22:32] |
* | gribble gives voice to pigeons | [22:32] |
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* | ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt | [22:32] |
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fdawy | mps : are you thare | [22:32] |
fdawy | mps : are you thare | [22:33] |
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dinox | Want to exchange $200 mtgoxusd to paypal usd, 1:1 and you need 30+ rating. | [22:35] |
* | echelon (~echelon@gateway/tor-sasl/harel) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:36] |
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dinox | Going afk 1 hour, send me a message if anyone want to trade and i'll answer it when i'm back... | [22:42] |
celeste | Hi i have a $35 email gift card for sale for CVS pharmacy i have allready sold a $50 egiftcard to BTCtrader and a $150 egift card to DBbollero with no problems PM me thank you. | [22:43] |
Mad7Scientist | Is there anyone here (besides spaw n- in #digishell) who would sell a linux/BSD shell account for a monthly BTC payment? | [22:45] |
pigeons | I think grubles and rg from #bitvps offer shells | [22:46] |
* | olp ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:46] |
BTCHero | You were asking for anon though right? | [22:47] |
pigeons | oh they don't do anon | [22:48] |
Mad7Scientist | anonymous shells? | [22:48] |
Mad7Scientist | not really | [22:49] |
Mad7Scientist | with bitcoin anything can be made anonymous | [22:49] |
vragnaroda | lol | [22:49] |
malkauns_ | lol | [22:50] |
* | malkauns_ is now known as malkauns | [22:50] |
BTCHero | what is funny | [22:50] |
BTCHero | am i missing something? | [22:50] |
vragnaroda | « [15:49] < Mad7Scienti> | with bitcoin anything can be made anonymous » is hilarious | [22:50] |
BTCHero | yeah | [22:51] |
* | Snapman ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:51] |
BTCHero | it isn't hilarious, just slightly erraneous though no? | [22:51] |
celeste | i want to buy £400 pounds of bitcoins with citibank tranfer? pm me from uk. | [22:51] |
BTCHero | erroneous | [22:52] |
celeste | i will pay any costs | [22:52] |
a5m0 | selling new black or white yubikeys for $20 in btc or dwolla | [22:53] |
vragnaroda | ;;ident a5m0 | [22:53] |
gribble | Nick 'a5m0', with hostmask 'a5m0!', is not identified. | [22:53] |
a5m0 | would you like me to ident? | [22:53] |
Mad7Scientist | cash through the mail is also anonymous | [22:53] |
vragnaroda | Texas, huh? Steers and queers. | [22:54] |
vragnaroda | Mad7Scientist: lol | [22:54] |
a5m0 | vragnaroda, so you're from texas? | [22:54] |
Mad7Scientist | You can go online on a new connection, and send anonymously obtained or mined BTC | [22:54] |
vragnaroda | a5m0: I'd like anyone making offers to authenticate. | [22:54] |
vragnaroda | I am not from Texas. | [22:54] |
BTCHero | I will accept cash through mail | [22:54] |
BTCHero | To add money to your Serve account you must link either a valid U.S. bank account or a valid U.S. credit or debit card. You can add up to $1,000 per day via an ACH transfer from your bank, and up to $100 per day via credit card or debit card (there is a monthly credit card load limit of $250). You may add up to $2,500 to your Serve account per month, depending on your account limits. You | [22:56] |
BTCHero | can add money from your linked U.S. bank account or a U.S. credit card or U.S. debit card up to 30 times in a calendar month. | [22:56] |
BTCHero | Do you think that you need to link a bank account to redeem moneypak on it? | [22:56] |
BTCHero | I am sure you eventually have to give them your full SSN too | [22:57] |
BTCHero | But they only ask for last 4 digits during signup | [22:57] |
* | gribble gives voice to echelon | [22:58] |
vragnaroda | BTCHero: I think if you do enough business with them, they'll require it. | [22:58] |
BTCHero | Probably 250? Is that a law or just common practice. | [22:58] |
celeste | +BTCHero what site is this please? | [22:58] |
BTCHero | | [22:58] |
vlaube | Hi, I'm interested in buying steam games, is anyone selling? | [22:58] |
celeste | thanks | [22:58] |
MORA| | theres someone on the forum | [22:58] |
MORA| | vlaube | [22:58] |
* | nomad101 (458d207f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:59] |
vlaube | @MORA|: do you mean nothingsteamed? | [22:59] |
MORA| | | [23:00] |
vlaube | ah, thanks. unfortunately he doesn't have the games i'm interested in | [23:01] |
* | Brads (47720188@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:02] |
Brads | Sup guys. | [23:02] |
MORA| | I have some valve discount coupons ... like half the earth | [23:02] |
MORA| | and a cogs | [23:02] |
Keefe | vlaube: i have a steam acct. i think i could buy a game and transfer it to you | [23:02] |
Brads | Anyone selling btc? | [23:03] |
* | napkin_ (4b48960a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:03] |
napkin_ | anyone want to sell me BTCs for visa gift card or moneydot? | [23:03] |
napkin_ | i put a request through mtgox i think | [23:04] |
vlaube | @MORA|: i already have cogs, I'm interested in limbo and the binding of isaac | [23:04] |
Keefe | Brads: maybe vlaube would give you btc in exchange for you buying him a game thru steam? | [23:04] |
MORA| | hm, the last one was in a bundle ... | [23:04] |
Brads | What game vlaube? | [23:04] |
* | twobitcoins (~twobitcoi@unaffiliated/twobitcoins) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:04] |
MORA| | Humble Voxatron | [23:04] |
BTCHero | You mean Moneypak napkin_? | [23:05] |
BTCHero | And how much | [23:05] |
napkin_ | yeah | [23:05] |
Brads | Im up for that. | [23:05] |
vlaube | @brads: limbo and the binding of isaac | [23:05] |
Brads | How much btc for em? | [23:05] |
MORA| | vlaube you can get the Voxatron bundle here : | [23:05] |
napkin_ | i am looking to get about 20 BTCs | [23:05] |
napkin_ | ;;ticker | [23:06] |
* | smickles is now known as smickles|idle | [23:06] |
MORA| | although he dont list binding, so you may have to pm and ask if its above average | [23:06] |
vlaube | hmm, i doubt it | [23:06] |
napkin_ | visa gift card would be easier for me | [23:07] |
vlaube | but thanks anyway | [23:07] |
nomad101 | ;; | [23:07] |
nomad101 | ;;ticker | [23:07] |
BTCHero | If you mail the visa gift card to me ill do it | [23:07] |
Brads | Vlaube, ill buy you those 2 | [23:07] |
Brads | games | [23:07] |
vlaube | @brads: sounds good | [23:08] |
vlaube | how much would that be in btc? | [23:08] |
napkin_ | any takers? | [23:08] |
Brads | its 15 Total vlaube, so 3 maybe? | [23:09] |
nomad101 | ;;guide | [23:09] |
vlaube | @brads: sounds good | [23:10] |
pirateat40 | is this irc thing like twitter? | [23:10] |
BTCHero | kind of | [23:11] |
BTCHero | you have to type like this | [23:11] |
BTCHero | 140 chars or less | [23:11] |
pirateat40 | Im new here, sorry. | [23:11] |
celeste | Hi i have a $35 email gift card for sale for CVS pharmacy i have allready sold a $50 egiftcard to BTCtrader and a $300 egift card to DBordello with no problem thank you. | [23:11] |
pirateat40 | where are my friends list? | [23:11] |
* | brad_ (47720188@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:11] |
brad_ | disconnected | [23:11] |
brad_ | ;l | [23:11] |
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dinox | ;;ticker | [23:12] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.62, Best ask: 4.62527, Bid-ask spread: 0.00527, Last trade: 4.62, 24 hour volume: 297778, 24 hour low: 4.21211, 24 hour high: 5.5 | [23:12] |
mcorlett |
[23:12] |
mircea_popescu | lmao | [23:12] |
brad_ | BTChero, you take paypal yet :l | [23:12] |
* | Staatsfeind (~markac@unaffiliated/vragnaroda) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:12] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind | [23:12] |
BTCHero | nope | [23:12] |
pirateat40 | mcorlett, ASL? | [23:12] |
celeste | i want to buy £400 pounds of bitcoins with citibank tranfer? pm me | [23:12] |
BTCHero | 18/g/fl | [23:12] |
mcorlett | pirateat40: Pfft! Don't even. | [23:13] |
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BTCHero | err wait 18/f/fl | [23:13] |
mircea_popescu | pirateat40 was 12 back when hitler was still roaming. | [23:13] |
phantomcircuit | lol | [23:13] |
phantomcircuit | BTCHero, YOUR SEX IS GIRAFFE | [23:13] |
dinox | brad_: do you have a rating? | [23:13] |
vragnaroda | The proper response is “old enough/let me finish my tea first/urmom/” | [23:13] |
mircea_popescu | if urmom is urmom then whats urchin ? | [23:13] |
vragnaroda | lol | [23:14] |
BTCHero | pirateat40 I have pics. S2R | [23:14] |
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nomad101 | ;;fraud | [23:14] |
pirateat40 | I was 12 when vragnaroda first corrected his teacher. | [23:14] |
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* | james777 (602dbd51@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:15] |
mircea_popescu | and actually the proper response is "ya ya go ahead get started ima grab the times". Don Rickles sez so. | [23:15] |
vragnaroda | Then you're not that much older than I am. :p | [23:15] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: lol | [23:15] |
mircea_popescu | the teachers are collectively lucky he's not YOUNGER eh ? | [23:16] |
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napkin_ | anyone want to sell btcs? | [23:17] |
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Noitev | so | [23:20] |
napkin_ | it doesnt look like to me mtgox is taking money packs | [23:20] |
napkin_ | am i wrong? | [23:20] |
sturles | No, you are correct. Moneypak is U.S. only. Mtgox is in Japan. | [23:23] |
Staatsfeind | You might be able to get a MoneyPak → MTGUSD offer, though. | [23:24] |
napkin_ | mmk | [23:24] |
napkin_ | word, id have to go run somewhere to get it though | [23:24] |
napkin_ | and i dont know if i am going to be in state to drive | [23:24] |
* | gribble gives voice to mod6 | [23:24] |
napkin_ | so amazon gift card would be better but if someone wants a MP hit me up | [23:24] |
napkin_ | future deal maybe too | [23:25] |
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Keefe | napkin_: if you're willing to drive somewhere and pay $5, maybe you'd like to deposit cash to a bank account instead? | [23:31] |
Noitev | anyone selling coins for moneypak? | [23:31] |
napkin_ | yeah maybe Keefe | [23:31] |
napkin_ | how do i do that | [23:31] |
napkin_ | is it easy? | [23:31] |
napkin_ | MP is just so easy.. | [23:31] |
Keefe | either way you have to wait in a line | [23:32] |
phraust | im looking for btc or mtgox usd for moneypak :d | [23:32] |
Keefe | to deposit cash in one's bank account, you usually just need their name and acct # | [23:32] |
Keefe | have a wells or citi neary? | [23:32] |
Keefe | nearby* | [23:33] |
Noitev | oh keefe, is it a long wait? | [23:33] |
phraust | 2k if possible. | [23:33] |
napkin_ | i think wells | [23:33] |
Keefe | depends on location and time of day | [23:33] |
Keefe | pm me if you want to do that | [23:33] |
Noitev | ;;bc,mtgox | [23:35] |
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celeste | Hi i have a $35 email gift card for sale for CVS pharmacy i have allready sold a $50 egiftcard to BTCtrader and a $300 egift card to DBordello with no problem thank you. | [23:38] |
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helo | hi! | [23:47] |
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Staatsfeind | helo: howdy | [23:48] |
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brad_ | ;;guide | [23:49] |
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Category: Logs