Forum logs for 10 Feb 2012

Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc [01:52]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || Bot's control sequence is ';;'. || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe [01:52]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube at Mon Dec 19 23:38:55 2011 [01:52]
* andrew_wmf_ has quit (Client Quit) [01:53]
* Joric_ (~joric@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:54]
* Joric_ has quit (Changing host) [01:54]
* Joric_ (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:54]
paulzag need to look into the moneybookers thing [01:55]
kakobreklaa dont [01:56]
nanotube paulzag: if by look into you mean "why one shouldn't use them" then please do :) [01:56]
* Joric has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [01:56]
paulzag ;;gettrust alexgray paulzag [01:56]
paulzag okay thanks guys [01:57]
smickles paulzag: just letting you know here, I received your payment :) [01:57]
paulzag great I was about to look it up again. So rating time? [01:59]
* sbingner has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [01:59]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/pumpkingod) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:00]
* ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin [02:00]
* Justasic (~Justasic@unaffiliated/justasic) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:00]
paulzag ewww reading about Moneybookers makes me feel... icky [02:01]
kakobreklaa dunno whos worse [02:02]
kakobreklaa pp or mb [02:02]
* splatster has quit (Quit: Leaving...) [02:02]
paulzag mb bye the looks of it... [02:03]
nhodges ;;gettrust nhodges Cory [02:03]
nhodges neat [02:03]
paulzag paypal is just sleazy buyers and scammers and PP will always side with the sender [02:04]
nhodges that tickles my nerd nerve [02:04]
* smickles is OO'n the shit out of this shit [02:04]
smickles paulzag: actually, i rated you when i saw the tx ;) [02:05]
smickles ;;gettrust nhodges Cory [02:06]
gribble Trust relationship from user nhodges to user Cory: Level 1: 4, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: [02:06]
copumpkin ewww, OO [02:07]
smickles copumpkin: i like it :P [02:07]
copumpkin object oriented options? [02:07]
copumpkin pfft [02:07]
copumpkin OOO [02:07]
* pushtostart ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:08]
smickles wts the right, but not the obligation to be able to understand my code [02:08]
MBS ;;seen Wimble [02:08]
gribble Wimble was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 2 days, 8 hours, 26 minutes, and 34 seconds ago: gonna check it out, + [02:08]
smickles 'cause I will open source significant portions of the code [02:08]
* Joric_ has quit () [02:09]
* pushtostart has quit (Client Quit) [02:09]
MBS buying mtgoxusd for amazon payments [02:10]
rg ;;gettrust rg cory [02:10]
gribble Trust relationship from user rg to user cory: Level 1: 5, Level 2: 23 via 16 connections. Graph: [02:10]
spawn- good morning guys [02:11]
MBS ;;gettrust MBS rg [02:15]
gribble Trust relationship from user MBS to user rg: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 10 via 6 connections. Graph: [02:15]
malkauns good afternoon [02:15]
MBS buying mtgoxusd for amazon payments 1:1 [02:15]
* h4ckm3th32nd ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:16]
* emmanuelux has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:16]
spawn- whats up h4ckm3th32nd [02:17]
* Silberfuchs ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:18]
* h4ckm3th32nd has quit (Client Quit) [02:18]
* h4ckm3th32nd ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:19]
Scrubby hi [02:19]
* h4ckm3th32nd has quit (Client Quit) [02:19]
* h4ckm3th32nd ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:20]
spawn- hi Scrubby [02:20]
Scrubby just sitting here with a headache from all the research I am doing [02:20]
* h4ckm3th33rd ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:20]
* sfantu has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [02:21]
Cusipzzz EvanR: rallymode [02:21]
rg thats pretty good l2 trust mbs [02:21]
* h4ckm3th33rd has quit (Client Quit) [02:21]
MBS someone sell me mtgoxusd/btc [02:21]
* blaeks ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:21]
* sgornick has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [02:22]
* h4ckm3th33rd ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:22]
* h4ckm3th32nd has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [02:24]
jjjrmy ;;;gettrust mbs jjjrmy [02:25]
jjjrmy ;;gettrust mbs jjjrmy [02:25]
MBS ok finally got cable to root kindle fire LD [02:26]
MBS *:D [02:26]
* h4ckm3th33rd has quit (Client Quit) [02:26]
* emmanuelux (~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:27]
smickles MBS: let me know how that goes [02:28]
MBS why? [02:28]
MBS were thinking about getting one? [02:28]
Blitzboom Cusipzzz: IT’S A BUBBLE [02:30]
Blitzboom BUY BEFORE IT BUBBLES! [02:30]
* h4ckm3 (h4ckm3@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:30]
Cusipzzz Blitzboom: too late.. confirmed bubble, crash shortly [02:30]
Blitzboom i’m going to dump all of my 45k BTC! [02:31]
rg ive used it [02:31]
rg cynogen is buggy [02:31]
rg or whatever its called [02:31]
MBS sell me all of your BTC before bitcoin hits 0.001 [02:31]
MBS im going to stay with default for now, just rooting it [02:31]
MBS might try out ICS eventually, idk, lol [02:32]
rg default sucks [02:32]
MBS kinda like it how it is, only thing is no android market, but im rooting it so [02:32]
Scrubby omg price is 5??!?!?! [02:32]
MBS sell me your BTC/mtgoxusd for amazon payments people [02:33]
h4ckm3 How do I register on here dudes? [02:33]
* forrestv has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [02:33]
pigeons h4ckm3: [02:34]
Txyru anyone selling steam games for btc? [02:34]
Scrubby damn now its 6 [02:34]
* malkauns has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:34]
MBS only thing im not a fan of for kindle fire is lock screen [02:34]
MBS not sure if they have been successful at changing it yet [02:34]
* sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:35]
* ChanServ gives voice to sgornick [02:35]
Scrubby jeez the BTC was just 5 on crypto but went up to 6 in a matter of 30 seconds, is that normal? [02:37]
* emmanuelux has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:38]
* lunks has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:38]
* SomeoneWeirdzzzz is now known as SomeoneWeird [02:39]
* blablaa (~blablaa@gateway/tor-sasl/blablaa) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:39]
* emmanuelux (~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:41]
* emmanuelux has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:41]
* lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:46]
* lunks has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:46]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [02:48]
* EvanR has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [02:49]
* OneFixt has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:49]
* RedEmerald has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:49]
* lol (62e459fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:49]
* Dividebyzero (627655a3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:50]
* lol has quit (Client Quit) [02:50]
* Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:50]
* gribble gives voice to Joric [02:50]
* asdgjlkerqt (65a0bfba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:51]
asdgjlkerqt ;;guide [02:51]
spawn- what a damn random nick u got asdgjlkerqt [02:51]
spawn- :) [02:52]
asdgjlkerqt ;;fraud [02:52]
h4ckm3 gpg eregister [02:52]
asdgjlkerqt the ol' keyboard masher. can't be bothered with proper handles, as the ones i use are often taken haha [02:52]
vragnaroda That's not random. [02:53]
* RedEmerald (~RedEmeral@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:53]
pigeons h4ckm3: gribble bot's control sequence is ';;' (as mentioned in the topic) or you can send commands to gribble in pm query [02:53]
* C4colo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:53]
* `1 (~vragnarod@unaffiliated/vragnaroda) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:53]
* ChanServ gives voice to `1 [02:53]
`1 However, this is a cool nick. :p [02:54]
* cryptoxchange has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:54]
* gribble gives voice to C4colo [02:55]
rawrmage `1: ha [02:55]
h4ckm3 k ty [02:55]
h4ckm3 ;;gpg eregister [02:55]
h4ckm3 hahha [02:56]
h4ckm3 ;; gpg eregister [02:56]
* cryptoxchange (~Ken@unaffiliated/cryptoxchange) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:56]
C4colo selling 4 BTC at 5.86 each PPUSD [02:56]
* `1 (~vragnarod@unaffiliated/vragnaroda) has left #bitcoin-otc [02:56]
* Dividebyzero has quit (Quit: Page closed) [02:58]
Joric too late [02:59]
* OneFixt (~OneFixt@unaffiliated/onefixt) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:01]
* ChanServ gives voice to OneFixt [03:01]
mircea_popescu so bacl to 6 ? [03:01]
mircea_popescu the btc moves like it's a spindle. [03:01]
* smoothie has quit (Quit: changing servers) [03:02]
* Gaglia has quit (Quit: Gaglia) [03:02]
* RedEmerald has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [03:02]
* smoothie ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:02]
* cryptoxchange has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:02]
Blitzboom too bad, i’m sure a bunch of people again thought that bitcoin prices were about to become stable [03:03]
* RedEmerald (~RedEmeral@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:03]
* asdgjlkerqt has quit (Quit: Page closed) [03:03]
* cryptoxchange (~Ken@unaffiliated/cryptoxchange) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:03]
paulzag Scrubby, cryptoxchange buy/sell order system is strictly "at price", if you make a typo say 5 instead of 6 it will sell @ 5 [03:05]
paulzag so you probably saw someone's typo trade go through [03:05]
Scrubby ah, :( [03:05]
paulzag I make a mistake last week, sold 5btc for $1 less than I wanted. Lesson learned [03:06]
Scrubby oh quick question, anyone do bit mining in pools here, that I can join? [03:06]
paulzag lot's how many GHash/s you got? [03:06]
paulzag s/lot's/lots [03:07]
paulzag I noes me gramma [03:07]
* C4colo ( has left #bitcoin-otc ("brb") [03:07]
* C4colo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:07]
mircea_popescu s/lot's/lots << vcraziness [03:07]
paulzag hells yep [03:09]
* ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:09]
ineededausername ;;ticker [03:09]
spawn- whats up ineededausername [03:09]
* malkauns ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:09]
* copumpkin has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [03:11]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/pumpkingod) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:11]
* ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin [03:11]
Scrubby how I check my ghash? I have a pretty good graphics card, Radeon 6870 [03:13]
Scrubby im getting a 2nd video card soon :) [03:13]
dirkdizzler sounds about like tree fitty [03:13]
dirkdizzler or tree [03:13]
* sycho has quit () [03:14]
MBS ok got stuff rooted [03:14]
dirkdizzler 6870 is .3 GH/s [03:14]
MBS now installing google service stuff [03:14]
dirkdizzler ish [03:14]
* C4colo has quit (Quit: What's this button do?) [03:21]
* C4colo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:21]
* gribble gives voice to C4colo [03:23]
* MoPac has quit (Quit: Au revoir) [03:24]
* cryptoxchange has quit (Read error: Connection timed out) [03:25]
* weeewewee (53b5291b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:27]
* Joric has quit () [03:28]
weeewewee ;;guide [03:28]
* dcash (~dcash@unaffiliated/dcash) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:28]
pigeons Scrubby: [03:28]
* sbingner (~sam@phathack/sbingner) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:30]
* stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:30]
* agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:31]
rg Scrubby: theres tons of pools [03:31]
rg ozcoin, bitlc, eligius, [03:31]
rg triplemining [03:31]
Scrubby ;;guide [03:31]
rg deepbit, btcguild [03:31]
rg slush's pool [03:31]
rg slush has a really nice pool [03:31]
Scrubby slush is a member? [03:32]
malkauns why do people hate deepbit? [03:32]
rg i think theyre third largest, big enough to solve a bunch of blocks but small enough not to steal too much of your payout [03:32]
* gribble gives voice to stamit [03:32]
rg malkauns: cause having a pool that big breaks bitcoin [03:32]
rg having pools period is bad [03:32]
rg but having big ones is worse [03:32]
Scrubby why is that? [03:32]
malkauns rg, why? cause we'll reach 21million too fast? [03:32]
Scrubby by myself I am making 0.00003515 every 40min [03:33]
rg no it has nothing to do with that [03:33]
Scrubby which is nothing [03:33]
dcash selling $10.7097 goxUSD code for $10.71 PPUSD, trust req. [03:33]
MBS will buy that in amazon payments if you take it [03:34]
* gribble gives voice to dcash [03:34]
MBS ok well got kindle fire rooted, android market isnt really working yet though, couldnt get root explorer to mount /system/ as r/w [03:34]
malkauns rg, then what? [03:34]
MBS but will fuck with it later [03:34]
dirkdizzler i heart proportional pools [03:35]
MBS because it encourages too many small players to mine? [03:35]
rg it breaks the concept of bitcoin [03:36]
* EvanR ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:36]
* eldnord ( has left #bitcoin-otc [03:36]
* EvanR is now known as Guest86803 [03:37]
rg i forget the whole reason [03:37]
dirkdizzler it concentrates wealth [03:37]
pigeons no [03:41]
pigeons well depending how you define wealth i guess [03:42]
dirkdizzler pools are literally an attempt to corner the market on hashpower [03:43]
* WKNiGHT (~wknight@unaffiliated/wknight) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:43]
* smickles has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [03:43]
AcidicChip anyone selling BTC for ppUSD? [03:44]
dirkdizzler i was looking for an 8btc loan [03:45]
* smickles ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:47]
dirkdizzler Scrubby can you imagine making .00004 every second or more [03:48]
h4ckm3 ;;rate 2 spawn- great, completely satisfied, will use again. [03:48]
gribble Error: 'spawn-' is not a valid integer. [03:48]
h4ckm3 ;;rate 2 spawn great, completely satisfied, will use again. [03:48]
gribble Error: 'spawn' is not a valid integer. [03:48]
Scrubby dirkdizzler, wow how would u do that [03:49]
nanotube h4ckm3: nick first, number second [03:49]
spawn- yeah [03:49]
dirkdizzler Scrubby moar video cards! [03:49]
h4ckm3 ;;rate spawn- 2 great, completely satisfied, will use again. [03:49]
gribble Error: You have to have received some ratings in order to rate other users. [03:49]
nanotube heh, spawn- gets to rate you first [03:49]
Scrubby so yourse saying if I get a quad video setup, I can make a shitton? [03:49]
spawn- wait [03:49]
dirkdizzler well my example was like 10 radeons [03:50]
h4ckm3 I'vce been meaning to register for a while [03:50]
h4ckm3 I just needed a little push [03:50]
h4ckm3 ty spawn.. [03:50]
Scrubby well thats impossible to do on one computer [03:50]
dirkdizzler yes [03:50]
spawn- ;;rate h4ckm3 1 he purchased ircbouncer super quick smooth transactions [03:50]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user h4ckm3 has been recorded. [03:50]
Scrubby but I guess if one invests in like 10 computers, running quad video cards on each... [03:50]
h4ckm3 ;;rate spawn- 2 great, completely satisfied, will use again. [03:51]
Scrubby that would be pretty awesome!!! [03:51]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user spawn- has been recorded. [03:51]
h4ckm3 bam! [03:51]
spawn- BOOM!!! [03:51]
spawn- shakalaka! [03:51]
spawn- :) [03:51]
* jscinoz_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:51]
kakobreklaa to the moon. [03:51]
h4ckm3 what is the number for anyway? [03:51]
* jscinoz has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [03:51]
nanotube h4ckm3: it appears you are in need of reviewing the ,,wotguide :) [03:51]
gribble Guide to using the trust rating system: [03:51]
h4ckm3 indeed [03:51]
h4ckm3 link? [03:52]
dirkdizzler hurrrrrrrr [03:52]
h4ckm3 hahaha [03:52]
h4ckm3 bam, done [03:52]
nanotube heh [03:53]
Scrubby dirkdizzler - but is it worth it, realisticaly - because all that equipment will take alot of energy to power, so the money u make back in BT, will that actually be profitable? [03:53]
dirkdizzler depends on your power cost/equipment costs [03:53]
dirkdizzler same old argument [03:53]
dirkdizzler over and over [03:53]
dirkdizzler electricity is now a resource like anything else [03:53]
h4ckm3 depends on your faith in BTC and length of your investment [03:54]
smickles Scrubby: give me your card, i guarentee i'll make a profit with it ;) [03:54]
Scrubby haha why would I give u my card [03:54]
smickles i donn't, however guarantee that i can spell [03:54]
dirkdizzler mine it til the wheels fall off Scrubby [03:54]
Scrubby i am just syaing good video cards take a decent amount of power to run and power isnt free [03:54]
smickles Scrubby: i sorta have free electricity [03:55]
Scrubby omg [03:55]
dirkdizzler exactly. power isn't free. [03:55]
Scrubby maybe its time to get an apartment :) [03:55]
smickles or, that is, if you live in USA, you pay for my elec. if you pay taxes [03:55]
Scrubby wowza [03:55]
Scrubby haha wow youre just making me feel worse and worse :) [03:55]
smickles ^ikr? [03:55]
dirkdizzler also mining 24/7 will fail a card eventually [03:56]
dirkdizzler just a matter of time [03:56]
* blablaa (~blablaa@gateway/tor-sasl/blablaa) has left #bitcoin-otc ("Leaving") [03:56]
smickles Scrubby: my wife is in the AF, and we live 'on base' [03:56]
MBS buying btc/mtgox usd for amazon payments/clover/serve [03:56]
MBS dirkdizzler, thats what video card warrenties are for :p [03:56]
C4colo dirkdizzler, if you keep the dust out of them and monitor the fan speeds they will last MUCH longer [03:56]
Scrubby well most new cards auto adjust fan speed [03:56]
C4colo heat kills them, and dust buildup or fan failure causes heat spikes [03:56]
Scrubby to match the heat output [03:56]
C4colo until they die [03:57]
C4colo or the dust gets too clogged and 100% isn't enough [03:57]
Scrubby i guess best way to do it is to buy shitty CPU and invest in good GPU [03:57]
smickles partially [03:57]
C4colo I used to build custom computers and if I scheduled an annual checkup I could keep the video cards running for years [03:57]
* weeewewee has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [03:57]
C4colo the customers that did not choose an annual checkup I sold video cards to every two years or so [03:58]
Scrubby let me ask a theoretical question, if 1 were to buy 10 computers and have them mine 24/7, what do u think they would make [03:58]
* kakobreklaa has quit (Quit: G-Lined: Bye!) [03:58]
smickles ask gigavps ;) [03:58]
* kakobreklaa ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:59]
kakobreklaa l [03:59]
smickles Scrubby: it depends on your elec. cost and HW cost [03:59]
vragnaroda That really depends on other factors. :/ [03:59]
Scrubby well actually i can calculate that myself [03:59]
dirkdizzler we'll call 10 pc's any where from 10-20 GH/s [03:59]
AcidicChip ;;guide [03:59]
gribble Guide to using #bitcoin-otc: [03:59]
dirkdizzler best estimate 20 BTC/day [03:59]
* WKNiGHT (~wknight@unaffiliated/wknight) has left #bitcoin-otc [03:59]
* malkauns has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [03:59]
dirkdizzler and 10 kW power draw [03:59]
Scrubby wow, no way [03:59]
Scrubby 20 BTC a day?!?! [03:59]
dirkdizzler straight from my ass, those numbers [03:59]
Scrubby a bit high donta yea think [04:00]
dirkdizzler at least 20 btc/day w/ 20 gh/s [04:00]
Scrubby hmmmm... [04:00]
dirkdizzler ok i'm lying [04:00]
nanotube ;;bc,gen 20000000 [04:00]
gribble The expected generation output, at 20000000 Khps, given current difficulty of 1379647.4392143 , is 14.5809480306 BTC per day and 0.607539501274 BTC per hour. [04:00]
nanotube at current difficulty [04:00]
dirkdizzler shit i was close [04:00]
C4colo that was within the order of magnitude [04:00]
nanotube indeed [04:00]
Scrubby i dunno [04:01]
C4colo so solo about 1 block average every 4 days? [04:01]
dirkdizzler call it $75-$100 per day if you dump them [04:01]
dirkdizzler minus electricity/hardware [04:01]
Scrubby i thnk if u had 40 computers mining 24/7 u might get about 8 BTC per dat [04:01]
C4colo ok, I'm off for a bit [04:01]
dirkdizzler at current numbers [04:01]
* C4colo is now known as C4away [04:02]
dirkdizzler but you know, with that many hashes you wouldn't just mine [04:02]
dirkdizzler you would find ways to ganster-ize those profits [04:03]
Scrubby what do u mean? [04:03]
nanotube ;;bc,calc 20000000 [04:03]
smickles Scrubby: 40 of those computers costs ~32000 usd [04:03]
gribble The average time to generate a block at 20000000 Khps, given current difficulty of 1379647.4392143 , is 3 days, 10 hours, 17 minutes, and 57 seconds [04:03]
nanotube C4away: ^ [04:03]
dirkdizzler solo mining looks better [04:03]
dirkdizzler possibly [04:03]
Scrubby smickles - thats why I said build some shitty computers but with powerful GPU (I build computers) and I think u might be good to go [04:03]
vragnaroda Yeah until you go 10 days without a block and are pissed that the universe has cheated you. [04:04]
dirkdizzler ikr [04:04]
smickles Scrubby: my estimate considers a close to optimal price [04:04]
dirkdizzler where is my return?!?! [04:04]
Scrubby so does everyone here mostly mine in pools or solo? [04:04]
smickles ;;calc 32000/[ticker --last] [04:05]
vragnaroda I think most of the people in here don't mine. [04:05]
dirkdizzler i always tell people to build a rig. get yourself a GH/s [04:05]
smickles 5414 btc to break even [04:05]
dirkdizzler and see how it scales from there [04:05]
* ineededausername has quit (Quit: Page closed) [04:05]
dirkdizzler that is, if you want to do it [04:05]
Scrubby GH/s ? [04:06]
smickles a Gh/s rig costs somewhere around 800 usd doesn't it? [04:06]
gmaxwell Scrubby: Pools are old hat. p2pool. [04:06]
smickles 1 gigahash per second [04:06]
rg gigggahashas [04:07]
Scrubby how can I check my gh? [04:07]
rg Scrubby: mine [04:07]
Scrubby i am doing that right now [04:07]
Scrubby is it the "current speed"? [04:07]
smickles ;;bc,wiki mining hardware compression chart [04:07]
dirkdizzler compression, eh? [04:08]
rg well then you should know how fast you're mining [04:08]
smickles [04:08]
gmaxwell dirkdizzler: yea, aren't your miners turbo (or at least super) charged? [04:08]
smickles dirkdizzler: it still gave me the answer i was looking for [04:08]
Scrubby i am at 2909000 [04:08]
smickles wut? [04:08]
dcash selling $10.7097 goxUSD code for $10.71 PPUSD, trust req. [04:08]
smickles dcash: me? [04:09]
dirkdizzler boosted miners ftw [04:09]
smickles ;;eauth smickles [04:09]
MBS buying mtgoxusd for amazon payments [04:09]
dcash gettrust [ident smickles] [04:09]
dcash ;;gettrust [ident smickles] [04:09]
gribble Trust relationship from user dcash to user Nick 'smickles', with hostmask 'smickles!', is not identified.: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: 'smickles', with hostmask 'smickles!', is not identified. [04:09]
* FlyRyan433 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:10]
dcash smickles, sorry, no [04:10]
smickles ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:dea7a8bce4b400c5ec5ce4eb6d42a12468a48a52f0094125935dd06b [04:10]
gribble You are now authenticated for user smickles with key EA62D7CEB2450C3F [04:10]
dcash gribble's back in chan I see [04:10]
* uzyn ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:10]
smickles dcash: i'm authed now [04:10]
* kakobreklaa ( has left #bitcoin-otc [04:10]
Scrubby my rig cost alot more than 800 by the way :) [04:10]
smickles oh, nvm i guess :( [04:10]
dirkdizzler i built one for 750 not long ago [04:11]
* FlyRyan has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [04:11]
dirkdizzler and then i sold it on ebya for $6000 [04:11]
phantomcircuit lol [04:11]
MBS lol, must have been an idiot that bought it from you [04:11]
phantomcircuit NEEDS MORE LIGHTS [04:12]
dirkdizzler yeah it was an "original bitcoin miner" [04:12]
dirkdizzler was the reason for the premium [04:12]
dirkdizzler i taped the cards in there real good and spliced in some fans [04:12]
phantomcircuit why are people so stupid [04:12]
AcidicChip phantomcircuit, for our entertainment [04:13]
phantomcircuit AcidicChip, ++ [04:13]
MBS dirkdizzler, how long ago did you sell it? [04:13]
Scrubby wow dirk u da man :) [04:14]
pigeons i remember a salesman bringing a potential client by the server room and overhearing him saying, "these are our mainframes..." [04:14]
Scrubby thats a good investment :) [04:14]
MBS lol [04:14]
MBS phantomcircuit, yeah some guy sent me a pm saying you referred him to me to get a kimsufi box from, but i was away at class all day :( [04:15]
* emagdnimindgame (d5693e33@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:15]
phantomcircuit MBS, he's probably still around [04:16]
phantomcircuit hmm maybe not [04:16]
MBS wasnt here when i got back [04:16]
mircea_popescu lol pigeons [04:16]
mircea_popescu BIG IRON ON HIS HIP [04:16]
phantomcircuit MBS, lol bad luck [04:17]
MBS you people and your microcomputers [04:17]
phantomcircuit you lost like what $15? [04:17]
* someonecool (4de5bf46@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:18]
MBS depends on what server he wanted, lol [04:18]
* DBordelo (~dan@unaffiliated/dbordello) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:20]
* Geno (6b03c876@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:24]
* dwon (~dwon@2607:f2c0:a000:c0:217:31ff:fe53:f7c7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:26]
* jetbanger (ad3e59df@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:26]
jetbanger hello everyone [04:27]
spawn- hi jetbanger [04:27]
jetbanger whats going on up in here [04:27]
* vigilyn has quit (Quit: Leaving) [04:28]
spawn- nothin jetbanger [04:29]
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* je_fro (~unknown@gentoo/developer/je-fro) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:30]
rg for some reason the HTML5 vnc doesnt work on this laptop [04:31]
rg but i tested it on my real workstation and it worked fine [04:31]
* vorlov ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:31]
rg i wonder if customers are gonna start complaining it doesnt work [04:31]
rg doh [04:31]
Geno anyone wts 75btc [04:31]
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rg ;;ticker [04:33]
gribble Best bid: 5.86067, Best ask: 5.90997, Bid-ask spread: 0.0493, Last trade: 5.90999, 24 hour volume: 82857, 24 hour low: 5.5, 24 hour high: 5.92525 [04:33]
* C4away has quit (Quit: What's this button do?) [04:33]
rg wow [04:35]
rg not bad [04:35]
rg i guess i picked a decent time to sell the other day [04:35]
rg i sold at around what it was now [04:35]
rg i have to sell another 50 btc but im gonna wait it out [04:35]
rg see what we can get to [04:35]
copumpkin if only we had stop orders, eh :) [04:36]
* forrestv (~forrestv@unaffiliated/forrestv) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:37]
jetbanger anyone looking for logo designs? 20 btc per logo [04:39]
* llanox (46839b8a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:39]
Geno WTB 75BTC [04:39]
* Burgundy has quit () [04:40]
* cheesemas46 (4c580f10@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:40]
cheesemas46 HELLO [04:40]
dwon I should not have bought a bunch of bitcoins at $6.50 during the Good Wife hype bubble. :-/ [04:42]
dwon I would have bought them sooner for much cheaper, but the bank transfer to VirtEx took a long time, and I should have reconsidered. Now I'm in for the long haul. :) [04:43]
Scrubby lol [04:43]
cheesemas46 hello everyone [04:43]
cheesemas46 i need 49 bitcoins [04:43]
cheesemas46 where can i obtain that [04:43]
Scrubby i find thats the problem with all these places its that they take so long, and by the time they are ready to process your order the BTC value has changed [04:43]
draco49 dwon: I wouldn't be surprised to see the BTC valued at 8-10USD by the end of the summer... [04:44]
Scrubby cheese try Mt.Gox [04:44]
cheesemas46 nahh [04:44]
Scrubby yea I am trying to make an investment now [04:45]
cheesemas46 i need to buy it with a moneypak [04:45]
cheesemas46 and mt.gox is scary [04:45]
Scrubby why scary? [04:45]
cheesemas46 because they need every detail of you [04:45]
draco49 LOL why are you afraid of gox? [04:45]
OneFixt GOX [04:45]
cheesemas46 including ur bank acount name phone number address [04:45]
OneFixt rawr [04:45]
dwon draco49: Hope so. Also, I hope I can actually buy more stuff with BTC by them. [04:45]
cheesemas46 ;;getrating spawn [04:46]
* Canucktux has quit (Quit: Leaving) [04:46]
rawrmage OneFixt: hi [04:46]
OneFixt haha, hi [04:46]
draco49 dwon: thatt's part of the reason I think value will continue to climb... increasing merchants and ways to spend them. [04:46]
OneFixt i guess that highlights you [04:46]
rawrmage a little [04:46]
cheesemas46 ;;getrating spawn; [04:47]
spawn- do ;;getrating spawn- [04:47]
cheesemas46 ;;getrating spawn- [04:47]
spawn- ;;getrating spawn- [04:48]
gribble User spawn-, created on Sat Feb 4 19:27:00 2012. Cumulative rating 22, from 13 total ratings. Received ratings: 13 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 8 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask spawn-! [04:48]
rg AON's roadmap for the technology shows capacity growing to 9.6TB, and the transfer rate increasing to 1.24GB/sec. [04:48]
rg [04:48]
rg amazing [04:48]
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rawrmage rg pony [04:48]
* sneak ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:49]
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* sneak (~sneak@unaffiliated/sneak) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:49]
DBordelo Selling BTC or MTGOXUSD for MP [04:49]
dwon cheesemas46: It's not just MtGox that asks for details, it's pretty much everybody. Something to do with anti-money-laundering laws. I had to send scans of 1 or 2 pieces of ID to VirtEx. [04:49]
OneFixt rg: perfect, we can store the blockchain on it [04:49]
rg isnt that cool [04:50]
* DicklessDonor (4450f8cd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:51]
* alexbobp ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:51]
dwon Yeah, especially once the factories in Japan go back online again. The price of disks right now is too damn high. [04:52]
dwon Much like the rent, so I've heard. [04:52]
draco49 cheesemas46: if you don't want to use an exchange either buy from someone here or go to the silk road. [04:52]
Scrubby so whats the best place to buy BTC, for real? [04:52]
OneFixt mtgox and here [04:53]
rawrmage here fillly [04:53]
* kall has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [04:53]
MBS Buying BTC or MTGOXUSD for amazon payments [04:53]
dwon Scrubby: Depends on where you are. I'm in Canada, so VirtEx works way better than MtGox for me. [04:53]
OneFixt true [04:54]
Scrubby ok, the USA - anyone have a suggestion? I am thinking MTgox [04:54]
smickles Scrubby: you don't the -otc is the best place to buy? [04:55]
* sgornick has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) [04:55]
Scrubby yea but arent there a ton of scammers? [04:55]
pigeons no [04:55]
smickles not really [04:55]
* Silberfuchs has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:55]
OneFixt how much are you trying to buy? [04:55]
OneFixt just use the rating system [04:55]
Scrubby I want to buy between 300-350USD [04:56]
Scrubby how do I rate someone? [04:56]
Scrubby or see their rating [04:56]
OneFixt [04:56]
smickles even of the few scammers that there are, most of them are buyers [04:56]
OneFixt ;;getrating OneFixt [04:56]
Scrubby ;;getrating OneFixt [04:56]
OneFixt [04:57]
rg my plant is getting so big! [04:58]
rg im waiting for the other one to die [04:58]
rg so when it dies i can steal its dirt [04:59]
* cheesemas46 has quit (Quit: Page closed) [04:59]
* lapidary has quit (Quit: lapidary) [05:00]
Scrubby ;;getrating spawn- [05:01]
spawn- ;;eauth spawn- [05:01]
gribble Request successful for user spawn-, hostmask spawn-! Get your encrypted OTP from [05:01]
spawn- ;;getrating Scrubby [05:06]
gribble Error: This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. [05:06]
* sycho (~me@gateway/tor-sasl/sycho) has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:08]
* DrArnold has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [05:10]
MBS ok sweet new credit utiliation got reported now [05:10]
MBS new cards arent yet though [05:10]
MBS main credit karma score stayed same though :(, though at least the vantage score went up [05:11]
* DicklessDonor has quit (Quit: Page closed) [05:11]
rawrmage anyone feel like selling some coin for ppusd? lol doubt it [05:14]
spawn- yups [05:15]
rg rawrmage [05:15]
rg ill sell you some btc if you need [05:15]
h4ckm3 ;;rate spawn- 3 great, completely satisfied, will use again. [05:15]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user spawn- has changed from 2 to 3. [05:15]
* ne0futur_ has quit (Quit: leaving) [05:18]
rawrmage rg: min [05:18]
* ne0futur ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:18]
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* ne0futur (~neofutur@mtgox/staff/pdpc.student.ne0futur) has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:18]
* blablaa (~blablaa@gateway/tor-sasl/blablaa) has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:18]
* erek has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [XULRunner]) [05:19]
Scrubby ;;getrating jetbanger [05:20]
MBS someone sell me mtgodusd for amazon payments :p [05:21]
* h4ckm3 has quit (Quit: changing servers) [05:23]
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* erek (~chatzilla@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:24]
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Scrubby who here accpets moneypak in exchange for BTC? [05:24]
smickles i do [05:25]
smickles how much? [05:25]
Scrubby well lets say 300USD [05:26]
Scrubby ;;rate smickles [05:26]
smickles you probably wanted ;;getrating smickles [05:27]
smickles or ;;getrating [ident smickles] [05:27]
Scrubby oops [05:27]
Scrubby haha [05:27]
Scrubby ;;getrating smickles [05:27]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:27]
DBordello I also do such things :) [05:27]
smickles but i only have 19 btc in the 'for sale bucket' [05:27]
Scrubby how much per coin? [05:28]
smickles DBordello: might be better for you [05:28]
* DBordello nods [05:28]
Scrubby I just want to get an idea of how much its going to cost before I go put in 300 into moneypak [05:28]
DBordello Scrubby, PM [05:28]
dwon Yes, PM so there's less competition. :) [05:29]
smickles dwon: a pm doesn't stop competition [05:29]
Scrubby less competition bad :) [05:29]
* DBordelo has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [05:29]
smickles huh [05:29]
dwon That was a pretty fast 276 seconds... [05:29]
* Moi (cfa1e14b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:30]
Moi ;; [05:30]
* splatster (~splatster@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:31]
* splatster has quit (Changing host) [05:31]
* splatster (~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster) has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:31]
llanox what's something useful that I can get for around $5 on amazon? [05:31]
* Moi has quit (Client Quit) [05:31]
smickles i'd sell at about 6.09 per, right now [05:31]
Tril llanox: mp3 downloads are 99cents [05:32]
smickles Tril: mp3's are useful? lol [05:32]
DBordello smickles, that is a good price :) [05:32]
smickles llanox: a book, all else fails, you can hit the zombies over the head with it [05:33]
* gribble gives voice to splatster [05:33]
* Tril hangs head in shame for suggesting legal MP3 downloads [05:33]
llanox I've got plenty of book around here [05:34]
llanox hmm. [05:34]
smickles lol, Tril, i think you missed my point [05:34]
* BlueMatt has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) [05:34]
smickles llanox: toilet paper [05:34]
llanox or spray pain [05:34]
llanox t [05:34]
llanox now i just need something for $2 on amazon [05:36]
splatster llanox: I'm going to spray pain on you. [05:36]
smickles llanox: a usb extension cable [05:37]
smickles ^is handy [05:37]
* plato has quit (Quit: leaving) [05:37]
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* plato (~plato@unaffiliated/therealplato) has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:38]
llanox extension cable? just to make usb cords longer? [05:38]
llanox oh wait I got it! a 3.5 mm to 3.5 mm cord [05:38]
llanox I need a new one of those anywhoo [05:38]
smickles 'comon, for 2 usd, what do you expect? [05:38]
smickles llanox: even better [05:38]
smickles :D [05:38]
llanox ;D [05:38]
Tril so you can listen to your PIRATED MP3's on it [05:38]
* BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:39]
* ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt [05:39]
smickles Tril: i never said to pirate mp3, music just isnt very useful, especially in digital format :P [05:39]
llanox Anyone like iTunes? [05:40]
splatster smickles: lolwut [05:40]
smickles splatster: llanox basically asked 'what can i get on amazon for $5 that's useful' [05:40]
smickles Tril: suggested mp3's, and i shot 'em down [05:41]
llanox mp3s are useful [05:41]
splatster There's no need to shoot people. [05:41]
llanox their useful for entertainment [05:41]
llanox lol [05:41]
llanox gun violence isn't the answer [05:41]
smickles media consumption for entertainment is less productive than masturbation [05:42]
llanox I think there is some good media [05:42]
smickles ;) [05:42]
llanox but most people wouldn't really lablel it as 'media' [05:42]
* emagdnimindgame has quit (Quit: Page closed) [05:43]
llanox but are you saying listening to a wonderful peice of music, or a beautiful sympothy is more time wasting then masturbation? [05:43]
MBS smickles, you should sell me your btc for some amazon payments [05:44]
smickles i'd rather play an instrument than listen to others play just for the sake of listening [05:44]
smickles MBS: then i could buy mad amounts of mp3's :D [05:44]
MBS yep [05:44]
MBS ill give you $111 for your 19 BTC :p [05:45]
MBS 111 songs [05:45]
MBS actually 112 [05:45]
smickles i'm not sure, but i think Scruby offered me 115 for 'em [05:46]
* ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:46]
smickles in a form i can actually use ;) [05:46]
splatster ;;calc 115 / 19 [05:47]
gribble 6.05263157895 [05:47]
MBS someone sell me 100 BTC for amazon payments [05:48]
smickles that's a fair premium for instant usd txfer [05:48]
llanox someone donate me a 100 BTC [05:48]
llanox lol [05:48]
smickles i'll take a 100 btc grant [05:49]
dwon I'm cheaper than llanox and smickles. I'll take a donation of only 95 BTC! [05:49]
DBordello MBS, what exchange rate? [05:49]
rg ;;rated rawrmage [05:49]
gribble You rated user rawrmage on Wed Jan 4 21:01:38 2012, giving him a rating of 3, and supplied these additional notes: many successful transactions. i trust rawrmage and consider him a friend. [05:49]
MBS mtgox [05:49]
smickles 1M8i6TWmnTfWCuTQJMQUkX8xJbCEctaXkF < right here [05:49]
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* cryptoxchange has quit (Changing host) [05:49]
* cryptoxchange (~Ken@unaffiliated/cryptoxchange) has joined #bitcoin-otc [05:49]
splatster I'll take an 94 BTC grant! [05:49]
splatster 1PAiD5ACB37FHmLaapxU2Tj2mQCxoVvn4j [05:50]
MBS would do $586 right now [05:50]
splatster $586 for 50 BTC? [05:50]
MBS or 1:1 trade for mtgox usd [05:50]
MBS splatster, no 100 BTC [05:50]
splatster Cool! someone sent me 1 satoshi! [05:52]
splatster I'm RICH! [05:52]
ineededausername lol $586 for 50 BTC [05:52]
ineededausername reminds me of the good ol days [05:52]
smickles splatster: ;) [05:52]
ineededausername if we can get past 6.07, we're on our way there. [05:52]
spawn- :) [05:52]
splatster ineededausername: At one point I think I said $20,000 for 50 BTC [05:52]
ineededausername lol [05:52]
splatster smickles: Was that you? [05:53]
ineededausername that would be interesting.. [05:53]
smickles :D [05:53]
smickles one satoshi down... [05:53]
smickles 500 to do it D: [05:53]
splatster 1 satoshi = 0.000001 right? [05:54]
splatster smickles: a 500% percent TX fee, nice. [05:54]
DBordello Anybody have a working MtGox API script in python? [05:55]
smickles what can i say, i feel like we owe the miners [05:55]
splatster 1 satoshi = 1 micro btc [05:55]
splatster DBordello: trading script? [05:55]
DBordello splatster, Just trying to pull information actually. But can't get it to work properly [05:56]
DBordello splatster, got anything around? [05:56]
smickles DBordello: i've got a java one lying around here somewhere [05:56]
rg im a maniac [05:56]
rg maniac thats for sure [05:56]
DBordello damn. I have a php one that works. I just can't get the python one to work [05:56]
DBordello and i have an example! [05:56]
rg and im selling vps' like never beforeeee [05:57]
DBordello (that I can't get to work) [05:57]
rg DBordello: whats your status RE: bitvps? [05:59]
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llanox so anyone use the iTunes store at all? For apps/movies/tvshow/music? [06:03]
* judgement51 (45cc6ab7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:04]
dwon llanox: Nope. Too much DRM, and it doesn't work on Linux (at least, not without VMs or WINE), so I don't bother. [06:05]
llanox Yeah, I know with linux. And they've cut back with DRM, at least with their mp3s [06:05]
* smickles loves that penguin [06:06]
paulzag iTunes mp3's are now DRM free [06:07]
* judgement51 has quit (Client Quit) [06:08]
* Welcome ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:08]
* Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: If you think nobody cares, try missing a few payments) [06:10]
paulzag let's see if this works [06:12]
paulzag ;;sell $20AUD iTunes voucher at $18 AUD paypalAUD Good to register and Australian App store account for free Aussie music and offers [06:12]
gribble Error: '$20AUD' is not a valid positive floating point number. [06:12]
paulzag ;;sell 20 AUD iTunes voucher $18 AUD paypalAUD Good to register and Australian App store account for free Aussie music and offers [06:13]
gribble Error: 'iTunes' is not a valid price input. [06:13]
Tril ;;seen Erratic [06:13]
gribble Erratic was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 16 weeks, 0 days, 12 hours, 37 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: :S* [06:13]
pigeons llanox: NO [06:15]
llanox also anyone wanna buy very cheap iTunes? I'm quite negotiable'. [06:17]
* vigilyn ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:17]
* Scrubby has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:17]
smickles paulzag: ;;sell 1 "$20 AUD iTunes Voucher" @ 18 AUD [06:17]
dwon I'd be willing to buy iTunes (not iTunes credit; iTunes the business unit) for a few BTC. ;) [06:17]
Tril ;;seen MrErratic [06:18]
gribble I have not seen MrErratic. [06:18]
llanox lol [06:18]
* Cory has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [06:18]
Tril ;;rate mrerratic -1 small loan is due pay up dude [06:20]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user mrerratic has been recorded. [06:20]
paulzag ah thanks smickles [06:20]
smickles ;;getrating mrerratic [06:21]
gribble User mrerratic, created on Thu Feb 9 20:20:45 2012. Cumulative rating -1, from 1 total ratings. Received ratings: 0 positive, 1 negative. Sent ratings: 0 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently not authenticated. [06:21]
smickles dam [06:22]
pigeons from now on everytime someone on the forum uses the term "cryptocurrency", take a shot of whiskey [06:23]
* funziggy has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [06:24]
* mircea_popescu collapses drunk [06:24]
* smickles wants to collapse drunk [06:25]
mircea_popescu follow pigeons advice then [06:25]
smickles is pigeons providing the drink? [06:25]
mircea_popescu no, he's just a drunkification consultant. [06:25]
* Cory ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:25]
* Cory has quit (Changing host) [06:26]
* Cory (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory) has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:26]
* Welcome has quit (Quit: Leaving) [06:26]
* gribble gives voice to Cory [06:26]
smickles someone buy one of my bitcoins for 2 usd above market so i can justify getting drunk to my wife [06:26]
ineededausername ;;seen mrerratic [06:26]
* mircea_popescu hacks freenode, replaces "gives voice" with "gives vice" [06:26]
* cryptoxchange has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:26]
ineededausername smickles: who's mrerratic? he hasn't ever been seen [06:26]
* cryptoxchange (~Ken@unaffiliated/cryptoxchange) has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:28]
smickles ineededausername: ask Tril [06:28]
ineededausername heh, oops [06:29]
* malkauns ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:29]
ineededausername well, Tril? was he on irc [06:29]
malkauns anyone selling goxUSD for PPUSD? [06:29]
smickles he may have had the name of erratic [06:29]
rg Tril: you loaned BTC to a 0 feedback person? [06:30]
llanox how much did u loan him? [06:30]
dwon I wonder: Does gribble let you give negative feedback to someone who's never been seen? [06:31]
malkauns no [06:31]
malkauns cos he needs to authenticate [06:31]
* splatster reads through what he missed... [06:32]
splatster pigeons: I like the drinking game [06:33]
* Welcome (~Welcome@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:33]
xtor_ For speculation should I move btc from my wallet to mtgox and then sell and hold USD, or should I move them to btce and sell and hold USD? [06:34]
splatster ;;seen mrerratic [06:34]
gribble I have not seen mrerratic. [06:34]
splatster eek, Tril [06:34]
* funziggy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [06:39]
paulzag I'd like to buy LibertyReserve is anybody has any [06:40]
* smickles is now known as smickles|idle [06:42]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc [14:18]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || Bot's control sequence is ';;'. || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe [14:18]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube at Mon Dec 19 23:38:55 2011 [14:18]
* roman3x has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [14:18]
* Turingi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:18]
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Mqrius 40k askwall? Going down soon. [14:19]
* roman3x_ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [14:20]
bruzum namecoin [14:20]
bruzum pls [14:20]
* npouillard (~npouillar@2001:41d0:1:4941::1) has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:21]
* xhire_ is now known as xHire [14:21]
Bigpiggy01Mining brusum how many do you need? [14:21]
* rawrmage_ is now known as rawrmage [14:21]
* rawrmage has quit (Changing host) [14:21]
* rawrmage (~servnix@pdpc/supporter/student/rawrmage) has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:21]
rg Event Horizon only has a 6.5 on imdb [14:21]
* kakobreklaaa ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:23]
* EvilJStoker (jstoker@unaffiliated/jstoker) has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:23]
kakobreklaaa mornin [14:23]
kakobreklaaa one for luke [14:23]
Phoebus morn' [14:23]
paulzag rg the problem is most people don't know they need something more powerful until it's spelled out to them [14:23]
paulzag that said, I'd like to know why a 1gb memory VPS can't handle more than 20 Wordpress domains without running out of mem every 15 mins. 4 years ago 1gb was the shizzle [14:23]
rg paulzag: id consider using a wordpress plugin and converting the sites to static html [14:24]
rg regenerate on modifications [14:24]
rg and using the already available caching methods [14:24]
paulzag yeah - I cache them [14:24]
paulzag still a bitch resource wise [14:24]
rg well thats why i convert all my wordpress stuff to static html [14:25]
rg its faster and less taxing [14:25]
paulzag unfortunately a lot of the really cool WP stuff I do relies on comments and regular updates (including related content) but doesn't get huge traffic. Nice niche traffic, but not huge [14:26]
rg well then you need to identify the bottleneck [14:26]
rg id check mysql [14:26]
* bougyman has quit (Changing host) [14:26]
* bougyman (bougyman@pdpc/supporter/gold/bougyman) has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:26]
* Orion-Hax ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:30]
* ovidiusoft (~ovidiusof@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:30]
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* Burgundy (burgundy@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:33]
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rg also remove *anything* thats non crucial [14:37]
rg you might be able to spare yourself upwards of 100MB [14:37]
* agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:38]
paulzag yeah I think so - and it's one of those "real soon now" jobs I'll get around to as soon as I stop doing the jobs that pay the bills [14:38]
rg i had trouble getting *one* site to work properly [14:38]
paulzag buy yes WP has become a resource hog. My first WP host had 256MB [14:38]
rg on a VPS with 256Mb ram [14:38]
rg it was slow as hell [14:38]
rg ended up just moving it to a real server [14:39]
paulzag exactly [14:39]
paulzag I parked it on the end of a ADSL line with a static IP [14:39]
paulzag couldn't do that nowadays [14:39]
rg why not [14:40]
rawrmage i hate how sshd is enforcing my selinux even though selinux is in permissive [14:40]
rg echo 0 > /selinux/enforce [14:40]
rawrmage it already IS 0 [14:41]
rawrmage sshd is just dumb [14:41]
rawrmage [rawrmage@twilightsparkle ~]$ sudo getenforce [14:41]
rawrmage Permissive [14:41]
rg are you sure GRsec isnt enabled too? [14:42]
rawrmage ugh it wasn't supposed to be enabled at all already but i accidentally rebooted [14:42]
rg you can disable it on boot [14:42]
rg if you reboot it again [14:42]
rg why dont you just disable it [14:43]
rg 'permissive' is *not* disabled [14:43]
rawrmage meh i'll make it work later today [14:44]
rawrmage when i have time [14:44]
rg setenforce 0 [14:44]
rg did you do that? [14:44]
* alexgray (92ff9632@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:44]
rawrmage yes [14:45]
rawrmage that isn't going to disable it though [14:45]
alexgray Anyone willing to sell 56BTC via moneybookers/paypal? [14:45]
rg add selinux=0 to your boot line [14:46]
rg and reboot [14:46]
rg thatll disable it completley [14:46]
rg not permissive, not enabled, nothing [14:46]
rawrmage i'll just wait until later today to fix the minor issue i'm having without downtime rather than rebooting :/ [14:46]
rg you do realize the vps reboots in less than 20 seconds [14:46]
rg right? [14:46]
rawrmage yes but then I have to go in and restart everything [14:47]
rawrmage and the users do too [14:47]
Phoebus Way less than 10 seconds. [14:47]
rg thats what init scripts are for [14:47]
rg and crontab [14:47]
rawrmage they still have to restart irssi :P [14:47]
paulzag ;;getrating alexgray [14:47]
rg you have users ircing from your box? [14:47]
* rg terminates [14:47]
rawrmage well, me, and one friend [14:48]
rawrmage :P [14:48]
rawrmage is it against your aup now? [14:48]
rg we are against IRC in any way shape or form [14:48]
rg youd never catch a bitvps employee on IRC [14:48]
rawrmage lol [14:48]
rg er, oh, wait. [14:48]
rg no i dont care about irc [14:48]
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* M4v3R (~M4v3R@unaffiliated/m4v3r) has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:49]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/pumpkingod) has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:49]
* ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin [14:49]
Phoebus lol [14:51]
* alexgray has quit (Quit: Page closed) [14:51]
* cyphunk1 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:51]
paulzag alexgray always jumps in asks the question, then quits. I have a bad feeling about him [14:52]
paulzag who try's to by 56btc for moneybookers and now paypal. Is unauth'd and doesn't stick around? [14:53]
Phoebus paulzag, yeah. [14:54]
Phoebus Asking to be scammed, whoever responds to that :P [14:55]
* cyphunk has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [14:55]
paulzag plus that's twice TODAY while I've been connected on this shitty ISP line. Who knows how many times he's popped in when I'm not here [14:55]
Phoebus Simple test, offer him a ridiculously but not outrageouw price hike, and see how readily he says yes :P [14:56]
paulzag will do - and a sterile pp address too [14:56]
Phoebus Hehe yeah. [14:56]
paulzag what illicit substances can he be after with such a precise but awkward number 56btc? [14:57]
rg anything [14:57]
Phoebus haha good question. [14:58]
* ovidiusoft has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [14:58]
mircea_popescu 56 btc is like 400bucks, what's he after, a spoonful of uncut coke ? [14:59]
paulzag ;;later tell alexgray I can do that trade but it has a 12 hour wait to verify PP is okay... pm me for details [14:59]
gribble The operation succeeded. [14:59]
paulzag ;;ticker [14:59]
gribble Best bid: 5.81138, Best ask: 5.84807, Bid-ask spread: 0.03669, Last trade: 5.81138, 24 hour volume: 84868, 24 hour low: 5.6501, 24 hour high: 5.92525 [14:59]
paulzag closer to 300 bucks but sure. must be something like that [15:00]
* M4v3R has quit (Quit: - you place to exchange Bitcoin) [15:00]
* paraipan (~paraipan@gateway/tor-sasl/paraipanakos) has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:03]
* copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [15:03]
* RaoulDuke ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:04]
rg mircea_popescu: you could get a REALLY good 8ball of coke for $200 [15:05]
mircea_popescu exactly. [15:05]
rg btw [15:08]
rg Spring starts in 38 days, 10 hours, 44 minutes and 21 seconds [15:08]
* gribble gives voice to paraipan [15:08]
* Joric has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [15:10]
rg woot [15:12]
rg awesome [15:13]
rg finished up all my new user setups [15:13]
rg and support tickets [15:13]
* Clipse (~CLIPSE@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:13]
rg i can only assume i have a bunch of satisfied customers [15:13]
* Joric (~joric@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:14]
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Guest84910 rg: lol...they might be too pissed off to even open a ticket :) [15:16]
* Guest84910 has quit (Quit: leaving) [15:16]
rg customers too mad to complain? [15:18]
rg as if that exists [15:18]
jcpham wha [15:18]
jcpham hu u b talkin 2 [15:18]
rg rg: lol...they might be too pissed off to even open a ticket :) [15:19]
mircea_popescu well maybe he's one ? [15:19]
* Krumme ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:20]
Krumme hey all [15:20]
* jine_ is now known as jine [15:21]
Bigpiggy01Mining Hey rg there's a Dane in here [15:21]
* M4v3R (~M4v3R@unaffiliated/m4v3r) has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:21]
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Krumme yes in a dane why [15:22]
* imsaguy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:22]
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* imsaguy (~nick@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:22]
* gribble gives voice to imsaguy [15:22]
Bigpiggy01Mining Det finder du ud af naar rg hilser paa dig :P [15:23]
Krumme can some tell me what is bitcoin [15:23]
Krumme are derfor [15:23]
Krumme hva er det der bc for noget [15:23]
jcpham bitcoin is life and life is bitcoin, my friend: #bitcoin [15:24]
rg good morning imsaguy [15:24]
Bigpiggy01Mining Krumme proev #bitcoin-dk [15:24]
M4v3R It looks like double top is forming on the hourly mtgox chart [15:26]
* Clipse has quit (Quit: Clipse) [15:26]
* roman3x ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:27]
rg i think the girl from Pontypool is cute [15:28]
rg [15:28]
rg she looks a LOT like ana faris [15:28]
rg like a lot [15:28]
* Cusipzzz (~root@unaffiliated/cusipzzz) has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:31]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Cusipzzz [15:31]
paulzag ;;voiceme [15:31]
* gribble gives voice to paulzag [15:31]
paulzag gnight all [15:32]
* tramudon ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:32]
tramudon [15:33]
tramudon mining rig [15:33]
Graet hot [15:33]
jcpham [15:33]
tramudon yeah i have fans cooling it constantly [15:33]
jcpham that's a jpg [15:34]
* uzyn ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:34]
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jcpham aka (t)he (f)ucking (p)hoto [15:34]
* M4v3R has quit (Quit: - you place to exchange Bitcoin) [15:39]
* _jjjrmy (~jjjrmy@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:40]
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Phoebus What a cutie. [15:46]
Phoebus Can't say the same about the one behind her. [15:46]
* EvanR ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:46]
Phoebus Hello amnesiac. [15:47]
* EvanR is now known as Guest66905 [15:47]
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rg i just finished 'Pontypool' [15:59]
tramudon was it pollicious like lynn mcfarlane [15:59]
rg no [15:59]
rg it was genuinely disappointing [15:59]
* darkee (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:00]
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rg > James, [16:06]
rg > [16:06]
rg > Please provide the credit card details that you would like to add to [16:06]
rg > your account and we will update it for you. [16:06]
rg please send your CC number in a plaintext email to me [16:06]
rg me being a person ive never met [16:06]
rg or dealt with [16:06]
abracadab heh [16:07]
abracadab send checking account# and bank routing number while you're at it [16:07]
* Guest66905 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [16:07]
rg i told them to just remove it [16:07]
BTCHero I forgot how to work bitcoind. I just type bitcoind -daemon and then start typing commands right? [16:07]
rg ill pay manually [16:07]
rg BTChero: you need a config [16:08]
BTCHero because it won't let me type bitcoind -getinfo after i type bitcoind -daemon [16:08]
* abracadab is now known as abracadabra [16:08]
BTCHero I made a config with rpcpassword= [16:08]
BTCHero in it [16:08]
abracadabra o/ [16:08]
BTCHero do i need more? [16:08]
* lethu_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [16:08]
BTCHero It just keeps saying bitcoind is probably already running [16:08]
tramudon coinnns [16:09]
* lethu (~Naskingar@unaffiliated/lethu) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:09]
rg no... way... i just found M.A.N.T.I.S. [16:09]
rg old ass TV show [16:09]
rg i havent been able to find it online [16:09]
rg but i found it streaming on Hulu [16:09]
rg ahaha [16:09]
BTCHero oh duh, no dash in -getinfo [16:10]
rg now i just need to find The Adventures of Brisco County Jr [16:10]
* vigilyn ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:10]
smickles|idle rg, hulu is online ;) [16:10]
BTCHero I used to watch brisco county jr like everyday before school [16:10]
rg yeah i dont do advertising [16:11]
* lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:12]
rg i found brisco [16:12]
rg wow [16:12]
UukGoblin so s3052 thinks it may go up or down, with 50/50 probabiliyu [16:13]
rg wow Hulu has 4 ads [16:14]
rg thats just like regular tv [16:14]
Mqrius UukGoblin: "I know that I know nothing." [16:14]
UukGoblin Kant, was it? [16:15]
* benjamindees ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:15]
Mqrius Socrates, actually. [16:15]
UukGoblin ah. [16:15]
* vigilyn2 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:15]
Mqrius Or plato, or something. Wikipedia is confusing. [16:15]
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smickles|idle so s3052 thinks it may go up or down, with 50/50 probabiliyu< in that case buy buy a long straddle option spread [16:18]
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Mqrius If there was an options market for bitcoin. [16:19]
Mqrius (Which was also actively used.) [16:19]
smickles|idle Mqrius: check the topic ;) [16:19]
Mqrius Heh yea [16:19]
smickles|idle you can do a long straddle with that mircea_popescu's site [16:19]
* smickles|idle is now known as smickles [16:19]
* klaus_trainer ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:20]
Mqrius Yeah, I've seen it before. But it's not very actively used, is it? [16:20]
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smickles Mqrius: doesn't matter [16:20]
smickles Mqrius: it's mircea_popescu selling [16:21]
smickles it's not a market [16:21]
* chakl has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [16:21]
Mqrius Ah right. [16:21]
UukGoblin a market would be interesting [16:22]
Mqrius How fast does it update? Could I have (ab)used it when mtgox blocked a few days ago? [16:22]
smickles UukGoblin: i'm working on that one [16:22]
* uzyn ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:23]
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UukGoblin and futures! [16:23]
* mcorlett (~milton@unaffiliated/mcorlett) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:23]
* Lolcust (twoohnine@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:23]
smickles Mqrius: he avoids abuse by setting the final price when payment arrives (1 confirmation, i think) [16:23]
UukGoblin futures would be awesome for miners [16:23]
Mqrius smickles: Fair enough. Guess that requires trust in him/his system then. [16:24]
smickles UukGoblin: i'm making a 'transferrable contract market', so you could do futures, swaps, whatever [16:24]
UukGoblin smickles, great! [16:24]
smickles Mqrius: just as the web of trust requires trust in gribble/nano [16:25]
smickles ;;getrating mircea_popescu [16:25]
* vigilyn2 has quit (Quit: Leaving) [16:25]
smickles User mircea_popescu, created on Fri Jul 22 08:04:26 2011. Cumulative rating 42, from 21 total ratings. Received ratings: 21 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 21 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently not authenticated. [16:25]
* vigilyn ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:26]
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mircea_popescu hm ? [16:27]
tramudon greets [16:28]
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mircea_popescu i don't get this "actively used" thing really. it's not like you get orders turned down, so what is the beef ? [16:29]
* EvilJStoker (jstoker@unaffiliated/jstoker) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:29]
smickles ;;voiceme [16:29]
* gribble gives voice to smickles [16:29]
smickles mircea_popescu: i dunno, i hope you don't mind the few highlights, I was telling peeps about your service [16:30]
mircea_popescu i don't mind at all. [16:30]
* Buglouse (~buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:31]
mircea_popescu i'm of the negative feedback is valuable feedback mindset anyway, not that it applies here. [16:31]
mircea_popescu anyway, i think *theoretically* futures contracts can be converted into options contracts and vice-versa. [16:32]
smickles i think the actively used bit comes from the fact that people think that it's a market like gox and there are no sellers [16:32]
* emmanuelux (~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:32]
* funziggy has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [16:34]
mircea_popescu yea prolly. [16:34]
mircea_popescu a market should be an interesting thing especially given that with my page it'd be a grounded market. [16:35]
smickles mircea_popescu: i hope to have a simple api which you could use to pipe your options into ;) [16:36]
mircea_popescu prolly better of having a simple api to poll the options [16:37]
UukGoblin heheh [16:37]
smickles ah, good point [16:37]
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Chex guys, whats the name of that money card you can get from Walmart again? [16:41]
Chex greendot? [16:41]
rg somehow this tv show isnt as awesome as i remember it [16:41]
rg haha [16:41]
Phoebus rg, which? [16:42]
rg M.A.N.T.I.S. [16:42]
rg i used to watch it with my dad before he was a prick face fucker [16:42]
Phoebus Is that the dude that can tell the future or some such? [16:42]
Phoebus Ah. [16:42]
rg no [16:44]
rg its the crippled black dude [16:44]
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rg who fights crime in an exoskeleton [16:45]
rg Host not found: 2(SERVFAIL) [16:45]
rg ^^ chinese equiv of FedEx [16:45]
rg doesnt even work [16:45]
Phoebus Ah IMDBed, it never watched that. [16:45]
Phoebus lol [16:45]
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rg i decided.. [16:47]
rg im not gonna go to bed [16:47]
rg i want to work on this website some more [16:47]
Phoebus Bitvps or? [16:47]
rg yeah [16:47]
rg bitvps' new site [16:47]
Phoebus Coo coo. [16:47]
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rg someone in here did some graphics for me last night [16:48]
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tramudon kuhl [16:48]
bruzum kuk [16:48]
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smickles Chex: it's a "greendot moneypak" [16:51]
helo anyone recall someone claiming that p2pool difficulty was 4x higher than solo/oldpool mining? [16:51]
Graet they use higher diff shares yes [16:52]
rg helo: it was joe [16:52]
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gmaxwell helo: oldpool? well, there— p2pool gives work to rpc miners with whatever difficulty gets you to 1 report every 10 seconds. [16:52]
sturles Solo don't care about shares at all. [16:52]
sturles Just blocks. [16:53]
smickles solo share = block ;) [16:53]
gmaxwell Yea, when solo mining you normally work at full bitcoin difficulty. [16:53]
gmaxwell So 4x would be nuts. [16:53]
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smickles what's the typical share diff? [16:54]
gmaxwell (and the p2pool sharechain is whatever difficulty gets the whole network to 1 share per sen seconds) [16:54]
Graet most pools use diff 1 [16:54]
Graet "oldpool" [16:54]
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smickles oldpool, b/c deepbit is out of date and hardly gets used anymore [16:55]
Graet based on helo 's question comparing p2pool to "traditional "pools [16:56]
Graet but i guess u missed that bit :) [16:56]
helo yeah, i meant oldpool as in non-p2pool-pool mining [16:56]
smickles Graet: i saw that, and my statement was in jest ;) [16:56]
Graet :) [16:57]
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smickles puddinpop's pool is oldpool, lol [16:57]
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rg i definitely just found a white hair [17:01]
helo deepbit hardly gets used any more? [17:01]
rg on my saq [17:01]
rg helo: its the #1 pool [17:01]
rg deepbit, btcguild, slush [17:01]
helo <+smickles> oldpool, b/c deepbit is out of date and hardly gets used anymore [17:01]
rg in that order [17:01]
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Graet Graet: i saw that, and my statement was in jest ;) << helo [17:01]
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helo oh bah [17:02]
Graet :) [17:02]
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rg tramudon: do you know the SID admins? [17:02]
rg now if i can just figure out how to make thunderbird put my signature at the top [17:03]
rg ill be rollin [17:03]
rg it goes: [17:03]
rg reply -> my reply -> signature [17:03]
rg i want it to go my reply -> signature -> reply [17:03]
rg i would make making someone scroll to the bottom of an email [17:03]
rg just to see my reply [17:03]
sturles Why would you want your signature at the top? [17:04]
sturles My e-mail software leaves everything below the signature out when citing for reply. [17:05]
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sturles So I don't have to delete it manually. [17:06]
rg sturles, cause my emails tend to get rather long with replies [17:07]
rg so if i wrote it where my signature is [17:08]
rg theyd have to scroll down past pages of garbage [17:08]
rg instead of just reading my reply at the top [17:08]
rg na mean? [17:08]
sturles I always cut all non-essential when replying. [17:08]
sturles And I use interleaving when replying to make it easier to get the context. [17:09]
rg yeah i dont like that [17:10]
helo is ati miner performance roughly a function of frequency and shader cores? [17:10]
rg and i dont like it when people reply to me that way [17:10]
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sturles Well. When I started using e-mail it was considered very bad netiqette to cite the entire e-mail and only reply to some of it. [17:15]
sturles Specially the signature. [17:15]
UukGoblin it still is! [17:15]
sturles Hear, hear! [17:16]
UukGoblin my company uses shitty top-posting and I can't stand it [17:16]
UukGoblin it /kinda/ makes sense when you want to include someone new in the conversation... but... [17:16]
UukGoblin in that case, you should really just forward all relevant emails. [17:16]
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helo that's gmail's default isn't it? (top-posting) [17:16]
UukGoblin or have a fucking mailing list software to do the shit for you [17:16]
UukGoblin I don't know, I don't use gmail. [17:16]
rg i dont want to include anyone [17:17]
rg i want to reply to the email [17:17]
rg without making people scroll through a 10 page email [17:17]
helo the gmail interface hides all of the junk so it doesn't appear cluttered [17:17]
sturles I sort e-mail from Outlook to a special folder which I rarely open. Because I know the contents will irritate me, and it's usually spam anyway. [17:18]
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sturles Gnus has a nice cleanup function: gnus-article-outlook-deuglify-article [17:21]
SerajewelKS rg: on the contrary, i find top-posting (placing your reply above the quoted text) to be rude [17:22]
helo it depends on how specific the reply is to different parts... if the reply is clearly to the entire body of the email, it is a waste to inject it lower and require scrolling [17:23]
SerajewelKS how am i supposed to know what you're replying to? so i usually wind up having to scroll down to the bottom to refresh my memory before i can even start reading your message. [17:23]
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SerajewelKS and, note that you're supposed to *edit* the quoted message usually... it's rare that you're replying to the entire thing at once. if you're replying paragraph-by-paragraph, interweave your reply into the quote so that it's easier to follow. if you're not, edit the quote down to just the part you're replying to. [17:24]
helo gmail kind of fucks that all up, because its interface shows previous messages above the current message, so you don't have to scroll down to read what was written before [17:24]
SerajewelKS otherwise you're saying "i'd rather you do the work to figure out what i'm replying to" [17:24]
SerajewelKS helo: yes, gmail assumes people are too lazy to do proper bottom-posting (which is probably true) [17:25]
rg im repling to the email you sent [17:25]
rg thats why i restate all questions asked with the answer [17:25]
rg like a proper human being [17:26]
SerajewelKS i have some tolerance for email coming from mobile devices since mobile devices make it really hard to bottom-post [17:26]
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SerajewelKS rg: well, bottom-posting originated on mailing lists i believe. when you have a bazillion threads each forking any number of ways, a quick refresher on the original message is good so you don't have to go fish it out yourself. [17:26]
rg seems like the lazy way to go [17:28]
rg typical modern day society [17:28]
rg WHAT? i cant be bothered to read these sentences! [17:28]
SerajewelKS [17:29]
rg i dont care what the ettiquette is [17:29]
rg or what some internet dude says [17:29]
rg i dont like it [17:29]
rg and i wont do it [17:29]
SerajewelKS remind me to never email you then [17:29]
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SerajewelKS to quote him: [17:30]
SerajewelKS A: Because we read from top to bottom, left to right. [17:30]
SerajewelKS Q: Why should I start my reply below the quoted text? [17:30]
rg hrm [17:31]
rg are you seeing what im pasting [17:31]
SerajewelKS you're pasting things? [17:31]
rg MANTIS starts a weapons turn-in program, only to have the weapons stolen by a band of pirates. [17:31]
rg there we go [17:31]
rg guess it didnt like hte tab in the beginning [17:32]
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SerajewelKS what's MANTIS? [17:32]
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SerajewelKS my google-fu is weak today [17:32]
rg SerajewelKS: heh a sufficiently corny tv show from 1996 [17:33]
rg black dude gets paralyzed, works for a private contractor doing military dev [17:33]
rg creates an exoskeleton, fights crime [17:33]
rg etc [17:33]
SerajewelKS rg: oh, so my google-fu is actually strong, i just didn't know it :S [17:33]
SerajewelKS i assumed you weren't talking about TV [17:33]
smickles huh? [17:34]
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rg shit [17:34]
rg now he crashed his hovercraft [17:34]
rg how is he gonna get the nukes?!!? [17:34]
rg haha now i figured out why it didnt paste.. [17:34]
rg in BitchX tab msgs the last person you messaged [17:35]
rg so i just messaged the episode synopsis to Phoebus like 3 times [17:35]
Phoebus 2 [17:35]
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helo 2 is kind of like 3, at least [17:38]
rg this show uses SGI [17:38]
rg to simulate the graphics [17:38]
rg i can tell by the window manager look and background image [17:38]
rg its running IRIX and 4dwm [17:38]
rg thats .. so cool [17:38]
bitcoinTrader4OT hi [17:39]
Phoebus rg, I like this new show 'person of interest'. [17:39]
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rg Benjamin Linus is in that show [17:39]
rg Jesus too [17:39]
rg ive not yet seen it [17:40]
Phoebus I like its story and flow. [17:40]
rg ;;seen cablepair [17:40]
Phoebus The guy from the movie outlander is the main character. [17:40]
rg Jim Caviezel - jesus [17:41]
rg Michael Emerson - Benjamin Linus (Lost) [17:41]
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rg i want to start offering domain sales at bitvps [17:44]
rg who is a good company i can resell for? [17:44]
rg slightly evil but not so evil as to affect my business [17:44]
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Graet damn you, bought 4 domains cupla hours ago [17:46]
Graet ;) [17:46]
Graet woulda happily paid btc too :) [17:47]
rg yeah im looking into it now [17:47]
rg problem is, we are brand new so we probably wont get a very good rate [17:47]
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rg ill try [17:48]
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rg i used to use them [17:48]
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tramudon jokeroo! [17:49]
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rg tramudon: do you know the silenceisdefeat admins? [17:49]
tramudon yea [17:50]
tramudon cool dudes [17:50]
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rg tell them to accept Bitcoin [17:50]
tramudon good idea [17:50]
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jcpham rg i like enom [17:59]
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Phoebus I think Person of Interest will be the average geeks new fav show, or at least of interest. [18:03]
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jcpham what is it Phoebus [18:04]
rg woot [18:05]
rg grubles has like 10 documents to sign&mail today [18:05]
rg lucky him [18:05]
rg registering as a registrar is a lot of paperowrk [18:05]
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rg say they actually prefer snailmail [18:11]
rg weird [18:11]
rg fuq that [18:11]
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Phoebus rg, I used to use for just domains. [18:13]
rg will be fine [18:14]
rg looks like our cost is about $13 [18:14]
rg for a .com [18:14]
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Guest15044 too expensive! [18:15]
rg if we sell $5,000 in domains [18:16]
rg they go to 7.68 [18:16]
Guest15044 oh you mean reseller.. thought you were buying a domain [18:16]
Guest15044 i thikn gives you better deal [18:16]
imsaguy2 whyd oes joker list 4.44 per domain as a reseller then? [18:17]
imsaguy2 is that over a certain threshold? [18:17]
Guest15044 yeah probably [18:17]
copumpkin you must sell a billion USD a year to get 4.44 [18:18]
Guest15044 [18:18]
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imsaguy2 Guest15044, fix your nick [18:18]
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rg oh [18:18]
rg i see how it works [18:18]
rg you have to send them money [18:18]
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Guest15044 my nick is cool [18:18]
rg if you send them $5k, they give you domains for $7 [18:18]
rg this isnt going to work [18:18]
rg [18:19]
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rg i dont trust anyone to hold onto my money [18:23]
Guest15044 1and1 has some cheap reseller progs [18:23]
rg nah [18:24]
rg thou shalt not 1&1 or Godaddy [18:24]
Guest15044 opensrs is good.. dunno if they have a prebuilt interface or its just an api [18:24]
Tril rg send me a PM [18:26]
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rg ok fuq this [18:27]
rg this is clearly all a scam [18:27]
benjamindees yeah sounds like it [18:28]
benjamindees send me $1000 and I'll tell you where to go instead [18:28]
Guest15044 vas ist scam? [18:29]
smickles rg, go straight to icann ;) [18:30]
smickles get on their list and domains only cost 0.25 or something [18:30]
Guest15044 yea hicann is a rip [18:31]
Guest15044 the base cost for a .com is $7.85 [18:31]
Guest15044 outfits selling it cheaper are making it up on other services [18:32]
Guest15044 all for inserting a record into a database [18:32]
rg ive watched 3 episodes of MANTIS Now [18:33]
rg i really figured id make it through one episode and leave it [18:33]
rg but i still like it [18:33]
rg i wish the local pizza shop delivered coffee [18:33]
Phoebus rg, how many hours up now? And how long did you sleep for? [18:34]
rg i slept for 8 after the 48 [18:34]
rg so now ive been awake for only 22 hours [18:35]
rg no, 17 [18:35]
rg besides sleep is lame [18:35]
Phoebus Do you do this often? [18:35]
rg nothing gets done [18:35]
rg well theres only one person at my company now [18:36]
rg so i have to stay awake and make sure everything gets done [18:36]
rg and all the support tickets get answered [18:36]
rg new clients, etc [18:36]
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BTCHero how long does a -rescan usually take? [18:38]
Phoebus Yeah but it's not about quantity of hours, but quality of thinking/frame of mind while you're at it. [18:38]
gmaxwell BTCHero: minutes-ish [18:38]
BTCHero darn [18:39]
panujan coingenuity was a prick and banned some ppl so he got dox'd: [18:39]
panujan l8r [18:39]
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rg no one cares [18:39]
Phoebus rg, sleep is underrated... in fact. Is my point in short. Try to get 7 hours a day. Make up for time lost. In fact it's the REM sleep that's most important in cognitive function. [18:39]
Phoebus But your immune system will work better overall with good sleep. [18:39]
Phoebus Ovlersleeping is not great either. [18:40]
Phoebus *Oversleeping. [18:40]
rg meh [18:41]
rg ive had a good run [18:41]
Phoebus Yeah, just don't stumble :P [18:41]
* rg orders a double helping of grease with cheese on top [18:42]
rg last night i ate 'healthy' with a tuna sub [18:42]
rg meat doused in mayo [18:42]
rg heh [18:42]
Phoebus lol [18:42]
Phoebus What's your weight now? [18:43]
rg im fat [18:43]
rg not the fattest [18:43]
rg probably 217 [18:44]
Phoebus And height? [18:44]
rg 6 feet [18:44]
rg my slimmest weight was about 185 [18:44]
Phoebus 29.2 BMI [18:44]
rg when i cared about what i looked like / girls [18:44]
rg please [18:44]
rg do not calculate using BMI [18:45]
rg it is a totally flawed system [18:45]
rg and provides results that are completely inaccurate [18:45]
Phoebus Well according to wolfram alpha's stats, you're overweight. [18:45]
Phoebus Stat based and aside bmi. [18:45]
rg you cant calculate a BMI from a height and weight [18:45]
rg there are other fctors [18:45]
Phoebus I like the %... fatter than 81%. [18:45]
Phoebus Let's see me. [18:45]
rg for example, what if that 217 was totally muscle [18:46]
rg BMI would still consider me overweight [18:46]
rg even though i would have more muscle mass than most [18:46]
Phoebus 24.2 normal... [18:46]
Phoebus But still no 6-pack. [18:46]
Phoebus Need to work harder at it. [18:46]
rg i've got no one to impress [18:46]
rg im not worried about it [18:46]
bruzum [18:46]
Phoebus I don't care so much about impressing. [18:47]
Phoebus Rather, quality of life. [18:47]
Phoebus Just keep it healthy. [18:47]
Phoebus Who cares about the rest :) [18:47]
rg i am bound to die before i am 60 [18:47]
Phoebus bruzum slept on his keyboard. [18:47]
rg probably of cancer [18:47]
rg so [18:47]
rg might as well enjoy it while i can [18:47]
rg ey [18:47]
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rg everyone in my family dies of cancer [18:47]
jcpham lame [18:48]
Phoebus The kind of thinking that reduces your quality of life, and enjoyment. [18:48]
rg im pretty happy with my life [18:48]
Phoebus What's cooler, is hell yeah enjoy life -- and now. But set up conditions to enjoy tomorrow's life. [18:48]
rg and my level of enjoyment [18:48]
Phoebus I'm happy you're happy with your life ;) [18:48]
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rg fact is, you cant tell someone to be healthy [18:49]
rg they wont do it unless they want to [18:49]
jcpham those fake cigs are healthy [18:49]
Phoebus Sure, but you can give them reasons to want to make that decision. [18:49]
Phoebus It's the horse and water thing. [18:50]
Phoebus At least occassionally get your horses to some water lol. [18:50]
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rg jcpham, nah [18:51]
rg theyre not [18:51]
rg just better than cigarettes [18:51]
Phoebus Yeah. [18:51]
Phoebus At least you get a better control of dosage. [18:51]
jcpham but they aren't "from the earth" [18:51]
rg sure they are [18:51]
jcpham god didn't put it here for us [18:51]
Phoebus And less carcinogens. But nicotine is still toxic. [18:51]
Phoebus jcpham, lmao. [18:51]
rg its nicotine and propalyne glycol [18:51]
* chakl has quit (Quit: ircN 8.00 for mIRC (20100904) - [18:51]
rg both of which god made [18:51]
rg if god was real [18:51]
rg which he isnt [18:51]
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smickles jcpham: don't fall victim to the naturalistic fallacy ;) [18:52]
Phoebus He's a fantasy, confused by some people's brain function of conscience. [18:52]
Phoebus They feel their own brain is watching them... [18:52]
jcpham god is hugging you now [18:52]
Phoebus Step into my e-therapy service (Soon tm) lol. [18:52]
Phoebus J/k I'm theist tolerant. [18:52]
* metagrok (~mg@gateway/tor-sasl/metagrok) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:52]
smickles Phoebus: i think god is a (often willingly) compartmentalized disconnect with reality [18:53]
jcpham pretty sure e-cigs will put you under hell [18:53]
jcpham jus sayin beeyotches [18:53]
rg im not atheist or theist tollerant [18:54]
smickles and tolerant just means that you'll let them exist to, nothing more ;) [18:54]
rg do what you want, i dont want to hear about it./ [18:54]
jcpham jessus loves all the little children [18:54]
Phoebus I'm Atheist-Humanist and Theist tolerant, but not fond of zealots of proselytism. [18:54]
smickles rg: and if you do hear about it? [18:54]
Phoebus smickles, he'll sue you :P [18:55]
smickles oh my [18:55]
rg smickles: /ignore [18:55]
rg now [18:55]
smickles without warning? [18:55]
rg on to my greasy disgusting cheese covered meal [18:55]
smickles that sounds like what i'm eating [18:55]
rg [18:56]
Phoebus rg, enjoy the food-opiates! (what cheese does in your brain :P). [18:56]
smickles woah [18:56]
jcpham i'm just joking i worship the sun [18:56]
Phoebus lol [18:56]
* draco49_ (~draco49@gateway/tor-sasl/draco49) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:56]
rg so i get a dose of opiates [18:56]
* nok0 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:56]
rg and cheese opiates [18:56]
Phoebus Yup. [18:56]
rg thats a win for me [18:56]
smickles the sun does sustain our way of life ;) [18:56]
Phoebus smickles, true. [18:56]
* vuce_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:57]
rg good i was worried i might have to put some more drugs up my nose [18:57]
Phoebus Until we figure out to do fission on our own. [18:57]
Phoebus For the cold days ahead :P [18:57]
jcpham hurr [18:57]
jcpham rg you should "plug" your drugs [18:57]
jcpham all them [18:57]
smickles we need to get away from that thing anyway, i hear it plans to engulf us :O [18:57]
Phoebus Time to game it up, 6 more days of freedom from the army. [18:57]
* paraipan has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [18:57]
* judgement51 (45cc6ab7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:58]
smickles Phoebus: wut? [18:58]
* Joric has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [18:58]
rg jcpham: been there [18:58]
rg done that [18:58]
rg too much work [18:58]
jcpham dirty [18:58]
rg not if you wipe properly [18:58]
Phoebus smickles, I'm on medical leave. Appendectomy. Currently serving my mandatory duty in the Greek army. Training to be an officer. [18:58]
rg and keep your asshole clean [18:58]
jcpham lol sicko [18:58]
smickles oh [18:58]
rg Mandatory? [18:58]
rg jesus [18:58]
rg i thought Sparta didnt exist anymore [18:59]
* draco49 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [18:59]
rg i have the donkey kong underwater music stuck in my head [18:59]
* vuce has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:59]
* EvanR (~erinehart@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:59]
* EvanR is now known as Guest49647 [19:00]
imsaguy2 wow [19:00]
Phoebus rg, haha... yeah. My dad had to do a 24 month service. Mine is only 14 - and that's as an officer. Basic service as a soldier is 9 months. [19:00]
imsaguy2 I just read that as donkey kong underwear [19:00]
jcpham ha [19:01]
smickles imsaguy2: mee too [19:01]
imsaguy2 and it ws like wtf.. since when does underwear have music? [19:01]
Phoebus rg, I still remember the donkey kong underwater scenes... [19:01]
Phoebus Yeah read it as underwear to and then instantly re-read it b/c I got a high WTF brainwave signal :P [19:02]
Phoebus That'd be a cool research - finding the WTF signal. [19:02]
* Phoebus note to self. [19:02]
jcpham if I joined the military, I'd recruit troubled teens for my own private army [19:03]
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* Joric (~joric@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:04]
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* Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:04]
Phoebus lol [19:04]
* Kohta (4586296e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:05]
* [Raccoon] (bismuth@unaffiliated/raccoon) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:06]
* ChanServ gives voice to [Raccoon] [19:06]
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* [Raccoon] is now known as Raccoon [19:10]
* chichi_ (d4fbcdb5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:10]
rg Phoebus [19:11]
rg are there a lot of gay dudes in your armed services? [19:11]
* Krumme ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:11]
Phoebus rg, none that I know of... as in extravagant enough to know. [19:11]
Phoebus We don't have that much time to sit around and chit chat either. [19:11]
rg is it against the rules to be gay? [19:11]
Phoebus It's go-go-go form 6 am to 11pm. [19:11]
Phoebus No. [19:12]
Phoebus They don't ask. [19:12]
rg well [19:12]
rg its good to know that even a bankrupt country can keep their soldiers busy [19:12]
Phoebus haha yeah [19:12]
ageis directnic is where i buy domains too [19:13]
Guest15044 icann buys domains from chuck norris. [19:13]
rg wow lame hulu makes you watch an ad again if you skip back to a part of the video [19:14]
rg even if youve already watched an ad [19:14]
Guest15044 behavioral therapy [19:14]
Guest15044 make you so annoyed that you just pirate it and leave their severs alone [19:15]
mircea_popescu ahh chocolate is so great [19:17]
rg usually i do(nt) [19:17]
chichi_ ;;guide in the channel [19:17]
rg i dont condone piracy [19:17]
chichi_ ;;guide [19:17]
chichi_ guide [19:17]
rg ;;guide [19:17]
rg ;;tell chichi_ [guide] [19:17]
rg hey are paysafe cards ok for BTC? [19:18]
rg unauthed trades [19:18]
* uzyn has quit (Quit: uzyn) [19:18]
rg anyway like i was saying, i dont condone piracy but i do have a 2TB warez collection [19:18]
Guest15044 paysafecard? duno [19:18]
Guest15044 what can you buy w/it [19:19]
Phoebus Guest15044, lmao yes.. that works. [19:19]
rg i dunno i think its likea greendot card [19:19]
rg this chichi dude messaged me [19:19]
rg he has one and wants to hock it for btc [19:19]
Phoebus rg, I beat you by 1 TB. [19:19]
Guest15044 Select paysafecard as your preferred means of payment at one [19:19]
Guest15044 of the 3.500 webshops that accept paysafecard. [19:19]
rg wow [19:20]
metagrok Hey, has anyone seen MBS lately? I was told he can help rent a kimsufi server for BTC - maybe someone else can help with this? [19:20]
rg it looks like you can get that paysafe card [19:20]
rg and get cash at an outlet [19:20]
Guest15044 used to have cool visas/mastercards that you could use online instantly [19:20]
Guest15044 but for some reason it doesn't seem to be available anymore [19:20]
rg chichi_: you might have some trouble trying to sell that [19:22]
* chichi_ (d4fbcdb5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-otc [19:22]
rg heh [19:22]
rg guess he didnt like the guide [19:22]
rg Description: A virtual reality soldier is on the hunt for MANTIS. [19:22]
rg well how could i miss this [19:22]
rg im ordering a single slice of pizza [19:23]
rg (along with my other items) [19:23]
rg i can buy enough brownies and cookies to get my order up to the minimum delivery [19:23]
* Trader248 (d4fbcdb5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:24]
* gfinn has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:25]
Guest15044 deliery? [19:26]
* Trader248 has quit (Client Quit) [19:26]
Guest15044 are you ordering from fooderoo [19:26]
rg no [19:27]
rg i dont know what tht is [19:27]
metagrok anyone up for buying a kimsufi/similar server (~18eur/mo.) for BTC? Or know a way of reaching MBS? [19:29]
rg metagrok: hes here [19:29]
rg hes just sleeping [19:29]
rg hes obviously a deadbeat [19:29]
metagrok ah right, makes sense (i'm in the EU).. [19:29]
* Joric has quit () [19:29]
metagrok how can I use the /telllater command, or what was it? [19:30]
rg ;;later tell [19:30]
metagrok is it a gribble thing? perhaps i can just look it up.. [19:30]
metagrok then nick, and the msg, right? [19:30]
Guest15044 the gribbler [19:30]
rg you know, it occurs to me, this show is named M.A.N.T.I.S. but in the first episode, its named MANTIS cause the young kid partner says he looks like a praying mantis [19:30]
rg yes met [19:31]
rg a [19:31]
metagrok ahright, thanks [19:31]
rg so whats m.a.n.t.i.s. stand for if hes named after an insect [19:31]
Guest15044 it stands for mantis antis ntis tis is i [19:31]
ageis ^_^ [19:32]
* DBordello (~DB@unaffiliated/dbordello) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:32]
* m00p has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:33]
rg Guest15044: for the love of fuck [19:33]
rg change your nickname [19:33]
Guest15044 why? do you want to use this one [19:34]
* benjamindees has quit (Quit: Leaving) [19:34]
rg yes... yes i do [19:34]
Guest15044 rampart [19:35]
rg DO UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" [19:37]
rg LOOP [19:37]
* roman3x ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:37]
* minimoose has quit (Quit: minimoose) [19:38]
ageis lol, gribbler was the name of my gribble frontend [19:38]
* schematic (3feaceaf@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:40]
rg you should make one for BitchX [19:40]
* nelisky has quit (Quit: nelisky) [19:40]
jcpham no [19:40]
* Received a CTCP VERSION from rg (to #bitcoin-otc) [19:40]
ageis is that tcl? [19:40]
jcpham no [19:40]
rg ��� CTCP VERSION reply from sneak: HUGE NIGGER DICKS [19:40]
schematic I want to buy 25 bitcoins... anyone interested?? [19:41]
jcpham har [19:41]
rg ��� CTCP VERSION reply from spaola: eggdrop v1.6.19+Gentoo [19:41]
Cusipzzz lol [19:41]
rg i am not the only BitchX user here [19:41]
jcpham i don't think i respond [19:42]
jcpham sometimes i use bitchx from terminal [19:42]
Guest15044 the govt cares more about tracking prepaid gift cards than trillions in bankster fraud [19:42]
jcpham i don't exactly like it though [19:42]
jcpham i used bitchx more on freebsd forever years ago [19:43]
jcpham why use it now? [19:43]
mircea_popescu i object to the name [19:43]
mircea_popescu i think it objectifies female dogs. [19:43]
schematic haha @ mircea [19:44]
mircea_popescu it should be called garofalox or somthin [19:44]
rg jcpham: cause its the same old bitchx [19:45]
* Guest49647 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:45]
rg just bugfixed [19:45]
Guest15044 cmon ppl Rampart [19:45]
rg and still worked on [19:45]
schematic does anyone here know of an anonymous way to buy bitcoins??? I'd prefer to pay cash, with no bank transfer and such.... [19:45]
gmaxwell schematic: put cash in a bag under your nearest bridge with a bitcoin address on the bag, then wait for bitcoins to show up. [19:46]
gmaxwell You may be waiting a while. [19:46]
Raccoon schematic: find people willing to accept cash in an envelope [19:46]
jcpham schematic face to face? mail a check? [19:46]
Dark_Apostrophe Perfect anonymity is nearly impossible to achieve, but you can go a long way by using mixers, Tor, et.c [19:46]
Dark_Apostrophe etc. 1line.txt derp-100x100.png derp-560x207.png derp.png dork-100x100.jpg dork-560x302.jpg dork.jpg logs2.txt logs3.txt logstory.txt logs.txt mysql psychology-and-psychiatry-100x100.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry-560x315.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry.jpg tangent-maybe-100x100.jpg tangent-maybe-560x242.jpg tangent-maybe.jpg tara-tara-10-560px.jpg tara-tara-10.jpg tara-tara-11-560px.jpg tara-tara-11.jpg tara-tara-12-560px.jpg tara-tara-12.jpg tara-tara-13-560px.jpg tara-tara-13.jpg tara-tara-14-560px.jpg tara-tara-14.jpg tara-tara-15-560px.jpg tara-tara-1-560px.jpg tara-tara-15.jpg tara-tara-16-560px.jpg tara-tara-16.jpg tara-tara-17-560px.jpg tara-tara-17.jpg tara-tara-18-560px.jpg tara-tara-18.jpg tara-tara-19-560px.jpg tara-tara-19.jpg tara-tara-1.jpg tara-tara-20-560px.jpg tara-tara-20.jpg tara-tara-21-560px.jpg tara-tara-21.jpg tara-tara-22-560px.jpg tara-tara-22.jpg tara-tara-23-560px.jpg tara-tara-23.jpg tara-tara-24-560px.jpg tara-tara-24.jpg 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* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:46]
schematic is there a network of bitcoin users willing to meet face-to-face??? [19:46]
mircea_popescu schematic : there was a map on the wiki with people doing in person trading [19:46]
jcpham lol @ mail a check [19:46]
Dark_Apostrophe schematic: Depends on your location - the bigger a place, the better are your odds [19:47]
mircea_popescu i think it's not much liked tho, people tend to fear strangers nowadays. [19:47]
Raccoon jcpham: mtgox [used to] accept check via courior [19:47]
schematic denver, co [19:47]
Dark_Apostrophe Also, it seems that Bitcoin is particularly big in eastern Europe [19:47]
rg last commit to BitchX SVN: 2 days, 4 hours ago [19:47]
schematic usa [19:47]
mircea_popescu Also, it seems that Bitcoin is particularly big in eastern Europe /me claims credit for that :D [19:47]
jcpham lame rg [19:47]
* Shaded has quit (Client Quit) [19:47]
Dark_Apostrophe mircea_popescu: A: Ok, why? :P B: Aren't you in southern Europe (Greece)? [19:48]
mircea_popescu Romania. [19:48]
rg jcpham, just active dev [19:48]
rg thats all [19:48]
Dark_Apostrophe Close enough [19:48]
rg im going to go on a pro-BitchX campaign [19:48]
mircea_popescu close enough to what lol [19:48]
rg (propaganda) campaign [19:48]
Dark_Apostrophe It's southern Europe :P [19:48]
mircea_popescu ... [19:48]
schematic hmmmm [19:48]
mircea_popescu in the sense ny is southern florida i guess. [19:49]
* EvanR_ (~erinehart@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:50]
Dark_Apostrophe Hmm... it's pretty big. Stretching as far north as Switzerland, and as far south as the middle of Bosnia [19:50]
Dark_Apostrophe Dunno.. I'd still call it south, but it was a tad further north than I imagined. :P [19:51]
mircea_popescu [19:51]
mircea_popescu there. [19:51]
jcpham all insane people [19:51]
jcpham russians too [19:51]
jcpham i want to be them so hard [19:51]
Dark_Apostrophe mircea_popescu: I wonder why Bosnians are labeled "muslims" while Albanians (another pedominantly muslim people) are not [19:52]
Guest15044 supbro [19:52]
Guest15044 dir [19:52]
jcpham ls [19:52]
mircea_popescu the labels indicate minorities [19:53]
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* phungio_ is now known as phungi [19:54]
rg mmm [19:54]
rg pizza! [19:54]
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Guest15044 slice-o de mayo [19:56]
Someguy123 still no signs of metabank =_= [19:57]
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* gwillen_ is now known as gwillen [19:58]
* Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector) [19:58]
rg i just thought of an idea [19:58]
rg to revolutionize tv as we know it [19:58]
rg two ideas even [19:58]
jcpham does it involve tv? [19:58]
rg #1 all new shows are not a fixed length, 15 minutes to 92 minutes [19:58]
jcpham i didn't ask to hear your idea [19:58]
rg cause during a show, if they wrap everything up with 20 minutes to go [19:59]
rg you know its not wrapped up [19:59]
rg but if its an arbitrary length [19:59]
rg you wont know if its wrapped [19:59]
rg or a TWIST [19:59]
jcpham ok i'm not reading [19:59]
rg idea number two [19:59]
rg so they have these 'interactive' commercials now that are gay for pay [19:59]
rg so much money is wasted on advertising [19:59]
rg what we need to do is implant a microphone in the tv [19:59]
rg that has a voice->text [19:59]
rg and shows you commercials based on what you talk about in your house [20:00]
rg allows you to charge advertisers more for less [20:00]
rg since the ads will be directed, the conversation rate would be MUCH higher [20:00]
jcpham what hte fudge are you talking about [20:00]
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rg er [20:00]
rg conversion* [20:00]
* DamaswcusVG|afk ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:00]
jcpham fucking interactive commercials [20:00]
rg i hate them [20:00]
jcpham that shit isn't real [20:00]
rg theyre so stupid [20:00]
rg a commercial inside a commercial [20:00]
rg i bet the usage rate is real high too [20:01]
jcpham never heard of it. pics or didn't happen [20:01]
rg cause people are morons [20:01]
rg [20:01]
jcpham did you just call my peeps morons [20:01]
jcpham i see some crazy overlay [20:01]
* Krumme has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:01]
helo nah, just allow people's gpu to mine for sites instead of showing them ads [20:02]
jcpham that's it [20:02]
rg helo: that doesnt do anything for advertising [20:02]
Phoebus lol [20:02]
helo rg: doesn't that make it irrelevant? [20:02]
jcpham we could run bitcoin-otc order book entries on the screen [20:02]
jcpham during commercials [20:02]
jcpham any sort of rss garbage [20:02]
helo i.e.- you could set up your GPU to mine for the tv channel you are watching to not have to see ads [20:02]
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helo i guess it's the same as paying them [20:03]
Guest15044 thats brilliant rg [20:03]
jcpham worst suggestion ever. media eavesdropping for targeted ad placement [20:04]
jcpham WORST IDEA EVER [20:04]
rg Guest15044: i know [20:04]
rg i hate commercils [20:04]
rg commercials* [20:04]
Guest15044 no need to buy salt/pepper/sugar [20:07]
Guest15044 mcdonalds has buckets of the stuff for fre [20:07]
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rg MANTIS uncovers an organization which runs underground, to-the-death bloodsport matches [20:08]
rg hm this sounds gay [20:08]
rg the last episode was about a virtual reality solider [20:08]
rg oh no way, captian picards gf is in this ep [20:08]
* ovidiusoft (~ovidiusof@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:09]
rg MANTIS must use his high-tech superpowers against the dangerous warriors of the Yakuza. [20:10]
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rg this sounds better [20:10]
rg Guest15044: youre forgetting ketchup, sweet and sour, bbq [20:11]
rg creamer [20:11]
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Guest15044 yes [20:11]
rg napkins, silverware [20:11]
rg coffee stirrererres [20:11]
rg hot sauce [20:12]
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Guest54562 wtf [20:15]
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rg COPUMPKIN! [20:15]
Guest54562 [13:15:48] Error(437): copumpkin Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable [20:15]
rg whatsup you black asshole [20:15]
* Guest54562 is now known as pumpkin [20:15]
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* pumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/pumpkingod) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:15]
* ChanServ gives voice to pumpkin [20:15]
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rg /msg nickserv drop copumpkin [20:16]
* nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:16]
pumpkin wtf is up with that? [20:16]
rg /msg nickserv drop copumpkin [20:16]
rg ! [20:16]
[eval] wat [20:16]
[eval] most assholes are brown [20:16]
rg not copumpkins [20:16]
pumpkin rg: wtf, why would I want to do that? [20:16]
rg pumpkin: uhh so you can change your nickname to copumpkin? [20:16]
pumpkin rg: drop drops a nickname registration [20:16]
pumpkin ghost kills another connection [20:17]
rg no.. [20:17]
rg it doesnt [20:17]
rg i use drop all the time [20:17]
rg when i cant /nick rg [20:17]
Graet /msg nickserv release works 4 me [20:17]
pumpkin Using this command makes NickServ remove your account and stop watching your nick(s), If a nick is dropped, anyone else can register it. You will also lose all your channel access and memos. [20:17]
pumpkin why is it being held in the first place? [20:18]
* pumpkin is now known as copumpkin [20:18]
rg maybe it is release [20:18]
copumpkin yeah, release did it [20:18]
copumpkin drop looked scary :P [20:18]
[eval] i thought rg was trolling for a minute there :P [20:18]
rg no [20:18]
rg i was just trying to help [20:19]
copumpkin thanks! [20:19]
rg i mismalremembers [20:19]
dwon <[eval]> most assholes are brown [20:20]
dwon <[eval]> i thought rg was trolling for a minute there :P [20:20]
dwon ^^ ? [20:20]
rg dwon [20:20]
dwon yes, it was rg who was trolling [20:20]
rg lrn2read [20:20]
rg umm [20:20]
rg i wasnt trolling [20:20]
rg i remembered the incorrect command [20:20]
rg you black asshole [20:20]
DBordello I am developing a new bitcoin service. The code is written, however I am in need of a good frontend web site. Anybody interested in helping me develop the web side of things? [20:20]
dwon heh [20:21]
dwon you guys are all trolls. BTW, bitcoin is a ponzi scheme. ;) [20:21]
* phantomcircuit (~phantomci@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:21]
rg Bitcoin is a gov't project to hack chinese crypto [20:21]
rg while we think that we're not solving crypto [20:21]
rg we are [20:21]
phraust heh. [20:22]
rg gmaxwell works for DHS [20:22]
rg fact [20:22]
jcpham drop kills it [20:22]
rg well hey [20:22]
rg atleast drop woulda got him his nick [20:22]
jcpham that dud that pasted his ns password awhile [20:22]
rg cause nickserv wouldve stopped watching it [20:22]
jcpham got dropp'd out of sympathy [20:23]
rg ' i didnt agree with the way that person was living so i killed them out of sympathy ' [20:23]
rg you are a narcissist [20:23]
jcpham if i pasted my ns pass in channel [20:23]
jcpham i'd hope someone would have the decency to drop it [20:23]
Guest15044 bitcoin aint a ponz [20:24]
* tdubz is now known as dubellz [20:24]
Guest15044 its a multi-level marketing scheme [20:24]
dwon oh god, here we go [20:24]
rg dude [20:24]
rg its a triangle [20:24]
rg not a pyramid [20:24]
jcpham looks more like a delta to me [20:24]
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Guest15044 how can i send an ach payment [20:28]
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rg Guest15044: pray to god [20:29]
rg give Him 25% of your salary [20:29]
phantomcircuit LOL [20:29]
rg you guys are boring [20:29]
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rg im going to see whats up on efnet [20:29]
jcpham i'll come to efnet too [20:30]
jcpham for 5btc [20:30]
Guest15044 wat [20:30]
Phoebus efnet, where'd you rememebr that takevovewar place? [20:31]
phantomcircuit Guest15044, most us banks dont actually have anyway for you to send ach credits unless you've got a business account [20:31]
bruzum efnet <3 [20:31]
Guest15044 hmmm [20:31]
bruzum most intercepted irc network [20:31]
* rameuj (rameuj@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:31]
rameuj ;;guide [20:31]
* occulta (~occulta@gateway/tor-sasl/occulta) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:33]
rg takeovers on efnet happen about as often as freenode takeovers [20:34]
tpa Has anyone here bought a Newegg gift certificate with Bitcoins? [20:34]
nanotube yes [20:34]
tpa Which site did you use? [20:34]
nanotube well, i just sold a newegg gc to some guy here on irc. i didn't use a site. [20:35]
nanotube otc all the way :) [20:35]
tpa OK [20:35]
nanotube or wait... i think it was a thinkgeek gc. heh well anyway, same applies. [20:35]
nanotube but if bitegg is still up, you can try that one too maybe [20:36]
tpa bitegg redirects to [20:36]
smickles otc. rather personal transactions, are better than websites :{ [20:36]
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smickles doesn't jjjrmy_ have a newegg gc site? [20:37]
nanotube tpa: ah yes, jjrmy renamed his site to the more generic domain. is it now [20:37]
nanotube smickles: yes, is jjjrmy_'s site. or was, until he renamed to giftcoin [20:37]
* angusbates100 (56001573@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:37]
MBS tpa, i can sell you a newegg gc for btc [20:37]
angusbates100 Hi all [20:38]
mircea_popescu phantomcircuit trivial to open a business acct tho [20:38]
MBS ;;seen metagrok [20:38]
tpa So I take it that is reliable... [20:38]
phantomcircuit mircea_popescu, yes and no [20:38]
smickles should be tpa [20:38]
phantomcircuit most people aren't willing for pay the relatively high fees [20:38]
mircea_popescu its a tradeoff tho, if you're going to to a lot of btc stuff it offers better protection imo [20:39]
nanotube tpa: yes should be fine. but MBS is also reliable, so see whether you can get a better deal with MBS or with giftcoin [20:39]
nanotube though MBS should authenticate to gribble <_< :) [20:40]
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tpa OK, thanks. [20:40]
smickles oh, that reminds me [20:40]
smickles ;;voiceme [20:40]
smickles err [20:40]
nanotube phantomcircuit: a nice subset of banks now do popmoney, which is ach to other people [20:40]
nanotube without needing a business account [20:41]
smickles i thought i was authed :( [20:41]
nanotube e.g., does popmoney [20:41]
* Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:41]
phantomcircuit nanotube, popmoney is very slow [20:41]
nanotube phantomcircuit: how slow? and how fast is business ach in comparison? [20:41]
phantomcircuit money goes from their account to popmoney over ach [20:41]
phantomcircuit from popmoney to other persons account over ach [20:42]
nanotube ah so there's a double-ach delay eh [20:42]
phantomcircuit business ach is often same day if it's before 3pm [20:42]
smickles ;;voiceme [20:42]
* gribble gives voice to smickles [20:42]
nanotube ah i see, nice phantomcircuit good to know [20:42]
nanotube i guess then it's up to you to decide whether you're willing to pay the fees for the extra speed. :) [20:42]
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occulta :) [20:43]
nanotube hey there occulta ;) [20:44]
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angusbates100 Hi occulta [20:55]
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occulta ;;seen m__r [21:06]
occulta ;;seen m_r [21:07]
occulta he disappeared? [21:07]
rg no [21:09]
rg his nickname is m4v3r [21:09]
rg fuck tard [21:09]
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rg i have confirmed the computer shots in this TV show are infcat IRIX [21:20]
rg :) [21:20]
rg [21:20]
* kakobreklaa ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:22]
gmaxwell rg: things other than irix uses motif. [21:22]
* gheorghe (~gheorghe@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:23]
rg in 1996? [21:24]
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rg looks like a vanilla IRIX install to me mate [21:25]
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rg [21:26]
rg even the background is the same [21:26]
* OTC (bcc30112@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:26]
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OTC Hello there [21:26]
* plutonic ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:26]
OTC does anyone knows,if USPS has post offices in the UK? [21:27]
rg no, you'd send it with royal post [21:27]
rg and they hand it off to usps [21:27]
OTC but there arent post offices or shops there [21:27]
OTC ? [21:27]
copumpkin huh [21:27]
copumpkin OTC: the US in USPS stands for United States [21:28]
OTC because the seller told me the package would be sent with UPSP in uk [21:28]
OTC *out [21:28]
OTC sorry [21:28]
OTC not in the uk,out the uk [21:28]
copumpkin you can send internationally via USPS from here and they hand it off to local postal services [21:28]
OTC ? [21:28]
OTC no sorry he told me the package would be sent with usps out the uk [21:28]
copumpkin maybe you mean UPS? that's an international private shipping company [21:28]
OTC no [21:29]
OTC USPS [21:29]
copumpkin well then, I don't know [21:29]
copumpkin maybe they misspoke [21:29]
OTC or he lie [21:29]
* FlyRyan has quit (Client Quit) [21:29]
rg ha [21:30]
rg it is IRIX [21:30]
rg and apparently it was all precorded [21:30]
rg so they werent even moving the mouse / typing [21:30]
rg can anyone think of a reason why my X11 session lags/hiccups when i move my mouse to a certain part of the screen? [21:32]
rg its only 1 corner [21:32]
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smickles anyone want to buy a 1966 quarter for 0.169 btc (shipping included) ? [21:37]
jcpham is it made of silver [21:38]
smickles no [21:38]
smickles 64 was the last of those [21:38]
jcpham so it isn't special [21:38]
smickles 75/25 coper/nickel [21:38]
* paraipan (~paraipan@gateway/tor-sasl/paraipanakos) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:39]
smickles in the condition it's in, i think it's worth 1 usd to a collector [21:39]
jcpham i collect but i have bags of those [21:39]
jcpham or i used to collect [21:40]
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smickles oh [21:40]
* BLZNGPNGN ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:41]
jcpham i collected transformers for awhile too [21:41]
jcpham i have a wicked gen1 boxed collection [21:41]
Raccoon Offer: WTB 80 BTC @ $6, as loan. Will pay back at $6/BTC or better value, in increments, minimum 20 BTC/mo for 4 mo, or less. [21:42]
jcpham comic books, baseball cards, cars, and hoes [21:42]
rg mm [21:44]
rg software singapore is able to beam me a file at full 100Mbit [21:44]
rg across the oceans [21:44]
rg er, softlayer [21:44]
* MC1984 has quit (Quit: Leaving) [21:47]
* Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:48]
* MC1984 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:49]
mcorlett Looking to trade some bitcoins for PayPal $. PM! [21:49]
* yossarian_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:51]
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* att (~att@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:54]
MORA| ;;getrating mcorlett [21:56]
mcorlett MORA|: I'm selling bitcoins, rating shouldn't matter. [21:57]
MORA| :) [21:57]
* smickles is now known as smickles|idle [21:57]
Mqrius I'll just leave this here. [21:58]
MORA| yea, I read it wrong, anyways! [21:59]
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* iyov7 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:06]
helo it will be nice when the price can creep up slowly without people getting too excited and buying it into a bubble [22:06]
rawrmage lol [22:06]
* je_fro ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:07]
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* je_fro (~unknown@gentoo/developer/je-fro) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:07]
* smickles|idle is now known as smickles [22:08]
smickles .title [22:08]
markac smickles: Bitcoin Idol 2012 - YouTube [22:08]
smickles so many of them said "bi-coin" [22:10]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [22:11]
* sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:11]
* ChanServ gives voice to sgornick [22:11]
luke-jr smickles: long or short i? [22:12]
* StoneHead has quit (Quit: ZNC - [22:13]
smickles short [22:13]
luke-jr makes sense [22:13]
smickles luke-jr, how are things [22:13]
luke-jr terrible, why? [22:13]
* StoneHead (stonehead@2001:470:1f09:6ed::2) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:13]
smickles 'cause i've heard that your pool was down D: [22:13]
smickles is other terrible stuff happening too luke-jr ? [22:14]
* GSpotAssassin has quit (Max SendQ exceeded) [22:16]
luke-jr smickles: indeed [22:17]
smickles luke-jr: i suppose i understand if you don't want to talk about whatever it is. I hope stuff sorts itself out for you [22:17]
jcpham lions tigers AND bears. [22:17]
jcpham oh my [22:17]
* nhodges has quit (Max SendQ exceeded) [22:17]
rg new atomizer day [22:17]
rg woot [22:17]
jcpham straight to hell! [22:17]
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Dark_Apostrophe smickles: I'm reminded of a podcast Peter Schiff did (I think it was an interview with Amir Taaki) where he kept referring to Bitcoin as "Bitcom" [22:20]
Dark_Apostrophe maybe his monitor sucks :P [22:20]
* plutonic ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:20]
smickles bitcom @ [22:21]
* hippos4lyfe ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:22]
* plutonic_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:22]
Dark_Apostrophe 3 letter .com domain [22:22]
Dark_Apostrophe Should cost a small fortune :P [22:22]
* hippos4lyfe is now known as hngryhngryhippo [22:23]
* Krumme ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:24]
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* GSpotAssassin (u4086@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:26]
pigeons smickles: we aren't supposed to be nice or human in here, *especially* not to luke-jr [22:27]
* Bwild ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:28]
* fridgee6 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:29]
smickles well shit [22:29]
* mndrix (u899@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:30]
* ChanServ gives voice to mndrix [22:30]
* fgdgdfgfdgfr (c6e4dd69@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:30]
* danieldaniel_ (~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:34]
* amazingrando (836b0073@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:34]
amazingrando howdy people [22:34]
danieldaniel_ ohaider [22:34]
danieldaniel_ ;;eauth danieldaniel [22:34]
* gribble gives voice to danieldaniel_ [22:35]
amazingrando buying 5830's and 5850's if anyone is selling. need about a dozen [22:35]
danieldaniel_ lol, random memory [22:36]
danieldaniel_ When I first came onto this changel [22:36]
danieldaniel_ channel* [22:36]
danieldaniel_ and gribble messaged me with instructions [22:36]
danieldaniel_ I was like "Oh, thanks!" and wondered why he didn't respond [22:37]
rg HI DANNY! [22:37]
nathan7 Heh. [22:38]
rg how are you snooglypuss [22:38]
danieldaniel_ rg: gtfo [22:38]
danieldaniel_ srsly tho [22:38]
danieldaniel_ gtfo pl0x [22:38]
danieldaniel_ kthxbai [22:38]
* OTC (bcc30112@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-otc [22:39]
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rg what a strange creature [22:39]
judgement51 Looking to trade moneypak for 9 Bitcoins if anyone can help me [22:39]
danieldaniel_ rg [22:39]
danieldaniel_ gtfo [22:39]
danieldaniel_ naozorz [22:39]
pigeons danieldaniel_: what fucking place are you from where they speak that language? [22:40]
danieldaniel_ pigeons: your mother [22:40]
danieldaniel_ trololo [22:40]
danieldaniel_ no, this other chatroom [22:40]
rg haha [22:40]
rg daniel is on AIL [22:40]
pigeons well it makes you look like a douche here [22:40]
rg AOL [22:40]
danieldaniel_ pigeons [22:40]
danieldaniel_ he was like, what a strange creaturte [22:41]
danieldaniel_ thats douchey [22:41]
pigeons no u [22:41]
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danieldaniel_ no u [22:41]
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* FloydPink ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:43]
FloydPink ;; [22:44]
FloydPink ;;gpg [22:44]
* qwigil ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:44]
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* Angerfist ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:45]
Angerfist UKashToBTC [22:45]
Angerfist fail [22:45]
* occulta (~occulta@gateway/tor-sasl/occulta) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:46]
* gribble gives voice to FloydPink [22:46]
* Angerfist is now known as UKashToBTC [22:46]
UKashToBTC Hi, I exchange your UKash for my BTC [22:46]
* funziggy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:47]
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* smickles is getting a bit excited about his market development [22:52]
* BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:52]
* ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt [22:52]
jcpham i'm getting a bit excited about the .03 bitcoins i just mined in 7 days [22:56]
rg does anyone know, off the top of their head, the most power efficient Xeon [22:56]
rg (older xeon) [22:56]
jcpham i dont [22:56]
rg or a power but low power older x86-64/x86 cpu [22:56]
rg powerful* [22:56]
rg im thinking about buying a bunch of cruddy 1u servers [22:56]
rg and coloing them [22:56]
rg but i will only have a few amps [22:56]
* minimoose ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:57]
rg [22:57]
rg 5 of those [22:57]
amazingrando buying 58XX GPUs is anyone is selling. need about a dozen [22:58]
amazingrando if* [22:58]
* malkauns has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [22:58]
* rhkramer_ (cfac3372@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:00]
rhkramer_ ;;fraud [23:01]
rhkramer_ ;;guide [23:01]
rg i wish i could just find someone to rent me servers [23:01]
rg sans the hosting [23:02]
rhkramer_ ;;off [23:02]
rhkramer_ ;; off [23:02]
rhkramer_ ;; logoff [23:02]
rhkramer_ ;;logoff [23:02]
UKashToBTC wut [23:03]
* Buglouse has quit (Quit: #WeeChat #Mises #emacs) [23:03]
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smickles ok, so i'm working on the writing/selling options contracts part, what to ya'll think of premiums set at X, but to protect against spot price fluxuation, have options for 'offer good until X (time)', 'offer good until X (price high)', 'offer good until X (price low)'. none required, no one excluding the others? [23:05]
* smickles wants a bit of input [23:05]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:07]
* MagicalTux has quit (Quit: Bye, see you later!) [23:08]
* stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:08]
* BTCHero| (48f0dfa8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:10]
* terrytibbs (u4339@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:10]
UKashToBTC Someone have BTC and wants paypal ? [23:11]
BTCHero| Anyone want to buy me food? [23:11]
stamit BTCHero|, food? [23:11]
pigeons anyone take moneypak in small amounts (9btc worth) for my friend? [23:11]
stamit what's your situation? [23:11]
BTCHero| Yeah, call my local pizza place and I will pay you in bitc oins you use your credit card [23:12]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [23:12]
pigeons ;;ident judgement51 [23:13]
gribble Nick 'judgement51', with hostmask 'judgement51!45cc6ab7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. [23:13]
DBordello Anybody else having their BTC transactions to MtGox not confirm?Anybody else having their BTC transactions to MtGox not confirm? [23:13]
DBordello repeat repeat [23:13]
BTCHero| Are you interested stamit ? [23:13]
stamit in feeding people? [23:14]
BTCHero| yes, my people [23:14]
DBordello BTC_Bear, i can do that [23:14]
stamit i first have to be able to feed myself, before i feed other people... [23:14]
BTCHero| Ok, DBordello [23:14]
jcpham amazingrando i haven't seen anyone trying to sell any quantities of cards recently [23:14]
* Pasha ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:14]
jcpham will keep eyes peeled though [23:14]
pigeons DBordello: yeah, but always then I look, and it turns out it's only been 5 confirmations and we're on a looong time between blocks [23:14]
* gribble gives voice to Pasha [23:14]
* klaus_trainer has quit (Quit: Hasta la vista, baby.) [23:14]
DBordello pigeons, more than 8 confirms :( [23:15]
* Cory has quit (Disconnected by services) [23:15]
* Pasha is now known as Cory [23:15]
* Cory has quit (Changing host) [23:15]
* Cory (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:15]
* gives voice to Cory [23:15]
* Cory has quit (Excess Flood) [23:16]
* Cory ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:16]
* Cory has quit (Changing host) [23:16]
* Cory (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:16]
* UKashToBTC is now known as nicolodouma [23:17]
* gribble gives voice to Cory [23:17]
lunks Hey, anyone interested in selling iTunes Gift Cards? [23:17]
plato ;;getrating pigeons [23:18]
gribble User pigeons, created on Sat Aug 6 07:06:19 2011. Cumulative rating 120, from 60 total ratings. Received ratings: 60 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 76 positive, 1 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask pigeons! [23:18]
plato ;;rated pigeons [23:18]
gribble Error: You have not yet rated user pigeons [23:18]
* zz_MT`AwAy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:19]
* cyphunk ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:19]
plato ;;rate pigeons 5 multiple tx >= $50 USD [23:19]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 5 for user pigeons has been recorded. [23:19]
plato ;;getrating plato [23:19]
gribble User PLATO, created on Mon Jan 17 19:16:14 2011. Cumulative rating 98, from 37 total ratings. Received ratings: 37 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 36 positive, 1 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask plato!~plato@unaffiliated/therealplato [23:19]
* zz_MT`AwAy is now known as MT`AwAy [23:19]
* MT`AwAy is now known as Guest98700 [23:20]
* Guest98700 is now known as zz_Guest98700 [23:23]
BTCHero i am a little teapot [23:24]
DBordello BTCHero, yes you are [23:24]
BTCHero| lol, she was like wtf [23:24]
helo and then what did he say? [23:26]
* nicolodouma_ (~nicolodou@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:26]
* nicolodouma has quit (Disconnected by services) [23:26]
* nicolodouma_ is now known as nicolodouma [23:26]
nicolodouma Hi, I want to buy bitcoins with paypal, will send money first. Already made a successful transaction here. [23:30]
nicolodouma two successful transactions* [23:31]
* zz_Guest98700 has quit (Excess Flood) [23:31]
* xaptah is now known as kaptah [23:32]
DBordello BTC pizza ordered [23:36]
* andress (d042c323@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:37]
jjjrmy_ DBordello: you want pizza? [23:37]
DBordello jjjrmy_, yes, but I have USD to buy my own :) [23:37]
andress anybody is having problem with mtgox? [23:37]
Someguy123 anyone here good with bootstrap able to make a BS2.0 version of this template? [23:37]
* zz_MT`AwAy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:37]
Someguy123 I used it in 1.4 fine as shown on that site ^ but nobody's made it for BS2, and BS2 is a pain in the ass it seems... [23:38]
DBordello andress, yes I am [23:38]
DBordello I can't get deposits to confirm [23:38]
DBordello andress, you? [23:38]
andress i cant access my account right now [23:38]
DBordello oh [23:38]
andress and i think the socketio is down [23:39]
Someguy123 andress shit... same here actually [23:39]
Someguy123 PLUS mtgox seems to be running slow as shit at the same time [23:39]
* cyphunk has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:40]
* gribble gives voice to andress [23:40]
pigeons heh, kujoking7 says, "ok, I'll pay you back since you called my mom, but something needs to be done, it was way too easy for me to scam ya'll" [23:41]
* zz_MT`AwAy has quit (Excess Flood) [23:42]
rawrmage lol [23:42]
* _form is now known as form_ [23:42]
* Angerfist ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:43]
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* Angerfist is now known as nicolodouma [23:44]
* gribble gives voice to paraipan [23:46]
* roman3x_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:47]
* nelisky has quit (Quit: nelisky) [23:49]
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* sunbreak (~user@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:49]
sunbreak [23:50]
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sunbreak if anyone is interested [23:50]
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* connie ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:50]
form_ hi. i want to buy 10 BTC via paypal (EURO or USD). anyone interested? [23:50]
kakobreklaa sturles will sell 1 btc to new users with ppEUR [23:52]
* nicolodouma (~nicolodou@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:52]
kakobreklaa maybe you can join in 10 times [23:52]
* Mawl ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:52]
connie how many chargebacks has sturles had? [23:53]
pigeons several [23:53]
sturles None on that offer in fact. [23:53]
pigeons oh here he is [23:53]
pigeons can speak for himself ;) [23:53]
form_ hehe [23:53]
connie really? Have you done it much? [23:53]
sturles People who bother that much for one coin are usually honest. [23:54]
sturles Yes, just check how many ratings I've given. [23:54]
form_ sturles: wanna sell 10 coins? [23:54]
connie ;;getrating sturles [23:54]
sturles No, just one to new users. [23:54]
kakobreklaa sturles da man! [23:55]
form_ ok so maybe ill take one and then 9 ? :) [23:55]
connie Yeah that is a lot of feedbacks [23:55]
connie ratings [23:55]
* Graet has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:55]
pigeons oh wow, i thought i remembered you having more troubles (not a lot in light of how much trading you do) but I must have been thinking of someone else [23:55]
sturles form_: You can buy one from me and more from other people. Soon you will hve good enough rating to buy 10 from many people. [23:57]
form_ ok so lets go qry [23:57]
* UNOE227_ (~mmc@unaffiliated/unoe227) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:57]
* dnalloheoj (4a5f8c59@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:58]
* nicolodouma has quit (Quit: Quitte) [23:58]
* sgornick has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:59]
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