Forum logs for 08 Mar 2012

Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* copumpkin is now known as smackles [00:00]
* smackles smuckles smickles [00:00]
smickles haha wtf? [00:00]
* Bon-Bon ponies [00:00]
* LyraHeartstrings ponies² [00:01]
smickles smackles: +1 [00:01]
mcorlett copumpkin: You prankster you. [00:01]
* RainbowDash ponies³ [00:01]
* tbage ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:01]
* Finn (43ddff0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-otc [00:01]
* smackles is now known as copumpkin [00:02]
copumpkin smockles [00:02]
ffsket ;;rate glooboy 2 easy first btc for mp transaction [00:02]
weex any get a warning about displayed transactions may not be correct? [00:02]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user glooboy has changed from 6 to 2. [00:02]
weex anyone that is [00:02]
* tbage has quit (Client Quit) [00:03]
mcorlett weex: Update to RC2. [00:03]
GlooBoy thx ffsket.. good luck bro [00:03]
weex mcorlett: maybe i should go for another version entirely? [00:03]
weex this is for production [00:04]
* copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [00:04]
rg but i [00:04]
rg cant help [00:04]
mcorlett Go with 0.5 or luke-jr's super-mega-stable branch. [00:04]
rg falling in love [00:04]
rg withhhhhhhhhhhhhhh youuuuuuuuuuuu [00:04]
jcpham red red wine [00:04]
SO_STUPID mmmmm [00:04]
rg ffsket: 2 for a first rating is too high [00:04]
mcorlett rg: The coffee again? [00:05]
rawrmage ;;rated rg [00:05]
gribble You rated user rg on Sat Feb 11 21:40:38 2012, giving him a rating of 5, and supplied these additional notes: traded multiple times, awesome!. [00:05]
weex ok, this'll be good test of the centos build script [00:05]
rawrmage ;;rate ponymage 99 pony [00:05]
* MORA| has quit () [00:05]
rawrmage ;;rate ponymage 10 pony [00:05]
rg ;;rate vragnaroda 1 loves the cahk. loveeeeeees it [00:05]
* tbage ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:05]
rg Shrimp & Broccoli Alfredo [00:05]
rg mm [00:05]
rg that sounds good [00:05]
jcpham lame [00:06]
phraust damn, spaghetti sounds good. [00:06]
mircea_popescu anyone here know what zacusca is ? [00:06]
* Flargles (43ddff0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:06]
phraust cheap spaghet. [00:06]
rawrmage trichloroethylene! [00:06]
* HalcyonQc has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:06]
* tbage has quit (Client Quit) [00:06]
jcpham mephedrone [00:06]
luke-jr weex: if 0.4.4 works for you, use that [00:06]
rg you dont want that [00:07]
rg some kid took mephadrone and raped a goat [00:07]
rawrmage lol [00:07]
rg they found him naked in his room [00:07]
rg covered in blood [00:07]
rg (seriously) [00:07]
rawrmage jcpham: 4-methylmethylcathinone [00:07]
rg thats that bath salt shit [00:07]
rawrmage i wouldn't use 4-methylmethylcathinone as a bath salt [00:08]
rawrmage there are much better things for that [00:08]
rg well its sold as bath salts [00:08]
jcpham why not? [00:08]
rg people snort it [00:08]
rg i might get this pasta dish [00:08]
rawrmage why would you snort bath salts [00:08]
rg rawrmage: why would you smoke incense? [00:08]
rawrmage that's usually magnesium sulfate or smth [00:08]
mod6 haven't you seen the kid on Strange Addictions? [00:08]
jcpham because that's what the kids do now instead of take real drugs [00:08]
rg cause it gets you high. [00:08]
shades it's also legal [00:09]
rg mod6: is he addicted to eating other peoples toenails [00:09]
rawrmage rg: snorting magnesium sulfate won't get you high :P [00:09]
jcpham they designer isomers [00:09]
jcpham *take [00:09]
rg rawrmage: it'd make you shit [00:09]
rg a lot [00:09]
rg thats what i take for constipation [00:09]
mod6 not that kid, he just railed a ass load of salt and got all twacked. [00:09]
rawrmage you couldn't really snort enough mgso4 for emesis [00:09]
* rdponticelli has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [00:09]
rg 2 tablespoons [00:09]
rawrmage errrrrrrr [00:09]
mod6 started talking to trees and daemons ;) [00:09]
rg thatd be a lot [00:09]
rg it doesnt taste good [00:09]
rg you can also die if you OD [00:10]
* rdponticelli ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:10]
rg thats why i only take it once a month [00:10]
jcpham i've heard of it but do not know yet which stores sell the bath salts [00:10]
rg (magnesium not bath salts) [00:10]
rg jcpham: you dont need stores anymore [00:10]
rawrmage rg: do you really want to /snort/ 2 tablespoons of magnesium sulfate [00:10]
rg we're on the internet [00:10]
rawrmage heptahydrate [00:10]
rg jcpham: ive been looking for you [00:10]
rg but now i dont remember why [00:10]
jcpham i'm afraid of buying drugs online [00:10]
rg OH [00:10]
rg now i do [00:10]
rawrmage that'd raep your nose [00:10]
shades jcpham: then don't do it [00:10]
rg i still need to abuse your GPU's [00:10]
rawrmage don't snort magnesium sulfate! [00:11]
rawrmage it's not a drug! [00:11]
rawrmage guys1 [00:11]
rawrmage 1111 [00:11]
rawrmage ! [00:11]
rawrmage 1oenon [00:11]
rawrmage .cycel [00:11]
* rawrmage (~servnix@pdpc/supporter/student/rawrmage) has left #bitcoin-otc [00:11]
* rawrmage (~servnix@pdpc/supporter/student/rawrmage) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:11]
rg you know what i hate? [00:11]
rg Miracle Whip [00:11]
rawrmage LOVE [00:11]
rawrmage -- [00:11]
rawrmage what do I love again [00:11]
rg miracle whip tastes like shit [00:11]
* gribble gives voice to rawrmage [00:12]
shades cool whhhhhhhhip [00:12]
rg ive been logged into AOL instant messenger for over 19 days now [00:12]
* payward___ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:12]
rg family guy isnt cool in the US anymore [00:12]
rawrmage i love ponies [00:12]
* m00p has quit (Quit: Leaving) [00:12]
rg if you like family guy youre uncool [00:12]
rawrmage pony pony pony [00:12]
rawrmage pony [00:12]
rg pony [00:12]
rawrmage pony [00:12]
jcpham I AZLSO LUV ZE PONIES [00:12]
shades stfu family guy has so many references to stuff [00:12]
shades it's a challange to catch them all [00:12]
rawrmage GOTTA CATCH EM ALL [00:12]
rawrmage [00:13]
jcpham snortle [00:13]
rg -otc poll: is family guy cool? (yes: 1, no: 0) [00:13]
rg 0 [00:13]
rg vote (0/1) [00:13]
* payward__ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [00:13]
jcpham 2 the non sequiturs are [00:13]
jcpham LOSE [00:13]
rg thats not what i asked [00:13]
rg is the amount of good episodes more than the amount of bad episodes [00:14]
rg no it is not [00:14]
rg cause it was only good for two seasons before it got cancelled [00:14]
rg when it came back stewie was gay instead of evil [00:14]
jcpham i've only seen it that one time quagmire raped the old guy [00:14]
shades gigidy gigidy [00:14]
rawrmage how many seasons will my little pony friendship is magic go for [00:14]
rg rawrmage: what channel is it even on [00:14]
rawrmage the hub [00:14]
rg its not on cartoon network [00:14]
rg the hub? [00:14]
rg what the fuck [00:14]
jcpham [00:15]
rg oh [00:15]
rg Discovery Kids [00:15]
rg hah [00:15]
rawrmage rg: "The Hub is an American digital cable and satellite television channel that launched on October 10, 2010.[1] The channel, which replaced Discovery Kids, is a joint venture of Discovery Communications, Inc. and Hasbro. The Hub airs programming primarily aimed at foals ages 6–12, drawing largely on the libraries of both parent companies." [00:15]
mcorlett ;;seen ptmhd [00:15]
gribble ptmhd was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 20 weeks, 5 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: cutout from a bill + text over it would do. query me for details [00:15]
rg rawrmage: that show is classified "E/I" [00:15]
jcpham entertaining/intense [00:16]
rg Educational/Informational [00:16]
* ptmhd (~piatok@unaffiliated/ptmhd) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:16]
rg aka infomercial for kids [00:16]
rg [00:16]
rg lol [00:16]
rg those are the people who work on teh show [00:16]
rg theyre a bunch of hipster dbags [00:16]
jcpham so rg what's the gpu requirment [00:16]
jcpham we tried that. it didn't work [00:16]
rawrmage rg: no [00:17]
* Ra0ulDuke has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:17]
rawrmage rg: MLP: FiM dropped E/I in its second season [00:17]
rg Vriendschap is betoverend!!!! [00:17]
rg jcphan: different hashes now [00:17]
rg much more important ones [00:17]
rawrmage and sethisto does not work on the show [00:17]
rawrmage he runs equestria daily [00:17]
jcpham non-zip? [00:17]
rg yeah [00:17]
rg old mysql hashes [00:17]
jcpham let's do it [00:17]
rg i was able to get about 200 million hashes/sec on cpu [00:17]
rg but i cant abuse them anymore [00:17]
rg i was only able to get 48 hrs [00:18]
rg jcpham: messaged [00:18]
* Ra0ulDuke ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:18]
* joecool (~joecool@no-sources/joecool) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:18]
rawrmage rg: did you even read the caption on the picture from the article [00:19]
rawrmage rg: ffs [00:19]
* sfantu has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [00:22]
saddambitcoin i have a vanilla visa with $47.58 on it. i'm an unrated user just getting started. i want BTC. anyone want it for 7 btc? [00:22]
shades rg: with rap music [00:22]
Staatsfeind saddambitcoin: lol, no [00:22]
rg what do you guys think [00:23]
rg chicken alfredo or shimp + chicken alfredo [00:23]
saddambitcoin :staatsfeind these vanilla visas are a real pain [00:23]
Staatsfeind I'm sure. [00:23]
rawrmage rg: pony pony ponyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [00:24]
* danieldaniel (~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:24]
* ffsket has quit () [00:26]
rg saddambitcoin: no one will take it cause you can just call and say it got stolen [00:26]
rg after they send you BTC [00:26]
rg however [00:26]
rg you could hang around and someone might need you to order food for them, etc [00:26]
rg i would do it but i just ordered [00:26]
rawrmage ;;tell Staatsfeind pony [00:27]
rawrmage rg: 5 hours before you get pregnant [00:29]
* saddambitcoin has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:29]
* stalker (~saddambit@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:29]
stalker rg: thanks for the explanation [00:30]
* stalker (~saddambit@ has left #bitcoin-otc [00:30]
* saddambitcoin (~saddambit@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:30]
* ponymage has quit (Quit: becoming oneself) [00:31]
* rawrmage is now known as ponymage [00:31]
* burnt ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:32]
burnt how the hell does this work [00:32]
burnt ? [00:32]
burnt :) [00:32]
* ponymage is now known as rawrmage [00:33]
nanotube ;;guide [00:34]
gribble Guide to using #bitcoin-otc: [00:34]
* _wald0 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:36]
* Staatsfeind has quit (Quit: leaving) [00:36]
* Staatsfeind (~markac@unaffiliated/vragnaroda) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:37]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [00:37]
* cash41 (~anonymous@gateway/tor-sasl/cash41) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:37]
vragnaroda burnt: Also, be wary of ,,fraud and especially ,,paypal [00:37]
gribble Be smart, and stay safe - follow these guidelines to avoid fraudsters: [00:37]
gribble Many popular forms of payment, such as PayPal and credit cards, allow the sender to claw back the money via a 'chargeback'. This is very undesirable for the seller of bitcoins, so you'll often have trouble convincing people to trade on these. See for comparison of payment methods. [00:37]
* ffsket ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:37]
* gribble gives voice to Staatsfeind [00:38]
* nelisky has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [00:39]
mcorlett ;;rate ptmhd 1 PP tx; no problems. [00:40]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user ptmhd has been recorded. [00:40]
burnt vragnaroda, im only interested in buying really [00:40]
Staatsfeind If you buy something, you're selling something else for it. [00:40]
Staatsfeind These are complementary. [00:40]
* semprum has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:41]
* dx has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:41]
burnt hrm, dont wana get ripped off [00:41]
nanotube yea so read the guide, check ratings, exercise due diligence, etc. [00:42]
burnt yep [00:42]
burnt reading the guid gribble gave me [00:42]
* dx ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:42]
* stalker (~saddambit@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:43]
* cyphase (~cyphase@unaffiliated/cyphase) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:43]
* saddambitcoin has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [00:45]
* stalker is now known as saddambitcoin [00:45]
mircea_popescu i like how strong btc has become [00:46]
mircea_popescu someone sells 10k in a spurt, price drops .1 and comes back in an hour. [00:46]
a5m0 buying 5970 or 6990, selling a dual 2.8ghz xeon tower server/desktop and yubikeys [00:47]
jjjrmy just put an Ad on Daily Bitcoins :) [00:47]
rawrmage Ad? [00:49]
rawrmage Ad Council? [00:49]
rawrmage Government! [00:49]
rawrmage Conspiracy! [00:49]
rawrmage GET HIM [00:49]
mircea_popescu seems like a worthless venue [00:49]
rawrmage yea an ad to sell stuff to people who are wanting free coins [00:50]
rawrmage :P [00:50]
mircea_popescu unless you're looking for cheap labour or something, what's the point. [00:50]
jjjrmy rawrmage: use your free coins to buy something :) [00:50]
rawrmage OOOO [00:50]
rawrmage a whole 0.00005 worth [00:50]
mircea_popescu you ould buy [00:50]
jjjrmy true [00:50]
mircea_popescu a used pin [00:50]
danieldaniel for bitlotto [00:52]
danieldaniel do you get your winnings immediately after you win, if you win, or when they announce it? [00:53]
* jaypeter (7aa20f4b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:53]
jjjrmy danieldaniel: how much you won? [00:53]
danieldaniel jjjrmy: I said if I win [00:53]
danieldaniel jjjrmy: :P [00:53]
* Diamond ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:54]
* nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:54]
mcorlett jjjrmy: Prepare for thousands of page views but not a single customer! [00:54]
jjjrmy mcorlett: yup :p [00:54]
* _wald0 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [00:54]
danieldaniel *watches client and hopes* [00:56]
smickles ;;ping [00:56]
mcorlett smickles: pong [00:56]
* gribble_authenti (b2f81d85@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:57]
Cory danieldaniel: You entered for March's drawing, right? [00:57]
danieldaniel Cory: yeah [00:57]
Cory He usually waits a few days after the announcement before he sends the funds. [00:58]
Cory You could probably check if you won right now. [00:58]
* gribble_authenti is now known as gribble_real [00:58]
danieldaniel whattt [00:58]
danieldaniel March 7 winner will be announced soon! Jackpot was over 100 BTC!! [00:58]
mcorlett ;;ticker [00:58]
gribble Best bid: 4.94032, Best ask: 4.94033, Bid-ask spread: 1.00000000005e-05, Last trade: 4.94032, 24 hour volume: 45760, 24 hour low: 4.84, 24 hour high: 5.0589 [00:58]
danieldaniel what does soon mean? :( [00:58]
smickles mcorlett: ,,voiceme [00:58]
* gribble gives voice to smickles [00:58]
jjjrmy danieldaniel: if you win how much are you gonna give me :) [00:59]
danieldaniel jjjrmy: Ill give you 10 if I win [00:59]
jjjrmy danieldaniel: sweeet! I'll use it for a good cause, like improving my site. [00:59]
danieldaniel but i'm 99% not gonna win [00:59]
danieldaniel actually [00:59]
danieldaniel more than 99% [00:59]
* errydayimgenerat ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:59]
mcorlett ;;ticker [01:00]
gribble Best bid: 4.94032, Best ask: 4.94261, Bid-ask spread: 0.00229, Last trade: 4.94032, 24 hour volume: 45763, 24 hour low: 4.84, 24 hour high: 5.0589 [01:00]
gribble_real Best bid: 31.14232, Best ask: 31.14311, Bid-ask spread: 1.00000000005e-05, Last trade: 31.14242, 24 hour volume: 425760, 24 hour low: 30.74146, 24 hour high: 31.14311 [01:00]
Cory danieldaniel: [01:00]
jjjrmy wtf is @gribble and gribble_real? [01:00]
danieldaniel Cory: oh [01:00]
danieldaniel gribble_real: ttt [01:01]
Cory I don't know if they drew the lottery yet, but if they did you can check if you won. [01:01]
gribble_real gribble: June flashback edition [01:01]
danieldaniel lmao [01:01]
danieldaniel Cory: on their homepage [01:01]
danieldaniel ohhhhh [01:01]
danieldaniel I get it [01:01]
* gribble gives voice to errydayimgenerat [01:02]
* Zarutian has quit (Quit: Zarutian) [01:02]
errydayimgenerat seeking short term usd wells fargo loan with 25% return in less than a week, or selling btc for WF -> WF wire or cash deposit [01:02]
gribble_real gtg ladies [01:02]
* gribble_real (b2f81d85@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-otc [01:02]
danieldaniel lolwat [01:02]
danieldaniel errydayimgenerat: wire loan OK? [01:03]
danieldaniel if not wf? [01:03]
errydayimgenerat eh i'll be able to pay it back by the time it comes in [01:03]
danieldaniel lol [01:03]
danieldaniel How do I find the trans hash? [01:04]
danieldaniel XD [01:04]
danieldaniel I don't even know what address I sent from D: [01:04]
rawrmage trans hash? [01:05]
danieldaniel transaction [01:05]
rawrmage i didn't think you were into drugs danieldaniel [01:05]
rawrmage oh [01:05]
danieldaniel lolwat [01:05]
smickles ;;view 7096 [01:05]
gribble #7096 Tue Mar 6 21:34:31 2012 smickles SELL 1.0 Depositary Receipt @ 0.1 BTC (I can do any amount (positive integer). This DR represents the underlying asset MPOE.ETF on GLBSE. I will act as a holding agent for anyone who doesn't want to use GLBSE to purchase shares of the fund. [01:05]
danieldaniel rawrmage: >.> [01:05]
danieldaniel rawrmage: umadbrosif [01:06]
rawrmage brosif muna [01:06]
danieldaniel me gusta [01:06]
rawrmage ;;google sif muna [01:06]
danieldaniel ;;action suck on rawrmage [01:06]
danieldaniel ;;ident [01:06]
danieldaniel gribble: UMADBRO [01:07]
rawrmage danieldaniel: [01:07]
* gribble gives voice to danieldaniel [01:07]
danieldaniel lol [01:07]
gribble Sif Muna - CrawlWiki: ; Talk:Sif Muna - CrawlWiki: ; User:Neil/SEEE of Sif Muna - CrawlWiki: [01:07]
* mcorlett has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [01:07]
* errydayimgenerat has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [01:08]
* muff1nman (~muffinman@gateway/tor-sasl/muff1nman) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:08]
jjjrmy already 1000 impressions and no orders, lol. [01:09]
danieldaniel How do I find a transaction id from my client? :( [01:09]
* Elio19 has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:09]
* kliffen (50d5b947@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:10]
* mcorlett (u5652@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:10]
danieldaniel *goes through all my addys on block explorer* [01:11]
* yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [01:11]
* malkauns has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:12]
* malkauns (~neil@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:12]
* errydayimgenerat ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:12]
* malkauns_ (~neil@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:13]
* paraipan_ (~paraipan@gateway/tor-sasl/paraipanakos) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:13]
* nathan7 has quit (Quit: Reconnecting) [01:14]
* hexTech has quit (Quit: -) [01:14]
* nathan7 (nathan@unaffiliated/nathan7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:15]
* saddambitcoin (~saddambit@ has left #bitcoin-otc [01:15]
* malkauns has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [01:17]
* Flargles has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:17]
* paraipan has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [01:17]
* mb300sd (~mb300sd@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:17]
* benjamindees has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:18]
* nathan7_ (nathan@unaffiliated/nathan7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:18]
* nathan7_ has quit (Client Quit) [01:19]
danieldaniel *: y u no talk [01:20]
smickles danieldaniel: stop talking to your asshole [01:22]
smickles ;) [01:22]
danieldaniel smickles: umadbrosif [01:22]
danieldaniel methinks umad [01:23]
smickles naw, just making a joke [01:24]
ffsket smickles: im going to go out and grab another MP, this time, i will have the receipt..down to trade in say, an hour? [01:25]
* fjodde has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:25]
smickles ffsket: what price are we talking about? [01:25]
ffsket 100 [01:26]
ffsket or per coin? [01:27]
danieldaniel ffsket: 100 per coin? Ill do that! [01:27]
smickles ffsket: i was wondering per coin [01:27]
ffsket 4.90 fair? [01:28]
ffsket im going by cbx... [01:28]
* pho| has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [01:29]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Staatsfeind [01:29]
danieldaniel did I hear [01:29]
danieldaniel an OP?!?!? [01:29]
* elmom has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [01:29]
smickles ffsket: let me check what i need [01:29]
ffsket smickles: scratch the today, idea, anywho [01:30]
danieldaniel wait, oh shit [01:30]
* danieldaniel hides [01:30]
ffsket it will end up being tmr [01:30]
ffsket w [01:30]
ffsket girl has my car [01:30]
ffsket :/ [01:30]
ffsket or later today, rather [01:30]
ffsket dunno [01:30]
Staatsfeind dan²: What's the plural of octopus? [01:30]
Cory Is "op" (as in IRC channel operator) supposed to be capitalized? Or are people confusing it with "original poster" or whatever? [01:30]
ffsket but yeah, i usually just go by cbx price, as thats what ive used in the past [01:30]
Staatsfeind Cory: It ought not be capitalized but that's the least of dandan's transgressions. [01:31]
Cory Lots of people capitalize it. [01:31]
Cory Or maybe danieldaniel just talk a lot. :P [01:31]
ffsket is silk road frowned upon or welcomed in this community? [01:31]
danieldaniel Cory: wut [01:31]
* Flargles_ (5413a9e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:31]
smickles ffsket: ok, well, if we are on at the same time tomorrow, we'll talk [01:32]
* Flargles_ has quit (Client Quit) [01:32]
Cory ffsket: Some ops can be testy. :P [01:32]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:32]
* pho| (~pho@unaffiliated/pho/x-6551342) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:32]
* Flargles_ (5413a9e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:32]
Cory Just don't go around saying you're buying drugs with it. [01:32]
* elmom ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:32]
smickles ffsket: SR is a bit taboo [01:33]
* chk` (~noob@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:34]
* Welcome ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:34]
* hngryhngryhippo has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [01:34]
* saddambitcoin ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:34]
* Shaded has quit (Client Quit) [01:35]
Staatsfeind ffsket: SR is neither. They are expensive. Do not advocate illegal activity. Do not discuss your plans for illegal activity. [01:35]
* EvanR has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:35]
errydayimgenerat ;;voiceme [01:35]
* gribble gives voice to errydayimgenerat [01:35]
errydayimgenerat seeking short term usd wells fargo loan with 25% return in less than a week, or selling btc for WF -> WF wire or cash deposit [01:35]
* SO_STUPID has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [01:36]
* mb300sd has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:36]
Staatsfeind ffsket: Most people in here probably favor the existence of things like Silk Road, but -otc isn't the place for advocacy and their prices (I'm told ;)) are ridiculously high. [01:36]
smickles yeah, freedom is awesome, but this is freenode, we abide by their rules [01:37]
Cory Not too high, I'm told, for many foreigners. [01:37]
chk` i love buying drugs from the internet police! [01:37]
pigeons and perhaps safer than the streets [01:37]
Cory smickles: Which don't include anything about not talking about Silk Road. [01:37]
smickles Cory: as you can probably see, we talk about SR [01:38]
* androSnake ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:38]
Staatsfeind Cory: Freenode's rules do mention that channels ought to be topical. :þ [01:38]
* saddambitcoin has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [01:39]
errydayimgenerat bleh [01:39]
errydayimgenerat wheres mah wells fargo-ers [01:39]
Staatsfeind In the Old West. :þ [01:40]
errydayimgenerat or so it would appear [01:40]
* malkauns_ is now known as malkauns [01:40]
Staatsfeind Everytime someone mentions Wells Fargo, I think of stagecoach and train robberies in old Westerns. [01:40]
errydayimgenerat fucking i wish it didn't take 3 days to get my lazy ass to fedex offic [01:40]
smickles Cory: SR is a bit taboo b/c it's assumed that it's a haven for illegal activity, [01:40]
errydayimgenerat wire would be coming intomorrow [01:40]
Staatsfeind smickles: Nonsense. [01:40]
errydayimgenerat and i would have to be scoping loans at ridiculous rates [01:41]
Staatsfeind Just don't tell us what you buy there (unless it's one of those T-shirts). [01:41]
* Flargles_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) [01:41]
* charlierlee (43a07586@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:41]
* gheorghe has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:42]
smickles i don't buy anything there, and have only visited the place once to see what all the fuss was about [01:42]
Staatsfeind Sure, smickles. [01:43]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:43]
smickles it was unappealing [01:43]
phungus mmm finally gonna get to try some OG Kush [01:43]
phungus woohoo [01:43]
errydayimgenerat weed names are silly [01:43]
phungus and that is medical and legal in my state :-) [01:43]
smickles not by federal law [01:44]
phungus no, but there are no feds here [01:44]
* Staatsfeind has kicked phungus from #bitcoin-otc (I've told you before not to do that shit in this channel) [01:44]
* phungus (~phungus@unaffiliated/phungus) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:44]
phungus wtf? [01:44]
phungus I'm not doing anything wrong? [01:44]
Cory errydayimgenerat: [01:44]
* saddambitcoin (~saddambit@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:44]
Staatsfeind You are. [01:44]
phungus I was talking about MMJ which is legal here [01:44]
phungus not anything else [01:44]
phungus it's legal in 16 US states [01:45]
phungus and in many countries [01:45]
* StewieMcFluffy (5413a9e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:45]
phungus and I'm not advertising [01:45]
phungus or anything like that [01:45]
nathan7 There's #bitcoin-drugs, phungus. [01:45]
androSnake lol [01:46]
Staatsfeind No, it isn't. [01:46]
nathan7 Talk about your cannabis there. [01:46]
androSnake x) [01:46]
phungus I'll shutup though because of the rampant insecurity here [01:46]
* psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving) [01:46]
Staatsfeind ;;wp Gonzalez v. Raich [01:46]
gribble | Gonzales v. Raich (previously Ashcroft v. Raich), 545 U.S. 1 (2005), was a decision by the United States Supreme Court ruling that under the Commerce Clause ... [01:46]
androSnake phungus, hre is really not the best place to talk about hemp ,9 [01:46]
rg s1 [01:46]
errydayimgenerat hemp isn't really cannabis [01:46]
phungus yeah, lots of anti-stoners here [01:46]
rawrmage rg: s2 [01:46]
* saddambitcoin (~saddambit@ has left #bitcoin-otc [01:47]
phungus f1 [01:47]
androSnake that doesnt mather! [01:47]
Staatsfeind androSnake: Hemp is fine. Hemp can imported. Just don't try selling seeds to people in the U.S. or other countries that ban its cultivation. [01:47]
rawrmage hemp is a wonderful industrial plant [01:47]
danieldaniel oh emm gee [01:47]
rg dont mock me [01:47]
rg ùíù Aliases: [01:47]
rg S window swap $0 [01:47]
Staatsfeind The largest industrial user of hemp last I knew was actually Ford and they imported it all from Canada. [01:48]
androSnake lol [01:48]
rawrmage ùíù [01:48]
androSnake #ford motors :-OO ? [01:48]
androSnake -# [01:48]
phungus the US government made parachute straps out of it [01:48]
danieldaniel obaidergai [01:48]
phungus and other items [01:49]
Staatsfeind The U.S. government made a lot of things out of it. [01:49]
rawrmage bye danieldaniel [01:49]
phungus you can buy hemp seed at the grocery store [01:49]
Staatsfeind Or rather, contracted the making of a lot of things out of it. [01:49]
phungus and hemp oil [01:49]
phungus and lip balm [01:49]
androSnake i lovve hemp oil [01:49]
mircea_popescu [01:49]
Staatsfeind Yes, but not hemp seed suitable for agriculture. [01:49]
mircea_popescu this is pretty awesome. [01:49]
errydayimgenerat seeking short term usd wells fargo loan with 25% return in less than a week, or selling btc for WF -> WF wire or cash deposit [01:49]
phungus no [01:49]
phungus not viable seeds [01:49]
mircea_popescu negative balance btc address in blockexplorer [01:49]
Staatsfeind In any case, this is wonderfully off-topic. [01:50]
phungus yes, of course [01:50]
androSnake agree [01:50]
phungus as usual [01:50]
phungus doesn't deserve kicking [01:50]
* da2ce7 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:50]
* bicyclehead (18b16628@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:50]
rawrmage Staatsfeind: let's talk about qualia [01:50]
Staatsfeind Off-topic doesn't mean kickworthy; it just means off-topic. [01:50]
Staatsfeind rawrmage: Go clop yourself. [01:51]
rawrmage that's a quale [01:51]
* rawrmage goes to find links for -nsfw [01:52]
errydayimgenerat clop clop clop clop [01:52]
Staatsfeind Oh gawd, I should not have said that. [01:52]
phungus you want to go to and look at the FEMEN protest photos [01:52]
phungus if you want NSFW [01:52]
phungus lovely pissed off hot russian babes [01:53]
* nicksynicksy has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:53]
rawrmage Staatsfeind: you know you want it [01:53]
phungus [01:53]
errydayimgenerat femen? [01:53]
* Staatsfeind has kicked phungus from #bitcoin-otc (No.) [01:53]
androSnake we dont want ;) [01:54]
* phungus (~phungus@unaffiliated/phungus) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:54]
rg cryptsetup: WARNING: failed to detect canonical device of /dev/sdb2 [01:54]
rg cryptsetup: WARNING: could not determine root device from /etc/fstab [01:54]
androSnake ..words like that here [01:54]
rg what the fuck [01:54]
phungus dude [01:54]
phungus they protest things in Russia [01:54]
rg why is it looking at my fstab [01:54]
androSnake rofl [01:54]
phungus and this is cryptome [01:54]
phungus fucking a [01:54]
* charlierlee has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:54]
* pho| has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:54]
phungus what kind of nerd are you? [01:54]
Staatsfeind You explicitly even said it was NSFW and then you posted it. [01:54]
androSnake what kind of crap are u posting ? [01:54]
phungus well yah [01:54]
Staatsfeind See the guidelines in the topic. [01:54]
phungus I was warning everyone [01:54]
phungus oh geez [01:54]
phungus ok nevermind [01:54]
phungus I am done with this channel [01:54]
androSnake please go away [01:54]
androSnake rofl [01:55]
androSnake I am done with this channel [01:55]
androSnake xDD [01:55]
androSnake and we are done with you ;) [01:55]
Staatsfeind phungus: That's what #bitcoin-otc-nsfw is for. [01:55]
Staatsfeind (Well, that and clop.) [01:55]
phungus oh fuck you and your 1000 channels [01:55]
phungus haha [01:55]
phungus I have like 33 open right now [01:56]
Staatsfeind Well, I made #bitcoin-otc-nsfw because there has to be somewhere for nonprudes. There are minors in this channel, though. [01:56]
nathan7 Hmm? [01:57]
Staatsfeind (Known, too; there may be in #bitcoin-otc-nsfw but they're misbehaving and we can't stop that.) [01:57]
Staatsfeind nathan7: What? [01:57]
nathan7 "There are minors in this channel, though." [01:57]
nathan7 I was grinning at that [01:58]
jjjrmy nathan7: there are. [01:58]
nathan7 jjjrmy: I know, I'm right here. [01:58]
nathan7 People put too much significance into protecting "innocent minds" [01:58]
Staatsfeind nathan7: Yes. Incidents like rg hilighting a known minor and giving him a link to gay porn made the rules change somewhat. [01:59]
jjjrmy Staatsfeind: lol [01:59]
* pho| (~pho@unaffiliated/pho/x-6551342) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:59]
Staatsfeind If I were 12 and on here, I (a) wouldn't tell anyone I was 12 and (b) would also be in #bitcoin-otc-nsfw [01:59]
nathan7 Well, maybe the dumbshit will learn to use elinks then. [01:59]
Staatsfeind androSnake: Don't PM me. [01:59]
androSnake ok [01:59]
androSnake i was wondering, i give 0,9995 BTC to an acc and after done it is 1,0BTC [02:00]
jjjrmy androSnake: we can try that with my account, send me .9995BTC and we'll see [02:00]
androSnake rofl [02:00]
smickles #bitcoin-auctions is getting so much better [02:00]
* nathan7 auctions smickles off [02:01]
androSnake ;;getrating jjjrmy [02:01]
smickles nathan7: do it in the proper channel [02:01]
Cory Is there a reason to have both #bitcoin-auction and #bitcoin-auctions? [02:01]
luke-jr [02:01]
nathan7 Oh, sorry. [02:01]
jjjrmy Cory: one is made by coingenuity, another by another Onefixit [02:01]
Cory Yeah. Seems inefficient. [02:02]
luke-jr I'd like to take this opportunity to announce [02:02]
luke-jr #bitcoin-auctionhouse [02:02]
jjjrmy ;;getrating jjjrmy [02:02]
bicyclehead so does anyone actually trade btc? [02:03]
androSnake it doenst work [02:03]
luke-jr bicyclehead: maybe. [02:03]
luke-jr bicyclehead: what are you going to trade? [02:03]
ptmhd I trade Zimbabwe $ [02:03]
ptmhd 100 trillion fresh uncirculated $ for 1 btc [02:04]
luke-jr isn't TP worth more? [02:04]
jjjrmy ptmhd: that's about 0.1 USD [02:04]
bicyclehead I'm just figuring this shit out but I would trade moneypak [02:04]
* EvanR ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:04]
* StewieMcFluffy has quit (Quit: Page closed) [02:04]
luke-jr bicyclehead: how much moneypak you got? [02:04]
ptmhd they are collectors items now. not valid since 2009 [02:04]
* EvanR is now known as Guest63380 [02:05]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [02:05]
* Staatsfeind has quit (Quit: 또 봐요.) [02:05]
* StewieMcFluffy (5413a9e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:05]
errydayimgenerat seeking short term usd wells fargo loan with 25% return in less than a week, or selling btc for WF -> WF wire or cash deposit [02:05]
bicyclehead none right now, like I said I'm still trying to figure it out so I haven't bought any [02:06]
* att has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [02:06]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:06]
mircea_popescu cory : actually might come in handy if people get into auctions [02:07]
mircea_popescu spreads the load. [02:07]
* burnt has quit (Quit: Leaving) [02:07]
luke-jr anyone want to get rid of PPUSD? [02:07]
Cory How much? [02:07]
luke-jr Cory: if you do over $75, I'll do it 1:1 [02:08]
luke-jr (for MTGUSD) [02:08]
Welcome ill take some mtgox =) [02:09]
luke-jr ;;getrating Welcome [02:09]
gribble This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. [02:09]
bicyclehead ;;getrating luke-jr [02:10]
mircea_popescu like 100 luke ? [02:10]
luke-jr mircea_popescu: sure [02:11]
Welcome how much can you do [02:12]
Welcome astana [02:12]
luke-jr Welcome: you have no rating. [02:13]
chk` "The BTC per block award is expected to drop from 50 to 25 BTC per block sometime in late 2012" [02:13]
chk` is this true ^ [02:13]
Raccoon it's not 'expected'. [02:13]
chk` then what is it [02:14]
Raccoon It's mandated by math and programming logic. [02:14]
luke-jr chk`: it's guaranteed [02:14]
gmaxwell It will drop from 50 to 25 at block 210000. This is a fact not a guess. [02:14]
Raccoon every 4 years it will half. [02:14]
Raccoon until miners are paid strictly from transaction fees alone [02:14]
gmaxwell It's part of the rules built into the protocol, this rule is why the supply of bitcoin is finite. [02:14]
luke-jr unless there's suddenly 25 BTC worth of transaction fees per block… [02:14]
Raccoon which may happen to start [02:15]
gmaxwell The exact date block 210000 will fall on can only be estimated though. [02:15]
Raccoon well, it's a pretty good guess. [02:15]
Raccoon the exact minute is up for grabs. [02:15]
chk` thats gonna suck for miners :( [02:15]
Raccoon within a half hour we can tell [02:15]
luke-jr chk`: all the GPU miners for profit may quit suddenly. :p [02:16]
mircea_popescu is it that precise raccoon ? (santorum) [02:16]
Raccoon doubtful [02:16]
luke-jr OR, the price of Bitcoin could rise to compensate. [02:16]
* Raccoon explodes into a frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter. [02:16]
chk` wouldnt that make mining for bitcoins unprofitable? [02:16]
chk` yeah thats true luke-jr [02:16]
Raccoon chk`: transaction fees. [02:16]
luke-jr chk`: with GPUs, if the price stays the same [02:16]
luke-jr chk`: I can mine profitably below $1/BTC even at 25 BTC/block [02:16]
luke-jr it *will* break Eligius tho [02:16]
luke-jr unless I fix it [02:17]
mircea_popescu luke : pm. [02:17]
Raccoon chk`: once miners feel their work is too valuable, they'll start rejecting transactions with no fees awarded to them. [02:17]
rg suckin on my titties like you wanted me callin me [02:17]
Raccoon You may eventually have to wait days, weeks or months to push a fee free transaction through [02:17]
* rg builds a tiny cluster [02:17]
errydayimgenerat seeking short term usd wells fargo loan with 25% return in less than a week, or selling btc for WF -> WF wire or cash deposit [02:17]
rg anyone with a linux x86-64 box awnna join my cluster? [02:17]
rg needs to be newer AMD/Xeon [02:17]
chk` Raccoon :( [02:17]
chk` i was hoping for some good news lol [02:18]
* Welcome has quit (Quit: Leaving) [02:18]
Raccoon the good news is, the people writing the ledgers wont get tired and go away. [02:18]
chk` what are ledgers? [02:18]
* SO_STUPID (~Welcome@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:18]
Raccoon the block chain is one big ledger [02:19]
mircea_popescu a ledger is just a list of transactions [02:19]
Raccoon the miners are people filling in the lines of that ledger [02:19]
chk` oh okay [02:19]
Raccoon if their hands get tired from doing it for cheap, they'll raise their price [02:19]
* tgmarks (63ac5bc7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:20]
mircea_popescu since there's no particular extra work to carry a transaction or not [02:20]
rg so.. no one wants to join my cluster? [02:20]
rg FINE [02:20]
mircea_popescu they might set an arbitrary price [02:20]
errydayimgenerat i'd join your cluster [02:20]
* hngryhngryhippo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:20]
luke-jr ;;remove [02:20]
gribble (remove ) -- Remove an outstanding order by . [02:20]
luke-jr ;;view [02:20]
gribble #7105 Wed Mar 7 08:09:11 2012 luke-jr SELL 100.0 MTGUSD @ 1 PPUSD (Trusted members only. Minimum 75 USD at 1:1 rate.) [02:20]
luke-jr ;;remove 7105 [02:20]
gribble Order 7105 removed. [02:20]
rg ùíù CTCP VERSION reply from errydayimgenerat: xchat 2.8.7d Windows 6.1 [i686/2.10GHz] [02:20]
rg you cant [02:20]
rg you need to be in linux + be able to mount a NFS [02:20]
mircea_popescu ;;rate luke-jr 2 bought some mtgox [02:20]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user luke-jr has been recorded. [02:20]
chsados why cant the WOT be webbased as well? [02:20]
luke-jr ;;rated mircea_popescu [02:20]
gribble You have not yet rated user mircea_popescu [02:20]
rg chsados: it is [02:20]
luke-jr ;;rate mircea_popescu 1 I sold him 100 MTGUSD at 1:1 for PPUSD [02:21]
errydayimgenerat hence [02:21]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user mircea_popescu has been recorded. [02:21]
chsados you can rate people on the website? [02:21]
errydayimgenerat i would [02:21]
* payward____ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:21]
rg no [02:22]
rg why would you rate people on the website [02:22]
rg youre already on IRC [02:22]
chsados more user friendly [02:22]
chsados easier for noobs [02:22]
chsados thus better community [02:22]
rg more noobs != better [02:22]
chsados why you say that? [02:22]
chsados where talking irc noobs. irc is kinda the thing of the past [02:22]
rg WHAT [02:23]
* payward___ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [02:23]
chsados lol [02:23]
rg judas [02:23]
rg gtfo [02:23]
chsados i knew id get flamed lol [02:23]
chsados you know what im saying though? [02:23]
rg IRC is the only pure form of internet chat left [02:23]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc [09:14]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe [09:14]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Sun Feb 26 06:25:27 2012 [09:14]
* Cam (~i@trivialand/staff/Cam) has joined #bitcoin-otc [09:14]
* Chaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [09:17]
* StewieMcFluffy_ has quit (Quit: MEOW!) [09:19]
* Guest40374 is now known as coingenuity [09:22]
* coingenuity has quit (Changing host) [09:22]
* coingenuity (~coingenui@unaffiliated/coingenuity) has joined #bitcoin-otc [09:22]
* smickles is now known as freen0de [09:25]
* freen0de is now known as smickles [09:25]
mircea_popescu so did weex practically pull a runner in the end ? [09:25]
mircea_popescu wbx im sorry, nohing to do with weex [09:25]
MBS so i guess whats-his-name got his plane ticket somewhere else :( [09:26]
* Kartrohm is now known as Kartrohm_afk [09:26]
* StewieMcFluffy_ (~Stewie@gateway/tor-sasl/stewiemcfluffy) has joined #bitcoin-otc [09:26]
* splatster has quit (Quit: I've got 99 problems; they're all bitches.) [09:27]
* dserrano5 (~9dsd9s9da@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [09:29]
* SO_STUPID (~Welcome@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [09:29]
Valalvax So you're buying games at best buy and selling them on amazon? [09:30]
Valalvax Why the hell have I not been doing this?! [09:30]
Valalvax (as a technical note, and I don't really give a shit either way, it's illegal to buy things with coupons for resell) [09:31]
mircea_popescu illegal ? [09:31]
mircea_popescu illegal is not what happens when you breach a contract with some corporation [09:31]
mircea_popescu corporations ARE NOT the fucking government. [09:31]
* bitcoin-goldRobo (~bitcoin-g@unaffiliated/coingenuity/bot/bitcoin-goldrobo) has joined #bitcoin-otc [09:33]
* emmanuelux has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [09:33]
MBS though i wish we had more than one best buy here, lol [09:37]
MBS will have to try and avoid getting same clerks, lol [09:37]
vragnaroda Valalvax: That's not illegal and s/resell/resale/ [09:38]
* StewieMcFluffy__ (~Stewie@gateway/tor-sasl/stewiemcfluffy) has joined #bitcoin-otc [09:40]
* StewieMcFluffy__ (~Stewie@gateway/tor-sasl/stewiemcfluffy) has left #bitcoin-otc [09:41]
* charlierlee has quit (Quit: Page closed) [09:42]
SO_STUPID anyone got a yubi key for sale? [09:45]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [09:46]
* StewieMcFluffy__ (~Stewie@gateway/tor-sasl/stewiemcfluffy) has joined #bitcoin-otc [09:49]
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coingenuity SO_STUPID: there's one for auction in #bitcoin-auctions right now [09:50]
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coingenuity SO_STUPID: auction number 63 [09:53]
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SO_STUPID anyone got a yubi key for sale? [09:56]
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phantomcircuit Valalvax, lol wat no its not [10:02]
* StewieMcFluffy_ (~Stewie@gateway/tor-sasl/stewiemcfluffy) has joined #bitcoin-otc [10:02]
vragnaroda phantomcircuit: I like that three people lolwutted that and commented on it. [10:02]
SO_STUPID that lying snitch [10:03]
vragnaroda SO_STUPID: Please stop that. [10:03]
SO_STUPID you believe him [10:04]
SO_STUPID how much does he owe you [10:04]
vragnaroda I don't believe anything. [10:04]
SO_STUPID devious prick [10:04]
tomoj ;;view 7119 [10:05]
gribble #7119 Wed Mar 7 21:30:03 2012 tomoj BUY 16.0 BTC @ 5.3135 PPUSD (None) [10:05]
mircea_popescu i like that too vragnaroda [10:06]
mircea_popescu so i look in mail, there's 587 emails in there THIS MONTH. all without exception yahoo undelivered mail notifications [10:07]
mircea_popescu those fucking asshats created an RFC for themselves, why do people not just mailnull them ? [10:07]
mircea_popescu yahoo mail should be dropped outright. [10:08]
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* vragnaroda removes channel operator status from vragnaroda [10:18]
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a5m0 ;;getrating SO_STUPID [10:23]
vragnaroda [10:23]
vragnaroda ;;ident SO_STUPID [10:24]
gribble Nick 'SO_STUPID', with hostmask 'SO_STUPID!~Welcome@', is not identified. [10:24]
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* Justasic (~Justasic@unaffiliated/justasic) has joined #bitcoin-otc [10:29]
MBS anyone interested in a pair of these for 4.2 BTC? [10:29]
coingenuity MBS: throw em up in an auction :D [10:30]
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splatster oh fuck [10:44]
vragnaroda ;;action fucks splatster. [10:45]
* gribble fucks splatster. [10:45]
splatster my plugin fucked me over for gribble :( [10:45]
`g hai [10:45]
splatster [1:43 AM] voiceme [10:45]
splatster [1:43 AM] You've given me 12 commands within the last minute; I'm now ignoring you for 5 minutes. [10:45]
splatster FML [10:45]
splatster `g: Hi [10:45]
vragnaroda Oh, in that case, perfect! [10:45]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to vragnaroda [10:45]
`g splatster: you've been gribble-rolled i guess [10:45]
* vragnaroda sets mode +q #bitcoin-otc splatster!*@* [10:45]
vragnaroda Mwahaha. [10:46]
* vragnaroda sets mode -q #bitcoin-otc splatster!*@* [10:46]
splatster :( [10:46]
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mircea_popescu hmm, i can't load mtgox ? [10:50]
splatster mircea_popescu: They don't like you. [10:51]
mircea_popescu srsly, is it down ? [10:51]
errydayimgenerat no [10:51]
vragnaroda It's loading from here. [10:51]
mircea_popescu that's weird, im just getting a blank page [10:51]
spawn- Selling BTC for PPUSD or LRUSD :) [10:51]
vragnaroda It did make me agree to their new T&C to log in, though. [10:52]
mircea_popescu meh, wget sees it but browser does not. wtf is going on here [10:52]
* gagecolton (~gagecolto@gateway/tor-sasl/gagecolton) has joined #bitcoin-otc [10:52]
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mircea_popescu gah my bs firewall mangling https [10:56]
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MBS 12 month xbox live code for auction in #bitcoin-auctions, #82 [10:59]
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rg oh man [11:01]
a5m0 MBS, we need to find a better market, none of our stuff sells :( [11:01]
rg this pen just just got interesting [11:01]
MBS lol [11:01]
rg so they have this box, its a stock CentOS box [11:02]
rg no outgoing enabled @ router level [11:02]
rg so i didnt have an interactive shell, just the PHP shell i got from owning their MySQL pw [11:02]
rg and using PHP admin [11:02]
rg er [11:02]
* coyo has quit (Quit: Heaven isnt a place, Bartleby, it's being with people who love you.) [11:02]
rg phpmyadmin to cahnge the joomla admin pw [11:02]
rg then i uploaded a backdoor plugin [11:02]
rg so i ran this exploit, changed its shellcode to redirect 443/tcp to localhost:22 [11:02]
rg from a certain src ip [11:02]
rg so i can ssh in, done, echo'd in a key im root now with a full ssh [11:03]
rg AND [11:03]
MBS would love to sell this code on amazon, but would have a slight loss after shipping, not to mention amazons huge cut [11:03]
rg i found that i can bind other IP's on the network [11:03]
* StewieMcFluffy_ (~Stewie@gateway/tor-sasl/stewiemcfluffy) has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:03]
rg ones that arent so firewalled [11:03]
rg :) [11:03]
rg firewall fails once again. [11:03]
rg security: 1 [11:03]
rg firewall: 0 [11:03]
charlierlee ;;ident charlierlee [11:03]
gribble Nick 'charlierlee', with hostmask 'charlierlee!~gagecolto@gateway/tor-sasl/gagecolton', is identified as user charlierlee, with GPG key id 8BDA7ABE18034912, and key fingerprint 627DAD9C7059A08C2CB00BF78BDA7ABE18034912. [11:03]
mircea_popescu mmm [11:04]
mircea_popescu seems it has little to do with firewall [11:04]
mircea_popescu it's the bind being left open that's the problem [11:04]
a5m0 you should pentest that big wall at 4.90 [11:05]
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* sfantu (~sfantu@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:06]
mircea_popescu there's something i don't quite grasp about btc market. 2 examples : [11:06]
* nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:06]
mircea_popescu 1. people complained about my spreads being too wide. i said hey, you just say that, but if you could put your money in the middle you stuill wouldn't. people;'d say o no, for sure would. i added short sell. nobody went in the middle. [11:07]
mircea_popescu and i forget what the 2nd example is, but in the same vein [11:07]
mircea_popescu seems market is still rather inefficient [11:08]
MBS rg, sounds like their firewall was fail in the first place [11:08]
rg well [11:09]
rg people who hide behind a fw are dumb [11:09]
rg firewalls should be a last line of defence [11:09]
MBS even allowing you to access phpmyadmin was a mistake [11:09]
MBS rg, well firewalls can be effective [11:10]
a5m0 phpmyadmin is a mistake [11:10]
rg even if they didnt have PhpMyAdmin [11:10]
rg they were fucked anyway [11:10]
MBS oh, port scanning, nullrouted [11:10]
MBS oh, trying to access port 22, nullrouted [11:10]
rg but they did have good passwords [11:10]
MBS oh, trying several nonexistant suspicous urls, nullrouted [11:10]
rg i will give them that [11:10]
rg i cant wait to submit this!! [11:10]
MBS how did you crack their passwords? [11:11]
MBS oh wait was it the mysql 4.1 password from earlier? [11:11]
rg with a cracker.. :P [11:11]
rg no [11:11]
rg i forgot to chekc something [11:11]
MBS oh, lol [11:11]
rg they had their webroot world read [11:11]
rg i just read it from the config.php [11:11]
rg but it wasnt world-writable which was a shame [11:11]
MBS lol [11:12]
rg otherwise i woulda just wrote the shell from phpmyadmin but it wasnt so i had to add a fake joomla plugin [11:12]
MBS so how did you get to the config.php? [11:12]
* kish is now known as KillJohnMcCain [11:12]
MBS back when i was working on my site which is now canceled, only accessable ports were pretty much HTTP, SSL HTTP, and a few email ones if you werent on my IP [11:14]
rg oh [11:16]
rg i leveraged this all from a simple SQL injection [11:16]
rg and some poor configurations [11:16]
rg thats how i do [11:16]
mircea_popescu rg : wanna own mine ? :D [11:17]
rg i think i already tries [11:18]
rg tried* [11:18]
mircea_popescu didn't get too far ? [11:18]
rg your site suffers some simplicity [11:18]
rg from*& [11:18]
rg which exempts you from being owned [11:18]
rg as your site doesnt use any new technologies [11:19]
mircea_popescu myea. [11:19]
mircea_popescu i know, im a sucker. [11:19]
draco49 mircea_popescu, you simpleton! [11:19]
rg well im really proud of myself [11:19]
rg these dudes are gonna be pissed when they wake up [11:19]
mircea_popescu well done yeh. [11:20]
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draco49 You got the "job well-done" look on your face? [11:20]
* mips (~mips@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:21]
rg dude [11:21]
rg no one has logged into this system.. [11:21]
rg in 9 months [11:21]
* Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:21]
* gribble gives voice to Joric [11:21]
rg forgetting about your servers cause everything is web based: bad. [11:21]
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`g in fact, php : bad [11:23]
draco49 Most companies employ McIT support if when they actually do. [11:23]
a5m0 rg, what if it has auto-updates? [11:24]
rg a5m0: you still gotta maintain your boxes man.. [11:24]
rg make sure everything works [11:24]
rg *especially* with auto updates [11:24]
rg but most places wont auto update.. [11:24]
rg things have to be tested [11:24]
rg like banks for instance, they still use IE6 cause of propritary systems that require it [11:25]
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rg and they have a policy which only certain programs are allowed to run [11:25]
rg its real fucked up [11:25]
lordcyfer Hi everybody if people need VPN service account i sell account to for 3BTC > 4 months - 0.5 BTC > 2 weeks [11:27]
lordcyfer pm me [11:28]
Coolty o.o [11:32]
Coolty so wait [11:32]
Coolty you charge $15 a month for a vps? [11:32]
Coolty sorry, VPN [11:33]
Coolty That's kinda expensive [11:33]
lordcyfer no [11:36]
lordcyfer 3BTC = 4 months [11:36]
Coolty oh ok [11:36]
rg yea thats a decent deal [11:37]
rg where is the server hosted [11:37]
lordcyfer Swisstzerland [11:37]
lordcyfer UK [11:37]
lordcyfer FR [11:37]
lordcyfer Ukrainia [11:37]
lordcyfer USA [11:37]
lordcyfer support [11:37]
lordcyfer OpenVPN [11:37]
lordcyfer pptp [11:37]
lordcyfer http proxy [11:37]
lordcyfer and glype [11:38]
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rg Rhinos dont come from eggs... [11:48]
Joric are there any girls [11:49]
mircea_popescu in general or here ? [11:49]
Joric in bitcoin [11:50]
draco49 Joric, not unless errydayimgenerat is here .. [11:50]
draco49 oh, guess not [11:51]
coingenuity Joric: there;s some candy up for auction in -auctions if you choose to go the creepy-van-route instead >.< [11:53]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:53]
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Coolty TouhouRadio: np: TOUHOU RADIO [11:54]
mircea_popescu you know, girlies today don't go for candy. [11:55]
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Coolty yes they do [11:55]
Coolty lol [11:55]
mircea_popescu you want either sephora shit, pantyhose, gadgets, [11:55]
mircea_popescu that sorta crap. [11:55]
Joric i just you know 8 march you don't celebrate it do you [11:55]
mircea_popescu i do celebrate it, sure. bj day. [11:56]
Joric we have a full blown holiday here a whole county have a day off [11:56]
mircea_popescu more than day off if you know what i mean [11:56]
lordcyfer Where are you Joric ? [11:56]
Joric prague [11:57]
lordcyfer Coool [11:57]
Coolty that's a real place? [11:57]
lordcyfer i am going to Prague for my bachelor party [11:57]
mircea_popescu lol coolty [11:57]
lordcyfer The Roxy is waiting for me. [11:57]
Coolty :P [11:57]
mircea_popescu there's like, some of the prettiest girls in all porn there. [11:58]
lordcyfer mircea where a you from ? [11:58]
mircea_popescu romania [11:59]
mircea_popescu im actually just a few hours away from prague [11:59]
lordcyfer romania [11:59]
Joric silvia saint is from here we practically were neighbours [11:59]
lordcyfer ;-))))) [11:59]
lordcyfer love her [11:59]
lordcyfer IL LOVE PRAGUE [12:00]
lordcyfer It is in my top 5 for sure [12:00]
mircea_popescu budapest is a workable alternative [12:00]
mircea_popescu or krakhiv whatever you spell it in latin [12:01]
lordcyfer not for me [12:01]
lordcyfer last time i was in Buda [12:01]
lordcyfer it was not fun at all, [12:01]
* da2ce7 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:02]
lordcyfer exeptc at the casino [12:02]
phedny_ anyone here lives in Budapest or Prague? [12:02]
Joric moi [12:02]
* phedny_ is going to visit both cities in May :) [12:02]
lordcyfer If you love electronic music you have to go to the Roxy in Prague [12:03]
lordcyfer I like alst the goldfinger [12:03]
Coolty TouhouRadio: np: TOUHOU RADIO [12:03]
* tomoj has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [12:03]
phedny_ lordcyfer: I'm missing the English version on :) [12:04]
phedny_ lordcyfer: but thanks! [12:04]
lordcyfer used google translation [12:04]
Joric i wonder did slish really cover those 3094 from his own pocket [12:04]
Joric 15k$ O_o [12:05]
* KillJohnMcCain is now known as kish [12:05]
lordcyfer and that is the best place of gthe world [12:06]
lordcyfer [12:06]
marfin mornin [12:07]
* mips has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [12:08]
mircea_popescu joric : apparently the bircoinica guy covered 43k btc [12:09]
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* Kartrohm is now known as Kartrohm_afk [12:19]
MBS ok sweet rage sold too, all 4 games gone already :D [12:19]
Joric sweet rage? ? [12:20]
Coolty ugh [12:20]
Coolty bootstrap is overused [12:23]
splatster Joric: I want ragecoin to have a reserve! [12:23]
splatster Why would I gamble on something that I know I have absolutely no chance of getting more than I payed in? [12:24]
splatster The best I and anyone else can do at that is to get back the money they put it. [12:25]
Joric i'm sorry i went long on bitcoinica bought at 5.0 [12:25]
Joric now i wait for 5.20 [12:25]
mircea_popescu anyone want free bitcoins ? [12:29]
mircea_popescu check [12:29]
Coolty ...... [12:30]
Coolty sounds scammy [12:30]
mircea_popescu eh ? [12:31]
Joric how much does it really worth to send 1 satoshi [12:32]
Coolty that sentence hurt my brain [12:33]
mircea_popescu depends how old your imputs are [12:33]
mircea_popescu but i think even for free you will make it in time [12:34]
mircea_popescu eventually someone adds it to the block [12:34]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [12:35]
Joric Coolty, sorry, i meant how much does it really cost to sent 1 satosh [12:36]
gyugyu oh ok [12:39]
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Coolty TouhouRadio: np: TOUHOU RADIO - is now back! added more songs [13:30]
Joric is that a japanese funk [13:30]
Coolty no, it's touhou [13:31]
Coolty lol [13:31]
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* nicksynicksy (5b79d0da@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:33]
nicksynicksy hi [14:34]
rawrmage hi [14:34]
nicksynicksy hi rawrmage [14:34]
rawrmage ;;calc 7 + 5 + 15 [14:44]
gribble 27 [14:44]
vragnaroda rawrmage: Would you like some ponies? [14:45]
rawrmage vragnaroda: not currently [14:45]
vragnaroda OK. [14:45]
Cory ಠ_ಠ [14:46]
rawrmage Cory: wat [14:46]
* SpeedBus (7aa7731a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:46]
SpeedBus Heyy [14:46]
Joric everypony stop talking about ponies [14:52]
Joric it's not a bitponi channel [14:53]
rawrmage lol [14:53]
* Clipse (~CLIPSE@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:57]
draco49 MLP is going to be the downfall of bitcoin. [14:58]
rawrmage lol [14:59]
rg heh [14:59]
rg i got an email phishing scam letter [14:59]
rg and i went to investigate the host hosting it [14:59]
rg and i found an unpassworded admin page [14:59]
rg for all his 'earnings' [14:59]
draco49 A robust, decentralized global currency network brought to its knees by animated ponies... [15:00]
rawrmage draco49: yea we'll all get all happy and trusting enough and then someone comes along and scams us out of our coins because it made us lose our suspicion and cynicism [15:00]
draco49 So ponies are your way of coping with the fallout from being scammed? lol [15:01]
rg why would someone scam us out of our ponycoins [15:01]
draco49 Yu guys should fork off a PonyCoin for the bronies. [15:01]
draco49 *chain [15:02]
rawrmage lol [15:02]
rawrmage no [15:02]
draco49 Instead of a Satoshi, the smallest unit of PonyCoin would be a FlutterShy [15:02]
rawrmage haha [15:02]
Joric i'm ready to adopt this [15:03]
draco49 ragepony [15:03]
rawrmage I'd like to send you some coins (if that's alright with you...) [15:03]
Joric and gallop instead of rally [15:03]
draco49 Coins? --> 16FEw9voJ4H9xvLEjnsymLvycnTvufuBJ6 :) [15:05]
Joric Received BTC: 0.41317558 ahahahaha [15:05]
draco49 I just spent most of mine on coinabul [15:06]
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rg i stopped sending out coins when people asked [15:08]
rg cause [15:08]
rg the one time i needed like .2 btc [15:08]
rg no one would send it to me [15:08]
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rg alright [15:09]
rg rg out [15:09]
rg peace in the middle east [15:09]
draco49 l8rz [15:09]
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GlooBoy ;;eauth GlooBoy [15:45]
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`0 :p [16:02]
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[imsaguy] good morning friends. [17:17]
mcorlett [imsaguy]: I'm not your friend, buddy. [17:21]
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pirateat40 I have a problem with people that change their nicks every other hour. [17:25]
coingenuity pirateat40: i don't, it makes people like you and i look less unstable [17:26]
coingenuity :P [17:26]
pirateat40 and boring [17:26]
coingenuity hehe [17:26]
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pirateat40 I mean I have to admit, I jump at the chance to be nanotube for 30 seconds when I can, but that's about it. [17:27]
* bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:27]
bitcoinTrader ;;seen nanotube [17:28]
mcorlett Ahh, I was gribble for 30 seconds a couple of days ago. [17:28]
mcorlett Still receiving private messages like this one: ;;bc,stats [17:28]
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bitcoinTrader selling btc [17:47]
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mcorlett ;;view [17:53]
* gribble gives voice to mcorlett [17:54]
mcorlett ;;view [17:54]
gribble #7102 Wed Mar 7 05:39:38 2012 mcorlett SELL 50.0 BTC @ 4.0413 PPEUR (None) [17:54]
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nicksynicksy selling $50 cvs email gift card for bitcoins open to offers pm me [18:09]
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coingenuity nicksynicksy: put it up on #bitcoin-acutions :) [18:24]
nicksynicksy coingenuity good idea thanks man [18:24]
coingenuity no problemo [18:24]
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pigeons reeses wins something if shakaru loses money because "the python interpreter had a bug that caused it to invert the signal when we calculated the sigma," [18:40]
nicksynicksy #bitcoin-auctions rocks well done coingenuity [18:41]
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[imsaguy] pigeons: say what? [18:41]
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pigeons [imsaguy]: [18:42]
mircea_popescu if anyone wants free options, check out [18:44]
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nanotube mircea_popescu: hm, according to the fp there, it seems you're giving out in-the-money options? e.g., a 4.5 call when spot is 4.93 is in the money by .43 right off the bat. [18:48]
mircea_popescu yup [18:49]
mircea_popescu you only get 1 tho. [18:49]
jjjrmy [imsaguy]: so are you like a big lender on the forums? [18:49]
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mircea_popescu pigeons : srsly, we should have a pool, send reeses 1.337 btc or something [18:49]
nanotube well, first sentence says you get "1 at the money option" but you're actually giving away "in the money" options. [18:50]
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mircea_popescu jjjrmy : imsaguy is a big time everything. [18:50]
jjjrmy I'm considering selling stock in one of my sites on GLBSE [18:50]
jjjrmy is it worth it? [18:50]
mircea_popescu nanotube well... at the money rounded to the closest half dollar :) [18:50]
nanotube haha i see [18:51]
nathan7 Hey nanotube [18:51]
nicksynicksy #bitcoin-auctions rocks [18:51]
nathan7 how's it, being tubular and all [18:51]
mircea_popescu jjjrmy if you can make a good case for your company being wiorth anything and are open and forthcoming wirth it, prolly [18:51]
nanotube well, besides that little inaccuracy, good marketing scheme, mircea_popescu :) [18:51]
* nathan7 is a happy nathan [18:51]
nanotube nathan7: hey hey :) feeling tubular. [18:51]
mircea_popescu nanotube : best to underpromise and overdeliver i always say. [18:51]
nanotube mircea_popescu: haha indeed [18:51]
nicksynicksy Auction #88 - 1 50USD CVS Gift Card || 1425.82 minutes left - The high bidder is nobody!(0) - For sale by nicksynicksy(0). [16:55] #bitcoin-auctions rocks [18:51]
BTCHero wait what? is there an auction bot? [18:52]
jjjrmy Do you payout a precent or as a fixed fee? [18:52]
coingenuity yes BTCHero :D [18:52]
coingenuity iz mahn [18:52]
mircea_popescu o ya btchero, coingenuity made one day before yest [18:52]
nicksynicksy #bitcoin-auctions rocks [18:52]
mircea_popescu jjjrmy what do you mean ? [18:52]
mircea_popescu nanotube : working hard to get shareholders ROI :) [18:53]
jjjrmy mircea_popescu: Well do you pay your shareholder with a % of profit or with a fixed fee? [18:53]
jaypetermm anyone looking for 750 $ moneypak................................i am looking for BTC or LR [18:53]
mircea_popescu jjjrmy in general dividends are yours to set however you please. [18:54]
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jaypetermm ;; getrating jaypetermm [18:54]
nanotube mircea_popescu: hehe sounds good :) [18:54]
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nicksynicksy #bitcoin-auctions rocks [19:00]
EvanR roxors your boxors? [19:03]
mircea_popescu lmao look at fucking scammers... those are the old ROL. Went 10000:1 for the new RON [19:03]
mircea_popescu that bill is worth like .15$ [19:04]
nanotube haha [19:04]
nicksynicksy selling $50 cvs email gift card for bitcoins open to offers pm me [19:04]
nathan7 lol [19:04]
mircea_popescu i wonder if that sort of thing ever works [19:05]
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Blitzboom what is the current most popular alternative block chain? [19:06]
Blitzboom let’s say measured by market cap [19:06]
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mircea_popescu << if anyone has BFL orderder please update there ? i think this is a good ideea. [19:09]
nanotube dunno about market cap, but probably namecoin, Blitzboom [19:09]
mircea_popescu prolly namecoins i'd guess blitzboom [19:09]
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mircea_popescu aw shucks :p [19:09]
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Blitzboom still NMC? [19:09]
Blitzboom ok, i guess bitcoin has no serious contenders, good [19:10]
EvanR lol [19:10]
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mircea_popescu i don't think it ever will/could have. economically speaking there's just no way. [19:11]
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Blitzboom i agree [19:11]
mircea_popescu it's like all the people making their own facebook. [19:11]
nanotube nanotubecoin... i think that has a market cap of 1billion at least. :) [19:12]
chmod755 nanotube: lol [19:13]
coingenuity i would buy your scamcoin nano [19:14]
coingenuity any day of the week :D [19:14]
nanotube haha [19:14]
coingenuity for one reason only... [19:14]
EvanR USD is a scam [19:14]
coingenuity you're not a goddamn douche like RS [19:14]
coingenuity ;) [19:15]
nanotube lol [19:15]
EvanR so obviously scams are not always bad [19:15]
coingenuity i am living in solidcoin poverty and proud [19:15]
nanotube EvanR: yes when you're the one doing the scamming :) [19:15]
EvanR lol [19:15]
nathan7 Worse, but not bad. [19:15]
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* nanotube starts a 'no asshole' coin. before coin transactions are authorized, the receiver is checked for being an asshole. :P [19:16]
nathan7 lol [19:16]
EvanR if only [19:16]
nanotube impossible you say? not with the proper application of ... MAGIC! :) [19:16]
EvanR that would solve a lot of things [19:16]
nanotube haha yes it would [19:16]
nathan7 magic or things indistinguishable from it [19:16]
`g nanotube: won't be so much people .. [19:16]
phraust wow, i can post to the forums. [19:17]
nanotube `g: well, if we define assholiness sufficiently narrowly, as relevant to commerce, probably will be quite a few. :) [19:17]
nanotube ./msg `g e.g. EvanR is a right bastard, but he's no scammer, so he'd qualify. [19:18]
nanotube >_> oops did i say that out loud? :D [19:18]
nanotube jk jk EvanR [19:18]
EvanR a right bastard? rofl [19:19]
nanotube yes even my jocular insults are tame. /me hangs head in shame and goes to eat something to blot out the self-pity. [19:20]
EvanR get fat like the capitalist dog that you are [19:21]
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nanotube haha [19:22]
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Lunaqus lol [19:25]
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mircea_popescu nanotube's coin will be called proctotube. [19:27]
jcpham ;;tell EasyAt I owe you btc, you give me address to pay. [19:27]
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coingenuity nanotube: distinct advantage to that personality type though [19:30]
coingenuity you're not inclined to fuck around geting wasted at the bar on a saturday [19:30]
jcpham i'm not big on drinking either [19:31]
nanotube coingenuity: Q) [19:31]
nanotube :) [19:31]
EvanR i am now [19:31]
* Buglouse_ (~Buglouse@ has left #bitcoin-otc [19:31]
coingenuity i.e. [19:31]
EvanR nola [19:31]
coingenuity last time i got dragged out on a saturday, i was totally sober... [19:31]
* nanotube is a big drinker. ... of water. [19:31]
jcpham i used to bartend, so bars are not a place i frequent [19:31]
coingenuity but everyone i encountered was s-faced, totally acting like idiots [19:32]
EvanR make that friday saturday sunday monday tuesday wednesday and thursday [19:32]
Blitzboom i am a big drinker of tea [19:32]
nanotube jcpham: cuz you know how the sausage is made? :) [19:32]
coingenuity ran into a cabbie and a drunk guy fighting over cab-fare [19:32]
copumpkin I know how the lemonade is made [19:32]
jcpham serve people copious amounts of alcohol daily and you don't want to participate in it anymore [19:32]
coingenuity ran into a bouncer and a drunk guy duking it out [19:32]
coingenuity etc [19:32]
Blitzboom i also like liquid gold [19:32]
copumpkin (how the lemonade is made: [19:32]
jcpham I know how the sausage TASTES! [19:33]
EvanR Blitzboom: sounds painful [19:33]
mircea_popescu bars are a scam anyway [19:33]
mircea_popescu what's the mark-up, 5000% ? [19:33]
EvanR copumpkin: is that safe for work [19:33]
copumpkin EvanR: mostly, but it's kind of ridiculous [19:33]
copumpkin EvanR: there is a stylized horse penis in it very briefly [19:33]
* mircea_popescu would like to see the day cop puts nsfw stuff up [19:33]
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* Raccoon (bismuth@unaffiliated/raccoon) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:34]
* ChanServ gives voice to Raccoon [19:34]
mircea_popescu does the nefario fellow from glbse even ghave a wot profile at all ? [19:34]
mircea_popescu also, santorum. [19:34]
* Raccoon explodes into a frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter. [19:34]
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nanotube mircea_popescu: not sure if he's on the wot... let's see. ,,(gpg info nefario) [19:35]
gribble User 'nefario', with keyid 28DD49E2A68F4B7C and fingerprint 03B47461C1E526576917215728DD49E2A68F4B7C, registered on Mon Jul 11 23:17:47 2011. Currently not authenticated. [19:35]
nanotube guess that's a yes :) [19:35]
jcpham Raccoon were you thinking about unicorns just then? [19:35]
mircea_popescu i saw someone with 4 points but thought maybe has a diff id he's under. [19:35]
nanotube yea won't know if it's really him until he's around. :) [19:36]
coingenuity hey, nanotube [19:36]
coingenuity do you have any use for an API method [19:36]
coingenuity to get a user's rating [19:36]
mircea_popescu considering his general posturing i'd have expected a much more trusted account. [19:36]
nathan7 copumpkin: bonus points for 'stylised horse penis' [19:36]
nanotube mircea_popescu: well, it seems it is him based on the ratings. (i recall him buying that plane ticket :) ) [19:37]
Raccoon I think of unicorns all the time! especially santoricorns [19:37]
nanotube coingenuity: ehrm... there's already a json api [19:37]
coingenuity oh there is? [19:37]
coingenuity i looked around and couldn't find it, i am a tard [19:37]
EvanR copumpkin: way too slow to load for me [19:37]
EvanR ill have to find horse penis somewhere else [19:37]
mircea_popescu mkay. he just sent the pr girl a pm on the forum asking for like, her "personal" facebook profile or som shit to "allow her asset" pe traded on his scammy piece of shit [19:37]
nanotube coingenuity: on the site, go to any user's rating, and there's a 'json' link [19:37]
nanotube ;;getrating coingenuity [19:37]
gribble User coingenuity, created on Mon Dec 19 01:50:52 2011. Cumulative rating 7, from 2 total ratings. Received ratings: 1 positive, 1 negative. Sent ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently not authenticated. [19:37]
mircea_popescu that he apparently doens't even klnow how it works. [19:37]
mircea_popescu so i am pretty pissed off at the moment. [19:38]
nanotube coingenuity: ^ on that page, a json link next to 'list of all ratings received' [19:38]
coingenuity oh, sweet man [19:38]
EvanR mircea_popescu: lol. id probably be ok with her asset being allowed [19:38]
coingenuity tyvm, ill play with it a bit [19:38]
nanotube cool :) [19:38]
mircea_popescu myea. i'd be allowed with him at least knowing how the fuyck he sorts his assets (ref ) [19:38]
mircea_popescu you have to be a total douche if I have to ask will how exactly your site works. [19:39]
mircea_popescu "i'd be ok with" i mean [19:39]
EvanR i sort my assets based first by size, then by shape [19:40]
jcpham mircea_popescu MPOE-PR avatar is so cute i want to BE it [19:40]
mircea_popescu you should see her other pics. [19:40]
mircea_popescu girl is beyond cute. [19:40]
jcpham go away with that talk [19:40]
mircea_popescu im serious. [19:41]
EvanR mircea_popescu: link [19:41]
mircea_popescu i think i'll have her change after the next ipo [19:41]
jcpham you'll give everyone nsfw's [19:41]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:41]
mircea_popescu nah, not giving away the show yet :D [19:41]
EvanR wait wth are we talking about [19:41]
mircea_popescu there's this chick evanr [19:41]
EvanR its not funny if im joking about real camwhores or something [19:41]
mircea_popescu if she ever did camwhoring i'd want to see it lol [19:41]
jcpham she's a cutie face [19:42]
EvanR where i work now... filled with these types [19:42]
EvanR its almost painful [19:42]
mircea_popescu where is that ? [19:42]
EvanR that i cant have any of them [19:42]
EvanR seo company in new orleans [19:42]
jcpham seo shops are filled with camwhores? [19:43]
EvanR who knows what they do after work [19:43]
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jcpham get nerkid! [19:43]
[imsaguy] I was nekkid once [19:45]
mircea_popescu pr chicks in general seem to be a walking, talking camshow [19:45]
EvanR nod [19:45]
[\] did someone say cameltoe? [19:47]
* candlepin has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:47]
[\] because I don't know about cameltoe, but I've seen a few mooseknuckles in my day [19:47]
EvanR lol [19:47]
* candlepin ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:48]
mircea_popescu what be those ? [19:48]
candlepin 4 pepperoni pizzas [19:48]
nathan7 oic [19:48]
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candlepin this sweatshirt is making me ill [19:50]
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candlepin i think the cotton material absorbed some toxic mold [19:50]
* Dark_Apostrophe (~tDa@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:51]
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EvanR fuck cotton [19:52]
* chmod755 (~affilitat@unaffiliated/chmod755) has left #bitcoin-otc ("Leaving.") [19:54]
mircea_popescu cotton rules, are you kidding ? [19:54]
EvanR naw brah [19:54]
EvanR self healing nylon [19:54]
mircea_popescu cotton and help omfg [19:54]
mircea_popescu cotton and hemp is pretty much all i wear [19:54]
coingenuity hemo? [19:54]
coingenuity hemp* [19:54]
mircea_popescu wool on top [19:54]
coingenuity yeah [19:54]
pigeons and the sugar was queen [19:54]
* MORA| (~MORA@pdpc/supporter/active/mora) has joined #bitcoin-otc [19:54]
EvanR where you get hemp [19:54]
mircea_popescu im in romania, you can buy it here, usually mideast imports [19:55]
EvanR hemp is good for clothes? warm clothes or cool [19:55]
mircea_popescu cool [19:55]
EvanR i must have [19:55]
mircea_popescu best thing for a summer's day [19:56]
mircea_popescu it kicks ass. [19:56]
EvanR its about to get hot up in this mug [19:56]
coingenuity lol [19:56]
coingenuity same hurr [19:56]
mircea_popescu i gues linen is good too [19:57]
mircea_popescu hemp is really a lot like linen really. [19:57]
Graet [19:58]
Graet i have bought from them - good stuff [19:58]
* bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:01]
bitcoinTrader ;;seen jaypetermm [20:01]
candlepin gmail sped up their progress bar great [20:01]
EvanR lol [20:02]
phraust woohoo, just got one of these to store my backup wallets in. [20:02]
phraust [20:02]
* att (~att@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:03]
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EvanR phraust: how [20:03]
phraust now I just got to hit it with one of those nano-waterproofing coats. [20:03]
phraust it's a watchband for an ipod nano. [20:03]
mircea_popescu what are those oh [20:04]
phraust i got one of those new ones after finding some recall program for the first gens. [20:04]
phraust no use for it, but then I found they make fancy watchbands for em. [20:04]
phraust so 8gb on my wrist, plus it tells time. [20:05]
phraust i wonder if there is a linux version out for it yet. [20:05]
phraust [20:05]
phraust aw. [20:05]
phraust terminated. [20:05]
EvanR is 8G still enough for the block chain [20:06]
mircea_popescu i think it's still under 1 gb [20:08]
phraust looks about 1 gb. [20:08]
mircea_popescu by the way, anyone made projections of the size of the blockchain in 1, 5, 10 years ? [20:08]
* coingenuity has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:08]
EvanR depends on usage right [20:08]
mircea_popescu well ya [20:08]
mircea_popescu but projections. [20:08]
EvanR heh [20:08]
mircea_popescu projections are what our world is built upon! [20:08]
helo it's easy to get an upper bound with the block size limit [20:08]
EvanR i know, lets get a prediction market for bitcoin adoption! those are always right! [20:08]
mircea_popescu what helo said. [20:09]
EvanR yeah i was thinking that [20:09]
EvanR how are fees doing? [20:09]
mircea_popescu i looked recently, seems fees are about 0.1% of block value atm. [20:10]
mircea_popescu rough average. [20:10]
EvanR block value = how much being transferred? [20:10]
* coingenuity ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:10]
mircea_popescu no, 50 btc atm [20:11]
EvanR oh [20:11]
mircea_popescu 25 in 2013 [20:11]
* coingenuity is now known as Guest93522 [20:11]
EvanR then say .05 or something [20:11]
mircea_popescu well ya, but im interested in % terms. i guess in 2013 we will see maybe 1-5% [20:11]
* bitcoin-goldRobo has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [20:11]
EvanR damn [20:11]
EvanR 2013 is headed at us full speed [20:12]
* Guest93522 is now known as coingenuity [20:12]
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* coingenuity (~coingenui@unaffiliated/coingenuity) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:12]
mircea_popescu it'd better be like 50% by 2015 or so [20:12]
mircea_popescu or otherwise we'll hit a pretty bumpy road [20:12]
* bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:13]
* AcidicChip ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:19]
mircea_popescu is rjk ( the same guy as luke-jr ? [20:19]
mircea_popescu or are there actually multiple bfls delivered and working atm ? [20:19]
Mqrius luke received some? Then I know at least 2 people who got some. [20:19]
* gribble gives voice to AcidicChip [20:19]
mircea_popescu i think he said he did ? i might be confused tho. [20:20]
mircea_popescu who do you know got some ? [20:20]
candlepin i dont trust the forums [20:20]
candlepin half the ppl posting are sockpuppets [20:20]
Mqrius I could tell you who did, but I'm not sure if it's public knowledge. Don't know why one would keep it a secret. [20:20]
mircea_popescu candlepin : i don't either, but information is information. [20:20]
mircea_popescu well im just curious if the things actually exist. [20:21]
* masori (~masori@gateway/tor-sasl/masori) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:21]
Mqrius Apparently they do. They're just very slow with shipping out I guess. [20:21]
Mqrius mircea_popescu: gigavps, I meant. [20:22]
jaypetermm anyone looking for 700 $ moneypak........................i am looking for BTC or LR [20:23]
candlepin this other thread says the fpga pays back in 7.5 months.. which is roughly the payback on a new gpu, give or take a couple mos. [20:23]
mircea_popescu o right you are, it wasn't luke, it was giga. [20:23]
Mqrius Oh okay then I don't know. [20:24]
mircea_popescu candlepin : i think people with high kwh prices love fpgas [20:24]
Mqrius I don't have a reason to distrust giga though. [20:24]
mircea_popescu since they're no longer so dependent on the elec price. [20:24]
mircea_popescu me eiother. [20:24]
mircea_popescu santorum ? [20:24]
* ffsket ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:24]
mircea_popescu awww. well, it was fun while it lasted. [20:25]
Mqrius Anyway, I guess rjk is someone else than gigavps [20:26]
jaypetermm pirateat40 i have tried to contact you from yesterday after giving you 200 $ moneypak you didnt trun up [20:26]
jaypetermm pirateat40 i am trying to contact since last 20 hrs............however i am not able to get any response from your end as i was expecting to have good & healthy trade with you as i understand you are 1 of the trusted member here [20:27]
pirateat40 jaypetermm, you are really starting to rub me the wrong way. [20:28]
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mircea_popescu i was curious about this guy... [20:31]
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nanotube jaypetermm: be patient, people do go away from the computer sometimes, you know. :) [20:38]
phraust lol. [20:38]
jaypetermm i know nanotube [20:38]
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jaypetermm & thanks for your advice [20:39]
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mircea_popescu this thread promises to be epic [20:41]
* mircea_popescu pictures 200+ units paid, 2 delivered. [20:41]
* bitcoin-goldRobo (~bitcoin-g@unaffiliated/coingenuity/bot/bitcoin-goldrobo) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:43]
* phraust nods. [20:43]
phraust should be wild. [20:43]
helo rg: do you run [20:46]
coingenuity helo: he's asleep [20:46]
bitfoo AFAIK, he runs bitvps and not bitcoinvps [20:47]
* Phoebus (~Phoebus@pdpc/supporter/active/phoebus) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:47]
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neofutur helo: rg is working with [20:49]
neofutur my login is not working on bitcoinvps [20:49]
neofutur so its probably 2 different sites [20:49]
plato aaaand now bitcoinvps has your bitvps password [20:50]
plato anyone selling namecoins or silver? [20:50]
candlepin are you wearing footless pantyhose [20:50]
helo no shit lol [20:50]
neofutur ( I recommend and rg ) [20:50]
Mqrius mircea_popescu: Maybe it's a ponzi where they actually send out a few working units which are much more expensive than what was paid for them. [20:50]
mircea_popescu i have no ideea, but its interesting to watch mqrius [20:50]
coingenuity neofutur: good to know they are distincly different. i didn't even realize there were two duplicate-type domains running duplicate-type services [20:50]
helo they have an established physical presence, so it would be difficult for them to get away with it [20:50]
coingenuity plato: yes [20:51]
Mqrius mircea_popescu: Yup. I don't have any ordered myself either [20:51]
coingenuity what kind of silver do you want? [20:51]
Mqrius helo: Ah okay. [20:51]
Mqrius I also have no idea how expensive something like this normally is. [20:51]
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mircea_popescu is plato the guy who did the bitcoin roadtrip ? [20:51]
neofutur plato: hehe i was ewady to change it immediately after trying [20:51]
coingenuity mircea_popescu: i have no idea [20:52]
coingenuity lol [20:52]
* william1212 is now known as Guest97781 [20:52]
mircea_popescu how quickly fame fades :p [20:52]
phraust lol [20:52]
coingenuity who wants to be famous ;) [20:52]
neofutur plato: i could sell some namecoins at 0.007 btc /nmc [20:52]
neofutur coingenuity: yup many vps resellers use the same panel, same look . . . [20:53]
nanotube plato: if you buy some metals from coinabul - be sure to use the otc refcode :) [20:53]
coingenuity plato: and likewise i have bars and coins of all sorts. american eagles, austrian phul's, cad maples, pamp suisse, credit suisse, etc [20:53]
coingenuity phil's* [20:53]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:54]
RedEmerald does anyone have bitcoin stickers? i just setup armory on an old laptop for offline transactions and want to put a sticker on it [20:59]
neofutur good question, if no one sell btc stickers, I could help, have a friend who have all the needed tools to make them [21:00]
mircea_popescu sounds like a microbiz. [21:01]
candlepin gazelle [21:01]
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bitcoinTrader ;;seen DBordello [21:03]
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* bulanula (518b5512@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:04]
bulanula ;;gpg eauth [21:05]
bitcoinTrader is there any demand for selling btc for moneypak, similar to [21:06]
bitcoinTrader I can start a similar service, if there is enough demand :) [21:06]
bitcoinTrader off course, with better rates…. [21:07]
* randumbum ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:07]
ne0futur moneypack is ued for sure, but people will probably trust more the oldest service [21:07]
ffsket nicksy, whats up man? [21:08]
bitcoinTrader Not comparing, but I m older member thn DBordello on otc and with higher rating [21:09]
mircea_popescu bitcointrader : just build. [21:09]
ffsket you take moneypaks, bitcointrader? [21:09]
mircea_popescu forget the entire competition thing. the more the bette.r [21:09]
ffsket for btc [21:09]
bitcoinTrader no [21:09]
ffsket :/ [21:09]
bitcoinTrader sell moneypak [21:09]
bitcoinTrader :) [21:09]
ffsket ahh [21:09]
ffsket i see [21:09]
* gheorghe (~gheorghe@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:10]
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Graet RedEmerald, [21:10]
RedEmerald Graet, <3 [21:11]
Graet :) [21:11]
Graet was looking bat thier tshirts other day and noticed the stickers ;) [21:11]
RedEmerald just wish it was round [21:11]
Graet trim the square one :P [21:12]
RedEmerald yeah [21:12]
luke-jr mircea_popescu: I am only luke-jr [21:12]
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bulanula wow lots of well known peoples here :) [21:12]
luke-jr mircea_popescu: I also resold one to cablepair [21:12]
mircea_popescu ya but did you get a BFL luke-jr ? [21:12]
Graet its apopular place bulanula ;) [21:13]
bulanula voiceme [21:13]
bulanula how you get the + thingy ? [21:13]
Graet ;;voiceme [21:14]
bulanula ;;voiceme [21:14]
* gribble gives voice to bulanula [21:14]
bulanula thx graet [21:14]
RedEmerald i don't think accepts bitcoin as payment [21:14]
Graet :) [21:14]
luke-jr mircea_popescu: multiple. [21:15]
luke-jr mircea_popescu: including the one I resold to cablepair :p [21:15]
mircea_popescu aha. so that means you, gigavps and rjk all got one [21:15]
mircea_popescu do they work as advertised and everything ? [21:15]
luke-jr hard to resell something I don't have [21:15]
luke-jr mircea_popescu: according to present advertised specs yes [21:15]
mircea_popescu this is pretty cool then [21:15]
luke-jr ie, 820 MH/s not 1 GH/s [21:15]
Graet click "about us" RedEmerald [21:16]
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mircea_popescu the 7.5 mo payback for itself seems about right to you ? [21:16]
RedEmerald oh. they just but $ amounts everywhere [21:16]
RedEmerald *put [21:16]
luke-jr mircea_popescu: dunno [21:16]
luke-jr mircea_popescu: warranty is only 6mo [21:16]
mircea_popescu i think mining future is in asics/fpgas really [21:17]
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Graet yer, i think until btc is less volatile its the onlt wy that works RedEmerald ;) [21:17]
mircea_popescu and i imagine in the not so distant future bitcoin community will have more hash power than tyhe nsa [21:17]
RedEmerald i would just expect it to say "$9.75 / 1.95 BTC" [21:17]
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mircea_popescu graet : use options, quote btc :D [21:18]
Graet mircea_popescu, ? [21:18]
mircea_popescu yer, i think until btc is less volatile its the onlt wy that works << the other way that works is to quote btc and use puts to insure against price volatilty. [21:19]
Graet go tell the merchants then mircea_popescu - thats the ppl dealing with the issue atm ;) [21:19]
mircea_popescu im trying to :) [21:20]
Graet re: advertyising in $ on sites and charging bitcoins [21:20]
Graet gl :) [21:20]
coingenuity manipulator is all up in hurr today [21:21]
* guiarmageddon (5c8bea28@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:22]
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mcorlett nanotube: Have you considered serving the OTC database files over rsync as well as (or instead of) FTP? [21:23]
mircea_popescu i think there's json [21:25]
ne0futur +1, good idea [21:25]
mircea_popescu no good ? [21:25]
mcorlett mircea_popescu: That doesn't quite deliver the level of flexibility and control I'd like. [21:26]
* dserrano5 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:26]
mircea_popescu github got owned ? [21:27]
candlepin dwolla responds to bitcoin lawsuit: the vortex of lies gets thicker [21:27]
mircea_popescu ya was discussed on forum/here coupla days back candlepin [21:27]
mcorlett mircea_popescu: You would've gotten an email about it if you had any SSH keys associated with your GH account. [21:27]
mircea_popescu i did not. [21:27]
* bulanula has quit (Quit: Page closed) [21:28]
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mcorlett mircea_popescu: [21:29]
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mircea_popescu pretty big. [21:30]
neofutur mircea_popescu: yes, [21:30]
mircea_popescu im really amazed people are so upbeat in the comments [21:31]
* LjL (~ljl@unaffiliated/ljl) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:33]
helo i bet none of the happy people pay for their account [21:34]
* znort987 (~znort987@gateway/tor-sasl/znort987) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:34]
* gribble gives voice to mircea_popescu [21:34]
znort987 ;;gpg eauth [21:35]
eph__ ;;ident spawn- [21:37]
znort987 ;;ident znort987 [21:39]
gribble Nick 'znort987', with hostmask 'znort987!~znort987@gateway/tor-sasl/znort987', is identified as user znort987, with GPG key id FD5AA2A5E26602B0, and key fingerprint 9F1C2534ACEE115E18EF02A5FD5AA2A5E26602B0. [21:39]
candlepin pai mei [21:39]
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* jcpham performs 5 finger exploding heart technique [21:42]
bitcoinTrader hi [21:43]
bitcoinTrader is thr any way to chck the available moneypak balance online? [21:43]
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* zz_bitcoinsarefu is now known as bitcoinsarefun [21:46]
mcorlett bitcoinTrader: There's a customer support number on the back. Call it and they'll confirm the funds are still there. [21:46]
mcorlett (Don't know of any online ways of doing it.) [21:47]
bitcoinTrader :( [21:47]
bitcoinTrader psc has [21:47]
bitcoinTrader ukash has [21:47]
bitcoinTrader moneypak doesnt? [21:47]
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* lyspooner (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/mpkomara) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:51]
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cablepair ;;rate luke-jr 1 good sale thank you! [21:55]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user luke-jr has been recorded. [21:55]
rawrmage luke-jr trading? [21:55]
rawrmage this must truly be the end of times [21:55]
rawrmage trading at less than $25* [21:55]
mod6 Hey guys, looking for BTC for MP USD - Order #7120 Thanks! [21:56]
* Cory ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:56]
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* gribble gives voice to Cory [21:56]
rawrmage hi Cory [21:56]
mircea_popescu hahaha rawrmage [21:59]
* Cory has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [22:01]
jcpham one day when the price is at $50, I'm buying all of luke's $25 coins [22:02]
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mircea_popescu anyone want to trade options on me ? --> [22:03]
lyspooner Hi all. I will buy bitcoins for cash in several big cities around the world. 500 btc minimum, pm for details [22:03]
jcpham so EasyAt loans me btc for 10 days, and I've been wanting to pay him back for 7 days [22:03]
candlepin croption [22:03]
mircea_popescu ;;ident lyspooner [22:04]
gribble Nick 'lyspooner', with hostmask 'lyspooner!~chatzilla@unaffiliated/mpkomara', is not identified. [22:04]
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balo_telli test [22:07]
mcorlett test [22:07]
* balo_telli has quit (Client Quit) [22:08]
mircea_popescu ;;rate lyspooner 3 high volume merchant. [22:08]
gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 3 for user lyspooner has been recorded. [22:08]
* andro_meda ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:08]
andro_meda ;;guide [22:09]
* DBordello (~DB@unaffiliated/dbordello) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:12]
* NuclearMeltdown ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:12]
* gribble gives voice to mod6 [22:12]
* OpenOcean ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:12]
* ffsket ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:12]
bitcoinTrader selling btc for paypal… trusted members [22:13]
* Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: We be chillin - IceChat style) [22:14]
Lunaqus what currencys you accepting? [22:15]
bitcoinTrader PP USD [22:15]
mcorlett Lunaqus: I'm looking for PPEUR. [22:16]
mcorlett ;;getrating Lunaqus [22:16]
gribble This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. [22:16]
Lunaqus I'm not buying tonight I'm afraid [22:16]
Lunaqus but I made a mental note of both your prefered currencies [22:16]
mod6 ;;view [22:17]
gribble #7120 Thu Mar 8 11:50:49 2012 mod6 BUY 6.75 BTC @ 35 USD (I have a $35.00 USD Moneypak I want to trade for BTC. Auth/Rating on OTC req. Thanks!) [22:17]
andro_meda is Moneybookers accepted among members often or not? [22:17]
mcorlett andro_meda: Not really. [22:17]
DBordello bitcoinTrader, howdy sir [22:18]
mcorlett Wiki says: "Chargebacks are possible. Accounts have been terminated when this payment method was used for a Bitcoin trade." [22:18]
andro_meda mcorlett: how come? is it not good to use? [22:18]
andro_meda oh [22:18]
bitcoinTrader good dbordello [22:18]
andro_meda it's better than paypal, no? [22:18]
mircea_popescu marginally. [22:18]
Lunaqus how good is dwolla? [22:19]
mcorlett They were claiming "no chargeback", but I guess we all know how that went... [22:19]
bitcoinTrader Lunaqus: I can accept paxum too [22:19]
phantomcircuit Lunaqus, dwolla is basically an ACH passthrough [22:19]
phantomcircuit Lunaqus, except worse [22:19]
bitcoinTrader for 4.95%, u can fund paxum instantly [22:20]
bitcoinTrader using cc [22:20]
Lunaqus 5% is a little steep [22:20]
* rdponticelli_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:21]
bitcoinTrader thts instant [22:21]
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bitcoinTrader all methods are time consuming [22:22]
andro_meda bitcoinTrader: instant fund via credit/debit card? [22:22]
bitcoinTrader yes [22:22]
mircea_popescu Lunaqus, except worse < this. [22:22]
* [diablo] (~diablo@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:22]
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* [diablo] (~diablo@unaffiliated/miles/x-000000001) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:22]
bitcoinTrader andro_meda [22:22]
andro_meda no need for verification like on paypal/moneybookers? [22:22]
bitcoinTrader verfication is required for credit card [22:22]
bitcoinTrader they will debit the card [22:22]
andro_meda so that's not instant? [22:22]
bitcoinTrader it is [22:23]
bitcoinTrader once u add card, they will debit [22:23]
bitcoinTrader then u can use it [22:23]
phraust weee. [22:24]
andro_meda but it takes like 3-4 days to verify the account so you can use it [22:24]
andro_meda I need it now :( [22:24]
bitcoinTrader ahh… u r talking abt account verifiction [22:25]
bitcoinTrader yes.. tht requires 1-2 days [22:25]
andro_meda unless you can send money instantly? [22:25]
andro_meda without prior verification? [22:25]
bitcoinTrader dont know abt tht... [22:25]
bitcoinTrader llgetrating andro_meda [22:25]
* Ra0ulDuke has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:26]
bitcoinTrader ;;getrating andro_meda [22:26]
andro_meda first timer here. [22:26]
* helo hands andro_meda some lube [22:26]
andro_meda was looking to buy some BTC via moneybookers [22:26]
andro_meda :) [22:26]
* Ra0ulDuke ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:27]
neofutur ;;gettrust andro_meda [22:27]
gribble Trust relationship from user ne0futur to user andro_meda: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: [22:27]
neofutur ;;ident andro_meda [22:27]
gribble Nick 'andro_meda', with hostmask 'andro_meda!', is not identified. [22:27]
bitcoinTrader andro_meda: get paxum verfiied.. then I can sell some btc to you.. [22:27]
andro_meda hmmm [22:27]
andro_meda I will see. [22:27]
DBordello Does anybody have any suggestions on a good way to promote my service ( I have tried advertising on the forum. Other thoughts? [22:29]
helo what does it take to turn moneypak into cash like a business would? is it processed through visa or something like that? [22:29]
mcorlett DBordello: Operation Fabulous/Anonymous Ads? [22:29]
jaypetermm DBordello do SMS marketing [22:29]
jaypetermm in USA [22:29]
DBordello mcorlett, that doesn't sound shady [22:29]
DBordello jaypetermm, welp, that is shaddier [22:29]
neofutur DBordello: twitter, better SEO, affiliate datafeeds, special offers [22:29]
helo DBordello: embed in porn downloads on torrent sites [22:30]
jaypetermm SEO SMO [22:30]
jaypetermm DBordello [22:30]
bitfoo for ultra-shadiness, make listings on SR :P [22:30]
jaypetermm you can do [22:30]
DBordello helo, you partner with greendot. They still hanlde the processing [22:30]
DBordello bitfoo, that is the least shady of the things I have heard :) [22:30]
andro_meda bitcoinTrader: read this [22:30]
danieldaniel omgsical [22:30]
andro_meda Paxum, lol [22:30]
bitcoinTrader i know [22:30]
* semprum (59a6bdf6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:30]
mircea_popescu lmao bitcoin [22:30]
andro_meda so? [22:30]
helo where does it say that andro_meda? [22:30]
bitcoinTrader they banned recently [22:30]
andro_meda helo: paxum [22:31]
bitcoinTrader thts why mtgox removed tht option [22:31]
danieldaniel DBordello: you partnered with greendot??? [22:31]
jaypetermm bitcoinTrader what andro_meda trying to explain ? [22:31]
DBordello danieldaniel, nope. [22:31]
danieldaniel o [22:31]
andro_meda jaypetermm: that paxum doesn't allow bitcoins. [22:31]
helo danieldaniel: i think DBordello just deposits his numbers into his paypal [22:31]
mcorlett andro_meda: Doesn't say anything about prostitution. *insert favorite troll face* [22:31]
jaypetermm ok [22:31]
helo danieldaniel: which isn't quite as good as cash, as it's pretty difficult to buy bitcoin with paypal [22:32]
* payward_______ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:32]
andro_meda fuck, I just want some coins real quick. [22:32]
andro_meda pay with MB. [22:32]
* St0neHead ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:32]
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neofutur andro_meda: you d better gpg register and ident to find sellers [22:33]
neofutur moneybookers is nearly as bad as paypal [22:33]
andro_meda neofutur: ok ok [22:33]
andro_meda neofutur: what is suggested to use? [22:33]
mcorlett andro_meda: MoneyPak. [22:33]
jaypetermm DBordello get prepaid cards of which allow moneypak to load funds [22:34]
jaypetermm DBordello & take moneypak from me of any amount you can afford [22:34]
andro_meda is MoneyPak allowed in Europe? [22:34]
helo nope [22:34]
neofutur andro_meda: i recommend to gpg register and ident ;) [22:34]
andro_meda what is allowed in Europe? [22:34]
neofutur nop moneypack is US only [22:34]
jaypetermm after everyone here is sitting to make money [22:34]
DBordello jaypetermm, why don't you just do that directly? [22:34]
jaypetermm only USA [22:34]
jaypetermm man i am not in USA [22:34]
mircea_popescu who owns bitfloor ? [22:35]
andro_meda so what is suggested for Europeans? [22:35]
jaypetermm that is the problem otherwise i would have done it [22:35]
helo andro_meda: in europe i'd recommend [22:35]
mcorlett DBordello: Also, Instawallet has stopped offering their green address feature; you might want to stop checking for payments from it. [22:35]
* payward______ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [22:36]
DBordello mcorlett, thanks! [22:36]
jaypetermm DBordello selling 3-500 $ moneypak wont help anyone here to make good money but with the idea which i hold i can garentee of making good money to everyone.............i have a idea & strong business i only lack that i am not in USA [22:36]
neofutur DBordello: if you support green addresses add your service on the wiki [22:36]
neofutur [22:37]
neofutur and i ll update my answer on [22:37]
DBordello neofutur, it is already there :) [22:37]
neofutur ah yes, forgot it ;( [22:38]
jjjrmy neofutur: I still want to know, gimme another hint :) in pm [22:38]
jaypetermm DBordello try SEO [22:38]
jaypetermm it will help but it will take time [22:38]
DBordello jaypetermm, I will investigate that [22:38]
jaypetermm DBordello you have a service but the only problem is to get the right numbers of customers everyday [22:39]
neofutur jjjrmy: no way, my customer will announce his service when he feels like it [22:39]
jaypetermm DBordello you have a gr8 service but the only problem is to get the right numbers of customers everyday [22:39]
DBordello jaypetermm, that is definetly the problem [22:39]
* je_fro has quit (Quit: Leaving) [22:39]
andro_meda helo: only accepts bank transfers, right? [22:39]
jaypetermm so try to hit different different communities on interent [22:39]
helo andro_meda: [22:40]
jjjrmy neofutur: I just wanna know who it is or what group/company. How many letters and symbols does their name have? [22:40]
jaypetermm put your own Advertise on facebook [22:40]
jaypetermm DBordello the number of people come to know about your service which means the number of attempt on your website [22:41]
jaypetermm means number of orders [22:41]
DBordello for sure [22:42]
DBordello Alright, lunch time [22:42]
DBordello thank you for the suggestions [22:42]
jjjrmy ;;getrating neofutur [22:42]
jaypetermm try 1st social network websites like yahoo cummunities facebook orkut [22:42]
jjjrmy ;;getrating ne0futur [22:42]
neofutur ;;ident neofutur [22:42]
gribble Nick 'neofutur', with hostmask 'neofutur!~neofutur@mtgox/staff/pdpc.student.ne0futur', is identified as user ne0futur, with GPG key id DF76B78C690B4E07, and key fingerprint 9CCD7DA270508805F47103D1DF76B78C690B4E07. [22:42]
andro_meda it seems to be a pain in the ass finding someone/some service that exchanges bitcoins EASILY [22:44]
andro_meda the fuck [22:44]
andro_meda currency of the future, they said. [22:44]
mircea_popescu that's the future. [22:45]
mircea_popescu ;;ident andro_meda [22:45]
gribble Nick 'andro_meda', with hostmask 'andro_meda!', is not identified. [22:45]
mircea_popescu your best avenue is to identify, do a few small trades, then it gets a lot easier. [22:45]
mcorlett Do some non-reversible trades. [22:48]
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andro_meda does liberty reserve require account verification or something? [22:53]
bitcoinTrader no [22:53]
bitcoinTrader but very difficult to fund LR :) [22:54]
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andro_meda how come? [22:54]
andro_meda isn't it popular? [22:54]
* rokj (~rokj@pdpc/supporter/active/rokj) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:54]
mircea_popescu [22:58]
mircea_popescu i think this is kinda interesting as an ideea. [22:59]
candlepin what is it? [22:59]
candlepin underage vagna? [22:59]
plato hey coingenuity sorry i tabbed out and forgot i'd asked. markup on coinabul is just too high for me, like 20% above spot [22:59]
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* ffsket ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:01]
candlepin diamonds? hmm interesting [23:02]
candlepin but its impossible to sell diamonds unless you're a broker in the business [23:02]
candlepin theyre an illiquid asset, unless you are part of th ecartel [23:02]
candlepin no one will buy back a diamond [23:02]
copumpkin coingenuity: how many btc would 1kg of gold cost? [23:03]
bougyman a few [23:03]
copumpkin bougyman: thanks :) [23:03]
* OpenOcean is now known as Mad7Scientist [23:03]
candlepin and the whole certified diamond thing is such a scam [23:05]
candlepin half of them are still blood diamonds smuggled into "legit" batches [23:05]
andro_meda what is a blood diamond? [23:05]
helo slave labor diamond [23:06]
* hngryhngryhippo (~hngryhngr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:06]
candlepin if they actually wanted to eliminate blood diamonds theyd do mass-spec analysis of each gem to pinpoint the exact place they were mined. but they dont do that. its all based on the honor system [23:06]
andro_meda so whats the problem with that? [23:06]
helo mined pre-civil war in the US [23:06]
* hngryhngryhippo is now known as HippoInTheSky [23:06]
* Y0nderboy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:07]
Y0nderboy Heya [23:07]
neofutur andro_meda: theres a good movie called "blood diamonds" to better understand the problem [23:07]
Y0nderboy Does anyone need free pen-testing services? [23:09]
candlepin bitcoinica [23:10]
candlepin well they did [23:10]
Y0nderboy Heh. [23:10]
Y0nderboy candlepin, run any sites? [23:11]
mircea_popescu candlepin : for 3 dollars per 1pt stone they're more like stuff to play with [23:11]
candlepin no i just browse prons [23:12]
candlepin j/k haha [23:12]
candlepin mircea_popescu: its cool.. i like diamonds [23:12]
mircea_popescu copumpkin, congenuity : im curious too. [23:12]
* mnk4ever224 (6ce4fc11@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:16]
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mircea_popescu << this is fucken sad. [23:19]
* BicycleHead ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:19]
BicycleHead ;;buy 5 btc at 6 USD amazon gift card codes? [23:19]
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Mad7Scientist mircea_popescu, at least he's honest [23:22]
mircea_popescu ya. but i mean... poor guy. [23:23]
candlepin hot stoner chiqs smoking bongs: [23:24]
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mcorlett candlepin: "hot" [23:27]
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h4ckm3 anyone selling amazon giftcards? [23:30]
* DBordello has quit (Quit: Leaving) [23:30]
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* deego (~user@unaffiliated/deego) has left #bitcoin-otc ("ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)") [23:32]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:35]
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* NuclearMeltdown (~rep@unaffiliated/antiliberal) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:38]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to vragnaroda [23:38]
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* vragnaroda has kicked candlepin from #bitcoin-otc (candlepin) [23:40]
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* jjjrmy (6166dbe4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:43]
jjjrmy need a better cpu :/ [23:43]
mcorlett vragnaroda: What was that kick for? [23:44]
mcorlett h4ckm3: [23:45]
mircea_popescu Buy: 5.28 Sell: 4.58 [23:45]
mircea_popescu lmao [23:45]
* joecool (~joecool@no-sources/joecool) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:45]
mircea_popescu incidentally, has anyone given a look at vragnaroda's wot ratings page ? [23:46]
mircea_popescu it looks like the insane asylum, could we maybe get moving a little on cleanning it up ? [23:46]
mcorlett ;;getrating vragnaroda [23:46]
gribble User vragnaroda, created on Thu Apr 21 13:11:13 2011. Cumulative rating 15, from 25 total ratings. Received ratings: 20 positive, 5 negative. Sent ratings: 21 positive, 9 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask vragnaroda!~vragnarod@unaffiliated/vragnaroda [23:46]
rawrmage hahaha [23:46]
rawrmage ;;rated vragnaroda [23:47]
gribble You rated user vragnaroda on Sun Feb 26 21:33:51 2012, giving him a rating of 2, and supplied these additional notes: diäresis. [23:47]
mcorlett Cápitan paraipan stole my note... [23:47]
rawrmage nanotube: the bitcoin-otc website doesn't support our funny unicode characters‽ [23:47]
* fimpfimp ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:47]
mod6 ;; view [23:47]
gribble #7120 Thu Mar 8 11:50:49 2012 mod6 BUY 6.75 BTC @ 35 USD (I have a $35.00 USD Moneypak I want to trade for BTC. Auth/Rating on OTC req. Thanks!) [23:47]
h4ckm3 mcorlett, thanks, but I only want giftcards [23:48]
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h4ckm3 I also just wanted to work on my rating, I use [23:48]
* pingdrive (~pingdrive@gateway/tor-sasl/pingdrive) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:48]
novusordo selling a $15 itunes card for 2.5 btc [23:51]
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* candlepin ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:57]
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