Forum logs for 07 Jan 2014
Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
pankkake | I liked openid, but it is effectively dead | [00:00] |
mike_c | stackoverflow tried to use it. i was surprised that didn't work. | [00:00] |
benkay | log in with cryptotoken. it's the only way. | [00:00] |
pankkake | at least I could self-host it… now a lot of websites throw you facebook in the face | [00:01] |
pankkake | because, and that is truly a problem, people are too lazy to create a new account, and manage passwords | [00:01] |
* | Pucilowski (~pucilowsk@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:02] |
benkay | time heals all this idiocy. red queen patterns etc. | [00:02] |
pankkake | the only thing I dislike with static blogs is the comment handling. usually, it's… disqus | [00:04] |
pankkake | but I've seen implementations of one of my dreams: a comment-by-email | [00:04] |
benkay | yeah. i'm thinking about how to do comments. | [00:05] |
pankkake | plus, email already has antispams. why reinvent the wheel | [00:05] |
mike_c | that is a good idea. identity friendly, if not user friendly. | [00:05] |
benkay | not buying into one of these federated identity services - that'd run counter to the whole point. | [00:05] |
benkay | sheeeit, mike_c, if someone can't handle comments by email i don't want 'em commenting. | [00:06] |
mike_c | it's not that they can't handle, just raises the bar for doing so. you'll get fewer comments. | [00:06] |
pankkake | that was my main reason for chosing wordpress; so many plugins, comments with working antispam | [00:06] |
mike_c | not sure how trilema's works, but it seems a reasonable compromise. | [00:07] |
pankkake | well some clients/webmails don't provide a good way to have multiple identities | [00:07] |
benkay | ;;google trilema spam | [00:08] |
gribble | The Trilemma Of Child Care - SlideShare: |
[00:08] |
pankkake | perhaps add a special tag on top of the mail to change it; and also provide a URL | [00:08] |
pankkake | lol zerohedge | [00:08] |
mike_c | | [00:09] |
ozbot | Effectual spam filtering for WordPress pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. | [00:09] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 2000 @ 0.001 = 2 BTC [+] | [00:09] |
benkay | that's the one, mike_c. | [00:10] |
benkay | having written on everything from friendster to livejournal to the well, blogger and yes even wordpress before attempting to roll my own this time through i decided to keep all of my data local and generate blog files from my file | [00:12] |
pankkake | catches most of my spam but it might also prevent lynx users from commenting :( | [00:12] |
ozbot | WordPress › Anti-spam « WordPress Plugins | [00:12] |
benkay | which thanks to the insane amounts of time that's been put into org-mode and emacs in general is a pretty robust project | [00:12] |
* | fitzpleasure ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:13] |
benkay | | [00:13] |
ozbot | Quick start Guide | [00:13] |
benkay | you'll see i have some styling to do. i hate styling. | [00:13] |
mike_c | i'm more interested in the identity side though. what's the right compromise for allowing attribution to commenters without making them create an account? | [00:13] |
benkay | pgp signed comments. | [00:13] |
mike_c | heh | [00:13] |
mike_c | hardly a compromise | [00:13] |
benkay | no way man | [00:14] |
pankkake | use bootstrap | [00:14] |
benkay | errybody's going to have to get at least conversant with privacy tools. | [00:14] |
mike_c | yes, and highcharts. obviously. | [00:14] |
pankkake | I used to dislike bootstrap because so many websites use it. but so what? interfaces are meant to be standardized | [00:14] |
benkay | i don't want to 'use' anything - i want to deploy some capital and have some less generated by a human for me. | [00:14] |
pankkake | and if you hate css, it's perfect | [00:15] |
mike_c | pankkake: agreed. not hard to tweak anyway. | [00:15] |
* | kleeck ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:16] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20190 @ 0.00090896 = 18.3519 BTC [+] {2} | [00:18] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17010 @ 0.00091136 = 15.5022 BTC [+] {2} | [00:19] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17050 @ 0.00091142 = 15.5397 BTC [+] {2} | [00:21] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 5 @ 0.02479959 = 0.124 BTC [+] | [00:27] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 10 @ 0.02479959 = 0.248 BTC [+] | [00:33] |
* | LorenzoMoney1 (~LorenzoMo@unaffiliated/lorenzomoney) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:38] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21610 @ 0.00090971 = 19.6588 BTC [-] | [00:47] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13040 @ 0.00091052 = 11.8732 BTC [+] | [00:55] |
* | LorenzoMoney has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [00:58] |
* | alex_c (~Alex@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:01] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6160 @ 0.00090595 = 5.5807 BTC [-] | [01:03] |
* | darkee has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [01:06] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 145 @ 0.00439512 = 0.6373 BTC [+] {4} | [01:06] |
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* | darkee (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:09] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 43 @ 0.00439709 = 0.1891 BTC [+] {2} | [01:11] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21890 @ 0.00091188 = 19.9611 BTC [+] {2} | [01:12] |
* | rbonestell ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:13] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 317 @ 0.00439995 = 1.3948 BTC [+] {4} | [01:13] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13860 @ 0.00091241 = 12.646 BTC [+] | [01:13] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 159 @ 0.00439998 = 0.6996 BTC [+] {3} | [01:14] |
* | twizt (457d6d20@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:15] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 74 @ 0.00288201 = 0.2133 BTC [-] | [01:17] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.467999 BTC [-] | [01:18] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15040 @ 0.00091241 = 13.7226 BTC [+] | [01:22] |
* | btclovernick (~mark@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:24] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 10000 @ 0.001 = 10 BTC [+] | [01:29] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 11 @ 0.4680909 = 5.149 BTC [+] {2} | [01:33] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.46899999 = 2.814 BTC [+] {2} | [01:34] |
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midnightmagic | mikaeldice MiningBuddy mircea_popescu mius mixdio_ | [01:36] |
midnightmagic | mikaeldice MiningBuddy mircea_popescu mius mixdio_ | [01:36] |
midnightmagic | mikaeldice MiningBuddy mircea_popescu mius mixdio_ | [01:36] |
mircea_popescu | ;;later tell mike_c nice catch on the bitbet statement there. | [01:36] |
gribble | The operation succeeded. | [01:36] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 11914 @ 0.00009601 = 1.1439 BTC [+] {2} | [01:48] |
kakobrekla | you are late | [01:50] |
kakobrekla | hrm, again without the http://, | [01:50] |
mircea_popescu | what mess, it's like 70 cents. | [01:51] |
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mircea_popescu | big whoop | [01:52] |
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kakobrekla | and the one from last year | [01:52] |
kakobrekla | and generally, its a mess. | [01:52] |
kakobrekla | we fucked up too many times :p | [01:52] |
mircea_popescu | gracious donations to shareholders : 0.061 BTC ? | [01:53] |
kakobrekla | imma gonna make it esier | [01:53] |
mircea_popescu | obv shareholders didn't give a shit about the 6 bitcents, or else they'd have said something. | [01:53] |
mircea_popescu | people gotta get used to reading reports, calculator in hand | [01:53] |
mircea_popescu | this isn't lazyland, this is bitcoin, a republic. | [01:53] |
kakobrekla | well obv is all my fault cause i sign the thing on the end | [01:55] |
kakobrekla | it looks bad | [01:55] |
kakobrekla | kako cant do maffs | [01:55] |
mircea_popescu | it's partly your fault, and partly my fault, and partly the fault of everyone who may wish to bitch about it | [01:55] |
mircea_popescu | we're all in this together. | [01:55] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 250 @ 0.001 = 0.25 BTC [+] | [01:56] |
mircea_popescu | with any luck at all, i'll forget to roll the .7 bitcents into next month's report and then it'll look really bad lol | [01:57] |
pankkake | what are you using for accounting? text files? | [01:57] |
kakobrekla | actually its not so much your fault cause you dont sign it, which makes me think you should be doing that from now on :D | [01:57] |
kakobrekla | eyeballing apparently | [01:58] |
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mircea_popescu | pankkake nubian slaves. | [01:58] |
pankkake | I need slaves to sort my files | [01:58] |
pankkake | and my porn | [01:58] |
kakobrekla | nsa does that | [01:59] |
mircea_popescu | so you need nubian and pubian slaves. | [01:59] |
pankkake | though I shouldn't need porn if I have slaves. hmm | [01:59] |
mircea_popescu | "Slavery in Sudan began in ancient times, and has continued to the present day." sez wikipedia | [01:59] |
* | btclovernick_ (~mark@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:59] |
pankkake | my love for metadata is probably more insane than anyone in the nsa | [01:59] |
* | Pucilowski_ (~pucilowsk@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:00] |
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pankkake | so no serious answer! are you afraid to admit you're using excel? | [02:04] |
mircea_popescu | me ? i don't have excel. | [02:04] |
pankkake | general inquiry | [02:04] |
BingoBoingo | pankkake: Paper spreadsheets | [02:04] |
BingoBoingo | For maximum airgap | [02:05] |
mircea_popescu | | [02:06] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 200 @ 0.0028828 = 0.5766 BTC [+] {2} | [02:09] |
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jurov | i'm doing reports in perl | [02:22] |
* | jurov runs | [02:22] |
KRS1 | thats what its fo! i love perl | [02:22] |
* | CuWireBeard ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:22] |
lippoper | yeah | [02:28] |
lippoper | perl lol | [02:28] |
pankkake | why run? I'm thinking I'd do pretty much the same | [02:28] |
* | coingenuity is now known as Guest85910 | [02:28] |
* | Guest85910 is now known as coingenuity | [02:28] |
BingoBoingo | I'm kind of curious if any line betting operations are going to fold up tomorrow morning. | [02:31] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 15 @ 0.0242 = 0.363 BTC [-] | [02:32] |
jurov | BingoBoingo: why? | [02:32] |
lippoper | any profitable mining shares? | [02:33] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 17 @ 0.02419623 = 0.4113 BTC [-] | [02:33] |
mircea_popescu | mining and profitable don't mix so well | [02:33] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [7C] 27 @ 0.00644996 = 0.1741 BTC [+] {2} | [02:34] |
BingoBoingo | jurov: Because so many people are betting on Auburn. Auburn is given odds that make it a great value pick. Since most BTC line betting operations pull lines off of USA Today instead of letting odds play on their own and collecting their vig, if Auburn wins I imagine at least a few won't be able to pay winnings. | [02:34] |
BingoBoingo | I imagine such a black Tuesday outcome would be great publicity for BitBet though. | [02:35] |
mircea_popescu | interesting point. | [02:35] |
mircea_popescu | i would imagine all of them strictly consist of one derp, his .5 btc budget and his dreams and aspirations | [02:35] |
mircea_popescu | in which case some nice bandwagon effect would probably do what you say sooner or later | [02:35] |
BingoBoingo | mircea_popescu: I've been putting money on Auburn at as many books as I can that haven't been rather conclusively labeled scam yet. Cheaper exercise than the one you did with Patrick Harnett. | [02:36] |
mircea_popescu | yeah well... it's easily forgotten that at the time the replacement cost of 500btc was like five grand | [02:36] |
* | mike_c (~mike_c@unaffiliated/mike-c/x-9105598) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:36] |
BingoBoingo | Well... Yeah. As the years go on though the relative impressiveness of the story will grow simply because n00bs can't remember single dollar digit btc. | [02:37] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 1 @ 0.12699999 BTC [+] | [02:38] |
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mircea_popescu | perversely, a good investment in more ways than one | [02:38] |
mircea_popescu | noobs also don't remember the entire "btc rating agency" bullshit coming out of his inflamed brain, and consequently don't remember reason #5498045986 why bitcoin didn't go to shit before they had a chance to hear of it. | [02:39] |
BingoBoingo | Well, yeah. Breaking one of the "big guys" and firmly placing yourself as the bigger and more solvent guy | [02:39] |
jurov | for example | [02:39] |
jurov | it's there but i never did line betting, what does this mean? | [02:39] |
jurov | there's 4.2BTC bet on? | [02:40] |
mircea_popescu | jurov line betting vs mutual betting is like bucket shop vs stock exchange. in the line model all trades are against the house. | [02:40] |
jurov | i know how it works | [02:40] |
mircea_popescu | it's as if anyone buying shares bought from the nyse itself, and anyone selling sold to nyse itself | [02:40] |
mircea_popescu | and nyse came up with an arbitrary price each morning | [02:40] |
jurov | but am interested how to read the stats | [02:40] |
mircea_popescu | stock generation style | [02:40] |
mircea_popescu | a | [02:40] |
BingoBoingo | jurov: It means an Auburn win returns roughly quadruple your initial bet. Looks like similar odds I've been buying, but I've heard that site was scam already. | [02:40] |
mircea_popescu | basically it's what you make in each case | [02:40] |
mircea_popescu | BingoBoingo i love it how they never advertise their house limit, too | [02:41] |
mike_c | 11 point spread and 4.2 money line? that does sound attractive. | [02:41] |
mircea_popescu | i imagine if someone sends 10k btc on their stated odds all sorts of fun ensues. | [02:42] |
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jurov | they certainly have some limit | [02:42] |
mircea_popescu | link to it :) | [02:42] |
BingoBoingo | +320 on Auburn means you would win 320 dollars on a 100 dollar ticket. -380 on Florida State means you would win 100/380 on your 100 dollar ticket | [02:42] |
mircea_popescu | such ignorant notation too. negative and fractional, same thing. blergh | [02:43] |
BingoBoingo | mike_c: There are much better probably scam sports books out there | [02:43] |
mike_c | hah. the vegas line is +295. | [02:44] |
BingoBoingo | mike_c: I wouldn't take the spread though. On value bets liek this ML tends to be better in the long run | [02:44] |
mike_c | no bitbet | [02:44] |
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mike_c | too many nerds on bitbet for football | [02:45] |
BingoBoingo | mike_c: I did the bitbet too on both sides, but they are closed | [02:45] |
mircea_popescu | | [02:45] |
ozbot | BitBet - BTC will hit $1000 without dropping to $100 | [02:45] |
BingoBoingo | mike_c: I wrote this one | [02:45] |
mircea_popescu | i love the bbet commenters every time | [02:45] |
mike_c | so looks like it got one bet other than you | [02:46] |
mike_c | i agree with mp, once football bets are popular on bitbet we will know the gold rush is over. | [02:46] |
mircea_popescu | certainly not this silliness where bitbet lays a quarter million bucks on any diff bet easy, | [02:47] |
mircea_popescu | and you struggle to get 1k together on football prime time events | [02:48] |
BingoBoingo | mike_c: I don't know if they will ever be too popular. The problem of tracking a whole season seems better suited to bucket shops and line betting operations. Marquee events and championships that can get traffic though should do better on the BitBet model though. | [02:48] |
* | Evolyn_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:48] |
jurov | i dunno, i can easily imagine football junkies prefer betting where they know the win in advance | [02:49] |
BingoBoingo | Sports betting I've come to see is kind of a niche market. | [02:49] |
mircea_popescu | BingoBoingo ideally it evolves as an exchange (ie, a myriad actually honest operators do line betting and promotion, and then meet on bitbet and hedge in a liquid market) | [02:49] |
jurov | even if mutual may be more profitable, effective, intelligent etc. | [02:49] |
BingoBoingo | Maybe even more navel gazing than bitcoin. | [02:49] |
mike_c | yeah, all those prop bets with terrible odds at the bookie would be much better on bitbet like "team to win the championship" or super bowl props. | [02:49] |
BingoBoingo | mircea_popescu: Sure, but given how often the gambling type (the kind who are so quick to forgive SealswithClubs for their hack) go for the familiar over the good it might be a decade. At least Bitcoin has plenty of time to fix this. | [02:51] |
mike_c | and bitbet is welcome for the audit :) my fee is 0.061 btc. | [02:51] |
mircea_popescu | BingoBoingo no but the idea is, the ops themselves have more of a clue. obviously as it is now, every failed seo expert/14 yo running his own site this won't be the case | [02:51] |
mircea_popescu | but these will lose their shirt within months, not decades. | [02:51] |
mircea_popescu | to survive people will have to use the tools. | [02:52] |
midnightmagic | mikaeldice mike_c MiningBuddy mircea_popescu mius mixdio_ | [02:52] |
midnightmagic | mikaeldice mike_c MiningBuddy mircea_popescu mius mixdio_ | [02:52] |
mircea_popescu | mike_c >D | [02:52] |
* | Evolyn has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | [02:52] |
BingoBoingo | They might stretch it out a while. People can be irrational longer than we expect as Usagi being able to list a silver instrument of some indeterminate form on a scam exchange illustrates. | [02:52] |
mircea_popescu | so the model for sports is, there are say 10-12 respectable bookie type sites, which do all the forum spamming and general dicking around with the punters, | [02:52] |
mircea_popescu | then they actually trade their takes on bitbet. say one got 50 btc on yes 12 on no, the other 5 on yes 64 on no etc | [02:53] |
mircea_popescu | they can't sanely hold on to this, so they all bet on the yes/no bitbet according to their book | [02:53] |
BingoBoingo | Sure, like the cloning intrade but actually backing it on BitBet which is real | [02:54] |
mike_c | that would work better with bitbet v2 without a linear weight | [02:54] |
mircea_popescu | best of both worlds. | [02:54] |
mircea_popescu | allows people to be entrepreneurs, allows risk to be correctly handled, allows punters to not have to think and be fleeced for it. | [02:54] |
mircea_popescu | everyone's happy, and the market grows | [02:54] |
mircea_popescu | at least that's the model | [02:54] |
midnightmagic | mikaeldice mike_c MiningBuddy mircea_popescu mius mixdio_ | [02:54] |
midnightmagic | mikaeldice mike_c MiningBuddy mircea_popescu mius mixdio_ | [02:54] |
BingoBoingo | mike_c: BitBet now works fine. Just when you write a sports bet make sure to not end the weight at 1 | [02:54] |
mircea_popescu | mike_c they're all in the same timeline so they really don't care about the weight | [02:55] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10946 @ 0.00091265 = 9.9899 BTC [+] | [02:55] |
mircea_popescu | 5 minute differences or w/e may be the round-trip time for "x got injured" among the bookies won't show up in the bitbet weight anyway | [02:55] |
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BingoBoingo | mike_c: Sports bets do benefit from some sort of attached weight though, especially in hand egg because of injuries, arrests, and fat athletes having heart attacks | [02:56] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.4643 BTC [-] | [02:56] |
* | LorenzoMoney (~LorenzoMo@unaffiliated/lorenzomoney) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:56] |
mike_c | I agree weight of some type is important. but we beat that horse dead a couple weeks ago. | [02:57] |
mircea_popescu | some horses need to be beaten many times | [02:57] |
mike_c | next time i beat the horse i will have a simulator in hand to show how the alternate model works. | [02:58] |
mircea_popescu | the previous horse hath not died in vain | [02:58] |
BingoBoingo | Horses are cheap | [03:00] |
mircea_popescu | whorses too | [03:00] |
* | CuWireBeard has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [03:01] |
mircea_popescu | | [03:01] |
ozbot | BitBet - BFL will deliver 28nm before Jan 6 2014 | [03:01] |
mircea_popescu | who the fuck laid out on yes | [03:01] |
* | CuWireBeard ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [03:01] |
BingoBoingo | I dunno. Around here people will pay you to take a horse. We really need to get to eating them already. | [03:02] |
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BingoBoingo | Inaba probably laid out for yes, but obviously doesn't have the capital he had last year... | [03:04] |
mircea_popescu | i imagine throwing away btc is a lot more painful than it used to be too | [03:05] |
mircea_popescu | once it sprinted from 30 to 1k people see 10k with different eyes | [03:05] |
mircea_popescu | << this can't be 6:1 srsly now | [03:05] |
ozbot | BitBet - Simona Halep to win Roland Garros | [03:05] |
mircea_popescu | BingoBoingo you're better at this than me, can you get me what the bookies say on this prop ? | [03:06] |
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BingoBoingo | mircea_popescu: A lot of fiat books are showing longer odds that Halep wins. This is the sort of bet though where outcomes other than yes/no might make BitBet more interesting (meaning for example a single French open bet with the option to bet on each competitor, ie you run bets like the pony track does for some events) | [03:12] |
pankkake | not enough nerds on bitbet for starcraft | [03:12] |
mircea_popescu | longer like how long ? | [03:12] |
BingoBoingo | mircea_popescu: 15-17.5 to one | [03:12] |
mircea_popescu | aha | [03:12] |
BingoBoingo | Bitcoin tennis fans aren't rich enough to balance your love for her tits though | [03:13] |
mircea_popescu | how is a single bet for 6 people better than 6 yes/no bets ? cause larger pool ? | [03:13] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7750 @ 0.00091285 = 7.0746 BTC [+] | [03:13] |
mircea_popescu | ha | [03:13] |
pankkake | I thought tennis was the sport for rich people. like golf | [03:14] |
mircea_popescu | pankkake old money = stupid = btc poor | [03:14] |
pankkake | old money is btc zero | [03:14] |
pankkake | btc poor is teenagers with gpus | [03:14] |
mircea_popescu | that's a point | [03:14] |
BingoBoingo | Well, consider a futures bet for X wins championsip of such and such league. Where the teams competing are fixed well in advanced of the seasons start. 30 baseball teams for example, you can bet on anyof them to win the world series. Maybe the pot isn't bigger, but having all of the options in one pool makes pricing risk more straight forward. | [03:15] |
ArsKisS | | [03:15] |
ArsKisS | wutwut | [03:15] |
BingoBoingo | Close that bet when the season starts and as the season progresses let bets open for the outcomes of individual teams. | [03:16] |
mircea_popescu | how does it make pricing more straightforward ? i thought it makes it a nightmare | [03:16] |
ArsKisS | they pay some good looking dividends and then skyrocket | [03:16] |
kakobrekla | again vritual mining? | [03:16] |
ArsKisS | yup | [03:17] |
kakobrekla | virtual mining of virtual currency | [03:17] |
kakobrekla | virtually scam. | [03:17] |
KRS1 | lol | [03:17] |
ArsKisS | virtuous | [03:17] |
pankkake | consortium! | [03:17] |
pankkake | "A consortium is an association of two or more individuals" ok I guess that works | [03:17] |
BingoBoingo | Well, depending on how you approach the problem of pricing in that situation it could be more of a nightmare of it could be a glorious consilodated market. | [03:17] |
mircea_popescu | BingoBoingo let's try and model. three teams, a, b and c. a has 20 btc on it to win, b 15, c 27. | [03:18] |
mircea_popescu | what's the odds a wins ? | [03:18] |
mircea_popescu | cause if the bet is "a wins" y/n, then you deffo know what the odds are. | [03:18] |
ArsKisS | hmm | [03:18] |
ArsKisS | is there a way you can see whole cryptostocks history somehow | [03:18] |
ArsKisS | this is silly that the history is just couple of pages long | [03:18] |
BingoBoingo | mircea_popescu: Roughly 1/3 | [03:19] |
mircea_popescu | ArsKisS perhaps you are missing their wisdom there. | [03:19] |
mircea_popescu | BingoBoingo 20 / 62 ? | [03:19] |
ArsKisS | mircea_popescu, err? | [03:19] |
BingoBoingo | Right | [03:19] |
mircea_popescu | and isn't y/n more straightforward ? not that a lot of adding shit is impossible to do. | [03:20] |
mircea_popescu | ArsKisS they know their history won't ever look good, so why publish it too much. | [03:20] |
ArsKisS | mircea_popescu, but it's about MY history | [03:21] |
BingoBoingo | Break that into three yes/no bets though a b and c can all have bets such that all teams are favored to win. That creates an opportunity for great arbitrage, but... This is Bitcoin and people still buy "mining" | [03:21] |
ArsKisS | mircea_popescu, talking about Account -> Legend | [03:21] |
ArsKisS | only shows last 50 transactions | [03:21] |
ArsKisS | useless piece of shit :< | [03:22] |
mircea_popescu | why does this site look just like btctc | [03:22] |
BingoBoingo | ArsKisS: Well cryptostocks is a piece of shit yes. | [03:22] |
mircea_popescu | did they actually recycle that ? | [03:22] |
kakobrekla | btc tc tc tc tc disco mode tc tc tc | [03:22] |
BingoBoingo | Vircurex was hacked twice and noone bother to take the the cryptostocks wallet from that same sever out of pity | [03:22] |
ArsKisS | BingoBoingo, yea, kinda. but some of the stocks are good :/ | [03:22] |
BingoBoingo | ArsKisS: What is good anyway | [03:23] |
kakobrekla | thats everlasting question, what is good, what is evil | [03:23] |
BingoBoingo | Bitbet is good, math is evil, Abaci for everyone | [03:24] |
ArsKisS | how many markets there is btw? | [03:24] |
ArsKisS | cryptostocks, havelock and? | [03:24] |
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kakobrekla | buttfunder | [03:24] |
kakobrekla | glbse | [03:24] |
kakobrekla | btc disco | [03:24] |
mircea_popescu | and colored coins | [03:24] |
BingoBoingo | ArsKisS: Everything is just one big market. Within the one market though there are a lot of alleys where muggins happen. If you aren't careful you might even meet Rapin' Jameis | [03:25] |
kakobrekla | !b 1 | [03:25] |
assbot | Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( | [03:25] |
ArsKisS | kakobrekla, last one sounds extra shady, two first I've heard something before. | [03:25] |
ArsKisS | BingoBoingo :D | [03:25] |
kakobrekla | !exchanges ArsKisS | [03:25] |
kakobrekla | see what assbot pmed you | [03:26] |
ArsKisS | cool | [03:26] |
ArsKisS | thx | [03:26] |
ArsKisS | Glbse closed for good? | [03:26] |
ArsKisS | 2012 on bitcointalk | [03:26] |
kakobrekla | oh wait its 2013 already | [03:27] |
ArsKisS | kakobrekla, 2014 | [03:27] |
BingoBoingo | ArsKisS: Thermos killed GLBSE | [03:27] |
ArsKisS | close call | [03:27] |
pankkake | !exchanges | [03:27] |
BingoBoingo | .bait | [03:27] |
ozbot | | [03:27] |
pankkake | it's not up to date | [03:27] |
kakobrekla | !exchanges | [03:27] |
pankkake | still has btctttc too | [03:27] |
kakobrekla | site is still up | [03:28] |
kakobrekla | let it be a reminder | [03:28] |
kakobrekla | ! | [03:28] |
pankkake | at least the shares aren't losing value! | [03:28] |
kakobrekla | lmao | [03:28] |
BingoBoingo | Ei Ei Scam | [03:28] |
mircea_popescu | why does that pic look like the broads are standing | [03:29] |
kakobrekla | ArsKisS you can also lose money on pico stocks | [03:29] |
kakobrekla | or just donate it to poor nigerians | [03:29] |
kakobrekla | somalians work as well. | [03:29] |
ArsKisS | kakobrekla, nah, i rather keep them | [03:29] |
BingoBoingo | | [03:30] |
ozbot | Source Code in TV and Films | [03:30] |
kakobrekla | ArsKisS dont be so selfish | [03:30] |
BingoBoingo | ArsKisS: You have like two minutes left to bet it on Handegg tonight | [03:30] |
knotwork | mircea_popescu, | [03:30] |
ArsKisS | kakobrekla, ofc | [03:31] |
mircea_popescu | knotwork myeah. | [03:32] |
mircea_popescu | also, there's euro futures now too | [03:32] |
knotwork | Euro futures on MPOE ? | [03:33] |
knotwork | Does it still cost 30 BTC for an emporium seat? | [03:33] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10900 @ 0.00091285 = 9.9501 BTC [+] | [03:35] |
mircea_popescu | yea. | [03:35] |
mircea_popescu | !t m x.eur | [03:35] |
assbot | [MPEX:X.EUR] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0.00199998 / 0.00246786 / 0.00333333 (651 shares, 1.61 BTC) | [03:35] |
mircea_popescu | not much volume as of yet | [03:35] |
mircea_popescu | but it;'s a physically settled future, you can obtain euros in bitcoin central. | [03:35] |
pankkake | would be better if davout_ delivered the bills on your doorstep, in a metal briefcase | [03:37] |
knotwork | hee hee | [03:37] |
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mircea_popescu | yeah, because people can afford to pay a a coupla grand for airplane tickets + hotels + etc | [03:38] |
BingoBoingo | Wait, I though Jurov was carrying the breifcase | [03:39] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10550 @ 0.00091265 = 9.6285 BTC [-] | [03:45] |
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mircea_popescu | so, we're doing some hardware upgrades on mpex infrastructure starting Jan 8th at 3am GMT | [03:52] |
pankkake | that's a smart scam/spam; target potential thieves: | [03:52] |
mircea_popescu | there may be some short lived service interruptions. | [03:52] |
pankkake | blinded by greed, they'll just open the thing without question | [03:52] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 86 @ 0.00449709 = 0.3867 BTC [+] {2} | [04:11] |
KRS1 | greed is a mo-fo | [04:14] |
KRS1 | funny, some are helpless to it i noticed..darwin has a solution for them too | [04:15] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9200 @ 0.00091265 = 8.3964 BTC [-] | [04:16] |
KRS1 | got an interesting email in ref. to mastercoin | [04:20] |
KRS1 | | [04:20] |
ozbot | Arbitrage with mastercoin - | [04:20] |
KRS1 | im interested in moving toward an algorithmic trading style..not sure where to start and i dont want to write my own bot from scratch | [04:21] |
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BingoBoingo | KRS1: I'm more convinced that as Bitcoin matures people will progress through more and more advanced holdign styles | [04:24] |
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mike_c | taking out that one hard drive that was holding the whole thing up? :D | [04:24] |
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KRS1 | BingoBoingo: yeah the markets have to calm down a bit | [04:25] |
KRS1 | everyones complaining of manipulation | [04:25] |
BingoBoingo | KRS1: I'm not talking about that. The BTC/Fiat interface is boring and overdone. I'm thinking applications of BTC tht take advantage of its function as a store of value (ie the most popular use of BTC) | [04:27] |
BingoBoingo | Oh, Auburn is leading the handegg BCS thing 14-3 right nao | [04:29] |
benkay | Just what /can/ one do with BTC held cold, BingoBoingo? Soundslike one o yer classic FR scams. | [04:29] |
BingoBoingo | I think 3 sounds like a good over under for how many line betting ventures might fold tomorrw | [04:29] |
BingoBoingo | benkay: Who said holding has to be cold. I'm thinking Fidelity bonds and such. One of the few people who dealt with and didn't get fucked was Dooglus who made TradeFortress keep a bond with him in exchange for him accepting deposits though TF's platform. Such things seem a natural growth from GPG contracts and other crypto goodness. | [04:31] |
benkay | TF put btc on reserve, or promised to pay? | [04:34] |
BingoBoingo | Million dollar BTC doesn't happen because Bitcoin is a better gum buying tool than a quarter at the gumball machine. It happens through a lot of BTC being tied up in contracts. | [04:34] |
BingoBoingo | benkay: As I understand he made a deposit to Dooglus in advance | [04:34] |
BingoBoingo | Well before his collapse. | [04:34] |
pankkake | that was a very smart move :) | [04:35] |
benkay | those coins have to be 'cold' until that contracts terms are invoked, correct? | [04:35] |
BingoBoingo | Because such a deposit existed Dooglus was able to extract exactly what he was owed as opposed to submitting himself to the arbitrary fractional repayment/settlement mess TF devised. | [04:35] |
BingoBoingo | benkay: Of course coins in such an arrangement have to stay cold. | [04:36] |
BingoBoingo | The value of the coins though is as a store. | [04:36] |
benkay | the Dooglus property in question being just-dice? | [04:36] |
BingoBoingo | benkay: Yup. | [04:36] |
benkay | BingoBoingo: why did j-d have a dependency on in the first place? | [04:37] |
BingoBoingo | benkay: They didn't have any dependency. They just wanted more deposit options and TF was willing to deposit a fidelity bond to cover deposits through | [04:38] |
benkay | ah so if i can recap | [04:39] |
benkay | j-d made themselves an account to which IIO victims could send btc without blockchain confirmations or such, and the fidelity bond was to cover however that account | [04:40] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 2090 @ 0.001 = 2.09 BTC [+] | [04:40] |
benkay | however *much* that account *was holding when IIO went down | [04:40] |
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BingoBoingo | That roughly seems to be it. I've traversed quite a bit of this handle of vodka I trekked through the polar vortex to acquire, but it sounds right. Depositors just weren't victims yet. | [04:42] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2117 @ 0.00091285 = 1.9325 BTC [+] | [04:43] |
mircea_popescu | benkay there was no depending, tf was in search of adding value to his otherwise not particularly useful service | [04:43] |
benkay | all webwallet users are victims, they just don't know it yet. | [04:43] |
BingoBoingo | Well, yeah | [04:43] |
mircea_popescu | associating with things like jd made sense in that perspective. doog had enough sense to keep it at arms length | [04:43] |
BingoBoingo | Every year a new batch of people makes that clear. | [04:43] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.465 BTC [+] | [04:44] |
Duffer1 | yea :( | [04:44] |
benkay | mircea_popescu there were dependencies if j-d had to have a surety bond | [04:44] |
BingoBoingo | benkay: hold how this worked out | [04:44] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 42 @ 0.04999999 = 2.1 BTC [+] | [04:45] |
benkay | BingoBoingo: anchors aren't working today | [04:45] |
BingoBoingo | benkay: It is the bottom post on that page | [04:45] |
benkay | well, in ffox anyways. | [04:45] |
pankkake | ah, I'm not the only one! | [04:45] |
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mircea_popescu | mp grins at BingoBoingo's link, knowing full well he was the original investor that insisted dooglus use a gpg scheme to certify investment movements. | [04:45] |
mircea_popescu | apparently it caught on. win. | [04:46] |
BingoBoingo | I dunno that I was the one to tell that to dooglus. | [04:46] |
pankkake | lol | [04:48] |
ozbot | BitBet Stole ~$7,000 from me (10 BTC) | [04:48] |
asciilifeform | | [04:49] |
ozbot | Loper OS » Cardano Prototype Tidbits: TRNG Boards. | [04:49] |
BingoBoingo | pankkake: I imagine this time last year he would have given an A+++ | [04:49] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9570 @ 0.00091287 = 8.7362 BTC [+] {2} | [04:54] |
benkay | ah just you wait - someone's going to send in the .3 butts or w/e for a cardano and scream scam that it doesn't mine | [04:54] |
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benkay | then nsa's name will be trashed on the forums forever | [04:54] |
BingoBoingo | mircea_popescu: I'm looking through my investment records (ie staring wistfully at my vodka) and dun see any record of me having invested in just-dice | [04:54] |
mircea_popescu | BingoBoingo me not you | [04:55] |
BingoBoingo | Ah | [04:55] |
pankkake | don't forget mp talks in the third person | [04:55] |
mircea_popescu | sometimes :D | [04:55] |
mircea_popescu | lol they're still derping on that topic ? | [04:56] |
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BingoBoingo | pankkake: I've tried translating MP a few times. Talking in the third person is the least tricky thing MP does. | [04:57] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 200 @ 0.001 = 0.2 BTC [+] | [04:57] |
pankkake | I have abandonned my trilema TL;DR project :( | [04:57] |
mircea_popescu | sometimes he talks in french. other times he talks in odd words only. | [04:57] |
pankkake | that bitbet think will never die | [04:57] |
pankkake | thing | [04:57] |
benkay | more like if you think its too long you probably don't have it in you to actually read it ;) | [04:58] |
benkay | what, it's 10K! | [04:58] |
mircea_popescu | i thought he was doing more like a public service thing | [04:58] |
benkay | kid probably makes 2x that a year. | [04:58] |
benkay | he can yell for six months at that rate before | [04:58] |
mircea_popescu | benkay i thought it's diff kids carrying the torch. perhaps not. | [04:58] |
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benkay | a self catalyzing bitchfest? | [04:59] |
benkay | it's like a smouldering log - but whence the o2? | [04:59] |
mircea_popescu | maybe it's just fascinating. | [04:59] |
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mircea_popescu | i would guess a large section of the us poor has never encountered this situation where an entity pointedly doesn't give a shit about them | [05:00] |
pankkake | isn't it all the time? | [05:02] |
pankkake | unless they get enough retweets | [05:02] |
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mircea_popescu | no, see, there's a difference | [05:04] |
mircea_popescu | case 1 : you go to an interview, they never call you back. you apply for a loan, they never call you back. you give a girl your number, she never calls you | [05:04] |
mircea_popescu | case 2 : you got to an interview, they tell you you're fucking retarded and get lost | [05:04] |
jcpham | f that | [05:04] |
jcpham | +1 | [05:04] |
mircea_popescu | you apply for a loan, they tell you you're a fucking prole and you may never ever have a loan | [05:04] |
mircea_popescu | you give a girl a number and she laughs her ass off | [05:05] |
mircea_popescu | very different things these | [05:05] |
pankkake | once I went to an interview, they never called me back, but it was mutual | [05:05] |
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CuWireBeard | Oh no rejection, however will a person press on! | [05:10] |
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BingoBoingo | Oh, Auburn is still winning at half time 21-10. However will line betting survive. | [05:14] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4600 @ 0.00091265 = 4.1982 BTC [-] | [05:19] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 97 @ 0.00456948 = 0.4432 BTC [+] | [05:23] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.04999999 = 0.45 BTC [+] | [05:23] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 271 @ 0.00294 = 0.7967 BTC [+] {2} | [05:26] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10663 @ 0.00091323 = 9.7378 BTC [+] {3} | [05:44] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3745 @ 0.00091344 = 3.4208 BTC [+] | [05:45] |
asciilifeform | | [05:45] |
ozbot | FBI Drops Law Enforcement as 'Primary' Mission | [05:45] |
benkay | they see the writing on the wall w/r/t drug seizures funding their operations, i gather. | [05:51] |
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mircea_popescu | benkay more like, "what law". | [06:04] |
asciilifeform | 'national security' might as well 'lettre de cachet enforcement'. wonder why they bothered formalizing it. | [06:06] |
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mircea_popescu | i doubt there's any intent involved | [06:08] |
mircea_popescu | 3rd rate paper writer wrote a word he liked. | [06:08] |
mircea_popescu | According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, more than five-in-ten members of the public and roughly six-in-ten members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a nonpartisan membership organization and think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy, agree that the United States plays a less important role around the world than it did a decade ago. | [06:09] |
mircea_popescu | jeez, and here i thought i'm a lone prophet in a sea of denial | [06:10] |
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mircea_popescu | where's pew find these members of the public ?! | [06:10] |
Duffer1 | the northern and coastal states | [06:10] |
Duffer1 | did you see the top gear where the guys drove through alabama/georgia? | [06:11] |
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mircea_popescu | i don't think i ever saw top gear | [06:11] |
Duffer1 | | [06:12] |
ozbot | Run out of Alabama - Offensive cars - Top Gear - Series 9 - BBC - YouTube | [06:12] |
Duffer1 | and a bit extra (comments on that episode) | [06:13] |
KRS1 | top gear is great, u.s. version sux | [06:13] |
mircea_popescu | aha | [06:14] |
mircea_popescu | ,d | [06:16] |
mircea_popescu | .d | [06:16] |
ozbot | 1418481395.26264 | Next Diff in 1170 blocks | Estimated Change: 14.4584% in 6d 22h 38m 28s | [06:16] |
Duffer1 | btw, top gear UK is a great show even if you're not into cars | [06:16] |
mircea_popescu | im notmuch into tv | [06:17] |
pankkake | lol reminds me of redneck rampage | [06:19] |
Duffer1 | oh shit i completely forgot about that game | [06:19] |
Duffer1 | | [06:20] |
ozbot | Redneck Rampage Collection for download $5.99 - | [06:20] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1862 @ 0.00091265 = 1.6994 BTC [-] | [06:22] |
benkay | you guys i hate fucking with legacy js | [06:24] |
benkay | will fuck with not legacy js for btc | [06:24] |
* | Now talking on #bitcoin-assets | [13:27] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || - most days worth reading || - all days worth reading | [13:27] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Nov 27 22:34:53 2013 | [13:27] |
* | lnostdal has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [13:29] |
* | Troic (~Troic@unaffiliated/troic) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [13:30] |
mircea_popescu | .d | [13:31] |
ozbot | 1418481395.26264 | Next Diff in 1113 blocks | Estimated Change: 15.4948% in 6d 12h 28m 29s | [13:31] |
mircea_popescu | someone must have delivered something | [13:31] |
mircea_popescu | who was it ? | [13:31] |
Duffer1 | likely hashfast | [13:32] |
mircea_popescu | aha | [13:34] |
jurov | oh #bitcoin-assets, the place to go for holy wars about lisp and cereals | [13:34] |
* | mjr_ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [13:35] |
mircea_popescu | waitwut ? | [13:35] |
jurov | today's log | [13:36] |
* | mjr_ (~Thunderbi@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [13:36] |
jurov | not holy wars wars, admittedly | [13:36] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 150 @ 0.001 = 0.15 BTC [+] | [13:36] |
* | mircea_popescu had just grepped the log for lisp, found 0 hits :D | [13:37] |
* | Kushedout has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [13:37] |
mircea_popescu | but to clear the air, | [13:37] |
mircea_popescu | | [13:37] |
ozbot | Dull Surprise - MST3K - YouTube | [13:37] |
* | Kushedout ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [13:38] |
mircea_popescu | and also, | [13:42] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 5 @ 0.0245 = 0.1225 BTC [+] | [13:46] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 50 @ 0.024 = 1.2 BTC [-] | [13:48] |
* | KRS1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [13:51] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.46 = 4.6 BTC [+] | [13:58] |
* | lnostdal (~lnostdal@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [14:07] |
jurov | * mircea_popescu had just grepped the log for lisp, found 0 hits :D rly? | [14:14] |
mircea_popescu | jurov this client doesn't log when im offline see | [14:14] |
jurov | good idea sometimes | [14:14] |
mircea_popescu | yup | [14:14] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46 BTC [+] | [14:18] |
mircea_popescu | "The picture book Hair in Funny Places is intended to reassure kids about to go through puberty. With pictures of a young girl's insides being taken over by grotesque furry monsters representing hormones." | [14:18] |
* | Namworld ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [14:19] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1700 @ 0.00091265 = 1.5515 BTC [-] | [14:25] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 16 @ 0.450125 = 7.202 BTC [-] {2} | [14:41] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 157 @ 0.02479958 = 3.8935 BTC [+] {2} | [14:43] |
* | Duffer1 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 26.0/20131205075310]) | [14:47] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.46 = 2.3 BTC [+] | [14:49] |
* | mjoiii ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [14:49] |
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Namworld | You know, I seem to see many co start accepting Bitcoin stating because of numerous demands from customers. But I can't help but feel those Bitcoin customers are over-represented simply because they are very vocal about it and push it to all businesses they know. | [15:01] |
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mircea_popescu | you are spot on the money. | [15:05] |
mircea_popescu | this is why i don't really encourage the sort of hollow millitantism the "community" seems to think is the one important thing to do, and i doubt anyone's smart to encourage it. | [15:06] |
mircea_popescu | you gain nothing by frustrating the people you want to work with | [15:06] |
* | Enky (~enky@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [15:08] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.46 BTC [+] | [15:31] |
mircea_popescu | | [15:32] |
ozbot | I’ll tell you what impressed me today. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. | [15:32] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11056 @ 0.00091333 = 10.0978 BTC [+] | [15:42] |
Neil | mircea_popescu: Why is bitbet proposition " to shut down in 2014 Rejection reason: Too late." rejected? It has 1 year to run. | [15:42] |
mircea_popescu | isn't this that scammy venue that pushed the original bfl bets back in march ? | [15:43] |
Neil | Yeah | [15:43] |
mircea_popescu | well... i would guess what they mean is that by now it doesn't matter anymore. it might as well be closed. | [15:43] |
Neil | Um, ok :) | [15:43] |
mircea_popescu | purely technical argument, how would you establish it did in fact close ? whether someone somewhere can afford shared hosting to put some html up for the rest of the year ? | [15:44] |
Neil | Several independent credible complaints about lack of payout, or the site just goes offline | [15:44] |
Neil | I'm pissed because they've not resolved several bets from 2013 still | [15:45] |
Neil | (though they've paid out several, so it's not as if they're planning a run, yet) | [15:46] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 96 @ 0.46648937 = 44.783 BTC [+] {5} | [15:47] |
mircea_popescu | i hear ya. | [15:48] |
Neil | I've decided to get out though; bitbet is more transparent, being maintained (BoB not updated in 3 years), resolves fairly promptly, and now seems to have more interest. | [15:49] |
mircea_popescu | it always had more interest, you kidding ? | [15:51] |
mircea_popescu | march bfl bet was like 1k | [15:51] |
mircea_popescu | | [15:52] |
mircea_popescu | 1500 actually | [15:52] |
ozbot | BitBet - BFL will deliver ASIC devices before March 1st | [15:52] |
mircea_popescu | thing pushed what, 300 was it ? | [15:52] |
Neil | Well until recently they had a higher total bettage in all I think. Now they look like they've died (check it out). | [15:53] |
Neil | Recently == 9 months ago-ish | [15:53] |
mircea_popescu | lol ok, 9 months ago bitbet was 2 months old or some shit | [15:54] |
mircea_popescu | | [15:55] |
ozbot | BitBet - Bitcoin difficulty at or above 2B before Feb 2014 | [15:55] |
Neil | What's with all the recent sports bets? Trying to get focus there? They don't seem to be attracting much interest. | [15:55] |
mircea_popescu | holy mothefucking mary on a stick | [15:55] |
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mircea_popescu | talk about volume ? ~500 btc bet just came through | [15:55] |
Neil | wow | [15:55] |
Neil | You had a 500 in the bet you linked above, the BFL one | [15:56] |
* | Duffer1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [15:56] |
Neil | Lol, the payout address is 1BUST | [15:57] |
mircea_popescu | i had nothing to do with this one. | [15:58] |
Neil | Oh you did the other one? | [15:58] |
Neil | Are bitbet employees permitted to bet PA? | [15:58] |
Neil | employees/owners | [15:58] |
mircea_popescu | the source oif this one seems to be | [15:59] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9900 @ 0.00091284 = 9.0371 BTC [-] {2} | [16:00] |
mircea_popescu | Neil how will you verify who bets ? they're permitted by default, as you'd never know | [16:00] |
Neil | Of course. Just wondering if there was a "policy". | [16:00] |
* | Neil ( has left #bitcoin-assets ("Leaving") | [16:02] |
mircea_popescu | ;;later tell neil well my policy is to not make untenable policies | [16:02] |
gribble | The operation succeeded. | [16:02] |
* | dignork (~dignork@gateway/tor-sasl/dignork) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:02] |
kakobrekla | o, bitbet whales surface again | [16:14] |
mircea_popescu | honestly the odds for the no side don't look so bad now | [16:15] |
mircea_popescu | .d | [16:16] |
ozbot | 1418481395.26264 | Next Diff in 1100 blocks | Estimated Change: 14.6108% in 6d 12h 24m 40s | [16:16] |
mircea_popescu | it's still perfectly possible it doesn't cross | [16:16] |
Namworld | lol | [16:17] |
Duffer1 | is that goat's lambo? | [16:17] |
Namworld | No clue | [16:18] |
* | kleeck1 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [16:22] |
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kakobrekla | pft only 200 btc | [16:23] |
* | kleeck ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:23] |
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mircea_popescu | kakobrekla Calculator: | [16:23] |
mircea_popescu | placing a winning 360 BTC bet on: | [16:23] |
mircea_popescu | Yes pays: 397.68477148 BTC | [16:23] |
mircea_popescu | No pays: 730.01195226 BTC | [16:23] |
mircea_popescu | you know i thinkthat's broked ? | [16:23] |
kakobrekla | hm | [16:24] |
* | nubbins` (~nubbins` has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:24] |
mircea_popescu | o no wait, it includes your 360 | [16:24] |
mircea_popescu | nm | [16:24] |
mircea_popescu | it's fine | [16:24] |
kakobrekla | k | [16:24] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10850 @ 0.00091577 = 9.9361 BTC [+] {2} | [16:25] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 30 @ 0.00363333 = 0.109 BTC [-] {3} | [16:29] |
* | jborkl (~jborkl@unaffiliated/jborkl) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:30] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 43 @ 0.00340147 = 0.1463 BTC [-] {2} | [16:30] |
* | jborkl has quit (Client Quit) | [16:31] |
ArsKisS | | [16:32] |
ArsKisS | seems like eben scam? | [16:32] |
ArsKisS | or just project with nobody that make a website? | [16:32] |
ArsKisS | +can | [16:32] |
mircea_popescu | seems like more of the same. | [16:33] |
mircea_popescu | "Plutus is managed by a crypto-currency enthusiast and risk management specialist located in Canada with 10+ years of experience in studying/working as an actuary with relevant experience in statistics/mathematics, trading, fund management and entrepreneurship. " | [16:33] |
mircea_popescu | also known as a 14 yo aspiring student from mainlaind china with a space alien treasure hunter millionaire friend | [16:34] |
* | Korbman (HydraIRC@unaffiliated/korbman) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:37] |
ArsKisS | :D | [16:37] |
ArsKisS | mircea_popescu, sounds legit | [16:37] |
ArsKisS | btw they have 100k or 1M shares to sell? | [16:37] |
mircea_popescu | among numerous other things, bitcoin has been a fascinating exercise in displaying just how clueless people are when it comes to... who they are. | [16:38] |
ArsKisS | it's a bit confusing how it's put on cryptostocks | [16:38] |
mircea_popescu | apparently most anyone has no idea. | [16:38] |
ArsKisS | mircea_popescu :D | [16:38] |
ArsKisS | you should have a youtube channel "angry bitcoin nerd" where you rate businesses | [16:38] |
ArsKisS | i would tip | [16:39] |
mircea_popescu | all i've done on youtube is burn the koran | [16:41] |
Duffer1 | ha | [16:41] |
mircea_popescu | well, the bible too | [16:41] |
Duffer1 | ha | [16:41] |
ArsKisS | mircea_popescu, you should expand! | [16:42] |
nubbins` | | [16:42] |
ozbot | [WTS] Casascius coins. | [16:42] |
mircea_popescu | how much bacon can a person eat | [16:42] |
ArsKisS | just take one episode for one scammer "business" | [16:42] |
nubbins` | ^ shit getting heavy ;( | [16:42] |
assbot | [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 5000 @ 0.002 = 10 BTC [-] | [16:43] |
nubbins` | mircea_popescu: pascale used to have a roommate who would stock up on "storm bacon" whenever bad weather was coming | [16:43] |
mircea_popescu | nubbins` anything deeper than random muppets trading forum posts there ? | [16:43] |
ArsKisS | bacon <3 | [16:43] |
nubbins` | because, y'know, you might need to eat a pound of bacon when the power goes out | [16:43] |
ArsKisS | where do you need that storm for? | [16:43] |
nubbins` | mircea_popescu: nah, just a bit lelly because i have the accused's home address. keeping an eye on it 8) | [16:44] |
mircea_popescu | a a | [16:44] |
nubbins` | people forget these things | [16:44] |
* | hdheuzbsiwhdb ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:46] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 146 @ 0.0045054 = 0.6578 BTC [-] {2} | [16:46] |
mircea_popescu | anyway, there is something satisfying about a rich southern breakfast as the storm rages outside , but my bacon comment was mostly in-context joke re the scriptures burning stuff | [16:47] |
* | mike_c (~mike_c@unaffiliated/mike-c/x-9105598) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:47] |
nubbins` | nod | [16:49] |
nubbins` | do not eat the flesh of the swine, for it is too delicious and you will not stop | [16:49] |
nubbins` | i ground a kilo of pork shoulder into sausages the other day and forgot to add any salt or spices :( | [16:50] |
mircea_popescu | lmao | [16:50] |
mircea_popescu | ;;tslb | [16:51] |
gribble | Time since last block: 3 minutes and 43 seconds | [16:51] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;estimate | [16:53] |
gribble | Next difficulty estimate | None based on data since last change | 1858132456.52 based on data for last three days | [16:53] |
ThickAsThieves | lets just get it over with and get 2bn on this round | [16:53] |
kakobrekla | >The intention of this thread is to post analysis on short to medium term fiat/BTC price developments, scenarios, portfolio allocation, etc. what fits the topic. No double bottoms, ad hominem, trolling or low level comments. As usual, your post will be deleted if not conforming to guidelines above. | [16:54] |
kakobrekla | first self reply starts with > Now I am smoking Cohiba Piramides, which is quite nice in the premium midsize category (75 minutes). | [16:54] |
kakobrekla | guess the poster | [16:54] |
nubbins` | Diablo-D3: i was too excited. i had it all mixed up and everything, just forgot to sprinkle it over the meat before feeding it. | [16:54] |
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* | davout_ is now known as davout | [16:55] |
nubbins` | kakobrekla: Vexual | [16:55] |
kakobrekla | nope | [16:55] |
kakobrekla | more clues, it continiues with: > No wine. Even if I did, it would be port, the only kind that goes with cigars. | [16:55] |
kakobrekla | cmon its too easy already | [16:56] |
Duffer1 | sounds like me | [16:56] |
nubbins` | nod. considered it. i'll probably just spice them while they're cooking tho | [16:56] |
nubbins` | i ended up aborting the sausage and just making a pile of ground pork with the second half, which i did spice | [16:56] |
ThickAsThieves | kako, goat? | [16:57] |
* | NormDePloome (43f9593d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:57] |
kakobrekla | ThickAsThieves , english too good. | [16:57] |
nubbins` | hahaha | [16:57] |
ThickAsThieves | Dr. Greg? | [16:57] |
nubbins` | i cheated and googled. isn't that the guy who was compiling the "bitcoin most richest" list? | [16:58] |
kakobrekla | nope | [16:58] |
kakobrekla | fu nubbins` | [16:58] |
nubbins` | D: | [16:58] |
kakobrekla | you broke the game | [16:58] |
ThickAsThieves | hehe | [16:58] |
kakobrekla | i ban you | [16:58] |
nubbins` | TBH never would have guessed in a million years | [16:58] |
ThickAsThieves | i shoulda known | [16:58] |
mircea_popescu | ThickAsThieves lolz | [16:58] |
kakobrekla | it was obvious cmon | [16:58] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 36 @ 0.02479988 = 0.8928 BTC [+] {2} | [16:59] |
mircea_popescu | [16:59] | |
nubbins` | nah, i don't know that guy from moses | [16:59] |
kakobrekla | nah, nubbins` spoiled it, its tortilla dude | [16:59] |
mircea_popescu | yes yes, superdamenblues | [17:00] |
mircea_popescu | (it was very obvious fwiw) | [17:00] |
* | Luke-Jr has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [17:01] |
nubbins` | ;( | [17:01] |
nubbins` | <--ruiner | [17:01] |
nubbins` | | [17:01] |
nubbins` | ^ did i post that last night? can't recall | [17:01] |
nubbins` | still laughing at it | [17:01] |
Duffer1 | i feel like posting that in the mintspare thread | [17:02] |
* | Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:02] |
ThickAsThieves | hehe | [17:03] |
ThickAsThieves | one of my cats particularly likes getting in boxes | [17:03] |
* | Rulother__ is now known as Rulother | [17:03] |
* | Luke-Jr has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [17:03] |
mircea_popescu | .d | [17:03] |
ozbot | 1418481395.26264 | Next Diff in 1094 blocks | Estimated Change: 14.6013% in 6d 11h 40m 2s | [17:03] |
mircea_popescu | ThickAsThieves IT DROPPED! | [17:03] |
* | Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:03] |
ThickAsThieves | nonsense | [17:03] |
ThickAsThieves | | [17:04] |
ozbot | Bitcoin Difficulty and Hashrate Chart - BitcoinWisdom | [17:04] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;estimate | [17:04] |
gribble | Next difficulty estimate | None based on data since last change | 1858132456.52 based on data for last three days | [17:04] |
mircea_popescu | was 15% earlier | [17:04] |
mircea_popescu | now 14.6 | [17:04] |
ThickAsThieves | itll be 20% by the change | [17:04] |
ThickAsThieves | look at that spike in the link | [17:05] |
ThickAsThieves | the grey line | [17:05] |
ThickAsThieves | hehe | [17:05] |
mircea_popescu | yeah | [17:05] |
ThickAsThieves | all those ASICs | [17:06] |
mircea_popescu | | [17:06] |
mircea_popescu | i like this chart | [17:06] |
* | CheckDavid (~david@unaffiliated/checkdavid) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:06] |
mircea_popescu | "there is no future. for sometime in january, it went vertical" | [17:06] |
mircea_popescu | thus therefore tomorrow never comes anymore | [17:06] |
nubbins` | tat, | [17:06] |
nubbins` | i was told it's because a lot of kittens are born in cardboard boxes, but our cat came from a farm and she loves 'em. i think it's just because there's a bit of give to the bottoms, and they can dig claws into 'em fairly easily | [17:07] |
ThickAsThieves | what happens to all these ASICs in a year? | [17:07] |
ThickAsThieves | landfill? | [17:07] |
Duffer1 | sha256 clones | [17:08] |
Duffer1 | and fantasy | [17:08] |
nubbins` | yeah | [17:08] |
nubbins` | memecoin x1000 | [17:08] |
nubbins` | half-seriously considering forking "fleececoin" and you have to pay 0.01 btc to download the client | [17:08] |
mircea_popescu | if they burn for a year straight that'll be decent performance. | [17:08] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 250 @ 0.001 = 0.25 BTC [+] | [17:09] |
mircea_popescu | Duffer1 apparently hashfast didn't deliver | [17:11] |
Duffer1 | it's quite amazing how reliable that trend is | [17:11] |
assbot | AMAZING COMPANY! | [17:11] |
Duffer1 | i guess i'm still new enough to be surprised | [17:12] |
mircea_popescu | srsly, is the spike in hashpower bfl ?! | [17:12] |
Duffer1 | the only way that could happen is if their monarchs are real and ready | [17:13] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 53 @ 0.00469997 = 0.2491 BTC [+] {3} | [17:13] |
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* | Ogedei (~quassel@unaffiliated/ogedei) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:15] |
mircea_popescu | | [17:15] |
ozbot | BFL Monarch - Delivery Dates | [17:15] |
mircea_popescu | seems about as likely as that chick last night actually being a faerie | [17:15] |
nubbins` | interesting to note, fairy lore is taken very seriously by old timers here | [17:16] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5312 @ 0.00091845 = 4.8788 BTC [+] {2} | [17:16] |
mircea_popescu | | [17:16] |
ozbot | Monarch Delivery? | [17:16] |
mircea_popescu | apparently, they've given up even on censoring their forums | [17:16] |
Duffer1 | it's hard to damn up the ocean | [17:17] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3488 @ 0.00092041 = 3.2104 BTC [+] | [17:17] |
mircea_popescu | not on the internet. something awful's been doing it for two decades. | [17:17] |
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nubbins` | my friend works at a hardware store and was explaining this fairy stuff to the younger workers | [17:19] |
nubbins` | they thought he was full of shit | [17:19] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.00296489 = 0.2965 BTC [+] | [17:19] |
nubbins` | so he started asking every customer with grey hair why one would carry bread in one's pocket when walking in the woods | [17:19] |
nubbins` | without fail, the answer was an "are you stupid?" look, followed by "to keep the fairies away" | [17:20] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 500 @ 0.00296489 = 1.4824 BTC [+] | [17:20] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 71 @ 0.00296489 = 0.2105 BTC [+] | [17:21] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 200 @ 0.0029808 = 0.5962 BTC [+] | [17:23] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 151 @ 0.0029808 = 0.4501 BTC [+] | [17:24] |
ThickAsThieves | lol the new hashing is SO Hashfast and BFL | [17:25] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7562 @ 0.00092041 = 6.9601 BTC [+] | [17:26] |
ThickAsThieves | the greed is just too overhwhelming when considering "Well we could just hash with these things for a few weeks, right?" | [17:27] |
ThickAsThieves | cept BFL does months | [17:28] |
Duffer1 | imo it's still likely hashfast | [17:28] |
Duffer1 | even if it's just inhouse "testing" | [17:28] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 65 @ 0.00298089 = 0.1938 BTC [+] | [17:28] |
Duffer1 | i can't find anyone else, but that doesn't really mean much | [17:29] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 319 @ 0.00298999 = 0.9538 BTC [+] {2} | [17:29] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1106 @ 0.0029999 = 3.3179 BTC [+] {3} | [17:30] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 151 @ 0.00299997 = 0.453 BTC [+] {2} | [17:31] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 39 @ 0.00299998 = 0.117 BTC [+] {2} | [17:32] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6911 @ 0.00092041 = 6.361 BTC [+] | [17:34] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6689 @ 0.00092275 = 6.1723 BTC [+] | [17:35] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 350 @ 0.00166667 = 0.5833 BTC [-] | [17:36] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.0045102 = 0.451 BTC [-] {2} | [17:47] |
mircea_popescu | ThickAsThieves perhaps you're right | [17:50] |
mircea_popescu | alternatively of course it's that top secret beijing govt project all the talk was about | [17:50] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 10 @ 0.1014009 = 1.014 BTC [-] {3} | [17:51] |
mircea_popescu | | [17:51] |
ozbot | Spitzer caught sucking Lis Smith’s toes in topless hot tub romp | New York Post | [17:51] |
mircea_popescu | someone needs to explain these people to the rest of the world. | [17:51] |
mircea_popescu | what exactly is the big deal ? | [17:51] |
ThickAsThieves | "Sleazy Eliot Spitzer turned a resort hot tub into a steamy love cauldron over the weekend " | [17:54] |
ThickAsThieves | lol | [17:54] |
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nubbins` | love cauldron | [17:54] |
mircea_popescu | the best part is “It was gross,” said a hotel witness, and who walked over to catch an eyeful. | [17:54] |
mircea_popescu | all in the same sentence. | [17:54] |
* | KingCoin has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | [17:54] |
mircea_popescu | i mean, coming out of the sand niggers i could see complete barbarism of the sort. | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | but the new york post talking of public fucking in these terms is disgraceful, | [17:55] |
ThickAsThieves | "The disgraced Spitzer — infamous for wearing his signature black knee socks while having sex with hookers — appears to have a bit of a foot fetish as well, according to onlookers." | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | especially as no fucking fucking took place. | [17:55] |
ThickAsThieves | i didnt know he was so disgraced | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | yeah, another part of the alternate reality. | [17:55] |
ThickAsThieves | now i know | [17:55] |
ThickAsThieves | thank you nypost! | [17:55] |
ThickAsThieves | this read like theonion or sumth | [17:56] |
ThickAsThieves | reads* | [17:56] |
mircea_popescu | no dude. us liberalism = topless women are disgusting and feet stink | [17:56] |
ThickAsThieves | wait is NY Post just a trashy tabloid? | [17:57] |
mircea_popescu | we're in 1800 subsaharan africa nao, under the englightened leadership of the least literate group of ignoramuses ever to grace the light of day | [17:57] |
nubbins` | sounds like it | [17:57] |
ThickAsThieves | i dont think we're sposed to take this website seriously | [17:57] |
mircea_popescu | ThickAsThieves it's one of the oldest and most circulated us papers. | [17:57] |
mircea_popescu | founded by hamilton | [17:58] |
mircea_popescu | course murdoch ruined it, but anyway. | [17:58] |
ThickAsThieves | well i'm viewing their prize-winning bikini celeb gallery now | [17:58] |
ThickAsThieves | so many unsexy 45yo women | [17:58] |
ThickAsThieves | padma and rihanna are hot tho | [17:59] |
kakobrekla | rihanna is 45? | [17:59] |
kakobrekla | urlpls | [17:59] |
mircea_popescu | wasn't she born in the 70s ?! | [17:59] |
Duffer1 | 1988 | [18:00] |
ThickAsThieves | i'm referring to the unsexy ones, remember | [18:00] |
rbonestell | I've pinged the havelock channel already, does anyone here know how I can get price history data for charts from havelock? Maybe someone here wrote assbot? | [18:02] |
ThickAsThieves | not a real black person | [18:02] |
ThickAsThieves | speaking of unreal black people: | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | rbonestell kakobrekla wrote assbot | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | you can get data from him, see the website (it's in the chan topic) | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | Hot Topics: | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | Apple | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | [18:03] | |
mircea_popescu | Bitcoin | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | NSA Surveillance | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | Microsoft CEO Search | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | Amazon's Delivery Drone | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | Wireless Savings Calculator | [18:03] |
rbonestell | mircea_popescu: Thanks! | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | i guess we rule the ws huh. | [18:03] |
ThickAsThieves | wireless savings? | [18:04] |
ThickAsThieves | ad link? | [18:04] |
ThickAsThieves | this is gonna make Kanye so angry | [18:05] |
ThickAsThieves | they are distribut9ing the code today | [18:05] |
ThickAsThieves | should be a nice gem | [18:06] |
mircea_popescu | ThickAsThieves did i say it's unauthorised then ? i did. did i say i hope they get sued ? i don't recall | [18:06] |
mircea_popescu | byut prolly. | [18:06] |
mircea_popescu | is this going to result in a lot of lol ? definitely! | [18:06] |
rbonestell | mircea_popescu, is that just MPEX connectivity? | [18:06] |
mircea_popescu | rbonestell "that" | [18:06] |
ThickAsThieves | drama to feed the bitcoin beast | [18:06] |
ThickAsThieves | when will Bernanke come after pankake? | [18:08] |
rbonestell | sorry, does only have connectivity info for mpex? | [18:08] |
mircea_popescu | no. | [18:09] |
ThickAsThieves | rbonestell, talk to topace, he made the Havelock API | [18:10] |
ThickAsThieves | or email support@ | [18:10] |
mircea_popescu | ThickAsThieves more subtle than that : humiliation to feed the observation that fiat can either submit willingly or be forced to submit to our standards. | [18:11] |
mircea_popescu | kinda unfortunate that in this case fiat world's ignorance provides a white piece of bread for some assholes, | [18:12] |
mircea_popescu | but i did say either get in the wot or get raped a while back. had kayne listened then he wouldn't have the problem today. | [18:12] |
mircea_popescu | he instead chose to hire lawyers. well... gotta learn somehow who makes the rules and who one should obey. | [18:13] |
ThickAsThieves | if he were in the wot, what would have happened instead? | [18:14] |
ThickAsThieves | | [18:14] |
mircea_popescu | ThickAsThieves the wrangle is over how likely people are to mistake the coin for his | [18:14] |
ThickAsThieves | "Edit: So far most everyone is suggesting we just process returns in $US, which is fine, except that really proves that BTC is not a currency, but a payment method. " | [18:14] |
mircea_popescu | if he were i nthe wot such mistake would have been impossible | [18:14] |
mircea_popescu | buyt as he is not in the wot, the fact of the matter is that as far as bitcoin is concerned, his identity belongs more to the "seven dorks" than to him himself | [18:15] |
ThickAsThieves | well even if they know it's not his, the makers are still benefiting form his name | [18:15] |
mircea_popescu | and there's jack shit the powers he thought are powerful can do to help him | [18:15] |
ThickAsThieves | he'd sue anyway | [18:15] |
ThickAsThieves | well, maybe not sue | [18:15] |
ThickAsThieves | but yknow | [18:15] |
mircea_popescu | i don't. | [18:15] |
mircea_popescu | if someone makes mpcoin, what of it ? | [18:15] |
mircea_popescu | some muppets may think it is in fact mpcoin. what of it ? | [18:16] |
ThickAsThieves | i'm not saying he should care | [18:16] |
mircea_popescu | bitcoin is forcing very deep resettlement of values, far reaching. | [18:16] |
ThickAsThieves | just that since he does | [18:16] |
ThickAsThieves | being in the wot doesnt change anything | [18:16] |
mircea_popescu | well since he does, he's invested in the wrong thing. | [18:16] |
mircea_popescu | being in the wot'd have allowed him to bring meaningful proof. | [18:16] |
mircea_popescu | being friends with lawyers does not do the same service. | [18:16] |
ThickAsThieves | i dont think kanye needs wot to prove anything to anyone | [18:17] |
mircea_popescu | apparently he does. | [18:17] |
ThickAsThieves | however, if he were in wot, he may have been left be | [18:17] |
ThickAsThieves | and some other celeb targeted | [18:17] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6592 @ 0.00091902 = 6.0582 BTC [-] | [18:17] |
mircea_popescu | this is what it is : no wot, you're the nigger. no matter how greatly accomplished you may think you are in your community, | [18:17] |
mircea_popescu | it does not pay a cent. | [18:17] |
mircea_popescu | im sure plenty of slaves were esteemed members of their community before being taken across the sea, too. | [18:18] |
Duffer1 | that is a pretty amazing logo | [18:18] |
assbot | AMAZING COMPANY! | [18:18] |
ozbot | [ANN][COYE] Coinye Coin - Launch: JANUARY 7, 2014. 7 PM PST | [18:18] |
Duffer1 | i need a cascas of that | [18:18] |
ThickAsThieves | i love the idea of Kanye lurking | [18:19] |
ThickAsThieves | lol | [18:19] |
ThickAsThieves | "These nerdy motherfuckers!"" | [18:20] |
mircea_popescu | indeed lol | [18:20] |
Duffer1 | the bigger the fuss he chooses to create, the more valuable the coin will become | [18:20] |
mircea_popescu | yup | [18:20] |
Duffer1 | fkin brilliant | [18:20] |
ThickAsThieves | no one knows how to make a fuss like kanye | [18:20] |
BingoBoingo | Maybe Kanye eventually starts doing thing the right way and outsources handling Bitcointalk to a Kardashian | [18:20] |
mircea_popescu | just another restatement of "fiat is dead" | [18:20] |
ThickAsThieves | this could get bigger | [18:20] |
mircea_popescu | BingoBoingo lawl | [18:20] |
Duffer1 | lol bb | [18:20] |
ThickAsThieves | lemme check the rap blogs | [18:20] |
Duffer1 | if you don't find anything feel free to start some posts, brb downloading wallet | [18:21] |
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ThickAsThieves | it's in PC world, Washington Post, Wired, The Guardian,, CNBC, Slashgear | [18:22] |
ThickAsThieves | its everywhere i guess | [18:22] |
ThickAsThieves | | [18:23] |
ozbot | MTV Mobile Blog Rapfix: Kanye West Inspires 'CoinYe' Currency | [18:23] |
ThickAsThieves | | [18:23] |
mircea_popescu | poor dogecoin hgolders | [18:24] |
mircea_popescu | they're fucked. | [18:24] |
mircea_popescu | anyway, i' | [18:24] |
mircea_popescu | m so happy the hot retardation core is moving away from bitcoin in this manner. | [18:24] |
mircea_popescu | really the altchains are doing a lot for us. | [18:24] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1000 @ 0.00299998 = 3 BTC [+] | [18:24] |
Duffer1 | ever since coingen it's been impossible to read the alt forum | [18:25] |
topace | havelock api has /r/trades | [18:26] |
topace | to get trade history | [18:26] |
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nubbins` | coinye | [19:01] |
nubbins` | lel | [19:01] |
jurov | lol looky | [19:01] |
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nubbins` | honestly not sure about blacklilac's thread, tbh | [19:02] |
nubbins` | i mean | [19:02] |
nubbins` | if i was selling coins on the forum and some dude came in with scam accusations, i'd remove his posts too | [19:02] |
jurov | why they thought it's good idea to have "and it's gone" 404 page | [19:02] |
mircea_popescu | jurov whoa srsly ? | [19:02] |
nubbins` | wait, wrong chan. | [19:02] |
nubbins` | clever error pages are fucking brutal. | [19:03] |
mircea_popescu | but why would it 404 the root ? | [19:03] |
nubbins` | i guess because none of the default pages exist ;p | [19:03] |
jurov | works | [19:04] |
ozbot | Login - Bitstamp | [19:04] |
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mircea_popescu | odd | [19:06] |
nubbins` | at an old job, i was tasked with cleaning up a website that was having problems with sql injection attacks. so i changed a query string variable, and -- no shit -- was brought to a page that said this: | [19:07] |
nubbins` | "oh, look! you can manipulate the query string! good for you, how clever!" | [19:07] |
nubbins` | i actually had to borrow a co-worker so i could triple facepalm | [19:08] |
nubbins` | nope, that was the way the site was designed. | [19:11] |
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nubbins` | unprofessionalism aside, that's practically begging to be challenged | [19:12] |
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topace | !ticker h hmf | [19:17] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK:HMF] 1D: 0.02400000 / 0.02460495 / 0.02480000 (312 shares, 7.67674477 BTC), 7D: 0.02000000 / 0.02376939 / 0.02539899 (1200 shares, 28.52327090 BTC), 30D: 0.01681006 / 0.02291871 / 0.02990000 (5734 shares, 131.41589732 BTC) | [19:17] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 3000 @ 0.001 = 3 BTC [+] | [19:27] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 41 @ 0.00464675 = 0.1905 BTC [-] {2} | [19:39] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 151 @ 0.00451593 = 0.6819 BTC [-] {3} | [19:40] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 63 @ 0.00450152 = 0.2836 BTC [-] {2} | [19:41] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 5 @ 0.1008204 = 0.5041 BTC [-] {3} | [19:43] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 218 @ 0.004494 = 0.9797 BTC [-] | [19:45] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1750 @ 0.00091782 = 1.6062 BTC [-] | [20:07] |
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Namworld | and it's gone... it's gone, it's all gone | [20:10] |
Namworld | | [20:10] |
ozbot | South Park vs. Cafe Del Mar - And It's Gone (Johannes Dahlberg Financial Crisis Mash) - YouTube | [20:10] |
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ThickAsThieves | | [20:12] |
ozbot | The British Punk Band That Fooled Reagan, Thatcher And The CIA - The Daily Beast | [20:12] |
ThickAsThieves | (Crass) | [20:12] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3250 @ 0.00091602 = 2.9771 BTC [-] | [20:14] |
topace | fuck | [20:14] |
ThickAsThieves | ? | [20:14] |
kakobrekla | !b 1 | [20:14] |
topace | every time i go to order from the shipping price is tghrough the roof | [20:14] |
assbot | Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( | [20:14] |
kakobrekla | meh | [20:14] |
ThickAsThieves | sniped | [20:14] |
topace | Shipping: International Economy 1.740 BTC [$1,508.76] | [20:14] |
topace | so i email them and they fix it | [20:15] |
topace | but then the price drops so i dont order | [20:15] |
topace | then a few days later, their shipping module is fucked again | [20:15] |
ThickAsThieves | topace, it's time i should warn you | [20:15] |
ThickAsThieves | bitcoin is volatile | [20:15] |
topace | heh | [20:15] |
topace | its not bitcoin volatility im worried about here | [20:15] |
topace | is the fact that their website wants to charge me $1500 for shipping a $2000 order | [20:16] |
topace | (nothing large/heavy) | [20:16] |
ThickAsThieves | its a website's lack of ability to cope with it | [20:16] |
topace | mostly small shit, like harddrives, security cameras, etc | [20:16] |
topace | [13:14:41] |
[20:17] |
* | FabianB_ is now known as FabianB | [20:18] |
topace | yea well on the only option that appears for me is fedex | [20:19] |
topace | at $1500 | [20:19] |
topace | for my $2000 order | [20:19] |
ThickAsThieves | gas sure is expensive | [20:19] |
topace | no, just regular economy | [20:20] |
ThickAsThieves | maybe they dont like going to canada | [20:20] |
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nubbins` | fedex is great, but costly | [20:24] |
nubbins` | they'll get you your package | [20:24] |
nubbins` | but i can't recall ever having paid less than like $80 to ship something with them | [20:24] |
* | CheckDavid (~david@unaffiliated/checkdavid) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:24] |
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bounce | a designed by ikea case, so it fits in an envelope? | [20:28] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3111 @ 0.00091902 = 2.8591 BTC [+] | [20:29] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13648 @ 0.00091824 = 12.5321 BTC [-] | [20:37] |
arij | the20year, a pc case for miners? | [20:40] |
arij | pics? | [20:40] |
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arij | renders? nothing? | [20:41] |
arij | i see | [20:41] |
arij | its for GPUs? | [20:41] |
arij | how many can it hold? | [20:41] |
arij | i am certainly interested | [20:42] |
arij | 5 per rig is what i have now | [20:42] |
arij | i just bought some custom cases but i want to see what else is out there | [20:42] |
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Category: Logs