Forum logs for 05 Mar 2012

Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
splatster I am continuing work on my anti-pony bot! [00:00]
splatster I need a catchy name for it [00:00]
jk9357 2048R [00:00]
jk9357 Is that key fine? [00:00]
mircea_popescu will be ok for -otc [00:00]
mircea_popescu if you ever sign valuable stuff it may be too short. [00:01]
gamambel sign? encrypt. [00:01]
mircea_popescu both. [00:01]
gamambel yes [00:01]
copumpkin splatster: ponicide [00:01]
gamambel it won't matter [00:01]
splatster Good [00:01]
mircea_popescu ponigina. gives ponies angina pectoris. [00:01]
splatster I'm still working out the kinks, though, [00:01]
jk9357 Okay, thanks for all the helps [00:01]
mircea_popescu one help two helps three helps SPOT! [00:02]
mircea_popescu ta-nana-nananananana [00:02]
* rokj has quit (Quit: Leaving) [00:02]
rawrmage nananananana katamari damacy [00:03]
mcorlette jjjrmy: [00:03]
mircea_popescu [00:03]
copumpkin if you need kinks, just call mircea_popescu [00:04]
mircea_popescu i have kinks ? i have no kinks. [00:04]
mircea_popescu im smooth! zzzzmoooodth [00:04]
jk9357 Not working [00:07]
jk9357 Damn [00:07]
* Blitzboom has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:07]
jk9357 Im just gonna sleep [00:07]
* Blitzboom ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:07]
jk9357 And give it Another go tomorrow. [00:07]
jk9357 Bye everybody, thanks for being so kind! [00:07]
* jk9357 has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - [00:08]
mircea_popescu he doesn't know the half of it. [00:08]
inau ;;ticker [00:09]
gribble Best bid: 4.84061, Best ask: 4.8423, Bid-ask spread: 0.00169, Last trade: 4.84281, 24 hour volume: 58529, 24 hour low: 4.58, 24 hour high: 4.94999 [00:09]
inau damn [00:09]
* payward_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [00:10]
rg ;;asks 5 [00:11]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc [10:42]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe [10:42]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Sun Feb 26 06:25:27 2012 [10:42]
* klaus_trainer ( has left #bitcoin-otc [10:42]
ne0futur which alternative for someone won cant tolerate stack exec ? [10:43]
ne0futur ie no java on my servers [10:43]
Graet we use ecoinpool, erlang and couchdb [10:43]
* ereee has quit (Quit: Page closed) [10:43]
Graet [10:44]
ne0futur ah I could have been interested 2 days ago ;( [10:45]
ne0futur I ll watch to be sure to not forget [10:45]
mircea_popescu :D [10:46]
ne0futur but I m also an old retired C programmer still in love with pure C ;) [10:46]
* Zarutian ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [10:46]
* Zarutian has quit (Client Quit) [10:46]
Graet no worriers ne0futur :) gl, [10:46]
* Zarutian ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [10:46]
Graet starting a pool? [10:46]
ne0futur nop, just for me and my cpuminers [10:47]
Graet kk cool [10:47]
Graet should be fine then :) [10:47]
ne0futur more or less idle cpu time on 20-30 cores [10:47]
Graet :) [10:47]
* Ken` has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [10:47]
ne0futur also wanted to be able to add this service ( pool setup ) on [10:49]
MBS anyone want a 1 year xbox live code for $36 [10:50]
MBS or a movie ticket voucher for $5 [10:50]
ne0futur someone should make a python pool software able to run on appengine [10:51]
draco49 I need a good domain name for my new lottery... any suggestions? [10:51]
ne0futur yup : [10:51]
ne0futur [10:51]
ne0futur just choose [10:51]
* ne0futur pretty happy of [10:51]
ne0futur I love short names and .gd is cheap enough at kalyhost [10:52]
draco49 Those aren't very catchy names... [10:52]
ne0futur but short ;) [10:52]
draco49 short is ok, but I need meaningful as well [10:52]
Cory Bitcoin lottery? [10:54]
draco49 Yes... not like bitlotto [10:54]
draco49 5# draw cumulitive jackpot [10:55]
ne0futur i couls resell for cheap if needed ;) [10:55]
ne0futur like 1 btc/year [10:55]
draco49 The number pool is 1-20 ... starting jackpot is 100BTC [10:55]
draco49 payouts on matching 3, 4, or all 5 numbers [10:56]
MBS still waiting on them to come in, but anyone interested in a $20 amazon code, a $20 lowes GC, a $5 dunkin donuts card, a $5 coldstone creamery card, or a $10 code? [10:56]
* FaultyJk ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [10:56]
maxi_ all the signs of a novice carder [10:57]
draco49 I was thinking of calling it "Powercoin", but I don't want people to think it's another currency. [10:58]
maxi_ "Bitcoin Lottery" [10:59]
draco49 I need a domain name... [10:59]
maxi_ [11:00]
maxi_ [11:00]
mircea_popescu lottobit ? [11:00]
ne0futur [11:00]
draco49 I was thinking of lottobit [11:00]
maxi_ bit-lotto [11:00]
maxi_ ect [11:00]
* bill_stickers has quit (Quit: Lost terminal) [11:01]
draco49 I like but that's obviously taken... tho he should have called it [11:01]
maxi_ [11:01]
mircea_popescu blitott ? [11:01]
mircea_popescu no wait [11:01]
mircea_popescu blitotot ? [11:01]
maxi_ [11:01]
draco49 lol [11:02]
ne0futur better not take a com/net/org [11:02]
mircea_popescu ? [11:02]
maxi_ hah [11:02]
draco49 I'm not... I want a .me [11:02]
maxi_ why not? [11:02]
ne0futur US censorship easir with com/net/org [11:02]
maxi_ lol [11:02]
* Cool ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:02]
mircea_popescu then ? [11:02]
maxi_ haha [11:02]
MBS how many bits to jack me? [11:02]
maxi_ people these days with mad ideas like the govt controls us or something [11:02]
draco49 I was trying for [11:02]
draco49 bu that's taken. [11:02]
draco49 but* [11:02]
maxi_ [11:03]
MBS [11:03]
ne0futur .ly is lybia . . .better choose grenade [11:03]
draco49 lol @ [11:03]
* MrTiggr (~MrTiggr@unaffiliated/mrtiggr) has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:03]
mircea_popescu pff loser .me registrar, it kept etc for themselves. [11:03]
mircea_popescu to pricejack [11:03]
rg mm [11:03]
rg new orders at 4am [11:03]
rg lucky me [11:03]
maxi_ brb when registrar maters [11:03]
mircea_popescu ^^ +1 [11:03]
maxi_ [11:04]
Cory [11:04]
draco49 No I don't want to use bitlotto.* because I don't wan't people to mix the two up... plus I don't want to piss off the bitlotto guy [11:04]
maxi_ "WinCoin" [11:04]
MBS [11:04]
mircea_popescu wincoin is pretty good [11:04]
maxi_ Maybe you are thinking of it at the wrong perspective [11:05]
MBS windows only coins [11:05]
draco49 yeah I'm checking that one now [11:05]
draco49 :/ [11:05]
MBS linuxcoin [11:05]
maxi_ try to hink of it as [11:05]
MBS macoin [11:05]
mircea_popescu le-coin ? [11:05]
maxi_ [11:05]
mircea_popescu [11:05]
ne0futur +1 for [11:05]
mircea_popescu where the sophisticated coins go [11:05]
maxi_ [11:05]
maxi_ [11:06]
maxi_ rofl [11:06]
maxi_ romania [11:06]
errydayimgenerat nnice [11:07]
errydayimgenerat 1600 sale [11:07]
* MrTiggr has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [11:07]
mircea_popescu rofl romania << ? [11:08]
MBS americoin [11:08]
sturles errydayimgenerat: Or just amphipod lagging? Check the timestamps. [11:08]
MBS eurocoin [11:08]
errydayimgenerat the land of gypsies [11:09]
MBS chicoin [11:09]
mircea_popescu afaik there's more gypsies in the us. [11:09]
errydayimgenerat could be him catchin u [11:09]
draco49 They're called "travelers" here... [11:10]
errydayimgenerat or irish [11:11]
mircea_popescu ya well [11:11]
draco49 lol [11:12]
* Chaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:12]
errydayimgenerat man i am horny [11:13]
errydayimgenerat nite [11:16]
* errydayimgenerat has quit (Quit: Leaving) [11:16]
* emmanuelux (~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:17]
* nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:21]
neofutur if amphipod lags go check #mtgox-RT and #bitcoin-RT [11:22]
neofutur hum strange got tickers on #mtgox-RT but no more trades on #bitcoin-RT [11:23]
* pperi (51130382@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:29]
* fimpfimp ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:36]
* Zarutian has quit (Quit: Zarutian) [11:38]
* T_X (~T_X@2001:6f8:999:1::2) has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:43]
* T_X has quit (Changing host) [11:43]
* T_X (~T_X@unaffiliated/t-x/x-1456208) has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:43]
* person (1892a288@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:44]
maxi_ ;;help [11:48]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [11:51]
* randumbum ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:52]
* rdponticelli has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [11:53]
* mb300sd has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [11:57]
* mb300sd (~mb300sd@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:58]
* rdponticelli ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [11:59]
* T_X has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [12:02]
* slothbag ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:03]
maxi_ my mp your btc [12:03]
neofutur its not a lag, 3 different bots are no more seeing trades, but still seeingtickers [12:03]
* SomeoneWeirdAFK is now known as SomeoneWeird [12:03]
neofutur and api still works, real strange [12:03]
* FaultyJk has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [12:05]
* Bwild has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [12:07]
* maxi_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) [12:08]
* Syncloader has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [12:09]
* vinhpk (~khacvinhp@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:09]
* rokj ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:10]
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* rokj (~rokj@pdpc/supporter/active/rokj) has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:11]
neofutur bitcoincharts down -> all the bots down for trades, normal [12:11]
mircea_popescu its up afais [12:14]
* trentzb has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [12:23]
* FaultyJk ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:28]
rg if i won 10 btc right now, you know what id do with it [12:29]
rg ? [12:29]
mircea_popescu buy options ? :D [12:30]
rg buy a case of girlscout cookies [12:30]
mircea_popescu still with the cookies ? [12:30]
rg fatty needs to feed [12:31]
* moneypak77 (4c6bd7cf@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:31]
mircea_popescu just eat the girlscouts. [12:31]
* Clipse ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:32]
coingenuity wait wait wait rg [12:35]
coingenuity how many boxes to a case [12:35]
rg 10? [12:36]
rg i think [12:36]
coingenuity not bad [12:36]
coingenuity i could get down on a case [12:36]
rg yeah on the forum [12:37]
* argp (~argp@ has left #bitcoin-otc [12:37]
* draco49 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [12:39]
mircea_popescu 50 $ for 10 boxes isn't even such a bad deal. [12:40]
mircea_popescu how do you get them tho, they send some scouts over to your place ? [12:40]
* lunks has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [12:41]
* draco49 (~draco49@gateway/tor-sasl/draco49) has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:41]
* MrTiggr (~MrTiggr@unaffiliated/mrtiggr) has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:42]
* gribble gives voice to draco49 [12:46]
* MrTiggr has quit (Quit: bainow) [12:47]
rg well [12:48]
rg usually [12:48]
rg or theyre out in public selling [12:48]
rg i dont think they go door to door anymore [12:48]
rg too many paedos [12:48]
mircea_popescu i had some show up oncve with cookies [12:48]
mircea_popescu i think i bought a box, didn't think much of it [12:48]
* Bwild ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:49]
* Joric (~joric@unaffiliated/joric) has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:54]
* gribble gives voice to Joric [12:54]
rg are you trying to say that even though youre a pedo [12:56]
rg it didnt bother you when girls came to your door? [12:56]
* fimpfimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [12:58]
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* Bwild has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [12:59]
* MrTiggr (~MrTiggr@unaffiliated/mrtiggr) has joined #bitcoin-otc [12:59]
coingenuity -nsfw rg [12:59]
coingenuity X_x [12:59]
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rg mircea_popescu's the pedo [13:04]
rg not me [13:04]
rg and fuck [13:04]
rg i wanted to go to bed but i just watched a trailer to two badass movies [13:04]
mircea_popescu !? [13:04]
* fimpfimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [13:05]
Cool Selling a Kindle Keyboard 3G+WiFi for $99 or the equiv in BTC, pm me if interested [13:06]
* uzyn has quit (Quit: uzyn) [13:07]
* rdponticelli_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [13:11]
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* ByronJohnson (~Byron@unaffiliated/bob0) has joined #bitcoin-otc [13:46]
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* ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin [13:53]
* Liquid_X ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [13:55]
* Liquid_X ( has left #bitcoin-otc [14:03]
* slothbag has quit (Quit: I quit!) [14:05]
* FaultyJk has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [14:07]
mircea_popescu here i am, presiding over the silence of ircsleeps [14:09]
mircea_popescu lalala [14:09]
* gribble gives voice to mircea_popescu [14:10]
* BTCherry ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:11]
BTCherry Anyone selling 4BTC via Paypal? [14:11]
* Blitzboom has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [14:15]
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* semprum (59a6bba9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:20]
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* Silberfuchs ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:26]
rawrmage rg: lol [14:28]
* rnd1223 (rnd1223@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [14:30]
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* fridge ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:22]
* GlooBoy (48948d9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:24]
GlooBoy ;;eauth GlooBoy [15:29]
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DaPeddySan ;;gpg register DaPeddySan E1116E892E6A6D9F [15:38]
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* EvanR ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [15:39]
* EvanR is now known as Guest87486 [15:40]
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* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc [16:12]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe [16:12]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Sun Feb 26 06:25:27 2012 [16:12]
* ziglir has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [16:12]
* dlb76 (dlb76@unaffiliated/dlb76) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:13]
* gribble gives voice to dlb76 [16:15]
* speedygonzales ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:17]
* dropboxexpander (cabd4596@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:19]
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speedygonzales is anyone here they can tell me some basic questions ? [16:21]
speedygonzales answer* [16:21]
* randumbum has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 10.0.2/20120216101208]) [16:22]
dropboxexpander I'm also interested :) [16:22]
dropboxexpander I would like to offer a service, but I don't know how to list it [16:22]
speedygonzales hey you [16:23]
speedygonzales can you tell me, where is the cheklist for verified traders ? [16:23]
SomeoneWeird not really [16:24]
SomeoneWeird check peoples ratings [16:24]
speedygonzales and where? [16:24]
SomeoneWeird [16:24]
dropboxexpander how can you sell something? [16:25]
* hngryhngryhippo (~hngryhngr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:25]
SomeoneWeird um, post on the forums, post here [16:25]
SomeoneWeird wait till someones intereste [16:25]
SomeoneWeird d [16:25]
SomeoneWeird if you want to sell coins or something, type ;;guide [16:26]
dropboxexpander ;;guide [16:26]
* MrTiggr has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [16:26]
* copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [16:26]
* rokj has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [16:31]
SomeoneWeird ;;guide [16:34]
SomeoneWeird :) [16:34]
* relet has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [16:34]
* cerbran ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:34]
* MrTiggr (~MrTiggr@unaffiliated/mrtiggr) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:35]
Raccoon For a bunch of computer geeks, we really don't seem to have our shit together. :/ [16:36]
Raccoon bitcoin has such great potential to take off in value, if only we could fabricate an actual need and demand. [16:38]
kakobrekla [16:38]
Raccoon like getting video games to use it as an ingame currency [16:38]
Cusipzzz patience...rome wasn't built in a day. [16:39]
Raccoon heh. [16:39]
nanotube Raccoon: have you seen dragons tale? [16:40]
* EvanR ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:40]
* lebek (~peter@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:40]
* EvanR is now known as Guest76287 [16:40]
Cusipzzz i think diablo 3 real-money-trade and bitcoin are a good fit. we'll see. [16:40]
nanotube mm [16:41]
Raccoon I applaud the kids who did silk road, genious even if it wasn't quite above the board. [16:41]
Raccoon it still caused bitcoin to reach $33 in very short order [16:41]
Cusipzzz blizzard will never use it, but it will be an easy way to link the diablo3 real balance to the outside. [16:41]
Raccoon i haven't seen dragons tale btw. don't know what it is. [16:41]
Raccoon But, what about getting MineCraft on board? [16:42]
Raccoon i mean, jesus, it's already punny! [16:42]
nanotube Raccoon: it's a game that uses bitcoin :) [16:42]
Raccoon mining for bitoins while playing minecraft. it pays for your server use in game, and you earn coin while you play. [16:43]
nanotube heh except the gpu is busy rendering bricks instead of mining [16:43]
Cusipzzz i think we have a ways to go to setup up region infrastructure for bitcoin trade globally, so it's not just "Zomg, amazon is now taking bitcoin, we win! " (and ride off into the sunset) [16:44]
Raccoon is the gpu that busy? [16:44]
Cusipzzz regional* [16:44]
Raccoon Cusipzzz: I don't expect any real "Adult Economy" like Amazon taking bitcoin off into the sunset. [16:45]
Raccoon It's going to be Gamers. [16:45]
* Rattman ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:45]
Raccoon only Gamers have the drive and learning curve to tolerate the initial investment [16:45]
Cusipzzz then i'm ahead of the curve, i sponsored a starcraft tournament for bitcoin about a year ago :) [16:45]
* chao (~nike@gateway/tor-sasl/blumenkraft) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:46]
Raccoon and most Gamers don't have credit cards, so it serves a valid use [16:46]
* chao is now known as blumenkraft [16:46]
nanotube we know you're ahead of the curve already, Cusipzzz :) [16:48]
Raccoon ok, that may be an oversimplification, but you get the idea [16:48]
Cusipzzz nanotube: lol [16:48]
jcpham tweet tweet [16:48]
* blaeks has quit (Quit: Leaving) [16:48]
Raccoon btw, i've heard of diablo 3 using "real money" before. how is that supposed to work around current legal hurdles? [16:49]
Raccoon is diablo 3 out yet? [16:49]
Cusipzzz Raccoon: basically there will be 2 auction houses.. one for in game gold, the other for "real money credits"... i believe it is closed system and real money credits = game time / can be traded only, but not sure [16:50]
Cusipzzz not out yet..likely June [16:50]
Raccoon are we ready to roll out a bitcoin auction house on the same day? :) [16:50]
Cusipzzz i will be informally buying with bitcoin i'm sure.. wasted enough hours on diablo2, can't wait for this, lol [16:51]
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* Chaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:53]
Cusipzzz wow, diablo2 was 12 years ago [16:54]
Raccoon hmm. wonder if a diablo themed bitcoin tutorial would go very far. [16:54]
Raccoon "hello my friend. please stay a while and listen." [16:54]
Raccoon I only played diablo 1 :/ could never stay above the hardware curve to keep up [16:55]
* CallumA (5c28ff04@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:55]
Raccoon i'd invest in cpu and ram over video [16:55]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc [16:56]
* ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin [16:56]
Cusipzzz i played diablo1...win97 iirc, haha. [16:56]
CallumA Sorry, can't log in at the moment. Can I buy 5MTGBP for 5.10PPGBP? [16:56]
Raccoon wtf is win97 :) [16:56]
Cusipzzz yeah, the hardware curve... i probably need a new laptop for diabo3 :/ [16:57]
dropboxexpander anyone interested to increase dropbox storage? [16:57]
* Gaglia has quit (Quit: Gaglia) [16:58]
* copumpkin weeps at the exploitation of a company that he likes [16:59]
Raccoon which company is that? [17:00]
copumpkin ^ [17:00]
Raccoon dropbox? what's so awesome about them? [17:00]
copumpkin I just like their model, their pricing seems reasonable, they don't try to screw you, and their program/service works well [17:01]
Raccoon "cloud storage" sucks until one of them finally decides to use TrueCrypt for client-side encryption. [17:01]
copumpkin this feels like a tragedy of the commons kind of situation [17:01]
Raccoon they all screw you by exposing your storage to the FBI [17:01]
copumpkin Raccoon: then you can't do any selective operations on the server. What we really need is for PIR research to not suck1 [17:02]
copumpkin :P [17:02]
Raccoon PIR? [17:02]
dropboxexpander so maybe they want to exploit themself [17:02]
copumpkin private information retrieval [17:02]
dropboxexpander that's not exploiting :) they have a referral option [17:02]
copumpkin dropboxexpander: oh, I'm sure [17:02]
copumpkin dropboxexpander: it's exploiting their referral system [17:02]
dropboxexpander exploiting means generating host ids [17:02]
dropboxexpander ;) [17:02]
copumpkin but anyway, who am I to judge [17:02]
Raccoon and what selective opreations do you propose breaks with encryption? [17:02]
* elmom has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [17:03]
copumpkin Raccoon: well, if you want to treat the whole thing as a remote block storage device, you could do it just like truecrypt does, but latencies on it would be horrendous [17:04]
Raccoon naa. [17:04]
Raccoon instead of filenames, you work with fileoffsets [17:04]
Raccoon treat everything the same [17:04]
Raccoon hash offset blocks [17:04]
Raccoon kind of like a torrent does [17:05]
Cusipzzz the next flavor of linode attack will be dropbox/googlestorage/virtualdrive/etc [17:05]
copumpkin how do you do random seeks? [17:05]
Raccoon copumpkin: by doing random seeks. [17:05]
Raccoon even HTTP supports random seeks [17:05]
copumpkin well, the underlying encryption might not, depending on its block mode [17:06]
Raccoon that's how truecrypt works. [17:06]
Raccoon happens that sector alignment and block alignment... aligns [17:06]
Cusipzzz Mar04 21:24:21 btcde x112 1,181.5850 @ 3.86858726 EUR [17:07]
Cusipzzz O.o [17:07]
copumpkin fair enough [17:07]
Cusipzzz wtf is btcde?! [17:07]
copumpkin either way, I still dislike the dropbox referral schemes [17:07]
Raccoon never used it; i can't say. [17:07]
Raccoon but most referral systems tend to trash an image. [17:08]
copumpkin no, I mean exploitation of them [17:08]
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copumpkin on principle :P [17:08]
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* da2ce7|2 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:12]
Raccoon i guess i better get back to writing code. [17:13]
jcpham who is beingexploited [17:13]
Raccoon mostly kids in china and indonesia [17:13]
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* BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:15]
* ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt [17:15]
copumpkin speaking of exploits [17:16]
copumpkin anyone enjoy the github/rails fiasco? [17:16]
sturles Cusipzzz: btcde is [17:17]
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* DBordello (~DB@unaffiliated/dbordello) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:23]
Raccoon copumpkin: ruby on rails no good? [17:24]
Raccoon i heard of some voting website that failed a ruby sploit [17:25]
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copumpkin Raccoon: they were doing something the equivalent of php's register_globals, "for convenience" :) some guy showed up and filed a bug report, saying it was insecure, and they said that you could turn it off or guard against the dangers, and that no experienced ruby dev would be that silly. So the guy filed another bug report, from bender, dated 1001 years in the future (by exploiting github using the rails [17:27]
copumpkin bugs he described), and linked that to the original bug. The rails devs said that there was a bug in github and it needed fixing, and then closed his report. He then exploited github again and reopened his bug with a trollface. They said that the bug in github should be fixed and ignored him, so he finally added himself to the committer list on the main rails repository on github and committed to it to [17:27]
copumpkin make a point [17:27]
copumpkin and then the rails community went batshit insane :) [17:27]
nathan7 it's certainly entertaining [17:28]
copumpkin but yeah, most rails sites are/were vulnerable to it [17:28]
copumpkin not sure I agree with his methods but he certainly got the point across :) [17:28]
* DBordello has quit (Quit: Leaving) [17:28]
nathan7 if "no experienced ruby dev would be that silly" [17:29]
nathan7 then why is it a default at all [17:29]
* SpeedBus (7ab2f82a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:29]
Raccoon heheh, definitely entertaining. :) [17:29]
copumpkin oh, well there are mechanisms for restricting it :P you're supposed to use it for great rockstarness and then make sure you restrict the bits that don't need the convenience [17:29]
copumpkin except nobody did tht [17:29]
* SpeedBus has quit (Changing host) [17:29]
* SpeedBus (7ab2f82a@unaffiliated/speedbus) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:29]
* SpeedBus has quit (Changing host) [17:29]
* SpeedBus (7ab2f82a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:29]
copumpkin it's the typical programmer machismo [17:30]
SpeedBus Heyy [17:30]
copumpkin no real programmer would make that mistake, so the system doesn't need to "hold his hand" [17:30]
Raccoon that's what I hate about modern coding, though. [17:30]
copumpkin people use it for justifying manual memory management, dynamic languages, all that stuff :P [17:30]
copumpkin pretty much any language that offers some protection against something, you'll find someone arguing that he doesn't need his hand held [17:31]
copumpkin language or framework [17:31]
* kakobreklaa ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:31]
* roomservice (4d07af5c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:31]
Raccoon keeping to date with best practices is an exercise in diligence [17:32]
SpeedBus ;;fraud [17:32]
* SpeedBus (7ab2f82a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-otc [17:32]
Raccoon but i agree that best practice should be the default setup [17:32]
copumpkin yeah, I don't trust myself, so I like all the hand-holding I can get, as long as it's tasteful hand-holding :) [17:32]
* SpeedBus (7ab2f82a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:32]
SpeedBus :) [17:32]
copumpkin I don't want to do shit work, but I don't want ultimate freedom, either [17:33]
speedygonzales [S] Bitcoins for Paysafecard € with copy of voucher [17:33]
* bitcoinTrader_ (5c602e02@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:33]
speedygonzales [S] Bitcoins for Paysafecard € with copy of voucher [17:33]
Raccoon i mean for christ sake. why are SQL injections still a thing? [17:33]
SpeedBus [S] Cloud based backup :P [17:33]
Raccoon A database should be designed to take input and "deal with it" [17:34]
copumpkin Raccoon: yeah, it pisses me off how many stupid problems are still a thing [17:34]
smickles [S]? is that new 'best practice' for WTS? [17:34]
SpeedBus lol, dunno :P [17:34]
copumpkin hell, why are buffer overflows still a thing? 99% of programmers don't need to be managing their own memory with no bounds checks [17:34]
* swiley ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:34]
Raccoon SpeedBus: what's with the [S]? I've been ignoring what you say because it looks like bot output? [17:35]
copumpkin or why hasn't someone killed the %n format string yet? [17:35]
copumpkin format specifier [17:35]
copumpkin I've literally never seen anyone use that for anything but an exploit :P [17:35]
SpeedBus Raccoon hmm.. dunno, i saw speedygonzales doin [S] so I assumed that was the way to sell [17:35]
SpeedBus :/ [17:35]
Raccoon oh. [17:35]
Raccoon never seen ppl do that. [17:36]
speedygonzales hm [17:36]
speedygonzales ok [17:36]
SpeedBus :/ [17:36]
speedygonzales lol [17:36]
SpeedBus Raccoon anyways, Cloud based backup was refferin to [17:36]
SpeedBus :) [17:36]
Raccoon SpeedBus; does it utilize truecrypt on the client side? [17:37]
Raccoon total ignorant cloud storage? [17:37]
SpeedBus Raccoon Well, The files are stored over at the cloud in an odd format as [17:37]
SpeedBus [17:37]
SpeedBus * [17:37]
Raccoon i should coin that. TICS [17:37]
SpeedBus files.eyeos [17:37]
SpeedBus :/ [17:37]
Raccoon i would never store unencrypted data on someone else's server. sorry. [17:38]
SpeedBus Yeh, you could exceypt it before uploading ;) [17:38]
Raccoon to date, zero cloud storage uses encryption [17:38]
SpeedBus Yep [17:38]
* gfinn (~gfinn@gateway/tor-sasl/gfinn) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:38]
copumpkin I only store my porn unencrypted on a remote server [17:38]
copumpkin mmm [17:38]
SpeedBus :P [17:38]
speedygonzales lol [17:38]
* swiley has quit (Client Quit) [17:38]
copumpkin and only the nastiest stuff [17:38]
SpeedBus like I said, The files are stored over at the cloud in an odd format like files.eyeos or something like that [17:39]
copumpkin so anyone looking at my stuff will just say "what the fuck" and walk away [17:39]
Graet oooh, now i know a use for it!!! store and stream porn wooohooo [17:39]
SpeedBus ;) [17:39]
Raccoon SpeedBus: obfuscation is not security [17:39]
SpeedBus Yep [17:39]
* swiley ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:39]
Raccoon write a truecrypt mod that uses HTTP [17:39]
* muff1nman (~muffinman@gateway/tor-sasl/muff1nman) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:39]
tbage oh yeah [17:40]
tbage who suggested using file offsets [17:40]
Raccoon me. [17:40]
SpeedBus You could try [17:40]
tbage doesn't work on secure block cipher modes [17:40]
tbage :) [17:40]
Raccoon tbage: what do you mean? [17:40]
copumpkin tbage: ctr mode would work [17:40]
SpeedBus for truecrypt, I would have to encrypt the whole drive, causing I/O hammerr [17:40]
copumpkin or some of the newer ones [17:40]
SpeedBus or try [17:41]
SpeedBus [17:41]
copumpkin it doesn't have to be ECB :P [17:41]
tbage CTR is legit? [17:41]
Raccoon it works for truecrypt, otherwise if you changed a file, you'd have to re-write the entire harddrive [17:41]
copumpkin another advantage of CTR is that you can update a chunk of a file without having to re-encrypt the entire suffix of the file [17:41]
Raccoon that's what truecrypt does [17:41]
mircea_popescu o hello bitcoin-crpy :D [17:41]
copumpkin tbage: I don't think anyone has any major problems with it. There are the newer modes, too [17:41]
tbage i'll take another look see then [17:42]
copumpkin it's the simplest scheme ever [17:42]
copumpkin you just mix a block index into your key, basically [17:42]
tbage ooooo [17:42]
tbage ahhh [17:42]
SpeedBus :/ you coulr use and encrypt the file and upload ? [17:42]
SpeedBus *could [17:42]
tbage streams [17:43]
* topace ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:43]
Raccoon "AxCrypt is the leading open source file encryption software for Windows. It integrates seamlessly with Windows to compress, encrypt, decrypt, store, send and work with individual files. " [17:43]
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SpeedBus Yep, Encrypt the file, upload :) [17:43]
Raccoon I already don't trust them because they lie in their opening paragraph. [17:43]
copumpkin lol [17:43]
tbage lol [17:43]
copumpkin we are the best out of the worst! [17:43]
copumpkin pick us! [17:43]
SpeedBus :P [17:43]
Raccoon Nobody has heard of AxCrypt. Everyone knows TrueCrypt [17:43]
Raccoon can't just call yourself 'leading' [17:44]
copumpkin you can call yourself anything you want :P [17:44]
copumpkin sadly [17:44]
tbage axcrypt is the leading implementor of axcrypt [17:44]
jcpham i like bold text [17:44]
* speedygonzales is now known as bitcointrader1 [17:44]
smickles <- heh [17:44]
jcpham and sometimes i underline things [17:44]
* bitcointrader1 is now known as bitcointrader__ [17:44]
smickles it's like, wtf [17:44]
* bitcointrader__ is now known as speedygonzales [17:45]
* speedygonzales is now known as don_ace [17:45]
tbage gaaaay [17:45]
* mircea_popescu is now known as leading_mircea_popescu [17:45]
SpeedBus :? [17:45]
copumpkin smickles: amen [17:46]
* mcorlett is now known as mireca_popescu [17:46]
* cablepair ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:46]
don_ace SpeedBus .. a user names "bitcoinTrader_" want to trade with me [17:46]
don_ace lol [17:46]
SpeedBus ? [17:46]
don_ace and he send me this page [17:46]
don_ace [17:46]
mircea_popescu who wants to bet glbse blows the new release date too ? [17:46]
* cablepair is now known as Guest47019 [17:46]
SpeedBus ? [17:46]
mireca_popescu don_ace: Watch that underscore! [17:46]
bitcoinTrader_ i can auth [17:46]
bitcoinTrader_ lol [17:47]
don_ace yes [17:47]
SpeedBus I did'nt understand [17:47]
mircea_popescu which one ? [17:47]
bitcoinTrader_ I am bitcoinTrader [17:47]
bitcoinTrader_ ;;getrating bitcoinTrader [17:47]
mireca_popescu ;;ident bitcoinTrader_ [17:47]
gribble Nick 'bitcoinTrader_', with hostmask 'bitcoinTrader_!5c602e02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. [17:47]
don_ace and why is the underscore after? [17:47]
SpeedBus or :p [17:47]
don_ace löo [17:47]
don_ace scammer [17:47]
don_ace hah [17:47]
bitcoinTrader_ wait [17:47]
bitcoinTrader_ I will authenticate with gpg [17:47]
bitcoinTrader_ lol [17:47]
mireca_popescu don_ace: He may be an impostor if he doesn't authenticate. [17:47]
mircea_popescu omg mcorlette! stop using my name! [17:47]
SpeedBus Raccoon : You could try it, I'm not here to steal files :) [17:47]
don_ace impostor? [17:47]
* Guest47019 has quit (Client Quit) [17:48]
* mireca_popescu is now known as impostor [17:48]
don_ace yes [17:48]
don_ace a impostor [17:48]
don_ace :D [17:48]
don_ace first trade of mine, hahah scamer can go away :P [17:48]
SpeedBus Give it a try, upload some stuff which is non critical, Raccoon, and try that AxCrypt, it may just be good ;) [17:48]
tbage why [17:49]
tbage why axcrypt [17:49]
Raccoon spawn-: what's with the othe links btw? [17:49]
Raccoon are you just googling or suggesting from personal experience [17:49]
Raccoon *speedbus [17:49]
SpeedBus Well, I've tried AxCrypt, others I found over at google :) [17:49]
SpeedBus I used it at coll once [17:50]
SpeedBus worked, but was slow [17:50]
SpeedBus :? [17:50]
* MORA| (~MORA@pdpc/supporter/active/mora) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:50]
SpeedBus I use the portable one [17:50]
* churchill (~neo2@gateway/tor-sasl/neo2) has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:50]
Raccoon i notice a trend between these websites. "you don't need to be a crypo expert to use our software. just right-click on a file..." [17:50]
* Sil ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [17:50]
SpeedBus tbage : well, Its a single file encryptor, so well, it works ;) [17:51]
SpeedBus Raccoon well they try to attract newbies [17:51]
Raccoon the trend being "you don't need to be an expert" [17:51]
bitcoinTrader_ don_ace [17:51]
bitcoinTrader_ chck now [17:51]
SpeedBus as the experts are well off [17:51]
don_ace no [17:51]
bitcoinTrader_ ;;getrating bitcoinTrader [17:51]
gribble User bitcoinTrader, created on Wed May 11 15:23:00 2011. Cumulative rating 87, from 42 total ratings. Received ratings: 42 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 33 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask bitcoinTrader_!5c602e02@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [17:51]
don_ace you have that underscore after the name [17:51]
bitcoinTrader_ ;;ident bitcoinTrader [17:51]
don_ace is it safe gribble ? [17:52]
bitcoinTrader_ <@gribble> User bitcoinTrader, created on Wed May 11 15:23:00 2011. Cumulative rating 87, from 42 total ratings. Received ratings: 42 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 33 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask bitcoinTrader_!5c602e02@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [17:52]
impostor ;;ident bitcoinTrader_ [17:52]
gribble Nick 'bitcoinTrader_', with hostmask 'bitcoinTrader_!5c602e02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is identified as user bitcoinTrader, with GPG key id D4419750DA25FB35, and key fingerprint D28E4A465A6865C5BE288039D4419750DA25FB35. [17:52]
don_ace ok [17:52]
impostor Looks like you're good to go. [17:52]
don_ace thank you [17:52]
bitcoinTrader_ ? [17:52]
SpeedBus Raccoon well they try to attract newbies as the experts are well off using other tools :) [17:53]
SpeedBus Raccoon just another advertising gimmik [17:53]
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smickles santorum? [17:58]
* Raccoon explodes into a frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter. [17:58]
smickles haha :) [17:59]
* gribble gives voice to mircea_popescu [17:59]
* don_ace has quit (Quit: Verlassend) [18:00]
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* joydivision (324a83d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:04]
SpeedBus Raccoon looks like are using the text as a advertising promoterr [18:06]
SpeedBus :/ irc lag :( [18:06]
joydivision ;;guide [18:07]
SpeedBus be back laterz [18:08]
* SpeedBus (7ab2f82a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-otc [18:08]
* SpeedBus (7ab2f82a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:09]
* joydivision has quit (Quit: Page closed) [18:10]
bitcoinTrader_ where is the don_ace gone? [18:11]
bitcoinTrader_ ;;seen don_ace [18:11]
gribble don_ace was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 18 minutes and 39 seconds ago: thank you [18:11]
* impostor is now known as mcorlett [18:11]
* SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdzzzz [18:11]
* maxi_ (ae656a3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:12]
maxi_ $520 moneypak ==> BTC [18:12]
copumpkin that's a beefy moneypak [18:14]
copumpkin where'd you get it? [18:14]
maxi_ wallyworld [18:14]
copumpkin sweet [18:15]
Raccoon what can you do with a moneypak besides deposit to paypal? [18:15]
* rplantagenet ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:15]
maxi_ pay bills [18:15]
maxi_ greendot card [18:15]
maxi_ ect [18:15]
Raccoon will they put it on a visa card if you hand them a sheet of scratch paper with a number on it? [18:15]
maxi_ you put it on the greendor visa [18:16]
maxi_ via web or phone [18:16]
Raccoon ah. [18:16]
Raccoon so not at the register [18:16]
maxi_ noo [18:16]
maxi_ thats where you pay [18:16]
Raccoon just take a blank card off the rack and wander home? [18:17]
Raccoon or still need to buy and activate a card at the store? [18:17]
* trentzb (~trentzb@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:17]
maxi_ itsd like any other gift card man [18:17]
maxi_ it has to be loaded at the terminal [18:17]
maxi_ .... [18:17]
Raccoon no, it's really not like any gift card [18:17]
Raccoon there are two parts. [18:18]
maxi_ brb when i care if you already knew why the fuck ask??????????????? [18:18]
Raccoon lets entertain that I buy your moneypak number [18:18]
Raccoon what are the exact chronological steps to put it onto a visa [18:18]
maxi_ jesus brb let me get the other 12 years old from scyth in here [18:18]
Raccoon suit yourself. [18:18]
Raccoon \rate maxi_ -1 pain in the ass [18:19]
maxi_ aweee poor babay [18:19]
Raccoon very professional. [18:19]
maxi_ i know right :) [18:19]
Raccoon pleasure doing business with [18:20]
maxi_ now quit bothering me [18:20]
* swiley has quit (Quit: ZZZzzzz) [18:20]
Raccoon not till you've /parted [18:20]
bitcoinTrader_ selling btc for ukash/paysafecard [18:20]
maxi_ jesus christ these irc junkies [18:20]
maxi_ ;;list [18:21]
maxi_ ;;ratingsystem [18:21]
* Greed ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:21]
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* Greed (~Greed@unaffiliated/ssen/x-8019838) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:21]
maxi_ I cant believe i recommended this place to friends [18:21]
maxi_ haha [18:21]
* rplantagenet has quit (Quit: Leaving) [18:22]
maxi_ mistake- [18:22]
Raccoon why are you still here then? [18:22]
mcorlett drama everywhere [18:22]
sturles Is there anything wrong with this place? [18:22]
copumpkin sturles: I'm in it [18:22]
sturles Except us regulars, perhaps? [18:23]
maxi_ yes the age restrictions for members is too low [18:23]
jcpham hi maxi [18:23]
sturles Hmm. I don't think there is one. [18:23]
mcorlett sturles: Elitist! [18:23]
copumpkin he's gonna start forcing us all to go to university soon [18:24]
copumpkin just like that other elitist [18:24]
copumpkin what was his name [18:24]
sturles ? [18:24]
copumpkin obama! [18:24]
Raccoon if only everyone had a phd, then doctors could live in urban slums too. [18:24]
copumpkin sweet [18:25]
Raccoon they need more doctors to handle gunshot wounds [18:25]
copumpkin not that phds necessarily make much more [18:25]
mcorlett copumpkin: If this spirals out of control and becomes a political discussion, you will be held accountable. [18:25]
* errydayimgenerat ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:25]
copumpkin mcorlett: that sounds just like something a would say [18:25]
Raccoon heh [18:25]
copumpkin mcorlett: you wouldn't happen to be a member of would you? [18:26]
mcorlett Provocateur! Provocateur! Provocateur! [18:26]
copumpkin aha, proof! [18:26]
Raccoon he's probably a ie -o [18:26]
copumpkin I will now disregard everything mcorlett says [18:26]
copumpkin if I say "fucking reds", am I insulting communists or republicans? [18:26]
Raccoon insulting the navajo nation! [18:27]
maxi_ ;;help [18:27]
mcorlett I'd say you're insulting Canadians, but my opinion no longer counts. [18:27]
copumpkin Raccoon: damn, I don't wanna do that [18:27]
jcpham canuckistani's [18:27]
copumpkin [11:27:33] <+mcorlett> blah blah blah [18:27]
copumpkin asshole! [18:28]
SpeedBus Raccoon : lol whats up with maxi_ ? [18:28]
SpeedBus :P [18:28]
* RaoulDuke has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [18:28]
copumpkin he needs more pad [18:28]
SpeedBus haha [18:28]
Raccoon SpeedBus: someone with $520 and eating caviar [18:28]
maxi_ What [18:28]
copumpkin that underscore stands for pad but he lost it [18:28]
* masori (~masori@gateway/tor-sasl/masori) has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:28]
maxi_ still butthrt [18:28]
maxi_ hilarious [18:28]
copumpkin you? [18:28]
SpeedBus Raccoon $520, seems legit [18:29]
jcpham i was going to say something about pads [18:29]
jcpham bu i iz too slowz [18:29]
copumpkin why would I be butthurt? [18:29]
* swiley ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [18:29]
Raccoon lol@maxipad [18:29]
maxi_ you guys just are so salty [18:29]
imsaguy copumpkin: the giant dildo in your bum? [18:29]
SpeedBus nah [18:29]
maxi_ damn [18:29]
BTCHero salty lol [18:29]
copumpkin imsaguy: I'm kinda used to it, but I used to be butthurt for that reason [18:29]
SpeedBus maxi_ you just gotta gel in, and not act like king [18:29]
maxi_ I act like i want to get shit done? [18:30]
imsaguy yeah, she's got me up to 3 fingers now. [18:30]
maxi_ so im a king [18:30]
maxi_ right... :P [18:30]
SpeedBus :? [18:30]
SpeedBus I did'nt understand [18:30]
copumpkin maxi_: you'll do a lot more business if you don't antagonize people :) it's not just called "being a nice person", but also "being a good businessperson" [18:30]
BTCHero is maxi selling or buying? [18:30]
BTCHero maxi_ [18:31]
maxi_ Ah right..... anyways im selling mp [18:31]
maxi_ but not here anymore [18:31]
maxi_ ;) [18:31]
BTCHero how much? [18:31]
maxi_ $520 [18:31]
maxi_ but not here sorry [18:31]
BTCHero lol ok [18:31]
copumpkin $420 would be a lot more meaningful [18:31]
maxi_ I decided this website is not for me [18:31]
maxi_ or my clients [18:31]
Raccoon this is a website now? [18:31]
maxi_ wel... [18:31]
maxi_ jesus christ [18:31]
copumpkin maxi_: why are you sticking around then? [18:31]
maxi_ so i cant laugh [18:31]
maxi_ ;) [18:31]
mcorlett Raccoon: He's using the webchat and can't tel the difference. [18:32]
BTCHero copumpkin ban/kick [18:32]
copumpkin well, please don't be disruptive while you laugh [18:32]
Raccoon damn, he has clients [18:32]
Raccoon lets not lose them [18:32]
copumpkin let's just stop talking to him :P [18:32]
SpeedBus Raccoon and my service has only 1 client.. meh my luck [18:32]
maxi_ This is classi [18:32]
copumpkin SpeedBus: is your bus gonna explode if you drop below 55 mph? [18:32]
* bitcoinTrader_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:32]
maxi_ :) [18:32]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc [20:19]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe [20:19]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Sun Feb 26 06:25:27 2012 [20:19]
* je_fro ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:21]
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ziglir bitcoin denominations should be based on the logarithmic counting system of the Munduruku people of the [20:21]
ziglir Amazon [20:21]
* hngryhngryhippo has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [20:21]
ziglir clearly [20:22]
Raccoon clearly [20:22]
Cusipzzz romannumeralcoin [20:22]
deego Mad7Scientist: ? [20:22]
* Johnny_Mnemonic (~Johnny_Mn@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:23]
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Mad7Scientist meant deegy_ sorry [20:23]
* wazzootieman (~wazzootie@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:23]
deego ah [20:24]
mircea_popescu ee this is exciting [20:25]
mircea_popescu o hey mad7scientist, long time no see. [20:25]
* mcorlett is now known as pope_popescu [20:25]
mircea_popescu lmao [20:25]
* pope_popescu is now known as mcorlette [20:26]
* gribble gives voice to mircea_popescu [20:26]
* hotinbit (7aa2423e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:27]
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* DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:28]
* gribble gives voice to DeLorean719 [20:28]
bitcoinTrader irc:// [20:28]
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* WKNiGHT (~wknight@unaffiliated/wknight) has left #bitcoin-otc [20:29]
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mircea_popescu seems we'll settle over 5.0 for a while. [20:39]
Guest76287 in other words [20:39]
errydayimgenerat yay [20:40]
mcorlette Did we break 5? [20:40]
errydayimgenerat time to start businesses [20:40]
Dark_Apostrophe SELLSELLSELLSELL [20:40]
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* gribble has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [20:41]
rawrmage lûl [20:41]
mcorlette ;;getrating lolol [20:41]
errydayimgenerat honestly [20:41]
mcorlette ;;ticker [20:41]
errydayimgenerat i hope bitcoin does stabilize [20:42]
errydayimgenerat like yeah, making money daytrading is nice [20:42]
errydayimgenerat but i'd like to see btc flourish as what it was intendedd to be [20:42]
mircea_popescu * random_cat has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [20:42]
mircea_popescu * nanotube has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [20:42]
mircea_popescu * gribble has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [20:42]
chrstphrhrt anyone have a preferred api for buying btc? [20:42]
mircea_popescu ppl protest lol [20:42]
helo i use tonal for floats in all of my programming [20:42]
* RaoulDuke ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:42]
MBS lol, free meh certifications this week [20:42]
* mcorlette is now known as gribble [20:42]
MBS [20:42]
gribble Best bid: 5.95082, Best ask: 5.95083, Bid-ask spread: 9.99999999962e-06, Last trade: 5.95082, 24 hour volume: 729469, 24 hour low: 5.762, 24 hour high: 5.99 [20:43]
helo tonal Just Makes Sense [20:43]
* gribble is now known as mcorlett [20:43]
mircea_popescu ahaha [20:43]
errydayimgenerat what the shit gribble [20:43]
errydayimgenerat ohlol [20:43]
mircea_popescu griblette is funnay [20:43]
* pp7 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [20:43]
errydayimgenerat funny mcorlett [20:43]
mircea_popescu ftr, i had gribble pm tag open, now its mcorlett [20:43]
mircea_popescu im guessing this means someone could hose my client huh [20:44]
MBS they allow you to google and look for stuff in the OS though, so its pretty easy, just did windows 7 administration, Score: 4.44 Percentile: Scored higher than 97% of previous examinees [20:44]
mcorlett Hahaha. Just got a PM: getrate paysafecard 100 eur [20:45]
mircea_popescu myea. [20:45]
mircea_popescu now get to work. remember the seinfeld episode when kramer was the movie robot ? [20:45]
* Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: It's a dud! It's a dud! It's a du...) [20:46]
mcorlett getrate paysafecard 100 eur [20:46]
mcorlett ;;getrate paysafecard 100 eur [20:46]
mcorlett I ain't gribble bro. [20:46]
mcorlett lol [20:46]
mircea_popescu two blondies walk out of a bar : [20:46]
mircea_popescu - omg like, i totally forgot to pee [20:46]
mircea_popescu - dont worry, i'll teach you. [20:46]
* trentzb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [20:47]
mcorlett Was that it? [20:47]
mircea_popescu yea. [20:47]
mircea_popescu no roaring laughter ? dribble ? [20:47]
errydayimgenerat last test i took [20:48]
errydayimgenerat that had a percentile score [20:48]
mcorlett [20:48]
errydayimgenerat was the asvab, for the military [20:48]
bitcoinTrader #bitcoin-otc-eur [20:48]
bitcoinTrader #bitcoin-otc-eu [20:49]
errydayimgenerat i did well on ti [20:49]
errydayimgenerat i believe [20:49]
errydayimgenerat they give you 3 hours for the test, i was in and out in an hour. also since it was a computer proctored test at a base, if you get a question right it gives you a harder question worth more points, if you get it wrong it gives you an easier one worth less andd so on [20:50]
errydayimgenerat someone ask me how i did [20:51]
* localhost has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:52]
pigeons < errydayimgenerat> i did well on ti [20:53]
mcorlett You just said you believe you did well. [20:53]
errydayimgenerat yeah but i kind of want to boast [20:53]
pigeons errydayimgenerat: so, how did you do? [20:53]
errydayimgenerat 99th percentile AFQT [20:53]
* jk9357 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:53]
pigeons sweet! you are so cool [20:53]
errydayimgenerat i was qualified score wise for practically any job [20:54]
pigeons babykilling [20:54]
errydayimgenerat even the navy nuke engineering program/school [20:54]
errydayimgenerat and i wanted to go infantry or be a tanker [20:54]
errydayimgenerat lulz [20:54]
pigeons and now you hang with us. what happened? [20:54]
errydayimgenerat they did a background check [20:55]
mcorlett Crap! [20:55]
errydayimgenerat and stopped answering my calls/returning them, and started ducking out on me [20:55]
errydayimgenerat it wasn't the legal issues that got me [20:55]
* Johnny_Mnemonic has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [20:55]
errydayimgenerat they knew about those and were cool with that [20:55]
mcorlett Everything came to light! [20:56]
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* dserrano5 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:56]
errydayimgenerat i think it was the healeth background check [20:56]
pigeons lupus? [20:56]
* nanotube (~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:56]
* ChanServ gives voice to nanotube [20:56]
errydayimgenerat since i've had psychwardd stays and been diagnosed bipolar allegedly [20:56]
* localhost ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:56]
Mad7Scientist A blonde and her friend are walking along [20:56]
Mad7Scientist and the he says "Oh look a dead bird" [20:57]
Mad7Scientist and the blonde looks up and says "where?" [20:57]
* random_cat (~random_ca@gateway/tor-sasl/randomcat/x-49498005) has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:57]
errydayimgenerat haha [20:57]
Raccoon *rimshot* [20:57]
errydayimgenerat but yeah [20:57]
errydayimgenerat shit sucked [20:57]
errydayimgenerat i have 2x instant disqualifications for military service [20:57]
Mad7Scientist ;;ticker [20:57]
mcorlett nanotube, random_cat: Here they are! Did you bring gribble? [20:57]
Raccoon did you get molested while there? [20:58]
errydayimgenerat where? [20:58]
helo in the ubtt? [20:58]
Raccoon at the loony tubes [20:58]
errydayimgenerat nah [20:58]
errydayimgenerat well [20:58]
errydayimgenerat the first time i went to one [20:58]
errydayimgenerat i was sexually harassed [20:58]
Mad7Scientist mircea_popescu, ^^^ that was my blonde joke [20:58]
mircea_popescu lol [20:58]
pigeons they drug you up and lock you in a room with crazy people by default, so its kinda molested [20:58]
* pp7 (~neil@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [20:58]
errydayimgenerat they were doing the search/etc [20:58]
Raccoon yup. [20:59]
bitcoinTrader ;;getrating nelisky [20:59]
mircea_popescu santorum [20:59]
Mad7Scientist selling BTC $5.25 PPUSD any noobs want to buy? [20:59]
* Raccoon explodes into a frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter. [20:59]
errydayimgenerat and i found out everyone else weent to their underwear [20:59]
mircea_popescu santorum! ? [20:59]
mircea_popescu aha. [20:59]
errydayimgenerat and the guy had me naked [20:59]
Mad7Scientist Raccoon, there's a word for that didn't you know [20:59]
Raccoon errydayimgenerat: real law suit. [20:59]
errydayimgenerat and when i was turned around he's like, now bend over [20:59]
errydayimgenerat i was like wahaaaaaat [20:59]
errydayimgenerat he's like i'm jokin [20:59]
errydayimgenerat g [20:59]
ziglir [20:59]
ziglir US e-voting system cracked in less than 48 hours [20:59]
rawrmage lol [21:00]
Raccoon errydayimgenerat: you're lucky then. [21:00]
errydayimgenerat granted [21:00]
Mad7Scientist ;;ud santorum [21:00]
errydayimgenerat me and him were joking around some [21:00]
errydayimgenerat but jokes like that not cool [21:00]
mircea_popescu lmao ziglir [21:00]
Raccoon you're a guy? [21:00]
errydayimgenerat lucky for not getting molested? [21:00]
errydayimgenerat no [21:00]
errydayimgenerat not really [21:00]
Raccoon dot dot dot [21:00]
Mad7Scientist ziglir, that's why I don't vote anymore [21:01]
reeses ;;rate pirate40 10 multiple medium sized (3 figure) trades executed very smoothly, along with other trustworthy interactions. [21:01]
errydayimgenerat Mad7Scientist: because of some pilot voting system getting hacked when they tested it's hackability? [21:01]
Mad7Scientist 10 is if you knew the person from childhood [21:02]
mcorlett ^ [21:02]
errydayimgenerat eh [21:02]
Mad7Scientist Just the whole thing about it being electronic means there is probably fraud [21:02]
errydayimgenerat some childhood friends are pricks and shit [21:02]
imsaguy ;;seen gribble [21:02]
imsaguy oh wait ;) [21:02]
errydayimgenerat this one guy did several thousand in trades with [21:02]
errydayimgenerat it was rated a 9 [21:02]
* foggyb (~weevler@unaffiliated/foggyb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:02]
foggyb ;;getrating foggyb [21:03]
Mad7Scientist He could screw you on the last 3,000 trade [21:03]
Raccoon the only voting system that works is one where voters dip their thumb into a bottle of ink. [21:03]
errydayimgenerat FOGGYB IS RATED -10000 [21:03]
Raccoon Why are there countries with more civilized voting than ours? [21:03]
foggyb liar [21:03]
errydayimgenerat gribble is on break [21:03]
errydayimgenerat btw [21:03]
* Lolcust has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [21:03]
errydayimgenerat Mad7Scientist: me reeses pieces? [21:03]
CaptainDDL robots get breaks now? no fair :P [21:03]
errydayimgenerat or* [21:03]
errydayimgenerat CaptainDDL: gribble started a bot union [21:03]
errydayimgenerat with all the btc money he has [21:04]
Mad7Scientist what is the price of bitcoin currently? [21:04]
foggyb gribble on vacation? [21:04]
foggyb getting his teeth drilled? [21:04]
reeses Mad7Scientist: or I've done so much business with him that i trust him implicitly [21:04]
Mad7Scientist gribble is getting fluoride treatments [21:04]
errydayimgenerat wtf amphipod is on vacation too [21:04]
errydayimgenerat also btc at 4.98 [21:04]
errydayimgenerat usd [21:04]
errydayimgenerat on mtgox [21:05]
Mad7Scientist Last price:$5.00000 [21:05]
* gheorghe (~gheorghe@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:06]
* vinhpk (~khacvinhp@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:06]
vinhpk ;;gpg eauth vinhpk [21:06]
vinhpk ;;guide [21:07]
foggyb I AM GRIBBLE BOT [21:07]
foggyb FEAR ME [21:07]
vinhpk ;;gpg eauth vinhpk [21:07]
foggyb NO [21:07]
vinhpk help [21:07]
foggyb gribble bot is down [21:08]
* nanotube has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [21:11]
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mircea_popescu gribble met corlette [21:12]
mircea_popescu and they're escaping to boora-boora [21:12]
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* Cablesaurus has quit (Changing host) [21:12]
* Cablesaurus (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/cablesaurus) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:12]
* imsaguy is now known as gribble [21:14]
gribble you are all unauth'd :p [21:14]
* gribble is now known as imsaguy [21:14]
reeses ugh [21:15]
reeses nnnnnnngh! [21:15]
mircea_popescu << this be gribble [21:16]
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Raccoon that looks like gribbles [21:18]
* nanotube (~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:19]
* ChanServ gives voice to nanotube [21:19]
* nyuszika7h (nyuszika7h@TouchLay/Member/nyuszika7h) has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:19]
mircea_popescu well, gribble release candidates [21:21]
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* Mkaysi (Mkaysi@gateway/shell/ has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:22]
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chsados anyone want to sell $70 worth of btc through chase bank person2person transfer on their website? [21:23]
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Blitzboom nanotube: BRING THE GRIBBLE [21:25]
Blitzboom nanotube: please :D [21:26]
DeathSone does anyone here think BitCoin has any sort of future on Ebay of websites like Ebay or even Amazon? [21:28]
mircea_popescu i think bitcoin will surpass amazon etc. [21:29]
smickles ;;ping [21:30]
mircea_popescu sellers have much better incentives to sell in a bitcoin marketplace [21:30]
mircea_popescu and the buyers go where the sellers are. so that's about it. [21:30]
* Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: Don't push the red button!) [21:30]
DeathSone hmm, maybe in 20-or-so years time, but at the moment, I have my doubts. [21:31]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [21:31]
mircea_popescu i'd say in the tech world 20 or so years end up being about 5. [21:31]
mircea_popescu back in the late 80s cellphones seemed a 20 or so years away thing [21:32]
rawrmage lol [21:32]
DeathSone really!?, you're that confident about that? [21:32]
mircea_popescu yea, it's my considered opinion. [21:33]
* tandy80 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:33]
mircea_popescu by 2020 the absolut latest bitcoin owns the amazon-style ecommerce. [21:33]
reeses amazon has roughly $6b/month in revenues [21:33]
ziglir damn [21:35]
DeathSone hmmm, I still have my doubts, I mean, one of the biggest set-backs of BitCoin is the lack of physical presence. [21:35]
* swiley ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:35]
kakobreklaa i never see my cash [21:35]
kakobreklaa or should i say [21:35]
kakobreklaa my money [21:35]
mircea_popescu well ofcourse you'd have your doubts. [21:36]
mircea_popescu nothing wrong with that. but i've sold my amazon stock. [21:36]
DeathSone how could I buy groceries with BitCoin today? [21:36]
mircea_popescu in ny there are some shops that allow phonetap. [21:36]
smickles mircea_popescu: will be that change he is pontificating [21:37]
smickles throw a 'which' in there,... it makes sence [21:37]
DeathSone can I buy food online with BitCoin today? [21:38]
* churchill has quit (Quit: Leaving) [21:38]
smickles ;;sell 1 banana @ .02 btc plus shipping [21:38]
smickles gribble? [21:39]
* GamerKeys (43e0928e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:39]
GamerKeys ;;eauth GamerKeys [21:39]
GamerKeys ;;auth GamerKeys [21:39]
nyuszika7h GamerKeys: gribble is offline apparently. [21:39]
GamerKeys gribble delay? [21:39]
GamerKeys i see [21:39]
pirateat40 gribble has passed away [21:39]
nyuszika7h Also, you might want to use #bitcoin-otc-foyer :) [21:39]
GamerKeys that sucks [21:39]
DeathSone I wanna eat Dorito's Chilli Heatwave, can I buy those with BitCoin? [21:40]
chsados buy my iphone 4 ppl!!! [21:40]
GamerKeys amyone trading btc/gox for lrusd? [21:40]
ziglir a virus took over my laptop. i have to run everything as administrator [21:40]
errydayimgenerat tradehill is completely down? [21:40]
GamerKeys WTB LRUSD [21:41]
mircea_popescu i hought TH died [21:41]
errydayimgenerat old news i know [21:41]
* localhost has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:41]
mod6 its been down for weeks, is it back up all of a sudden? [21:41]
mod6 they stated that they were getting out after the loss. [21:42]
errydayimgenerat it's not up [21:42]
errydayimgenerat a buddy in another ric [21:42]
errydayimgenerat just said they lostmoney when th went down [21:42]
mod6 yeah, lotta people did :( [21:43]
DeathSone BitFail [21:43]
mircea_popescu i didn't, having never trusted them [21:44]
mircea_popescu there's a freenode server called moorcock ?! [21:45]
errydayimgenerat he said he lost 'em cause they were on th and he had no wayof getting them back [21:45]
mircea_popescu after james ? [21:45]
* GamerKeys has quit (Quit: Page closed) [21:45]
* Rawl123 (55ba8b58@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:47]
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* errydayimgenerat ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:50]
ziglir crazycorn [21:52]
* random_cat was able to extract his funds from tradehill with no losses (well... some small transaction fees) [21:52]
errydayimgenerat omfgkjsalg;j [21:53]
* Rawl123 has quit (Quit: Page closed) [21:53]
ageis they went outta business citing regulation and transfer costs [21:53]
mod6 That's good, I lucked out as I had moved my btc off about a month prior. [21:53]
* trentzb ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:54]
* bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has left #bitcoin-otc [21:55]
* TotalNonsense (81826534@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:55]
TotalNonsense How do I start on bitcoining? [21:56]
errydayimgenerat fucking laptop refusing to charge ugh [21:56]
errydayimgenerat well [21:56]
errydayimgenerat you can't do much without the bot atm [21:56]
errydayimgenerat for otc [21:56]
errydayimgenerat you can use an exchange tho [21:56]
errydayimgenerat ' [21:56]
* tandy80 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:56]
errydayimgenerat wutchlooki to use btc for? [21:56]
mircea_popescu totalnonsense : atm the infrastructure is a little fried so you can't do many things [21:56]
mircea_popescu however, you can start by doing some reading, you up fro that ? [21:57]
errydayimgenerat +++ klfja;slkfj;saf [21:58]
* cypherdoc_ (63b16e95@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [21:58]
errydayimgenerat i just need this fucking power wiree to stay [21:58]
errydayimgenerat so i can go craft [21:58]
ageis get a wallet, get some bitcoins, now ur bitcoining [21:58]
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* dx ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:01]
* Clipse ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:02]
* MORA| (~MORA@pdpc/supporter/active/mora) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:04]
* hello (~jndear22_@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:06]
hello any q.c now? [22:06]
* hello (~jndear22_@ has left #bitcoin-otc [22:06]
rawrmage i like the ponies [22:07]
vragnaroda rawrmage: pony [22:07]
rawrmage you got it [22:07]
jcpham clopclop? [22:10]
andrew12 ponies? [22:10]
mircea_popescu glop glop [22:11]
* copumpkin clops all over mircea_popescu [22:11]
mircea_popescu i take it you folks don't know pifou [22:12]
* Segnale007 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:12]
* pickett (~pickett@gateway/tor-sasl/pickett) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:12]
Segnale007 hello folks [22:12]
jcpham hi Segnale007 [22:12]
jcpham how are on this fine day/ [22:12]
Segnale007 anyone has got 15/16 bitcoins to seel ?? [22:12]
Segnale007 who me?? [22:12]
Segnale007 shitty [22:12]
jcpham no, you! [22:12]
Segnale007 ah lol [22:13]
Segnale007 alright [22:13]
jcpham that's shitty [22:13]
* Dark_Apostrophe offers toilet paper [22:13]
Segnale007 rofl Dark_Apostrophe [22:13]
jcpham Segnale007 one time i shat a rainbox [22:13]
Dark_Apostrophe Has pictures of dead politicians on it, might not be all that comfortable [22:13]
copumpkin better a Dark_Apostrophe than a Dark_Colon [22:14]
mircea_popescu two bats hanging upside down chatting. "so when was the worst day of your life ?" [22:14]
mircea_popescu "when i got diarheea" [22:14]
copumpkin lol [22:14]
Dark_Apostrophe copumpkin: Indubidably [22:14]
jcpham i has no bee tee cee's to sell Segnale007 [22:14]
jcpham i've been donating my mining to imaginary addresses too [22:15]
Segnale007 jcpham: FML [22:15]
* merlin1234 (5990c0a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:15]
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Segnale007 I dont wanna receive a donation lol [22:15]
Segnale007 I will pay the current value for 15 fucking bitcoins [22:15]
Segnale007 even 16 [22:15]
Segnale007 I have got EU or USD [22:15]
jcpham how will you get the bitcoins to do that to each other? [22:16]
jcpham mine never do that [22:16]
Segnale007 to do what?? [22:16]
Segnale007 I need bitcoins to buy something from the net [22:16]
Segnale007 but I don't seem I can buy it here in Italy [22:16]
Segnale007 every trading or selling website are mainly focused for US customers [22:17]
* lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:17]
jcpham freaking unitedstatians [22:17]
Segnale007 I could go with SEPA bank transfer but it would be too costly [22:17]
* Maroni ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:17]
Segnale007 are u making fun of my english ?? [22:17]
jcpham nerp [22:17]
_form this could be a bitcoin commercial :D [22:17]
jcpham that's a negatory ghostrider [22:17]
Segnale007 so why people refuses to sell them ?? [22:18]
Segnale007 I am offer money [22:18]
jcpham no se [22:18]
Segnale007 real money [22:18]
mircea_popescu we can't really trade atm cause no gribble [22:18]
Segnale007 I don't really get the point here .. [22:18]
copumpkin gli italiani pagano bene [22:18]
Segnale007 what's gribble? [22:18]
Segnale007 copumpkin: forse [22:18]
mircea_popescu gribble is this bot you identify to [22:18]
jcpham rut roh we going italiano [22:19]
helo Segnale007: he is a bot that handles cryptographic identification of traders in here [22:19]
copumpkin jcpham: mi pare ovvio [22:19]
Segnale007 oh [22:19]
mircea_popescu copumpkin e un mafioso de castellamare [22:19]
mircea_popescu :D [22:19]
Segnale007 copumpkin: are u and jcpham Italian ?? [22:19]
copumpkin mircea_popescu: non ne devi parlare qui in publico [22:19]
Segnale007 eh [22:19]
Segnale007 ma [22:19]
copumpkin pubblico [22:19]
Segnale007 parlate in Italiano o cosa? [22:19]
mircea_popescu el copumpkin castellamarese [22:19]
mircea_popescu e perche no hehe [22:20]
jcpham ovvio per chi? io o tu? [22:20]
Segnale007 helo: are them fooling me or what? [22:20]
copumpkin per gli stronzi come me [22:20]
helo no clue heh [22:20]
mircea_popescu stronzaccio! [22:20]
Segnale007 *are they [22:20]
copumpkin stronzone [22:20]
copumpkin stronzetto? [22:20]
Segnale007 mircea_popescu: lol [22:20]
mircea_popescu hehe [22:20]
Segnale007 allora mi aiutate a comprare sti cazzo di bitcoins ? [22:20]
mircea_popescu veramente, senza gribble non e posibile. [22:21]
copumpkin Segnale007: come paghi? [22:21]
Segnale007 e quando torna sto gribble [22:21]
jcpham copumpkin non è uno stronzo. [22:21]
Segnale007 cosa fa gribble? [22:21]
mircea_popescu mezzora ? [22:21]
Segnale007 ah si? [22:21]
jcpham non sta dicendo NSFW stronzo [22:21]
copumpkin jcpham: non ne sarei tanto sicuro se fossi in te [22:21]
Segnale007 ok gestisce le crittografia [22:21]
Segnale007 ma anche gnu/gpg [22:21]
Segnale007 gestisce le crittografie [22:21]
Segnale007 oppure questo gestisce qualcos altro? [22:22]
copumpkin Segnale007: il problema è che non ti conosce nessuno [22:22]
mircea_popescu e questo mi fa ricordare : qual'e la diferenza tra una ora, il dottore e la famiglia ? [22:22]
* dlb76 has quit () [22:22]
Segnale007 copumpkin: neppure io conosco te [22:22]
jcpham fine. essere uno stronzo, allora;) [22:22]
Segnale007 ma qualè il problema ? [22:22]
Segnale007 io ti pago [22:22]
Segnale007 tu mi mandi i bitcoins [22:22]
copumpkin Segnale007: si ma tutti gli altri mi conoscono, e quindi io non ho mai problemi se voglio scambiare monete [22:22]
Segnale007 nn vedo il problema [22:22]
* errydayimgenerat ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:22]
Segnale007 cioè forse sono scemo [22:22]
copumpkin dipende da come paghi [22:23]
Segnale007 é illegale scambiare monete? [22:23]
jcpham EnglishPolishItalian [22:23]
jcpham il mio cervello da tutto questo male italiano [22:23]
jcpham FAIL! [22:23]
copumpkin se puoi trasferire soldi via SEPA [22:23]
Segnale007 come vuoi pagato? [22:23]
Segnale007 mi costa 13 euro cazzo [22:23]
Segnale007 no way [22:23]
copumpkin ehh [22:23]
Segnale007 paypal no? [22:23]
copumpkin no, paypal non lo vuole nessuno [22:23]
Segnale007 ma se tutto il mondo compra e vende con paypal? [22:23]
Segnale007 cioè [22:23]
copumpkin perché è facilissmo rubare con paypal [22:23]
Segnale007 ok [22:24]
Segnale007 ma chi ti vuole rubare [22:24]
Segnale007 vabe [22:24]
Segnale007 diciamo che [22:24]
Segnale007 tu nn mi conosci [22:24]
mircea_popescu ma come fa a sapere, lui ? [22:24]
copumpkin abbiamo solo la tua parola che non lo farai :) [22:24]
Segnale007 e neppure io [22:24]
Segnale007 hai raigone [22:24]
copumpkin e la tua parola, se non ti conosce nessuno, non vale molto :( [22:24]
copumpkin mi dispiace :/ [22:24]
mircea_popescu e por questo che c'e gribble. [22:24]
Segnale007 su xda ho un botto di translazioni positive [22:24]
Segnale007 e su ebay [22:24]
mircea_popescu e WOT. [22:24]
Segnale007 basta? [22:24]
Segnale007 vabene ho capito [22:24]
Segnale007 nn so che altro dire [22:25]
mircea_popescu im really surprised otc offers italian support tbh, [22:25]
Segnale007 cioè come dovrei pagarti [22:25]
Segnale007 I am also surprised as well [22:25]
copumpkin Segnale007: non lo so neanch'io :P non lo facciamo per dispetto. Ogni giorno ci sono stronzi che dicono che non hanno altra scelta e devono per forza usare paypal [22:25]
* Cablesaurus ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:25]
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* Cablesaurus (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/cablesaurus) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:25]
rawrmage coi .i mi tavla fo lo jbobau .i mi djuno lo glibau .e lo jbobau po'o [22:25]
Segnale007 didnt expect to meet anyone who can speak Italian in here .. [22:25]
copumpkin yeah, I'm not italian :P [22:25]
mircea_popescu anyway, segnale : you need to get yourself identified with gribble [22:26]
mircea_popescu then people can positively know who you are [22:26]
mircea_popescu then they do some small transactions [22:26]
mircea_popescu then you gain trust over time [22:26]
mircea_popescu then you can do big transactions. [22:26]
mircea_popescu i pay all the time with paypal because people know me. [22:26]
Segnale007 especially people that believes that paypal isnt accepted by anyone anymore [22:26]
copumpkin Segnale007: it's not accepted by anyone _in here_ [22:26]
Segnale007 when the world buys ans sell with paypal [22:26]
Segnale007 anyways [22:26]
mircea_popescu it's not that. it's that you can refund paypal payments, but not bitcoin payments. [22:26]
copumpkin Segnale007: the problem is what I said: chargebacks [22:26]
Segnale007 lol but I dont fucking wanna do that [22:26]
Segnale007 and I wont [22:26]
mircea_popescu ya but there's no way to know. [22:26]
Segnale007 anyways [22:27]
mircea_popescu unless you're identified and have a long history. [22:27]
copumpkin Segnale007: to us, you are just "Segnale007" :) [22:27]
Segnale007 we wont ever come any closer to any reach point [22:27]
Raccoon i'll buy 10,000 BTC from you via PayPal [22:27]
* copumpkin is now known as tirubotuttelemon [22:27]
* tirubotuttelemon is now known as tirubotutto [22:27]
tirubotutto hey guys! I wanna pay paypal [22:27]
tirubotutto I won't steal I promise [22:27]
Segnale007 Raccoon: I just want to buy 15 [22:27]
Segnale007 lol [22:27]
* You are now known as LaMammadiSegnale [22:27]
LaMammadiSegnale so, am i your mother now ? [22:27]
Segnale007 LaMammadiSegnale: funny [22:28]
helo gribble isn't relevant for someone who just wants to do a single trade [22:28]
LaMammadiSegnale ya, see ? why don't you believe me ? [22:28]
LaMammadiSegnale I SAY I AM YOUR MOTHER!!! [22:28]
Segnale007 I can wait for this fucking gribble [22:28]
* You are now known as mircea_popescu [22:29]
mircea_popescu don't be fucking gribble nao [22:29]
Segnale007 nice to meet u mommy [22:29]
mircea_popescu to save time you can go install gpg [22:29]
mircea_popescu cause i imagine you don't have it. [22:29]
Segnale007 I have never seen people who refuses to sell something to someone else [22:29]
mircea_popescu well now you have. [22:29]
mircea_popescu bitcoins are valuable. [22:29]
Segnale007 especially when its a currency used by no one [22:29]
Segnale007 lol [22:29]
* fimpfimp (~fimp@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:30]
Segnale007 mircea_popescu: mate I have got gpg running a while ago [22:30]
mircea_popescu a perfect then [22:30]
mircea_popescu so when gribble is back you can auth and that's that. [22:30]
* joecool (~joecool@no-sources/joecool) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:30]
Segnale007 and how will I pay with gribble? [22:30]
mircea_popescu and it's a currency used for cool people, just so you know. [22:30]
Segnale007 yea.. [22:31]
vragnaroda [15:25] <+mircea_pope> | im really surprised otc offers italian support tbh [22:31]
mircea_popescu well, no, you identify with gribble, then people might trust you. [22:31]
Segnale007 ah alright .. [22:31]
vragnaroda mircea_popescu: If that displeases you, you're free to go to #bitcoin-otc-en. :p [22:31]
mircea_popescu dun be a hater v :D [22:31]
Segnale007 mircea_popescu: where are u from? [22:31]
Segnale007 oh wait [22:31]
mircea_popescu romania. [22:31]
Segnale007 ah alrght [22:31]
mircea_popescu copumpkin here is from pakistan [22:32]
* wazzootieman has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [22:32]
mircea_popescu or how do they call those islands up northwest of europe ? [22:32]
jcpham i'm from austria! [22:32]
Segnale007 I have no idea [22:32]
vragnaroda lol [22:32]
Segnale007 well I am from Italyy [22:32]
Chex im from timbucktoo! [22:32]
* sfantu has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [22:32]
Segnale007 ah ah ah [22:32]
vragnaroda mircea_popescu: It didn't seem to displease you, really, but I had people getting very pissy about people speaking Mexican in here. [22:32]
Segnale007 funny [22:32]
mircea_popescu mexican ?! [22:32]
Segnale007 haha mexican [22:33]
Segnale007 :D [22:33]
mircea_popescu and i like languages, i speak like a dozen orwhatever. poorly, but anyway. [22:33]
helo mmmm mexican [22:33]
Chex is that like 'American'? [22:33]
Chex only another language? [22:33]
mircea_popescu mexicar and merican, the two languages of the only continent [22:33]
vragnaroda Chex: Only geographically. [22:33]
Chex speaking of which [22:33]
Chex I cannot WAIT for that Mexican drama farce with Will Farrel [22:33]
mircea_popescu im not even waiting for it. [22:34]
* wazzootieman (~wazzootie@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:34]
mircea_popescu ;;come back we miss you! [22:34]
mircea_popescu :/ no response : [22:35]
* sfantu (~sfantu@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:37]
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* tirubotutto is now known as copumpkin [22:39]
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copumpkin I'm from pakistan? [22:39]
copumpkin I didnt know [22:39]
mod6 no gribbs yet 'eh? [22:39]
mircea_popescu btw, copumpkin, you ever watch Paolo Villaggio (aka fantocci) ? [22:39]
copumpkin yeah (fantozzi) [22:40]
copumpkin :P [22:40]
mircea_popescu fine, fine. fantozzi. ragioner ugo :D [22:40]
copumpkin :) [22:40]
* wazzootieman (~wazzootie@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:40]
copumpkin lucio dalla died recently :( [22:41]
* zerok112 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:41]
mircea_popescu ever seen this one ? [22:41]
mircea_popescu (youtube link at the end) [22:41]
mcorlett (Shameless plug.) [22:41]
* AgoristRadio ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:41]
jcpham who's been speaking mexican? [22:41]
mircea_popescu (just being lazy with searching youtube) [22:41]
errydayimgenerat mexicans? [22:42]
jcpham surely not [22:42]
vragnaroda jcpham: It's been a while. [22:42]
mircea_popescu hola! [22:42]
jcpham i think mexican is a dead language [22:43]
errydayimgenerat yo meng [22:43]
jcpham watch yourself, tommy chong [22:44]
jcpham (he's from california) [22:44]
* zerok112_ (b254a472@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:48]
* slush has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:50]
helo is -otc wiki hosted with normal bitcoin wiki? [22:50]
helo i.e. same machine [22:50]
mircea_popescu i dun think so [22:51]
helo both seem to be down... [22:51]
mircea_popescu hm [22:51]
helo gribble and both wikis down :/ [22:51]
errydayimgenerat and amphipod [22:52]
errydayimgenerat the -market ticker bot [22:52]
* GlooBoy (48948d9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:52]
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jcpham i hope no one is stealing gribble wallet.dat [22:54]
mircea_popescu he has a wallet.dat ? [22:54]
jcpham of course. your lady friend is hot. [22:54]
mod6 haha [22:54]
* deegy (4e96eb3d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:55]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:55]
jcpham i have that adhd thing. look at that sqirrel. [22:55]
helo what do non-US traders usually buy btc with in here? [22:56]
zerok112_ is it nornal that gribble & wiki are down? how long does it last typically? [22:56]
jcpham i haven't seen anyone trade their soul yet for btc [22:56]
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mod6 zerok112_: It happens from time to time, I'm sure. [22:57]
* jk9357 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [22:57]
mod6 And I would guess, not too long. I hope not! =) [22:57]
mircea_popescu helo euros i guess ? [22:59]
mircea_popescu someone was asking for pesos [22:59]
helo mircea_popescu: so they meet in person and hand off euros for btc? has that ever happened in ehre? [22:59]
* jk9357 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:59]
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mircea_popescu well if you mean in here as in, on irc, no it never happened, seeing how irc is on the internet not in person [23:00]
mircea_popescu or what do you mean ?! [23:00]
* foggyb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [23:01]
mod6 interrobang! [23:02]
rawrmage [23:03]
helo in -otc [23:04]
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* jfsdjfpqoeirdfka (3e2a140d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:10]
jfsdjfpqoeirdfka ;;guide [23:11]
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gamambel helo: yes, people have met and exchanged bitcoins for euro, and secured the deal here [23:13]
helo good to know, thanks [23:13]
helo Segnale007: ^ [23:14]
rawrmage "The one where Berry Punch makes two thugs go gay." [23:14]
* james777 (602dbd51@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:16]
Segnale007 gamambel: I am a new user .. none seems to be willing to exchange their bitcoins with my euro or usd [23:17]
gamambel the problem is that currently the bot is down so you can't look at the various offers [23:18]
gamambel i can sell you bitcoin for paysafecard [23:20]
gamambel and ukash [23:20]
gamambel or SEPA (bank wire transfer) [23:21]
Segnale007 sepa is damn expensive for me [23:21]
Segnale007 almost 13 euros [23:21]
Segnale007 and I just need to exange 65 euros [23:21]
Segnale007 so it wont worth it [23:21]
Segnale007 what is paysafecard? [23:22]
gamambel Segnale007: [23:22]
Segnale007 can it be bought in Italy? [23:22]
gamambel not sure they sell in italy [23:22]
Segnale007 ok will have a look [23:22]
* blaeks ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:22]
gamambel they do have an italian website :) [23:22]
LupusY0nderboy HEy [23:22]
gamambel Segnale007: ukash is mostly the same, you can check if they sell near you too: [23:23]
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Segnale007 oh wow gamambel [23:23]
Segnale007 this its not only sold in Italy [23:23]
Segnale007 but according to the website [23:23]
Segnale007 there are lots of stores which offers this services nearby [23:24]
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Segnale007 so I will go take a look tomorrow and ask for some info [23:24]
Segnale007 but [23:24]
LupusY0nderboy Anyone looking to hire a pen-tester or php security auditor? [23:24]
Segnale007 is it safe for me? [23:24]
LupusY0nderboy I'm working pro-bono. :3 [23:24]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:24]
gamambel Segnale007: what do you mean by "safe"? [23:24]
helo Segnale007: you'd want to do a ;;gribble getrating [ident gamambel] [23:25]
LupusY0nderboy It's free security testing on your sites for bitcoin community for now [23:25]
gamambel Segnale007: you buy codes. once you give away the code to anyone, it is like giving away cash [23:25]
mcorlett LupusY0nderboy: I may have some work for you soon. [23:25]
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helo Segnale007: and evaluate gamambel's trustworthiness based on that (and maybe looking at the list of all of his rating comments, etc) [23:25]
gamambel Segnale007: once you have the paysafecard, you have to find an honest trader, and maybe do a small trade first [23:25]
helo Segnale007: since you're new, you'd probably have to send first. [23:25]
LupusY0nderboy mcorlett, doin what? [23:25]
LupusY0nderboy Message me. [23:26]
Segnale007 helo: I am ok with that [23:26]
Segnale007 as long as I dont get scammed [23:26]
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Segnale007 gamambel: I am a little afraid to be scammed [23:26]
LupusY0nderboy I'm bored, i want to test some websites for practice and good rating, etc. [23:26]
Segnale007 to be honest [23:26]
gamambel Segnale007: buy 10 euro codes and do them one by one [23:26]
Segnale007 thats why I was offering paypal [23:26]
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* hngryhngryhippo (~hngryhngr@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:26]
helo you should be safe if you go with someone who actively trades with others in the same kind of amounts that you're interested in [23:26]
Segnale007 I see [23:26]
gamambel Segnale007: yes, but nobody wants paypal because you can revert it [23:26]
Segnale007 ok [23:27]
* dlb76 (dlb76@unaffiliated/dlb76) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:27]
ahbritto You can use PayPal with [23:27]
helo what? how is that? [23:27]
Segnale007 gamambel: will u sell me 15 bitcoins if I get this [23:27]
Segnale007 and whats ur rate? [23:27]
mircea_popescu you can actyally use pp with virwox ?! [23:28]
LupusY0nderboy PP's are easily stealable [23:28]
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LupusY0nderboy it's probably foolish to take paypal [23:28]
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* BlueMatt (~matt@unaffiliated/bluematt) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:28]
LupusY0nderboy One could simply steal a bunch of paypals and buy bitcoins off you. [23:28]
* ChanServ gives voice to BlueMatt [23:28]
LupusY0nderboy Not hard. ;p [23:29]
Segnale007 again I am not up to steal anything to anyone [23:29]
Segnale007 especially not 15 bitcoins [23:29]
Segnale007 u can google my nickname [23:29]
* CanuckTux ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:29]
ahbritto Segnale007: And what would a fraudster say that is different? [23:29]
Segnale007 ull see I have a fair history over internet [23:29]
Segnale007 ahaha [23:29]
Segnale007 make sense though .. [23:29]
Segnale007 well believe it or not [23:29]
ahbritto Use virwox, if you want to use PayPal. [23:30]
gamambel Segnale007: i can do that, yes [23:30]
Segnale007 I am not here to scam anyone.. not that I am either looking to get scammed [23:30]
Segnale007 will check that out [23:30]
Segnale007 will let u know gamambel [23:30]
Segnale007 I will ask about it to a local store tomorrow [23:30]
Cory No gribble either? [23:31]
helo how can virwox accept paypal? [23:31]
helo maybe with verified US identification or something [23:31]
netxshare because I am sure it's because of secondlife [23:32]
* swiley ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:32]
netxshare there are strict rules on selling second life currency [23:32]
* Duke_pro (~duke@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:32]
netxshare all sellers get vetted as far as I know [23:32]
LupusY0nderboy No one want anything tested for free? :3 [23:32]
mircea_popescu well sure lupus [23:32]
mircea_popescu test my options page. [23:33]
helo not unless you can test for stds [23:33]
helo there's this hot tester we have... [23:33]
mircea_popescu been dead for a coupla hours cory [23:33]
ageis i made a cewt compatability page last night test it! [23:34]
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* strike is now known as Guest49722 [23:34]
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rg haha wow [23:36]
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rg someone sent me a message on the forum about what an asshole phantomcircuit is [23:37]
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Guest49722 ;; gpg eauth strike [23:37]
mircea_popescu lol is he ? [23:37]
charlierlee ;;ident charlierlee [23:39]
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charlierlee omg [23:39]
coingenuity gribble is not here [23:39]
charlierlee I guess it's time to build a distributed wot [23:40]
helo yup [23:40]
Guest49722 so where the hell is gribble? [23:41]
coingenuity you can check for now [23:41]
coingenuity Guest49722: timed out a while ago [23:41]
* Rawl123 (55ba8b58@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:41]
rg poor gribble [23:41]
rg well [23:42]
helo implement wot using namecoin? [23:42]
rg we're really close to $5 [23:42]
rg thats good [23:42]
LupusY0nderboy Jesus i'm bored [23:42]
coingenuity LupusY0nderboy: just go to bed, then [23:43]
charlierlee Every time something bad happens like this, I think about this article [23:43]
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mircea_popescu you think fbi killed gribble ?! [23:45]
jcpham definitely [23:45]
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charlierlee no, but that's what my first thought is. Then rational kicks in [23:46]
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LupusY0nderboy coingenuity, at 9pm? [23:48]
coingenuity why not [23:48]
LupusY0nderboy Lol, i have only neen up 4 hours coingenuity [23:48]
mircea_popescu nice read there charlierlee [23:48]
coingenuity i have been up for 32 [23:48]
LupusY0nderboy coingenuity, that explains why you're thinking of sleep [23:49]
LupusY0nderboy but not me. ;p [23:49]
coingenuity yep [23:49]
coingenuity i am basically a zombie [23:49]
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sgornick FYI!/kalyhost <-- Bitcoin wiki down as a result [23:49]
LupusY0nderboy ;;gpg eregister Y0nderboy 1C5303837D1A8B1C [23:50]
* bizong (187089ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:50]
LupusY0nderboy Were did the bot go? :s [23:51]
helo apparently he's hosted on kalyhost too [23:51]
mircea_popescu ow wow! [23:51]
rawrmage suddenly, PONIES! [23:52]
midnightmagic suddenly, ninjas! [23:52]
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* kish is now known as KillJohnMcCain [23:52]
errydayimgenerat pony pony pony [23:55]
rawrmage ♥ pony [23:55]
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helo pony dong [23:57]
* timer67 (62dddb33@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:58]
mircea_popescu hmm, anyone want to start a glbse etf ? cause i got a pretty good ideea i think [23:58]
helo gay lesbian bisexual s? e? [23:58]
timer67 anyone that can do moneypak to btc? [23:59]
mircea_popescu nah helo, the stocks thing [23:59]
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[eval] global bitcoin stock exchange [23:59]
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