Forum logs for 04 Jan 2016
Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 171750 @ 0.00051195 = 87.9274 BTC [-] {5} | [00:16] |
mircea_popescu | davout ie a dutch oven ? | [00:25] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 106550 @ 0.00050906 = 54.2403 BTC [-] | [00:28] |
* | hanbot has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [00:28] |
mircea_popescu | lmao. browsers top 10 : HTTrack 33.4 % Unknown 32.1 % Google Chrome 11.4 % etc. | [00:33] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42545 @ 0.0005111 = 21.7447 BTC [+] {3} | [00:46] |
asciilifeform | ;;later tell ben_vulpes you gotta post the build error logz or nobody could possibly help | [00:46] |
gribble | The operation succeeded. | [00:46] |
ben_vulpes | ran it down; more pebkac | [00:48] |
BingoBoingo | | [00:51] |
assbot | Is a pulse rate of 56-64 normal in an obese woman who is otherwise ... ( ) | [00:51] |
asciilifeform | lulzy: <<<>>> + <<<>>> | [00:54] |
asciilifeform | ^ re: ukrs | [00:54] |
assbot | dpaste: 23V8Q65 ... ( ) | [00:54] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [00:54] |
assbot | dpaste: 03MFPKE ... ( ) | [00:54] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52866 @ 0.00050621 = 26.7613 BTC [-] {2} | [00:58] |
asciilifeform | ben_vulpes: neato | [00:58] |
asciilifeform | ben_vulpes: i highly recommend against having any manually-built gcc installed systemwide on a gentoo box; this would prevent you from using eselect | [00:59] |
asciilifeform | (locally, a la rotor, is another matter, and works great for its purpose) | [00:59] |
BingoBoingo | ;;bc,stats | [01:09] |
gribble | Current Blocks: 391637 | Current Difficulty: 1.0388034081545589E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 393119 | Next Difficulty In: 1482 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 10 hours, 28 minutes, and 43 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None | [01:09] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17550 @ 0.00051694 = 9.0723 BTC [+] | [01:17] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 107700 @ 0.00050434 = 54.3174 BTC [-] {3} | [01:57] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31100 @ 0.00051705 = 16.0803 BTC [+] {2} | [02:23] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98000 @ 0.00051005 = 49.9849 BTC [-] {6} | [02:45] |
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punkman | | [04:40] |
assbot | NSA Patents - Silk ... ( ) | [04:40] |
punkman | "Confidential data from maritime industry insiders based on engine size and the quality of fuel typically used by ships and cars shows that just 15 of the world's biggest ships may now emit as much pollution as all the world's 760m cars." << and the warmingtards are worried about VW | [04:47] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11150 @ 0.00051298 = 5.7197 BTC [+] {2} | [05:00] |
* | bounce has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [05:08] |
davout | mircea_popescu: it shares with the dutch oven the fact that it's a pot i guess, it's exclusively made of clay though | [05:23] |
davout | anyway, i think it's the type of things that is best when simply demonstrated | [05:24] |
punkman | davout, does the handle of the thing have a hole for air to escape? | [05:25] |
davout | punkman: mine doesn't have a handle, and no, it doesn't really need holes for air and steam to escape, the thing is not tightly shut | [05:28] |
punkman | davout, a lot of them seem to have a little hole on google images, seemed weird, guess it doesn't go all the way through the handle | [05:29] |
punkman | what else do you cook in it, since it's unglazed? | [05:30] |
davout | it has more to do with the way it's manufactured than and actual functional necessity | [05:30] |
davout | i only use it for potatoes | [05:31] |
punkman | I suppose it'd be good for chestnuts and things | [05:31] |
davout | just clean them a bit with water, throw them in, 20 minutes microwave, and you get really great potatoes | [05:32] |
davout | might be | [05:32] |
* | ith has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [06:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16200 @ 0.00051298 = 8.3103 BTC [+] | [06:14] |
* | BashCo has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [06:15] |
* | Tomiii ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [06:16] |
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punkman | "As the representative glyphs for people in the Unicode code charts look in many cases as if they represent white people, even in monochrone, and as the earliest implementations of multicoloured glyphs tended to show very pale skin tones, there has been an impression that Unicode is only catering for a certain racial demographic. Over the last year or two there have been widespread calls | [07:32] |
punkman | for the Unicode Consortium to encode racially diverse versions of emoji characters representing humans or human body parts, and under intense pressure from the public, the media, and consortium members such as Apple and Google, the Unicode Technical Committee put forward a set of five emoji skin tone modifier characters as a solution." | [07:32] |
punkman | "By themselves these five characters are intended to be displayed as square fragments of colour, but when combined with any of a defined set of Unicode characters representing people or human body parts they should magically change the character's skin tone." | [07:33] |
punkman | "This solution may work for Unicode characters showing a single person, but you may wonder how multiracial emoji symbols showing two or more people with different skin tones could be represented. Would there, for example, be a way of specifying that U+1F46A family should be rendered with mother, father and child with different skin tones? The answer would seem to be no; but the Emoji Ad | [07:36] |
punkman | hoc Committee has come up with an cunning solution that allows for the combination of emoji characters, emoji modifier characters and zero-width joiner characters to produce arbitrary emoji glyphs, where a sequence of eleven Unicode characters would be intended to be rendered as a single colourized glyph showing a multiracial family." | [07:36] |
jurov | yay, hope they will add all the other colors, too. so that gorbachev's head can be accurately rendered | [07:42] |
jurov | preferably maintaining X11 colors.txt heritage | [07:43] |
* | Cory (~C@unaffiliated/cory) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [07:45] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25350 @ 0.0005174 = 13.1161 BTC [+] {2} | [07:54] |
punkman | related | [08:00] |
assbot | Hey, Unicode, It's About Damn Time We Had Some Emojis for Professional Women - Mic ... ( ) | [08:00] |
* | ith has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [08:12] |
fluffypony | I'm so glad, I was worried there wouldn't be a way to change the colour of the pony emoji | [08:19] |
fluffypony | I want to represent myself as a strong black woman pony | [08:19] |
fluffypony | hashtag poniesforchange | [08:19] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5800 @ 0.00051298 = 2.9753 BTC [-] {2} | [08:21] |
* | Tomiii has quit (Quit: Tomiii) | [08:53] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 120331 @ 0.00051846 = 62.3868 BTC [+] {6} | [08:59] |
BingoBoingo | Apparently social engineers at twitter are trying to push #YallQueda and #VanillaISIS on the Oregon narrative | [09:07] |
BingoBoingo | ;;ticker --currency rmb | [09:47] |
gribble | Error: Failure to retrieve ticker. Try again later. | [09:47] |
BingoBoingo | ;;ticker --market all | [09:47] |
gribble | Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 432.54, vol: 4503.65428922 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 429.498, vol: 4564.81865 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 431.71, vol: 19194.71446735 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 432.093871, vol: 42832.93190000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 430.74, vol: 29.6905739 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 433.63142, vol: 53.30597878 | Volume-weighted last average: 431.852690701 | [09:48] |
* | Duffer1 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [09:49] |
deedbot- | [Qntra] Chinese Stocks Crash Trading Halted - | [09:51] |
BingoBoingo | ^ 7 percent drop in CSI300 before trading suspension | [09:52] |
BingoBoingo | Fiat markets opening 2016 with some pain | [09:53] |
* | mius (~mius@unaffiliated/mius) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [10:44] |
mircea_popescu | davout the sort of dutch oven i use is also made of clay. | [10:47] |
fluffypony | and here I thought a Dutch oven was when you farted under the blankets | [10:48] |
* | diametric has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | [10:52] |
davout | fluffypony: lol | [10:53] |
mircea_popescu | * Tomiii ( has joined #bitcoin-assets << lolwut. | [10:53] |
mircea_popescu | where a sequence of eleven Unicode characters would be intended to be rendered as a single colourized glyph showing a multiracial family." << these people fundamentally misunderstand what an alphabet is. | [10:55] |
mircea_popescu | seriously, send them oxen back to the farm, there's no need for freeing THESE particular slaves. | [10:55] |
mircea_popescu | davout anyway, its usually a 5 liter-ish, unglazed clay pot with a lid (that can be made airtight by applying a butter seal). i usually cook potatoes with meat in them (potatoes on the outside, make a house for hte meat). also great for mousaka, lasagna etc | [10:57] |
davout | cool. | [11:00] |
davout | next time you make that don't hesitate to share, i'm interdasted :D | [11:00] |
mircea_popescu | ima see if teh girls have any pics anywhere. | [11:01] |
davout | cunt works too i guess | [11:01] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [11:01] |
mircea_popescu | anyway. it's cleanned by rubbing well with very coarse salt, then adding water and heating it like that for a while. | [11:02] |
* | diametric (~diametric@unaffiliated/diametric) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [11:02] |
punkman | mircea_popescu: isn't the unglazed ceramic porous? | [11:03] |
davout | what's that "cleaning" you speak of? | [11:06] |
mircea_popescu | it is porous yes. through use it acquires a working glaze tho. | [11:07] |
mircea_popescu | davout well since it contains fats, you can't just let it be. | [11:07] |
davout | yeah, i don't clean mine because i only cook potatoes in there | [11:08] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4192 @ 0.00051987 = 2.1793 BTC [+] {3} | [11:11] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25285 @ 0.00052015 = 13.152 BTC [+] | [11:12] |
punkman | this looks good, gonna try it with the dutch oven | [11:23] |
assbot | No-Knead Bread Recipe - NYT Cooking ... ( ) | [11:23] |
jurov | punkman when it's porous it releases steam, aids in cooking | [11:23] |
punkman | jurov, gotta soak it first for steam | [11:24] |
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mircea_popescu | can be soaked or not, depends what you're going for. | [11:26] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24526 @ 0.00052014 = 12.757 BTC [-] {2} | [11:27] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16845 @ 0.00051298 = 8.6411 BTC [-] | [11:39] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19655 @ 0.00051287 = 10.0805 BTC [-] | [11:40] |
mircea_popescu | aww no more voicing of teh okcupiddudes ? | [11:42] |
* | CoraCrisT has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [11:42] |
* | DreadKnight (~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [11:43] |
* | ascii_butugychag (a211d01a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [11:48] |
mircea_popescu | !up ascii_butugychag | [11:48] |
-assbot- | You voiced ascii_butugychag for 30 minutes. | [11:48] |
* | assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag | [11:48] |
ascii_butugychag | anybody ever play with ? | [11:48] |
assbot | GaloisInc/minlibc · GitHub ... ( ) | [11:48] |
ascii_butugychag | quite surprisingly readable. | [11:49] |
ascii_butugychag | !s ben_vulpes galois | [11:51] |
assbot | 2 results for 'ben_vulpes galois' : | [11:51] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17000 @ 0.00052043 = 8.8473 BTC [+] {2} | [11:52] |
ascii_butugychag | << hm perhaps ben_vulpes used their libc ? | [11:52] |
assbot | Logged on 31-10-2015 04:44:04; v_diddy: have worked with them numerously! | [11:52] |
ascii_butugychag | lulzy, seems like they lifted all the nontrivial pieces (e.g., 'malloc') from *bdf | [11:57] |
ascii_butugychag | *bsd | [11:57] |
ascii_butugychag | from *bsd. | [11:57] |
ascii_butugychag | snorematic. | [11:59] |
mircea_popescu | iirc it was just another shrinkwrap attempt | [11:59] |
mircea_popescu | (under a "better" name) | [11:59] |
ascii_butugychag | shrinkwrap ? | [12:00] |
ascii_butugychag | it doesn't link other libc, no | [12:00] |
mircea_popescu | "preserve state of the shitstack so our software works" | [12:00] |
ascii_butugychag | but has dummy stubs for most of the gnarly bits (fopen, etc) | [12:00] |
mircea_popescu | incidentally, i've been thinking lots about your famous silicone whine. (ie, "trb can't exist until etching plant"). from a twu wuv perspective, what we actually need is an alternate technology. i am guessing that a) it will exist and b) whoever deploys it will be trb anyway. | [12:02] |
mircea_popescu | gotta make self-meshing petri dishes! | [12:02] |
ascii_butugychag | iirc i described several hypothetical variants here. | [12:02] |
mircea_popescu | indeed. | [12:02] |
ascii_butugychag | or possibly in gpggram | [12:03] |
mircea_popescu | central topic at teh conference too | [12:03] |
ascii_butugychag | aha. | [12:03] |
mircea_popescu | but no. the more i think about it, the more etched silicone is not something you wish to marry to. | [12:03] |
mircea_popescu | not anymore than the soviets actually wanted to marry to the hitler-era notions of economic activity and growth | [12:04] |
mircea_popescu | "oh we need more steel mills!111 machine factories!!11" | [12:04] |
mircea_popescu | to make an alternate but related point : i just ran grep -Fxv -f on two files, about a million records together. the ~quarter mn result took all of two seconds. | [12:08] |
mircea_popescu | the idea being that there are two discrete and identifiable uses of computing power. one is as above : leverage for already present intelligence. the other is as in the webstack : compensation for absent intelligence. | [12:09] |
mircea_popescu | in economic terms, approach B is A LOT more resource thirsty. from a planning perspective, the world is undeniably going into a resource-scarce phase. | [12:09] |
mircea_popescu | as such, it is conceivable that z-80 powered trb can actually drive into the ground 12nm process powered united-prbs. | [12:10] |
ascii_butugychag | how's that ? | [12:13] |
ascii_butugychag | i actually considered a parallel sov-z80 thing | [12:13] |
ascii_butugychag | i/o is the killer. | [12:13] |
deedbot- | [Trilema] BitBet (S.BBET) December 2015 Statement - | [12:13] |
mircea_popescu | well this discussion is too far removed from tactics to be readily wrappable into something that'd make any sort of sense at that level. | [12:14] |
ascii_butugychag | do try ? | [12:14] |
mircea_popescu | but the point remains that what I use computers for and what they use computers for are very much disjunct, and relevantly so : they require about two or maybe three degrees of magnitude more materiel. | [12:14] |
mircea_popescu | soon enough they won't be able to afford to pay for computers. | [12:15] |
ascii_butugychag | the ludicrous waste of the wasteful idiots is a thing | [12:15] |
ascii_butugychag | but does not cancel bitcoin needing certain horsepower. | [12:15] |
mircea_popescu | you have to appreciate tho : to them, it is not a waste. it's a raison d'etre and so fundamental its unwind would make life worth living. | [12:15] |
mircea_popescu | indulge me with an example that's domestic for a moment. | [12:15] |
mircea_popescu | then we get to the mining issue. | [12:15] |
mircea_popescu | so : i am a rich land developer, i buy some land, develop housing. it's 16 lots, which are bought the same year by 16 couples. | [12:16] |
mircea_popescu | five years later, the "water table" so to speak changes. like you know, it changed in the ukraine recently, or in moscow in 1988. | [12:17] |
mircea_popescu | so sixteen husbands come back home one evening and explain to sixteen wives that honey : a) eating out is out of the question from now on. and b) you're going to wash your scarf by hand. and use it to make a diaper. and then wash it by hand. | [12:18] |
mircea_popescu | and c) no, the electricity's not coming back. and no, i don't mean tonight. | [12:18] |
* | assbot removes voice from ascii_butugychag | [12:18] |
mircea_popescu | !up ascii_butugychag | [12:18] |
-assbot- | You voiced ascii_butugychag for 30 minutes. | [12:18] |
* | assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag | [12:18] |
mircea_popescu | now... fact of the matter is that most women to date have lived and thrived and been happy in the "horrible" situation described. | [12:19] |
mircea_popescu | the other fact of the matter however is that most if not all of those 16 women don't even own a scarf that could be used as described. because they don't buy by THAT criteria. | [12:19] |
mircea_popescu | their shitty plastic thing will be worn through on the 3rd pass. | [12:19] |
mircea_popescu | so, to come to terms : the sv circus is already bordering on unable to maintain its presence. which is why "the cloud" and so forth. | [12:20] |
ascii_butugychag | most folks who ever lived, happily lived and died within a few metres of the the ground. but fall out of just one airplane... | [12:20] |
ascii_butugychag | splat is a thing | [12:20] |
mircea_popescu | they won't be able to keep on supplying themselves with computers capable to make "fair" unicode. | [12:20] |
mircea_popescu | i suspect they won't wish to live in the alternate world. | [12:21] |
mircea_popescu | and so... | [12:21] |
ascii_butugychag | they recently switched to meat compilers | [12:21] |
mircea_popescu | does this actually coallesce into a point or not yet ? | [12:21] |
ascii_butugychag | well it calls to mind the 'death of the middle' thread | [12:21] |
ascii_butugychag | there isn't really a collapse scenario where z80 remains | [12:22] |
mircea_popescu | the middle died long ago. my idea is that one of the horns is headed for a major splat, and well... it likes to think there's not another horn. fortunately this is not so. | [12:22] |
mircea_popescu | and why not ? | [12:22] |
ascii_butugychag | not so much of a difference in tech level required b/w z80 and pen | [12:25] |
* | felipelalli ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [12:25] |
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* | felipelalli (~felipelal@unaffiliated/felipelalli) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [12:25] |
ascii_butugychag | (pentium) | [12:25] |
mircea_popescu | tbh, i had originally written pentium i and then cancelled it out. | [12:25] |
mircea_popescu | understand, the problem hre is not of "available technology". the technology stays avaiolable throughout. | [12:25] |
mircea_popescu | crisis is, by and large, a process in the heads of the people. | [12:25] |
ascii_butugychag | 'available' is complicated | [12:26] |
mircea_popescu | it's the essential item of "what's worth". do you recall the kid that got a truck for his birthday ? | [12:26] |
ascii_butugychag | were roman baths 'available' in 900 ad ? | [12:26] |
ascii_butugychag | hm? | [12:26] |
mircea_popescu | lemme fish it out | [12:26] |
mircea_popescu | | [12:28] |
assbot | New Truck for Dumb Kid - YouTube ... ( ) | [12:28] |
mircea_popescu | the truck is available. but it IS NOT WORTH IT. and besides... all the other kids will laugh at him. | [12:28] |
mircea_popescu | you see... it's not a problem that there won't be infrastructure available. it'll just "not be worth using". what, it can't even unicode in colors ? | [12:28] |
ascii_butugychag | ah that | [12:29] |
mircea_popescu | yes that. | [12:29] |
ascii_butugychag | i still see a 2-layered enemy | [12:29] |
mircea_popescu | lemme fish out the conversation with this worthless dumbass, it is apropos. | [12:29] |
ascii_butugychag | where you have the emoji l0ltr0nicists | [12:30] |
ascii_butugychag | and the actual working folk | [12:30] |
ascii_butugychag | ft meade will not close down on account of emoji. | [12:30] |
mircea_popescu | < there you go. | [12:34] |
assbot | dpaste: 3FPNGB5 ... ( ) | [12:34] |
mircea_popescu | if she had to repay all her debts (and forget the financial angle - if she had to do all the work to count as educated at the level of education she perceives herself to occupy, manifest inability to think or even spell be damned) she'd simply figure "life is not worht living" and lie in a ditch to die. | [12:35] |
mircea_popescu | and there is no special ft meade. we're the only special interest that exists. otherwise, ft meade still has to hire from the emoji, and it does. | [12:35] |
mircea_popescu | as a result it ends up embarassed by charlotte manning or w/e that was. | [12:35] |
ascii_butugychag | operational garbage gets 'embarrassed', yes, hires from emoji. -- but cryptographers ? | [12:36] |
ascii_butugychag | silicon diddlers ? | [12:37] |
ascii_butugychag | mno. | [12:37] |
mircea_popescu | i'm unpersuaded. | [12:37] |
mircea_popescu | for one thing, what you're proposing is patently NOT FAIR. | [12:37] |
ascii_butugychag | wai wut | [12:37] |
mircea_popescu | and as such, a subclass of "so just stop using the damned colored unicode bs". not gonna happen. | [12:37] |
mircea_popescu | because if you can you must and because zero one infinity, and so therefore, life's not worth living. | [12:37] |
ascii_butugychag | what i propose is that the cheap shed skin of the snake, is not the snake. | [12:38] |
mircea_popescu | no government can ever be as complex as a snake. | [12:38] |
mircea_popescu | the most it can achieve is dogvomit. | [12:38] |
mircea_popescu | wherein there is some rudimentary sensation and motility as an aggregate. | [12:38] |
mircea_popescu | (fuligo septica, the slime mold) | [12:39] |
ascii_butugychag | as a whole - yes | [12:42] |
jurov | mircea_popescu: i don't get the premise, you're able to grep gigabyte in 2s on z80? | [12:42] |
ascii_butugychag | on N z80. | [12:43] |
mircea_popescu | jurov no, the point is that what i need the things to do, they do well and i have space to spare (heck, i went for breakfast, figuring it'll take minutes. it would have been fine if it did). meanwhile what THEY need to do, the machines already can't cope with. | [12:43] |
mircea_popescu | so there's a major differential, which colors the discussion. | [12:43] |
mircea_popescu | ascii_butugychag> as a whole - yes <<< and as individuals, refer to | [12:47] |
assbot | Sound Money > Everything Else You Got | Qntra ... ( ) | [12:47] |
jurov | obv yes, you can run the job during breakfast, but bitcoin can't do it with blocks | [12:47] |
mircea_popescu | jurov i wanted to detach the mining discussion from this discussion, because it is unrelated. | [12:47] |
mircea_popescu | so detached : bitcoin mining still has to follow the rules. consequently, how much power goes into it in absolute terms is irrelevant. | [12:48] |
jurov | so you say that since you don't need custom silicon, the problem does not exist? | [12:48] |
mircea_popescu | the only thing that matters is the relative terms, ie, relative of total available. this makes the whole line moot, yes it'll be 50%+1 in all worlds, whether powered by pen on paper or star-sized megacomps. | [12:48] |
* | assbot removes voice from ascii_butugychag | [12:49] |
mircea_popescu | !up ascii_butugychag | [12:49] |
-assbot- | You voiced ascii_butugychag for 30 minutes. | [12:49] |
* | assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag | [12:49] |
jurov | !up ascii_butugychag | [12:49] |
* | assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag | [12:49] |
jurov | i was talking about blocks/transaction verification, not mining either | [12:49] |
ascii_butugychag | fact is, you can't z80-mine on a planet with asic miners, etc | [12:50] |
jurov | even without it, can z80 verify block in 10mins at all? | [12:50] |
mircea_popescu | yes, but this doesn't matter : on a planet with z80s you can mine with z80s, and on a planet with asics the asics that mine STILL have to mine. | [12:51] |
mircea_popescu | so they'll be 1hr blocks, what difference does it make ? | [12:51] |
ascii_butugychag | did martians land and confiscate the asics while i slept ? | [12:51] |
jurov | ^ | [12:51] |
mircea_popescu | not afaik. | [12:52] |
jurov | the scenario "we will plod on z80 with 1 block/hr" calls for all of the existing hw to become suddenly unsuitable for mining | [12:53] |
jurov | mircea_popescu: you predict this will be the case? | [12:53] |
mircea_popescu | this is not what's being discussed. | [12:53] |
mircea_popescu | but anyway : if it gets so bad that no further chips can in fact be manufactured at some point, then yes over time existing hw will become unusable. maybe a few decades tops. | [12:54] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41688 @ 0.00051957 = 21.6598 BTC [-] | [12:55] |
mircea_popescu | the point however is not this. the point is that... hm, how should it put it so it clicks. looky here : usgavin and his merry cattle troop were not ranting about moore's law for no cause, early on. they represent not some people, not some institutions, but some beliefs and a way of life. a culture. | [12:55] |
mircea_popescu | that culture depends on, and knows it depends on, a specific sort of infalted delivery of hardware. | [12:55] |
mircea_popescu | that i crushed them like worms last year doesn't JUST mean i now have gavin's head and yet another painful humiliation inflicted upon usg's asshole. | [12:55] |
mircea_popescu | it means a lot more than that. this fork will come stab them in the eye again and again AND AGAIN. | [12:56] |
mircea_popescu | no more moore's law means no colored unicode emoji just like it means no "big blocks" | [12:56] |
ascii_butugychag | in '90s folks predicted death of microshit for same reason. | [12:56] |
ascii_butugychag | still waiting. | [12:56] |
mircea_popescu | that microshit did die, notably. | [12:57] |
mircea_popescu | much like walmart died and became the dept of ebt. | [12:57] |
mircea_popescu | but yes : the policy of socialist government is to keep rolling up its failures. until it hits a hard limit. | [12:57] |
ascii_butugychag | i would like, possibly more than most, to live in z80 planet. | [12:57] |
mircea_popescu | this thing we're discussing here is such a hard limit. | [12:57] |
jurov | what thing? | [12:57] |
ascii_butugychag | but it won't come back, any more than piston engined fighter airplane | [12:57] |
mircea_popescu | the point, mind you, isn't even a "z80" planet. and yes i think that extremely unlikely. | [12:58] |
mircea_popescu | the point is that we need computing power to increase logarithmically and they need computing power to increase exponentially. | [12:58] |
mircea_popescu | this difference has already chosen winners and losers. | [12:58] |
mircea_popescu | i can do the grepping i do on computers as they are. and if they'll be twice as fast i won't notice. like i've not noticed any improvement since the 90s. | [12:59] |
mircea_popescu | THEY however, with their needs to compensate for absent intelligence through the deployment of computing hardware, DO need the shit to "improve". | [12:59] |
ascii_butugychag | yes, at some point they will have to stop using progressively-dumber 'coderz' | [13:00] |
ascii_butugychag | but what of it | [13:01] |
mircea_popescu | this is not an available option. | [13:01] |
mircea_popescu | the coderz are getting progressively dumber as an unavoidable necessity. | [13:01] |
mircea_popescu | you're saying "at some point they'll have to stop marrying progressively more annoying lazy bitches" | [13:01] |
mircea_popescu | this is not something they can do. | [13:01] |
mircea_popescu | for as long as you're committed to not beating the woman, the necessary result is a vicious circle of ever more annoying, lazy bitches. | [13:02] |
ascii_butugychag | already they began the 'deskilling' | [13:02] |
ascii_butugychag | (replacing machine operations with meat) | [13:02] |
mircea_popescu | won't hold. | [13:02] |
ascii_butugychag | java, for instance, was a major step in this direction | [13:02] |
ascii_butugychag | as was the www shitstack | [13:03] |
mircea_popescu | meat is notoriously NOT exponentialable. | [13:03] |
mircea_popescu | so this is a retreat not any sort of step forward. | [13:03] |
ascii_butugychag | but can be linearly stacked. | [13:03] |
mircea_popescu | linear doesn't help here. | [13:03] |
mircea_popescu | what the "democratic" socialism needs is exponential. hence its love of "science". | [13:03] |
ascii_butugychag | i don't see why it needs exponential | [13:04] |
mircea_popescu | you recall my explanation as to why any socialism is always and necessarilyt going to be unsatisfactory to the ruled mass ? | [13:04] |
ascii_butugychag | because -ev ? | [13:04] |
mircea_popescu | nope. | [13:04] |
ascii_butugychag | hm | [13:05] |
ascii_butugychag | then why | [13:05] |
mircea_popescu | there are two items here. item I : | [13:07] |
assbot | The SOPS, or what might you expect from government clerks on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) | [13:07] |
mircea_popescu | item ii : for very good evolutionary reasons, a geometric increase in stimulus is required for a mere linear increase in sensation. | [13:08] |
mircea_popescu | these two work together to produce a very unhappy populace even in the ideal case socialism. | [13:08] |
ascii_butugychag | mega-paste btw | [13:08] |
mircea_popescu | heh. | [13:09] |
ascii_butugychag | the specimen is typical ? | [13:10] |
mircea_popescu | of her class, yes. | [13:11] |
mircea_popescu | this is what "civilisation" misunderstood as no beatings and overgenerous welfare (such as school loans, and such as alimony, and so on) has created. | [13:11] |
ascii_butugychag | did it create it, or just pipe it to where you can smell it ?? | [13:13] |
mircea_popescu | i'm satisfied that it created it. | [13:13] |
mircea_popescu | the marked similarities with the legal notion and cultural mores of the decaying roman empire, and the strict disjunction from the legal notions and cultural mores of the flourishing roman early republic, or the other republics avaialble gives the story away. | [13:14] |
mircea_popescu | this is the situation of proletarians moved into kulak dwellings, heating themselves with the imported french furniture. | [13:14] |
mircea_popescu | "civilisation" of oxyurs and mites. | [13:15] |
* | assbot gives voice to mats | [13:16] |
ascii_butugychag | now this, yes | [13:16] |
mircea_popescu | that aside, men have been feeding women since before hammurabi. but, much like the matter of charity, structural differences make the difference. | [13:17] |
ascii_butugychag | 'you are last' << wat's that mean | [13:17] |
mircea_popescu | hm ? | [13:18] |
ascii_butugychag | from paste | [13:18] |
mircea_popescu | heh i dunno, the sound of derp having an aneurism. | [13:18] |
mircea_popescu | and honestly, i blame you dumb fucks. that dumbass lived her entire life without anyone ever telling her what her place in the world is, i'm ready to bet. it's a shameful fucking situation. | [13:19] |
* | assbot removes voice from ascii_butugychag | [13:19] |
mircea_popescu | !up ascii_butugychag | [13:19] |
-assbot- | You voiced ascii_butugychag for 30 minutes. | [13:19] |
* | assbot gives voice to ascii_butugychag | [13:19] |
mircea_popescu | see something like that, say something like that for crying out loud. how the fuck are they to know when they're out of line if you never tell 'em ? | [13:19] |
* | Cory has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | [13:20] |
* | ascii_butugychag drives past 'see sumthing say sumthing' billboard every day. usually it has a very cute, furry demon pictured | [13:20] |
mircea_popescu | heh | [13:21] |
* | Pasha (~C@unaffiliated/cory) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [13:21] |
ascii_butugychag | actually latest one has a big eye with arms, legs, holding magnifying glass | [13:21] |
ascii_butugychag | and mircea_popescu may be confusing 'is' and 'ought' - the woman's place-in-the-world is something quite like titled nobility, as it is | [13:22] |
mircea_popescu | i never saw this. | [13:22] |
ascii_butugychag | naturally. we all look like ants from the porthole of mircea_popescu's atomic dirigible | [13:23] |
mircea_popescu | what can i say. | [13:23] |
* | pete_dushenski (~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [13:24] |
mircea_popescu | there seems to be a pervasive meta-conviction that so and so, but i have never yet encountered the thing it purports as a practical matter. as best i can determine it's just another fashion, self-induced. people have read "on the internet" that the government hid elvis in hoffa's urinary tract and so now "everyone thinks so". | [13:25] |
mircea_popescu | pasted material being point in case, the woman "just knows" that i'm not attractive, notwithstanding that i'm willing to bet that's the most popular profile on the entire site, and what the fuck would she know about what gets teeny sluts hot anyway ?! | [13:26] |
mircea_popescu | not like she's fucking any. | [13:26] |
ascii_butugychag | she 'knows' in the same sense priest 'knows' sinner is hell-bound | [13:26] |
mircea_popescu | yeah well... good luck and all that, but it seems i'm discussing the is and she the ought. | [13:27] |
mircea_popescu | i have no doubt that yes, if we wish for her heavily indebted persona to be evenr marginally sustainable then yeah, i OUGHT to be unattractive etc. | [13:27] |
mircea_popescu | the only problem is that supplied with the choice of "enforce this hag's worldview" or "enforce mp's worldview", young women tend to prefer the latter. | [13:28] |
mircea_popescu | and what's worse, they tend to prefer the latter disproportionately by quality. | [13:28] |
mircea_popescu | !up thestringpuller | [13:29] |
-assbot- | You voiced thestringpuller for 30 minutes. | [13:29] |
* | assbot gives voice to thestringpuller | [13:29] |
* | Pasha is now known as Cory | [13:29] |
mircea_popescu | no idea why this'd be surprising really. | [13:29] |
thestringpuller | so 2 bitcoin "companies" believe miners control bitcoin...... | [13:29] |
thestringpuller | USG is doing the disinformation thing in Bitcoin | [13:30] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9462 @ 0.00051957 = 4.9162 BTC [-] | [13:30] |
* | Guest89498 is now known as aegis- | [13:33] |
* | aegis- is now known as Guest2426 | [13:34] |
copypaste | are those companies VC funded? | [13:34] |
copypaste | if the best fiat can buy is such a poor understanding of bitcoin, we really have nothing to worry about | [13:34] |
* | Guest2426 is now known as aegis- | [13:36] |
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mircea_popescu | well... teh pr machine's looking for some hook on this slippery eel. | [13:36] |
* | pete_dushenski has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [13:36] |
copypaste | also, mircea_popescu, if i may ask you what you think of the end of the Merchant of Venice, in this article you quote a good portion of it, but skip the end of the proceedings where the out of town lawyer is invited in and (nonsensically, in a deus ex machina way, in my opinion) determines that blood is not part of one's flesh and therefore the | [13:37] |
assbot | The Most Serene Republic, and its laws. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) | [13:37] |
copypaste | contract is unenforceable and goes on to seize all of the merchant's money or however it goes | [13:37] |
copypaste | i just found it odd how you skipped the end is all | [13:37] |
mircea_popescu | copypaste i think it's nonsensical pandering and not really worth the mention. | [13:38] |
copypaste | so we're in agreement then, even Shakespeare, one of the so called greats, pandered often in his plays for "widespread appeal" | [13:38] |
mircea_popescu | guy had to do a travesti because that's what a comedy was at the time. the situation of true romance is very similar : compare tarantino's own cut with the bullshit the studio released. | [13:38] |
copypaste | good to know, thank you | [13:38] |
mircea_popescu | shakespeare is difficult to match in many ways, chief among which his inclination to pander. | [13:39] |
copypaste | hehehe | [13:39] |
mircea_popescu | he's an utter slut. i don't believe this detracts. | [13:39] |
copypaste | oh no, up until that point it was an excellent metaphor, i understand why you left it where you did | [13:39] |
ascii_butugychag | meanwhile... 'Spurious check failures happen for machines without ECC memory. Of our test systems, all machines with Intel CPUs as well as some AMD low-end systems lack ECC. This is a result of that AMD supports ECC generally while Intel only supports ECC for Xeon CPUs relying on more expensive motherboards. But the GMP project is struggling to afford even the cheapest hardware.' | [13:40] |
ascii_butugychag | and: 'We recently added testing with clang, which resulted in lots of new failures. These are not caused by GMP bugs, but rather by clang bugs, or on some case by compatibility problems between GCC and clang (the latter claims to be GCC and thereby is assumed to be compatible). It is in most cases not possible for the GMP team to resolve this situation. For now, avoid clang if you care about correctness.' | [13:40] |
ascii_butugychag | (from where else) | [13:40] |
assbot | GMP testing status ... ( ) | [13:40] |
mircea_popescu | no i mean, i don't believe shakespeare's loose mores detracts from his literary value. | [13:42] |
mircea_popescu | bwahahah what! | [13:42] |
ascii_butugychag | yes. | [13:42] |
copypaste | clang claims to be gcc? the things people do for "compatibility" | [13:43] |
ascii_butugychag | copypaste: apple ships boxes where gcc is symlinked to clang | [13:43] |
ascii_butugychag | afaik nowhere else. | [13:43] |
copypaste | apple also ships boxes where the batteries cannot be removed and where in less free countries using the box as a general purpose computer is illegal | [13:44] |
ascii_butugychag | now that's sop in winblowzland also. | [13:44] |
copypaste | depending on the manufacturer | [13:45] |
ascii_butugychag | and afaik they don't sell any where it is epoxied in, you can unscrew the case and remove all you like | [13:45] |
mircea_popescu | using the box as a general purpose computer is illegal << what ? | [13:45] |
copypaste | i was talking about iphones :D | [13:46] |
copypaste | it's a box, just a smaller one | [13:46] |
mircea_popescu | so how is it illegal to use your iphone as a fucking doorstop if that's what you want. | [13:46] |
ascii_butugychag | i don't think anybody here gives half a fuck re: ipNohe | [13:46] |
copypaste | mircea_popescu: to use an iphone as a GPC, you first have to jailbreak it; which requires reverse engineering, which requires breaking the USG DMCA anti-circumvention law | [13:46] |
copypaste | note how i qualified that based on the country you are in determines the legality | [13:46] |
* | mircea_popescu shrugs | [13:47] |
mircea_popescu | i'm unfamiliar with any jurisdiction where i'd give a shit. | [13:47] |
ascii_butugychag | at any rate i can't see how this relates, nobody compiles on motherfucking phone | [13:48] |
ascii_butugychag | not any more than ~compiles on~ nintendo. | [13:48] |
mircea_popescu | ascii_butugychag for my curiosity, what's the desktop equivalent of the shits, do you happen to know ? | [13:48] |
* | Dava has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client) | [13:48] |
ascii_butugychag | mircea_popescu: which shits | [13:48] |
mircea_popescu | iphones. | [13:48] |
ascii_butugychag | ipad ? | [13:48] |
ascii_butugychag | or perhaps super-ipad | [13:48] |
mircea_popescu | uh. | [13:49] |
ascii_butugychag | (recent product) | [13:49] |
copypaste | you could run linux on the Nintendo DS | [13:49] |
* | felipelalli has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [13:49] |
ascii_butugychag | copypaste: go, run. | [13:49] |
* | mircea_popescu withdraws his misshod question. | [13:49] |
ascii_butugychag | i have netbsd running on, what, a dead squirrel in a cardboard box maybe, somewhere. | [13:49] |
ascii_butugychag | what of this. | [13:49] |
copypaste | and "nobody" does do it because apple both makes it difficult and it makes no economic sense, an iphone is essentially a rasberry pi with a screen and so on - small computers have their uses | [13:49] |
* | assbot removes voice from ascii_butugychag | [13:50] |
copypaste | but it can still be done, you can compile GCC on an iphone after jailbreaking it | [13:50] |
copypaste | or GMP, or whatever you'd like | [13:50] |
copypaste | bitcoin foundation core even | [13:50] |
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mircea_popescu | copypaste small computers may have their uses, but 70% of the iphone is the touch sensitive screen, if you'rer going to spend the money might as well put more % of it towards buying thew actual small computer you wanted. | [13:53] |
copypaste | sure, but perhaps you wanted a screen to give it input | [13:54] |
mircea_popescu | yes, or perhaps i wanted a cow mounted on my kitchen wall to give me milk. | [13:54] |
copypaste | sounds good to me | [13:54] |
copypaste | :) | [13:54] |
copypaste | in india the cow is sacred after all - that's every indian nobleman's dream | [13:55] |
copypaste | a cow to lick his dick and another cow to marry | [13:55] |
copypaste | perhaps the same cow | [13:55] |
mircea_popescu | i've never been to india. | [13:56] |
copypaste | neither have i - but i read a news report where they killed a muslim because he ate beef | [13:57] |
copypaste | | [13:57] |
assbot | Indian Muslim accused of beef smuggling beaten to death | World news | The Guardian ... ( ) | [13:57] |
mircea_popescu | in a country where human herd stampedes regularly kills hundreds, any death reports with finer granularity are irrelevant anyway. | [13:58] |
* | assbot removes voice from thestringpuller | [13:59] |
* | Pasha is now known as Cory | [14:01] |
* | ascii_butugychag has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [14:03] |
copypaste | lol | [14:04] |
assbot | The Western Myth of Bitcoin in Kenya | Motherboard ... ( ) | [14:04] |
* | assbot gives voice to diametric | [14:15] |
* | mircea_popescu realises with unmitigated horror that now he's going to have to rewrite the fucking merchant of venice | [14:25] |
mircea_popescu | curse you copypaste | [14:25] |
mircea_popescu | ""People want to hear about how bitcoin can help fight poverty. Talking about how some guy is getting rich? The audience in the West is not really interested in that." heh, the audience of Taylillevi5's might not wish to know about it. but they are fucking irrelevant to any discussion of anything whatsoever. | [14:28] |
copypaste | :D | [14:28] |
copypaste | mircea_popescu: no one ever said that rewriting history would be easy, mind | [14:28] |
mircea_popescu | motherfucker | [14:28] |
mircea_popescu | at any rate, history dun even enter into it. the thing's broken for no good reason. | [14:29] |
copypaste | and further - i've read your essays about dead books, you can simply put the merchant onto the trash heap. although i'd rather it not be placed there | [14:29] |
* | BashCo has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [14:29] |
copypaste | indeed it is, but if anyone is capable of fixing it it's you | [14:30] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.0005141 = 5.3981 BTC [-] {2} | [14:42] |
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punkman | !up Dava | [15:25] |
* | assbot gives voice to Dava | [15:25] |
shinohai | | [15:27] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [15:27] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19600 @ 0.00051411 = 10.0766 BTC [+] | [15:37] |
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BingoBoingo | ;;ticker --market all | [16:07] |
gribble | Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 433.03, vol: 5037.66858564 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 431.998, vol: 5548.41418 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 431.53, vol: 15716.99348106 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 439.99, vol: 0.09825727 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 434.1069, vol: 38363.77280000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 433.0101, vol: 47.90695399 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 432.3389, vol: 81.99687675 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) | [16:07] |
BingoBoingo | ;;more | [16:10] |
gribble | 433.214508283 | [16:10] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42760 @ 0.00051809 = 22.1535 BTC [+] {4} | [16:10] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51900 @ 0.00051197 = 26.5712 BTC [-] {3} | [16:46] |
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deedbot- | [Qntra] Radeon Refresh Gets Shrink To 14 nm - | [17:21] |
* | felipelalli has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | [17:32] |
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* | pete_dushenski has quit (Changing host) | [17:35] |
* | pete_dushenski (~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:35] |
* | assbot gives voice to pete_dushenski | [17:36] |
pete_dushenski | << lol lemme guess, these kids think 'pollution' is carbon but nox is just 'inconvenient' ? either way, kinda funny how non-oil freight shipping is in trouble atm and the 'evil carbon' payloads are the only profitable cargo. | [17:42] |
assbot | Logged on 04-01-2016 07:46:16; punkman: "Confidential data from maritime industry insiders based on engine size and the quality of fuel typically used by ships and cars shows that just 15 of the world's biggest ships may now emit as much pollution as all the world's 760m cars." << and the warmingtards are worried about VW | [17:42] |
* | starsoccer has quit (Quit: ZNC - | [17:46] |
pete_dushenski | << dayum. the injuns pulled it off. | [17:49] |
assbot | BitBet - Washington Redskins will win more 2015 season games than they lose :: 1.08 B (20%) on Yes, 4.3 B (80%) on No | closed 20 hours 48 minutes ago ... ( ) | [17:49] |
pete_dushenski | !up thestringpuller | [17:52] |
* | assbot gives voice to thestringpuller | [17:52] |
* | starsoccer ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:54] |
* | starsoccer has quit (Changing host) | [17:54] |
* | starsoccer (~starsocce@unaffiliated/starsoccer) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:54] |
thestringpuller | I'm convinced all news right now is just idiots derping. | [17:56] |
pete_dushenski | (except qntra) | [17:56] |
thestringpuller | I find it hard to find something to Qntra cause news i find is just derps derpin' around | [17:58] |
thestringpuller | Like Coinbase complaining | [17:58] |
thestringpuller | or Bitpay complaining | [17:58] |
pete_dushenski | what are you reading ? reddit ? | [17:58] |
BingoBoingo | Speaking of... Anybody know what's going on with Junk Bonds right now and how it means the fiat order is doomed? | [17:58] |
thestringpuller | pete_dushenski: | [17:59] |
pete_dushenski | l0l like that's different ? | [17:59] |
pete_dushenski | trump's instagram is better than that | [18:00] |
mircea_popescu | junk bonds are always noise. | [18:00] |
thestringpuller | i thought instagram was invented so rappers could holla at basic white girls who hang out at da club. | [18:00] |
BingoBoingo | For some reason they started generating a lot of noise this weekend. Bunch of derps yelling BUY and such. | [18:00] |
pete_dushenski | thestringpuller: that's why instagram is ~successful~, as least in terms of userbase, which'd be the only metric sv can conceive of | [18:03] |
pete_dushenski | though iirc instagram implemented advertising recently ? | [18:03] |
* | Tomiii ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:12] |
pete_dushenski | !up Tomiii | [18:13] |
* | assbot gives voice to Tomiii | [18:13] |
pete_dushenski | you can speak now | [18:14] |
thestringpuller | Ugh. I'm so tired. | [18:19] |
pete_dushenski | how come ? | [18:19] |
thestringpuller | sinus season. also not used to being at a desk for 8 hours again. | [18:19] |
pete_dushenski | i thought sinus season was in the spring | [18:20] |
thestringpuller | For me its winter and spring. | [18:20] |
thestringpuller | Also didn't get to go to microcenter to get a new hard drive for big 'ol blockchain, these tards want to make even bigger. | [18:20] |
* | pete_dushenski doesn't have allergies, doesn't get sick since sleep ad libitum | [18:20] |
pete_dushenski | tevye at 350`120 | [18:21] |
pete_dushenski | thestringpuller: why not order hdd online ? | [18:22] |
* | assbot removes voice from thestringpuller | [18:22] |
shinohai | "" <<<[18:22] |
pete_dushenski | !up thestringpuller | [18:22] |
* | assbot gives voice to thestringpuller | [18:22] |
thestringpuller | pete_dushenski: i really wanted to get it working at this LAN party I went to but just bleeeh. | [18:23] |
thestringpuller | rotor also blew up in my face on debian wheezy | [18:23] |
thestringpuller | and roberto (debian wheezy pointing at jessie packages) blows up still when using bitcoind | [18:23] |
pete_dushenski | jessie works fine | [18:24] |
pete_dushenski | (8.0) | [18:24] |
thestringpuller | yea | [18:24] |
BingoBoingo | no it doesn't | [18:24] |
BingoBoingo | systemd | [18:24] |
thestringpuller | ^- which is why I still use Wheezy | [18:24] |
shinohai | Strange I was running it on wheezy for weeks but that was after I first came here. Been using 8.0 for ~3 months | [18:24] |
thestringpuller | jessie uses systemd by default iirc | [18:25] |
thestringpuller | the debian community actually split because of it | [18:25] |
thestringpuller | there is like devuan now | [18:25] |
pete_dushenski | o.O wasn't clear on this bit of history | [18:25] |
shinohai | forked | [18:25] |
thestringpuller | pretty sure pankakke bailed on #b-a cause of systemd shit-talking | [18:26] |
* | ayn1k has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) | [18:28] |
shinohai | systemd is a turd fr though | [18:28] |
thestringpuller | Social media is the killer app for bitcoin. << uh huh. | [18:29] |
thestringpuller | As far as I can tell social media is just Xanga on steroids. | [18:29] |
thestringpuller | Except now older people use it reverting everyone to a teenage angstified mentality. | [18:30] |
thestringpuller | Which is ironic since all of Facebook's investor meetings are focused on some weird vision that Facebook will become the "center of the internet". A vision where you log into Facebook and you consume all internet content from there. | [18:31] |
shinohai | <<< ask changetip how well that works for them | [18:36] |
assbot | Logged on 04-01-2016 21:28:08; thestringpuller: Social media is the killer app for bitcoin. << uh huh. | [18:36] |
pete_dushenski | "Your old school thinking and ways of life are redundant." << bahahah. "we already have that donchaknow!" | [18:39] |
Tomiii | thestringpuller: FB already has payments | [18:39] |
pete_dushenski | "Self absorbed by a culture that no longer exist in the civilised | [18:39] |
pete_dushenski | world." << now this is a point. | [18:39] |
pete_dushenski | ^quotes from mp's paste | [18:39] |
thestringpuller | Tomiii: Nothing good every came from an FB post. It capitalizes on the demand for stupidity, which apparently the masses love. | [18:42] |
* | assbot removes voice from Tomiii | [18:43] |
pete_dushenski | !up Tomiii | [18:44] |
* | assbot gives voice to Tomiii | [18:44] |
Tomiii | thestringpuller: that sounds pessimistic :P | [18:44] |
thestringpuller | Tomiii: I'm just thoroughly convinced social media cannot foster intellectualism. | [18:45] |
Tomiii | thestringpuller: Huh? isn't IRC technically "social media" ? | [18:49] |
mircea_popescu | this technically isn't irc. | [18:50] |
* | joshbuddy (~josh@wikimedia/Joshbuddy) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:50] |
Tomiii | mircea_popescu: why not? | [18:51] |
mircea_popescu | how is it that you can speak here, do you know ? | [18:52] |
Tomiii | mircea_popescu: i was given voice by the members here | [18:52] |
mircea_popescu | see ? | [18:52] |
* | assbot removes voice from thestringpuller | [18:53] |
pete_dushenski | !up thestringpuller | [18:57] |
* | assbot gives voice to thestringpuller | [18:57] |
Tomiii | so what are the main technical differences between this room, and an invite-ony group-chat on FB, Telegram, etc? | [19:00] |
punkman | FB doesn't have assbot | [19:01] |
thestringpuller | or a web of trust | [19:01] |
thestringpuller | or relationships based on GPG contracts | [19:02] |
* | samO__ (~samO@unaffiliated/samo) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:07] |
* | samO_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [19:09] |
Tomiii | Cool, so adding those 3 things to a chatroom, transforms it "not social media. Not IRC."? :) | [19:13] |
* | assbot removes voice from Tomiii | [19:15] |
* | assbot removes voice from thestringpuller | [19:28] |
* | joshbuddy has quit (Quit: joshbuddy) | [19:31] |
punkman | !up Tomiii | [19:32] |
* | assbot gives voice to Tomiii | [19:32] |
Tomiii | sorry, i didn't mean to offend anyone-- I'm just more of an optimist. E.g. i try to teach friends about Linux, bitcoin, encryption, etc | [19:35] |
BingoBoingo | You may atone for your sins by pledging allegiance to #VanillaISIS | [19:36] |
shinohai | Allah Snackbar | [19:38] |
* | assbot gives voice to trinque | [19:40] |
trinque | Tomiii: social media is a matter of contriving a reason for people to "interact" on a given site for the sole purpose of feeding them advertising. | [19:42] |
davout | and #b-a is all about propaganda, not advertising, so: not social media | [19:44] |
phf | i thought this place is an elaborate mpex ad? | [19:44] |
shinohai | I though it was a terrorist recruitment centre. That's why I came here :/ | [19:45] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45906 @ 0.00051042 = 23.4313 BTC [-] {3} | [19:45] |
deedbot- | [Qntra] Candidates In US Denouce Oregon Liberators - | [19:48] |
BingoBoingo | Speaking of propaganda | [19:48] |
* | hanbot (~hanbot@unaffiliated/hanbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:50] |
* | assbot gives voice to hanbot | [19:51] |
Tomiii | trinque: i agree with what ur saying; i just try to be more positive about it. Like, show people alternatives to FB, like IRC. | [19:52] |
assbot | GNU/Linux - Platforms - PRISM Break ... ( ) | [19:52] |
assbot | privacy tools - encryption against global mass surveillance 01f512 ... ( ) | [19:52] |
trinque | BingoBoingo: "the actual can" *they | [19:52] |
* | joshbuddy (~josh@wikimedia/Joshbuddy) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:53] |
* | NewLiberty has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [19:53] |
BingoBoingo | fxd | [19:53] |
davout | Tomiii: IRC, an alternative to facebook? | [19:54] |
Tomiii | davout: yes, like trinque said: IRC isn't invented for "the sole purpose of feeding advertising" | [19:55] |
davout | IRC doesn't have "likes", "shares" etc. is what I mean | [19:56] |
trinque | Tomiii: the fundamental difference was pointed out to you already | [19:57] |
trinque | facebook spews "everyone should have a voice" | [19:57] |
davout | trinque: how plain IRC works too tho | [19:59] |
trinque | I was contrasting with #b-a, but yes | [19:59] |
BingoBoingo | title also fxd | [20:00] |
* | Cory has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [20:02] |
* | assbot removes voice from Tomiii | [20:03] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80190 @ 0.00050975 = 40.8769 BTC [-] {4} | [20:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38786 @ 0.00050798 = 19.7025 BTC [-] | [20:08] |
phf | in "social media" the mechanism of mediation is entirely controlled by platform owners. nothing even remotely similar could be produced on top of facebook, because it would get snuffed in its infancy, with undesirable behaviors eliminated through technical or policy changes. | [20:09] |
* | Pasha (~C@unaffiliated/cory) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:12] |
phf | b-a on the other hand relies on the fact that we control the subtrate, and can defend it sufficiently. the log, blogs and services are hosted on own machines, developed to own requirements to reflect an evolving set of ideas of how this place is supposed to run. | [20:16] |
phf | see for example,, | [20:17] |
assbot | Page not found on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) | [20:17] |
assbot | Page not found on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) | [20:17] |
assbot | GPG contracts on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) | [20:17] |
phf | with some effort and towards certain purpose you could host aspects of b-a on top of say a private facebook group (see recent stenography thread), but the illusion that something like b-a already exists there is what gives facebook pretense to relevance. | [20:19] |
* | Pasha is now known as Cory | [20:20] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22650 @ 0.00051288 = 11.6167 BTC [+] {2} | [20:21] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48126 @ 0.00050612 = 24.3575 BTC [-] {3} | [20:29] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47550 @ 0.00050278 = 23.9072 BTC [-] {3} | [20:37] |
BingoBoingo | ;;isup | [20:42] |
gribble | is up | [20:42] |
BingoBoingo | Ah, just slow. | [20:43] |
asciilifeform | << again folks with 'blows up' but no error logz nor any meaningful data that would let me shit forth magical answer re: ~why~ | [20:55] |
assbot | Logged on 04-01-2016 21:22:32; thestringpuller: and roberto (debian wheezy pointing at jessie packages) blows up still when using bitcoind | [20:55] |
* | felipelalli (~felipelal@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:56] |
* | felipelalli has quit (Changing host) | [20:56] |
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asciilifeform | << steganography | [20:57] |
assbot | Logged on 04-01-2016 23:18:07; phf: with some effort and towards certain purpose you could host aspects of b-a on top of say a private facebook group (see recent stenography thread), but the illusion that something like b-a already exists there is what gives facebook pretense to relevance. | [20:57] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3966 @ 0.00050274 = 1.9939 BTC [-] | [21:01] |
phf | ow, perhaps i could pretend like it's related to the thread about monks transcribing the log | [21:02] |
asciilifeform | l0l | [21:02] |
BingoBoingo | Only if one is a steganosaurus | [21:04] |
deedbot- | [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Silver at or over $19/oz before April - | [21:05] |
deedbot- | [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Jeb Bush will be Republicans' 2016 Presidential Nominee - | [21:05] |
deedbot- | [BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $700 before Apr 2016 - | [21:05] |
kakobrekla | btw asciilifeform no news re gpg eh? want my bin? | [21:06] |
asciilifeform | kakobrekla: yes plz | [21:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53950 @ 0.00050276 = 27.1239 BTC [+] {4} | [21:09] |
kakobrekla | | [21:11] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [21:11] |
kakobrekla | shasum /usr/bin/gpg | [21:11] |
kakobrekla | bf1febc004b617ea54a9af12605aec442db2d1a0 /usr/bin/gpg | [21:11] |
asciilifeform | ty kakobrekla | [21:13] |
kakobrekla | hope it does any good | [21:13] |
asciilifeform | kakobrekla: did you post the pubkey you currently have for me ? | [21:13] |
* | asciilifeform digs in logz | [21:14] |
kakobrekla | i did, but it seems it expired | [21:14] |
asciilifeform | kakobrekla: | [21:18] |
assbot | dpaste: 1693QAX ... ( ) | [21:18] |
asciilifeform | this verifies with your binary | [21:18] |
asciilifeform | << exported pubk | [21:20] |
assbot | dpaste: 06E5549 ... ( ) | [21:20] |
asciilifeform | so what gives ? | [21:20] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16800 @ 0.00050905 = 8.552 BTC [+] {3} | [21:21] |
asciilifeform | verifies under clean .gpg on test box also | [21:22] |
asciilifeform | so it isn't a keychain boojum | [21:22] |
asciilifeform | i can only conclude that the problem exists on kakobrekla's side (gpg config?) | [21:23] |
kakobrekla | foobar now verifies btw | [21:27] |
asciilifeform | now that's odd. | [21:27] |
kakobrekla | i havent touched a thing. | [21:27] |
asciilifeform | pubkey same as the one you had earlier ? | [21:27] |
kakobrekla | cant be sure, didnt save a copy | [21:28] |
kakobrekla | :\ | [21:28] |
asciilifeform | eh. | [21:28] |
kakobrekla | the copy - expired | [21:28] |
kakobrekla | try uping ? | [21:28] |
asciilifeform | assbot still fails ! | [21:29] |
kakobrekla | whut. | [21:29] |
asciilifeform | aha | [21:29] |
kakobrekla | current | [21:29] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [21:29] |
asciilifeform | foobar verifies on my test box using kakobrekla's gpg binary and using this pubkey. | [21:31] |
asciilifeform | using clean keyring. | [21:31] |
asciilifeform | though, interestingly, importing the 3TH7E2K.txt yields a warning, 'gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found' | [21:33] |
asciilifeform | while using the key i pasted earlier (exported directly from my pgptron) does not. | [21:33] |
asciilifeform | so it would appear that sks has done something peculiar to my pubkey. | [21:33] |
BingoBoingo | mice? | [21:33] |
asciilifeform | fleas. | [21:36] |
* | DreadKnight has quit (Quit: #AncientBeast - Master Your Beasts ( )) | [21:37] |
* | DreadKnight (~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:37] |
kakobrekla | i should add some logging to key updating | [21:38] |
kakobrekla | but nevertheless currently working verification is odd | [21:38] |
kakobrekla | i dunno whats up with assbot tho | [21:38] |
kakobrekla | will check that out | [21:38] |
asciilifeform | << good; << evil (sks) | [21:38] |
assbot | dpaste: 0DKPGAT ... ( ) | [21:38] |
assbot | dpaste: 1KG1EAY ... ( ) | [21:38] |
asciilifeform | ^ pgpdump -i | [21:38] |
* | joshbuddy has quit (Quit: joshbuddy) | [21:40] |
kakobrekla | --encrypt --armor -r 01ABFFC7 | [21:48] |
kakobrekla | gpg: 01ABFFC7: skipped: unusable public key | [21:48] |
kakobrekla | gpg: [stdin]: encryption failed: unusable public key | [21:48] |
kakobrekla | thats why assbot still fails. | [21:48] |
asciilifeform | -r loads from sks ? | [21:48] |
kakobrekla | does it? | [21:49] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17608 @ 0.00051223 = 9.0193 BTC [+] | [21:49] |
asciilifeform | '-r, --recipient NAME encrypt for NAME' << nah | [21:50] |
asciilifeform | just specifies fp | [21:50] |
asciilifeform | of dest key | [21:50] |
kakobrekla | anyway, works for other keys in keyring | [21:51] |
kakobrekla | just not yours. | [21:51] |
kakobrekla | try it with my bin on your end? | [21:52] |
asciilifeform | << updated, because sks must die | [21:52] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [21:52] |
asciilifeform | ok now same result | [21:53] |
asciilifeform | with EITHER key | [21:53] |
kakobrekla | interesting | [21:53] |
asciilifeform | wtf. | [21:53] |
kakobrekla | my version only? | [21:54] |
* | pete_dushenski has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [21:54] |
asciilifeform | apparently same with 1.4.10 on test box (clean keychain) | [21:55] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15418 @ 0.00051223 = 7.8976 BTC [+] | [21:57] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2282 @ 0.00051289 = 1.1704 BTC [+] | [21:58] |
* | joshbuddy (~josh@wikimedia/Joshbuddy) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:01] |
kakobrekla | dunno | [22:03] |
* | felipelalli has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [22:06] |
* | linton_s_dawson (linton_s_d@gateway/vpn/mullvad/x-dwsgsdjqavhattzu) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20850 @ 0.0005107 = 10.6481 BTC [-] {2} | [22:12] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8400 @ 0.00051288 = 4.3082 BTC [+] {2} | [22:14] |
asciilifeform | updated date on subkey | [22:15] |
asciilifeform | and now i get | [22:15] |
assbot | encrypting to a user, "There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user" | GnuPG | users ... ( ) | [22:15] |
asciilifeform | 'There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user' | [22:15] |
asciilifeform | when encrypting to this key | [22:16] |
asciilifeform | same behaviour with 1.4.10 and 1.4.12. | [22:19] |
kakobrekla | shall i update keyring now? | [22:19] |
asciilifeform | not uploaded yet | [22:20] |
asciilifeform | because i did not have this problem before ! | [22:20] |
asciilifeform | gpg won't allow the key to be signed again, either, because 'was already signed' | [22:20] |
asciilifeform | i would like to personally shit on the grave of the author. | [22:21] |
kakobrekla | its only gonna get worse | [22:22] |
BingoBoingo | never too early to start stockpiling graveshit | [22:23] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [22:23] |
asciilifeform | << updated | [22:24] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [22:24] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49866 @ 0.00051069 = 25.4661 BTC [-] {2} | [22:25] |
kakobrekla | gpg: key 01ABFFC7: "Stanislav Datskovskiy |
[22:26] |
kakobrekla | gpg: Total number processed: 1 | [22:26] |
kakobrekla | gpg: new signatures: 2 | [22:26] |
kakobrekla | try assbot | [22:27] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20350 @ 0.00051406 = 10.4611 BTC [+] {2} | [22:27] |
* | assbot gives voice to asciilifeform | [22:27] |
kakobrekla | k | [22:27] |
asciilifeform | ty kakobrekla | [22:27] |
kakobrekla | bunch mumbo jumbo always worx | [22:28] |
BingoBoingo | Seriously though, seems like time to stock up on 5 gallon buckets and ass to bucket adapter to have shit ready for when graves happen. | [22:29] |
asciilifeform | subkeys are pure, unadulterated retardation | [22:30] |
asciilifeform | (see, e.g., ) | [22:30] |
assbot | Logged on 24-09-2015 06:18:08; mircea_popescu: |
[22:30] |
asciilifeform | and other threadz | [22:30] |
kakobrekla | didnt a few ba folks write gpg tutorials including subkey handling not 2 years ago | [22:32] |
asciilifeform | possibly | [22:36] |
asciilifeform | but everybody (with the apparent sole exception of asciilifeform) is doing the whole 'no expire date' thing | [22:36] |
BingoBoingo | I don't think I covered any thing about the subkeys in mine. One of the things passed around before that LOVED subkeys. | [22:36] |
BingoBoingo | A subkey for every device that might be captured it advocated | [22:36] |
kakobrekla | asciilifeform that or get kicked out of mpex | [22:37] |
asciilifeform | subkey is one of those things that could be a useful idea IF IT WORKED and WERE NOT IMPLEMENTED BY IDIOT | [22:37] |
asciilifeform | kakobrekla: my understanding was that mpex users kept a separate, unpublished pubkey just for it | [22:37] |
kakobrekla | some perhaps do. | [22:38] |
mircea_popescu | << it's... not on FB. or on "Telegram". i'm feeling all babbage-like over here. | [22:38] |
assbot | Logged on 04-01-2016 21:58:41; Tomiii: so what are the main technical differences between this room, and an invite-ony group-chat on FB, Telegram, etc? | [22:38] |
asciilifeform | my main objection to subkey as implemented in gpg is that IT DOES NOT TELL YOU OR EVEN LET YOU CHOOSE with which modulus (i.e. which sub) it actually signs with ! | [22:38] |
asciilifeform | anyone recall how mircea_popescu spewed chunks when i pointed out that he's been signing with a subkey and not with the magical modulus ? | [22:39] |
asciilifeform | (the one on the tits) | [22:39] |
mircea_popescu | "subkey" belongs exactly in the same pile "expiration date" belongs in | [22:39] |
mircea_popescu | they're "your picture" | [22:39] |
asciilifeform | it will all go to same pyre. | [22:39] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36849 @ 0.00051089 = 18.8258 BTC [-] {2} | [22:39] |
asciilifeform | but presently it is plugged in and quite annoying | [22:40] |
mircea_popescu | but yes - i would have loved to be a bff of gpg. instead we're just best enemies. | [22:40] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12289 @ 0.00050524 = 6.2089 BTC [-] {3} | [22:40] |
asciilifeform | the sin, it turns out, was a mortal one, and there from the very beginning: | [22:40] |
asciilifeform | it is in the attempt to divorce the abstraction of what the user is doing from the actual rsa (moduli) | [22:41] |
mircea_popescu | go on ? | [22:41] |
asciilifeform | | [22:41] |
assbot | Logged on 05-01-2016 01:37:32; asciilifeform: my main objection to subkey as implemented in gpg is that IT DOES NOT TELL YOU OR EVEN LET YOU CHOOSE with which modulus (i.e. which sub) it actually signs with ! | [22:41] |
asciilifeform | sorta like the lack of coin control in bitcoin | [22:41] |
asciilifeform | (the idiot 'wallet' abstraction) | [22:41] |
asciilifeform | same exact idiocy | [22:42] |
mircea_popescu | so basically "trying to be a service". | [22:42] |
mircea_popescu | fucking brain rot. all these brogrammers have nfi what the point of programming computers even is. | [22:42] |
asciilifeform | 'have nfi what the point' would be an ~improvement~ | [22:43] |
asciilifeform | instead they have a maximally perverse idea | [22:43] |
asciilifeform | 'make this usable by monkey' | [22:43] |
asciilifeform | but you cannot make even bulldozer 'usable by monkey', much less pgptron | [22:43] |
asciilifeform | instead you only end up with monkey who is a danger to self and others. | [22:43] |
kakobrekla | and a crappy bulldozer | [22:44] |
mircea_popescu | myeah. | [22:44] |
mircea_popescu | as phf ironically points out. | [22:44] |
* | mircea_popescu is somewhat surprised at how in the log, the deep understanding comes from the newb! | [22:45] |
asciilifeform | the other interesting part is that IT LIES | [22:45] |
asciilifeform | e.g., the foo bar example, | [22:45] |
asciilifeform | 'Key ID - 0xB98228A001ABFFC7' | [22:45] |
asciilifeform | but looks like the actual rsa op was carried out WITH THE SUBKEY | [22:46] |
asciilifeform | how this was ever tolerated ? | [22:46] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform this is a longstanding bit of C"S" idiocy. somehow the idea of a "painless" subsystem is "a subsystem that lies about being in pain". if organs worked like that we'd be all dead. | [22:46] |
asciilifeform | this is a classic case of what mircea_popescu spoke of in the earlier thread - 'illicitly uses thing outside of itself' | [22:46] |
asciilifeform | obligatory crackpottery, | [22:47] |
assbot | Loper OS » Seventh Law of Sane Personal Computing ... ( ) | [22:48] |
asciilifeform | 'The machine shall never tell a lie to the operator.' | [22:48] |
asciilifeform | SHALL NEVER TELL A MOTHERFUCKING LIE to operator !11111 | [22:48] |
mircea_popescu | << the more important difference is re : identity. the POINT of social media is to make it possible for entities devoid of identity to seemingly communicate. the point of b-a is to make it fucking impossible for entities devoid of identity to pretend they're communicating. | [22:48] |
assbot | Logged on 04-01-2016 23:08:28; phf: in "social media" the mechanism of mediation is entirely controlled by platform owners. nothing even remotely similar could be produced on top of facebook, because it would get snuffed in its infancy, with undesirable behaviors eliminated through technical or policy changes. | [22:48] |
mircea_popescu | the former paradigm works well for people without identity. the latter is ideal for people with. | [22:48] |
asciilifeform | !s dead souls | [22:49] |
assbot | 17 results for 'dead souls' : | [22:49] |
mircea_popescu | neatly mirroring the dichotomy discussed earlier today, about the group that is trying to use computers to compensate by its members outright lack of intelligence, vs the group that is tryi9ng to use computers to leverage the already present intelligence of its members. | [22:49] |
mircea_popescu | !gettrust Tomiii | [22:49] |
assbot | Tomiii is not registered in WoT. | [22:49] |
mircea_popescu | go fix that noob. | [22:49] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform you will note, re "lying", that in my extensive experience 90% of beatings that ever get administered do get administered to a crying, repentful slave that does not believe she was lying. | [22:50] |
mircea_popescu | it is exceedingly difficult to not lie if bereft of sane priors. | [22:51] |
mircea_popescu | no, that doesn't make lying not lying, but it does make the problem of not lying as an idiot intractable. | [22:51] |
asciilifeform | actually it is difficult for machine to lie without having been constructed with malice | [22:51] |
mircea_popescu | or stupidity. | [22:51] |
mircea_popescu | stupidity is an exceptional proxy for malice. | [22:51] |
asciilifeform | normally there is not much space between 'white noise' and 'works' | [22:51] |
mircea_popescu | the problem is that complex systems are not obviously normal-izable. | [22:52] |
mircea_popescu | hence fractals. | [22:52] |
asciilifeform | at any rate, my axiom specifically concerned deliberate untruths | [22:52] |
asciilifeform | (as in, intended by the builder) | [22:52] |
mircea_popescu | your definition of deliberateness is weak. | [22:52] |
asciilifeform | e.g., 'hidden files' in winblowz, etc | [22:53] |
mircea_popescu | nope. all programs hide the heap. why does that not qualify ? | [22:53] |
mircea_popescu | (ftr that's the fucking definition of the heap : program's own notebook, that it doesn't show you) | [22:54] |
kakobrekla | unix has same | [22:54] |
asciilifeform | and your gurlz hide their guts | [22:54] |
mircea_popescu | quite. | [22:54] |
mircea_popescu | you know the first strip tease story ? | [22:54] |
asciilifeform | hm? | [22:55] |
mircea_popescu | bored eastern ruler, is presented with novel entertainment. girl comes and slowly strips to music. | [22:55] |
mircea_popescu | once she's buck naked the music stops and teh guy inquires why the fuck she stopped ? he was having fun! | [22:55] |
mircea_popescu | so she's skinned alive. | [22:55] |
asciilifeform | reads like a variant of 'i drill my own holez!1111' | [22:56] |
mircea_popescu | well... "hiding", you know ? whassat. | [22:56] |
asciilifeform | where was it... in koran ??? that had the reminder of 'woman is merely a vessel of guts!111' | [22:57] |
mircea_popescu | i just burn 'em, i dun read 'em. | [22:58] |
asciilifeform | at any rate, the problem is never abstraction as such, but leaking abstraction. | [22:58] |
asciilifeform | as in, woman which has no back side and you put your arms around, and out come the viscera | [22:58] |
mircea_popescu | aha. | [22:59] |
* | asciilifeform wanders off to pet pet | [22:59] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14100 @ 0.00050396 = 7.1058 BTC [-] {2} | [23:00] |
mircea_popescu | mind the backside@ | [23:01] |
mircea_popescu | too pokey down there guts may well come out! | [23:01] |
* | pete_dushenski (~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:02] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13550 @ 0.00050396 = 6.8287 BTC [-] | [23:15] |
* | Rip_ (64239afb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:15] |
BingoBoingo | | [23:17] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [23:17] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43994 @ 0.00050212 = 22.0903 BTC [-] {2} | [23:23] |
* | Rip_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [23:24] |
BingoBoingo | It's a beached Karpeles | [23:26] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [23:26] |
kakobrekla | dunno if he can afford all that food | [23:27] |
BingoBoingo | Well he ate mt gox into collapse | [23:29] |
mats | pls no | [23:32] |
ben_vulpes | what is the latest and greatest on the oregon thing? | [23:36] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12451 @ 0.00050559 = 6.2951 BTC [+] {2} | [23:40] |
BingoBoingo | I've seen no loss of victory since | [23:40] |
assbot | Candidates In US Denounce Oregon Liberators | Qntra ... ( ) | [23:40] |
mircea_popescu | abhababa what the fuck is that. | [23:45] |
* | joesmoe has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | [23:46] |
BingoBoingo | Bunch of presidential candidates not-Trump from USia's other socialist party are denouncing the liberating militia's actions in Oregon | [23:47] |
BingoBoingo | TV and talk radio conveniently ignore the Bundy ranch is still successfully defended from Federal forces | [23:48] |
* | Tomiii has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [23:49] |
* | joesmoe (~joesmoe@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:51] |
ben_vulpes | heh is that so? | [23:51] |
BingoBoingo | It seriously is | [23:51] |
BingoBoingo | I'm still thinking the Feds are prolly going to channel Janet Reno and Waco the Oregon resistance though. | [23:52] |
BingoBoingo | I don't think the derps trending #VanillaISIS realize how close they might actually be to right with that label | [23:53] |
mircea_popescu | mno i was stillo on the whale | [23:58] |
BingoBoingo | Ah, that's the Plus sized model who is a dead ringer for Karpeles in the face | [23:59] |
ben_vulpes | BingoBoingo: shit's going to be expensive, and cold. | [23:59] |
Category: Logs