Forum logs for 03 Apr 2013
Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
mjr_ | worth every dime | [00:00] |
bitesak | you have been reading too much again | [00:00] |
mjr_ | has anyone ran the numbers on a gpu compute instance in amazon? | [00:01] |
mjr_ | pretty sure its not worth it, but curious | [00:01] |
guruvan | lotsa people, lotsa times - those are cudas, they're not very efficient for mining BTC | [00:01] |
mjr_ | ah ok | [00:01] |
mircea_popescu | ya cudas | [00:01] |
mjr_ | cuda is the language i believe | [00:01] |
guruvan | (though, I haven't run the numbers @ current diff & exchange rate) | [00:01] |
mjr_ | are they the tesla's? | [00:02] |
guruvan | (either way it's all nvidia IIRC) | [00:02] |
mircea_popescu | they're the small dinky shits basically. | [00:02] |
* | tiberiusiv has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:02] |
mjr_ | cuz tesla's are dope (except for mining) | [00:02] |
mircea_popescu | haha | [00:02] |
mjr_ | for science though, they are awesome | [00:02] |
mircea_popescu | lmao | [00:02] |
* | tiberiusiv (~tiberiusi@gateway/tor-sasl/tiberiusiv) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:02] |
mjr_ | 1 teraflop at your workstation...that is kinda sick you have to admit (unless you want to mine) | [00:03] |
guruvan | proper sentence construction is pretty lost on most people too | [00:03] |
guruvan | I just can't imagine mining with my workstation - I want a computer not a heater. | [00:04] |
dub | anyone know where friedcat is? | [00:04] |
ThickAsThieves | china? | [00:05] |
dub | as in, where in china | [00:05] |
dub | thinking of offering to build a network for him | [00:05] |
mjr_ | tesla's aren't that hot...and even the avalon was not running crazy hot last time i sat next to it | [00:05] |
mjr_ | but it is pretty cold in nyc anyway | [00:05] |
mircea_popescu | guruvan some people live in like alaska | [00:06] |
mircea_popescu | and frigid marriages | [00:06] |
mircea_popescu | dub i thought beijing | [00:06] |
mjr_ | is mpoe-pr in romania? | [00:06] |
guruvan | oh - in Northern California I have heated my home with monitors....but it's almost summer...even in Alaska | [00:06] |
jurov | have frigid marriage? mine btc! | [00:06] |
* | chippewa-adm (~chippewa_@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:07] |
guruvan | tell the woman: put the box on the box, and we'll get something going | [00:07] |
mircea_popescu | mjr_ of and on | [00:07] |
mjr_ | gotta run to the bar ;) see ya'll in a little bit | [00:07] |
jcpham | if i change jobs i plan to leave my miners in the datacenter where they are until someone notices them | [00:07] |
* | guruvan sips his beer | [00:07] |
mircea_popescu | guruvan in the immortal words of don rickles, "woman, get started, i'll go get the paper" | [00:07] |
guruvan | LOL | [00:07] |
mircea_popescu | i think that guy is my favourite comedian all time | [00:08] |
* | damientrog (~dtrog@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:08] |
mircea_popescu | tho a hard match with carlin | [00:08] |
guruvan | definitely in my top few | [00:08] |
mircea_popescu | he's like "dean, don't worry, we'll tell you what happened tomorrow" | [00:08] |
dub | jcpham: I've seen a few servers under floor tiles, even one behind drywall | [00:08] |
jcpham | nice | [00:09] |
mircea_popescu | dub embedded processing | [00:09] |
jcpham | i like mine in racks | [00:09] |
mircea_popescu | racks are nice | [00:09] |
jcpham | with the A/C blowing directly on them | [00:09] |
guruvan | under the floor is more secure | [00:09] |
jcpham | while they hash away for months | [00:09] |
jcpham | i might be able to keep them running 6 more months before anyone notices | [00:09] |
mircea_popescu | | [00:09] |
mircea_popescu | illustrative pic related. | [00:10] |
guruvan | dude - me & my brother had a server in a DC that we sold to a customer.....for almost 10yrs | [00:10] |
jcpham | epic boobs | [00:10] |
jurov | ;;ticker | [00:10] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 114.62001, Best ask: 115.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.37999, Last trade: 114.62001, 24 hour volume: 85321.94868801, 24 hour low: 99.00000, 24 hour high: 116.00000, 24 hour vwap: 106.38840 | [00:10] |
mircea_popescu | jcpham that's what i call a rack | [00:10] |
jcpham | epic. | [00:10] |
mircea_popescu | and yes it gets better if ac is blowing directly on it | [00:10] |
jcpham | definitely has back pain | [00:10] |
mircea_popescu | pain is good for womenz | [00:11] |
mircea_popescu | builds character. | [00:11] |
guruvan | that's why high heels | [00:11] |
taub | too cartoonish | [00:11] |
mircea_popescu | totally. | [00:12] |
jcpham | | [00:12] |
jcpham | en espanol if you speak it | [00:13] |
jcpham | Arthur sends some bitcoins | [00:13] |
dub | link to esperanto ver plox | [00:13] |
jcpham | lojban | [00:13] |
mircea_popescu | i actually do speak it, but i didn't get past the pagesized bicoin pic with a watermark on it | [00:14] |
Bugpowder_ | "I guess that's what they call a liquidity rebate" lol | [00:14] |
* | boydy has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:17] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [LTC-MINING] 1 @ 0.36 BTC [+] | [00:18] |
mircea_popescu | "I just verified my Coinbase account and am hoping to buy bitcoins in less than 3-4 weeks (which has been the case with Bitinstant lately)" | [00:21] |
mircea_popescu | fucking joke. | [00:22] |
mircea_popescu | these people going about pretending like they're doing business, are entrepreneurs, | [00:22] |
mircea_popescu | trying to scam va's out of financing... | [00:22] |
mircea_popescu | it boggles the mind. | [00:22] |
Bugpowder_ | that's what happens when there are more angels than talent | [00:23] |
mircea_popescu | which is the problem of too much money. of course. | [00:23] |
Bugpowder_ | shades of 1998 | [00:23] |
mircea_popescu | i need a larger fly swatter. | [00:24] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [00:24] |
* | chippewa_ (~chippewa_@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:25] |
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bitesak | update | [00:27] |
mircea_popescu | a ty | [00:28] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.24 BTC [+] | [00:30] |
* | Doffx has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [00:32] |
* | boydy (~BB@unaffiliated/boydy) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:32] |
ThickAsThieves | how long til 120 you think? | [00:33] |
ThickAsThieves | i give it 8 hours tops | [00:33] |
guruvan | couple hourse | [00:33] |
bitesak | one night sleep | [00:33] |
mircea_popescu | heh | [00:33] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;bc,stats | [00:33] |
gribble | Current Blocks: 229365 | Current Difficulty: 6695826.282596251 | Next Difficulty At Block: 229823 | Next Difficulty In: 458 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 14 hours, 48 minutes, and 41 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 7713534.00467 | Estimated Percent Change: 15.19914 | [00:33] |
guruvan | fuck - at this rate I wouldn't be surprised to wake up to $200 BTC and $20 LTC | [00:33] |
mircea_popescu | get out | [00:34] |
mircea_popescu | btc pls stop trolling my options | [00:34] |
ThickAsThieves | mp, what amount of loss on options would you have to take before you changed how it works? | [00:34] |
ThickAsThieves | lol, srsly tho | [00:34] |
mircea_popescu | a lot. | [00:35] |
jcpham | | [00:35] |
ThickAsThieves | wtf is an internet? | [00:36] |
mircea_popescu | what's a pento | [00:36] |
ThickAsThieves | sounds portuguese | [00:36] |
* | SpNg ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:36] |
ThickAsThieves | lol | [00:37] |
* | Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:37] |
ThickAsThieves | guess what it is | [00:37] |
ThickAsThieves | it's Italian for "regret" | [00:37] |
mircea_popescu | that article sucks. | [00:37] |
ThickAsThieves | | [00:38] |
ThickAsThieves | how sweet is that | [00:38] |
Lyspooner | that cnbc interview was fantastic IMO | [00:38] |
Lyspooner | good television | [00:38] |
mircea_popescu | Lyspooner stop trolling! | [00:38] |
ThickAsThieves | lol | [00:38] |
Lyspooner | they did another interview one day later | [00:39] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.7791 BTC [-] | [00:39] |
Lyspooner | so tell me the people weren't intrigued | [00:39] |
ThickAsThieves | mp i have deposits waiting to buy more optionssssss | [00:39] |
jcpham | pento is the guy that asked his it dept about bitcoin | [00:39] |
Bugpowder_ | 120 is tomorrow | [00:39] |
jcpham | he desperately needs a meme | [00:39] |
ThickAsThieves | the expensify guy looked like someone just sat on his dinner the whole time | [00:39] |
jcpham | pento's it department said "stay outa bitcoin" so he is | [00:40] |
Lyspooner | 75% of people who saw that interview wanted to see the expensify guy take on the bankers | [00:40] |
mircea_popescu | im surprised they didn;'t invite taaki | [00:40] |
jcpham | he's smart | [00:40] |
mircea_popescu | jcpham totally. i also use my it dept for strategic management. | [00:40] |
ThickAsThieves | IT dept was probly like "dude, fuck Mike, tell him lies" | [00:40] |
jcpham | users who listen to their it department make me happy | [00:40] |
mircea_popescu | this is why i'm so happy with bitcoin dev role confusion. | [00:40] |
jcpham | i mean with people saying stuff like that on tv.... | [00:41] |
jcpham | how can i beieve them | [00:41] |
mircea_popescu | because your water is sufficiently fluoridated ? i dunno. | [00:41] |
jcpham | "i really like where gold is headed, but my aunt said i shouldn't because she likes the color of silver" | [00:41] |
ThickAsThieves | $avg | [00:41] |
mpexbot | ThickAsThieves: 106.31 | [00:41] |
mircea_popescu | $auntball | [00:42] |
Lyspooner | mircea_popescu... any plans to base your options on a bitcoin index composed of anything other than mtgox | [00:42] |
jcpham | i'd like to see data pulled from 3 exchanges at least | [00:42] |
mircea_popescu | Lyspooner they've for the ~year and a half been based on the all-exchanges index | [00:42] |
jcpham | bitfloor of course because you can sell coins for anything at bitfloor | [00:42] |
Lyspooner | oh nice | [00:42] |
jcpham | mtgox for vloume | [00:42] |
Lyspooner | is there an index | [00:42] |
jcpham | maybe btc-e for scamcoins | [00:42] |
mircea_popescu | | [00:43] |
mircea_popescu | 106.31 92.79 62.64 | [00:43] |
mircea_popescu | holy sheit. | [00:43] |
jcpham | watch as AUD rockets past USD | [00:43] |
jcpham | yuan: the new global reserve | [00:43] |
mircea_popescu | herpderp ThickAsThieves what deposits you on about ? | [00:43] |
mircea_popescu | "Helixion's announces expansive new mobile payment platform" | [00:44] |
mircea_popescu | yeah, there's space for another one. | [00:44] |
Lyspooner | sorry, how does bitcoincharts weight their index | [00:44] |
mircea_popescu | Lyspooner all-exchanges vwap. | [00:44] |
mircea_popescu | | [00:44] |
mircea_popescu | that's the exchanges list | [00:44] |
bitesak | ;;ticker | [00:45] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 114.18999, Best ask: 115.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.81001, Last trade: 114.18999, 24 hour volume: 85389.54904890, 24 hour low: 99.00000, 24 hour high: 116.00000, 24 hour vwap: 106.52455 | [00:45] |
Bugpowder_ | The bullshit in the startup space is certainly not limited to bitcoin, I'm not even sure that bitcoin startups are particularly incompetent next to their peers | [00:45] |
mircea_popescu | Bugpowder_ it stands out a lot tho. | [00:45] |
Lyspooner | that leaves your options prone to volume-inducing wash trading at the smaller exchanges | [00:45] |
mircea_popescu | because in general they bnullshit about less clearly defined things | [00:45] |
mircea_popescu | bitcoin is very complex and very well known to a core | [00:45] |
Bugpowder_ | yah the media attention is totally disproportionate | [00:45] |
mircea_popescu | making their bullshit painfully obvious and easy to pinpoint | [00:45] |
ThickAsThieves | mp, i mean to my coinbr, maybe just waiting for jurov | [00:45] |
mircea_popescu | Lyspooner i've failed to measure such an effect so far. | [00:46] |
mircea_popescu | ThickAsThieves well then ping him lol | [00:46] |
Lyspooner | you are still prone | [00:46] |
ThickAsThieves | probly stil confirmsing nvm | [00:46] |
mircea_popescu | i'm gonna be prone to something. | [00:46] |
ThickAsThieves | sry | [00:46] |
mircea_popescu | da fuck am i gonna do. | [00:46] |
Lyspooner | change the index | [00:46] |
mircea_popescu | to what ? | [00:47] |
mircea_popescu | mtgox only ? | [00:47] |
mircea_popescu | they probably wash as much as anyone else. | [00:47] |
Lyspooner | their wash trading must be done close to market | [00:47] |
Lyspooner | something like RockUSD doesn't | [00:47] |
mircea_popescu | this is debatable. | [00:47] |
Bugpowder_ | its volume weighted | [00:47] |
mircea_popescu | moreover, a small exchange washing would stick out like a motherfuckingsore tumb | [00:47] |
Lyspooner | but what recourse do your options contract have if someone trades 500,000,000 BTC at Rock Exchange at a price of 4500 USD/BTC | [00:48] |
mircea_popescu | 0.0 | [00:48] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6200 @ 0.00067538 = 4.1874 BTC [+] | [00:48] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7655 @ 0.00067539 = 5.1701 BTC [+] | [00:48] |
mircea_popescu | i'm probably striking any deals and banning involved accounts. | [00:48] |
Lyspooner | granted, the trades are bogus, but your contracts pretty much are based off of that bitcoincharts figure | [00:48] |
dub | heh I has $3000 worth of ppcoin | [00:49] |
mircea_popescu | dub buy yourself drugz nao! | [00:49] |
KRS1 | must suck to have all that money | [00:50] |
jborkl | base your price of btc/coke gram on SR | [00:50] |
KRS1 | i mean..i don't know what i'd do.. | [00:50] |
ThickAsThieves | can mine like $20/day with one GPU for litecoin at the moment | [00:50] |
dub | what hashrate? | [00:51] |
ThickAsThieves | 650 or so | [00:51] |
ThickAsThieves | i'm actually putting about 9000 online this week | [00:51] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 7 @ 0.35100002 = 2.457 BTC [+] | [00:52] |
GoMaD | GordonG3kko gribble Grishnakh_ grubles Guest3893 guruvan gwillen | [00:52] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 6 @ 0.35100001 = 2.106 BTC [-] | [00:52] |
mircea_popescu | KRS1 good problem to have. | [00:52] |
KRS1 | =D | [00:53] |
* | Lyspooner has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:55] |
KRS1 | I'd love to know what opportunity would bring such glee to a formal event | [00:56] |
mircea_popescu | buttseks and only buttseksz | [00:57] |
KRS1 | with leg warmers, no doubt. | [00:57] |
dub | cant have legwarmers without buttsex | [00:58] |
mircea_popescu | the weirdo looks quite fuckable, form a female perspective | [00:58] |
jborkl | Latest News: RBC Closing, Cash Processing and EMT Changes | [00:58] |
jborkl | cavirtex | [00:58] |
ThickAsThieves | ? | [00:59] |
mircea_popescu | so they losrt a processor ? | [00:59] |
mircea_popescu | or they lost their only processor ? | [00:59] |
jborkl | Cavirtex RBC account is being closed, not by their choice | [00:59] |
mircea_popescu | i get that. do they have others ? | [01:00] |
mircea_popescu | !ticker h vix | [01:00] |
assbot | Some are born to endless night. | [01:00] |
jborkl | Yes they do | [01:00] |
mircea_popescu | what was it called ? | [01:00] |
ThickAsThieves | 1. Our Royal Bank account will be closing on April 5, 2013. Cash payments will no longer be accepted at any RBC branch after April 5, 2013. You may still make cash payments to BMO and Scotiabank. 2. As a result of the closure of RBC, email money transfer fees will be raised from $10 to $20 starting April 5, 2013. We advise all customers to use the direct deposit method to withdraw CAD | [01:00] |
ThickAsThieves | from their VirtEx account. Unverified users can use direct deposit to withdraw up to $5000 per day and $10,000 per month. 3. We are no longer processing RUSH cash payments, instead, we are increasing the number of times we process cash each day. Cash payments will be processed at 9AM, 2PM, 4PM and 8PM (MST). | [01:00] |
mircea_popescu | !ticker havelock vix | [01:00] |
assbot | I don't know those people, and they don't look very friendly. | [01:00] |
ThickAsThieves | vtx | [01:00] |
mircea_popescu | am i halucinating ? | [01:01] |
mircea_popescu | a ty | [01:01] |
mircea_popescu | !ticker h vtx | [01:01] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK:VTX] 1D: 0.50000000 / 0.5523632 / 0.57499999 (154 shares, 85.06393228 BTC), 7D: 0.41200000 / 0.53694063 / 0.70000000 (1453 shares, 780.17474209 BTC), 30D: 0.38280000 / 0.43456538 / 0.79900000 (12672 shares, 5506.81254553 BTC) | [01:01] |
jborkl | Tangiblecryptography went hrough this with BOA | [01:01] |
jborkl | through | [01:01] |
mircea_popescu | yea | [01:01] |
Bugpowder_ | anticompetitive practice | [01:02] |
mircea_popescu | welcome to the govt sponsored banking enterprise | [01:02] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.39879999 BTC [+] | [01:02] |
jborkl | Gerald from TC seems like a good guy, wish he would list with you MP | [01:03] |
mircea_popescu | i kinda like him too. | [01:03] |
Bugpowder_ | TC is fantastic | [01:03] |
Bugpowder_ | easiest in and out of bitcoin | [01:03] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.3988 = 0.7976 BTC [+] | [01:03] |
mircea_popescu | i think he's loath to take the btc pill tho | [01:03] |
mircea_popescu | or maybe has fiat investors | [01:04] |
Bugpowder_ | feel sorry for all the competent noobs that can't get a bitcoins direct account | [01:04] |
jborkl | I know he has fiat investors, but he and Death and Taxes are very good | [01:04] |
Bugpowder_ | No reason he can't just bootstrap his company with his revenue | [01:04] |
Bugpowder_ | why take investors if you don't have to? | [01:04] |
mircea_popescu | jborkl afaik gerald = d&t neh ? | [01:05] |
Bugpowder_ | its a pretty low overhead operation I imagine | [01:05] |
jborkl | oh, you know I am not sure | [01:05] |
jborkl | I know him by Gerald | [01:05] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.398888 = 0.7978 BTC [+] | [01:05] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 7 @ 0.398888 = 2.7922 BTC [+] | [01:05] |
jborkl | I always thought of them as two people, they act different | [01:05] |
mircea_popescu | Bugpowder_ too late by now i think | [01:06] |
jborkl | reminds me I need to send him a email, don't delete my key | [01:06] |
mircea_popescu | ya i like he's like the ONLY ONE with enough sense to copy the mpex model | [01:07] |
mircea_popescu | how hard can it be seriously | [01:07] |
mircea_popescu | jborkl send him an email "don't delete my key and list with mpex" lol | [01:10] |
jborkl | I just did | [01:10] |
jurov | coinbr deposits credited (at least for ppl who did pay the txfee) | [01:12] |
* | tk993 has quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- It'll be on slashdot one day...) | [01:13] |
* | Diablo-D3 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:14] |
jborkl | I told him if he listed he could drink umbrella drinks in Costa Rica | [01:14] |
mircea_popescu | haha how's that work ? | [01:15] |
jborkl | II think that would be a huge IPO, they are not a bunch of idiots like all the other exchanges | [01:17] |
jborkl | he also actually answers support email within a very reasonable time | [01:17] |
mircea_popescu | methinks you're right. | [01:17] |
Bugpowder_ | I would invest. | [01:18] |
jborkl | You remember when the dumbass sent money direct from TG to his criminal attorney | [01:18] |
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jborkl | caused a bunch of problems for TG, that is when they locked keys to only past customers | [01:19] |
mircea_popescu | no ? | [01:20] |
mircea_popescu | i missed out on this one | [01:20] |
jborkl | Some dipshit sold Bitcoins to TG and wire instructions were to dumbass criminal attorney | [01:20] |
* | unbalanced_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:21] |
jborkl | attorney got wire tranfer from TG , with acct number and routing number - attorney was not a happy camper - | [01:21] |
jborkl | Then TG locked keys to only past customers | [01:22] |
Diablo-D3 | wtf? | [01:22] |
Diablo-D3 | who is tg? | [01:22] |
* | unbalanced has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [01:23] |
jborkl | TC, sorry | [01:23] |
mircea_popescu | o yea yea i recall | [01:24] |
mircea_popescu | like a year ago tho | [01:24] |
mircea_popescu | was "how do you have my bank number SCAMMOR" | [01:25] |
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* | jborkl_ (~jborkl@unaffiliated/jborkl) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:25] |
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ThickAsThieves | jurov, how come the orderbook zeroes out all the time in coinbr | [01:28] |
ThickAsThieves | can only handle like 1 change then it glitches | [01:28] |
* | jborkl has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | [01:29] |
jurov | some javascript weirdness. can you open js console if there's anything? | [01:29] |
ThickAsThieves | all i see is | [01:31] |
ThickAsThieves | GET 404 (Not Found) | [01:31] |
ThickAsThieves | it shows zeroes only when i load a book i already loaded before | [01:31] |
* | sebicas (~sebicas@unaffiliated/sebicas) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:32] |
bitesak | i refresh it once or twice and it generally comes back | [01:32] |
ThickAsThieves | yeah if i reload it works again | [01:33] |
ThickAsThieves | til it doesnt | [01:33] |
jurov | hmmm... now i see... if you change Item many times | [01:33] |
ThickAsThieves | i can be a lil spastic after all | [01:34] |
jurov | ahhhh seems it is dividing the prices by SATOSHI multiple times, thereby all end up zero | [01:34] |
ThickAsThieves | $avg | [01:35] |
mpexbot | ThickAsThieves: 106.64 | [01:35] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;ticker | [01:35] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 114.50200, Best ask: 115.00001, Bid-ask spread: 0.49801, Last trade: 115.00001, 24 hour volume: 83365.50875871, 24 hour low: 99.00000, 24 hour high: 116.00000, 24 hour vwap: 106.82873 | [01:35] |
KRS1 | wow..its like..i have to rub my eyes reading this daily | [01:36] |
KRS1 | just to make sure i dont misplace the decimal or something. | [01:36] |
ThickAsThieves | check out that sexy curve | [01:37] |
KRS1 | my friend had been mining litecoin for the past 8 mo or so and had no idea what the price was..I told him and later he called me back to tell me he had $7000 in his acct. | [01:37] |
ThickAsThieves | surprised it wasnt more | [01:37] |
jurov | someone draw goat on it | [01:37] |
KRS1 | ya we're just small fish | [01:37] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 5 @ 0.4000001 = 2 BTC [+] | [01:37] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 4 @ 0.4000001 = 1.6 BTC [+] | [01:40] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.7791 BTC [-] | [01:41] |
ThickAsThieves | for the past two months, the longest string of green candle days is 8, red candles is 2 | [01:41] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 14 @ 0.4 = 5.6 BTC [-] | [01:43] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C125T] 300 @ 0.16637225 = 49.9117 BTC | [01:44] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00067987 = 3.3994 BTC [+] | [01:45] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C104T] 50 @ 0.24944674 = 12.4723 BTC [+] | [01:46] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C110T] 40 @ 0.22197582 = 8.879 BTC | [01:47] |
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* | Troic has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [01:52] |
thestringpuller | all these calls early on | [01:52] |
* | DeaDTerra has quit () | [01:52] |
ThickAsThieves | means? | [01:53] |
thestringpuller | mircea_popescu is gonna manipulate the market again | [01:54] |
KRS1 | when can we expect a turn or plateu here? | [01:54] |
KRS1 | any guesses | [01:54] |
thestringpuller | 130ih | [01:54] |
* | diana_coman has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [01:54] |
thestringpuller | 130ish | [01:54] |
thestringpuller | $vwap | [01:54] |
mpexbot | thestringpuller: | [01:54] |
ThickAsThieves | $avg | [01:55] |
mpexbot | ThickAsThieves: 106.70 | [01:55] |
thestringpuller | !ticker m ^OIX | [01:55] |
assbot | [MPEX:^OIX] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: 86.04499804 / 102.57873909 / 136.28053963 (10015 shares, 4,619.36 BTC), 30D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC) | [01:55] |
* | sebicas has quit (Quit: sebicas) | [01:55] |
ThickAsThieves | those calls need more like 145 | [01:56] |
ThickAsThieves | 140 | [01:56] |
ThickAsThieves | ish | [01:56] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 2735 @ 0.00400173 = 10.9447 BTC [+] | [01:56] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 4 @ 0.0048 = 0.0192 BTC [+] | [01:56] |
ThickAsThieves | i dunno, i think 145 isnt too far... | [01:57] |
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dub | ;;goxlag --au | [02:01] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 20.507841 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.0410974837468 AU, which is closest to the distance between the Sun and edge of solar corona, 0.01 AU | [02:01] |
mjr_ | wow that is amazing | [02:03] |
mjr_ | i did not know about the au option | [02:03] |
dub | its new | [02:03] |
KRS1 | sup mjr | [02:04] |
dub | or at least recently upgraded | [02:04] |
mjr_ | chilling chilling | [02:04] |
KRS1 | word | [02:04] |
mjr_ | had some really good meetings today | [02:04] |
KRS1 | =D | [02:04] |
KRS1 | thats gold when you have management buy-in | [02:04] |
mircea_popescu | ahahaha nanotube | [02:05] |
nanotube | mircea_popescu: :) | [02:07] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 5 @ 0.0048 = 0.024 BTC [+] | [02:07] |
nanotube | mircea_popescu: i've got all the planets and other major solar system features all set out, too. | [02:07] |
mircea_popescu | i had no idea the sun is so fat | [02:08] |
mircea_popescu | that light takes 20 seconds to go through it. | [02:08] |
jurov | hope we won't reach Eris/Dysnomia someday | [02:08] |
mircea_popescu | are you sure on the math of that ? | [02:08] |
Bugpowder_ | OMG | [02:09] |
Bugpowder_ | hilarous | [02:09] |
jurov | light actually goes millions of years through it | [02:09] |
jurov | cuz it's so hot and dense in th emiddle | [02:09] |
Bugpowder_ | takes about 8 minutes for light to make it to earth | [02:10] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 6 @ 0.000698 = 0.0042 BTC [+] | [02:10] |
Bugpowder_ | I have seen it over 1 AU | [02:10] |
* | unbalanced__ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:11] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 745 @ 0.00067888 = 0.5058 BTC [-] | [02:11] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1300 @ 0.00067413 = 0.8764 BTC [-] | [02:11] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00067362 = 3.3681 BTC [-] | [02:11] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1455 @ 0.00067351 = 0.98 BTC [-] | [02:11] |
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nanotube | mircea_popescu: heh actually, i should double check that. | [02:13] |
pgp | the sun is opaque to light. Photons do not traverse it below the photosphere... | [02:13] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.779 BTC [-] | [02:14] |
mircea_popescu | well in a vacuum :p | [02:14] |
* | unbalanced_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | [02:15] |
* | jurov going to sell again few btcs till tomorrow for daily bread... and some perks | [02:15] |
jurov | what price should i set on bitstamp overnight? | [02:16] |
jurov | let's shoot for 117 | [02:16] |
pgp | lol | [02:17] |
bitesak | long distance shooting | [02:18] |
kakobrekla | nah | [02:18] |
kakobrekla |*.transactions&height=500&width=1100&lineMode=connected | [02:18] |
kakobrekla | if 15 holds on gox | [02:18] |
kakobrekla | 17 will go | [02:18] |
Bugpowder_ | 119.95 | [02:19] |
dub | thefuck ppc @ 0.00094989 | [02:19] |
Bugpowder_ | to sell? | [02:19] |
jurov | okay. i'll prolly go half 117, half 119.95 | [02:19] |
mircea_popescu | do like coinbase | [02:20] |
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mircea_popescu | "at some price" | [02:20] |
Bugpowder_ | well 116.97 | [02:20] |
Bugpowder_ | but 117 is probably gone before I finish dinner | [02:20] |
jurov | so, cya tomorrow. at 120 :D | [02:25] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.5 BTC [-] | [02:27] |
* | cads is now known as Grishnap | [02:28] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 2 BTC [-] | [02:30] |
mjr_ | pgp: hey there | [02:33] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;ticker | [02:34] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 116.01001, Best ask: 116.10000, Bid-ask spread: 0.08999, Last trade: 116.10000, 24 hour volume: 79534.66768249, 24 hour low: 99.00000, 24 hour high: 116.40000, 24 hour vwap: 107.30148 | [02:34] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 3 @ 0.5 = 1.5 BTC [-] | [02:39] |
dub | ;;goxlag --au | [02:42] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 80.479728 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.161280473816 AU, which is closest to the distance between the Sun and edge of solar corona, 0.01 AU | [02:42] |
kakobrekla | | [02:44] |
kakobrekla | yay | [02:44] |
dub | ;;goxlag --au | [02:46] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 126.458688 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.25342179485 AU, which is closest to the distance between the Sun and Mercury, 0.39 AU | [02:46] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.45 = 4.5 BTC [-] | [02:46] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 13 @ 0.44 = 5.72 BTC [-] | [02:47] |
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kakobrekla | !baselag | [02:48] |
assbot | 6 weeks. | [02:49] |
sedeki | what's that? | [02:49] |
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Bugpowder | thru 117 before my dinner order even showed up | [02:53] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 2 = 6 BTC [-] | [02:53] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.5 BTC [+] | [02:54] |
Diablo-D3 | hrm | [02:55] |
Diablo-D3 | Ukto: check how many shares of DMC are held in accounts that were never activated | [02:55] |
* | Smoovious ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:55] |
Ukto | hm? | [02:55] |
Ukto | you can see that you know | [02:55] |
Diablo-D3 | I can? | [02:55] |
Ukto | from the glbse page :) | [02:55] |
Ukto | first off | [02:55] |
Ukto | held shares in bf accounts + claim accounts = total issued | [02:56] |
Ukto | which you are somehow a few over | [02:56] |
Ukto | er nm | [02:56] |
Ukto | you are under | [02:56] |
Diablo-D3 | er, what glbse page? | [02:56] |
Ukto | 10,773 total issued between bf accounts and glbse claims of 11,579 max | [02:57] |
Ukto | under issuer -> 'Manage GLBSE Claims' | [02:57] |
mircea_popescu | o.o | [02:57] |
kakobrekla | glbse 4ever! | [02:58] |
Ukto | lol | [02:58] |
kakobrekla | i wanna tshirt like that | [02:58] |
Diablo-D3 | Ukto: that number doesnt work because 10773 is the number of shares after Ive bought them back | [02:58] |
Ukto | then whats wrong ? | [02:58] |
Ukto | thats how many are left | [02:58] |
Ukto | the 11,579 is the max your asset can have. | [02:59] |
Diablo-D3 | Ukto: I want to know how many shares are in accounts that were never activated | [02:59] |
Ukto | just a limit number | [02:59] |
Diablo-D3 | according to that number ALL accounts were activated | [02:59] |
Diablo-D3 | which I know is false | [02:59] |
Ukto | theres no total field in the glbse page? | [02:59] |
Ukto | thought i had one | [02:59] |
Ukto | 1 sec | [02:59] |
Ukto | i will cehck | [02:59] |
Diablo-D3 | the glbse lists unclaimed accounts | [03:00] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P086T] 2 @ 0.05902249 = 0.118 BTC [-] | [03:00] |
Diablo-D3 | er, the glbse page | [03:00] |
Ukto | looks like 2,154 unclaimed shares | [03:01] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.7792 BTC [+] | [03:03] |
Ukto | so out of 10,733 shares, 2,154 are unclaimed | [03:03] |
Diablo-D3 | hrm I think Im going to make an announcement then | [03:03] |
Ukto | oh boy here it comes! | [03:03] |
Ukto | :P | [03:03] |
Diablo-D3 | 90 days to activate your account, or the shares will revert to DMC ownership | [03:03] |
* | sgornick has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | [03:03] |
Ukto | yup, saw that commin :P | [03:03] |
dub | scammer | [03:03] |
Ukto | and that | [03:03] |
ThickAsThieves | lol | [03:05] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;ticker | [03:06] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 117.62000, Best ask: 117.63709, Bid-ask spread: 0.01709, Last trade: 117.62000, 24 hour volume: 81308.33585058, 24 hour low: 99.00000, 24 hour high: 118.36000, 24 hour vwap: 107.65591 | [03:06] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;asks 119.9 | [03:06] |
gribble | There are currently 3243.7238 bitcoins offered at or under 119.9 USD, worth 386165.453059 USD in total. | Data vintage: 110.3662 seconds | [03:06] |
burnside | send an email out to everyone that hasn't claimed. | [03:06] |
burnside | simpe enough | [03:06] |
burnside | [simple] | [03:06] |
ThickAsThieves | plz email me with how to claim some shares | [03:07] |
ThickAsThieves | sounds fun | [03:07] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 1 @ 0.00176 BTC [+] | [03:07] |
ThickAsThieves | [03:07] | |
mpexbot | ThickAsThieves: To sign up for this service, contact smickles. Cost will be 0.01 BTC. | [03:07] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 49 @ 0.00177 = 0.0867 BTC [+] | [03:07] |
dub | as simple as creating 12 new accounts on varios websites | [03:07] |
dub | and submitting a sperm sample to Ukto | [03:07] |
dub | which is why Luke-Jr cannot claim, every sperm is sacred | [03:08] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 25 @ 0.000698 = 0.0175 BTC [+] | [03:08] |
kakobrekla | lol | [03:09] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 3 @ 0.00394 = 0.0118 BTC [+] | [03:10] |
Ukto | burnside: I send out an email every other week or so | [03:11] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00068135 = 3.4068 BTC [+] | [03:12] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6750 @ 0.00068136 = 4.5992 BTC [+] | [03:12] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 1 @ 0.000698 BTC [+] | [03:12] |
* | ZedsterX has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [03:12] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 400 @ 0.004 = 1.6 BTC [-] | [03:13] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 3 @ 0.004 = 0.012 BTC [-] | [03:13] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 811 @ 0.0036201 = 2.9359 BTC [-] | [03:13] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 2000 @ 0.00360001 = 7.2 BTC [-] | [03:13] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1500 @ 0.00335565 = 5.0335 BTC [-] | [03:13] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1000 @ 0.00320001 = 3.2 BTC [-] | [03:13] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 4286 @ 0.00310001 = 13.2866 BTC [-] | [03:13] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8250 @ 0.00068136 = 5.6212 BTC [+] | [03:21] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18250 @ 0.00068141 = 12.4357 BTC [+] | [03:21] |
* | MiningBuddy- has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [03:23] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.39 BTC [+] | [03:27] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3506 @ 0.00068141 = 2.389 BTC [+] | [03:31] |
* | jurov (~jurov@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [03:32] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 0.7795 = 2.3385 BTC [+] | [03:38] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.7795 BTC [+] | [03:38] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 28 @ 0.779997 = 21.8399 BTC [+] | [03:38] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 7 @ 2 = 14 BTC [-] | [03:40] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [RSM] 4 @ 0.002999 = 0.012 BTC [+] | [03:42] |
Diablo-D3 | you know what I find fucking hilarious? | [03:44] |
Diablo-D3 | luke only has 4 shares. | [03:45] |
ThickAsThieves | after all his whining... | [03:45] |
nanotube | mircea_popescu: re: sun - the solar radius is about .005 AU, and the coronal edge is about 2 solar radii away from sun surface, according to my googling. so .01 AU for light to get from photosphere to coronal edge. | [03:46] |
mircea_popescu | i gueess im not up to speed on all the coronal edging | [03:46] |
nanotube | heh well, it's not particularly well defined or particularly smooth... but it was a good enough number to use as the 'closest thing to the sun other than mercury :) | [03:47] |
nanotube | because saying 'mercury' every time it's 0 would be silly. | [03:47] |
nanotube | mercury is about 200 light-seconds away from the sun. | [03:48] |
mircea_popescu | well if "mthox lag < 200 seconds" = 0 | [03:48] |
mircea_popescu | we got problems | [03:48] |
* | B0g4r7 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [03:48] |
nanotube | hehe well, it does 'closest object'. and there's really nothing between coronal edge (.01 au) and mercury (.39 au) | [03:49] |
nanotube | so until it gets to like .2 au, closest thing will be .01 | [03:49] |
nanotube | there are random asteroids and stuff, but they are small enough that they don't even have real names. :P | [03:49] |
mircea_popescu | actually there's very good reason for the gap | [03:49] |
mircea_popescu | as in, accretion | [03:50] |
nanotube | well, reason or no reason, fact remains, there are no intermediate 'points of interest' :) | [03:50] |
mircea_popescu | ye | [03:50] |
nanotube | ;;goxlag --au | [03:50] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 46.972662 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.0941326887159 AU, which is closest to the distance between the Sun and edge of solar corona, 0.01 AU | [03:50] |
nanotube | i guess we can all root for goxlag to get to mercury :) | [03:50] |
mircea_popescu | so basically instead of mercury all the time which is silly | [03:51] |
mircea_popescu | we get solar corona all the time which is silly | [03:51] |
mircea_popescu | this improvement! | [03:51] |
nanotube | hehe less silly than mercury. | [03:51] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C101T] 10 @ 0.26910162 = 2.691 BTC [+] | [03:51] |
ThickAsThieves | $avg | [03:52] |
mpexbot | ThickAsThieves: 107.73 | [03:52] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;ticker | [03:52] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 117.80001, Best ask: 117.84400, Bid-ask spread: 0.04399, Last trade: 117.84400, 24 hour volume: 82099.72128991, 24 hour low: 99.00000, 24 hour high: 118.36000, 24 hour vwap: 107.92214 | [03:52] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;goxlag | [03:52] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 0 seconds. | [03:52] |
ThickAsThieves | ! | [03:52] |
mircea_popescu | | [03:53] |
mircea_popescu | that's an interesting one. | [03:53] |
ThickAsThieves | if it does, i wont need to be making bitbets | [03:53] |
thestringpuller | popescu | [03:53] |
thestringpuller | thank you | [03:53] |
mircea_popescu | yw. | [03:54] |
mircea_popescu | what for ? | [03:54] |
thestringpuller | you know | [03:54] |
burnside | [03:55] | |
mircea_popescu | ;;ticker | [03:55] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 117.00000, Best ask: 117.59822, Bid-ask spread: 0.59822, Last trade: 117.00000, 24 hour volume: 82038.36838155, 24 hour low: 99.00000, 24 hour high: 118.36000, 24 hour vwap: 107.93612 | [03:55] |
ThickAsThieves | Isn't Asicminer already making plans? | [03:56] |
mircea_popescu | ya well plans. | [03:57] |
mircea_popescu | iirc they were making plans to have 12th online in january, still ain't happened. | [03:57] |
ThickAsThieves | indeed | [03:57] |
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ThickAsThieves | ;;bc,stats | [04:02] |
* | thoa_afk_ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | [04:02] |
gribble | Current Blocks: 229396 | Current Difficulty: 6695826.282596251 | Next Difficulty At Block: 229823 | Next Difficulty In: 427 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 8 hours, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 7752366.26707 | Estimated Percent Change: 15.77908 | [04:02] |
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Bugpowder | every time I think of buying more calls I look at them and say DAMN they are expensive | [04:03] |
sedeki | has anyone done algorithmic trading on mtgox? | [04:04] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C092T] 20 @ 0.32061935 = 6.4124 BTC [+] | [04:06] |
dub | there is a fair amount of crazy around | [04:06] |
* | ZedsterX has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [04:06] |
dub | even solidcoin is going up | [04:07] |
kakobrekla | O_o | [04:07] |
dub | pp is up 550% since yesterday | [04:07] |
kakobrekla | o_O | [04:08] |
Bugpowder | | [04:08] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C119T] 35 @ 0.19090837 = 6.6818 BTC | [04:08] |
Bugpowder | bitcoin tip app for facebook looks like its happening | [04:08] |
kakobrekla | lol | [04:09] |
Bugpowder | bitcoin is about to go VIRAL! | [04:09] |
kakobrekla | we had those before | [04:09] |
kakobrekla | and they all sucked | [04:09] |
kakobrekla | also crpyto ppl on fb? right. | [04:09] |
* | rayvellest has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | [04:11] |
* | ZedsterX ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:14] |
* | da2ce7 (~da2ce7@opentransactions/dev/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:15] |
dub | I've seen a couple of disparate fb friends crapping on about bitcoin | [04:15] |
ThickAsThieves | ive had like 1 person even Like/Comment on any of my bitcoin posts | [04:16] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P200T] 335 @ 0.85561207 = 286.63 BTC [-] | [04:16] |
ThickAsThieves | a few days ago, I said "When I started sharing news about bitcoin, it was worth $20. Today it is worth $93." Then I got responses. | [04:16] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 35 @ 0.40000001 = 14 BTC [+] | [04:16] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 48 @ 0.4 = 19.2 BTC [-] | [04:16] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.398888 = 0.7978 BTC [-] | [04:16] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 3 @ 0.39879999 = 1.1964 BTC [-] | [04:16] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.39879999 BTC [-] | [04:16] |
mircea_popescu | those puts got massacred. | [04:17] |
Bugpowder | ah ohhhh | [04:17] |
Bugpowder | it stopped working | [04:17] |
Bugpowder | ;;ticker | [04:17] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 117.75001, Best ask: 118.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.24999, Last trade: 118.00000, 24 hour volume: 81957.38870023, 24 hour low: 99.00000, 24 hour high: 118.36000, 24 hour vwap: 108.12679 | [04:17] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;market --sell 10000 | [04:18] |
gribble | A market order to sell 10000 bitcoins right now would net 1097486.2139 USD and would take the last price down to 105.0000 USD, resulting in an average price of 109.7486 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0012 seconds | [04:18] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;market --sell 15000 | [04:18] |
gribble | A market order to sell 15000 bitcoins right now would net 1608242.7036 USD and would take the last price down to 100.2146 USD, resulting in an average price of 107.2162 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 6.0775 seconds | [04:18] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;market --sell 25000 | [04:18] |
gribble | A market order to sell 25000 bitcoins right now would net 2577154.7109 USD and would take the last price down to 93.1000 USD, resulting in an average price of 103.0862 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 13.9036 seconds | [04:18] |
ThickAsThieves | needs a lotta bitcoins to fill those puts | [04:18] |
unbalanced__ | There's no "naked short selling" in BTC-land, is there? | [04:25] |
Diablo-D3 | no | [04:25] |
Diablo-D3 | theres no shorting at all | [04:25] |
Diablo-D3 | you can either go long, or buy USD. | [04:25] |
unbalanced__ | Right, I should have spoken in terms of puts/calls. | [04:25] |
unbalanced__ | So if someone wants to bet on a down draft, they could buy puts. | [04:25] |
* | rdponticelli (~rdpontice@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:25] |
mircea_popescu | you could buy puts or write calls | [04:26] |
mircea_popescu | but you will have to cover the calls you write. | [04:26] |
unbalanced__ | Do I buy the puts with BTC? So even if the puts do well, they're just a hedge on my BTC losses? | [04:27] |
* | Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:27] |
mircea_popescu | you buy the puts with btc yea | [04:27] |
mircea_popescu | not sure what you mean by just a hedge. | [04:27] |
unbalanced__ | Ah, imagine an extreme case of putting all your BTC into puts. | [04:28] |
Bugpowder | I did that | [04:28] |
Bugpowder | well 30% | [04:28] |
Bugpowder | it was a major mistake | [04:28] |
mircea_popescu | unbalanced__ yea ? | [04:28] |
unbalanced__ | BTC goes down... the puts go up... but they're denominated in BTC. So it's a wash. Or at least the river meeting the ocean? | [04:29] |
mircea_popescu | its not a wash by any means | [04:29] |
mircea_popescu | you buy 1k puts struck at 100. these cost you .1 each, so you pay 100 btc | [04:29] |
mircea_popescu | price goes to 50. your puts are now worth 2k btc. you've made 20x | [04:29] |
Bugpowder | oh its not a wash at all | [04:29] |
Bugpowder | You can basically hedge your position | [04:30] |
Bugpowder | in fiat terms | [04:30] |
Bugpowder | by buying around 20% of your nut in puts | [04:30] |
Bugpowder | or less | [04:30] |
mircea_popescu | yeah. if you go over that you're basically leveraging into a short. | [04:30] |
Bugpowder | yeahe | [04:30] |
unbalanced__ | Thanx guise. | [04:30] |
unbalanced__ | Since I'm long BTC and crazy bullish, and aim to buy calls soon, I was just trying to suss out, how loaded would a whale have to be to turn this bull run around? | [04:31] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 1 @ 0.00177 BTC [+] | [04:31] |
mircea_popescu | a whale doesn't have any particular interest in fighting the tape. | [04:31] |
unbalanced__ | Exactly... I can't see who in BTC land would have any interest in seeing it go down. | [04:32] |
mircea_popescu | not exactly what i said. | [04:32] |
unbalanced__ | Other than maybe you as a call writer. | [04:32] |
mircea_popescu | ian bakewell! | [04:33] |
unbalanced__ | It's easy in stocks for dozens of hedge funds to beat a stock price into the ground to accumulate more, if naked short selling is allowed in those markets. Here it's a lot harder to rein in a bull run, no? | [04:33] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C122T] 20 @ 0.18087035 = 3.6174 BTC | [04:33] |
mircea_popescu | i dunno, mtgox/cointards are doing a pretty darn good job of it | [04:34] |
Bugpowder | BAKEWELL.... when good cointards go bad. | [04:34] |
mircea_popescu | anyway, im off. gl all. | [04:34] |
unbalanced__ | you too | [04:35] |
unbalanced__ | thanks | [04:35] |
* | Now talking on #bitcoin-assets | [09:16] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: | [09:16] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 13 14:15:50 2013 | [09:16] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;ticker | [09:16] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 127.00000, Best ask: 127.00003, Bid-ask spread: 0.00003, Last trade: 127.00000, 24 hour volume: 93833.30411689, 24 hour low: 100.15000, 24 hour high: 130.00000, 24 hour vwap: 113.90981 | [09:16] |
ThickAsThieves | mornin! | [09:16] |
mircea_popescu | hai | [09:16] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;goxlag | [09:16] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 0.537715 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.00107757483944 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin to the other side of the Earth, along the surface (0.0001339 AU). | [09:16] |
ThickAsThieves | 130 | [09:16] |
mircea_popescu | crazy. | [09:17] |
ThickAsThieves | 131 | [09:17] |
mod6 | just like zooooooooom | [09:18] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;asks 149 | [09:18] |
gribble | There are currently 6271.479 bitcoins offered at or under 149.0 USD, worth 865227.350584 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0010 seconds | [09:18] |
mod6 | ;;asks 250 | [09:18] |
gribble | There are currently 19338.039 bitcoins offered at or under 250.0 USD, worth 3212573.62477 USD in total. | Data vintage: 7.0612 seconds | [09:18] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;bids 0 | [09:18] |
gribble | There are currently 41029910 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 9741936.25613 USD in total. | Data vintage: 7.8355 seconds | [09:18] |
jurov | morning! yes, it's cause i'm selling some...price blows up immediately after :) | [09:19] |
mircea_popescu | | [09:19] |
mircea_popescu | all i got to say | [09:19] |
taub | afraid you'll have to eat a big loss again? | [09:20] |
ThickAsThieves | is it possible for something to be oversold and overpriced? | [09:20] |
taub | sexy background pic lol | [09:21] |
mircea_popescu | ThickAsThieves yes. | [09:21] |
* | SomeoneWeird has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [09:21] |
ThickAsThieves | whats that mean? | [09:21] |
mircea_popescu | taub not even. affraid we'll end up with a rehash of the runup to 30 | [09:21] |
ThickAsThieves | for it to be both | [09:21] |
mircea_popescu | ThickAsThieves mania. | [09:21] |
taub | well that's gonna happen eventually | [09:22] |
ThickAsThieves | hah thats exactly the only word i could come up with earlier | [09:22] |
mircea_popescu | taub death is also going to happen eventually. | [09:22] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 12 @ 0.779998 = 9.36 BTC [+] | [09:22] |
taub | trends dont go on for forever usually | [09:22] |
mircea_popescu | this is basically the worst attack on bitcoin from the very people bitcoin is here to slaughter. | [09:22] |
taub | even fiat flucutates against each otehr a ton | [09:22] |
mircea_popescu | the sheeple following trends are doing a "we follow baaa baaaa" number on bitcoin | [09:22] |
mircea_popescu | it's working so far ;/ | [09:22] |
ThickAsThieves | its on regular news now, not just online or tech news | [09:23] |
taub | signs to get out prolly | [09:23] |
ThickAsThieves | people dont care the price | [09:23] |
taub | or watch for big reversals | [09:23] |
mod6 | yeah. everyone and their grandma wants btc | [09:23] |
taub | hold on to your hats | [09:23] |
ThickAsThieves | if they are just buying in now, and amateurs, price is meaningless | [09:23] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;goxlag | [09:24] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 219.524796 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.439925233262 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Mercury (0.39 AU). | [09:24] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 10 @ 0.009832 = 0.0983 BTC [-] | [09:25] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 90 @ 0.009831 = 0.8848 BTC [-] | [09:25] |
ThickAsThieves | $avg | [09:25] |
mpexbot | ThickAsThieves: 113.58 | [09:25] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 691 @ 0.009831 = 6.7932 BTC [-] | [09:27] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 109 @ 0.00983 = 1.0715 BTC [-] | [09:27] |
ThickAsThieves | need sleep, nite | [09:30] |
mircea_popescu | taub yeah totally. | [09:30] |
taub | tbh i thought 93 was gonna be the big one | [09:30] |
taub | not quite there yet it seems | [09:30] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] 1 @ 1.188 BTC [+] | [09:33] |
mircea_popescu | heh | [09:33] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 7 @ 0.431 = 3.017 BTC [-] | [09:36] |
* | GoWest has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [09:37] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.33300001 BTC [-] | [09:38] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 9 @ 0.333 = 2.997 BTC [-] | [09:38] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 3 @ 0.322 = 0.966 BTC [-] | [09:38] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.3200001 BTC [-] | [09:38] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 49 @ 0.32 = 15.68 BTC [-] | [09:38] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 11 @ 0.431 = 4.741 BTC [-] | [09:42] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.779998 BTC [+] | [09:42] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.779998 BTC [+] | [09:43] |
mod6 | we're gonna find out just how worthless USD really is | [09:44] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 999 @ 0.00983 = 9.8202 BTC [-] | [09:45] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.479966 BTC [+] | [09:46] |
jurov | also, tits. | [09:47] |
jurov | (,)(,) | [09:47] |
mod6 | haha. those are some crazy nipples j | [09:47] |
bgupta | is there an FAQ for the options? | [09:49] |
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* | Guest____ is now known as Uhh_Duh | [09:50] |
* | boydy has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [09:51] |
jurov | bgupta, i put a cheatsheet here: | [09:52] |
jurov | and also (but the opening of position is now done differently) | [09:53] |
bitesak | bgupta, and a nice overview of all options available: | [09:54] |
taub | 140 lel | [09:54] |
taub | hysteria | [09:54] |
bgupta | are options for .1 btc? | [09:55] |
taub | 1 | [09:55] |
taub | settled in bitcoins tho | [09:55] |
bitesak | ;;ticker | [09:56] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 134.03707, Best ask: 136.50000, Bid-ask spread: 2.46293, Last trade: 136.50000, 24 hour volume: 99269.33772735, 24 hour low: 100.15000, 24 hour high: 136.75381, 24 hour vwap: 115.26807 | [09:56] |
Diablo-D3 | are you fucking shitting me? | [09:56] |
taub | whut | [09:56] |
bgupta | so O.USD.C101T is call to buy at 101? why is the bid/ask range .19xxx-0.272xxx? | [09:57] |
taub | oh good it wasnt at 140 then, the cli display shows it at 140 | [09:57] |
mircea_popescu | le wow. | [09:57] |
bgupta | it was 140 | [09:57] |
jurov | yes. and the spread is generally because of the risk involved | [09:57] |
taub | bgupta: just multiple it by the 24h price | [09:58] |
taub | ;;24hp | [09:58] |
gribble | Error: "24hp" is not a valid command. | [09:58] |
jurov | $avg | [09:58] |
mpexbot | jurov: 114.54 | [09:58] |
taub | whatever the command is | [09:58] |
jurov | ^that | [09:58] |
taub | :) | [09:58] |
bgupta | Ah % price | [09:58] |
bgupta | a lot of these don't have a bid or an ask. | [10:01] |
bitesak | ;;asks 1000 | [10:01] |
gribble | There are currently 27760.159 bitcoins offered at or under 1000.0 USD, worth 8382539.9052 USD in total. | Data vintage: 67.0005 seconds | [10:01] |
bitesak | ;;asks 250 | [10:02] |
gribble | There are currently 17686.764 bitcoins offered at or under 250.0 USD, worth 3057767.60599 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0007 seconds | [10:02] |
bgupta | ah there we go, a refresh later and everything has bids and asks | [10:03] |
* | fdas (d5b83017@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [10:05] |
jurov | bgupta, it's the MPOE bot, sometimes it leaves for a while | [10:07] |
jurov | smoking pause or whatever | [10:07] |
bgupta | heh ok. | [10:07] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.779998 = 1.56 BTC [+] | [10:07] |
bgupta | I find it odd that the counterparty is a bot. | [10:08] |
bgupta | however, I believe I understand why.. | [10:08] |
bgupta | need a market maker, to facilitate trade, and there aren't enough humans writing options | [10:08] |
bgupta | N vs T? | [10:10] |
* | damientrog (~dtrog@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [10:11] |
bgupta | CurrenT, Next? | [10:11] |
bgupta | (month) | [10:12] |
jurov | yes | [10:12] |
* | Luke-Jr has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | [10:16] |
mircea_popescu | everybody : please promote on whatever social media etc. | [10:17] |
mircea_popescu | i know it's a bitter pill, but seriously... we'll end up fucked. | [10:17] |
fdas | but you were talking about only $100 btc :P | [10:24] |
jurov | | [10:24] |
fdas | NOW it's different | [10:24] |
taub | maybe something cute | [10:25] |
mircea_popescu | fdas ya well... | [10:25] |
jurov | but not even satoshi can stop it this time | [10:25] |
mircea_popescu | jurov i guess not. | [10:25] |
mircea_popescu | can't sit and not say anything. | [10:25] |
mircea_popescu | "all it takes for stupidity to succeed" and all that. | [10:25] |
jurov | yes. and mpex deposits, please :) | [10:26] |
mircea_popescu | a yes | [10:26] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 49 @ 0.779998 = 38.2199 BTC [+] | [10:27] |
mircea_popescu | and flushed. | [10:29] |
mircea_popescu | lol hide my pc appspot ? | [10:34] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C110T] 100 @ 0.26204127 = 26.2041 BTC [+] | [10:36] |
jurov | sry that's proxy i use to read trilema | [10:36] |
jurov | | [10:36] |
jurov | fixed | [10:36] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C125T] 100 @ 0.1998944 = 19.9894 BTC [+] | [10:37] |
dub | mircea_popescu: yeah its $150 per | [10:38] |
mircea_popescu | yes well... | [10:38] |
taub | asks are getting made love to | [10:38] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C155T] 400 @ 0.11821909 = 47.2876 BTC | [10:38] |
* | Ixitachil has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [10:40] |
* | sedeki (~textual@unaffiliated/sedeki) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [10:40] |
* | fishfishclone has quit (Quit: Zzzzz..zzzzz) | [10:42] |
Schadenfreude | Judging by that momentum it's going to pop sooner than later | [10:42] |
taub | yea... | [10:43] |
taub | and my coins are in limbo between btce and mtgox | [10:43] |
taub | :[ | [10:43] |
Schadenfreude | I already made 500% profit and am all out watching for it to crash | [10:44] |
taub | haha | [10:44] |
Schadenfreude | Could've been more, but I'm not a gambling man | [10:44] |
taub | all those people that had to get verified and wathced it soar the last week | [10:44] |
taub | are now desperate | [10:45] |
Schadenfreude | 250>1350ish€ seems great, no? | [10:45] |
* | Anduck (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [10:45] |
Schadenfreude | Which will make some sweet dividends once I put it into BTC-securities in a more rational market | [10:46] |
taub | 1350 coins? | [10:47] |
Schadenfreude | Sadly not, euros as in € | [10:49] |
* | Ixitachil (~gandalf@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [10:49] |
taub | why not focus on accumilating coins | [10:51] |
taub | so, buy back in after crash ;) | [10:52] |
taub | what if we go to 200 today, then we're def fucking goin down hard | [10:52] |
Schadenfreude | Was my main plan | [10:52] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C185T] 95 @ 0.07377055 = 7.0082 BTC | [10:52] |
taub | but we prolly reached at top, right here | [10:53] |
taub | i wish i could sell right now | [10:53] |
Schadenfreude | ;;ticker | [10:53] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 141.00001, Best ask: 141.98998, Bid-ask spread: 0.98997, Last trade: 141.10100, 24 hour volume: 107422.54894605, 24 hour low: 102.00000, 24 hour high: 143.90000, 24 hour vwap: 117.47279 | [10:53] |
Schadenfreude | 150 might be psychologically significant enough | [10:53] |
Schadenfreude | Could crah anytime though, last one popped at 31-33ish | [10:53] |
taub | yup | [10:54] |
Schadenfreude | What's more interesting is where it will go to after crashing, 10ish seems too low | [10:55] |
bitesak | ;;asks 150 | [10:55] |
gribble | There are currently 5545.1177 bitcoins offered at or under 150.0 USD, worth 819419.244866 USD in total. | Data vintage: 81.4224 seconds | [10:55] |
taub | 100-50 | [10:55] |
taub | my guess | [10:55] |
taub | dont think we will go below 50 anytime soon | [10:56] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.321 = 3.21 BTC [+] | [11:03] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32 BTC [-] | [11:04] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.3180994 BTC [-] | [11:05] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 8 @ 0.30000001 = 2.4 BTC [-] | [11:06] |
Schadenfreude | Holy shit, somebody paid $10000 for 70 btc | [11:07] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 5 @ 0.3 = 1.5 BTC [-] | [11:07] |
bgupta | well one thing to perhaps look at is how btc traded after crossing 1USD and 10USD pyschological barriers. Haven't looked too closely yet.. as I'm pretty sure marekt conditions were quite different. | [11:07] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 12 @ 0.431 = 5.172 BTC [-] | [11:08] |
bgupta | ;;bids 100 | [11:08] |
gribble | There are currently 21209.86 bitcoins demanded at or over 100.0 USD, worth 2410540.73085 USD in total. | Data vintage: 73.5523 seconds | [11:08] |
* | diana_coman (~diana_com@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [11:08] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 1.93 = 5.79 BTC [-] | [11:11] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 21 @ 0.479955 = 10.0791 BTC [+] | [11:12] |
* | sedeki (~textual@unaffiliated/sedeki) has left #bitcoin-assets ("["Textual IRC Client:"]") | [11:13] |
bgupta | ;;bids 120 | [11:16] |
gribble | There are currently 5670.2757 bitcoins demanded at or over 120.0 USD, worth 740933.924797 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0049 seconds | [11:16] |
bitesak | ;;ticker | [11:20] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 145.50001, Best ask: 145.78998, Bid-ask spread: 0.28997, Last trade: 145.79000, 24 hour volume: 109826.82126183, 24 hour low: 102.50000, 24 hour high: 146.00000, 24 hour vwap: 118.31690 | [11:20] |
* | fdas has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [11:21] |
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* | Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [11:23] |
Anduck | !ticker s.dice | [11:23] |
assbot | The vision of Christ that thou dost see ... is my vision's greatest enemy. | [11:23] |
Anduck | !ticker m s.dice | [11:23] |
assbot | [MPEX:S.DICE] 1D: 0.00310001 / 0.00368235 / 0.00400173 (25821 shares, 95.08 BTC), 7D: 0.0031 / 0.00331583 / 0.00448 (718545 shares, 2,382.58 BTC), 30D: 0.00300001 / 0.00424531 / 0.006225 (1571439 shares, 6,671.26 BTC) | [11:23] |
* | DeaDTerra ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [11:26] |
bgupta | so anyone remember when it ran from 10 to 30? I think the thing that popped it was the mtgox heist, no? | [11:31] |
mircea_popescu | [11:31] | |
mircea_popescu | so nothing over 100 is going to get bought. | [11:32] |
Diablo-D3 | huh | [11:32] |
Diablo-D3 | hey mp | [11:32] |
mircea_popescu | ello | [11:32] |
Diablo-D3 | whats a url for a profitability calculator | [11:32] |
mircea_popescu | um. i have no idea. you're the miner neh ? | [11:32] |
Diablo-D3 | I could calculate it by hand but meh | [11:33] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 0.78997 = 2.3699 BTC [+] | [11:33] |
bgupta | ;;bids 95.7 | [11:38] |
gribble | There are currently 25483.015 bitcoins demanded at or over 95.7 USD, worth 2825225.0196 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0062 seconds | [11:38] |
bgupta | ;;bids 50 | [11:38] |
gribble | There are currently 87921.054 bitcoins demanded at or over 50.0 USD, worth 7578933.5071 USD in total. | Data vintage: 12.7352 seconds | [11:38] |
bgupta | ;; bids 0 | [11:38] |
gribble | There are currently 41207088 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 10375480.9223 USD in total. | Data vintage: 26.0924 seconds | [11:38] |
bgupta | ;;asks 155 | [11:39] |
gribble | There are currently 5051.1155 bitcoins offered at or under 155.0 USD, worth 756571.619693 USD in total. | Data vintage: 58.6891 seconds | [11:39] |
taub | mtgox in a perpetual state of lag haha | [11:39] |
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taub | now its not even enough to predict future prices, you also have to predict current ones when you entry | [11:40] |
taub | rofl | [11:40] |
bgupta | how does trading even function with lag? | [11:41] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15600 @ 0.0006815 = 10.6314 BTC [+] | [11:41] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00068372 = 6.8372 BTC [+] | [11:41] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00068373 = 3.4187 BTC [+] | [11:41] |
taub | what do you mean | [11:41] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6000 @ 0.00068777 = 4.1266 BTC [+] | [11:41] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.771 BTC [-] | [11:41] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.77 BTC [-] | [11:42] |
bgupta | lag means you don't know trades were executed until some time in the future? | [11:42] |
taub | well, it means that the orderbook you are seeing right now is 3 minutes old | [11:42] |
taub | or | [11:42] |
taub | if you send an order now, it will take the lag time until it shows on the orderbook | [11:42] |
bgupta | damn 5:45 and growing | [11:43] |
bgupta | wonder if that is people selling? | [11:43] |
taub | 5:45? | [11:43] |
saulimus | watch for the drop | [11:43] |
bgupta | | Lag: 6:12.618 | [11:43] |
taub | oh, ya | [11:43] |
taub | i havent found out the correlation | [11:43] |
taub | except volatility | [11:44] |
bgupta | mpex bots seem to shutdown when there is lag? | [11:44] |
* | Grishnap has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [11:45] |
mircea_popescu | bgupta not rly. | [11:45] |
taub | seems like my lag theory was correct | [11:46] |
taub | from couple days ago | [11:46] |
mircea_popescu | the bot puts them in the book with an expiration time | [11:46] |
taub | book getting spammed with 0.01 orders | [11:46] |
mircea_popescu | sometimes that comes a little (like, seconds) before the bot gets to put the new set in | [11:46] |
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mircea_popescu | on the other hand if the bot can't get price feed it won't quote | [11:47] |
bgupta | Lag crosse 7:00 | [11:47] |
taub | its happening | [11:48] |
taub | ;;ticker | [11:48] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 140.22000, Best ask: 141.00100, Bid-ask spread: 0.78100, Last trade: 140.22000, 24 hour volume: 109826.82126183, 24 hour low: 102.50000, 24 hour high: 146.00000, 24 hour vwap: 118.31690 | [11:48] |
pizzaman1337 | yeah, big drop it seems | [11:48] |
pizzaman1337 | could have just been one sell though | [11:49] |
pizzaman1337 | too much lag to tell... | [11:49] |
taub | now in 7 minutes lets see what happens then | [11:49] |
taub | fuck, my funds arrived, but just a tad too late | [11:49] |
bgupta | ;;la | [11:50] |
gribble | Error: "la" is not a valid command. | [11:50] |
bgupta | ;;lag | [11:50] |
gribble | Error: "lag" is not a valid command. | [11:50] |
bitesak | goxlag | [11:50] |
dub | ;;goxlag | [11:50] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 468.536678 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.938942256714 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Earth (1 AU). | [11:50] |
bgupta | taub, too late too sell? | [11:50] |
mircea_popescu | lmao | [11:50] |
mircea_popescu | nanotube ^ | [11:50] |
bgupta | or too late to buy puts? | [11:50] |
taub | well, too late to catch this particular move that just happend | [11:51] |
bgupta | via coins or options? | [11:51] |
taub | i'm confident i'll get my fill still in the next 7 mins, the order got sent before the big drop | [11:51] |
bgupta | options bots weren't quotin | [11:51] |
taub | i dont trade options | [11:51] |
bgupta | ahh. | [11:51] |
taub | okay now it goes down further, :( bummer | [11:51] |
bgupta | how can you tell? | [11:52] |
bgupta | carkmoody seems stuck | [11:52] |
taub | not for me | [11:52] |
mircea_popescu | yup it's down | [11:52] |
bgupta | 141/142 range? | [11:52] |
taub | do you got linuix? | [11:52] |
bgupta | or lower? | [11:52] |
taub | best bid is 139.9 | [11:52] |
pizzaman1337 | ;;goxlag | [11:53] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 563.040692 seconds. During this time, light travels 1.12832724265 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Earth (1 AU). | [11:53] |
taub | this is good too | [11:53] |
bgupta | Lagbets heh | [11:53] |
bgupta | ;;bids 140 | [11:55] |
gribble | There are currently 0 bitcoins demanded at or over 140.0 USD, worth 0.0 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0043 seconds | [11:55] |
bgupta | ah there it goes | [11:55] |
mircea_popescu | ;;ticker | [11:56] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 138.83060, Best ask: 143.19999, Bid-ask spread: 4.36939, Last trade: 138.83060, 24 hour volume: 109826.82126183, 24 hour low: 102.50000, 24 hour high: 146.00000, 24 hour vwap: 118.31690 | [11:56] |
bgupta | really wide spread | [11:56] |
mircea_popescu | dude i'm so impressed. the market listened. thank you! | [11:56] |
bgupta | mircea_popescu: You want it back to 95? | [11:57] |
mircea_popescu | no. i just don't want it to bubble. | [11:57] |
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dub | ;;goxlag | [12:02] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 521.994696 seconds. During this time, light travels 1.04607152624 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Earth (1 AU). | [12:02] |
TradeFortress | love the new gribble text. | [12:02] |
bitesak | ;;ticker | [12:03] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 132.15805, Best ask: 139.00000, Bid-ask spread: 6.84195, Last trade: 139.00000, 24 hour volume: 109826.82126183, 24 hour low: 102.50000, 24 hour high: 146.00000, 24 hour vwap: 118.31690 | [12:03] |
bgupta | 132 <-> 139 | [12:04] |
* | B0g4r7 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [12:04] |
bgupta | must be midnight somewhere | [12:04] |
dub | its not accurate | [12:04] |
dub | no trades have been placed for 10 minutes | [12:04] |
dub | ;;bcstats | [12:06] |
gribble | Current Blocks: 229457 | Current Difficulty: 6695826.282596251 | Next Difficulty At Block: 229823 | Next Difficulty In: 366 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 1 hour, 20 minutes, and 53 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 7768579.67908 | Estimated Percent Change: 16.02123 | [12:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7600 @ 0.00068777 = 5.2271 BTC [+] | [12:06] |
* | LainZ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [12:07] |
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mjr_ | wow | [12:11] |
mjr_ | this is fun | [12:11] |
bgupta | is it goxlag understood, and perhaps fixable by the exchange? | [12:12] |
mjr_ | lol | [12:13] |
mjr_ | of course its fixable | [12:13] |
* | bowjob (4b9d1e75@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [12:13] |
mjr_ | these are solved problems | [12:13] |
bowjob | ;;ticker | [12:13] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 133.28100, Best ask: 136.99000, Bid-ask spread: 3.70900, Last trade: 136.99000, 24 hour volume: 109826.82126183, 24 hour low: 102.50000, 24 hour high: 146.00000, 24 hour vwap: 118.31690 | [12:13] |
mjr_ | there is a global forex market where trillions of dollars are traded every day | [12:13] |
bowjob | ;;goxlag | [12:13] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 311.754968 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.624753465289 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Venus (0.72 AU). | [12:13] |
mjr_ | and they don't wait 5 minutes for an order | [12:13] |
bowjob | crash | [12:13] |
* | damientrog has quit (Quit: damientrog) | [12:13] |
* | bowjob has quit (Client Quit) | [12:13] |
bgupta | Bowjob you referring to price or the functionality of mtgox ;) | [12:14] |
mjr_ | you gotta love how wide this spread is | [12:14] |
* | LainZ (913e2081@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [12:17] |
bgupta | sigh for most of that apike and drop mpex bots weren't quoting.. | [12:18] |
mircea_popescu | [12:18] | |
mircea_popescu | bgupta was offline. | [12:18] |
bgupta | ahh... | [12:18] |
mircea_popescu | now i see "invalid symbol" | [12:18] |
bgupta | still getting 502 but quotes did come back.. | [12:19] |
bgupta | at least a min ago they were there | [12:19] |
mjr_ | i was mostly joking about 188 calls... | [12:19] |
mjr_ | and being limited by 200 strike | [12:20] |
mircea_popescu | bgupta it probably managed to pull one. | [12:20] |
mjr_ | ;;ticker | [12:20] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 132.10000, Best ask: 132.80000, Bid-ask spread: 0.70000, Last trade: 132.80000, 24 hour volume: 113914.00406253, 24 hour low: 103.59000, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 119.79724 | [12:20] |
mjr_ | 24 hour volume: 113914.00406253 | [12:20] |
* | pingec (pingo@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [12:21] |
pingec | ;;goxlag | [12:21] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 76.788317 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.153882927503 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin ten times between Jupiter and Callisto (0.12567 AU). | [12:21] |
* | ChaangNoi ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [12:21] |
mjr_ | buy wall at 130 | [12:22] |
bgupta | lag spiking again | [12:23] |
ChaangNoi | nice | [12:24] |
ChaangNoi | ;;asks 150 | [12:24] |
gribble | There are currently 11975.009 bitcoins offered at or under 150.0 USD, worth 1746325.8334 USD in total. | Data vintage: 100.2402 seconds | [12:25] |
ChaangNoi | ;;bids 100 | [12:25] |
gribble | There are currently 20939.625 bitcoins demanded at or over 100.0 USD, worth 2330617.2525 USD in total. | Data vintage: 102.0011 seconds | [12:25] |
* | Grishnakh_ has quit () | [12:29] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1400 @ 0.00068777 = 0.9629 BTC [+] | [12:33] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10250 @ 0.00069537 = 7.1275 BTC [+] | [12:33] |
mjr_ | did they close the SA thread? | [12:38] |
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ChaangNoi | ltc near $5 lol | [12:43] |
TradeFortress | kinda surprised LTC is so affected by btcusd | [12:43] |
ChaangNoi | i think its just funny it went up like 10,000% in 2 months or so | [12:44] |
bgupta | ltc spiked on mtgox rumors, that's all I think | [12:44] |
ChaangNoi | moe than just rumors | [12:44] |
ChaangNoi | more* | [12:44] |
bgupta | well, tux said it would be easy to do, but didn't say he would. | [12:45] |
ChaangNoi | once gox lists it, it should trade in the 1/10th to1/5th of btc price | [12:45] |
bgupta | SOunded positive for it happening though | [12:45] |
ChaangNoi | he said he was not ready to say when "soon" would be | [12:45] |
bgupta | I wish he would fix the broken shit, before adding litecoin | [12:46] |
dub | its not a rumour anymore | [12:46] |
dub | gox is rolling out ltc/nmc 'soon' | [12:46] |
bgupta | ah which accounts for the selloff | [12:46] |
dub | check topic in #mtgox | [12:46] |
ChaangNoi | nmc too? lol | [12:46] |
dub | I suggested that maybe the concentrate on supporting btc first | [12:46] |
bgupta | ltc I sorta get. nmc, seems kinda sily. | [12:47] |
ChaangNoi | i just sold 900 nmc lol and now its way way up | [12:47] |
bgupta | next they'll be doing devcoin | [12:47] |
dub | nmc does a lot more than ltc | [12:47] |
TradeFortress | bgupta, source | [12:48] |
TradeFortress | ? | [12:48] |
TradeFortress | devcoin d oes not align with profits. | [12:48] |
ChaangNoi | he is kidding | [12:48] |
bgupta | that was sarcasm | [12:48] |
TradeFortress | lol ok. | [12:48] |
dub | BTE us bext | [12:48] |
dub | next* | [12:48] |
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mircea_popescu | [12:50] | |
ChaangNoi | want to make a bet? :) | [12:50] |
mircea_popescu | go aheasd | [12:50] |
ChaangNoi | like 1 month after the list it | [12:50] |
ChaangNoi | they | [12:50] |
TradeFortress | eh no | [12:50] |
ChaangNoi | it should be in that range | [12:51] |
ChaangNoi | oh lol | [12:51] |
TradeFortress | people hear about bitcoin in the news, not litecoin | [12:51] |
bgupta | I think the point being that if litecoin gets listed it will be in the news too | [12:51] |
ChaangNoi | 1/10 ltc only needs to go up to $13 | [12:51] |
bgupta | 3 x | [12:52] |
ChaangNoi | yeah, just wait.. 250% for ltc is nothing | [12:52] |
ChaangNoi | it just went up 10,000% | [12:52] |
mircea_popescu | well basically... if that happens ltc is fucked | [12:52] |
mircea_popescu | i don't much care either way. | [12:52] |
bgupta | is lag a constant thing? | [12:53] |
bgupta | never really paid close attention | [12:53] |
TradeFortress | bgupta, yup gox has a history of lag | [12:53] |
dub | pretty much | [12:53] |
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mjr_ | i love the new au feature of goxlag | [12:54] |
ChaangNoi | ltc is fucked? how so | [12:54] |
bgupta | So is 147 the all time and foreever new high for btc? | [12:55] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.01201 BTC [+] | [12:55] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 9 @ 0.012 = 0.108 BTC [-] | [12:55] |
mircea_popescu | carniwhore = girl who puts out for carnations. | [12:56] |
TradeFortress | just wait till ltc gets more transactions | [12:56] |
mircea_popescu | bgupta no. but for 2013 hopefully. | [12:56] |
TradeFortress | you'd see all the "LTC is faster!" guys complain that their TX isn't making it into a block | [12:56] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.14301 BTC [-] | [12:56] |
bgupta | is mtgox the main place to do fiat/btc trading? (I know they have like 70% or something, but they have wierd transfer limits and stuff. | [12:57] |
TradeFortress | bgupta, they have the biggest orderbook iirc, but not the only place obviously | [12:57] |
bgupta | is that where people in this channel trade? | [12:58] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.143 BTC [-] | [12:58] |
TradeFortress | bgupta, no, this is bitcoin assets | [12:58] |
TradeFortress | #mtgox | [12:58] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.1421 BTC [-] | [12:58] |
mircea_popescu | bgupta they had something like 70% a year ago. | [12:58] |
mircea_popescu | atm they're struggling to keep a third. | [12:58] |
* | fishfish has quit (Quit: Zzzzz..zzzzz) | [12:58] |
bgupta | what''s the next biggest, or is it really ditributed? | [12:58] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 124 @ 0.00362 = 0.4489 BTC [-] | [12:59] |
bgupta | guessing we all still follow gox since they are still the biggest? | [12:59] |
mircea_popescu | kinda distributed | [12:59] |
TradeFortress | well I do. | [12:59] |
bgupta | IE: options are priced against gox | [12:59] |
mircea_popescu | options are priced against all exchanges. | [12:59] |
bitesak | ;;ticker | [12:59] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 128.93917, Best ask: 129.80000, Bid-ask spread: 0.86083, Last trade: 128.93917, 24 hour volume: 119765.32170538, 24 hour low: 103.75000, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 120.69408 | [12:59] |
mircea_popescu | gox is about 70% of that. | [12:59] |
mircea_popescu | the exchange market is roughly half tho, otc is pretty big | [12:59] |
mircea_popescu | and then there's the private traders | [13:00] |
TradeFortress | OTC usually relies on gox price. | [13:00] |
mircea_popescu | only for small trades. | [13:00] |
TradeFortress | And then there's the FastCash4Bitcoins and Bitcoins Direct | [13:00] |
* | fishfish (~fishfish2@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [13:00] |
bgupta | sure but those are like gox +/- XX%, no? | [13:00] |
bgupta | private traders, sounds interesting.. | [13:01] |
mircea_popescu | but yes, mtgox does have an overextended and unjustified impact on price formation. | [13:01] |
bgupta | like street trading? | [13:01] |
mircea_popescu | if that's what you were asking | [13:01] |
bgupta | kinda was. | [13:01] |
mircea_popescu | i don't know what street has to do with anything ? | [13:01] |
bgupta | for a site that is prety broken.. | [13:02] |
mircea_popescu | private as in i know about it, you don't. | [13:02] |
mircea_popescu | private. | [13:02] |
bgupta | well, it's like otc, not an exchange. | [13:02] |
bgupta | but not in channel | [13:02] |
mircea_popescu | [13:02] | |
bgupta | I imagine that folks that need to move large amounts don't use standard gox | [13:03] |
mjr_ | it looks like there aer some big fish getting in | [13:03] |
mjr_ | the volume is very high | [13:03] |
mjr_ | ;;bids 0 | [13:03] |
gribble | There are currently 41180994 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 10343612.1046 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0109 seconds | [13:03] |
mircea_popescu | was about 10mn for a while neh ? | [13:03] |
mjr_ | bugpowder would be happy with those numbers | [13:04] |
ChaangNoi | a lotof btc transactions happen outside of an exchange, ihave not use an exchange in well over a year (other than btc-e for ltc) | [13:04] |
mjr_ | yeah, the bitcoin atm will prob do very well at extending that trend | [13:05] |
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bgupta | I don't plan to use btc/fiat echanges any time soon, at least not gox.. as I'm in US and the whole rcoinlab thing seems a shame | [13:05] |
mjr_ | bgupta: why? | [13:05] |
mjr_ | also, bitfloor is in the US | [13:05] |
bitesak | ;;goxlag | [13:06] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 119.238373 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.238952364433 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin between Earth and Venus at their closest approach (0.254 AU). | [13:06] |
mjr_ | and so far its been good to me, though YMMV | [13:06] |
bgupta | well as soon as I convert to fiat, it's subject to trading taxes.. and coinlab reports. | [13:06] |
mjr_ | that's why i said bitfloor | [13:07] |
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mjr_ | is worth paying taxes if the money is right | [13:07] |
bgupta | at least from my current reading of the rules… staying in btc means that I am not subject to taxes. | [13:07] |
bgupta | I was actually wondering if it would work to setup a subsidiary of a US company to do the trading.. and report the profits overseas in a low tax environment. | [13:08] |
mjr_ | mircea_popescu: you were one of the first to offer financial company news over twitter, lol SEC agrees | [13:08] |
bgupta | (Assuming there are profits of course) | [13:08] |
mjr_ | oh yes of course | [13:08] |
mjr_ | i meant use exchanges to move from fiat to btc | [13:08] |
mjr_ | which is usually the bottleneck | [13:09] |
mjr_ | ;;ticker | [13:09] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 131.00000, Best ask: 131.05362, Bid-ask spread: 0.05362, Last trade: 131.00000, 24 hour volume: 119771.38207326, 24 hour low: 103.75000, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 120.69450 | [13:09] |
mjr_ | ;;calc 120.69450 * 119771.38207326 | [13:10] |
gribble | 14455747.0736 | [13:10] |
mjr_ | 14 mill in last 24 hours... | [13:10] |
* | coinners is now known as rayvellest | [13:10] |
mjr_ | ;;calc 14455747 * .006 | [13:10] |
gribble | 86734.482 | [13:10] |
mjr_ | not a bad day for gox | [13:10] |
mjr_ | maybe lag is a feature not a bug? | [13:11] |
mircea_popescu | mjr_ hm ? | [13:11] |
bgupta | so how common is bitcoincharts crashing? | [13:11] |
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bgupta | (It kinda shuts down options trading to some extent) | [13:11] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.35499999 BTC [+] | [13:12] |
bgupta | timing kinda sucked this AM | [13:12] |
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mircea_popescu | its more common than it should be. | [13:12] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.35499999 = 0.71 BTC [+] | [13:13] |
taub | i find short term option plays difficult anyway | [13:13] |
bgupta | damn it's down again | [13:13] |
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taub | and i dont think they can be used like that right now | [13:13] |
mjr_ | | [13:13] |
taub | they are too expensive, and orient themselves on the average price over the last 24h | [13:13] |
mircea_popescu | a lol | [13:13] |
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taub | so, maybe for mid to longer term speculation | [13:13] |
bgupta | mircea_popescu: Do you find bitcoincharts down a lot or is this unusal? | [13:14] |
mircea_popescu | they were down for two days straight at some point. | [13:14] |
bgupta | no better quote source that's more stable? | [13:14] |
mircea_popescu | while the guy had some sort of emotional breakdown | [13:14] |
mircea_popescu | not afaik, at least yet. maybe emerging. | [13:14] |
mircea_popescu | it's a pointless dog to chase atm, we have much bigger problems | [13:14] |
bgupta | too much new money? | [13:15] |
bgupta | goxlag. | [13:15] |
mircea_popescu | for instance. broken code, delusive geeks, mtgox going down | [13:15] |
mircea_popescu | bunch of security breaches | [13:15] |
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Schadenfreude | Security breaches? Like Instawallet? | [13:16] |
mircea_popescu | the newsfeed going down in all this is cosmetic, what's the value of it being up if gox lag is on the 1.2AU level ? | [13:16] |
bgupta | delusive as in deceitful? | [13:16] |
mircea_popescu | Schadenfreude and the brazil thing | [13:16] |
mircea_popescu | and the whatever else | [13:16] |
mircea_popescu | bgupta nu, like hallucinating. | [13:16] |
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bgupta | ah, the english word I would use is delusionary.. delusive, is more like deceitful. | [13:17] |
mircea_popescu | i am aware. | [13:17] |
Schadenfreude | Brazil thing? | [13:17] |
mircea_popescu | take the recent fork disaster. it being passed off as a great success, what's that ? | [13:17] |
mircea_popescu | claiming miners vote and thus there's legitimity, what's that ? | [13:17] |
mircea_popescu | getting darned close to the line. | [13:17] |
mircea_popescu | Schadenfreude | [13:18] |
Schadenfreude | Thanks | [13:18] |
bgupta | eh, they dodged a bullet, (IE: were lucky) and Bitcoin foundation chief made losing fork folks whole. And they figured out how to avoid issue in future. | [13:19] |
bgupta | I supose it has it's bad and good. broken code got fixed… bad that broken code existed for so long, even though people knew about it | [13:20] |
bgupta | the loss of distributed mining is a big issue | [13:20] |
bgupta | (I agree with you there) | [13:20] |
mircea_popescu | Schadenfreude iof we believe the frenchies (ie, no funds lost) then the brazil thing is way weorse. | [13:21] |
mircea_popescu | bgupta you don't follow. | [13:21] |
TradeFortress | mircea_popescu, add bitcoinrain to the mix | [13:21] |
mircea_popescu | the longer chain was sunk by collusion between people. this is hallmark centralisation. | [13:21] |
mircea_popescu | TradeFortress i missed that one ? | [13:21] |
TradeFortress | it's operated by the same guy | [13:21] |
Schadenfreude | Any estimate on how much money was lost in the brazil incident? | [13:22] |
TradeFortress | strangely how it went down after me & a few members requested large withdrawls. | [13:22] |
mircea_popescu | Schadenfreude probably in the millions from what people were saying. no idea. | [13:22] |
mircea_popescu | TradeFortress ah | [13:22] |
mircea_popescu | bgupta i agree that a correctly functioning bitcoin would have been fucked in that situation, and so "good" that it was broken. | [13:22] |
TradeFortress | srsly, "You will get the bitcoins tommorow", tommorow -> site down, 'hacked' | [13:22] |
mircea_popescu | buyt this doesn't change the fact that it's broken. | [13:22] |
mircea_popescu | tsk. | [13:22] |
mircea_popescu | suspicious this | [13:22] |
mircea_popescu | how large is large TradeFortress ? | [13:23] |
TradeFortress | about 400 btc total was the withdrawls I know of, but I'm not sure how much coins were lost in bitcoinrain | [13:24] |
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mircea_popescu | wait | [13:29] |
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mircea_popescu | was this rain thing some sort of ponzi ?! | [13:29] |
* | Guest86143 is now known as SomeoneWeird | [13:29] |
bgupta | mircea_popescu: You are correct I don't understand.. I only understand the technical issue with the fork, not the economic or social implications.. is there a more theorough analysis out there? | [13:30] |
mircea_popescu | not really, i guess. | [13:31] |
mircea_popescu | but logically thinking : bitcoin is sold as being decentralised, right ? | [13:31] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3900 @ 0.00069537 = 2.7119 BTC [+] | [13:31] |
mjr_ | collusion is not the same as centralization though the effects can be similar | [13:32] |
mircea_popescu | explain this difference ? | [13:32] |
troc | the colluding parties are still separate entitites, and may not collude in perpetuity ? | [13:33] |
mircea_popescu | a, yes. my statement above suffers. | [13:33] |
mircea_popescu | the case was quite plain central planning : devs said do x, pool op did x. | [13:33] |
mjr_ | yes, that is the difference, but could say that everyone buying bitcoins is "colluding" to raise the price, all our actions are working towards the same goal | [13:34] |
mircea_popescu | same effect yes, same goal not really. | [13:34] |
mjr_ | or you could say that 51% of voters colluded to elect the candidate they prefer | [13:34] |
mircea_popescu | mjr_ but to make that work in the case at hand, parish head told people to vote for x, they did. | [13:34] |
mjr_ | if the bitcoin foundation could have unilaterally negated the fork...centralization | [13:34] |
mircea_popescu | is this democratic process iyo ? | [13:34] |
mircea_popescu | mjr_ it's not they could have. they in fact did. (and not the bitcoin foundation either, that's an irrelevant little scam by now) | [13:35] |
mjr_ | well...the fact that the choice remained with them means that you may get centralization in effect, but not in cause | [13:35] |
mircea_popescu | granted. | [13:35] |
mircea_popescu | but it's still there. | [13:35] |
mircea_popescu | you have to presume some choice was made. i have my doubts those heads were working. | [13:35] |
mjr_ | i just mean that you could have lobbied for the longer chain...or miners who wanted to continue that path could have | [13:35] |
mircea_popescu | the btc guild guy made a choice that cost his miners ~1-2k btc | [13:36] |
mjr_ | so in the end, whoever can convince the most people will change the course of history...par for the course | [13:36] |
mircea_popescu | this is irrational on the face. | [13:36] |
mjr_ | well, i agree | [13:36] |
mircea_popescu | right. | [13:36] |
mircea_popescu | so it still doesn't escape the central planning issue. | [13:36] |
mjr_ | but i think they took into account the fact that a fork could have damaged their long term gains into account | [13:36] |
mircea_popescu | a move was made that was irrational. | [13:36] |
mircea_popescu | how do you know this to be the case ? | [13:37] |
mircea_popescu | maybe they were just sheepishly following ? | [13:37] |
mjr_ | i don't know, they could have been sheepishly following | [13:37] |
mircea_popescu | right. | [13:37] |
mjr_ | but that is their choice | [13:37] |
mjr_ | to follow | [13:37] |
mircea_popescu | so it's a problem, all i'm sayin'. | [13:37] |
mjr_ | and they earn the right to do so by having the mining power | [13:37] |
mjr_ | oh i agree its a problem | [13:37] |
mircea_popescu | i am not disputing their right here. | [13:37] |
mircea_popescu | i am just trying to delineate the heavier problems we face, | [13:37] |
mircea_popescu | kinda where discussion started | [13:37] |
mjr_ | but at the end of the day, "the market decides" and it decides to follow gavin i guess | [13:38] |
mircea_popescu | except it wasn't the market, | [13:38] |
mircea_popescu | and it wasn't even the miners | [13:38] |
mircea_popescu | it was two doods. | [13:38] |
mjr_ | yes | [13:38] |
mjr_ | and everyone who chooses to use a pool | [13:38] |
mjr_ | specifically that pool | [13:38] |
mircea_popescu | except nobody chooses to use a pool | [13:38] |
mircea_popescu | everyone uses a pool because that's what you do | [13:38] |
mjr_ | you can solo mine... | [13:38] |
mircea_popescu | there's a lot of weakness baked in at all junctures. | [13:38] |
bgupta | well you can chose a particular pool... | [13:38] |
mjr_ | now with asics i think you will see more solo mining | [13:39] |
mircea_popescu | bgupta except there's no really distinct ones. | [13:39] |
mjr_ | at least i hope | [13:39] |
mircea_popescu | mjr_ perhaps. | [13:39] |
troc | even reddit is aware of the dangers of too few and big pools | [13:39] |
bgupta | and when deepbit got close to 50% a bunch of miners left | [13:39] |
mircea_popescu | obviously as market matures, idiots get pushed out, more money more competence etc stuff will improve. | [13:39] |
mjr_ | the end of the day, miners, and all bitcoin users do rely on the software used to run the network | [13:39] |
mircea_popescu | but that doesn't change what things are yet. | [13:39] |
fdas | ;; ticker | [13:39] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 137.10522, Best ask: 137.98997, Bid-ask spread: 0.88475, Last trade: 137.98997, 24 hour volume: 119771.38207326, 24 hour low: 103.75000, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 120.69450 | [13:39] |
mjr_ | so if someone releases something that is obviously borked | [13:39] |
mjr_ | not that this was the case | [13:40] |
mjr_ | i thought the roll back was stupid...why go to the incorrect chain | [13:40] |
mircea_popescu | mjr_ i don't think they had a choice tbh. | [13:40] |
mjr_ | why not force old version to upgrade | [13:40] |
mjr_ | well...i think there is always a choice, but i also think most are too stupid to make one, but no choice is a choice | [13:40] |
mjr_ | a choice for the status quo | [13:40] |
mjr_ | i wonder...what would have happened if they hadn't...hard to tell at this point | [13:41] |
TradeFortress | so tons of drama over marking BFL shipping apr 1 as draw :P | [13:41] |
ChaangNoi | mp btc guild pays for orphand blocks, he lost the 1k oins not the miners | [13:41] |
mjr_ | well, they tried to game the system | [13:41] |
mircea_popescu | ChaangNoi doesn't change much in the equation | [13:42] |
TradeFortress | ChaangNoi, didn't gmaxwell or gavin donate it? | [13:42] |
TradeFortress | to pools affected. | [13:42] |
mircea_popescu | (and gavin paid him iirc anyway - moar central planning nonsense() | [13:42] |
TradeFortress | central planning from his own coins so. | [13:42] |
mircea_popescu | TradeFortress draw ? how is it a draw ?! | [13:42] |
mjr_ | TBH i think that most people cannot face this brave new world | [13:42] |
TradeFortress | mircea_popescu, I'm guessing owner bet a lot of coins on them shipping. | [13:43] |
ChaangNoi | i was not picking a side here, just correcting what was said | [13:43] |
mjr_ | and we will see banks that use bitcoins, deposit insurance, chargebacks etc | [13:43] |
mircea_popescu | TradeFortress ok but it creatges this pernicious "listen to us and we'll insulate you ferom marketplace effects". it's how clinton destroyed the us banking sector | [13:43] |
mircea_popescu | "lend to black people no matter what" | [13:43] |
mjr_ | lol | [13:43] |
mircea_popescu | now the dems don't want to sell their own houses wives and daughters to pay for it | [13:43] |
mircea_popescu | cause ... why, right ? | [13:43] |
mjr_ | hey, you can ask me to lend to whoever you want...if i do fault | [13:43] |
mircea_popescu | TradeFortress nasty shit. | [13:44] |
mjr_ | if you force me, your fault | [13:44] |
mircea_popescu | kakobrekla ^ check it out lol | [13:44] |
mircea_popescu | mjr_ what if i tell you that | [13:44] |
bgupta | mpoe bots base prices on 24 hour moving average? | [13:44] |
mjr_ | no force in btc, acquiescence but not force | [13:44] |
mircea_popescu | a. i am your regulator, if you don't i'll fuck you with my nonsensical regulations | [13:44] |
mircea_popescu | and b. if you do do it i will insulate you from market downturn | [13:44] |
mircea_popescu | ? | [13:44] |
mircea_popescu | bgupta yes | [13:44] |
mjr_ | does that not change the payout spectrum in your favor to do it | [13:44] |
TradeFortress | mircea_popescu, that is a problem when there's really only one bitcoin client | [13:44] |
TradeFortress | what would have happened if not everyone used satoshi client | [13:45] |
mircea_popescu | TradeFortress very much so. | [13:45] |
ThickAsThieves | $avg | [13:45] |
mpexbot | ThickAsThieves: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. | [13:45] |
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TradeFortress | answer: nothing would have happened, 10% of the users would be unable to trust transactions until they upgrade. | [13:45] |
mjr_ | in the future that will happen...but you will still have issues where people rely on software and are beholden to the developers of said software | [13:45] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;ticker | [13:45] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 135.50000, Best ask: 135.84774, Bid-ask spread: 0.34774, Last trade: 135.30003, 24 hour volume: 119771.38207326, 24 hour low: 103.75000, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 120.69450 | [13:45] |
TradeFortress | mjr_ I still don't like how I can't use v0.3 or something. and not be able to get on the bitcoin network | [13:45] |
pizzaman1337 | ;;bc,24hprc | [13:45] |
bgupta | TradeFortress: bitcoincharts are down so bots can't quote | [13:46] |
gribble | Error: Failed to retrieve data. Try again later. | [13:46] |
* | ChaangNoi has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [13:46] |
TradeFortress | Oh joy. | [13:46] |
pizzaman1337 | :( | [13:46] |
mjr_ | TradeFortress: you can create your own version that gives you what you like about v3 and make it compatible...this is my point, software is not a right | [13:46] |
TradeFortress | mjr_ backward compatibity should be a right IMO | [13:47] |
TradeFortress | I can send emails fine using ancient software. | [13:47] |
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jurov | ;;calc 0.00068373*150 | [13:50] |
gribble | 0.1025595 | [13:50] |
jurov | s.mpoe at $0.01 already | [13:50] |
jurov | er.. $0.1 | [13:51] |
jurov | what about bet when it reaches dollar parity? lol | [13:52] |
mjr_ | TradeFortress: i agree...but in a capitalistic sense, you can choose what people offer or make your own, i think for long term adoption backward compatiblity is of course necessary | [13:52] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.35499999 BTC [+] | [13:53] |
mjr_ | but this cuts to the core of my point, everyone relies on software developers, unfortunately the software doesn't spring fully formed from the sea foam | [13:53] |
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TradeFortress | mjr_, unless, rpc standard | [13:54] |
TradeFortress | who cares what software you use | [13:55] |
mjr_ | TradeFortress: true, and i think that should be where it goes | [13:55] |
mjr_ | but even so, someone releases their version and it works until it doesn't...issues arise and people vote with their feet and dollars | [13:55] |
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mjr_ | its survival of the fittest, but that doesn't always mean pure ideas, that can mean influence | [13:55] |
troc | hmm at least SMTP has rfcs, suppose we are rehashing what was said after the fork. | [13:56] |
mjr_ | VHS was more fit than BetaMax, even though it was worse as a technology | [13:56] |
mjr_ | from my perspective, what survives is what should have survived, a little tautological i know, but that is how the world works | [13:56] |
mjr_ | the victors write the history books | [13:57] |
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Bugpowder | heh | [13:59] |
Bugpowder | I thought it got crazy before I went to bed | [13:59] |
mjr_ | lol Bugpowder: you set them at 119 or 117? | [13:59] |
Bugpowder | I sold some at 121 and 123 | [13:59] |
Bugpowder | oope | [13:59] |
mjr_ | nice | [13:59] |
Bugpowder | mpoebot is down? | [13:59] |
mjr_ | yes | [13:59] |
mjr_ | cuz bitcoincharts is down | [14:00] |
pizzaman1337 | it'd be nice to have some kind of backup | [14:00] |
Bugpowder | well | [14:00] |
pizzaman1337 | you can almost ddos mpex just by ddos'ing bitcoincharts | [14:00] |
Bugpowder | its probablybetter for mircea_popescu's wallet if it is down :-P | [14:00] |
mircea_popescu | pizzaman1337 only the options :p | [14:01] |
pizzaman1337 | options get the most volume, don't they? | [14:01] |
mircea_popescu | not really. | [14:01] |
mircea_popescu | depends. last month i think they did yea | [14:01] |
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Bugpowder | this is rediccccc | [14:02] |
ThickAsThieves | who is buying all these coins, yeesh | [14:02] |
mjr_ | thats whats weird | [14:02] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;bc,stats | [14:02] |
gribble | Current Blocks: 229470 | Current Difficulty: 6695826.282596251 | Next Difficulty At Block: 229823 | Next Difficulty In: 353 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 22 hours, 48 minutes, and 23 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 7770171.80365 | Estimated Percent Change: 16.045 | [14:02] |
mircea_popescu | running up again eh ? silly peoples. | [14:02] |
mjr_ | there is another goxlag that we don't measure quite as well | [14:02] |
jurov | ThickAsThieves: | [14:02] |
jurov | it's probably fake but prolly not | [14:03] |
mircea_popescu | | [14:03] |
mjr_ | people who saw cnbc yesterday or the day before...they can't even get into gox for like 10 days maybe | [14:03] |
mircea_popescu | the bid/ask volumes tho... lol | [14:03] |
jurov | european exchanges could accept western union from the US ... hell, even cash in mail would be faster | [14:05] |
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mircea_popescu | jurov americans are insane about their little country. | [14:06] |
mircea_popescu | would rather eat paper there than get out. | [14:06] |
ThickAsThieves | we all knew bitcoin could hit meteoric rises | [14:06] |
ThickAsThieves | its scary | [14:06] |
bgupta | | [14:06] |
jurov | meteors fall, not rise, I guess? | [14:06] |
mjr_ | lol that is a great point jurov | [14:07] |
ThickAsThieves | oh geez | [14:07] |
ThickAsThieves | i'll have to be more careful | [14:07] |
mircea_popescu | haha what a turn lol | [14:07] |
bitesak | ;;ticker | [14:07] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 139.78888, Best ask: 140.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.21112, Last trade: 140.00000, 24 hour volume: 122604.42532157, 24 hour low: 104.97500, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 122.42927 | [14:07] |
troc | meteors do both, meteorites fall from an earth perspective. | [14:07] |
troc | whats the mtgox queue like now ? >9k ? | [14:08] |
Bugpowder | so when do the real holders start to cash out | [14:09] |
ThickAsThieves | what happens if prices shoots to 200, and it just holds | [14:09] |
ThickAsThieves | is this impossible? | [14:09] |
Bugpowder | too many people with 100k of coins | [14:09] |
jurov | lol, there's a deposit queue on coinbr, too | [14:09] |
Bugpowder | 100k coins | [14:09] |
Bugpowder | just waiting | [14:09] |
mircea_popescu | Bugpowder the problem is they kinda don't want to. | [14:10] |
mircea_popescu | this is a very dangerous non=participatory run-up by now | [14:10] |
Bugpowder | I talked to someone that holds 100k last night | [14:11] |
mircea_popescu | in that a bunch of noobs / "daytraders" in their own mind are cycling the same btc among each other at the exchanges | [14:11] |
mjr_ | "You need to be a special kind of an idiot to implement system as slow and fucked up as mtgox's." -reddit | [14:11] |
Bugpowder | getting tempted of shaving of a bit | [14:11] |
mircea_popescu | and when they finally panic they'll expect actual players to buy from them. | [14:11] |
mircea_popescu | it won't happen over 100. | [14:11] |
mircea_popescu | so basicvally... any dollar over 100 anyone pays on a btc is a dollar lost. | [14:11] |
Bugpowder | argh | [14:12] |
Bugpowder | I wish I was trusted | [14:12] |
troc | depends on the assumption that it is sheeple day traders | [14:12] |
mjr_ | and it also depends on the demand dropping off way before the new adopters get in | [14:12] |
mircea_popescu | demand is fueled by price increase expectation. | [14:13] |
mjr_ | yes | [14:13] |
mircea_popescu | thus a classical bubble. | [14:13] |
mjr_ | yes | [14:13] |
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mircea_popescu | well... it won't work. | [14:13] |
mjr_ | but there are emergent phenomena | [14:13] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;market --sell 100000 | [14:13] |
gribble | A market order to sell 100000 bitcoins right now would net 7998039.7682 USD and would take the last price down to 36.0500 USD, resulting in an average price of 79.9804 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0044 seconds | [14:13] |
mjr_ | and in this case bitcoin is so small that the fuel supply is huge | [14:13] |
mircea_popescu | ^ | [14:13] |
troc | shame there are no stats mtgox demographic | [14:13] |
mircea_popescu | mjr_ it's not really that huge. | [14:14] |
mircea_popescu | all it takes is telling the few dozen people with money to stfu already. | [14:14] |
mjr_ | the entire world economy? | [14:14] |
mircea_popescu | the reddit crowd of 50k people with 50 bux each is irrelevant. | [14:14] |
mjr_ | that is the fuel available | [14:14] |
mircea_popescu | notrly | [14:14] |
mjr_ | how? everyone with fiat could buy bitcoins | [14:14] |
mjr_ | if they chose to | [14:14] |
Bugpowder | I wish I had confidence that gox wont explode with my money | [14:14] |
mjr_ | now, as they learn more and more | [14:15] |
mircea_popescu | mjr_ yeah. and every single guy could get a hot girl | [14:15] |
mjr_ | more may choose to | [14:15] |
mircea_popescu | if he chose to. | [14:15] |
mircea_popescu | except not how things work irl. | [14:15] |
mjr_ | not the same at all | [14:15] |
mjr_ | i have x amount of cash, i CAN buy a bitcoin | [14:15] |
mircea_popescu | no you can't. | [14:15] |
Bugpowder | fast cash is out | [14:15] |
mjr_ | how can i not buy a bitcoin? i guaranttee i can buy one right now | [14:15] |
mircea_popescu | on what, coinbase ? :D | [14:15] |
* | fishfish has quit (Quit: Zzzzz..zzzzz) | [14:15] |
mjr_ | no probably bitfloor or bitinstant | [14:16] |
mjr_ | within the hour...usually | [14:16] |
* | Schadenfreude ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [14:16] |
mircea_popescu | you know what i mean. | [14:16] |
mjr_ | point being, the number of possible adopters is orders of magnitudes higher than current adopters | [14:16] |
mircea_popescu | sure. | [14:16] |
mjr_ | so the possible new speculators is huge | [14:17] |
mircea_popescu | but they don't have to all do it right nao | [14:17] |
mircea_popescu | nor should they. | [14:17] |
mircea_popescu | speculators are not adopters. | [14:17] |
mjr_ | and as it looks like a "sure thing" that number will increase | [14:17] |
mircea_popescu | and retarded trend followers are NOT speculators. | [14:17] |
mjr_ | IMO whoever buys one has "adopted" it | [14:17] |
mircea_popescu | that's too loose for this convo i think | [14:17] |
mjr_ | perhaps true | [14:17] |
mjr_ | but the point is this...critical mass | [14:17] |
mircea_popescu | by that logic every time i pay a waitress i'm getting married | [14:17] |
mjr_ | huh? that doesn't follow | [14:17] |
mircea_popescu | money changing hands does not necessarily reflect any sort of adoption | [14:18] |
mjr_ | i now own a bitcoin...i am a part of the bitcoin economy | [14:18] |
mircea_popescu | arguably. | [14:18] |
mjr_ | i can sell immediately | [14:18] |
mjr_ | i may not be a long term believer | [14:18] |
mircea_popescu | so then what have you adopted ? | [14:18] |
mircea_popescu | mtgox ? | [14:18] |
mjr_ | its like ants and brains | [14:18] |
mjr_ | from this low level base speculation | [14:19] |
mjr_ | ecnomies of scale form and emerge | [14:19] |
mircea_popescu | economies of scale are a property of production | [14:19] |
mjr_ | phenomena where things that weren't possible become possible | [14:19] |
mircea_popescu | that has nothing to do with financial speculation. | [14:19] |
mjr_ | for exapmle, i'm western union...i can't move any signifigant amount of money over btc network | [14:19] |
mjr_ | oh wait, now i can...adopt | [14:19] |
mjr_ | furthering the rise | [14:20] |
mjr_ | and creating a platform for the next person to see that it now makes sense for them | [14:20] |
mircea_popescu | the market cap hasn't been the limiting factor since mid feb. | [14:20] |
mjr_ | well...we have seen bitpay process 5 million dollars in one month | [14:20] |
mircea_popescu | i understand what you're saying but i think you're focusing on relatively small signals | [14:20] |
mircea_popescu | whereas there's much larger ones painting a diff picture. | [14:20] |
mjr_ | and i agree...i'm just saying that this is the network effect in action | [14:21] |
mircea_popescu | not really. | [14:21] |
mjr_ | every person buying one bitcoin not only gets one bitcoin they also create a positive externality | [14:21] |
mircea_popescu | this is just a bunch of poor and desperate people who are unemployed and stuck with their computer in a barely furnished apartment | [14:21] |
mircea_popescu | hoping they've finally found the way out of the hole. | [14:21] |
mircea_popescu | it is not that. | [14:21] |
mjr_ | irrelevant | [14:21] |
mjr_ | like saying every person who works a minimum wage job is not part of US economy | [14:22] |
mircea_popescu | not really. | [14:22] |
mjr_ | they are not a large part, but as a group they make up a large portion | [14:22] |
mircea_popescu | that's not the point tho. the point is that people are buyingsomething they can't afford and haven't researched on the unfounded hope that it will "go up more". | [14:22] |
mircea_popescu | this will fuck them over. | [14:23] |
Bugpowder | ;;bids 0 | [14:23] |
gribble | There are currently 41174385 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 10050755.7489 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0106 seconds | [14:23] |
mircea_popescu | there is no point discussing events and externalities and whatever else. fuck them over, it will. | [14:23] |
mjr_ | i agree | [14:23] |
mircea_popescu | now that aside, higher mkt cap is great, sure. | [14:23] |
mjr_ | but this is what i was saying...if everyone tomorrow says "i heard of this thing called bitcoin, i will get 1 bitcoin" and there are a million of them | [14:23] |
mircea_popescu | people with a clue priced out of the market by the lemming mania isn't quite as great, | [14:24] |
mjr_ | that is a hundred million dollars more in the bitcoin economy | [14:24] |
mircea_popescu | but they'll live. | [14:24] |
mjr_ | signifigant, though each person did something minor | [14:24] |
mircea_popescu | it's not 1mn worth of bitcoin economy. | [14:24] |
mircea_popescu | it's 1mn worth of bitcoin fiat value. | [14:24] |
mjr_ | fair distinction | [14:24] |
mircea_popescu | and this is why the entire adoption thing is so important. | [14:24] |
mjr_ | i totally agree | [14:24] |
mircea_popescu | if all they do with their bitcoin is try and resell it ... | [14:24] |
mircea_popescu | it could have been a fucking vase. | [14:24] |
mjr_ | but this is bootstrapping 101 | [14:24] |
mircea_popescu | it doesn't need to be bitcoin for that purpose | [14:25] |
bgupta | I tend to agree, that there is a share of people out there buying this shit with money they can't afford to lose. Including So EU folks. However, I do wonder if "real money" will at some point also chose to dip their toes in the water? | [14:25] |
mircea_popescu | they could go resel tulips | [14:25] |
mjr_ | yes...but tulips didn't actually exist | [14:25] |
bgupta | heh apt analogy | [14:25] |
mircea_popescu | bgupta you think it hasn't so far ? | [14:25] |
mjr_ | they were trading tulip futures and options on tulips that had never been created and never would | [14:25] |
mircea_popescu | right. | [14:25] |
mjr_ | these bitcoins exist | [14:25] |
mircea_popescu | so why bother with bitcouin, if you wanna pyramid go trade moonrocks. | [14:25] |
mjr_ | so i don't think that is an apt analogy | [14:25] |
bgupta | with a 1.3 billion marketcap? | [14:25] |
mircea_popescu | actually, go trade ltc. | [14:25] |
mjr_ | you could do that | [14:26] |
* | Bugpowder has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [14:26] |
bgupta | ok maybe their little toes | [14:26] |
mjr_ | my point is this, it is too early and most are too stupid to understand | [14:26] |
mjr_ | so buy one | [14:26] |
mircea_popescu | bgupta fucking fate of doom, trying to protect bitcoin from attacks. | [14:26] |
mjr_ | and hold it | [14:26] |
mjr_ | and see what happens with some skin in the game | [14:26] |
mjr_ | most people would say sure why not | [14:26] |
mjr_ | and as far as this distinction between fiat and bitcoin | [14:26] |
mjr_ | what difference does it make if i hold 4 5's or one twenty | [14:27] |
mjr_ | fiat is making change | [14:27] |
mjr_ | that is why the ATM is so important | [14:27] |
mircea_popescu | 500 - Internal server error - Bitcoin Charts | [14:27] |
mjr_ | hold money in bitcoin, transfer money with bitcoin, withdraw in local currency | [14:27] |
mircea_popescu | that thinfg is becoming a study in creative ways to fail | [14:27] |
mjr_ | not sure about their implementation, but the idea is sound...same as trading "demand deposits" for cash | [14:28] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C101T] 5 @ 0.27296125 = 1.3648 BTC [+] | [14:28] |
mircea_popescu | Italian police have seized a record (EURO)1.3 billion ($1.7 billion) in cash and property from a single person, a Sicilian alternative energy entrepreneur alleged to have close ties to the Mafia. | [14:28] |
mircea_popescu | heh | [14:28] |
mjr_ | bitcoin is layer 2, maybe 3 in a financial OSI model | [14:28] |
mjr_ | we need layer 7 to emerge | [14:29] |
KRS1337 | lol mjr | [14:29] |
mircea_popescu | seems italy is balancing its budget roman empire style. | [14:29] |
KRS1337 | how can the network keep up with transactions? transactional data from visa alone is mind boggling. | [14:30] |
KRS1337 | i never understood how ppl can call it a currency, maybe theres something im not understanding. | [14:30] |
mjr_ | currency is the medium of exchange | [14:30] |
KRS1337 | takes a while sometimes to transfer btc just from one point to another | [14:31] |
mjr_ | less time than mailing an envelope of cash | [14:31] |
KRS1337 | right but how can the network keep up | [14:31] |
mjr_ | this is the point | [14:31] |
KRS1337 | what about buying gas | [14:31] |
jurov | KRS1337: even medium businesses can easily keep up with blockchain growing 1TB/month | [14:31] |
mjr_ | do people use fedwire for everytransaction? | [14:31] |
KRS1337 | am i supposed to wait there while the gas station receives my btc? | [14:31] |
mjr_ | no | [14:31] |
mjr_ | eventually | [14:31] |
KRS1337 | i dun see it.. | [14:31] |
jurov | but easy turnkey solution needs to be engineered | [14:32] |
mjr_ | you will have services that will have enough trust or deposit to be able to do 0 conf | [14:32] |
mjr_ | for example, i have done business with you every day | [14:32] |
mjr_ | i don't need to wait | [14:32] |
KRS1337 | lol yeaaah | [14:32] |
mjr_ | its not even that i trust you as a person | [14:32] |
KRS1337 | tourism? | [14:32] |
KRS1337 | idk | [14:32] |
mjr_ | i just trust that you don't have the ability to double spend (not trivial) | [14:32] |
KRS1337 | dont see it | [14:32] |
KRS1337 | trust...heh | [14:32] |
KRS1337 | just like i was trusting my friend about mining til i realized he was trolling me to buy my gpu's | [14:33] |
KRS1337 | friend of 25 yrs | [14:33] |
mjr_ | as in, pulling off a successful double spend in real life after a face to face transaction is probably very difficult, AND not worht it | [14:33] |
mircea_popescu | let's get back to what the blaze does well, cause btc not rly : | [14:33] |
KRS1337 | i dont see the network at this point to keep up with transactional data sufficient for btc to be a currency..doubt it will evar be there =( | [14:34] |
* | LainZ (913e2081@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [14:34] |
mjr_ | KRS1337 that is the point...the network doesn't have to | [14:35] |
mjr_ | banks use fedwire to move around the DELTA from their days transactions, they aggregate and net the transactions first | [14:35] |
mjr_ | and most businesses will have to do that too | [14:35] |
KRS1337 | i dont see btc getting from me to you with that model. | [14:36] |
mjr_ | the same way that mt gox does not publish to the block chain for EVERY trade | [14:36] |
mjr_ | and yet it does, right now | [14:36] |
mjr_ | every day | [14:36] |
KRS1337 | u are talking about having an account with every merchant | [14:36] |
mjr_ | no | [14:36] |
mircea_popescu | mjr_ amuysingly, people are still proposibng that bitcoin financials be handled by "colored coins:" | [14:36] |
mjr_ | i'm talking about you having one account | [14:36] |
KRS1337 | oh see then theres stuff im not understanding | [14:36] |
mjr_ | for example, if i have a gox account, and everyone trusts gox, they can take my transaction without even hitting the blockchain | [14:37] |
KRS1337 | first its the "colored" coins then its..."whites" only accepted here ma'am | [14:37] |
mjr_ | this is what i was saying about "bitcoin is layer 1 or 2 maybe 3 of the financial OSI model" | [14:37] |
mjr_ | gox would be like a layer 4 | [14:37] |
TradeFortress | mjr_ and I strongly think it'll happen | [14:37] |
KRS1337 | ohhhhhhhhhhhhh i see | [14:37] |
KRS1337 | I gottcha =D | [14:37] |
mjr_ | and eventually we will see layers 5-7 | [14:37] |
KRS1337 | yep | [14:37] |
mjr_ | anyway, i have to do some work, but i like the anarchy of a free market, whatever happens is supposed to happen, how well you do depends on your skill and risk profile | [14:38] |
mjr_ | financial darwinism | [14:38] |
KRS1337 | have a good one =D | [14:38] |
* | Smoovious has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [14:43] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C047T] 4 @ 0.75 = 3 BTC | [14:43] |
mircea_popescu | deposits flushed. | [14:45] |
ThickAsThieves | litecoin at .043 | [14:47] |
ThickAsThieves | stop the madness | [14:47] |
KRS1337 | huh | [14:48] |
KRS1337 | litecoin at 5.48 | [14:48] |
KRS1337 | does btc drive ltc or something or is this spec | [14:48] |
mircea_popescu | this made me think of jurov. | [14:48] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.01002 BTC [-] | [14:55] |
* | error4733 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [14:56] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.788 BTC [+] | [14:56] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.7888 BTC [+] | [14:56] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.7889 BTC [+] | [14:56] |
error4733 | !last h vtx | [14:56] |
assbot | Last trade for VTX on HAVELOCK was at 0.479955 BTC [+] | [14:56] |
error4733 | !last m s.dice | [14:56] |
assbot | Last trade for S.DICE on MPEX was at 0.00310001 BTC [-] | [14:56] |
error4733 | !ticker m s.dice | [14:57] |
assbot | [MPEX:S.DICE] 1D: 0.00310001 / 0.00367057 / 0.00400173 (23221 shares, 85.23 BTC), 7D: 0.0031 / 0.00331136 / 0.00448 (714710 shares, 2,366.66 BTC), 30D: 0.00300001 / 0.004241 / 0.006225 (1567539 shares, 6,647.93 BTC) | [14:57] |
* | jMyles has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [14:58] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;bc,24hprc | [15:00] |
gribble | Error: Failed to retrieve data. Try again later. | [15:00] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;goxlag | [15:00] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 8.573174 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.017180544706 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin one full loop along the orbit of the Moon around Earth (0.016 AU). | [15:00] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 20 @ 0.00479 = 0.0958 BTC [+] | [15:04] |
* | TradeFortress has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | [15:04] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 21 @ 0.0048 = 0.1008 BTC [+] | [15:07] |
* | Bugpowder (47ab6a02@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [15:09] |
* | damientrog (~dtrog@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [15:09] |
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error4733 | so where is this guy, shortinb BTC @ 34$ ?? | [15:17] |
error4733 | shorting* | [15:17] |
Bugpowder | he's gone | [15:17] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.355 BTC [+] | [15:18] |
Bugpowder | Edmonton | [15:18] |
Bugpowder | off in the tar sands | [15:18] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 100 @ 0.00362 = 0.362 BTC [-] | [15:18] |
Bugpowder | driving a new truck | [15:18] |
error4733 | and watch behind him every 5 min. | [15:19] |
error4733 | watching* | [15:19] |
Bugpowder | cmon gox | [15:19] |
Bugpowder | clear mah shit | [15:19] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.00301 BTC [-] | [15:19] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 1 @ 0.00301 BTC [-] | [15:20] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 98 @ 0.003 = 0.294 BTC [-] | [15:20] |
Bugpowder | did we just freaking stabilize at 140 | [15:21] |
ThickAsThieves | $avg | [15:21] |
Bugpowder | ;;bids 0 | [15:22] |
mpexbot | ThickAsThieves: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. | [15:22] |
gribble | There are currently 41100820 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 10190648.8699 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0108 seconds | [15:22] |
unbalanced_ | North America is arriving at its desk. | [15:23] |
mjr_ | ltc ftw? | [15:24] |
mjr_ | shorting at 34 :( poor guy | [15:24] |
mircea_popescu | Bugpowder yea | [15:25] |
mjr_ | one does not simply naked short bitcoin | [15:25] |
* | Smoovious ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [15:25] |
thestringpuller | $avg | [15:26] |
mpexbot | thestringpuller: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. | [15:26] |
thestringpuller | ????? | [15:27] |
thestringpuller | ;;avgprc | [15:27] |
gribble | (avgprc |
[15:27] |
thestringpuller | ;;avgprc usd 24h | [15:27] |
gribble | Error: Failed to retrieve data. Try again later. | [15:27] |
thestringpuller | srsly? | [15:27] |
thestringpuller | dafuck | [15:27] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [15:27] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 140.10000, Best ask: 140.59898, Bid-ask spread: 0.49898, Last trade: 140.10000, 24 hour volume: 124750.35588336, 24 hour low: 106.50004, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 123.35842 | [15:27] |
mjr_ | could they make the bots sound like the unsullied in game of thrones? | [15:29] |
mjr_ | (more accurately in the series a song of ice and fire) | [15:29] |
* | Guest00001 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [15:31] |
* | GoWest (~Gonzago@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [15:31] |
* | error4733 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [15:33] |
* | Guest00001 is now known as error4733 | [15:33] |
mircea_popescu | "The Obama administration is engaged in a broad push to make more home loans available to people with weaker credit" | [15:39] |
mircea_popescu | totally. | [15:39] |
Bugpowder | Also Teslas. | [15:39] |
Bugpowder | | [15:39] |
Bugpowder | Why do I get the feeling that the reason the gox price is over 140 is because THEY AREN'T CLEARING BTC DEPOSITS. | [15:40] |
kakobrekla | dont worry they are clearing wires as well | [15:40] |
kakobrekla | arent | [15:40] |
Bugpowder | they are probably making me thousands of dollars right now | [15:41] |
Bugpowder | by this delay | [15:41] |
mircea_popescu | | [15:41] |
kakobrekla | you gonna dump? | [15:41] |
mircea_popescu | have you looked at the ask side ? | [15:41] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 4 @ 0.355 = 1.42 BTC [+] | [15:43] |
mircea_popescu | "Luke Jr. was not only evasive in the thread linked, but he also went out of his way to deceive. He also deserves a scammer tag IMO, but I guess that's a seperate matter." | [15:43] |
mircea_popescu | hey, people are starting to notice luke isn't really trustworthy at all ?! | [15:43] |
mircea_popescu | im amazed. | [15:43] |
SomeoneWeird | +1 | [15:43] |
kakobrekla | well its church going people, what can you expect | [15:43] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;ticker | [15:44] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 141.08001, Best ask: 141.08999, Bid-ask spread: 0.00998, Last trade: 141.09000, 24 hour volume: 124551.53625655, 24 hour low: 106.95100, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 123.48914 | [15:44] |
mircea_popescu | kakobrekla that's not even it. they have a little scam entreprise going, giga propping bfl, bfl giving money to luke, iot's an entire nest of fuckwittery. | [15:46] |
mircea_popescu | but they're getting squeezed and yes i see sentences in their future. | [15:47] |
mircea_popescu | i would guess after their unmitigated failure of epic proportions trying to attack sdice they should sorta get exactly how deep in the shit they be. | [15:47] |
* | saulimus has quit (Quit: saulimus) | [15:58] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;nethash | [15:58] |
gribble | 62896.7954203 | [15:58] |
mjr_ | vires in numeris :) | [16:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C164T] 1 @ 0.12092692 BTC | [16:07] |
Schadenfreude | ;;ticker | [16:08] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 141.10430, Best ask: 141.60000, Bid-ask spread: 0.49570, Last trade: 141.60000, 24 hour volume: 125115.26791435, 24 hour low: 106.95100, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 123.71988 | [16:08] |
Schadenfreude | Doesn|t | [16:08] |
Schadenfreude | Doesn't look like it's correcting today | [16:09] |
Bugpowder | ITS CORRECTING TO ITS TRUE VALUE $100000 | [16:09] |
Schadenfreude | Might be painful if the bubble is fueled by the stream of just verified mtgox users | [16:10] |
mjr_ | should be interesting | [16:11] |
mjr_ | i don't think most of the money showed up to the party yet | [16:11] |
* | LainZ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [16:11] |
bitesak | april 5th for the coinlabs it seems | [16:13] |
Bugpowder | based on what/ | [16:13] |
Bugpowder | I signed up in the first hour | [16:14] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 5 @ 0.105 = 0.525 BTC [+] | [16:14] |
Bugpowder | heard nothing so far | [16:14] |
Bugpowder | bot is back | [16:14] |
* | daybyter has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | [16:15] |
mircea_popescu | 2001-09-12 02:55:42 Arch [1612111] D ALPHA monitor@ccbill.c| Load high|Load averages high on 42.54 14.58 24.08 Tue Sep 11 23:56:01 MST 2001 | [16:19] |
bitesak | on their page I think, that buys were delayed until funds cleared on the 5th | [16:20] |
mircea_popescu | lmao on sept 11 ccbill (pron processor) was having load issues | [16:20] |
mircea_popescu | 2001-09-12 02:56:00 Arch [1425048] C ALPHA 300~MPfetchData:openConnectionToManager:ERROR CONNECTING: : www36 connectToServerPort:socket/socket timed out at /home/crdtdrv/creditderivatives/script/ line 342, |
[16:21] |
mircea_popescu | that also sounds happy. | [16:21] |
mircea_popescu | anyway. the new wikileaks is fun. | [16:21] |
TomServo | new? | [16:22] |
TomServo | huh, have they really not released anything this year yet? | [16:22] |
TomServo | ;;goxlag --au | [16:22] |
gribble | (goxlag [--raw]) -- Retrieve mtgox order processing lag. If --raw option is specified only output the raw number of seconds. Otherwise, dress it up. | [16:22] |
TomServo | ;;goxlag | [16:22] |
gribble | Error: Problem retrieving gox lag. Try again later. | [16:22] |
* | Bugpowder has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [16:23] |
mircea_popescu | TomServo buncha crap imo | [16:23] |
* | tk993 (~tk993@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:24] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 300 @ 0.0035 = 1.05 BTC [+] | [16:25] |
* | Schadenfreude has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | [16:26] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.7889 BTC [+] | [16:27] |
* | makomk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [16:29] |
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TomServo | whups, mtgox 'bad gateway' | [16:30] |
mircea_popescu | aww | [16:31] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.4151 = 4.151 BTC [-] | [16:32] |
mjr_ | greed, for lack of a better word, is good... | [16:32] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 9 @ 0.415 = 3.735 BTC [-] | [16:33] |
pigeons | what's the word on this bitcoin-central stuff? I haven't been following. i guess finally people won't use rails. | [16:33] |
thestringpuller | mircea_popescu: why is bot only quoting half the time? | [16:34] |
* | troic (~troic@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:35] |
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* | LainZ (913e2081@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:37] |
mircea_popescu | thestringpuller no ? | [16:39] |
mircea_popescu | pigeons they've not said. | [16:39] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [16:40] |
pgp | err... gox down? | [16:40] |
gribble | Error: Failure to retrieve ticker. Try again later. | [16:40] |
thestringpuller | probably | [16:40] |
thestringpuller | lol | [16:40] |
pgp | lag is one thing, but when was the last time that the website was down? | [16:41] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P149T] 1000 @ 0.53221009 = 532.2101 BTC | [16:41] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P146T] 1000 @ 0.50349593 = 503.4959 BTC | [16:41] |
mircea_popescu | mother of god | [16:41] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P143T] 1000 @ 0.47535254 = 475.3525 BTC | [16:41] |
thestringpuller | a few days ago | [16:42] |
thestringpuller | are those sells? | [16:42] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.P140T] 718 @ 0.44780886 = 321.5268 BTC | [16:42] |
mircea_popescu | no, they are buys | [16:42] |
mircea_popescu | $vwap ^oix | [16:42] |
mpexbot | mircea_popescu: ^OIX 1 day: no data 7 day: average: 104.38442482 high: 139.37849244 low: 93.3570601 volume: 14875 btc: 6862.82806499 30 day: no data | [16:42] |
pgp | that's a lot of puts... | [16:42] |
mircea_popescu | if mtgox comes out with a hack... | [16:43] |
[\] | mircea_popescu: I'll have properly called it. | [16:43] |
pgp | then it might just eb the trade of the century | [16:43] |
* | saulimus ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:43] |
mircea_popescu | [\] sigh | [16:43] |
[\] | you know its coming | [16:44] |
[\] | they handle thousands of btc | [16:44] |
[\] | and if they're all valued at $125 per | [16:44] |
pgp | you'd think that there would eb selling on the other exchanges... | [16:44] |
[\] | thats a pretty juicy target | [16:44] |
[\] | but for the record, loads for me | [16:44] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.4 = 2 BTC [-] | [16:45] |
[\] | oh look, we're at $141 | [16:45] |
thestringpuller | if mtgox goes hella down long term like tradehill price will plummet | [16:45] |
KRS-1 | shhh | [16:46] |
[\] | ;;rate thestringpuller -1 uses the word 'hella' | [16:46] |
gribble | Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system. | [16:46] |
Scrat | ;;rate thestringpuller 1 hella cool | [16:47] |
gribble | Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system. | [16:47] |
thestringpuller | the coinlab deal can't happen fast enough | [16:47] |
thestringpuller | lol | [16:47] |
mjr_ | gox is up for me | [16:47] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [16:48] |
gribble | Error: Failure to retrieve ticker. Try again later. | [16:48] |
thestringpuller | they cut off api, is up? | [16:48] |
mircea_popescu |
[16:48] |
pgp | up, but no fresh data | [16:49] |
* | Diablo-D3 has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | [16:49] |
pgp | last trade 39 min ago... | [16:49] |
Scrat | because making a trading engine that doesn't die with the slightest hint of traffic is ROCKET SURGERY | [16:49] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6200 @ 0.00068037 = 4.2183 BTC [-] | [16:50] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8450 @ 0.00069259 = 5.8524 BTC [+] | [16:50] |
mircea_popescu | Scrat you're just jealous because they're your competitor. | [16:53] |
pgp | it just sucks for the bitcoin community as a whole when this shit happens | [16:54] |
mjr_ | it's socket science actually | [16:54] |
pgp | word | [16:54] |
bgupta | n mtgox-rt | [16:54] |
mjr_ | ;;calc 1777.64s / 60 | [16:55] |
gribble | Error: invalid syntax ( |
[16:55] |
Scrat | mircea_popescu: I fucking wish I could become a competitor. sadly the amount of red tape and paperwork to pull it off is otherwordly | [16:55] |
mjr_ | ;;calc 1777.64s/60 | [16:55] |
gribble | Error: invalid syntax ( |
[16:55] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;ticker | [16:55] |
mjr_ | ;;calc 1777.64/60 | [16:55] |
gribble | 29.6273333333 | [16:55] |
[\] | lol @ rocket surgery | [16:55] |
gribble | Error: Failure to retrieve ticker. Try again later. | [16:55] |
* | boydy ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:56] |
* | boydy has quit (Changing host) | [16:56] |
* | boydy (~BB@unaffiliated/boydy) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:56] |
* | LainZ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [16:57] |
mircea_popescu | Scrat im just freely distributing that nonsense, i got a whole semi's worth | [16:57] |
* | boydy has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [16:57] |
error4733 | ;;ticker | [17:03] |
gribble | Error: Failure to retrieve ticker. Try again later. | [17:03] |
error4733 | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 189.40000, Best ask: 189.89898, Bid-ask spread: 0.49898, Last trade: 189.40000, 24 hour volume: 124750.35588336, 24 hour low: 106.50004, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 123.35842 | [17:03] |
mod6 | wat | [17:03] |
error4733 | :trollface: | [17:03] |
Scrat | error4733: oh u | [17:03] |
pigeons | well at least s.dice is up | [17:04] |
mod6 | haha | [17:04] |
mod6 | im like 189?! | [17:04] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [17:04] |
mod6 | <--- chowned | [17:04] |
mircea_popescu | aptly named error | [17:04] |
nanotube | haha | [17:04] |
pigeons | ;;goxlag | [17:04] |
gribble | Error: Problem retrieving gox lag. Try again later. | [17:05] |
nanotube | we're probably out to neptune by now. | [17:05] |
ThickAsThieves | whoa | [17:06] |
mircea_popescu | ;;goxlag[goxlag] | [17:06] |
gribble | Error: Problem retrieving gox lag. Try again later. | [17:06] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;ticker | [17:06] |
gribble | Error: Failure to retrieve ticker. Try again later. | [17:06] |
mircea_popescu | needs recursion | [17:06] |
error4733 | 45 minutes laaaag | [17:06] |
ThickAsThieves | wtf | [17:06] |
* | Enky__ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:06] |
bgupta | mtgox ddos | [17:07] |
ThickAsThieves | ddos of buyers | [17:07] |
* | wiggzz (4a5f18d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:07] |
bgupta | btc-e also ddos | [17:07] |
ThickAsThieves | campbx up | [17:07] |
pigeons | yes but that's every day for btc-e | [17:08] |
ThickAsThieves | selling at 140 | [17:08] |
* | Enky_ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [17:10] |
* | GoWest has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [17:12] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.91 BTC [-] | [17:13] |
* | troic has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [17:13] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 5 @ 0.4 = 2 BTC [-] | [17:14] |
* | jurov has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [17:16] |
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jcpham | mtgox is awesome sometimes | [17:17] |
ThickAsThieves | so do we have any updates or anything | [17:17] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.8799 BTC [-] | [17:18] |
jcpham | check the tweeter | [17:18] |
ThickAsThieves | ? | [17:18] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;ticker | [17:18] |
gribble | Error: Failure to retrieve ticker. Try again later. | [17:18] |
[\] | ThickAsThieves: coming soon | [17:19] |
[\] | in other news, bfl shipping soon | [17:19] |
* | gesell (~user@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:19] |
* | GoMaD has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [17:19] |
[\] | ;;genrate 1000 | [17:20] |
gribble | The expected generation output, at 1000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 6695826.2826, is 0.0751074617539 BTC per day and 0.00312947757308 BTC per hour. | [17:20] |
error4733 | yes please ship this minirig i preorder for 5000btc in august | [17:20] |
ThickAsThieves | why do i have to auth zendesk to click twitter links now? | [17:20] |
jcpham | ;;genrate 3000 | [17:20] |
gribble | The expected generation output, at 3000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 6695826.2826, is 0.225322385262 BTC per day and 0.00938843271924 BTC per hour. | [17:20] |
jcpham | killing it | [17:20] |
[\] | lol error4733 | [17:20] |
[\] | ;;genrate 1500000 | [17:20] |
gribble | The expected generation output, at 1500000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 6695826.2826, is 112.661192631 BTC per day and 4.69421635962 BTC per hour. | [17:21] |
* | LainZ (913e2081@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:21] |
error4733 | ;;calc 5000*141 | [17:21] |
gribble | 705000 | [17:21] |
ThickAsThieves | funny that gox wants to add litecoin | [17:21] |
ThickAsThieves | cant even handle bitcoin | [17:21] |
jcpham | [\] lend me your hashes for a day | [17:21] |
jcpham | whenever you are caught up | [17:21] |
jcpham | just a day | [17:21] |
jcpham | and by lend i mean gift | [17:21] |
[\] | you can borrow them for .08/GH/Day | [17:21] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.8794 BTC [-] | [17:22] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 4 @ 1.879 = 7.516 BTC [-] | [17:22] |
jcpham | i'm confused but i agree | [17:22] |
[\] | Send me 8BTC and I'll throw 100GH your way | [17:22] |
pgp | this will end badly | [17:22] |
jcpham | for how long? | [17:22] |
[\] | an hour or 24 | [17:23] |
jcpham | ;;genrate 100000 | [17:23] |
gribble | The expected generation output, at 100000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 6695826.2826, is 7.51074617539 BTC per day and 0.312947757308 BTC per hour. | [17:23] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [17:23] |
jcpham | that's no good | [17:23] |
thestringpuller | nopesy | [17:23] |
gribble | Error: Failure to retrieve ticker. Try again later. | [17:23] |
jcpham | how about 4BTC instead | [17:23] |
jcpham | i have 4BTC | [17:23] |
[\] | why would I use hashes for half price? | [17:24] |
thestringpuller | lol | [17:24] |
jcpham | friendship | [17:24] |
thestringpuller | lolololol | [17:24] |
jcpham | rainbows | [17:24] |
jcpham | also unicorns | [17:24] |
thestringpuller | oh man HIM is plummeting | [17:24] |
thestringpuller | !ticker H HIM | [17:24] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK:HIM] 1D: 1.87900000 / 1.95542273 / 2.04400000 (22 shares, 43.01930000 BTC), 7D: 1.80000000 / 1.92511728 / 2.08000000 (162 shares, 311.86899996 BTC), 30D: 1.40001001 / 1.80131545 / 2.08000000 (735 shares, 1323.96685265 BTC) | [17:24] |
[\] | jcpham: | [17:25] |
jcpham | i would eat that unicorn poop | [17:25] |
gesell | ;goxlag | [17:25] |
gesell | ;;goxlag | [17:25] |
gribble | Error: Problem retrieving gox lag. Try again later. | [17:26] |
gesell | yeeeah | [17:26] |
thestringpuller | wow gox has turned off all external apis | [17:26] |
gesell | anyone know whats up? | [17:26] |
thestringpuller | gox isn't accepting API requests | [17:26] |
* | Bugpowder (cef100f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:26] |
gesell | not just external api's. The mtgox website shows the same USD price for the past hour | [17:26] |
Bugpowder | RIP BITCOIN 4.3.2013 | [17:26] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.879 BTC [-] | [17:27] |
deadweasel | we hardley knew ye | [17:27] |
ThickAsThieves | question is, will it fo up or down after gox is back | [17:27] |
ThickAsThieves | go* | [17:27] |
thestringpuller | down | [17:27] |
jcpham | guys just remember the bitcoin isn't rocketing up | [17:27] |
jcpham | the currency used to purchase it is rocketing down | [17:27] |
thestringpuller | maybe 40 dollars it will go down | [17:27] |
thestringpuller | ;;market --sell | [17:27] |
gribble | (market sell [--usd] |
[17:27] |
Bugpowder | its correcting to the proper level | [17:27] |
error4733 | still 135$ on BTC E | [17:28] |
gesell | we really should use "the bitcoin" instead of "bitcoin". definitely love seeing the news heads on tv say "the bitcoin" | [17:28] |
thestringpuller | ;;market sell 10000 | [17:28] |
gribble | A market order to sell 10000 bitcoins right now would net 1286684.1179 USD and would take the last price down to 116.2000 USD, resulting in an average price of 128.6684 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0009 seconds | [17:28] |
thestringpuller | ;;market sell 100000 | [17:28] |
gribble | A market order to sell 100000 bitcoins right now would net 8014161.6596 USD and would take the last price down to 35.6000 USD, resulting in an average price of 80.1416 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 12.6226 seconds | [17:28] |
* | sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:28] |
* | topace_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [17:28] |
thestringpuller | Wouldn't take much at all | [17:28] |
ThickAsThieves | maybe think of it this way, btc has been going up for a while, it needs to seek some sort of value where it reaches a plateau of ups and downs | [17:28] |
ThickAsThieves | its seeking that value still | [17:28] |
thestringpuller | well gox is going to cause the price run real quick | [17:29] |
ThickAsThieves | if you could sell at 140 now would you? | [17:31] |
thestringpuller | "Database access error, please retry later" | [17:31] |
thestringpuller | i sell at all price points as it moves in and out | [17:31] |
thestringpuller | keep coffers even | [17:31] |
deadweasel | sold 5% at 140 this morn. | [17:31] |
ThickAsThieves | i'm gonna sell a lil | [17:32] |
gesell | is there an irc room for mtgox around? | [17:32] |
ThickAsThieves | #mtgox | [17:32] |
thestringpuller | I think coinbas is trying to buy up coins | [17:32] |
gesell | ThickAsThieves: its closed | [17:33] |
Bugpowder | bitcoinity has gold charts? | [17:33] |
ThickAsThieves | oh | [17:33] |
Bugpowder | | [17:33] |
* | ChaangNoi (~chaangnoi@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:33] |
* | Anduck has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [17:33] |
thestringpuller | check it out | [17:35] |
thestringpuller | woowoowoowoo | [17:35] |
Bugpowder | I love that everything is down but mpoebot | [17:35] |
thestringpuller | if you guys have calls I'd sell them | [17:35] |
thestringpuller | lol | [17:35] |
Bugpowder | whyy?? | [17:35] |
ThickAsThieves | we can't sell them | [17:35] |
Bugpowder | bot is up | [17:35] |
ThickAsThieves | $avg | [17:35] |
mpexbot | ThickAsThieves: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. | [17:35] |
ThickAsThieves | using what price? | [17:36] |
Bugpowder | oh shit | [17:36] |
Bugpowder | bot is mispricing | [17:36] |
thestringpuller | sell now! | [17:36] |
thestringpuller | lol | [17:36] |
pizzaman1337 | doesn't seem like it's mispricing to me? | [17:36] |
Bugpowder | oh nevermind | [17:37] |
kakobrekla | what is the last price anyway? | [17:37] |
Bugpowder | looking at the wrong strike | [17:37] |
Bugpowder | lolol | [17:37] |
kakobrekla | like 35$ ? | [17:37] |
pizzaman1337 | I see 124.41 on, but that's the 24h | [17:37] |
kakobrekla | ah ok | [17:37] |
kakobrekla | was there a massive selloff or wtf happend anyway? | [17:38] |
jurov | mircea_popescu: there is listtransactions with since parameter now | [17:38] |
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* | Anduck (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:38] |
ThickAsThieves | my guess, is that gox couldnt keep up with deposits of any kind, so price went up | [17:38] |
jurov | although still pretty hairy | [17:38] |
jurov | and what heppened with gox? bitcoinity shows no heartbeat | [17:39] |
* | deadweasel has quit (Quit: leaving) | [17:39] |
ThickAsThieves | my guess, is they are offline trying to catch up, and wont come back til they are comfortable | [17:40] |
* | ThickAsThieves is your resident guess man. | [17:40] |
mircea_popescu | gox is dead. | [17:40] |
* | nes11 (7338db69@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:41] |
jurov | "please wait a bit" lol | [17:41] |
thestringpuller | MagicalTux says the DDos only brought it down for a second, but it's down now because people keep trying to ping it. | [17:41] |
* | ColdHardMetal has quit (Changing host) | [17:41] |
* | ColdHardMetal (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/coldhardmetal) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:41] |
unbalanced_ | Yeah keep pressing reload everyone, that'll help... | [17:41] |
ThickAsThieves | should got cloudflare1 | [17:41] |
ThickAsThieves | hehe | [17:41] |
thestringpuller | i guess this is like tripping a special kid at the olympics eh mircea_popescu ? | [17:41] |
thestringpuller | tripping a kid at the special olympics* | [17:42] |
Bugpowder | [10:39] <@MagicalTux> actually system went down only for a short time, right now it's kept down by all the people trying to access anyway | [17:42] |
Scrat | thestringpuller: my BS detector is redlining atm | [17:42] |
mircea_popescu | ^ | [17:43] |
* | keith_hanson ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:43] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;tslb | [17:43] |
thestringpuller | MtGox isn't "special"? | [17:43] |
gribble | Time since last block: 10 minutes and 1 second | [17:43] |
mircea_popescu | it just reads to me like "we dunno wtf is going on and have no clue that we don't know" | [17:43] |
kakobrekla | bitbet is too cheap; | [17:43] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;estimate | [17:43] |
gribble | Next difficulty estimate | 7780288.78529 based on data since last change | 8775595.58404 based on data for last three days | [17:43] |
jurov | and cloudflare won't help when 100k real ppl with real browser pound something | [17:43] |
thestringpuller | LOL | [17:44] |
ThickAsThieves | i kid | [17:44] |
Bugpowder | Someone tried to sell a Black Lotus, Alpha edition card. Demand crashed Mt. Gox | [17:44] |
keith_hanson | jurov: that, heh. Scaling is a bitch :P | [17:44] |
Scrat | Bugpowder: lold | [17:45] |
mircea_popescu | keith_hanson you the guy with the radio show ? | [17:45] |
keith_hanson | mircea_popescu: I have no radio show, ha | [17:46] |
Bugpowder | r u teh guy with the pedobusting show? | [17:46] |
* | [\] has quit () | [17:46] |
keith_hanson | Bugpowder: You may have me confused with another person, heh | [17:47] |
mircea_popescu | yeah. with... keith... hanson :D | [17:47] |
keith_hanson | Wow. That sucks. I need to SEO my name or something :P | [17:48] |
mircea_popescu | << for the record | [17:48] |
mircea_popescu | nice webskills on display | [17:48] |
keith_hanson | yeah. I see that haha | [17:48] |
ChaangNoi | gox down? | [17:49] |
mod6 | derp mode | [17:49] |
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pizzaman1337 | ;;ticker | [17:50] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.87 BTC [-] | [17:51] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 141.32000, Best ask: 141.32001, Bid-ask spread: 0.00001, Last trade: 141.32001, 24 hour volume: 123106.83272605, 24 hour low: 106.95100, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 123.99916 | [17:51] |
pizzaman1337 | back? | [17:51] |
* | Anduck has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [17:51] |
* | Anduck ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:51] |
* | Anduck has quit (Changing host) | [17:51] |
* | Anduck (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:51] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 850 @ 0.00069537 = 0.5911 BTC [+] | [17:52] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10500 @ 0.00069692 = 7.3177 BTC [+] | [17:52] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5500 @ 0.00069822 = 3.8402 BTC [+] | [17:52] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6700 @ 0.00069999 = 4.6899 BTC [+] | [17:52] |
TomServo | ;;goxlag | [17:52] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 6048.679827 seconds. During this time, light travels 12.1214866489 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Saturn (9.54 AU). | [17:52] |
TomServo | ha | [17:52] |
Bugpowder | $goxlag --au | [17:52] |
Bugpowder | oh | [17:53] |
Bugpowder | u beat me to it | [17:53] |
TomServo | I dopm' | [17:53] |
mircea_popescu | | [17:53] |
mod6 | SOMEONE SET US UP THE BOMB | [17:53] |
mircea_popescu | flatline looks cute. | [17:53] |
TomServo | don't think you need the --au anymore. | [17:53] |
mircea_popescu | $mpexlag | [17:54] |
mpexbot | mircea_popescu: 0.111227035522 seconds | [17:54] |
mod6 | :] | [17:54] |
Bugpowder | now would be a great time to troll tux in #mtgox. | [17:54] |
Bugpowder | re mpexlag | [17:54] |
mircea_popescu | heh. | [17:54] |
ThickAsThieves | $avg | [17:55] |
mpexbot | ThickAsThieves: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. | [17:55] |
kakobrekla | !baselag | [17:56] |
assbot | 6 weeks. | [17:56] |
mircea_popescu | [17:57] | |
mircea_popescu | then it just went to shit from there. | [17:57] |
jurov | and to think yesterday i mentioned goxlax all the way to Eris... | [17:57] |
* | zooe ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [17:58] |
kakobrekla | this kinda works | [17:58] |
kakobrekla |*.transactions&height=500&width=1100&lineMode=connected | [17:58] |
kakobrekla | bitstamp flying blind | [17:59] |
bgupta | of course after that graph, btc rallied back to 140/141 area, and then mtgox shit the bed | [17:59] |
Scrat | is this for real? | [17:59] |
Scrat | or a troll | [17:59] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;tslb | [18:00] |
gribble | Time since last block: 3 minutes and 34 seconds | [18:00] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;goxlag | [18:01] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 6145.968388 seconds. During this time, light travels 12.3164518359 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Saturn (9.54 AU). | [18:01] |
* | diana_coman has quit (Read error: No route to host) | [18:01] |
bgupta | heh lag my ass | [18:01] |
bgupta | that's their fail whale | [18:01] |
* | gesell has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [18:02] |
* | saulimus has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [18:03] |
thestringpuller | ;;goxlag | [18:03] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 5455.751923 seconds. During this time, light travels 10.933265768 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Saturn (9.54 AU). | [18:03] |
* | saulimus ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | Scrat looks to me like one of those $50 pci autotesting packages most hosts will do | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | bgupta exactly | [18:03] |
bgupta | 90 mins | [18:03] |
* | LainZ_ (913e2081@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:04] |
mircea_popescu | still down also | [18:04] |
mircea_popescu | no wait, up nao | [18:04] |
bgupta | slowish | [18:04] |
bgupta | flakey | [18:04] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [18:05] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 141.10000, Best ask: 141.69998, Bid-ask spread: 0.59998, Last trade: 141.69998, 24 hour volume: 123106.83272605, 24 hour low: 106.95100, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 123.99916 | [18:05] |
thestringpuller | ;;goxlag | [18:05] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 4538.34842 seconds. During this time, light travels 9.0947994198 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Saturn (9.54 AU). | [18:05] |
* | LainZ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [18:05] |
error4733 | omg can't wait, it's like chrismas | [18:06] |
ChaangNoi | BTC China @ $151.56 | [18:06] |
ChaangNoi | Bitfloor @ $145 | [18:06] |
ChaangNoi | Bitstamp @ 133.88 | [18:06] |
ChaangNoi | BTC-E @ $130.07 | [18:06] |
ChaangNoi | BTC 24 @ $152 | [18:06] |
error4733 | 90$ or 190$ ? | [18:06] |
mircea_popescu | about 130ish | [18:07] |
kakobrekla | china will grow larger. | [18:07] |
bgupta | The interesting thing I find is all these exchanges including mtgox, mpex,, bf, etc all trade 24x7, without so much as a daily hour of maintenance window. This I believe is unheard of in the finance world. (Certain things do trade like 23 hours a day but on rotating exchanges) | [18:07] |
ChaangNoi | lol gribble | [18:07] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.77 BTC [-] | [18:09] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.769 BTC [-] | [18:09] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 0.76802 = 6.1442 BTC [-] | [18:09] |
* | daybyter ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:09] |
* | Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:12] |
KRS-1 | is this why mt gox is showing btc ~ $110 | [18:13] |
kakobrekla | mircea_popescu worth 130 yet? | [18:14] |
kakobrekla | bah my inner troll is strong sometimes. | [18:14] |
Scrat | bgupta: what is there to perform maintenance on? this isnt 1980 | [18:15] |
ThickAsThieves | goxlag almost caught up | [18:15] |
Scrat | bgupta: oh, did you paste that? | [18:15] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;goxlag | [18:15] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 1102.961906 seconds. During this time, light travels 2.21032331025 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Ceres (in the main asteroid belt) (2.77 AU). | [18:15] |
* | toffoo (~tof@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:16] |
Scrat | mircea_popescu: that shit is plastered all over their mainpage like it's an achievement | [18:16] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.38 = 3.8 BTC [-] | [18:18] |
* | fishfish has quit (Quit: Bye!) | [18:18] |
* | Uglux has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [18:20] |
* | Uglux ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:20] |
* | Uglux has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [18:20] |
* | Uglux ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:21] |
* | Uglux has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [18:21] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [18:21] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 136.27101, Best ask: 140.00000, Bid-ask spread: 3.72899, Last trade: 140.00000, 24 hour volume: 118334.05152003, 24 hour low: 107.07900, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 124.83808 | [18:21] |
* | Uglux ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:22] |
* | [\] (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:23] |
ChaangNoi | if anyone gets an AM dividend please let me know how much it is this week. thanks | [18:24] |
ChaangNoi | ;;goxlag | [18:24] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 912.746648 seconds. During this time, light travels 1.82913406297 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Mars (1.52 AU). | [18:24] |
ChaangNoi | hmm | [18:24] |
KRS-1 | when ticker is used for quote /trade information which exchange does that come from | [18:25] |
jcpham | lemme tell you guys | [18:25] |
jcpham | online resumes are the way to do it | [18:25] |
jcpham | wget -O resume.html | [18:26] |
kakobrekla | resumes are bullshit | [18:26] |
* | diana_coman (~diana_com@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:26] |
ChaangNoi | almost down to earth.. | [18:26] |
jcpham | ./wkhtmltopdf-i386 ../Documents/resume.html ..Documents/resume.pdf | [18:26] |
jcpham | i just turned it into a science | [18:26] |
jcpham | now al i have to do i edit my blogity blog | [18:27] |
jcpham | ./mailresume |
[18:27] |
jcpham | so that was fun. i'm changing employers | [18:28] |
* | topace_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:28] |
* | LainZ_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [18:29] |
* | wiggzz has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [18:29] |
cole_albon | ;;goxlag | [18:29] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 1132.059669 seconds. During this time, light travels 2.2686349015 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Ceres (in the main asteroid belt) (2.77 AU). | [18:29] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [18:30] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 136.27101, Best ask: 137.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.72899, Last trade: 137.00000, 24 hour volume: 118334.05152003, 24 hour low: 107.07900, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 124.83808 | [18:30] |
mircea_popescu | Scrat what shit you mean ? | [18:31] |
kakobrekla | this one is still kickin | [18:31] |
kakobrekla | Bruce Wagner |
[18:31] |
kakobrekla | Just as I predicted. :-) | [18:31] |
kakobrekla | Bitcoin hit $116 so far today. | [18:31] |
kakobrekla | -- | [18:31] |
mircea_popescu | bruce wagner is predicting now ?! | [18:31] |
kakobrekla | he predicted it. | [18:31] |
kakobrekla | yea | [18:32] |
thestringpuller | ;;p | [18:32] |
gribble | Error: "p" is not a valid command. | [18:32] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [18:32] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 137.88344, Best ask: 139.00000, Bid-ask spread: 1.11656, Last trade: 137.88344, 24 hour volume: 118334.05152003, 24 hour low: 107.07900, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 124.83808 | [18:32] |
thestringpuller | ;;bids 89 | [18:33] |
thestringpuller | ;;bids 80 | [18:33] |
gribble | There are currently 30446.462 bitcoins demanded at or over 89.0 USD, worth 3226430.31489 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0114 seconds | [18:33] |
gribble | There are currently 39721.986 bitcoins demanded at or over 80.0 USD, worth 4008857.00483 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0183 seconds | [18:33] |
thestringpuller | ;;asks 140 | [18:33] |
gribble | There are currently 215.97452 bitcoins offered at or under 140.0 USD, worth 30131.2587319 USD in total. | Data vintage: 8.3583 seconds | [18:33] |
jurov | ;;asks 200 | [18:34] |
gribble | There are currently 19840.446 bitcoins offered at or under 200.0 USD, worth 3184847.51314 USD in total. | Data vintage: 65.2698 seconds | [18:34] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;asks 160 | [18:35] |
gribble | There are currently 13118.235 bitcoins offered at or under 160.0 USD, worth 1938768.98293 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0026 seconds | [18:35] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C098T] 1000 @ 0.24108289 = 241.0829 BTC [+] | [18:35] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C089T] 120 @ 0.28897825 = 34.6774 BTC [+] | [18:35] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C092T] 1000 @ 0.2653217 = 265.3217 BTC [-] | [18:35] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C095T] 1000 @ 0.25297192 = 252.9719 BTC [-] | [18:35] |
Bugpowder | wow. | [18:36] |
Bugpowder | shorting teh calls? | [18:36] |
Bugpowder | let me buy from u bro | [18:36] |
mircea_popescu | methinks more like closing out | [18:36] |
Bugpowder | ah, yes. | [18:37] |
Bugpowder | obv | [18:37] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C098T] 1000 @ 0.24118333 = 241.1833 BTC [+] | [18:37] |
Bugpowder | but the rally is back on | [18:37] |
ThickAsThieves | do we know that yet? | [18:37] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;goxlag | [18:37] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 1150.999865 seconds. During this time, light travels 2.30659084222 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Ceres (in the main asteroid belt) (2.77 AU). | [18:37] |
ChaangNoi | only 2 million usd to 160 and 10000 plus accounts on gox trying to get verified | [18:37] |
ChaangNoi | fucking insane | [18:37] |
mircea_popescu | hardly. about 137 atm | [18:37] |
thestringpuller | ;;market sell 1000 | [18:38] |
gribble | A market order to sell 1000 bitcoins right now would net 132449.7782 USD and would take the last price down to 130.0000 USD, resulting in an average price of 132.4498 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0003 seconds | [18:38] |
thestringpuller | ;;market sell 4000 | [18:38] |
gribble | A market order to sell 4000 bitcoins right now would net 510010.3348 USD and would take the last price down to 122.1000 USD, resulting in an average price of 127.5026 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 8.5979 seconds | [18:38] |
mircea_popescu | the market depth on that 0.o | [18:38] |
mjr_ | tanking | [18:38] |
thestringpuller | the price could easily plummet | [18:38] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [18:38] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 133.00000, Best ask: 134.90730, Bid-ask spread: 1.90730, Last trade: 134.90730, 24 hour volume: 118334.05152003, 24 hour low: 107.07900, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 124.83808 | [18:38] |
troc | ;;bids 0 | [18:38] |
gribble | There are currently 40659320 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 8820891.03181 USD in total. | Data vintage: 32.0256 seconds | [18:38] |
unbalanced_ | This data lull felt like that moment in a movie car crash where everything goes slo-mo. Waaaaiiiittttt, whhhhhuttttt? | [18:39] |
ThickAsThieves | not over yet | [18:39] |
* | LainZ (913e2081@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:39] |
* | nes11 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [18:39] |
unbalanced_ | *feels | [18:39] |
Bugpowder | gox time | [18:39] |
* | deadweasel ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:39] |
unbalanced_ | Stay on target... stay on target! | [18:39] |
Bugpowder | yeah still waiting for my deposit to clear | [18:39] |
Bugpowder | 36 confirms | [18:40] |
* | Descry ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:41] |
jurov | deposits seems cleared | [18:43] |
mjr_ | ;;goxlag | [18:43] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 786.528797 seconds. During this time, light travels 1.57619490277 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Mars (1.52 AU). | [18:43] |
mjr_ | FFS, why don't we just mail them letters with orders | [18:43] |
mjr_ | could have sent the order to mars lol | [18:44] |
mjr_ | jk | [18:44] |
pgp | wtf 8 point spread on gox!?! | [18:44] |
mjr_ | yeah, crazy this morning, you would see prints on both sides | [18:44] |
topace_ | gox was frozen for a few hours, its still catching up | [18:45] |
topace_ | or, trying to catch up | [18:45] |
pgp | it's embarassing for any bitcoin evangelist... | [18:45] |
* | Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:45] |
mjr_ | ;;goxlag | [18:45] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 736.77759 seconds. During this time, light travels 1.47649404099 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Mars (1.52 AU). | [18:45] |
ThickAsThieves | its possibly embarassing, but could also fuel the fire to newcomers "zomg everyone is clamoring to buy btc, fast fingers!" | [18:46] |
* | LainZ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [18:48] |
* | foooooo (42100d2e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:49] |
jurov | fat fingers, yea | [18:49] |
thestringpuller | ;;seen smickles | [18:49] |
gribble | smickles was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 21 hours, 32 minutes, and 44 seconds ago: |
[18:49] |
* | bgupta wonders if there were still accepting orders during the two hour "lag".. if so there are gonna be a lot of surprised folks one way or another. | [18:50] |
mjr_ | thats what makes it fun bgupta | [18:51] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C188T] 57 @ 0.0866432 = 4.9387 BTC [+] | [18:52] |
ThickAsThieves | someone is still optimistic | [18:52] |
ThickAsThieves | $avg | [18:52] |
mpexbot | ThickAsThieves: 125.31 | [18:52] |
thestringpuller | ;;seen smickles | [18:53] |
gribble | smickles was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 21 hours, 36 minutes, and 2 seconds ago: |
[18:53] |
* | Descry has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [18:54] |
ThickAsThieves | is this AM divs coming in? | [18:54] |
[\] | asicminer div out | [18:54] |
ThickAsThieves | pretty low | [18:54] |
[\] | 0.00255553 | [18:54] |
ThickAsThieves | 0.00255553 | [18:54] |
ThickAsThieves | heh | [18:55] |
[\] | as expected | [18:55] |
* | ChaangNoi has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [18:55] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 27 @ 0.7455 = 20.1285 BTC [-] | [18:57] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.745 = 1.49 BTC [-] | [18:57] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.745 = 1.49 BTC [-] | [18:57] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.7422 BTC [-] | [18:57] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.7421 BTC [-] | [18:57] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 0.74012 = 7.4012 BTC [-] | [18:57] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 0.74011 = 2.9604 BTC [-] | [18:57] |
[\] | lol | [18:57] |
[\] | asicminer crashing from the div? | [18:58] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 0.737 = 3.685 BTC [-] | [18:58] |
[\] | its down a whole .0054~ | [18:58] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 13 @ 0.7355 = 9.5615 BTC [-] | [18:58] |
[\] | uh oh | [18:58] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.735 = 1.47 BTC [-] | [18:58] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.733001 BTC [-] | [18:58] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.7313 BTC [-] | [18:58] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.7301 BTC [-] | [18:58] |
* | Namworld ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:59] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.715 = 1.43 BTC [-] | [18:59] |
[\] | oh noes! | [19:00] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 6 @ 0.315 = 1.89 BTC [-] | [19:01] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 20 @ 0.3105 = 6.21 BTC [-] | [19:01] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.31000001 BTC [-] | [19:01] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.31 BTC [-] | [19:01] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 3 @ 0.3 = 0.9 BTC [-] | [19:01] |
[\] | not dice too! | [19:01] |
[\] | the end is near | [19:01] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 276 @ 0.00362 = 0.9991 BTC [-] | [19:01] |
Namworld | People cashing out? | [19:01] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 3 @ 0.00361 = 0.0108 BTC [-] | [19:02] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 80 @ 0.0036 = 0.288 BTC [-] | [19:02] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 500 @ 0.00356 = 1.78 BTC [-] | [19:02] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 10 @ 0.00355 = 0.0355 BTC [-] | [19:02] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 54 @ 0.00352 = 0.1901 BTC [-] | [19:02] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 500 @ 0.0041 = 2.05 BTC [+] | [19:02] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 100 @ 0.003516 = 0.3516 BTC [-] | [19:02] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 900 @ 0.003516 = 3.1644 BTC [-] | [19:02] |
mircea_popescu |
[19:03] |
* | saulimus has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [19:03] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 13 @ 0.38 = 4.94 BTC [-] | [19:04] |
mircea_popescu | ;;ticker | [19:04] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 136.10000, Best ask: 136.45000, Bid-ask spread: 0.35000, Last trade: 136.45000, 24 hour volume: 118334.05152003, 24 hour low: 107.07900, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 124.83808 | [19:04] |
* | saulimus ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:04] |
bgupta | | [19:04] |
bgupta | (old but interesting nonetheless) | [19:04] |
* | beetlebee (4f727cbd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:05] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [19:05] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 135.10000, Best ask: 136.45000, Bid-ask spread: 1.35000, Last trade: 136.45000, 24 hour volume: 118334.05152003, 24 hour low: 107.07900, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 124.83808 | [19:05] |
mircea_popescu | lol shed a dollar in a minute | [19:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C098T] 230 @ 0.24371748 = 56.055 BTC [+] | [19:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C095T] 100 @ 0.25563121 = 25.5631 BTC [+] | [19:07] |
Bugpowder | gox creditited me! | [19:07] |
[\] | gee, this just screams stable: 24 hour low: 107.07900, 24 hour high: 147.00000 | [19:08] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [19:08] |
[\] | 40% swing in a day | [19:08] |
[\] | yeah, not a bubble | [19:08] |
[\] | totally rational price appreciation | [19:08] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C092T] 175 @ 0.27012732 = 47.2723 BTC [+] | [19:08] |
jcpham | woohoo | [19:08] |
mircea_popescu | [\] actually i would say bubble averted. | [19:08] |
jcpham | i see no bubbles here | [19:08] |
[\] | mircea_popescu: its not popped yet :p | [19:08] |
mircea_popescu | yeh it is. | [19:08] |
[\] | jcpham, shut yo face | [19:08] |
Namworld | and the price started back on the rise... | [19:09] |
[\] | ;;ticker | [19:09] |
Namworld | >.> | [19:09] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 134.89949, Best ask: 136.45000, Bid-ask spread: 1.55051, Last trade: 134.89949, 24 hour volume: 122225.75654344, 24 hour low: 107.75000, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 125.57761 | [19:09] |
Namworld | We're gonna be at 500 USD/BTC within a week. | [19:09] |
[\] | heh | [19:09] |
mircea_popescu | not happenin'. | [19:09] |
* | toffoo has quit () | [19:09] |
Namworld | and in two weeks, at 10000 USD/BTC | [19:10] |
Namworld | >.> | [19:10] |
[\] | and in 3 weeks $.20 | [19:10] |
ThickAsThieves | Hey Namworld & Jurov don't forget my transfer plz! | [19:10] |
Bugpowder | ;;bids 0 | [19:10] |
gribble | There are currently 30825532 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 8940110.86194 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0106 seconds | [19:10] |
Bugpowder | uh ohes | [19:10] |
Namworld | Is jurov around? | [19:10] |
ThickAsThieves | he was :/ | [19:10] |
[\] | still only 9M | [19:10] |
jurov | not anymore | [19:10] |
Namworld | damn | [19:10] |
ThickAsThieves | hehe | [19:10] |
Bugpowder | the wall at 90 got taken down | [19:10] |
[\] | I love how people mention billion dollar market cap | [19:10] |
[\] | but only 9M of depth | [19:11] |
[\] | they forget to mention the second bit | [19:11] |
mircea_popescu | [\] because iot's not really notable. | [19:11] |
Namworld | In 3 weeks... well we can't reach in 3 weeks because the price can't go there. It reaches upward to the infinite before 3 weeks from now. | [19:11] |
mircea_popescu | you think google has 100bn mkt depth on the books ? | [19:11] |
[\] | nope | [19:11] |
Namworld | There's some kind of limit... probably the end of the world or something | [19:11] |
Namworld | and apparently, it causes BTC price to go up >.> | [19:11] |
jurov | i think there is no leverage, hence no depth | [19:12] |
Namworld | Maybe the afterlife is digital. You'll need lots of Bitcoins there. | [19:12] |
thestringpuller | ;;ticker | [19:12] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 134.00000, Best ask: 135.09999, Bid-ask spread: 1.09999, Last trade: 135.09999, 24 hour volume: 122225.75654344, 24 hour low: 107.75000, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 125.57761 | [19:12] |
mircea_popescu | what happened to good old fashion put-your-money-in depth | [19:12] |
mircea_popescu | everybody with leverage these days | [19:12] |
mircea_popescu | nobody wants to work for a buck anymore | [19:12] |
mircea_popescu | also | [19:12] |
jurov | Namworld, no, they use dead altchains in hell | [19:13] |
mircea_popescu | The surrender comes after the Commodities Futures Trading Commission unleashed a lawsuit against Taylor in November that alleged he intentionally concealed an $8.3 billion position in the S&P 500 e-mini futures. The CFTC had been seeking civil penalties of $130,000. | [19:13] |
mircea_popescu | seems proportionate. | [19:13] |
[\] | whats that bitcoinica clone? | [19:14] |
jurov | mircea_popescu: whoever used to keeping bitcoins on an exchange, learnt the lesson already | [19:14] |
jurov | [\]: bitfinex | [19:14] |
[\] | ah, right | [19:14] |
[\] | I'm sure people on bitfinex are making a killing | [19:14] |
Namworld | jurov: ahah, makes sense | [19:15] |
Bugpowder | 502 gox | [19:15] |
mircea_popescu | [\] certainly. prolly time for a bitbet. | [19:16] |
* | MoneyIsDebt (~MoneyIsDe@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:17] |
Bugpowder | sigh | [19:17] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C188T] 50 @ 0.08799794 = 4.3999 BTC [+] | [19:19] |
* | [1]Jazzy ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:20] |
bgupta | uh bid higher than ask? | [19:21] |
bgupta | bizarro | [19:21] |
bitesak | | [19:22] |
mircea_popescu | bitesak whoa. | [19:22] |
mircea_popescu | whoa whoa whoa. | [19:22] |
bgupta | when did instawallet fold? | [19:22] |
bitesak | 2 days ago | [19:23] |
Namworld | online wallet = bad | [19:23] |
bitesak | I had 0,4BTC which I transferred to fastcash4bitcoin but it never got there.. | [19:23] |
bitesak | and then it closed down. URLs of wallets were showing up in Google | [19:24] |
bgupta | me never touched it.. | [19:24] |
Bugpowder | do u think Bitcoin is cursed? | [19:24] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 6 @ 0.38 = 2.28 BTC [-] | [19:25] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5076 @ 0.00069692 = 3.5376 BTC [-] | [19:25] |
bitesak | it's backed by drama as someone once said | [19:25] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6121 @ 0.00069377 = 4.2466 BTC [-] | [19:25] |
bitesak | all this is to make Bitcoin stronger :) | [19:25] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.36 = 0.72 BTC [-] | [19:26] |
Bugpowder | got ask filled at 132.5 ouch | [19:26] |
mircea_popescu | bitesak totally. | [19:26] |
Bugpowder | oh wellls | [19:26] |
* | zooe ( has left #bitcoin-assets | [19:26] |
Namworld | Bitcoin is indeed cursed. Cursed by idiots. | [19:27] |
[\] | heh | [19:27] |
mircea_popescu | all i have to say, boys and girls, is that if it popped later it'd have been much worse. | [19:28] |
Bugpowder | all i wanted was a bit car, but then I got greedy. why why why??? | [19:28] |
mircea_popescu | let it simmer a little, it won't get too low, we come to sanity. k ? | [19:28] |
Bugpowder | dude | [19:28] |
Bugpowder | u r overconfident about poppage. | [19:29] |
ThickAsThieves | ^ | [19:29] |
jurov | bugpowda i sold some at 117-120 and don't give a fuck about | [19:29] |
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* | copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:30] |
mircea_popescu | you dispute a broken trend ?! | [19:30] |
Bugpowder | I called the top at 127 last night | [19:31] |
ThickAsThieves | well when you rise $47 in one day where do you draw the line? | [19:31] |
Bugpowder | then 147 happened | [19:31] |
jcpham | my off-the-cuff math says at least %13 daily deflation to stay on track for 1 trillion usd | [19:32] |
bitesak | mircea_popescu, do you have that pastebin on mercadoBitcoin brasil handy? | [19:32] |
mircea_popescu | | [19:32] |
* | Ixitachil has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [19:32] |
bitesak | thx | [19:32] |
jurov | lol they still feature this on frontpage: | [19:33] |
* | Ixitachil (~gandalf@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:33] |
mircea_popescu | 2011 was a good year for the dinosaurs. | [19:33] |
ThickAsThieves | $avg | [19:34] |
mpexbot | ThickAsThieves: 126.02 | [19:34] |
bgupta | interesting convergence*.transactions&height=500&width=1100&lineMode=connected | [19:34] |
mircea_popescu | check out the mega 140 wall | [19:35] |
ThickAsThieves | people cant decide price for themselves | [19:35] |
ThickAsThieves | built by you MP? | [19:35] |
mircea_popescu | ThickAsThieves neh. | [19:36] |
Bugpowder | ;;bids 0 | [19:36] |
gribble | There are currently 30863303 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 9011317.20884 USD in total. | Data vintage: 112.2002 seconds | [19:36] |
Bugpowder | ok | [19:36] |
Bugpowder | I have sold enough | [19:36] |
jcpham | #bitcoin is creeping up towards 1500 users | [19:36] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C029T] 2 @ 0.77218744 = 1.5444 BTC | [19:36] |
jcpham | that's double since January | [19:36] |
jcpham | for sure | [19:36] |
* | Ixitachil has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [19:37] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4129 @ 0.00069377 = 2.8646 BTC [-] | [19:48] |
* | splnkr (~splnkr@unaffiliated/splnkr) has left #bitcoin-assets | [19:49] |
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smickles | $unconfirmed | [19:52] |
mpexbot | smickles: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information. | [19:52] |
smickles | well, poo | [19:53] |
jcpham | medium article is good | [19:53] |
jcpham | | [19:53] |
mircea_popescu | $vwap ^oix | [19:53] |
mpexbot | mircea_popescu: ^OIX 1 day: no data 7 day: average: 108.2380102 high: 135.79574203 low: 93.3570601 volume: 19607 btc: 8036.29427679 30 day: no data | [19:53] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1000 @ 0.00317003 = 3.17 BTC [-] | [19:54] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 13096 @ 0.00317002 = 41.5146 BTC [-] | [19:54] |
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mircea_popescu | | [19:59] |
mircea_popescu | lalala | [19:59] |
* | damientrog (~dtrog@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:01] |
[\] | trolalalal | [20:06] |
jcpham | a little bit | [20:06] |
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mircea_popescu | wanna bet ? | [20:07] |
* | copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:08] |
jcpham | insider information | [20:10] |
kakobrekla | lol | [20:13] |
kakobrekla | crash much? | [20:13] |
mircea_popescu | aww but y! | [20:14] |
kakobrekla | ah nvm | [20:14] |
kakobrekla | that was my settings | [20:14] |
mircea_popescu | lol you had it set for crash ? | [20:15] |
kakobrekla | yeah something like that :D | [20:15] |
ThickAsThieves | it still wants to rally | [20:15] |
ThickAsThieves | if gox will let it | [20:15] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 3 @ 0.0048 = 0.0144 BTC [+] | [20:16] |
mircea_popescu | | [20:16] |
mircea_popescu | wait a second. | [20:16] |
mircea_popescu | they pay < 50 btc after 90 days and > 50 btc IF POSSIBLE ? | [20:16] |
mircea_popescu | so funds were in fact lost. | [20:16] |
Bugpowder | looks like it | [20:17] |
Bugpowder | minicyprus | [20:18] |
pizzaman1337 | oh noes | [20:18] |
Bugpowder | what was that transaction again? | [20:18] |
ThickAsThieves | its funny how AAPL only goes up when the rest of tech goes down | [20:18] |
bgupta | tech is a zerosum game no? ;) Apple vs everyone else. | [20:19] |
Bugpowder | ;;ticker | [20:19] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 137.50000, Best ask: 138.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.50000, Last trade: 138.00000, 24 hour volume: 125538.92052295, 24 hour low: 108.00005, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 126.35150 | [20:19] |
Bugpowder | gawd damnit | [20:19] |
bgupta | Bugpowder: what is wrong? | [20:19] |
bgupta | weren;t you just buying? | [20:20] |
bgupta | at ~130 | [20:20] |
Bugpowder | no | [20:20] |
Bugpowder | i am a bit loser | [20:20] |
* | Troic ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:20] |
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bgupta | ahh "got ask filled at 132.5 ouch" | [20:21] |
* | bgupta thought you were selling around 140, and buying back. | [20:21] |
bgupta | (lower) | [20:21] |
Bugpowder | 90% of the time, the best move is to sit on hands | [20:22] |
bgupta | with the lag trading seems a crapshoot. | [20:23] |
bgupta | (random lag) | [20:23] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1000 @ 0.00333521 = 3.3352 BTC [+] | [20:27] |
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* | Jackmani_ (~Jackmanin@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:29] |
unbalanced_ | Bugpowder: I concur see quote #1 | [20:32] |
unbalanced_ | I wish I'd sat tight this morning instead of my derp trades. | [20:32] |
* | vibes_ (0267ba4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:33] |
jurov | According to media headlines, Slovenia can soon be next to request a financial help from EU. Do you have any plan B to protect your customers funds in case the Cyprus will happen over again? | [20:34] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [20:34] |
jurov | Bitstamp: Yes, we are in process of opening a UK based bank account. | [20:34] |
jurov | ^ appeared in my fb feed | [20:34] |
bitesak | sounds stressful | [20:35] |
mircea_popescu | "we don't have that much money anyway" | [20:35] |
ThickAsThieves | anyone else have trouble sending bitcoins from WeExchange today | [20:35] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 1500 @ 0.0033 = 4.95 BTC [-] | [20:35] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 50 @ 0.0031702 = 0.1585 BTC [-] | [20:35] |
* | faidell ( has left #bitcoin-assets | [20:36] |
bitesak | obviously the UK is a much bigger financial center but still are not immune to a rough ride | [20:37] |
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jurov | would be interesting if FSA will take any action against bitstamp | [20:38] |
unbalanced_ | When does SDICE officially declare a div or non-div? Today, tomorrow? | [20:38] |
* | da2ce7_d (~da2ce7@opentransactions/dev/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:38] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 33 @ 0.33 = 10.89 BTC [+] | [20:39] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 11 @ 0.325 = 3.575 BTC [-] | [20:39] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.32 = 3.2 BTC [-] | [20:39] |
bitesak | unless they have been preparing this for a while, I don't think they will be having a bank account too soon | [20:39] |
* | [\] has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [20:39] |
mircea_popescu | unbalanced_ they have to do it within five days of new month | [20:40] |
mircea_popescu | unless exceptional circumstances. | [20:40] |
* | da2ce7 has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | [20:41] |
kakobrekla | ;;ticker | [20:42] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 138.78000, Best ask: 138.80000, Bid-ask spread: 0.02000, Last trade: 138.80000, 24 hour volume: 126892.36002240, 24 hour low: 108.00060, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 126.58123 | [20:42] |
kakobrekla | ;;goxlag | [20:42] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 226.450443 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.453804152306 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Mercury (0.39 AU). | [20:42] |
* | foooooo has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [20:43] |
* | Bugpowder has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [20:43] |
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mircea_popescu | you could have sent a bitcoin straight into the trashbin. | [20:44] |
* | [\] (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:44] |
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Uglux | | [20:46] |
Uglux | thefuck? | [20:46] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 1 @ 0.18861 BTC [+] | [20:46] |
mircea_popescu | This currently works only with WooCommerce. | [20:47] |
mircea_popescu | awww. | [20:47] |
mircea_popescu | i was impressed for a second | [20:47] |
jborkl | The services BitPay offers have not been directly approved by and customers should not confuse these services offered by the Bitpay WooCommerce plugin as being endorsed, sponsored or approved by | [20:47] |
jborkl | too bad | [20:47] |
Uglux | ;) | [20:47] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 9 @ 0.1886 = 1.6974 BTC [-] | [20:47] |
* | orkaa has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | [20:47] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [BTC-TRADING-PT] 10 @ 0.1886 = 1.886 BTC [-] | [20:48] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 0.755 = 3.02 BTC [+] | [20:49] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.4 = 1.6 BTC [+] | [20:53] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 25 @ 0.4 = 10 BTC [+] | [20:54] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.405 = 1.62 BTC [+] | [20:54] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 15 @ 0.41 = 6.15 BTC [+] | [20:54] |
Uglux | and still no update on AMs missing 6Thash... | [20:57] |
ThickAsThieves | yep i anticipate sell offs this week | [20:58] |
* | [\] has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | [20:58] |
ThickAsThieves | sdice has weakened too | [20:59] |
* | Ixitachil (~gandalf@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:59] |
jborkl | yet, as of yesterday they were up 750 bitcoins or so, just in the first couple days | [20:59] |
jborkl | that can change of course, but a really good start | [21:00] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.41 = 0.82 BTC [+] | [21:02] |
mircea_popescu | Uglux it;'s been 3 months yet ? | [21:03] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.41 BTC [+] | [21:04] |
deadweasel | ? | [21:05] |
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Uglux | yea, i call it a bf-ai-l/avalonism. promising shit. delivering "somthing" + blabla... | [21:07] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 22 @ 0.41 = 9.02 BTC [+] | [21:10] |
bitesak | ;;ticker | [21:12] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 137.80000, Best ask: 138.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.20000, Last trade: 138.00000, 24 hour volume: 128828.52600909, 24 hour low: 108.05000, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 126.82527 | [21:12] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 7 @ 0.41 = 2.87 BTC [+] | [21:16] |
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* | Bugpowder (cef100f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:21] |
* | Troic has quit (Read error: Connection timed out) | [21:21] |
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bgupta | ;;ticker | [21:26] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 133.33000, Best ask: 134.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.67000, Last trade: 134.00000, 24 hour volume: 128637.79888326, 24 hour low: 108.45001, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 127.12429 | [21:26] |
Bugpowder | "To learn that a man can make foolish plays for no reason whatever was a valuable lesson. It cost me millions to learn that another dangerous enemy to a trader is his susceptibility to the urgings of a magnetic personality when plausibly expressed by a brilliant mind." | [21:27] |
Bugpowder | This is what just happened to me with mircea_popescu's bubble poppin' talk | [21:27] |
mircea_popescu | wait what ?! | [21:27] |
Bugpowder | I SOLD IT ALL | [21:28] |
Bugpowder | oh wait | [21:28] |
mircea_popescu | um | [21:28] |
mircea_popescu | what, you sold it for less than 133 ?! | [21:28] |
Bugpowder | no just 20% | [21:28] |
Bugpowder | whew | [21:28] |
Bugpowder | ;;ticker | [21:28] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 134.00000, Best ask: 134.99900, Bid-ask spread: 0.99900, Last trade: 134.99900, 24 hour volume: 128637.79888326, 24 hour low: 108.45001, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 127.12429 | [21:28] |
Bugpowder | and now its falling agoin | [21:28] |
bgupta | Bugpowder: Perhaps a break is in order? | [21:28] |
bitesak | just sit on your hands | [21:28] |
mircea_popescu | soooo... whatcher on aboot. | [21:28] |
pgp | feels like it needs to take a breather... | [21:29] |
kakobrekla | umm | [21:29] |
Bugpowder | One month ago I would be so stoked to have this value in my total btc portfolio. Now I've cashed that same amount out, and still have more left. | [21:29] |
kakobrekla | did last blockchain glitch happen 1480 blocks ago? | [21:29] |
Bugpowder | no matter what, I'm not going to buy puts. | [21:30] |
bgupta | why not? Too expensive? | [21:30] |
Bugpowder | Well hello text message.... | [21:30] |
Bugpowder | new localbitcoins contact... | [21:30] |
Bugpowder | I guess I can sell just a bit more. | [21:30] |
Bugpowder | I always lose on puts. | [21:30] |
Bugpowder | YMMV | [21:31] |
bgupta | sigh: | [21:31] |
bgupta | Hey can someone explain what the story is with coinlab and mtgox? If I have an exisiting mtgox does that mean I can't trade, or it's a pain to transfer fiat in and out? | [21:33] |
mjr_ | new idea: betting game based on random goxlag numbers...goxlagdice | [21:34] |
saulimus | someone will analyze the statistics of goxlag on create a strategy based on that... | [21:35] |
saulimus | on -> and | [21:35] |
Jackmani_ | lol | [21:36] |
bgupta | mm. there already is one... | [21:36] |
* | bgupta called trading btc. | [21:36] |
Jackmani_ | if (lag > 10s) buy at tickerprice - 10% | [21:37] |
mjr_ | lol | [21:37] |
mjr_ | it will be provably unfair to all participants | [21:37] |
bgupta | chart is quite insane… even with pullback | [21:38] |
* | imsaguy has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [21:38] |
bgupta | I think there was a bit of a bumrush after 100 looked like it would hold | [21:39] |
* | imsaguy (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:40] |
* | Uhh_Duh has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | [21:41] |
* | tiberiusiv (~tiberiusi@gateway/tor-sasl/tiberiusiv) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:43] |
bgupta | ;;ticker | [21:44] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 133.50000, Best ask: 134.30000, Bid-ask spread: 0.80000, Last trade: 134.30000, 24 hour volume: 129330.89554659, 24 hour low: 108.70001, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 127.38315 | [21:44] |
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KRS-1 | thats old though right | [21:49] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10953 @ 0.00067393 = 7.3816 BTC [-] | [21:52] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 10 @ 0.09 = 0.9 BTC [-] | [21:54] |
pgp | oh boy | [21:55] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 2 @ 0.101 = 0.202 BTC [+] | [21:55] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 5 @ 0.100001 = 0.5 BTC [-] | [21:55] |
mircea_popescu | goxlice ? | [21:56] |
mircea_popescu | o look. 3k sold brought it down another 10%. | [21:57] |
Namworld | stupid gox.... | [21:57] |
Namworld | seriously, someone kill them please | [21:58] |
mircea_popescu | the power is yours. | [21:58] |
mircea_popescu | do you use them ? | [21:58] |
KRS-1 | this is just temp? | [21:58] |
mircea_popescu | no. | [21:58] |
bgupta | ;;ticker | [21:59] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 126.25000, Best ask: 126.93439, Bid-ask spread: 0.68439, Last trade: 126.25000, 24 hour volume: 129330.89554659, 24 hour low: 108.70001, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 127.38315 | [21:59] |
* | Luke-Jr has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | [21:59] |
KRS-1 | seems like it will go further | [21:59] |
mircea_popescu | Apr 03 14:11:37 |
[21:59] |
bgupta | 12 point spread on clarkmoody | [21:59] |
KRS-1 | ;;ticker | [21:59] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 125.12500, Best ask: 127.00000, Bid-ask spread: 1.87500, Last trade: 127.00000, 24 hour volume: 129330.89554659, 24 hour low: 108.70001, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 127.38315 | [21:59] |
bgupta | seeing trades osilating between 127 and 115 | [21:59] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32100001 BTC [+] | [22:00] |
mircea_popescu | its trading ~117 atm | [22:00] |
dub | bob has bitch tits | [22:00] |
Namworld | Gox is completly useless... | [22:00] |
bgupta | no the bid.. ask looks a lot higher.. at least for the moment | [22:00] |
bgupta | s/no/on/ | [22:00] |
mircea_popescu | 115s | [22:01] |
jborkl | look at coinlab | [22:01] |
jborkl | 115 | [22:01] |
pgp | fucking crazy | [22:01] |
mircea_popescu | no, actually, perfectly healthy. | [22:01] |
mircea_popescu | the runup past 100 was the crazy part. | [22:01] |
jborkl | yes, the runup past 100 was nuts | [22:01] |
pgp | where are the grownups? | [22:02] |
mircea_popescu | lemmings have hopefully been slaughtered enough to learn for the future. | [22:02] |
mircea_popescu | but if not... | [22:02] |
bgupta | I see 125.125, 125.125, 115.123, 115.12156.. huge spread again | [22:02] |
bgupta | [22:02] | |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 22 @ 0.00441 = 0.097 BTC [-] | [22:02] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 200 @ 0.0044 = 0.88 BTC [-] | [22:02] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 86 @ 0.004305 = 0.3702 BTC [-] | [22:02] |
jborkl | looks like 105 will print here in a minute | [22:02] |
bgupta | real thin between 115 and even 134.. | [22:03] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 1 @ 0.004096 BTC [+] | [22:03] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 53 @ 0.004096 = 0.2171 BTC [+] | [22:03] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 100 @ 0.004097 = 0.4097 BTC [+] | [22:03] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 154 @ 0.004098 = 0.6311 BTC [+] | [22:03] |
thestringpuller | !ticker m s.dice | [22:03] |
assbot | [MPEX:S.DICE] 1D: 0.00310001 / 0.00331688 / 0.00400173 (29870 shares, 99.08 BTC), 7D: 0.0031 / 0.00330394 / 0.00448 (727656 shares, 2,404.13 BTC), 30D: 0.00300001 / 0.00422354 / 0.006225 (1578663 shares, 6,667.56 BTC) | [22:03] |
thestringpuller | !ticker m s.mpoe | [22:04] |
assbot | [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00067351 / 0.00068435 / 0.00069999 (215208 shares, 147.28 BTC), 7D: 0.00059218 / 0.0006566 / 0.00069999 (2600753 shares, 1,707.67 BTC), 30D: 0.00059218 / 0.00072363 / 0.00078628 (18234279 shares, 13,195.02 BTC) | [22:04] |
thestringpuller | !ticker h him | [22:04] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK:HIM] 1D: 1.87000000 / 1.94453478 / 2.00000000 (23 shares, 44.72430000 BTC), 7D: 1.80000000 / 1.92572839 / 2.08000000 (162 shares, 311.96799996 BTC), 30D: 1.40001001 / 1.80151405 / 2.08000000 (737 shares, 1327.71585265 BTC) | [22:04] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 1246 @ 0.00426 = 5.308 BTC [-] | [22:04] |
bgupta | As percentages go this isn't really that unusual for btc.. but with the increase in value a 10+ point spread seems wide | [22:04] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 746 @ 0.004098 = 3.0571 BTC [+] | [22:04] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 500 @ 0.0041 = 2.05 BTC [+] | [22:05] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.USD.C131T] 1 @ 0.14307752 BTC [-] | [22:05] |
mircea_popescu | i would say today is a great day in that disaster was averted | [22:05] |
Uglux | until the next day | [22:05] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.DICE-PT] 490 @ 0.00426 = 2.0874 BTC [-] | [22:06] |
mircea_popescu | nah, at least in theory hysteria just needs a coupla slaps. | [22:06] |
* | Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:07] |
ThickAsThieves | ;;ticker | [22:08] |
bgupta | mircea_popescu: What is your fear in particular? megacrash? | [22:08] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 119.22835, Best ask: 120.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.77165, Last trade: 120.00000, 24 hour volume: 129330.89554659, 24 hour low: 108.70001, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 127.38315 | [22:08] |
* | Bowjob (4b9d1e75@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:08] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 490 @ 0.004199 = 2.0575 BTC [+] | [22:08] |
bgupta | (which breaks all faith in btc) | [22:08] |
Bowjob | ;;ticker | [22:08] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 117.70000, Best ask: 120.00000, Bid-ask spread: 2.30000, Last trade: 117.70000, 24 hour volume: 129330.89554659, 24 hour low: 108.70001, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 127.38315 | [22:08] |
Bowjob | ooh crash | [22:08] |
jborkl | I would think the greatest fear would be the bot gets megaraped | [22:08] |
Bowjob | ;;gox | [22:09] |
gribble | Error: "gox" is not a valid command. | [22:09] |
Bowjob | ;;goxlag | [22:09] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 388.162939 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.777874183667 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Venus (0.72 AU). | [22:09] |
Bowjob | ah, we got goxxed again | [22:09] |
Namworld | goxlag makes me feel like shooting a missile right at their face... | [22:09] |
Namworld | It's still not fixed... how incompetent can you be? | [22:10] |
mircea_popescu | bgupta there's a fundamental macroeconomic problem at work, as follows : | [22:10] |
mircea_popescu | the bitcoin holders were done selling. | [22:10] |
pgp | it's shocking, really, when you consider the magnitude of the opportunity gox has... | [22:10] |
mircea_popescu | left in the market, newb speculators selling to each other | [22:10] |
mircea_popescu | turning bitcoin into a sort of "bitcoin gem" by default. | [22:10] |
mircea_popescu | this is not acceptable. a buncha new kids don't get to run the town. | [22:11] |
mircea_popescu | moreover, the systemic risk they pose is that they'll blow it up then crash it with their desperation, creating fake "proof" that it's "a ponzi" | [22:11] |
mircea_popescu | just because they're retards and used it as a ponzi. | [22:11] |
pgp | true dat | [22:11] |
mircea_popescu | seeing how we're discussing a 1bn+ item here, which is more than a uss carrier with full equipment on board | [22:12] |
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mircea_popescu | and the wanna-be movers and shakers are... well... you know. | [22:12] |
Bowjob | ;;goxlag | [22:13] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 458.030321 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.917887634921 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Earth (1 AU). | [22:13] |
Bowjob | damn | [22:13] |
Bowjob | xD | [22:13] |
Bowjob | ;;ticker | [22:13] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 123.00000, Best ask: 125.00000, Bid-ask spread: 2.00000, Last trade: 125.00000, 24 hour volume: 129330.89554659, 24 hour low: 108.70001, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 127.38315 | [22:13] |
pgp | actually, I believe than an arcraft carrier costs quite a bit more, no? | [22:13] |
mircea_popescu | about 1bn afaik | [22:13] |
mircea_popescu | haven't been in the market recently tho | [22:14] |
Scrat | pgp: quite a lot more | [22:15] |
pgp | | [22:15] |
mircea_popescu | eh fuck me. | [22:15] |
pgp | lol | [22:15] |
mircea_popescu | i stand corrected. | [22:15] |
* | dust-otc has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [22:15] |
mircea_popescu | i must be on 1990 dollars or some shit. | [22:15] |
mircea_popescu | aaanyway. | [22:15] |
jborkl | yeah, 1 billion does not buy the govt much anymore | [22:16] |
mircea_popescu | of course that's ops cost | [22:16] |
mircea_popescu | ship itself is only half that | [22:16] |
jborkl | the water treatment plant the city is builing - ran over budget and cost 1.1 billion | [22:17] |
Uglux | so we need an aircraftcarrier index. the pizza index is obsolete :) | [22:17] |
jborkl | in a city of 1 million | [22:17] |
bgupta | mircea_popescu: Modern carriers are massive. have neculear reactors, and a huge contingent of very expensive warplanes | [22:17] |
mircea_popescu | jborkl so basically 1k per capita ? scandalous. | [22:17] |
mircea_popescu | bgupta yes yes, i stepped in it :D | [22:17] |
jborkl | it is not the only plant either | [22:17] |
Bowjob | ;;goxlag | [22:17] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 614.571582 seconds. During this time, light travels 1.23159456924 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from the Sun to Earth (1 AU). | [22:17] |
Bowjob | even goxlag is lagging | [22:17] |
bgupta | perhaps this one can be had for cheap: | [22:18] |
* | jonny7 (c14b313f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:18] |
jborkl | heh, i bought a pizza for rg last year and he pain me 1.5 bitcoins | [22:18] |
jborkl | lol | [22:18] |
mircea_popescu | where's tiberius guy to show me mercedes links when we need him. | [22:18] |
jborkl | paid | [22:18] |
* | Uglux has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [22:19] |
jborkl | ;;seen topace | [22:20] |
gribble | topace was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 days, 22 hours, 31 minutes, and 58 seconds ago: |
[22:20] |
jborkl | I have gotten 3 messages from localbitcoin buyers today | [22:22] |
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* | Bugpowder has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [22:23] |
bgupta | ;;ticker | [22:26] |
gribble | BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 124.62312, Best ask: 125.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.37688, Last trade: 125.00000, 24 hour volume: 129330.89554659, 24 hour low: 108.70001, 24 hour high: 147.00000, 24 hour vwap: 127.38315 | [22:26] |
bgupta | ;;goxlag | [22:33] |
gribble | Error: Problem retrieving gox lag. Try again later. | [22:33] |
bgupta | down again? | [22:33] |
* | fishfish ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:33] |
jborkl | 502 bad gateway | [22:34] |
jborkl | lol | [22:34] |
bgupta | mircea_popescu: You have a test instance with fake data? Want to test playing with API without bot asks/bids disappearing. | [22:35] |
* | deadweasel has quit (Quit: leaving) | [22:35] |
mircea_popescu | bgupta what is this about ? | [22:35] |
bgupta | (Not for direct trading just getting quotes I care about) | [22:35] |
* | bowjob (4b9d1e75@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:35] |
bgupta | want to script updated quotes. | [22:35] |
mircea_popescu | o you mean the mpex json ? | [22:36] |
mircea_popescu | no there's no fake data feed. | [22:36] |
bgupta | yeah | [22:36] |
bgupta | ok.. | [22:36] |
mircea_popescu | perhaps try on a more copacetic symbol ? | [22:36] |
mircea_popescu | s.bbet is pretty stable say | [22:36] |
bowjob | ;;ticker | [22:36] |
gribble | Error: Failure to retrieve ticker. Try again later. | [22:36] |
* | deadweasel ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:36] |
bowjob | gox | [22:37] |
pgp | truly pathetic state of affairs | [22:37] |
bgupta | mircea_popescu: Need account to use API? Hoping not for quotes. | [22:39] |
mircea_popescu | you know this api talk keeps throwing me for a loop | [22:39] |
mircea_popescu | mpex has no api. it's just some public json/jsonp calls | [22:39] |
mircea_popescu | and the trade window | [22:39] |
bgupta | ok.. | [22:40] |
* | rayvellest ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:40] |
mircea_popescu | so you know, you can pull the feeds just fine, they're public | [22:40] |
mircea_popescu | this make sense to you ? | [22:41] |
bowjob | ;;ticker | [22:41] |
gribble | Error: Failure to retrieve ticker. Try again later. | [22:41] |
bgupta | yes. | [22:41] |
bowjob | aight. mtgox got ddosed | [22:42] |
bgupta | this is what I wanted | [22:42] |
bgupta | (I think) | [22:42] |
bgupta | need to pretty print it | [22:42] |
* | fishfish has quit (Quit: Bye!) | [22:43] |
mircea_popescu | alrighy. | [22:45] |
bowjob | instawallet hacked | [22:45] |
bowjob | lol | [22:45] |
* | Boydy has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [22:45] |
kakobrekla | ;;ticker | [22:45] |
gribble | Error: Failure to retrieve ticker. Try again later. | [22:45] |
kakobrekla | ;;goxlag | [22:46] |
gribble | Error: Problem retrieving gox lag. Try again later. | [22:46] |
dub | don't worry guys they are rolling out ltc and nmc | [22:46] |
dub | that will fix it | [22:46] |
kakobrekla | and ppcoin | [22:46] |
mircea_popescu | no novacoin ? | [22:46] |
mircea_popescu | also, i hope ycombinator has litebase, litelab, namebase, namelab | [22:46] |
jborkl | pee pee coin | [22:46] |
mircea_popescu | blablab and tralalab all ready | [22:46] |
jborkl | ? | [22:46] |
pgp | this gox shit just gets me so hot under the collar... | [22:46] |
dub | ppcoin is going to buy me an 86 | [22:47] |
bowjob | gox did a runner. the biggest bitcoin scam on the universe | [22:47] |
pgp | any insight into why they just can't license a matching engine... | [22:47] |
bowjob | i hope they are proud | [22:48] |
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dub | pgp: idiocy | [22:48] |
jborkl | ddos | [22:48] |
dub | yes they are incompetent because ddos | [22:48] |
mircea_popescu | | [22:48] |
mircea_popescu | this guy... lol | [22:48] |
mircea_popescu | pgp you understand only recently they had any money ? | [22:49] |
mircea_popescu | (recently = since about feb) | [22:49] |
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pgp | I see - success basically caught these guys with their pants down | [22:51] |
jborkl | no, it made them a massive target | [22:51] |
jborkl | pants or no pants | [22:51] |
mircea_popescu | history of mtgox for the more recent bitcoin ppl : | [22:52] |
mircea_popescu | started about a year after btc as an outgrowth of a game cards trading thing owned by the guy now doing ripple. | [22:52] |
mircea_popescu | was basically given away to tux because of legal concerns. | [22:52] |
* | Diablo-D3 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:52] |
mircea_popescu | tux proceeded to get hacked, lose the entire email base, to this day these emails are spammed. | [22:53] |
* | Transisto has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [22:53] |
mircea_popescu | tux then proceeded to get hacked, which may or may not have been the fake account they used to house trade, but anyway btc got sold down to 0 | [22:53] |
taub | and why hasnt it made money since forever? | [22:53] |
mircea_popescu | tux then got outside investors for ~1.5mn | [22:53] |
mircea_popescu | used this to get offices, hire some employees, get some real servers, etc. | [22:54] |
mircea_popescu | this put him in the red all through 2012 (plus some hacks and other unsavory shit, plus taking over hacked stuff like a polish exchange | [22:54] |
bgupta | jezz down for 20 mins | [22:54] |
* | beetlebee (4f727cbd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:54] |
mircea_popescu | plus making a narrow escape from the EU for not having banking licenses) | [22:54] |
mircea_popescu | they were marginally profitable once btc went over 10 again, but barely enough to dig investors out of their equity hole | [22:55] |
mircea_popescu | then the high prices high volumes hit, now they're making enough to be an actual business. | [22:55] |
mircea_popescu | but they only have for two months, give or take. | [22:55] |
* | Transisto ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:55] |
mircea_popescu | taking questions. | [22:55] |
taub | more on that EU escape story? | [22:55] |
jborkl | very nice rundown mp | [22:55] |
mircea_popescu | taub had a bank account in france, french authority investigated them | [22:55] |
mircea_popescu | they offered the theory that they don't need licensing because bitcoin | [22:56] |
dub | you missed tux being a pompus bag of dicks | [22:56] |
mircea_popescu | got shut down the next day | [22:56] |
pgp | accross the uruls on camelback? | [22:56] |
jborkl | hen I signed up(right after the hack) they gave me a free yubikey- free shipping | [22:56] |
mircea_popescu | no charges (but maybe a civil penalty, it's unclear) | [22:56] |
taub | i see | [22:56] |
mircea_popescu | currently they're also involved into a mess not of their making | [22:56] |
pgp | ? | [22:56] |
mircea_popescu | whereby they have a bunch of bitcoinica funds which two parties are disputing in nz and ca | [22:57] |
jborkl | oh yeah, I forgot they still have those | [22:57] |
dub | thats hardly a burden, they hold btc unitl court ruling | [22:57] |
jborkl | that is a nightmare | [22:57] |
dub | holding btc is a nightmare? | [22:57] |
* | [\] (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:57] |
pgp | so... he's a survivor is what you're saying... | [22:58] |
mircea_popescu | dub if they still have it. | [22:58] |
dub | he's a bottom feeder | [22:58] |
mircea_popescu | pgp not rly. btc has no standards is what i'm saying. | [22:58] |
dub | and in bitcoin that is the best place to feed | [22:58] |
mircea_popescu | the other "survivor", bitfloor, lost millions of users funds | [22:58] |
mircea_popescu | opened up for business like nothing happened | [22:58] |
mircea_popescu | PEOPLE STILL USE THEM. | [22:58] |
dub | hopefully they stay dossed long enough for a real exchange to open | [22:58] |
pgp | anybody have any insight to the coinlab terms? | [22:58] |
jborkl | that place should have just shut down | [22:58] |
mircea_popescu | dub won't happen, because people have absolutely no preference for quality. | [22:59] |
jborkl | the best exchange is in the us actually- imo | [22:59] |
mircea_popescu | they will do things like lend on forum. who cares ? | [22:59] |
jcpham | so whats new | [22:59] |
dub | mircea_popescu: they will move if they can never access gox again | [22:59] |
bgupta | so trades appear to slowly be going through, just websockets are down | [22:59] |
[\] | news? | [22:59] |
mircea_popescu | yes. to bitfinex. | [22:59] |
jcpham | i'm sure i can just pick some thing | [22:59] |
jcpham | some hack, some rally, some press | [22:59] |
jcpham | what's the best drama | [22:59] |
dub | all it takes is someone that isnt a) an existing scammer b) from russia to create an alternative | [22:59] |
[\] | jcpham: butterfail labs | [23:00] |
mircea_popescu | gypsies qualify ? | [23:00] |
jcpham | luke-jr still scammin | [23:00] |
jcpham | posting fake asic pics on the internets | [23:00] |
jcpham | i heard about that | [23:00] |
bgupta | #mtgox-RT is slowly getting updates | [23:00] |
jcpham | bfl shipping delayed: out of box tape | [23:00] |
dub | mircea_popescu: it would take a gyppo with PR that doesnt alienate 80% of potential custies | [23:01] |
jcpham | ^ | [23:01] |
jcpham | i think he referring to someone | [23:01] |
Luke-Jr | jcpham: love your trolling, claiming my ASIC is fake | [23:01] |
jcpham | dude i read it on reddit | [23:01] |
jcpham | it must be true | [23:01] |
dub | not that I have a problem with that in reference to MPEX, you don't want those 80% but an alt gox needs critical mass | [23:01] |
jcpham | i can't come up with this gold | [23:01] |
Luke-Jr | if they've put the effort into faking it, I'll be pretty pissed at having to write new drivers | [23:02] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.32100002 BTC [+] | [23:02] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 4 @ 0.32100001 = 1.284 BTC [-] | [23:02] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 30 @ 0.321 = 9.63 BTC [-] | [23:02] |
mircea_popescu | dub that's only because your nose is too big. | [23:02] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 23 @ 0.32 = 7.36 BTC [-] | [23:02] |
jcpham | luke-jr i want to defend you on the forums sometimes | [23:02] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 15 @ 0.30000001 = 4.5 BTC [-] | [23:02] |
jcpham | why does everyone attack luke-jr when all he does is help bitcoin | [23:02] |
dub | mircea_popescu: it helps me breath up all the white mans air | [23:02] |
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mircea_popescu | jcpham because he helps bitcoin be more like the shithole he lives in | [23:02] |
mircea_popescu | ie, a house of failure. | [23:02] |
jcpham | you are so harsh mircea_popescu | [23:03] |
mircea_popescu | but anyway : i will dare say that a functioning exchange would be a serious problem at this point. | [23:04] |
mircea_popescu | the fact they suck creates a lot of friction, which insulates us | [23:04] |
mircea_popescu | which turns out to be critical when idiocy like the recent bubble strikes. | [23:05] |
pgp | a better way will emerge | [23:05] |
mircea_popescu | certainly, but in a year or so. | [23:05] |
mircea_popescu | so far mtgox is a half-baked buggy implementation of capital controls. | [23:06] |
pgp | I think less | [23:06] |
jcpham | mircea_popescu what color is your soapbox? | [23:06] |
pgp | it's the color of money | [23:07] |
[\] | jcpham, that ain't soap | [23:07] |
deadweasel | lol [\] | [23:08] |
jcpham | thank god for coinlab amirite trollface | [23:08] |
pgp | so, goxcodes are going away? | [23:08] |
[\] | frakking coinlab | [23:08] |
pgp | so far coinlab is all talk | [23:09] |
jcpham | once your new overlords tell you what you can ant do, everything will be fine | [23:09] |
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mircea_popescu |
[23:10] |
jcpham | there's always bitfloor. you can sell coins for anything over there | [23:10] |
dub | is coinlab actually an exchange or just handling banking for dwolla users | [23:10] |
dub | or instead of dwolla | [23:10] |
[\] | they aren't doing anything at the moment | [23:10] |
dub | I realise this | [23:10] |
jcpham | dub i think everything is the answer | [23:10] |
mircea_popescu | i don't think you do. | [23:10] |
jcpham | the exchange | [23:10] |
jcpham | for sure | [23:10] |
[\] | so then to indicate what they are doing is a bit premature | [23:10] |
pgp | bitfloor is a good tech all around, but one man show is a problem | [23:10] |
[\] | coinlabs is attempting to be the USD exchanger | [23:11] |
mircea_popescu | the kid is talented, granted. | [23:11] |
dub | one idiot show | [23:11] |
mircea_popescu | but he has the geek disease. | [23:11] |
[\] | and mtgox will be the btc exchanger | [23:11] |
pgp | i've met with him several times... | [23:11] |
jcpham | there was an article from this week where Mark basically says mtgox wants coinlab to handle the US, they don't want to fool with anything in the US | [23:11] |
pgp | you can lead a horse to water | [23:11] |
[\] | oh, it'll drink | [23:11] |
[\] | either willingly or once it passes the hell out | [23:12] |
[\] | hold its head under the water long enough, it'll drink | [23:12] |
deadweasel | an equestrian, i see. | [23:13] |
[\] | nah | [23:13] |
jcpham | | [23:13] |
[\] | hold any creature underwater long enough and it'll drink | [23:13] |
* | rayvellest has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | [23:14] |
deadweasel | my bad, a biologist. | [23:14] |
mircea_popescu | [\] even spanish galleons ? | [23:14] |
jcpham | ok so the link, the name of the article is "4 reasons you shouldn't buy bitcoins" | [23:14] |
jcpham | last paragraph: Conclusion. With all that said, I think there’s a good chance that Bitcoins will continue to appreciate. I still have the majority of the Bitcoins I bought in early 2012 and I plan to hold onto them for a while to see what happens. | [23:14] |
dub | 5th reason, dicks everywhere | [23:14] |
jcpham | so fucking classic | [23:14] |
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deadweasel | he wants cheap btc | [23:15] |
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pgp | lol | [23:17] |
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pgp | reagrding his 3rd point... aren't there plans to possibly prune the blockchain? | [23:18] |
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dub | heh | [23:18] |
mircea_popescu | so im looking at the bfl asic and all i can think of is | [23:19] |
mircea_popescu | dude... where's the fans ?! | [23:19] |
mircea_popescu | they demo'd a box of fans and then their board is passive cooled ?! | [23:19] |
jcpham | yep | [23:19] |
dub | are there more pics or just the luke-jr fakes? | [23:20] |
[\] | mircea_popescu: you weren't supposed to notice | [23:20] |
ll | !t h sdice | [23:20] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK:SDICE] 1D: 0.30000000 / 0.34500832 / 0.40000010 (513 shares, 176.98926940 BTC), 7D: 0.30000000 / 0.38560232 / 0.46500000 (1790 shares, 690.22815553 BTC), 30D: 0.30000000 / 0.46949071 / 0.62950000 (6155 shares, 2889.71533662 BTC) | [23:20] |
mircea_popescu | dub i was looking at the luke ones | [23:20] |
mircea_popescu | [\] so now wat ? | [23:21] |
mircea_popescu | working 41min @180w without fan? April fool | [23:21] |
mircea_popescu | other ppl noticed too | [23:21] |
jcpham | what the crap is a bytecoin | [23:22] |
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dub | whats the chance of dice going back over IPO price? | [23:22] |
jcpham | and are there 8 bitcoins to a bytecoin | [23:22] |
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jcpham | otherwise forget it | [23:22] |
dub | Im thinking slim to no fucking way | [23:22] |
mircea_popescu | !ticker m s.dice | [23:22] |
assbot | [MPEX:S.DICE] 1D: 0.00310001 / 0.00331495 / 0.00400173 (29681 shares, 98.39 BTC), 7D: 0.0031 / 0.00327191 / 0.00439992 (696729 shares, 2,279.64 BTC), 30D: 0.00300001 / 0.00422354 / 0.006225 (1578660 shares, 6,667.54 BTC) | [23:22] |
mircea_popescu | i'd say it depends on what they do with bets. | [23:23] |
* | darkee_ (~darkee@gateway/tor-sasl/darkee) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:23] |
pgp | good old fashioned deflation | [23:23] |
pgp | better to just hold the damn coins | [23:23] |
dub | jcpham: | [23:24] |
dub | Maria coins | [23:25] |
* | darkee has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [23:25] |
dub | I have some for sale btw | [23:25] |
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bowjob | ;;ticker | [23:26] |
gribble | Error: Failure to retrieve ticker. Try again later. | [23:26] |
jborkl | satoshidice already up 1000 bitcoins this month | [23:27] |
* | Bugpowder (cef100f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:27] |
Bugpowder | this chart looks ugly | [23:27] |
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assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.44899999 BTC [+] | [23:28] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.45 = 0.9 BTC [+] | [23:29] |
bowjob | ;;ticker | [23:29] |
gribble | Error: Failure to retrieve ticker. Try again later. | [23:29] |
pgp | not that much coin on either side for 10 points... | [23:29] |
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* | [\]_w (~imsaguy@unaffiliated/imsaguy) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:31] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [SYNERGY] 1 @ 0.0125 BTC [+] | [23:32] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [SYNERGY] 3 @ 0.0125 = 0.0375 BTC [+] | [23:32] |
* | Doffx ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:33] |
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assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.7407 = 1.4814 BTC [-] | [23:34] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.74 = 1.48 BTC [-] | [23:34] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 15 @ 0.00177 = 0.0266 BTC [+] | [23:34] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 0.733 = 2.932 BTC [-] | [23:34] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 0.73 BTC [-] | [23:34] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.7006 = 1.4012 BTC [-] | [23:34] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 0.7005 = 1.401 BTC [-] | [23:34] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 0.7 = 2.1 BTC [-] | [23:35] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 0.69 = 2.76 BTC [-] | [23:35] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 0.683004 = 2.049 BTC [-] | [23:35] |
assbot | [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 6 @ 0.683004 = 4.098 BTC [-] | [23:35] |
pgp | not a lot of depth to that book, eh? | [23:36] |
pgp | holy shit | [23:36] |
Bugpowder | oh my | [23:36] |
Bugpowder | feeling better about the cashing out now | [23:36] |
deadweasel | ;;goxlag | [23:37] |
gribble | MtGox lag is 6.54048 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.0131070486891 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from Jupiter to its second largest moon, Callisto (0.012567 AU). | [23:37] |
Bugpowder | now about those calls.... | [23:37] |
Bugpowder | ;;bids 0 | [23:39] |
gribble | There are currently 30745238 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 8109918.25254 USD in total. | Data vintage: 146.6280 seconds | [23:39] |
Bugpowder | ugh | [23:39] |
Bugpowder | weak | [23:39] |
* | Boydy (~BB@unaffiliated/boydy) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:39] |
Namworld | not weak at all. At least not in the higher priced orderbook | [23:40] |
KRS-1 | ;;goxlag | [23:42] |
gribble | Error: Problem retrieving gox lag. Try again later. | [23:42] |
Bugpowder | 8.1M is the weakest I've seen since the last flashcrash | [23:43] |
Bugpowder | although a lot of that was just wiped out | [23:43] |
Bugpowder | mircera's blog post killed the bubble. :( | [23:43] |
Namworld | price looks stable now. More bids than asks... | [23:43] |
Namworld | I have a feeling we're not done yet with this bubble-thing | [23:44] |
jcpham | mircea_popescu has a blog? | [23:44] |
dub | so gox is working via api only? | [23:46] |
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Bugpowder | It might break 100 | [23:54] |
pgp | I think so | [23:54] |
Bugpowder | whats the 61.8% retrace? | [23:54] |
Bugpowder | $90.48 | [23:54] |
Bugpowder | Might set some buys up at 91 | [23:54] |
mircea_popescu | jcpham o you didn't klnow ? | [23:55] |
jcpham | nah negro | [23:55] |
jcpham | sure did not | [23:55] |
pgp | here we go... | [23:55] |
Bugpowder | oh hai 502, my old friend | [23:55] |
mircea_popescu | jcpham must be cause you're new. | [23:55] |
Bugpowder | U gonna need to buy some credits boy | [23:55] |
jcpham | i'll get the hang of this internet thing one day | [23:56] |
jcpham | double-click | [23:56] |
mircea_popescu | it's spelled double-clit | [23:56] |
jcpham | my mind just lit up with that visualization | [23:56] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.35929989 BTC [+] | [23:57] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.3592999 BTC [+] | [23:57] |
* | Enky__ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [23:57] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.35929991 BTC [+] | [23:57] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.35929993 BTC [+] | [23:57] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.35929995 BTC [+] | [23:57] |
* | beetlebee has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [23:57] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.35929997 BTC [+] | [23:57] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.35929999 BTC [+] | [23:57] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.3593 BTC [+] | [23:57] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.35939999 BTC [+] | [23:57] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.3595 = 0.719 BTC [+] | [23:57] |
deadweasel | is that 4 clicks per clit? | [23:57] |
wao | hmm | [23:57] |
Namworld | ok... gox is doing this on purpose... | [23:57] |
wao | why is sell | [23:57] |
mircea_popescu | wao probably somebody needed small change. | [23:57] |
wao | Bugpowder: url for mircera blog post? | [23:57] |
Bugpowder | mircea_popescu: do you want to be in a documentary re: bitcoin? Was talking to a super early adopter that has been making a doc for the past 2 years. I think he has more liquid coin than you... | [23:58] |
mircea_popescu | not particularly. | [23:58] |
Bugpowder | aiiight | [23:58] |
Bugpowder | its actually half doc / half porn. | [23:59] |
Bugpowder | babes of bitcoin | [23:59] |
Category: Logs