Forum logs for 01 Sep 2012
Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.103 BTC [-] | [00:00] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 22 @ 0.103 = 2.266 BTC [-] | [00:00] |
* | _locust_ (0509e948@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:01] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [ARS] 20 @ 0.0148 = 0.296 BTC [+] | [00:01] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 5 @ 0.2 = 1 BTC [+] | [00:02] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27519 @ 0.00039069 = 10.7514 BTC [-] | [00:17] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4481 @ 0.00039223 = 1.7576 BTC [+] | [00:18] |
BTCHero | pigeons: I can show you my account history if that helps | [00:30] |
* | Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) | [00:34] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 591 @ 0.103 = 60.873 BTC [-] | [00:36] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 3 @ 0.104986 = 0.315 BTC [+] | [00:41] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 7 @ 0.104986 = 0.7349 BTC [+] | [00:42] |
gabbynot | why is BTC in the shitter today? | [00:43] |
gabbynot | ;;ticker | [00:43] |
gribble | Best bid: 9.67081, Best ask: 9.7779, Bid-ask spread: 0.10709, Last trade: 9.67079, 24 hour volume: 58933, 24 hour low: 9.67079, 24 hour high: 10.8285 | [00:43] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [JLP-BMD] 4 @ 0.09998 = 0.3999 BTC [-] | [00:47] |
rdponticelli | Maybe pirate is finally achieving to crash the market in order to buy cheap? | [00:47] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 44 @ 0.0892 = 3.9248 BTC [-] | [00:48] |
kakobrekla | o nice dip | [00:49] |
kakobrekla | should have sold more :) | [00:49] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 41 @ 0.0892 = 3.6572 BTC [-] | [00:51] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 44 @ 0.0891 = 3.9204 BTC [-] | [00:51] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 2 @ 0.818 = 1.636 BTC [+] | [00:53] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 80 @ 0.103 = 8.24 BTC [-] | [00:54] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.103 BTC [-] | [00:54] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.1028 BTC [-] | [00:54] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 44 @ 0.1027 = 4.5188 BTC [-] | [00:57] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [YABMC] 3 @ 0.1113 = 0.3339 BTC [-] | [00:58] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BIB.BVPS] 1500 @ 0.0039 = 5.85 BTC [+] | [00:59] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [MMM] 1 @ 0.821 BTC [-] | [01:00] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 5 @ 0.0033 = 0.0165 BTC [-] | [01:01] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [NYAN.C] 1 @ 0.61 BTC [+] | [01:02] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53100 @ 0.00039223 = 20.8274 BTC [+] | [01:03] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3535 @ 0.00039223 = 1.3865 BTC [+] | [01:03] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7800 @ 0.00039353 = 3.0695 BTC [+] | [01:03] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4665 @ 0.00039408 = 1.8384 BTC [+] | [01:03] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [DMC] 15 @ 0.068 = 1.02 BTC [+] | [01:05] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:09] |
BTC-Mining | why are everyone still talking about pirate crashing the market... pirate is happy with his defaulted on bitcoins being high priced | [01:10] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BIB.BVPS] 1500 @ 0.0039 = 5.85 BTC [+] | [01:11] |
* | DeaDTerra ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:19] |
* | DeaDTerra is now known as Guest83158 | [01:20] |
* | Guest68282 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [01:20] |
rdponticelli | Maybe | [01:21] |
Bane_Capital | I think this is just the weekend starting | [01:22] |
Bane_Capital | nothing more | [01:22] |
Bane_Capital | The profits from the inevitable weekend dip have been cleaned out. | [01:22] |
rdponticelli | It's too sudden to be a natural weekend dip | [01:23] |
Bane_Capital | Exactly. It's people just predicting it. | [01:23] |
rdponticelli | It's somebody taking advantage of that, pushing the price down | [01:23] |
rdponticelli | Knowing that until monday, it won't fully recover | [01:24] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOT] 1 @ 1 BTC [+] | [01:25] |
rdponticelli | TYGRR.BOT is still live? | [01:26] |
rdponticelli | Return of the undead... | [01:26] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 10 @ 0.35 = 3.5 BTC [+] | [01:28] |
* | copumpkin has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [01:35] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 8 @ 0.0917 = 0.7336 BTC [+] | [01:36] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8700 @ 0.00039226 = 3.4127 BTC [-] | [01:36] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BBBB] 300 @ 0.00024 = 0.072 BTC [+] | [01:36] |
* | chmod755 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [01:37] |
* | rdponticelli has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [01:38] |
* | copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:39] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BDT] 7 @ 0.99 = 6.93 BTC [+] | [01:40] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [DMC] 20 @ 0.068 = 1.36 BTC [+] | [01:40] |
smickles | ;;bc,24hprc | [01:43] |
gribble | 10.24 | [01:43] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 4 @ 0.11406 = 0.4562 BTC [-] | [01:43] |
* | maximian ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:43] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32100 @ 0.00039226 = 12.5915 BTC [-] | [01:44] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BTCMC] 3 @ 0.40000002 = 1.2 BTC [-] | [01:45] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49613 @ 0.000388 = 19.2498 BTC [-] | [01:45] |
smickles | ;;ticker | [01:48] |
gribble | Best bid: 9.82491, Best ask: 9.82498, Bid-ask spread: 0.00007, Last trade: 9.8249, 24 hour volume: 62457, 24 hour low: 9.66, 24 hour high: 10.8285 | [01:48] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [HYDRO.BONDS] 1 @ 1.5989 BTC [+] | [01:50] |
* | Jackmaninov ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:57] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20900 @ 0.00038947 = 8.1399 BTC [+] | [02:05] |
* | Guest83158 has quit () | [02:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.BVPS] 50 @ 0.00357386 = 0.1787 BTC [+] | [02:08] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.1MHS] 3 @ 0.09348999 = 0.2805 BTC [+] | [02:12] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.1MHS] 1 @ 0.09349 BTC [+] | [02:12] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.1MHS] 21 @ 0.093779 = 1.9694 BTC [+] | [02:12] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 1 @ 0.7999 BTC [+] | [02:15] |
* | Jackmaninov has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [02:15] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 10151 @ 0.00087607 = 8.893 BTC [+] | [02:17] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 7204 @ 0.00088024 = 6.3412 BTC [+] | [02:17] |
* | phlebotomous (567de921@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:20] |
mircea_popescu | pigeons mm was somnetging on the forum i think | [02:20] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BDT] 3 @ 0.99 = 2.97 BTC [+] | [02:20] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [UDN] 2 @ 0.1 = 0.2 BTC [-] | [02:24] |
mircea_popescu | ;;tslb | [02:26] |
gribble | Time since last block: 29 minutes and 12 seconds | [02:26] |
Bane_Capital | ;;market buy 50000 | [02:26] |
gribble | A market order to buy 50000 bitcoins right now would take 566371.5640 USD and would take the last price up to 12.1500 USD, resulting in an average price of 11.3274 USD/BTC. | [02:26] |
mircea_popescu | ;;ticker | [02:26] |
gribble | Best bid: 10.07395, Best ask: 10.07686, Bid-ask spread: 0.00291, Last trade: 10.07396, 24 hour volume: 65760, 24 hour low: 9.66, 24 hour high: 10.8285 | [02:26] |
mircea_popescu | still playing around 10 is it | [02:26] |
smickles | ;;bc,24hprc | [02:26] |
gribble | 10.21 | [02:26] |
smickles | i don't think it's going to drop under 10 in ~30 min | [02:27] |
mircea_popescu | me either. | [02:27] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [DMC] 5 @ 0.068 = 0.34 BTC [+] | [02:29] |
smickles | looks like my short straddle at 10 was a good bet | [02:29] |
mircea_popescu | o, you have calls ? | [02:30] |
mircea_popescu | ya might make a little money there. | [02:30] |
mircea_popescu | i think im mostly loaded on puts atm. | [02:30] |
* | rdponticelli ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:30] |
* | toffoo has quit () | [02:30] |
* | paladon has quit () | [02:31] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [MMM] 1 @ 0.81 BTC [-] | [02:33] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [MMM] 1 @ 0.805 BTC [-] | [02:33] |
mircea_popescu | ;;ticker | [02:36] |
gribble | Best bid: 10.01431, Best ask: 10.08, Bid-ask spread: 0.06569, Last trade: 10.17999, 24 hour volume: 67689, 24 hour low: 9.66, 24 hour high: 10.8285 | [02:36] |
mircea_popescu | !ticker s.dice | [02:39] |
assbot | [MPEX:S.DICE] 1day: 0.0033 / 0.0033139 / 0.0034 (115100 shares, 381.43 BTC), 30day: 0.0032 / 0.00324939 / 0.0034 (2887663 shares, 9,383.16 BTC) | [02:39] |
Bane_Capital | Satoshi Dice is dead. | [02:42] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [MU] 2 @ 0.4 = 0.8 BTC [-] | [02:42] |
Bane_Capital | There will be a selloff soon | [02:42] |
kakobrekla | seems like nothing is going | [02:42] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 7 @ 0.0917 = 0.6419 BTC [+] | [02:43] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [DMC] 10 @ 0.068 = 0.68 BTC [+] | [02:43] |
mircea_popescu | ;;ident Bane_Capital | [02:46] |
gribble | Nick 'Bane_Capital', with hostmask 'Bane_Capital!', is not identified. | [02:46] |
mircea_popescu | hi there. are you new ? | [02:46] |
Bane_Capital | No, you know me. | [02:46] |
Bane_Capital | Just take a guess. | [02:46] |
mircea_popescu | under the name of ? | [02:46] |
Bane_Capital | I'm Emanuel. | [02:47] |
mircea_popescu | that's illuminating. emanuel who ? | [02:47] |
Bane_Capital | De Ortego | [02:47] |
mircea_popescu | o i c | [02:47] |
mircea_popescu | did yo umanage to clear with deadterra ? | [02:47] |
kakobrekla | did i hear drama? | [02:48] |
Bane_Capital | I managed to transfer them to a undisclosed party for a fair price. | [02:48] |
mircea_popescu | a cool then. | [02:48] |
mircea_popescu | kakobrekla was there drama ? | [02:48] |
kakobrekla | im aking :> | [02:48] |
mircea_popescu | lol. you're such a drama whore :D | [02:48] |
kakobrekla | i know :( | [02:48] |
mircea_popescu | when you'll be all rich from btc going over 9k | [02:51] |
mircea_popescu | you'll end up paying young luscious drama students in your town to put up drama in transparent costumes fior you. | [02:51] |
kakobrekla | information is money and drama is information | [02:51] |
Bane_Capital | Fine tastes you have there. | [02:52] |
kakobrekla | so drama is money. | [02:52] |
mircea_popescu | and time is ? | [02:52] |
kakobrekla | arbitrary. | [02:52] |
mircea_popescu | drama is moar arbitrary than time. | [02:52] |
kakobrekla | nah | [02:53] |
mircea_popescu | omg how can you say that. | [02:53] |
kakobrekla | maybe it depends on the def. of drama | [02:53] |
* | Doffx has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [02:53] |
mircea_popescu | ;;bc,24h | [02:54] |
gribble | Error: "bc,24h" is not a valid command. | [02:54] |
mircea_popescu | ;;bc,24hprc | [02:54] |
gribble | 10.21 | [02:54] |
kakobrekla | also, i dont like time. | [02:54] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 8500 @ 0.00088024 = 7.482 BTC [+] | [02:54] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.C100T] 1 @ 0.07619102 BTC [-] | [02:55] |
kakobrekla | btw | [02:59] |
kakobrekla | is it time for mpex div yet | [02:59] |
kakobrekla | ;> | [02:59] |
mircea_popescu | yup will be announced soonish. | [02:59] |
mircea_popescu | i usually release the end of month results within a few hours. | [02:59] |
kakobrekla | funny one btw guys did you see the nex | [03:00] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: so was it 10.21 or 10.2 at the buzzer? | [03:01] |
mircea_popescu | .2 good call. | [03:01] |
kakobrekla | hmm | [03:02] |
kakobrekla | | [03:02] |
kakobrekla | wall. | [03:02] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BDT] 1 @ 0.99 BTC [+] | [03:05] |
smickles | ;;bc,24hprc | [03:08] |
gribble | 10.20 | [03:08] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.6 BTC [-] | [03:09] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [COGNITIVE] 7 @ 0.5501 = 3.8507 BTC [-] | [03:09] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [COGNITIVE] 10 @ 0.55 = 5.5 BTC [-] | [03:09] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [SYNERGY] 10 @ 0.16 = 1.6 BTC [+] | [03:10] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FDBF] 1 @ 0.14 BTC [-] | [03:17] |
usagi | mircea, is satoshidice going to crash soon? | [03:20] |
* | Fiddle has quit (Quit: ~) | [03:21] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 114 @ 0.00335 = 0.3819 BTC [+] | [03:21] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.1028 BTC [+] | [03:23] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 4 @ 0.1028 = 0.4112 BTC [+] | [03:24] |
smickles | usagi: how would he know? | [03:24] |
usagi | Because he could be in on it. | [03:24] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 5 @ 0.1027 = 0.5135 BTC [-] | [03:24] |
usagi | He claims to know a lot about finance; have you read the contract? | [03:24] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BLUECHIP] 12 @ 0.1 = 1.2 BTC | [03:24] |
smickles | usagi: only 72870 shares to 0 | [03:25] |
usagi | Maybe they designed it to fail? :p | [03:25] |
smickles | (price 0 that is) | [03:25] |
usagi | !pl BIB.BVPS 0.003 | [03:26] |
assbot | Requesting data from GLBSE (might take a while). | [03:26] |
assbot | BIB.BVPS [1@0.003BTC] paid: 0.00015143 BTC. Last price: 0.0039 BTC. Capital gain: 0.0009 BTC. Total: 0.00105143 BTC. (35%) | [03:26] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GERBITIN.PYRA] 67 @ 0.85 = 56.95 BTC [-] | [03:27] |
smickles | alright | [03:28] |
smickles | i'm gonna do it | [03:29] |
smickles | .05 btc to 1dice1e6pdhLzzWQq7yMidf6j8eAg7pkY | [03:29] |
usagi | hahahaha | [03:29] |
usagi | Have you checked your glbse mailbox recently? | [03:29] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 8 @ 0.09159999 = 0.7328 BTC [-] | [03:29] |
usagi | smickles; if you want to gamble, hotwallet has better odds. | [03:29] |
smickles | usagi: i've never had any mail there | [03:29] |
smickles | aw crap. i lost | [03:30] |
usagi | we beat satoshidice by aroudn 0.7% | [03:30] |
usagi | try it today, hotwallet dot c, a! | [03:30] |
rdponticelli | usagi: You also got a lot of spam? | [03:30] |
* | usagi puts on a pear of sunglasses. somebody screams in the background. | [03:30] |
usagi | rdp: yeah someone's trying to inject glbse | [03:31] |
rdponticelli | Like somebody searching for attack vectors | [03:31] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [NYAN.C] 1 @ 0.61 BTC [+] | [03:31] |
rdponticelli | Yea, I told to ColdHardMetal on #GLBSE, but he's not online... | [03:31] |
rdponticelli | Anyway, it seems to be all scaped | [03:32] |
smickles | ;;calc 2.99/[bc,24hprc] | [03:32] |
gribble | 0.293137254902 | [03:32] |
usagi | ;;../.../.././../.../.././../.../.././../.../.././../.../.././../.../.././windows/win.ini | [03:32] |
gribble | Error: "../.../.././../.../.././../.../.././../.../.././../.../.././../.../.././windows/win.ini" is not a valid command. | [03:32] |
usagi | like that | [03:33] |
usagi | But they did it like 250 times | [03:33] |
coingenuity | usagi: thats pretty common | [03:33] |
coingenuity | directory transversal spider | [03:33] |
Bane_Capital | >a pear of sunglasses | [03:34] |
Bane_Capital | lol'd for some reason | [03:34] |
coingenuity | be more concerned about logs that look like GET x81561x196162x90163136x1093691x18963821x8163213x18923651x1251263y | [03:34] |
* | Anduck has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | [03:34] |
usagi | right | [03:35] |
smickles | usagi: was i supposed to have something in my glbse mailbox? | [03:35] |
usagi | that means its robots | [03:36] |
coingenuity | also grep your logs for netsparker and nessus and such if you want to scare yourself lol | [03:36] |
usagi | and robots are crafty | [03:36] |
usagi | always trying to take over the world | [03:36] |
* | kakobrekla has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | [03:36] |
* | Obsi (~Obsi@unaffiliated/obsi) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [03:36] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [UDN] 1 @ 0.1 BTC [-] | [03:36] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 26 @ 0.11406 = 2.9656 BTC [-] | [03:40] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 16 @ 0.11416 = 1.8266 BTC [+] | [03:40] |
* | Doffx ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [03:42] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PAJKA.BOND] 2 @ 0.06 = 0.12 BTC [+] | [03:42] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [YABMC] 1 @ 0.1176 BTC [+] | [03:44] |
* | asa (~asa@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [03:46] |
* | kakobrekla ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [03:47] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 20 @ 0.104985 = 2.0997 BTC [+] | [03:51] |
* | copumpkin is now known as ChuckPonzi | [03:51] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 11 @ 0.104985 = 1.1548 BTC [+] | [03:55] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FUTUREFUND] 180 @ 0.00012189 = 0.0219 BTC [+] | [03:57] |
* | rdponticelli has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [03:59] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 696 @ 0.00088024 = 0.6126 BTC [+] | [04:12] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5254 @ 0.00038947 = 2.0463 BTC [+] | [04:13] |
* | Doffx has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [04:15] |
* | kakobreklaa ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:15] |
* | Doffx ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:16] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2661 @ 0.00039063 = 1.0395 BTC [+] | [04:17] |
* | kakobrekla has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [04:19] |
* | Doffx has quit (Client Quit) | [04:20] |
* | Doffx ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:21] |
* | leotreasure has quit (Quit: leotreasure) | [04:23] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 5 @ 0.09159999 = 0.458 BTC [-] | [04:24] |
* | OneFixt has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [04:24] |
* | OneFixt (~OneFixt@unaffiliated/onefixt) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:24] |
* | Lucidize has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [04:27] |
* | ChuckPonzi is now known as copumpkin | [04:31] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.2501 BTC [+] | [04:34] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8176 @ 0.000388 = 3.1723 BTC [-] | [04:35] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28618 @ 0.000387 = 11.0752 BTC [-] | [04:35] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GERBITIN.PYRA] 1 @ 0.98 BTC [+] | [04:35] |
BTCHero | where does BTC-Mining live, anyone know? | [04:37] |
copumpkin | underground, in a mine | [04:38] |
BTCHero | what timezone is this mine in? | [04:38] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 10 @ 0.8576 = 8.576 BTC [+] | [04:38] |
copumpkin | timezones only make sense when there's sunlight to go by | [04:38] |
copumpkin | this mine operates 24/7 | [04:38] |
copumpkin | with people sleeping in shifts around the clock | [04:39] |
mircea_popescu | mk results are out | [04:39] |
BTCHero | ok, thanks for the info bro | [04:39] |
mircea_popescu | i got totally hosed. | [04:39] |
BTC-Mining | In Montreal | [04:40] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 1 @ 0.08920001 BTC [-] | [04:40] |
copumpkin | mircea_popescu: damn, sorry to hear that :/ | [04:41] |
copumpkin | not just because of my 0.000001% stake | [04:41] |
mircea_popescu | i suspekt i was played tbh. | [04:41] |
BTCHero | played? | [04:41] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [KRAKEN] 5 @ 0.01 = 0.05 BTC | [04:41] |
mircea_popescu | anyway. on the positive score, there's no more limit to bond interest rates now. | [04:41] |
mircea_popescu | sky's the limit. | [04:41] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 44 @ 0.0892 = 3.9248 BTC [-] | [04:42] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.28 BTC [+] | [04:42] |
copumpkin | "instrumkents " | [04:42] |
copumpkin | typo | [04:42] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 79 @ 0.0891 = 7.0389 BTC [-] | [04:43] |
copumpkin | oh | [04:43] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [NASTY] 1 @ 0.54 BTC [+] | [04:43] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [NASTY] 1 @ 0.54999999 BTC [+] | [04:43] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [NASTY] 5 @ 0.55 = 2.75 BTC [+] | [04:43] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [NASTY] 7 @ 0.56 = 3.92 BTC [+] | [04:43] |
copumpkin | this is auto translated from romanian | [04:43] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [NASTY] 13 @ 0.57 = 7.41 BTC [+] | [04:43] |
copumpkin | lol | [04:43] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [NASTY] 3 @ 0.59 = 1.77 BTC [+] | [04:43] |
copumpkin | this isn't bad | [04:43] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BITBOND] 60 @ 0.4695 = 28.17 BTC [+] | [04:43] |
copumpkin | oh wait, it isn't | [04:43] |
copumpkin | gah, wtf | [04:43] |
copumpkin | okay, so it's a typo :) | [04:43] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [NASTY] 1 @ 0.59 BTC [+] | [04:43] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 7 @ 0.003001 = 0.021 BTC [-] | [04:44] |
mircea_popescu | it'snot autotranslated, no. | [04:44] |
mircea_popescu | wantyed to get it out asap, will fixtypos shortly. | [04:45] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FUTUREFUND] 350 @ 0.000116 = 0.0406 BTC [-] | [04:45] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GOLD] 100 @ 0.00989 = 0.989 BTC [+] | [04:45] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BITBOND] 50 @ 0.4695 = 23.475 BTC [+] | [04:49] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 12100 @ 0.00088555 = 10.7152 BTC [+] | [04:50] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 4723 @ 0.00088869 = 4.1973 BTC [+] | [04:50] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] [PAID] 500000000 @ 0.00000124 = 619.5151922 BTC | [04:52] |
* | rdponticelli ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:52] |
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kakobreklaa | it works! | [04:52] |
* | toffoo ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:53] |
asa | good job sir! | [04:53] |
* | Chaaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:53] |
mircea_popescu | o hey, cool! | [04:54] |
* | Chaaang-Noi has quit (Client Quit) | [04:55] |
mircea_popescu | anyway, i'm available for shareholder/bondholder/journalist grilling. ask away. | [04:55] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: what was the motivation in lifting the mpbor interest limit? | [04:58] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: and, what's the risk of only receiving unsustainably high interest bids? | [04:59] |
mircea_popescu | i was alwyas planning to eventually lift it. | [04:59] |
mircea_popescu | the hosing of this month forced my hand so to speak. if people can be taken for half their investment they really should be allowed to choose their own %. | [05:00] |
mircea_popescu | and the risk is nil, let me explain this : | [05:00] |
mircea_popescu | exchange makes 1k btc over 2k btc in capital. | [05:00] |
* | Chaang-Noi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [05:00] |
mircea_popescu | if the interest of the 2k in capital is 1k btc, then the exchange will have made... 0. | [05:00] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BIB.BVPS] 1000 @ 0.0036 = 3.6 BTC [-] | [05:00] |
mircea_popescu | if the interest is 2k then the exchange will have made -1k, and the excess paid as interest is taken from the bonds. | [05:00] |
mircea_popescu | so really bondholder can't get more than ALL the profit. | [05:01] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57900 @ 0.00038903 = 22.5248 BTC [+] | [05:01] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BIB.BVPS] 1000 @ 0.0037 = 3.7 BTC [+] | [05:01] |
smickles | so there is the potential for the mpbor holders to take all profit from the operation. You anticipate the competition bidding will cause this not to occur? | [05:02] |
mircea_popescu | i would imagine so. | [05:02] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FDBF] 5 @ 0.14 = 0.7 BTC [-] | [05:02] |
mircea_popescu | historically MPEx makes something in the 5 to 15% range. | [05:03] |
mircea_popescu | i doubt there's not going to be 10-100k btc available for that sort of rate, especially in the new economy. | [05:03] |
* | Chaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:03] |
mircea_popescu | (yes, the fact that the pirate isn't around anymore was also a factor, i wasn't going to allow interest w/o ceiling in a ponzi atmopshere) | [05:03] |
smickles | so can we expect pirate to pay back about 4k now ;D | [05:05] |
mircea_popescu | if it was acrually him. | [05:05] |
smickles | i suspect a pass thru operator mor than pirate, actually | [05:05] |
smickles | if it was canspiracy | [05:05] |
mircea_popescu | i tell you one thing, if the total paid accounts ends up being about 4k | [05:05] |
mircea_popescu | ima be pretty fucken pissed off. | [05:05] |
* | _locust_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [05:06] |
maximian | mircea_popescu: Is the latest dividend listed on the s.mpoe page correct? ( ). It looks like half of what was actually paid out (thank you by the way!) | [05:08] |
mircea_popescu | maximian yes, all dividends are halved on mpex because nobody has in their acct but half the shares | [05:08] |
mircea_popescu | this is as investor protection, because the owner is never allowed to sell more than half the shares | [05:08] |
mircea_popescu | (this is because the shares are non-voting) | [05:08] |
mircea_popescu | so the comp makes 1k and has 1mn shares, you will see 500 btc paid | [05:09] |
mircea_popescu | but it's paid to 500k shares. | [05:09] |
mircea_popescu | per share dividend is the right ammt. | [05:09] |
maximian | Ok, makes sense - thanks | [05:09] |
mircea_popescu | .py 500000000 * 0.00000124 | [05:11] |
markac | 620.0 | [05:11] |
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assbot | [GLBSE] [FDBF] 5 @ 0.14 = 0.7 BTC [-] | [05:14] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 2 @ 0.2501 = 0.5002 BTC [-] | [05:18] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FDBF] 10 @ 0.14 = 1.4 BTC [-] | [05:22] |
* | Jackmaninov ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:23] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOT] 1 @ 0.91 BTC [-] | [05:24] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 200000 @ 0.0034 = 680 BTC [+] | [05:25] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 10504 @ 0.00088235 = 9.2682 BTC [-] | [05:26] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 10144 @ 0.00087275 = 8.8532 BTC [-] | [05:26] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 4656 @ 0.00087275 = 4.0635 BTC [-] | [05:27] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 1144 @ 0.00087256 = 0.9982 BTC [-] | [05:27] |
Bane_Capital | Evoorhees bought out his final shares. | [05:28] |
Bane_Capital | or somebody else did, which I highly doubt. | [05:28] |
* | Jackmaninov has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [05:28] |
Bane_Capital | oh wait | [05:28] |
Bane_Capital | I though that was 2 million | [05:28] |
Bane_Capital | nevermind | [05:28] |
Bane_Capital | I weep for that sucker | [05:28] |
asa | lol love the nick | [05:29] |
mircea_popescu | lol why weep ? | [05:29] |
Bane_Capital | His money is stuck in that stock for the next two months | [05:30] |
Bane_Capital | probably longer | [05:30] |
mircea_popescu | i don't follow. | [05:30] |
* | Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) | [05:31] |
* | Clipse is now known as Bain-Capital | [05:31] |
Bane_Capital | oh | [05:31] |
Bane_Capital | MPeX has liquidity | [05:32] |
* | Chaaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:32] |
Bane_Capital | nevermind | [05:32] |
sgornick | mircea_popescu: > Total turnover 75 `648 contracts, of which -12`312 +7`100 CALL, -32`472 +23`764 PUT. | [05:32] |
* | jcpham is now known as Bane_Lowercase | [05:32] |
mircea_popescu | ya ? | [05:32] |
sgornick | July didn't have that + / - breakdown, did it? | [05:32] |
* | mircea_popescu look | [05:33] |
mircea_popescu | indeed not. | [05:33] |
Bane_Capital | How many bids are there for MPeX at the highest? | [05:34] |
mircea_popescu | what do you mean ? | [05:34] |
* | Chaang-Noi has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [05:34] |
mircea_popescu | lol jcpham | [05:34] |
Bane_Lowercase | hi | [05:39] |
Bane_Capital | Okay | [05:40] |
Bane_Lowercase | not okay | [05:40] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [05:40] |
Bane_Lowercase | side effects may include viral infection and coughing | [05:40] |
Bane_Capital | There are 108`256 bids at .0033 for S.DICe | [05:40] |
Bane_Capital | That is okay | [05:40] |
* | Jackmaninov ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:40] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BITCOINRS] 3 @ 0.050999 = 0.153 BTC [+] | [05:41] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.104979 BTC [-] | [05:42] |
mircea_popescu | aha ? | [05:42] |
* | Bain-Capital is now known as Mitten-Romnayer | [05:47] |
* | smickles is now known as forsken | [05:49] |
* | blazing (~lew@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:49] |
* | forsken is now known as smickles | [05:49] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9300 @ 0.00038793 = 3.6077 BTC [-] | [05:49] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39 @ 0.00038903 = 0.0152 BTC [+] | [05:49] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23235 @ 0.00039408 = 9.1564 BTC [+] | [05:49] |
* | Mitten-Romnayer is now known as Barak-HussainMit | [05:51] |
mircea_popescu | lol wtf | [05:51] |
mircea_popescu | anyway, ortego, what were you trying to ask ? | [05:51] |
* | Chaaaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:51] |
Bane_Lowercase | ortego likes little kids | [05:51] |
Bane_Lowercase | "free candy" on the side of his van | [05:51] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5526 @ 0.00039458 = 2.1804 BTC [+] | [05:52] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27182 @ 0.000387 = 10.5194 BTC [-] | [05:52] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31800 @ 0.0003869 = 12.3034 BTC [-] | [05:52] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3913 @ 0.00038624 = 1.5114 BTC [-] | [05:52] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:52] |
Bane_Lowercase | i meant kittens | [05:52] |
Bane_Lowercase | not kids | [05:52] |
* | Shaded has quit (Client Quit) | [05:53] |
* | Chaaang-Noi has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [05:53] |
mircea_popescu | then it;d be free cream | [05:53] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 1 @ 0.8576 BTC [+] | [05:54] |
smickles | free cream for kittens? is this a new section for you dtng sight mircea_popescu ? | [05:54] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [05:54] |
mircea_popescu | isn't that what kittens like ? | [05:54] |
Bane_Lowercase | mmmm | [05:55] |
Bane_Lowercase | kitten cream | [05:55] |
mircea_popescu | well tghe only time i had sex with a kitten it was via fresh cream | [05:55] |
mircea_popescu | i'm not expert tho. | [05:55] |
mircea_popescu | so i defer to the elders of the chanel. | [05:55] |
Bane_Capital |! | [05:56] |
Diablo-D3 | hrm | [05:57] |
Diablo-D3 | did someone just try to attack glbse? | [05:57] |
Diablo-D3 | my mailbox is full of shit | [05:57] |
Obsi | GLBSE box or email? | [05:57] |
Diablo-D3 | glbse box | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | new messages: 232. lawls. | [05:58] |
mircea_popescu | there's a glbse box ?! | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug "|dir | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug '|dir | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug '&dir&' | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug "&dir&" | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug |dir | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug &dir | [05:58] |
Obsi | none on my end | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug ;cat /etc/passwd; | [05:58] |
mircea_popescu | o wow | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug "|"ld | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug ||cat /etc/passwd | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug ';cat /etc/passwd;' | [05:58] |
mircea_popescu | that looks like an actual xss. | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug ";cat /etc/passwd;" | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug "&cat /etc/passwd&" | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug `cat /etc/passwd` | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug |cat /etc/passwd# | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug '|'ld | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug cat /etc/passwd | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug '&cat /etc/passwd&' | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:06 Fri-31/Aug &cat /etc/passwd& | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:05 Fri-31/Aug ../.../.././../.../.././../.../.././../.../.././../.../.././../.../.././windows/win.ini | [05:58] |
Diablo-D3 | asdzxc Diablo-D3 19:05 Fri-31/Aug ../..//../..//../..//../..//../..//../..//../..//../..//windows/win.ini | [05:58] |
Obsi | lol | [05:58] |
smickles | fuck you Diablo-D3 | [05:59] |
mircea_popescu | wow so someone tried yeah. | [05:59] |
Obsi | glad they didn't pick me | [05:59] |
mircea_popescu | Obsi it'd be global if it worked. | [05:59] |
Obsi | I mean to stuff in my box | [05:59] |
Obsi | someone should quote that ^ out of context | [05:59] |
Diablo-D3 | smickles: what? | [06:00] |
mircea_popescu | you rooted his box accidentally :D | [06:00] |
Obsi | not sure glbse offers delete option on mails | [06:00] |
Diablo-D3 | it does | [06:00] |
mircea_popescu | omg no fucking way !? | [06:00] |
copumpkin | I rooted your girlfriend's box | [06:00] |
Diablo-D3 | but not bulk delete | [06:00] |
copumpkin | and didn't use a trojan | [06:00] |
smickles | Diablo-D3: i was under the impression that a 'fuck you' was required if someone posted more than 3 lines in irc | [06:00] |
mircea_popescu | copumpkin which one of them ? | [06:00] |
smickles | just playin gmy part ;) | [06:00] |
Diablo-D3 | smickles: yes, but I'm Diablo-D3 | [06:00] |
mircea_popescu | Obsi are you a female she-girl person ? | [06:01] |
Obsi | Depends how much you're willing to pay I suppose | [06:01] |
Diablo-D3 | lol | [06:02] |
mircea_popescu | sounds about right./ | [06:02] |
blazing | b | [06:04] |
blazing | i | [06:04] |
blazing | t | [06:04] |
blazing | c | [06:04] |
blazing | o | [06:04] |
* | Chaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [06:04] |
blazing | i | [06:04] |
blazing | m | [06:04] |
* | a5m0 has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [06:05] |
mircea_popescu | | [06:05] |
blazing | how many bitcoins do i need to put away so that in 5-10 years i can retire? | [06:05] |
mircea_popescu | ahahaha | [06:05] |
mircea_popescu | apparently this is p harnett | [06:05] |
mircea_popescu | blazing 20-30k should do you. | [06:06] |
blazing | what about 3000 | [06:06] |
* | Chaaaang-Noi has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [06:06] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FUTUREFUND] 1 @ 0.000116 BTC [-] | [06:08] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [06:08] |
smickles | << see last line in that section | [06:10] |
mircea_popescu | blazing might work. more like 10 years tho | [06:11] |
mircea_popescu | now go buy S.DICE S.MPOE and all the rest of the good stuff for them :D | [06:11] |
Bane_Lowercase | CHECK THE DILDO | [06:11] |
Bane_Lowercase | | [06:11] |
Bane_Lowercase | rocket dildo! | [06:12] |
mircea_popescu | i click random page... i get | [06:12] |
mircea_popescu | Bane_Lowercase | [06:12] |
* | Chaaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [06:13] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: there arn't many pages on the wiki yet :/ | [06:13] |
Bane_Lowercase | is that MPOE-PR? | [06:13] |
mircea_popescu | apparently not | [06:13] |
Bane_Lowercase | hahahha | [06:13] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: did you see the recent change to the page? | [06:13] |
mircea_popescu | the one where you say you're secretly addicted to snorting nonpareils ? | [06:14] |
smickles | that's a lame fact. who doesn't snort those? | [06:15] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [06:15] |
mircea_popescu | but you do bring an interestinf point, i wonder if cats like semen | [06:15] |
smickles | so what's the naming scheme on sdice? "lessthan X" what does it even mean? | [06:16] |
* | Chaang-Noi has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | [06:16] |
* | Bane_Lowercase is now known as jcpham | [06:16] |
jcpham | my cat loves semen | [06:16] |
jcpham | anyhoo | [06:16] |
smickles | ya know, i prolly know what it means | [06:16] |
mircea_popescu | smickles huh ? | [06:16] |
mircea_popescu | mm, i have no ideea hopw that thing actually works. | [06:17] |
* | Jackmaninov has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [06:17] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FUTUREFUND] 1 @ 0.00012189 BTC [+] | [06:19] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.104975 BTC [-] | [06:21] |
mircea_popescu | exahash do you actually have 1 exahash by now ? :D | [06:21] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: it takes an hmac of the publicly know secret and your txid, then the first so many characters of that are converted (hex->decimal) the decimal value has to be less than X to wint | [06:22] |
smickles | *win | [06:23] |
smickles | and there are various addresses for each X value | [06:23] |
jcpham | smickles have you been gaming sd? | [06:23] |
smickles | jcpham: i did send a bit to lessthan 1 once | [06:23] |
jcpham | oh yes i tested it | [06:24] |
jcpham | i was wondering if you were running thousands of tx through | [06:24] |
mircea_popescu | o i see. | [06:24] |
smickles | did you martangel (or whatever it's called)? | [06:24] |
mircea_popescu | about what i thought | [06:24] |
mircea_popescu | martingale | [06:24] |
jcpham | nope | [06:24] |
mircea_popescu | jesus your spelling! | [06:24] |
jcpham | i used to say i was not a gambler | [06:24] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: i thought it was a different word | [06:24] |
jcpham | but obviously i have issues | [06:25] |
smickles | i didn't realize it was a bird | [06:25] |
jcpham | so i've rephrased it | [06:25] |
jcpham | i do not play games of chance | [06:25] |
smickles | jcpham: you play poker then maybe? | [06:25] |
jcpham | with rel cards and alcohol. sure | [06:25] |
smickles | :D | [06:25] |
jcpham | sexy chicks on standby | [06:25] |
smickles | if we ever find ourselves together | [06:26] |
smickles | i know what we'll do | [06:26] |
mircea_popescu | jcpham it's very nice to play stud/hold'em in the harem | [06:26] |
smickles | jcpham: do you like scotch? | [06:26] |
* | Chaaang-Noi is now known as chaang-noi | [06:26] |
mircea_popescu | play WITH the girls./ | [06:26] |
jcpham | maybe next year we'll have our own vegas meetup | [06:26] |
jcpham | or screw vegas | [06:26] |
jcpham | i like tropical | [06:26] |
mircea_popescu | don't screw vegas you'll get the clap. | [06:27] |
smickles | lol | [06:27] |
* | TheSeven has quit (Disconnected by services) | [06:27] |
smickles | jcpham: my relative know a good place in puerto vallarta | [06:27] |
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smickles | *relatives | [06:27] |
mircea_popescu | | [06:28] |
mircea_popescu | i used to love costa rica casinos. | [06:28] |
jcpham | its been awhile since i was able to do the "hop in the car and drive for a few weeks" trip | [06:28] |
mircea_popescu | very laid back. | [06:28] |
jcpham | someplace european or tropical where i can drive the shit out of a car would be nice | [06:29] |
usagi | lol @ xss comment | [06:30] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 1 @ 0.8575 BTC [-] | [06:35] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 9556 @ 0.00087256 = 8.3382 BTC [-] | [06:35] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 7544 @ 0.00087252 = 6.5823 BTC [-] | [06:35] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 345 @ 0.0030011 = 1.0354 BTC [+] | [06:36] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 655 @ 0.003001 = 1.9657 BTC [-] | [06:36] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GSDPT] 338 @ 0.003001 = 1.0143 BTC [-] | [06:37] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BITBOND] 10 @ 0.4695 = 4.695 BTC [+] | [06:37] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 1 @ 0.8576 BTC [+] | [06:38] |
mircea_popescu | aite well... gnite all. | [06:42] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 2 @ 0.0917 = 0.1834 BTC [+] | [06:42] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [MERGEDMINING] 1 @ 0.085 BTC [-] | [06:43] |
smickles | nn | [06:43] |
smickles | kakobreklaa: is down | [06:44] |
* | _locust_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [06:44] |
* | Now talking on #bitcoin-assets | [18:13] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: Bitcoin asset exchanges: GLBSE || MPEx || CST || ICBIT || list bot commands: !help || Streaming trades only: #bitcoin-assets-trades || a biased message: || Net Chart: | [18:13] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla! at Sat Aug 25 15:12:46 2012 | [18:13] |
* | sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:14] |
mircea_popescu | | [18:16] |
mircea_popescu | ATTENTION : patched java is STILL VULNERABLE | [18:16] |
mircea_popescu | get the fuck rid of that thing. | [18:16] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [DMC] 1 @ 0.0679 BTC [+] | [18:17] |
* | MiningBuddy- (~msn@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:18] |
* | MiningBuddy has quit (Disconnected by services) | [18:19] |
* | MiningBuddy- is now known as MiningBuddy | [18:19] |
* | MiningBuddy has quit (Changing host) | [18:19] |
* | MiningBuddy (~msn@unaffiliated/miningbuddy) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:19] |
* | smickles has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | [18:21] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BLUECHIP] 8 @ 0.1 = 0.8 BTC | [18:21] |
* | blazing has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) | [18:21] |
* | guruvan_ (~guruvan@gateway/tor-sasl/guruvan) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:21] |
* | smickles ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:22] |
* | guruvan has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [18:24] |
* | guruvan_ is now known as guruvan | [18:24] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46900 @ 0.00038587 = 18.0973 BTC [+] | [18:32] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 200 @ 0.00038666 = 0.0773 BTC [+] | [18:37] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17400 @ 0.00038713 = 6.7361 BTC [+] | [18:37] |
* | blazing (~lew@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:38] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 4 @ 0.09399 = 0.376 BTC [+] | [18:38] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 1 @ 0.84959899 BTC [+] | [18:41] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BDT] 1 @ 1.04 BTC [+] | [18:42] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FDBF] 1 @ 0.14999 BTC [-] | [18:42] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [YABMC] 3 @ 0.1179 = 0.3537 BTC [+] | [18:43] |
mircea_popescu | ;;ticker | [18:44] |
gribble | Best bid: 9.922, Best ask: 9.95, Bid-ask spread: 0.02800, Last trade: 9.922, 24 hour volume: 58909, 24 hour low: 9.66, 24 hour high: 10.42 | [18:44] |
bitfoo | "the girl" is ruffling feathers on -otc | [18:45] |
jcpham | not really | [18:45] |
bitfoo | haha | [18:45] |
jcpham | but she can ruffle my feathers anytime | [18:45] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [18:46] |
mircea_popescu | she's a feather ruffler is she. | [18:46] |
bitfoo | uhh | [18:46] |
bitfoo | | [18:46] |
jcpham | lol | [18:46] |
mircea_popescu | [18:47] | |
mircea_popescu | [18:47] | |
mircea_popescu | [18:47] | |
mircea_popescu | [18:47] | |
mircea_popescu | [18:47] | |
mircea_popescu | [18:47] | |
mircea_popescu | [18:47] | |
mircea_popescu | [18:47] | |
mircea_popescu | [18:47] | |
mircea_popescu | [18:47] | |
mircea_popescu | if anyone want to join in on this effort ... | [18:47] |
mircea_popescu | that guy belongs here. | [18:47] |
jcpham | he has questions | [18:48] |
jcpham | she's got answers | [18:48] |
mircea_popescu | and the old folks wished them well | [18:48] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.1099 BTC [-] | [18:51] |
smickles | the guy that the cool kids are calling a db? | [18:51] |
* | smickles will now refer to the peeps on the forum as 'cool kids' | [18:52] |
mircea_popescu | they're the 99%. | [18:53] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [NYAN.C] 1 @ 0.78 BTC [+] | [18:53] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: what? you mean 99% as in not an outlaw motorcycle gang? | [18:54] |
mircea_popescu | yeah. | [18:54] |
mircea_popescu | they ain;t got da choppars. | [18:54] |
smickles | | [18:54] |
* | MiningBuddy has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [18:55] |
mircea_popescu | | [18:55] |
mircea_popescu | AHAHAHA this is so funny. so. SO! LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT! | [18:55] |
mircea_popescu | noob solicits interest for asset rating service idea | [18:55] |
mircea_popescu | forum says he should start new exchange with quality audits which'd charge extra to use. | [18:55] |
mircea_popescu | lol. | [18:55] |
mircea_popescu | jesus god i'll die laughing. | [18:56] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: you didn't make the named list "I'm thinking about an independent rating service that tracks the securities traded on GLBSE, Cryptostocks and any others." | [18:56] |
mircea_popescu | guess why. | [18:56] |
jcpham | i hope to not be put on any lists | [18:57] |
mircea_popescu | you're already on a list. | [18:57] |
mircea_popescu | i have it right here on my desk : pirate scam operators. | [18:58] |
jcpham | oh i see | [18:58] |
jcpham | yes that | [18:58] |
jcpham | rearrange the words like this: pirate operators, scammed | [18:59] |
jcpham | make more sense now | [18:59] |
mircea_popescu | yeah. | [18:59] |
mircea_popescu | did you see anything yet ? | [18:59] |
smickles | jcpham is on my sexynaughty list | [18:59] |
jcpham | no | [18:59] |
mircea_popescu | (superfluous question, huh) | [18:59] |
jcpham | i still had planned to rpivately confirm | [18:59] |
jcpham | but alas, no | [18:59] |
mircea_popescu | myeah. | [19:00] |
jcpham | ehy! but the interest | [19:00] |
jcpham | facepalm. | [19:00] |
* | Jackmaninov has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [19:00] |
smickles | some people still have hope :/ | [19:00] |
smickles | not me tho | [19:00] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 200 @ 0.00038671 = 0.0773 BTC [-] | [19:00] |
jcpham | i've made hundreds of btc in interest | [19:00] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25500 @ 0.00038597 = 9.8422 BTC [-] | [19:00] |
mircea_popescu | smickles this is why these things suck so bad : it ruins people emotionally. | [19:00] |
jcpham | i'm not emotionally ruined myself because like i said overall i'm ahead | [19:01] |
jcpham | i'd like to be more ahead | [19:01] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.1099 = 0.2198 BTC [-] | [19:01] |
jcpham | felt too good to be true | [19:01] |
* | mcorlett (u5652@pdpc/supporter/active/mcorlett) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:01] |
jcpham | let's all hope for the best though | [19:01] |
mircea_popescu | i didn't mean you personally, j7ust saying. | [19:02] |
mircea_popescu | a number of people got it pretty rough. | [19:02] |
jcpham | yes | [19:03] |
jcpham | very rough | [19:03] |
jcpham | i made one referral and feel bad for it | [19:03] |
jcpham | it was not my idea, thankfully though | [19:03] |
jcpham | i would feel exceptionally bad if i had recruited people for this monumental fail | [19:04] |
* | blazing has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [19:04] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 2 @ 0.8579 = 1.7158 BTC [+] | [19:05] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 8 @ 0.85799 = 6.8639 BTC [+] | [19:05] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 2 @ 0.858 = 1.716 BTC [+] | [19:05] |
mircea_popescu | yeah. | [19:05] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 200 @ 0.0003866 = 0.0773 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14200 @ 0.00038713 = 5.4972 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21900 @ 0.00038794 = 8.4959 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35600 @ 0.00038924 = 13.8569 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29300 @ 0.00038975 = 11.4197 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46822 @ 0.00039163 = 18.3369 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25500 @ 0.00039164 = 9.9868 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48977 @ 0.00039178 = 19.1882 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53090 @ 0.00039551 = 20.9976 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17909 @ 0.00039795 = 7.1269 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18700 @ 0.00039796 = 7.4419 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44700 @ 0.00039875 = 17.8241 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12900 @ 0.00039882 = 5.1448 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13509 @ 0.00039891 = 5.3889 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54100 @ 0.0003991 = 21.5913 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9256 @ 0.00039957 = 3.6984 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14310 @ 0.00040116 = 5.7406 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34100 @ 0.00040121 = 13.6813 BTC [+] | [19:06] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54600 @ 0.0004015 = 21.9219 BTC [+] | [19:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9000 @ 0.0004016 = 3.6144 BTC [+] | [19:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48100 @ 0.0004016 = 19.317 BTC [+] | [19:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50200 @ 0.0004018 = 20.1704 BTC [+] | [19:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59400 @ 0.00040188 = 23.8717 BTC [+] | [19:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25000 @ 0.0004038 = 10.095 BTC [+] | [19:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55168 @ 0.00040781 = 22.4981 BTC [+] | [19:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20500 @ 0.00041578 = 8.5235 BTC [+] | [19:07] |
smickles | 0_o | [19:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 182959 @ 0.00042 = 76.8428 BTC [+] | [19:07] |
mircea_popescu | o hey, moving up in da world. | [19:07] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: you need to post losses more often ;) | [19:07] |
mircea_popescu | lmao | [19:07] |
mircea_popescu | yeah, you know strangely... a lot of people took it better than gains | [19:07] |
* | MrTiggr is now known as NotTiggr | [19:07] |
mircea_popescu | it's very odd to me. | [19:07] |
mircea_popescu | twas like... o, losses ?! *grin* | [19:07] |
mcorlett | ;;google wealthiest people in romania | [19:08] |
gribble | Capital Top 300 wealthiest men in Romania - Wikipedia, the free ...: |
[19:08] |
smickles | naw, i know what it is | [19:08] |
mircea_popescu | smickles they're mostly a bunch of grafters. one guy that ran off with the socialist state's foreign accounts, | [19:08] |
smickles | | [19:08] |
smickles | anyway | [19:08] |
mircea_popescu | one guy who made a bp knockoff, one guy with a cocacola ripoff etc. | [19:08] |
mircea_popescu | no real businessmen in romania yet. | [19:09] |
mcorlett | Except for yourself, of course. | [19:09] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: it's that person you called an 'insider trader', he' like I gotta make sure this mp keep runnehn mpex, so i can scam him some more | [19:09] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [19:10] |
mircea_popescu | im not a billionaire yet, so. | [19:10] |
mircea_popescu | smickles : at least two accounts involved. | [19:10] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 1 @ 0.84959899 BTC [+] | [19:10] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 2 @ 0.84969899 = 1.6994 BTC [+] | [19:10] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: you just need to have 10 million to be on that list | [19:11] |
smickles | ;;calc 10000000/[ticker --last] | [19:11] |
gribble | 996015.936255 | [19:11] |
mircea_popescu | almost bitcoin million! | [19:11] |
mircea_popescu | well, so i guess maybe i make it next year. | [19:11] |
smickles | :D | [19:11] |
* | NotTiggr is now known as MrTiggr | [19:13] |
* | MiningBuddy (~msn@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:13] |
* | MiningBuddy has quit (Changing host) | [19:13] |
* | MiningBuddy (~msn@unaffiliated/miningbuddy) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:13] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.C100T] 23 @ 0.19 = 4.37 BTC [+] | [19:14] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.C100T] 977 @ 0.19384805 = 189.3895 BTC [+] | [19:14] |
assbot | [MPEX] [O.BTCUSD.P110T] 1000 @ 0.27463545 = 274.6355 BTC [+] | [19:14] |
* | rdponticelli has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [19:17] |
mircea_popescu | this looks like a party. | [19:18] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [JAH] 12 @ 0.15 = 1.8 BTC [-] | [19:21] |
* | blazing (~lew@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:22] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 4 @ 0.1009999 = 0.404 BTC [-] | [19:27] |
* | occulta (~occulta@gateway/tor-sasl/occulta) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:29] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.DICE] 500 @ 0.0033 = 1.65 BTC [-] | [19:36] |
* | paladon has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [19:36] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.1009999 BTC [-] | [19:38] |
MrTiggr | i wunder if talkin gher does it | [19:39] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.1009999 BTC [-] | [19:39] |
MrTiggr | ;;ping | [19:40] |
gribble | pong | [19:40] |
mircea_popescu | bong | [19:40] |
MrTiggr | lol | [19:40] |
mircea_popescu | :D | [19:41] |
* | paladon ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:43] |
* | paladon has quit (Changing host) | [19:43] |
* | paladon (~paladon@unaffiliated/paladon) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:43] |
* | blazing has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [19:50] |
smickles | my wife is rplacing one word of various movie titles with "bacon"; "how to succede in business without even bacon" | [19:51] |
usagi | Arnold Schwartzenigger in: Total Bacon | [19:52] |
smickles | "back to bacon future" | [19:52] |
usagi | Six Degrees of Kevin..... Bacon | [19:52] |
* | leotreasure ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:52] |
usagi | Oh sory thats not a movie | [19:53] |
smickles | it's a bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon world | [19:55] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [HYDRO.BONDS] 1 @ 1.59879 BTC [-] | [19:57] |
* | brendio has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [19:58] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 15700 @ 0.00089383 = 14.0331 BTC [+] | [19:59] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BTC-MINING] 1 @ 0.96999 BTC [+] | [19:59] |
* | brendio (~brendio@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:59] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.1009999 BTC [-] | [19:59] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREASIC] 1 @ 0.8 BTC [+] | [20:00] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 24 @ 0.1009999 = 2.424 BTC [-] | [20:01] |
* | brendio has quit (Client Quit) | [20:02] |
MrTiggr | mmm bacon | [20:02] |
MrTiggr | i think btcpantry when i hear bacon | [20:03] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.10989999 BTC [-] | [20:04] |
* | toffoo (~tof@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:06] |
smickles | "all dogs go to bacon" | [20:06] |
* | Ignatius-otc1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:07] |
* | MrTiggr wants cadied bacon now :S | [20:07] |
MrTiggr | *candied | [20:07] |
smickles | "there will be bacon" | [20:11] |
* | therealnanotube (~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:14] |
* | mcorlett_ (u5652@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:16] |
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* | PhantomSpark|2 (~kvirc@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:17] |
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* | mcorlett has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [20:17] |
* | mcorlett_ is now known as mcorlett | [20:17] |
* | mcorlett has quit (Changing host) | [20:17] |
* | mcorlett (u5652@pdpc/supporter/active/mcorlett) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:17] |
smickles | "the devil wears bacon" | [20:18] |
mircea_popescu | i know what you did last bacon | [20:19] |
mircea_popescu | sounds like a pretty cool gal, rocket scientist with a solid love of bacon. | [20:19] |
MrTiggr | damn you all! ... as if i haven't put on enuf weight eating btc-popcoin ... now i crave btc-bacon *grr* | [20:20] |
mircea_popescu | btcon | [20:21] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 5 @ 0.8001 = 4.0005 BTC [-] | [20:21] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 22 @ 0.8 = 17.6 BTC [-] | [20:21] |
MrTiggr | and now theres ANOTHER domain ill have to buy | [20:21] |
MrTiggr | grrr y u all feed my domain adddiction | [20:22] |
* | farfi has quit () | [20:22] |
MrTiggr | ;;internet whois | [20:22] |
gribble | |
[20:22] |
smickles | "i know what bacon did last summer" | [20:22] |
MrTiggr | ;;internet whois | [20:22] |
gribble | Error: I couldn't find such a domain. | [20:22] |
MrTiggr | woohho | [20:22] |
MrTiggr | nomnomnom | [20:23] |
smickles | ;;internet whois | [20:23] |
gribble | is clienttransferprohibited, registered 26-sep-2011, updated 12-jun-2012, and expires 26-sep-2012. | [20:23] |
smickles | oh my expiration comming up | [20:23] |
mircea_popescu | ;;internet whois | [20:24] |
gribble | |
[20:24] |
MrTiggr | ;;internet whois | [20:24] |
mircea_popescu | dun dun dun | [20:24] |
gribble | Error: I couldn't find such a domain. | [20:24] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 1 @ 0.0938 BTC [-] | [20:25] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.BVPS] 20 @ 0.00339511 = 0.0679 BTC [-] | [20:25] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.BVPS] 359 @ 0.00340302 = 1.2217 BTC [+] | [20:25] |
* | Obsi (~Obsi@unaffiliated/obsi) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:27] |
MrTiggr | mwahahahah /me just bought | [20:28] |
MrTiggr | scroo u all you enablers you | [20:28] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [YABMC] 8 @ 0.1179 = 0.9432 BTC [+] | [20:29] |
mircea_popescu | you got btcorn ? | [20:30] |
MrTiggr | hehehe :D | [20:30] |
MrTiggr | working on it | [20:31] |
mircea_popescu | btcool ? | [20:31] |
MrTiggr | ohh stoppit | [20:32] |
* | MrTiggr has to bed | [20:32] |
MrTiggr | not squat on dns | [20:32] |
MrTiggr | :P | [20:32] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [20:33] |
* | safra ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:34] |
* | paladon has quit () | [20:37] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [YABMC] 7 @ 0.1179 = 0.8253 BTC [+] | [20:37] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [DMC] 4 @ 0.0679 = 0.2716 BTC [+] | [20:39] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GMVT-BOT] 2 @ 0.14 = 0.28 BTC [+] | [20:42] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 315 @ 0.00089383 = 0.2816 BTC [+] | [20:42] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 3785 @ 0.00089487 = 3.3871 BTC [+] | [20:42] |
mircea_popescu | how many azn chicks you need to boil water ? | [20:44] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 1 @ 0.0938 BTC [-] | [20:45] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 9 @ 0.858 = 7.722 BTC [+] | [20:47] |
* | BTC-Mining ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:53] |
jcpham | the bacon is amazing from btcpantry | [20:53] |
jcpham | peanut butter plus bread | [20:54] |
mircea_popescu | jcpham i know they lost the site, what's the new one ? | [20:54] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 2 @ 0.859 = 1.718 BTC [+] | [20:54] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [YABMC] 1 @ 0.1179 BTC [+] | [20:55] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.33 BTC [+] | [20:55] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BITBOND] 1 @ 0.4694 BTC [-] | [20:56] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BFLS.RIG] 4 @ 0.9485954 = 3.7944 BTC [-] | [21:01] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 5 @ 0.859 = 4.295 BTC [+] | [21:02] |
* | _locust_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [21:02] |
* | rdponticelli ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:03] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.1009999 BTC [-] | [21:05] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PAJKA.BOND] 3 @ 0.079 = 0.237 BTC [+] | [21:05] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 3 @ 0.0938 = 0.2814 BTC [-] | [21:05] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.1009999 BTC [-] | [21:06] |
kakobrekla | ;;topic | [21:06] |
gribble | Bitcoin asset exchanges: GLBSE || MPEx || CST || ICBIT || list bot commands: !help || Streaming trades only: #bitcoin-assets-trades || a biased message: || Net Chart: | [21:06] |
kakobrekla | hm | [21:07] |
kakobrekla | MrTiggr, net chart is down | [21:07] |
jcpham | mircea_popescu | [21:08] |
mircea_popescu | o i see. | [21:08] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [JLP-BMD] 5 @ 0.0995 = 0.4975 BTC [-] | [21:10] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [JLP-BMD] 1 @ 0.0995 BTC [-] | [21:11] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14200 @ 0.00039781 = 5.6489 BTC [-] | [21:15] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 49 @ 0.1009999 = 4.949 BTC [-] | [21:16] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FUTUREFUND] 10 @ 0.000121 = 0.0012 BTC [-] | [21:16] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GOLD] 2 @ 0.00989 = 0.0198 BTC [+] | [21:17] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [MMM] 4 @ 0.889 = 3.556 BTC [+] | [21:17] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FUTUREFUND] 94 @ 0.00012 = 0.0113 BTC [-] | [21:18] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.1009999 BTC [-] | [21:18] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FUTUREFUND] 5 @ 0.000121 = 0.0006 BTC [+] | [21:19] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 5515 @ 0.00089487 = 4.9352 BTC [+] | [21:20] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 4685 @ 0.00089526 = 4.1943 BTC [+] | [21:20] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 1 @ 0.35 BTC [+] | [21:20] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [MMM] 4 @ 0.89 = 3.56 BTC [+] | [21:22] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [MOVETO.FUND] 9 @ 1.19739575 = 10.7766 BTC [-] | [21:22] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [MOVETO.FUND] 50 @ 1.19739576 = 59.8698 BTC [+] | [21:23] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [JLP-BMD] 2 @ 0.0995 = 0.199 BTC [-] | [21:25] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [JLP-BMD] 1 @ 0.09999 BTC [+] | [21:25] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [MOVETO.FUND] 9 @ 1.19739576 = 10.7766 BTC [+] | [21:28] |
* | farfi ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:29] |
BTC-Mining | If we removed all the pirate crap from the market listing, BTC-Mining would go up to the 26th to the 16th position! | [21:32] |
BTC-Mining | Shows how popular pirate was/ | [21:32] |
BTC-Mining | Well I guess I'm technically still in the top 20 after all. | [21:33] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 1 @ 0.1009999 BTC [-] | [21:33] |
* | Ignatius-otc1 is now known as Ignatius-otc | [21:34] |
* | Ignatius-otc has quit (Changing host) | [21:34] |
* | Ignatius-otc (~Administr@unaffiliated/ignatius-otc) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:34] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5300 @ 0.00039781 = 2.1084 BTC [-] | [21:35] |
* | guruvan- has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [21:37] |
* | occulta has quit (Quit: .) | [21:39] |
kakobrekla | hm | [21:40] |
kakobrekla | anyone remember if zipconf had published any info on the fees they would have | [21:40] |
mircea_popescu | the owens thing ? | [21:41] |
kakobrekla | yes | [21:41] |
mircea_popescu | can't say that i do | [21:41] |
EskimoBob | I did look into it long time ago but never found any info | [21:41] |
mircea_popescu | i think it never got to the point of such concreteness. | [21:43] |
kakobrekla | lol | [21:43] |
kakobrekla | sad. | [21:43] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 2 @ 0.0872 = 0.1744 BTC [-] | [21:44] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 5 @ 0.087 = 0.435 BTC [-] | [21:44] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 7 @ 0.0853 = 0.5971 BTC [-] | [21:44] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 47 @ 0.0852 = 4.0044 BTC [-] | [21:44] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 5 @ 0.0851 = 0.4255 BTC [-] | [21:44] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 5 @ 0.0851 = 0.4255 BTC [-] | [21:44] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 3 @ 0.085 = 0.255 BTC [-] | [21:44] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 34 @ 0.0842 = 2.8628 BTC [-] | [21:44] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [KRAKEN] 8 @ 0.01 = 0.08 BTC [+] | [21:45] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 55 @ 0.1009999 = 5.555 BTC [-] | [21:47] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.079 BTC [+] | [21:48] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 34 @ 0.10388999 = 3.5323 BTC [+] | [21:48] |
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* | EskimoBob (~EskimoBob@unaffiliated/eskimobob) has left #bitcoin-assets ("WeeChat 0.3.7") | [21:51] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FUTUREFUND] 100 @ 0.000121 = 0.0121 BTC [+] | [21:54] |
* | eskimobob (~EskimoBob@unaffiliated/eskimobob) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:54] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FDBF] 4 @ 0.14999 = 0.6 BTC [-] | [21:55] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FDBF] 5 @ 0.149999 = 0.75 BTC [+] | [21:55] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FDBF] 1 @ 0.1499999 BTC [+] | [21:55] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BITCOINRS] 10 @ 0.050999 = 0.51 BTC [+] | [21:55] |
* | coingenuity has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [21:56] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BDT] 1 @ 1.04 BTC [+] | [21:57] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 8 @ 0.10989999 = 0.8792 BTC [-] | [22:03] |
* | Jackmaninov ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:04] |
* | Anduck has quit (Changing host) | [22:04] |
* | Anduck (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:04] |
kakobrekla | [21:02:56] no btc-e code api | [22:05] |
kakobrekla | [21:03:07] yeah i see | [22:05] |
kakobrekla | [21:03:13] can you add it? | [22:05] |
kakobrekla | [21:05:15] ok | [22:05] |
kakobrekla | well that was easy. | [22:05] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [22:07] |
* | Doffx has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [22:07] |
kakobrekla | [21:06:53] alright | [22:08] |
kakobrekla | [21:07:03] ill add option for btc-e | [22:08] |
kakobrekla | [21:07:06 | Edited 21:07:14] when its done | [22:08] |
kakobrekla | [21:07:32] tomorrow | [22:08] |
kakobrekla | lol | [22:08] |
kakobrekla | crazy russians. | [22:08] |
* | coingenuity (~coingenui@unaffiliated/coingenuity) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:08] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44904 @ 0.00039683 = 17.8193 BTC [-] | [22:08] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 8808 @ 0.00089526 = 7.8855 BTC [+] | [22:09] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 6582 @ 0.00089789 = 5.9099 BTC [+] | [22:09] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 6210 @ 0.00090136 = 5.5974 BTC [+] | [22:09] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BDK.BND] 2 @ 0.1009 = 0.2018 BTC [-] | [22:14] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BDK.BND] 10 @ 0.1 = 1 BTC [-] | [22:14] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BDK.BND] 1 @ 0.0999 BTC [-] | [22:14] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TEEK.B] 1 @ 0.9797 BTC [+] | [22:16] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TEEK.B] 2 @ 0.97989 = 1.9598 BTC [+] | [22:16] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [YABMC] 1 @ 0.1178 BTC [-] | [22:16] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [YABMC] 2 @ 0.112 = 0.224 BTC [-] | [22:16] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [YABMC] 35 @ 0.1115 = 3.9025 BTC [-] | [22:16] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [YABMC] 54 @ 0.1114 = 6.0156 BTC [-] | [22:16] |
* | toffoo has quit () | [22:16] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 16 @ 0.10388999 = 1.6622 BTC [+] | [22:18] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 19 @ 0.1038999 = 1.9741 BTC [+] | [22:18] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 5 @ 0.10389999 = 0.5195 BTC [+] | [22:18] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BFLS.FUTURES] 1 @ 0.9 BTC [+] | [22:20] |
* | tonikt has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [22:22] |
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* | Jackmaninov has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [22:25] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.BVPS] 200 @ 0.00346504 = 0.693 BTC [+] | [22:25] |
* | PsychoticBoy has quit (Quit: Ik ga weg) | [22:26] |
* | Jackmaninov ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:27] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [ARS] 50 @ 0.0155 = 0.775 BTC [+] | [22:27] |
* | PsychoticBoy ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:28] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GMVT-BOT] 1 @ 0.14 BTC [+] | [22:29] |
* | PsychoticBoy has quit (Client Quit) | [22:29] |
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* | PsychoticBoy has quit (Changing host) | [22:30] |
* | PsychoticBoy (~Psychotic@pdpc/supporter/active/psychoticboy) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:30] |
kakobrekla | !pl GMVT-BOT 0.1 | [22:36] |
assbot | Requesting data from GLBSE (might take a while). | [22:36] |
* | coingenuity has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [22:36] |
assbot | GMVT-BOT [1@0.1BTC] paid: 0.00711271 BTC. Last price: 0.14 BTC. Capital gain: 0.04 BTC. Total: 0.04711271 BTC. (47.1%) | [22:36] |
* | Jackmaninov has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [22:38] |
* | Chaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:39] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 3090 @ 0.00090136 = 2.7852 BTC [+] | [22:39] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 5911 @ 0.00090253 = 5.3349 BTC [+] | [22:39] |
assbot | [MPEX] [F.GIGA.ETF] 5799 @ 0.00090321 = 5.2377 BTC [+] | [22:39] |
* | Jackmaninov ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:40] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [PUREMINING] 31 @ 0.0937 = 2.9047 BTC [+] | [22:42] |
smickles | PsychoticBoy: do you end up doing well at that game earlier? | [22:43] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.1097999 BTC [-] | [22:45] |
* | PsychoticBoy_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:46] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [GIGAMINING] 5 @ 0.8521 = 4.2605 BTC [-] | [22:48] |
* | Chaang-Noi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [22:49] |
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* | Chaang-Noi has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [23:03] |
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Diablo-D3 | anyone seen nefario lately? | [23:04] |
mircea_popescu | was here a few days ago. | [23:05] |
Diablo-D3 | he hasnt fixed the inbox issue yet | [23:06] |
mircea_popescu | wasn't he moving from china ? | [23:06] |
* | Anduck has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [23:06] |
* | Jackmaninov has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [23:06] |
Diablo-D3 | to where? | [23:06] |
mircea_popescu | uh i dunno | [23:06] |
* | chmod755 (~affilitat@unaffiliated/chmod755) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:08] |
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assbot | [GLBSE] [MOVETO.FUND] 3 @ 1.15396 = 3.4619 BTC [-] | [23:10] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [MOVETO.FUND] 4 @ 1.15386 = 4.6154 BTC [-] | [23:10] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [MOVETO.FUND] 4 @ 1.11 = 4.44 BTC [-] | [23:10] |
Diablo-D3 | wtf btcmc hasnt paid out yet | [23:11] |
smickles | nef said he was on holiday in chiner | [23:14] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [OBSI.HRPT] 7 @ 0.1036 = 0.7252 BTC [-] | [23:14] |
smickles | so, per his word, i'd imagine he's on his way back to the uk | [23:14] |
* | Chaaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:15] |
* | maximian ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:16] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.25134 BTC [-] | [23:16] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 7 @ 0.25 = 1.75 BTC [-] | [23:18] |
mircea_popescu | | [23:18] |
* | Chaang-Noi has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [23:18] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [MERGEDMINING] 3 @ 0.08588 = 0.2576 BTC [+] | [23:18] |
Diablo-D3 | mircea_popescu: I... what. | [23:19] |
mircea_popescu | :D | [23:19] |
assbot | [MPEX] [B.MPCD.A] [PAID] 350000 @ 0.00002 = 7 BTC | [23:20] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16796 @ 0.00039683 = 6.6652 BTC [-] | [23:21] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7800 @ 0.00039567 = 3.0862 BTC [-] | [23:21] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28806 @ 0.00039552 = 11.3933 BTC [-] | [23:21] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 40 @ 0.2 = 8 BTC [+] | [23:21] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 10 @ 0.19 = 1.9 BTC [-] | [23:21] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [BIB.PIRATE] 8 @ 0.18 = 1.44 BTC [-] | [23:21] |
assbot | [MPEX] [B.MPCD.B] [PAID] 400000 @ 0.00003 = 12 BTC | [23:22] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 37 @ 0.21 = 7.77 BTC [-] | [23:22] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 5 @ 0.2001 = 1.0005 BTC [-] | [23:22] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 48 @ 0.2 = 9.6 BTC [-] | [23:22] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 28 @ 0.175 = 4.9 BTC [-] | [23:22] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 1 @ 0.25 BTC [-] | [23:22] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 46 @ 0.21 = 9.66 BTC [-] | [23:22] |
smickles | < mircea_popescu> << lol, my daughter say that, pointed, laughed and babbled something that sounded like "sucker" | [23:23] |
assbot | [MPEX] [B.MPCD.C] [PAID] 350000 @ 0.00009268 = 32.43671515 BTC | [23:23] |
Diablo-D3 | I feel that I have done that in my mind before | [23:23] |
Diablo-D3 | something along the lines of | [23:23] |
Diablo-D3 | reading forum thread | [23:23] |
Diablo-D3 | WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT | [23:23] |
mircea_popescu | smickles hahaha | [23:23] |
Diablo-D3 | goddamned morons | [23:23] |
mircea_popescu | Diablo-D3 me too. | [23:23] |
Diablo-D3 | sort of a mixture of humor and incredulity at the end | [23:24] |
mircea_popescu | .py 0.00009268/0.00100000 | [23:24] |
markac | 0.09268 | [23:24] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 4 @ 0.21 = 0.84 BTC [-] | [23:24] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 25 @ 0.2 = 5 BTC [-] | [23:24] |
Diablo-D3 | notsureifserious.jpg kind of shit | [23:24] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 101 @ 0.180101 = 18.1902 BTC [-] | [23:24] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 20 @ 0.1801 = 3.602 BTC [-] | [23:24] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 20 @ 0.1751 = 3.502 BTC [-] | [23:24] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 116 @ 0.175 = 20.3 BTC [-] | [23:24] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 100 @ 0.1701001 = 17.01 BTC [-] | [23:24] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 171 @ 0.111 = 18.981 BTC [-] | [23:24] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 35 @ 0.10001337 = 3.5005 BTC [-] | [23:24] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 231 @ 0.1 = 23.1 BTC [-] | [23:24] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 177 @ 0.1 = 17.7 BTC [-] | [23:24] |
Diablo-D3 | DOWN THE PIRATE HOLE WE GO | [23:24] |
BTC-Mining | Was about time... | [23:24] |
* | mircea_popescu admires teh glbse volumes. | [23:25] |
Diablo-D3 | instead of eating mushrooms and getting bigger | [23:25] |
mircea_popescu | cool story bros. | [23:25] |
Diablo-D3 | you get raped by captain jack sparrow | [23:25] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 273 @ 0.1 = 27.3 BTC [-] | [23:25] |
Diablo-D3 | see, now, if pirate was smart, he could have gotten that meme going | [23:25] |
chmod755 | compared to Facebook BTCST was a good investment..... | [23:25] |
* | Anduck ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:25] |
* | Chaaang-Noi is now known as chaang-noi | [23:26] |
Diablo-D3 | WHY DIDNT I SEE THIS EARLIER | [23:26] |
chmod755 | LOL | [23:26] |
Diablo-D3 | mindsplat.gif | [23:26] |
chmod755 | GLBSE:FB | [23:26] |
mircea_popescu | chmod755 facebook only lost like 60% | [23:26] |
chmod755 | mircea_popescu: but they didn't pay 7% per week | [23:27] |
mircea_popescu | no, they added 7% moar accounts per week | [23:27] |
smickles | sweet mpcd payments | [23:27] |
smickles | :D | [23:27] |
chmod755 | [GLBSE] [FB] 100000000 @ 0.00000001 BTC [-] | [23:27] |
mircea_popescu | mpcd ftw! | [23:27] |
BTC-Mining | If facebook shares were priced that low, I'd buy them ;) | [23:28] |
BTC-Mining | Then motion for adding stupid elements to the design... getting fired any director not thinking my ideas are "brillant" | [23:28] |
chmod755 | [GLBSE] [FB] 100000000 @ -0.5 BTC [-] | [23:29] |
BTC-Mining | BUYBUYBUYBUY | [23:29] |
smickles | what is glbse:fb anyway? | [23:29] |
chmod755 | lol | [23:29] |
BTC-Mining | I want to be paid to destroy facebook =/ | [23:29] |
chmod755 | smickles: i don't think it exists | [23:29] |
smickles | oh shit | [23:29] |
smickles | you got me | [23:29] |
smickles | :o :D | [23:30] |
BTC-Mining | Wow... | [23:30] |
BTC-Mining | My fruit fly trap works! | [23:30] |
chmod755 | [GLBSE] [SMICKLES] 21000000 @ 1 BTC [+] | [23:30] |
mircea_popescu | hahaha | [23:30] |
smickles | that's how we do | [23:30] |
smickles | bitches | [23:31] |
BTC-Mining | It got filled with fruit flies... now my fruits are left alone! | [23:31] |
PsychoticBoy_ | Lol | [23:31] |
eskimobob | any news from the goatse aka piratedat40? | [23:32] |
mircea_popescu | he's marrying into the mad-off family. | [23:32] |
Bane_Capital | He's gone. | [23:32] |
eskimobob | OK, sounds about right | [23:33] |
* | coingenuity (~coingenui@unaffiliated/coingenuity) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:33] |
mircea_popescu | ;;ticker | [23:33] |
gribble | Best bid: 10.03, Best ask: 10.04, Bid-ask spread: 0.01000, Last trade: 10.05, 24 hour volume: 37286, 24 hour low: 9.66, 24 hour high: 10.3 | [23:33] |
mircea_popescu | so it's decided to be 10 huh. | [23:33] |
Diablo-D3 | seen the predictinator? | [23:35] |
BTC-Mining | I like 10, good price to be stable at | [23:35] |
chmod755 | lol @ | [23:36] |
Diablo-D3 | btcmc paid out | [23:36] |
BTC-Mining | I think bitcoins now finally got from drugs/hacking > gambling/porn main usage | [23:36] |
BTC-Mining | Which is one step closer to mainstream usage | [23:36] |
mircea_popescu | BTC-Mining i agree. | [23:36] |
Diablo-D3 | well | [23:36] |
Diablo-D3 | the thing with that is | [23:36] |
Diablo-D3 | we really need MORE dickchick porn? | [23:36] |
Diablo-D3 | isnt that market already quite saturated? | [23:36] |
chmod755 | BTC-Mining: the next step is a real brothel accepting BTC | [23:36] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FOO.PPPPT] 1 @ 0.15 BTC [-] | [23:37] |
Diablo-D3 | I mean, look at japan, every chick over there has a dick | [23:37] |
Diablo-D3 | its their thing | [23:37] |
* | Anduck has quit (Changing host) | [23:37] |
* | Anduck (~Anduck@unaffiliated/anduck) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:37] |
Diablo-D3 | and when its not a dick, its an alien tentacle that lives in a symbiotic relationship | [23:37] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1383 @ 0.00039552 = 0.547 BTC [-] | [23:38] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21415 @ 0.00039536 = 8.4666 BTC [-] | [23:38] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23778 @ 0.00039492 = 9.3904 BTC [-] | [23:38] |
mircea_popescu | [23:38] | |
mircea_popescu | omg i r lead into future! | [23:39] |
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BTC-Mining | not for long my friend... | [23:40] |
Diablo-D3 | yeah really | [23:40] |
Diablo-D3 | I read about bitcoin in a fucking novel like 20 years ago | [23:41] |
chmod755 | Sep01 20:41:02 mtpr0n 40 PRN @ 0.2 BTC | [23:41] |
BTC-Mining | Which one was that? | [23:41] |
Diablo-D3 | you know, I forget | [23:41] |
Diablo-D3 | Ive read so much shit over the years it starts to blur together | [23:41] |
jcpham | i creted bitcoin during a pre-pubescent orgasm | [23:42] |
Diablo-D3 | jcpham: jerking off infront of your mining rigs is disgusting | [23:42] |
smickles | rigophilia | [23:42] |
BTC-Mining | [16:40] |
[23:42] |
mircea_popescu | he cools them that way. | [23:42] |
BTC-Mining | mircea_popescu, by that I mean people will be expecting more professionalism from mpex | [23:43] |
chmod755 | I read about mtgox ~30 years ago | [23:43] |
BTC-Mining | You should move it to it's own domain | [23:43] |
mircea_popescu | people can expect whatever the fuck they want. | [23:43] |
mircea_popescu | i got the buttons i make the rules. | [23:43] |
Diablo-D3 | oh right | [23:43] |
mircea_popescu | and i expect people to adapt. | [23:43] |
Diablo-D3 | durrr | [23:43] |
Diablo-D3 | I know what novel it was | [23:43] |
Diablo-D3 | cryptonomicon | [23:43] |
chmod755 | Diablo-D3: no, it was about Magic The Gathering | [23:44] |
chmod755 | lol | [23:44] |
mircea_popescu | that was 1999 | [23:44] |
kakobrekla | BTC-Mining: | [23:44] |
Diablo-D3 | mircea_popescu: was it? | [23:44] |
Diablo-D3 | it feels older than that | [23:44] |
mircea_popescu | yaaa, recent-ish | [23:44] |
BTC-Mining | what? Why don't you have MPex directly on | [23:45] |
BTC-Mining | why redirect it to subfolder? | [23:45] |
mircea_popescu | BTC-Mining it's on really... | [23:45] |
* | Diablo-D3 read a shitload of scifi from the past 40 years over the past 20 =P | [23:45] |
smickles | fucking english ambiguity | [23:46] |
jcpham | i do it all the time diablo | [23:46] |
jcpham | my mom never mminds | [23:46] |
mircea_popescu | you live with your mom ? | [23:46] |
smickles | she watches? i'm sure there is money in filming that | [23:46] |
mircea_popescu | smickles : only if he's a girl. (ref ) | [23:47] |
assbot | [GLBSE] [FPGAMINING] 10 @ 0.8489 = 8.489 BTC [+] | [23:47] |
BTC-Mining | There's money for everything | [23:47] |
jcpham | i wonder if icoul place her between the to rigs | [23:48] |
jcpham | and some how hover above | [23:48] |
mircea_popescu | plasma! | [23:48] |
jcpham | i'd need magnets too of course | [23:48] |
* | Chaaang-Noi (~J@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:50] |
mircea_popescu | and a domain name | [23:50] |
mircea_popescu | all businesses start with a domain name. | [23:50] |
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mircea_popescu | anyway, on a more serious note : there's ~24 hours left during which you can buy MPOE bonds that'll go in September. | [23:52] |
mircea_popescu | last call is midnight gmt tomorrow. | [23:53] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:53] |
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assbot | [GLBSE] [TYGRR.BOND-P] 150 @ 0.1 = 15 BTC [-] | [23:54] |
BTC-Mining | down the hole, down the hole goes the PPT | [23:56] |
mircea_popescu | 100 0.076 200 0.07501001 | [23:56] |
mircea_popescu | seems kinda hopeless. | [23:57] |
mircea_popescu | 730 1.05 500 1.05 1550 1.067999 << i like these tho. | [23:57] |
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Category: Logs