Forum logs for 01 Feb 2012

Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc [23:09]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || Bot's control sequence is ';;'. || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe [23:09]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube at Mon Dec 19 23:38:55 2011 [23:09]
* Shaded_ (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:09]
* Shaded has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:09]
* Shaded_ is now known as Shaded [23:09]
mircea_popescu what, i thought btc was collapsing ? [23:10]
benjamindees that was last week [23:10]
mircea_popescu a a ok i see. [23:10]
Mqrius The huge buy triggered the mtgox failsafe again. It needs to be accepted manually. [23:10]
mircea_popescu what huge buy ? [23:11]
Coolty Anyone in here need a VPS? Deals starting at $5 per month, PM me or visit today! [23:11]
mircea_popescu $5 a month is mighty cheap for a vps. [23:12]
Coolty i know [23:12]
Coolty :) [23:12]
jcpham hoi em gee bitcoin prices are going up? [23:12]
jcpham buy buy buy! [23:12]
jcpham strike while the iron is hot [23:12]
* moblob (~kamma@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:13]
* paulzag ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:13]
* eldnord has quit (Quit: eldnord) [23:13]
* eldnord ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:14]
* matthewBNC has quit (Quit: changing servers) [23:14]
deegy does anyone have 0.7 btc that i could buy using paypal? [23:15]
* Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) [23:16]
* andress (d042c32f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:16]
* moblob has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [23:17]
jcpham what can .7 btc purchase these days? [23:17]
* matthewBNC (~matthew@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:17]
jcpham ;;getrating [ident deegy] [23:17]
* blaeks ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:18]
deegy 0.7 short of something [23:20]
* paulzag has quit (Quit: changing servers) [23:21]
* Txyru` has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:22]
jcpham i thought about giving it to you for free and changed my mind [23:22]
* matthewBNC has quit (Quit: changing servers) [23:23]
* sailingtim (616005db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:23]
sailingtim anyone doing btc for mp? [23:24]
* Txyru` (~Txyru@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:24]
Someguy123 jcpham quite a lot I guess [23:24]
Someguy123 .7BTC is about $3 iirc? [23:24]
* traviscj ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:24]
jcpham pretty suuurious cash [23:24]
[eval] almost $4 actually! [23:24]
phraust woo. [23:25]
Someguy123 jcpham i'd take that .7 BTC for free if you were giving it away :) [23:25]
phraust 12k btc just like that? [23:25]
* Lordcirth (~Lordcirth@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:26]
sailingtim can someone send me like a cent worth of btc? [23:26]
chsados . [23:26]
kakobreklaa 10:36.17 ( +Woofcat ) I always enjoy the lack of questions people ask here. Someone walks in an wants $2k in BitCoins. No-one wants to know why. [23:26]
kakobreklaa 10:36.26 ( rg ) its none of your business [23:26]
sailingtim i just need to text my bitcoin program [23:26]
chsados rally! [23:26]
kakobreklaa 22:17.25 ( +jcpham ) what can .7 btc purchase these days? [23:26]
kakobreklaa yeah i went to find that in my logs [23:27]
joecool oh god [23:27]
Lordcirth ppl want BTC bc they're awesome. What more reason could one want? [23:27]
kakobreklaa i just found it funny [23:27]
kakobreklaa we dont ask questions for 2k [23:27]
kakobreklaa but for 0.7 btc we do. [23:27]
sailingtim whos selling btc? [23:28]
* pentarh (~pentarh@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:28]
phraust there is another 1k. [23:28]
phungus holy cow [23:28]
phraust +2k [23:28]
Someguy123 someone is pumping the market maybe? [23:28]
phungus nuttiness going on [23:29]
phraust could be. [23:29]
phraust maybe someone's dwolla went through. [23:29]
joecool oh god there goes my position [23:29]
* moblob ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:29]
joecool :( [23:29]
joecool GO DOWN DAMMIT [23:29]
Joric ' so, we're going right to 6.0' [23:29]
Joric <-- [23:29]
pentarh b [23:30]
deegy :( [23:30]
jcpham i'm never around when people want to buy 2k [23:30]
* Raccoon has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [23:30]
joecool fuckit imma buy back in [23:30]
sailingtim wooow 6.0 [23:30]
benjamindees SELL! [23:30]
grubles obligatory BUY BUY BUY [23:31]
pentarh This is happen right after S3052 private update [23:31]
sailingtim bad time to buy [23:31]
phraust PARTY HARD [23:31]
pentarh he is f**ing manipulator [23:31]
Someguy123 sounds more like bitcoinica just exploded [23:31]
Someguy123 or something [23:31]
sailingtim its goin up [23:32]
sailingtim 6.03 [23:32]
Someguy123 71.0 [23:32]
Someguy123 6.10 [23:32]
pentarh 5,9 [23:33]
joecool noice sell [23:33]
Someguy123 awww what [23:33]
joecool SELL SELL SELL [23:33]
Someguy123 dropped to 5.9 [23:33]
sailingtim buy [23:33]
sailingtim good! [23:33]
* matthewBNC (~matthew@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:33]
sailingtim 5.7 would be goo [23:33]
pentarh overbought [23:33]
deegy no one will sell me 0.7? :( [23:33]
deegy via paypal [23:33]
Someguy123 deegy [23:33]
Someguy123 if that didn't happen to me ^ [23:33]
Someguy123 i would. [23:33]
sailingtim 5.8 [23:34]
* moblob has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [23:34]
M4v3R wtf is happening [23:34]
sailingtim this is weiiird [23:34]
Someguy123 M4v3R someone pumped several 1000 BTC [23:34]
Someguy123 into the market [23:34]
Someguy123 in a single go [23:34]
M4v3R I see like 150k [23:34]
M4v3R oh wait [23:35]
Joric damn i didn't get in time to sell [23:35]
M4v3R more like 40k [23:35]
Someguy123 damn it [23:35]
Someguy123 it's dropping like fuck now [23:35]
* paulzag (paulzag@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:35]
Joric not really [23:35]
sailingtim dropping [23:35]
Someguy123 i just emergency sold [23:36]
Someguy123 hopefully that hit the market [23:36]
* teslacoil404 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [23:36]
pentarh too overbought. f*ing liverages [23:36]
* benjamindees has quit (Quit: Leaving) [23:36]
Mqrius Someguy123: How much did you sell? Significant? [23:36]
Cory Wow! [23:36]
Someguy123 Mqrius just 5.3BTC [23:37]
rawrmage l [23:37]
rawrmage ol [23:37]
Mqrius Whoa, shit! [23:37]
* matthewBNC has quit (Client Quit) [23:37]
Mqrius SELL SELL [23:37]
rawrmage watch out we got a market maker over here [23:37]
Someguy123 SHIT [23:37]
Someguy123 ITS RISING AGIn [23:37]
Someguy123 HERE COMES 30$ PER [23:37]
Joric panic transfer [23:38]
deegy i'm guessing rising is good for people that have lots of btc, and vice versa [23:38]
* moblob ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:38]
* Raccoon` ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:38]
* Staatsfeind (~markac@unaffiliated/vragnaroda) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:39]
* ChanServ gives voice to Staatsfeind [23:39]
* Lordcirth has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:40]
* deegy has quit () [23:40]
* deegy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:40]
Someguy123 if this guy sells [23:41]
* deegy has quit (Client Quit) [23:41]
Someguy123 he could potentially fuck the market up [23:41]
Someguy123 like really really bad [23:41]
* deegy ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:41]
M4v3R which guy? [23:41]
pigeons Mr. Bitcoin [23:41]
* paulzag has quit (Quit: changing servers) [23:42]
* matthewBNC (~matthew@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:42]
pentarh 70k [23:42]
Someguy123 DROPPPP [23:42]
* gheorghe has quit (Quit: Leaving) [23:42]
Someguy123 COME ON, DROPPPPPP [23:42]
* moblob has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [23:42]
* M4v3R panic sells [23:43]
rawrmage Someguy123: lol [23:43]
Someguy123 it's down to 5.78 [23:43]
Someguy123 DROPPP so i can buy more! [23:43]
rawrmage you're so emotive. [23:43]
* andress has quit (Quit: Page closed) [23:43]
* sailingtim has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [23:44]
Someguy123 damn it it's going up [23:44]
Someguy123 it needs to drop so I can enjoy it... [23:44]
* matthewBNC has quit (Client Quit) [23:46]
* moblob ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:46]
* matthewBNC (~matthew@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:47]
jcpham .7 btc equals 6.36 hours opf mining for me [23:47]
jcpham at 0.00229424 btc per minute [23:48]
deegy wow, that's lucky [23:48]
Someguy123 jcpham good for you, .6BTC a day for me [23:48]
Someguy123 on my single 6870 [23:48]
jcpham i think i have a 6870 in the mix somewhere [23:48]
Someguy123 i just saw the volume [23:49]
Someguy123 jump from 60k [23:49]
Someguy123 to 68k.... [23:49]
* smickles (4746a953@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:49]
Someguy123 is someone dropping again trying to fuck with the price? [23:49]
Someguy123 o_O [23:49]
smickles ;;ticker [23:49]
deegy i get 0.00003708 about once an hour [23:49]
Someguy123 ;;ticker [23:49]
Someguy123 Bid-ask spread: 3.99999999994e-05, [23:49]
jcpham deegy i get more than that per share [23:50]
jcpham mine moar bytecoins [23:50]
Someguy123 jcpham I mine litecoins. [23:50]
Someguy123 i get like...30 a day [23:50]
Someguy123 someguy123 active with 2 slaves doing 24.589 kh/s - Shares: 343 Valid, 1 Invalid, Eff: 99.708% Alltime Shares: 1,623,572 - estimated 23.94 LTC per day, 1 LTC per hour, estimated time to find block is 2 days 2 hours 7 minutes 33 seconds [23:50]
phraust heh, iget like 4. [23:50]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:50]
Someguy123 23/day, sometimes more [23:50]
jcpham there's 8 btc in a bytecoin [23:50]
Mqrius "someguy123 active with 2 slaves" kinky. [23:51]
* sailingtim (616005db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:51]
Someguy123 Mqrius trololo [23:51]
* moblob has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [23:51]
jcpham what is this litecoins [23:51]
phraust cpu mined blockchain. [23:51]
sailingtim whats happeningg? [23:52]
phraust double the number of coins as bitcoin. [23:52]
kakobreklaa what is it worth [23:52]
phraust 0.003501 btc each [23:52]
Someguy123 sailingtim someone is fucking up the market [23:53]
Someguy123 with huge volumes of BTC at a time [23:53]
* matthewBNC has quit (Quit: changing servers) [23:53]
Someguy123 atm it's jumping like fuck [23:53]
* Txyru` has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:53]
sailingtim i can tell! its has been chaning wau to rapidly [23:53]
Someguy123 from 6.2BTC to 5.7BTC lowest [23:53]
Someguy123 like made [23:53]
sailingtim have you been selling/buying? [23:53]
Someguy123 that huge drop probably sent bitscalper, bitcoinica, and everything else [23:53]
Someguy123 completely crazy [23:53]
Someguy123 sailingtim TRYING [23:54]
Someguy123 =_= [23:54]
* jjjrmy-m (6166d451@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:54]
kakobreklaa my bot did nothing. [23:54]
kakobreklaa what a looser. [23:54]
jjjrmy-m Okay, I think I'm going to be on Mad Money for real this time [23:54]
* matthewBNC (~matthew@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:54]
ocminer selling 25 btc @ 5.60 ppusd good rep needed [23:54]
sailingtim whos been messing with it? [23:54]
Someguy123 sailingtim nobody knows [23:54]
Someguy123 WTF [23:54]
Someguy123 SOMEONE DROPPED ANOTHER 2k [23:54]
grubles jjjrmy-m: really? [23:55]
Someguy123 we're at 100k BTC now [23:55]
jjjrmy-m grubles: :( [23:55]
* moblob ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:55]
jjjrmy-m nvm [23:55]
rawrmage lol [23:55]
deegy is that bad [23:55]
grubles oh :( [23:55]
grubles poo [23:55]
Someguy123 someone is really trying hard to send the market into insanity [23:55]
jjjrmy-m nvm [23:55]
jjjrmy-m dammn [23:55]
jjjrmy-m they said it didn't meet legal requirments [23:55]
jjjrmy-m :'( [23:55]
copumpkin huh [23:55]
Someguy123 someone sell at 5.5 on mtgox plzkthx... [23:56]
Someguy123 i'm a fucking idiot for selling at 5.8 [23:56]
sailingtim you guys think it jump to 7? [23:56]
* Staatsfeind points and laughs at Someguy123. [23:56]
Someguy123 now I can't earn that back [23:57]
* jjjrmy-m has quit (Client Quit) [23:57]
Staatsfeind It almost certainly will; the question is when. [23:57]
* smickles just received a casascius coin :D [23:57]
M4v3R I have a feeling this is just a pump and dump [23:57]
* paulzag ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:58]
M4v3R someone saw an opportunity (S5032 report) and bought just to sell later [23:58]
Joric dude pays 10000 BTC for a couple of pizzas [23:58]
sailingtim some one has too much money [23:58]
M4v3R I hope I'm wrong though [23:58]
* matthewBNC has quit (Client Quit) [23:58]
phraust It certainly seems funny. [23:58]
* blognewb_ has quit (Quit: Ping Timeout) [23:59]
* moblob has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [23:59]
* benjamindees ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:59]
Someguy123 almost at 101k [23:59]
* matthewBNC (matthew@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc [23:59]
Someguy123 Joric old news is old. [23:59]
Someguy123 thats 2010 [23:59]
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