Obscure terms.
You know what altruism is, right ? Because it's such a common term, with a lengthy history and just as much a word as all the other words, having been known to humanity since forever on the basis of its centrality in your idiocy.
In fact, altruism is an obscure, recent Italian coinage. It's derived off the Italian word for "not minding one's own business" (altrui) with the universal suffix for "stupidity" (-ism).
You also know what charisma is, right ? Because it's such a common term, with a lengthy history and just as much a word as all the other words, having been known to humanity since forever on the basis of its centrality in your idiocy.
In fact, charisma is an obscure ancient term, used principally by Paul to discuss with the early xtians the specific characteristic that marked one as chosen by God for leadership. Max Weber picked it up last century to illustrate some bullshit reductionist theory he was cooking up at the time. It caught onpan> on, because you're lazy idiots and the only thing that ever catches on is reductionist bullshit. Exactly opposite to how it goes for actual minds, your only driver of interest is "thought savings" : you'll read that which promises to "save you" from "having to" read longer or more complex pieces and nothing else!
Fuck you ; and yes this article is a stub. Why don't you suck on it, maybe it grows.