Have you ever paid for sex ?!

Wednesday, 03 October, Year 10 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Girly asked me this, you know, we were hanging out and she was trying to make conversation (which isn't so easy, you realise -- gotta say something, but what ?!) and "get to know each other better" and such delightful avatars of youth.

To her, evidently, the question carried some kind of meaning, and with that the possibility of being answered. It's a commonplace of pre-pantsutiani US discourse, you realise. It's a thing, there, like "are you racist" or "rape" etcetera.

The discussion went rapidly nowhere, over my dissolution of her unexamined categories. I paid girls to fuck on camera, does that count ? If you take a girl for a fuck to a bed you own in a room you own in a building you own in a town you own is this paying for sex ? I mean, it costs more than if you lived in the forrest and did it in the bushes, rite ? What if you tore her stockings and you buy her new ones ? If you didn't fuck you'd not have tore 'em, right ? What if you don't like the stockings she has on, and much prefer the ones in the window ? What if you make the girl strip naked as her mother brought her to this world in the middle of a gents' shoe store, all leather and oak panelling, that also sells stockings, because you're considering buying her a pair and want to see how they look on her first ? If you do buy the pair, have you paid for sex ? Whose, yours or the present gents' wives' that evening ?

We went on to talk of other things, but still in this same manner, of her trying and getting humiliated for the attempt. Then we ended up back at her cage, wherein I fucked her in the ass. This activity is pure torture (for her, I'm enjoying it, myself) : I say "bend over", and the next frame I'm stretching her painfully while she's trying to repress her squeals, and then it's pumping all the way homeii. Just like that, off from the street -- heck, for all she knows she's gonna have to do it in the street, next (and she will, too).

I don't mean she isn't enjoying it, necessarily. I'm sure she is. But it's an intellectual rather than a sensual enjoyment, she enjoys being hurt by me, and serving me. She enjoys it like she enjoys hearing "that's a good girl", not like she enjoys the mango icecream we make. Not that there's anything wrong with that!

After I was done, I fished out a bill from my wad -- with a gesture routine'd enough to suggest that perhaps it's not my first time. How the fuck is anything going to be my first time, I've been around for a long, long time and in the end isn't this the fucking point of life ? Trying things ? Anyway, it was a carmine red thousand colones bill, almost two dollars (though not really).

I gave it to her and I told her to buy herself something nice for it. She has no money, you realise, this girl. She's not seen as much as a paper dollar in weeks now, except for the ones in my hand. Then, with a smile, I added "See ? I pay for sex all the time!". I won't go into the layered cake of lolz referenced here, because everyone who socially interacted with her slavery immediately went to a mental space of money and contracts and we had a lot of fun deconstructing all that over the... well, scant few weeks we've known each other. But anyways!

A few days later I had her meet me walking (fabulous walks in Costa Rica, as the man said, "de lo que mis senderos son capaces, solo lo se yo ; quales los igualen, habra ; quales los exceda -- jamas!") and she showed up at the expected time past the expected bend, holding two... coconuts. Pipa fria, in local parlance, put the line in the coconut...

Anyway, 400 colones each. Girl's bought herself something nice for the hardwon-est thousand colones known to this land. That it coincidentally provided succor, delicious cool hydration on a dusty trail, for the most humble author, yours truly I... well, let's call that a coincidental benefit.

The sort of coincidental benefit everything's always about. Now tell me... why is it you don't pay for sex ?

  1. People don't simply wake up pantsuit. First they have to spend a while in the holding pens with nothing to do, and practice "handshakes" as if that's a legitimate activity of human adults, and discuss "their feelings" as if such matter. "How do you feel", are "transsexuals" really what they want to be or really what they were born to be ? "Oh Joe, I don't knoe, but the vague cloud of progressive nonsense I seem to have absorbed from no particular relationship to the elders and no particular insistence upon the books would seem to dictate that freedom means people get to be what they say not what they are!" "So you ever heard of chromosomes ?" "Nope, not really."

    You gotta spend a lot of time in the idle, bitter far'niente of the marketing-driven welfare state, before you start having the sort of problems pantsuit have. []

  2. In fairness, somethimes I don't manage to tear her seal on the first try, and then it's "here, suck on this [cock that was just in your ass], make it big and strong so it hurts you". And she does. Of course she does. What would you do ? []
Category: Zsilnic
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25 Responses

  1. ce ai facut $efu?

    >plăteau doar în bani lichizi, evitând astfel cardurile bancare. Banii, scriu jurnaliștii din Costa Rica, i-ar fi primit de la un „presupus compatriot”.

    pai e frumos, te-ai dat inapoi pe fiat?

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 6 October 2018

    Link ceva ? Sau despre ce vb ?

  3. e pe cuv. ce :D https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/externe/mapamond/detalii-despre-viata-in-costa-rica-udrea-si-bica-foloseau-doar-cash-si-se-mutau-zilnic-1008644

  4. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 6 October 2018

    E cicat. In primu' rind ca nu iera nici un secret ca fetile-s in CR, ce se tot caca pizdutele lu' Nuland pe ele cu povesti animate ? Vai, o facut piulitia ceva anume, adica s-or bagat in seama aiurea.

    Si-n al doilea rind ca https://www.diarioextra.com/Noticia/detalle/371719/rumanas-vivian-entre-lujos,-sin-empleo-ni-datos-bancarios ; care-i problema, nu stii citi limbi ?

    Nimeni afara de sclavetii de corporatie si fetitele lu' tati inca nerupte-n cur nu foloseste carduri. Ca nu is pentru oameni, is pentru vite. Si-n rest despre ce discutam ?

  5. Gluma ca erai tu presupusul compatriot.

  6. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 6 October 2018

    Nuca io-s din Republica.

  7. N-are cum să fie el. Mircea plătește cu scoicile găsite pe plajă, nu știe el de-astea. În plus card se scrie cu aceleași litere ca și drac, e unealta diavolului.

  8. scoici pa persoana fizica autorizata? sau pa intelectual dizident neautorizat? sau pa firma? fizician autorizat? physician, doctor in pizde? atatea mistere...

  9. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Sunday, 7 October 2018

    Bai puleti, nu ie suficient de evident cam cit de in plus va gasiti voi doi pe lume ? Us acolo la comentarii recente, jumatate niste oameni inteligenti zicind lucruri inteligente pe teme importante, jumatate doi romani timpiti rigiind singura chifteluta din stomacel pe tema ca ce mare chestie ie faptu' ca n-or chiar murit inca de foame.

    Mars de-aici, ce pula mea, nu va mai incape staulu'.ro sau ceva ? Hai, ca nu-i loc de tate furajatele.

  10. Ce te-ai încordat așa, patroane?

  11. Țeapă, că nu e Mircea Popescu:

    Cornel Tăbăcaru, omul de afaceri care le-a găzduit pe Elena Udrea şi Alina Bica în Costa Rica, a dezvăluit, marți, mișcarea disperată la care a apelat fosta "Blondă de la Cotroceni" în încercarea de a ieși din închisoare.

    E amuzant că în luna mai făcea pe inocentul:

    - Știu că toată lumea vă întreabă de Elena Udrea, de când aceasta s-a mutat în Costa Rica. V-ați văzut cu ea? Ce i-ați spune dacă ați întâlni-o?
    - Știu sigur că Elena Udrea locuiește în capitală, la San Jose. Nu, nu m-am văzut, dar mai ştiu câte ceva despre ea, Costa Rica este o țară mică. Ce i-aș spune? Nu mare lucru. Urăsc să dau sfaturi. Dar probabil că i-aș spune că locul ei nu este aici!

    P.S. tot din Click:

    Cornel Tăbăcaru e cunoscut drept milionarul care s-a aflat pe vaporul de croazieră Balmoral, care a refăcut traseul Titanic-ului. Este cel mai cunoscut român din Costa Rica, acum după Elena Udrea, și i se spune “milionarul TEC”.

    Cornel Tăbăcaru a ajuns în frumoasa țară sud americană în anul 2000. În 2005 a început primele investiții, cu bani strânși în special în România, din celebrele sucuri la dozator, iar acum are statut de rezident permanent ca investitor în Republica de Costa Rica. Cornel Tăbăcaru este și unul dintre cei mai bogați români. Are o casă cu o curte mare în Toronto (unde stă 7 luni pe an), apartament de 540 mp pe ocean în Costa Rica (unde-și petrece iernile, circa 5 luni pe an), apartament de 320 mp în Florida la Ocean, un duplex cu curte în Pipera România. Miliardarul Cornel Tăbăcarul vorbește despre refacerea traseului din 2012, pe care l-a efectuat pe celebrul vas Balmoral.

  12. I intended to create you a very small note to finally give many thanks again for these pretty tricks you have contributed on this website. It is so strangely open-handed with people like you to offer unreservedly just what a few people could have sold for an electronic book to generate some cash for themselves, and in particular since you could possibly have done it if you ever wanted. Those strategies also acted to become fantastic way to know that the rest have similar eagerness much like my own to realize whole lot more with regard to this problem. I'm certain there are thousands of more pleasant occasions up front for many who looked over your blog.

  13. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 9 March 2019

    Bine mo...

  14. Gabriel Ovelar`s avatar
    Gabriel Ovelar 
    Saturday, 2 May 2020

    Gracias espero mis diamantes

  15. Gabriel Ovelar`s avatar
    Gabriel Ovelar 
    Saturday, 2 May 2020

    Gracias por los diamantes ahora a disfrutar de ellos

  16. Gabriel Ovelar`s avatar
    Gabriel Ovelar 
    Saturday, 2 May 2020

    Wooo si funciona gracias

  17. you always pay, the question is how much, and whether you know it

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