The world's most contortedly idiotic computer case, in pictures.

Tuesday, 19 January, Year 8 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

It has to be in pictures, because otherwise it'd be incomprehensible not to mention unbelievable. So :

Fig. 1

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 6

First off, the power supply is not located in the usual place, but instead takes up the space normally reserved for 2.5 inch peripherals. As a result it has to vent UNDER the case (Fig. 1, 2) and is powered by a special extension cord (Fig. 6) that has to run the length of the bottom of the case (Fig. 5).

The location usually reserved for 3.5 inch peripherals (ie, where you'd normally stick 3 DVDs or whatever) is completely taken off by a weird adaptor box that seems to mostly run off USB (Fig. 4, 6)

As a result of these patently insane arrangements, as well as spurious plastic shits it is actually impossible to lodge any HDDs inside this case.

After applying the trusty wrench (Fig. 6) liberally to the plastic insanity (you won't believe how hardy embodied idiocy is - if that were a critical piece of something it'd have gone off on the first of the hundred or so hits this crap took), the power unit was relocated where 3.5 inch form factor units usually'd go, seeing how this box isn't getting any CDs or anything. The power unit can now actually vent.

Even with the power unit out of the way, the SINGLE 2.5 inch space couldn't take a HDD, because of blinkenlichten spurious plastics in the way. After their removal through the application of the wrench process, the case could STILL not take a HDD, because of a weird metal lip off the bottom of the 3.5 inch enclosure (visible in Fig 4), which had to also be flattened through the by now familiar wrench process.

In the end, I have a pile of various spare parts, and the warmest wishes for "Kanji"i, the makers of computer parts that are so badly mangled they appear more like a cargo cult offering than a legitimate product. I consider it both very typical as well as deeply representative of the cultural and intellectual, not to mention technical achievements of this proud people that indisputably belongs in chains and barns.

  1. "Tecnología Japonesa con Precio Argentino". But really, typically Argentine idiocy and retardation.

    I've linked them through a google ads redirect, so make sure you click it until the cows come home. They've earned it. []

Category: Zsilnic
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6 Responses

  1. I would not believe this existed if not for the pictures.

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 19 January 2016

    Tecnologia Argentina, you have no idea.

    Barely qualified to suck the cock while moaning / walk while breathing.

  3. "No way".

    This is not a one off machine either. There must be more of them. Someone sat down in AutoCad and drew it, and a company had it bulk manufactured.

    Where are these people, and how can I avoid the air they breathe?

  4. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 19 January 2016

    The sad news is that I am convinced Argentina is the US endgame. Give it ... a coupla decades maybe ?

    If you read their history, from their top 10 - top 5 world power status in the 40s through Peronismo and beyond, you might be shocked by the same realisation.

  1. [...] of Fag Sistemsi dba "Kanji" (Tecnologia Japonesa con Precio Argentino) ? The proud makers of the world's most contortedly idiotic computer case [...]

  2. [...] slut okk Me waait, there's more! Me Me Me [...]

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