STFU, Attention Whore Culture.

Wednesday, 11 May, Year 8 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu


Should be enough to explain why, if you're ever stuck with jury duty for one of those bullshit "rape" casesi your only job there is to deadlock the jury. No matter what anyone says, no rape took place. Nothing took place, really, and the efforts of the socially marginal to hog the microphone should not be encouraged. They're socially marginal for a reason.

No matter what any whinebag might try to pretend, the only victim there is you. Close that shit down.

  1. You know the kind - no battery, no assault, no restraint, no violence of any kind, Little Bo Peep's not pleased with the day-after gifts / dude's taken too long to call / dared to go out with his girlfriend after a spirited bout of afterparty drunk fucking he'd much rather forget etc.

    Especially evident when the faux "victim" is about college age and admits to spending her time on "social media". []

Category: Meta psihoza
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28 Responses

  1. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Sunday, 28 July 2019

    More practically, interpretation of pantsuit "rape" and its self-reported/alleged "effects" along the lines of Ganser's syndrome with a laundry list of factitious disorders is quite readily available. Hysteria, in one word.

    The amusing circumstance whereby female zeks actually express prison psychosis (due to their associated misperception of the entire world as equal and identical to the zone), whereas female orcs more productively express sluttiness as a self-preserving strategy must be a particularly difficult to swallow pill for the niggers in charge of that whole sadness. If the zone is not a prison, why do the inmates behave so much like inmates ?

  1. [...] girl brought up sanely will immediately recognize the serious dangers incumbent in attention whoring, but for a large swathe of ESL speakers with little social exposure (outside of pseudosocial [...]

  2. [...] scars of being raped irl by some guy with his girlfriends. Check it out, the poster child of "revolutionary feminism" emerges. I had no idea! After a month of recovery, my parents took me to look at two continuation [...]

  3. [...] the contents of the jar being labelled are of no interest to them). [↩]The relation with the attention whore culture is marked : in that Mircea Popescu didn't bother to solicit Simon's consent, Mircea Popescu is [...]

  4. [...] you see. [↩]A decade meanwhile replaced "the press" with "the media", entirely composed of attention whores, and so it's now perfectly equivalent to Romania's crop last decade, and perfectly ready to die the [...]

  5. [...] "sexual misconduct" allegations are more of a positive than a negative by now, as I'm sure you're well aware. [↩]Selected strictly in the sense of being dislodged from the mass of nonsense pertaining to [...]

  6. [...] returned "rape" as the most-likely-to-entertain subject of interest. So she's been raped. What, problem ? [↩]Timelessness is an important theme within the work itself -- the impudent wretch keeps [...]

  7. [...] She is fishing for some kind of show of submission, I suspect, at the very least for some kind of "really positive relationship" from my slavegirl. She moves on, disabused, but not really ready to give up on the point. How [...]

  8. [...] decides what may be said and what may not be said ; and who methodically spoke to my slavegirl and "validated" her speech and presence while deliberately trying to ignore and downplay mine (imagine, daring to [...]

  9. [...] know ? Shut the shit down. [↩]Their mutually-agreed upon story is pretty good, but we're getting to it in a [...]

  10. [...] formula by which stupid yet precious cuntlets attempt to offload the cost of interfacing between their hallucination and reality upon you (or rather, [...]

  11. [...] attention whoring fame. [↩]Joshua Reed Giddings, long time Ohio rep, opponent of the Florida Seminole War because "waged in the interest of slavery". Firebrand fellow, advocating upstanding measures. [↩]Lincoln had a serious problem in that he was (correctly) perceived as a principle-less cocksucker, perfectly eager to marry anything if it provided money and position, and perfectly ready to anything else, as long as it forwarded those very same goals. Douglas is here making use of this public perception of Lincoln as an ambitious lapdog, aspiring to "aristocracy" and generally looking for props. [↩]And to enduring pantsuit fame -- because what is more truly pantsuit than the utterly dissolute ? [↩]This has meanwhile... changed. Progress, right ? [↩]When did America end ? [↩]Which unveils the Trojan horse : the centralists had no particular interest one way or another in the matter of "slavery", nor in the plight of idiots, nor of black people, nor of idiot black people, nor anyone nor anything else -- besides themselves. The whole "abolitionist" smokescreen is there to cover up the attempt at stealing both the country and the theft of the country in one fell swoop. [↩]Illinois was not, you will remember, a "Southern" state. The hilarious notion that the Civil War had anything whatever to do with "emancipation", rather than centralization, stands here in all its nude glory. [↩]And, all-importantly, a properly organized republic of plurious sovereign states permits one to live a perfectly happy life -- by choosing either Illinois or Maine for his home, as best suits his own pleasure. The meaning of "man" in that foregoing sentence does not include transsexuals. [↩] Category: SUA care este Comments feed : RSS 2.0. Leave your own comment below, or send a trackback. Add your cents! » If this is your first comment, it will wait to be approved. This usually takes a few hours. Subsequent comments are not delayed. [...]

  12. [...] here mean "this" or "that" one. It's not a matter of ones, they're not ones. They're a collective blob, and I mean all of them, each and every one of a large chunk of confused cuntspawn. Each indistinct [...]

  13. [...] the absolution's right here : STFU, Attention Whore Culture. [↩]And TLP still finds himself acting like a dweeby kid getting no nookie. [↩]I know, [...]

  14. [...] she'd have greatly mediated the situation, because no, it's not simply women. It's female uppity fucktards specifically, and yes, casual facial recognition's an excellent first pass heuristic with great [...]

  15. [...] : nude & rude "Fuck you America ; get bent pantsuits!" advertismentiii on (one of) my AC units : "contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the [...]

  16. [...] unseemly on the face and it breeds everything that's wrong with the world underneath that face. Just say no to dumb cunts, how fucking hard is it [...]

  17. [...] very day they end. [↩]And ideally also order, being given in order -- through the working of the stupid cunts has degraded the term through mispractice (much like they've degraded "awareness" or "rape" or [...]

  18. [...] you according to some criteria instead ? [↩]Suppose alternatively the bitches could swear off being obnoxious ? Or is that not on the pantsuit table like ever ? [↩]Maybe it's just not being a total [...]

  19. [...] about. [↩]And what does the author want to make true ? [↩]Turns out it'll be the attention whore thing. [↩] Category: Adnotations Comments feed : RSS 2.0. Leave your own comment below, [...]

  20. [...] that you didn't shut the shit down back when, FUD is now being delivered by the truckload. What... can you [...]

  21. [...] Shut that shit down. [↩]Too lazy to go into a discussion of the simpy nuttery of pantsuits, do it yourself. [↩]No fucking way they have Lidls in rural America nowadays ?! Has Austria invaded or something ?! [↩]Still going, though the music is fucking terrible. Nina Nesbitt what the fuck. [↩]Da fuck nonsense is this !? [...]

  22. [...] or gtfo, you understand ? Shut that shit down. [↩]This is such idiotic nonsense... It's like Messy irl, except mine was a work of [...]

  23. [...] camwhore culture with the unemployed rap video extras/dancers demographic, in the general soup of reproductive age female attention whoring with a view to distinguishing themselves from the very wordy losers without bodies. [↩] [...]

  24. [...] as good" shit specifically engineered to insulate her from those parts of the doing that'd force an end to her girlyhood as necessary part of the natural functioning of the [...]

  25. [...] throatmeats with his probe meat, it'll be something she can gargle about in pride, and otherwise STFU. [↩]I still don't understand what the fuck was wrong with "Sure dude, anything you say. I [...]

  26. [...] only mention this because it's possible the history might repeat itself, or however you say "believe women" in dead [...]

  27. [...] of well-meaning expectative, pretend not to see, not to hear, betray in a word. They shirk from their duty. "Impartial" and trustful, at the most they take note silently. They're the superlatively [...]

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