Eulora auction, February the 21st

Tuesday, 16 February, Year 8 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Given the unmitigated success of the previous auction - which broke more records than one - I feel obligated to continue.

Therefore, the following itemsi will be offered for auction on behalf of S.MG on February 21th, 2016 starting at 17:00 ART :

  • 3 Turning Wheel Recipes, q 200, qBVii 79`308 ECuiii, 237`924 TViv ECu.
  • 50 Toil of Bouquinism, q 200, qBV 2`452, TV 122`600 ECu.
  • 50 Toil of Gumbo, q 200, qBV 2`452, TV 122`600 ECu.
  • 50 Toil of Lapidary, q 200, qBV 2`452, TV 122`600 ECu.
  • 50 Toil of McGuyver, q 200, qBV 2`452, TV 122`600 ECu.
  • 50 Toil of Tinkering, q 200, qBV 2`452, TV 122`600 ECu.
  • 250 Questionable Flagon Designs, q 200, qBV 1`324, TV 331`000 ECu.
  • 250 Water of Anamnesia Plans, q 200, qBV 2`450, TV 612`500 ECu.

The total base value of this package comes to 1`794`424 ECu, which will be the minimum bid as per usual.

See you there!

  1. This package is principally of Lapidary interest. []
  2. Quality-adjusted base value. []
  3. Eulora coppers. Because Cu stands for copper, see. []
  4. Total value.

    It gets complicated, because "basic" base values are all calculated for quality 100 items. Thus a quality 150 item of BV 100 for which someone is paying a 30% premium would end up costing 100 * 1.5 * 1.3 = 195. []

Category: S.MG
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5 Responses

  1. Heh, écu. Just got it. :D

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 17 February 2016


  1. [...] previous official S.MG auction came to 23 million through some pretty circuitous bidding actioni, which is a healthy 1`284% on the [...]

  2. [...] neat, huh ? This third auction's 70 mn ECu added to the previous auction's 20.5 mn ECu and to the February the 21st's 23 mn ECu as well as to the February 14th's whopperi of 140mn ECu mark an absolute high mark for [...]

  3. [...] of Lapidary interest. [↩]This auction is almost an exact copy of the one that took place on February the 21st. [↩]Bilbul is a Hebrew word with Romanian overtones. [↩]BPs, aka blue prints, are [...]

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