And they won't fucking yield.
Let's look through the NEET heap :
Trump voters don’t want to be the objects of charity. They want to be what they once were: workers, ambivalently regarded by and even somewhat menacing to the upper class.
“Is democracy really failing, or is it just trying to say something?” I asked before the election, in an article in the magazine about “Against Democracy,” a book by Jason Brennan proposing that the franchise be limited to educated voters. I spelled out why I disagreed with Brennan’s proposal—and I still disagree with it, even though Hillary Clinton, the candidate I preferred, would almost certainly have won on Tuesday if the franchise had been rationed as he suggests. But I didn’t spell out what it was that I thought democracy might be trying to say. I do, however, have a hunch, one that I’ve been mulling over for much of this difficult year and one that you’ve probably heard before: I suspect that working- and lower-middle-class whites feel abandoned, if not sold out, by the élites.
In my Twitter timeline, heavily populated with liberals and radical leftists, the validity of this hunch is currently the subject of bitter debate. Some have disputed the idea by pointing out that, according to one exit poll, voters were more likely to support Donald Trump if their income was higher. Those numbers may be misleading, however, as Philip Bump explained Thursday in the Washington Post. Black voters overwhelmingly chose Clinton on Tuesday, and overall, blacks have lower incomes than whites. If you look at exit polls of white voters only, Bump writes, Trump was clearly “earning more support from lower-income whites than wealthier ones.” Others have noted that exit polls diverged more sharply on racial lines than by income, and that Trump played on racial fears openly in his campaign. They argue that what triumphed on Tuesday was white racism.
That strikes me as true. And it also strikes me as true that white workers were acting out of a deep economic grievance on Tuesday. Argument A doesn’t falsify Argument B, in this case. In the nineteen-thirties, Germans suffered terrible economic pain—and many turned openly and violently anti-Semitic. It has been suggested that people find it easier to sustain moral virtues like racial tolerance, fairness, and open-mindedness when they’re prospering. The idea is a little discomfiting to conventional understandings of moral autonomy and personal responsibility. It suggests that it is impossible to provide ethical leadership for people without also attending to their material welfare—and that it is dangerous morally as well as materially for a demagogue to promise to solve an economic problem that he cannot.
If the election was about revenge for economic grievance, why didn’t working- and middle-class blacks, who have suffered as much if not more economic pain from the offshoring of American manufacturing than whites have, also support Trump? It could be that black voters’ long-standing mistrust of the Republican Party protected them from the miasma of disinformation that now pervades and issues from that party. It could be that, precisely because Trump’s promises had a racist tinge, it was easier for blacks to see through them and recognize that Clinton, despite her close personal ties to the élite, was proposing policies more likely to help workers.
If only whites could have seen this, too!
This spewi was published by The New Yorkerii yesterday, under the pointlessly pretentious "culture desk" header. It was penned by one Caleb Crain.
Who is Caleb Crain ?
Oh, google is more than happy to pretend like he's somebody, he has a picture up and a small bio and everything. Because why ? Because google lies, and deliberately. So let's indulge the pretense, and read wikipedia, that safe space for retards :
Caleb Crain
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaOccupation novelist, non-fiction
Nationality American
Period 1990s-present
Notable works American Sympathy, Necessary ErrorsCaleb Crain is an American writer, who was a Lambda Literary Award nominee in the Gay Fiction category at the 26th Lambda Literary Awards in 2014 for his debut novel Necessary Errors.
A graduate of Harvard University and Columbia University, Crain has published book reviews and essays in publications including The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, The London Review of Books, The Nation, The New York Times Book Review, Out and The New Republic. He also published the non-fiction book American Sympathy: Men, Friendship, and Literature in the New Nation in 2001.
He lives in New York City with his husband, blogger and editor Peter Terzian.
Apparently this schmuck is notableiii. Why ? Because merit-washed at Harvard, like Obama, like the whole rest of the list of idiots and incompetents with delusions of leadership and importance ? Because participated in some "literary awards" which literally consist of ten people gathering around in a food court ? And even there he couldn't make it outside of the faggot reservation ? Hurr, if there were twenty people present, as an exceptional turnout, the vote count he'd have needed to win that would have still been 1.
Every kid winning a bike contest among his three friends in the back alley isn't thereby aspiring to get free housing in New York City and biographical bylines by google - why not ? What exactly has Crain done in his fifty years on this Earth that is more, or that puts him above the teenager winning an ad-hoc biking contest run by his friends behind their parents' house ? Tell me, I'm curious. What ?
But it's not a matter of this particular jew that's impudent - none of them are fucking yielding. Here's the BBC, quoting some Norwegian nigger :
It is all too easy to take the freedoms, security and prosperity we enjoy for granted. In these uncertain times we need strong American leadership, and we need Europeans to shoulder their fair share of the burden.
Going it alone is not an option, either for Europe or for the United States. We face the greatest challenges to our security in a generation. This is no time to question the value of the partnership between Europe and the United States.
Really, bitch ? Who the everloving fuck asked you!
But that's the whole thing : they pretend someone asked them ; and then they pretend to give answers to questions they're deeply unqualified to consider ; and then they pretend someone gives a shit today, or gave a shit in the past. And then they pretend "nobody could have predicted" every time their ignorant nonsense blows up, which is every time.
And then they pretend Obama is a person - and when he has to go out and represent his country it turns out he isn't. And then they pretend that none of it ever happened. Really, all the modern jewry sits there in silence as someone says "Obama's term had no scandals". Apparently their demo is strictly that cattle bereft of yearly memories, we're supposed to not remember that time Putin pissed on Bahamas' face, or that other time, or all the other times. "Gangbang slut had no scandalous moments", of course not, certainly.
And then they pretend Hilary's "already won" and you know, "looking past Trump" and whatnot. And then they pretend and then they pretend and then they pretend.
They must be killed. Literally. Caleb Crain must be killed. Physically. His "husband" Peter Terzian must die. They all have to die. There is no way to make anything great ever again - for as long as these jews live, for as long as their ashes aren't resting in common graves admixed with lime, for as long as a single one of them even delusionally imagines the world is safe for him to step under sunshine or moonshine - nothing can ever be great. Not ever again.
Shoot them. Shoot them all. Shoot them today. Their continued existence is not merely an offense to all conceivable gods - it is a direct and insurmountable roadblock for life as you know it.
———- It is not that it defies analysis, it's that it comes below all contempt. Line by line, wrong, tendentious, aspirational, libertard, refusing to die as die it must ; refusing to face its deformed, abominable self in any clean mirror. The self-hating white faggot pretending against all sense and against his own conscience to being a person.
Two lines of captatio, which begrudgingly make a valid point entirely to try and power later defilement by it. Not for a second is the author inclined to meditate on what exactly would it mean to not want charity. Maybe it'd mean to not expect to live in Brooklyn ? Would Terra Haute be good enough for this fellow ? Maybe it'd mean to not display the scandalous insensibility of pretending he feeds his holes "blogging". How about working for a living ? Maybe it'd mean to not expect to have married some dude, or to not expect his dumbass face doesn't get punched in for looking exactly like the face of one asking to have his face punched in. None of these are considerations, the author's in his own mind entitled to his latte which isn't statal charity because reasons - and inexplicably he doesn't quite understand how anyone else may not want the fucking latte (or the dick up his ass, for that matter).
Supposedly everyone's to be so dumb as to not notice that the only reason the author admits some people don't want charity is because he hopes they won't notice when he switches the bait on them. They're this offensive, the modern jews. They're this impudent, the modern jews. They're this close to the crematoria ; they're this close to the lime pits and they're still not fucking yielding.
The same miserable scum which derrided people who wspan> wanted no charity for decades through their entirely irrelevant "social media" that literally nobody reads, those people who supposedly "can't see their own interest", those uneducated, fly-over people who nevertheless had enough sense to understand decades ago what the faggots still claim to have missed today - that government by dole, where you steal a lot of your own country's future and then dole out a little to the worst elements of society to keep you in power is not properly called government but out and out extraction.
And then this scrape off a pile of dogvomit has the audacity to discuss "populists" ? What other populists are there than these niggers, trying to build a "coallition" out of poor black people they themselves kept uneducated for decades, and out of clueless teenagers they themselves misdirected with their pointless "issues" and spurious faggotry ? When the decade-old pile of populist bullshit is finally coming apart, the modern jews dare crow about how the others are the populists ?
He sits there and pretends to be educated ? He dares go so far as to hold himself up as some sort of standard of education ? Why, because he spelled elite with the wrong accent on the first e ? What exactly does this scumbag know, other than how to lie ? He sits there and pretends that if the franchise were restricted to the elite he'd still be part of that elite ?
He doesn't actually believe this, of course. He knows he's not on the Republic's rolls. He knows that as soon as I'm getting my hands on him, and on his husband, and on all his friends and on everyone who even vaguely likes them it's the gassing chambers, literally, and the crematoria and the lime pits, literally.
But he also has hope - hope that maybe someone (other than me) reads The New Yorker, and maybe that someone is dumb enough to swallow jewaganda, and so... what's he got to lose ?
He might as well go down for murder and jaywalking once he's already going down for murder, right ? [↩]
- A sort of even smaller [↩]
- You know, exactly in the manner "a bunch of retired journo-hos are "the New York elite", in their own mind. Exactly how Trump leaving behind a poor faggot is the scandal of scandals, oh noes, a worthless tick didn't get to suck free government airfare ?! The world must end! [↩]
Sunday, 13 November 2016
These folks haven't smelled the gas since, oh, '45, and have entirely forgotten that it is even a possible thing, or where it comes from, or why.
A bit like how the dodo forgot what its wings were for.
Sunday, 13 November 2016
That's fine, and good for them.
Sunday, 13 November 2016
Caleb Crain isn't Jewish, he "I was raised Roman Catholic and now go to a Methodist church regularly" according to The Atlantic.
Sunday, 13 November 2016
What difference could that possibly make ? Nobody cares how he was raised or by whom. Fact is he wrote for the "media". Therefore he's a dirty jew, and he must die.
The ancient definition of the term is of no further concern. Nowadays, anyone incapable of obtaining certificates to prove that nobody in their social circle wrote for the media is suspect, and must go.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
PS. We find via Dushenski that Taleb wrote a great companion piece :