Tiganii daca erau...
Saturday, 30 May, Year 7 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
I'm going to endeavour to translate for your pleasure an ancient Romanian drinking song, definitely part of Gypsy folklore but perhaps an import into that culture from an even deeper substrate (shown for instance by the fact that the names aren't actually tiganesti). Here we go :
Eu sunt Gore dîn Chitila I am Gore from Chitilai Doamne var cu Fane zis Gorila God! I'm cousins with Fane aka the Gorilla Bai ce-a luat bataie-odata Dude he got his ass kicked once La Cateaua Lesinata At the Fainted Bitchii De la Mitu zis Timpitu' By Mituiii aka the Dumbass Doamne ce da bine cu cutitu' Lordy! Who jabbed well with a knife. Gore l-a batut pe Mitu Gore beat up Mituiv Doamne Gore l-a batut pe Mitu Oh god Gore beat up Mitu Pai ca s-a luat de-una Elena For hitting on one, Elena Ucenica la Igiena Apprentice with Igiena.v Ea statea trista in birtî She was sitting, sad, in the diner Bea cu litru numa spirtî Drinking straight hootch by the litervi Si-ar mai fi baut un litru And she'd have had another Da'paru' deodata Mitu But suddenly Mitu appeared De zise sa il urmeze And said for her to follow him Ca ar vrea sa se imperecheze As he'd like to mate. Gore iesi dupa tejghea mai Gore came out from behind the counter Ia uimita il privea She looked on in amazement Cum pune mana pe-o sticla As he grabbed a bottle Si spre Mitu se agita And aggitated himself towards Mitu Si-a-nceput sa mi-l distreze And he started to bemuse him Pai pa la carii si proteze Around cavities and dentures Pai pa la dinti pa la molarii Around teeth and molars Ca-n filmele cu dolarii Like in the movies with dollars.vii A venit si o salvare There even came an ambulance Doamne una corespunzatoare God, a fitting oneviii De la luat pe Mitu soro And it took up Mitu sister Sa-l coasa pe ici pe colo To sew him back together in places. Gore n-avea nici o buba Gore had no scratch on him Dar a mai venit o duba But there also came a van Pai mi l-au dus la facultate They took him to collegeix I-au dat cinci ani jumatate For five and a half years.
I hope you've enjoyed the show. I'm here every night from about when I wake up until later a bit.
———- Minor Danube port. Wasn't ever anything more than a sleepy townlet. [↩]
- Seems to be a bar's name. [↩]
- Mitu is familiar / short for Dumitru, which is one of the oldest and historically a very common Romanian name. Romania's only outer space cosmonaut was Dumitru Prunariu, for instance, the "stereotypical Romanian" as seen by Ion Luca Caragiale (the man who, by most accounts, wrote the software Romania mentally runs on) was called Mitica which is another familiar form, one of the smartest people I ever knew was called Dumitru Dumitrascu (literally a sort of Sven Svensson construction), it's common. I nearly ended up called Dumitru myself, on the grounds of apparently intending to join this world on October 26th - that saint's day and at the time still a major source of names for children. [↩]
- The song seems to get the persons wrong. It's what it is. [↩]
- "Normal", which is to say middle class girls went to "theoretical high-schools" and usually from there to college. Underclass girls went to "vocational schools", organised around various industrial or mercantile concerns, and usually from there to the abject sort of motherhood as practiced in the underclass (middle class women also had to have children, but in markedly better conditions). In this case Igiena would have been the hairdresser's "co-op", so she was "studying" ie doing her time to become a hairdresser, which in the terms of the time would mean that she was doing her best to escape the procreative fate and instead be as close to a actress/singer/pornstar/news woman as humanly possible. [↩]
- Yes, this very well may be a factual description. I have personally known and with mine two eyes seen women who could in fact and did in fact put away 180+ proof alcohol by the quart by themselves. No, it wasn't common, and no it wasn't healthy, but do not imagine that it wasn't done merely because all the teenagers you know suck ass metaphorically. [↩]
- This is definitely a gypsy contribution. [↩]
- Correspunzator is, I have little doubt, a bit of wooden tongue here. It'd be what the bureaucrats would say about "good" things - ie this is "corespunzator", acceptable, by the book. The usage is perhaps unwittingly but quite certainly sarcastic. [↩]
- Prison, obviously. [↩]
Category: Cocietate si Sultura
Wednesday, 1 July 2015
Sa fiu sincer, nu stiu cum ar aprecia strainii traducerea directa dar privinta din exterior cred ca este foarte amuzanta. Bine, nici n-as incadra acest "cantec" in dreptul tiganilor, il aud destul de des si in randul asa-zisilor romani pasionati de muzica de calitate.
Wednesday, 1 July 2015
Pai ie complicat.