Qntra (S.QNTR) August 2015 Statement
Tuesday, 01 September, Year 7 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
Qntra has realised no income and made no expenditure this period. Qntra is expected to realise no income and make no expenditure the following period.i
As directed by its charter and on the basis of the report of the editor in chief, 16`644 S.QNTR shares issued this period. This brings the total shares issued to 297`730 (+5.92%).
That's about all - Qntra remains the old gray lady (with a rabbit hat) of the Bitcoin space.
———- No DDoS this month, but a significant uptick in measured traffic, perhaps explained by further social media drama, which is practically the same thing. [↩]
Category: S.QNTR
Friday, 31 August 2018
The Trilema article was from back in August 2012 and it s pretty lulzy to see how much of a smack down MPEx put on icbit, Cryptostocks, and GLBSE back then.