Ever heard of Ion Iliescu ?
Friday, 04 December, Year 7 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
We find from the November 2015 edition of Raices del Deporte Argentinoi that
There are also some unsubstatiated, unflattering rumours that a character by the same name stayed home and involved himself in the workings of the communist party. Nevertheless, curva volant, scripta manent.
———- Una publicacion mensual de distribucion gratuita made possible by the efforts of Adolfo Resnik (director) ; Diego Resnik (vice-director) and Celia Sidelnick (secretaria de redaccion). [↩]
Category: Trilema Presei
Saturday, 12 December 2015
So many people wish they never did...
Saturday, 12 December 2015
Celia Sidekick asta e sexoasa? Asa ca aia? Sau aialalta? Sau in fine?
Saturday, 12 December 2015
@krossfire Probably starting with Ceausescu himself.
@anon Nu poci pentru ca sa infirm ori confirm ori altminteri raspunz convingator, da' nu poci sa ma opresc din a observa ca vai mai frate da' ce materiale interesante atit scrise cit si de citit se gasesc aici publicate pe foaia de proaste moravuri care este!
Sa-mi ne traiasca.