Eulora client Freenode patch
Monday, 08 June, Year 7 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
Modify the 0.1 Eulora client so that
- It connects to ;
- It checks whether the player's name is registered. If it is not, it registers it, using a (fragment) of a salted hash of the user's password as a password. If it is, it logs in.
- Joins #eulora ; displays chat in a special channel in the game chat interface ; conveys player's chat to #eulora (except for /commands).
- Keep your patch contained, clean and easily readable. Clearly mark the hooks where it interfaces with extant code ; keep these at a minimum.
Compensation available, either in game loot or BTC.
Category: Job Board
Sunday, 17 April 2016
I spz there isn't a make freenode work at all patch anywhere is there?
Monday, 18 April 2016
Nope. Some servers are down, is up atm.