BitBet (S.BBET) December 2014 Statement
Saturday, 03 January, Year 7 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
Received 50 new propositions, of which accepted 12, rejected 38.
Total bets in worth 379.65429672 in 263 bets.i
Revenue : 4.07815338 BTC, of which :
- bets resolved : 2.20304826ii
- fees from refunds : 0.06011000 BTC
- advertising : 0.1 BTC
- house bets won : 1.71499512 BTCiii
- gracious donations to shareholders : 0.0 BTC
Expenditure : 1.20566060 BTC, of which :
- referrals paid : 0.00566060 BTC
- house bets made : 1.20000000 BTC
- Taxiv, 0.00287249 BTC
Profit : 2.86962029 BTC.
It is with a heavy heart that I am forced to announce that I fucked up dividend payments again. S.BBET holders received 9.70886822 BTC instead of the 4.87682073 BTC they were owed as dividends last month. Consequently, there's yet again a credit, in sum of 4.83204749 BTC, towards which this month's profit was applied, leaving 1.9624272 BTC to be covered in the following months. Once the profit eats through it, dividends will issue again on MPEx. Sorry for being so inept ;/
———- Graph:
- 220.30472679 BTC total pool resolved this month. [↩]
- 2.20000000 BTC worth of house bets were resolved during the current month. Even wow-er than last. [↩]
- Owed to Bitcoin's Sovereign. [↩]
Category: S.BBET
Saturday, 3 January 2015
Hash: SHA1
BitBet (S.BBET) December 2014 Statement
Operational results
Received 50 new propositions, of which accepted 12, rejected 38.
Total bets in worth 379.65429672 in 263 bets.i
Revenue : 4.07815338 BTC, of which :
bets resolved : 2.20304826ii
fees from refunds : 0.06011000 BTC
advertising : 0.1 BTC
house bets won : 1.71499512 BTCiii
gracious donations to shareholders : 0.0 BTC
Expenditure : 1.20566060 BTC, of which :
referrals paid : 0.00566060 BTC
house bets made : 1.20000000 BTC
Taxiv, 0.00287249 BTC
Profit : 2.86962029 BTC.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)