This is just about everyone on the Internet
Saturday, 14 June, Year 6 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
No further need for "social media" : You've now seen it all, and can safely do something useful with your time.
Category: Meta psihoza
Friday, 27 June 2014
"I now understand everything" :o))
Long time no see, check this one
Friday, 27 June 2014
Saturday, 29 May 2021
Hey, remember back when this was a joke ? Humorous exaggeration ?
Meanwhile the idle idiots depicted (along with their "misunderstood" female correspondents, the confused post-undergraduate, thoroughly useless girly), have evidently moved into majority, and... well...
Saturday, 29 May 2021
Dem bitchez got dat psyckle cell anemia bruh
Saturday, 29 May 2021