Qntra (S.QNTR) October 2014 Statement
Monday, 03 November, Year 6 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
Qntra has realised no income and made no expenditure this periodi. Qntra is expected to realise no income and make no expenditure the following period.
As directed by its charter and on the basis of the report of the editor in chief, 80`704 S.QNTR shares issued this period. This brings the total shares issued to 80`704.
As reported by Quantcast, Qntra has been seen by 959 US / 1.9K Global viewers this period, serving a predominantly male, young, rich, well educated, politically active and independent demographic. So far so good, see you next month!
———- The followers of #b-a logs probably recall Qntra was being DDOS'd the entire month. Mitigation obviously costs money, so does hosting, and so on. Once Qntra realises an income these may actually figure in the expense line, but not before. [↩]
Category: S.QNTR