The 23 yo intellectual
The poster sez some 23 yo creepy geek considers himself an intellectual, and would like freshly shaved, juicy teenage/twennysomfin cunt to volunteer for the purposes of walking in the park, in teh museum, in teh restaurant or even in his very own livingroom. Possibly naked. Or whatever else, which shan't be regretted for as much as a very secondi.
Meanwhile all the girls are busy elsewhere
What to do, what to do!
I suggest moar intellectuals and moar written words. It certainly works, helps and makes sense.
———- Heh, obviously he doesn't understand women. Here's a protip, douchey : there isn't a woman alive who hasn't regretted - usually briefly but repeatedly - each and every single thing she ever did, no matter what it were. Thats how their brain works. They get post partum depression, for fucks sake. Yes, both after fucking and after delivering. [↩]
Wednesday, 28 March 2018
Lasă că și tu aveai afișe prin stațiile de tramvai din Timișoara.
Thursday, 29 March 2018
Ai vazut tu ?
Monday, 2 April 2018
Cu ochii mei, nu. Dar erau niște poze.