"Jesus you guys are like snark bullion already"

Thursday, 26 September, Year 5 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

pankkake "I'm thinking of selling 10,000 ActM shares for 0.0019 and buying LC @ 0.0007 for 27,142 shares."
kakobrekla well yes
mircea_popescu it's always a good idea to announce one's trades in advance.
kakobrekla more shares is better
pankkake lol

jborkl people are so math impaired anyway- you throw a extra variable in there - like bitcoin is really screws them up
mircea_popescu no no, more shares IS better.
mircea_popescu because there's more of them. like if you had a phone number right ?
mircea_popescu it'd be better to have two.
pankkake when in reality it's better to have more numbers in your phone number
pankkake if I understand your analogy

mircea_popescu hey pankkake
mircea_popescu i know you like numbers in your shares so i've put more phones in your phone number.
kakobrekla no, the phone no should start with a high value such as 9 or 8
jborkl 10% gain on more cheap shares is better than 10% gain on more expensive right?
mircea_popescu jborkl depends if they have a logo.
mircea_popescu like a good one. like with a handshake or something
jborkl oh yeah my bad

pankkake shit, my ☎ number starts with 01, I'm so poor
jborkl IP on a good logo is what like a million or so
jurov amazing logo
mircea_popescu plus also shares sometimes split.
kakobrekla yeah pankkake thats a low amount of phone number

I aver. We are.

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2 Responses

  1. And I thought #bitcoin-assets was serious business...

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 28 September 2013

    O but it is. Bitcoin, backed by lols and drama. Since 2011.

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