Forbes, now with a little extra ESL and a whole lot of extra stupid.

Wednesday, 09 January, Year 5 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

To quote :

What makes it possible to buy drugs with Tide is not because Tide is useful as a detergent. It’s because drug dealers and users have agreed that it is currency.

There's mistakes and then there are mistakes. Typing y when you meant to type t and ending up with yuping instead of typing isn't the end of the world : they're close on a keyboard. Not understandthing that "what makes (iy) possible" does NOT allow a "because" being stuffed in there is the motherfucking end of the world. The only way you could slip this is if you are stupid.

To illustrate, coming home one night and finding your significant other snoring loudly on their back with drool coming out of the corner of their mouth and a distinctly idiotic facial expression isn't the end of the world. People often look funny when they sleep. Coming home one night and finding your significant other trying to masturbate with the inside of the blender is the end of the world. They're either having a psychotic episode or else they're just that fucking stupid.

And that's the problem with this Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry fuckwit : He's just this incredibly fucking stupid.


There's no words for it, really. Fiat does not mean "something da people have agreed to be money" you highschool dropout you. Fiat means "something an authority has declared as money".

There's a huuuu-uuu-uuuge difference between "an authority" and "people". Huge. Immense. In fact, absent comprehension of this difference, that society is not equal to government and more importantly that government is not equal to society is the end of the story. You're not a person, you're a lemming, you're a cog, a number in a spreadsheet somewhere. You don't belong hanging out with people, you belong hanging out with the other corpses in the common graves which unavoidably come out of enough of you idiots running around.

There's two principal ways through which an arbitrary item becomes a fiat currency. One is enforced scarcity. Make complicated designs on pieces of paper and shoot anyone who copies them, require anyone who makes machines that could copy them ask for permission and so forth. The other is enforced capitation. Shoot anyone that doesn't present you with a fixed amount of these at regular intervals.

Do you see "the people" consenting to anything or agreeing to anything in there ? Neither do I, because the people don't enter into it. Fiat currency is strictly about authority, it is a way to extract labour from people. Not "in exchange". It's not trade. It's an extraction. You just take it. Why ? Because you can. And if anyone wants to argue that point you shoot them too. Or they shoot you first, and then they do it instead.

And this fuckwit is writing about "global" and "strategic" and "issues" ? What do you know of strategy you cudchewer you! The strategy issues of looking like a thirty something worthless douche, maybe.

This is my objection with the public schooling system and welfarism in general : it creates Gobrys, which are a sort of Gumpys without any of the humour. See that picture ? The poor schmucks in that picture are likely more intelligent, more diligent and generally better human beings than Gobry. Unfortunately for them, they didn't have the obscene good fortune of being born in this part of the world. As a result, they're dicking around packing mud while this worthless fuckwit goes about farting self-delusions of "strategic global issues" and whatnot.

The only global strategic issue here is simply that we need to exchange about five hundred million numbnuts that were born over here with about five hundred million people that were born over there. That's the global strategic issue : have all the stupid, lazy, ugly, fat, pointless and unbearable pastyass kids you people raise packed up and sent to Chad to live there eaten alive by ringworms, fireants and intestinal parasites, and count themselves lucky if they reach the ripe old age of 16 without rape-AIDS on one hand, and have an equal count of otherwise nice kids from over there come here and make something of their lifei on the other hand.

And you know what ? Fiat borders are going away just as much as fiat currencies are going away. In the future it won't really matter where you're born, which practically means there won't be any authority to save Gobry from his well deserved mud packing fate.

This is why I'm in Bitcoin, incidentally. It's the thing that will fuck all you worthless bums over, and I wouldn't miss the opportunity of seeing you all deported to Chad for the world entire. Yes, it won't be a very concrete Chad, it will be moreover the virtual Chad of ramen diets, tiny dirty apartments and World of Warcraft social life. In my estimation this is even better than the concrete Chad.

Apparently, the future is now. Enjoy it, I know I am.

  1. Admittedly nothing to do with "global strategic issues" or other grandiose shit like that, but then again here's a secret : there's a need for maybe twenty such people. In the entire world. Tops. Tops! []
Category: Trilema Presei
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11 Responses

  1. Mr. Popescu you forgot to take your pills again? Remember you are in this silky white walled chamber and no one hears you, expect when I enter here to check on you.

    If you continue like that, you´ll receive electroshock therapy, ok? Have a nice day.

  2. Mr. Popescu you forgot to take your pills again? Remember you are in this silky white walled chamber and no one hears you, expect when I enter here to check on you.

    If you continue like that, you´ll receive electroshock therapy, ok? Have a nice day.

  3. Mr. Popescu you forgot to take your pills again? Remember you are in this silky white walled chamber and no one hears you, expect when I enter here to check on you.

    If you continue like that, you´ll receive electroshock therapy, ok? Have a nice day.

  4. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 9 January 2013


  5. Vexare femina`s avatar
    Vexare femina 
    Wednesday, 9 January 2013

    Echo <3

  6. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 9 January 2013

  7. Thanks for this well deserved humor, this idiot reaching all time lows had me really depressed.

  8. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Thursday, 10 January 2013


  9. It´s the echo inside your head. It put it written because your can´t head, god complex speaks louder.

  10. *hear

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