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BABE... i guess your not getting any of my email huh? ive been tryign to email u so many times but this dam laptop is such a piece of garbage and keeps freezing.. anyways how u been?
Problema a fost identificata corect : laptopul. Solutia a fost de asemenea identificata corect : daca nu iese din foarte multe incercari mai fa o incercare.
In case u dont know who this is its ME Adriana.. we used to chat a bit on facebook and then I think u deleted me :( haha.. anyways guess what... I got 2 things to tell u.. both good news..
Este EA, Adriana. Intimplator eu nu cunosc nici o Adriana care mi s-ar adresa in engleza, dat fiind ca-s romance si frantuzoaice, da' asta-i probabil vina mea. In plus ca tot e la oferta, eu nici n-am nici n-am avut niciodata cont pe facebook. Da' astea-s nimicuri pe linga faptu' ca... bai ce psihotica-i Adriana asta, deci iti scrie tone de email la care nu-i raspunzi da' e ok, iti mai scrie unu-n care sa-ti povesteasca despre cum ai sters-o de pe facebook. Este ca se stie vinde ?
1) im single now.. yup me and my bf broke up about 3 months ago... and 2) guess where im moving? RIGHT EFFING NEAR U.. lol... ur actually the only person im gonna know there.. well 3 cousins too but i cant chill with them lol.. UFA>
Sariti ca se muta Adriana-n Dumbravita. Cum care Adriana ? Aia de pe facebook cu laptopu'. Echivalentu' lu' "baiatu' cu calculatoru'".
I remember when we chatted u told me u thought i was cute and u wanted to chill so now we finally can HAHA! im kinda scared to move..
Pina acum am ris, da' acum ne cutremuram : in spatele chestiei asteia sta minim un masterat in psihologia oilor. Femeia care prezinta interes in economia moderna a sexului se va gasi fara farafasticuri in genunchi, precum se explica lamurit intr-un erotoghid publicat de-un influencer de larga anvergura (degeaba hateriti, daca l-o citit pina si Adriana, pe laptopu' ei blocatel...) si iata ca aparenta lipsa de logica in forma se muleaza pe-o foarte bine gindita logica a fondului. E umila, insistenta si "putin speriata", atinge-n ordinea justa toate butoanele.
im hoping this email addy is still the one you use and u can chat with me ebfore i get there.. maybe even help me move my shit in...are u still on facebook? i cudnt find ui was soo confused...anyways im gonna need someone to show me the town and take me out so u better be around bebe...
Functiile prescriptive si de control ale limbajului. Impreunind mai multi oameni decit berea, de-acum cel putin o suta de ani.
we only chatted a couple times but i remember thinking to myself i wanted to get ot know u better when i was single..a nd i thoguth u were cute too but cudnt tell u cause i wasnt single lol...ok so more info about me.. well im 23.. virgo.. love the outdoors and love to socialize, go out for drinks, restaurants, movies etc.. travel.. i have a lil kitty named BOO and i luv her to death... uhhh oh im a super horny gurl too but every gurl is they just wont admit it. so ilove watching p0rn and all that.. love sex etc blah blah blah...who doesnt..
I really hope we get a chance to chat for a bit either online or on the fone before i get there enxt week.. i hope u remmeber me and still wanna chill and arent married yet lol.. OH YA also.. i need to find a job when i get there.. CS>
Ati remarcat tryign, ebfore, a nd, thoguth, enxt, remmeber ? In general greselile de scriere se folosesc pentru a fenta filtrele bayesiene, da' in cazul asta cred ca se gasesc inserate in text pentru a crea cititorului impresia de autenticitate a textului. Pina la urma daca ar fi trimis mie si inca spre vreo zece persoane de catre un spamer chinez si-ar fi corectat omu' textul inainte, nu ?
do u have any hookups or know anybody hiring? id LOVE to work in a bar or osmehting like that...really anythgin cause my current job is fun and all.. and technically i CUD keep doign it but i want a change.. i currently work from home and well thats cool but i need ot be out meeting people.. oh wait. i dont think i ever actually told u what i did? hmm shud i......???? ok WELLLL... and dont get all weirded out on me.. i work on a webcam chat community site and i get paid to chat with people and get naked HHAHA... BOMB right :)?
Muy muy. Adica vreau sa zic mui mui.
I KNOW.. like i figure iim horny anyways why not get paid to chat with people and play with myself heheh...anyways i hope u dont look down on that and NO THATS NOT WHY IM CONTACTING U RELAX URSELF lol... i actually need help once i move and i remembered u live there so im reaching i said before this computer is a complete piece of CRAP and freezes NON STOP.. ive tried ot send this email to u maybe 3 times already and im hopign this time i can hit SEND before i run into trouble lol..
Faza faina e ca tocmai discutam cu o gagica care chiar lucreaza la cam despre cum i s-o futut laptopu' si o trebuit sa-l duca in servis, unde s-o certat cu aia de-acolo si alte asemenea aventuri. Si io i-am zis ca de-aia nu-mi plac laptoapele, pentru ca daca mi se strica ceva-n desktop ma duc, imi cumpar piesa si-n doua ore maximum is ca nou, in timp ce ea o freaca de Vineri si uite ca-i Marti deja, si n-are bani si lalala. Salut gagico.
ANYWAYS.. heres the deal....every month natalie (my boss) gives each of us 3 VIP codes to give out to whoever we want.. so with this code u can lgoin to watch me at work for free and dont have to pay like everyone else... the only way i can give u one of the codes (so we can chat) is if you absolutey DO NOT give it out to anyone else and u ONLY USE IT FOR URSELF... i only get 3 a month and she gets pissed if more than 3 people use them so DONT SHARE IT MISTER... i figured u cud always email me back instead but my email account doesnt even let me login half the time.. so the bets palce ot chat me is my chat room...
Chestia asta-i autentica, cel mai bun loc in care dai de mine de exemplu e Trilema, asa ca mda. Da' merita admirata chestia : eu sunt curva da' imi placi asa ca uite un bon de mers la curve pe gratis cu care poti veni sa ma futi in bordel fara sa platesti. E o idee de agatat, fetelor, notati ?
if theres anyone else logged in when u sign in ill boot them out..
Aici considerati c-am introdus ceva videoclip cu machoman sandokan.
Pam pam.
im online most of the day now to try and save money for my move.. also since im in such a huge debt already form my student loan :(
Psiho ? Pe bune acuma Adriana, daca citesti asta (ca sa stii ca ti-am tot scris mii de articole de-a lungul timpului da' cacatu' asta de computer se tot infierbinta cind apas publish si nu stiu daca ai ajuns sa le citesti) sa stii ca ma mut linga tine mai in citiva ani si te invit la beermeet da-i zicem cumva gen Ron Ew Media si ca va fi cu taxa de intrare da' tie-ti dau invitatii gratis pentru toata clasa.
I really thingk we need to chat before i get there and make sure u evern remember me hahha.. anyways ive rambled on and on now and ur probably soooo annnoyed with me so ill stop now.. im gonna go start work.. i really hope u come chat me. it wud make my day and releive a lot of my stress about the move... REALLY i mean that....anyways once i see u in insdie ill shoot u myc ell number and u can gimme yours.. if u dont ZQTP> wanna come chat i understand but its really the only palce to find me now days.. if u email me abck ill probably get it once i get there after my internet is setup so about 2-3 weeks fomr now.. but im hopign to see u in my chat room.. rmemeber its 100% free with this code im gonna give u.. just DONT GIVE IT OUT OR ILL KICK U IN THE BALLS INSTEAD OF LICK U IN THE BALLS WHEN IS EE U hahahahha...k babe im out for now... chat ya soon.. kisses xoxo Adriana
FREE VIP BYPASS LINK ---> (please paste in browser hotmail blocks for some reason)
Hotmail ?
Mnoa, cam asta ar fi. Ati ris ?
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Da ce ba, tu n-ai avut prietene cu ADHD :P?
Eu le raspund detaliat, desi stiu ca voi primi mai mult spam dupa asta. E oarecum distractiv, sa-ti spun sincer. Acum primesc spam de la un om care se recomanda drept ''cea mai finuta fata'', dupa ce am primit spam de la ''cel mai finut baiat''. Cred ca tre sa le fac lipeala :)
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Mircea are doar sclave.
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
e un spam ordinar, nu stiu de ce te agiti.
Eu ma distrez cu nigerienii, macar aia sunt persoane reale si se chinuie sa te convinga.
La unu am trimis bani, a cerut 100 de dolari si am trimis 10 dolari. lol ensues eroare, butthurt, chestii, a furat banca, unde esti dupaia ii zic fraiere te-am identificat sunt de la interpol dixtractie maxima.
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
@krossfire Nu ca nu pot suferi adhditele.
Krossfire, cel mai finut pimp.
@A Si ce, sclavele nu pot avea ADHD ?
@cipslim Pai evident ma agit in speranta ca poate Adriana ma iubeste sincer.
Lolz. Sunt multi care fac de-astea, era intr-o vreme si-un forum de futut nigerieni, ii puneau sa-si faca poze cu destiu-n cur gen.