Sa invatam din experienta americanilor cu negrii

Tuesday, 10 July, Year 4 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

O sursa (Our Online American History Textbook) :

The statistics were grim for black Americans in 1960. Their average life-span was seven years less than white Americans'. Their children had only half the chance of completing high school, only a third the chance of completing college, and a third the chance of entering a profession when they grew up. On average, black Americans earned half as much as white Americans and were twice as likely to be unemployed.

Deci, negrii aveau in medie cam de doua ori mai mari sanse sa fie someri decit albii la momentul poetic al demararii agitatiei cu "drepturile" in Statele Unite.

O alta sursa (CNN Money) :

The August jobs report was dismal for plenty of reasons, but perhaps most striking was the picture it painted of racial inequality in the job market.

Black unemployment surged to 16.7% in August, its highest level since 1984, while the unemployment rate for whites fell slightly to 8%, the Labor Department reported.

"This month's numbers continue to bear out that longstanding pattern that minorities have a much more challenging time getting jobs," said Bill Rodgers, chief economist with the Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University.

Black unemployment has been roughly double that of whites since the government started tracking the figures in 1972.

Economists blame a variety of factors.

Si acum : asa-zisul manual (textbook) minte, daca intr-adevar somajul nu se urmareste decit din 1972 atunci povestile despre somajul din 1960 sunt la fel de indreptatite ca si fictiunile despre cum erau temperaturile pe vremea cind nu se masurau temperaturile.

Mai important decit fraudele pioase comise de ceva manual, acest avatar din veac al cartii pe care n-o citeste nimeni : somajul in rindul negrilor a fost mereu dublu fata de cel din rindul albilor, de-a lungul a 40 de ani de istorie in care s-au succedat o duzina de administratii, care democrate, care republicane. Razboaie, pace, crize, bunastare, evolutie tehnologica, prefaceri economice si sociale, peste toata o singura constanta : la fiecare somer alb, doi someri negri.

Economistii, bineinteles, blameaza o varietate de factori.


Eu blamez inferioritatea rasiala.

Category: SUA care este
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8 Responses

  1. Si acum : asa-zisul manual (textbook) minte, daca intr-adevar somajul nu se urmareste decit din 1972 atunci povestile despre somajul din 1960 sunt la fel de indreptatite ca si fictiunile despre cum erau temperaturile pe vremea cind nu se masurau temperaturile.

    We've always been at war with Eastasia.

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 10 July 2012

    Editor : You've got an interesting legitimate article ruined by an obviously fake pic.
    Autor : Or is it ?

    Editor : It is.
    Autor : Do tell.

    Editor : It's so obviously fake. Nobody that dumb would think to spell out stabs per minute, for instance.
    Autor : O no, I don't dispute it's fake. Obviously it's fake. Why does it ruin anything.


    Autor : Dun dun dun. Yet another one of those moments of "oh! it WASN'T WHAT IT SEEMED!"
    Editor : No. I was flossing.

    Autor : I am at a floss for words.
    Editor : Instead of actually being able to lmao INSTEAD! hahaha of actually being able to lodge any sort of argument re "racial inferiority", you turn the article into this sorta farce of racism.

    Autor : Yea... so ?
    Editor : So from a serious standpoint the seriousnesses were ruined.

    Autor : Mhm.
    Editor : Lol kk

    Autor : :D It is still legitimate. It also is very funny.
    Editor : Well, the stuff above the pic is legitimate, sure.

    Autor : And the fact that idiots would take to the fields with the RACIST PIC OF FAKE is also legitimately funny.
    Editor : ... are you talking about me?

    Autor : mmm... you weren't arguing against the article per se on the grounds of the pic you found in it, were you ? It was more of a stylistical argument from an editor's perspective as I read it.
    Editor : I don't know. I was saying that any serious argument about racial inferiority was mooted by the ridiculous/humorous quality of the picture.

    Autor : Looking at it the other way, people would be immediately split by that article in two groups : those who comment on the pictures they saw in books, and those who read the books.

    Zic si eu.

  3. Autor : Yea… so ?
    Editor : So from a serious standpoint the seriousnesses were ruined.

    False. I suppose the question would be if after reading the whole article and seeing the picture in the final, can objectivity be maintained without any sort of bias?

    Or whatever, nevermind me.

  4. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 10 July 2012

    Right, because before the picture it could.

  5. Well in that case you should be pretty fucked up to react negatively before the picture, just by reading 'nigger'.

  6. Vai ce rau esti, ai lasat femeia fara voce pentru conversatie?

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