O luna de #trilema, prin ochii lu' gribble

Thursday, 14 June, Year 4 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

#trilema @ freenode stats by gribble

Statistics generated on Thursday 14 June 2012 - 4:00:23

During this 31-day reporting period, a total of 79 different nicks were represented on #trilema.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
  Nick Number of lines When? Last seen Random quote
1 mircea_popescu 13402 238954744589950 yesterday "it's traditionally eaten in romania,"
2 vexare 9582 204736023898 today "http://www.kyivpost.com/news/euro2012/general/detail/129285/"
3 _Cristian 7271 92029762582793 yesterday "apropo http://chanon.ro/b/res/34066.html#34144"
4 vragnaroda 3461 2658012193202 today "You are too stupid for 4chan."
5 freud3 3284 109310131178 14 days ago "tampita mai e asta, tiganusii si anatomia."
6 gheorghe 3127 9311941839 today "vexare, for the act of being alive"
7 rg 2787 5871317854 yesterday "mircea_popescu: the stock price is ridic right now"
8 oama 1714 486936292 3 days ago "nu, cristeane...n-am fost așa fericită"
9 alex_c 1625 271844504 yesterday "apropo, pt CL cre' ca unu' singur era independent pe lista"
10 alex__c 1421 337414670 yesterday "la parter, adica auzi toti basii din toate masinile care trec?"
11 markac 1362 25535570349 today "vexare:
12 vexare_ 1140 317823 2 days ago "_Cristian: toti intra la tineret."
13 oama_nueste 965 16630945040 3 days ago "cu oralul e simplu: nu-i pentru tot puletul!"
14 Rhemaxos 943 67305568 yesterday "ca e rosie, parca, si am uitat unde zicea ca era"
15 ukauka 771 72843 27 days ago "nu vine bah ca are gagica."
16 ukauka_ 665 5355651 28 days ago "mss-ul, un player ... doua?"
17 mcorlett 489 23183282 today "_Cristian: No, please show me."
18 Nelumbo 442 8120512135 yesterday "<Nelumbo> în schimb mi-am instalat un xchat free"
19 ukauk 294 294 30 days ago "mircea_popescu: dar de ce sa-l bat?"
20 herrfreud 293 293 27 days ago "intrebam legat de "[06:14] <UkaUka> pah si de ce ai citit0?""
21 smickles 288 11615220 yesterday "and just leave the unwanted option 'dormant'?"
22 gribble 279 54112107 today "Error: "attack" is not a valid command."
23 LukaEFrustrata 236 236 27 days ago "mah eu alta am intrebat ..."
24 Rhemaxos_ 231 1317939 3 days ago "vexare: dar ungurii ii lasi?"
25 F 221 68597024 19 days ago "deci avi http://www.exmisa.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=497"

These didn't make it to the top:

cristi (175) UkaUkaSeSperie (125) Aram (99) johndough (87) freud_fuhrer (81)
Dr_A (73) fcbl (59) LukaETrista (57) mcorlette (41) fraulein (40)
UkaFaceCurat (40) hanbot (40) Lilly (39) Mari_ (38) freudaway (37)
occupy_trilema (33) vodka (31) shamenfreud (30) chetty (28) UkaUkaRevine (22)
jung (21) Guest47578 (20) _Cristian1 (18) msnlp_ (17) alex___c (14)
bulldozer (13) MP_are_pula_mica (13) pletz (12) ukanaluka (11) alex_is_afk (11)

By the way, there were 24 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
mircea_popescu - 2389

mircea_popescu - 5474

mircea_popescu - 4589

mircea_popescu - 950
vexare - 2047

vexare - 3602

vexare - 3898

_Cristian - 793
freud3 - 1093

_Cristian - 2976

_Cristian - 2582

ukauk - 294
_Cristian - 920

rg - 1317

vragnaroda - 2193

oama - 292
rg - 587

gheorghe - 1194

gheorghe - 1839

LukaEFrustrata - 236
alex__c - 337

freud3 - 1013

freud3 - 1178

vragnaroda - 202
alex_c - 271

alex_c - 844

oama - 936

LukaETrista - 57
vragnaroda - 265

vragnaroda - 801

rg - 854

ukauka_ - 51
markac - 255

ukauka - 728

vexare_ - 823

markac - 49
oama_nueste - 166

oama - 486

markac - 703

oama_nueste - 40

Big numbers
UkaUkaSeSperie has asked the most questions. 22.4% lines contained a question!

_Cristian was not quite that prolific. 21.6% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was mcorlett, who yelled 9.2% of the time!

Another old yeller was oama, who shouted 8.9% of the time!
It seems that alex__c's shift-key is hanging: 2.7% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.

herrfreud just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 2.0% of the time.
vragnaroda is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 10 times.
For example, like this:
     * vragnaroda smacks Wiktionary.

vexare can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 4 times.
Poor mircea_popescu, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 3 times.
For example, like this:
     * vexare slaps mircea_popescu

markac seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 3 times.
Rhemaxos brings happiness to the world. 31.0% lines contained smiling faces. :)

Rhemaxos_ isn't a sad person either, smiling 29.4% of the time.
smickles seems to be sad at the moment: 2.4% lines contained sad faces. :(

ukauka_ is also a sad person, crying 2.0% of the time.
gribble wrote the longest lines, averaging 118.2 letters per line.
#trilema average was 41.4 letters per line.
ukauka_ wrote the shortest lines, averaging 21.7 characters per line.
LukaEFrustrata was tight-lipped, too, averaging 22.0 characters.
mircea_popescu spoke a total of 113577 words!

mircea_popescu's faithful follower, vexare, didn't speak so much: 56586 words.
gribble wrote an average of 16.34 words per line.

Channel average was 7.22 words per line.

Most used words
  Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 pentru 827 _Cristian
2 google 668 markac
3 translate 475 markac
4 chiar 374 _Cristian
5 poate 359 _Cristian
6 people 347 vexare
7 wikipedia 339 vexare
8 think 292 smickles
9 youtube 288 markac
10 because 247 _Cristian

Most referenced nicks
  Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 mircea_popescu 2037 smickles
2 vexare 1341 markac
3 vragnaroda 874 vexare
4 _Cristian 619 _Cristian
5 gheorghe 490 vexare
6 rg 385 vexare
7 oama 367 _Cristian
8 alex_c 340 _Cristian
9 alex__c 249 markac
10 freud3 244 markac

Smileys :-)
  Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :) 1204 gheorghe
2 :-) 507 _Cristian
3 :D 456 alex__c
4 :p 132 mircea_popescu
5 :-D 94 _Cristian
6 :P 92 smickles
7 ;/ 60 mircea_popescu
8 ;) 51 smickles
9 :( 34 gheorghe
10 :-( 15 _Cristian

Most referenced URLs
  URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://gribble.sourceforge.net/ 6 gribble
2 http://trilema.com//dtng/c/src/133705157869.jpg 6 mircea_popescu
3 http://chanon.ro/b/src/133880705852.jpg 4 vexare
4 http://trilema.com/2012/masajul-prostatei-masochism 4 markac
5 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilemma 4 markac

Other interesting numbers
_Cristian wasn't very popular, getting kicked 3 times!
For example, like this:
     *** _Cristian was kicked by mircea_popescu (_Cristian)

vexare seemed to be hated too: 2 kicks were received.
mircea_popescu is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 5 people!
ChanServ donated 9 ops in the channel...

adams.freenode.net was also very polite: 1 ops from him/her.
mircea_popescu is the channel sheriff with 9 deops.
mircea_popescu always lets us know what he/she's doing: 38 actions!
For example, like this:
     * mircea_popescu occupies markac

Also, vragnaroda tells us what's up with 30 actions.
vexare talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 138 times!

Another lonely one was mircea_popescu, who managed to hit 101 times.
fraulein has quite a potty mouth. 1.7% words were foul language.

occupy_trilema also makes sailors blush, 0.8% of the time.

Total number of lines: 59196.

Sursa este bineinteles gribble, care-i un simpatic.

Aproape saizeci de mii de linii vine cam doua mii pe zi, sau ma rog, mai multe decit tot ce se discuta pe editiile online ale ziarelor romanesti ADUNAT sau respectiv mai mult decit se discuta in toate canalele de irc chat romanesti de pe undernet tot ADUNAT.

Iar eu am scris 113`577 de cuvinte in luna asta pe #trilema. Pe linga milioanele deversate pe Trilema si ce s-o mai fi intimplind pe faini se cam stringe ceva.

In incheiere, sa lansam o mema


  1. mircea_popescu Nelumbo mnoa si zi bre, spargi norma la karme ?
    vexare Nelumbo: sa iei de invat tati lotus http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Colossians%202:20-23&version=TLCR
    Nelumbo Nu stiu cat ai tu, lol.

    mircea_popescu Lol. 'Ai sa ma uit.
    vexare Far' de numar.

    mircea_popescu Dap m-ai luat lol. Ahaha bravo.
    Nelumbo Aha, mersi

    mircea_popescu 152/41 publicate gen. 344/21 eu. Deci practic am muncit mai mult da' daca nu-s popular... pula mea.
    Nelumbo Mai am 10 comentarii pana ajung la 150. La ora actuala tb sa fiu atent cum introduc. adica trebuie sa introduc articole interesante pentru ca, din ce am observat, imi scade karma cu fiecare nou articol introdus. Circa 10 puncte dar n-am masurat exact. Desi am divergenta mare.
    vexare Nelumbo: oricum se publica toate articolele tale mai mereu.

    mircea_popescu Nelumbo iti afecteaza probabil proportia. Io ma bucur ca UN AN IN PULA MEA de la introducerea celui mai inteligent sistem de evaluare DIN LUME s-o gasit careva sa il si foloseasca. Are o inertie mentala Romania de te caci pe tine.
    Nelumbo Probabil din 3 motive insumate, introducand scade raportul publicate / introduse,
    vexare mircea_popescu: uite de ce nu pune poze cu ea http://violetabalan.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/dsc01989.jpg?w=1024

Category: Meta psihoza
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10 Responses

  1. mihaibdecenue?

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 16 June 2012

    Pai nush, ai vorbit tu in ultimele 30 de zile acolo ? Daca ai zis mai putin de 12 linii probabil te regasesti in "By the way, there were 24 other nicks."

  3. Dacă tot veni vorba de IRC, ia să cităm un pic din clasici:


    @dAImon: să știi că eu mă gândeam să-i propun lui Mircea să facă și un server de IRC pe lângă trilema, dtng și fain.


    @Cristian Neah. Serverele irc sunt satana.

  4. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 19 June 2012

    Vezi puterea de seductie a Satanei ?

  5. Să nu spui că tot ea te îndeamnă să dai /kick.

  6. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 19 June 2012

    Ei, ma straduiesc si eu sa imi aduc obolul la constructia unei lumi perfecte-n care suntem egali cutotii.

    Mai putin tu.

  7. Bai e amuzant ce te tot caci tu pe tine cu +v si +q.

    Ai +b tarane, imi poti restrictiona oricand accesul la canal.

  8. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 11 September 2012

    Pai bineinteles ca pot. Ce descoperire ii asta, ca pot io chestii ? Pot, sigur ca pot.

  9. Pai si ce astepti atata timp, au trecut.. cat 4 luni?

    Rupt in cur mai esti.

  1. [...] unul intreg, ca vedeti chestie, nori lungi pe sesuri - si situatia se repeta aproape identic. Prima luna de #trilema a insemnat 59`196 de linii. 427`395 de cuvinte. Cel mai traficat canal de pe tot freenodu'. Si ca [...]

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