Ciudateii astia cu HB9.5-urile

Tuesday, 01 May, Year 4 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Prin clasa a doua, a doua si ceva io... pai adica nu puteam sa dorm cu colegele in banca fiind incomode si afara furtuna, plus ca s-a constatat o extorsiune al unui degajament... dintr-un... creion...

Ca ele aveau creioane HB si le rodeau guma.

Noa si de-atunci incoace cind vad HB io cam la creioane ma gindesc, si cum le rodeau astea de clasa a 2-a (2-a si ceva) gumele de emotiii.

Am avut recent ocazia sa-mi corectez aceste vederi limitate prin ochelarii de cal ai lecturilor dintr-un cetatean de bine si mindru vlastar al patriei care fiind anonimii nu primeste link catre blogu' lui. Ci catre tot blogu' lui, da' ala pe wordpress, abandonat din 2008. Ca suntem niste oameni rai si el respectiv e necitit. Si daca tot i-am dat link :

sex animalic cu prietena

Una bucata comanda pizza care dura 50 de minute. Sarim peste introducere si trecem la futai … animalic! Tras de par, pozitii perverse si leoarca de transpiratie suna la usa. Cu un imediat rupt, imi iau pantalonii in timp ce apa siroia pe mine. Tipul se sperie si nu ia bacsis. Inchid usa si revin … exact ce’mi lipsea.

Cam asta-i nivelu', sincer sa fiu, da' intre timp au trecut multe schimbari pe fata lumii : s-a lasat omu' de blogarit in romaneste, s-a mutat in Anglia, lucreaza-n IT pe-acolo si scrie-n limba engleza pentru ca aia is nascuti cu feisbucu-n casa si ii dau lickuri sau cum le zice. To wit (este ce ma stiu ?) :

I invented a new type of gameI: DOOR GAME!

Yesterday, I boldly went where no one else has gone before.iii

I datediv a girl that was very antisocialv (but with a HB9 bodyvi) and I didn’t like where the things were going. So I wanted to play a little game … and since I’m into dares, I dared myselfvii to fuck her ex roommates. While on the phone with her I told her how you can never remember the street you were on after you move out, to which she told me she didviii (and told me herix street); after some other stories I played a game where we had to tell use our previous apartment’s number so I got that info toox.

Armed with an apartment number and the street of her previous apartment I knew only that there lived 2 girls (I didn’t know how they looked or if they had boyfriends). I went with a bottle of wine and knocked to their apartmentxi: a petitexii HB6 responded. I told them that I just bought an apartment somewhere near and was looking for some friends that I’ve visited there 2 years ago (it was a rented apartment).xiii She told me she didn’t know any and asked her friend (HB8.5). I asked for the number of the owner of the apartment and they let me in until one of them searched her phone. From there I went into comfort (they were students)xiv and at a properly calibrated momentxv I told them: “What the fuck, I’ve never done this before! Let’s open the wine!”xvi.

3 hours laterxvii I’m leaving the apartment with the girls’ numbers and good conversationxviii. I also timebridgedxix them for clubbing next week.

I tried going sexual but they were shy and didn’t react wellxx
I can go the next level on our day 2xxi

Key points:
ask for something that takes a time to be delivered (the phone number of the apartment owner)xxii
go with a prop (a bottle of wine) so you have an excuse to stayxxiii later and a valid reason for being therexxiv
go into commonalities as fast as you can
acknowledge that this is strange but reframe it as something spontaneousxxv

DOOR GAME has bornxxvi!!!

Why should you go to clubs or pickup girls in day gamexxvii when you can go to their apartment, drink with them and then, fuck like rabbits?xxviii

Mnoa deci, mi-am cam uitat ce voiam de fapt sa zic.

A, da. Bai, care-i faza cu HB-urile totusi ? Tite n-au ?

  1. Anii de liceu au venit n-a trecut mult timp si m-am indragostit emotii, tristeti, vise, bucurii cu tine iubire le impart zi de zi mesaje, telefoane, secrete, intaniri cand te vad, ma-nrosec ma ratacesc sub priviri cu o floarte in mana si cu un sarut m-astepti si-mi spui ce bine arat. []
  2. Da' vorba ceea, "a 25 yo man with an IT background", ca sa va socati ca probabil nu stiati ca exista asa ceva pe lumea asta. Cam ca si cum ai zice "fata aia cu parul" respectiv "ciinele ce latra" practic vorbind. []
  3. Snort, snort. []
  4. Apropo de discutia cu aspectul verbal : ieseam nu este "trecut" pur si simplu, ca are aspect continuu si ca atare nu se traduce prin dated ci prin i was datING . Varianta tinarului este dureros de eronata-n limba lu' Emineskeare ala. []
  5. Nu te supawa, tu esti asa... mai wetwasa ? []
  6. Deci ca un creion ? []
  7. Chestia asta cu "since I am into dares, I dared myself" ar putea ajunge mema. Since I am into fucking, I fucked myself gen. []
  8. In traducere libera : la care observatie banala mi-a raspuns ca ea-i proasta, cu demonstratie. []
  9. Impropriu her in contextul asta, ca nu-i a ei. Exact la fel e impropriu si-n limba romana in acelasi context, facind o buna impresie de "clasa de jos" apropo de vorbitor, ca numa' astia de pe la scoli profesionale vorbesc asa. []
  10. Adevaru-i ca de cind cu incercarile stupide de-a angaja toti prostii am ajuns in halu' in care cacaturile astea chiar si functioneaza, de unde disciplina de-i zice "social engineering" in criptografie. []
  11. Dun dun dun. []
  12. Adica scunda. Chestia asta cu confuzia intre petite si short, corky, etc e oarecum amuzanta. []
  13. Chestie care-mi aminteste : la apartamentu' cu chilotii traia si-o cucoana nebuna intr-un apartament vecin. Adica nebuna, dementa senila de-aia. Noa si cam o data la citva timp se infigea hotarita-n usa ca ea vrea sa vorbeasca cu babatiia X, care murise prin 2005 sau ceva, da' ele fusesera foarte bune prietene si supravietuitoarea-si cam uita ca ce an ii. DOOR GAME!!! []
  14. Socant. Ca doara n-or fi fost curve. []
  15. Lieutenant, engage! []
  16. Io le ziceam "what the wine, i've always done this in similar awkward circumstances. lettuce open the fuck!" sa muare copilasii mei. []
  17. Eu prefer sa-mi masor timpul in bani. Deci, cinci sute de euro mai tirziu... []
  18. In valoare de 500 de euro. []
  19. Chestie care-mi aminteste observatia aia a lu' Seinfeld ca Star Trek reprezinta visu' de mai bine a oricarui prostalau de lucreaza-n IT : sa zboare prin spatiul cosmic cu livingu' in timp ce-i asezat pe canapei si priveste la televizor. []
  20. Dun dun dun. []
  21. Bai, tipul are dreptate. Poate ca vor mai face un pas la intilnirea urmatoare. Da' pe de cealalta parte la fel de bine poate ca voi mai face eu un pas la intilnirea urmatoare. Sau Ion Apetrei. Ca ce mare chestie ? []
  22. Corect. Chilotii ar putea fi un alt exemplu, da' sa nu ne riscam cu chestii de-astea : poate fata n-are. []
  23. Problema (pentru ochii mei de copil rasfatat, nu sariti) ar fi ca ce pula mea cauti tu intr-un context in care ai nevoie de scuze ca sa te afli acolo ? Suntem de 12 ani si speram sa nu ne trimita mami si cu boyfriendu-so la culcare ca incep filmele porno ? In ce lume traieste puta asta, pe bune ?! []
  24. Gen, priviti aceasta magica sticla de vin. Motivul meu valid pentru care ma aflu aici si nu acasa la mine este ca trebuie s-o sustin in aer la o inaltime de aproximativ 80 de centimetri. Ca altfel va fi rau PENTRU TOTI!!! []
  25. Aici este un simbure de adevar : ciudatelu' care recunoaste ca-i ciudatel stirneste mila-n sufletu' stupizel al toantelor cu care nu ies eu (ca-s prea toante pentru nevoile mele). Deci metoda functioneaza, in urmatorul sens : selecteaza contra femeilor care probabil s-ar apuca sa te sfisie. []
  26. Lolz. []
  27. Pai game pula game mea game, io n-am stiut game ca la club se merge ziua game cois game. Io credeam game ca se merge game cam noaptea. Game ? []
  28. La intilnirea urmatoare. Epurasule. []
Category: Rautati si Mizerii
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24 Responses

  1. HB... hoasca batrana

  2. Anonimosu`s avatar
    Anonimosuinsigna de prim sositinsigna de tehnolog 
    Tuesday, 1 May 2012

    Haoleo Baeatu

  3. Garfield`s avatar
    Tuesday, 1 May 2012

    Io abia recent am aflat ca SO ar fi Significant Other.

    HB .. heterosexual bitch?

  4. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 1 May 2012

    Aflu de la o gagica care se ocupa cu scris&vindut cacaturi de-astea de manuale de PUA (pickup artist) dintr-o perspectiva de ca si cum ar fi ea tip si iese la agatat ca HB inseamna hot babe.

  5. Deci sa sistematizam:
    HB e hot babe
    TB e tepid babe
    CB e cold babe si
    FB e frigid babe?

  6. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 2 May 2012

    Eu credeam ca FB e facebabe.

  7. M-am mutat

    Mi-am facut un blog axat numai pe abordari si tehnici de agatat: . Acolo sunt sfaturi, alte povesti si traininguri pe seductie.

    Între timp și-a abandonat și blogul nou:

    Looking up
    Unable to locate remote host
    Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.

    lynx: Can't access startfile

  8. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Monday, 13 April 2020

    Pfoai ce-am mai ris. Avantaju' la scris chestii pe Trilema ie ca-i cam ca si cum ai pune comediauru-n banca : iei dividende de interes periodic la risi.

  1. [...] interesele dupa cum ii curg ele, ceea ce are si dezavantaje. De exemplu dupa amuzamentu' cu ciudateii cu HB-urile m-am apucat de-un ciclu de citit din PUA astiai. Sa-mi ingaduiti sa va prezint selectii. Gunwitch [...]

  2. [...] al acestui termen, inventind tot felu' de cacaturi inutile, absurde si banale precum de exemplu Jocul Usii, totusi nimeni nu vorbeste de agatatul de gagici cuplate. Deci totul e tratat cu delicioasa [...]

  3. [...] nou e la moda Sun Tzu prin cercurile de comisvoiajori, seductivi si ce alti disperati de-astia, hoti de masini fara permis de conducere. Chestia frapeaza prin [...]

  4. [...] putea de exemplu sa fac ca penibilii cu HB-urile, iau o sticla de vin in mina, ma plimb de nebun prin cartierele-dormitor, sun pe la usi, fac [...]

  5. [...] sau un bordel, sau chiar ambele). Povestea aia, ca-i o poveste cam de natura si structura seductiei asa cum e ea "inteleasa" de putoi virgini. Povestea aia [...]

  6. [...] comedy routine to the various other sophistic currents in contemporary society, such as the pick up artists. In fact we probably wouldn't be too far off from the truth to imagine that they're [...]

  7. [...] great manly thing getting drunk on campus is.ii How about the dummies with the HBs, remember them ? Door game has born!!!iii Ok so you're old enough to remember 2005, and 2010. Good for you, but guess what, 2015 is [...]

  8. [...] even got its start, before the days its current "stars" were even struggling in the lulzpits of "HBs" and assorted white trash hell, before ViolentAcrez aka Michael Brutsch exploited child pornography [...]

  9. [...] even includes conveniently packaged illustrations of... "game". You know, that novel brand a new generations of losers came up with. Modern! Here you go : Won't you sit down, Mr. -- Neff is the name, isn't it? With two [...]

  10. [...] "always-in-short-pants-and-blouses" mousy chick (hey, legs are out so she's still sexy, but cute and like, totally not skanky or anything, rite ?) has a father, who totally supports her and everything [...]

  11. [...] the fuck would you put up with inept crap, what, your time has no value now ? Door game has born ? We met near a fountain and the conversation was essentially me interviewing her. She barely [...]

  12. [...] can just splash happily in the wake, jumping waves and having no "good reason" to be there, no prop as an excuse, nothing at all. What fucking democracy, I ask you again ? The world is neatly split among they who [...]

  13. [...] call turned itself into an obedient girly aspiring to enslavement", for instance. "Case study" as they're pompously called, or "field reports" or whatever, amirite ? "Learn from me", as fucking if that's how learning goes, [...]

  14. [...] just like Obama & Hitler ?! The "worst" don't "get on top", like, ever ?! And the Pick-Up Artists also lied, there's no mechanism "to make women [???]" outside of the very women in question ?! [...]

  15. [...] to be a "businessman") here he pretends to be a "seductor" or whatever the fuck you call 1950s "PUA" weirdos. Very much in 1950s tradition (because yeah, Italian cinema is every bit as [...]

  16. [...] young stud started fetching whether Massah was in the mood or not, and there you go, black pimping has born! [↩]Oh for crying out loud. Not sparing her ass, alright, that's one thing. Hoping she's [...]

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