RIP Ron Paul ?
[08:04] {+copumpkin} speaking of latin, mircea_popescu
[08:04] {mircea_popescu} wd
[08:04] {mircea_popescu} eh ? lol
[08:04] {+copumpkin} we know you're the latin lover around here
[08:04] {_99percent_} i think this atty is just about dead
[08:05] {+copumpkin} mircea_popescu: you're Romanian, and everyone knows Romania is the capital of the Roman empire
[08:05] {mircea_popescu} lolz flattery will get you anywhere.
[08:05] {+copumpkin} and the Roman empire = latin
[08:05] {+copumpkin} QED bitch
[08:05] {mircea_popescu} i have one :
[08:05] {_99percent_} lol
[08:06] {+copumpkin} :-oscopy?
[08:06] {btchero1} I have one colon
[08:06] {mircea_popescu} to be forewarned is to have a second pair of arms. great generals are forewarned. napoleon was a great general.
[08:06] {mircea_popescu} four is an odd number of arms for a general to have. the only both odd and even number is infinity
[08:06] {mircea_popescu} therefore, napoleon = khali.
[08:06] {+copumpkin} lol
[08:07] {+copumpkin} EvanR: o shit, #RIPRonPaul is trending on twitter
[08:07] {mircea_popescu} what, he dioed !?
[08:08] {btchero1} he is immortal
Bai, pe bune ?!
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
so on and so forth.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
@F Bun.
Apropo de care chestie, daca da dracu' si moare ala iese lovilutie am impresia.
@pletzalcoatl Haters goan haet.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Ron Paul e praf.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Pai tocmai asta e intrebarea de-o pune titlul. E sau inca nu ?
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Da, uite locul accidentului
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Thursday, 15 December 2011