Paminturile eterne ale lui Radu Privantu

Tuesday, 19 July, Year 3 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Eternal Lands's is 8 years old now
Actually, it will be 8 on Sunday.
8 years for an online game is a long time. Some our first players were young children, and now they are college age. Some were 15, and now they finished college and got a job. During these 8 years, some people met and got married. There are even a few children born because of EL. And, unfortunately, some of our players died too.

Chestia se intimpla prin Februarie curent, in engleza aproximativa a unui roman stabilit - dupa toate probabilitatile, definitiv - in America.

Un roman respectat in ocupatiile lui... dar mai bine sa citam :

In conjunction with the GAME DEVELOPMENT ISN'T EASY! thread, the following is an interview I did with Radu Privantu (known as Raduprv on Gdnet), creator of Eternal Lands, a very successful indie-MMORPG. Radu was kind enough to take the time to do this interview, so massive thanks to him.

Chestia se intimpla prin 2005, pe GDnet. Aparent exista romani cu mai mult de trei ani de experienta sub soare.

Da' sa zicem doua vorbe despre joc. Pe partea de grafica e un izometric timpitel, cu slabe sanse sa intereseze lumea interesata de efecte si figuri. Pe partea de UX e cam ciudatel, cu tot soiul de puncte tari neasteptate (tradeboti scrisi in python de catre utilizatori, si in general o implementare a comertului care-i cam cea mai apropiata de ce-ar fi dac-ar fi pe bune, cel putin din ce-am vazut eu pina acum) si puncte slabe infioratoare (modu' unic in care nu-ti poti dirija avataru' ca-ti intra pomii-n ochi si degeaba dai tu click la stinga ca el merge la dreapta, sau constructia partii comerciale, realizata complet din petice, la nimereala, cam ca tot restul UX-ului de altfel). Pe partea de gameplay are partile lui interesante, chit ca vazut din avion e un grinder de-ala, stil MUD. Totusi, cre' ca aici si-n Astonia am vazut cele mai placute grinduri din toata istoria, iti ocupa in mod placut timpul cit te gindesti la probleme ori vorbesti la telefon.

Si-n fine, un roman care n-a uitat limba romana. Sa ilustram :


Orasul Curvalor Woods tre' sa ramina in istorie, n-are cum altfel. Si, daca-i pina acolo, ceva bosi de spawn se numesc Bulangiu, Chitros, Cocaral, Dilimac, Japita, Jegos, Labagiu, Meltean, Nasparliu si Scarba, ca sa va faceti o idee asa.

Per total, un joc compus din bucatele oarecum dezmembrate, adunate impreuna in principal de dorinta de a isi face un joc a unui tip inteligent dar lipsit de resursele necesare. Iote ca incapatinarea si scrisnitul din dinti pot aduce rezultate, chiar daca n-arata la fel de bine ca Ferrari-ul rosu al baietilor de bani gata.

Nu ma indoiesc ca va mai prinde inca opt ani, ceea ce-i deja mai mult decit pot zice despre alte jocuri. Wow de exemplu.

Category: Trolloludens
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6 Responses

  1. Bun baiat, simpatic interviul. Model de urmat pentru designerii visatori :P

  2. Mihai B`s avatar
    Mihai Binsigna de prim sositinsigna de trolinsigna pentru 1000 de comentarii 
    Tuesday, 19 July 2011

    aia cu wow nu mai prinde opt ani, e ca si aia cu emag da faliment intr-un an de amu doi ani, nu? :))

  3. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 19 July 2011

    @krossfire :p

    @Mihai B Dupa cum vezi, ma perfectionez (continuu) : daca nu iese intr-un termen, il marim. Daca nu iese nici asta, voi discuta la nivel de secole direct.

  4. Hipsterilor`s avatar
    Wednesday, 20 July 2011

    intrerup acest post total neinteresant cu stiri din china
    ce facem atunci cand copii fura? suturi in gura si le calcam degetele.

  5. anonimosu`s avatar
    anonimosuinsigna de prim sositinsigna de tehnolog 
    Wednesday, 20 July 2011

    Player Feedback
    As soon as your game is online and people start playing it, they will start expressing their opinion, whether you ask them for it or not. Somewhat ironic is the fact that those who are smarter and stronger in the game will usually not post on the forums or send e-mails complaining about things or suggesting new features. There are, of course, exceptions from this rule, but if you watch any MMO forums you will notice that most of the suggestions are worthless.
    The problem is, when someone complains about some aspect of the game, the complaint will be egocentric, focused on their particular problem, and not on the overall benefit of the game. For example, some players want certain items to be cheaper so that they can afford one, without thinking that making the item cheaper will cause in-game inflation.
    My personal experience with asking for feedback from the entire community (such as an open forum post) is bitter. The majority of people will NOT even bother to read your post, they will just read the title then click on the "Reply" button. And even if they do read your post, they will still think about what benefits them, and not the game as a whole.

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