Lectia de humor

Thursday, 17 September, Year 1 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Eu :

O femeie din Taipei intra pe blogul lui Yang Ya-ching pentru a vedea poze cu aventurile autoarei in Paris. Ambitia blogeritei de-a saruta 100 de barbati a atras multe priviri, dupa ce a inceput sa publice poze si alte detalii pe blogul personal, incluzand pana acum 54 de saruturi. (PATRICK LIN/AFP/Getty Images)

O femeie din Taipei intra pe blogul lui Yang Ya-ching pentru a vedea poze cu aventurile autoarei in Paris. Ambitia blogeritei de-a saruta 100 de barbati a atras multe priviri, dupa ce a inceput sa publice poze si alte detalii pe blogul personal, incluzand pana acum 54 de saruturi. (PATRICK LIN/AFP/Getty Images)

Ea :hehe maybe mono ends up a popular tag soon
(Poate "mono" ajunge un tag popular in curand.)

Eu :what mono ?
(Ce mono ?)

Ea :mononucleosis?
(Mononucleoza ?)

Eu :pfff. what are you, like from ohio ? there's no drawback, medical or otherwise to kissing a number of people.
(Ce, esti din sectorul agricol Ilfov ? Nu exista riscuri, medicale ori de alta natura, in a pupa un numar de oameni.)

Ea :its a joke
(E o gluma)

Eu :hows it funny ?
(Unde se rade ?)

Ea :well, it does imply there's the possibility of getting mono. is it possible? in the same way it's possible that after the last woman kissed a cub, she got sneezed on, but theres certainly no necessary correlation between the two?
(Pai, sugereaza ca ar exista o posibilitate de-a lua mononucleoza. E posibil ? In acelasi fel in care e posibil pentru femeia cu puiul de leopard sa stranute animalul pe ea. Sigur ca nu-i neaparat sa se si intample).

Eu :that wasn't funny either, but at least it wasn't alligned with the stupid party of america, so it just got ignored.
(Nici observatia aia n-o fost amuzanta, dar macar nu era aliniata cu Partidul Prostilor din America, asa ca am ignorat-o pur si simplu.)

Ea :i thought you loled at it, i guess it was for the link you were baout to post tho. so okay.
(Am crezut ca ai lol, da' vad ca te refereai la astalalta. Ok.)

Eu :question stands, how's it funny ?
(Intrebarea ramane. Unde-i umorul ?)

Ea :in a morbid sort of way, i think it would be funny if this girl went on a mission to kiss a hundred men (for reasons i imagine may have something to do with artistry or romanticism or random fun etc), and then came down with mono so started blogging about that instead. like someone blogging about the thrills of hiking around the world and it turns into a blog about recovering from broken bones in traction
(Intr-o perspectiva morbida, cred ca ar fi amuzant daca fata asta se pornea sa se pupe cu 100 de tipi - din motive care-mi inchipui ca au de-a face cu artismul sau romantismul sau distractia pur si simplu - si pe urma se imbolnaveste de mononucleoza si se apuca sa bloguie despre asta in loc. Precum cineva care scrie un blog despre placerile plimbarii pe jos prin lume, care ajunge sa scrie despre cum sa supravietuiesti fracturilor multiple.)

Eu :right, HOW ?
(Bun, dar CUM ?)

Ea :it seems to me to be a piece of irony. that's the mechanism of the funny that i see.
(Imi pare o bucata ironica. Asta ar fi mecanismul umorului pe care-l vad.)

Eu :what is irony ?
(Ce este ironia ?)

Ea :a state of affairs in which a hrm. a state of affairs in which an inadequacy has been caused in a coincidental way
(E o situatie in care hm. E o situatie in care o inadecvare a fost cauzata intamplator.)

Eu :look it up. [interval] well ?
(Documenteaza-te. [pauza]. Ei bine ?)

Ea :found a bunch of what seem like poor definitions, a discrepancy between what is said and what is meant. a humorous incongruity. am looking for some greek
(Am gasit niste chestii care par definitii slabe, o discrepanta intre ceea ce se spune de fapt si ceea ce pare ca se spune. O incongruitate amuzanta. Caut dupa ceva din greceste.)

Eu :irony is what happens when damnation happens through unlikely means. a subset of irony, namely, when apparent praise actually criticises (ie, damnation happens though the unlikely avenue of what looked like praise) is what the contemporary bunch of acultural english speaking schoolchildren have come to suspect is irony
(Ironia este ce se intampla cand damnarea are loc prin mijloace improbabile. Un subset al ironiei, si anume, cand lauda aparenta critica in fapt (id est, damnarea are loc prin mijlocul improbabil al laudei) este ceea ce trupa contemporana de elevi aculturali vorbitori de limba engleza au ajuns sa presupuna ca este notiunea toata.)

Ea :aha

Eu :you still say your thing was irony ?
(Zici in continuare ca productia ta e ironie ?)

Ea :yeah ;/
(Da ;/)

Eu :ok, how ?
(Ok. Cum ?)

Ea :the kissing woman getting mono and writing about it would be ironic in that the damnation (getting mono) has happened through unlikely means (going out and kissing a bunch of guys)
(Femeia pupacioasa facand mononucleoza si scriind despre asta ar fi ironie pentru ca damnarea (a face mononucleoza) se intampla prin mijloace improbabile (sarutand un numar de tipi).

Eu :the problem with this is that the means aren't regarded as unlikely, when they in fact are unlikely. humor works exactly counterclockwise to this : stuff that IS regarded as unlikely, when in fact it isnt. it would have been irony if the woman watching her kiss the 100 frenchies got mono
(Problema cu abordarea asta e ca mijloacele nu-s privite ca improbabile, cand in fapt sunt. Umorul functioneaza exact invers : chestii care SUNT privite ca improbabile, cand in fapt nu sunt. Ar fi fost ironie daca femeia care privea blogerita pupand o suta de tipi facea mononucleoza.)

Ea :aha

Eu :so you see
(Deci vezi...)

Ea :i do, tys
(Da, mersi.)

Morala este ca femeile sunt capabile sa invete, chiar daca uneori au nevoie de cateva batai sanatoase inainte sa-si descopere aceasta vocatie.
(Cealalta morala, pe filiera ironica, e ca mononucleoza se mai numeste si boala sarutului.)

Category: Zsilnic
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28 Responses

  1. Daca te abtineai de la aliniatul cu morala era doar o postare despre cum ti-ai pierdut tu aiurea minute pretioase din viata (tongue-in-cheek-smiley)

    Altfel, e un studiu despre cum sa iei herpes simplex labialis

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Thursday, 17 September 2009

    Doresti ? :)

  3. un cetatean a spus candva ca fetele nu fac caca. avea asa, o imagine idealizata despre fete. eu tocmai am vazut citind postul asta ca fetele fac caca si MP nu este absolutul din reclama la Dos Equis (i.e. nu'i sta bine cand face paralela ro-en.)
    reclama aici: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2SSZA0CjdQ

  4. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Friday, 18 September 2009

    Fetele nu fac caca fara permisiune, dupa ceva vreme in pivnitele sinequisului care este.

  5. gura tipei se suprapune foarte interesant cu lampa sau microfon, ce-o fi.


    vad conspiratii in toate pozele de cand iti citesc blogul, trollololol.

  6. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 13 April 2011

    Nimic nu se conserva, totul se prezerveaza.

  7. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Sunday, 18 December 2011

    Ia uite, Froidu' la tinerete.

  1. [...] "ironically". Am mai explicat diferenta intre ironie si sarcasm, la nivel conceptual. Romanii sunt foarte confuzi pe tema, dar ce-a facut Nastase nu-i o ironie, ci [...]

  2. [...] minte articolul ala prin care-am publicat discutia in care-o invatam pe-o umila si supusa sclava ce si cum cu umorul ? Mnoa, acelasi principiu, puneti-va in locul ei si sa [...]

  3. [...] limba romana s-ar spune "la fel de putine ambitii". Chiar daca-n engleza uzul "ironic" (de fapt cel mult sarcastic) al superlativelor ne ingaduie sa vorbim despre "his dismal [...]

  4. [...] de constructii, de forme tot mai stilizate si tot mai absurde. Evident, astea ar trebui sa fie umor, adica ironie, adica cine mai [...]

  5. [...] facem o paranteza pentru a va atrage atentia ca in urma unei discutii cu o gagica (pentru ca eu discut cu gagici, inca din 2009ii) mi-a atras atentia ea ca diverse chestii pe care eu le consider absolut banale, ca de exemplu [...]

  6. [...] coltii inconsistentei, sa te lovesti si sa te spargi de-un iceberg de fum. ———Si nu ironic! Pentru Freud precizez. [↩] Category: Gandesc, deci gandesc Comments feed : RSS 2.0. [...]

  7. [...] "umor", un comportament uman care e foarte slab inteles de tristi in general. Cheia umorului este asa cum i-am explicat unei pizde surpriza, dar respectiva surpriza vine tocmai din programabilitatea codurilor. Sensurile pe care [...]

  8. [...] pam. Deci retineti si-al treilea element, idem important, ca barbatu' vrea harem, da' ele sa fie mononucleozice cu dinsul si respectiv impreuna. Ceea ce-i [...]

  9. [...] aici clar si lamurit modul in care functioneaza toate, dar absolut toate pacalelile. Tot asa cum umoru' rezulta din surpriza pacaleala rezulta din misdirection (alt cuvint pe care limba romana nu-l are pentru ca n-are nevoie [...]

  10. [...] fata, in caz ca nu vi-i clar cam ce-ar putea fi pataniile ucenicului vrajitor). Ca si aia din lectia de humor, acelasi principiu exact, trei ani mai tirziu : tinaru' o luat el o bucatica de-aici (aia din prima [...]

  11. [...] I don't go so much for slapstick or puns, but some particular aspects of the human condition really do it for me. [↩]Horrible habit, this. [↩]Like say "Labor Is Scarcer than Ideas" aka That’s what [...]

  12. [...] for good #1 magic is subtlety. The gap between what is perceived and what's really there must share the discussed characteristics of humor : it should be entirely and unexpectedly [...]

  13. [...] White Pencildickia ? Mmmkay. [↩]Except he hadn't. She had. [↩]I'll also pre-empt this "joke" : do it to me and you'll need a dentist appointment. Which you might or might not get, and like [...]

  14. [...] humour's done right, after a fashion, in the sense that yes it's all coming out of left field. Like for instance that time when they [...]

  15. [...] accident" as every single one of these. No - because fucks chief's wife. Yes ? This is what comedy is all about, unexpected damnation, like when the chief's middleage crisis car burns down. You know [...]

  16. [...] trigger of laughter is dispositive as to the type of laughter encountered : if driven by surprise, it's the common type working towards group formation. Otherwise, it's the sexual type driven by [...]

  17. [...] a cursing mainstay and its natural linguistic habitat being "ma-ta-i curva"). This then permits actual humor, the building block of which is saying "doamna ma-ta", approximately "her ladyship your [...]

  18. [...] Bizon is how you say bufallo in Romanian, and coincidentally -ic is how you declense a noun towards its function, "fapt" is fact, "faptic" is factual, "cutit" is knife, "cutitic" is knifish, thus "bizonic" as an adjective would denote the quality of the determined noun of being somehow in the manner of a bufallo. Which, needless to say, is funny, because both ambiguous and unexpected. [...]

  19. [...] vicarious living's bound to be dangerous, I hope you've been scrolling through these pictures with the facemask on, [...]

  20. [...] it were a parrot, from Norway, that's "pining for the fjords". Don't you find this funny ? I mean humour is the unexpected, yes, what could be more belabouredly "unexpected" than this ?! They tried so hard (after the given [...]

  21. [...] can't catch that. It's not gonadgeous." "No, mononuclidosis." "Oh. Yeah... That's a real thing. I read about that on the one website that's like, the whole Internet all by itself." "That dude sure makes a lot of [...]

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