Forum logs for 25 Oct 2015
Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
gabriel_laddel | furthermore, I have actually quit coffee now, twice. | [00:00] |
mircea_popescu | omg teh haet. | [00:00] |
gabriel_laddel | but I dislike being 'sober'. | [00:00] |
gabriel_laddel | or uncaffinated, or whatever you want to call it. | [00:00] |
gabriel_laddel | It's boring. | [00:00] |
mircea_popescu | problem is - drunkedness is strictly for people who don't dislike being sober. | [00:00] |
mats | well, if you'd like to try non racemics, guess I'll shill and its armodafinil | [00:00] |
mats | discount if invoice paid with buttcoins | [00:01] |
gabriel_laddel | mircea_popescu: pardon? | [00:01] |
asciilifeform | mats: did you personally analyze it ? | [00:01] |
mircea_popescu | gabriel_laddel it's a paradoxical thing, what can i say. | [00:02] |
mats | whaddya mean? lab test? | [00:02] |
asciilifeform | yes | [00:02] |
asciilifeform | as in, wtf is actually in that spam pill. | [00:02] |
asciilifeform | last i checked, every spamarmacy is actually shipping indian adrafinil, which rots the liver. | [00:02] |
gabriel_laddel | mircea_popescu: I simply don't understand what you're saying. | [00:02] |
mircea_popescu | this is probab le. | [00:02] |
* | huseby (~huseby@unaffiliated/huseby) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:02] |
danielpbarron | asciilifeform> cue 'everyone has that option', here have a broomstick << or a Bible | [00:03] |
mats | no. but my understanding is that the operators buy the generics from indian rx mfgs and resell the stuff | [00:03] |
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mircea_popescu | gabriel_laddel that not liking being sober is a very poor reason to be drunk. or whatever you call it. | [00:03] |
mats | well nao... | [00:03] |
* | huseby (~huseby@unaffiliated/huseby) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:03] |
mats | guess it's a good thing I've only consumed a few dozen of em | [00:03] |
asciilifeform | mats: recrystallize a few pills and find the melting point (it isn't hard.) you might be in for a surprise. | [00:04] |
gabriel_laddel | mircea_popescu: I agree with you, but the *amount of work* I get done when caffinated, and the amount of fun I have doing it makes it simply impossible to do otherwise. | [00:04] |
gabriel_laddel | I'm an addict, what can I say. | [00:04] |
mats | I know next to nothing about chemistry | [00:04] |
asciilifeform | mats: this experiment does not require a first class education in it. | [00:04] |
mats | what if there's filler besides the moda? etc. | [00:04] |
asciilifeform | hence you recrystallize | [00:05] |
asciilifeform | (find what the active substance dissolves in which the fillers do not.) | [00:05] |
asciilifeform | rinse, repeat (literally) | [00:05] |
mircea_popescu | etoh ? | [00:05] |
mats | the most experience I've had with testing chemicals is using various reagents to ensure I was consuming actual mdma | [00:05] |
mats | but I'll give it a go, soon as I acquire a hot plate | [00:06] |
mircea_popescu | can make out of wire and battery. | [00:06] |
mircea_popescu | depending on wire thickness, either the wire or the battery shall be the hot plate. | [00:07] |
mats | for folks curious about moda, gwern had written extensively on the subject | [00:07] |
asciilifeform | interestingly, if mircea_popescu were to take a dose of modafinil (racemic or isomeric, pick whichever) he would notice NOTHING AT ALL | [00:07] |
asciilifeform | guaranteed. | [00:07] |
mats | has* | [00:07] |
asciilifeform | and i bet mats knows why. | [00:07] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform it's probable. i have a poor reaction to many of these. | [00:07] |
asciilifeform | no i mean literally NOTHING | [00:07] |
asciilifeform | no side effect either. | [00:07] |
mircea_popescu | whyssat ? | [00:07] |
asciilifeform | because it is a very peculiar kind of dope, which does (as far as most folks notice, or - for the most part - across a few million eaters / a few decades of sales) precisely one thing. | [00:08] |
asciilifeform | simulates a full night of sleep. | [00:08] |
mircea_popescu | lol that's fucking useless. | [00:08] |
asciilifeform | for mircea_popescu - guaranteed useless. | [00:08] |
mircea_popescu | "take this pill, it simulates taking a piss" "or i could... take a piss ?" "yes, of course". | [00:09] |
asciilifeform | countdown to broomstick... | [00:09] |
mats | I mostly used it to retain cognitive power and wakefulness for studying binges and v late nights | [00:09] |
* | mircea_popescu never binge studied either. wtf, if it's not worth reading normally it's not worth reading. | [00:10] |
* | mircea_popescu also started his final thesis in college 5 months early, and was done with it about a month and a half before it was supposed to be turned in. | [00:10] |
mats | | [00:10] |
assbot | Mechanisms of modafinil: A review of current research ... ( ) | [00:10] |
mats | topical | [00:10] |
mats | curious about BBs opinion on the subject of moda, and more broadly, 'nootropics' | [00:11] |
mats | ;;later tell bingoboingo haro, ^ | [00:12] |
gribble | The operation succeeded. | [00:12] |
gabriel_laddel | mats: I'm curious as to why you're curious as to BB's opinion? | [00:12] |
mircea_popescu | other than peterl, bb is like the resident chemist huh | [00:12] |
gabriel_laddel | ?! | [00:12] |
gabriel_laddel | since when? | [00:12] |
mats | did a stint in pharmacy school, rite? | [00:12] |
mircea_popescu | since when he keeps ranting about chem topics ? dunno. | [00:12] |
mircea_popescu | alf too, but alf only took a kindergarten level chemistry class | [00:13] |
mircea_popescu | so he doesn't count. | [00:13] |
gabriel_laddel | riiiigt | [00:13] |
mod6 | haha | [00:13] |
gabriel_laddel | *riiight. | [00:13] |
mats | I liked moda because it was, for me, an adderall without the negative effects, | [00:13] |
mircea_popescu | you lot could just as well have a glass of water and go takle a nap. | [00:14] |
asciilifeform | aaaaaha sure. | [00:14] |
asciilifeform | on dirigible. | [00:14] |
asciilifeform | in the magical room where you only do things you want to do. | [00:14] |
mircea_popescu | this shit isn't free. in the time you took to research it and the time it takes you to earn what it costs you coulda caught up on sleep. | [00:14] |
trinque | I would wager this is more to do with "wow, this is what a smart person must feel like" and thereby actually doing some work than the effect of the chemical. | [00:14] |
mats | e.g. distracting euphoria, I could still sleep while on the tail end of a 100mg dosage 7-8hrs in | [00:14] |
mircea_popescu | trinque you know that AWESOME tlp article on placebo ? | [00:14] |
trinque | no but I will now want to search it out | [00:15] |
mircea_popescu | lemme feed it to you. | [00:15] |
trinque | ty | [00:15] |
mircea_popescu | | [00:15] |
assbot | The Last Psychiatrist: No One Likes A Sure Thing ... ( ) | [00:15] |
asciilifeform | mats: you can actually sleep ~immediately~ after eating whatever dosage. | [00:15] |
asciilifeform | mats: try it if you don't believe. | [00:15] |
mircea_popescu | i just had the girls lined up with their mouths open while i swore as to the various aspects | [00:15] |
gabriel_laddel | I'm rather envious of the 50s. You could get benzedrine otc, and it was widely used by e.g., Norbert Wiener | [00:15] |
mats | asciilifeform: I believe, have done so on a few occasions | [00:15] |
mircea_popescu | "no, parkinson, this is a legitimately defined disease with a biological backing. no, he is actually measuring the chemistry involved, dopamine. no, actually." etc | [00:15] |
mats | when I was apparently too exhausted, or perhaps took an insubstantial dosage | [00:16] |
mircea_popescu | gabriel_laddel i got benzadrine otc here. asked for cyclobenzapyrine, derp showed up with benzos. | [00:16] |
gabriel_laddel | benzos != benzadrine | [00:16] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: not the muscle relaxant!! | [00:16] |
mircea_popescu | yes. | [00:17] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: in 1950s usa, 'benzo' meant benzoamphetamine. | [00:17] |
mircea_popescu | oh, he actually meant amphetamine ? mkay. | [00:17] |
gabriel_laddel | yep. | [00:17] |
asciilifeform | (not, say, benzodiazepine) | [00:17] |
gabriel_laddel | widely used in the war effort. | [00:17] |
mircea_popescu | icnow. | [00:17] |
asciilifeform | in every country there was a separate name for it, for some odd reason | [00:18] |
gabriel_laddel | I asked someone who was around, he claims that he "couldn't distinguish it from coffee" | [00:18] |
asciilifeform | germany and anything warsaw pact say 'pervitin' (nazi brand) - folks will recognize. | [00:18] |
mircea_popescu | gabriel_laddel you have any idea whbat the tolerance to benzo-* is like ? | [00:18] |
mircea_popescu | after a few years you can take it by the gram. | [00:18] |
gabriel_laddel | mircea_popescu: not really. | [00:18] |
asciilifeform | actually the relevant piece here is mircea_popescu's own 'how to smoke' article. | [00:18] |
asciilifeform | (don't be an idiot and eat $dope every day) | [00:18] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform that is the article about how to feed whores caviar. | [00:19] |
asciilifeform | hm. perhaps was thinking of another. | [00:19] |
asciilifeform | there was one about how to smoke, i distincly recally. | [00:19] |
asciilifeform | *distinctly | [00:19] |
mircea_popescu | i sometimes repeat myself. | [00:19] |
mircea_popescu | < one i was thinking of. | [00:19] |
assbot | Caviarul si fata on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) | [00:19] |
mircea_popescu | "I. Ersteklasse. Crema a ceea ce poate oferi natura, icrele cele mai bune, din care in principiu un cetatean, oricit de bogat s-ar gasi, are totusi a consuma cantitati limitate, dintr-un motiv foarte simplu : daca nu alternezi cu produse inferioare te vei obisnui, si-apoi te vei deprima. Oamenii inteligenti le gusta lunar si traiesc fericiti pina la adinci batrineti." | [00:20] |
mircea_popescu | "the cream of what nature can offer, best roe, of which in principle a person no matter how rich still should only consume limited amounts for a very simple reason : if you do not alternate with inferior product you wiull become used to it, and then depressed. intelligent people eat it once a month and live happilly ever after." | [00:20] |
asciilifeform | ^^^^ | [00:21] |
asciilifeform | entirely pertinent, even if the wrong article. | [00:21] |
* | gabriel_laddel has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [00:21] |
mircea_popescu | thinking about it, i do recall i also said about smoking. | [00:21] |
asciilifeform | 'used to it, then depressed' followed by 'can't quit usa because that's where they serve up $x' | [00:22] |
mircea_popescu | lol. you are not at all far off. | [00:22] |
mircea_popescu | perhaps travelling by bus is now much more obviously comprehensible. | [00:22] |
* | asciilifeform speaks with the studded and corpulent anal pineapple of experience | [00:22] |
asciilifeform | ;;later tell BingoBoingo >>>>>> << lulzy, possibly qntra material ? | [00:28] |
gribble | The operation succeeded. | [00:28] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [00:28] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [00:28] |
asciilifeform | 'The Department of Defense shall work with other U.S. Government (USG) departments and agencies and with partner nations to deny, disrupt, or defeat and degrade adversaries’ ability to use global licit and illicit financial networks to negatively affect U.S. interests.' | [00:28] |
asciilifeform | (followed by a few kb of mostly generic usg claptrap) | [00:29] |
mircea_popescu | and this is remarkable why ? | [00:31] |
mircea_popescu | they got a stretched asshole the size of the gulf, and they're gonna work towards stitching it back together ? | [00:31] |
mircea_popescu | da fuck else would it say. | [00:31] |
* | asciilifeform did not read whole thing | [00:31] |
asciilifeform | hence feeding it to connoisseurs | [00:31] |
mircea_popescu | the problem here is that dod is uniquely unequipped to do this. this is a job for the ss, which is WHY they handlwe counterfitting in the first place. | [00:32] |
mircea_popescu | except ss knows enough about this to not want to touch it, so the aspirational down kids over at dod get a chance to shine. | [00:32] |
asciilifeform | there is not a meaningful separation between various seekrit skvirrels in usa today | [00:32] |
asciilifeform | (if there ever once was.) | [00:32] |
mircea_popescu | oh but there is. | [00:32] |
mircea_popescu | the only kind that counts : by intellect. | [00:33] |
asciilifeform | quite a bit of lateral motion and unclear separation of concern between the spetzagencies | [00:35] |
* | agorecki (~agorecki@unaffiliated/agorecki) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:35] |
asciilifeform | e.g., nsa is civilian-staffed but managed largely by active or retired dod folk | [00:35] |
mircea_popescu | sure. but it still works exactly like it worked in the other soviet union. | [00:36] |
mircea_popescu | ie, the real-special guys despise the wanna-be-special guys | [00:36] |
mircea_popescu | which is why nsa is the internet forum pisspot. | [00:36] |
asciilifeform | iirc ss handled the known/public aspects of the mtgox dekulakization ? | [00:39] |
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deedbot- | [BitBet Bets Bets] 3.45464928 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jan 2016 - | [00:51] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23899 @ 0.00053911 = 12.8842 BTC [+] {3} | [00:57] |
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deedbot- | [BitBet Bets Bets] 3.26772084 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jan 2016 - | [01:04] |
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deedbot- | [BitBet Bets Bets] 3.10409549 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jan 2016 - | [01:15] |
deedbot- | [BitBet Bets Bets] 10.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jan 2016 - | [01:15] |
mats | ho ho ho | [01:16] |
mats | someone hasn't read mp's thing about address reuse | [01:23] |
deedbot- | [BitBet Bets Bets] 4.23308806 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jan 2016 - | [01:46] |
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trinque | mircea_popescu | << I've been chewing on this for the last few hours. There's a lot here. gabriel_laddel, it would seem that not only could you will yourself focus, but *generally* will yourself anything from the possible mental states. | [02:59] |
assbot | The Last Psychiatrist: No One Likes A Sure Thing ... ( ) | [02:59] |
trinque | that is, as long as you can convince yourself you have a good chance at being in the state you want to be in ;) | [03:00] |
trinque | perhaps this anticipation thing is will. | [03:02] |
trinque | !up gabriel_laddel | [03:03] |
* | assbot gives voice to gabriel_laddel | [03:03] |
gabriel_laddel | ty | [03:03] |
trinque | yw | [03:03] |
gabriel_laddel | This is fucking nonsense. I *cannot* will myself to get up in the morning after 23 years of never having to. | [03:03] |
trinque | taking anxiety as an example; the worst thing you can do is try to avoid it. | [03:04] |
gabriel_laddel | most people wake up at 8am. Me: 4pm | [03:04] |
trinque | you asserting "fucking nonsense" with no reason is fucking nonsense | [03:04] |
trinque | when you have perfect health aside from this you can cry health problem | [03:04] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: you're right. I've not even read the article yet. | [03:04] |
trinque | as it stands you've got a massive addiction to caffeine | [03:04] |
trinque | one of my favorite drugs, I'll have you know | [03:05] |
trinque | but it affects goddamn everything all over the body | [03:05] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: do you have the effect of almost fainting sometimes? | [03:05] |
gabriel_laddel | like, you're just standing and then the stray thought "hey, it'd be nice to fall into bed, except there isn't a bed her" flies through your mind? | [03:06] |
trinque | sounds like extreme exhaustion | [03:06] |
trinque | have you ever done cocaine? | [03:06] |
trinque | for a few days? | [03:07] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: yeah | [03:07] |
trinque | sounds about like that | [03:07] |
gabriel_laddel | nah, the caffine effect is different. | [03:07] |
mircea_popescu | !up archStanton | [03:07] |
-assbot- | You voiced archStanton for 30 minutes. | [03:07] |
* | assbot gives voice to archStanton | [03:07] |
mircea_popescu | trinque the caution being that it's a single study and they might be insane. | [03:07] |
mircea_popescu | but otherwise, the fact that placebo is nothing short of crazy is an open secret in clinician circles. | [03:08] |
gabriel_laddel | with coffee there are all sorts of weird things: like whenever I have a bike pass me by, I sort of envision it running into me. | [03:08] |
trinque | sure, this is very interesting though | [03:08] |
gabriel_laddel | same with cars. | [03:08] |
trinque | sounds suicidal. | [03:08] |
trinque | or at least paranoid | [03:08] |
gabriel_laddel | and this goes away completely when I don't drink a lot of coffee | [03:08] |
gabriel_laddel | it's sort of like a phantom limb effect. | [03:08] |
gabriel_laddel | and is very odd. | [03:08] |
trinque | yeah I've been fucked up on drugs before too bud | [03:09] |
trinque | lol | [03:09] |
trinque | why are you surprised your body's freaking out over your treatment of it? | [03:09] |
gabriel_laddel | I'm not. It's just... odd. | [03:09] |
gabriel_laddel | and it *only* happens with coffee. | [03:09] |
mircea_popescu | the serious problem for coffee drinkers is the caffeine headache. | [03:09] |
mircea_popescu | absent that... should be fine really. | [03:10] |
gabriel_laddel | I've been burnt out on coke and hating life, but never have had this effect. | [03:10] |
trinque | my only point is I wouldn't self diagnose "I need meds" before dropping your caffeine to zero, seeing where you're at | [03:11] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: to be clear, I've done this. | [03:11] |
mircea_popescu | how about a cup a day or every coupla days or something. like sane people. | [03:11] |
trinque | I've quit it entirely before, feels like shit, but a lot of the "stress" I was feeling back then was the several cups of coffee per day I was drinking. | [03:11] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: and have not done hard drugs in years | [03:11] |
trinque | I'm at a cup a day now, fine | [03:11] |
mircea_popescu | o wow that $600 bet is on fire huh | [03:12] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: the problem I have with being coffee-free isn't the stress, but rather that I miss having my thoughts race around | [03:13] |
gabriel_laddel | and the multiple day reading binges | [03:13] |
gabriel_laddel | (of code or english, take your pick) | [03:13] |
trinque | so read all day anyway | [03:13] |
trinque | this notion of making oneself do a thing is bizarre | [03:13] |
* | Duffer1 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [03:13] |
gabriel_laddel | yeah, but it's more fun when "high". | [03:13] |
trinque | like you're a guy at the bridge of yourself directing things rather than being the thing | [03:14] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: so wait, you don't get more absorbed in whatever you're doing when drinking coffee? | [03:14] |
trinque | is it that you have trouble clearing your head to consider one thing at a time? | [03:15] |
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trinque | I drink coffee yes, for the high, but this does not prevent me from reading otherwise | [03:16] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: in part. It's also that I'm just not interested or excited about life without coffee. | [03:16] |
gabriel_laddel | I don't have ideas that I would consider interesting. | [03:17] |
gabriel_laddel | it's a horrid slog through boring nonsense, depression, the works. | [03:17] |
trinque | well hell, death soon approaches. | [03:17] |
trinque | for me that's plenty to get to work | [03:17] |
gabriel_laddel | oh, and without coffee I get distracted. | [03:18] |
trinque | have you ever really considered the fact that you will soon die? | [03:18] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: what, via coffee, or in general? | [03:19] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: "for me that's plenty to get to work" ? | [03:19] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59000 @ 0.00053743 = 31.7084 BTC [-] | [03:20] |
trinque | plenty of motivation to | [03:20] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: it seems to me that the other thing missing from this discussion is that we've all very different chemistry. | [03:20] |
trinque | yes but your statements imply certain beliefs | [03:21] |
trinque | those may be different chemistry; I'm still chewing on the article as I said! | [03:21] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: for example, the modafinil that I've taken works great for other people. | [03:21] |
trinque | what do you mean it works great? | [03:21] |
gabriel_laddel | they stay awake for 40 ish hours with no issues. | [03:22] |
gabriel_laddel | it does *nothing* for my sleep cycle | [03:22] |
gabriel_laddel | and makes my thoughts disjointed. | [03:22] |
trinque | this is an odd notion of being better; note that it is mostly about you being some kind of machine you run for x hours and produce y per hour | [03:23] |
gabriel_laddel | wrt coffee or modafinil? | [03:23] |
gabriel_laddel | or both? | [03:23] |
trinque | both I'd say | [03:23] |
trinque | what is the goal? so you stay awake for 40 hrs | [03:23] |
trinque | and then what happens? | [03:24] |
gabriel_laddel | and then I spend more time hacking apart portage than I would have otherwise | [03:24] |
trinque | "I am the guy that coded for 40 hrs." | [03:24] |
gabriel_laddel | lol, I'm not doing it for other people | [03:24] |
trinque | fascinating, I didn't say it was for that | [03:25] |
gabriel_laddel | "I am the guy who coded for 40 hrs" < ? | [03:25] |
gabriel_laddel | isn't that what you were implying? | [03:25] |
trinque | my statement is right there, no secret other meanings | [03:25] |
mircea_popescu | [03:26] | |
mircea_popescu | tell you what, if your mods were actually improvements THEY WOULD BE IN THE CAR. | [03:26] |
mircea_popescu | it's an industrial fucking product, you think they don't know what you know ? | [03:26] |
mircea_popescu | the only reason it's not included in the series version is that it's a stupid idea. | [03:26] |
gabriel_laddel | actually, with respect to portage / gentoo / funtoo - yeah | [03:26] |
trinque | ahaha, this is excellent due to the gentoo-as-ricer-car mockery | [03:26] |
gabriel_laddel | I know more than they do. | [03:26] |
mircea_popescu | no. with respect to "improving" your body. | [03:26] |
gabriel_laddel | mircea_popescu: look, there are some things that I *know* make my body work better | [03:27] |
gabriel_laddel | for example, taking the EasyUp before going to sleep | [03:27] |
mircea_popescu | you have no idea. | [03:27] |
gabriel_laddel | othewise I wake up and hate myself, am unable to open my eyes etc | [03:27] |
mircea_popescu | there's somewhere in the log this observation, you can't learn medicine on yourself. | [03:27] |
gabriel_laddel | and the whole process of brushing teeth takes like 1 hour | [03:27] |
gabriel_laddel | with easyup: 20 minutes and I'm chipper | [03:28] |
mircea_popescu | i had an uncle. | [03:28] |
mircea_popescu | he's dead. | [03:28] |
mircea_popescu | he had diabethes. according to him, he could not take the medicine. except with honey. | [03:28] |
mircea_popescu | this is known as fatlogic. | [03:29] |
gabriel_laddel | I would lol if it wasn't your uncle. | [03:29] |
trinque | you're doing the same thing. | [03:29] |
mircea_popescu | you would also lol if it wasn't yourself. | [03:29] |
gabriel_laddel | I understand the point you're making, but simply don't find that it applies to my situation. | [03:29] |
gabriel_laddel | I've tried setting alarms, getting enough sleep etc. | [03:29] |
mircea_popescu | this is fine :) | [03:29] |
trinque | this is where he gets dumped in the ocean on mushrooms | [03:30] |
gabriel_laddel | none of it works. | [03:30] |
trinque | did wonders for my good friend | [03:30] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: !?!? | [03:30] |
mircea_popescu | did he end up in france ? | [03:30] |
trinque | lol | [03:30] |
mircea_popescu | (from west coast, obviously) | [03:30] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: how would this help anything? | [03:31] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: and why would you do this to someone? | [03:31] |
trinque | he did it to himself | [03:31] |
trinque | no one forced him | [03:31] |
gabriel_laddel | ... | [03:32] |
gabriel_laddel | what | [03:32] |
trinque | he was disoriented and lost track of the beach and ended up rather far out | [03:33] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: could you please tell this story. | [03:33] |
gabriel_laddel | oh. | [03:33] |
trinque | lol no pun intended | [03:33] |
gabriel_laddel | yeah, I'm not really sure how this relates to me. | [03:33] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [03:33] |
* | assbot removes voice from gabriel_laddel | [03:33] |
trinque | accepted he might die, then found it within himself to be a man and swim his ass back to what felt like shore, and he did | [03:33] |
trinque | !up gabriel_laddel | [03:33] |
* | assbot gives voice to gabriel_laddel | [03:33] |
trinque | the reason I mentioned it is that you are so sure of your model of yourself | [03:34] |
gabriel_laddel | yeah, I don't know what this "being a man" stuff is about | [03:34] |
trinque | these types of experiences (and they're probably the cheapest version) will rid you of that nonsense in a moment | [03:34] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: I've lived with myself for 23 years, and have at no point been able to wake up sanely. I try it with these caffine pills and et viola! I wake up like a normal human! | [03:35] |
gabriel_laddel | how else would you read that? | [03:35] |
trinque | the fuck; you'd wake up if it meant an enemy bullet otherwise | [03:35] |
* | crescendo has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [03:35] |
trinque | or maybe *you* wouldn't but the normal human mind can decide it can do all kinds of things when it must | [03:35] |
trinque | if you're bitching about waking up in the morning I think you haven't suffered enough | [03:36] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: you'd think that. but I've missed events I *really* wanted to attend because I wouldn't wake | [03:36] |
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gabriel_laddel | trinque: people have screamed things of this nature at me when I would miss the little school I went to | [03:36] |
trinque | yeah I "never could wake up" as a teenager either | [03:36] |
trinque | except I didn't give a fuck to, and my mother woke me up with breakfast and all my shit ready to go | [03:37] |
trinque | and I went to a few pretend military camps in the summer and woke up myself every morning while there | [03:37] |
trinque | to be grinning with a "fuck you" to the sergeant that'd come busting into my room screaming hoping I was still asleep | [03:37] |
trinque | gabriel_laddel: this sounds like "I should've given a fuck" not "I gave a fuck" | [03:38] |
* | assbot removes voice from archStanton | [03:38] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: you're missing my point, or I'm not stating it correctly. I've missed things I care deeply about because of sleep | [03:38] |
gabriel_laddel | and even with people screaming at me, I still missed things | [03:38] |
gabriel_laddel | and all of this is solved by taking a pill before I go to sleep | [03:39] |
trinque | the sergeant's screaming had nothing to do with my waking up | [03:39] |
trinque | I enjoyed the fuck out of winning at that game so I did | [03:39] |
trinque | mircea_popescu: I see your point about education 100% at this moment. | [03:39] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: I enjoyed the fuck out of going to buy $CENSORED and was really excited about it, but ended up sleeping through the allotted time. | [03:40] |
gabriel_laddel | but all of this is solved when I take a pill - not just a caffine pill - but a coffee extract? | [03:40] |
gabriel_laddel | how on *earth* am I supposed to read this? | [03:40] |
gabriel_laddel | that I should take the broomstick approach? | [03:41] |
mircea_popescu | you do whatevs you feel like. if you're happy with it carry on, eventually you'll either die or have enough of it. | [03:41] |
gabriel_laddel | (for the record, taking a regular caffine pill before sleep doesn't wok) | [03:41] |
mircea_popescu | wait, you were gonna go weaboo all over the xbox line but then slept through the opening ? | [03:46] |
gabriel_laddel | mircea_popescu: something akin to that, yes. | [03:47] |
gabriel_laddel | multiple times. | [03:47] |
mircea_popescu | i slept through it too. | [03:47] |
gabriel_laddel | yeah, but were you excited about it? | [03:47] |
mircea_popescu | depends on your definition of excited. | [03:47] |
mircea_popescu | in operational terms, i was as excited as you were, apparently. | [03:48] |
punkman | gabriel_laddel: doesn't the coffee pill make your sleep weird? | [03:48] |
gabriel_laddel | punkman: nah | [03:48] |
punkman | I've taken modafinil before sleep a couple times, to make sure I'd wake up for a flight | [03:48] |
punkman | was quite tired, had the strangest dreams | [03:49] |
mircea_popescu | ew | [03:49] |
gabriel_laddel | And this is sort of what I'm getting at - people differ greatly. Modafinil doesn't work for me, some people can't take caffine before bed, some people can't drink and have sex (MP's eugenics article) and some can. | [03:51] |
mircea_popescu | that's an age thing. | [03:52] |
gabriel_laddel | mircea_popescu: what, drinking and sex? | [03:52] |
mircea_popescu | myeah | [03:52] |
trinque | gabriel_laddel: and how healthy are you | [03:53] |
gabriel_laddel | riiight. | [03:53] |
punkman | mircea_popescu: dunno, I remember being too drunk to fuck at 17 or whatever | [03:53] |
mircea_popescu | well, alcohol is a downer. kids are overexcitable. it's a toss-up. | [03:54] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: I don't know. | [03:54] |
* | gabriel_laddel glances to the side, sees 10 orange crush cans. | [03:56] |
gabriel_laddel | I'll go with "I treat my body like shit, and do pretty well " | [03:57] |
trinque | but you like so totally have this very unique sleep disorder | [03:57] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: ? | [03:57] |
trinque | again, the statement is right there. | [03:58] |
trinque | might try operating the thing better first | [03:58] |
gabriel_laddel | well, that is a fair point, but I don't want to e.g., lose weight. | [03:59] |
trinque | what does reality care about what you want | [03:59] |
trinque | although, maybe if you can convince yourself that some of your orange crush cans are sleep aids... | [03:59] |
trinque | but only some! | [03:59] |
gabriel_laddel | oh this is nonsense | [03:59] |
gabriel_laddel | look, there are tradeoffs to be made | [04:00] |
gabriel_laddel | I've been healthy before, but it sucks | [04:00] |
trinque | it was a joke, dingus | [04:00] |
gabriel_laddel | oh, derp | [04:00] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: so what is your top 3 favorite substances of abuse? | [04:01] |
trinque | so this whole thing is mainly about what you want, which is orange crush and other things, but not being healthy | [04:01] |
trinque | I don't tend to "abuse" substances | [04:01] |
gabriel_laddel | the problem with being healthy is that I get too turned on by everything. | [04:01] |
trinque | though I'm 28; I'm not saying I never did | [04:01] |
punkman | lolwut | [04:01] |
gabriel_laddel | so yeah, I'm optimizing for something specific. | [04:01] |
trinque | not that I'm ancient, but I'm not trying to wreck the thing either | [04:01] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: so what /were/ your top 3. | [04:01] |
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trinque | I was never one to habitually wreck myself | [04:02] |
trinque | if I say "booze" that's saying I got very drunk that month | [04:02] |
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trinque | weed I smoked daily for a long time | [04:02] |
gabriel_laddel | fine, trinque, what are your top 3 favorite substances to use in moderation, with a trip sitter, etc etc | [04:02] |
gabriel_laddel | like a responsible adult | [04:03] |
trinque | so coffee weed booze by volume | [04:03] |
gabriel_laddel | and by preference? | [04:03] |
* | assbot removes voice from gabriel_laddel | [04:03] |
trinque | !up gabriel_laddel | [04:04] |
* | assbot gives voice to gabriel_laddel | [04:04] |
* | Guest67410 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [04:04] |
trinque | gabriel_laddel: actually I will admit to using cigs in precisely the same way you were talking about coffee | [04:04] |
gabriel_laddel | trinque: ah, so nicotine is one of my favorite as well | [04:05] |
trinque | coding, getting the nicotine going and thinking I was "so much more focused" | [04:05] |
trinque | it's a bunch of horse shit | [04:05] |
gabriel_laddel | !? | [04:05] |
trinque | the fucking oxygen you're not getting for one | [04:05] |
gabriel_laddel | I no longer smoke, but programming while smoking was always nice. | [04:05] |
trinque | your feelings about the thing do not matter | [04:05] |
gabriel_laddel | then what the fuck is the point!? | [04:05] |
trinque | of what? | [04:05] |
gabriel_laddel | anything! | [04:06] |
trinque | what point | [04:06] |
gabriel_laddel | why are we here if not to have fun | [04:06] |
gabriel_laddel | why not program JS for a living | [04:06] |
trinque | you're here because some things happened | [04:06] |
trinque | why not program JS for a living? | [04:06] |
gabriel_laddel | right, but I'm here to have a good time in spite of that | [04:06] |
trinque | or suck dick? | [04:06] |
gabriel_laddel | hence why cl etc etc | [04:06] |
trinque | so do that | [04:06] |
gabriel_laddel | omg | [04:06] |
trinque | being here to have a good time sounds great | [04:07] |
gabriel_laddel | dawwww I'm so curious as to your thoughts on MDMA, cocaine, LSD | [04:07] |
gabriel_laddel | mushrooms | [04:07] |
gabriel_laddel | do tell, please | [04:07] |
trinque | lovely fun all | [04:07] |
trinque | what's to tell? | [04:07] |
gabriel_laddel | have you done anything really out there, like DMT? | [04:08] |
trinque | salvia is pretty out there. | [04:08] |
trinque | but not dmt | [04:08] |
trinque | *haven't | [04:08] |
mircea_popescu | for some reason b-a now reads like reddit. | [04:08] |
trinque | the thing I'm moderately curious about is what question gabriel_laddel is asking | [04:10] |
trinque | but it's certainly getting nowhere and can be left at that. | [04:11] |
mircea_popescu | looks like a scoring model. | [04:12] |
punkman | | [04:15] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [04:15] |
mircea_popescu | what the fuck is this "ethicists". | [04:16] |
punkman | old women that can't afford motorized dildo? | [04:17] |
mircea_popescu | women may speak of ethics now ?! | [04:17] |
mircea_popescu | what's next, rabis ? | [04:17] |
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thestringpuller | << the ponzis continue | [04:36] |
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deedbot- | [Trilema] The Great Gatsby - | [04:53] |
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mircea_popescu | ;;ud idgi | [05:27] |
gribble | | As two friends chuckled about how fake the scene looked one seemingly naive friend commented "I don't get it", "what's so funny?". At last the IDGI was re-born. | [05:27] |
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mircea_popescu | !up referredbyloper | [05:32] |
-assbot- | You voiced referredbyloper for 30 minutes. | [05:32] |
* | assbot gives voice to referredbyloper | [05:32] |
referredbyloper | Thanks. I just read the post about phuctor breaking an rsa key. | [05:33] |
mircea_popescu | cool. | [05:36] |
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mircea_popescu | << in which tlp understands why castrated pencildicks can't compete. | [05:58] |
assbot | The Last Psychiatrist: Love The Way You Lie (With Me) ... ( ) | [05:58] |
mircea_popescu | way to go. ps : it isn't abuse just because it leaves you outside, feeling inadequate. | [05:58] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25625 @ 0.00053682 = 13.756 BTC [-] | [06:55] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 129300 @ 0.00054382 = 70.3159 BTC [+] {6} | [07:34] |
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jurov | ;;ticker | [07:47] |
gribble | Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 292.32, Best ask: 292.55, Bid-ask spread: 0.23000, Last trade: 292.7, 24 hour volume: 25634.88479045, 24 hour low: 279.7, 24 hour high: 292.98, 24 hour vwap: None | [07:47] |
jurov | !up Zuardi | [07:47] |
* | assbot gives voice to Zuardi | [07:47] |
jurov | !t m x.eur | [07:47] |
assbot | [MPEX:X.EUR] 1D: 0.00405789 / 0.00406095 / 0.0040661 (264 shares, 1.07 BTC), 7D: 0.00405633 / 0.00416233 / 0.00430867 (2925 shares, 12.17 BTC), 30D: 0.00405633 / 0.00446616 / 0.00478652 (7786 shares, 34.77 BTC) | [07:47] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30463 @ 0.00053682 = 16.3531 BTC [-] {2} | [07:52] |
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punkman | 14 years ago | [11:10] |
assbot | Apple's New Thing (iPod) | MacRumors Forums ... ( ) | [11:10] |
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VariaVarietatis | sup mircea_popescu | [12:16] |
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punkman | "By the grace if Allah upon His faithful servants, your brothers in the Technical Department of GIMF as well as the brothers in Al-Fajr Media Center have developed encryption software to protect your communications on your personal computers and mobile phones." | [12:21] |
punkman | "These software packages - Asrar al-Mujahideen, Asrar al-Dardashah, Mobile Encryption and Amn al-Mujahid - are the arrows in your quiver to pierce the eyes of the spies." | [12:21] |
punkman | (from al-qaeda magazine) | [12:22] |
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deedbot- | [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $400 before January 2016 - | [12:34] |
asciilifeform | punkman: rot13. | [13:00] |
asciilifeform | punkman: gotta remember that those folks are - for all intents and purposes - retarded. | [13:01] |
asciilifeform | ;;later tell gabriel_laddel: << i could tell much the same tale as you. eventually i discovered that i have a 26-hour circadian cycle and no amount of punishments, risks, dope, lost money, etc. will do A FUCKING THING about it. the only cure is to break out of workschwitz so that to sleep ad libitum. | [13:05] |
gribble | The operation succeeded. | [13:05] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 06:26:09; gabriel_laddel: othewise I wake up and hate myself, am unable to open my eyes etc | [13:05] |
punkman | asciilifeform: I thought the language amusing | [13:07] |
asciilifeform | punkman: likely, it reads entirely normal in the original | [13:07] |
asciilifeform | << actually the most serious problem is that eventually it stops doing anything at all. | [13:09] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 06:08:24; mircea_popescu: the serious problem for coffee drinkers is the caffeine headache. | [13:09] |
asciilifeform | and you can't take a holiday from the dope because then the cheques stop coming. | [13:09] |
asciilifeform | (in usa it is rare for any worker type to have serious paid leave) | [13:09] |
asciilifeform | 2 wk/yr is considered princely. | [13:10] |
asciilifeform | << this is nonsense and mircea_popescu knows it. do your gurlz take bc pill ? iron supplement? BUT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE CAR111!!1 | [13:11] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 06:24:45; mircea_popescu: tell you what, if your mods were actually improvements THEY WOULD BE IN THE CAR. | [13:11] |
asciilifeform | perhaps the gods meant them to be anemic and nonstop pregnant.. | [13:12] |
asciilifeform | << in the end, everybody gets to be equally dead. | [13:13] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 06:26:56; mircea_popescu: he's dead. | [13:13] |
asciilifeform | << WITHOUT EXCEPTION this kind of thing is said by people who, if you were to wire them to the mains to get the truth, will admit that they see any disease that doesn't show up on a blood test or xray as 'in your mind' | [13:16] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 06:32:53; trinque: these types of experiences (and they're probably the cheapest version) will rid you of that nonsense in a moment | [13:16] |
asciilifeform | tlp et al are right in a sense: depression, weird circadian rhythms, etc. are not diseases in the sense that leukemia is. all of these people would happily live without dope, on some different planet. the problem is that they cannot move to this planet. | [13:17] |
asciilifeform | if gabriel_laddel actually could sleep ad libitum - that is, WHENEVER he wants, FOR AS LONG AS he wants - i suspect that he wouldn't ask for dope of any kind. | [13:18] |
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* | Londe2 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [13:22] |
asciilifeform | << i never grasped this custom: why is it necessary to buy $item the day it comes out? let the other schmucks test...? | [13:22] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 06:44:47; mircea_popescu: wait, you were gonna go weaboo all over the xbox line but then slept through the opening ? | [13:22] |
asciilifeform | << l0l, why? because dope? | [13:24] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 07:07:19; mircea_popescu: for some reason b-a now reads like reddit. | [13:24] |
asciilifeform | imho smart-people-talking-about-dope doesn't read quite the same as stupid-people-talking-about-dope. | [13:24] |
asciilifeform | because smart-people-talking-about-$item doesn't read quite the same as stupid-people-talking-about-$item. for any possible $item. | [13:25] |
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* | schmidty is now known as Guest24415 | [13:26] |
asciilifeform | see also: | [13:27] |
asciilifeform | | [13:27] |
assbot | Logged on 25-08-2014 03:08:03; asciilifeform: busy as a bee << funny that they show an idiot sow scrubbing, and not, e.g, paul erdos crapping out theorems | [13:27] |
asciilifeform | << see also: | [13:29] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 07:14:09; punkman: | [13:29] |
asciilifeform | !s mocsny | [13:29] |
assbot | 35 results for 'mocsny' : | [13:29] |
* | Guest24415 has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | [13:30] |
asciilifeform | who predicted that, if realistic sex robot is ever thought to be possible (and it is intrinsically a for-men item, as there is not likely to appear a dominance-robot and certainly not a wealth-robot) , there will be mass upheaval. | [13:31] |
diametric | asciilifeform: check it out | [13:37] |
assbot | Thermaltronics Soldering: Products ... ( ) | [13:37] |
diametric | asciilifeform: look familiar? | [13:38] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18000 @ 0.00053668 = 9.6602 BTC [-] | [13:45] |
asciilifeform | diametric: metcal?! | [14:07] |
* | asciilifeform reads specs, discovers that indeed it claims to be a metcal clone | [14:08] |
asciilifeform | diametric: they have tweezers, even. | [14:09] |
mircea_popescu | hhhhola! | [14:23] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform must be bought same day because poor impulse control (must have) and poor social skills (this is the only time you'll meet people you can talk to this year) | [14:24] |
asciilifeform | buenos dias señor popescu | [14:24] |
mircea_popescu | que tal ? | [14:25] |
mats | | [14:28] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [14:28] |
asciilifeform | viva la revolución por siempre y para siempre | [14:28] |
asciilifeform | or somethinglikethat. | [14:28] |
* | schmidty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [14:29] |
asciilifeform | mats: again with the 'let's seeeekk00000r3 the c-machine with magic pixie dust' | [14:29] |
asciilifeform | dontcha ever tire of it ? | [14:29] |
* | schmidty is now known as Guest61619 | [14:29] |
mats | you know grsec subtracts more from kernel than it adds? | [14:30] |
diametric | asciilifeform: its not a clone. | [14:30] |
diametric | asciilifeform: the engineers that created metcal left metcal, and formed thermaltronics when the patent expired | [14:30] |
mircea_popescu | ;;ticker | [14:30] |
mats | if you find the time, it is far more readable than selinux | [14:30] |
gribble | Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 294.52, Best ask: 294.64, Bid-ask spread: 0.12000, Last trade: 294.52, 24 hour volume: 33147.35330584, 24 hour low: 280.35, 24 hour high: 295.99, 24 hour vwap: None | [14:30] |
diametric | so technically, the thermaltronics is more metcal than metcal is now. | [14:30] |
mircea_popescu | o look at that. resistences evaporating. | [14:30] |
asciilifeform | diametric: nifty, we oughta buy one of these. | [14:30] |
mircea_popescu | let's dust off some old quote. | [14:30] |
diametric | asciilifeform: was thinking about it | [14:31] |
asciilifeform | mats: take, for instance: 'encrypt/decrypt return address by a random key.' this is TYPICAL microshitism. the only actual result of this kind of thinking is that shit gets ever harder to debug, and new hidey-holes for exploitation are born. | [14:31] |
asciilifeform | mats: try to understand what i am objecting to - you might learn something. | [14:33] |
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asciilifeform | there was an old comic where a schoolteacher says 'i always wear a condom when conducting lessons' | [14:33] |
mircea_popescu | well... looking for where i said teh poor usg is between rock and hard place, if it misses but once it's fucked, i instead found | [14:34] |
asciilifeform | this is what all the various 'stack canaries', 'encrypted return addresses', etc. sounds like to me. | [14:34] |
assbot | Why S.MPOE is worth more than MtGox on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) | [14:34] |
mircea_popescu | ima call it good. | [14:34] |
mircea_popescu | lest i get lost in a pile of awesome and do no work but grin for the rest of the sunday. | [14:34] |
asciilifeform | << found it | [14:34] |
assbot | xkcd: Voting Machines ... ( ) | [14:34] |
mircea_popescu | "Asrar al-Mujahideen, Asrar al-Dardashah" aaaahahahah. | [14:35] |
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mircea_popescu | next time, stick to el-zip-ibn-lzw, brothers. | [14:36] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: recall your 'homebrew crypto' article ? | [14:37] |
mircea_popescu | << it sounded to me like the same. in fact, it is likely that boys have a non-24 hour rythm with significant incidence (if you think about it - how do you design the male to maximize its fucjing and hunting opportunities ?) | [14:37] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 16:04:16; asciilifeform: ;;later tell gabriel_laddel: << i could tell much the same tale as you. eventually i discovered that i have a 26-hour circadian cycle and no amount of punishments, risks, dope, lost money, etc. will do A FUCKING THING about it. the only cure is to break out of workschwitz so that to sleep ad libitum. | [14:37] |
mircea_popescu | i do. | [14:37] |
asciilifeform | aha. when left to my own devices, i'll cycle through the whole face of the clock. | [14:38] |
mircea_popescu | right ? | [14:38] |
mircea_popescu | so you'll find all the animals asleep at some time. | [14:38] |
asciilifeform | THIS is why i covet 'sleep ad libitum' more than anything else. | [14:38] |
asciilifeform | more than dirigibles, harems, etc. | [14:38] |
mircea_popescu | i am currently waking 2pm, fancy that. | [14:39] |
* | BingoBoingo (~BingoBoin@unaffiliated/bingoboingo) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [14:39] |
mircea_popescu | and to grok the true sign of luxury : i have an auction in eulora in 20 minutes. which i woke naturally for. | [14:39] |
* | assbot gives voice to BingoBoingo | [14:41] |
asciilifeform | this is also why i do not piss on 'one day my real life will begin!' fantasy with the same abandon as tlp and mircea_popescu | [14:41] |
asciilifeform | because i can easily see a rational mechanism for 'i am not now really alive but if $condition then i will be.' | [14:41] |
mircea_popescu | your parents aren't supposed to understand YOU. they're supposed to understand the world. | [14:42] |
mircea_popescu | you is your job. | [14:42] |
asciilifeform | parents? | [14:42] |
mircea_popescu | well tlp in this case. but the mechanism of pissing on X myth is parenting. | [14:42] |
mircea_popescu | in fact, THIS is what parenting is. pissing on myths. | [14:42] |
asciilifeform | i was conjecturing that this particular myth has a kernel of truth in it, just as the stories of 'great flood' are said to | [14:43] |
mircea_popescu | all myths have a kernel of truth in em. the idea is to select a set that works. | [14:43] |
mircea_popescu | kinda the point of that entire thing with trinque yest. "oh, 100% placebo works for me when i tihnk it's 75% drug". good for you, continue. | [14:44] |
asciilifeform | !s placebocin | [14:45] |
assbot | 5 results for 'placebocin' : | [14:45] |
asciilifeform | (from uncle al's works) | [14:45] |
mircea_popescu | aha. the effect is not exactly unknown, in all its batshit crazy splendour. | [14:45] |
mircea_popescu | or should i say "unmodelable" ? obscurantist perhaps ? :D | [14:45] |
asciilifeform | most brightly illustrated by the savages who could be 'prayed to death' | [14:45] |
asciilifeform | there are, incidentally, promising models for it. but the thing went nowhere because science died. | [14:46] |
mircea_popescu | no. they are promising for the same reason 15yo hos "are" promising. | [14:46] |
mircea_popescu | they're not models. and once they try to become models they quit promising. | [14:46] |
asciilifeform | prolly ought have said 'were promising.' | [14:46] |
asciilifeform | it is a past-tense thing. | [14:46] |
mats | asciilifeform: grsec, afaik, has had _exactly one_ publicly disclosed vuln, to my knowledge | [14:46] |
mircea_popescu | but not because of any sort of co-incidence. | [14:46] |
asciilifeform | mats: my objection is ecological rather than immediate, understand. | [14:47] |
mats | results speak for themselves, despite hand waving as to 'pixie dust', which is outright misleading imo | [14:47] |
asciilifeform | mats: i object to the entire pattern of thought on display there. | [14:47] |
mats | noted | [14:47] |
mircea_popescu | mats but what do you know of the unknown ones ? | [14:47] |
asciilifeform | the result FROM MY CHAIR is that the code is MORE COMPLEX | [14:47] |
mircea_popescu | i mean, your data is your data, ok, but what does it say ? | [14:47] |
asciilifeform | this is ipso facto a bad thing. | [14:47] |
mircea_popescu | "grsec has had much lower burn rate than the other packages because there has been less independent research put into it" | [14:48] |
mircea_popescu | vs "grsec is actually better code" | [14:48] |
asciilifeform | and the PREMISES are retarded. they take it as a GIVEN that there WILL be overflows, stack smashes, etc. | [14:48] |
asciilifeform | that these are thing we OUGHT to live with. | [14:48] |
asciilifeform | as concepts. | [14:48] |
mats | 13:28:25 <+mats> you know grsec subtracts more from kernel than it adds? | [14:49] |
asciilifeform | mats: if you'd like to link to, e.g., diffs, to demonstrate this, i'll read. | [14:49] |
mircea_popescu | << well yeah but i meant in withdrawal. | [14:50] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 16:07:26; asciilifeform: << actually the most serious problem is that eventually it stops doing anything at all. | [14:50] |
asciilifeform | ah yes. | [14:50] |
mircea_popescu | << jesus fuck he fucking butchered me. | [14:51] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 16:09:55; asciilifeform: << this is nonsense and mircea_popescu knows it. do your gurlz take bc pill ? iron supplement? BUT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE CAR111!!1 | [14:51] |
asciilifeform | mats: also we ought to try to agree on some notion of 'results'. for me, 'results' includes not only 'how many 0days published' but also 'what the code i MUST READ TO GRASP THE SYSTEM actually looks like' | [14:51] |
mircea_popescu | i will now attempt to mout a defense with my disembodied, bloody remains! | [14:52] |
asciilifeform | l0l | [14:52] |
asciilifeform | take some reconstitutory dopez! | [14:52] |
mircea_popescu | so asciilifeform : a) the iron because they're broken (ie, not equal to the design) ; the bc is, TECHNICALLY, part of the car. aftermarket shocks. | [14:52] |
asciilifeform | aha. dope, as correctly used, is aftermarket shocks. | [14:52] |
mircea_popescu | fu! | [14:53] |
asciilifeform | or jets. or parachute. take your pick. | [14:53] |
mircea_popescu | i got nothing! | [14:53] |
asciilifeform | where was that rhyme... | [14:53] |
asciilifeform | 'my candle burns at both ends, / it will not last the night, / but ah, my foes! / and oh, my friends! / it gives a lovely light.' | [14:54] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [14:55] |
mircea_popescu | nb. | [14:55] |
asciilifeform | and yes, for every meth-taking erdos or wiener, there are ten million nobodies who think that their sulfurous rancid turd burning at both ends is a candle with lovely light, yes. | [14:55] |
mircea_popescu | no. the irony is, they think "there was nothing [else] i could do." | [14:55] |
mircea_popescu | because this is how "think" goes. | [14:56] |
mircea_popescu | "nobloody could have predictits!" | [14:56] |
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mats | well, offhand, disables read/writes to /dev/kmem, /dev/mem, /dev/port, model specific registers, kexec, module loading, privileged io (ioperm and iopl calls), unprivileged PERF_EVENTS usage, restricts /proc, sysfs, and debugfs, ... | [15:19] |
mats | if i find diffs, ill let you know | [15:19] |
asciilifeform | mats: disables how? and for whom ? | [15:19] |
asciilifeform | on an ordinary linux box you already need root for these | [15:20] |
asciilifeform | (with the possible exception of /proc - but i gotta run strace! what, i have to sudo to strace now?!) | [15:20] |
mats | many of these protects kernel from root | [15:21] |
mats | i haven't read through all the patchsets, so can't say exhaustively which does what, etc | [15:21] |
asciilifeform | 'protects from root' what a crock of shit | [15:21] |
asciilifeform | yes, i get that this is the fashion, 'box with no root' | [15:22] |
asciilifeform | it is a crock of shit, because the pretense is trivially shattered in 1,001 ways | [15:22] |
asciilifeform | (can i talk to the nic? does it have dma?) | [15:22] |
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mats | ? | [15:34] |
assbot | LKML: Matthew Garrett: [PATCH 04/12] x86: Lock down IO port access when trusted_kernel is true ... ( ) | [15:34] |
asciilifeform | mats: only thing is, i can do arbitrary dma on just about any box where i can access ~any~ pci device's standard mmio space - no need to screw with the pci config regs | [15:36] |
asciilifeform | (e.g., most nics have a - documented or not - provision for dma) | [15:36] |
asciilifeform | and yes, you can fandango over ~all~ of physical ram, typically the thing does not care where you put its ring buffer - and you don't need to access pci config to move it | [15:38] |
asciilifeform | but if you enjoy putting a steel door on a drywall room - who am i to say no. | [15:38] |
asciilifeform | also - as mats knows - or ought to know - 'trusted' is a usg shibboleth for 'resists attempts at understanding or modification by putative owner' | [15:39] |
asciilifeform | as in 'trusted platform module' | [15:40] |
asciilifeform | or microshit's 'trusted computing.' | [15:40] |
asciilifeform | ;;google treacherous computing | [15:40] |
gribble | Can You Trust Your Computer? - GNU Project - Free Software ...: |
[15:40] |
asciilifeform | ^ see also rms on subj. | [15:40] |
BingoBoingo | << I babysat the classroom while the lectures came in over the projector. | [15:44] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 03:11:07; mats: did a stint in pharmacy school, rite? | [15:44] |
asciilifeform | BingoBoingo: you missed a long and mighty dope thread | [15:45] |
BingoBoingo | reading through it nao | [15:45] |
* | sinetek (~quassel@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [15:47] |
BingoBoingo | << Caffeine, vitamin B, and sleep are fine. Changing the "set point" of the dopamine and norephedrine pathways seems shitty | [15:49] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 03:10:08; mats: curious about BBs opinion on the subject of moda, and more broadly, 'nootropics' | [15:49] |
mats | i can't say i know enough to address your claims | [15:50] |
asciilifeform | this is not a bad time to point out that dope tolerance is not a magical punishment straight from god, but a physical mechanism. which could, conceivably, be dealt with. | [15:50] |
asciilifeform | there was some work in this direction, but for reasons which are quite clear (politics of u.s. pharma business) it never went anywhere. | [15:51] |
mats | << relatedly, lol | [15:51] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 16:29:35; asciilifeform: who predicted that, if realistic sex robot is ever thought to be possible (and it is intrinsically a for-men item, as there is not likely to appear a dominance-robot and certainly not a wealth-robot) , there will be mass upheaval. | [15:51] |
assbot | VR TENGA DEMO (2): Oculus Rift+Novint Falcon+TENGA on Vimeo ... ( ) | [15:51] |
asciilifeform | mats: l0l! what is that | [15:52] |
mats | demo of 'novint falcon' game controller | [15:53] |
mats | we r p close to rendition of virtual fuckbot through e.g. oculus rift+fleshlight+'novint falcon' | [15:54] |
jurov | "there will be mass upheaval" << sauce? | [15:57] |
jurov | and why there was no similar upheaval when free porn became available? | [15:57] |
deedbot- | [Trilema] And there was another auction, and there was another record, and so on. - | [16:09] |
* | hazirafel (~hazirafel@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:23] |
mats | ben_vulpes has briefly mentioned before, but: window system in haskell in 1200 lines | [16:23] |
assbot | xmonad/xmonad · GitHub ... ( ) | [16:23] |
jurov | misread as widget system, got excited for a moment | [16:24] |
mats | =[ | [16:25] |
* | schmidty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [16:30] |
* | schmidty is now known as Guest58110 | [16:30] |
ben_vulpes | xmonad sucks as much as haskell sucks, for the simple reason that one must load haskell's horseshit into head to use it. | [16:31] |
ben_vulpes | stumpwm is marginally better, and... | [16:31] |
ben_vulpes | granted, 18kloc. | [16:32] |
deedbot- | [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.66000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jan 2016 - | [16:33] |
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mircea_popescu | "|hey - heres an idea Apple - rather than enter the world of gimmicks and toys, why dont you spend a little more time sorting out your pathetically expensive and crap server line up? | [16:35] |
mircea_popescu | or are you really aiming to become a glorified consumer gimmicks firm?" | [16:35] |
mircea_popescu | ahaha that thread's gold. | [16:35] |
mircea_popescu | Oct 23, 2001 | [16:35] |
mircea_popescu | "I still can't believe this! All this hype for something so ridiculous! Who cares about an MP3 player? I want something new! I want them to think differently! | [16:35] |
mircea_popescu | Why oh why would they do this?! It's so wrong! It's so stupid!" | [16:35] |
mircea_popescu | << what is this obscurantist claptrap! if i can't model it adequately and measure it experimentaly it's in your mind! | [16:37] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 16:14:41; asciilifeform: << WITHOUT EXCEPTION this kind of thing is said by people who, if you were to wire them to the mains to get the truth, will admit that they see any disease that doesn't show up on a blood test or xray as 'in your mind' | [16:37] |
mircea_popescu | << no, not because dope. because substanceless (ha!) lines of five words each delineating vague posturing of no further interest. | [16:39] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 16:22:46; asciilifeform: << l0l, why? because dope? | [16:39] |
mircea_popescu | << 0 upheaval. what fucking upheaval ? | [16:40] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 16:29:35; asciilifeform: who predicted that, if realistic sex robot is ever thought to be possible (and it is intrinsically a for-men item, as there is not likely to appear a dominance-robot and certainly not a wealth-robot) , there will be mass upheaval. | [16:40] |
mircea_popescu | hey, where did everyone go! let's argue about things! | [16:45] |
mircea_popescu | Wot Rank 15 / 7,591 << ha-HA! | [16:46] |
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ben_vulpes | today i learned about the ongoing lng conversions in the shipping industry | [16:49] |
mircea_popescu | aha ? | [16:53] |
mircea_popescu | did you get to the entire crazy that is "oil quality", how it relates to its density, and what "a barrle" ACTUALLY means ? | [16:54] |
mircea_popescu | guaranteed entertainment for a year's time in smart go-getter types. | [16:54] |
ben_vulpes | no i have not! | [16:57] |
ben_vulpes | is "oil quality" something other than j/g? | [16:57] |
mircea_popescu | myeah. | [16:58] |
mircea_popescu | oil quality is, i daresay, something like beauty in adolescent human females. | [16:58] |
mircea_popescu | for sure more male time / money went into the former to date. | [16:58] |
mircea_popescu | it is certainly a valid, heavy duty phd. "1915-2015, a century of "oil quality"". THAT is something i'd respect. | [16:59] |
ben_vulpes | i have never successfully run down what heresy chevron puts into their techron | [17:01] |
ben_vulpes | makes me fear for my 35 year old engine. | [17:01] |
mircea_popescu | your car is older than you ? | [17:01] |
ben_vulpes | i actually drive out to the rural areas to find low ethanol fuels. | [17:01] |
ben_vulpes | significantly! | [17:01] |
mircea_popescu | a few %s isn't significant anymore :D | [17:02] |
ben_vulpes | 's more than a few. | [17:03] |
ben_vulpes | dunno that people here realize how young i actually am. | [17:03] |
mircea_popescu | weren't you like 28 or something ? | [17:04] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49649 @ 0.00053483 = 26.5538 BTC [-] {2} | [17:04] |
mod6 | So a new version of my V (version 99999 K) has been posted to the website and the ML. | [17:05] |
mod6 | && | [17:05] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [17:05] |
assbot | ... ( ) | [17:05] |
mod6 | | [17:05] |
assbot | [BTC-dev] mod6's V [in perl] version 99999 K ... ( ) | [17:05] |
mod6 | | [17:05] |
assbot | [BTC-dev] mod6's V [in perl] version 99999 K with Cucumber Tests & Testing Guide Included ... ( ) | [17:05] |
mod6 | Enjoy! Let me know if you have questions or run into any problems. Thanks! | [17:05] |
mircea_popescu | cool bans | [17:06] |
ben_vulpes | intel always remembers :P | [17:07] |
ben_vulpes | tasting guido included! | [17:07] |
mircea_popescu | kik | [17:08] |
mircea_popescu | "There is a terrible, terrible, ugly truth underlying all of this, and that is that taxes don't matter to a government that can print money. The government collected $2.4T and spent $3.6T. They'll take what they get, of course, but if they had collected $2T or $3T you/they would not have noticed. The country isn't a household, it is a bank, and as long as the rest of the world believes "we're good for it," then we a | [17:17] |
mircea_popescu | re. When it decides otherwise, look out. The US will go Lehman Brothers faster than you can say Bear Stearns." | [17:17] |
mircea_popescu | heh. | [17:17] |
ben_vulpes | mod6: decided to leave auto-seal-retrieval in there? | [17:19] |
mod6 | yeah, seals, and patches, but not wots. | [17:20] |
ben_vulpes | ah | [17:20] |
mod6 | as discussed before | [17:20] |
ben_vulpes | i saw stan barking about autoprocurement of things and must've misremembered | [17:22] |
mircea_popescu | so check! | [17:24] |
asciilifeform | << how many lines is ~haskell itself~ ? and of what. | [17:25] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 19:22:13; mats: ben_vulpes has briefly mentioned before, but: window system in haskell in 1200 lines | [17:26] |
asciilifeform | THIS MATTERS for fuck's sake | [17:26] |
asciilifeform | is it so hard to grasp..? | [17:26] |
ben_vulpes | mircea_popescu: i did! | [17:26] |
assbot | Logged on 20-10-2015 17:04:18; mircea_popescu: well, i got my link about 500x faster than if i searched for it. somehow. | [17:26] |
mod6 | && | [17:26] |
assbot | Logged on 11-10-2015 23:47:42; mod6: ah. ok. i see. so let the user populate the wots on their own, other stuff, no prob. | [17:26] |
assbot | Logged on 12-10-2015 00:20:41; assbot: Logged on 11-10-2015 23:39:50; mod6: One can do this for sure. The idea was, if the user just has the scrpit, and nothing else, they could sync all the latest wots/seals/vpatches from a mirror. | [17:26] |
jurov | "the Glasgow Haskell compiler is written in Haskell: a 100,000-line application. " | [17:27] |
ben_vulpes | asciilifeform: sure and how many lines is sbcl, and what is it written in? | [17:27] |
asciilifeform | ben_vulpes: sbcl is an interesting beast. there are really two compilers (and before anyone asks, their semantic idempotence is neither proven nor provable) - a bootstrapper, in c, and a battlefield variant, in itself. | [17:28] |
mircea_popescu | it is written in unmovable half ton steel cabinets, which makes it ok. | [17:28] |
asciilifeform | mno that was zetalisp. | [17:28] |
mircea_popescu | aok | [17:28] |
mircea_popescu | so i could wipe this thinkpad and put lispos on it ? | [17:29] |
asciilifeform | in principle! some schmuck actually ported sbcl to x86 'bare arse' | [17:29] |
ben_vulpes | nah you'll have to buy the same computer that gabriel_laddel has | [17:29] |
mircea_popescu | ben_vulpes so it's not really half ton unmovable cabinets. | [17:29] |
mircea_popescu | they're movable in that they don't exiswt. | [17:29] |
asciilifeform | but you would actually have to buy the same computer he had | [17:29] |
asciilifeform | (1990s) | [17:29] |
asciilifeform | this is a result of the tower of babel situation re: pc hardware, rather than anything else. | [17:30] |
ben_vulpes | iirc he's targeting something you can buy from dell today. | [17:30] |
asciilifeform | dell today, gone tomorrow | [17:30] |
mircea_popescu | ^ | [17:30] |
asciilifeform | sop. | [17:30] |
ben_vulpes | and with your combined mirrors... | [17:30] |
mircea_popescu | one carly fiorina away from falling in the shitter./ | [17:30] |
ben_vulpes | "w0nder twin powers, activate!" | [17:30] |
asciilifeform | i have opteron boxes from dell. afaik even this is out of print. | [17:30] |
* | ben_vulpes eagerly awaits mslinux | [17:31] |
asciilifeform | << no upheaval because there is not the vaguest inkling of a threat of anything like a robotic replacement for chix | [17:32] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 19:38:45; mircea_popescu: << 0 upheaval. what fucking upheaval ? | [17:32] |
mircea_popescu | are you kidding ? "chix" in the sense of "out of the street human female" were replaced cca 2005. | [17:32] |
mircea_popescu | who wants "a woman" ? nobody. | [17:32] |
asciilifeform | plenty of folks | [17:32] |
mircea_popescu | not so. | [17:32] |
mircea_popescu | the poor arab beta boys want a RICH woman. | [17:32] |
asciilifeform | they just 'aren't people' on mircea_popescu's planet | [17:33] |
mircea_popescu | but the woman is an unwelcome addition to the resources. | [17:33] |
mircea_popescu | and otherwise, people want a teenager. | [17:33] |
asciilifeform | homo redditicus would kill worlds for one, no ? | [17:33] |
mircea_popescu | "woman" as in, overweight, with college debt, with bad habits, with the entire baggage of having watched as much as 5 mionutes of for-women tv is worth less than a pig. | [17:33] |
mircea_popescu | no. | [17:33] |
mircea_popescu | if homo redditicus would pay as much as five borrowed dollars for "a woman" the us would look like argentina. | [17:34] |
asciilifeform | for the bloke with bad-habits, baggage, debt, tv - what other thing is possible ? | [17:34] |
mircea_popescu | but this is what "a woman" means. | [17:34] |
mircea_popescu | she literally can't add. | [17:34] |
jurov | reddit dudes are fighting to get women? that's new for me | [17:34] |
jurov | asciilifeform: for any example? | [17:34] |
jurov | *got any example | [17:34] |
asciilifeform | jurov: they are not, strictly speaking | [17:34] |
mircea_popescu | jurov the only example i can think of is bingoboingo's fake story | [17:34] |
asciilifeform | any more than the ants in your cellar are 'fighting to take your house' | [17:35] |
mircea_popescu | and notice that it was interestinfg to them PRECISELY because a) he did what they don't do (go for a woman) and b) it blew up in a way threy like. | [17:35] |
mircea_popescu | the only marketable xx item in the us is, "15 yo runaway". | [17:36] |
mircea_popescu | otherwise, no. | [17:36] |
asciilifeform | << it isn't a pure matter of joules, on account of envirowhinerism being a thing. also gotta have 'sufficiently low sulfur' etc. | [17:36] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 19:56:22; ben_vulpes: is "oil quality" something other than j/g? | [17:36] |
asciilifeform | at least for usa/eu markets | [17:36] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform it is on account of refineries being pipes, with turns. | [17:36] |
asciilifeform | this also. | [17:36] |
mircea_popescu | that's all there is. now you gotta know an infinity about the fluid. | [17:36] |
mircea_popescu | so there's epicly many layers to it. | [17:37] |
asciilifeform | this is even (especially?) a problem for coal. if you have noncombustibles in there (and, increasingly, you do) you get ruined furnace, downtime, outages. | [17:37] |
mircea_popescu | they actually have a liquefaction process (in the civilised world, not in the us) that significantly reduces the intellectual relevancy of this | [17:38] |
asciilifeform | fischer-tropsch is back in fashion ?! | [17:38] |
mircea_popescu | but one thing people DO NOT appreciate is that if i had to find the "lost meta-engineers" alf wants to have been in software | [17:38] |
mircea_popescu | they are probably mostly oenologizing oil. | [17:38] |
asciilifeform | as they were in 1944. | [17:38] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform muchly improved. | [17:38] |
mircea_popescu | as they were ever since 1885 or so | [17:38] |
asciilifeform | aha, catalysts have come a long way. | [17:38] |
jurov | asciilifeform: stuff like hydrocracking | [17:38] |
* | asciilifeform admits to quietly following this subject | [17:39] |
asciilifeform | << this looks spiffy but what is a cucumber test ? | [17:39] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 20:03:56; mod6: | [17:39] |
mircea_popescu | incidentally, THIS is where good math would show before biotech | [17:40] |
mircea_popescu | and they mostly don't have it even here. | [17:40] |
mod6 | asciilifeform: Cucumber tests are automated tests that will run specified scenarios against and assert various outcomes. [] | [17:41] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: aha. new catalyst takes perhaps a day to try. | [17:41] |
asciilifeform | (vs a protein-diddler) | [17:41] |
mircea_popescu | more importantly : have you tried it ? | [17:41] |
mircea_popescu | how do you know when you've tried it ? what shape was it ? etc. | [17:41] |
mod6 | For instance, I assert all of the appropriate antecedents and decendants for each vpatch, etc. | [17:41] |
asciilifeform | aha. | [17:41] |
mircea_popescu | much easier to approach, and still hanging. | [17:41] |
asciilifeform | mod6: neato | [17:41] |
mircea_popescu | it's certainly impressive how that part works mod6 | [17:42] |
mircea_popescu | i've been learning a lot watching :D | [17:42] |
asciilifeform | mod6: one aspect which i never fully fleshed out imho needs some thought: when the thing is hooked to a live wwwtron, what is to stop idiots from tossing in arbitrary signed crud from #b-a logs into it ? | [17:42] |
mircea_popescu | i thought we had a header | [17:42] |
mod6 | i like it a lot. its sort of too bad that the step definitions behind the "gherkin" or cucumber scenarios are written in Perl, python may have been easier for people to digest. But I'm not as up too par on that. | [17:42] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: what header | [17:42] |
asciilifeform | diff's header ? | [17:42] |
mircea_popescu | omg have i hallucinated yes | [17:43] |
mod6 | Ruby or others can be used as well...and I've only just started using Ruby as well. (which makes me feel dirty lol) | [17:43] |
asciilifeform | plenty of things that don't belong (e.g., nonvdiffs, vdiffs that were not meant for use in anger) have same header. | [17:43] |
punkman | asciilifeform: well for deedbot I hashed and checked for dupes | [17:43] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform how would that be in "random signed crud" ? | [17:43] |
asciilifeform | 'random' is overstatement. | [17:43] |
mod6 | <+mircea_popescu> it's certainly impressive how that part works mod6 << thx! | [17:43] |
mircea_popescu | so then no, this is policy. | [17:43] |
mircea_popescu | do not sign in the manner of v stuff you don't intend to be in v | [17:43] |
mircea_popescu | or else it's your ass. | [17:43] |
asciilifeform | point is that a malefactor could probably find something public with which to create headache if the mechanism 'takes anything signed like-so' | [17:44] |
mircea_popescu | why, because things are signed by rabid yaks ? | [17:44] |
asciilifeform | ideally not. | [17:44] |
mircea_popescu | so do not do that! | [17:44] |
asciilifeform | but my current thought is that antipatches will have to be a thing, yes. | [17:44] |
mircea_popescu | huh ? | [17:45] |
asciilifeform | e.g. funkenstein's latest patch will need an antipatch | [17:45] |
mircea_popescu | no it won't. his branch will be ignored. | [17:45] |
asciilifeform | (if his key remains in play) | [17:45] |
asciilifeform | ^ | [17:45] |
mircea_popescu | this is why mod6's leafing is important. | [17:45] |
asciilifeform | but if funkenstein learns the ropes and remains a contributor, he will need to antipatch himself. | [17:45] |
mircea_popescu | "you can fuck up at most once per trb release" | [17:45] |
mod6 | yeah. that patch won't be added into the mirror. now if someone wants to try out his patch locally, they'll have to pull his vpatch, and add his key to the wot manually and then see what happens if they want to press out a branch that includes that vpatch. | [17:46] |
mircea_popescu | ^ | [17:46] |
mircea_popescu | splendid design like that, what's wrong with it. | [17:46] |
asciilifeform | << this is the right thing. | [17:46] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 20:18:43; mod6: yeah, seals, and patches, but not wots. | [17:46] |
mircea_popescu | right. | [17:47] |
asciilifeform | the only item that requires manual handling in a correct vtron is keys. | [17:47] |
mircea_popescu | you must also be able to describe which "version" you aim. | [17:47] |
asciilifeform | naturally | [17:47] |
mircea_popescu | well that solves it then. | [17:47] |
asciilifeform | (considering that there is not a meaningful default for it, even in principle) | [17:48] |
mircea_popescu | exactly. more importantly considering what this gives us : | [17:48] |
mircea_popescu | 99c53387aa14a176190880cb00c97fc950133f5af10f3ac is "gimp-v1.0" whereas 9cfb1fc045b401102d02b4ddf581efc7d84e810df28bf80 is "bitcoin v 1.8" | [17:48] |
mircea_popescu | and i can even use the same trusted set of keys. | [17:49] |
mircea_popescu | and it will know what to pull from either chain | [17:49] |
mircea_popescu | ye ken ? | [17:49] |
asciilifeform | naturally | [17:49] |
mircea_popescu | and if key X took a fart in gimp-v-0.9 big deal, this won't see it anyway. | [17:49] |
asciilifeform | it'll be more of a thing once we get the sha1 out of the loop though. | [17:49] |
mircea_popescu | yes. | [17:49] |
mircea_popescu | the huge problem tho, and im sure you have also been thinking on this on the quiet | [17:50] |
mircea_popescu | is that if you set it to what ? sha512 ? little alf v2.0 will come in here and fuck your skull in 20 years | [17:50] |
mircea_popescu | "oh how could you pick sha256!!1" | [17:50] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: i solved this. | [17:50] |
mircea_popescu | "simmer down wildman, it was GREAT in 2015!" | [17:50] |
mircea_popescu | "it's 2035 gramps!" | [17:50] |
asciilifeform | you will see how, and laugh, i predict. | [17:50] |
mircea_popescu | aha ? | [17:50] |
mircea_popescu | cool. | [17:50] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: << thread where i sorta spilled the beans on this. | [17:51] |
assbot | Logged on 14-10-2015 20:12:02; asciilifeform: i suppose i spoiled 'v' a month before publishing, and no one noticed it, so perhaps i ought to 'spoil' this one | [17:51] |
mircea_popescu | aha you want it scriptable | [17:52] |
asciilifeform | yes. | [17:52] |
asciilifeform | no hardcoded algos, other than arithmetical. period. | [17:52] |
mircea_popescu | perhaps. i dun see it yet, but this is mostly because i am not a coder myself. | [17:52] |
* | mod6 thinks ont his | [17:53] |
asciilifeform | prototype is essentially an 'rpn calculator' where you can push bignums on the stack and instruction 0x01 --> 'pop two, multiply, push back' or 0x70 --> modular-exponentiate, etc. | [17:53] |
asciilifeform | the beauty is that with a few hundred bytes of overhead, it can eat standard gpg messages | [17:54] |
asciilifeform | (working on reducing this) | [17:54] |
mircea_popescu | if you are going to do this, you nut | [17:54] |
mircea_popescu | why the fuck not make the machine ternary. | [17:54] |
asciilifeform | gnarly on existing iron. doable | [17:55] |
* | asciilifeform experimented. | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | who cares | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | so you mean my p4 will take 0.03 seconds instead of the 0.00007 ? | [17:55] |
asciilifeform | cause all of a sudden a shr or shl is O(N) ! | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | omaigerd. | [17:55] |
asciilifeform | you wanne live with that? | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | what bytes ? i have 2jiggabits free | [17:55] |
asciilifeform | time dimension. | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | you do not use shr or shl. you use proper algos. | [17:55] |
asciilifeform | and they are made of what? | [17:55] |
mircea_popescu | does trinary suck ? | [17:55] |
asciilifeform | on a binary machine? yes | [17:56] |
mircea_popescu | why is this a binary machine ? | [17:56] |
asciilifeform | to be clear, i was speaking of emulated computer, not a physical one | [17:56] |
mircea_popescu | i understand that. why is this machine of mine binary! | [17:56] |
asciilifeform | given that i presently lack a fab | [17:56] |
mircea_popescu | if i put two registers together, have i now made a trinary register ? | [17:56] |
asciilifeform | take a sharp pencil and work out how base-n arithmetic is done on a base-m box. | [17:57] |
mircea_popescu | leaving aside the technical talk, understand the high level strategic considerations. | [17:58] |
asciilifeform | and what this costs. | [17:58] |
mircea_popescu | IF we are ever going to do this, THIS is the place to test it. | [17:58] |
mircea_popescu | the value is relatively small - oh noes, enemy is gonna mess up our code ? so yoy mean like on github ?! | [17:58] |
mircea_popescu | the damage is immense - imagine, now they gotta learn ternary to even approach this! | [17:58] |
mircea_popescu | find a way to do it in ternary you won a major engagement. | [17:58] |
* | asciilifeform admits that he was very tempted to do precisely this. but went in for 'absolute minimum of moving parts' for the current experimental item, for reasons which are not difficult to understand | [18:00] |
mircea_popescu | i can see the logic, yes | [18:00] |
mircea_popescu | but this logic is better! | [18:00] |
asciilifeform | aha but now can't use bignum stack from pgp 1.4, etc. | [18:00] |
mircea_popescu | why not ? | [18:00] |
mircea_popescu | stop telling me "can't" you'll get yourself fired | [18:00] |
asciilifeform | because this is no longer emulating an ideal ternary box | [18:00] |
mircea_popescu | what sort of job reversal is this! | [18:00] |
asciilifeform | it'd be 'cheating' | [18:01] |
mircea_popescu | so cheat. | [18:01] |
asciilifeform | then in what sense is the result 'emulated ternary box' ? | [18:01] |
asciilifeform | simply that we're encoding constants as ternaries ? | [18:01] |
mircea_popescu | ideally that the algos are written for a ternary box | [18:02] |
mircea_popescu | which is then WELL emulated on binary box. | [18:02] |
asciilifeform | my understanding was that mircea_popescu is asking for a virtual version of something that could later be siliconized. | [18:02] |
mircea_popescu | yup | [18:02] |
jurov | why not just use urbit, gotta stand on shoulder of giants :D | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | word :D | [18:03] |
asciilifeform | anyway it is inevitable that there will be multiple generations of this. it is a very thick mental cock that folks will have to slowly and methodically dilate for before it can fully park. | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | yep. | [18:03] |
mircea_popescu | just gotta get clear where it's headed and what we want. | [18:04] |
asciilifeform | i can already picture the reaction folks will have to my sha512 that takes 10,001 times longer than the customary one | [18:04] |
mircea_popescu | fuck them | [18:04] |
mircea_popescu | i can already picture the reaction "folks" will have to anything, from you going naked in the street to you making chirality engine. | [18:04] |
mircea_popescu | forget about that. | [18:04] |
mircea_popescu | and stop spamming wikipedia or what was it. | [18:04] |
asciilifeform | lolwat | [18:04] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37630 @ 0.00053988 = 20.3157 BTC [+] {3} | [18:04] |
mircea_popescu | didn't you get banned for spamming something or the other | [18:04] |
mircea_popescu | stackoverflow ? | [18:05] |
asciilifeform | bunchaplaces. but it was always 'we oughta ban' vs. proper ban | [18:05] |
asciilifeform | (perhaps tlp could ascertain exactly why) | [18:05] |
asciilifeform | i suppose even this gets 'meta'-d | [18:05] |
mircea_popescu | i rcall one ridiculous instance was something about i dunno, b-a related somehow | [18:05] |
asciilifeform | it was when some schmuck made a page on mircea_popescu at pediwikia | [18:05] |
mircea_popescu | the specifics escape me. burt anyway | [18:05] |
mircea_popescu | oh! that it was! | [18:06] |
mircea_popescu | see ? | [18:06] |
* | hazirafel has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [18:06] |
* | asciilifeform bbl, off to do some maths | [18:06] |
mircea_popescu | for bonus points : shoots all possible intel "optimization" in the head | [18:09] |
mircea_popescu | with a caterpillar combine. | [18:09] |
mircea_popescu | this, even if only prototyped, is well in excess of a billion dollars in nsa budget costs. which is, and will for a while be, quite sufficident. | [18:10] |
mircea_popescu | or as usgavin_fucktardessen would say, "i always advocated engagement". | [18:11] |
mircea_popescu | << daily tlp win. | [18:15] |
assbot | The Last Psychiatrist: Hot Sports Reporter Ines Sainz Was Sexually Harassed ... ( ) | [18:15] |
mircea_popescu | "What you want is to be able to behave sexy, or rude, or ridiculous, or offensive-- and still demand to be seen the way you want to be seen. | [18:15] |
mircea_popescu | It may be unfair, but it is the most important fact of human existence: people exist independently of you." | [18:15] |
mircea_popescu | Note the power set up. All you fools think that female reporters are in the locker rooms because it is some sort of measure of equality, "why should the males get the best interviews?" that this is somehow a success for equality, something that women had to struggle to earn, and you think that because you were told that. | [18:27] |
mircea_popescu | Women didn't earn this over the resistance of an old boy network; the media conglomerates decided it would be awesome to televise a hyperfemale in a locker room with a nearly naked hypermale and pretend there's no sexuality implied. So anything that goes wrong is between individuals, nothing to do with the Machine. | [18:27] |
mircea_popescu | CFNM, right there on ESPN. | [18:27] |
mircea_popescu | mmmmyeah. | [18:27] |
* | schmidty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [18:30] |
* | schmidty is now known as Guest1498 | [18:31] |
* | Guest1498 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [18:35] |
jurov | | [18:40] |
assbot | This 11-year-old is selling cryptographically secure passwords for $2 each | Ars Technica ... ( ) | [18:40] |
jurov | now that's business | [18:40] |
trinque | As of now, she said she's sold "around 30" in total, including in-person sales. << Thanks, grandma! | [18:41] |
mircea_popescu | younger than usagi | [18:43] |
mircea_popescu | anyone recall that idiot's business idea ? | [18:43] |
trinque | << this thing? | [18:48] |
assbot | Logged on 28-05-2013 04:34:42; usagi: Everything TU.SILVER does is better than any other similar business in the community, and I guarantee it will be that way forever, because, I have my legacy to consider | [18:48] |
mod6 | <+trinque> As of now, she said she's sold "around 30" in total, including in-person sales. << Thanks, grandma! << haha | [18:50] |
mircea_popescu | nono | [18:52] |
mircea_popescu | he had a "business" to make 8kb or larger rsa keys for "Cusomers" | [18:52] |
mircea_popescu | "And you need not go further than one of our stores on midnight at the end of the month. And it's real interesting to watch, about 11 p.m., customers start to come in and shop, fill their grocery basket with basic items, baby formula, milk, bread, eggs,and continue to shop and mill about the store until midnight, when electronic -- government electronic benefits cards get activated and then the checkout starts and occu | [18:57] |
mircea_popescu | rs. And our sales for those first few hours on the first of the month are substantially and significantly higher." | [18:57] |
mircea_popescu | ^ walmart ceo | [18:57] |
mircea_popescu | bwahaha | [19:06] |
mircea_popescu | "The global capitalist system is approaching an apocalyptic zero point... comprised by an ecological crisis, the consequences of a biogenetic revolution, imbalances within the system itself, and the explosive growth of social divisions and exclusions." | [19:06] |
mircea_popescu | gotta hand it to the socialist mind. after having spent 50 years explaining how the predictable, obvious and necessary failures of both socialist systems seen to date "aren't really failures of socialism - because the nazis were evil and stalin was wrong), | [19:07] |
mircea_popescu | now they move on to pretending like the failure of the third attempt as socialism was really called for no reason "capitalism" and lo and behold, socialism failing EVEN WHEN IT MASQUERADES AS CAPITALISM proves ~capitalism~ doesn't work. | [19:08] |
mircea_popescu | there's a reason socialism is the ideology of the stupid, and it's this sorta fatlogic | [19:08] |
mircea_popescu | "hey, i didn't lose any weight on that mcdonalds diet - because corporations are evil ; nor when i went to that magical fairy wicca woman, because she was a scammer. but it didn't even work while i was PRETENDING to be working out while watching chicks work out on tv! clearly dieting doesn' work! certainly being fat is the natural state of stupid people!" | [19:09] |
mircea_popescu | yey, certainly. | [19:09] |
mircea_popescu | capitalims got you from where your president couldn't afford to pay the bill to stay in a hotel in Europe, so he had to stay in the stable section of a cheap inn, to where you could derp about how things should be. it works. | [19:10] |
mircea_popescu | what doesn't work is you derping about how things shiould be. never has. never will. | [19:11] |
* | schmidty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:21] |
* | schmidty is now known as Guest70572 | [19:22] |
mircea_popescu | << incidentally, this colbert incident should be studied - STUDIED, like i studied fucking seinfeld - by anyone aspiring to any sort of political (as opposed to technical) involvement in bitcoin. | [19:22] |
assbot | The Last Psychiatrist: The Legend Of Steven Colbert ... ( ) | [19:22] |
mircea_popescu | the tv personality went there AS A TV PERSONALITY, to confront the other tv personalities. because that's what everyone in congress is : a b lister, of dubious talent, coming not from central casting but from ballot casting. | [19:22] |
mircea_popescu | and he told them exactly what you'd expect : my magic is more powerful than your magic, notwithstanding that your magic contains a statement of its own all-powerfullness and my magic doies not. this is not the criteria. | [19:23] |
mircea_popescu | the fact that i get a seat at the table and you have to wait for the reporters to invite you in, that's the criteria. | [19:23] |
mircea_popescu | butthurt the hell out of the "system", too. | [19:24] |
mircea_popescu | "I think his testimony was not appropriate," | [19:24] |
mircea_popescu | but what difference does it make what a senator [says he] thinks ? | [19:25] |
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mircea_popescu | (and, note, colber's power has EXACTLY NOTHING to do with "TV" in the sense of "system". the franchises use actors in masks now, because they want to keep the copyrights, it's their "Character"| and why should an actor get to own the face of their character. but colbert is not that. so, no, it's not the system.) | [19:27] |
mircea_popescu | "From this very clear description of the problem comes the most terrible solution imaginable: let's go back to the authoritarian approach." << exactly. there is a reason the schelling points of failing socialism are always PERSONS. you don't like colbert, pick another Dear Leader. what you can not do is go all "country of laws not men", that's dead. | [19:29] |
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mircea_popescu | and so you know, there's a b lister that's kinda half-black or whatever, from kenya. nobody cares. get all agitated when carson v2.0 turns out to be black. | [19:41] |
mircea_popescu | that's why chris rock / chapelle were so important. they didn't make it tho. | [19:41] |
* | pete_dushenski (~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:47] |
* | assbot gives voice to pete_dushenski | [19:48] |
pete_dushenski | greetings and salutations ! | [19:48] |
pete_dushenski | i see that there's a modest pile of logs and quite a bit more trilema to catch up on. | [19:49] |
pete_dushenski | j'espere que vous avez tous passez une belle fin de semaine | [19:50] |
jurov | plus #eulora. plus btc-dev mailing list. plus tlp. plus.... | [19:50] |
pete_dushenski | i spent the who weekend speaking french so i'm still thinking in it lol | [19:51] |
pete_dushenski | whole* | [19:51] |
pete_dushenski | jurov: it never ends ! | [19:51] |
mircea_popescu | jurov ikr ? i've been spamming the shit out of tlp, but the truth is it's a much more convenient format than trying to make all thgese half and quarter articles into trilema items. | [19:51] |
pete_dushenski | not that i'm looking for it to end, mind oyu | [19:52] |
mircea_popescu | for that matter - im almost done with 2010, there's only ~4 years left, i should hope im done this month. | [19:52] |
mircea_popescu | i do however hold all these as conversation openers, if anyone ever feels like delving into one of the articles etc i'll be happy to hear the conversations. truth is digesting tlp will take more than just this. | [19:53] |
mircea_popescu | this incident aside, the cultural production of b-a/b,tmsr~/the cult/however you wish to call it is both scary and exploding on an exponential. i dunno how we'll cope. | [19:54] |
pete_dushenski | mircea_popescu: going through tlp that methodically and chronologically is sure to yield an interesting unfolding of intellectual development. it'd be pretty well impossible to do with with trilema unless one also spoke ro, but even just the last three years of reading would be a hell of a journey/mindtrip | [19:54] |
mircea_popescu | pete_dushenski unlike in the case of tlp, i'm also here to scream back. | [19:55] |
mircea_popescu | imagine how the past two weeks would have looked like if ballas was actually up there in the wot. | [19:55] |
pete_dushenski | too true | [19:55] |
pete_dushenski | you think it'd be that different ? he doesn't seem like much of a boxer | [19:55] |
pete_dushenski | would prolly read comments and say "yup, point taken | [19:56] |
pete_dushenski | " | [19:56] |
mircea_popescu | how wopuld one know. | [19:56] |
pete_dushenski | based on comments on ? | [19:56] |
mircea_popescu | mebbe so huh. | [19:59] |
mircea_popescu | i confess i almost never read the comments. | [19:59] |
mircea_popescu | for the random pile of asciilifeform's aftermarket shocks : | [20:02] |
assbot | The Last Psychiatrist: Fanapt: Deconstructing A Promotional Slide Deck ... ( ) | [20:02] |
pete_dushenski | ballas isn't even fiesty nor viligent enough to block spam from coming through. "hermes bags! cheap jeans!" abound. | [20:02] |
mircea_popescu | turns out fanapt has 5ht7 activity, afaik tlp is right : unique to this drug | [20:02] |
pete_dushenski | and then there's the plain bizarre comments such as "Am the happiest woman on earth,, my husband just called me this mornings after divorcing for another woman going to 6Months with the help of this man i met on this site please help me to thank him and the author of this site his name is Dr Aida Wedo His phone number is +2348115436578 his email is my name is William Sarah am from | [20:04] |
pete_dushenski | Ohio Thank you very much for your help" | [20:04] |
pete_dushenski | << sounds about right for a man this comfortable with his alcoholism and at the age where he'd have the perspective to recognise it as such | [20:06] |
assbot | Logged on 24-10-2015 19:40:09; mircea_popescu: in other news, intel finally teased out tlp's email. if anyone cares, he's 52. etc. | [20:06] |
pete_dushenski | much younger and he's just 'enjoying life', much older and he wouldn't be blogging. | [20:08] |
mircea_popescu | guess so. | [20:10] |
pete_dushenski | convenient ex post narrative but hey, why not | [20:11] |
pete_dushenski | mircea_popescu: didja drop tlp an email then ? | [20:19] |
mircea_popescu | yea | [20:19] |
pete_dushenski | just invite him here or... ? | [20:20] |
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mircea_popescu | !up pf2k | [20:55] |
-assbot- | You voiced pf2k for 30 minutes. | [20:55] |
* | assbot gives voice to pf2k | [20:55] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59615 @ 0.00053797 = 32.0711 BTC [-] {3} | [21:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32900 @ 0.00054596 = 17.9621 BTC [+] {3} | [21:21] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: l0l re: the prolactin | [21:22] |
asciilifeform | phun exercise: loop up what prolactin ~inhibitors~ do in human male. | [21:23] |
asciilifeform | *look up | [21:23] |
asciilifeform | BingoBoingo, gabriel_laddel ^ | [21:24] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17710 @ 0.00054603 = 9.6702 BTC [+] {2} | [21:25] |
* | assbot removes voice from pf2k | [21:26] |
BingoBoingo | lol | [21:28] |
asciilifeform | ;;later tell mircea_popescu << pet sayeth: 'how does mircea_popescu square his masked-superhero-for-fungibility theory with the fact that the actors appear maskless for long stretches of any one of these films ?' | [21:30] |
gribble | The operation succeeded. | [21:30] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 22:26:01; mircea_popescu: (and, note, colber's power has EXACTLY NOTHING to do with "TV" in the sense of "system". the franchises use actors in masks now, because they want to keep the copyrights, it's their "Character"| and why should an actor get to own the face of their character. but colbert is not that. so, no, it's not the system.) | [21:30] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44500 @ 0.0005479 = 24.3816 BTC [+] {2} | [21:32] |
BingoBoingo | Well, they way they've handled it in the past is they just change actors and STFU. In the past 12 years the Hulk was Eric Bana, then it was Edward Norton, the Mark something or other. Cattle doesn't care. | [21:32] |
asciilifeform | << did he also offer a deflowering service ? | [21:33] |
assbot | Logged on 25-10-2015 21:51:05; mircea_popescu: he had a "business" to make 8kb or larger rsa keys for "Cusomers" | [21:33] |
asciilifeform | BingoBoingo: the theory was, iirc, 'audience won't notice because mask' | [21:33] |
BingoBoingo | Noticing happens in degrees. | [21:34] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform we did the entire male milking thing with bb a few months ago | [21:36] |
asciilifeform | nonono | [21:36] |
asciilifeform | ~inhibitors~ | [21:36] |
mircea_popescu | oh. | [21:36] |
asciilifeform | i won't spoil it, will let folks drop their jaws when they look up precisely what. | [21:36] |
mircea_popescu | ask pet how does she square the fact that women can't be seen without makeup/their pursew with the fact that most of their existence they spend without either ? | [21:36] |
mircea_popescu | "in public!!11" | [21:37] |
asciilifeform | speaking only of the particular pet, it is innocent of makeup, and has purse solely because pockets are not consistently implemented in woman's clothing | [21:37] |
* | ag3nt_zer0 (328f93cf@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:37] |
mircea_popescu | what was it, impotence ? | [21:37] |
asciilifeform | nope. | [21:38] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform yes, but the way this works isn't like the man in the iron mask. the way this works is to create a fetish of power. "why is X no longer Y ? how can Z become now Y ?" "it's the mask, stupid" | [21:38] |
asciilifeform | !s cabergoline | [21:38] |
assbot | 0 results for 'cabergoline' : | [21:38] |
asciilifeform | ^ hm. looks like this one isn't in the logz! | [21:38] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: then - yes. | [21:39] |
asciilifeform | makes sense. | [21:39] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14624 @ 0.00054742 = 8.0055 BTC [-] | [21:39] |
mircea_popescu | "Partial isolated prolactin deficiency is rare, and case reports of total isolated prolactin deficiency are rarer still and may have a genetic component (ie, familial puerperal alactogenesis). Although the endocrine and metabolic function of prolactin is not fully understood, the clinical manifestation of prolactin deficiency is probably limited to puerperal alactogenesis." << sayeth Charles T Benson, MD, PhD | [21:39] |
asciilifeform | aka 'salute the uniform, not the man.' | [21:39] |
asciilifeform | mircea_popescu: this is re: females | [21:39] |
asciilifeform | notice 'alactogenesis' | [21:39] |
asciilifeform | the riddle concerned what it does in males. | [21:40] |
mircea_popescu | no refractory period ? | [21:40] |
* | mircea_popescu is left guessing | [21:40] |
asciilifeform | aha! | [21:40] |
asciilifeform | dingdingding | [21:40] |
asciilifeform | winner. | [21:40] |
mircea_popescu | o lol. | [21:40] |
mircea_popescu | this is NOT desirable tho | [21:40] |
asciilifeform | there ~is~ apparently an underground market in the drug | [21:40] |
asciilifeform | and in the other one, whose name escapes me, which ~doesn't~ also slowly atrophy your heart | [21:41] |
asciilifeform | but apparently (i have not verified this personally, nor do i intend to), | [21:41] |
asciilifeform | chemistry has an answer for 'i want a female orgasm damnit and fuck the consequences' | [21:42] |
mircea_popescu | i am satisfied that i have had rather female orgasms. | [21:42] |
mircea_popescu | the trick is, very well trained fellationist. | [21:42] |
asciilifeform | how many per minute. | [21:43] |
mircea_popescu | not how it works. the trick is very slow stimulation. takes the usual half hour | [21:44] |
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mircea_popescu | after which you spend however long having lithe orgasms | [21:44] |
* | DreadKnight (~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:45] |
asciilifeform | at any rate, prolactin appears to be reused in the male as 'off switch.' | [21:45] |
asciilifeform | why - ask it, not me. | [21:46] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81450 @ 0.00054083 = 44.0506 BTC [-] {2} | [21:57] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87592 @ 0.00053219 = 46.6156 BTC [-] {3} | [22:17] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12075 @ 0.00053171 = 6.4204 BTC [-] {2} | [22:18] |
mircea_popescu | ;;ticker | [22:18] |
gribble | Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 286.8, Best ask: 286.94, Bid-ask spread: 0.14000, Last trade: 286.8, 24 hour volume: 37571.85862019, 24 hour low: 281.2, 24 hour high: 295.99, 24 hour vwap: None | [22:18] |
BingoBoingo | ;;ticker --market all | [22:21] |
gribble | Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 285.09, vol: 30655.51471028 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 276.625, vol: 10094.93123 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 286.5, vol: 37571.85862019 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 274.09, vol: 0.72974198 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 293.6367, vol: 63823.40580000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 284.40969, vol: 113.93651011 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 273.3704, vol: 135.06881874 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) | [22:21] |
BingoBoingo | ;;more | [22:21] |
gribble | 288.680941668 | [22:21] |
* | asciilifeform l0lz at the fact that one can get a usg mil-std portable for < 300 usd new | [22:26] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40532 @ 0.0005395 = 21.867 BTC [+] {2} | [22:59] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92700 @ 0.00053156 = 49.2756 BTC [-] {2} | [23:03] |
kakobrekla | url? | [23:06] |
asciilifeform | of what? | [23:08] |
kakobrekla | you speak of computer no? | [23:09] |
asciilifeform | aha | [23:09] |
BingoBoingo | ;;bc,stats | [23:09] |
gribble | Current Blocks: 380564 | Current Difficulty: 6.088382548009828E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 381023 | Next Difficulty In: 459 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 23 hours, 31 minutes, and 56 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None | [23:09] |
asciilifeform | dell's 'chromebook 11'. but keep in mind 1) it requires heavy-duty massage to transform into something like a civilized pc and 2) 'mil-std' is not 'stops rifle bullet' but simply means it passed some degree of traditional vibration, dust, water tortures. | [23:10] |
asciilifeform | and has rubber all over it. | [23:10] |
kakobrekla | all i need to know. | [23:10] |
asciilifeform | this one's an intel box. | [23:10] |
asciilifeform | (the chrome-widgets come in two varieties, arm and intel) | [23:11] |
asciilifeform | out of the box they are quite useless, a kind of 'webtv' | [23:11] |
asciilifeform | (for those who remember 1990s) | [23:11] |
asciilifeform | these have the distinction of being riotously cheap - no microshit tax in the price. | [23:12] |
asciilifeform | for some years i have experiment, on and off, with transforming them into something like a computer | [23:12] |
asciilifeform | with variable success. | [23:12] |
asciilifeform | (e.g., i had a vivisected arm chromebook with me in romania, as disposable comp.) | [23:12] |
Zuardi | asciilifeform do you use crouton or have replaced the webtv completely? | [23:14] |
asciilifeform | Zuardi: generally you gotta use crouton to reflash the rom in. after that, proper linux. | [23:16] |
asciilifeform | Zuardi: depending on whether you have the patience, you can use 'buildroot' or similar to cook one. | [23:16] |
Zuardi | asciilifeform I have a samsung arm one, but still using crouton | [23:17] |
asciilifeform | also typically there is a write-protect jumper on the eeprom in the box, that has to be removed. | [23:17] |
asciilifeform | i have the early samsung arm box, and a few others | [23:17] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33458 @ 0.00053059 = 17.7525 BTC [-] {3} | [23:18] |
kakobrekla | so mil chromebooks server as disposable terminals? how could those nettops be used for anything anyway? | [23:18] |
kakobrekla | serve* | [23:18] |
asciilifeform | the jumper in the samsung is a circular sticker of conductive rubber in the upper edge of the mb | [23:18] |
asciilifeform | kakobrekla: the dell is a normal intel box inside, just with weird bios. | [23:18] |
asciilifeform | what, if anything, in your household calls for one of these things, i cannot say. | [23:19] |
kakobrekla | what, a closed turd from google? | [23:19] |
asciilifeform | aha! how'd you guess. | [23:19] |
asciilifeform | to add insult to injury, gentoo-based! | [23:19] |
asciilifeform | (google uses the gpl as a urinal and has, for years. this is not, i think, a secret.) | [23:20] |
kakobrekla | so ms will control the govts and google the mil | [23:20] |
asciilifeform | google just makes the firmware for these, as i understand. | [23:21] |
kakobrekla | just? | [23:22] |
asciilifeform | aha | [23:22] |
asciilifeform | it isn't a hardware co. | [23:22] |
kakobrekla | firmware so innocent. | [23:22] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.00053233 = 4.4183 BTC [+] | [23:23] |
asciilifeform | anyway 1st step to using one of these boxes as something like a computer is reformat, naturally. | [23:23] |
asciilifeform | but use case is pretty narrow. | [23:25] |
asciilifeform | ('need a computer, that is lightweight, but for taking to a place where it is likely to grow legs, e.g., airport) | [23:26] |
asciilifeform | they also work ok for running lab instruments (laser, cnc, etc) while taking minimal desk space. | [23:27] |
asciilifeform | i cannot recommend them (or any other intel box) for 'airgapped crypto', missile control, reactor, etc. | [23:29] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71000 @ 0.00052726 = 37.4355 BTC [-] {3} | [23:29] |
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Category: Logs