Forum logs for 22 Feb 2016

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
mircea_popescu wb [00:02]
* p15 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:10]
* aegis has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) [00:32]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82470 @ 0.00057402 = 47.3394 BTC [+] {3} [00:32]
* dignork has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [00:33]
trinque << this is because that's not a sig for buildroot; it's an armored signed copy of buildroot's hash [00:34]
assbot Logged on 21-02-2016 02:30:15; assbot: Logged on 20-02-2016 20:41:35; ben_vulpes: mod6: i am *still* getting this with gpg: WARNING: not a detached signature; file 'buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz' was NOT verified! [00:34]
mod6 trinque: wb [00:35]
mod6 yah. i realized that lastnight. i think it also has to do with that i was using a derp version of gnupg too [00:35]
trinque mod6: good evening, and cool [00:35]
mod6 anyway, not sure how i ever mixed that up. [00:35]
mod6 anyway, i the latest, we just pulled that out for the time being. [00:36]
danielpbarron ;; later tell phf << There's one on Fulton Street with great food [00:41]
gribble The operation succeeded. [00:41]
assbot Logged on 21-02-2016 22:49:39; phf: aah, i'll ask him when he's around, but that's west coast. they have great saunas there [00:41]
* JuliaTourianski_ (68c89733@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:48]
mircea_popescu !up JuliaTourianski_ [00:52]
-assbot- You voiced JuliaTourianski_ for 30 minutes. [00:52]
* assbot gives voice to JuliaTourianski_ [00:52]
JuliaTourianski_ it's been a while [00:52]
mircea_popescu how goes ? [00:52]
mircea_popescu hey, were you running a russian bath thing or am i completely delusional ? [00:53]
JuliaTourianski_ my headache just disappeared. magical! [00:53]
JuliaTourianski_ I am still running one [00:53]
mircea_popescu where was it ? [00:53]
JuliaTourianski_ will be running 2 in the forseeable future [00:53]
JuliaTourianski_ Canada [00:54]
mircea_popescu yes but which side of the pancake. [00:54]
JuliaTourianski_ E [00:54]
mircea_popescu so... how about you pay the fine establishment a visit phf ? [00:55]
JuliaTourianski_ my mother got a call the other day with some guy asking her if we have glory holes. she had no idea what he meant. [00:55]
mircea_popescu lol. [00:55]
JuliaTourianski_ phf? [00:56]
mircea_popescu [00:56]
assbot Logged on 21-02-2016 19:08:14; phf: as soon as i can move again, i'm going to make it to russian&turkish baths in nyc. they don't really do saunas on the east coast, but that baths place is awesome [00:56]
JuliaTourianski_ I like the fulton st bathhouse in nyc (amazing food), and this one nice atmosphere, oldschool family run [00:57]
assbot AMAZING COMPANY! [00:57]
assbot 010813rtbh ... ( ) [00:57]
JuliaTourianski_ they gave me a discount cuz I'm a fellow owner [00:58]
mircea_popescu eh girls get discounts everywhere nudity's even vaguely involved. [00:58]
JuliaTourianski_ not true. the unisex nude on in san fran gave me no discount [00:58]
mircea_popescu wrong kinda girl. shoulda been gay. [00:59]
JuliaTourianski_ all girls are gay [00:59]
JuliaTourianski_ if they so choose [00:59]
mircea_popescu alright, i give, i got nothing. [00:59]
phf of course, i'm always interested in new sauna places [00:59]
JuliaTourianski_ ur euro born right [01:00]
phf yes, russian [01:00]
* mitch_callahan (~mitch_cal@unaffiliated/menahem) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:00]
JuliaTourianski_ Ive been to bathhouses all over [01:00]
phf i prefer contrast baths, hot bath, cold plunge, but yeah i've been to all kinds [01:01]
JuliaTourianski_ in turkey, we were walking round hoping to go to a hamam the next day..when we saw steam rising from one of the buildings...we inquired to find the oldest haman of turkey! it was amazing. they scrubbed me down so hard. and they giggled at my shyness. [01:02]
assbot AMAZING COMPANY! [01:02]
JuliaTourianski_ hammam* [01:02]
mircea_popescu pretty cool. [01:03]
phf is that the one that's few blocks away from hagia sophia? [01:03]
JuliaTourianski_ couldnt tell u [01:04]
mircea_popescu should be. [01:04]
JuliaTourianski_ the general rule is...the more expensive a bathhouse is, the less authentic cuz only white tourists would pay that much to bathe... [01:05]
mircea_popescu JuliaTourianski_ did you get that gaming system made ? [01:05]
JuliaTourianski_ yes. waiting for new monitor [01:06]
JuliaTourianski_ but has not filled my order for days... [01:06]
mircea_popescu the girl/boy ratio in eulora is starting to skew the wrong way! [01:06]
phf i've noticed that, there's a place right between the sophia and blue mosque, that's all turist. [01:06]
JuliaTourianski_ so why is eulora different than minecraft [01:07]
mircea_popescu minecraft just creates shit out of thin air neh ? [01:07]
JuliaTourianski_ am i masculine cuz i was addicted to minecraft or feminine because i built a kitchen [01:08]
mircea_popescu you're gay for caring! [01:08]
JuliaTourianski_ so ghay [01:08]
danielpbarron minecraft is way more focused on sandboxing [01:08]
mircea_popescu danielpbarron i never played it, but is it inflationary ? [01:09]
danielpbarron very [01:09]
JuliaTourianski_ do i have to give mp money to have fun in eulora [01:09]
mircea_popescu well then that's the difference. [01:09]
mircea_popescu JuliaTourianski_ nah atm noobs are making a pretty penny mining. [01:09]
JuliaTourianski_ ill give it a shot once my monitor happens [01:10]
danielpbarron i used to play on a hardcore pvp server that had a decent economy (for minecraft) and they would have to periodically reset the whole world [01:10]
mircea_popescu weren't ppls bitching that went scam or was that a different thing [01:10]
mircea_popescu danielpbarron that's just fucking ridoinculous. [01:10]
JuliaTourianski_ not yet [01:10]
phf danielpbarron: wait, fullton street in nyc? [01:12]
danielpbarron ya [01:12]
phf interesting, i've not been to that one [01:12]
JuliaTourianski_ great food [01:13]
danielpbarron i pulled off some pretty cool raids on that minecraft server; the guy who made it coded this thing you could build out of expensive parts that would like you track down where people were if they stood in one place too long (usually building their big stupid elaborate base) [01:14]
mircea_popescu butthurt ensues ? [01:14]
danielpbarron got to the point i built a tracker so big i could scan the whole map using binary substitution, and just collected and sold coordinates to other people [01:14]
mircea_popescu lol [01:14]
phf the one on second ave has pretty good food, but it's really just one guy cooking it. this wallstreetspa place seems like they might have a cook [01:15]
JuliaTourianski_ mircea_popescu what do u think of physicals [01:17]
mircea_popescu what are those ? [01:17]
JuliaTourianski_ physical bitcoin [01:18]
mircea_popescu i never cared, myself. nubbins` is the resident expert really. [01:18]
JuliaTourianski_ [01:19]
assbot Blog « Photography, Illustration & Creative Retouching – Portfolio of Maxfield Mellenbruch ... ( ) [01:19]
mircea_popescu lol i didn't know you were an artist. [01:22]
* assbot removes voice from JuliaTourianski_ [01:22]
mircea_popescu !rated JuliaTourianski_ [01:22]
assbot You rated user JuliaTourianski_ on 22-Sep-2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: Manages the beer for a family owned Russian bathouse with handmage sausages in Mississauga.. [01:22]
mircea_popescu ha. voice yourself wouldja. [01:22]
danielpbarron the thing with "load your own key" physicals is it defeats at least some of the purpose [01:23]
ben_vulpes (hi trinque!) [01:23]
danielpbarron although i'm with nubbins` on the whole gpg chain of ownership method [01:24]
danielpbarron bitcoin can never exist strictly as a physical token; there needs to be some sort of bank-like entity to put a name on it [01:24]
asciilifeform to the extent 'physical coin' is a mechanism for storing actual coin, vs mere decoration, it is a Bad Idea. [01:25]
mircea_popescu seems to me rather obvious these are intended as decorative accessories. [01:25]
mircea_popescu i can see what the girls are trying to do. it's nb. [01:25]
phf seems like it would appeal to the same "commemorative" crowd as in fiat [01:25]
mircea_popescu phf no, it's the porsche for a new generation. tho i'm unsure whether anyone here understands or cares to think about what those things ~are~. [01:26]
ben_vulpes v. cool, phf. [01:26]
ben_vulpes (swank, that is) [01:27]
ben_vulpes (swanky, one might say) [01:27]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: waiwut [01:28]
mircea_popescu better questions! [01:28]
asciilifeform what they are [01:28]
asciilifeform . [01:29]
mircea_popescu lol ? [01:29]
asciilifeform 'veblen good' ? [01:29]
* dignork (~dignork@unaffiliated/dignork) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:30]
mircea_popescu not exactly [01:33]
mircea_popescu let's go at it this way : ever seen how much bums value cell phones ? [01:33]
asciilifeform have seen the abstract fact of bum with phone, yes [01:34]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30750 @ 0.00057405 = 17.652 BTC [+] [01:37]
punkman danielpbarron: bitcoin can never exist strictly as a physical token; there needs to be some sort of bank-like entity to put a name on it << the keys are always stored on physical tokens. unless you have a brainwallet (and the mind-reading machine has not been invented yet). [01:39]
ben_vulpes this is an implementation detail, punkman [01:40]
danielpbarron yeah but you don't usually pass around private keys like bank notes [01:41]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform but the value of the phone for the bum is unrelated to its utility. [01:42]
mircea_popescu for one thing - who the fuck is he going to call ? for the other - how is he going to even get it to work ? for yet another, it matters not so much if the thing even works in the first place. [01:42]
mircea_popescu now - why is this ? [01:42]
asciilifeform i can see it. [01:42]
danielpbarron it sorta works with cacasius coins -- the ones that ~he~ loaded. But if each identical looking token is supposed to be loaded by a different entity, there can be no illusion of fungibility between them [01:43]
mircea_popescu note that i picked the bum specifically. for derps in "secure neighbourhoods", showing off to the neighbour is arguably a +ev move. who knows, maybe neighbour's daughter comes to do your house work in the nude or something. as faint as it may be - you're not going to get in fucking trouble for being an asshole. not so for bum. for bum, veblen goods are suicide goods. [01:44]
mircea_popescu so then what gives ? [01:44]
asciilifeform he puts on the play for himself? [01:47]
asciilifeform 'i'm still someone' [01:48]
mircea_popescu look at "european cars", they've been selling the same damned thing for 30 years now. you ever watch one of their ads ? [01:48]
mircea_popescu there's a naked woman in a fur and a shot of some shiny cogs working together. [01:48]
mircea_popescu that's all it's been throughout. [01:48]
mircea_popescu and they're not pitching to people who could buy the damned cars, but to twentysomething derps in college. [01:48]
mircea_popescu fact of the matter is, when it comes to technology we're all bums. nobody can make a fucking car he'd want to drive. [01:49]
asciilifeform so that they buy as soon as they are credit-enabled? [01:49]
mircea_popescu and this is EXACTLY what elegance is. no fucking farmer in the midwest, building an empire and about to kick the fuherer's teeth in can POSSIBLY be elegant. [01:49]
mircea_popescu elegance is specifically the scent of early putrefaction. [01:49]
mircea_popescu hence new york was elegant in 1920, by the time it was just starting to no longer matter, [01:50]
mircea_popescu not in 1820 when it was kicking pensylvania's teeth in. [01:50]
mircea_popescu look at the item in question, it's faintly cog-like, and mysteriously made of parts bla bla. same exact play, for same exact reason. [01:50]
mircea_popescu all they need is some sluts in furs smoking out of hookas or some shit. [01:51]
mircea_popescu !up JuliaTourianski_ [01:54]
-assbot- You voiced JuliaTourianski_ for 30 minutes. [01:54]
* assbot gives voice to JuliaTourianski_ [01:54]
mircea_popescu didja pm it !up ? [01:54]
JuliaTourianski_ for elegance to exist it needs elegant people [01:54]
mircea_popescu what's that, women that never queef and dudes that don't go bald ? [01:55]
phf andy warhol's gay entourage [01:56]
JuliaTourianski_ regarding the kialaras... they're pretty pieces of art (which by wilde's definition is valuable in it of itself) plus they have the btc behind them, so they're an investment. [01:56]
mircea_popescu see ? she gets it. [01:56]
mircea_popescu they're valuable in themselves plus they make a good investment. furs ftw. [01:57]
mircea_popescu anyone seen Les Veinards btw ? [01:57]
JuliaTourianski_ wats that [01:57]
mircea_popescu splendid bit in there, right in the final sketch, de funes is this breton dude. "ils m'ont liquide!" [01:58]
JuliaTourianski_ im writing a post called "It's not that there's no jobs, it's that your standards are too high. " [02:02]
punkman I like the Kialara coins, certainly different than all the other crap coins. but why would I buy one signed by Ricky Allman or JuliaTourianski? did you do the art on the back side? [02:02]
JuliaTourianski_ yes [02:02]
JuliaTourianski_ the paintings within are by us [02:03]
phf (ben_vulpes asciilifeform only works for own defined functions though, neither builtins nor ffi stuff seems to have enough meta) [02:03]
assbot ... ( ) [02:03]
punkman ah, maybe tell the guy to put a note in the ads, I was confused [02:03]
JuliaTourianski_ what were u looking at exactly [02:04]
punkman JuliaTourianski_: just the link [02:05]
JuliaTourianski_ hmm maybe it could say "art by Ricky Allman" etc [02:06]
JuliaTourianski_ they're great gifts [02:08]
JuliaTourianski_ better details here: [02:09]
assbot Kialara Signature Series ~ Bitcoin Wallet - Album on Imgur ... ( ) [02:09]
ben_vulpes and JuliaTourianski_ a great salesbabe [02:09]
JuliaTourianski_ and im not even wearing spandex [02:09]
ben_vulpes salesbabes don't wear spandex, boothbabes do. [02:11]
mircea_popescu lol [02:12]
mircea_popescu o, did you do the thing ? [02:13]
assbot I'll pay for your tits on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [02:13]
phf also great investment for those shtf preppers [02:14]
punkman these are fun [02:14]
assbot Forest | Julia Tourianksi ... ( ) [02:14]
JuliaTourianski_ only .1 btc? jewy. [02:15]
mircea_popescu lol it's not prostitution, it's artistry! [02:16]
JuliaTourianski_ thanks +punkman [02:16]
mircea_popescu as per wilde! [02:16]
phf very билибин [02:16]
mircea_popescu anyway, im off. laters all. [02:16]
JuliaTourianski_ yeah, definitely an ode to him and also Bauer [02:16]
* JuliaTourianski_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) [02:18]
phf perhaps i could lightly annotate serialize machinery to get objects across the boundary, asciilifeform? [02:19]
* aegis (~aegis@unaffiliated/aegis) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:45]
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* shesek (~shesek@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:52]
* imposter has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [03:57]
* shesek has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:31]
* DreadKnight (~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:42]
* Hasimir (~hfenring@unaffiliated/hasimir) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:56]
* TheAdversary (~adversary@unaffiliated/hasimir/bot/theadversary) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:00]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22900 @ 0.00057414 = 13.1478 BTC [+] {2} [05:25]
* p15_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:35]
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* paxtoncamaro91_ (~paxtoncam@unaffiliated/paxtoncamaro91) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:38]
* adlai (~adlai@unaffiliated/adlai) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:11]
* paxtoncamaro91_ is now known as madpax [06:23]
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* AaronvanW (~ewout@unaffiliated/aaronvanw) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:02]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36336 @ 0.00057358 = 20.8416 BTC [-] [07:27]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28650 @ 0.00057421 = 16.4511 BTC [+] [07:59]
mircea_popescu << anyone fuckin looked at o'donell's glibc patch ? [08:14]
assbot Carlos O'Donell - [PATCH] CVE-2015-7547 --- glibc getaddrinfo() stack-based buffer overflo ... ( ) [08:14]
mircea_popescu in other news, qntra is on the first google page for the thing o.O [08:14]
* Duffer1 has quit (Quit: later) [08:43]
* toddf has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:43]
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* toddf (~todd@2605:6400:20:8a57::) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:45]
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* [KS] (KS]@gateway/shell/bnc4free/x-mtowxvnqocgkhpkw) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:49]
* diametric (~diametric@unaffiliated/diametric) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:49]
shinohai <<< heh congrats BingoBoingo [08:55]
assbot Logged on 22-02-2016 11:11:37; mircea_popescu: in other news, qntra is on the first google page for the thing o.O [08:55]
mircea_popescu srsly. [08:56]
shinohai Buenas Dias, here's some Yanet Garcia to fuel your Lunes: [09:00]
assbot ... ( ) [09:00]
* TheAdversary has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [09:08]
mircea_popescu in other lolz, the interwebs offers exactly 0 information on how to turn dns lookups off, or itable it away, or ufw/csf/etc it shut, or any of that. because apparently this is not something one could want to do. it will break your internet! why ? dns is about as useful as painted wings on a cow, there's exactly nothing internet-wise that needs (or for that matter even significantly benefits from) dns. nevertheless it's [09:09]
mircea_popescu baked in everywhere, to the level of fucking glibc (what fucking business does glibc have with offering a spurious aliasing service for ips AT ALL ?! that shit belongs three levels below glibc!) [09:09]
mircea_popescu very instructive example in how anglotardism works, imo. [09:09]
* Hasimir has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [09:10]
* Khayman (~hfenring@unaffiliated/hasimir) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:10]
* TheAdversary (~adversary@unaffiliated/hasimir/bot/theadversary) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:10]
mircea_popescu the world, if you had the misfortune of being spawned by a dumbass with a drunkard, mostly consists of things "you couldn't possibily want", let alone need. [09:10]
* Khayman has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [09:11]
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* Reydevkiwi (2ef31d54@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:30]
* adlai has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [09:41]
asciilifeform << sounds right [09:58]
assbot Logged on 22-02-2016 05:16:47; phf: perhaps i could lightly annotate serialize machinery to get objects across the boundary, asciilifeform? [09:58]
asciilifeform << we had this very thread a year ago, when first encountered the libnss claptrap [10:00]
assbot Logged on 22-02-2016 12:06:43; mircea_popescu: in other lolz, the interwebs offers exactly 0 information on how to turn dns lookups off, or itable it away, or ufw/csf/etc it shut, or any of that. because apparently this is not something one could want to do. it will break your internet! why ? dns is about as useful as painted wings on a cow, there's exactly nothing internet-wise that needs (or for that matter even significantly be [10:00]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform i'm writing it up. [10:00]
mircea_popescu this time it's consumer-y enough. [10:00]
asciilifeform neato [10:00]
mircea_popescu large article, but imo worth it. [10:04]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20000 @ 0.00057358 = 11.4716 BTC [-] [10:09]
* sinetek ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:22]
* mitch_callahan (~mitch_cal@unaffiliated/menahem) has joined #bitcoin-assets [10:34]
asciilifeform << oldie, goes well with megathread [10:37]
assbot Logged on 08-03-2015 18:38:19; asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: short summary: patch submitted by google chrome devs themselves; supposedly to simplify their sandbox 'jail' mechanism [10:37]
assbot Logged on 20-02-2016 22:20:40; mircea_popescu: moe finds bitcoin in 2056, long after the republic prevailed, through his gf at the time. he steals her script, copies her .wot directory and now has a node! [10:37]
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* mitch_callahan has quit (Client Quit) [10:38]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 97191 @ 0.00057425 = 55.8119 BTC [+] {2} [10:49]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66700 @ 0.00057456 = 38.3232 BTC [+] {3} [11:05]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo do you happen to know offhand where on qntra is the affidavit of random usg derp that claims ross ulbricht was found through whatever experts sex change website ? [11:10]
* p15x ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:12]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 117700 @ 0.00057126 = 67.2373 BTC [-] {3} [11:25]
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* adlai (~adlai@unaffiliated/adlai) has joined #bitcoin-assets [11:32]
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deedbot- [Trilema] Please stop using DNS already, and other considerations - [12:16]
* adlai has quit (Quit: Insufficient entropy for original quit message) [12:20]
shinohai !s [12:33]
assbot HTTP GZIP Compression remote date and time leak ... ( ) [12:33]
assbot 0 results for '' : [12:33]
mircea_popescu awww. [12:37]
punkman [13:00]
assbot This is the future - YouTube ... ( ) [13:00]
mircea_popescu she looks pretty sad. [13:02]
* PeterL (~peter@unaffiliated/peterl) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:15]
BingoBoingo BingoBoingo do you happen to know offhand where on qntra is the affidavit of random usg derp that claims ross ulbricht was found through whatever experts sex change website ? << not offhand, can dig prolly december 2014 [13:19]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: [13:22]
assbot Please stop using DNS already, and other considerations on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( ) [13:22]
* Reydevkiwi has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client) [13:23]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: [13:24]
assbot Logged on 02-10-2013 19:43:20; taub: Ulbricht posted on Stack Overflow using his real name, asking .How can I connect to a Tor hidden service using curl in php?.. One minute later he changed his username to .frosty., but a subpoena shows the original name. [13:24]
* Xuthus (~NULMiJ@unaffiliated/xuthus) has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:28]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo i kinda wrote around it. but it turns out it was one gary alford [13:38]
BingoBoingo ah [13:39]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform see answer. [13:40]
* PeterL has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [13:41]
asciilifeform see answer2 [13:42]
mircea_popescu idem. [13:47]
* PeterL ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [13:49]
* PeterL is now known as Guest41154 [13:50]
mircea_popescu and to assuage any fears for the pr0n, [13:50]
assbot 404 Not Found ... ( ) [13:50]
mircea_popescu even [13:50]
assbot ... ( ) [13:50]
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asciilifeform 'Maintainer promised 72 virgins if he made a release. Maintainer was not told that they were all Richard Branson clones. Maintainer is pretty cheesed off about that.' << lulz [14:22]
assbot xa (xa65): a portable 6502 cross assembler package ... ( ) [14:22]
BingoBoingo lol [14:26]
* sinetek has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) [14:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 56 @ 0.15107971 = 8.4605 BTC [+] [14:28]
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deedbot- [Qntra] Tor And HTTP Gzip Leak Local Time Zone - [14:29]
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asciilifeform [14:32]
assbot Tor And HTTP Gzip Leak Local Time Zone | Qntra ... ( ) [14:33]
BingoBoingo asciilifeform: [14:35]
assbot Tor And HTTP Gzip Leak Local Time Zone | Qntra ... ( ) [14:35]
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asciilifeform << for some reason i thought the very same paper by the very same people came out last year ??? [14:42]
mircea_popescu lol nb [14:42]
asciilifeform or hm, the last one was on ground leakage [14:42]
asciilifeform but otherwise same setup [14:42]
mircea_popescu in better news, [14:43]
assbot ... ( ) [14:43]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform it references cve 2015 7511, so it would be the one last year [14:45]
asciilifeform looks like different paper. this time with honest antenna and no electrical connection to the victim [14:46]
asciilifeform a proper reenactment of the scene depicted in 'cryptonomicon' [14:46]
mircea_popescu apparently it's reported feb 12th reported as fixed 17th [14:47]
asciilifeform fixed?! [14:47]
mircea_popescu apparently it was a leak of the ecdh keys, and there's an update libgrcyprt [14:48]
mircea_popescu ie they forgot to mention it works specifically on ec crypto. but anyway. [14:49]
asciilifeform there is no ~fix~ for radiating the bits. other than... not to. [14:49]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform there's no rule that you have to leak useful bits. [14:49]
asciilifeform it is possible to calculate in such a way that the same bits are radiated regardless of inputs. but NOT on x86. [14:50]
mircea_popescu mitre, amusingly, doesn't properly list it. [14:51]
* BingoBoingo relishes that moment seeing a headline with "CryptoFascist" and having no idea which way the story under it is going to go when read. [14:51]
mircea_popescu neway, therein lies the fix : [14:51]
assbot [Announce] Libgcrypt 1.6.5 with security fix released ... ( ) [14:52]
asciilifeform phun phakt, mitre is one of the largest usg 'think tank' setups. [14:52]
mircea_popescu very specifically ecdsa problem with weierstrass curves. [14:52]
mircea_popescu but hey, why say this. why say dns is bs. why say any of the things that actually matter, when instead could just discuss convenient generalities. [14:53]
asciilifeform where is the paper on what the ~fixed~ ver radiates ? [14:53]
asciilifeform and where is the patch for gpg 1.4 ? [14:53]
jurov mircea_popescu: mpex withdrawal pls [14:53]
mircea_popescu "security hole found in gpg" vs "security hole found in ecdsa - rsa not affected, you should have not switched" [14:53]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: iirc their last paper concerned rsa [14:53]
mircea_popescu jurov on it. [14:53]
asciilifeform it radiates just the same. [14:53]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform there was iirc a flaw with chinese remainders, that was introduced much like the dns hole, for no reason, and then burned. [14:54]
asciilifeform l0l there are window washers dangling outside my office [14:55]
asciilifeform and i'm not sure i wouldn't trade places with them. [14:55]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33563 @ 0.00056927 = 19.1064 BTC [-] [14:56]
BingoBoingo ;;google chinese remainder [14:56]
gribble Many Network Appliances Leak Master TLS Private Keys Through ...: [14:56]
mircea_popescu aha. [14:57]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 170513 @ 0.00057448 = 97.9563 BTC [+] {4} [15:31]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 90937 @ 0.00057596 = 52.3761 BTC [+] [15:32]
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mircea_popescu in other news, [16:01]
assbot ... ( ) [16:01]
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BingoBoingo [16:35]
assbot Tor And HTTP Gzip Leak Local Time Zone | Qntra ... ( ) [16:35]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34200 @ 0.00056927 = 19.469 BTC [-] [17:09]
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mircea_popescu commented. [17:21]
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* BingoBoingo seriously wonders what universe ever particular break in various derp services matters [17:23]
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mircea_popescu no idea. [17:24]
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assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56851 @ 0.00056927 = 32.3636 BTC [-] [17:51]
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mircea_popescu and in out there news, [18:14]
assbot ... ( ) [18:14]
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BingoBoingo White socialists have been trying to Uncle Tom southern blacks since the 1870's [18:15]
mircea_popescu aha. [18:16]
BingoBoingo Long history of this shit. [18:17]
* BingoBoingo once took graduate classes where this was presented as some sort of "organic" phenomenon in black America even though the white evangalists of socialism (many of whom were influenced by the St Louis Hegelians) were prominently mentioned by the black authors in their literature. [18:19]
deedbot- [Qntra] Emergency Physicians Fail Matt DeHart - [18:23]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65832 @ 0.00056927 = 37.4762 BTC [-] [18:25]
* pete_dushenski (~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:26]
mircea_popescu that's pretty crazy. [18:26]
BingoBoingo Seriously, but torts in TMSR are possibru in the future [18:26]
* assbot gives voice to pete_dushenski [18:27]
pete_dushenski ;;later tell mod6 there it is, cheers! [18:28]
gribble The operation succeeded. [18:28]
pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: sharp piece on dns. looking forward to this being 'news' in 2019. [18:28]
mircea_popescu at the earliest. [18:29]
* Guest62745 is now known as PeterL [18:36]
* PeterL has quit (Changing host) [18:36]
* PeterL (~peter@unaffiliated/peterl) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:36]
* assbot gives voice to PeterL [18:37]
PeterL regarding removing dns, is there a replacement mechanism for resolving hosts not on your short list? [18:38]
BingoBoingo [18:39]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16791 @ 0.00056518 = 9.4899 BTC [-] [18:40]
PeterL what I mean is if you want to add a host to your list, where do you get the ip? [18:40]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28509 @ 0.00057598 = 16.4206 BTC [+] {2} [18:41]
mircea_popescu PeterL you can put any website that checks dns on your short list if you wish [18:41]
mircea_popescu like say [18:42]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 40 @ 0.15107971 = 6.0432 BTC [+] [18:49]
* assbot gives voice to trinque [18:52]
trinque PeterL: dig @ [18:52]
trinque or whichever DNS server [18:52]
mircea_popescu trinque you didn;t read teh trilema didja :D [18:52]
trinque at that moment trinque was enlightened [18:54]
trinque lol [18:54]
mircea_popescu hehe [18:54]
* Xuthus has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:54]
deedbot- [Qntra] British Pound Falling - [19:22]
* PeterL has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:25]
* asciilifeform fully expects to get deharted at some point in the none too distant future. [19:27]
* mixdio ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:30]
BingoBoingo !Up mixdio [19:30]
* assbot gives voice to mixdio [19:30]
* Guest71217 is now known as mthreat [19:30]
pete_dushenski assbot: show the courtz your enumerated goodness and that it doesn't include kiddy pr0n. [19:30]
pete_dushenski and start a 'safe the alf' bitcoin fund for your defense. you'll be fine. [19:31]
asciilifeform for my tombstone. [19:32]
* assbot gives voice to mthreat [19:32]
pete_dushenski mausoleum [19:32]
asciilifeform l0lsoleum [19:32]
pete_dushenski depends if alphago wins, i guess [19:33]
jurov have epitaph ready? [19:33]
jurov my guess is "At last." [19:33]
pete_dushenski "told you!" [19:33]
asciilifeform !s nine edge first [19:33]
assbot 1 results for 'nine edge first' : [19:33]
asciilifeform << related. [19:34]
assbot Logged on 12-03-2015 01:41:14; asciilifeform: 'Bien Darkmans then, Bouse Mort and Ken The bien Coves bings awast, On Chates to trine by Rome-Coves dine, For his long lib at last.' [19:34]
mircea_popescu At Last Lifeform [19:34]
asciilifeform deadform. [19:34]
asciilifeform as i said many time, i think, [19:41]
asciilifeform i won't believe that i was at all effective against usg until i am being sawed apart in a cellar. [19:41]
asciilifeform i am only still walking because not worth the whatever 50k or what it costs to have a man deharted [19:42]
asciilifeform or 100k to have him hastingsed, etc. [19:43]
pete_dushenski what 50-100k. it costs 50x that much to spec a space pen. [19:44]
pete_dushenski how could dehart be less than 20 mn ? maybe 50 ? [19:45]
asciilifeform possibly... 0 [19:45]
pete_dushenski think of the overhead [19:45]
asciilifeform no, recall [19:45]
assbot Logged on 15-10-2015 01:03:43; mircea_popescu: if you want a Tatra truck, ask for it. [19:45]
asciilifeform ^ mega-thread on subj [19:45]
asciilifeform the infrastructure to 'rid me please of this insolent priest' is there. [19:46]
asciilifeform and has to be exercised once in a spell. [19:46]
pete_dushenski how many lazy retards to you have to employ with 'fairness policies' to capture a couple strong retards capable of torturing usg enemies [19:46]
asciilifeform none, this all works for the other usg. [19:46]
asciilifeform the one that isn't 'affirmative action compliant' [19:46]
mircea_popescu lol. [19:46]
asciilifeform as for deharting, it isn't altogether different from what american medics do to folks ~anyway~ [19:47]
asciilifeform no need for specially trained staff of mengeles. [19:47]
asciilifeform any hospital will do, just walk a man in who is pre-prepped with $pill to mimic, e.g., schizo [19:48]
asciilifeform and the local white coats, aided by american pharma, will do the rest. [19:48]
asciilifeform usg's been working on this since 1940s. [19:48]
mircea_popescu as for deharting, it isn't altogether different from what american medics do to folks ~anyway~ << word. [19:49]
mircea_popescu the error there is to assume this was in any sense deliberate. was not, sop. except nobody cares what hitler does to anon derps. [19:49]
asciilifeform what, after getting cp'd, he shat himself naturally ? [19:50]
asciilifeform not impossible, but also no reason why they'd stop at cping [19:50]
asciilifeform see, american псикушка is high-tech, spiffy, compared to old sov [19:52]
asciilifeform here, they ~actually~ take care to drive the victim mad. [19:52]
asciilifeform *психушка fuck this keyboard [19:52]
* joshbuddy (~josh@wikimedia/Joshbuddy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:54]
* assbot removes voice from mixdio [20:01]
asciilifeform soo there was [20:08]
assbot The LED Block Cipher ... ( ) [20:08]
asciilifeform and i read 'security' and find, [20:08]
asciilifeform 'The LED lightweight block cipher provide strong security arguments against all state-of-the-art attacks, even in the related-key model. In particular against differential and linear cryptanalysis: one can easily show that any 4-round differential path for any of the LED versions will contain at least 25 active Sboxes (i.e. Sboxes with a non-zero difference) in the single-key model. Even in t [20:08]
asciilifeform he more pessimistic related-key model, one can show that any 16-round differential path for any of the LED versions will contain at least 50 active Sboxes.' [20:08]
asciilifeform bbbbut [20:08]
asciilifeform where is the mention of, e.g., np hardness ?? [20:08]
asciilifeform nowhere. [20:08]
mircea_popescu what is this nonsense. [20:08]
mircea_popescu one can show there's shoeboxes ? [20:09]
asciilifeform entomological sample, mircea_popescu . [20:09]
asciilifeform put with the other cockroaches. [20:09]
asciilifeform down in the cabinet on the left. [20:09]
mircea_popescu aok [20:09]
* asciilifeform did a backbreaking literature survey, searching for signs of intelligent life, found... [20:09]
asciilifeform none [20:09]
mircea_popescu i can show there's shoeboxes in the cryptologically hard cabinet under the drawer with bras and shit [20:10]
asciilifeform largely unrelated but very spiffy, [20:15]
asciilifeform [20:15]
assbot MC14500 1 bit CPU (ICU) ... ( ) [20:15]
asciilifeform ^ not a misprint [20:15]
asciilifeform << more re: same. [20:18]
assbot Quirky Chips ... ( ) [20:18]
asciilifeform 'it didn't have a program counter. Designers were expected to create one external to the CPU. It's width was, well, anything the developer wanted. Running a tiny bit of code? Maybe an 8 bit PC was appropriate. Or 32 bits for those applications needing 4 GN (giga-nibbles) of powerhouse processing.' [20:18]
asciilifeform 'So the inevitable question is "how did a jump work?" That was entirely up to the engineer crafting the circuits. The OEN instruction could be used to disable any changes occurring on the output data; at the end of a loop assert OEN and let the machine execute whatever instructions - hopefully NOPs - remained until the PC rolled over. There was a JMP, but that instruction simply toggled an ou [20:18]
asciilifeform tput bit. The design engineer was supposed to make that signal do something useful, like load the PC with some address.' [20:18]
asciilifeform there are not so many original things in the field. [20:19]
asciilifeform this, i dare say, was one. [20:19]
pete_dushenski << my reading of porsche for the 60s generation was a certain professional young man's (or well-heeled dilettante's) europhilic desire for post-war rennsport purity. the 90s/00s generation came to fetishise this, detaching it from reality, and in the process adding dildos of every unspeakable sort to the ak that was. in this sense, casascius coins are a necessary [20:19]
pete_dushenski traction for those more interested in what their peers ~think~ they do than what they actually do. [20:19]
assbot Logged on 22-02-2016 04:23:22; mircea_popescu: phf no, it's the porsche for a new generation. tho i'm unsure whether anyone here understands or cares to think about what those things ~are~. [20:19]
asciilifeform i reinvented a gnarly variant of this as a student. [20:20]
asciilifeform (bit-serial cpu) [20:20]
asciilifeform << re: above, scan of the b00k [20:21]
pete_dushenski asciilifeform: what's the big deal about being original ? that's not the talk to someone visiting a hotel. 'this living out of a suitcase thing is really most splendid, why doesn't everyone do this?' [20:21]
asciilifeform ^ not mine, rather the earlier linked [20:21]
asciilifeform pete_dushenski: there is idiot-original and there is original. [20:22]
asciilifeform the pattern in which a dog vomit lands is not the same as a theorem. [20:22]
* joshbuddy has quit (Quit: joshbuddy) [20:22]
asciilifeform bit-serial cpu is meaningfully and interestingly unlike anything that came before (or, afaik, after.) [20:24]
* joshbuddy (~josh@wikimedia/Joshbuddy) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:24]
asciilifeform and is potentially a foundation for sane computing. [20:24]
asciilifeform (esp. in... trit-serial variant.) [20:24]
asciilifeform very amenable to exotic logical elements (e.g., optical, or spin) [20:24]
pete_dushenski asciilifeform: for at least the next decade, i'll have to take your word on this [20:25]
pete_dushenski << o.O [20:26]
assbot Logged on 22-02-2016 04:46:10; mircea_popescu: fact of the matter is, when it comes to technology we're all bums. nobody can make a fucking car he'd want to drive. [20:26]
pete_dushenski !s morgan 3-wheeler [20:26]
assbot 2 results for 'morgan 3-wheeler' : [20:26]
* pete_dushenski hasn't tried to make personally, admittedly [20:26]
asciilifeform i can't even picture such a thing [20:27]
asciilifeform as a car that i'd want to drive. [20:27]
asciilifeform it is like 'stake i want to sit on' [20:27]
asciilifeform how about none. [20:27]
pete_dushenski now you're confusing 'commute i'd want to drive' with 'car i'd want to drive' [20:28]
pete_dushenski these are not the same thing [20:28]
asciilifeform if not for commute, why would i drive ? [20:28]
pete_dushenski there is no such thing as a pleasant commute. it's for slaves and sucks commensurately. as it should. [20:28]
asciilifeform aha [20:29]
asciilifeform but why would a free man, other than perhaps one who enjoys the racetrack, drive ? [20:29]
pete_dushenski asciilifeform: drive to travel (ie. road trip), drive for sport (ie. track) [20:29]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu for instance, doesn't [20:29]
* assbot gives voice to kakobrekla [20:30]
asciilifeform the best car is a dirigible. [20:30]
kakobrekla care to elaborate to us noobs how is 'bitserial' better than 'multibit'? [20:30]
asciilifeform kakobrekla: you can pick your word width ! [20:30]
asciilifeform 5 if you like. 17. 65537. [20:31]
pete_dushenski asciilifeform: say you want to pop up to montreal for the week, so you rent something fast, enjoy yourself with pet. road trip chats are quite unlike anything else. [20:31]
asciilifeform airplane. cabs. [20:31]
pete_dushenski airplanes come with tsa. cabs come with stinky arabs. [20:32]
pete_dushenski neither is any sort of freedom. [20:32]
pete_dushenski and wtf a 10 hour cab ride would cost a grand+. each way. you can fly to amsterdam for that. or rent porsche from rental company for drive. [20:34]
asciilifeform wai why would i ten hour cab. [20:34]
* Reydev has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [20:34]
asciilifeform that is what airplane is for ? [20:34]
pete_dushenski this is fantasy trip to montreal, recall. you said cab man, not me. [20:35]
asciilifeform and what to do with porsche ? it goes at same speed as toyota in traffic. [20:35]
asciilifeform take it to the desert ? [20:35]
asciilifeform pete_dushenski: i meant, airplane to it, and the cab inside. [20:36]
pete_dushenski well, don't drive in traffic. take scenic route. that's the whole point of car. the scenery. as well as the ability to stop here for lunch and there for coffee and over there for an ice cream, etc. [20:36]
pete_dushenski too aristocratic for you ? not 'efficient' enough ? [20:37]
pete_dushenski then take plane. no one will stop you. [20:37]
pete_dushenski and if you're going to take car to desert, make sure it's the utah salt flats [20:38]
assbot ... ( ) [20:38]
asciilifeform pete_dushenski: nothing aristocratic about driving own machine imho [20:40]
asciilifeform but i have nfi, i'm not an aristocrat [20:40]
pete_dushenski there's everything aristocratic about owning the means of production and transportation. why do you think 'car sharing' and 'sharing economy' are so in vogue with the impoverished masters degree set ? [20:42]
pete_dushenski hell, even owning your own hdd/sdd is becoming a Big Deal. [20:43]
asciilifeform eh its just elementary chumpatronics. [20:46]
asciilifeform imbeciles conned into pseudo-'cheaper' [20:46]
asciilifeform it is not because anyone literally cannot afford hdd [20:46]
asciilifeform and pretty much anyone in usa can afford an old car (they start at a few hundy) [20:46]
jurov so where's the difference? [20:47]
asciilifeform between what? [20:47]
jurov are you sayind driving own car and driving own hdd is different or it is not or? [20:48]
asciilifeform not really similar other than in cost [20:48]
jurov and how so? [20:48]
asciilifeform driving yourself, on public streets, is still rather like 'cloud storage' [20:49]
asciilifeform the equivalent of 'your own hdd' transportation-wise would be, perhaps, a chopper. [20:49]
jurov you're seeing it with completely different angle [20:50]
pete_dushenski asciilifeform: that's an apt analogy in that both car and hdd are superficially affordable, but not practically. old car costs hundreds if not thousands in unexpected maintenance EVERY YEAR. hdd costs time, space, troubleshooting, etcetc. a car you own outright (ie. no debt payments), like a desktop you own outright (ie. no winbloze avec nsa) are exceedingly high-end appointments. neither is 'accessible' in any way. [20:51]
asciilifeform i dun see it re: the desktop. [20:53]
asciilifeform it costs precious little. [20:53]
asciilifeform (unless you're a jungle man in which case it costs infinity.) [20:53]
* asciilifeform bbl. [20:53]
pete_dushenski if you're not making $100k++ per annum and cannot afford extra rooms in house or apartment to enjoy as 'office', then yes, a jungle man is you. in which case, you're using a phablet primarily and a dusty laptop on rare occasions when you need to print a document. the only exception being, perhaps, g4amerz. [20:57]
* Kushed has quit (Quit: Leaving) [21:07]
shinohai ;;ticker --market all [21:10]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 437.99, vol: 5835.82467155 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 436.363, vol: 6695.55602 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 440.25, vol: 16267.41429618 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 440.0, vol: 0.16952216 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 446.7008, vol: 44977.62410000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 431.18002, vol: 931.23933052 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 434.12977, vol: 41.29541689 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) [21:10]
mircea_popescu in other aristocratit news, [21:11]
assbot ... ( ) [21:11]
shinohai dat ass [21:14]
* felipelalli has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [21:19]
mircea_popescu and in random lolz, [21:23]
assbot ... ( ) [21:23]
pete_dushenski wonder what they actually got [21:25]
shinohai Well he obviously got cucked! xD [21:27]
pete_dushenski or a legal slave ;) [21:27]
shinohai lol [21:30]
* Guest52208 is now known as mod6 [21:50]
* mod6 has quit (Changing host) [21:50]
* mod6 (~mod6@unaffiliated/mod6) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:50]
* assbot gives voice to mod6 [21:52]
pete_dushenski good evening sir mod6 [21:52]
mod6 Hi pete_dushenski [21:52]
mod6 Saw your later tell, thanks. [21:52]
mod6 asciilifeform: that 1 bit chip was interesting [21:53]
mod6 how's everyone doing tonight? [21:54]
pete_dushenski wondering where the day went :) [21:55]
mod6 me too, busy as f. but im out of the woods on this work thing i think. [21:55]
mod6 its so boring [21:59]
mod6 i was lookin at tinyscheme stuff. trying to wrap my mind around stuff. [22:00]
mod6 like there's this thing called 'guile' that'll let you issue system commands and such... [22:01]
mod6 i think im like, getting lost in all the different dialects of lisp. [22:01]
pete_dushenski lol [22:02]
pete_dushenski ima bbl [22:02]
* pete_dushenski has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:02]
mod6 i was trying to do (system "ls") or whatever with tinyscheme, but i must be doin something wrong [22:03]
mod6 i guess it just says "unbound variable: system" but it seems to be in the docs under extentions. *shrug* [22:04]
mod6 more reading i guess. [22:04]
asciilifeform mod6: 'guile' is another scheme interpreter. [22:05]
asciilifeform mod6: there is no 'system' in our tinyscheme. [22:06]
asciilifeform (can add it, or anything, for that matter, if we need to) [22:06]
mod6 ah, werd. ok. [22:09]
mod6 (quit) works lol [22:09]
mod6 once i do some more reading im going to attempt to read a file. [22:10]
asciilifeform neato mod6. what are you studying from ? [22:19]
asciilifeform << l0l pete_dushenski, 100k usd is real money where you live ? [22:19]
assbot Logged on 22-02-2016 23:54:45; pete_dushenski: if you're not making $100k++ per annum and cannot afford extra rooms in house or apartment to enjoy as 'office', then yes, a jungle man is you. in which case, you're using a phablet primarily and a dusty laptop on rare occasions when you need to print a document. the only exception being, perhaps, g4amerz. [22:20]
asciilifeform a number of folks don't seem to grasp that financial and cultural poverty are quite separate things. visit usa, the land of countless millionaires who have never opened a book, and hobos with half a ph.d. in mathematics. [22:21]
mod6 asciilifeform: sicp [22:23]
mod6 and the tinyscheme docs [22:23]
asciilifeform << another pretty good source. [22:24]
assbot The Scheme Programming Language, 4th Edition ... ( ) [22:24]
mod6 seems like we'll have to write a lot of our own procedure libs. which is maybe a good thing i guess. [22:24]
asciilifeform (available in dead tree, but link has plain text.) [22:24]
mod6 ah, thanks sir. [22:24]
asciilifeform mod6: aha. (though with a small modification, ts will run 'slib', a well-known library) [22:24]
asciilifeform but scheme is quite a pleasant language to bootstrap from the ground. [22:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87590 @ 0.00057231 = 50.1286 BTC [-] [22:28]
* mixdio has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [22:31]
kakobrekla 2016 fashion ; [22:42]
assbot [ Av 4 ] Camel палец на ноге реалистичные поддельные Vigina нижнее белье искусственный влагалище вилочная часть Masturbator купить на AliExpress ... ( ) [22:42]
BingoBoingo My the things that get engineered these days. [22:46]
BingoBoingo In other news people are catching on [22:46]
assbot A Few Thoughts On Longform, Inspired By The Current Debate Over Its Significance And Necessity In Our Fast-Changing Media Landscape - The Awl ... ( ) [22:46]
asciilifeform kakobrekla: what even is this [22:51]
asciilifeform inverted 'strap-on' ?! [22:52]
kakobrekla camel toe for everyone! [22:52]
kakobrekla supposed to be a fashion thing. [22:53]
mod6 haha [22:54]
mircea_popescu not to be bested by kako, [23:02]
assbot ... ( ) [23:02]
* felipelalli (~felipelal@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:02]
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* felipelalli (~felipelal@unaffiliated/felipelalli) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:02]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo what the fuck is that retarded nonsense. [23:03]
mircea_popescu the collected "profession" of "journalist" can't if working together think a thousand words ahead. [23:04]
mircea_popescu their opinion on stuff like trilema is about as welcome as the housewife's thoughts on stage makeup. [23:05]
mod6 my eyes [23:13]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: It's their reaction to some derpy sports story about career of guy who sportsballed and then became a rape-cop who is now in prison. Derps published the story now other derps are trying to indict the entire concept of long form over the story. [23:19]
mircea_popescu myeah [23:21]
* AaronvanW has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) [23:24]
* felipelalli has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [23:24]
asciilifeform << sooo apparently this edition is EVIL [23:48]
assbot Logged on 23-02-2016 01:21:21; asciilifeform: << another pretty good source. [23:48]
asciilifeform i strongly disrecommend it. [23:48]
mod6 whats the deal in there? [23:49]
asciilifeform r6rs heresies (motherfucking square brackets!) [23:49]
mod6 ah [23:49]
asciilifeform straight to the stove with it. [23:49]
BingoBoingo r5rs 4lyf [23:50]
asciilifeform ^ [23:50]
mod6 oh like "(let ([if #f])" [23:50]
asciilifeform aha. [23:50]
asciilifeform the sheer rot. [23:50]
mod6 thanks for mentioning [23:50]
BingoBoingo My reading of the history is r6rs was a coup attempt to turn scheme into a sort of python or perl with too much built in shit [23:51]
asciilifeform just remember boyzngurls, syntactic sugar leads to cancer of the semicolon! [23:51]
* felipelalli (~felipelal@unaffiliated/felipelalli) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:58]
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