Exercitiu de bilingvicitate

Sunday, 15 April, Year 4 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Eu : "At source check we discuss legit suppliers so we can expose the scammers. You will find many legit steroid websites that are 100% legit. We do not have sponsors." On the right of the article, huge ad column.
Ea : Beginning a sentence with "so" = already lost me

Eu : "Aici la source check discutam furnizorii seriosi pentru a descoperi smenarii. Veti gasi multe site-uri serioase cu steroizi care sunt 100% serioase. Nu avem sponsori." In partea dreapta, ditamai coloana cu reclame.
Ea : Propozitii incepute cu "deci" = deja m-a pierdut.

Eu : I often begin sentences with so.
Ea : You break most of my rules.

Eu : Eu incep propozitii cu deci chiar frecvent.
Ea : Tu incalci majoritatea regulilor mele.


Eu : This is what really agresses people. Everyone is so used by now with this "I could do it therefore I've done it" tit for tat that they're not even willing to consider not everyone's in on the congame.
Ea : Aha. I think its particularly hard for Americans though.

Eu : Asta scoate oamenii din rabdari. Toti sunt atit de obisnuiti cu echivalenta asta "as putea face deci e ca si cum as fi chiar facut" incit nici macar nu le mai vine sa ia in considerare faptu' ca nu toata lumea-i parte din frauda aia.
Ea : Mda. Cred ca-i in special dificil pentru americani totusi..

Eu : Why that ?
Ea : This idea that some people might not be worth trying to please is, for most, THE antithesis. Not necessarily cause thats what they believe even.

Eu : De ce ?
Ea : Ideea asta ca e posibil ca unii sa nu merite efortu' de-a le face pe plac e, pentru cei mai multi, ANTITEZA! Nici macar neaparat pentru ca ar crede-n asta.

Eu : So banal tho...
Ea : You're trained, over and over, year after year, to try and please everyone. And you're rewarded when you do.

Eu : E atit de banal totusi...
Ea : Esti conditionat, din nou si din nou, an dupa an, sa faci pe plac tuturor. Si esti recompensat cind reusesti.

Eu : So ridiculous. (Two sentences starting with so in a row, SOTALITY!!!!)
Ea : Neither count, they're the so as in degree, not the so as in therefore.

Eu : Cit de ridicol. (Doua propozitii-ncepute cu deci la rind, DECITALITATE!!!!)
Ea : Nici una nu conteaza, sunt deci ca grad, nu ca prin urmare.

Eu : Hehehe the Count of So!
Ea : Or the placemarker meaningless "so I dont know how to start this sentence but im announcing that I'm talking now".

Eu : Hehehe Contele de So!
Ea : Sau umplutura fara sens "deci nu stiu cum sa incep aceasta propozitie dar anunt ca vorbesc acum."

Eu : Mssr le Viscomte de Sổ.
Ea : Wtf is that, that's like thai or something.

Eu : Mssr le Viscomte de Sổ.
Ea : Ce pula, e tailandeza sau ceva.

Eu : Sổ!
Ea : Well at least he'd respond properly.

Eu : Sổ!
Ea : Pai macar ar raspunde calumea.

Eu : Hehehe
Ea : Ppl'd be like "so today I'd like to--" "What?"

Eu : Hehehe
Ea : Lumea ar face "deci azi mi-ar gen sa--" "Ce?"

Eu : :D
Ea : "I was saying, so--" "WHAT?"

Eu : :D
Ea : "Ziceam, deci--" "CE?"

Mnoa. Dupa cum vedeti cu pizdele e frumos.

Category: Zsilnic
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7 Responses

  1. Io ma gandeam ca bagai iar dalea cu sa traducem din engleza-n romana si romana iar o suge prin lipsa de expresii, lol.

    Contele de So? Ha?

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Sunday, 15 April 2012

    Pai nu ca nu e totmereu la fel.

    Uneori e cu peisage.

  3. na so was...

  4. acest caracter cu diacritice spurca trilema, eh?

  5. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Sunday, 15 April 2012

    Alea-s triacritice.

  6. Deci care-i gluma cu vietnamezul ala sau ce e el?

  7. #4 related: http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/9702/trivi.gif

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